Download - More July 16argains


'ich .... reamy •. . Tl\ese ai . ·e;. m

;points w _ tinguish

. . Vol. I~ No. ,. I 79~

artio Ha·rdware Co. for Harvest Tools.

\\' Llolc,,nlc ,\: Uctnll.

,.. .

St. John's, Newfoundla,~~

• • •

' .. . , ..

BUTTER. Just received ex 'Rest ig0l,1c11e 1


• •

40 tubs P.E.I. Creamery Butter _ SQ .. tubs ·Choice Dairy Butter . .

30 lbs: each. IEtf $clllpg Cheap.

ROTHWELL & BOW~ING Next to P~t Office.

, .

ny the Dc~t Goods at the Lowes I Pri~cs . ---..i!o..--------------------lllll]ilt Griffin's Bost Crown· Scythes. • · American Narrt>w &. Wide Blade

cythos, in 11vo qualities and as- A rtetl lengths. Grass Hooks Amori , an &. English


LIBERAL DISCOUNT will be givcu tlnring the mouth of August on

Scythe Stones. . . BLOUSES, DRESS GOODS, nus. Common and Patent Snaths or ytheHant11es. LINS, HATS, fllLLINERY of all


··Refrigerator . Cont rolled heat and controlled cold for com­

fottable and safe summer house-keeping. That's the idea. Sometiu1es foods will taint to the point of ' ' ripeness'' whhout breCding ptomaines, but , any taint or fermentation is conducive to illness. An ice box will keep ice and wake so1ue cold air,

, but a Refrigerator is better, because it lets the ~~-forees of nature keep the air on the "go"-and

tho motion dries it. Foods are crisper if kept in • one of our Refrigerators.

Hay Forks,..all sizes. ·

. " d c ki~ds. Hros•ERv, cuRT·A\•Ns, cuR·: The Last Straw RUHER01w Roo' art1n ar. ware 0. TAl~TS, and all summer goods. .

. ·. Hat you had must be worn out by this time. Get a we arc Sole .Ai'cat ror tbe ODIJ .... -.. -.. -~""'~,....,,..... Bl HQ P & M. Q N RQ B new one to-day to keep your _head always cool. Gennlae Rnbe .... d Roo••I' Im·

. John's Municipal Council BAND CO~C.EU'I'.

A Daad Concert will be held in t111crmau llark on MONDAY cnini;, :; 1st inst. , beginning at ~ lock. l:'ror. .t'ow1.:1 ' :1• Bcnd.

- \ I· a - ll}· or er, :· .Jbil.N L. Sl.A.TT£B'1',

9,2l Secretary.

educed Prices rled Soups, in tins, roe. per lin. rtcd J81Ds, r-Jb. crocks, 15c. each. rt~l Jams, 2-lb. crock.s, 3oc. each. tric Slo\'e Paslc, 6oc. per dozen. Calf Shoe Polish, in tins, ssc. doz.

& O. Blacking, 3c. Uns, 25c. doz. & 0., 5c. Una, 42c. doz. & o. Dlacldng, IOC. UDI, 8.ic. doz. ey's Brus Polish, 4oc. doz.

nilgbl Matches, 36c. per gross boxes. rcb, r-lb. bosea, 6c. each.

Beef Hub, "·lb. liDI, 1 re. each. Beef Buh, r-lb. tins, 1,c. each.

al BUIDg Powdcr, 12 oz. tlDI, ,;6c. ea. ed ltalalm, gc. package. ... Joe. lb.

lf'dllr&t,ed Apricota, 15c. lb. ng Clothct Pins, 3e. per doun.

I~ McNeil's Pork & Beans, with To­asato Sauce, 17c. per tin.

orcc, 1sc. per package. ranulatcd Sugar, 7c. per lb. otted Meats, 5c. tin.

• Fennell. 13b & 132 Duckworth Street.


'·' BEN-HUR " Flour. .

. .... ,.. .

rr= Everybody;s Sho8 Store.

• •

Our Shoe lmslucss isgrowiug woudcr-fullv. ,,

We're trying bani enoJ•gh lo ma~c It grow. Aller all lhe ouly lhing thal bas IUIY eficcl is Lhc Doolll anrl pric~•.

Asldug for husinus docs no gootl­making tl .{lay people to come hcrc­tbal's lhc 1'' llY we get buslucss . See Our Men's $2 &. $2.50 Boots.

Vdour Calf, Dongola au<l Box Calf. tdc:al Boots every pair of them.

See Our Women's $1.60 & $2 Boots H's such Pootweur as lhis that lrnihb

our reputation and wins new frlcu<ls for us1!Ally. ,

Parker & Monroe, ' Tbe Shoe 111eu, 195 and ;163 Wntu St.

• .. , '· ,

• r-


B.~~r::-:';~:~d. More July 16argains .. ml l r.enarchant lltore.

n. Wbl U H t 25 ported almllu ill quality to lhat covcr-UY7r . te ll8D &ts, & C. , Ing the Reld-NB.d. Co"a Work Shops. · Men's White linen Hats, 2S 'A 3Sc. . uavin& In Stock-~. 1, 2 antl 3.1•Jy.

Men's Bostonian Caps, 50 cts. Each roll co,·ers 200 .. ,narc feet.·

Col"d linen Napoleon Hats, the lalcst for Doys & Girls, 40c. KJ""Dost Dunable 1Co0Ri111r 111

Boys White linen Tams, 30c. nae World.

Boys Blue 'A White Striped linen Tams, 40c. TESSIER ·& CO. JOB LOT MEN'S PEAK CAPS

.w · hav: .receb:ed from our Boye~ lOcJ !Dozen ~r the above, - _, ... - ... - .. ., ., M•nufactorer's Samples, ranting In ~e retolar way, from 3Sc. to 50c , which we offer at 2S cents.

" THE ·ROY AL STORES, Ltd. • . ' ' I •



"Neither Cometl Beef nor Rout &et but mucb moro delicious tbllD eltlttr " ..

a, This delicate and delic:ious meat retains all its juices, pJ55"SSing the taste and savor of fresh meat. 0. It is a palatable prepared Iunc:h~n-just the thing for pic:nics and outing parties, 0. Eat c:old or make into _ hot dishes. 6. For sale at your grcxer



A QUICK Fl'RE results disastrouily to tbe uninsured. Why remain un~rotected when you can get the lOWE~T R'.\TES IN NEWFOUNDLAND from

PERCIE jOHNSON, . The 1ns11m11ce Mnu.

Office :' Cho.mllcu, Duck worlh Street.

• •

MARE FOR SALE.·--Rcv. P. hi. q·connor }•as• .highly hrccl !.I arc ror "ale; good traveller, very $nil· able for a doctor or private family : line in saddle or barneu. Can be 1ceu ln tbe foreuooo by eoquirlng at 34. King's Road. 1 • 1y22,tf

For Sale, Property, Lease:· bold nud Frecholtl- One Froui;e & Cround• . 1\lso , one 6tna11 far111, frtcbold on 1:rcMh · '''atc1 One O\\·c11 ins: lJou•c, \\~c ... l l:\nd. On Boncloddy St .. • Rome. Ou St>enccr s,., one Jlou$e:. One J-tousc nrul Grounds nl Top"3il cheap. M. A. J11\S­·rO\V. Attctiouccr nud l.aud ,\s;:cnt, ~ck'~ CO\'C. Jy'.16

Business Stand for Sale. J,co.scholtl interest o( nine )"CR1'11 in a gootl Unsiurss Sl~nd on Water Strec1, also Stock in Trarle, as the p>.rty is go. log out of prc•cnt busine•s. Apply al once tot'. C, O'DRlSCOLL. jy22

To Let,-· The Pleasantly sitnl\lC(l D1A1e-1li112 Hou~, No. 2,9 Cntbcrinc. Ro,v, MoukstO\\'n.., 'NOl\d . 'Cbc !louse con. tain~ roo~u , \Vitb 1unc;l ru ituJlruve1ut1Jli!t And a g-ood fro~t..proor c:t:lla.r nntl nt\\' 0111. hou•e. 'l'Of'.."'es. · n hntttf'din.tcly. J(or JU•f· liculars npl'IY ~t 21 C11thcrine Row.


Cheapest Cabbage for the enson.-To arrive per s.s . ' Oona,•ist.A.'

and for sale by 11nblic anclion, 15 largu crates choice Cnl>b•l)C, by or crate, or ln lots lo sutl c11slower11. l'lt. A. BASTOW. jr29

Just received, I small shipment of Cheese, w lb. each. Chcl\p· lit. A. DAS!OW. j)-•

20 rlAIDS WANTED for llalifil aud di!fcreul parts of Nova

coll• , Sydney, New Drunswick. ancl New York. Also l\fAids wanted for St. John's a.ud for families a sl1ort dlstRncc from town, for Day of ls lands, Carlx>ucar and Dog Bay ( near Pogo). l'or all par­ticulars apply al lbc Newfountliaucl F,01. ploymcnt Agency, MRS. Cl!O. WA l. IT 235 Tlfcntrc Hill. jy31

Wanted, Milk Customers, byquarl or gallon. l''or particulnrs ap. ply to M. A. BAST W. ii 29

Lost, on Sunday morning, • July 16th, at To~"lil~ bcl"ttu ~tr. Uo,,•rinJf.!' Comsre 1nd the Churgh of ltn~lnnd, 1t m"ll ~old "hnln. with lnckct n1tnchcd,

, " , ·onlftlniu,: child ,. pholo. Ht\\-ard a: ivtn.

f · ?tttts, \VJTURKS. Circular Rontl : or blRS. BOYS CAPS. c earing at to cents each. · · BowR1so, " Tit• Bunplow." Topsail.

·AUCTION SALES. • .- Jrn BOYS White Merino Kniqker Drawers, which qld at ------------~------------- -----------

. 60 · 70 & ~oc.; '\ve wilf riow cle~t at 25, '301 35c. pau'.. -~ • L p • MORE MONEY · . ..- ' 'SHIRTS to 1natch. . ,..- ..:" Oflg ramtng &ha& you 1Lne 1a i.ana 1a tome. '

tlmea needed. Thia, U . ·- ....

CHILDS BLACK HOSE, 5c. pair. ( and Scantling, LENT LAD.I ES Navy & Brown Lisle GLOVES, now sell· ' oa euy 1.erma 01 repayment, 0 11 ...

1ng at IO cents pair. • 3 TO 10 INCHES WIDE =~w:lt~ lnTeatments lh•t

MEN 1S REGATTA COLLARS1 standing, with tn:rn· II n.~t previolllllY di~ ol b1 prl•ate <111le, s· b ed off cornerii. 1ze r7 1 S c,ents eac .

•• l•t•""•Yi Aus. ~th, .


Tlllt Dnlrall Dllllllg , House, JACKSON ..:.e. .. Jlle. .u na•lll .. Ave. ~ ,

' • C'ott tahlhit 6 ,_ ,aad oten,lOD ' ltitcben. - Leadlq We.I End He111e.

r;~~~.""-..,P~n=ri2~1 :: ~~ · ?Q& • . . j . I

premi.., "':. e. o•DRllCOJ.L, ~Ok and Job fifinting Neatly. Bone. 11'4.t~ AllftlC!nttr. .

• -and-...

10 TO ~5 FEET . ~ONG. -A cbaoce of a 11/e Ume ! Come ~~ly and

I _ plci yaur leogth1 •


TO YOU • Adftllea of from S- np tO u llWll' tbo111Udl readily arnqed

~e_e"'lmpl' ldhl' leueliold pro-

n. IW1111•1ertpatC., . PRROIE .IOHNSON,

.&s-t. .

J.awOllee.~ Dalli.-. fllrlll• • .







. ' have tint largca.t sale In the •·• • ' LOuk · ~l -the atray of hutNN! agatnSl'i comer. • · Oolcl M t, the Paris Exhibition a•1d onl)t•ard Ch~o Exhl n, Highest Honors St. LOet

' 1904~ Note the prlee&-·32c .. , J6c., 44c •• 56c • . Direct from


-~----~·mma..-•---. -..... ., IF EVERY MAN KNEW

I that he wou:.1 lin: ihmu1tl1 the t>t riu I qi hi• c~pcctatilin he ''-'-'Hl•I «l,ull1l ~ S:l'l IUfil:- c hi"' pl<t.uS in 11 c ·or•l-.ucc:. "ith thllll. Uut wln:lhcr,his Ille is;o be looi: ur·• bo1t l1 unkuown tu hl,m.

THE ONLY WAY IS 10 111-.k,c :;\u,·11 J\rQ vi!"h tu lh l 110 rn.•ltt: r "helhc r ~ll~ tll occ:ur t.urly ur Jal~ hi ''"t ~thh: n's wlll Le pru't.·ctcJ.


Take a Policy_ in the Canada Life . . au1\ 1ft1.0 U \•OU \Viii 1t1VC J)C8C • o( Utin•l v.·ith th tn.lilS llN\U C tha l )O\-l f 1Uvt1l OUlS \\' Il l in ntl)' l\'cllt Uc kC'Jll rro1u \\' UUt.

• Your Investment Will Pay

t; \' 4.' 11 if )"UH li\'1i.' 1011).; lJ(') Othl )'OUr pcriotl O( <'Xl>tClntion. ' . .

C. A. C. BRUCE, Man~ger, St. john's.

L ' I ·# sm

·I ..I


f>a•·u in the tlcptha of fot,m·c'OWucd J'(>Ul, be neMlh II .hdl'rini: hA!IC,

Wlu:rc 10111•11 ui: watcu cJJlcJ au.I the'r•·tcl", )(rl:w,

When: wfn•l·hcwe•I tree trunk ~lre(ehcd acros1 Uu.: ~l'1:au1 {rona shore lo slu.>rr,

l'bctt ,1 well Lhc 111011ar.:h of I be brook, beliiud a r 1'h·"<I Joor, '

tu col•lclil uioutbs of " ·iutcr tiwc his IJrii;ht·hU<"<I hitk:I wouhl 11"3h U\> the.. s hallow • . icc1c!""I strcaw, whr-t'e swift hc1t1lwa1trs

( 11 the ~pdui:thnc, wllcn the Ice (he clc:- v \)uoh~ t cwcctl lo rh;,;:,

Rctuml,I to his ol I retreat IJrncatb the I~.

Within hi• tlcep aml stone f"iVtol home, hi"' 11ul1lc l1t'.htl UJ> strca111.

\111l l>ro,,rl t :,il sw1tyi11K Jazily 1 lbc ntUtu1.rch's "pcck-tc:s . ~lc11oi;

f·:a •h ftt11f.tcc chan);c, t--n~h flvl.lling lwil! hi~ t-h :lrp C) cs •h:arl1' :;caw ·~

Snr Ji\l I• ~iu~lc luckltss bug ~ca1 chi:\ hungry wa\\'.


