fine job work subscription per year ohio county ii no34 j...

rg rtr J tp1tblictn 1 Fine Job Work DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF OHIO COUNTY Subscription 1 per Year VOL XXII HARTFORD OHIO COUNTY KY FRIDAY MARCH ii 1910 No34 SAVIN6S BANK j BILL WILL PASS Inauguration Day Will Be Changed to April Day < Woman Promotes Temple in Hon 4 2or of Father of His Coun 9 try at Washington t Wwhingon D C March 5It Is raw expected that one of the important of bills that raiding t the pow savings bank will beOOnro a law durung the present month Them Iran been consider blo oppoat- fsn to the bill mainly from Domo stoic end lnsul1gont sources Mlat y amendments hiave been pletilenkEd and SOIOO or them accepted Senator Root o New York In ndVOO3JCY ot the bill has tirade Ute most forcible peeo- of h his Senntorlnl career It Is tin- derstaod that he voice tho vlow l of the President It Is expected that the bill wlll add gre3ltly to the i sttenghof the financial sl ua ton III- thlls country and the fait thaiU It has long been in use do con ratlve foreign countries will reeommend It Americav Ir Is thought Jhro bill I fixIng the last Thxsuday in April for 1u neW inauguml day will be adopt- ed Changing hte data for the inaugu ratJon ot a presIdent from the 4th of Match to the tator tats involves un- t amendment Ito the Constt U1Ion txf the f United States and wdfl thorcouo have to recelvo n tirothirds vote of Con- i I gross and a majority vane of three fourthb txf the tortyiSlx stntes through o their loslslaturee before lilt can be- come t n law The change In dada Is o rho J 1tr Ydmimrtanctar she Qweather on March 4th is seldom pleasant and occasionally os on the tity of President Grants second In- n I gumtlon and last 4th of Marcia It is bitterly cold and Wmpcstuous The National OJpJto1 ft ropldly SIt w lug feu improvements and tlCoomodaI- tlQJ1s for vdsitexg and also fu ac cemdULty to all pants of the mnntry ondithOm Ik the elty for the quad- rennial innugur event is steadily Increasing In volume It booomoo of importance not so much to the etl- ezne of Woehiugbon most of whom have at least bed and beard brio to the two or thtoo hundred thousand vlsfors who came here to hadtwxss the knpoeing oercmonies and parade attendant upon the dnauguralon of the PnoidentelectT- hiIGy or forty 3Oars ago Urere was rordous consideration of a pro jootto remove the zutittonal capltl- taadla west or nciarcr the Ceo- g1p1 pouter This project or dream has 4owg shoo been abandoned Noth Lng but a dlsM1pUon of true country or a revolutionary upl1mvel cur be able to fix the eapUlad olsowhree mid Jt In web on event there would be more than one and perhaps more than half a dozen capifata In tho Dibunlted- Starx s Distance Ls no longsr a geogra pWoal question but a qUestion of Ume and WlIShlngton is quttuas ssib- lo by steum electricity and gaso- line to my nothing of the are planc as any other locality in thoUnloDI The capital is becoming more ohd more firmly routed bY mlilione spent too marble and gronlJOO ottkea In whfuh the EtUW dm vPork of tlteI nation Js TIltUJncted A b111 le now I under in the Senate ton the pproprlqtJ ru oC tti tYml l loru dollars to be raped byt 2 perI cent bonds for the roc1Jonor need ell government oW cs At UJlmtlJlO government to paying from ton to sevonteen per coat annually on the value of infreriot rented bulldLngs- nscettsary fOr kand file roams for tlietaouaandsof gotrernmeaut emPloyes who make theLr homes here Than to pay ten orsovenilleen per cent for a poor building when the g vernmetv9- cam get the behtes lullding tor 2 poT cent 1s not busln like may the dom otE ted to a hUd Tlta whole country iiy tint time tv must have heard ot a eomewhal unique undertakteg tho building Of a memorial templon Washington In1i- hOillor of tin FMhar of his Qountry The unbertakhg is unique only in t I the fact tlueta woman Mai Dmck le most active 7n uag11ng Mt hmti it rte tkeenthualBtcaa4 paUve ap J provnl of the Pltesldont ofnato Root and or many mew dlstingui cd in national affairs The propasal la that U shall bo built by the school- children of the UnIted Status a111 already tit mnmdbutlons t1IlOsty In- dibnes amount too a very respcdtJable sum In dollars The butldhrg ds to take the form of An Immense assam sly ball to which ahe many conven tons noww making Wl1sMnfgtloo the cenler for their deUb 13tlons shal find free aoce The cOMIllflons no v coming to WashingtOn mtra rent halts It Is proposed that tihLa build Ing shall ho so arranged that mJany conventions It desired may hold situ ultnneous meetings In emJ1l1cr annex- ed hillIs but all suttlofenlly largo to l1ocomod1Ite large meetings BUFORDa March Si lr W M Jwons is quite sick M result from flghJInc tins He was overcome by hit and had to be helped to the hcuse Dr ShuUz WIl summoned He is some bettor Mrs J D Holbrook who has b I 111 ro long With heart tttottble fro has dropsy Her d 1hls is expect ed atany tIme Mr John King and Mr Roscoe Hbl brook want to Hartford Mttoday a busIness Mr and1lm R y Kirk vtaitdt- riend4d e and g Loaves nt Clear Run from Saturday unlU Sunday Mise Belle HusSey LI gOIng t- tvaoh