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1 Manny Music Ltd. Presents One Voice, One Sound, One Place Prepared by: Manny Music Ltd. Date:

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Manny Music Ltd. Presents

One Voice, One Sound,

One Place

Prepared by: Manny Music Ltd.


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Scope Management………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 3

Stakeholder Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 6

Activity Network Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………Page 7

Potential Causes that may threaten the success of the project………………………….Page 10

Work Breakdown Structure Diagram………………………………………………………………...Page 11

Work Breakdown Structure……………………………………………………………………………….Page 12

Event Timetable…………………………………………………………………………………….…..………Page 15

Venue………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 16

Financial Planning……………………………………………………………………………………………...Page 20

Critical Path and Associated Risks……………………………………………………………………….Page 21

Team Roles…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 25

Delegating Team Responsibilities……………………………………………………………………....Page 26

Key Success Factors…………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 30

Risk Management…………………………………………………………………………………………….…Page 32

Recommendations for Future Projects………………………………………………………………..Page 39

Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 40

Working Notes……………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 41

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Scope Management


Dementia is a common condition that affects 800,000 people in the UK and the risks of developing

dementia increases as a person gets older. Dementia is a syndrome associated with ongoing

weakening of the brain and its abilities such as memory loss, thinking speed, mental agility,

language, understanding and judgement (NHS, 2013). Our project itself has no background as this is

the first time we are going to host this concert in respect of Dementia Friends. This concert is a main

source to raise awareness of dementia making people more aware of it. People see dementia as a

‘disease’ but they do not consider how this affects the people with dementia. People with dementia

are treated differently as their understanding of common things decrease(Public Health England,

2014). With this concert we hope that it promotes the awareness of dementia.


The aims of our project is to raise awareness of dementia with the use of our concert and social

media. We hope to raise £200,000 in which this will be given to Demetria Friends in order for them

to develop services to support people who care for someone with dementia. The budget must not

be overstated as we may go over it so we cannot spend too much. The project aims to sell at least

80% to 90% of tickets and also must ensure that all advertisements do not exceed any additional

costs and that it is aimed at the right target audience. The target date for having finishing our

concert preparations is the 10th April 2015, and the date of the concert itself will be at the 24th April


Scope Definition

The venue for this event is Greenwich Park located in Greenwich, London. Greenwich Park covers

180 acres and is the oldest of the Royal Parks of London to be enclosed, being enclosed in 1427

(Royal Parks, 2015). Greenwich Park has also been host to events such as the Prime Meridian Line

and Royal Observatory and is also part of the Greenwich Maritime World Heritage Site. This venue

would be ideal for this music concert as it’s in a largely populated area that is easy to reach from

anywhere in London and even further, thanks to London’s public transport systems. The high status

of Greenwich Park will also attract more people as it will give the event a better reputation. These

factors will ensure that the event will attract as many audience members as possible.

A budget will be calculated to be allocated to different areas of the event preparation. The financial

budget for the talent, media coverage, venue hire, sponsors, staff hire and production will all have to

be considered to identify the limits of what can be achieved. A budget will also have to be calculated

to monitor how much profit the event itself will make. Prices for tickets have been set to £40.00 for

seating and £35.00 for standing per adult, and £30.00 for seating and £25.00 for standing per child.

These ticket prices will have to be considered when the budget is calculated for the expenses of the

event to make sure a profit can be made.

The capacity of the event will be 10,000 tickets, of which we aim to sell at least 90% of, but can

possibly sell all of. Because the event has the possibility of containing 10,000 audience members, as

well as staff and talent, security measures must be put in place. A risk management plan will have to

be created to ensure the health and safety of the audience and staff is maintained and can continue

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to be maintained in any possible scenario that could occur. A security team will also have to be hired

to assure that the rules and regulations of the event are being followed by all participants as to avoid

any possible threats to health and safety.

The marketing strategy for this event will include many different methods of promotion. To attract a

local audience, local newspapers and local radio will be used as they are fairly cheap advertising

space and will only reach potential audience members who are already in the area. Print advertising

such as posters and flyers will also be distributed around the local area. Social media will also be

heavily implemented as it will reach a much larger audience, specifically fans of the artists and talent

performing and supporters of Dementia Friends. Due to the size of the event and the celebrities that

will be attending and performing at the event, it will receive a lot of media coverage. This promotion

will be expense-free and will reach a nation-wide audience.

Environmental factors will have to be considered such as litter and damage to the park grounds

itself. It will be in the contract of the venue that we keep all environmental damage to a minimum,

so extra measures will have to be undertaken to ensure this. After the event is over, time will have

to be allocated to clean the venue of litter and disassemble the stage, food stands and equipment

used in the event. By the end of the cleaning period, the venue must look as it did before our event

was set up.


- An initial budget limit of £250,000 has been allocated to this project

- Due to limit of budget and venue space there is a limitation of tickets of 10,000

- Tickets are to be sold at £40.00

- Number of artists are at a limitation due to budget

- Number of comedians and hosts are at a limitation due to budget


- Acts may be willing to perform for a lower price

- Getting a sponsorship to gain profits as well as awareness of Dementia Friends and our


- Ticket price can vary as there are seats and stands

- Venue may be given for free by Greenwich Park

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Additional Comment:

The project is straightforward and should present few problems in bringing a successful result. As

the project will be in the Easter period it is likely that some schedule slippage will occur. This is not

critical to the success of the project.

Scope Management Authorisation:

Project Manager’s Signature:

Customer’s Signature:


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Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Project Interest ( -1, 0, +1)

Conflicts (0 – nothing to 10 – threat)

Roles Objectives Strategies

Dementia Friends

+1 = Since this is mainly towards raising awareness for Dementia Friends, they will feel obliged to help

5 – May find it necessary to change some factors e.g. acts as they may feel that the acts are not suitable for the concert

Consulting with team

Help support Manny Music Ltd with the event. Can give knowledge about dementia which can be used in adverts in order to sell more tickets.

Allowing the company to use its resources such as logos and knowledge to help set up the concert.

Acts +1 = Will give them a good image as they are performing for a notable cause

7 = May not like material they are given and might rebel as to change some things to when they perform

Performing at the concert

Raise money towards Dementia Friends through performance

Letting their fan base know about our concert via social media. Donations offers to help raise money for Dementia Friends

Client +1 = This will help client due to profitability.

10 = May not agree with what we have and may decide to change majority of the project

Decision Maker Making the project a success by raising money towards Dementia Friends

Making sure that they know what they are doing by supporting and helping with decision making

Sponsors +1 = Project can help promote and set awareness of individuals and company

3 = May decide on sponsorship on whether this might help them in their own gains

Supporting project with injection of cash

Ensuring that the project has sufficient funds in order for concert to be a success

Advertise through sponsorship allowing customers to recognise Concert, thus allowing them to promote itself.

Manny Music Ltd

+1 = Chance of gaining huge profits from concert as well as being able to set up other charitable concerts due to popularity

8 = Team members may have disputes amongst each other thus rendering the success and outcome of the project

Project Management team

Organise and fulfil requirements set by the client

Organise a business plan that will allow us to make the project a success and also to meet the client’s requirements.

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This is the Activity Network which highlights the specific tasks in order to make the concert a success

and also in order to keep things organised. The duration of days will depend on factors such as

whether these will be followed or whether they will be longer or shorter than expected. The project

tasks schedule also highlight which tasks are dependent on what and so for example in order for

stage B to be functional, the tasks in stage A will need to be complete. It is estimated that the

project will approximately take 21 weeks to be completed and the tasks will be delegated between

the Administration manager, Financial consultant, Promoter, Marketing consultant, Venue director

and Equipment manager, where their roles will be explained further in the project report.

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Potential causes that may threaten the success of the project

Lack of clear links between the project and the organisation’s key strategic priorities, including

agreed measures of success

- One factor that could increase this risk is the fact that whether we have a clear project plan

that covers the full period of the planned concert and all potential changes that may be

required, which indicates that benefits will arise from it.

- The project needs to be based upon realistic timescales on when to complete each task. The

project also needs to take into account any critical dependencies such as delays and whether

they can be handled or not

- Analysis needs to be undertaken in effects of any change in time, cost, scope or quality and if

there is a problem, can it be sacrificed in order to keep the project afloat.