. . .

AUGUST Twas early morn ; lite 11:\uustcr l•y iu

0 NS wuil fur OrcKkr '.'lil f•rr-,

FASH I rhc tl:ick-t:ru"n ""'"'" rc:-cchocrl wilh 0 bllroll IJirol nOl<'S C\«rywhcrc;

- ju'\l where. 1hc Jog•:. ,Jat1 lt5luuluw luuct1 .. l'tl the •l<ly'• tlimpled chttk

Trur.,, July 26. - A few minutes be­fore: 6 o'cluo:I< 1bl1 l\•cuiug, a WOIU&ll en• tereol the harolwar.:. •bop of Mr. C. l'. Uauaon ••"l asked lbe c:lcrk If lhc:y koPt rrvolvcra for Alt, giv111g .. bcr reaaon lor wi hiui: tu puu,bue tho rlulrc for proh ct ion fur li<:Jaclf and chlldrc!n, u 1bey ln'Cll alone, in wbal abe n praealed u a 11 ... 1 11 .. ijtbbour~. Tllo clerk sbo,.cd bcr whal · she ukccl fur, a J2· calib•e, which she took &nil c:zamlual, •11•1 a11ke•I "')1al •iw c:artrltlgc It took. \V hen ~he was gh·cn one lo look at, abc •lroppeol it hilo the ch1n1bcr au1l before tho,c unnnrl rouhl t.llink, pointed It "l her.ell aml .. nt lbe bullet lbrooi:h a!Jo,•c lhe 1ijjhl lu11l':· ?ikcllc&taltl was '}11uu1onc I Mtul lht: 'i(Olnan, M r:t-. J~c)ilb l'•)' llc. rc-ntO\'t•l tu her home, wt1cresbc i• u11rl.,.r lhc r. re of the \'1ctorlau uurscs. The bullet has nol bt:cn loca· •t.•I. l,ut unlt:ri.K oou1pltt."tllioui4 nrisc 110 "Cnuh; tc:. ult• an; cxprc1ed. fdrs. l'lllync. n wl•low with her "11lltlrc1t c.rnu: here" ''""' :Ot. John•, NII J. , alJoul lwc. 111 u11t hs "J:"'• M.Otl haa•l livc...J \•cry u1uch lu th\.111""' lve::tc, na•kluK oo lricuthc 1&Uw11i: lhcir nc:ighl>urs. She anrl her 1wu .. t.1e>1t chilrlrc:n fouool c1nplnymcnl •u lhc Truro !\:nilling Mill•, but ber h~ahb J:a\"<: out, aoJ for aome W~"Ckl wbal the cblldnm, a i;irl of 14 aurl "boy o( 12, c:r med WU all tht'y btMI lo lh·e on. The younJtClll, a boy of 8 or g. llvlu11 al bo- wit~ ht. muth'il:. her baby child of f:ir yea.._ la tu orp •a home In St.

, \ tenrplini; rC•kol 011 the aur-fncc ol th. <'rnk. Weltlon s Ladies Journal, ,4 cul patterns. .

\Voltlo·n·s llazar of Ch"hlrcn's Fashions. 3 cut patterns. Weldon's Illustrated 01 cssmaker, t 1iattcrn, autu11111 cuat.

'The Delineator, English' Etli!ion. I pattern. Butlo• i ~ k 's Lil dies Fashion Guide, I skirt pattt rn. B ~ttcrick's Children's Fashions, I coat pattern.

Tile Youny l ad!es Journal, I skirt pattern. Tho Lndirs World, ·1 Blouse 1>attern.


'l'h•: \\'<•<'I ly :\'11mbr•1·• c;f1hc ~ln.iauu~. llrc 'l'~llcr. lhc lll•••lraled Ltttttl4111 Nf"\\;s, tl1t• t~r1•1•1aii ·. t ltu Nt! \V Vol. ol Snrn1•s. New No,·c1s.

J,i ltc lightning boll from lowcriog a'l:y, the 1uu11 .. r.-h ldt his l•ir,

Iii• i•"s clu.'1<."<l o·c:r lbc miller u ii who !al and ccldh.~d there;

Then IJ•ck I<> his 1"CCd5 be b'>I, but ere hitllcplhM he gained

r\ lelhcr uu1clc11Uog at bla plua1la1 booly alralucd.

Ju1111'•· • '11'1.

Ouu mo1u at pobcd be quiet, bUO. hit nngry, wild C'JftJlu'"lil,

Auel tb .. n by xlcamhlx•ldc themtwiilie: pcacdul 1...01 wu Uaruhcd; "lll

rt.a wa1cia sectllnl ud bollc.1, .. 11oe tbroogb then- awaJteiactl atea

ATLANTIC BOOKSTORE, Foot Prescott St. T~~;1:~0°!i:1:'~~caouiidcd,ulic roagbt ~~~•bi:ii With Gen:c, quick olaabcs back and forth bepa lo ~k tidteri~~ "'x.:.


\VE have accepled 'au Agen from one of the , larg!!st and best 11auufacturiug Houses, and will sell at Lowest Pri~es MIXED PAINTS,. WlllTELEAO, EN.\ 1ELS, YARMSllES.



CHEAP CIGARS FOR .RE6ATT A $1920, $ t·.30, $·1.40 box.

Also iu stock, a large supply of

Wines, Liquors & Groceries. H.J. BROWNRIGG,

·108 \\'ATER 8TBE6T.

Boons. -------

Some of our Customers not being sa\isfied with the quality of BEANS usually sold in this market of late, we dccidt:d to import a GOOD QUALITY OF ~~IERICAN BEANS, and which we are uow retailing.

Our Customers would fiud it to their advantage to.JStatc American when ordering.




Invaluable for llll sorts ol Jomcsllc purpoocs or home laund ry work. •

Make• clean 1u11l $Ort ., ncw,-nlanke~. Wool­lc11• , Siik& anti L•ces without soap, sod& or scrub­bing.

WA SULNC POWDE R j5 a clcauRer o'I the high. st cffici .. ucy .

SA.PON WASFlrNC l'OWOF.R makes the dirldropoul.


f. McNAMARA. Wholesale . Agent.


75 Brls. Cb. Light . Ham Bott Pork, 70· to 80 pieces.

. 58 Brh., Ch •. L~ght . Fam. Mess Pprk, . •


acroo• the vaol be went, wn:ka. tho- haW _. -While u'er the batUlng mouarch the all Iha hair Is growfnl( , ud II NO't

lithe rod atnlned aud bent; WlllTl~ u I~ IUCMt Al Uae cae tn Up stream and down 'neath threatening horK •ountla. l'. • DOUCET.

log Auel flowery bauk he raged, Wt;monlb. As some wild jnngle bcut wllhiu a atccl­

bouud dungeon cai;ccl. Rclc11llcss was bis fury am! unceasing

was bi~ 6gbt; 11~ churnccf the tleepcst wale rs In his

long-uncon11ucrc<I might; .\nil e'en the bir<la "·ere silenced, for

each singer seemed to fed ll ls tuneful song was useless ' the

whir or clickfog reel.

l,ong raged the 'ven bnlllc, as the tireless 1nou:>rcb fought,

\"cl slow bis streuglh ,w'ns ebbing; but the liue held firm and laul :

A momeul lheu be sulkctl below, a mo­ment slopped tbe strife,

As one who gal hers power for a last mad p!nuge for life.

A pausc-- n trcmblc-silcucc-a mom~ut be suspends

The s tril<". nnrl tlicu " 'ilb nuwing siclc lbe balmy nlr he rcuol~;

With 1iowcrl11l ta1I he strikes llie line-. spray gllstcus in lbc s1111- . :\.. •}>lnsh - the wale rs close abO\'C- nud

Lhus the monarch won !

Again the foam colkcts upon the bosom of the pool ; •

Again the • ~ying rush is k issetl by quiet •ale111 cool ;

A11ai11 the lalleo lo!!'• dark shallow •tretcl1 s unolisturb J ;

&gain the lacc-wiugctl tlragou.IJy is poising unperturbed.

The silence Js bul brokcu by the note ol watbling bird ; '

No olin of battle echoes, and no 11oisy ttcl i• heaHl;

For do .. •n bclo ... ., with hca\l up s lrc3m, and la"Y• 1110\•ing tail,

The monarch hears rctrcatiug s teps disturb the quiet vale • .

I \ "onr C1unrrh Auy llcucr !

Probably gelling worse all lhe lime.


The lnles t type of Drilish ballle•hip f! i\·c1 a t>lar1l1ug an-twer to lbc rcccn\ suggc:t11iuu that lhe •Jay ol huge flo~th1g fo11rc s£c11 is past. Tbc ballle of the Sea of J • pau u we have hllhcrlo point­ed out demoustratcd nothing more c learly tlJan the supreme ancl sculial \'nl uc of such ships, and it wo.s 10 be sup posed tbal as " result the great naval powers woul<l proceed wilb lbc coustruct \ou of big battleship•, nnd per­haps nl~o with their further dcvclop­menl in she oocl s trength. Dul even ~lore thnt decisive anll most insLrn c-1 h·i: bn!Uc, 1be1rnthoritics ol lhc .. orlol's grcn l•s t 1.ovy ltrul clctcrmlru!\l to build fl ship for outcl.Ssing nny othe~ in <::c­isleucc 111111 lltcrall}• nppilholl in. its des­tru cth·c l"Olcucy. The • Drcadnnui:h1', ' as the ruonstn or I he deep is lo be call· eel, will !Jc laid •lown at Portsm ou th next fa ll altcl will be put 11110 commis­s ion within two year•. We shall apprc­cinte iLs size and strength wos t 64\c· <JU tc ly i( we compare, or contrast, .ome of its dctai1'1 wt th those of other i:reat batlkshlps. ProbnlJly lbc most formldnble ship now in existence or buildini: nre the JaSanese K tori , builol­iui; nl Uarrow. -an the uilcd Stales vessels' of tl1e New llompshirc class. ln di~J•laccmenl lhc KOltori measures 15.950 ant the New llampsbire 16,000 ions, while the Drcadnnugllt " 'ill 1ucnsur-c no less thnn 18,000 Ions. In s pc<.'<I lbe Katori is raltd al is:; n111l the New t~ampsbirc nt 18 koots, ,.·hilc tbe Drcrul­uaugl~t. usiug turbines, Is to uinkc · 20 knots. ln tl1csc elea1cnts, tbc rcforc, 1bc llrilish m<>nstcr clccirle.lly outclass­l'11 ull rh·aJs.- ::<1.Y. Tribune.

Letter to Peter Cownn.

Sl. John's, Newfoundlantl. Oear Sir : fow rliBcrcuce. Two ncii:-h­

hou p iutcd lbcir hou~cs-IJcvoc; lc1Ul-a11J-oil-Jifkrcnce, f,10 ; houses

in Colored Muslins and Summe'r Costume Cloths. · ·

This will enable the Regatta Vlcek Buyers to secure a Blouse or Dress Length at a ,·~ry low priee,and they shon'<I a\·ail thcmselv s of t11e· opport 1nity iwn1ed;ately.

\Vbat Blouses we have left wi.l also be sold thi'l week :v Clenriog Prices. •

Blair •



·Perfect, Beaver, Seal, ..

SkiP.per and Famous. 'J.'. A~Vll.Oh O, OU ' K\\' ORTll ST.

' Why not give up that 11. 11!1 anti stop •losmg your stomach? The ouc sure tttatmcut is Calarrbozonc, •ore 10 cure b<:cauOIC ii goes where the disease really is. Certain to cure in your casebcc,111,.c il has restorc.l 1cns of thousands worse than you arc. Catarrbozonc is a thor­ough cure ! olcstroys tbc causes "" well as the carc(s or the Jiseasc• Relier is prompt, cure .is quick with this 1iowerl11l rc111tdy which is gua.rautct<I to cure Cala.rrh in any p:irl of the nose, throat, bronchial tubrs or hni)ls. I'or sale IJy l'. Ille Murdo & Co., St. john's,

~~;~ .. ~:~~~~ ~!r:~~dol,~~~~0i .. ~·;~~c~ .BUY YOUR CIGARS & CIGARETTE the $20; don' t know the other. ,

A ncii:hbor-of both, l\1-r.J. Jl. Ilughcs, l 1' 1. 1 1• 1 1 1 It l rClllll~r~ . cxnectc:d lo use 5 i:-allons })c\'OC; took 3. n I me . 1• 1 1c .c1;n In · t-11cc: n 1•r ·es o • ,

0 \ "OC KOC~ rurthcr ; ilR lcasl tllCril; l.111 lhllt nmounts to half somcthu~s. II

. \s two or three times as much lo At GARLAND'S BOOl<S,'ORE.

• Jlaint as lo buy the paint. Coocl reason for nol painting often. Paint Devoe, , tltcu. OJJ Cold, Richmontl Gem, l'ragnrnl, Vanity Fnir, Sweet C'1po I, Ca[ m:.


Ailnw Worth was one of \lie few mcu who ucr ehulctl the Pinkerlous. Worlb 11olc millions on both sidrs of lbc Al· !antic, eluded the t><>lice for years and •lied iu po\•crty iu Lonc\011, One ol his famous cxploil.8 was lbe stealing or the famous picture of lbc Duchess of Dev· onshirc, tiy Gainsborough, valued nl J;~o,ooo. Uc carrlctl 1tbc picture In n false bottom of a ltunk for years aurl 6nally gave .i l up after some n goliA·

Yours tnily, H n\'nuellcs,

lions wtth lbc owner. .

charmlns J,'p1nlnhtlly. Famous beauties pa" particular allcu­

llon lo the purity of lhtir.blood, know· Ing lbat ontrltlons blood meAOs eoll <le­Ucalc skin, bright eyes, and enduring nervca. Those wbooc looks ore so d:­Ugblful ysc Ferrozone because It's tho c.x.act foocl occdcd. to lone and 1li1uu­lale lhc blood. Ferr01one invigorat.,,., braces, feeds,- It malree those dainty, vi"aclon• women IO pleasant 10 meet. You'll lra\'c the rosy bloom of health, dash aucl epirlt, tbe aatllfactlou and joy of trae health after ualng Pcmozonc. \' ou sbou Id get Ptrrozonc lo.<la.y-soc. box••· Por aalc by J'. Mcltur<lo & Co, St, Johu'a.


P. W. DKVOI! & Co. 130.

I'.:>.- Thc Royal Stores, Ltd., sell our paint.