a during school rut Red commencing the 2Sth ot tuts monJt- hlUw Carole Mogan has been quPto sick for the last Cow days but Is better Mr Morton Holbrook of Whites yule visited Ills mother Mm J D Holbrook from Saturday untIl SUn day Miiss America Boll commenood a school at this plats Mondny she have grreoattuccess is the wLs- of too write- rMINERS WIDOWS SETTLE CLAIM S Company to Pay 1800 Eac For Victims of Cherry Disaster Chloago Ill Marcht SWith fifty claims of widows Iud other relative of Cherry mine disaster victims sjta- eeV by payments ranging iron SOO Ito 1200 par death the St Paul Mtn tag Comlnll has enrcred Into negotla bans wIth counsel do somethlmg Rk 100 moro cares to t1e with theI vlotdms willow > nt Ole 11to of 1800 In arch ease Thl9 ruts of sehtloment wits agrned upon ot a conlnrnce bemeen nttor neye represonUng fire willowS and counsel for the minIng company BALD KNOB March 9Viers will ho preachIng ut thIs place next third Sunday and Sunday nIght MIss Ilarrlett Sanderillr who Is vis ring her uncle at St bouts Mo has pneumonia foyer Mrs J H Torrenco and daughter Bessie of this place and Mr Jamea- Sanderfur and family Horton visited Mr Jesso Torrence and family Sun dayM Mr Elvis Sandrfur and little daughters Commie and Mae visIted Mr L D Taylor Sunday Miss Geneva Raymer of panda vie too her uncle Mr J W Taylor Sun day Mrs Iudley Leach and chlldern visIted Mrs Goodman SUnday afterI noon Mr Marlon SlDderfur visited hisC brother Mr lonnlo Sanderfur at- Plncheco Sunday Mr T H Sorrels and wife have grl Mrs Mattle Taylor vrslted her par- ent Mr amt Mrs John Loach nt- Manda Tuesday evening Uncle Charlie Sanders died ot pneu- monfa at h1s home near Select March His remains were Interred at the Brick House buryIng ground Hl- okvess nn hgCd ruffs who it very Ulbe sides three daughters on son and n host ot friends to mourn hIS depart Weepcotdearonesforthas m to a world above where saints and l angels meat to realize our eavlours- taus and worship at his toot May Godd aoo help us all to live right and1 moot him 1n HeavenII r r fiOV WILSONSI VETO DIDNT 6 t Tobacco Bill Does Not Meet Executive Approval States His Reasons in Commun- ication to House of Rep resentatives On last Tuesday the governor sent- in ILls veto W the KJadr Tobeaco Bm which provides for reglnterlng or pooling tobacco and also provides pen airy for buyhlJ or attempting to buy tobaooo so pasted This m33l8uoo is Intended to assist lobuco growers to cooprofo In thefpioffortt to wrong from the Tobacco Trust fair prices herewithw In fuN I1i3SOnos tsslgnutt by the gover- nor for his veto of this sure To the House of RopIICOOnltatlhOS- I I return House nlll No 51 an aaU to authorize and rrrogulatc ttbe record than ot agreements for pooling farm products which I fell U my duty St- sdlsupprove and with It I have tho cosyl So much ot this blll us provides for recording n list of the peteart1 pool- Ing on pledging any arichy of farm products seems ro motb bo a logical stxluenw to the purposeet of what Js generally called the OreoooUu- IIUI and I should llot hesirtarto to approve that pant at tilts m uro but Section 3 Provides that anllcltingh of which have boons recorded as bore La provided shrill upon convlotlon be fined not leis than 10 mor more than 1000 or Imprisoned nvt less than fifteen her moro than ndnty days or both so tUned and tnrllrIsomdd The Oreoolsus bill provides punieh mont for the seller and also provld knowh erty This section proposes to attend that pundshmcnt to thoso who have couerrtotdvo nntcee by the vecord1ttg- of U l swheth r they know it or not und I cannot uprove the law with this sedion in Lt but return It with my S1WroaJ IS a memme injurd- OU to bus neaa 1tUeress and In furious w the tanner and which can be made equally hrjuribua to the as soclatJIons of tho farmer or anyy of all TIle bllltolken Uterallyforblds any- one to oven Mk the nswdalon w self this pro port for tins asooiattoii- if prOPEut Is pledged or pooled to Lt wIn record the lists ands his soc don province that anybody buying the property It does not say of the or lMal grower but any porn u buying U ds subject to these pcnnDtIOO und therefore tt licraUy tnciudes thoa buying or evien offering to buy of the assooL3tion The argument ds m1d that the tobacco being commingled It would be Impossible to prove IJhatI the tobacco vinepoolel or pledged by any given individual rtunriooed III the list but the tobacco In the pos slou or the aamciatloa could be pooled pledged and listed by overy body would have CO utroctivc notices bat it wag pooled pledged and list- ed and thIs doEs ndt exoepp those who buy from the oaSOclation but punishes everybody MId at tJho best would leave it ub rho eptbuat the ma alters of IthaasrocllUonrtopSck out anybody whom they might w1h to punl5h bemuse of bpoamldzig dlsE mMSf dartcrwnni with such pU1tJcu person or persons A puDc3 mser a large amounL qt tobacco tram the association could It the mark btlail- ed matcnuy plead that the omtJroct was unlawful and thus sucoessfu1ly- evada thope1lotwance ot it Ordinarily pcoploadrertlse tar tour draoor 3 and do oU they mn to gut Itaiee the of