- Whether we have the knowledge of how priority of this project compares and aligns with

other activities that may happen within setting up the concert.

Lack of effective engagement with stakeholders

- Need to identify the correct stakeholders, have an understanding and agreement of

stakeholder requirements and take into account the views of all stakeholders

- Need to have understanding of how we will manage stakeholders i.e. allocating risk to the

people best able to manage this

- Must ensure that there is clear accountability of how to resolve any conflicting priorities and

whether suffices account has been taken of organisational culture e.g. different

demographics of people ranging from young old.

Lack of clear senior management

- The project management team must have a clear view of the interdependencies between

the project, the benefits and the criteria against which success will be judged

- Decisions made might not be taken early, and decisively in order to facilitate a successful

project, also whether all proposed commitments e.g. acts choice and announcements are

first checked before they are confirmed for the concert.

Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management

- Must be able to know the basics of project management and know our roles and


- Risks must be identified and control measures must be implemented by the project team

- External consultants may be used, however they must be accountable and committed to

help ensure the success of our concert

- Ensuring that we have adequate approaches for estimating, monitoring and controlling the

total expenditure on projects.

Lack of understanding of, and contact with the supply industry at senior levels in the organisations

- Senior management must be sufficiently engaged with contractors and industry to be able to

assess supply-side risks.

- Having a clear strategy for engaging with industries e.g. event based businesses.

- Must have an understanding of the dynamics of industry to determine whether

requirements e.g. supply of staging, electric and music equipment can be met

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One Voice, One Sound, One Place

Performers - Food and beverages

backstage for the artist - Security,

accommodation and transportation

for the artist, Vanity Vans

Venue - Greenwich Park - All Legal

issues, the stage and equipment - The

power supply into the park and where

electricity will be housed, Sound

equipment, lighting equipment,

filming equipment

Advertising - Radio/TV marketing, Sponsors and

celebs promoting the event, marketing on

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Finance – The amount it costs to hire all the staff

for the event, the amount it cost to stage the

event, and the amount it costs to hire security for

the event, the amount of all the electrical cost of

the event.

Security – All the health care workers

(Ambulance’s), All the Police and the privately hired

security personnel, all the workers who volunteered

to work at the event.


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Work Breakdown Structure

Stage 1

We are organising a charity event called ‘one voice, one sound, one place ’. This charity event will be

open to the public and will called Dementia. All profits will be given to the charity named Dementia

friends. As the organisers we have planned for a turn up of 10,000 people. This is the amount of

tickets that will be issued out for sale. We plan to achieve 85% to 90% of the estimated figure of

10,000. These tickets will be split 4,000 seating tickets and 6,000 tickets will be for those who would

rather purchase a standing ticket which in that case will be cheaper. The concert will take place on

the 24th of April 2015, our strategy is to complete all tasks of preparation by the 10th of April 2015.

This will allow us to correct any faults made within our preparation and also enough time to amend

them. Although this will mean some of the park will be off bounds for two weeks before the event

itself, we have spoken to the local authorities and they have ensured us that this is not a problem.

With such a big event comes many risks, however, this will have to be managed.

Stage 2

Due to the event being situated in the middle of spring when the weather is starting to pick up and is

the start of the festival and funfair season, this may be a slight problem due to the fact that there

are a few events on the same day that we plan to host our event. There are not many major events

that are taking place on the same day as ours but one event that may conflict with our event is the

open day for the Queen Mary University. This will give potential students a chance to view the

university and get an opportunity to visit the different departments.

Stage 3

In order to book Greenwich Park to hold our fundraiser and we need to get permission from

Greenwich council. We would have to write a letter to them informing them of what type of event

we would be holding there, how many people we estimate will be attending the event, what time

the event will be starting and finishing etc. We would also need to talk to the facility manager there

to make sure that our event does not interferes with any of the university academic activity’s.

Stage 4

To organise and manage the information needed for each aspect of planning the event, a system will

need to be put in place in order to separate documents into their specific areas. This will be both a

computerised system with folders for each area that can be accessed by all members of the planning

team, as well as hard copies being kept in a physical state, divided by area. This organisation of the

documents will be useful as it will make necessary resources easier to track and refer to, meaning

decision making will be a faster and easier process.

Stage 5

A budget for the event will have to be calculated to base financial decisions on and to state the limits

of the event itself. The budget for this event has been estimated at £250,000, this includes £127,000

spent on music performances, £37,000 on comedy performances, £9,000 for media coverage and

another £9,000 spent on staff hire. The budget of the event will be in consideration in many

decisions across all areas of the event plan, such as the methods used in promoting the event, the

choices of talent to perform at the event, and the setting of ticket prices.

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Stage 6

This is the process where the project starts to hear answers from artists agents and move to quickly

review and signing the. This would be a two man job as there are a variety of artists that need to be

contracted. The tasks will be delegated at different processes such as one person finding the artists

and the others meeting up and/or phoning with artists agents to hire the artists for the event.

Deposits will have to be sent to the artists agents in order to secure confirmation that the artists will

be hired for that for the event. The reason for this is to get artists before the event has set up as if

the hiring is done after the production of the concert then for the artists this will be a short notice

for them e.g. travel and preparation and also the availability of artists is limited as well. Specialist

equipment will need to be brought forth in the concert such as a stage, lighting, music tech e.g.

microphones and stereos, etc. Contractors will need to be hired for this task to put everything

together and tech crew as well to make sure microphones and stereos are working when artists

perform. The building of the actual concert itself will commence a day before the show and this will

be supervised by three members of the team. Later in the process we will need to contact

Greenwich Park for them to amend their website in order for them to advertise our concert and also

reservations will need to be booked at hotels near Greenwich Park for artists and staff to stay at.

Moreover caterers will be hired for artists and staff as well and a production calendar will need to be

produced in order for us to meet important deadlines and meetings to keep things organised.

Stage 7

After everything is organised to hire contractors, artists and staff team the ticket prices must be set

but has set within the price of the types of artists there. The price for tickets will be £40 per adult

and £30 per child (these are the price for the standing ticket) so this ticket price will be used in order

to sell tickets to consumers. We will then meet up with the venue manager to sign a contract to

lease the grounds for the specific day and also would need to pay a deposit to Greenwich Park as

soon as there is confirmation from artists agents that the artists will perform for us on the day.

Deposits will also need to be paid to contractors as well and they will come and build the concert

itself a day before the concert and all these costs will be inputted in a budget sheet for us to see

whether we are overspending or saving. One of the team member will then be in charge of securing

a live location for where the tickets will be sold e.g. since this is a concert then it is likely that

Greenwich Park will allow us to sell our tickets there. Another team member will then contact local

magazines in order to advertise our concert in them and this would be need to be done 1 ½ hours

before the release date of the concert. Recording companies would be contacted for support

materials and media would then need to be brought forth to promote the concert and all

information will need to be submitted in the specific categorized folder e.g. media buys/contracts

and media production. Furthermore on the media aspect, we would then need to design posters and

arrange meetings with radio stations to negotiate promotions and also keep in track with the

production calendar to see if deadlines are being kept and that we are not behind.

Stage 8

The task force will thus need to have the information of how many tickets they will be selling and the

pricing categories of the tickets and will then secondly have to send out Press release stating when

the tickets will be going on sale. The task force should also contact the local council and ask if it’s

possible for billboards to be put up around the area to promote the concert, also all private owned

billboards or public advertising space. All local radio stations must be contacted and a director of the

concert company must be available to be able to speak on the radio station and be asked question

about the concert. The advertising for the concert should start as soon as the manifesto for the

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concert is confirmed and set in stone in order to gather as much awareness, build up and excitement

as possible. The concert catering arrangements must be made for all the artists performing at the

concert and their agents and guests, a variety of catering companies must be contacted in order to

ensure that there is a wide selection of food available for the artists. All local hospitals and NHS

facilities within a 20 mile radius must be informed as soon as the manifesto of the concert in set in

stone of the amount of people who potentially could be attending the event and a number of

ambulances must be asked or ordered to be on standby in case of an emergency also private first aid

companies should be hired so that the concert company has its own health team on site which

would lessen the strain put upon the local ambulance services. The local police force should also be

informed as soon as the concert manifesto is set in stone and a significant number of officers should

be hired to be in and around the event just in case things get out of hand, a private security

company should be hired so that the vent has its own security to look after the wellbeing of the

artist and of the spectators/companies. After the tickets have been released a member of the task

force should be assigned the task of checking on ticket sales. Prior to the concert and the days

counting down closer to the event a director of the concert company should be in daily contact with

the stage managers asking them for daily reports. A member of the task force should also be in

weekly contact with the catering companies up until a week before.