Au article by 11 Russian milllary critic, a tra llllion ol w.hicb appears in Ille c4rrcul rnrulJcr of tbe jouroal of the

nited Service iuslitutlou,containe some •tartllng 6gurcs or the Russiau loss in mcu iu the .Manchurian cnmpalgu. As the article was written in dclcnc:c of I he Mlni1try of War the figures may be ae­ccplcd as official. The 101al strength or tbc army, including the tioo1!s in J\fao­churla at tbc b"reak-tug otlt of bootilhics and senl lhtrc from that lime iill lhe beginning of May last, ...-as Sco,ooo lUcn. Of ,hal number, 2CO,OOO are set dowu as noo-cou1oalauls - commluarimt, army ullficers, hospital alleudaoll, etc. Geo. J,iue\•ltcb hu no., an army of 300,000 meo, in rouud numbere, lu lbe 6gbting line. Tbus, It_ appcera that Russia bas loet ~Ince the bcglnnlng of the war tbc appalling number of 300,000 men lo lcltlcd, dllablcd and mlulng. FiYe whole army C:OrPf!, nuiuerlc-lly speak. In&, have tbua been· wiped out 1101\ with lhem ·goue their r,roporllon of bo1111,., 1tnn1, arms, auppl cs aud equip­ment. lo human Jivu, alone, the Rus-

' atan Jqa11 h.u been almoat cqulnlcot lo The plm of a lint-rate Britlab toclccy the wlplol( ont of lhe entire population

arc lu&e. bot it 'may ho doubled whe· of Manitoba, mtu, wo'mao and children. tber lliq tqoal 1hoec of a Spaalab lore· Anet the> Japaoeac lost baa probably been adOT of tbe .. me gqdc la)lla ealllug. aull greater • T.hla ttflcc:tlo11 Is •r;:.%t•oaated b7 -------Uao rcllremnt o1 !' IJ," perb1119 Colle -• Dlarrba!a. • U1e grateat:. p . bo Is aJiO - · of tbe ' 'fC1J' _Joa • of .the lornde>JS· He J'al1111 la the o.tomarb, ao1lo and dlar-111llbllrawa ~Liie .,... at 30Th-an-qalc~l.J'119JieYell bY ~!=_.Ute of

Ol qe aeOf ~ ooo, c11a11111etiata'I Colic:;: o.otna a- DJ&r-Dt CfmJ1 Jnrell ~II' at;Gt '"-' Jlemmt,, Wftn ta llOlld ol aach

fd,.;to Im bf ad· 1 miillld8', II" It, lfdr lale bF all deaJen,

CIGARS. CIGARS. CIGARS. Pcllil Ou , Jl<1ffmn11 llrngnums, i;:0<>cl to '"' t whill. 'rry qur H ou yruv ln <..'I' · tlu: lc1uler. Concha:s H!\\1, Cb:insl.>crlatu, 1.\1.lly, Cl1icJ f,a .A1t1 1\l i..;. . Jl ',, 1 -

Peerlas, Colorado Ccaro, Regi un \"icloria, JI Jorn l .. iua, Grnnja, juuiorio, l ;onr11 r •

~roBACCOES. Ohl Judi;:c, \"anity Jl.-ir, Jllariner, hi Go1'l. Ollis llesl, CaliforniB Nui.:i:ct, l: ' e111li ~h Cut, l>nrk•. "horts, nturAI l.~r. HMly Dini, Royal ~I mht'1, ' ro" C00tlWiu'd UC:til,, N.ivy C..:1\t. Sec' 1"c h.!){t31 1• for o ur Doolt Ji!tl. ·

S. E. CARLAND, Leading Bookseller.


Because we sell the B(st

30~CENT TEA, at'l(.1 the


purchasers And our


find it so.

TEA , is as good as may he pttrchas:d at 6o cents per pound.

A " 1·on WOllR .Cl9lfPOJll •

- ,

' •' ' , • • t • ' .. • . l • • •

Physician~·-R.ecommend Castoria. · QABTO~ has met wi~ Pr<?h~unced ' ra;vor on tho ·part of physicians, pharlna­. · .~ - ~utical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians witl! results most gratifying. The extended use of aastoria is unquestionably the result of three facts : First-The indisputable ~videnco that it is harmless : · Second-That it not only allays stomach' pains t:nd quiets. the nerves, but o.ssirnj. fa.tes the food: Thirc!-r-It is an agreeable and perfect substituto for Castor OiL It is absolutely safe. It docs not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, l3atemo.n's Drops, GodfrCy'a Qordial, etc. , This is a good. deal .for o. Medical Journal to ss.y. Our duty, how· ever, is to expose danger and record ~ho means of advancing health. Tho day for poisoning iniJ.ocent children through greed · or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castorla is a remedy which produces composure and heal~ by regulating the system-not by· stupefying it-and our readers are entitled to the i:iiformation.-Hall's Journal of Health. ,

I I A pafcrl ncmcdy..J:o rConsllp.1-1' nnn. Sour S1omiictl.Diarrh<iea I Worms,Convulsions.rcvcrisl\-

ncss and Loss OF SI.Efil•,

• ---

. . letters ·from PromiRBnt Physicians jddrassed ta CDi. l ftetdHY

Dr. n. IT:ll8 end Scott; or Chicago, Jlls., llll)''" "I haft~~ Ca.storla o!len !or Infants clurhlll' niy J•l'llclkc, And find It '.Ytl7. '*"

Dr. ~ llllrun Delmont. oC levcland, Ohio. .,.,._: "Toar. ~ • fln•t In Its clan. l:i my t..'tlrty years of pracUco I Cll{l /l&'T. J: ~ !ound =>•thing thnt lilied tho 1>lacc." . •

Dr. J. H. Taft. r Dl'O(ll<lrn, N. Y., a711: "I ha.ft Uea ~ nncl round lt nn xccllcnt remC<ly In my houaehol4 AD4~• yt.' 'rho formula. Is ~xccllcnt."

Dr. ' 'Vm. L. .Dossermnn, t Dutr1tlo, N. Y., •111: "l alll plee.lill1. n go ' '"" !or )'Our • r:orl:t. l thl:ik llO blsb17 of It Ui&c: l?Mt recommend It to> olhcr:i, but l.:wc t:~cd It In m:r o- f&UiJJJ'." . ..:; ,~,·~:'li'::.

Dr. n. J. I:am? n. o! l)ctr<>lt, llfcb~ .an: "l pnmeatbe 'JOQl' Cll8wrm cxtcn•h•ely. ns I bc.v., ncNr !ound IUlYthlng to equal lt tor cbl(4ra'll ' troubles. I nm nwarc t!l:it t!t~ro nro lmltaUona In tho (lold, bat 1 al'W11111 ell Ut:i.t my p:i.llcnts c:ct Fletcher's."

Dr. ~""- L ::lfoC:nu:i. of Omaha, Neb., says: "Ail tho father ot tblrt­chllclr n I crrl.alnly know something about your great.medicine, and aalde f rom m • own fnmllY rl<Jll!tlcn~ll l h:w In my ye:in of pracUce found C tj)rl :i: r:opul:ir noel cJllclcnt remedy In clmost every home."

Dr J . .R. Cl:iuncn, or Pbllndclphln. Pn., gass: "Tho nnmo that :pour Ca.sto a. has mnclo (Or Itself In tho tens of thousajl\}s f home• bleaeed by the re. nee or hlhlren, scnrc y nc cl3 to bb 11upplm~nted by tho

n ot'llcmont or tho mC<llcal profc•Olon, liu t 'r, !or one, m<nt hea.rtUy enclorae 1 nncl!c\"<l It an. e:<c:cllcnt rcme<Jr.'' .

Dr. ChanrtlnG' IT. ool<. of "'L L6ulo, • fo., .nys: "I hrwe used your Cn~torl:i !or ,c,·cral years tinsl In m;· own t amlly n:icl hn,·e nlwa>·s touncl It thoroui;hly efficient a.nd n ,-er obJ led to by clilldren. whloh Is n gN>&t

, con•hkmtlon In vie\\· or tho Cnct U1at mogt mecllclncs ot this cbtu11c1er ""' obnoxlouN nod thercCore tllntcult or ndNlnlstr:>.tlon. ,\~ n lairntlve, t consider lt the: peer ot ruiytbln~ thnt I \'Cr prcscrllfod."

Dr. n. l\f. 'Wnrcl, of Kansn.s City. l\to., •:iys: "Physlcl:i.ns genernlly do not pr scrl prclprlcu1.ry prcpnm1lons. but In the cnse of Cutor1a my experience, lll:o thot or many other phyPlclnns, hn~ tnui;ht m to make an cxC<iptlon. I prescribe your :>.11lorlo. In my pmcll c becaust: I h&ve round It 10 oo n thoroughly rclloblc r1•mci!y rnr children's complolnts. Any physician who has. ralHed a. Comity, rui I have, will join me 1.n hea.rtleat rccommcndaUon ur Co.storla."

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS, l3eara pio ~~e ot'

#~~ Tho.Kind You Ha1o_Always.B01ight'

1ln Uie- For. Over 30 Years. , ,_ • we.n_enar._.,....,...

Hl=R MARRl'6E VOW When I saw the girl's face first, the man who had been ' talking to L I\ • it was calm and fnll of repose. She her went aw11y. Lady Mny's face


was listening o her companion, was radiant with delight. bnt her thonghts were evidently '\Vhy Gabriel , I can not bel~eve elsewhere, She held a bouquet of that it is you!' she said. 'I hnve

n1tnu.'s STOllY co~TIXn!1>. amber roses in one band, and in not heard of you for some time; the rich mdses of dark hair an- and here I find yoti grown up and

'"\:·ho i,; tl1at with the countess?' otber amber rose nestled. In re· in I.ondon society.•· was a kcd scores of limes. Tile pose the face' was simply perfect, 'And 1 find you, Lady ~!ay,' I n11 >1 .. nr was- bnt, when she looked up with a began ; but the utter impossibility

· Lonl Doone s new secretary sudden, brlgh ~weet smile its of telling her whn,t I found her oc· Q Al>ri~l llolmes .' loveti.ness smote nie with pleasure curred to me, and I was silent.

As we went througll the ball- so keen that it became pain. 'You find me what?" she asked . 1oom her ladfship s.'lid- 'Gabriel,' saicl Lady Lulwortb, I was too nervous to tell her;

. 'th:·ict, r nm going to find you pausing, 'do you know who that and both ladies laughed, for th a p~r ner-somc one you know.' is ?' knew wh


11t I meant. ~ fonrc<! that it might' be sonie 'No,' I answered. 'S!t down here, Gabriel, and

prote~ee of the march.ione~s' s, but 'Have you so· ~mpletely forgot· tell me nil about yourself,' said »ail! 1ioth i11g. One dance llnd just ten your old playfeUow-Lacly May Lady May, with a pretty in1perious ~ n:I. d, and, the dancers were seal· Flemyng ?' ; gesture. !.:red in gi-oups. I saw her lady· \Vhnt I \Vas that my beautiful We fell into the old. way, just ns ,.hip look amongst them, bu t she little child love who llad held the though · years bad not s<:pnrated did· uot d i~co\·er the person she doll in her arms and looked at me us-she tli uee'n, I her det•oted . . ~0111; it ; :o we went out into one of with such solemn wondering eyes subject and sl~ve. the corridor·, and there I saw a when she said, 'Gabriel is n girl's 'I always knew you would be n :;ii;ht t.1. t l shall never forget. name"? I could remember the poet, Gabriel,' she continued.

T he loni; window at the etid was words so well. 'You could not. help it, for you Jl rnpul with crimson velvet, bor· 'She will be so plea~ed to see were a poet born .' ' ,J.,nd \\ ith' heavy gold lriug<.', you,' added Lady Luh\"orth. . 'Lady May,' I said, desperately Th:n ntifnl plants covered with whit~ · I b<.'gged her ladysblp to wait n 'I can not converse; your ey~ blossoms stood here and tpere ; few minutes. I paused to collect make me think of n thousand 1hings no1ong~t the flowers, there were myself, and tllcn rnshed 011 to my and b~wilder ~c.'.: , · · s ats vi aced. On oue sat a youug fn te-mn,clly, blindly, hop<:les ly. 'Tllen we will dance, Gabriel, 1

m:iu; whom I have never seen •J.,ady May, I llnve brotight an she.said. · · · ~inc-::; on anothtr- Well I a·m old fri~ncl to sf.'c you ' said Ladyl WAS it a .real earthly dance, not the first man by. many who bas Lui.worth. ' Gabriel,' she said. l~L b(!.llr.t at the sight of a fair The girl ·s face was raised ~on· \\Tnsit a real earth\y cfa11ce1 set

yt>uug, were we not ?' 'Y cs,' I auswc:n:d.

'®fiii. ii before llie tide of v Ol'$

W ~always have have Jl few iiomit wo .f ltliure in the morning-that is, you to see them.' Lady Lul\\orth and I. We go into So It was; but I could not Wl·~liiiK he conservatory and spend IW dt:rstand the strange mixture qf H e'lfo ~

hour or two amongst the ill)WCIS. pleasure and pain that I felt. She witli I.ady. Lutw:>rth all·-~ -~ You re!11ember L:idy Kilmore, and was watching me with ·a most earn· May, a game with Ra and lt*' a ttow food she was of roses ? Sb~ is est look. I gently touched the few minutes' conversation with tlie comiug next week to Hdmc House. lair face ol the little girl. The cul, 11nd then turned lo my work and she \'\;ill bring so1ne fine specl- cbild's eyes opened-they w~re cheerful and happy. la the even· mens of new rose:i with her. We so like her ladyship's that they iog the earl's family and I wl're shall Pffae them and cherish them thrilled 'me-and looked at me, nod sure to meet again. And 50 the as ' though they wcr~ children, tllcn the little one.smiled at me. days glided by serenely. . Gabriel!' 'She knows you, Gabri.el,' said Que of the I>eautlcsofthalseason

She spoke with all the brightness, Lady Lui worth; and I wondered was Miss Shcr~dan, a wealthy animation, and vivacity that had much why she should !jay that . American heiress. She \\'llS tall made me Jove her when 5he was 'a 'l'bey talk SO plainly,' she added and sle.nder Of figure, with a pale, child. Lady May had the wonder- -·far better than some children at refined Ince, and there was a ccr­Iul fb.culty of touching all hearts. li\·c or !>ix. And I have named taiu frankness about b<:r that won She could ttll it ; and, ii !>he laugh· them- What do you think I have all hearts. Her Jather was a self· ed those who llenrd her were com· 1111 ined them, Gab'riel ?' ma~e man, abd had amassed nn int· pelled ,lo laugh too. Sbe wns n I could uot guess. . me e·forlt}ne through pelrolc11m, brilliant talker, and · people. who • Rup rt and Ro~e. '\\ c call and Miss Sheridnu n<:ver mnclc any heard her seldom i£ C\·er forgot tllem Ru and Ro c. I.Uc bas seem· secret of it. In som way her wl:Jat ~he said. ed quite a different thiug since they father had been of se1 vlcc lo the ·

.f\L lcngtll my turn for the wall ;-. came Ukc a blessing .lo w·e.' Brilish Government, and he l}nd came; au<! at :.upper time Lady' She to"ok Huie Ru nnd laid him bee'11 urged to d.,,it London. So­:-t[ay relnsed the escort of tile Duke in my arms ·- a bonnie, chubby ciety bad patronizecl and borne of Altamout-slle preferred to go hoy ; and he also smiled up iuto with him, but bis daughter had with me. I do not exagg~ale my face. be n really liked and admir~. when l say that I literally did not "rhat'is just wllat I wanted to Lady May 11lemyng hnd taken a know where I was and wllat i was sec,• observed h<:r ladyship. • J great fancy lo lier. 1'hey were doing; nor do I remember bow tile knew you would be pleased with were much together, and it was a ball eudcd. 'Gabriel,' said Lady them, Gabriel.' waUet of co1111non occnrccncc for Lui worth, as I went wilh . Iler to 1'here was sometlling in her face me to meet Kate Sheridan :it her carriage, 'come early iu th1: ns she watcbcd w·e fondling the Hclme '1lousc. I liked h~r iu a morning-I h:ive somethiug to' boy ~hich I could hardly nuder- kindly fashion, nnd enjoyed talk· sho w) ou. • st:ind . iug \\iith Iler; but in my heart

1'1len I rememherecl the earls You will con;c nnd· see thew there was not tile least nppronch lo mysterious hint alx>ut the ndditiou olteu, will you not? sllc weut on. lov,c . to bis househ'o!d, and· I wond red 'l'hey are sure to love you . And (To he contlnned.) much. you can not think, Gnb1iel,' she


I .AURI m.'s STOHY c NTll\ ·uo.