the recgtnluma of the pools orIgtnnly to end true moacpolY purdisrr which was a vary and comaiendeble purpose but Iproper forbids anybody to par and of oeuvre coves them- who would compete I could not appirovo n law that makes Jbrlsky to buy Kenluckyt etmt- proditct 1 or to offelt buy then I 4 have never Inm life road n propo sdUnw that was on hts dace so nrattl- ft y A deadly blow to tIle rdghtsi of mmD as I therefore Mum Jt wilt my disap- proval thLi March 5 1910 AUGUSTUS E WlILSO Governor of Kiel ucky HERBERT March SRov W II Drunr ru his regular appointment at Panthe- Cafoek r Saturday and Sunday Mr ivm Ohamblis and wife of- FordsHe vlsled Mrs May SkinneS- atudyaay r night Mr Emmett llaynes Thurston was hero Sunday Mr and Mrs Dlon Masoley of Pell- vile visted at Mr John Drullurs Saturday night R lt Miller Jas and Rooort Chant bers and Miss llixter Miller were Qwaanabon WodnesdayJ Miss Mary ChlaJ11berswho is Jilt sehoo at Mwricn Indlana Js expected home this weak Mr and Mts Robent Stewart were she guess of Mr llomrr Mlligans family at Heflw last week Miss Saute E Ford t4rgan a spring school here this morning Mr Joe McOarty and wlfo of Evans ville visited the famllltS of brats Ella lcCaI1y and Dudley Hayme las vvtrokMr Jack Dlddel who has been vtsit- ing his mother Mrs Gieo Barnett l11IneturnCdto Evonrvi4ll Mr and Mrs George DUlderJt gO the young Ocecgne a big party Satur dayn4ght Mr and Mrs Dlon Mostihn Mr crud llix Rolit Stew atd dined at 0 T Durdctts Sunday Miss Ruh Lloyd NJotnlWl1Ie spent la week with her sister Mrr Ar- thur Fort Robt M Miller Is on the Grand Jury thls week Mis Mlytlo Burdette spent Mon- day night with Mks raJttllJ Btrnutt- Mr J Wm Miller Own bQlV fllJ Il several days WltJl his tlster Mrs- Nara Chnmbera last week Mr Ilenrry Ilaynee of lfayrtorvill- evfited here and attended church Sun- day i FOR THE BUSY READER That the fount enth and fLfryentlt amendments to tbe Consntdou are null and vOid wns delared by a reSl lulon Introduced by R < lre3cJtutoS- co lon of MUatsslppl ivhch dlrtOL the Attorney General toO submit the queeUon to the Supreme Court Dr D C HdJ charged with mur- der and rutcmlOC mutdrr du the Swopo care WJ roloed from tire county jail In Kansas City after fur nihhing bond 4n the suns Ot 100000 Ills trial oar the indictment chnrg- 4rg murder of Col Swope was set for April 11 79th 1910 pooling compaign bf the Burley Tobacco Society was lnaugu rated nt a twodays meeting of the dtstrlabboard ot thnorganlza loam whit began do Lexington Tuesday Stxty- thnn counties ot IndIana Kentucky Ohio and West Virginia are represent- ed by dolegales Counting of tam ballots rest by fire- men and englnemen on about f1Py radiroeds of the West Nozitirwvxt and Southwest on the strike vote Was ompleted Tuesday According to the official returns 86 per cent of the union men i nd 89 per curt of the nonunionn employes voted for a l The Stmdard Oil Co filed in Ute Supreme Gourdj of the United States its brie is opposdlbn tb the attempt of the Government to dl ohO tt asj yialatdng the Sherman ntltru law This omes as n prelude to the oral arlumcntof The ciao Monday by at tornoyaSor the defense sad fo the Govemmeateat I For Sale I haw a largo quantlty of second- growth Quoons and purlttnns early polatoosfor sale These potatbcs can 00 had at the OhIo County Supply Co- at 100 per bushel Ever bushel ot these potatoes Ss sold undelr a gunr nntco it not satisfactory money will refunded39t2 ROWAN HOUBROOK BAPTIST MiNIS TER ASSAULTED Rev Doddof PaducahBeat en by Prominent ManI Thought Minister Had Slander- eWifeRev Dodd Well Known Here Paducah Ky2 March iAs the result of Dr M E Dodd pastor of rhe large and fashionable Flrbt Bap tilt church drawing the line all dJ- vorced ptmons singing in tire chloe an morning by Charles Graham II prarninent tobacco broker and for several ears prlwr of he Dark Tob- 1OOO nssoeialon The affair ooctued nt Sixth and Jefferson trvete while Dr Dodd was on his way to Sundry chart wIth a Di1bJe under each Mm Ile was knocker down by blows on the CalC winch disfigured him and n nab on his left slide was broken HIs BIbles weAr trampled ht the dirt Graham surrendered MmEHlf to Magistrate Charles Emery and gO bond for hill lPJ100rw1C6 next Thur d1- During a 1ioceut revival Dr l1 called for volunteers to sing In the clufor Mm Graham with was di- vorced before she married her 1JISo silt huslrmd seat her Hume Dr Dodd informed her that we- cordhrg to Iris interpretation oC rhri scriptures slue was not splrttuo1lIdtv- orced from her frm haMbanrl Chn- scquently he could not permit her to slug Grnham met him yvstorday moan- ing and d manded all allolog There upon ho struck Dr Dodd in ho tats knocking hint dower Dr Dodd offered no mslstonce being tnrctmt bered with books Hrr roamed hone but afterwarci4 filled iris pulpLt though his tact showed marks of tire encounter The church has had colI91dcrabllc clriort- Gullll s and ahol1t II oar ago the chtor Wl1S dimulesed from blue regu- I1r church eervice The church has a member l1dp of over a thou- sand Report of the McHenry School for February 1910 Lilian neck 8S Lilian 11ichcrnr 8- 6Jennete Micheil