Stage 9

On the day of the concert before Greenwich Park opens a director must meet with the stage

managers and make sure they have a clear understanding of the day and what will be happening on

their stage e.g. who’s performing on their stage, what equipment they’ll be using, each stage

manager will need to inspect there stage and backstage they’ll also need to delegate the task of

ensuring that the artist who will be performing on their stage are on time and are happy with the

environment e.g. dressing room and that all the beverages and food the artist required are in the

correct dressing rooms. A member of the task force will be issued the task of walking to the entrance

of the concert and ensuring that there is enough security personnel there to cope with the influx of

customers entering the site, they’ll also need to check that the ticket machines are operating

correctly and that there is enough ticket inspectors at the entrance and that they are fully aware of

the job which they’ll be undertaken, said task force member will also need to check that the

entrance has a lot of police as they’ll need to check and search anyone who looks suspicious or tries

to enter the event with a fake ticket.

Stage 10

After the concert finishes there are a number of tasks that must be achieved before we can we can

leave the premises. Since we do not own the venue before we leave we must make sure the owners

are happy with the way we have left it. Greenwich Park must be cleaned up and look as good as it

did before we used it. We must also ensure all of our equipment is in working condition and is still

with us. Another task we must complete is settling everything with the production contractors.

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11:00 - 11:10 Introduction by hosts Stephan Fry and Stephan Mulhern

11:10 - 11:45 Adele performs

11:45 - 12:20 Eddie Izard performs

12:20 - 12:50 David Guetta performs

12:50 - 13:15 Big Howard and Little Howard performs

13:15 - 13:50 Stories from people who have close family or friends with Dementia

13:50 - 14:10 Break

14:10 - 14:45 Sam Smith performs

14:45 - 15:15 Russell Howard performs

15:15 - 15:50 J Cole performs

15:50 - 16:25 Stories from people who have close family or friends with Dementia

16:25 - 16:45 Break

16:45 - 17:20 Ricky Gervais performs

17:20 - 17:55 Eminem performs

17:55 - 18:15 Artists, Comedians and Hosts all gather on stage presenting donations made by them to the team

Event Timetable

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The venue for this event, Greenwich Park, is part of the Royal Parks Foundation and as a result will

need careful consideration in protecting the area for the duration of the event. The stage and

audience areas themselves will be placed in the area highlighted in red. This space was chosen as it

is the largest area of clear land without any foliage that may be damaged. The food stalls and

security services will be located in the blue area, along the existing paths of the park. If the event is

contained in these areas of the park, it should be easier to minimise any potential damage to the

park itself. Due to the equipment being used for the production of the concert, there are potential

fire risks for the area. Cautionary measures will be put in place and fire exits will be identified and

made known to audience members of the concert.

The main stage and audience

space will be set up in this area.

Food stalls and other services

will be set up in this area.

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This is an example of some of the promotional material that will be used to advertise the event.

These posters, as well as flyers, will be placed around the local area of Greenwich and other

areas of London.

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Manny Music Ltd Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30 April 2015

£ £ Actual Budget

Income Income Tickets: Tickets: Seats: Adults (3500) 140,000.00 Seats: Adults (3900) 156,000.00 Kids (300) 9,000.00 Kids (100) 3,000.00 Standing: Adults (5700) 199,500.00 Standing: Adults (4000) 140,000.00 Kids (250) 6,250.00 Kids (300) 7,500.00 Total Ticket Sales 346,650.00 Total Ticket Sales 306,500.00 Donations Donations Businesses 20,000.00 Businesses 40,000.00 Sponsorships 15,000.00 Sponsorships 27,000.00 Celebrity Donations 150,000.00 Celebrity Donations 200,000.00 185,000.00 Total Income 531,650.00 Total Income 506,500.00 Expenditure Expenditure Production Team 5,000.00 Production Team 7,000.00 Artists, Comedians and Hosts 127,000.00 Artists, Comedians and Hosts 200,000.00 Media Coverage 9,000.00 Media Coverage 8,000.00 Sponsors 20,000.00 Sponsors 10,000.00 Staff Hire 9,000.00 Staff Hire 11,000.00 Miscellaneous Costs: Miscellaneous Costs: Refreshments 100.00 Refreshments 100.00 Medical Staff 300.00 Medical Staff 300.00 Security 850.00 Security 850.00 Taxi Hire 500.00 Taxi Hire 500.00

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Hotel Accommodation 1,500.00 Hotel Accommodation 2,000.00 Main Staff: Main Staff: Promoter 15,000.00 Promoter 10,000.00 Administration Manager 10,000.00 Administration Manager 10,000.00 Environmental Control 10,000.00 Environmental Control 10,000.00 Venue Director 10,000.00 Venue Director 10,000.00 Financial Consultant 15,000.00 Financial Consultant 10,000.00 Event Manager 20,000.00 Event Manager 20,000.00 Marketing Consultant 15,000.00 Marketing Consultant 10,000.00 Equipment Manager 10,000.00 Equipment Manager 10,000.00 Total Expenditure 278,250.00 Total Expenditure 329,750.00



Tickets – 346,000 – 306,500 = 40,150 – Favourable

Donations – 267,000 – 185,000 = 82,000 – Adverse


Production Team – 8000 – 7000 = 1000 – Adverse

Artists, Comedians and Hosts – 200,000 – 127,000 = 73,000 – Favourable

Media Coverage – 9000 – 8000 = 1000 – Adverse

Sponsors – 20,000 – 10,000 = 10,000 – Adverse

Staff Hire – 11,000 – 9000 = 2000 – Favourable

Hotel Accommodation – 2000 – 1500 = 500 – Favourable

Ticket Price (Actual) Adult (Seats): £40 x 3500 = £140,000

Kids (Seats): £30 x 300 = £9000

Adults (Stand): £35 x 5700 = £199,500

Kids (Stand): £25 x 250 = £6250

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Main Staff Wages – 105,000 – 90,000 = 15,000 – Adverse

Variances Notes to help explain statement

Tickets – This is favourable because we sold more than expected and this could be due to the seasonal period and also the choice of artists, comedians and hosts.

Donations – This is adverse because we received less donations than we had expected. One reason for this could be the fact that businesses may be low on profits right now and so they could only give what they deem to be expendable cash

Production Team – This is adverse due to the fact that costs were higher than anticipated because extra tasks such as making sure everything was fixed in accordance so extra charges were incurred

Artists, Comedians and Hosts – This is favourable because costs of hiring them were lower than expected. This could be due to the fact that it was a charity event and so the acts were willing to do the concert for a lower price.

Media Coverage – This is adverse because costs of using them was higher than expected. This was due to competition that had similar events to ours on the same date as ours, so we had to use extra money to promote our concert even further in order to generate profits

Sponsors – This is adverse as hiring sponsors was higher than expected. Sponsors are used in order to promote and sponsor events and their costs, in return for access to promote commercial awareness associated with that event. The reason for this being higher than expected is because they would need the extra income in order to help promote the event but also they would use this money for their own gains to help promote their own company.

Staff Hire – This is favourable because costs were lower than expected. The reason for this was that we had hired more volunteers than expected and so less paid staff was needed thus we had saved costs on wages.

Main Staff – This is adverse because the main staff wages were higher than expected. There were extra tasks for particular staff members to do and so the wages for them had to increase due to the extra work that they did.

Profit for concert

Budgeted - £506,500.00 - £329,750.00 = £176,750

Actual – £531,650.00 - £278,250.00 = £253,400

Actual Spent Money for concert - £250,000

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Results Obtained: From comparing with the budget and actual result we can see that we have

achieved a profit of £253,400*. We have successfully achieved our target in raising £200,000 for

Dementia Friends and the extra profit will be spent on paying back any miscellaneous costs we owe

to our payables.