I CA _?1 not tell bow the night pass­ed aher my rcturq home Jrom

the ball nt the French Embassy; and when l slept it was to dream of a.pair of black eyes that llnd in 1hcm a golde11 light. I rose early, aud did the princip:il part ol my dny's work. It was just uoou \\'hen r reached Hclme House, and found Lady Lulworlh and I,.ady May to· geth~r and alone. ·

'1 am glad you have come, " said Lady May impulsively, as she

THE WORLD OVER Thousmuu of Mothers

are Uslng

DR. CODERRE'S 4 ... • • •


ndded, sbyly, 'bow sweet the love of a little child ls. Lnngton '\Volde i-; quite a different place now they have come. Children change everytlliug. My only prayer Is that we may not quite · spoil theljc Jillie dnrliugs; tile earl loves them so much 1' . .

How.could he help it? Looking at the l wo little golden heads am! the faiG fresh faces, ~ knew that no one could help either spoiling the children or loving tbem.

'Kiss them, Gabriel,' said Iler ladyship, suddenly.

It was like kissi!Jg two lovely coses. I bad an idea that all chil­dren awake from their sleep crying, bnt these two awoke laughing and full of renewed tile. Very soon we were having a game of romps, their shrill, sweet voices filling the room. Her ladyship stood at the wiodow watching us at play, with the same slrauge expr~ion on her face which I had noticed 50

often before. ' ·Gabriel,' said the connte5s, sud­

denly, •'wonld you bav.e lilted to have bro~hers and sisters ?'

"Very much,' I replie~. I Chink the tle between brothers and sis· ters is one of the sweetest.'

'Von must be lonely at times,; sbe added at me with


The• Comm ii tee will 6nali>:e thei r collection tCHlay, an•l it is thou>: ht the public ' b1wc re~pou1l ctl spleuill<lly to their 11ppeat And·~ a :iufficicnt suu1 i!' in hand to concluct our a11nuRI Derby Doy succes.•fully.

The nlte<l SlatcR proclu«s four lous or coal to cnch inhabiteut Rllnuall)r. !Jut the a\·cur,c the world 01·cr is half n Ion citch.

Since 18.10 the world's production of \neat has incrcM 11 fillv-•c,_ per rent. aud the protluctlon or grain ~ o per cc111. .

The ~rountl upon which the Bank or Rogian<\ 1taacl• is ,·ah1e1l al l•lO n o.quarc f()(>l . At that , .• lua•!on the: she la w<>rtb f:J,, ;;o,ooo. ....... .--

0 A S '1'! C> :R.1: L- • Bean IM 1111 Koll 1• Hall Altlap 8rilH

~ t.-EllL'-~7.t. ~:,ff{' --,-.--... -----

V.•hen the Jut ccu•u~ wns l&kcn tb~TC wll 0110 hor&c for """' y tbrc.c p~rwoue In tbt: t rrltt<I Stal~•.

in t\1110 of war Ruula puta 210 out of C\'\lry 1,000 of h"r population In the field, l'11>u~'C ;,\;<l llDtl Germany 310.

;;irrs fa'ce. I saw a dress that ap- dering-.there '*os 110 r cogniti6t1 to earthlr music? If _so, there hnd peared to be a combination, of .some arfir..t In the magnificent dark never been anything f1ke it before.

•111.i te material aud gofd and glit- eyes. A11 amber rose fell from. her Foolish dreamer' that I was, I could t ring dill moods. .Bul how shall I bouquet, a;1d I stooped to g~l it for not realize my P~~se1it happiness tdl what the face of the wearer h~r. Then grad uolly I saw the when I had two stro~g feelings in was llke? It was oval in sbape, light of wc-lcomc dawn on her face . my heart; one was .admiration and witll tint> th:it uo . paibler c;outd •You ore Gabrid Holme~,' she awe. for the stately marehlontss,the cv< r imitate. The eyebrows were cried-' my dear old·friC11d Gabritl o~her was an lnten~ desb:e to se~ per! ct with the least po;; ible arch l:Jolmt-i< f :I have not !<Ceo yon Lady Lulwortb • .Bnt new sudd.enly in the~, and dark as .c0lght; the since you were n. li\Ue boy. How and without any ,anling, I HlllJl•

ye>1 were large',.<J,ark, n,nd vclve"y,. we ~l11y('(l a11d .rnccd and quarrt!.ed ed .to have step~a ~m one wo~d J\l t th mnguilicent southern eyes Gabrkl I' into another,.losin,t bOth my hHrtl ot1<! sec~ ill lb~ pictures of 'Vel~ 'l do not thil\~ thatJ could ev<.'t' and my St!DSC$ • ., . • ,.~~ qu z, withJoi:ilf dl!Jk· laahl9', ilhe bave qt1!lf(elo:•l wtrh Y~'· ''""plie•I . We should not Jiave. •top brow wris brotd •Dd JOWr .'fho 1 I 'held tbt:' >Olt \Vhtte.~fiogma. in dancing but that.~ 1 mUlfc S\OP.;t mouth like 11 cloven rose. · !D1 Oll~ for a f~w mom~b ~ and .ped. Then Ladf Kq ialcl-

cnrtop&: btentnas. · 1 ' . 'I should be if it were not for your

gteat Jc~nC9S and thj:. earl's W9n• derful goOdam to · me,: I nplled. 'Tltt!n, of co~, I t:iaw •my mother.'

, t



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5 1 .__8-...,bblc.-u... 1151o2Df.c19'Wlllallj YOUI llOUY REF'O."fDED lF IT EYEJI FAllA .ut> YOU DE TO 1111111 P I ....,.......,,,,__,.!!~~~~-· ...... ::..u..w.,.... I h•.l'u.taO-CS

mvatUTIOILlLSIOCill ....... TOIOllTO, CAIWlA. .,... 'nta.

. A $3,000 STOCK BOOK FREE. ·

Oats. lM Bus. Heavy Black Oats,

tu Sacks. Al o,-

Hominy ·cattle Feed. FOR SALE AT


Wrucr Street WcSI, sc . .Jobn•s, N •. F. Tclcpllone 9'1•· •

/ \. Jub's I raps did well lo·clay and had Tilt! Sr"50n of I 903 Promllee a

bct.,ccst1bco1 over lOO qUs of floe fi•b. 1 The IUhery nl Harbor Mala the put Cnlch ha E:lc:f'N of lbe Past Capt. aobert'.

wreltbu brca fairly 'gooJ, traps gelling Two 'l°f'nn-Pdcet1 WtU lie 'Carilicr/ from 1. to 15 qtls, wbtle linemcq aver· · • from.a hilllilll 11ge-l twoqtl5. a day. Bcmuucnallv~ lo, Tbose ED• ratlaor~ili

Tile li<1bcrmcn 11l Trinity Day arc <lo- 111ti;cd; . voyqe. T ing well, altho up to last wttk not much , le6IOV. toanfft ba,l been caught. Sev:ral wirC11 on · Th 6 r b p• Ii h rl · tratell·to J&t. 55' here fur salt IO·tlay, •howiog 1h1t a c 151 0 l c wor >' • 1 c ca are Capt. pvt'!i.: chauge for the bcltU bad cvf1lc11lly the Norwrgl&D. litatlatics from there 1aiCI ud

arc acat out by the governmcut. The lKkcn place. catch which 6nl1hcc.l &bout lhe end of aacl Graacl

A fl. hermen or 1h ~ American lhnkcr M&y is computed la court to the forty- raulta. Wlleat 'Ar.-bia' namcl\ ]0>cpb l'icrcc~arrh•t·d aevcn mflliC!_n, five baadrcd lisb, agaiuat ~~ledl~ hadDa},cJ&.,.:c..;, here by Satur1lay uii;lil's tr• on h,is about fihy mlllloa tut year. - But the - aor ........... way home 10 lloslou. A .. cc ago at 1 b f 1 b fiab lb h~l ,.. but not com~~ 1 1-.u1-lloi•, whilerisbing there be fell we II .t 0 t c on e w 0 e •._x..., Here ho •-'=-a "- sm111 • per cent gr ... ter I ban Jut ac ulle ..._ 1:-,.. ~ aga'nsl tbc wiacll11" and,,. .. badly burt the ttsult of lhc actual quantity In DCIJIC, llO CDDllu. to a'>Ou.l thc back and .sic.le hl\•iug two ribs quintala Is fully half a.million In accu north, la tho meaa fractured. The ,·~sscl bu doae well of tbc lut t1r0 ~cars' anrqc. The trawla while tho 1-1-wilil lbc 11sb to llatr. Plnmarkla llsbcry totalled fouttccu Scattering Ice cu'riccl -u.: bJi

The Glonccalcr banker 'Arabia' ar- million fish, agdnal eight mllliou last larcurreat aod limumerablcbaiil! we rivet\ 111 Trlnlly liatur~ay from the year but the weight wu a hnadred met with. llowner, he nc:IDi:dfll Straits, where •he bacl !Ken fiahluJt· pcrC::.nt g_reatcr. The Icelandic fishery, Sndlug fair quutltte. of ball1i11t; b11Ht She reports iccbc:flits very numeroua which en<b aboal the middle of Joly la wu very dimcult IO fish 'U thO h-.'!7. 1bcrc but wro.thcr with lilUc fog rcporltd 10 be abllve the avctage ' lce_gohlg IOUth placed lhe 8ahlil1;par nud fi sh plentiful. This Is her uconl , • la Jeopardy and It at anchor t~ra c•pliu baiting •nc.l she bu 2,700 qlla. to Coaalnlf Nearer Home la dUgcr of bcillg sutnae!P. the •late. Sile i• a large schooner uf 131 the Newfoandlaad aprlog ftahery on kehergawhlch tbcY never loat afj tof tnns end ttporl1 other vcucla doing the aoath..-eat couta h&.11 been poor durl11g the IJ- thq were 11p there. well, lhe Fehr. 'F.-.-,• Spinney, ha.lag lhls acuon, th'o catch to date hc:lng oa However, lhq ,achOrcd . when illh

· t rrtcatly for bome with a. fall fan:. a par with lhe-at luded lutyear. were found, bal It wu 11ot long before: An enormous <1uantily of fiah struck On the cul and llOflh couta lbe c:aleh a bag JOO ft. hiall ud a tblnl ot ai11,'i]e

the cou t off Uris port yesterday. Tn~ fully equals the larp calcha of •901•2. loDg, which wu *Oli 1eftilil liOU111<&11cl were fill,d this morning. D11rt and All !CPOrtll from Libndori,a~ 11 to miles away c:ame ~o~ ~ Vatchcr's traps bad over JO qtla. each, \he Jaip l!cx1J' ol ill ..,1 tM 'ba,a T 4i\110t lui UM t'. 11acl all other boats Gahma· from tbe ~~!a!M cmat,; or. ~ North Battery did well. Dllfl, "°lcl ,.., ~ la ll&Ye have <lone mud1 betttcr laad aot ~· ~ pcrron tripped hi• trap thla momhii• ~t t~O: I t la a wontler how •ar lbh rema~alm the net. To date &ablag off here JaP.4 hcea v.:ry fair and ODO eftaft that CUit from the north hugoae bolac loai1c!d •

for IOIDii The avenge maa grows hair almoat llCUdtl o lliti, a

fifty feet long, nalla feet the prcmam Q( cl • ~ Joag and bCilnl lwcaty-fift feel long dpal opt!&lon iii tlai a.ll Hile 'lihi t\·cry st\·~nly yean. thCfr headqaarli:n at t.uueaburg, La Uthit. C!ml111J:18 r: ~ ''""'

na,·c aad itahoae Day. A Seot lrom o glhr o n:tac :a• -tbcac pom anmben about 1.6o to , 70 OD tlie lccberD bi tho c:e. Oa UfOl'llHf, Uldll I lft• large schooaert from 75 to JJO tom, either aide of ihefe coaaea1cd couten • r- whlcb 6ah on . the western baab of WOllld he: all datk aaa ID Ibo cetltcr a

FIRE AND LIFE No,·a Scotia and tbe Grand Baab of llea11Ufnl glow oUlitht. While the scene Newfoundland. This II eel landed oa wu beaulffal,atill It wu awful to contcm their s pring t1 fps about 90,000 qulntals, plate a veucl under fall htad-y com-

• which sold ot the unusually high average 1ag In coulacl with such~ towering mua

INSURANCE Co price of I'S so a qulntal. The bulk of Capt Proper reports acc1ng .two of the · • this ftcct arc now &sbingoa the Bau ks ol Ol1cbers •choonen 'Lawrence A. Muo•

rand• or the Co•paa1. !>lcwfouadland and during the early roe,' Capt. Jobu lllarshall, aad 'Arkona' put of Joly ba,·c uot bad mucb sue. Capt. Daalel. McCulsh. both of whom ccss. 'l' be Jut reports rtcch-cd, how- had, done qa1te well. U1c &nl part of

-- e\"cr, say good squid bait Is p'coliful their ..-oy~gc bnl the ice came down upon 1'1111,"andl of the Company aow ataad u right oa the fishing groaads and while tbcm while. at 11ncbor and I hey I03l

lollowa :- dol(fhb hamper lbc lishcrmcn some- most of their tra"'!S· Tbe crews were wh•t, a fair catch is assured. The St. all well an1I uo ac:c1d~nt 10 lbem othe r Pierre lisbcrmru fishing 011 same than lbc loss of Osb1ng gear was rc­grauuds, dltl nn~ly this spring and arc ported. Oo the passage how~. Capt. at prcacnt in good spirits 00 nccouut or Porpcr came by, Relle l•lc Str;11n down

Capital (~14 up) •••••••••••••••• 4 t.'5,64c. General 11.eaene l'uad • ..{1,400,oaa Fire Jite.I11.111ronce l'ua4 900,000 Prolll and r.- Account

alter paJDleal of DJ...t. ~end &11d Boom for 1903. •••••• •••••••• .... 673,6

--- t,273,•So Globe P~rpetaal Anaally Pond... 1,15S4,­LIIc &ad AaaWt7 P 'aada •••• ••'•••• !eiJS,mq

aat"1lblr:I token et Joweol rate.. Thh Company hr renowned for Ito llberall!J &nd d-tdl In oetUIDI' cWmo, notably dllrln1 lhe lat. a...

BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd., Asealo, et. John ... N8d

Royal Insurance ·C-O'y OF LIVERPOOL

the cxcclleut prospccls. l~e gulf aud sou th or Scottcrre as the , "llnd was g00<~or such a courEe, other-l'hc Gcncrnl Outlook. · wi!c be would a,·ecome th rough Strait

Summing up the whole ~orld's fis~- of Canso. He aw ~o mackerel coming ~ry for the se~sou of ~905 11 looks as 1f. O\'Cr that rout 11nd 10 fact cl id not speak 1t could )>e f11rzy c., Umulcd lo exceed any vessels. Tbc wiucl was fair all lbc the ·~rage of the last two rears by a time with a Jcacling breeze and I.he pa•· mill)oa and a quarter lo ll nulllon anti a ugc was made ia "wee!:. Capt. Porpcr half. Against this must be taken into is to be congratulated ou securing 11 consideration the prcscal great scarcity good trip under such trying dlffl:uhles. iu cxpor:crs han,ds, u la all the .coll- -Gloucester •Xcws' July 18. sumiug centres. Exporters have commenced to distribulc new cure. n is saicl jerked beef la South America is 8oiag to be plentiful this year, and this 1s a decided factor to be reckoned with iu deciding on the probable demand, aad the prices that the West ladies and South American markets will pny. There is uo doubt 111 all but that •prices

To Slot•,;ll Crying Bll!>Y·

will decline folly twcnly·fi\'C per C'Clll. CIIAJU.R8 AT.COCK-···-·-··ll&11qu. Out based on this decline the prices ob·

talnahlc will be remuaerath·e if the P, W, lltllfG8UIY-··-·-·Bab-K1U1qtt. fisheries turn out as well as !be ptcscnt

prospccls lndicalc.

Babies cry because Ibey 11rc sick. lt mny be 11 paiu ia the stomach, collc, or cramps,- but in aay case 11 few drops of Ncrvlliac.soothcs away the distress and allows 1bc baby to sleep peacefully. Wberc there arc young children there sbonld.also' be Ncr\'illac. ll cures all tbc miaor ailments just u promptly ns the doctor-and not so cxpeash"C:. For nearly fifty years Poison's Nervi line bas been the great household remedy ·or CanAda. Large ~sc. bottles. For sale by T. AkMunlo S: Co, S t. Jobu's. Larlltt Fin Ollce 11 lbe World. Wh t C t S 1 S

==\ . •1. a ap • ee ey ays · Jbtnet 1tom u.. eompany'• 1n4 About Labrador Fishing.

Annual lleport :

FIRE DE~A'BTlllENT. · Net Pini Prcmlnma lor lho

,.ear •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :t t,'6J..s.11 X.- Commi.10111 &nd Bz· , pell8eS...... .•••.• ...... ...... • ....... ,

Puima AT 3111T Dvavn•, 190•: ~/!Ital Paid Up •••• ••••• ...... .( !91,887 s,340,77f: Buperaaaaatloa•••••••• s6.47S Pfie 1'ud. •••••••••• 41,1:18,000 a-. Pond....... 1,15112,~1 Bal'ece Prolll It Loa 4BS.476

Tola! ln..uted Pond.•••\.. ..{n,ci85.00? &Jtaolllta Secuttx _. ..... wllJI Mode" ...

ala -.t .. ol ............. . Bttry 4~pUon ol pro~ inoarcd at

CDrreJJt rates al pn:mhun, · The Company will ner dl1tlapi1h lloell by !ta wcll-l<Down prom~ade &11d liberal-ity la ec;ttllns clatma, w ara ~d with· oat pn'riono rdett11ca to land.

.IOB BROTHERS £ CO., Aseale far N-laaadlAad.


Hollaway.Shamrock cricket match takes pzacc al l'lcasaul,•illc to-day.

The W. E. C. I .. C0Ue11 iau football m11tcb takes place on Sl. George's fitl<l this evening.

The Regatta Committee holds its fiuRl meeting 10 tbe Scai:icu•s .home tbi~ even lug.

The Salvation Army picnic takes place Wec.lncsday anti il promises to b~ u s uccessful u those of the past. ·

The 1'. A. boys arc rcmi ntled of their meeting to-night in lbc music room re to dccaratfng for sociable which will be superb.


Capl. Ormsby Seeley of schr. 'Dobe­iui11' wbo arrivccl from a sail codfish trip yesterday, said that wbcu be left lbc: fish ing ground for home, they were al I.abrnc.lor. I.laving a sciuc with him 10 catch his own ba 1, he bad uo l\ifii ­cully in obtaining all be necdct\. Capliu was in abundance aad 11t oac set of the seine they would get from 10 lo 15 dory loads. lli\·log no ice they conll\ only carry euougb to last two dnys, when they would rqn in for o fresh supply. 'When the caplln firat struck Labrador there~· <1uitc a good school of fish and tb rst three day~ they mrulc.falrly good tchcs. As soou as lbe fish gol fll!l of caplla Ibey would uot bite the h6ok and often times the trawls \Tcrc hauled and the result was leas than two tubs of fisb. In fact be says the codfish got s luficd with caplln so that they be· came indifferent 10 the bait on the book. The ualivc fabecmcu were do . Ing well in traps which were act near shore aud in the harbors. About every haul they 'would talr.e Cram 25 lo so

I quintals where one could not be la ken ou tbc 1rnwls. He fished about six milca off shore, which was one of the rough· est places'iu: ever fisbc<l. A strong cur-

At Gower St. Church last nii;bt the coogrrga1ion hn4 the pleasure of the solo "Prar not ye 0 Israel,'' rcudctt<I by !II lss ]caking of Moat real. This possc1sts a ·mezzo soprano ,·oice of remarkable purily •ud sweet­ness aad also sings wilb 11reat feeling. We uudcrstand that she Is also 11 pianist of more tbaa ordinary ability ha,·iug hail n line musical trniniog besides natural talent. Miss ]coking may re­main I wo nr three week• longer in St. J obn 's ancl at present is the RUCSI of her old Montreal school-mate, Mrs. Che~lry Woods.

Assurance Comp'y, Ltd. I Scotch Whisky " In the market Is

rent and Wind In an opposite di. rcclion made a confused sea, so that the hatchet bad lo be kept continually bnt· teaed c.lown and dories secured in a way that woula •hame a Graud Dank ti ber­man. When be left there wu ao &sh to be bad oa trawls aad several bad salted large large quantilica of capl' .and goac to J.'lcmi5h l.'a p. Howc,·er .'le.ft acbs. •Sceptre,• 'l'llrl,' 'John L. icbolsou,' 'Argo,' 'llascx' ancl 'Madb1111a.' The 'Argo' be undcratood bid 1ince being reported at Louisburg. Some of the lleet were poorly &shed and w<>uld oaly make oae trip. Al regards J,abrndor,


Wonted n1 Once.

A lltlle forethought will often ave ao cad of trouble. Think of the pain aud suUcring that must be eadure<I in case of an allack of pain iu the stomach or cramp colic when mwicine must be sent for. Every family should ba,·c a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholcr11 and Diarrhoea Remedy iu the house. II is sure to be needed 1oone,r or later aud when ~t lime comca, it will be wanted at OJICC. Buy It now. ll may S&\•e life. Sold by all dealers.

of London, ~ngland. ' I

havcstcd and Rescr•e Fund .................... < ...... . t 9,0001000 llur..nlled CllpllJIJ (Cully eabscribcd) ............... - .. 819,000,000

< The PJUENl.X hu paid for loaca in NcwfoandtaDd over Two JllJlll•• Doll are, and In no cue bas a claim been c.llspn tcd. ·

tnnn.ncca arc effected !>,11 all c.lcac.rlptions olproperty Ill Newfolindlaad.

W. & G.· RE~DELL, ... ., ••.... aseina ror Newro•n••-•·


20 years ~old. Stocked . by

all the Leading Merchants. moJIJ,JID

'::============~ Capt. Seeley said .he wu glad lo get PERSONALIA.

• aafcly away from such a locallly for it wu the roughcll place he bad .,,·er fish- Mr. Clare Wbltcway, accond son of cd near. Sir Wm. Wbitcway, left by yesterday's PER S.S. ROSALIND

to-day 'Flilll'Sday : No sao~riaclloa In .Eallnar. . rxprc~ for Havana, Cuba, where . be

bas secured an imporraal position In tbc big electric plaat ealablisbed there by Sir Wm. Van Horne and olhcr Cana-

h:e~ ito CIGA • Tbla ~ Teat-hoUleta to st'l:Di:e values.

CLt.R.l l'llARl.&.-Thb la a uice aha pell Cigar, neatly bandcc.l and la a gooit smoke. Pormer price $> 50, can price 8ll.ll0 per IUO.

A 'TOXIO J.OPEZ will back il up ap.lnst aay 7 ecol Cigar aclligg on the market. l"ormer price 13 So, CHI prlc~ 83 .f.O 1•er 1 .. u.

MANUEL BO~ll.L.\.-Tbla is ll wcU mode Cigar, posscaslnll° au t c1 11i­silc llavor lbat has macle it ,·cry popnlr•r · with smokers. l'ormer prke $J ~o. CHI 1•rlce 83.30 11er 100 ••

HAVANA Ml:\ED. - malllmokc but ravo1cd hY. many : po cs.~cs a rich aroma that ,..,11 uadoubtcdly plcnsc yon. Former !:'rice 1.J oo, CHI 11ricC S:J .:tQ,

GERELD.\, DON ALONSO. ­Doth hli;:b groclo Ciiraro : 15 p.c.. rccluo. lion on tbc selling price. This is 11 soap.

' The Leadiug Tea Stores :



Tbe s.s . ' 'ill'ia' left !'<cw York 11 n.m. Saturday.

The •·~· 'Cncouua' {en\'CS )IOl)trtnl lbis week for St. John's aud usunl (".ulf ports. < '

The s s. •nou11\'isla' left ydncy 7 o'clock iliis ¥1Drniug and will be due to-n1orro\v cvtniug.

Another Gloucester banker lhc 'Henry J\J. Stauky' pui iuto Dny J)nlls )'lSlc1-c.lay for a suppl)· of fresh water.

U.l\l.S. ' ylla' 11rrlvccl al '.30 this morning from the north cost coas t. Sh" proceec.letl to coal immediately ancl "ill sail for Chatc11u as soou as po ibte . .

The French war hips 'Ch11sseloup Laubal' aml 'Troudc' arc to be al : yd · ucy aud remain for; caruh·nl week, which begins to-day. Oae. of the nri· tish ships will also be j'rcsenl.

The s.s. 'N,cgulus' 11 d uol Jcll\·e Port­land until •5.;10 p.m. Satunlay for Sr<I · ney. She will be c.lue .l\t cml or the week and on discharge loads guan at whale factories for South.

The sc;br. 'Pe11rl' goes to SmokCl'o nucl 'Robert l\lorris' to lndfo Tir. to loocl for Euro.PC· The 'Royal J,lslcr' went lo Bay Roberts this momlng, and the 'Colonel Ruruaby' goes 10 LnQllllluc to load for ;Ban·ey & Co ..

The !tllslakcs Of ' ' our J,tre. Do not number among the mistakes

or your 1,lfe that of ucglectini: to pro­cure a bolllc of Cbamberlaia's Coli " Cholera a11cl Piorrhoca Rcmtdy. Somt: or your fablily may be suddenly 11ttacJ.:. cd with cramp cohc or diarrboc11, wllich a rc always pre"alcnt·during the w~rrn weather, nut! immediate rcllef is I hen necessary. Get it t<Hlay, it may save n life, For sale by all dralcrs.

lllr. J. W. Wilbers, while in f,ondon 'ttccntl)', iuduccd lllr. Arcbeacou , Ill<> famous singer wbo was here with lhc Coroaatlon Choir, to uudcrl3kc a con. cert tour here acxt December, bringlr1K alao Miu Adela \"erue, the giftc:cl p lnu. iat ~ho wu here wilh J\ladame Albirni : llilr. Josef Flollmaa, the renown••! cclllll, aa!\ a lady ' •ocallsl who bas nol yet been selected. •

60 b I Fin N P tat • Pooddoea yo,. no good. You can't r §, e ew 0 oes, digcat, conacqacnUy you're afraid to cat; tongue 11 coated, mouth last.cs

. a Fm' e Siaclair Dams, bad, atomacb .. bloated. Pretty IOOU

6AR6AINS IN RL\DYMADES. dl~p~':~1'~i-: ~acGregor will Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria leave here ia r.boul a fortnight for a ~ail to Canada, /rocecdlng as ,.r u Nla~ara Fatta an probably J,>&rllclpat. lag 10 the social functlona •1. Qac:bcc In bonor of lhe visit of Prince Loula of Battcaburg and hli 1qaadron there daring the latter part of Aaguat.

V'I' you'll be ovcroomc by wcabeH and rn O~der tn make room fo· r New Goods ffm ...... bea nervous pl'Ollratlon. Bctl prcacription 1 ' V' ~ 0 ng V-;, c P·. for your colldltlon i• Dr. Jlamilton'a

[ • St k f B d M ' 50 I. N Onf Pill• of Mandrake aad Batternnt. Por our ntire. OC 0 oys an en S SICllS ew ODS, ,111pcps1aand 1aa1geat1on 1tt1doubt1u1

Re d. d a th• ed ed 15 in fine order. If. bctter'rrmedy 'till e\'er be deviled.

a YftlA e 0 1ng n U"' per cent Tbcac plU. brlag new •lreagUa and vi-...... , . " ' ' fM I.. Ch :. p· Q,. lb 1allty lo the alomach ari<l dlge1tlve

..... ~I!' t.. ' lftl us oace raaes, O\io organ•; lhq build lip the general I.Ill ~ per ce.n .. . . e' . bealtll aacl ~Ull aucb vim and ralat·

'~T1L· LIAl\11. ons'~T DWIN.MUR~AV';. VV . ('? ' ~ VV • i ti lllew o.wer ltre.e&. • For nlc by T. ll9Murdo A Co., $t..

