film summaries

Written by: Kyle Bauman

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Written by:

Kyle Bauman

Recent single origin hypothesis states that human ancestors originated in Africa

Analysis of the Y chromosome methods used in tracing

the history of early humans

Thirteen genetic markers on the Y-chromosome differentiate populations of human beings.

The earliest groups of humans are believed to find their present-day descendants among the San people a group that is now found

in western southern Africa.

It is believed, based on genetic evidence, all human beings in existence now descend from one single man who lived in Africa about 60,000 years ago

Ice cores in Antarctica and pine rings from Sierra National forest help tell the story of early volcanic history

Our century is one of the most quiet with respect to volcanoes

Massive volcanic eruption around 535AD

Krakatoa was possibly the cause of the climatic catastrophe

Could have possibly lead to bubonic plague in Rome

Avars extracted massive amount of gold from weak roman empire

Could have possibly lead to the fall of Teotihuacan empire

Huge political consequences stemmed from catastrophe

All of the problems that surround the eruption of 535 fed into early evolution of Islam

Yellowstone caldera might be the next eruption that could trigger another climatic catastrophe

Just a few degrees drop in overall global temperature created huge impact.

1300-1850 was a period of cataclysmic cold that caused a global mayhem.

Froze Viking colonists in Greenland

Aided to black death in Europe

Destroyed Spanish Armada Possibly trigger for French


The global cooling caused the New York Harbor to freeze over

Two feet of snow fell on New England in the summer months of June and July.

Climatologists think it could possibly happen again.

Global warming could possibly trigger an ice age.

Julius Caesar invaded Celtic Gaul in 58 BC to protect northern boarder

According to Rome Celts were warring and illiterate people

Jones finds that Celts knowledge far surpassed that of Rome Especially in mathematics Society that protected the

young and weak

Built on sophisticated trading network that spread beyond Celtic boarders

Caesar wanted to destroy the Celts Reasons: built on vast

deposits of gold

Caesar was broke and needed the Celtic gold in order to start minting gold coins

This conquest for gold was responsible for over a million Celt deaths

Genghis Khan was one of the greatest conquerors of all time

Captured territory extends from Asian steppes to central Europe

His main objective: Capture territory

Enslavement of the people

Interested in war for the sake of war

Came to power by uniting many nomadic tribes of northeast Asia

His most potent threat was China.

Wanted nothing but good things for his people

Learned Chinese weaponry, created a medical core, created a record of all his rules, each tribe giving its own graving grounds


Dynasty of nomadic warriors that drove for territorial expansion, spreading there rules throughout India

Brilliant technological innovators as well as masters of art and architecture Taj Mahal

Fought with amazing artillery

War dressed elephants fully armored in chain mail

Great understanding of metallurgy and composites Composite bows with

incredible flexibility and strength

hand woven chain mail

Great understanding of rocketry

Swards smith techniques passed down for generations that are still present today

Archeologists and other scientists decode ancient carving of Mayan civilization

Leads to a greater understanding of what day to day life was like during time of the Mayan civilization

Problem with deciding Mayan language

Nothing to compare it to Most Mayan text were


Used symbols to represent signs and concepts

“summary” of Mayan hieroglyphics was left behind, but not very useful

Only the phonetic representation of some symbols were documented

Many scientists have tried to crack the code ,but majority having conflicting hypotheses