film screenings are perfect for date night

6 » SUN SENTINEL » SUNSENTINEL.COM » FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2016 » BR THE GO GUIDE You have erred, mis- spoken, forgotten, mis- took, insulted, refused, hurt, upset, offended, slighted, snubbed and blundered. Again. Or you are about to. Remember who we’re talking about. So you are in need of a date night to make up for your trespasses. Or as down payment for the future. After all, the NCAAs are getting really good and MLB’s Opening Day is just around the corner. The folks at Cinema Paradiso in Fort Lauderdale have you covered with this weekend’s premiere of the Courtyard Cine- ma series, with a different film screening at sunset in the John Mager Courtyard each night through Sunday, complete with full bar and a rotating lineup of food trucks. Guy’s gotta eat. The series’ opening weekend includes films that you would never in your right mind watch, which is the whole point, you sensitive guy, you. Included are Richard Lester’s “Robin and Marian” tonight, the Meryl Streep Abba-fest “Mamma Mia!” on Saturday and the weepy Whitney Houston- Kevin Costner affair “The Bodyguard” on Sunday. Talk about taking one for the team. Not that she needs to know this, but tickets to these 7:30 p.m. screenings are a mere $5. We mentioned the bar and food truck, right? Info: Love songs Now, if you’ve really screwed up, we direct you to the Earth, Wind & Fire- Chicago double bill at 7:30 tonight at Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Make it all spur-of-the-moment, like: “Hey, honey, let’s groove tonight. I’m taking you to see Earth Wind & Fire!” The spontaneity will earn you enough points to watch the NCAAs right through finals. Tickets are $18.95-$118 (plus fees) at Free date The new Friday Night Sound Waves Series on Fort Lauderdale beach (Las Olas and A1A, which your hosts are calling “the Hub”) this weekend offers Rus Anderson’s Rocket Man tribute to ’70s Elton John music and all the wacky fashion that entails. It’s not “Madman,” but it’ll do. The rest of the free concerts, 5:30-8:30 p.m. every Friday through Nov. 18, include a nice range of top South Florida musicians, including Ed Calle, Electric Piquete, Joel DaSilva, Suenalo, Eugene Gray, Spred the Dub, JL Fulks, Uproot Hootenanny, Sosos and Palo! Info: Circle the Square Old School Square in downtown Delray Film screenings are perfect for date night Ben Crandell Christine Baranski, Meryl Streep and Julie Walters in "Mamma Mia!" UNIVERSAL STUDIOS Bigger. Bolder. Better. 401 SW Second Street Downtown Fort Lauderdale 954.713.0930 or 70MM FILM ADVANCE TICKETS RECOMMENDED Fri , March 25 th Earphunk With Special Guests Dangermuffin Sat, March 26 th Selwyn Birchwood & Noah Wotherspoon Mon, March 28 th Biscuit Jam With Mark Telesca & The Funky Biscuit Allstars Featuring Petty Padgett With The Bobby Nathan Band Tues, March 29 th Jeff & Mike Of The Heavy Pets Wed, March 30 th Biscuit Fest 5 Kickoff Party Featuring Samantha Fish Thurs, March 31 st Biscuit Fest 5 – The Nth Power With Special Guests Matt Schofield & Ron Holloway F Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr r r r r r r Fr Fr r r r r Fr Fr Fr Fr r r Fr r F Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr r Fr Fr Fr r r F r r r Fr Fr ri i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i , , , , , , , , , , 2 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Ma a ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar r ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar r ar r a r ar a a r ar a a a a a ch ch ch ch ch 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Schofield & Ron Holloway Ron Holloway FREE CRUISE Buy 1 Get 1 Free With This Coupon * GO TO SEE ON THE CARRIE B *Limit 1 Free Admission per coupon. Not valid for groups. Adult fares only. NOT VALID SAT. & SUN. 11AM. DEPARTURES 7 Days A Week Rain or Shine • SEE MILLIONAIRE’S ROW, EXOTIC YACHTS, CRUISE SHIPS, PORT EVERGLADES AND MORE! • STROLL AROUND OR ENJOY AIR CONDITIONED SEATING • FULL SERVICE BAR & LIGHT SNACKS • ENTERTAINING & INFORMATIVE LIVE NARRATION 1½ Hour Cruises 11 am • 1 pm • 3 pm Adults: $22.95 + tax Children: $12.95 + tax (under 12) Reservations Not Needed • Info (954) 768-9920 *Available for Private Charters Depart Las Olas Blvd. & S.E. 5th Ave. Behind Lobster Bar Restaurant. One block west of the Cheesecake Factory. Anytime, anywhere, anyway you want it.

