forerunner - dec 2008

8 I Dec 2008 uu ForeRunner ... giving voice to generations through music uu Frames of Mind ... telling your story through snapshots of life in this issue

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ForeRunner: Say it with Music Frames of Mind: Testimonies of sharing Christ using photos


Page 1: ForeRunner - Dec 2008 I Dec 2008

uu ForeRunner... giving voice to generations through music

uu Frames of Mind... telling your story through snapshots of life

in this issue

Page 2: ForeRunner - Dec 2008

Music and song have served as means of expression for generations. The first record of song in the Bible can be found in Genesis 31:27, in Laban’s pursuit of Jacob when the latter fled after he deceived his father-in-law. The Bible is also filled with songs (Psalms, Song of Solomon). As the Great Lover of our souls, God sings!

“The Lord Your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, emphasis mine)

God doesn’t just sing like some of us belt tunes in the shower (hehe), His “singing”, in this instance, is more like a joyful shout OVER US, expressing His great delight and pleasure for us! How wonderful it is then, to hear a song and realize His desire toward us?

Some years ago, a friend was searching his way back to God after 5 years of being absent from church. Because he had been away for so long and was also battling with a sin issue, he tried to earn God’s love, until the chorus of an 80s pop hit randomly rang in his mind one night. It was as if God was singing over him…

“Nothing’s gonna change my love for you, you ought to know by now how much I love you…”

Instantly my friend realized that God’s love needed no earning because His love for him stays the same, regardless of whether he was away from or with God. Though who would have expected God to speak His heart through such a song!

“Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You” by George Benson, labeled now as a retro hit, remains in my friend’s heart as a reminder of God’s love and delight over him. May you, too, come to hear God “rejoice over you with singing”, even in the most unexpected of songs. =)

from the


Fong Li LingEditor, Making The Gospel ClickCreative Communications

CREDITS: Editor In Chief: Simon SeowEditor: Fong Li LingArt Director: Khoo Lay KuanCreative & Production Coordinator: Raymond YeeCover Photo: Daniel HoContributers: Dorothea Chow, Alvin Ong, Eeleen Lin, Desmond Teo, Melvin Loh

CONTACT:[email protected] 152 Paya Lebar Rd, #04-06Singapore 409020Tel: 67475309

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Page 3: ForeRunner - Dec 2008

sayitwithmusic“A song will outlive all sermons in the memory.” - Henry Giles, writer

What’s great about music is that it connects not just with the head, but also the heart and soul of a person.

Like it or not, the music of today brings with it many stories – from the broken childhood of a legendary pop icon, to the raunchy ramblings of a well-liked superstar. Many people resonate with the lyrics of these songs, because it expresses some of what they are going through in life. For some, these songs can even shape their perceptions of life.

What if we could use this same music that expresses the cry of this generation to help them see the void in their lives? What if we could redeem it and use it to create a hunger to know a God who loves them?

In ForeRunner, we generally choose songs that are well-known, because our listeners are likely to be familiar with the lyrics, and then better remember the testimonies shared after a concert.

For example, the song “When You Look Me In The Eyes” by the Jonas Brothers, is currently being used in one of our bands’ (Snooze, which ministers to youth) concert programs. This popular tune includes these lines: “If the heart is always searching,Can you ever find a home?I’ve been looking for that someone,I’ll never make it on my own.”

By sharing a story about longing and struggling to be accepted and loved, our audience now has cause to wonder if that Someone they need is Jesus.

That’s how we say it with music. =)

Page 4: ForeRunner - Dec 2008

Like modern-day psalmists, some choose to say it with music by writing their own. As Martin Luther puts it, “Music is the art of the prophets and the gift of God.” We speak to two songwriters in ForeRunner, aLVIN ONG and EELEEN LIN, on their inspired process:

Why write your own music?

I wrote my first song when I was 18, while jamming with a group of church mates. Initially, I wrote just for the fun of it, but slowly it became like a blog, an avenue for me to share emotions and reflections from my current season in life.

I think of the times when a song really moved me. I would think, “I could have written that”, like the artiste was “singing my life with his words”. That’s the power of a good song - it gives language to longings and cries of the heart. So I write to express, both my life and love for God, and hopefully in that process it gives voice and hope to others.

Alvin’s song “Thousand Faces” is featured in WAP’s short film, “Take a Look at Me”. Tell us how you wrote the song.

“Thousand Faces” came out of my past struggles with identity. I grew up feeling that while I had friends, I never really fitted into any group. I remember trying to take on different personas to be able to ‘blend’ in, only to lose my truest self. I hope that others who go through similar struggles will be comforted to know they’re not alone.

How does it feel having your song featured on a short film? 

I have always wished my songs would be played in public, and that dream came true when we performed in the campuses. But to have it featured in a film? It was surreal hearing it the first time I watched the film!







What are some other ways ForeRunner will be using original songs?

