foreclosure trial transcript

Green Tree Servicing vs Ernset Aulls, et al 1 CAB Reporting, Inc. (352) 401-0080 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 2 IN AND FOR LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA 3 CASE NO.: 08-CA-3581 4 5 GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC, 6 Plaintiff, 7 vs. 8 ERNEST C. AULLS, III A/K/A ERNEST C. AULLS; UNKNOWN TENANT 9 NO. 1; UNKNOWN TENANT NO. 2; AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING 10 INTERESTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST A NAMED DEFENDANT TO THIS 11 ACTION, OR HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST 12 IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED, 13 Defendants. 14 15 PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE HONORABLE 16 MARK J. HILL 17 DATE: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 18 TIME: 8:56 a.m. - 10:36 a.m. 19 LOCATION: Lake County Courthouse 550 West Main Street 20 Tavares, Florida 32779 21 REPORTER: Jennifer Little, FPR Court Reporter 22 23 24 CAB REPORTING, INC. Post Office Box 1684 25 Ocala, Florida 34478 (352) 401-0080

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3 CASE NO.: 08-CA-3581



6 Plaintiff,

7 vs.






13 Defendants.




17 DATE: Tuesday, February 7, 2012

18 TIME: 8:56 a.m. - 10:36 a.m.

19 LOCATION: Lake County Courthouse 550 West Main Street

20 Tavares, Florida 32779

21 REPORTER: Jennifer Little, FPR Court Reporter



24 CAB REPORTING, INC. Post Office Box 1684

25 Ocala, Florida 34478 (352) 401-0080

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1 A P P E A R A N C E S


3 Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, P.A. 2691 East Oakland Park Boulevard

4 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33306 (954)564-0071

5 [email protected]

6 On behalf of the Plaintiff


8 Law Office of Donald W. Bradshaw 108 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1038

9 Ocala, Florida 34475 (352)484-1145

10 [email protected]

11 On behalf of the Defendant


13 Ernest C. Aulls, III


15 * * * * * *











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1 I N D E X


3 Direct Examination by Ms. Simpson..................4 Voir Dire Examination by Mr. Bradshaw.............15

4 Direct Examination (cont'd) by Ms. Simpson........25 Direct Examination (cont'd) by Ms. Simpson........45

5 Plaintiff Rested..................................40 Direct Examination by Mr. Bradshaw................66

6 Certificate of Oath...............................75





11 * * * * * *

12 E X H I B I T S


14 No. 1 ............................................13

15 No. 2 ............................................27 No. 3 ............................................39











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1 P R O C E E D I N G S

2 THE COURT: Ready to go?

3 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, sir. Attorney Tanya

4 Simpson on behalf of the plaintiff.

5 THE COURT: What's your last name again?

6 MS. SIMPSON: Simpson, S-I-M-P-S-O-N. And

7 this is the case of Green Tree Loan Servicing

8 versus Ernest C. Aulls. I'd like to call our first

9 witness if I may, Gary Barnes. I'm going to waive

10 opening statement, Your Honor.

11 THE BAILIFF: Have a seat and raise your

12 right hand please.

13 THE COURT: Sir, do you solemnly swear to

14 tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but

15 the truth?

16 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.

17 THE COURT: Please state your name.

18 THE WITNESS: Gary Barnes.

19 THE COURT: You're up.

20 Whereupon,


22 a witness herein having been first duly sworn, was

23 examined and testified as follows:



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1 Q. Mr. Barnes, who is your employer?

2 A. Green Tree Loan Servicing.

3 Q. That would be the plaintiff in this case; is

4 that correct?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. What is your position with your Green Tree?

7 A. I'm a field representative.

8 Q. What does a field representative do?

9 A. I -- anything that is required of the company

10 outside of the office.

11 Q. Okay. Does it have to do with servicing

12 mortgage home loans?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. Are you actively involved in servicing

15 mortgage home loans yourself?

16 A. Yes, I am.

17 Q. Are you familiar with the process that Green

18 Tree goes through to service home loans?

19 A. Yes, I am.

20 Q. Is your company Green Tree servicing this

21 loan for the investor who owns this loan?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And as a servicing agent, is your company in

24 control of the note and entitled to enforce the note in

25 this matter?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Did the servicer deliver the note to

3 plaintiff's counsel?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. How do you know this?

6 A. Through loan documentation in the system and

7 from standard practices.

8 Q. Okay. By loan documentation in the system,

9 are you referring to the plaintiff's business records?

10 A. Yes.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor.

12 Counsel has not established that the witness is a

13 records custodian or is qualified to testify about

14 loan documentation. Foundation, I guess.

15 THE COURT: Go ahead.

16 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I'm not putting him

17 out here as a records custodian, so that would be

18 wrong. I believe I did just lay the foundation

19 that he's qualified to testify to the business

20 records that he's been involved actively with the

21 servicing of the loan.

22 THE COURT: Sir, do you regularly keep

23 business records?

24 THE WITNESS: I documentate [sic] every loan

25 that I come in contact with.

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1 THE COURT: Are you in charge of making those

2 documentations?

3 THE WITNESS: Anytime anyone in our company

4 accesses an account, that person is responsible for

5 documenting that loan for what's transpired.

6 THE COURT: Okay. Overruled.

7 MS. SIMPSON: May I approach the witness,

8 Your Honor?

9 THE COURT: Sure.


11 Q. Do you recognize this document, Mr. Barnes?

12 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

13 Q. What is that document?

14 A. This is the note on the loan.

15 Q. How do you know that that particular note, or

16 the copy of the note that's in your hand, is the same

17 note that goes with the loan we're here on today?

18 A. Several points, with the address on the

19 document, as well as the previous servicer information

20 is correct with what we have.

21 Q. The loan amount also match what you have?

22 A. Yes, it is.

23 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor. Object

24 to the foundation and testifying about any

25 information contained in any previous servicer's

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1 records. He's not be qualified as a witness with

2 any kind of foundation for testifying about

3 business records for a separate entity.

4 MS. SIMPSON: I don't think I asked about a

5 previous servicer.

6 THE COURT: I don't think so. He's

7 testifying about what the loan says, or the note

8 says.

9 MR. BRADSHAW: If I'm not mistaken, Your

10 Honor, he testified that his knowledge was from the

11 records of a previous servicer. That was the basis

12 of my objection.

13 MS. SIMPSON: I can rephrase the question.


15 Q. Does the principal amount on the note match

16 the principal amount indicated in your company's

17 business records?

18 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

19 Q. Does the borrower on the note match the

20 borrower on the note that we're here on for this case

21 today?

22 A. Yes, it does.

23 Q. Do you see any endorsement on that note?

24 A. (Perused documents.)

25 Q. I'll direct your attention to Page 3 of the

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1 note. Do you see anything on Page 3 of the note?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Who is that endorsement from and who is it

4 to, according to what it says on the note you have in

5 your hand? Just read that for the Court. Which

6 company is it from?

7 A. Oh. Without recourse paid to the order of

8 SunTrust Mortgage.

9 Q. If I might direct your attention a little

10 closer to the endorsement.

11 Paid to the order of, is there a blank?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And underneath that, what company endorsed

14 the note?

15 A. SunTrust Mortgage, Incorporated.

16 MS. SIMPSON: I'd like to mark that as

17 Plaintiff's 1 and into evidence.

18 THE COURT: Would you like to let Mr.

19 Bradshaw take a look at it?

20 MS. SIMPSON: I did that before I brought it

21 up, Your Honor.

22 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I'd like to make

23 sure it's the same as the one I have in my file, if

24 that's all right. May I? I just want compare, if

25 that's all right.

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1 THE COURT: That's quite all right.

2 MS. SIMPSON: While he's looking through

3 that, Your Honor, I'd like to direct the Court's

4 attention to the docket. The original note has

5 been in the file with the Court, and it's been

6 there for a while, since March 5th, 2009.

7 THE COURT: I'm looking at the note right

8 now. Notice of filing document is No. 27, for the

9 record, in the court file. The original note and

10 mortgage are under Document 27.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: What time was that filed, Your

12 Honor? I'm sorry, the date.

13 THE COURT: March 5th, 2009.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Was that part of notice of

15 filing, or is that attached to another document?

16 THE COURT: Yes, notice of filing documents,

17 Document 27.

18 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, if it would

19 expedite matters, we could show the original note

20 and mortgage to the witness and admit that as

21 Plaintiff's 1.

22 MR. BRADSHAW: Excuse me, Your Honor. I

23 think I'm finally getting to that part in my file.

24 THE COURT: For the record, if this

25 introduced into evidence, we'll be introducing the

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1 original note and original mortgage, which are

2 under Filing 27.

3 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, in my record, I

4 have the notice of filing; however, it does not

5 have attached to it the note.

6 THE COURT: Well, I don't know what happened

7 there, but I'm looking at the note.

8 MS. SIMPSON: We also provided a copy on at

9 least two occasions in response to request for

10 production of documents.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: Just looking through to make

12 sure it wasn't misfiled.

13 Your Honor, if I may look at the court file?

14 THE COURT: Sure.

15 MR. BRADSHAW: If it please the Court, Your

16 Honor, the reasoning is that no copy of the note

17 was attached to the original complaint. No

18 certificate of service is attached to the notice of

19 filing either, Your Honor, I might add.

20 Thank you, Your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Okay.

22 MS. SIMPSON: May I continue?

23 THE COURT: Do you want to introduce it into

24 evidence?

25 MS. SIMPSON: If I may show that to the

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1 witness, I'll go ahead and introduce the original

2 note as Exhibit 1. That will probably be the

3 easiest way to do this.

4 THE COURT: Note and mortgage are attached.

5 MS. SIMPSON: Thank you, Your Honor.


7 Q. Take a quick look at the note and mortgage

8 there.

9 A. (Perused documents.)

10 Q. Do those appear to be the same note and

11 mortgage that go with the loan that we're here on

12 today?

13 MR. BRADSHAW: I'm sorry, Your Honor, I

14 didn't catch the question.

15 MS. SIMPSON: That note and mortgage, do they

16 appear to be the note and mortgage that go with

17 this loan.

18 A. Yes, it does.

19 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor.

20 Foundation. The witness may be able to testify

21 about what was in the court records, but he's

22 already testified that he's just a field

23 representative for Green Tree. So I'm not sure

24 what that means as far as his qualifications to

25 testify about the originality of a document.

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1 MS. SIMPSON: I didn't ask whether that was

2 the original document. I asked whether that

3 appeared to him to be the note and mortgage that

4 went with the loan that we're here on today, not as

5 to the authenticity or originality.

6 THE COURT: Overruled.

7 MS. SIMPSON: I'd like to move to admit those

8 into evidence as Plaintiff's 1.

9 THE COURT: Let me see those, please.

10 Any objections for the record?

11 MR. BRADSHAW: As to the copy of the note

12 being entered?

13 THE COURT: No. As to the purported original

14 note and mortgage being offered into evidence.

15 MR. BRADSHAW: No, Your Honor.

16 THE COURT: Ma'am, please mark this as

17 Composite Exhibit No. 27, the original note and

18 mortgage, as Plaintiff's No. 1 in evidence.

19 (Whereupon Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 1 was

20 admitted into evidence.)


22 Q. Mr. Barnes, is it your company's regular

23 practice to keep and maintain records regarding

24 transactions related to loans that your company is

25 servicing, such as this loan?

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1 A. Yes.

2 Q. Are these business records compiled as a

3 normal part of the business practice at your company?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Are you personally aware of how information

6 reflected in the business records that you've reviewed

7 regarding this loan is compiled by your company?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. Do these procedures require a person to input

10 the data when a transaction -- at or near the time a

11 transaction concerning the loan occurs?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. Do those procedures require that person input

14 the data truthfully and accurately?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Would the person who inputs the data do so at

17 or near the time the transaction occurs?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Would the person have knowledge of the

20 transaction at the time they're inputting the data?

21 A. Yes.

22 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I object to the

23 witness being qualified under the business records

24 exception to the hearsay rule to admit business

25 records for the company. If I might be allowed a

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1 short voir dire, I think my objection would become

2 more clarified.

3 THE COURT: Okay. You're up.



6 Q. Mr. Barnes, you testified that you are a

7 field representative for Green Tree Loans; is that

8 correct?

9 A. Yes, sir.

10 Q. How long have you held that position?

11 A. I've been with Green Tree currently for three

12 years.

13 Q. And during your three years with Green Tree,

14 how long have you held the position of field

15 representative?

16 A. All three years.

17 Q. And prior to that, by whom were you employed?

18 A. I've been employed by Vanderbilt Mortgage and

19 Loan. I've been employed by Associates Housing and

20 Finance, Green Point Credit, and previously by Green

21 Tree from '94 to '98.

22 Q. Mr. Barnes, were you ever employed by Litton

23 Loan Servicing?

24 A. No, sir.

25 Q. And, Mr. Barnes, were you ever employed by

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1 SunTrust Bank?

2 A. No, sir.

3 Q. And as a field representative, I believe you

4 testified earlier -- and please correct me if I'm

5 wrong, I wrote this down -- that you're duties involved

6 anything out of the office?

7 A. Correct.

8 Q. Do you have an office in or -- hold on. Let

9 me rephrase the question, please.

10 Where is Green Tree Loans located?

11 A. The office I work out of is in Tampa,

12 Florida.

13 Q. When you say the office you work out of,

14 where is the company located?

15 A. Headquarters are in Minnesota.

16 Q. Okay. Now, Mr. Barnes, have you ever worked

17 out of the office in Minnesota?

18 A. No, sir.

19 Q. How often do you visit the office in

20 Minnesota?

21 A. Never visited it.

22 Q. So you were hired in Tampa and have been in

23 Tampa during the three years of your employment; is

24 that correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. Out of -- let me start this another way.

2 How many hours a week do you put in with

3 Green Tree?

4 A. Between 40 to 50 hours.

5 Q. How many of those hours are in the office in

6 Tampa?

7 A. Approximately five to six hours a week.

8 Q. Per week?

9 A. Correct.

10 Q. And of the other approximately 45 hours, what

11 would those duties entail?

12 A. Myriad of going into repossessed and

13 foreclosed homes, inspecting those, contacting current

14 for -- to generate contact about the servicing of the

15 loan.

16 Q. And so when you say field representative,

17 you're actually going out into the field and

18 reviewing -- or should I say, contacting customers,

19 looking at homes --

20 MS. SIMPSON: Objection. Asked and answered.

21 MR. BRADSHAW: Clarifying his duties, Your

22 Honor.

23 THE COURT: Answer the question, sir.

24 A. Yes, sir.


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1 Q. In the five to six hours per week that you

2 spend in the office, what would your duties entail?

3 A. Preparing an itinerary, gathering loan

4 documentation required to perform my duties.

5 Q. When you say gathering loan documentation,

6 does that mean gathering loan documentation as it

7 relates to your field services?

8 A. In gathering to the loans that I'm going to

9 be covering that week.

10 Q. Okay. When you say covering that week, you

11 mean as a field representative?

12 A. Correct.

13 Q. And, Mr. Barnes, how often have you been

14 asked to testify on behalf of Green Tree?

15 A. Twice before.

16 Q. Twice before. Okay.

17 And when were those times?

18 A. It would be August of last year and then

19 again January of this year.

20 Q. And is there a particular -- well, let me put

21 it to you a different way here.

22 Is there a particular activity that you do to

23 prepare for testifying at a trial such as this?

24 A. Other than -- just review all the

25 documentation to verify loan amounts, to verify all the

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1 documents that would be normally presented in a matter

2 as this, to review those and become more familiar with

3 them.

4 Q. So your entire knowledge of this loan comes

5 from your review of these documentations; is that

6 correct?

7 A. Yes, sir.

8 Q. And you were not involved with the preparing

9 of any of these documents; is that correct?

10 A. That is correct.

11 Q. Okay. And you were not involved with the

12 input of any of the data that's represented by any of

13 these documents; is that correct?

14 A. That is correct.

15 Q. And have you met any of the folks whose job

16 it is to input that data?

17 A. As obtaining to the actual notes?

18 Q. The records that you reviewed.

19 A. Yes, because any of the records would be --

20 there's a myriad of people that access each account.

21 Q. Okay. Are the documents that you reviewed in

22 preparation for your testimony today, are those

23 documents from the office in Minnesota?

24 A. (Perused documents.) No, because these are

25 the notes that were generated not by our company.

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1 Q. So none of the company documents that you

2 have with you today are documents that were generated

3 by Green Tree; is that correct?

4 A. Well, I've got a lot of documents here; and

5 some documents were generated by our company, some were

6 not.

7 Q. Okay. Let me limit this then. The documents

8 that were generated by Green Tree that you reviewed for

9 your testimony today, were those documents generated,

10 meaning created, in Minnesota?

11 A. They would...

12 Q. In other words, did somebody in Tampa type

13 those up and input the data, or somebody in Minnesota

14 do that?

15 A. It could have been very possible that both

16 locations...

17 Q. So we're not really sure where exactly that

18 data was inputted?