Critical Path and Associated Risks

Stage 1

Risk can cover issues such as weather, parking, transport, security and many more. Due to the fact

that the event will be taking place in April, spring should be on its way which comes to our

advantage however not guaranteed. Also, with parking there is not many places customers can park

and may cause congestion and effect transport services. On the other hand as seen on ‘Wireless’

recently, there was not as many issues with transport as expected.

Stage 2

This could be a problem due to the fact that our target audience for our Charity fundraiser is aged

between 16-30 that is the age range that would most likely want to attend the open day for the

Queen Mary. There are many risk associated with this problem the main one being that when may

not meet our ticket sales due to most of our target audience attending the open day at the Queen

Mary university. A way in which we have handled this risk is that we made the acts preforming at the

event well known artists such as J Cole, David Guetta and Sam Smith just to name a few that we

know will attract a high volume of people to come to the event.

Stage 3

Getting permits may be time consuming, which can alter our time for when we can actually set up

the concert. Permits require time to process to check through to see whether there are any

complications that may prevent us from setting up the concert and such examples are a Board of

Health Certificate and a Sales tax number in order for us to rightfully sell our tickets. Getting a

sample contract would not be time consuming although the venue manager will give it us depending

on what the conditions of the concert is about and whether it is not too inappropriate since it is a

public park where people such as children to the elderly visit.

Stage 4

One risk associated with the organisation of documents and information in both a digital and

physical system is that human error can create problems if documents are incorrectly organised. If

important documents and information is accidentally misplaced into a different area of the system

than it should be, it may be difficult and time consuming to find that document again. Valuable time

will be wasted and information possibly lost if documents cannot be found quickly and easily.

Another risk is that having both digital and physical copies of documents could mean the two

versions of a document could differ if the system is not monitored properly. Differences in

documents could mean difficulty for decision making if different members of the team have access

to contradictory information.

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Stage 5

One risk associated with calculating the budget is that any miscalculations could lead to financial

problems. The budget will have to be very carefully calculated to assure we can actually afford

everything that is planned for the event. If the budget isn’t properly monitored, payments to some

of the expenditure of the event may not be possible and we could lose vital components of the

event itself.

Stage 6

There are many risks in this part of the process as contact of artists agents may take time as there

may be other offers from competitors that the artists agent may be interested in, although the artist

opinion is also needed as well as they may agree or disagree on doing the concert. When the artists

have agreed to do it then request talent contracts from them and this can be done by email, fax or

by the traditional letter sending but with letter sending there may be delays depending on postal

deliveries. After this is done then the specialist equipment will need to be ordered and brought on

the day before the concert so it can be set up. Although problems may arise through this as if the

equipment is faulty then this may cause hazard problems to the team setting up the concert as well

as the artists that are going to perform. To ensure that this is prevented, thoroughly check the

equipment as there may be faults in them that people may overlook e.g. faulty bulb in lighting that

may cause it to explode due to overheating. Greenwich Park will need to be contacted in order for

them to amend their website in order for our concert to be advertised on it. This may take up to a

couple of days due to information that needs to be inputted so consumers can know where to get

the tickets. Hotels will need to be reserved near Greenwich Park as artists can travel back and forth

at a short time, however there can be risks with this as hotels may be booked meaning that hotels

further away may need to be booked. This can cause problems as artists will have to travel further to

Greenwich Park meaning that they might be tired thus affecting their performances on the day of

the concert. A production calendar will need to be produced as this is the start of preparing the

concert and so we will need to ensure that deadlines are met and that nothing is left to last minute.

Stage 7

After most objectives in stage 6 are complete then the ticket price can be set depending on the

confirmation of artists that will be there and the contract to rent Greenwich Park for the day will

need to be signed as well. This will take 2-3 weeks as confirmation of artists will need to be certain

before we can move onto the next step. Deposits will then be paid to the contractors for them to set

up the concert and Greenwich Park in order to rent the premises from them. Local media will need

to be contacted in order to promote the concert, but this can be time consuming as contacting them

may take time and also to book interviews for artists may also take time which may prolong the time

for when the concert actually starts.

Stage 8

One possible risk with this is to ensure that the marketing of the event isn’t solely focused on one

platform for example entirely T.V adverts. To ensure that the event has as much exposure as

possible a wide platform of media needs to be used to order for the event to garner as much

awareness as possible. Another potential risk is that if the task of promoting the event is delayed

then there is the possibility that all billboards or privately owned advertising space will have already

been bought and thus we will have problems in promoting the event. We must make sure that

advertising space if bought up as soon as possible to avoid any conflicts of this nature.

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Stage 9

One possible risk is that the number of security staff that we estimate we will need is

underestimated. There is a possibility that the volume of people on the day may be miscalculated

and be too overwhelming for the security team. We must take careful consideration over how many

security staff are hired and how they are distributed over the venue. Another possible risk is that

there may be problems with people violating the rules and regulations of the event, such as entering

the concert with a fake ticket or bringing contraband items into the venue. To tackle this, security

staff must be well trained to handle many of these situations in order to meet the high standard of

health and safety.

Stage 10

Before signing the contract with the production team we must ensure we actually get

everything we need to from the contract. If we sign a contract that does not state all the

services we require from the production contractors, then they will not be obligated to carry

out some of the tasks we need help with. This will waste time money and could potential

affect the success of the event. The main risks associated with the clean-up operation are

health and safety risks. If the clean-up crew do not respond promptly to a spillage or mess

caused during the concert the mess in question could cause an accident. This could in turn

lead to even more problems. As the organisers of the event we would be held liable for any

accidents. Legal action could even be taken against us. If the Park is not cleaned up after the

event and mess is left in the park some could get hurt whilst walking around in the park the

next day. The equipment must be set up properly to ensure that there are no accidents. The

main risk associated with regards to our equipment is mainly about people tripping over

equipment that is in their way. There are many different wires being used to connect

different equipment all these wires must be stuck down to the nearest surface to ensure no

one trips over them. Also all large equipment such as speakers etc should be kept out of

reach. If someone is injured we must follow correct procedure and deal with the situation


In this critical path analysis diagram each stage of the project is represented by a letter, with stage 1

represented as A, stage 2 represented as B and so on. This diagram outlines the time it will take to

achieve each stage of the project and what stages are reliant on others to be completed first. The

critical path of this project is the path of stages 4-10 that will take approximately 120 days to

complete. Stages 1-3 will only take 28 days to complete and are not relied on by any other stage,

giving an extra 92 day margin to complete these stages. The risks detailed above could mean that

these stages of the project could take longer than anticipated, meaning the project could end up

taking longer than 120 days if any of the stages in the critical path are extended.

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Event Manager




sale of tickets


contracts of





Finance Consultant




Budget control




Allocation of staff



Promotion and






Social media



Venue Director

Delegation of

team tasks





First aid






Power supply

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Delegating Team Responsibility

For this concert to be a success, the tasks have been delegated into tasks where each person will

ensure that they have done each role properly to make the project a success. The hierarchy

structure is a flat based structure, meaning that there are not many stages where decisions are then

confirmed. This gives the team motivation due to the fact that more responsibility is being delegated

to them. There will be extra staff in order to help with the roles, although the main staff will be

responsible in managing their own in their own interfaces and will be reporting back to the event

manager during any meeting scheduled by the Event Manager.

Event Manager

This is the main role and key fundamental part that will either make the project a success or failure,

depending on the leadership of the event manager. The Event Manager is in charge of everything

and they will be keeping track of all 6 teams to sure that they are on point. The event manager will

also be holding meetings to track progress and address any changes with employees and the

employees must report back any issues or things that has happened. The event manager will be

working with the Administration Manager, Finance Consultant, Promoter, Marketing Consultant,

Venue director and Equipment Manager and they must report to the Event Manager and the Event

Manager will report to the client of any progress and performances of the concert.

Administration Manager

The administration manager takes control of enquiries of tickets, the managing of contracts for the

line-up of talent as well as the website. They will ensure all systems run smoothly. The

administration team works closely together to be able to have effective planning, to implement

everything that was discussed. Management of tickets sales will be via mobile phones and online.

Customer service is vital in organising a big event such as this. The competition rate is particularly

high which means that a poor quality will affect the outcome and most likely potential customers.

