folder uel ingles 2015 versao final uel ingles... · preparatory course for the university entrance...

ADMINISTRATION: 2014 - 2018 Dean: Berenice Quinzani Jordão Deputy Dean: Ludoviko Carnasciali dos Santos [email protected] International Relations Office – ARI [email protected] Social Communication - COM [email protected] Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid | Pr 445 Km 380 | Campus Universitário Cx. Postal 10.011 | CEP 86.057-970 | Londrina – PR - Brasil Tel. +55(43) 3371-4000 | Fax: +55(43)3328-4440 RESEARCH Currently, there are more than 850 ongoing research projects, carried out by researchers in partnership with external funding agencies such as Fundação Araucária (Paraná State), CNPq, FINEP, and CAPES (Federal). These projects are linked to 760 lines of inquiry, leading to dissemination in major academic journals both nationally and internationally. A great deal of this academic production is published in books, some by the university's own publishing house – EDUEL, which releases about 30 titles per year. Professor researchers involved: ........................... 1,100 Students involved: ....................................... 6,500 TEACHING UEL offers 54 undergraduate courses in all areas, from arts to physics, from economics to medicine, which are organized in nine centers or colleges. At the graduate level, UEL offers continuing education and research training in 115 specialization courses and 70 medical residencies (Lato sensu), and 44 master and 21 doctorate programs (Stricto sensu). Undergraduate Specialization Specialization Master Doctorate Total courses courses EAD courses courses program Graduate Level Agrarian Sciences 3 19 4 3 25 Health Science 5 66 6 3 75 Aplied Social Sciences 6 19 4 4 1 28 Physical Sciences 5 19 10 6 35 Urban Planning 3 4 3 7 and Technology Communication 10 24 3 27 and Arts Language and 5 12 2 7 2 23 Humanities Biological Sciences 3 8 1 6 5 12 Phisical Education 3 6 1 1 1 9 and Sports CENTERS Faculty 1.700 PHD Graduate Master’s Specialists 64% 6,5% 1,5% 28% Undergraduate students: 13,000 Graduate students: 5,500 Students in courses in all areas in 250 courses in all areas Administrative staff 5,200 25% with posgraduate degress

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Page 1: FOLDER UEL INGLES 2015 versao final UEL INGLES... · preparatory course for the university entrance exam. More than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students enjoy a suitable environment


Dean: Berenice Quinzani JordãoDeputy Dean: Ludoviko Carnasciali dos Santos

[email protected]

International Relations Office – [email protected]

Social Communication - [email protected]

Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid | Pr 445 Km 380 | Campus UniversitárioCx. Postal 10.011 | CEP 86.057-970 | Londrina – PR - Brasil

Tel. +55(43) 3371-4000 | Fax: +55(43)3328-4440

RESEARCHCurrently, there are more than 850 ongoing research projects, carried out by researchers in partnership with external funding agencies such as Fundação Araucária (Paraná State), CNPq, FINEP, and CAPES (Federal). These projects are linked to 760 lines of inquiry, leading to dissemination in major academic journals both nationally and internationally. A great deal of this academic production is published in books, some by the university's own publishing house – EDUEL, which releases about 30 titles per year.

Professor researchers involved: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100Students involved: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,500

TEACHINGUEL offers 54 undergraduate courses in all areas, from arts to physics, from economics to medicine, which are organized in nine centers or colleges. At the graduate level, UEL offers continuing education and research training in 115 specialization courses and 70 medical residencies (Lato sensu), and 44 master and 21 doctorate programs (Stricto sensu).

Undergraduate Specialization Specialization Master Doctorate Total courses courses EAD courses courses program Graduate Level Agrarian Sciences 3 19 4 3 25

Health Science 5 66 6 3 75

Aplied Social Sciences 6 19 4 4 1 28

Physical Sciences 5 19 10 6 35

Urban Planning 3 4 3 7 and Technology

Communication 10 24 3 27 and Arts

Language and 5 12 2 7 2 23 Humanities

Biological Sciences 3 8 1 6 5 12

Phisical Education 3 6 1 1 1 9 and Sports








6,5% 1,5%


Undergraduate students: 13,000 Graduate students: 5,500

Students in courses in all areas in 250 courses in all areas

Administrative staff 5,20025% with posgraduate degress

Page 2: FOLDER UEL INGLES 2015 versao final UEL INGLES... · preparatory course for the university entrance exam. More than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students enjoy a suitable environment

UEL seeks to guarantee:

• A profound interconnection between teaching, research and outreach;

• ·Egalitarian access to all students;

• ·Freedom and respect for the multiplicity of ideas;

• ·Production and dissemination of knowledge, by educating citizens and

professionals in various academic fields within the ethical values of freedom, equality, and social justice.

In 1971, the existing separate colleges of Letters and Sciences, Law, and Dentistry were merged to create UEL: a state funded, free of charge university, located in Londrina (population 540,000), a medium-sized city in the northern region of Paraná state located in the south of Brazil.

UEL maintains affirmative action programs to ensure democratic access to the 3,100 new undergraduate enrollment vacancies every year. Low-income candidates are assisted through vocational guidance and a free preparatory course for the university entrance exam.More than 18,000 undergraduate and graduate students enjoy a suitable environment for academic exchanges and personal and professional development. Several federal and state government programs have ensured that students receive the best qualification in the areas of teacher education, research training, and arts development.