19 A. It was inputted through the Green Tree

20 computer system, and access to those accounts are

21 throughout the corporation. So they could be entered

22 anywhere from any of our regional offices.

23 Q. And any employee of Green Tree has access to

24 these accounts?

25 A. Only certain employees, depending on their

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1 job functions, are guaranteed access to the accounts.

2 Q. Okay. And at what level would you say that

3 that is, from where to where, in, I guess, the

4 hierarchy of employment there?

5 A. I'm not familiar with every employee's status

6 and access to our system.

7 Q. Let me clarify: Would the president of the

8 company be able to get in there and access the data and

9 input data?

10 A. Yes, he would.

11 Q. The vice president of the company?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. Would a field representative be able to get

14 in there and input data?

15 A. I would be able to input notes into the

16 system concerning the loans or anything that I did with

17 the loan.

18 Q. Okay. And what employee would it be that

19 would have input the data that you reviewed for today's

20 trial? What type of employee? A secretary, a vice

21 president?

22 A. Account reps, clerks out of the local

23 offices, any of our legal counsel.

24 Q. So as far as legal counsel, you mean people

25 other than employees of Green Tree?

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1 A. Yes.

2 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I object to

3 Mr. Barnes' testimony concerning any of the

4 documents that he's here for today. Obviously,

5 he's not qualified under the business records

6 exception to the hearsay rule, 90.8036. He's not

7 been able to testify, with any degree of certainty,

8 as to the records, as to whether or not the records

9 were made at the time by a person with knowledge.

10 He's not been able to testify where these records

11 were created nor by whom, or even within or without

12 this company, has there been any change to these

13 records. They certainly do not qualify as

14 exceptions to the hearsay rule under 90.8036.

15 THE COURT: How could any records custodian,

16 for instance AT&T, show or ever testify to that?

17 Because that would be impossible. Because if

18 they're a records custodian for a large corporation

19 that employs many people, all they have to testify

20 to is that these are the type of records made at or

21 near the time of their formation, which he's

22 testified to; the recorded information is of the

23 type that would be recorded by a person with

24 knowledge, he's testified to that; the type of

25 document recorded is in the regular course of

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1 business, the type of document would be in regular

2 practice to record such record.

3 MR. BRADSHAW: But, Your Honor, he's

4 testified he's a field representative, that making

5 or creating this document is not part of his job,

6 which I understand that's not one of the

7 requirements; however, in order for the records to

8 be entered, the person who's testifying to get past

9 that hearsay rule has to be familiar -- and I

10 quote here -- has to be familiar with the records.

11 They have to testify about the processes involved.

12 Mr. Barnes has testified that he, using your

13 records custodian for AT&T, I hope that a records

14 custodian for AT&T would know who had access to the

15 information that is input into the business

16 records. Mr. Barnes has not been able to testify

17 to that.

18 THE COURT: Any response?

19 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor.

20 The witness did testify that he himself has

21 personally input system notes when he has performed

22 actions, and he's input them at or near the time

23 he's performed those actions. And so he's now

24 testified as to his familiarity with that, how that

25 process works. He's also testified that he's

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1 familiar with the procedures of Green Tree Home

2 Loan Servicing and all of the things that are

3 mentioned that are required to get through the

4 business records exception. He's familiar with all

5 of those and testified that's the regular practice

6 and procedure of the company.

7 There's no requirement that each and every

8 person and where they were sitting and in what

9 state they were sitting in of the country while

10 they were inputting the records, there's no

11 requirement that he know exactly the name of every

12 single person that needs to be able to access the

13 record. He's testified, with sufficient

14 familiarity, what the business procedures of Green

15 Tree Home Loan Servicing is to overcome the

16 business records exception.

17 MR. BRADSHAW: May I continue my voir dire,

18 Your Honor?

19 THE COURT: No, sir. Objection's overruled.

20 Continue, ma'am. What's next, ma'am?

21 MS. SIMPSON: I need to show this to the

22 witness, but I'm letting opposing counsel take a

23 peak first.

24 MR. BRADSHAW: I got a packet of stuff from

25 them yesterday, Your Honor. I just want to make

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1 sure that the records she's showing to the witness

2 are the same as the records that were provided to

3 me yesterday.

4 THE COURT: All right.

5 MR. BRADSHAW: (Perused documents.) These

6 were not part of the records you sent me.

7 MS. SIMPSON: I sent you the -- this is the

8 one I'm looking for. I might have grabbed the

9 wrong one. Yeah. Here it is. Sorry. This one

10 right here.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: Pages 1 through 4?

12 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, sir.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Okay.



16 Q. Mr. Barnes, do you recognize that document?

17 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

18 Q. And what is the document I've just handed

19 you?

20 A. The payment history report.

21 Q. Is that payment history report part of the

22 business records that are kept by Green Tree Home Loan

23 Servicing?

24 A. Yes, it is.

25 Q. Have you reviewed those records that are in

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1 your hands now?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Do those records reflect that the borrower is

4 in default on the mortgage?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. Do the records indicate the amounts that are

7 due and the amounts of the payments that were made?

8 A. Yes, it does.

9 Q. Have you reviewed the final judgment that was

10 prepared by plaintiff's counsel to be presented to this

11 Court today?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And do the records that you have reviewed

14 match the numbers on the final judgment that we're

15 going to presenting to this Court today?

16 A. Yes.

17 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I object to the

18 documentation and witness's testimony based upon

19 foundation. The witness --

20 THE COURT: Ma'am, you wish to respond?

21 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I can rephrase the

22 question.

23 THE COURT: Please.


25 Q. Do the records in your hand reflect the

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1 amounts that are owed by the borrower?

2 A. Yes.

3 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, foundation.

4 THE COURT: Overruled.

5 MS. SIMPSON: Thank you.

6 MR. BRADSHAW: Is it three pages?

7 MS. SIMPSON: Uh-huh.

8 Oh, before we do, I'd like to mark and admit

9 the document you were just looking at as

10 Plaintiff's 2.

11 THE COURT: Has Mr. Bradshaw had an

12 opportunity to look at it?

13 MS. SIMPSON: He has.

14 THE COURT: Have you already stated your

15 objection?

16 MR. BRADSHAW: Yes, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: Objection's overruled, and these

18 will be admitted into evidence and this is payment

19 history report.

20 Ma'am, please staple those. Please mark them

21 into evidence. What number, for the record?

22 MS. SIMPSON: No. 2, Your Honor.

23 THE COURT: Thank you.

24 (Whereupon Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 2 was

25 admitted into evidence.)

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2 Q. Mr. Barnes, I've just handed you another

3 document.

4 Do you recognize that document?

5 A. (Perused documents.) Yes, I do.

6 Q. What's that document?

7 A. It's the notice of default and intent to

8 accelerate.

9 Q. How do you know that notice goes with the

10 loan that we're here about today?

11 A. With the property address, customer

12 information, and the -- after reviewing the loan

13 documents, that this was a system-generated letter.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor. Object

15 to foundation. The witness had testify he didn't

16 work for Litton, and this letter is from Litton

17 Loan Servicing.

18 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, if I'm allowed to

19 continue, we can clean that up.

20 THE COURT: We're getting there, right?

21 MS. SIMPSON: Uh-huh.

22 THE COURT: Okay.

23 MS. SIMPSON: Thank you.


25 Q. Is Green Tree the only company that's

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1 serviced this loan?

2 A. No.

3 Q. Who was the company who serviced this loan

4 prior to Green Tree Home Loan Servicing?

5 A. I do not know all the different companies

6 that may or may not.

7 Q. Immediately prior. I'm sorry.

8 A. I'm not aware of the company who immediately

9 serviced this loan prior to Litton.

10 Q. Prior to Green Tree.

11 A. Prior to Green Tree, it was Litton.

12 Q. Litton Home Loan Servicing?

13 A. Litton Loan Servicing.

14 Q. And the document you have in your hand --

15 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor,

16 leading.

17 THE COURT: I think we're trying to get to

18 qualifications, and I'm going to allow this.

19 Go ahead, ma'am.


21 Q. The document that you have in your hand, who

22 does that appear to be generated by based on what it

23 says on the letter?

24 A. (Perused documents.) Litton Loan Servicing,

25 LLP.

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1 Q. Have you reviewed Litton Loan Servicing,

2 LLP's system notes as to this loan?

3 A. Yes, I have.

4 Q. How is it that Litton Loan Servicing, LLC's

5 [sic] system notes happen to be with Green Tree?

6 A. They are forwarded -- when we take over

7 servicing of the loan, we're forwarded all their notes,

8 and those are included into our system.

9 Q. Are you familiar with how loans are boarded

10 when loans are transferred from one servicer to another

11 servicer, for example, from Litton to Green Tree? Just

12 generally, within the industry, are you familiar with

13 how that works?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And when you examine the records from Litton

16 Home Loan Servicing that are now part af Green Tree's

17 records, did that appear to purport with your

18 familiarity of the industry standards of how records

19 are transferred?

20 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, foundation.

21 THE COURT: Overruled.


23 Q. What was your answer?

24 A. Yes. Everything they had performed is a

25 standard industry practice that we follow ourselves.

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1 Q. Is there a date on that letter that's in

2 front of you?

3 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

4 Q. What does that date say?

5 A. June 9th, 2008.

6 Q. When you reviewed Litton Home Loan

7 Servicing's loan records, did you come across any

8 system notes in those servicing records that indicate

9 what date that letter was generated?

10 A. Yes. On the notes, it stated that, On this

11 date, this letter was generated by Litton Loan

12 Servicing.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor. He's

14 testifying about the records of another company.

15 When we get to 90.8036, how can he testify about

16 whether or not Litton Loan Servicing met the

17 qualifications for their records to be admitted

18 under the exception to the hearsay rule? He

19 admitted he's never worked for Litton Loan

20 Servicing.

21 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, he's testifying as

22 to records that now belong to Green Tree Home Loan

23 Servicing. Green Tree, as the witness testified,

24 this loan used to be serviced by Litton and is now

25 serviced by Green Tree. He's testified as to what

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1 the industry standard is as to transferring loans.

2 He's testified what the industry standard is for

3 keeping system notes, and he's testified as to

4 multiple, different types of documentation that

5 he's reviewed to confirm that these have gone out.

6 We're at a hearing, at a civil trial, not a

7 criminal trial; so we're looking at the

8 preponderance of the evidence. We're introducing

9 multiple forms of evidence that indicate that this

10 demand letter did go out.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, if I may, the

12 witness did not testify to those things. He

13 testified vaguely how he's familiar with how loans

14 are forwarded, I believe was the phrase that

15 counsel used. He did not testify about his

16 familiarity with the various functions of the

17 industry in that detail or what those functions

18 were. So I'm at a bit of a loss here as far as

19 where my objection was or as to what specifically

20 the witness testified to.

21 MS. SIMPSON: I can ask a few more questions

22 to clean it up.


24 Q. Are you familiar with the industry standard

25 as to how loans are serviced by various different

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1 servicers, or are you only familiar with Green Tree?

2 A. I'm familiar with several different entities.

3 Q. How would you have become familiar with how

4 various different entities work?

5 A. The fact that I've worked at four separate

6 entities and participated also in the review of due

7 diligence in transferring the loans from one company to

8 another.

9 Q. In your review of the system notes that have

10 come from Litton Home Loan Servicing, do you have any

11 reason to believe, based on your review of those notes

12 from Litton for this loan, that there was anything that

13 did not go like industry standard?

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, Your Honor. The

15 witness did not testify he was familiar with

16 industry standard. He testified he was familiar

17 with the standards at, quote, several entities.

18 THE COURT: Overruled.

19 MS. SIMPSON: Madam Court Reporter, could you

20 read the last question.


22 (Whereupon the record was read back.)

23 THE COURT: Do you understand the question?


25 A. Everything appears as would be expected to be

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1 found.


3 Q. Back earlier when I asked you if you were

4 familiar with how loans are forwarded, I wanted to ask

5 a couple more questions about that.

6 Are you familiar with when loans are

7 forwarded into Green Tree whether or not there's any

8 kind of review that's conducted to ascertain that

9 servicing that Green Tree is now hiring was done

10 according to industry standards?

11 A. Yes. As they import all the information from

12 the previous servicer to us, all the notes are brought

13 over, and they're reviewed, at that time, by different

14 of our, like, collection representatives, or account

15 managers, that take over the actual day-to-day

16 servicing of the loan.

17 Q. Okay. So I'm going to go back to the

18 questioning with the documents that you have in front

19 of you --

20 MS. SIMPSON: Unless there are additional

21 objections that need to be addressed regarding

22 that.

23 MR. BRADSHAW: I have a myriad of objections

24 regarding that. Primarily, my objections have to

25 do with the fact that the witness has not stated

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1 that he -- he stated he did not work for Litton.

2 He stated that these records came from Litton and

3 that they were reviewed by somebody when they were

4 brought over, but he's not testified about any of

5 the criteria necessary for Litton's records to be

6 admissible under the hearsay exception to the --

7 under the business records exception to the hearsay

8 rule.

9 THE COURT: He's not testifying about Litton.

10 He's testifying about his company and the company's

11 records, which are now this company's records,

12 because they've been transferred into this company,

13 how they're received.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: But the records were generated

15 by Litton, Your Honor; and the hearsay exception

16 says that it's required that there be testimony

17 confirming when they were made, how they were made,

18 whether they were made by a person of knowledge.

19 There's a whole litany of things that would be

20 required for Litton to do so.

21 Your Honor, I have a case.

22 THE COURT: I think what it says is that

23 records custodians really don't have to testify

24 that these are the types of records made at or near

25 the time of their formation, which he's testified

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1 to, whether it's Litton or another company;

2 recorded information is the type to be recorded by

3 a person with knowledge. He's testified to that.

4 These are the type of documents recorded in the

5 regular course of business, whether it's his

6 business or Litton; and it's regular practice to

7 make these type of records. He's testified to

8 that, because he's familiar with at least four of

9 the different types of company in this industry.

10 He meets the criteria.

11 MR. BRADSHAW: Being familiar with four

12 companies, Your Honor, is not the same. And if

13 you'll humor me for just a second, I have a case on

14 point. The case is -- may I approach, Your Honor?

15 THE COURT: Do you have a copy for counsel?

16 MR. BRADSHAW: I do indeed. The case is

17 Thompson v. Citizens National Bank of Leesburg. I

18 would like to direct the Court, in this case, there

19 was testimony involving a transfer of records from

20 a failed bank that went through the FDIC to a new

21 bank. The Court, in reviewing the testimony from

22 the FDIC representative who had taken those

23 records, said here -- and I quote -- The affiant

24 did not, nor could he state, that he had personal

25 knowledge of the matters contained in the metro

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1 business records nor that the records were complete

2 or correct or kept under supervision or control.

3 Meaning, he could not testify about the records of

4 another business or entity if he did not have

5 personal knowledge as to how the records were

6 created, whether or not they failed in those

7 exception -- that exception to the hearsay rule.

8 THE COURT: I don't believe any --

9 practically, in a large corporation, I don't

10 believe that any records custodian could actually

11 testify he has personal knowledge of matters

12 contained in the business records. No records

13 custodian has to say that.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: No, Your Honor, but they have

15 to say that they have personal knowledge of how the

16 records were created, that they were created by a

17 person with knowledge at the certain time. And in

18 order to do that, you have to at least be a member

19 of that organization, whether it's a records

20 custodian or somebody with knowledge of that

21 organization, to testify to those things.

22 THE COURT: Overruled.


24 Q. Going back to the document that you have in

25 front of you, Mr. Barnes, again, what is the date on

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1 that document?

2 A. (Perused documents.) June 9th, 2008.

3 Q. Does that document reflect that the loan is

4 in default? Does it inform the borrower that it's in

5 default?

6 A. Yes, it does.

7 Q. Does it inform the borrower what's needed to

8 cure the default?

9 A. Yes, it does.

10 Q. Does it give the borrower a period of time of

11 30 days or more to cure?

12 A. Yes, it does.

13 Q. Does it advise the borrower that a court

14 action may be filed if he does not cure the default?

15 A. Yes, it does.

16 Q. Does it instruct the borrower how he can cure

17 the default?

18 A. Yes, it does.

19 Q. From your review of the records, has the

20 default been cured, or is the loan still in default?

21 A. The loan is still in default.

22 MS. SIMPSON: At this time, Your Honor, I

23 would like to admit those documents as Plaintiff's

24 Exhibit 3.

25 THE COURT: Over counsel's objection. Go

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1 ahead. I'm sorry.

2 MR. BRADSHAW: Just so I'm clear, the

3 objection had to do with whether or not those

4 records were -- or documents were found within the

5 business records of Litton; is that correct? Is

6 that what my objection was overruled as to?

7 THE COURT: I honestly don't remember,

8 frankly.

9 MR. BRADSHAW: I'm pretty sure that's all

10 I've objected to concerning this one, Your Honor.

11 THE COURT: All right. That's fine.

12 MR. BRADSHAW: And that was marked as?

13 MS. SIMPSON: Three.

14 (Whereupon Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 3 was

15 admitted into evidence.)