Bad customer service can vary from busy phone lines meaning customers cannot make any enquiries

about the event also. The websites disadvantage would be that it may crash now and again

therefore must have full control and checks made upon the website in order to ensure the website

can handle the level of browsing.

As the administration manager it is important to be responsible for controlling all the event listings

information, as well as submitting listings information to appropriate websites and listing with media

contacts. The administration team will be making sure that all performers will read and accept the

terms and conditions and safeguarding the signatures of each performer.

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Estimated crowd • 8,000 to 10,000 people – 10,000 will not exceeded as the tickets are limited • 4,000 seating tickets • 6,000 standing tickets • Security in the park; 50 security officers and 75 volunteering helpers

Entry The main entrance will be the only access for the customers, this is where there will be a high level of security including police officers as well as security guards.

Stage and performers There will be 5 security guards standing at the bottom of the stage in order to prevent anyone from the crowd jumping onto the stage and invading the space of the performer(s)

Performers/Artists Artists will be staying in ‘Hotel Novotel’

Secure and high in comfort transport will be provided from the hotel to allow easy access from the hotel to the park

Routes are available with the transport provided for celebrities and guests to be able to come back and forth from the hotel to the park.

Performers will also travel with personal security at all times to increase level of safety.

Finance Consultant

The role the financial consultant is to ensure that there are enough funds in order for the project to succeed as the money provided must be used in the correct way. They are mainly used in order to create financial strategies so in this case the financial consultant will find sponsors and donations by setting up client meetings. They are also responsible for creating financial statements which will then be used to assess the performance of the concert and also see whether the concert itself makes a profit or loss. Consultants are also responsible for building a strong customer base between them and customers, meaning that the consultant needs to have a strong relationship between any donators and sponsors and such examples are businesses and sponsor organisations e.g. Barclays The financial consultant is also responsible for carrying out most risk analysis showing whether the company should invest in a specific organisation, so in this case the financial consultant will assess whether the specific sponsor is right for them to use. However there are risks in finance and such examples are budgets and insurance policies. The budget will need to be as realistic as possible, and so if the budget isn’t controlled to proper standard then there are high possibilities that the concert itself will not happen. Factors that may affect the budget is the level of expenditure spending, bills, taxes insurance and other expenditure costs. Insurance is also seen as a problem as this can affect the level of cash flowing in the company. Greenwich Park is the oldest Royal Park and so it must be protected and insured as if there are any calamities, the insurance company can easily handle these issues but if there are damages to the equipment that we use for the concert and they have no insurance then expenditure costs drastically increases.

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Promoter A promoter is a very open term for someone who works in the industry of organizing entertainment

events, this term stretches from promoting concerts, festival, and nightclubs to sporting events. As a

promoter quite a few specific skills are required to be successful these include being competent in

talking aloud to a group of people so good public relations are a key skill. A key understanding of

finance and a defined business sense are also important and integral skills which will help a

promoter excel at their job. Finally a promoter must have a clear understanding of what it takes to

entertain people and have a senses on innovation and intuition in order to come up with spectacular

events or themes which will entice people to want to come along to the event as if they can do this

then the payoff and benefits for the promoter are huge. In the majority of cases a promoter’s job is

to come with an idea/theme for a nightclub which will be conceived into an event, which will be held

at the nightclub the hype and build up around it will entice people to come. So a promoter must

firstly hire the personnel needed for the event to succeed so this includes maybe a DJ, they must

then choose a venue big enough to match the hysteria around the event, a date must then be locked

into the calendar, a huge amount of marketing must be done for the event this can be done over

social media or by posters being plastered everywhere, and finally a detailed and thoroughly

planned itinerary of events must me laid out as every event needs this for it to go ahead without any

hiccups as everything must go to schedule.

The best promoters out there are some of the most creative people out there as they must come up

with innovative events which encourage people to come along, thus by this understanding they must

know what the people want e.g. what type of music, which DJ. Promoters must have a deep

catalogue of knowledge of the type of entertainment they’ll be providing thus a music promoter

must understand and know about the music industry. They must know what’s in at the time and

what’s not. A promoter must also have a good relationship with the performers they hire, this must

be done by constant detailed communication with the performer before the event.

Marketing Consultant

The Marketing Consultant is responsible for ensuring that the event is effectively promoted towards

the target audience and achieves the desired number of ticket sales. To fulfil these responsibilities,

the Marketing Consultant will use the following methods of promotion:

Advertising – The most cost-effective methods of advertising this event are through the use of local

newspapers and local radio. Advertising space in these methods is usually fairly cheap compared to

other forms of advertising such as television advertisements. The cost of advertising will be further

reduced considering that this is a charity event, which usually receive discounts for most advertising

space. Print advertising such as posters and flyers will also be distributed around the London area.

Sponsors – The event will receive sponsorship from some local businesses and larger organisations

who will exchange goods or services for having their company’s logo promoted alongside the event.

Media coverage – Due to the nature of the event, it will receive a large amount of publicity because

of all the celebrities and artists attending and performing. This promotion of the event will not cost

anything and will reach a wider audience than the more focused local advertising.

Social Media – Many stakeholders of the event, such as the performing artists and celebrities,

sponsors, charity organisations and Manny Music Ltd ourselves will be promoting the event though

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their respected social media outlets. Not only is this promotion free, but will also reach a focused

audience of both fans of the performing artists, and supporters of the charity organisations.

Venue Director The Venue Director has many responsibilities in the planning of this event, one of which is

delegation of team tasks. This means having control over most of the staff that are employed such as

security teams and production staff, as well as volunteer workers. Another responsibility for the

Venue Director is having control of risk management. This identifying, assessing and prioritizing the

possible risks that may occur during the event. Another responsibility for the Venue Director is being

in charge of security services and first aid services. This is a very important role as health and safety

will be a big priority during the event itself. Because of the nature of the event and the likelihood of

high-risk audience members, medical services at the event will need to be very responsive and

effective. These are some of the many tasks that the venue director will be in charge for:

Production contractors:

Because this event was such a huge one there are many different groups of people working together

to ensure that the event goes as planned. The production team are probably the most important

group as they are the ones who organise almost all aspects of the event from the performers who

will be involved in the event to all the employees involved. For our event we employed a separate

group of people from a different company to help with production. We paid a fee to them before

using their services and signed a contract. Before the ending of the event both we and the

production team that was brought in to help must agree that we both lived up to our ends of the

contract. We let them know we were happy with their standard of service and they were happy with

the money they were paid.

Clean up operation:

Greenwich Park is a huge area of land and during our concert thousands of people purchased food and clothes and many other different types of merchandise. Many of these individuals forget to use the bins provided and instead litter by leaving wrappers, packaging and unfinished food on the floor. Cleaning up the park after the event is a huge project in its self that involves the use of hired cleaners that help us restore Greenwich Park to its former glory. Before the people attending the concert arrived we ensured that there were a number of bins strategically placed around the park to help lighten the load of litter that the cleaners would have had to deal with. We also made sure all of our employees reminded people during the concert to use bins. There were also cleaners working during the concert so that by the end of the concert the cleaners did not have to spend as much time as they would have otherwise. Equipment Manager The Equipment manager is in charge of all the equipment as well as having an exact account of every

individual item. The equipment manager is a very important member of the team because they have

to ensure that every piece of equipment is functioning perfectly and is maintained.

The responsibilities of the equipment manager are as follows: they must count the number of

equipment and make sure that the equipment is all being handled properly and safely. They must

also make sure they get the equipment tested and checked up at different stages during the concert.

Another responsibility of the equipment is to watch over all equipment inventories. The equipment

manager also has to be able to safely transport equipment to and from the event. If any equipment

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is damaged they must repair it. They also have to determine whether or not purchase or rent out of

some equipment.

The equipment must be set up properly to ensure that there are no accidents. The main risk

associated with regards to our equipment is mainly about people tripping over equipment that is in

their way. There are many different wires being used to connect different equipment all these wires

must be stuck down to the nearest surface to ensure no one trips over them. Also all large

equipment such as speakers etc should be kept out of reach. If someone is injured we must follow

correct procedure and deal with the situation promptly.