Well, the bands have been exploring how to blend original compositions with popular songs, so audiences can relate with familiar tunes while being inspired by new ones. We are also starting to support songwriters, especially our volunteers - it’s an exciting process discovering the hidden talents! For instance in Alternation, we hope to include at least one original song in our subsequent events.

In sharing your music, what’s one significant encounter you’ve had?

I once sang one of my songs for a friend on her birthday, and she was so moved that she cried. Even though the song wasn’t specifically written for her, it was amazing how she resonated with something from my life.

Any encouragement for other songwriters?

Be proud of your own compositions – they are part of your life story and your story is unique. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a degree in music; you just need to write from the heart.

I personally hold on to Psalm 40:3, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.” The title ‘songwriter’ alone can be intimidating to wear, but I remember that it is God who inspires, and He is the one to use it so others may see, fear and trust Him.



Page 5: ForeRunner - Dec 2008





Soul2SouL (S2S) is a lively band of 20–30 something regular folks from the marketplace who happen to be musicians too. Their passion is to connect with the hearts and minds of young adults, through a unique blend of contemporary music and personal stories. Think “Class 95-ish” – a mix of pop, rock, R&B, with a hint of jazz.

Our youth matter! That’s the heart behind Snooze, a band that wants to love the teenagers of this generation, by sharing their journeys with them using music and stories, through a combination of concerts and personal relationships. They seek to affirm young people of their worth, eventually pointing them to the hope and abiding friendship they can find in Jesus.

Like modern-day psalmists, some choose to say it with music by writing their own. As Martin Luther puts it, “Music is the art of the prophets and the gift of God.” We speak to two songwriters in ForeRunner, aLVIN ONG and EELEEN LIN, on their inspired process:

What are some other ways ForeRunner will be using original songs?

Well, the bands have been exploring how to blend original compositions with popular songs, so audiences can relate with familiar tunes while being inspired by new ones. We are also starting to support songwriters, especially our volunteers - it’s an exciting process discovering the hidden talents! For instance in Alternation, we hope to include at least one original song in our subsequent events.

In sharing your music, what’s one significant encounter you’ve had?

I once sang one of my songs for a friend on her birthday, and she was so moved that she cried. Even though the song wasn’t specifically written for her, it was amazing how she resonated with something from my life.

Any encouragement for other songwriters?

Be proud of your own compositions – they are part of your life story and your story is unique. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a degree in music; you just need to write from the heart.

I personally hold on to Psalm 40:3, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.” The title ‘songwriter’ alone can be intimidating to wear, but I remember that it is God who inspires, and He is the one to use it so others may see, fear and trust Him.

Page 6: ForeRunner - Dec 2008

7Days is an all-guy band made up of music-loving buddies, who came together to form their own Mandarin pop-rock-R&B outfit in 2002. Their musical talent and magnetic vocals have wowed many audiences in Singapore and beyond. In addition, these seasoned performers share life together and have seen each other through love, marriage, and even fatherhood!

Alternation is ForeRunner’s inaugural worship band. They have a big dream of altering hearts and lives of every nation through leading worship, believing that when people personally encounter Jesus, they are changed and fueled for kingdom living. Off the platform, they love to laugh, worship together, write songs and enjoy a good cuppa coffee with a bigger community of friends.


Even as songs tell the stories of our hearts, pictures evoke memories and feelings within us that speak of the journeys we have been and are on. Leveraging on such a potential of visual images, Frames of Mind (FoM), a set of 30 photographs, was created by DANIEL HO, a ForeRunner staff. Since FoM’s release in July as a local alternative to Soularium*, the tool has been used as conversation-starters for random witnessing on local campuses and in small group settings. MGC talks to DESMOND TEO, a staff with the NUS Arts Ministry, as well as MELVIN LOH, a youth cell leader in Church of the Good Shepherd, on using FoM.

Why did you decide to use FoM?

I wanted a bridge that was more “connecting” than just plopping myself down before students and asking if they could do surveys with me.

My girlfriend introduced it to me when our cell group was going to hold an evangelistic outreach and she was in charge of the program. She used it a few times while street witnessing and found it a non-threatening ice-breaker. I found the tool refreshing.

So how different have you found FoM to be as compared to surveys? In other words, how effective has FoM been?

I definitely get less suspicious stares using FoM! Students tend to be less guarded after they hear about the pack of pictures and what we wanted them to do with it.

Surveys have a bad reputation in Singapore so it does not work as well nowadays. FoM is a visual tool which works well for this MTV generation. People have to choose which pictures they relate to, which is attractive to our consumerist mindset. The pictures are also nicely taken and cover a wide range. I think it’s a great tool for young people as it’s fun and non-intrusive. It also allows quiet people to participate.


*Soularium: A pack of 50 pictures developed by Campus Crusade in the US, accompanied by questions to help facilitate conversations with pre-believers.

up- coming gigs

- S2S -A Mocha

Christmas!Dec 13th (Sat)

6 Telok Kurau Park

IMperfect Christmas!