17 Q. Mr. Barnes, just a couple more questions.

18 Did your company hire the law firm of Smith,

19 Hiatt & Diaz to represent the plaintiff in this action?

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. And has the plaintiff, by way of your

22 company, agreed to pay Smith, Hiatt & Diaz reasonable

23 attorney fees for its services in this case?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And has plaintiff, by way of your company,

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1 agreed to reimburse Smith, Hiatt & Diaz for its

2 expenses and costs incurred in this case?

3 A. Yes.

4 MS. SIMPSON: No further questions, Your

5 Honor. I do observe the right to redirect.

6 THE COURT: Okay. You're up, sir.

7 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, at this time, I

8 would like to move for a, I guess, directed

9 verdict. I feel that the defense feels that the

10 plaintiff has not met their burden on a number of

11 different issues.

12 THE COURT: I don't think she's finished. I

13 think she's just finished with this witness.

14 MS. SIMPSON: Oh, no further witnesses. I'm

15 sorry. Plaintiff rests. No further witnesses.

16 (Whereupon Plaintiff rested at 9:43 a.m.)

17 MR. BRADSHAW: If I may?

18 THE COURT: Go ahead.

19 MR. BRADSHAW: First of all, Your Honor, the

20 witness has not testified as to date of default.

21 The witness' testimony was that there was a

22 default. The witness has not testified as to any

23 specific amount of money that was due, other than

24 testifying that the witness had reviewed documents

25 that were prepared by counsel. Documents prepared

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1 by counsel definitely are not an exception to the

2 hearsay rule as far as the amounts due and owing

3 and so on.

4 With that in mind, Your Honor, it's felt that

5 the plaintiff has not met their burden, and the

6 verdict should be entered for the defendant.

7 THE COURT: Any response, ma'am?

8 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor.

9 I did ask the witness whether he had reviewed

10 the payments on this loan and whether he had

11 reviewed the amounts that were owed and whether or

12 not the loan was in default. He said, Yes. I did

13 ask a question -- there was an objection. I'm not

14 sure whether it was ruled upon or not, as to

15 whether he had compared what Green Tree's notes say

16 are due against the order that we're going to

17 present today. I can go through those one by one,

18 but he did answer in the affirmative that he had

19 compared them, and they do match.

20 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I object --

21 THE COURT: What about the amounts owed?

22 MS. SIMPSON: That's what I was referring to,

23 Your Honor.

24 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, if I may, the

25 document that counsel has referred to, I believe

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1 the witness testified is a compilation of the

2 business records, as such -- may I approach, Your

3 Honor?

4 THE COURT: Sure.

5 MR. BRADSHAW: As such, under Rule 90.956, in

6 order to use a summary of business records, or a

7 compilation of business records, a party's required

8 to provide notice and shall make all originals or

9 duplicates of that data by or from which the

10 summary was compiled available for examination or

11 copying or both. They failed to do so in this

12 case, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: Ma'am, you want to take a look at

14 that?

15 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, first of all, what

16 was introduced into evidence was not a compilation

17 of data -- or not a compilation of the records; it

18 was the records for this loan. They all happen to

19 appear in one place. That doesn't necessarily mean

20 they're a compilation from various different

21 things.

22 Secondly, those documents were provided by

23 way of copy to opposing counsel. So making

24 available for copying, he's got copies.

25 THE COURT: Okay.

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1 MR. BRADSHAW: And --

2 THE COURT: Overruled.

3 MR. BRADSHAW: I just want to be clear, Your

4 Honor, that it's the position of the plaintiff that

5 for page record that's Exhibit No. 2 contains all

6 the data necessary for the entry of an order

7 against the defendant?

8 THE COURT: That's what she's arguing.

9 Ma'am, you understand that Mr. Bradshaw's

10 argument is that you're arguing that this document

11 in evidence, No. 2, explains what the amount owed

12 is --

13 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I can certainly ask

14 the witness additional questions as to the specific

15 amounts owed. I thought I covered that when I

16 asked if his review of his records matched what was

17 on the order that we're presenting to Your Honor.

18 He's obviously reviewed many more records than what

19 are here today. We didn't introduce them all into

20 evidence as evidentiary documents because I

21 introduced testimony.

22 THE COURT: I understand you asked a question

23 about whether or not you've reviewed the proposed

24 final judgment; and as I recall, he said, Yes. And

25 I think you asked if the amounts contained in that

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1 final judgment -- I don't know the exact words, but

2 paraphrasing -- are the amounts that are due and

3 owing. He said, Yes.

4 MS. SIMPSON: I can certainly ask him the

5 amounts one by one, because I know he's familiar

6 with those as well.

7 THE COURT: Any objection, sir, so the

8 record's clear?

9 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I would object to

10 the witness testifying to any records that are not

11 in evidence before this Court. It is clear from

12 cases such as Bifulco v. State Farm -- I have a

13 copy here -- that the hearsay exception -- should I

14 say, the business record exception to the hearsay

15 rule is just that, an exception for the business

16 records, not for testimony concerning business

17 records. In other words, if he were to testify

18 about records that were not in evidence, it would

19 be, in essence, double hearsay.

20 In other words, if they need the records to

21 prove their case, then the records need to be here,

22 and the records need to be here in a form other

23 than some sort of compilation, Your Honor, without

24 the proper notice under 9.956.

25 THE COURT: I guess you're going to go

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1 through each one of those. Are you asking to

2 reopen your case?

3 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor.

4 THE COURT: You may reopen.



7 Q. Mr. Barnes, you've reviewed the amounts that

8 are owed on this case, correct?

9 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

10 Q. Can you tell me what the principal balance is

11 that's owed on this case?

12 A. $57,171.23.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection, foundation.

14 THE COURT: Sustained. What's the foundation

15 for him to know this?


17 Q. From the business records that you've

18 reviewed that have been admitted into evidence, the

19 payment history, does that indicate what the principal

20 balance is on this loan?

21 A. Yes.

22 MS. SIMPSON: Can we hand Exhibit 2, I

23 believe, back to the witness?

24 THE COURT: Sure.

25 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

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2 Q. What does that document that's already been

3 admitted into evidence indicate?

4 A. $57,171.23.

5 MS. SIMPSON: Can we hand Exhibit 1 back to

6 the witness?


8 Q. Between Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2, are you able

9 to identify the interest rate on this loan?

10 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

11 Q. And is that interest rate -- what is that

12 interest rate?

13 A. 6.75 percent.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Objection. Foundation, Your

15 Honor.

16 THE COURT: Ma'am, you wish to respond?

17 MR. BRADSHAW: I mean, where is that stated,

18 I guess?


20 Q. Which record are you looking at, Exhibit 1 or

21 2?

22 A. (Perused documents.) I'm looking at Exhibit

23 1.

24 Q. Which is the?

25 A. Note, the original note.

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2 THE COURT: Okay.


4 Q. From your review of Exhibit 2, are you able

5 to tell how much the plaintiff has advanced for the

6 purposes of paying property taxes?

7 A. (Perused documents.) I'd need a calculator

8 to add them up, because there's several entries from...

9 MS. SIMPSON: Does counsel want me to have

10 him calculate all this?

11 MR. BRADSHAW: If he could show me which

12 entries he's referring to.


14 Q. Can you point out which entries you're

15 referring to Mr. Barnes?

16 A. Yes. (Perused documents.).

17 MR. BRADSHAW: I have a calculator. On a

18 housekeeping note, counsel keeps referring to the

19 proposed judgment that the witness has testified

20 to. That's never been provided to me, Your Honor.

21 MS. SIMPSON: I could give you a copy right

22 now, but I've been referring to Exhibit 2.

23 MR. BRADSHAW: I understand that, but earlier

24 you were asking the witness whether or not these

25 numbers reflected the numbers in the judgment. I

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1 want to make sure we're comparing apples with

2 apples.

3 MS. SIMPSON: Of course. I had them in my

4 hand a minute ago. Oh, here they are.

5 MR. BRADSHAW: Thank you. And I'm not trying

6 to be obstinate, Your Honor. I'm not asking the

7 witness to show some sort of math wizardry for

8 which I certainly don't exhibit. When I get past

9 ten, I have to take my shoes off when it comes to

10 counting. But if you could just point out to me in

11 Exhibit 2 where these numbers are coming from.

12 THE COURT: That's fine.

13 MS. SIMPSON: May it please the Court? I may

14 be able to make this process a little bit faster.

15 The Exhibit 2 that he's looking at is not the

16 composite exhibit, which is why he's having to do

17 all this math. I do have a composite exhibit

18 available if counsel would like to see it, and we

19 could go that route if you prefer, which has all

20 the totals already done so he doesn't have to

21 calculate them. He's looking at individual entry

22 right now..

23 MR. BRADSHAW: Just so we're clear, I haven't

24 asked him to calculate it. Just point out the

25 entries that are part of the evidence that has been

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1 propounded as the records, which of them show the

2 taxes, which of them show -- I'm not asking him to

3 add them up. Lord knows I wouldn't be able to do

4 that myself. I'm just trying to figure out which

5 is which.


7 Q. Can you point out on that exhibit where the

8 taxes are, which pages.

9 A. This page refers to the escrow adjustments,

10 so I would have -- to be 100 percent accurate, I'd have

11 to compare them to the actual notes.

12 Q. That are in the system?

13 A. That are in our system.

14 MS. SIMPSON: I would like to show this to

15 opposing counsel. I know he's going to object, but

16 I'll show it to him anyway, and then he can object.

17 MR. BRADSHAW: Fannie Mae?

18 MS. SIMPSON: Yeah. What's wrong with that?

19 THE COURT: I think it's a bad word.

20 MR. BRADSHAW: Well, the only problem I have

21 with that is that previous counsel testified that

22 Litton Loan Servicing was the owner of this note.

23 MS. SIMPSON: I don't know what previous

24 counsel did, but not the owner. Litton Loan

25 SErvicing was the servicer.

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1 MR. BRADSHAW: I moved to dismiss earlier on,

2 and they testified --

3 MS. SIMPSON: Counsel testified?

4 MR. BRADSHAW: Counsel propounded that Litton

5 Loan Servicing was the owner of the note.

6 MS. SIMPSON: I don't know at what point

7 that testimony was taken. Plaintiff has since

8 amended its complaint, but our amended complaint

9 lists Green Tree Home Loan Servicing as plaintiff

10 and servicer of the loan.

11 THE COURT: That's in your amended complaint?

12 MS. SIMPSON: Yes.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, previously what

14 they said was that Litton Loan Servicing was the

15 servicer; and when I moved to ask who the owner of

16 the note was -- and this was at a hearing before

17 Your Honor on my motion to dismiss that was dated

18 March 5, 2009 --

19 MS. SIMPSON: Prior to the amended complaint.

20 THE COURT: The motion to dismiss I think

21 you're referring to was filed October 14th, 2008,

22 heard in March, I think.

23 MR. BRADSHAW: He goes on to say that, If a

24 third party were to come in and challenge that,

25 whoever the actual note holder, or the owner of the

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1 note, didn't have the note, a copy of the note

2 would be required. It does not state that the copy

3 must be attached to the complaint.

4 It further goes on to say that, Where a

5 complaint filed is brought against the original

6 mortgager by the original mortgagee it is not

7 necessary to allege the plaintiff is the owner.

8 The actual case law that counsel was referring

9 to -- I guess, there's no need to attach the note

10 to the complaint.

11 And, again, Your Honor, I would say that this

12 is nothing facially deficient about our complaint.

13 Our complaint merely pleads in the alternative.

14 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I have a copy of

15 the original complaint here, which pleads that

16 plaintiff is servicer. It's possible that counsel

17 misspoke in a hearing that's been heard and ruled

18 upon, but even the original complaint states that

19 plaintiff is servicer.

20 Would you like to see a copy of that? I can

21 bring it up.

22 THE COURT: I've got a copy. Just show me

23 the paragraph.

24 MS. SIMPSON: I can identify the paragraph,

25 Your Honor.

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1 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, they originally

2 filed a complaint without even so much as a copy of

3 the note. And when I moved to dismiss it, they

4 said they only need to have a copy of the note,

5 because they're the owner of the note; and you

6 denied my motion to dismiss based upon that.

7 THE COURT: Well, you need to be specific.

8 Are they the owner or the holder? There's a

9 difference.

10 MS. SIMPSON: Paragraph 15 of the complaint,

11 Your Honor, Plaintiff, as servicer for the owner

12 and acting on behalf of the owner with authority to

13 do so, is the present designated holder.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Which complaint is that?

15 THE COURT: The original complaint, Page 4.

16 MS. SIMPSON: The original complaint from

17 2008; Paragraph 15, Page 4.

18 MR. BRADSHAW: And Page 6 of the transcript,

19 Plaintiff in this complaint is Litton Loan

20 Servicing acting as a servicer for the owner and

21 the holder of the note; however, we don't have to

22 have the note. And we feel this complaint fails to

23 properly state a cause of action -- wait a minute.

24 That's my argument. I'm sorry.

25 One is that we don't have standing, which if

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1 Your Honor would look at the original note and

2 mortgage --

3 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I'm going to object

4 as to him continuing to argue a motion that's

5 already been decided. If he wants to argue a new

6 motion, that's great; but he's reading the old

7 motion again. That's already been determined.

8 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, this was clearly

9 fraud on the court when he says, Litton Loan

10 Servicing is the owner and holder of the note, as

11 well as the servicer of their own note. So I'm not

12 sure where the confusion is. There's no

13 contradictory statements at all. They do own the

14 note, and they have submitted it to the Court. I'd

15 be happy to show you the certified transcript.

16 Part of the problem here is the obfuscation,

17 Your Honor, from the very beginning. They now,

18 here at trial, have showed a document that, I

19 guess, they're trying to get in, which is actually

20 counsel's. It appears to be some sort of billing

21 records.

22 MS. SIMPSON: It's the composite records of

23 the servicer.

24 MR. BRADSHAW: Composite records of the

25 servicer that shows drive-by inspection, attorney

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1 fees, attorney fees, title costs. They're not the

2 records of the servicer, Your Honor; these are the

3 records of the attorney.

4 MS. SIMPSON: Those are the records of the

5 servicer.

6 MR. BRADSHAW: This is the first time, after

7 four years, that they say they want to introduce

8 records, that Fannie Mae is the owner, after

9 they've lied to this Court, for lack of a better

10 phrase. Not they, not her in particular, Your

11 Honor. I'm not directing anything at counsel here,

12 however --

13 THE COURT: Let me see the note. They don't

14 allege that. They don't allege that Fannie Mae's

15 the owner of the note in the complaint.

16 MS. SIMPSON: What I believe he's addressing

17 is we're foreclosing in the plaintiff's capacity as

18 servicer. This document happens to show who the

19 owner is, but that's not relevant. We're

20 foreclosing as owner and servicer.

21 MR. BRADSHAW: And their standing to bring

22 this was the part of the grounds of the motion to

23 dismiss and was also raised as an affirmative

24 defense, Your Honor.

25 THE COURT: It says, Plaintiff, as servicer

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1 for the owner and acting on behalf of the owner

2 with the authority to do so, is the present

3 designated holder of the note and mortgage with the

4 authority to pursue the action.

5 Tell me how that's not the case. Tell me how

6 they're not -- that that's not true.

7 MR. BRADSHAW: They've introduced no evidence

8 that they have the authority from anybody. As a

9 matter of fact --

10 THE COURT: The note is endorsed in blank.

11 Whoever holds this note has the authority to move

12 forward, because it's the bearer of the note.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, if I may --

14 THE COURT: I could be wrong, but I think the

15 note's endorsed in blank. If the note's endorsed

16 in blank, whoever the holder is, is the one who has

17 the power to move forward.

18 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, at the onset of

19 this litigation, which was filed on behalf of

20 Litton, they did have a note. As a matter of fact,

21 they filed a claim for a lost note. It wasn't

22 until a year or so later that they showed up in

23 court on my motion to dismiss -- matter of fact,

24 they didn't even have a copy of the note. They

25 showed up a year later with a note endorsed in

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1 blank, conveniently, and represented to the

2 Court -- and I quote -- I'm sure where the

3 confusion is. There's no confusion. We own the

4 note.

5 So their standing was an issue at the

6 beginning, and their standing is also an

7 affirmative defense that's been raised.

8 THE COURT: Maybe the word "owner" might be

9 inappropriate, but they're certainly the holder.

10 If they hold this note -- it's in their hands --

11 they're the holder of the note. They have a right

12 to enforce the note if they're the holder.

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I know we're

14 getting a bit off topic here, but I do object to

15 the records that plaintiff is seeking to admit on a

16 number of reasons. First of all, they were made

17 for the purpose of litigation, so they were not --

18 under the business records exception to the rule,

19 they must be made at or near the time and in the

20 regular course and scope of business. And matter

21 of fact, the rule itself says that records that are

22 made for the purposes of litigation are suspect and

23 shouldn't be admitted.

24 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, I withdraw. I

25 don't need to admit these.

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1 THE COURT: Don't interrupt. Are you

2 finished?