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Film screenings are perfect for date night



You have erred, mis-spoken, forgotten, mis-took, insulted, refused,hurt, upset, offended,slighted, snubbed andblundered. Again. Or youare about to. Rememberwhowe’re talking about.So you are in need of a

date night to make up foryour trespasses. Or as

down payment for the future. After all, theNCAAs are getting really good and MLB’sOpeningDay is just around the corner.The folks at Cinema Paradiso in Fort

Lauderdale have you covered with thisweekend’s premiere of theCourtyardCine-ma series, with a different film screening atsunset in the John Mager Courtyard eachnight through Sunday, complete with fullbar and a rotating lineup of food trucks.Guy’s gotta eat.The series’ opening weekend includes

films that you would never in your rightmind watch, which is the whole point, yousensitive guy, you. Included are RichardLester’s “Robin and Marian” tonight, theMeryl Streep Abba-fest “Mamma Mia!” onSaturday and theweepyWhitneyHouston-Kevin Costner affair “The Bodyguard” on

Sunday. Talk about taking one for the team.Not that she needs to know this, but

tickets to these 7:30 p.m. screenings are amere $5. We mentioned the bar and foodtruck, right? Info:

Love songsNow, if you’ve really screwed up, we

direct you to the Earth, Wind & Fire-Chicago double bill at 7:30 tonight atPerfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West PalmBeach. Make it all spur-of-the-moment,like: “Hey, honey, let’s groove tonight. I’mtaking you to see Earth Wind & Fire!” Thespontaneity will earn you enough points towatch the NCAAs right through finals.Tickets are $18.95-$118 (plus fees)

FreedateThe new Friday Night Sound Waves

Series on Fort Lauderdale beach (Las Olasand A1A, which your hosts are calling “theHub”) this weekend offers Rus Anderson’sRocket Man tribute to ’70s Elton Johnmusicandall thewacky fashion that entails.It’s not “Madman,” but it’ll do. The rest of

the free concerts, 5:30-8:30 p.m. everyFriday throughNov.18, include a nice rangeof top South Florida musicians, includingEd Calle, Electric Piquete, Joel DaSilva,Suenalo, Eugene Gray, Spred the Dub, JLFulks, Uproot Hootenanny, Sosos and Palo!


Circle the SquareOld School Square in downtown Delray

Film screenings are perfect for date night

Ben Crandell

Christine Baranski, Meryl Streep and Julie Walters in "Mamma Mia!"UNIVERSAL STUDIOS

Bigger. Bolder. Better.

401 SW Second StreetDowntown Fort Lauderdale

954.713.0930 or



Fri, March 25 th

EarphunkWith Special Guests

DangermuffinSat, March 26th

Selwyn Birchwood &Noah WotherspoonMon, March 28th

Biscuit Jam WithMark Telesca &The Funky BiscuitAllstarsFeaturing

Petty Padgett WithThe Bobby Nathan BandTues, March 29th

Jeff & MikeOf The Heavy PetsWed, March 30th

Biscuit Fest 5 Kickoff PartyFeaturing

Samantha FishThurs, March 31st

Biscuit Fest 5 –The Nth PowerWith Special Guests

Matt Schofield &Ron Holloway

FrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFrFriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch 2222222222MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch 222222222222222222222222222222222222555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththth,,,,,,,,,,,

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FriFri,, March 25March 25 thth

EarphunkEarphunkWith Special Guests

DangermuffinDangermuffinSat, March 26Sat, March 26thth

Selwyn Birchwood &Selwyn Birchwood &Noah WotherspoonNoah WotherspoonMon, March 28Mon, March 28thth

Biscuit Jam WithBiscuit Jam WithMark Telesca &Mark Telesca &The Funky BiscuitThe Funky BiscuitAllstarsAllstarsFeaturing

Petty Padgett WithPetty Padgett WithThe Bobby Nathan BandThe Bobby Nathan BandTues, March 29Tues, March 29thth

Jeff & MikeJeff & MikeOf The Heavy PetsOf The Heavy PetsWed, March 30Wed, March 30thth

Biscuit Fest 5 Kickoff PartyBiscuit Fest 5 Kickoff PartyFeaturing

Samantha FishSamantha FishThurs, March 31Thurs, March 31stst

Biscuit Fest 5 –Biscuit Fest 5 –The Nth PowerThe Nth PowerWith Special Guests

Matt Schofield &Matt Schofield &Ron HollowayRon Holloway

FREE CRUISEBuy 1 Get 1 Free With This Coupon*

GO TO SEE ON THE CARRIE B*Limit 1 Free Admission per coupon. Not valid for groups. Adult fares only.