S5 PIcl1ce Brooks 85 Mae Bii iieart St rMJJe Espey St Bertha Toll 82 Edklr Willson 82 Glen nlo HaWs 82 Atrges StmpFon 83 Glady Nall 82 Am Sill Sl Ruth BI 9tvait- Sl Ew Adklns 81 Floy Maddox 80- Moneta Bishop 82 Nellie Tall 81 El sdo Qtrnes Sl Rxe fleck 75 Irene Beck 76 IS1lJ1Jlo Stvwart ii Della Hares 77 Minnie James 7S DaiSlo- C1ft9 75 Grace Johnson i5 Maggie Rendyyr 73 DUdley Carnes n Novel- la Dunn il GertnllJ Dunn iO Gracie Hawea 74 Stella Render 65 Lllte Booth 66 LitHo Seltzer 65 Eva Craddock 65 Pearl Craddock 68 Fan- nie Carries 70 Geoge Hunter 88 Wil- lIe Davis 75 Frank Wilson 88 Ray Hacker 83 Dave Smith 7i Fred Gwynn 75 Gilmore Kcown i8 Purl Espey 8G Halle Maddox 83 Sam Fisher SO Jam ri Render i9 Conrad Tichenor 76 Witco James 79 JImI Ready 79 Bob Smith 81 Phillip Bishop i7 Robert Cates 77 George Addison SO Wendell Johnson i2 Gu thou Sandefur 71 Dave Egpey i2 Joe JIIIIOS 77 Duncan Povtntan 75 Pearl Carmen 70 Lov tender SO Guy Stewart 80 John StewarU 76 JohnI Espey 69 Joe Maddox 75 Vernon John- son 63 Everitt Dunn 70 Dave Fispey 72 Goebel lIffit1don 71 Annlo Render iO Herman Renfrow 75 Frank Add 65 Mrs Florence KeownTeacber v WHITESVILLEI March SMra Livia Cecil wont to 11IUcllln1d Uco clerkship In tho P II Hartey store C A Kelley has sold his Uvcry stable to Willis Holder his former partner N P Kelley and n H Balirny went to Hartford yesterday on busi ness James Fuqua and wife Hartford nre visiting their old friends and rela- tives wits are glad to welcome them back to their old home once more Dernmd Hickey Central City t visiting hIs parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Hickey at tins writing W P Griffith who has bu con- nected it businrss with HInton at Oklahonahus sold t and wlll tarot this year- Miss Nora Taylor Robert Holland and Dr Edge were the guests of Miss Pearl and iva Huward of Ralph Sunday Mend iroer C A Kelly went to Deunfield to- day Since Mondry the greatest rush ot the tobacco delivery this season has hoer Oi- lElla Huff wetIsboro Is the guest oC- her sister Llzzie Westerfield who l sick of tuberculosIs Ur mother and one sister have died ol the same disease In the past year- Mr Luil Miller who has boon sick for sometime Is but little hotter Rev Llng preached an able sermon at tile Christian church Sunday night C V Moseloy Ralph Wtl In town Saturday Mrs fill Smith colored died yes- terday of cancer CROMWELL Mar 9Th TOads drib gqt1n good again and people seen to have usu for their bugles and wagons again Tire people In town are getting well of grip again There has been moro sickness In Cromwell for the last month than ever was known la the sane enuMth of tIme before Dr Ronfmw Is at the office of Dr WIllis doing dentl work G W Wallac and little soli Oar have just rfturlHd front Evansville where Mt Wllllace took IL carload ot stock + MIr Toni Cooler and Mlfs Dukle James are In LouisvIlle buying dry goods and mIlliner goods Uncle Jet liornh who has been down with fever for sometime 3I get- ting UIr ilgun Born to the wife of Virgil Drake a tine IpenIlound boy Wife will baby doing well Dr RIllis was the attending physician The Equity Telephone It new Corn pleto from Prontis to Cromwell then to G 1lIs1 mIl They oto also buUd Ing another line fmut Cromwell to- BalztSJ It seems its tills line is- going to put the others out ot Jus lESS In this section Mir Ed Davis hits moved back front Liver more to this place The Red Men had a full house here last night Tire order trtid out ul most a irunilred dollars tills mouth for sick benefits We have Iute n good singing school glng on here under till dis- tingushed teacher IJney SlIuderCur Dr Willis is getting rcculy to take a post gwmt course In diseases of women and children He will leave for college about the 1Gth If sickness gives do111 any so Ire can get away Mm Jim Cox Is very sick of grip at this writing Eastern Star Entertainment Mrs David N Klncwoe reader whIstler vocalist and pianIst ofMadr- sunvllle Ky will appear Clot the opera house here on lle evenings or March JSth and 19th for tllO benefit of the kcal lodge ot the Order of Eastern Star Her program Is one that wilt delIght and she has made a most fa- vorable impression all over tire south- land Mrs Klncheoe Is bright ver Maine and impressive and her Ilelln eatlons ot the dark characters rank with the best artists on the platform Her coning to Hartford ought to at- tract tho greatest scut of a crowd both on accOunt of her talent and the order represented by her The Ow ensboro Messenger has the following conlcrnlng n recent entertainment at Owensboro by Mrs Klncheoe Mrs D H Kincheloe gave n negro dialect selection In black taco and kinky hair In which she caught W- cryane The trunsforntatlon from the pretty whistler and piano ntcompnnlst to the black giggling darkly was the most radical seen at the Chautauqua allIl1ause regress piano player to tho delight nIl Public Sale On Saturdhy March 26 1910 I will otter tor sale ot 1 oclotk T m at Conortown Ky ono latjga Jd besu- tdfully ltuntcd well fenced now 4 moan douse well built tint quito fin Ishoo Also sane houmtold articles nods known on day or ma llerms A W ROSSo