3 MR. BRADSHAW: I can give you some case

4 citations, Your Honor, but that's...

5 THE COURT: So you're withdrawing those?

6 MS. SIMPSON: I don't need to admit these. I

7 was just trying to speed up the process.

8 THE COURT: We need to move on, so let her go

9 through them.

10 MR. BRADSHAW: All I asked him to do was

11 direct me to the notes that they say are the, I

12 guess, Composite 2 --

13 MS. SIMPSON: Two is not a composite.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Well, it's four pages. That's

15 why I referred to it as a composite. I apologize.

16 I just meant more than one page. My objection on

17 that was overruled earlier, but which of these

18 entries show what these amounts are that are

19 supposedly contained in this judgment?

20 If you recall, Your Honor, all this goes back

21 to my asking for verdict on behalf of the

22 defendant, because the plaintiff hasn't proven

23 their case yet with the evidence they put on.

24 MS. SIMPSON: I think that I pointed out with

25 one of the questions --

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1 THE COURT: For the record, I allowed the

2 counsel to reopen her case; and all we're doing so

3 far is going through this documentation, and he's

4 trying to calculate how he reaches certain numbers.

5 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, all I asked is

6 that he point out to me which of these is which. I

7 have a calculator here. I'm not asking for some

8 feat of mathematic --

9 THE COURT: Repeat the question. Maybe he

10 didn't understand the question.


12 Q. Mr. Barnes, I'm going to rephrase the

13 question. It might make things go a little quicker

14 here.

15 Does Exhibit 2 that you have in front of you

16 indicate amounts that were paid out by Green Tree,

17 escrowed amounts, such as taxes and insurance?

18 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

19 Q. Does that particular document that you have

20 break down which are for taxes and which are for

21 insurance?

22 A. It does not discuss exactly. It just refers

23 to an escrow amount.

24 Q. From your knowledge of Green Tree's

25 servicing, would anything else be included in escrow,

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1 other than taxes and insurance?

2 A. No.

3 Q. So when you see amounts that are paid out for

4 escrowed amounts, what would you conclude those amounts

5 are for?

6 A. Taxes and insurance.

7 Q. Can you point to the places on Exhibit 2

8 where the escrowed amounts are paid out for taxes and

9 insurance?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. Please do.

12 A. (Perused documents.) That would be the line

13 item showing the 210 disbursement to escrow only.

14 Several cases of the -- it appears, based on how our

15 taxes are paid, would be the November entries, in

16 particular to the taxes.

17 Q. Anything else on there?

18 A. There are the other July entries, which would

19 be for the insurance. It's -- the line item is the

20 same, the 210 disbursement, for escrow only.

21 Q. So those are the things that went out for

22 escrow for taxes and insurance; is that what you're

23 saying?

24 A. Correct.

25 Q. Does Exhibit 2 that you have in front of you

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1 indicate late charges?

2 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

3 Q. Can you point out where on Exhibit 2 the late

4 charges appear.

5 A. That would be the QFA, the fee assessed with

6 late charges.

7 Q. What page are you on?

8 A. Actually, those are tabulated on each page.

9 Q. Okay.

10 A. The fee of the 2973 is the recurring.

11 Q. Does Exhibit 2 that you have in front of you

12 show amounts that were paid out for property

13 inspection?

14 A. It is not Line Item 2, actually, display for

15 the property inspections.

16 MS. SIMPSON: Your Honor, if counsel objects,

17 we can strike that $307 amount for property

18 inspections.

19 THE COURT: I don't know.

20 MR. BRADSHAW: Again, are we talking about

21 the proposed order?

22 MS. SIMPSON: Yes. Did I give you a copy of

23 that?

24 MR. BRADSHAW: No, ma'am. I still don't have

25 a copy. I'm sorry. Actually, you did. I put my

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1 book on top of it. I apologize.

2 MS. SIMPSON: At any rate, if he can't pick

3 out where exactly the property inspection amounts

4 are, we're willing to waive the property inspection

5 amounts, is what I'm getting at.

6 THE COURT: It's waived.

7 MS. SIMPSON: I'm sorry?

8 THE COURT: It's waived then.

9 MS. SIMPSON: No problem.


11 Q. And then just to repeat one previous

12 question, your firm has hired Smith, Hiatt & Diaz and

13 has agreed to pay us reasonable attorney fees and

14 costs?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Would those costs have included performing a

17 title search?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Would those costs include this court's filing

20 fee?

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. Would those costs include service of process?

23 A. Yes.

24 MS. SIMPSON: Thank you. No further

25 questions.

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1 THE COURT: Are you positive?

2 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, sir.

3 THE COURT: You're up, sir.

4 MR. BRADSHAW: Once again, Your Honor, I'd

5 like to renew my request for a verdict in favor of

6 the defendant. The plaintiff has failed to prove

7 when the default occurred.

8 THE COURT: I thought you were going to

9 continue on. I'm sorry.

10 MR. BRADSHAW: Well, Your Honor, they failed

11 to prove when a default occurred. They've also

12 failed to prove the amounts due and owing. As the

13 witness testified, Paragraph 2 -- I'm sorry, not

14 paragraph, Exhibit 2, did not show whether or not

15 any payments had been made.

16 THE COURT: Okay. And are you complete?

17 Have you completed your argument?

18 MR. BRADSHAW: Yes, Your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Ma'am, you may respond.

20 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor.

21 The witness testified as the amount due and

22 that the loan is in default. Specifically when the

23 loan went into default is not something that's

24 required, but that it's in default and how much

25 it's in default. He did testify to those amounts.

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1 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, the event of

2 default is a necessary element to the action. So

3 just going into default at some time isn't specific

4 enough. It requires an event of default in order

5 for them to have a foreclosure action, Your Honor.

6 THE COURT: I see. Do you have the items in

7 evidence, or did you give them back to me?

8 THE WITNESS: I gave them back to you, sir.

9 THE COURT: Would you repeat your arguments

10 again, please.


12 THE COURT: Make your arguments again,

13 please.

14 MR. BRADSHAW: Yes, Your Honor.

15 In order to win a foreclosure action, the

16 plaintiff has to prove an event of default with

17 specificity. And the reason being, Your Honor

18 is -- and I don't have it with me today, but there

19 was a Supreme Court case in 2004 where a

20 foreclosure action was brought based upon a

21 specific event of default and failure to make a

22 payment, because the plaintiff wasn't able to prove

23 their case concerning that particular event of

24 default, and the defendant prevailed.

25 When the defendant failed to make the next

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1 payment, they brought another action based on a new

2 event of default. There was conflict between the

3 districts, and the Supreme Court came back and

4 said, Each failure to make each payment is the

5 free-house case, meaning that's a fallacy.

6 Meaning, if they don't prevail today, my client

7 doesn't make the next payment, then they can file

8 another foreclosure action. The Supreme Court has

9 ruled that each payment is a new event of default.

10 That's one of their prerequisites, Your Honor,

11 that's part of Form 1.944 forms of Florida rules of

12 procedure as well. It's one of their requirements.

13 THE COURT: Ma'am, do you want to respond?

14 MS. SIMPSON: I rest on the witness

15 testimony, Your Honor, that the loan was in default

16 and the letter went out indicating what would be

17 required to cure the default and the default was

18 not cured. I'm not aware of any case -- and

19 counsel has not cited a case -- that says that

20 there's a specific default date required to be

21 proven.

22 MR. BRADSHAW: Just so the record's clear,

23 the witness never testified about any letter going

24 out. The witness testified that that letter was

25 found in the records that were transferred by

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1 Litton. Just so we're clear, as far as the notice

2 defense -- and I haven't gotten to my affirmative

3 defenses yet. Once again, we're here on my motion

4 for a verdict on this. There's been no testimony

5 concerning whether or not that letter went out.

6 THE COURT: Okay. Motion for directed

7 verdict is respectfully denied.

8 Do you wish to call any witnesses or

9 cross-examine or call this witness on your case

10 chief?

11 MR. BRADSHAW: I would like to examine

12 Mr. Barnes, Your Honor.

13 THE COURT: So he's considered your witness

14 right now.

15 MR. BRADSHAW: Yes, Your Honor; and a hostile

16 witness at that, Your Honor.

17 THE COURT: That's fine.

18 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, would it be

19 possible to take a quick break?

20 THE COURT: Sure, sure. Let's take five

21 minutes.

22 (Whereupon a short break was taken at 10:18

23 a.m. and resumed at 10:21 a.m.)

24 MR. BRADSHAW: Mr. Barnes is still under

25 oath, Your Honor?

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4 Q. Mr. Barnes, when did Green Tree take over

5 servicing of this loan? And I apologize if I asked

6 that question before, because I didn't write that date

7 down.

8 A. (Perused documents.)

9 Q. Would that information be contained in

10 Exhibit 2 of the records?

11 A. I would have to look at Exhibit 2 to see if

12 it's contained in there.

13 MS. SIMPSON: Can the witness take another

14 look at Exhibit 2?

15 MR. BRADSHAW: By all means.

16 THE COURT: Sure.

17 A. (Perused documents.) It should be -- it's

18 listed in the payment history report as being 5/8/2008

19 as when the conversion was established.


21 Q. 5/8/2008; is that correct?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And on page -- just for my own edification,

24 on Page 4 of Exhibit 2, where the date says 5/8/2008,

25 it says, Conversion loan established, is that the

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1 record you're referring to?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. On the right-hand side of that page at the

4 top, what does it say right there?

5 A. I'm not sure exactly where you're referring

6 to.

7 Q. These records appear to be in some sort of a

8 line format. The left-hand side, it says, Transaction

9 date, which has 5/8/2008, transaction code, total

10 principal due, insurance.

11 Do you see what I'm getting at here?

12 A. Right.

13 Q. On the far right-hand side, what does that

14 say?

15 A. Back date.

16 Q. Where you were testifying that Green Tree

17 took over servicing on 5/8/2008, it said to back date

18 that to 8/10/2004; is that correct?

19 A. That's what it says.

20 Q. What does that mean?

21 A. I'm not familiar with that term.

22 Q. Okay. Earlier, you testified with these

23 disbursement amounts for your escrow here, where it

24 says -- for instance, on that same page 11/10/2008, you

25 describe the disbursements amounts as No. 210. It

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1 shows a transaction amount and a total, and it shows

2 that same amount under escrow, but it doesn't show it

3 as being for insurance; is that correct?

4 A. Correct.

5 Q. As a matter of fact, none of these

6 disbursements for escrow show them as under the

7 category of insurance, do they?

8 A. Correct.

9 Q. And there is no category for taxes; is that

10 correct?

11 A. Well, the escrow identifies as taxes and

12 insurance.

13 Q. The escrow does?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. What escrow would that be? Looking here it

16 just says, 210 disbursement, escrow only. And then

17 under, Categories, it has total, principal, insurance,

18 interest, escrow, late charges, back date.

19 Where is the word taxes anywhere in these

20 records?

21 A. (Perused documents.) It doesn't.

22 Q. And just so I'm clear, Mr. Barnes, you

23 started working for Green Tree approximately three

24 years ago; is that correct?

25 A. Correct.

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1 Q. So you were not working for Green Tree on

2 5/8/2008; is that correct?

3 A. Correct.

4 Q. And I believe you already testified you did

5 not, at any time, work for either Litton or SunTrust;

6 is that correct?

7 A. That's correct.

8 MR. BRADSHAW: And I don't know what I did

9 with Exhibit 3. I know you handed it to me,

10 counselor. Excuse me, Your Honor, I've got a big

11 mess going.

12 MS. SIMPSON: You want to use this one?

13 MR. BRADSHAW: Yes, thank you.

14 Your Honor, would it be possible for the

15 witness to see Exhibit 3 again?


17 Q. I believe you testified that it was -- that

18 this was found in the records of Litton Loan Servicing;

19 is that correct?

20 A. (Perused documents.) Yes.

21 Q. I believe you testified that the date on the

22 letter was 6/9/2008; is that correct?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Perhaps I don't understand, but you testified

25 earlier that the servicing of this loan was transferred

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1 to Green Tree on 5/8/2008; is that correct?

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. So the time this notice of default letter was

4 created, if the date is correct, Litton Loan Servicing

5 was no longer servicing that loan; is that correct?

6 A. If the date was correct.

7 Q. Okay. Do you have any knowledge as to what

8 Green Tree's policies and procedures are for mailing?

9 A. Of?

10 Q. Letters, correspondence, anything.

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. Okay. Could you please explain those to us.

13 MS. SIMPSON: Objection, Your Honor.

14 Question is vague. Policies for mailing?

15 MR. BRADSHAW: Well, Your Honor, I believe

16 that the witness testified that he's familiar with

17 the documents, how they were created, and how they

18 were used. If that document was a letter, then

19 whether or not it was mailed or how it went about

20 getting into the mail, I think, is certainly

21 relevant.

22 MS. SIMPSON: Objection. Relevance. There's

23 no indication that this letter was sent by Green

24 Tree, and he's asking about Green Tree's policies

25 and procedures for mailing this letter.

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1 MR. BRADSHAW: Well, I'm beginning there,

2 Your Honor, because he already testified he didn't

3 work for Litton. I'm just seeing if we can work

4 back from that.

5 THE COURT: Overruled. Answer the question

6 if you can, sir.

7 A. Standard industry practice, when it comes to

8 mailing a letter like this, is we'll send multiple

9 copies. We'll send one via first class mail, and then

10 we send a second via certified mail.


12 Q. Okay. Where would that letter be generated?

13 A. Whichever office was currently assigned that

14 loan.

15 Q. Okay. And as of 5/8/2008, what office would

16 that have been?

17 A. I cannot tell that.

18 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, I would once again

19 renew my objection to the letter, Exhibit 3. The

20 witness has testified now that Litton Loan

21 Servicing was not the servicer; therefore, I think

22 it's highly suspect that this letter should be

23 contained in their records if they were not the

24 servicer on the date that this letter was

25 purportedly to have been produced.

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1 THE COURT: Ma'am, any response?

2 MS. SIMPSON: Yes, Your Honor.

3 The witness has not testified that the letter

4 was sent out or that Litton Loan Servicing wasn't

5 servicing the loan at the time the letter was sent

6 out. The witness testified that, if the date on

7 Exhibit 2 accurately reflects the date that Green

8 Tree began servicing then... So that's a lot of if

9 and then. He hasn't definitively testified one way

10 or the other and, in fact, he couldn't; other than

11 the business records, which he has testified to.

12 Secondly, Your Honor, if I could ask a couple

13 of questions, I could clear up easily how it is

14 that the letter could have gone out on Litton's

15 stationary at the time that Green Tree was taking

16 over servicing of the loan.

17 MR. BRADSHAW: No offense, Your Honor, but

18 I'm --

19 THE COURT: Our time is up. We got started a

20 half hour late, and therefore I have other hearings

21 scheduled at 10:30. I suggest that you both go up

22 to my office and meet with my judicial assistant

23 and set a date for this trial to be continued.

24 Until then, I'll see you all.

25 MR. BRADSHAW: Thank you, Your Honor.

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1 THE COURT: Thank you.

2 Ma'am, I would suggest that these issues that

3 Mr. Bradshaw's brought up -- one of them being

4 whether or not the records custodian was qualified

5 concerning business records and the person that he

6 is and was, however, is an issue that you might be

7 prepared to argue again, in addition to when this

8 notice of default was entered. It would seem to me

9 that, if he says, as he testified, that there's a

10 certified copy somewhere, or a certified letter,

11 that would prove the date it was sent.

12 MS. SIMPSON: Exhibit 2, Your Honor. It

13 shows the certified numbers on there, and the

14 numbers on the envelope match. The certified

15 registration numbers on the copy of the envelope

16 match the certified registration numbers on the

17 letter.

18 THE COURT: And the return receipt?

19 MS. SIMPSON: There was no return receipt.

20 MR. BRADSHAW: Your Honor, just so we're

21 clear, the witness never testified this was mailed.

22 The witness has only testified it was found within

23 the records when they were transferred to Green

24 Tree at some time after 5/8/2008.

25 THE COURT: And also, as far as the qualified

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1 witness, it's still my opinion as any witness who

2 has knowledge of the business methods by which a

3 particular record was entered and recorded,

4 traditionally, the witness laying the foundation

5 must not have personal knowledge of the facts in

6 the record, but must have knowledge of the

7 recordkeeping system; and that's why I've ruled in

8 the manner that I have.

9 You might want to take a look at these cases,

10 though, ma'am, that he provided. And you'll be

11 upstairs in just a few minutes. Thank you.

12 MR. BRADSHAW: Thank you, Your Honor.

13 (Whereupon the proceedings were concluded at

14 10:36 a.m.)












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1 C E R T I F I C A T E



4 I, Jennifer Little, Court Reporter and Notary

5 Public, hereby certify that I was authorized to and did

6 stenographically report the foregoing proceedings in

7 the above-styled cause before the HONORABLE MARK J.

8 HILL; and that the transcript, pages 4 through 74, is a

9 true record of the foregoing proceedings.

