footrest protector for panama barstool new orbit … · dedon and are easy to attach: assembly...


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Page 1: FooTREST PRoTECToR FoR PaNama BaRSTool NEW oRBIT … · DEDON and are easy to attach: Assembly InstructIons: Put the aluminum protector on the footrest on the front of the barstool

T E C H N I C a l N E W S l E T T E R Ju



F o o T R E S T P R o T E C T o R F o R Pa N a m a B a R S T o o l

N E W o R B I T C a N o P y

G l a S S C l I P F o R G l a S S Ta B l E T o P S

Page 2: FooTREST PRoTECToR FoR PaNama BaRSTool NEW oRBIT … · DEDON and are easy to attach: Assembly InstructIons: Put the aluminum protector on the footrest on the front of the barstool


To protect the f iber in case of intensive use, footrest

protectors were developed for the barstools of the

PANAMA col lect ion.

For the Panama Barstool are three d i fferent opt ions

avai lable:

a) Panama Barstool 022028

(wi thout footrest protector )

b) Panama Barstool 022029

(wi th footrest protector a l ready attached)

c) Footrest protector only 022028000

The footrest protectors can be specia l ly ordered f rom

DEDON and are easy to at tach:

Assembly InstructIons:

Put the a luminum protector on the footrest on the

f ront of the barstool . P lease make sure the protec-

tor is proper ly posi t ioned. I ts open s ide should face

backwards so that the screw holes are not v is ib le

f rom the f ront.

Mark the posi t ion of the screw holes on the p iece of

furn i ture, remove the protector, and screw the holes

into these three marks. Now the footrest protector

can be put back on the barstool and fastened us ing

the screws that were inc luded in the shipment.

FooTREST PRoTECToR FoR PaNama BaRSTool T E C H N I C a l N E W S l E T T E R 0 4

Page 3: FooTREST PRoTECToR FoR PaNama BaRSTool NEW oRBIT … · DEDON and are easy to attach: Assembly InstructIons: Put the aluminum protector on the footrest on the front of the barstool


A new ORBIT canopy replaces the prev ious one. New

mechanics and mater ia ls prov ide for eas ier usabi l i ty,

h igher durabi l i ty, and more res i l ience.

The canopy can easi ly be opened or c losed by a s in-

g le person. I t wi l l be suff ic ient to s l ight ly pul l up or

down the canopy, in order to act ivate the h inge me-

chanism that complete ly opens or c loses the canopy.

This means that there’s just an “Open” – or “Close”

status of the canopy.

The deta i ls of the technica l modi f icat ions are located

in the enclosed assembly instruct ions.

especIAlly suItAble for contrAct


In part icu lar, the s imple usabi l i ty and h igh res i l ience of

the new ORBIT canopy are compat ib le wi th the h igh

demands of contract business, thus making i t eas ier

to address contract partners.

ImmedIAte delIvery:

Now every ORBIT wi l l be del ivered with the new cano-

py ( ref . number: 030003) .

retrofIttIng of older orbIt love seAts:

The new canopy is complete ly compat ib le wi th the

prev ious h inge system and therefore f i ts per fect ly on

o lder, prev iously del ivered ORBIT Love Seats.

New canopies can be ordered f rom DEDON with the

reference number 030040000 , and they can easi ly re-

place o lder ones.

For your in format ion, in the attachment you wi l l f ind

the new ORBIT assembly instruct ions that wi l l be in-

c luded in every ORBIT Love Seat and/or canopy.

o R B I T C a N o P y T E C H N I C a l N E W S l E T T E R 0 4

Page 4: FooTREST PRoTECToR FoR PaNama BaRSTool NEW oRBIT … · DEDON and are easy to attach: Assembly InstructIons: Put the aluminum protector on the footrest on the front of the barstool

I f you have any questions,

please contact us:

DEDON Product Development

Holger Kirstein


Zeppel instrasse 22

21337 Lüneburg/Germany

Tel : +49 (0) 41 31 / 22 44 75 51

Fax: +49 (0) 41 31 / 22 44 76 38

holger.k i rste [email protected]



So-cal led “g lass c l ips” have been developed in order

to protect g lass table tops f rom strong winds. They

ensure that g lass table tops remain stable on table-

top supports, and they can be attached very eas i ly.

The g lass c l ips can now be ordered f rom DEDON:

Reference number: 66000000122

Sel l ing Price: $1.35

They are avai lable only for col lect ions in which the

g lass table tops are “ ins ide” or embedded in the table

f rame.

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