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Page 1: Fine Job Work Subscription per Year OHIO COUNTY ii No34 j · i I gross and a majority vane of three fourthb txf the tortyiSlx stntes

rg rtr J tp1tblictn1





Inauguration Day Will Be

Changed to April Day


Woman Promotes Temple in Hon42or of Father of His Coun


try at Washingtont

Wwhingon D C March 5It Is

raw expected that one of theimportant of bills that raiding tthe pow savings bank will beOOnro

a law durung the present month

Them Iran been consider blo oppoat-

fsn to the bill mainly from Domo

stoic end lnsul1gont sources Mlat y

amendments hiave been pletilenkEd andSOIOO or them accepted Senator Root

o New York In ndVOO3JCY ot the bill

has tirade Ute most forcible peeo-


his Senntorlnl career It Is tin-

derstaod that he voice tho vlow l ofthe President It Is expected thatthe bill wlll add gre3ltly to the

i sttenghof the financial sl ua ton III-

thlls country and the fait thaiU It

has long been in use do conratlveforeign countries will reeommend It

AmericavIr Is thought Jhro billI

fixIng the last Thxsuday in April for1u neW inauguml day will be adopt-

ed Changing hte data for the inauguratJon ot a presIdent from the 4th of

Match to the tator tats involves un-

t amendment Ito the Constt U1Ion txf thef United States and wdfl thorcouo have

to recelvo n tirothirds vote of Con-

i I gross and a majority vane of threefourthb txf the tortyiSlx stntes through

o their loslslaturee before lilt can be-

comet n law The change In dada Is

o rho J1tr Ydmimrtanctar sheQweather on March 4th is seldom

pleasant and occasionally os on thetity of President Grants second In-

nI gumtlon and last 4th of Marcia

It is bitterly cold and Wmpcstuous

The National OJpJto1 ft ropldly SIt w

lug feu improvements and tlCoomodaI-

tlQJ1s for vdsitexg and also fu accemdULty to all pants of the mnntryondithOm Ik the elty for the quad-

rennial innugur event is steadilyIncreasing In volume It booomoo ofimportance not so much to the etl-ezne of Woehiugbon most of whom

have at least bed and beard brio tothe two or thtoo hundred thousandvlsfors who came here to hadtwxss

the knpoeing oercmonies and paradeattendant upon the dnauguralon of

the PnoidentelectT-hiIGy or forty 3Oars ago Urere

was rordous consideration of a projootto remove the zutittonal capltl-taadla west or nciarcr the Ceo-g1p1 pouter This project or dreamhas 4owg shoo been abandoned NothLng but a dlsM1pUon of true countryor a revolutionary upl1mvel cur beable to fix the eapUlad olsowhree mid

Jt In web on event there would be morethan one and perhaps more than halfa dozen capifata In tho Dibunlted-

Starx s Distance Ls no longsr a geograpWoal question but a qUestion of Umeand WlIShlngton is quttuas ssib-lo by steum electricity and gaso-

line to my nothing of the are plancas any other locality in thoUnloDIThe capital is becoming more ohdmore firmly routed bY mlilione spenttoo marble and gronlJOO ottkea Inwhfuh the EtUW dm vPork of tlteInation Js TIltUJncted A b111 le now

I under in the Senateton the pproprlqtJ ru oC tti tYml l

loru dollars to be raped byt 2 perIcent bonds for the roc1Jonor needell government oWcs At UJlmtlJlOgovernment to paying from ton tosevonteen per coat annually on thevalue of infreriot rented bulldLngs-

nscettsary fOr kand file roams fortlietaouaandsof gotrernmeaut emPloyeswho make theLr homes here Than topay ten orsovenilleen per cent for apoor building when the g vernmetv9-cam get the behtes lullding tor 2 poT

cent 1s not busln like may the dom

otEted to a hUdTlta whole country iiy tint time

tv must have heard ot a eomewhalunique undertakteg tho building Of

a memorial templon Washington In1i-

hOillor of tin FMhar of his QountryThe unbertakhg is unique only in

t I

the fact tlueta woman Mai Dmckle most active 7n uag11ng Mt hmti itrte tkeenthualBtcaa4 paUve ap


provnl of the Pltesldont ofnatoRoot and or many mew dlstingui cdin national affairs The propasal la

that U shall bo built by the school-

children of the UnIted Status a111

already tit mnmdbutlons t1IlOsty In-

dibnes amount too a very respcdtJablesum In dollars The butldhrg ds totake the form of An Immense assamsly ball to which ahe many conventons noww making Wl1sMnfgtloo thecenler for their deUb 13tlons shalfind free aoce The cOMIllflons no v

coming to WashingtOn mtra renthalts It Is proposed that tihLa buildIng shall ho so arranged that mJanyconventions It desired may hold situultnneous meetings In emJ1l1cr annex-

ed hillIs but all suttlofenlly largo tol1ocomod1Ite large meetings

BUFORDaMarch Si lr W M Jwons is quite

sick M result from flghJInc tins Hewas overcome by hit and had to behelped to the hcuse Dr ShuUz WIlsummoned He is some bettor

Mrs J D Holbrook who has b I

111 ro long With heart tttottble frohas dropsy Her d 1hls is expected atany tIme

Mr John King and Mr Roscoe Hblbrook want to Hartford Mttoday abusIness

Mr and1lm R y Kirk vtaitdt-


and g Loaves nt Clear Runfrom Saturday unlU Sunday

Mise Belle HusSey LI gOIng t-

tvaoh a during school rut Redcommencing the 2Sth ot tuts monJt-

hlUw Carole Mogan has been quPto

sick for the last Cow days but Is

betterMr Morton Holbrook of Whites

yule visited Ills mother Mm J DHolbrook from Saturday untIl SUnday

Miiss America Boll commenood aschool at this plats Mondnyshe have grreoattuccess is the wLs-

of too write-



Company to Pay 1800 Eac

For Victims of Cherry


Chloago Ill Marcht SWith fiftyclaims of widows Iud other relativeof Cherry mine disaster victims sjta-

eeV by payments ranging iron SOO

Ito 1200 par death the St Paul Mtntag Comlnll has enrcred Into negotlabans wIth counsel do somethlmg Rk100 moro cares to t1e with theIvlotdms willow > nt Ole 11to of 1800In arch ease