1Jt6 · . Johu'a.

The tleepcat Jake lo the t;nllecl King­dom Is 1.oc.b Moray, which is 1,01 7 fc!tl deep. Only M\·en deeper lakca arc knowu ia Ruropc. four being in Nor­wap and three la Italy •

fltlnarti'trllnlment Cures Diphtheria M~nard'a Llnlme~Curea Colds, etc. ID Germany i( a ae"ut fall• ill ber

White jel ia thla ycan je.,.elry novclt)" mislrea ia aot alloweil to dlachargc her. In Rurope. It la lllic hrory,bal apulda, OD 'tllc conhary a1H: llTTUll pay fifty cents ud whea carefully cut he effect la a day for ha' h119pltal e:rrpcmca 11atll •Id to bo d&!&llug. 11le la eall~ly 'ft,11. .

~ ·be~ <fr. · tl~·! ~r'k~t._ ri:ve tfn ~ .~~~n~~e .·;~~' ~ ~. d ;8 o e tmsJt•


CUT DOWN.· Schooner's Narrow Escape

off Cap'e Race.

f\ t noon yr~t · rch1y tbc lillle schooner '\V1ll\ aud Georg\!.' l "'a1>t . J>~lcr1 uutl :-1 llll.U, fru tn ~lu1oni.:r, bet'\ into Jh.>rl ,.,.,th hur bo\,·~pril gone a aul ~ui.:h n1hcr •l \IU{t~c• l h1\l ll \Y,tS 1:t woull(" r sbc kcJ)l itlh,:st. t\ ll J~R .\ l,I ' rcrc>tl~r r.)ctl bt.r n1ul uhtfl!11t.-.l Oh.:. fl.!llowin;.:- iu(or 1u~-t io11, \\•h lch ShOW"' th l lhcC~ C.J. J)C Q ( lhC­l.' lll11C r,c "A1 \\ lk'i l'rovid c.:ulinl. J, , t \\tc,J1u.~tuy :"he ii:ll h(>Wt! tu fi :lh nt Cd pc l'111c~ hut t:'-"l ~a~ \' c 1y sr:a.rrc, asu1 h,,, .• 111g a l>ruk1..•11 ,,· 11ull.~~t- ~ he bore uµ 011 S.tltlll1.\y for St . Jvh n ':t. J t WHS . thick ft~ '''i ll1 a 8i.S. \V. !;rec. zc, :..bout t i ,~c ¥ llUl 'i .

• !!oi h c Hau To C n1•e Jl1u; c

:uul '":l'\ hert1li11g Jl.N.1·: . Bl C) J1 tu. , ;,fn)lll \h t<.."c !:t ales in itli.: Lh t t>ui ot, \\lien ~n1l1tc nL,· .\ s tc1t 111 i.:r'..i "'l1is llc waq hl' r1l . 1'hcu: \\llhouL l url l1t: r ' '' llrn i11l.!', cltil uf lhi;: dcu :;tr gluotu v tatc n Lig ship, lu. 011 lu;.:- 1' ;.: hl1lU\Vft on her. 1'hus¢ un tl1c """ h _l.ll\•r bC l tc\ld t lu: ir l t h our h .t•l l qlJ lt', b n l fnrtuuatcly tt. b1 iAht look ... d\ll \\ '~ l:in1; kcJ->l Oii t he ~tCftU1C:r; ina i.t:u1tl\0 lhl· craft ''':a~ ~i;: hl tl the hhip ultc1..:1I her 1·011r:tc, too lntc, howCvl'r , to a\·\)ill t.~out ct. The s1unt\;'s port l>ow str1u: k the Stcn.tucr's Slatbon.rcl, the '111111 emll heeled over un lit half her .t.:\ k " '1t.$,Ut11lcr watc:r, the jl1.Jboo111 \vent \\ ith ~' er.\ 11 n1ui she ,,·~1~ s11li t open 11t, l1t lo tht: \\' tcr's c..~tlgc. A.s

'l'h e Crnf1 !' 1• e1l J'u.· c

"'" on lbc •t amer·s •leek lookc1l h l l\l nncl ou r fi ~ ltcrruc11 hcarfl Lhe re· uu,r-k, · • 1'1.Jnt scl1t.loucr hns been cul iu l'\ U." l,ncki1y, it Vi'L1' uot so. but fl$ '''l\h.: r 111 .Jc rnµ1~1l ·a dor)· ,,. -' l'Htl on nu11 the ntcll c.•utcrt'tl il. After :i short t iuu·, 011 the cxcitc1nc11t s ub i<lin 1 th e. Pro.ft \\'as n$!,:iiu btmrrlecl , lh.: " 'l\lCr ~ciu~ SlllOOlh • t\nd n t riu) Of llJc pll tU tis shoy,rCll

r ,11e 1-onhl be kepi fr<C. :><> Cnpt. Daley <l< ·iilctl to w<>rk his W:>)• here. 1'be ••earner s!Of>l"'<l nnJ e>'ltleutly bn.-k lo look for the craft, n;J for some

• time they couhl bur her whistll~g . but ~he di\ noltrcome \vithin ha.iliug tli~­tnucc. fill nigbt tbc craft

nod;:e d Aloui; Eni.y,

reaching Cape Spear nl 11 n. m. y slcr­,1 r. only tbe11 escaping th e fog. Cnpt. 11 ley nll.•chrs 110 bid me lo the ~teamer, 1 uncltr the cir un1staue:cs it ,\Vtl.41J unn­\'ui<I. bl~. nml b~1 is ,·cry thaukfnl Ibey <SCllpc1l with their Ii\' s. IL kills their s111u1ncr"s fishi ng opernlions, as bv the t irnc rcp3irs 1\rc .i:.Ucclccl, so scrio"us is the injury, Ilic fall will be i11 . They

0111,1 not tell lhc unmc' of the stc:lmcr, ut l<hcu to!J the ' Rosalin<l' ldt l:cµ: hortly after 3 p.m .• alUT<by bclic,f<:s l 111 ust be s h'-= as she V.'o.9 not tuorc thk.; hrcc miles oU the sbo1e wheu the cOf. i ~iou occurrt•l. l( i t "~n.q not tbt ' lt~!l· intl' it " 'as t\ p-3.51\C UJ(Cr s hiJ), n' UUUl ·


• ..


i · ll t)t to e:irr:>' o\•cr stock frow scasou tq s,· :ison. :iud with this

· c-ntl iu vi<!w we have made clearing prices 6f ~he following:

Por Meri: ••

A Lot of TENNIS SHIRTS, 70 cents, 8~ cents, 90 cents, $1.ID. A Lot' of WHITE SHIRJS, Pleated Fronts, reduced to $1.0t: A Lot of MEN'S SHIRTS, Fancy Bosoms, reduced to $1.IO.

Por Woi11en: -A Lot of WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS, 2 cents each. A Lot of FANCY BORDE~E~ HANDKERCHIEPS; 3 cents "oaeli. A Lot of LACE COLLARS, Job, 30 ·cents op. A Lot of LAC~ TIES, Job, 21 cents up. •

A. Lot of KID , 6LOVES, i11 Black and Colored, your pick for 21 cts. per pair. I


arshall Bros .. I

. '


.. r wcr scn1 from tho 1lcck of !be crnft she s wept pas t.


Const l\lcFarlnuc, who hM be o · ., 11(lio11<•l nl · noun,•i ta for some time,

came up ou llie 'l>ortl:a.' Oil lca\1c ~tnrl will remoin for two weeks wiU1 b is f ricurls.

A new ~k or Ruic.• and Rcgulat.i11n~ for the gliidanec of railway c.mploY<tcs has recently been nilopted by the direc­tors of the Rcid-Nfltl. Co. These rules went Into dfccl on tbc 19th inst.

The Southside reser\'C fi remen will e\'fcr " crew ~or the .rcscc\·c race.

AL the boats nnd crews were ou l on Saturday evening-for a spin, while the man wit h U1c slop-watcb was \'Cry much In c,•idcuce. OF fiOVERNOR ANfiOULVANT.

\ Vt. h \'C recch·c ... 1 from an antborita­vc • SOl\rCC 0 copy Of the speech of !If.

:r(utl\'l\nt, G O\"'cr11or of ~t. Pierre, at c lttnthCon :il 10\lc:r·nu1cnl Uousc 011

ueStll\y l I, July 251 3 Ir U lll tion of blch is as follo>1·s : I lh'1nk your t·:xccllcucy for ha,•ing •n plcn,c<l to driuk lhl! heal th of the at p. tnot, thc goocln111hlisl1t11:11ishcd n \\-110 (~r about tu .. v<:u years hns re~

cntetl Fr.incc before the world, anJ hu: as you just now r miudcd ue, bas own bow to rou11uer all heart. by his lnent •1ualitics a111l eharmiDK •im· city. ll05t heartily, tbercf(!rc, do I my part join with you In the tout leh you bare propaacd lo lbe bca!lb Ille M:ajcHy King F.<lwanl YU.

II: cntcrtaius for him lhc cl~t !lf-fttllng and Is never tlrctl of ts· illlC iL to him: for be lores all that

;love ; dur gteal a11d bclovetl Pari1, gcafWI of our scholars, the talent of men of lellera and of our artiats. remember bcsltlcs with reverential lcflll11ess that that be hu begun

reign, wbicb 1 l1opc " 'Ill b: Jong an• I u1, by bringing about n

cral good utulersl&D<ling which h~ppily ttc:0ncllcd interests

\-enc ancl oppo!!<!tl O\'l!r the whole snr­cc of tbc globe noel bouml togetlicr o great neighboring nalions, who arc

ieculs to-dny in renlity. Your J·::rcel­ucy, Lam 11ceply touched by lbc wcl­me which r.011 h~\·c done rue the bon­

of cxteocliug to us. £felt I would ·cch·c a cordial welcome, bul it has irpas etl all that l could haYe opccl for. 1 was ool unaware of the eling of syml!atby wbich you had, 1 other colonies, repeatedly shown , my f llow-cou ntrytncn, o fficers and

Y s lcnla)• was [lrClty wnrm In Lown tuul nt 110011 thcnuomctcrs ri:gis tc.rctl Ss in lbc sh0tlc and • till goinp; up. liau we not the gcnllc brct t.~ it woulcl b a" been !>roiling. . -----

l\lcssr,, P. 0·111ara, ] . E lward , F. l)W )' or, J. K ielly. T. W.1tsb, W. Tuff u1<l j. n ounclly, rctumccl Satu rday ni,::bt from the :>line Mile Posl with So 1!0,en spl<ndfcl trout after 11 week's tisbini;.

!11.r. w. ncntlcy arrh·c:d here Salunlny fron1 llartfor.1, Ct., ou a \' i•il to bas frlen< IR. llc hos bc:cu resicll n){ al lla rt­rorcl fur sumc time AD<l aaya tbe weather Is ,.cry bot, 17 death" from s uuatrolte, occurring the day be left.

Tbc cable that connects Crccnspond with the main-laad became broken Ju t nml all communication was sus­po:n<lcd. Supt. Stott left by the cxprCll• Y""tcnlay to ioveatigalc the trouble nncl clleel rcpaln1. The internit•t!on wlll nol lasl long unless tht: break is ht.rd lo Joe IC. ' •

' Mr. Th<><. lloni.,•er and otbcr rcsi: 1len11 or Flower Ill! , arc again being annoy<:tl by s tone llirowlng . l'or the pMl three week• at night, •bowers of :;,tont:s arc lhrown ag.Unst tbt rr~icleuccs, llnd "" t he parties who do th is 'l>(C known. the pollcc ha\'c been iufo~ofdil aml will round up the dcprednlors.

Satunlay night n wc.•l cn•lcr wns seen prcporiu~ h is bed to s leep in a peculiar place. It "'"' no other tha.11 under Newm o's wbarf where sllavlngs from Ilic coopcrnge above lodge. This man h•S s lept lber'? for SOUIC time paSl'llflll doesn't liud 111• couch nl nil uucomfort­able, tbougb it would l1ardly be an ideal chamber Inter in the season.

Sc,·cral re-constructed pas-•enJ:Cr cars have just bceu put In scn·ice by the ){. I\. Co The lien I workmanship dis­playc1l furni shes another proof that every i; rade of railway cars can be made iu Newfouudland.

The pns~enger traffic on the Relcl .~YS­tcm this season Is unprcccdcnUy large. The summer traffic h11S a l>1:ays bceu bca.,Y, but th is year every car available has 10 be pressed into service lo meet the demands. The numb<:r of picnic specials, various society ~xcun1ions , tourist and suburb n extras bM·c, or cour&e, augmented lbc passenger lists; but in every clircction-on all the bay aud coastal steamers, as well !IS by the trains - the traffic is bta\'y. ·

Tbc Reid Company arc makiug big preparation for snow-fighting next wln­tn. In a<lclition lo ha,.iug all their en­gines «1uippcd -..·ith pliot· plow~, nl leMl len other plows 'will be employed. Two rotary plows will opc~le between Clarcoville and Day of Islnncls; new coaling stations nrc being bulll along the line in places where last winter's txpcrlcncc 1lemons lratcd their o ccssi· ty ; rock.cuts arc being widened, s lop­intt gravel banks arc being cul away, bndges arc bciug inspected and neces­sary n:pairs and improvements arc be­ing tff.:ctccl ; the road-bed is being well ballasted, nu~ every mile of lraclds rc­ccivlng a thorough inspection. lt Is ""'~ lo sny tbat the work of s uow. 6ghting next winter will be uodcrtakctl under better conditions t b11u ever be­fore .


Tl: rc will be not less than three boats in nny race except the brigacTcs. while in several there will be four nud c1·e.u h\'C boats .com pctiog.

Not 4 tent was in cou rse of ercctidn ou the north side of !be lnke 011 Si\l•~nlay '1"1 ouly two at tbc hcrtd of the cnursc. Thi1r1loes uot look as t he town folk bc­lic,·ed that money would be wade at the races Ibis year.

1l is said that some rccorcl t ime was made during Saturday ,·cuing nncl tbnt some of the lQCal oarsmen d id c,·eu bet­ter than the fi shermen. If this is so'l.hc races will be keener this year th&D for many past.