Dec 20th (Sat)

6 Woodlands

Community Club

- Snooze -Dec 21st (Sun)

3 Johor Bahru

Dec 23rd (Tue)

4 Katong


For more info:

T: 67475309 E: sharonmah@


Page 7: ForeRunner - Dec 2008


Even as songs tell the stories of our hearts, pictures evoke memories and feelings within us that speak of the journeys we have been and are on. Leveraging on such a potential of visual images, Frames of Mind (FoM), a set of 30 photographs, was created by DANIEL HO, a ForeRunner staff. Since FoM’s release in July as a local alternative to Soularium*, the tool has been used as conversation-starters for random witnessing on local campuses and in small group settings. MGC talks to DESMOND TEO, a staff with the NUS Arts Ministry, as well as MELVIN LOH, a youth cell leader in Church of the Good Shepherd, on using FoM.

Why did you decide to use FoM?

I wanted a bridge that was more “connecting” than just plopping myself down before students and asking if they could do surveys with me.

My girlfriend introduced it to me when our cell group was going to hold an evangelistic outreach and she was in charge of the program. She used it a few times while street witnessing and found it a non-threatening ice-breaker. I found the tool refreshing.

So how different have you found FoM to be as compared to surveys? In other words, how effective has FoM been?

I definitely get less suspicious stares using FoM! Students tend to be less guarded after they hear about the pack of pictures and what we wanted them to do with it.

Surveys have a bad reputation in Singapore so it does not work as well nowadays. FoM is a visual tool which works well for this MTV generation. People have to choose which pictures they relate to, which is attractive to our consumerist mindset. The pictures are also nicely taken and cover a wide range. I think it’s a great tool for young people as it’s fun and non-intrusive. It also allows quiet people to participate.


...continued on back page...

To me, it’s pretty much a tool with unlimited potential! Depending on the questions we choose to ask and the responses we get, we can talk about almost anything and everything. It’s been easy to get people talking especially when we learn to ask simple questions along the way. But I think the challenge is really how to eventually steer the conversation back to a spiritual one. That takes practice and I’m still learning to do that better also.

How did you go about using the tool?

I last used it during a random witnessing session on campus. I went up to a student, explained that I was conducting a pilot project to see how effective pictures were in helping one describe things, and then carried on to ask him the recommended questions in the instruction card.

During the outreach time in my cell group each person was asked 3 questions. For every question,  each  person had  to choose a picture that will best answer it. For example, one of the questions was, “How was your week?” Some chose a picture of the MRT train passing by quickly, showing how fast their week passed by. The great thing was that our non-Christian friends freely participated, and the tool enabled us to share our faith naturally. 2 of the friends agreed to come back, and one cited that we were an interesting bunch of people.

*Soularium: A pack of 50 pictures developed by Campus Crusade in the US, accompanied by questions to help facilitate conversations with pre-believers.


Page 8: ForeRunner - Dec 2008

MGC“Making the Gospel Click" is a quarterly publication of Creative Communications, a ministry of Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ. We are committed to: "Bringing the unchanging Gospel to a changing generation" through music, short-film, internet and the creative arts. A ministry of Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ

FoM has provided an effective and interesting inroad to connecting with people on a deeper level – how they are feeling at specific junctures of their lives, what are some of the issues they are concerned about at those junctures – thereby allowing heartfelt and genuine communication, even with people you’ve just met.

Besides using FoM in campuses, Wide Angle Productions (WAP) used a selected set of 12 pictures in the recent East Asia Media Training to kick-start the trainees’ storytelling processes. Working in pairs, each group thought up an original story using those 12 pictures. It was interesting to hear the variety of stories that arose from the same set of pictures. The stories ranged from speaking of lost love, to hearts yearning for love and connection, to racial and religious tensions and its implications. I guess a picture does speak a thousand words.

Find out more about FoM:


I also used it in the cell group I was  leading as a tool for sharing. I had questions from “What is your  outlook of life?”  to “Describe your  childhood” to “How will you describe  your  relationship with God presently?” My guys were participative and very interested in the pictures. It was  all laughter  in the beginning till we reached the serious questions. I learnt many new things about them, and things that were hardly mentioned in the past. Though I did not probe further, it gave me a background to minister to them in the future. 

Who would you recommend FoM to?

Anyone actually, as long as you’re looking for a relevant way to connect and reach out to this generation.

...interview continued...

Special forMGC Readers!

Get FoM@ $9/pack!Postage additional

@ SGD 0.80 for 1 pack, and SGD 1.50 for 3 packs.

Please contact us if you are getting more than 3 packs.

T: 67475309 ext 259 (Office Hours)

Cross all cheques to “Campus Crusade Asia Ltd” and

write “For FoM” behind and send it to:

152 Paya Lebar Rd, #04-06 Singapore 409020