Thl9 ruts of sehtloment wits agrnedupon ot a conlnrnce bemeen nttorneye represonUng fire willowS andcounsel for the minIng company


March 9Viers will ho preachIngut thIs place next third Sunday andSunday nIght

MIss Ilarrlett Sanderillr who Is visring her uncle at St bouts Mo haspneumonia foyer

Mrs J H Torrenco and daughterBessie of this place and Mr Jamea-Sanderfur and family Horton visitedMr Jesso Torrence and family Sun

dayMMr Elvis Sandrfur and little

daughters Commie and Mae visItedMr L D Taylor Sunday

Miss Geneva Raymer of panda vietoo her uncle Mr J W Taylor Sunday

Mrs Iudley Leach and chlldernvisIted Mrs Goodman SUnday afterInoon

Mr Marlon SlDderfur visited hisCbrother Mr lonnlo Sanderfur at-

Plncheco SundayMr T H Sorrels and wife have grlMrs Mattle Taylor vrslted her par-

ent Mr amt Mrs John Loach nt-

Manda Tuesday eveningUncle Charlie Sanders died ot pneu-

monfa at h1s home near Select MarchHis remains were Interred at

the Brick House buryIng ground Hl-

okvess nn hgCd ruffs who it very Ulbesides three daughters on son and nhost ot friends to mourn hIS depart

Weepcotdearonesforthas mto a world above where saints and langels meat to realize our eavlours-taus and worship at his toot MayGodd aoo help us all to live right and1moot him 1n HeavenII




Tobacco Bill Does Not Meet

Executive Approval

States His Reasons in Commun-

ication to House of Rep


On last Tuesday the governor sent-

in ILls veto W the KJadr Tobeaco Bmwhich provides for reglnterlng orpooling tobacco and also provides penairy for buyhlJ or attempting to buytobaooo so pasted This m33l8uoo is

Intended to assist lobuco growersto cooprofo In thefpioffortt to wrong

from the Tobacco Trust fair pricesherewithwIn fuN I1i3SOnos tsslgnutt by the gover-

nor for his veto of this sureTo the House of RopIICOOnltatlhOS-

I I return House nlll No 51 an aaU toauthorize and rrrogulatc ttbe recordthan ot agreements for pooling farmproducts which I fell U my duty St-

sdlsupprove and with It I have thocosylSo much ot this blll us provides forrecording n list of the peteart1 pool-

Ing on pledging any arichy of farmproducts seems ro motb bo alogical stxluenw to the purposeet ofwhat Js generally called the OreoooUu-

IIUI and I should llot hesirtarto toapprove that pant at tilts m urobut Section 3 Provides thatanllcltinghof which have boons recorded as boreLa provided shrill upon convlotlon befined not leis than 10 mor more than1000 or Imprisoned nvt less than

fifteen her moro than ndnty days orboth so tUned and tnrllrIsomdd

The Oreoolsus bill provides puniehmont for the seller and also provldknowherty This section proposes to attendthat pundshmcnt to thoso who havecouerrtotdvo nntcee by the vecord1ttg-

of Ul swheth r they know it or notund I cannot uprove the law withthis sedion in Lt but return It withmy S1WroaJ IS a memme injurd-

OU to bus neaa 1tUeress and In

furious w the tanner and which canbe made equally hrjuribua to the assoclatJIons of tho farmer or anyy of

allTIle bllltolken Uterallyforblds any-

one to oven Mk the nswdalon wself this pro port for tins asooiattoii-if prOPEut Is pledged or pooled toLt wIn record the lists ands his socdon province that anybody buying theproperty It does not say of the orlMal grower but any porn u buyingU ds subject to these pcnnDtIOO undtherefore tt licraUy tnciudes thoabuying or evien offering to buy ofthe assooL3tion The argument ds m1dthat the tobacco being commingledIt would be Impossible to prove IJhatIthe tobacco vinepoolel or pledged byany given individual rtunriooed III

the list but the tobacco In the pos

slou or the aamciatloa could bepooled pledged and listed by overybody would have CO utroctivc noticesbat it wag pooled pledged and list-ed and thIs doEs ndt exoepp thosewho buy from the oaSOclation butpunishes everybody MId at tJho bestwould leave it ub rho eptbuat thema alters of IthaasrocllUonrtopSckout anybody whom they might w1hto punl5h bemuse of bpoamldzig dlsEmMSf dartcrwnni with such pU1tJcu

person or persons A puDc3 mser

a large amounL qt tobacco tram theassociation could It the mark btlail-ed matcnuy plead that the omtJroctwas unlawful and thus sucoessfu1ly-evada thope1lotwance ot it

Ordinarily pcoploadrertlse tar tourdraoor 3 and do oU they mn to gut

Itaieethe of the recgtnluma of thepools orIgtnnly to end true moacpolY

purdisrr which was a varyand comaiendeble purpose butIproper forbids anybody to parand of oeuvre coves them-

who would competeI could not appirovo n law that

makes Jbrlsky to buy Kenluckyt etmt-


or to offelt buy then I


have never Inm life road n proposdUnw that was on hts dace so nrattl-

ft y A deadly blow to tIle rdghtsi ofmmDasI therefore Mum Jt wilt my disap-

proval thLi March 5 1910AUGUSTUS E WlILSO

Governor of Kielucky


March SRov W II Drunr ruhis regular appointment at Panthe-Cafoek

rSaturday and Sunday

Mr ivm Ohamblis and wife of-

FordsHe vlsled Mrs May SkinneS-


nightMr Emmett llaynes Thurston was

hero SundayMr and Mrs Dlon Masoley of Pell-

vile visted at Mr John DrullursSaturday night

R lt Miller Jas and Rooort Chantbers and Miss llixter Miller wereQwaanabon WodnesdayJ