1'bc filbcrmcn•s crew. for Ilic 'Blue Pcler' were se tUed on Saturil ny and took a spin O\'Cr tbe course. T hey 11rc capable oarsmen, two of tbcm baviug formed lbc crew of the same boat.when she made tbc rcconl lime of 9 minutes noel 13 seconds iu '1901. .

· Tbc poo<l committee would do well to sec lbnt all the bridges 3rc safe tl1ls year, as in the pnsl tbc small bridge has regularly collapsed be fore noon owing to the crowd tbnl passes o,•e r this sec­tion , to make th is place safe a wide bridge is necessary wltb goq/l supports and roll.

The committee will meet this evening to make 6nal arrnngc1ucnt.s : all boats uol previously enlerecl "~ll have to do so or be ruled out. The c .r,.n. crew of the brlb<&de nice will ask for tbc prh-i­lege to row in the naval-reserve coolest. They -,rill pay lbe usual entrance fee, buUn/lbe event of winning will ask that medals be provl1led 011l o f the cash priz.e. , They will row lhe 'Seslou.'


All lbe ban king schooners reported h ere have baited nod sailed for. the banks,. Defore lcaviug all the captains were cntcrlxlincd at a d1nncr at tbc lllc­Cartby Botch Judging from the s peeches made tbcrc Is ao eireellcnt feel- Dy the regular al ;; p.m. Snt.urclay ing between onr trade bcre aud the there• went Jllra. Hamilton, Jll1os E. visitors. Snow, J. Tnclc, Mias Haddon, Mrs. P.

On itridar wt -Placc11tla amt .N~1'1i nest le" dara •"4 wrcll tbero. , ... • ~,,,_..,'

Tlic • • · 'Umnonr, • Wblcll, lef don ou the 30th Ja11c fOr .tbci ~ Sct(lcmcnll, u tla:s here Ill libotai w:c)t •a lime.

Constable :aturphy, of lhc lVcstcm Fm! department, lias ml~ aiitl1 JcaVl:ll for the Sl*tcs. Uc 'wlll bo"rcJ pta<cd by lllr. v. Codner, a rcseryJat.

~c police jailed oaJt oac p~aJ Sataular. Dlgbt, the atmtll bdar onlei J.r. Tb• IOlilary lraDllflDlt>' - f!• 1ati:d for ublg olneelic lallglilip Watcr1t.

The coi1grcptlon in a city aburcb were much annoyed while aen•ice pro­gressed by the abouliog a11d Ion J talk of a number of boys and girls wbo were in the yard of a residence nea r. Tbc night being so warm the windows or tbe church bad to be rniacd &Dd twice the ollicia\lng clergyman thought be would ha"e lo atop the service unti l the youngsters would be warned. This should ool occur again.

Al Notlbern Day, Friday, as l\tisa Stu-ab Steele was wnllcing across a nakc the longcrs ga\•e away and she fell to the rocks below striking on her back. Tbe fa ll was about 10 reel aU<l il was feared al tirst that she was killecl, but sb~ eSCAped miraculously. :he was bowcvel' badly bruised 'nod lrnrr some• wbat internally, but no bones were broken rrncl she will rcco,.er after a while. Dr.Du110 of Broad Cove is at- · tending her, •

'J.'he Myrlle Amu ement c;lub' Rel(nlln lln11ce will lie held lu •he JUechnnlcr.• Jlnll on R 'J;Utlll

Nli;tu. It will be Che 1u11s t 111•· 10-dute 011e e''er held. The Cornmillee hns left nothiul:' nn­clon~ co mnke this tlance n i:rnnd uccc.\s. J>rof. Powes· wlll !11ruish the me>s l up..10.dute dunce 11aus lc wlllt Ills f11ll i.lrh11r b~tul . TJckeh: Gene ;i , cJouble, GO ts . ; J .ncty•s, slui:le, ·10 cc ... \\'. •'. li.EJ,IJ.l', Chnlrmnn ; 'l' • .J. ALI.AN', scca·ettuy. jy31 11!

J::ll.CUJl ION ICEGATTA DAY. 'l.'h~·runc Athlellc A10socln­llon, with Gnnrtls Jlnnd, will len,•c Iii u.m. by trrun for Jlnrbor Grnce. treel ena·11 ra11n1lui; nt 7 n 10. U c:frc llineuc_ 011 crrun. ~S1•or1s 10 Shnunou J>n.rk. Gun.rd Bnnd Co11 ·ert RI f' 1•.•n. 'l'lckets, 1.~o. foa· •nte by

• Gnn1·ds nn.ud, men, Dlclll' A: Co.

''"'' JI. Courleuny; !2"c. C! , 1r1a I<> Cnrbouenr. Jllcnls 1>rovlcted for thrc:e hundred. jy,31

Leni;11e E'ootbnll, St. Gcor1rc•s Field, this •vcntui:-, nt 7 u'clock - \V. E. <:. I. ' ' CrliUS Coll4'gln.ns. A.dmls Ion: ~ ceucs • ~hlldreu, !2 cencs; Lnclle ' tree I Grllucl Sln.nd, e~trfl ~ ce11ts. Tickets on snle nt Sport • Tobacco ~tore. j11ly31

plurcrs. This Is why C <-ame glad ly > Sl. john's, so L• to show publicly re c11timcnl8 whlcb I have always rofcs cd for l!nj!land nod lbc Eo){liab . have !)c,eu • truck by lbe acli\·ity dls­lay'<l in all bra nches of commc~ and dus try i:i the isl:md of 'ewfouodland,

Residents of the P.aslem sclllemeuts arc desirous U11l lbc foad Inspector woulcl pay a ·vlsi to the road lea1llug to William•' Dog, It i1 in a very bnd at ale, Ii lied with ruts and bouldera so that It Is impossible for a cart to get there. A few dullnra iudJclously • pent jusl now would be oft he g reatest bcnc6t to the people who depend upon, tbis bog for their auuu 1 compost heaps.

Owing to lbc demand for beef our Lee, Miss A. E . Hallett, Miss Nose-butchers find il d ·mcult lo obtast cattle, worthy, Mr. Campbell,, Mr. Dodge and ~The pco1•le of KeJll1rrews. suitable for that ri-rpose and consc- others. Middle Bl!(hl nncl J-' ox1rn11 are · 11 I ha,·c rc~h<cd here from i~ pco­

e n wdcome specially kindly and mpalbe lic. I tAke great pleasure In aili ng of this opportunity to pr s• my apprcclnlloo of this or Hxcellcocy, l raise my glass to ur bcallb, and since, tbnoks t,o you, I \ 'C tbt houou r lo be in tire mp:wy of your miu isten1 aotl or lbe pr scnl1ttb•cs of commerce nurl Indus­' l likewL•c raise my glnsa to the

<1u~~~1~J:1<t,~~r~1!:,~b~b~ week some By Ilic local al 9.30 Salunlay o!Nilit a;olntr to hnve 1helr anaanl codfish were cau"hl this morning aud there ca~ Rev. Calloll Cartwrlg 1• StrAwbcrry Fetitlvnl on Wed·

" Min PJtmao, Mr. and Cbetwynd, met n ready sale here. ... du p·1 ., T 1 u ne day, Ana. ~nd, In Jlr. Allan

rl b I ... r. an """'· 1 m&D, w.r. ay or, "'"'' ., St. Pal clc 's Cbu1c s being partly Rowe, J,· F, Johoaoa, .Mr. Campbell, Le Drew• :Field. near the

l'C!-Ccmcnted and attended too external- Mr. W ght and ..tfe and So othera, In- stalJon. , ly by Mr. A. Kennedy, mUOn. eluding several lroutcrs. - . ,... Jy3r,m,tu

os~rity of the Island of Ncwfouod­nd .

lira. Hllu)>etb Pike, widow, wu rc-Saturd&y ftftcrnoon as the laboreni at ceotly taken to the J,uoatlc Aaylum. By the excnraion at 2,30 p.m. yestcr-

tbe dry w~re rigi:iog up a ganl{· 'fbl1 Is tbe third cue witbl11 a abort day 26o peno1111 In five can1 went along way onl to the •Vlrglofa Lake,' which lime from one locality. "What Ill the with Cndr. Bo.,lett in charge, tbla wu In the b3sio 10 have her propeller ·eaaseof lncreastd lnuu.lty.?" ls a quca- llnmbcr bclag g:rcaUy aogmcnted on re. tightened, a rope boldiog part or the lion that is -rtb while oar 'wlae men' tor;nlllg at 9·30 lut night. ,

Saturday afternoon a Jillie ~S' staging broke &Dd five or the men took • to look l11to. By the '.Bruoc• npre. at s lut CTCD­med Barnes, o f Signal nUl , hea\}er into- the water, the dock ool A dancing uecmbly wu held .at Ing tbere went Mr. Scott, Mr. McLeod rking al the Avaloll Steam Cooper- befog pumped out tbcn. All were " Burig&D Hooae," St. Patrick at., au(\ and wife, Mlllll al. Boland, Mr. Camp­

c, met with .a serious ftccldeot. A cfblctcly rc.tQued au<l bad to go bome to another at' "PeonyTllle," Br. Rocle bell, Bl9 E lrcclleacy Sir Wm. ?tlc-lt buiat !Uld 00 it. being replaced, gel a cbaogeof clothing. Riii. when / a pleU&Dt 'evalog wU Cttgor,- Secretary ~e, :Mr. :r.ta11nel e maellincry being lo 111otlon, Dames spent. &Dd a large !lamber otbcn. . Ill to do something al the shaft and H la aononnced tbat.-1 wtc1 a were 'Tbc regular arrived at lo.~ to-day,

l The 1cb.r. • Blodwin' Is now al Avon- from Cauda and the U.s;A. .. m - ..ttJi oaJia ,_ F e11-n.

The people ofCburch of Bug-1-• In Lenis Pond wlll hold tbelr 8trnw•erry Fettlval lin 111""Weclne9clay, 9n•, at 3 o clock, In the det• near Loni( Pond lllchqol. jy31,m,ta

Dr. !llnrpllJ'• o•ee will •e ele1e.t f'ro• A.apll •th to '98tb.

jy26,3l,w,1,m clog bis leg over .the re9oh>iog rot dale with ~ooda for a Kcooedf. and Is Id tlf lh I fort - -'th -.;- • Id •-

bl d lb •owo to tbc noor f en Y er ua- '"' eome '" 0 Tb& 'Brace' ex .. r---'-....... at 11 a.m., • caug ~n ' ' bou11d to mlly HarbOt", Labre< or, or loves' berc wboare wldo- brl In p R 1 J/l .,,n:.::::.!... •kiog one leg lu&t above the ankl'i· fiab . T~crc wu quite a row aboanl of ,Kim Lim the Cbineac laundry man ag I •" •• n. .. ...,.. Smyth, 'ltogliab Slcrllo1 Sllrcr Tblmblcs In bore up bra\rt y llnd wu conveyed. to her Fdtfay, when one of the crew named '-·· left DI until Oetobc-r. R. and Mn. Wl:llte, U· Barron, Garret great.variety of pattern and prlcca 1"oat

. Stl\bb who set the lim!> and ordered le bin bUI ....., Byrne and otben from Come-By-Chance

. I IO

3=1b. Tins Pears, 13 ceut s, 2 for 25 cents.


60LD DUST TEA Still Leads



Telephone 3 t9.

BIG MINING ·COMPANY We ore glad lo be able (O stl\IC to-dny

that so far from lire mine ut St.Julien '., :>lorthcnsl Const, being •hut down for good, llS asser1e.I iu 60me northern notes pnb1!1hed by ns on S•ttinlay, nc­!,'Otk1llous were coucludcd ouly last week for tbc ffeeth•c working of the oropertv by a. •large foreign co mpany. ::ltr. A. Kawnja, ooc o[ the cnterprisini: proprietor~ o r the mine, called ou " " t>n Sntnrtll•Y nft,ln1oon a ucl showed us the docuuicnls, provinit t h t the arrnugc­mcut ha•I Ileen effected, the effect of ' hi 1 will be tbnl the proj~cl will be carri~cl forward ou a larger senlc tbau before.

----···· ..... ---COASTAL BOATS.

Reid Shit••· Tbc 'Argyle' lca,.:s Plncc.u tia on 1bc

Mcrashceu route this evt:Jriug. The 'Clyilc' left Lewisport n th-:

Soulb trip at 7.30 this n.m. The 'Duuclec• left Blauclford al 10

this Tbe 'EU1i~· left Clarcu,·ille a l 6.30

this n.m. The •v. L.' left for L'brador nl n.45

Satunlay uigbt. Tbc 'Home' is due nt Ilumllcr Lo-<111y. Tbe 'Gltncoe' left Placcn tin Ill S p. 01.

Saturday, taking Rew. I'. lit. O'Con­nor aocl R Il'. Mercer ; MKsrs. G. Som­men-illc, R . T. Stirling, Thos. Ilatcber; Meadamea Forbes, Borke (2); ?tlJsse.1 P. Borke, E- Tbomu, lite\ cy, lllcAScr­vcy, H arding, A. Casey, Allan, and fonr 1eco11d cJasa; • The o.s. 'Dnrce• arrived al Basque at 7.45 a.m. yeeterd,y, wltb the fol· lowing puacugcrs: W. Boyd, ]. Dia· mood, G. JI[, Atlclnsoo, E. Taylor, A. Clcme.01on, E. J . S. Stephcnl, J. T . antl lllrs. Gilbert, H. ~. and Mrs. Craggs , MIN M. Butt. The cspreu arrh-cd ou­Ume to-day.