UEL is seeking international partnerships, especially under the Science without Borders program to enrich the already existing cooperation agreements. We also have, in addition, the Foreign Language Institute that to the active Foreign Language Institute that offers courses in Portuguese for speakers of other languages, as a means to facilitate a smooth adaptation to our campus life.UEL´s International Relations Office – ARI/UEL is responsible for managing academic and research exchange agreements with foreign universities. The office provides support to foreign students and promotes exchanges with other countries. We also host a Center for African and Brazilian Studies and a Center for Japanese Cultural Studies.

· PEC-PG Program: Receives foreign students with scholarships provided by CAPES and CNPq. At this moment* UEL is receiving 5 master degree students and 10 PHD students. (*April 2015)· OEA/ GCUB: The Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities receives foreign students who belongs to the American States Organization, with scholarships from CAPES. Last year we received seven of these students for a masters degree.

· PDSE: “Sandwich” Doctorate Abroad Program: Our doctorate students have the opportunity to improve their job working on their final paper in universities and research institutes abroad. Nowadays UEL have around 40 students working in this way.


SUPPORTING AGENCIESUEL has several agencies that provide support to teaching, research, outreach, and community services. Some of them are located on campus and others in other locations in the city of Londrina.

Technology and Innovation Agency - AINTECIntellectual Property Office/ Technology transfer

Educational Technology Laboratory - LABTEDSupport for distance learning courses

Law School Community Service Office - EAAJFree legal advice to the community

Centre for Historical Research and Documentation – CDPHOrganization and preservation of historical documents, such as laboratory and academic support services to the community

Farm SchoolAnimal and agricultural research and production

Pharmacy School

HEALTH SUPPORTING AGENCIESUEL has a distinguished presence in the field of regional health care with the following facilities.

University Hospital and Clinic Center – HU/HCNumber of beds: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313Consultations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 70,000Hospitalizations : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,500Surgeries: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000Medical laboratory tests: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 million*along the yearUniversity Dentistry Clinic 24H - COUPatients:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,000Procedures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40,000*along the year

Baby Clinic – Infant Dental ClinicPatients:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000Procedures: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,000*along the year

Psychological ClinicTreatments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100Patients:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229*along the year

LIBRARIESUEL has a network of central and branch libraries located both on the campus and elsewhere in the city: Humanities Library, Health Library, Dentistry Center Library – adjacent to the Dentistry College, and Law School Library. Together they house 259,359 titles, 390,126 journals and other items, 648,405 users/queries.

MUSEUMSScience and Technology Museum – MCTExplores the interface between science, technology and culture

Museum of Geology - DGEOLaboratory for teaching and research and collection of samples andgeological imprint geological paleontological imprint

Anatomy MuseumCollections of scientific value to teaching and research

Historical Museum Cultural Center

Museum of Animal Science

LEARNING AND RESEARCH LABS The University maintains in activity around 250 labs that give support to the teaching activities and scientific researches promoted by undergraduate courses, masters programs and PHD programs. Spread among the 9 Studies Centres and Suplementary Organs of support, we found equipments ranging from informatics till Biotechnology. In order to attend different courses and knowledge fields, informatics laboratories can be found at every Academic Centre inside the campus.

COMMUNICATIONCOM – Social CommunicationResponsible for the dissemination of University news and contact with the media.TV UEL - Cultural and Educational TelevisionUEL FM - Radio - Special program focusing on Brazilian culture and local news.EDUEL - Publishing house - Since in 2000, it has already published 550 titles.

CULTURESeveral cultural landmarks are under UEL´s responsibility. These include the Londrina Historical Museum and the Cultural Center. The former is the promoterthe cultural activities - fine arts, music, cinema and theatre. Londrina is one of the few cities outside the state capital to host a Symphonic Orchestra – UEL´s Orchestra.

Londrina also hosts two traditional annual Furthermore, many festivals: The Music Festival and the International Theatre Festival. Many fine arts exhibitions are displayed throughout the year and we also have our own movie theather (Com-Tour), which presents alternative films as an option outside of the commercially-minded film programs.


Adopting practices of democratic governance and guaranteeing full academic and scientific autonomy, UEL is committed to social and economic development as well as to the political and cultural transformation of the state of Paraná and Brazil.

Londrina State University (UEL) is located on a lovely campus, made up of 235 hectares, surrounded by green areas, where the goal is a compromise between excellence and quality of life.

UEL is composed by nine student centers, and some supplementary and support agencies, all located in our campus. Together, practicing the teaching, research and outreach, they serve to the purpose of our political and cultural improvement.


CAPES – Coordination of Upper Level Staff Perfection2 Courses Grade 6 (Excellence)6 Courses Grade 5 (Very Good)

17 Courses Grade 4 (Good)* Announced/December 2013 - Nº evaluated courses: 39

QS - University Ranking Latin America 1st State University of Parana

5th State University of Brazil19th Institution of Higher Learning of Brazil

64th Institution of Higher Learning of Latin America* Announced/February 2014-- Nº institutions evaluated: 600

IGC - General Index of Courses 1st Institution of Higher Learning of Parana

* Announced/December 2013 - Nº evaluated courses: 192