for smc moulding - compose · the smcéco...

SMC éc Reducing energy consumption Developing an eco-per forming process for SMC moulding Funded by French State (Single Inter-Ministry Fund “FUI”, operated by OSEO). & Consortium Competitive clusters Financial support Contacts Project leader: Compin composites Jérémy Keersbulik +33 (0)5 46 52 31 07 [email protected] Coordinator: Compositec Yves Gardet +33 (0)4 79 26 42 42 [email protected] Mathieu Schwander +33 (0)4 79 26 42 42 [email protected] Photos credit: Fotolia - Design: Compositec.

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Page 1: for SMC moulding - Compose · The SMCéco project aims at developing a processing technique for SMC (sheet moulding compound) compatible

SMCécReducing energy


Developing an eco-per forming process for SMC moulding

Funded by French State (Single Inter-Ministry Fund “FUI”, operated by OSEO).



Competitive clusters

Financial support


• Projectleader: Compincomposites Jérémy Keersbulik +33 (0)5 46 52 31 07 [email protected]

• Coordinator: Compositec Yves Gardet +33 (0)4 79 26 42 42 [email protected] Mathieu Schwander +33 (0)4 79 26 42 42 [email protected]




Page 2: for SMC moulding - Compose · The SMCéco project aims at developing a processing technique for SMC (sheet moulding compound) compatible

TheSMCécoproject aimsatdevelopingaprocessing technique for SMC(sheet moulding compound)compatiblewithlow-andmiddle-volumeserieseco-nomicalcriteriawhileimprovingtechnical,economicalandenvironmentalperformances.

Thisprocesswillofferanalternativetolay-upmouldingand/orRTMinjectionthankstolowerlabourrate,betterworkingconditions (reduction of VOC emissions)andincreasedqualityandtechnicalcharacteristics.

It will distinguish itself from current processes by amarked reduction ofmouldingtemperatureandpressurecomparedtoindustrialstandards(mould temperature ranging from 140 to 170°C and pressure between 60 and 100 bars).

Anew manufacturingprocess for low- and middle-volume series

Multi-disciplinary competences foraglobal approach

Towardsa more competitive industry

Mainapplications sectors

Key numbers• StartedMay2011• Duration:3years• Budget:2681000€

Although low-pressure SMC concept is rather well-known, the SMCéco project differs from previous developments through a global and transversal approach.

Technological axes• Developmentofformulationsandcompoundsallowingfor a moulding temperature inferior

to 100°C, pressure < 5 bars and cure time below 10 minutes.

• Developmentof toolingtechnologieswith reduced investment and use costs, which offer an alternative to steel moulds.

Transversal axes• Technico-economicalandenergyanalysis.• Technologyspin-offvalorisation.

The aim of the project is to bring to the composite industry an innovative process to:

• Increasemarketshareinlowervolumeproduction,forwhichthecurrentinvestmentlevelistooonerousgiventheexpectedproductionrate.

• Re-localizeproductionswhichhavebeenmovedto«lowcost»countries.

• Fillthegapbetweenconventionalprocesses(lay-upandlowpressureinjection)andSMCcompressioninitscurrentuseforhigh-volumeproduction.

• Complywithsocio-environmentalcriteriaandreduceenergycosts.

• Busparts• Partsfortherailwaysector• Electrotechnicalparts• Largedimensionspartsforconstruction

Offeraneconomically viabletechnology,allowingfortheuseof

SMC compression mouldingevenforlow- and middle-volume series production,

withoptimised energy consumption.