10 I further certify that I am not a relative,

11 employee, attorney, or counsel of any of the parties,

12 nor am I a relative or employee of any of the parties'

13 attorneys or counsel connected with the action, nor am

14 I financially interested in the action.

15 Dated this ____ day of March, 2012.











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< $ >$307   60:17$57,171.23.   45:12  46:4

< . >.   47:16

< 0 >08-CA-3581   1:3

< 1 >1   1:9   3:5   9:17  12:2   13:18, 19  25:11   46:5, 8, 201.   10:21   13:8  46:231.944   64:1110   67:18, 2410:18   65:2210:21   65:2310:30   72:2110:36   1:18   74:14100   49:101038   2:8108   2:811   67:2413   3:514th   50:2115   52:10, 171684   1:24

< 2 >2   1:9   3:15   27:22,24   43:5, 11   45:22  46:8, 21   47:4  48:11, 15   57:12  58:15   59:7, 25  60:3, 11, 14   62:13,14   66:10, 11, 14, 24  72:7   73:122.   27:10   47:222004   63:19   67:182008   52:17   66:18,21   67:9, 17, 24  69:2, 22   70:1   71:152008,   50:21   66:24

2008.   31:5   38:2  73:242009   50:182009.   10:6, 132012   1:172012.   75:15210   59:13, 20  67:25   68:162691   2:327   3:15   10:8   13:1727.   10:10, 17   11:22973   60:10

< 3 >3   3:15   8:25   9:1  39:14   69:9, 15  71:193.   38:2430   38:1132779   1:2033306   2:434475   2:934478   1:25352   1:25   2:939   3:15

< 4 >4   25:11   66:24   75:84.   52:15, 1740   17:4401-0080   1:2545   17:10484-1145   2:9

< 5 >5   50:18   66:18, 21,24   67:9, 17   69:2  70:1   71:15   73:2450   17:4550   1:19564-0071   2:45th   10:6, 13

< 6 >6   52:18   69:226.75   46:13

< 7 >7   1:17

74   75:8

< 8 >8   66:18, 21, 24  67:9, 17, 18   69:2  70:1   71:15   73:248:56   1:18

< 9 >9   69:229.956.   44:249:43   40:1690.8036   22:6   31:1590.8036.   22:1490.956   42:594   15:21954   2:498.   15:219th   31:5   38:2

< A >A   1:8, 8, 10   2:1, 1,1   4:11, 22   5:2, 5, 7,7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 19, 22,23   6:1, 4, 6, 10, 12,17   7:12, 14, 18, 22  8:1, 3, 4, 11, 18, 22,24   9:2, 7, 9, 11, 12,15, 19   10:6   11:8  12:7, 9, 18, 22, 25  14:1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10,10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25  15:6, 9, 11, 16, 18,24   16:2, 3, 7, 11, 15,18, 21, 25   17:2, 4, 7,7, 9, 12, 24   18:3, 8,11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21,22, 23, 24   19:1, 7,10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 24  20:4, 4, 11, 15, 19,25   21:5, 10, 12, 13,15, 20, 20, 22   22:1,9, 18, 18, 23   23:4,13   24:22, 24   25:17,20, 24   26:2, 5, 8, 12,16   27:2   28:5, 7, 11,13   29:2, 5, 8, 11, 13,24   30:3, 6, 14, 24,24   31:1, 3, 5, 10  32:6, 6, 6, 18, 18, 21 

 33:2, 5, 25   34:5, 11,23   35:18, 19, 21  36:3, 13, 13, 15, 19,20, 20   37:9, 16, 18,19   38:2, 6, 9, 10, 12,13, 15, 18, 21   39:17,20, 24   40:3, 8, 10,21   41:13   42:1, 6, 6,7, 13, 16, 17, 20  43:22   44:12, 22  45:9, 12, 21, 25  46:4, 10, 13, 22, 25  47:7, 7, 16, 17, 17,21   48:4, 14, 17  49:9, 13, 19   50:16,23   51:1, 4, 14, 17,20, 22   52:2, 2, 4, 8,20, 23, 23   53:4, 5,18   54:9   55:8, 20,20, 21, 21, 22, 24, 25,25   56:11, 14, 15  57:13, 15   58:7, 13,18, 22   59:2, 6, 10,12, 18, 24   60:2, 5, 8,10, 14, 22, 25   61:15,16, 18, 21, 23   62:5,11   63:2, 5, 15, 19,19, 20, 21   64:1, 5, 9,19, 20   65:4, 15, 19,22   66:8, 11, 17, 22  67:2, 5, 7, 12, 15, 19,21   68:1, 1, 4, 5, 8,11, 14, 21, 25   69:3,7, 10, 20, 23   70:2, 6,9, 11, 18   71:7, 8, 10,13, 17   72:8, 12, 19,23   73:9, 10   74:2, 9,11   75:1, 8, 10, 12a.m   1:18   65:23a.m.   1:18   40:16  65:23   74:14able   12:20   21:8, 13,15   22:7, 10   23:16  24:12   46:8   47:4  48:14   49:3   63:22about   6:13   7:24  8:2, 4, 7   12:21, 25  17:14   23:11   28:10  31:14, 15   32:15  34:5   35:4, 9, 10 

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 37:3   41:21   43:23  44:18   51:12   60:20  64:23   70:19, 24above-styled   75:7accelerate.   28:8access   19:20  20:20, 23   21:1, 6, 8  23:14   24:12accesses   7:4according   34:10account   7:4   21:22  34:14account.   19:20accounts   20:20, 24accounts.   21:1accurate   49:10accurately   14:14  72:7acting   52:12, 20  55:1ACTION   1:11  38:14   39:19   52:23  63:2, 5, 15, 20   64:1,8   75:13action.   55:4   75:14actions   23:22, 23actively   5:14   6:20activity   18:22actual   19:17   34:15  49:11   50:25   51:8actually   37:10  53:19add   47:8   49:3add.   11:19addition   73:7additional   34:20  43:14address   7:18   28:11addressed   34:21addressing   54:16adjustments,   49:9admissible   35:6admit   10:20   13:7  14:24   27:8   38:23  56:15, 25   57:6admitted   13:20  27:18, 25   31:17, 19  39:15   45:18   46:3admitted.   56:23

advanced   47:5advise   38:13af   30:16affiant   36:23affirmative   41:18  54:23   56:7   65:2after   54:6, 8again   18:19   71:18again,   63:12AGAINST   1:10agent   5:23ago   48:4   68:24agreed   39:22   40:1  61:13ahead   12:1   29:19  39:1ahead.   6:15   40:18all   24:4   39:9   43:5  48:19all.   72:24allege   51:7   54:14,14allow   29:18allowed   14:25  28:18   58:1also   62:11alternative.   51:13am   75:13am.   5:16, 19amended   50:8, 8,11, 19amount   7:21   8:15,16   40:23   43:11  60:17   62:21   68:1, 2amount.   58:23amounts   18:25  26:6, 7   27:1   41:2,11, 21   43:15, 25  44:2, 5   45:7   57:18  58:16, 17   59:3, 4, 4,8   60:12   61:3, 5  62:12   67:23, 25amounts.   62:25an   7:4   16:8   18:3  27:11   41:1, 13  43:6   44:15   54:23  56:5, 6   58:23   63:4,16   73:6AND   1:2, 9   4:6, 11,14, 23   5:23, 24   6:6 

 7:24   9:3, 13, 17  10:5, 9, 20, 20   11:1  12:1, 4, 7, 10, 15, 16  13:3, 14, 17, 23  14:14   15:13, 17, 18,19, 20, 25   16:3, 4,22   17:10, 12, 16, 17,20   18:13, 17, 18, 20  19:2, 8, 11, 15   20:4,13, 20, 23   21:2, 6, 8,8, 14, 18   23:9, 22,23   24:2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8  25:18   26:7, 13, 18  27:8, 17, 18   28:7,12, 16   29:14, 18  30:8, 15   31:24  32:3   33:6   34:13  35:2, 10, 15   36:6,12, 23   37:17   39:12,21, 25   40:2   41:2, 3,5, 10, 11, 19   42:8  43:1, 24, 24   44:2,22   46:8, 11   48:5,18   49:16   50:2, 10,15, 16, 24   51:11, 17  52:3, 5, 12, 18, 20,22   53:1, 10, 14  54:20, 21, 23   55:1,3   56:1, 2, 6, 19, 20,20, 22   58:2, 3, 17,20   59:1, 6, 8, 22  61:11, 12, 13   62:12,16, 21, 24   63:17, 18,21, 24   64:3, 3, 16,17, 18   65:2, 15, 23  66:5, 23   68:1, 1, 9,11, 16, 22   69:4, 8  70:8, 17, 24, 25  71:9, 15   72:9, 10,20, 22, 23   73:5, 6,13, 18, 25   74:3, 7,10   75:4, 5, 8another   28:2   30:10  66:13another.   33:8Answer   17:23  30:23   41:18   71:5answered.   17:20any   7:24   31:7 

 33:10   34:7   40:22anybody   55:8anything   16:6anything.   70:10Anytime   7:3anyway   49:16anywhere   20:22apologize   66:5apologize.   57:15  61:1appear   12:10, 16  29:22   30:17   42:19  67:7appear.   60:4appeared   13:3appears   33:25  53:20   59:14apples   48:1apples.   48:2approach   7:7  36:14   42:2Approximately   17:7,10   68:23are   6:9   11:1  19:24   20:20   24:2  26:6   30:19   34:6  45:8   56:21   57:18  59:5are.   48:4argue   53:4, 5   73:7arguing   43:10arguing.   43:8argument   43:10  52:24   62:17arguments   63:9, 12as   9:16   10:20  13:4, 16   19:2  22:13   27:9   31:21  32:18, 25   53:10  54:17   66:19   68:3ascertain   34:8ask   34:4   43:13asked   8:4   13:2  17:20   18:14   34:3  43:16, 22, 25   48:24  57:10   58:5   66:5asking   45:1   47:24  48:6   49:2   57:21  58:7   70:24

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assessed   60:5assigned   71:13assistant   72:22Associates   15:19at   11:8   14:16  42:13   74:13at.   61:5attach   51:9attached   10:15  11:5, 17, 18   51:3attached.   12:4attention   8:25   9:9  10:4Attorney   4:3   39:23  53:25   54:1   61:13  75:11attorney.   54:3attorneys   75:13August   18:18AULLS   1:8, 8   2:13  4:8authenticity   13:5authority   52:12  55:2, 4, 8, 11authorized   75:5available   42:10, 24  48:18Avenue   2:8aware   14:5   29:8  64:18

< B >Back   34:3, 17  37:24   45:23   46:5  57:20   63:7, 8   64:3  67:15, 17   68:18  71:4back.   33:22bad   49:19BAILIFF   4:11balance   45:10, 20Bank   16:1   36:17,20, 21BARNES   3:2   4:9  5:1   7:11   13:22  15:6, 22, 25   16:16  18:13   22:3   23:12,16   25:16   28:2  37:25   39:17   45:7 

 47:15   58:12   65:12,24   66:4   68:22BARNES,   4:21Barnes.   4:18based   26:18   29:22  33:11   52:6   59:14  63:20   64:1basis   8:11be   6:17   18:9  33:25   35:5, 19  56:8   59:19   64:16,20   65:18   71:22  73:6   74:10bearer   55:12become   15:1been   10:5   18:13  46:2   48:25before   50:16before.   18:15began   72:8beginning   53:17  56:6   71:1behalf   2:6, 11   4:4  18:14   52:12   55:1,19   57:21being   73:3believe   6:18   16:3  32:14   33:11   37:8,10   41:25   45:23  54:16   69:4, 17, 21  70:15belong   31:22better   54:9Bifulco   44:12big   69:10billing   53:20bit   32:18   48:14  56:14blank   9:11   55:15,16   56:1blank.   55:10boarded   30:9book   61:1borrower   8:19, 20  26:3   27:1   38:4, 7,10, 13, 16both   20:15Boulevard   2:3Box   1:24

BRADSHAW   2:6, 8  6:11   7:23   8:9  9:19, 22   10:11, 14,22   11:3, 11, 15  12:13, 19   13:11, 15  14:22   17:21   22:2  23:3   24:17, 24  25:5, 11, 13   26:17  27:3, 6, 11, 16  28:14   29:15   30:20  31:13   32:11   33:14  34:23   35:14   36:11,16   37:14   39:2, 9,12   40:7, 17, 19  41:20, 24   42:5  43:1, 3   44:9   45:13  46:14, 17   47:1, 11,17, 23   48:5, 23  49:17, 20   50:1, 4,13, 23   52:1, 14, 18  53:8, 24   54:6, 21  55:7, 13, 18   56:13  57:3, 10, 14   58:5  60:20, 24   62:4, 10,18   63:1, 11, 14  64:22   65:11, 15, 18,24   66:15   69:8, 13  70:15   71:1, 18  72:17, 25   73:20  74:12Bradshaw.15   3:3Bradshaw.66   3:5BRADSHAW:   15:5  17:25   66:3, 20  69:16   71:11Bradshaw's   43:9  73:3break   58:20   65:19,22bring   51:21   54:21brought   9:20  34:12   35:4   51:5  63:20   64:1   73:3burden   40:10   41:5business   6:9, 19,23   8:3, 17   14:2, 3,6, 23, 24   22:5   23:1,15   24:4, 14, 16  25:22   35:7   36:5, 6  37:1, 4, 12   39:5 

 42:2, 6, 7   44:14, 15,16   45:17   56:18, 20  72:11   73:5   74:2but   4:14   44:1  49:15   72:17BY   4:25   7:10   8:14  12:6   13:21   15:5,25   17:25   20:3  25:15   26:24   28:1,24   29:20   30:22  32:23   34:2   36:2  37:23   39:16   42:22  45:6, 16   46:1, 7, 19  47:3, 13   49:6  58:11   61:10   64:25  66:20   69:16   71:11

< C >CAB   1:24calculate   47:10  48:21, 24   58:4calculator   47:7, 17  58:7call   4:8   65:8, 9can   51:20capacity   54:17CASE   1:3   4:7   5:3  8:20   36:13, 14, 16,18   39:23   40:2  42:12   44:21   45:2,8, 11   51:8   55:5  57:3, 23   58:2  63:19, 23   64:5, 18,19   65:9case.   35:21cases   44:12   59:14cases,   74:9catch   12:14Categories   68:17category   68:7, 9cause   52:23   75:7certain   20:25  37:17   58:4certainly   22:13  43:13   44:4   48:8  56:9   70:20certainty,   22:7Certificate   3:5  11:18

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certified   53:15  71:10   73:10, 10, 13,14, 16certify   75:5, 10challenge   50:24change   22:12charge   7:1charges   60:1, 4  68:18charges.   60:6chief   65:10CIRCUIT   1:1CIRCUIT,   1:1citations   57:4cited   64:19Citizens   36:17civil   32:6claim   55:21CLAIMING   1:9, 11clarified.   15:2clarify   21:7Clarifying   17:21class   71:9clean   28:19   32:22clear   39:2   43:3  44:8, 11   48:23  65:1   68:22   72:13  73:21clear,   64:22clearly   53:8clerks   21:22client   64:6closer   9:10code   67:9collection   34:14come   6:25   31:7  33:10   50:24comes   19:4   48:9  71:7coming   48:11companies   29:5  36:12company   5:9, 20,23   7:3   9:6, 13  13:24   14:3, 7, 25  16:14   20:1, 5   21:8,11   22:12   28:25  29:3, 8   33:7   35:10  36:1, 9   39:18, 22

company,   35:12  39:25company.   19:25  24:6   31:14company's   8:16  13:22   35:10, 11compare   9:24  49:11compared   41:15, 19comparing   48:1compilation   42:1, 7,16, 17, 20   44:23compiled   14:2, 7  42:10complaint   11:17  50:8, 8, 11   51:5, 13,15, 18   52:2, 14, 15,16, 19, 22complaint,   52:10complaint.   50:19  51:3, 10, 12   54:15complete   37:1  62:16completed   62:17Composite   13:17  48:16, 17   53:22, 24  57:12, 15composite.   57:13computer   20:20concerning   14:11  21:16   22:3   39:10  44:16   63:23   65:5  73:5conclude   59:4concluded   74:13conducted   34:8confirm   32:5confirming   35:17conflict   64:2confusion   53:12  56:3, 3connected   75:13considered   65:13contact   6:25   17:14contacting   17:13, 18contained   7:25  36:25   37:12   43:25  57:19   66:9, 12  71:23contains   43:5

cont'd   3:4, 4   25:14  45:5continue   11:22  24:17, 20   28:19  62:9continued.   72:23continuing   53:4contradictory   53:13control   5:24control.   37:2conveniently   56:1conversion   66:19,25copies   71:9copies.   42:24copy   7:16   11:8, 16  13:11   36:15   42:23  44:13   47:21   51:1,2, 14, 20, 22   52:2, 4  55:24   60:22, 25  73:10, 15copying   42:11, 24corporation   20:21  22:18   37:9correct   5:4   7:20  15:8   16:4, 24   19:6,9, 13   20:3   37:2  39:5   45:8   66:21  67:18   68:3, 10, 24  69:2, 6, 19, 22   70:1,4, 5Correct.   16:7, 25  17:9   18:12   19:10,14   59:24   68:4, 8,25   69:3, 7   70:2, 6correspondence  70:10costs   40:2   54:1  61:14, 16, 19, 22counsel   6:3, 12  21:24   24:22   26:10  32:15   36:15   40:25  41:1, 25   42:23  47:9, 18   48:18  49:15, 21, 24   50:3,4   51:8, 16   54:11  58:2   60:16   64:19  75:11, 13counsel.   21:23counselor   69:10

counsel's   38:25  53:20counting   48:10country   24:9COUNTY   1:2, 19  75:3couple   34:5   39:17  72:12course   22:25   36:5  48:3   56:20COURT   1:1, 21   4:2,5, 13, 17, 19   6:15,22   7:1, 6, 9   8:6  9:5, 18   10:1, 5, 7, 9,13, 16, 24   11:6, 13,14, 15, 21, 23   12:4,21   13:6, 9, 13, 16  15:3   17:23   22:15  23:18   24:19   25:4  26:11, 15, 20, 23  27:4, 11, 14, 17, 23  28:20, 22   29:17  30:21   33:18, 19, 21,23   35:9, 22   36:15,18, 21   37:8, 22  38:13, 25   39:7, 11  40:6, 12, 18   41:7,21   42:4, 13, 25  43:2, 8, 22   44:7, 11,25   45:4, 14, 24  46:16   47:2   48:12,13   49:19   50:11, 20  51:22   52:7, 15  53:9, 14   54:9, 13,25   55:10, 14, 23  56:2, 8   57:1, 5, 8  58:1, 9   60:19   61:6,8   62:1, 3, 8, 16, 19  63:6, 9, 12, 19   64:3,8, 13   65:6, 13, 17,20   66:1, 16   71:5  72:1, 19   73:1, 18,25   75:4Courthouse   1:19Court's   10:3   61:19covered   43:15covering   18:9, 10created   20:10  22:11   37:6, 16, 16 