Miss Mary ChlaJ11berswho is Jilt sehooat Mwricn Indlana Js expected homethis weak

Mr and Mts Robent Stewart wereshe guess of Mr llomrr Mlligansfamily at Heflw last week

Miss Saute E Ford t4rgan a springschool here this morning

Mr Joe McOarty and wlfo of Evansville visited the famllltS of bratsElla lcCaI1y and Dudley Hayme lasvvtrokMr

Jack Dlddel who has been vtsit-ing his mother Mrs Gieo Barnettl11IneturnCdto Evonrvi4ll

Mr and Mrs George DUlderJt gOthe young Ocecgne a big party Saturdayn4ght

Mr and Mrs Dlon Mostihn Mrcrud llix Rolit Stew atd dined at 0T Durdctts Sunday

Miss Ruh Lloyd NJotnlWl1Ie spentla week with her sister Mrr Ar-thur Fort

Robt M Miller Is on the GrandJury thls week

Mis Mlytlo Burdette spent Mon-day night with Mks raJttllJ Btrnutt-

Mr J Wm Miller Own bQlV fllJ Ilseveral days WltJl his tlster Mrs-

Nara Chnmbera last weekMr Ilenrry Ilaynee of lfayrtorvill-

evfited here and attended church Sun-day



That the fount enth and fLfryentltamendments to tbe Consntdou arenull and vOid wns delared by a reSllulon Introduced by R< lre3cJtutoS-co lon of MUatsslppl ivhch dlrtOLthe Attorney General toO submit thequeeUon to the Supreme Court

Dr D C HdJ charged with mur-der and rutcmlOC mutdrr du theSwopo care WJ roloed from tirecounty jail In Kansas City after furnihhing bond 4n the suns Ot 100000

Ills trial oar the indictment chnrg-4rg murder of Col Swope was set forApril 11

79th 1910 pooling compaign bf theBurley Tobacco Society was lnaugurated nt a twodays meeting of thedtstrlabboard ot thnorganlza loam whitbegan do Lexington Tuesday Stxty-

thnn counties ot IndIana KentuckyOhio and West Virginia are represent-ed by dolegales

Counting of tam ballots rest by fire-men and englnemen on about f1Pyradiroeds of the West Nozitirwvxt andSouthwest on the strike vote Wasompleted Tuesday According to theofficial returns 86 per cent of theunion men i nd 89 per curt of thenonunionn employes voted for a

lThe Stmdard Oil Co filed in Ute

Supreme Gourdj of the United Statesits brie is opposdlbn tb the attemptof the Government to dl ohO tt asjyialatdng the Sherman ntltru lawThis omes as n prelude to the oralarlumcntof The ciao Monday by attornoyaSor the defense sad fo theGovemmeateat


For SaleI haw a largo quantlty of second-

growth Quoons and purlttnns earlypolatoosfor sale These potatbcs can00 had at the OhIo County Supply Co-

at 100 per bushel Ever bushel otthese potatoes Ss sold undelr a gunrnntco it not satisfactory money will

refunded39t2ROWAN HOUBROOK



Rev Doddof PaducahBeaten by Prominent ManI

Thought Minister Had Slander-

eWifeRev Dodd Well

Known Here

Paducah Ky2 March iAs theresult of Dr M E Dodd pastor ofrhe large and fashionable Flrbt Baptilt church drawing the line all dJ-

vorced ptmons singing in tire chloeanmorning by Charles GrahamII prarninent tobacco broker and forseveral ears prlwr of he Dark Tob-1OOO nssoeialon

The affair ooctued nt Sixth andJefferson trvete while Dr Dodd wason his way to Sundry chart wIth aDi1bJe under each Mm Ile wasknocker down by blows on the CalCwinch disfigured him and n nab onhis left slide was broken

HIs BIbles weAr trampled ht thedirt Graham surrendered MmEHlfto Magistrate Charles Emery andgO bond for hill lPJ100rw1C6 nextThur d1-

During a 1ioceut revival Dr l1called for volunteers to sing In theclufor Mm Graham with was di-

vorced before she married her 1JISosilt huslrmd seat her Hume

Dr Dodd informed her that we-

cordhrg to Iris interpretation oC rhriscriptures slue was not splrttuo1lIdtv-orced from her frm haMbanrl Chn-

scquently he could not permit herto slug

Grnham met him yvstorday moan-ing and d manded all allolog Thereupon ho struck Dr Dodd in hotats knocking hint dower Dr Doddoffered no mslstonce being tnrctmtbered with books

Hrr roamed hone but afterwarci4filled iris pulpLt though his tactshowed marks of tire encounter Thechurch has had colI91dcrabllc clriort-Gullll s and ahol1t II oar ago thechtor Wl1S dimulesed from blue regu-I1r church eervice The churchhas a member l1dp of over a thou-sand

Report of the McHenry School forFebruary 1910

Lilian neck 8S Lilian 11ichcrnr 8-6Jennete Micheil S5 PIcl1ce Brooks85 Mae Bii iieart St rMJJe Espey StBertha Toll 82 Edklr Willson 82 Glennlo HaWs 82 Atrges StmpFon 83 GladyNall 82 Am Sill Sl Ruth BI 9tvait-Sl Ew Adklns 81 Floy Maddox 80-