Rain or Shine





1½ Hour Cruises11 am • 1 pm • 3 pm

Adults: $22.95 + taxChildren: $12.95 + tax

(under 12)

Reservations Not Needed • Info (954) 768-9920*Available for Private Charters

Depart Las Olas Blvd. & S.E. 5th Ave. Behind Lobster Bar Restaurant.One block west of the Cheesecake Factory.

Anytime, anywhere,anyway you want it.




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Page 2: Film screenings are perfect for date night


Beachkicks it, uh, old school, tonightwith amini rock festival featuring Everclear,Candlebox and Sister Hazel, along withfood and drink vendors set up all aroundfrom 6 to 10 p.m. Can you hear “SantaMonica” toomany times? Admission to theRock the Square party is $25 (lawn), $50(bleacher seating) and $100 (VIP).

UnquietwatersThis is the final weekend of the Florida

Renaissance Festival in Deerfield Beach’sQuiet Waters Park, with a theme calledCarnivale Masquerade. Sounds like ’70sElton John tome. Info:

WeekendbeerI likemybeer like I likemybeer. I like it to

taste likebeer.Coffee, too. I put coffee inmycoffee cup. Nothing else. So, Due SouthBrewing (Boynton Beach) this week has itsCafé Ole Espresso Porter in cans. Beer andcoffee together. I should not like this. Butthebeer is fromDueSouth, and thecoffee isfrom Argyle Coffee Roasters (Fort Lau-derdale), both consistent sources ofthoughtful taste-making. So I trust.,

Liz Phair as the opening act, cost$49.50-$79.50 at

PalmBeachbooksReminder: Burt Reynolds, Molly Ring-

wald and Eriq LaSalle are among thecelebrity authors scheduled to take part inthe Palm Beach Book Festival, April 1-2 atPalm Beach Dramaworks and the NortonMuseum of Art in West Palm Beach.

Oscar afterglowFilmmaker Courtney Marsh will take

part in a Q&A after a screening of herOscar-nominated short documentary,“Chau, Beyond the Lines,” next month ather alma mater, St. Thomas Aquinas HighSchool inFortLauderdale. The title charac-ter of the 34-minute film is a teenager livingin a Vietnamese hospital for kids disabledby the chemical Agent Orange and, despitemalformed arms and legs, dreams ofbecominganartist. “Chau”will be shownat7 p.m. April 18 in the school’s Bienes Centerfor the Arts (2801 SW 12 St.), and will bepreceded by a meet-and-greet with Marsh.Tickets: $6. Info:

[email protected]

$15. Among the eight Silverspot screeningsonTuesday are dinner-friendly showings at4:55, 7:10 and 9:25 p.m. Info:

Strikers anticipationThe Fort Lauderdale Strikers’ annual

uniform-unveil party set for Wednesdaynight aboard the Anticipation IV on down-town Fort Lauderdale’s NewRiver reachedcapacity in less than a day, which sayssomething about something. The Strikersbegin their 2016 season 7 p.m. April 2against newcomersMiami FC, amatch thatmay soon rival those against theTampaBayRowdies and New York Cosmos for an-them-singing, name-calling intensity. Tick-ets start at $12. Info:

Pumpkins unpluggedThe Smashing Pumpkins this week

kickedoffanewlegof theiracoustic-electrotour called “In Plainsong,” which is sched-uled to concludeMay1at Fort Lauderdale’sBrowardCenter for thePerformingArts. Inthe 2015 edition of the In Plainsong tour,frontman Billy Corgan and bandmatesJimmy Chamberlin and Jeff Schroederperformed acoustic versions of SmashingPumpkins songs, as well as selections fromZwan andCorgan’s solo catalog. Tickets forthe show, which not incidentally includes

Take the kidsSurfing celebrity andmotivational speak-

er BethanyHamilton,whose recovery froma shark attack was chronicled in the film“Soul Surfer,” will make an appearance 4-6p.m. tonight at BC Surf and Sport (1701 N.Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale). Aportion of the proceeds from sales ofHamilton’s signature sandal collection willbe donated to Friends of Bethany, anonprofit organization supporting shark-attack survivors and amputees. Hamiltonlost her left arm in her attack at age 12. Thefirst 200 customers to buy the sandals willget access to an exclusive autographmeet-and-greet. Info:

Tapas dancingWho knows if “My Big Fat Greek

Wedding 2” will have the original plate-smashing charms to go with original starsNia Vardalos and John Corbett when itdebuts this weekend? If it’s enough toinspire your local Greek place to celebratethe movie in some noticeable way on themenu, what’s not to like? Or your localmovie theater could celebrate the food.SilverspotCinema (4441LyonsRoad,Coco-nut Creek) will do it during Big Fat TapasTuesday, 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, with a family-style Greek dinner, music and dancing for









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