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 70:4, 17creating   23:5Credit   15:20criminal   32:7criteria   35:5criteria.   36:10cross-examine   65:9cure   38:8, 11, 14,16   64:17cured   38:20   64:18current   17:13currently   15:11  71:13custodian   6:13, 17  22:18   23:13, 14  37:10, 13, 20   73:4custodian,   22:15custodians   35:23customer   28:11customers,   17:18

< D >data   14:10, 14, 16,20   19:12, 16   20:13,18   21:8, 9, 14, 19  42:9, 17   43:6DATE   1:17   31:1, 4,9, 11   37:25   40:20  64:20   66:6, 24  67:9, 17   69:21  70:4, 6   71:24   72:6,7, 23   73:11date.   10:12   67:15  68:18dated   50:17   75:15day   75:15days   38:11day-to-day   34:15decided   53:5default   26:4   28:7  38:4, 5, 8, 14, 17, 20,20   40:22   41:12  62:7, 11, 22, 23, 24,25   63:2, 3, 4, 16, 21,24   64:2, 15, 17, 17,20   70:3   73:8default.   38:21  40:20   64:9

DEFENDANT   1:10  2:11   43:7   57:22  62:6   63:24, 25defendant.   41:6Defendants.   1:13defense   40:9  54:24   56:7   65:2defenses   65:3deficient   51:12definitely   41:1definitively   72:9degree   22:7deliver   6:2demand   32:10denied   52:6denied.   65:7depending   20:25describe   67:25DESCRIBED,   1:12designated   52:13  55:3detail   32:17determined.   53:7Diaz   2:3   39:19, 22  40:1   61:12did   33:13   41:12  69:4, 8   75:5didn't   28:15   71:2difference.   52:9different   18:21  29:5   32:4, 25   33:2,4   34:13   36:9  40:11   42:20diligence   33:7Dire   3:3   15:1, 4dire,   24:17Direct   3:3, 4, 4, 5  4:24   8:25   9:9  10:3   25:14   36:18  45:5   57:11   66:2directed   40:8   65:6directing   54:11disbursement  59:13, 20   67:23  68:16disbursements  67:25   68:6discuss   58:22

dismiss   50:1, 17,20   52:3, 6   54:23  55:23display   60:14districts   64:3do   20:14   48:16  49:3do.   28:5   59:11docket   10:4document   7:11, 13,19   10:8, 10, 15, 17  13:2   22:25   23:1, 5  25:16, 18   27:9  28:4, 6   29:14, 21  37:24   38:1, 3  41:25   43:10   46:2  53:18   54:18   58:19  70:18document.   12:25  28:3documentate   6:24documentation   6:6,8, 14   18:4, 6, 25  26:18   32:4   58:3documentation,  18:5documentations  7:2   19:5documenting   7:5documents   19:1, 9,13, 21, 23   20:1, 2, 4,5, 7, 9   22:4   28:13  34:18   36:4   38:23  39:4   40:24, 25  42:22   43:20   70:17documents,   10:16documents.   7:12  8:18, 24   11:10  12:9   19:24   25:5,17   28:5   29:24  31:3   38:2   45:9, 25  46:10, 22   47:7, 16  58:18   59:12   60:2  66:8, 17   68:21  69:20does   18:6   29:22does.   8:22   12:18  26:8   38:6, 9, 12, 15,18

doesn't.   68:21doing   58:2DONALD   2:6, 8done   34:9don't   37:9   54:13double   44:19down.   66:7drive-by   53:25due   26:7   33:6  40:23   41:2, 16  44:2   62:12, 21  67:10duly   4:22duplicates   42:9duties   16:5   17:11,21   18:2duties.   18:[email protected]   2:10

< E >E   75:1earlier   16:4   34:3  47:23   50:1   57:17  67:22   69:25easiest   12:3easily   72:13East   2:3edification,   66:23either   11:19   69:5element   63:2employed   15:17, 18,19, 22, 25employee   20:23  21:18, 20   75:11, 12employees   20:25  21:25employee's   21:5employer   5:1employment   16:23  21:4employs   22:19endorsed   9:13  55:10, 15, 15, 25endorsement   8:23  9:3endorsement.   9:10enforce   5:24   56:12entail   17:11   18:2

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entered   13:12  20:21   23:8   41:6  73:8   74:3entire   19:4entities   33:4, 6entities.   33:2, 17entitled   5:24entity   37:4entity.   8:3entries   47:8, 12, 14  48:25   57:18   59:15,18entry   43:6   48:21envelope   73:14, 15ERNEST   1:8, 8  2:13   4:8escrow   49:9   58:23  59:13, 20, 22   67:23  68:2, 6, 11, 13, 15,16, 18escrow,   58:25escrowed   58:17  59:4, 8Esquire   2:1, 6essence   44:19established   6:12  66:25established.   66:19event   63:1, 4, 16,21, 23   64:2, 9every   24:7, 11evidence   10:25  11:24   13:8   27:18,21   32:8, 9   42:16  43:11, 20   44:11, 18  45:18   46:3   48:25  55:7   57:23   63:7evidence.   9:17  13:14, 18, 20   27:25  39:15evidentiary   43:20exact   44:1exactly   20:17  24:11   58:22   61:3  67:5Examination   3:3, 3,4, 4, 5   4:24   25:14  42:10   45:5   66:2examine   30:15 

 65:11examined   4:23example   30:11exception   14:24  22:6   24:4   31:18  35:6, 7, 15   37:7, 7  41:1   44:13, 14, 15  56:18exception.   24:16exceptions   22:14Excuse   10:22  69:10Exhibit   12:2   13:17,19   27:24   38:24  39:14   43:5   45:22  46:5, 8, 8, 20, 22  47:4, 22   48:8, 11,15, 16, 17   49:7  58:15   59:7, 25  60:3, 11   62:14  66:10, 11, 14, 24  69:9, 15   71:19  72:7   73:12EXHIBITS   3:5expected   33:25expedite   10:19expenses   40:2explain   70:12explains   43:11

< F >facially   51:12fact   33:5   34:25  55:9   56:21   68:5  72:10fact,   55:20, 23facts   74:5failed   36:20   37:6  42:11   62:6, 10, 12  63:25fails   52:22failure   63:21   64:4fallacy.   64:5familiar   5:17   19:2  21:5   23:9, 10   24:1,4   30:9, 12   32:13,24   33:1, 2, 3, 15, 16  34:4, 6   36:8, 11  44:5   67:21   70:16

familiarity   23:24  24:14   30:18   32:16Fannie   49:17   54:8,14far   12:24   21:24  32:18   41:2   58:3  65:1   67:13   73:25Farm   44:12faster.   48:14favor   62:5FDIC   36:20, 22feat   58:8February   1:17fee   60:5, 10   61:20feel   40:9   52:22feels   40:9fees   39:23   54:1, 1  61:13felt   41:4field   5:7, 8   12:22  15:7, 14   16:3  17:16, 17   18:7, 11  21:13   23:4FIFTH   1:1figure   49:4file   9:23   10:5, 9  11:13   64:7file.   10:23filed   10:11   38:14  50:21   51:5   52:2  55:19, 21filing   10:8, 15, 16  11:2, 4, 19   61:19final   26:9, 14  43:24   44:1finally   10:23Finance   15:20financially   75:14fine.   39:11   48:12  65:17finished   40:12, 13  57:2firm   39:18   61:12first   4:8, 22   40:19  42:15   54:6   56:16  71:9first.   24:23five   17:7   18:1  65:20

FLORIDA   1:2, 20,25   2:4, 9   64:11  75:2Florida.   16:12folks   19:15follow   30:25follows:   4:23for   7:4   11:9   17:14  20:8   32:2   48:7  58:20   59:3, 21  60:14foreclosed   17:13foreclosing   54:17,20foreclosure   63:5,15, 20   64:8foregoing   75:6, 9form   44:22   64:11format   67:8formation   22:21  35:25forms   32:9   64:11Fort   2:4forward   55:12forward.   55:17forwarded   30:6, 7  32:14   34:4, 7found   39:4   64:25  69:18   73:22found.   34:1Foundation   6:14,18   7:24   8:2   12:20  26:19   28:15   45:14  46:14   74:4foundation.   27:3  30:20   45:13four   33:5   36:8, 11  54:7   57:14FPR   1:21frankly.   39:8fraud   53:9free-house   64:5from   6:7   19:5  24:24   33:12   34:11  36:19, 21   44:11  47:8   52:16from.   48:11front   31:2   34:18  37:25   58:15   59:25  60:11

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functions   21:1  32:16, 17further   40:4, 14, 15  51:4   61:24   75:10

< G >GARY   3:2   4:9, 18,21gathering   18:3, 5, 6,8generally   30:12generate   17:14generated   19:25  20:2, 5, 8   29:22  31:9, 11   35:14  71:12generated,   20:9get   21:13getting   10:23  28:20   56:14   61:5  67:11   70:20give   38:10   47:21  57:3   60:22   63:7go   4:2   6:15   12:1,11, 16   29:19   32:10  33:13   34:17   38:25  40:18   41:17   44:25  48:19   57:8   58:13  72:21goes   5:18   7:17  28:9   50:23   51:4  57:20going   4:9   17:12,17   18:8   26:15  29:18   34:17   37:24  41:16   44:25   49:15  53:3   58:3, 12   62:8  63:3   64:23going.   69:11gotten   65:2grabbed   25:8great   53:6GREEN   1:5   4:7  5:2, 6, 17, 20   12:23  15:7, 11, 13, 20, 20  16:10   17:3   18:14  20:3, 8, 19, 23  21:25   24:1, 14  25:22   28:25   29:4,10, 11   30:5, 11, 16 

 31:22, 23, 25   33:1  34:7, 9   41:15   50:9  58:16, 24   66:4  67:16   68:23   69:1  70:1, 8, 23, 24   72:7,15   73:23grounds   54:22guaranteed   21:1guess   21:3   40:8  44:25   46:18   51:9  53:19   57:12guess.   6:14

< H >had   41:10, 18half   72:20hand   4:12   7:16  9:5   26:25   29:14,21   45:22   46:5   48:4handed   25:18   28:2  69:9hands   26:1   56:10happen   30:5   42:18happened   11:6happens   54:18happy   53:15has   10:4   23:20  55:16   61:13   64:8has.   27:13HAVE   1:11   20:2  33:9   37:4, 14   47:9  49:10, 20   58:19  60:24have.   7:20   30:3  74:8haven't   48:23He   31:18   32:12  58:9   73:5Headquarters   16:15heard   50:22   51:17hearing   32:6   50:16  51:17hearings   72:20hearsay   14:24  22:6, 14   23:9  31:18   35:6, 7, 15  37:7   41:2   44:13, 14hearsay.   44:19held   15:10, 14here,   44:21   54:11

here.   18:21   25:10  58:14He's   8:6   12:21  22:21   23:3, 25  31:13   58:3Hiatt   2:3   39:19, 22  40:1   61:12hierarchy   21:4highly   71:22HILL   1:16   75:8him   6:16hire   39:18hired   16:22   61:12hiring   34:9his   32:15   36:5history   25:20, 21  27:19   45:19   66:18hold   16:8   56:10holder   50:25   52:8,21   53:10   55:3, 16  56:11holder.   52:13   56:9,12holds   55:11home   5:12, 15, 18  24:1, 15   25:22  29:4, 12   30:16  31:6, 22   33:10   50:9homes   17:13, 19honestly   39:7Honor   6:16   7:8, 23  8:10   9:22   10:3, 12,18, 22   11:3, 13, 16,19   12:13   14:22  22:2   23:3   24:18,25   26:17, 21   28:14,18   31:13, 21   32:11  33:14   35:15, 21  36:12, 14   37:14  38:22   40:5, 7, 19  41:4, 20, 24   42:3,15   43:4, 13   44:9,23   48:6   50:13, 17  51:11, 14   52:1, 11  53:1, 3, 8, 17   54:2,11   55:13, 18   56:13,24   57:4, 20   58:5  60:16   62:4, 10  63:1, 17   64:15  65:15, 18, 25   69:10,

14   70:15   71:2, 18  72:12, 17   73:12, 20Honor,   29:15   64:10Honor.   4:10   6:11  9:21   11:20   12:5,19   13:15   17:22  23:19   27:16, 22  39:10   41:8, 23  42:12   43:17   45:3  46:15   47:20   51:25  54:24   62:18, 20  63:5, 14   65:12, 16  70:13   72:2, 25  74:12HONORABLE   1:13  75:7hope   23:13hostile   65:15hour   72:20hours   17:2, 5, 7, 10  18:1hours.   17:4housekeeping   47:18Housing   15:19how   15:14   30:13  33:3   55:5humor   36:13

< I >I   10:22   11:3   12:13  23:9   36:17   38:22  40:7, 12   43:15, 20  44:13   45:22   47:25  53:18   56:24   57:6,11   58:6   75:14I'd   53:14   62:4identifies   68:11identify   46:9   51:24if   9:23, 24   22:17  36:12   52:25   66:11  72:8III   1:8   2:13I'm   16:4   40:14Immediately   29:7, 8import   34:11impossible   22:17IN   1:12   5:23, 24  9:4   16:19, 22   17:5  19:21   21:14   25:25  26:4   31:1   37:17,

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24   38:4, 4   42:5  48:10   55:22, 25  59:15   63:6   66:9  74:5, 7   75:6inappropriate   56:9INC.   1:24include   61:19, 22included   30:8  58:25   61:16Incorporated.   9:15incurred   40:2indicate   26:6   31:8  32:9   45:19   46:3  58:16   60:1indicated   8:16indicating   64:16indication   70:23individual   48:21industry   30:12, 18,25   32:1, 2, 17, 24  33:13, 16   34:10  71:7industry.   36:9inform   38:4, 7information   7:19,25   14:5   22:22  23:15   28:12   34:11  36:2   66:9input   14:9, 13  19:12, 16   20:13  21:9, 14, 15, 19  23:15, 21, 22inputs   14:16inputted   20:18, 19inputting   14:20  24:10inspecting   17:13inspection   53:25  60:13   61:3, 4inspections.   60:15,18instance   22:16  67:24instruct   38:16insurance   58:17, 21  59:1, 9, 19, 22   68:3,7insurance,   68:17insurance.   59:6 

 67:10   68:12intent   28:7INTEREST   1:11  46:9, 11, 12   68:18interested   75:14INTERESTS   1:10interrupt   57:1into   11:23   43:19introduce   11:23  12:1   43:19   54:7introduced   10:25  42:16   43:21   55:7introducing   10:25  32:8investor   5:21involved   5:14   6:20  16:5   19:8, 11involved.   23:11involving   36:19is   5:3   7:20   13:24  16:23   26:3   36:16  38:3   39:5   45:10  58:5   69:6, 19   72:13is.   7:22   25:24issue   56:5   73:6issues   73:2issues.   40:11it   9:3, 20   18:6, 21  19:16   29:22   42:17  66:25   67:23, 25  68:2, 15   73:12it.   16:21item   59:13, 19  60:14items   63:6itinerary   18:3its   39:23   40:1   50:8it's   66:12, 17