Moneta Bishop 82 Nellie Tall 81 Elsdo Qtrnes Sl Rxe fleck 75 IreneBeck 76 IS1lJ1Jlo Stvwart ii DellaHares 77 Minnie James 7S DaiSlo-C1ft9 75 Grace Johnson i5 MaggieRendyyr 73 DUdley Carnes n Novel-

la Dunn il GertnllJ Dunn iO GracieHawea 74 Stella Render 65 LllteBooth 66 LitHo Seltzer 65 EvaCraddock 65 Pearl Craddock 68 Fan-nie Carries 70 Geoge Hunter 88 Wil-

lIe Davis 75 Frank Wilson 88 RayHacker 83 Dave Smith 7i FredGwynn 75 Gilmore Kcown i8 PurlEspey 8G Halle Maddox 83 SamFisher SO Jam ri Render i9 ConradTichenor 76 Witco James 79 JImIReady 79 Bob Smith 81 PhillipBishop i7 Robert Cates 77 GeorgeAddison SO Wendell Johnson i2 Guthou Sandefur 71 Dave Egpey i2 JoeJIIIIOS 77 Duncan Povtntan 75 PearlCarmen 70 Lov tender SO GuyStewart 80 John StewarU 76 JohnIEspey 69 Joe Maddox 75 Vernon John-son 63 Everitt Dunn 70 Dave Fispey72 Goebel lIffit1don 71 Annlo RenderiO Herman Renfrow 75 Frank Add


Mrs Florence KeownTeacberv

WHITESVILLEIMarch SMra Livia Cecil wont to

11IUcllln1dUco clerkship In tho P II Harteystore

C A Kelley has sold his Uvcrystable to Willis Holder his formerpartner

N P Kelley and n H Balirnywent to Hartford yesterday on business

James Fuqua and wife Hartford nrevisiting their old friends and rela-tives wits are glad to welcome them

back to their old home once moreDernmd Hickey Central City tvisiting hIs parents Mr and Mrs

Thomas Hickey at tins writingW P Griffith who has bu con-

nected it businrss with HInton atOklahonahus sold t and wlll tarotthis year-

Miss Nora Taylor Robert Hollandand Dr Edge were the guests ofMiss Pearl and iva Huward of RalphSundayMendiroer

C A Kelly went to Deunfield to-

daySince Mondry the greatest rush ot

the tobacco delivery this season hashoer Oi-

lElla Huff wetIsboro Is the guest oC-

her sister Llzzie Westerfield whol sick of tuberculosIs Ur motherand one sister have died ol the samedisease In the past year-

Mr Luil Miller who has boon sickfor sometime Is but little hotter

Rev Llng preached an able sermonat tile Christian church Sunday night

C V Moseloy Ralph Wtl In townSaturday

Mrs fill Smith colored died yes-

terday of cancer

CROMWELLMar 9Th TOads drib gqt1n good

again and people seen to have usufor their bugles and wagons again

Tire people In town are gettingwell of grip again There has beenmoro sickness In Cromwell for thelast month than ever was knownla the sane enuMth of tIme before

Dr Ronfmw Is at the office ofDr WIllis doing dentl work

G W Wallac and little soli Oarhave just rfturlHd front Evansvillewhere Mt Wllllace took IL carload otstock+ MIr Toni Cooler and Mlfs DukleJames are In LouisvIlle buying drygoods and mIlliner goods

Uncle Jet liornh who has beendown with fever for sometime 3I get-ting UIr ilgun

Born to the wife of Virgil Drakea tine IpenIlound boy Wife willbaby doing well Dr RIllis was theattending physician

The Equity Telephone It new Cornpleto from Prontis to Cromwell thento G 1lIs1 mIl They oto also buUdIng another line fmut Cromwell to-

BalztSJ It seems its tills line is-

going to put the others out ot JuslESS In this section

Mir Ed Davis hits moved back frontLiver more to this place

The Red Men had a full house herelast night Tire order trtid out ulmost a irunilred dollars tills mouth forsick benefits

We have Iute n good singingschool glng on here under till dis-

tingushed teacher IJney SlIuderCurDr Willis is getting rcculy to take

a post gwmt course In diseases ofwomen and children He will leavefor college about the 1Gth If sicknessgives do111 any so Ire can get away

Mm Jim Cox Is very sick of grip atthis writing

Eastern Star Entertainment

Mrs David N Klncwoe readerwhIstler vocalist and pianIst ofMadr-sunvllle Ky will appear Clot the operahouse here on lle evenings or MarchJSth and 19th for tllO benefit of thekcal lodge ot the Order of EasternStar Her program Is one that wiltdelIght and she has made a most fa-

vorable impression all over tire south-land Mrs Klncheoe Is bright verMaine and impressive and her Ilellneatlons ot the dark characters rankwith the best artists on the platformHer coning to Hartford ought to at-

tract tho greatest scut of a crowdboth on accOunt of her talent and theorder represented by her The Owensboro Messenger has the followingconlcrnlng n recent entertainment atOwensboro by Mrs Klncheoe

Mrs D H Kincheloe gave n negrodialect selection In black taco andkinky hair In which she caught W-

cryane The trunsforntatlon from thepretty whistler and piano ntcompnnlstto the black giggling darkly was themost radical seen at the Chautauqua

allIl1auseregress piano player to tho delightnIl

Public SaleOn Saturdhy March 26 1910 I will

otter tor sale ot 1 oclotk T m atConortown Ky ono latjga Jd besu-tdfully ltuntcd well fenced now 4

moan douse well built tint quito finIshoo Also sane houmtold articles

nods known on day or mallerms A W ROSSo