Key Success Factors

The outcome of the project can be measured by the fact that risk assessment had took place to

ensure that our operation ran smoothly. Consultation with any legal issues were thoroughly run

through by our team to make sure that we did not miss any necessary permits such as Sales tax

number ensuring that we had all rights and obligations to sell our tickets through outlets and

websites and safety guidelines were brought up throughout the project for the protection of

ourselves and our employees. By implementing this we reduced the risk of anything happening as

well as ensuring that everything stayed on schedule. A number of precautions were taken into

consideration and implemented during the development of our concert such as safety of handling

electrical equipment and any factors that may hinder us from reaching our target of 10th April 2015.

Our objective was to raise £200,000 for Dementia Friends, and we had raised over £250,000 with the

help of celebrities, sponsorships and business donations. Local businesses were keen on giving

donations as this will also help them for their own gains in promoting their business. The celebrities

had given donations which had helped us break-even as well as profit, but mainly this had helped

the charity towards improving the services to help people taking care of people with dementia.

Although there were risks towards this project as if we had overstated our budget then we wouldn’t

be able to finance the concert, let alone make profit, meet any objectives, produce funds for

Dementia Friends and raise awareness of dementia. Continues budgeting forecasts ensures that we

do not exceed our set budget. This had helped the team to identify and decrease any unnecessary

costs, but also would enable the project team to keep track of any costs. Regularly forecasting our

resource usage had allowed the project to minimise its risk as employees were reviewed to ensure

that they knew what they were doing so resources would be used efficiently thus reducing costs.

The event can also be measured by the capacity of tickets that were sold for the concert. We had

anticipated that we were going to sell more but we had sold less although the income we received

from sales were still impressive. We had sold between 80% - 90% of our tickets thus achieving our

target of achieving sales over 80%. A major factor that could have contributed to the large sales

volumes could be the choice of acts we had in store for the concert. Ticket purchasers i.e. public are

also given a choice of whether to donate any money towards Dementia Friends, so with extra

donations from the public the concert will be a huge success as more profit is retained as well as

more income being raised towards Dementia Friends. The sales from offline tickets i.e. purchased

from selected shops that tickets were distributed to can be measured to see the success of the

concert. The sales will help pay off any expenses that were beyond our budget allowing us to break

even as well as make a profit. Another way of measuring success of the project is by the organisation

and delegation of each tasks. All tasks were split up into several bits and were to the suitable parties

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that were likely to complete the tasks efficiently. This had minimised costs because the work given

had matched the criteria of what they were doing which made it easier for the Event Manager to

hold meetings, track performances and also see how the project was doing financially.

Time management is another success factor that can be measured, as if everything is followed to the

set schedule then the project will run smoothly causing employees and employers to complete work

quicker and relax instead of getting frustrated due to lack of organisation of time. Good time

management is important for both the project management team and customers/performers. If

schedule times are not met, it may deter the chances of concert performers returning to any future

events Manny Music Ltd sets up in the future, and even worse customers of the concert may be put

off due to time changes thus affecting the chances of obtaining new customers.

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Risk Management

Risk ID Risk and Description Chances of Occurring (1 –


Impact (1 – 10)

Residual Risk Score

(Chances of Occurring x


Control Measures Risk Owner

1 Circuit Malfunction – There are possibilities that there will be a circuit or electric malfunction due to it being overheating and unpredictability of weather conditions e.g. rain. Rain may appear out of nowhere, which will affect the electric equipment that are not protected meaning that there will be accidents on and off the stage. There are also the possibilities that the bulbs might explode due to them overheating which will be a safety hazard for the people performing on stage.

2 6 12 Since there are medical staff there they are able to take the correct precautions in order to help the person that may have been affected by the equipment at the concert. All equipment will be covered anyways even though the weather forecast will be checked, extra precautions will be taken into making sure that the concert environment itself is as safe as possible e.g. safety signs. The majority of the wires will be roped together to avoid any accidents and to ensure that the place is as tidy as possible thus preventing further accidents. Barriers will be placed in front of exposed wires preventing the public from being harmed and bulbs will be checked thoroughly before they are used at the concert.

Equipment Manager

2 Public Disorder – In every concert there is the likelihood that there will be members of the public that will start fights that will lead to something dangerous harming and causing danger to innocent

4 7 28 Security will be present there so some part of public protection and control is there but this won’t be enough as the fight might escalate. 999 will be called to ask for police assistance when things get out of hand, but since there are security, staff and volunteers


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there it is unlikely that there fights will escalate

3 Lost Property – Since there will be approximately 10,000 people there, there will be property belonging to people that may have been left on the premises by accident.

7 2 14 There will be a lost property section at the Park where property will be kept there and people can go and check if anything has been handed by anyone. If the property is not claimed then this will go to Greenwich Park itself where they can decide what to do with it.

Staff and Volunteers

4 Criminal Activity – This is also a factor to be taken into consideration as well as people may use this event in the unlikely hood of an attack, affecting physically and mentally many people at the concert. There might also be a possibility of production of fake tickets which will be used to gain entry in the concert for specific purposes or plans.

4 6 24 Security, staff and volunteers will be there in order to see any suspicious activities but police will be called in if there is a problem we cannot handle as we do not have the correct resources in order for us to do so.


5 Cash Handling & Valuables – There will be a significantly large amount of cash to handle at the numerous stalls around the event and also at the entrance where people who haven’t pre booked tickets will be buying tickets, due to all this there will be a significant amount of cash throughout the event thus there is a high chance of theft or someone being mugged.

6 5 30 All the staff working at the stalls and at the entrance gates will be responsible for the safe guarding of the cash transacted in their area. Due to the fact that there is such a large amount of people in relatively small vicinity there is a high risk of someone being mugged or some form of equipment being stolen. The Police will be stationed all over the event in case of an emergency.

Security, Staff and


6 Personal Injury to staff – Due to the longevity of the day and the

3 2 6 The best way to alienate this risk from occurring is to ensure that the staff are

First Aid

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hard working hours and the strenuous work the staff will be put under its likely that a member of the staff may injury themselves or fall sick.

having regular breaks and are rotated throughout the day to make sure that they aren’t tired or struggling.

7 Conflicts in Stalls – Due to the fact that there will be a significantly large amount of people at the event, and due to the fact the stalls won’t have an unlimited supply of stocks there is the potential danger that people will argue/fight over goods.

3 4 12 To ensure that there isn’t any disputes between consumers, across the event there will be several of the same kind of stalls to ensure that there is a wide distribution across the event of goods and thus it’s less likely that there will be fights.


8 Production contractors – If we sign a contract that does not state all the services we require from the production contractors, then they will not be obligated to carry out some of the tasks we need help with. This will waste time money and could potential affect the success of the event.

3 3 9 Before signing the contract with the production team we must ensure we actually get everything we need to from the contract.

Project Management


9 Clean up operation - The main risks associated with the clean-up operation are health and safety risks. If the clean-up crew do not respond promptly to a spillage or mess caused during the concert the mess in question could cause an accident. This could in turn lead to even more problems. As the

5 3 15 Ensuring that the Park is clean by checking thoroughly for any rubbish and any wires that may be around the park that may have been forgotten or misplaced during the concert.

Equipment Manager

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organisers of the event we would be held liable for any accidents. Legal action could even be taken against us. If the Park is not cleaned up after the event and mess is left in the park some could get hurt whilst walking around in the park the next day.

10 Equipment - The main risk associated with regards to our equipment is mainly about people tripping over equipment that is in their way. There are many different wires being used to connect different equipment all these wires must be stuck down to the nearest surface to ensure no one trips over them. Also all large equipment such as speakers etc should be kept out of reach. If someone is injured we must follow correct procedure and deal with the situation promptly.

4 5 20 Take safety measures to ensure that all electrical equipment is kept out of reach from the public.

Equipment Manager

11 Security - may not have employed enough security staff to manage the event

4 8 12 Inform the local police to be on standby incise of any emergency that may happen during the event such as evacuations or any other high risks situations.

Project Management


12 Performers - The artist or comedy acts could pull out at the last minute

2 10 20 All the performers must sign a contract to guarantee that the show up and on time to avoid disappointment

13 Power Failure - The event would not be able to run without power due to the face that nearly

5 9 45 To avoid a power failure all the generators will be tested before the event. We would also have a backup generators just in case of

Equipment Manager

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everything is powered by electricity for example the lighting, the microphone, the speaker’s etc.

any problem.