< J >J.   75:7January   18:19Jennifer   1:21   75:4,19job   19:15   21:1job,   23:5judgment   26:9, 14  43:24   44:1   47:19,25   57:19

JUDICIAL   1:1  72:22July   59:18June   31:5   38:2Just   30:11   68:16

< K >keep   6:22   13:23keeping   32:3keeps   47:18kept   25:22   37:2kind   8:2   34:8know   6:5   7:15  11:6   23:14   24:11  28:9   29:5   44:1, 5  45:15   49:15, 23  50:6   56:13   69:8, 9know.   60:19knowledge   8:10  14:19   19:4   22:24  36:3, 25   37:5, 11,15, 17, 20   58:24  70:7   74:2, 5, 6knowledge.   22:9  35:18knows   49:3

< L >lack   54:9LAKE   1:2, 19large   22:18   37:9late   60:1, 3, 6  68:18   72:20Lauderdale   2:4Law   2:8   39:18  51:8lay   6:18laying   74:4leading.   29:16Leesburg   36:17left-hand   67:8legal   21:23, 24Let   16:8letter   28:16   29:23  31:1, 9, 11   32:10  64:16, 23, 24   65:5  69:22   70:3, 18, 23  71:8, 12, 19, 22, 24  72:3, 5, 14letter,   73:10

letter.   28:13   70:25  73:17Letters   70:10letting   24:22level   21:2lied   54:9limit   20:7line   59:12, 19  60:14   67:8listed   66:18lists   50:9litany   35:19litigation   55:19  56:17, 22Little   1:21   9:9  48:14   58:13   75:4,19Litton   15:22   28:16,16   29:12, 13, 24  30:1, 4, 11, 15   31:6,11, 16, 19, 24   33:10,12   35:2, 15, 20  36:1, 6   39:5   49:22,24   50:4, 14   52:19  53:9   55:20   65:1  69:5, 18   70:4   71:3,20   72:4Litton.   29:9, 11  35:1, 9Litton's   35:5   72:14LLC,   1:5LLC's   30:4LLP.   29:25LLP's   30:2Loan   4:7   5:2, 21,21   6:6, 8, 14, 24  7:5, 17, 21   8:7  12:11   13:4, 25  14:7, 11   15:19, 23  18:3, 5, 6, 25   19:4  24:2, 15   25:22  28:10, 12, 17   29:1,3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 24  30:1, 2, 4, 7, 16  31:6, 7, 11, 16, 19,22, 24   33:10, 12  38:3, 20, 21   41:10,12   42:18   45:20  46:9   49:22, 24  50:5, 9, 14   52:19 

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 53:9   62:22, 23  64:15   66:5, 25  69:18, 25   70:4, 5  71:20   72:4, 5loan.   6:21   7:14  12:17   17:15   21:17  34:16   50:10   71:14  72:16loans   5:12, 15, 18  13:24   15:7   16:10  18:8   21:16   30:9,10   32:13, 25   33:7  34:4, 6loans.   32:1local   21:22located   16:10, 14LOCATION   1:19locations   20:16long   15:10, 14longer   70:5look   9:19   11:13  12:7   27:12   42:13  53:1   66:11, 14   74:9looking   10:2, 7  11:7, 11   17:19  25:8   27:9   32:7  46:20, 22   48:15, 21  68:15Lord   49:3loss   32:18lost   55:21lot   20:4   72:8

< M >Ma'am   13:16   24:20,20   26:20   27:20  41:7   42:13   43:9  46:16   60:24   62:19  64:13   72:1   73:2  74:10ma'am.   29:19Madam   33:19made   56:16made,   35:17made.   62:15Mae   49:17   54:8Mae's   54:14Magnolia   2:8mail   70:20   71:9

mail.   71:10mailed   70:19mailed.   73:21mailing   70:8, 14, 25  71:8Main   1:19maintain   13:23make   9:22   11:11  24:25making   7:1   23:4  42:23managers   34:15manner   74:8March   10:6, 13  50:18, 22   75:15MARION   75:3MARK   1:16   9:16  13:16   27:8, 20   75:7marked   39:12match   7:21   8:15,19   26:14   73:14, 16match.   41:19matched   43:16math   48:7, 17mathematic   58:8matter   5:25   19:1  55:9, 20, 23   56:20  68:5matters   10:19  36:25   37:11may   48:13me   16:9   51:22  73:8me,   69:9me.   25:6mean   18:6, 11  21:24   42:19   46:17  67:20meaning   20:10  37:3   64:5, 6means   12:24means.   66:15meant   57:16meet   72:22meets   36:10member   37:18mentioned   24:3merely   51:13mess   69:11

met   19:15   31:16  40:10   41:5methods   74:2metro   36:25mind   41:4Minnesota   16:17,20   19:23   20:10, 13Minnesota.   16:15minute   48:4minute.   52:23minutes   74:11minutes.   65:21misfiled.   11:12misspoke   51:17mistaken   8:9money   40:23mortgage   5:12, 15  9:15   10:10, 20  11:1   12:4, 7, 11, 15,16   13:3, 14, 18  15:18   26:4   53:2  55:3Mortgage.   9:8mortgagee   51:6mortgager   51:6motion   50:17, 20  52:6   53:4, 6, 7  54:22   55:23   65:3, 6move   13:7   40:8  55:11, 17   57:8moved   50:1, 15  52:3MR   66:3Mr.   9:18much   62:24multiple   32:4, 9  71:8my   48:3   60:25Myriad   17:12  19:20   34:23

< N >name   4:5   24:11name.   4:17NAMED   1:10National   36:17near   14:10, 17  22:21   23:22   35:24  56:19necessarily   42:19

necessary   35:5  43:6   51:7   63:2need   24:21   34:21  44:20, 21, 22   47:7  51:9   52:4, 7   56:25  57:6, 8needed   38:7needs   24:12Never   16:21   31:19  47:20   64:23   73:21new   36:20   53:5  64:1, 9next   63:25NO   1:9   3:5, 15, 15  11:17   24:10   53:12No.   29:2   59:2nor   75:12normal   14:3normally   19:1North   2:8not   11:4   22:6  41:13   44:10   51:6  53:11   62:13, 14  69:5not.   20:6   29:6Notary   75:4note   5:24, 24   6:2  7:14, 15, 16, 17   8:7,15, 19, 20, 23   9:1, 1,4, 14   10:4, 7, 9, 19  11:1, 16   12:2, 4, 7,10, 15, 16   13:3, 11,14, 17   46:25   47:18  50:16, 25   51:1, 1, 1,9   52:3, 5, 21, 22  53:1, 10, 11, 14  54:13, 15   55:3, 10,11, 20, 21, 24, 25  56:10, 11, 12note,   52:4note.   11:5, 7   46:25  49:22   50:5   55:12  56:4notes   19:17, 25  21:15   23:21   30:2,5   31:8, 10   32:3  33:9, 11   34:12  41:15   57:11note's   55:15, 15

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notes,   30:7notes.   49:11Notice   10:8, 14, 16  11:4, 18   28:7, 9  42:8   44:24   65:1  70:3   73:8November   59:15now   23:23   31:24  48:22now,   53:17now.   65:14number   27:21  40:10   56:16numbers   26:14  47:25, 25   48:11  73:13, 14, 15, 16numbers.   58:4

< O >Oakland   2:3oath   65:25Oath.75   3:5obfuscation,   53:16Object   7:23   14:22  22:2   26:17   28:14  41:20   44:9   49:15  53:3   56:14object.   49:16objected   39:10Objection   6:11  7:23   12:19   15:1  17:20   27:3, 15  28:14   29:15   30:20  31:13   32:19   33:14  38:25   39:3, 6  41:13   44:7   45:13  46:14   57:16   70:13,22   71:19objection.   8:12objections   13:10  34:21, 23, 24Objection's   24:19  27:17objects,   60:16observe   40:5obstinate   48:6obtaining   19:17obviously   43:18Obviously,   22:4

Ocala   1:25   2:9occasions   11:9occurred   62:11occurred.   62:7occurs   14:11, 17October   50:21of   9:7   10:14  11:18   19:9, 12  22:24, 25   34:14, 19  35:4   36:8   37:3  38:10   40:10   50:15  51:14   52:2   53:22  55:18, 19   60:22  62:5   63:1, 23   64:11of,   16:13offense   72:17offered   13:14Office   1:24   2:8  16:6, 8, 11, 13, 17,19   17:5   18:2  19:23   71:13, 15  72:22office.   5:10offices   21:23offices.   20:22Oh   9:7   27:8   40:14  48:4Okay   5:11   6:8   7:6  15:3   16:16   18:10  19:11, 21   20:7  21:2, 18   34:17  40:6   62:16   65:6  67:22   70:7, 12  71:12, 15Okay.   11:21   18:16  25:13   28:22   42:25  47:1, 2   60:9old   53:6on   12:11   36:13  37:25   57:16   66:24  69:1   72:6on,   50:1on.   41:3   57:23Once   62:4   65:3  71:18one   25:9one,   41:17only.   59:13, 20onset   55:18

opening   4:10opinion   74:1opportunity   27:12opposing   24:22  42:23   49:15OR   1:10   7:15  14:17   22:20   41:11  42:8, 10   46:20   65:8order   9:7, 11   23:7  37:18   41:16   42:6  43:6, 17   60:21  63:4, 15organization   37:19,21original   10:4, 9, 19  11:1, 1, 17   12:1  13:2, 13, 17   46:25  51:5, 6, 15, 18  52:15, 16   53:1originality   12:25originality.   13:5originally   52:1originals   42:8other   21:25   44:22  59:1our   59:14ourselves.   30:25out   16:17out.   32:5, 10   65:5outside   5:10over   30:6   34:13  66:4overcome   24:15overruled   27:17  39:6   57:17   71:5Overruled.   7:6  13:6   24:19   27:4  30:21   33:18   37:22  43:2owed   27:1   41:11,21   43:11, 15   45:8,11owing   41:2   44:3  62:12owner   49:22, 24  50:5, 15, 25   52:5, 8,11, 12, 20   53:10  54:8, 15, 19, 20  55:1, 1   56:8

owner.   51:7owns   5:21

< P >P.A.   2:3packet   24:24PAGE   3:2, 5   8:25  9:1   43:5   49:9  52:15, 17, 18   57:16  60:7   66:23, 24  67:3, 24page.   60:8Pages   25:11   27:6  57:14   75:8pages.   49:8paid   9:7, 11   58:16  59:3, 8, 15   60:12Paragraph   52:10,17   62:13, 14paragraph,   51:24paragraph.   51:23paraphrasing   44:2Park   2:3part   10:14, 23   14:3  23:5   25:6, 21  30:16   48:25   53:16  54:22   64:11participated   33:6particular   7:15  18:20, 22   54:10  58:19   59:16   63:23  74:3PARTIES   1:9parties'   75:12parties,   75:11party   50:24party's   42:7past   23:8   48:8pay   39:22   61:13paying   47:6payment   25:20, 21  27:18   45:19   63:22  64:1, 4, 7, 9   66:18payments   26:7  41:10   62:15peak   24:23people   19:20  21:24   22:19percent   49:10

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percent.   46:13perform   18:4performed   23:21,23   30:24performing   61:16period   38:10person   7:4   14:9,13, 16, 19   22:9, 23  23:8   24:8, 12  35:18   36:3   37:17  73:5personal   36:24  37:5, 11, 15   74:5personally   14:5  23:21Perused   7:12   8:18,24   12:9   19:24  25:5, 17   28:5  29:24   31:3   38:2  45:9, 25   46:10, 22  47:7, 16   58:18  59:12   60:2   66:8,17   68:21   69:20phrase   32:14   54:10pick   61:2place   42:19places   59:7Plaintiff   2:6   3:5  5:3   39:19, 21, 25  40:10, 15, 16   41:5  43:4   47:5   50:7, 9  51:7, 16, 19   52:11,19   54:25   56:15  57:22   62:6   63:16,22Plaintiff,   1:6plaintiff.   4:4PLAINTIFF'S   3:5  6:3, 9   9:17   10:21  13:8, 18, 19   26:10  27:10, 24   38:23  39:14   54:17pleads   51:13, 15Please   4:17   11:15  13:16   16:4   27:20,20   48:13   59:11  70:12please.   4:12   13:9  16:9   26:23   63:10,13

Point   15:20   36:14  47:14   48:10, 24  49:7   50:6   58:6  59:7   60:3pointed   57:24points   7:18policies   70:8, 14, 24position   5:6   15:10,14   43:4positive   62:1possible   20:15  51:16   65:19   69:14Post   1:24power   55:17practically   37:9practice   13:23  14:3   23:2   24:5  30:25   36:6   71:7practices.   6:7prefer   48:19preparation   19:22prepare   18:23prepared   26:10  40:25, 25   73:7Preparing   18:3  19:8preponderance   32:8prerequisites   64:10present   41:17  52:13   55:2PRESENT:   2:11presented   19:1  26:10presenting   26:15  43:17president   21:7, 11,21pretty   39:9prevail   64:6prevailed.   63:24previous   7:19, 25  8:5, 11   34:12  49:21, 23   61:11previously   15:20  50:13Primarily   34:24principal   8:15, 16  45:10, 19   67:10  68:17

prior   15:17   29:4, 7,9, 10, 11   50:19probably   12:2problem   49:20  53:16problem.   61:9procedure   24:6  64:12procedures   14:9,13   24:1, 14   70:8, 25PROCEEDINGS  1:13   74:13   75:6proceedings.   75:9process   5:17  23:25   48:14   61:22process.   57:7processes   23:11produced.   71:25production   11:10proper   44:24properly   52:23PROPERTY   1:12  28:11   47:6   60:12,15, 17   61:3, 4proposed   43:23  47:19   60:21propounded   49:1  50:4prove   44:21   62:6,11, 12   63:16, 22  73:11proven   57:22proven.   64:21provide   42:8provided   11:8   25:2  42:22   47:20   74:10Public   75:5purport   30:17purported   13:13purportedly   71:25purpose   56:17purposes   47:6  56:22pursue   55:4put   17:2   18:20  57:23   60:25putting   6:16

< Q >QFA   60:5

qualifications   12:24  29:18   31:17qualified   6:13, 19  8:1   14:23   22:5  73:4, 25qualify   22:13question   16:9  17:23   33:23   41:13  43:22   58:9, 13  61:12   66:6   70:14  71:5question.   8:13  12:14   26:22   33:20  58:10questioning   34:18questions   32:21  34:5   40:4   43:14  57:25   72:13questions.   39:17  61:25quick   12:7   65:19quicker   58:13quite   10:1quote   23:10   33:17  36:23   56:2

< R >raise   4:11raised   54:23raised.   56:7rate   46:9, 11, 12  61:2reaches   58:4read   9:5   33:20, 22reading   53:6Ready   4:2really   20:17   35:23reason   33:11   63:17reasonable   39:22  61:13reasoning   11:16reasons   56:16recall   43:24   57:20receipt   73:18receipt.   73:19received.   35:13recognize   7:11  25:16   28:4record   10:9, 24  11:3   13:10   23:2 

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 24:13   27:21   33:22  43:5   44:14   46:20  58:1   67:1   74:3, 6  75:9record.   23:2recorded   22:22, 23,25   36:2, 2, 4recorded,   74:3recordkeeping   74:7records   6:9, 13, 17,20, 23   8:1, 3, 11, 17  12:21   13:23   14:2,6, 23, 25   19:18, 19  22:5, 8, 8, 10, 13, 15,18, 20   23:7, 13, 13,16   24:4, 10, 16  25:1, 2, 6, 22, 25  26:3, 6, 13, 25  30:15, 17, 18   31:7,8, 14, 17, 22   35:2, 5,7, 11, 14, 23, 24  36:7, 19, 23   37:1, 1,3, 5, 10, 12, 12, 16,19   38:19   39:4, 5  42:2, 6, 7, 17, 18  43:16, 18   44:10, 16,17, 18, 20, 21, 22  45:17   49:1   53:22,24   54:2, 3, 4, 8  56:15, 18, 21   64:25  66:10   67:7   68:20  69:18   71:23   72:11  73:4, 5, 23record's   44:8   64:22records,   35:11records.   23:10  53:21recourse   9:7recurring.   60:10redirect.   40:5referred   41:25  57:15referring   6:9   41:22  47:12, 15, 18, 22  50:21   51:8   67:1, 5refers   49:9   58:22reflect   26:3, 25  38:3reflected   14:6 

