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Film Trailer Ross & Jack

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Film TrailerRoss & Jack

Dead on Record Genre - Horror

Age Rating - 18+

Plot – A mutation of bacteria known as „prions‟ which causes the

well known disease „mad cow disease‟ has spread through cattle

and has “Corrupted” humans with low immune systems. The

mutation of prions gets confined to a isolated area and our main

character is unfortunate enough to be stuck in the middle of it. The

story follows a 19-20 year old man going on a 2 week exhibition in

the forest to test out his survival skills. He takes his camera with him

to record how he copes and looks after himself but he does not

know of the prion mutation spreading through the area.

Inspiration and ideasDoing a horror/thriller trailer we had multiple ideas but stuck to doing a zombie infection outbreak trailer, without it being too „cliché‟. The idea of a man who was run down and slowly being infected was just a standard suggestion. Then we got inspiration from the film „127 Hours‟ and „REC‟ had ideas of having our character creating recordings of his experience to stay sane. This idea then came to create the title of our film trailer „dead on record‟.

The idea of a zombie film was because we was fans of many zombie films such as: „28 Days & Weeks later‟ „Dawn of the Dead‟ „Diary of the Dead‟ (were we also got inspiration from doing a handheld camera film).

We then looked at the film „D.O.A‟ were a man has been poisoned and has been told he only has a few days to live and must find a cure. Which was very similar to ours but in a different scenario.

Poster ideas

We like the idea of showing the camera

on the poster as its our main prop and

plot to our film.

Ideas of having the lens reflecting the

zombie/monster such as these two

poster have done to show audiences a

small insight to the story of the film.

Still undecided whether to have an

illustrated cover or of our actor.

The handheld camera being in the

foreground suggesting to the

audiences that the film is based

around this prop

Use of the word „DEAD‟ to suggest the

zombie/undead reference to the film

Similar to ours „DEAD on Record‟

Motto or sell line of the film „shoot the

dead‟ having two meanings shoot on

camera and shoot with weaponry

Both different posters but using the same technique

of the camera in the foreground suggesting the plot

for the film. But also both lenses have a reflection of

something to give audiences an insight to the films

evil character(s).

Big inspiration to our movie poster.

Target Audience Our film trailer is to appeal more to an age rating of around 18-30

year olds interest in horror and thriller.

Props Liquid Latex

Fake blood



Cardboard boxes

Axe/ Pick Axe




Water bottle

Cooking pot

Canned food

Sleeping bag

Inflatable bed

Bed pump

Bog roll


Pocket Knife

Can opener



Main Character The main character is a teen that is trying to raise money for

charity and is taking a challenge to survive in the woods for a week without any help from the public. He must video log everything he does for proof that he camped for a few weeks.

Secondary Character Our minor character has very little

background in the trailer but with the background that he has got he is 20 yr. old man running away from what he has seen in the woods.

Extra‟s („Corrupted‟) Our extras who will be playing the role of the infected will be

based and designed to look like „The Walking Dead‟ infected

but to act like „28 Weeks Later‟ infected. We did not want our

infected to be like a cliché infected with a slow

walk, brainless and pretty dumb.

Also in the film „[REC]‟ involves very intelligent infected. This

is the type of infected we want and „[REC]‟ was a big


Trailers and Camera Shots


In the Diary of the Dead the film is edited with

a yellow nicotine colour palette

Our film is going to use a blue and grey

colour palette. this takes the warmth out of

the film and creating this dark, cold thriller


This will also make our blood a black/dark red

colour therefore making our film less

stereotypical of having bright red blood.

In this screenshot of the „Diary of the

Dead‟ trailer one frame is shot out of

focus to show the audience the

unexpected drama that takes place

amongst the characters.

This technique is mostly used when

running or to add drama to the scene

to excite the audience and carry out


We are going to use this technique

when our main character is running

from an enemy and when he

encounters them unexpectedly.

The use of static can be used as a

transition in a handheld film, for example

in the trailer for Diary of the Dead when

the drama and action happens the

camera goes static and is used as a

transition from one angle to another

We are going to use this effect to switch

between the camera looking at our

character to looking in front of the


In this scene of the „Diary of the

Dead‟ the female character is being


In our scene we are going to try and

show the audience the bite and

instead of blood being poured onto

the floor our blood we spray onto

the character and enemies. Also

have small spray on the camera

lens and have the main character

clean it while facing him

Another effect we will use in our

film is the reflection of our

character holding the camcorder

In our trailer we will be using rotated

cameras to give an offset and unnatural

feel to the shots. Also our lighting will

follow this type of effect to build tension

and an unnerving feel.

We will use scenes like this one within

our trailer with dark rooms and

silhouettes to add mystery and suspense

within our trailer and shots.

Like the trailer for [REC] we will be using

a static effect on some of our shots to

show the effect of a defected camera or

a broken tape.

This shot in rec is a good example

of the colour correction they used on

the shots to take out the warmth

within most of the scene. We will be

using a different colour correction to

achieve the same type of thing.

First Location – Truck industrial


Dusted wasteland area where our

main character will be and

encounters enemies.

Setting: Evening time/Night time.

Second film location – old worn

down pig farm

Old pig farm with a forest near for

our main character to run and find


Costume designMain Character –

-Black chequered shirt

-Dark Jeans

-Hiking boots


Minor Character –

- Black shirt

- Green cargos

- Boots

Extras (Infected) –

-Old worn t shirts, shirts

-Dusted up trousers/jeans

-Prosthetics make up to make wounds and cuts

-Our Costume choices where chosen because we wanted our character to look like

normal civilians that have been in the woods for a few days/weeks.

Behind the scenes

For cuts and open wounds we bought

Liquid Latex and fake blood

Here we applied a layer of the liquid latex

on the arm and applied bits of tissue to

create the illusion of loose skin

Here we let the liquid latex and tissue dry

and used two sticks to split the dried latex to

create the open wound.

Then we applied the fake blood into the open

part of the liquid latex and made the cut look


Soon we will have make up to use on the white

liquid latex to blend it with skin.


This was one of Jacks first wounds he made

on one of our extra actors. He used a layer

of liquid latex to create the size of the wound

and base layer. He then used tissue to make

the outline of the mould and built up around


He then applied black gel pen and fake

blood to create a darker coloured blood. Also

mixed honey and red dye.

Link below shows a time-lapse of Jack

Phillipson creating a wound.

With our shots that we film we will be adding a few effects to them to create a

deeper atmosphere within our trailer.

We will be using a colour correction to give our shots a dull cool effect in them and

take out all the warmth which will give a cold almost dark effect in our final trailer.

We shall be using White noise and flickering TV distortion to add a broken type

feel to the footage.


This is a teaser poster for our film. And is one

of four we are going to make.

The poster ideas were taken from the films in

our previous slides. Our other 3 we are going

to make will have a age rating, release date

and more detail about the film. One poster

with the both of our characters on and two

separate poster with one of our characters.

The link below shows a time-lapse of how

Jack Phillipson made it.

We got the idea of using a handled

record camera from George A.

Romero's „Diary of the Dead‟ and we

also used the idea of having the camera

in the foreground and instead of the title

at the bottom we had ours at the top

with a sub heading below.

The idea of a camera in the centre

foreground also came from the film