14 Fire - A fire could brake if the electrical equipment get wet or damaged or if something happens in the crowd.

3 8 24 Because the event is being held in a parker smoking would be allowed this will increase the chances of a fire happening which is a major hazed. As we can’t stop people from smoking all we can do is have the fire department on standby.

Health and Safety

15 Overspending budget - Over spending will reduce the estimated profits figures for this event. This will mean less money to Dementia Friends and our objectives are unlikely to be met due to lack of funds.

3 6 18 Our financial department is key for us to stay within our budget. Close observation will allow them to be on top of all the expenditure. Volunteer workers will reduce the cost of the workforce which will keep the cost down overall. Also contribution from either local businesses or sponsorships will help.

Finance Consultant and Event Manager

16 Lack of Time Management - Stage

equipment instruments and

personnel may not arrive on time

this may make the event go over

the time.

4 9 36 The event will be ready two weeks before like we discussed in our planning. It will be very unlikely to go over the time because of the equipment, however if personnel arrive late this could cause that.

Event Manager

17 More people attending - There is a risk of gate crashers because of the amount people coming

5 7 35 Tickets can be sold at the gate if not sold before

Security and Staff

18 Coach Parking - There will be no designated parking space for coaches and buses, they will only have the option to drop off passengers and collect them again after the event is over. This runs

5 6 30 Coaches will have to be maintained and run through a timetable to ensure they arrive to all of their destinations at the correct time.

Traffic Control

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the risk of coaches running late to drop off and collect passengers, resulting in a negative experience for any passengers who may miss parts of the event because of this.

19 Facilities - Facilities available to audience members such as toilets could pose the risk to health and safety standards. These facilities are likely to get dirty over the duration of the event which can cause problems for hygiene and sanitation.

4 5 20 Toilet facilities will have to be routinely monitored by hired staff or volunteer workers to ensure they are cleaned when needed.

Health and Safety

20 Special Needs - Measures will have been carried out to allow access to disabled audience members such as ramps. These ramps may pose a health and safety threat to able-bodied attendees if they are not clearly visible.

6 6 36 All disability ramps should be clearly visible and have volunteer workers nearby to assist disabled attendees.

Venue Manager

21 Sponsorships from companies - Due to the fact that local business won’t in most cases have a significant amount of access cash they will be unable to sponsor the event. There is also the risk that a company who said they are sponsoring the event drop out or go bust thus the event loses the donation from said sponsor.

6 8 48 Contracts will be issued to all possible companies who show an interest in sponsoring the event and in one way or another the donation will be made through contractual obligations.

Marketing Consultant

22 Weather - The event is scheduled to take place in April, the weather is generally fair, and however there

4 7 28 In this case, marquees will be provided as temporary shelters and the stage will be covered. The event will be cancelled if there

Environmental Control

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could be the possibility of rain. are any safety concerns due to extreme weather conditions.

23 Environmental Issues - Greenwich Park is under the risk of being severely damaged due to the sheer amount of people trampling over it, there is also the risk of litter being scattered all over the place which will affect the park, local residents and wildlife.

5 4 15 To combat this bins will be placed all throughout the park and there will be several clean-up operations after the event. There is also the risk of noise pollution but due to the event not going late into the night it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Environmental Control

24 Illegal Activity – Potential opportunity for members of the audience or members of the public to distribute drugs.

3 6 18 Security check will be stationed in the concert, where security will check bags to see anything illegal. If possible can use police dogs to check for anything unusual

Security and Police

Yehia, Sherif . (2009). Risk Event Examples. Available: Last accessed 07/03/15.

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Recommendations for Future Projects

Recommendations that the project would implement is to increase the price of tickets, as this will

increase profitability that the company earns. From the Income and Expenditure Account it shows

that the majority of tickets were sold to standing in the actual forecast indicating that more people

were interested in the concert. However the actual seat tickets we sold was a considerably a high

amount as well. This shows that the concert was am interest to customers, meaning that we can

raise the price of our tickets by a small percentage and not too much as we might put customers off

due to high prices of tickets. We can raise even more money for charities in the foreseeable future

as well as increase the number of tickets sold as Greenwich Park can hold up to 23,000 people (BBC,

2012). In our concert there was no local talent that was introduced, because it was the first time we

had hosted a music event and so wanted to ensure that it was a success. Although by encouraging

local talent and introducing them via concerts, this will help boost their sense of confidence and

accomplishment also helping them express their creativity. Having local artists, comedians and hosts

will enhance and build a community that is supporting and engaging.

There is also the option of increasing the number of volunteers as this will reduce any expense, thus

the company can retain more profit. Although there is a limitation to this as volunteers are not

experts and so may lack knowledge in specific areas that are needed within a project. If this happens

then the risk of the concert being a success decreases. Media Coverage, especially TV coverage

should be considered in the foreseeable future as this will get more publicity and more donations

since the majority of the population watches TV. Advertising on TV can also help attract potential

investors and sponsors, thus increasing the budget as well as having expendable income for rainy

days. Since most of our events will be charity events in the future it will be good to introduce local

businesses and organisations in our project. Our team will approach them through propositions in

which to help raise the number of donations and sponsorships. Local businesses can then advertise

our concert through any means of their social media, thus reducing costs for us but also attracting

new customers. If our stakeholder analysis is followed accordingly then all stakeholders should be

happy and kept up to date with any new information.

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BBC. (13/08/12). Greenwich Park . Available: . Last accessed


Royal Parks. (2015). Greenwich Park A Royal Park. Available: . Last accessed 04/03/15

Public Health England. (2014). Becoming A Dementia Friend. Available: Last accessed 01/03/15.

NHS. (2013). About Dementia . Available:

guide/Pages/about-dementia.aspx. Last accessed 01/03/15.

Yehia, Sherif . (2009). Risk Event Examples. Available: Last accessed 07/03/15.

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Meeting 1

Date: 10/02/15 at 15:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Callum, Dom, Swithun, Kassim, Malik

Familiarised ourselves with group members and set up schedule for meetings and

communication channels.

Established the name of our company and event, the date of the event and what charity it

will be supporting.

Meeting 2

Date: 17/02/15 at 15:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Callum, Dom, Swithun, Kassim, Malik

Delegation of tasks between team members:

Piratheep - Finance

Callum - Marketing Strategies

Dom - Scope and objectives of the event

Swithun - Venue and stage production

Kassim - Security services

Malik - Performances

Outline of what needs to be achieved by each member in time for the next meeting.

Discussion of event scope and venue.

Meeting 3

Date: 24/02/15 at 15:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Callum, Dom, Swithun, Malik

Finalisation of who is performing at the event.

Decisions made over ticket prices and number of tickets being sold.

Plan of budget to be calculated by next meeting.

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Meeting 4

Date: 03/03/15 at 15:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Callum, Dom, Swithun, Kassim

Finalised budget for the event.

Media strategies for the event discussed and poster designed.

Strategies for security and health and safety services discussed.

Meeting 5

Date: 12/03/15 at 12:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Dom, Swithun, Kassim, Malik

Finalisation of stage production details.

Final brief of each group member’s tasks.

Meeting 6

Date: 25/03/15 at 16:00

Place: Drill Hall Library

Present: Piratheep, Callum, Dom, Swithun, Kassim, Malik

Collection of tasks from each group member.

Layout of report designed and put together with completed tasks.