 47:25reflects   72:7regarding   13:23  14:7   34:21, 24regional   20:22registration   73:15,16regular   13:22  22:25   23:1   24:5  36:5, 6   56:20regularly   6:22reimburse   40:1related   13:24relates   18:7relative   75:12relative,   75:10Relevance   70:22relevant   54:19relevant.   70:21remember,   39:7renew   62:5   71:19reopen   45:2   58:2reopen.   45:4Repeat   58:9   61:11  63:9rephrase   8:13   16:9  26:21   58:12report   25:21   66:18  75:6report.   25:20   27:19REPORTER   1:21,21   33:19, 21   75:4REPORTING   1:24repossessed   17:12represent   39:19representative   5:8  12:23   15:7, 15  16:3   18:11   21:13  23:4   36:22representative,  17:16representative.   5:7representatives  34:14represented   19:12  56:1reps   21:22request   11:9   62:5require   14:9, 13

required   5:9   18:4  24:3   35:16, 20  42:7   51:2   62:24  64:17, 20requirement   24:7,11requirements   23:7requirements.   64:12requires   63:4respectfully   65:7respond   26:20  46:16   64:13respond.   62:19response   11:9  23:18   41:7   72:1responsible   7:4rest   64:14rested   40:16Rested.40   3:5rests   40:15resumed   65:23return   73:18, 19review   18:24   19:2,5   33:6, 9, 11   34:8  38:19   43:16   47:4reviewed   14:6  19:21   20:8   21:19  25:25   26:9, 13  30:1   31:6   32:5  34:13   35:3   40:24  41:9, 11   43:18, 23  45:7, 18reviewed.   19:18reviewing   17:18  28:12   36:21RIGHT   1:11   4:12  9:24   10:7   25:10  28:20   39:11   40:5  47:21   48:22   56:11  65:14   67:4right.   9:25   10:1  25:4   67:12right-hand   67:3, 13route   48:19rule   14:24   22:6, 14  23:9   31:18   41:2  42:5   44:15   56:21rule,   56:18rule.   35:8   37:7

ruled   41:14   51:17  64:9   74:7rules   64:11

< S >S   2:1   3:5   4:1same   7:16   59:20say   41:15   67:14saying   59:23says   8:7   9:4  29:23   35:16, 22  53:9   54:25   56:21  64:19   66:24, 25  67:8, 24   68:16   73:9says.   8:8   67:19scheduled   72:21scope   56:20search   61:17seat   4:11second   36:13  71:10Secondly   42:22  72:12secretary   21:20see   8:23   9:1   13:9  48:18   51:20   54:13  59:3   63:6   66:11  67:11   69:15   72:24seeing   71:3seeking   56:15send   71:8, 9, 10sent   25:6, 7   70:23  72:4, 5sent.   73:11separate   8:3   33:5service   5:18   11:18  61:22serviced   29:1, 3, 9  31:24, 25   32:25servicer   6:2   7:19  8:11   30:10, 11  34:12   50:10, 15  51:16   52:11, 20  53:11, 25   54:2, 18,25   71:21, 24servicer.   8:5   49:25  51:19   53:23   54:5,20servicers   33:1servicer's   7:25

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services   18:7  39:23SERVICING   1:5  4:7   5:11, 14, 20, 23  6:21   13:25   15:23  17:14   24:2, 15  25:23   29:4, 12  30:4, 7, 16   31:8, 16,23   33:10   34:9, 16  49:22, 25   50:5, 9,14   52:20   53:10  58:25   66:5   67:17  69:18, 25   70:4, 5  71:21   72:4, 5, 8, 16Servicing,   29:24  30:1Servicing.   5:2  28:17   29:13   31:12,20Servicing's   31:7set   72:23Several   59:14shoes   48:9short   15:1   65:22show   10:19   11:25  22:16   24:21   47:11  48:7   49:1, 2, 14, 16  51:22   53:15   54:18  57:18   60:12   62:14  68:2, 6showed   53:18  55:22, 25showing   25:1  59:13shows   53:25   68:1,1   73:13sic   6:24   30:5side   67:3, 8, 13SIMPSON   2:1   4:3,4, 6, 6   6:16   7:7  8:4, 13   9:16, 20  10:2, 18   11:8, 22,25   12:5, 15   13:1, 7  17:20   23:19   24:21  25:7, 12   26:21  27:5, 7, 13, 22  28:18, 21, 23   31:21  32:21   33:19   34:20  38:22   39:13   40:4,14   41:8, 22   42:15 

 43:13   44:4   45:3,22   46:5   47:9, 21  48:3, 13   49:14, 18,23   50:3, 6, 12, 19  51:14, 24   52:10, 16  53:3, 22   54:4, 16  56:24   57:6, 13, 24  60:16, 22   61:2, 7, 9,24   62:2, 20   64:14  66:13   69:12   70:13,22   72:2   73:12, 19S-I-M-P-S-O-N   4:6SIMPSON:   4:25  7:10   8:14   12:6  13:21   25:15   26:24  28:1, 24   29:20  30:22   32:23   34:2  37:23   39:16   45:6,16   46:1, 7, 19   47:3,13   49:6   58:11  61:10Simpson25   3:4Simpson4   3:3Simpson45   3:4since   50:7single   24:12sir   4:3, 13   6:22  24:19   44:7   63:11sir.   4:16   15:9, 24  16:2, 18   17:23, 24  19:7   25:12   40:6  62:2, 3   63:8   71:6sitting   24:8, 9six   17:7   18:1Smith   2:3   39:22  40:1   61:12Smith,   39:18so   49:10   58:2   63:2so.   35:20solemnly   4:13some   20:5   58:7somebody   20:12,13   35:3   37:20sorry   10:12   12:13  25:9   40:15   60:25  61:7   62:13sorry.   29:7   39:1  52:24   62:9sort   44:23   48:7  53:20   67:7

specific   40:23  43:14   63:3, 21  64:20specific.   52:7specifically   32:19  62:22specificity   63:17speed   57:7spend   18:2standard   6:7   30:25  32:1, 2, 24   33:13,16   71:7standards   30:18  33:17   34:10standing   52:25  54:21   56:5, 6staple   27:20start   17:1started   68:23   72:19state   4:17   24:9  36:24   44:12   51:2  52:23   75:2stated   27:14   31:10  34:25   35:1, 2stated,   46:17statement   4:10statements   53:13states   51:18stationary   72:15status   21:5stenographically  75:6Street   1:19strike   60:17stuff   24:24submitted   53:14sufficient   24:13suggest   72:21   73:2Suite   2:8summary   42:6, 10SunTrust   9:8, 15  16:1   69:5supervision   37:2supposedly   57:19Supreme   63:19  64:3, 8sure   9:23   11:12  12:23   20:17   25:1  39:9   41:14   48:1 

 53:12   56:2   65:20,20   67:5Sure.   7:9   11:14  33:21   42:4   45:24  66:16suspect   56:22  71:22Sustained   45:14swear   4:13sworn   4:22system   6:6   20:20  21:16   23:21   30:2,5   31:8   32:3   33:9  49:12   74:7system,   6:8system.   21:6   30:8  49:13system-generated  28:13

< T >tabulated   60:8take   9:19   12:7  24:22   30:6   34:15  42:13   48:9   65:19,20   66:4, 13   74:9taken   36:22   50:7  65:22taking   72:15talking   60:20Tampa   16:22, 23  17:6   20:12Tampa,   16:11TANYA   2:1   4:3Tavares   1:20taxes   47:6   49:2, 8  58:17, 20   59:1, 6, 8,15, 22   68:9, 11, 19taxes.   59:16tell   4:14   45:10  47:5   55:5, 5   71:17ten   48:9TENANT   1:8, 9term.   67:21testified   4:23   8:10  12:22   15:6   16:4  22:22, 24   23:4, 12,24, 25   24:5, 13  31:25   32:2, 3, 13,20   33:16   35:4, 25 

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 36:3, 7   40:20, 22  42:1   47:19   49:21  50:2, 3   62:13, 21  64:23, 24   67:22  69:4, 17, 21, 24  70:16   71:2, 20  72:3, 6, 9, 11   73:9,21, 22testified,   31:23testify   6:13, 19  12:20, 25   18:14  22:7, 10, 16, 19  23:11, 16, 20   28:15  31:15   32:12, 15  33:15   35:23   37:3,11, 21   44:17   62:25testifying   7:24   8:2,7   18:23   23:8  31:14, 21   35:9, 10  40:24   44:10   67:16TESTIMONY   3:2  19:22   20:9   22:3  26:18   35:16   36:19,21   40:21   44:16  50:7   64:15   65:4testimony.   43:21than   40:23   72:10Thank   11:20   12:5  27:5, 23   28:23  48:5   61:24   69:13  72:25   73:1   74:11,12that   5:4   13:2, 3  15:7   16:24   19:5  20:8, 17   21:2, 3, 18  23:24   29:6   32:4,14   33:12   34:8  35:22   37:20   38:1  41:4   43:4, 25   45:7  46:11   49:21   51:15,18   64:19   66:6  67:13, 18   68:2, 9  69:17   71:13, 16  73:2that,   50:24that.   23:17   34:5,22   36:3   37:13  52:6   71:4, 17that's   28:25   45:11  53:4   57:4, 14   62:23

the   6:20   7:16, 18  8:10, 16, 19, 25  9:14   10:8, 25  11:25   12:2   14:10,14, 19, 22   17:14  18:24, 25   19:11, 25  21:3, 7, 15, 17   22:3,22   23:6, 14   24:3,12, 15, 21   25:7, 8,21   26:17, 21, 25  28:9   31:16   32:7,11, 16   33:14   34:12,17   36:4   37:15  38:17, 19   39:2, 4  40:9, 19   41:1, 5, 24  42:1, 9   44:4, 7  45:18   47:5, 18  48:6, 15, 24   49:1, 7  50:14, 25   53:13, 24  54:1, 2, 4, 18   55:3,14   56:1, 2, 3, 5, 19  57:21   58:1, 12  59:19   60:15   62:12,22   63:15   64:2, 4  66:25   67:3   68:6  69:14, 21   71:19, 23  73:13, 16   74:6   75:7their   20:25them   27:20them.   19:3   57:9then   18:18   68:16  70:18   71:9then.   61:8there   36:18   63:18there,   71:1there.   12:8   66:12there's   19:20   70:22these   19:13   20:24  22:12   25:5   27:17  47:24   57:17   67:22  68:5, 19these.   56:25they   12:15   52:3  55:24   70:17things   24:2   32:12  35:19   58:13   59:21things.   37:21   42:21think   8:4, 6   10:23  15:1   29:17   35:22  40:12, 13   43:25 

 49:19   50:20   55:14  57:24   70:20   71:21think.   50:22third   50:24THIS   1:10   5:20, 25  10:24   26:10   31:10  32:9   42:11   51:11  69:18   73:7this.   12:3   29:18Thompson   36:17those   7:1   13:7  19:22   20:13   36:22  37:6   39:3thought   43:15   62:8three   15:11, 13, 16  16:23   27:6   68:23Three.   39:13through   10:2throughout   20:21TIME   1:18   10:11  14:10, 17, 20   22:9,21   23:22   34:13  35:25   37:17   38:10,22   40:7   54:6  56:19   63:3   69:5  70:3   72:5, 15, 19  73:24times   18:17TITLE   1:11   54:1  61:17TO   1:11   4:13   6:2  9:4   12:24   18:8, 22  20:23   22:2   23:7  25:2   28:7, 18  29:17   32:3   33:7  34:24   36:6, 7   38:7  41:14, 16   42:18  44:9, 20   45:1   46:5,9   47:5, 8   48:9, 20  49:2, 11, 14   52:12,21, 22   54:22   56:14  58:23   62:8   70:1  71:7to,   41:22to.   32:20   47:12  67:6   72:11today   7:17   8:21  12:12   13:4   19:22  20:2, 9   22:4   26:11,

15   28:10   41:17  43:19   63:18   64:6today's   21:19took   67:17top   61:1   67:4topic   56:14total   67:9   68:1, 17totals   48:20traditionally   74:4transaction   14:10,11, 17, 20   67:8, 9  68:1transactions   13:24transcript   75:8transcript,   52:18transcript.   53:15transfer   36:19transferred   30:10,19   35:12   64:25  69:25   73:23transferring   32:1  33:7transpired.   7:5TREE   1:5   4:7   5:2,6, 18, 20   12:23  15:7, 11, 21   16:10  17:3   18:14   20:3, 8,19, 23   21:25   24:1,15   25:22   28:25  29:4, 11   30:5, 11  31:22, 23, 25   33:1  34:7, 9   50:9   66:4  67:16   68:23   69:1  70:1, 24   72:8, 15  73:24Tree,   15:13   58:16Tree.   29:10Tree's   30:16   41:15  58:24   70:8, 24trial   18:23   21:20  32:6, 7   53:18   72:23true   75:9true.   55:6truth   4:14, 14, 15truthfully   14:14trying   29:17   48:5  49:4   53:19   57:7  58:4TSimpson@smith-hi

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CAB Reporting, Inc. (352) 401-0080   2:5Tuesday   1:17Twice   18:15, 16two   11:9   57:13type   20:12   21:20  22:20, 23, 24   23:1  36:2, 4, 7types   32:4   35:24  36:9

< U >Uh-huh.   27:7   28:21under   65:24   68:17underneath   9:13understand   23:6  33:23   43:9, 22  47:23   58:10   69:24UNKNOWN   1:8, 9, 9up   72:21up.   4:19   15:3  28:19   32:22   51:21upon   26:18upstairs   74:11us.   70:12use   42:6   69:12

< V >vague   70:14vaguely   32:13Vanderbilt   15:18various   32:16, 25  33:4   42:20verdict   40:9   41:6  57:21   62:5   65:4, 7verify   18:25, 25versus   4:8vice   21:11, 20visit   16:19visited   16:21Voir   3:3   15:1, 4  24:17vs.   1:7

< W >wait   52:23waive   4:9   61:4waived   61:8waived.   61:6want   9:24   11:23  24:25   42:13   43:3 

 47:9   48:1   54:7  64:13   69:12   74:9wanted   34:4wants   53:5was   4:22   13:1, 19  26:9   27:24   39:14  43:16   57:10   64:17,24   70:3, 5   71:24wasn't   55:21   72:4way   12:3   18:21  39:21, 25   42:23  72:9way.   17:1we   48:18   71:10week   17:2, 8   18:1,10week.   17:7   18:9well   7:19   11:6  18:20   20:4   49:20  52:7   53:11   57:14  62:10   64:12   68:11  70:15   71:1well.   44:6went   13:4   36:20  59:21   62:23   64:16  65:5   70:19were   20:5   34:3  35:3   37:5we're   7:17   8:20  12:11   13:4   20:17  26:14   28:10, 20  29:17   30:7   32:6, 7,8   41:16   43:17  48:1, 23   54:17, 19  56:13   58:2   61:4  65:1, 3   73:20West   1:19what   17:10   24:8  31:9, 25   42:15  43:18   50:13   70:7when   30:10where   16:14   59:8Whereupon,   4:20Which   9:5   47:11  49:4which.   49:5Whichever   71:13while   24:9who   29:21   74:1

willing   61:4win   63:15wish   26:20   46:16  65:8with   8:1   12:16  17:2   19:2   21:16  22:23   30:12   33:15  48:1   57:24   60:5  63:16   70:16with.   6:25withdraw   56:24withdrawing   57:5within   73:22without   22:11  44:23witness   4:9, 16, 18,22   6:12, 24   7:3  8:1   10:20   12:1, 20  14:23   23:20   24:22  25:1   26:19   28:15  31:23   32:12, 20  33:15, 24   34:25  40:20, 21, 22, 24  41:9   42:1   43:14  44:10   45:23   46:6  47:19, 24   48:7  62:13, 21   63:8  64:14, 23, 24   65:9,13, 16   66:13   69:15  70:16   71:20   72:3,6   73:21, 22   74:1, 1,4witness,   7:7witness.   40:13witnesses   40:14  65:8witnesses.   40:15witness's   26:18wizardry   48:7word   56:8   68:19word.   49:19words   20:12   44:1,17, 20work   16:11, 13  28:16   33:4   35:1  69:5   71:3, 3worked   16:16  31:19   33:5working   68:23   69:1works   23:25   30:13

would   10:18   17:11  20:11   21:19   44:18  59:18   71:15would.   21:10write   66:6wrong   6:18   16:5  25:9   49:18   55:14wrote   16:5

< X >X   3:1

< Y >Yeah   25:9   49:18year   18:18   55:22,25year.   18:19years   15:13   16:23  54:7   68:24years.   15:12, 16Yes.   5:5, 13, 22  6:1, 4, 10   7:12  8:18   9:2, 12   14:1,4, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21  21:12   22:1   25:17  26:2, 5, 12, 16   27:2  30:14   31:3   33:24  39:20, 24   40:3  44:3   45:9, 21, 25  46:10   50:12   58:18  59:10   60:2   61:15,18, 21, 23   66:1, 22  67:2   68:14   69:20,23   70:11yesterday   24:25yesterday.   25:3you   16:3   18:1, 10  20:1   25:19   33:19  52:5   57:1   58:15  59:25   60:11   67:24  68:22you.   27:5, 23  28:23   69:13   73:1  74:11your   4:11   8:9   9:5  10:11   11:15   17:21  20:9   23:12   26:1  27:14   30:17   39:21  40:4   42:2   43:3  46:14   54:10

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you're   17:17   47:14  59:22you've   45:17