Dementia Facts

- A common condition that affects 800,000 people in the UK and the risks of developing

dementia increase as a person gets older

- Dementia is a syndrome associated with ongoing weakening of the brain and its abilities

such as memory loss, thinking speed, mental agility, language, understanding and


- This concert is a main source to raise awareness of dementia making people more aware of

it. People see dementia as a ‘disease’ but they do not consider how this affects the people

with dementia. People with dementia are treated differently as their understanding of

common things decrease. With this concert we hope that it promotes the awareness of


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Task Delegation


- Background (with Malik and Kassin )

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Stakeholder Analysis (with Callum)

- Activity Network Diagram

- Potential causes that may threaten the success of the project (with Dom)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 6 and 7)

- Event Timetable (with Callum)

- Financial Planning

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 6 and 7)

- Event Manager (with Swithun)

- Financial Manager Role

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 1 – 4)

- Recommendations (with whole group)

- Constraints and Assumptions

- CPA Diagram (with Callum)


- Scope Definition (with Dom)

- Stakeholder Analysis (with Piratheep)

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 4 and 5)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 17 – 20 )

- Marketing Consultant Role

- Event Timetable (with Piratheep)

- Recommendations (with whole group)

- Poster and logo design

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 4 and 5)

- Venue

- CPA Diagram (with Piratheep)

- Layout of Work (with Piratheep and Dom)

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)


- Promoter Role

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 5-8)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 8 and 9)

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 8 and 9)

- Recommendations (with whole group)

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)

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- Layout of work (with Callum and Piratheep)

- Potential causes that may threaten the success of the project (with Piratheep)

- Scope Definition (with Callum)


- Venue Director Role

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 13 – 16)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 2 and 3)

- Recommendations (with whole group)

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 2 and 3)

- Background (with Piratheep and Malik)


- Equipment Manager

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 21 – 24)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 10)

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 10)

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)

- Background (with Piratheep and Kassin)

- Helped with working notes

- Recommendations (with whole group)


- Administration Manager

- Objectives (with whole group)

- Risk Management (Risk ID 9 – 12)

- Work Breakdown Structure (Stage 1)

- Critical Path and Associated Risks (Stage 1)

- Key Success Factors (with whole group)

- Helped with working notes

- Recommendations (with whole group)

- Event Manager (With Piratheep)

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Charity fundraiser and the money will go towards Dementia Friends

Name of the event will be One Voice, One Sound, One Place

Company name will be Manny Music Ltd

Date of the concert will be at the 24th of April 2015 and so the completion of all tasks should

be done at the latest by the 10th of April. The gap between the 10th and 24th will be used to

go over everything seeing any errors made and improving things before the day of the


Artists: J Cole, David Guetta, Sam Smith, Eminem and Adele

Comedians: Russell Howard, Rufus Hound, Ricky Gervis, Big Howard & Little Howard and

Eddie Izzard

Hosts: Stephen Mulhern and Stephan Fry

Stories will be told by people who has family members or friends with dementia. This will

help spread the message of dementia creating awareness of it.

Sponsors will be hired in order to hire and to promote the concert.

Media accessories e.g. posters, postcards adverts will be made to promote concert

The purpose of this concert is for people to have a good time but also to help with the promotion

and the awareness of Dementia as this not seen as a recognised condition in society and so with this

concert this might help with creating awareness of Dementia.

Ticket Price will be £40.00 (Seats) £35.00 (Standing) per adult, £30.00 (Seats) £25.00

(Standing) per child and free for children under 8 years old

10000 tickets will be sold and the target that we hope to achieve is 85%-90%

4000 tickets will be seats and 6000 tickets will be standing

Seating tickets will only be sold to the disabled, elderly and pregnant women

Hotel near Greenwich Park will be Hotel Novotel

Medical Staff will be present at the concert in case of any accidents and security will be

stationed there in case things get out of hand

Project Name: Charity Concert

Time of event: 10am – 5pm

Budget Spending estimate: £250,000

Categories will be split in folders e.g. accounting, media and promotion

Estimate Budgets:

Production Team: £5000 (Equipment Co-ordinater)

Artists: Eminem - £20,000, Adele - £30,000, David Guetta - £10,000, Sam Smith - £15,000, J-

Cole - £10,000

Comedians: Russell Howard - £6000, Rufus Howard - £8,000, Big Howard & Little Howard -

£5000, Ricky Gervis - £9,000, Eddie Izzard - £9,000

Hosts: Stephan Fry: £3500, Stephan Mulhern - £1500

Total Costs for Artists, Comedians and Hosts is £127,000

Media Coverage - £9000

Venue Hire – Free

Sponsors - £20,000

Staff Hire - £9,000

Volunteers – Free

Miscellaneous costs

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Refreshments – £100

Medical Staff - £300

Security - £850

Taxi Hire - £500

Hotel accommodation - £1500

Total Costs for Misc is £3250

Main Staff

Promoter - £15,000

Admin Manager - £10,000

Environmental Control - £10,000

Venue Director – £10,000

Finance Consultant - £15,000

Event Manager - £20,000

Marketing Consultant - £15,000

Equip Manager - £10,000

Total Costs for Main Staff is £105,000

Total Expenditure: £278,250

Income (estimates)

- Ticket Price

Adult (Seats): £40 x 3500 = £140,000

Kids (Seats): £30 x 300 =£9000

Adults (Stand): £35 x 5700 = £199,500

Kids (Stand): £25 x 250 = £6250

Ticket Income Price: £346,650


Businesses - £20,000

Sponsorships - £15,000

Celebrity Donations - £150,000

Donation Income Total : £185,000

Total Income: £346,650



10 Activity Structure

1) Decide whether our music festival will be either a charity event or an all for profit event

How many people will we fit in this event

What day will be the event be on

Event will be at Greenwich Park so there are markets around the place such as The

Pavilion Café, White House Bakery and Park View Coffee Cabin

10,000 people (80% expected to be sold)

2) Look at the different competition as they may have put events on the same date as our


3) Book Greenwich Park by sending an application in order to set up a concert there


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Getting permits

Talking to facility manager there

Sample contract for concert

4) Organising folders for specific tasks (preferably keeping both hard and soft copies of them)


Budgeted Forecasts

Advertising, Promotion and Sponsors

Media Coverage (associated to help with promotion)

Research on types of artists that will be suitable within selected budget), then

setting up recording contracts

Looking over any legal and insurance issues

Accounting/ Banking (seeing available funds in order to set up concert. This will be

included in the application to Greenwich Park)

Media Production (cameras to film the concert)

5) Calculating budget and seeing whether we have enough to hire specific artists, if not then

use social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter to spread the word in order for

small donations in order to hire and set up concert. If some artists are generous then they

may do it for free. Talent buying process and phone calls can take up to a couple of weeks.

Then fax or email the Offer Sheet to the artist’s agent. After hire a promoter in order to

promote concert.

6) Request talent contracts from artists’ agents, move on reviewing and signing them, send

deposits to hire artists with the contracts. Order specialist equipment for concert use and

see how much it is to hire them. Contact Greenwich Park in order for them to amend their

website in order for them to advertise our concert. Reserve hotels near Greenwich Park for

artists to stay at, hire caterers for artists and production team. Set up a production calendar

of important deadlines, meetings to keep things organised.

7) Set ticket price depending on artists, venue size and then sign venue contract when we have

confirmation of our artists. After this then contact contractors to set up concert; place

deposits to them at the quickest time to reserve dates then order concert tickets in which

customers can purchase through Greenwich Park website or through an independent

ticketing agency. If customers prefer to get the tickets themselves then set up an outlet for

them to purchase tickets. Plan, design and arrange advertising i.e. radio stations to negotiate


8) Send out posters, website details, press release about the concert i.e. radio and print ads.

This should be done 4 weeks before the concert starts. Order catering arrangements for

production team, artists and agents, also request help from first aid associations as there

may be accidents e.g. person may faint due to factors such as dehydration and request

security present on concert grounds as things may get out of control. Track ticket sales (in

order to know if price needs to be decreased due to lack of ticket sales), advertise daily on

media about concert and send postcards to remind people about the concert. Make latest

changes as quick as possible (should be done day before the show if tasks are minimal) and

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call the stage manager to ensure that everything is ready, reconfirm catering arrival to

ensure food for everyone taking part in the concert arrangements i.e. artists and teams.

9) Day of the concert; Be at Greenwich Park before it opens and meet with the stage manager,

and if possible organise on the day autograph sessions. Make sure that ticket inspectors is

present, inspect concert stage, backstage etc thoroughly, check status of artists and check

again if everything is order. Check that the artists are there early and picked up early and

catering and beverages are delivered to dressing rooms (luxury caravans). Ensure that

everything is in order before concert starts and then if it is then allow customers to start

settling before concert starts then begin.

10) After concert settle with production contractors, supervise clean-up of park, secure where

equipment is supposed to be after use and inspect load out. Make sure that everything is

cleaned up and left in its proper condition and that we have left Greenwich Park with

everything we came with.