................ The u. 'Portia' la ect to Sill! al 1 o

Lat. Wcdn'*1ay. . , The s.L 'J,>-pera' left Sandy point

at 10.20 Ible monalag going wat.

bC>me. w. Tomer ran amue' amu g Dr.CIU,wbohu 1pe11tafew enjoy- toW!dt~,wrlthahla'.catdloftrout opened at TRAPNBLI.'S Jewellery ablpmatts with a bclay!ol!: pin. Cooat. able d..,. here, left Teatcrday to pro- aacJ.salmon), and a numli'cr of other. Ill· Store. lrJr,il ro!i JIOlllbfal ~e~ of Logy lla'

tunlay Coudr. Stephen Howlttt, !'.ibure W:~al°dt~~C:-.!"e ~~~t~":~ ceed aqrth to do dnty for anotbeT t.>ro- cl•dllll :roua1 m:f'vlllg up the fish- wu arrea er warrant th ..fa:~~:e~~~ fa~!,'i.?:1~1~~ brought bhll to Botyt'CICld. Be wu feaalonal. CO~RBSPONDB~T~ cry at St. Mary'• Placc11tla. English 'l'himblca, en-., Vuea, =t!: o:'e.i~:'r1be •:m~~!ya be altcolion aod care bestowed on wrj(ecl 8abJ71!. wlth•=1::f.':! the July 28. · , ·1 , , elf-, ,joal opcllcd at, T~NBLil .wbq 4ep ::t.Yl:l on Sahlqlq evcami chil•> ren of the cathedt'&l and St. ahlP'.'• cablll ~lai'fo ;d 111 ~ , The~' t\elateGenenJ~'Wal JewetleryStore. )131,U .W..'wui ~ tbl ..... - •

.,.·a Sonday·Scboola, "bile Pl K~, etc• 11

-. Aimost eve · ~;"lhat COllld ·pt 1~ fampuit ••c -;;.~=gl~ ; •bo wu nlileatlY llader U.. bad-cc d from the picnic 1;::'}-rro;~· ~':ltl;~tlfora:t T~'i;:'::.Sact dowa were oa '&. .. Wfe tbl9 ~ coa.~ I~ ,.. ~ :~h TltAPNHLllS fawellery Store. The ~=..::... ri::t ,:I! recl..!!:.!t;:rv!.ay~.acsYk..%tia! op' tb• llilp Jrleb~ )(array 6ned b•b~~='""t~e lliKltt 10 ~~ ftl t ~ld•wlfe ~.plam for 8o11TC11tn. Don't for- °'":.~~~ti :r ..... h: _....n oa ~Jal . lat.m'5 ~ COll.i . • _ ""' Wfl:I !o.(D ,.._,...t l •Uf. Jnr,11 ~ ~I


• I r




EVENING HlRAtD KILLED6¥Ll6HTNIN6 Regatta Smokes. . Prescott St., St. John's, N.f.

:1. E. F1JRNEAUX, • Proprtetor P. T. McGRATH, • • Etutor w. ;J. l(EN'I\ Business Maaqel'

I ssued ~very day, except Sundays. Subscription'S ( pos t free) to any part of N e wfoundland or Canada 25 cents per mouth ;- 75 cents for 3 mouths; $1.50 !or 6 months; a ltd $3.00 per year. To t;reat Britain, United States, etc., $4.50 per year, post paid. - .

E7 ADVllnTISING RATES :-Fifty cents per inch for the lirst -inser­tion ; 25 cents per f~r each contilluation. Special rates for 3, 6 or '12 months. .

(7Bm EQu1?P.BD Book and Job .()epartme.nt in the city.

. St. John's, Monday, July 31.

THE · 60VERNOR · LEAVES. His E xcellency the Governor and

Private Secretary E lgee left by express last evening for Labrador ,.,a Lcwis­portc. They were seen off at the railway station by the Chief Justice, Sir W. H . Horwood, the Attorney General, Sir E . P. Morri•, Hon. J . S. Pitts, l\I. E.C., Sir \V. V'. Wltitew11y and othc.r prom!nenj citizens. His Excellency was to meet Mr. Clemenson, the astronomer or bis expedition, at Lcwisporte, at daylight, a.nd sail from there iu the •Fiona' at 9 a.m. Calling at St. Anthony they wonl.d insp<.'::t Dr. Greufc11's Hospital, and wit.b bim in the •Strathcona,• prOl:ccd to Chateaq, where the, su rveying ship • E lliuor' wauld · be met and four days &pent, in order to receive nightly from Ottawa the time,signals necessary

To Fix The Looi;ttude or that point. This done the squadron will proceed_ to BatUe Hr. , where H.111. S . • $cyll11, • which 11rri,.ed here this morning and wiU sail again promptly will join them. From there the four ~hips will proceed without'stop to Cape Cbtdlcy, and 0 l}aving fixed the longi­tude of that headland, wUI work south, charting the coast, fixing the headlands, measuring the mountains, nnd making tidal and hrdrograpbic su l\·eys, besides securing m1nera:l ,botauical and ethnolgi­cal collec:ions ls they com• south. They expect to be at Cartwright on Aug. 30 where they will

Observe the Polnr Eclipse, with the astronomers from Lick Ob•er­vatory who arc now located there. I'rom there U1ey will continue sout.b to Belle Isle, visiting and iaspectina: the Grenfell hospital Bl Indian and Battle Harbors, studying th~ operations of the fishing 8cets-both squatters and 8oat­cu-and otherwise enabling His Excel· lcncy to familiari ze himself with this important brat1ch or · the colony's maiu industry, as well as '\'8.luablc data u to 1thc natural . resources and commercial possibilities or Labrador.


Al Hla Excellency the Governor will be &bleat from the capital for the next alz wceb and out of reach of telegraph

. commullfcation most of the time, he Md to eecure authority from the Col­oalal o8ice to a1JPOint a Deputy to per-

• form hit ofticlal luDetlon1 ID the mcaa­tlme. and bu -111&ted to this poslllon Bf8 I.onlablp tho Chief Ju1tlcc, Sir W, B. BOlwciOd. Thill oflicc of 'Deputy• 18 clfstlDet allOKCthcr from that of •Ad· mlalatritor' wlilcb the latter also holdl, but which ho ouly cscrcbcs when. the Goweruor Is absent frosn the colony', whcreu DOW the Goveruor ii atill In the colou:r whcu on Labrador and therefore no 'Administrator• .could act. The 'Ad· mlnlatrator' moreover exercises bis functlon1, u such, pnder a Commisaion from the King aad bu all the powers of the Governor. The office of "Deput1 of the Governor," howc,•er, Is one held by a,ppointmcnt from lhe Governor himself and embraces only such mallers as the G"overnor delegates to blm, being to all lntc.nll and purposes, " a power or attorneJ' ' lO perform certain fUDC• lions on bis behalf; The proclllmatlons for this will appear in to-morrow's •Ge2cltc. •

TH£ NAVAL SQUADRON. His Excellency the Governor wired

the Colonial Office on Saturday for par­ticulars of the visit of Prince Louis of Battcnburg and his squadron to this port. The Prince specially represents His Majesty t.he King on lbis cruise, and 'therefore be Governor would have to cut abort his Labrador trip and return here to welcome him unless cxcnsed by the Colonial Office from so doing be­cause of the importance" of the scientific wof k he is now carrying out on Labra­dor,._ Ho.,.cvcr, as the greater portion of this work will be done by the end or August and the squadron i1 not c.xpcct.ccl u.ntU early 1.n Scpteml>er, tbe ' chances are that be w111 come south in lime• to m~t the distlngnuhed visitor. . .


AT GONEY iSLAN~ ! thacoll's . · ' . . 6enu1ne . .

New YORK, To;day.

ST. Pl!THRSDURC.-It was announced yesterday that the C-t ar. contcmplalcs celebrating the Ro1al heir's birthday ou Angu1t twelfth by granting Ru'saia 11 nalioual. assembly. Be has already called the State Council togelbcr on the •ubject.

N Bw YORK .-Six persons were killed and forty Injured by llgbtnlng at Coney Island in a fierce thun<le~ storm which did much damage tbn!pghout the Slate.

To.:10-Despatcbes from the-Japanese army headquarters, say Japanese · in Sakhalin have captured t11e town or RykoH, after sharp action, drh•ing Rus­sians norlbward. Russians lost o,·er a thousand lllllcd and wouadcd.

Lo:-<ooi<.-Il is authoratively slated that the British GovernJUcnt will give J apau loyal support in whatever peace terms she may demand, and a stronger Anglo-Japanese alliance: w!ll be 1000

~amaica ••

Cigars: \Chacon's " 6tJVERNORS," Chacon's " ESPEClilES," -Chacon's 1

' AtTOS," arc al1cad of all others.


CIGARS. from · $2 ·pet hun4red up.-·

Special Diil:ou , for QuanllUca.

Poplllar Braud• : loo, Dona Roicta, Flor Alonzo. King Edward, Dream, Red Croas, My Darling.

BAVAN~ CIGARS direct from the faclorici.

Bock, "llcnry Clay, Cabanu, ID -bona and ~ -bo:sca.

CIGAREYTES. Capstan, Gem, Sweet -C.poral, Guinea Gold, Pioneer, Sub 11.oea, 3 Caatles, l~gy~tlaa •

All at Lowest Prices.

' .


The Boy and His Eyes -arranged. .,.-. .

Naw ORt EAXS.-Prayera wtrc said in,al1 churches here ycoterday for relief of yellow fc,·er plague. Twenty-seven new cases reported.

Get your supply for tbe T. J. Edens. Regatta from all leading dea1·1~·~~~7~~~.~~e:!'.!~J -~~~~~~~ ers. ,,,

BERLIX.-Tbc Kaiser sailed yeatenllly aboard his yacht 'Hohenzollern' for Copenhagen, to visit Ki11g Cbrls!iau.

:N. B.-See "Lorcte Cha-•

con's" name is on every box. jn•

TBISTUU• ST. Pln'llRSnunc.-The Czar has

is•ucd a note bidding the Ru•sian peo­ple rely on kim ne,·er to conclude a shameful peace or one unworthy or Russia.

Lo:-ooox .-Sixty thousaud ire cotton operatives tbrcatcu to go on

PORTIA I .... " _ STO'f . strike to-day. .

' . ., ~

• will leave the wharf of

:ibllDCJ! l10RT, Coxx .- A nood ycstcr­day' swept down on shipping here,tloing one hundred and thousand dollars damage. \

BOWRINfi BROS. Ltd. 1 s barrers extra • ine !'fAMS. · ' 100 barrels extra quality "t· Butt Pork.


McDonald. W d d-on

2-d A qO barrels extra quality Spare Ribs.

8 H8S ay, 0 UgUSf, 25 '' '' '' Small Jowls. · 50 " '' '' F M P k nt JO A.Ill., . am. • Or •

(Special to the Herald.)

, • · Bo:-< A\, &T.\, July 29. REID Bona\•isla is en fete ·The Rt.

Re\·. Dr. McDonllld , a princ9 of the Catholic church in Ncwfounil laud, ar- N [WfOUNDLAND rived here yesterday and was recei\·c<l right royally by Father Browne, lue I

pulace. Arches went up mnglcally when •

~ calling at the followlag places: 50 .,, " '' F :W" P k am. •iu. or . Old . Pcrllcan, Trinity, Catalina, 150 " " " Boneless Beef.

50. ''' - " " .. Plate Beef: qO barrels extra quality Rump Butts.

Messrs. Ryan, Keough and all tbe po- co'M p· ANY 1t was lc.arncd be was to arri\•e and mouocs festooned and artistically ar-

Donavista,•s Cove, Greens. j)onil, l'ool's lslaml , Sc.l<lom Come lly,, Fogo, Ile.rring Neck, Twilliu ­gatc, l\Iorctou•s Uarbo~. P.x11loits , 'Fortune Br .. Lencliui: Tickles, l'rliey 's Islnnd, Little Bny I sland , J,i tllc Dny, Nipper's Harbor , Till Co,·e, l.o. Scic, Conchmau's Cove, Scl\l Co\·c1 llaic • Vc~lc, W. estern· Co,·c, Jackson's -Arin, 5 tt o ES El'nrbor D~cp, t :ng)ec, Couche, St. SHOES. ranged, decorations were placed in posi- I

tiou wiU1out delt\y. Au impromptn boat was arrnuged by Mr. Rynu, and a de­putation went on board s.s. • Dundee• to rccci\•c His Lordship, on shore. Michael Ryan, Esq., a, received His Lordsb)p at the wharf, on landing for the fourth lime. Can iages were iu waiting and he .... ..,. driven to the rc1i­cfcncc of Father Browne. Th~ crowd was dense and thickly packed the way so tbatit was almost impossible to pus along the streets . Buntiug was lavishly dispfa) e I, the •hipping, foreign and local, spread their codes to the brene. The union Jaclt and Papal colors were to be seen in evidence from vantage points, at night tar barrels blaz~d and on Canaille Rock and lhc tout ensem­ble as a display waa magnificent and grand, to suit the occasion and time, so

REOATIA DAY ADthO!IY· Grigue~. ' •


D. J. Crowe Floats $5,000,000 Pulp Merger.

• I •

EXCURSIONS t :G:f~:.::".::.:::~; ~ '" I BOWRINfi BROS., .Ltd.,

Coilsta1 Mail Service.

' ,, l "lllS'I' •

Excursion' Return Ticke1s at one first-class fµe \\-ill be issued between all stations between St. John' s, Carb6near, Placentia and Cambo, inclusive; good to leave •1·· on all trains of • T U ESDAV, August 1st, and WBDNESDA Y, August, 2nd ; returning , good on all trains up to and including those ANNOUN()EMENT of MONDAY, August 7tb. •Special tr:iin will leave Saint

John':1 at 2.s o o clocic" on Wed- T J BARRON nesday Afternoon for Kelligrews ' • • J aud Intermediate stations. . (1a1c manpgcr at J ackm;ui 's)

Special Excurs ion Train will · . leaveJrvinefor St.John'sat 1 1 30 .,Snow on hi s 1.1ay to Eu­p m., on Wednesday, Aug. :md. · . rop·e to purd1as e a First ~ NoTr~.-Exeursion 1'ickets will Cla5S Stock of Gent s ' and

be issued to and from ~t. John~ as Boys' Clothing, &c., for new we!~ as between above mtermedinte Store to be .opened in a few stations on d:i.tes named. ,veeks iu premises now occn-

E verything points lo the fac t thnt the c;r:ize for :rnvas Shoes for this year is more pronounced t h an ever; that is why we nre jn a position to supply the great demand. The following is a fe,w of the lines we keep in s tock : '-

Women's White Tennis ~hoes, Me11."s :White Tennis Shoes, 1 li."J cents and 7~ cents. 70 c~n11<1, 7 .~ ceius n1HI S 1 . 0 11 .

Women's Brown Tennis Shoes, Men's Brown Tennit Shoes, ' 9 centt. 81.<J 9.

Women's White Canvas Shoe1, Men's Black Tennis Shoes, lc• t.l1cr soles, SO els. nml 8 l • ."JO. • 7.J ce111,..

A.Special Line of Women·s Black Glace Shoes, 15 cents a pair.

Women's Strap Shoes, 90c., $1.10, $1.30 to $2.10 Women·s Lace Shoes, ·$1, $1.20, $).40 to $3.50. Men's Lace Shoes, $t40, $1.75, $2.10 to $4. . -

Men's Lace Boots, $1.40, $1.50, '.$1.80, $2 to ~6. Lv ' S cc \Via tlow lor Job J,iut!s of Sho~.

Jus t the lliing for Rega~tn . COOL and .CHEAP.

Montreal, July 77.-0ae of the big· lfCSt of pnlp mergers la the history of Canada was about completed this d\er­noou at the Windsor hotel, whereby a nnmbcr of companies operating in New­foundland, having in all a total area or a million and a'half acres of pulp lands, surrendered their lnlercsla to a company la which the controlling' lnten:als arc held by a group of British publishers capitalized at £1,000,000. The compan­ies effected arc the Reid Nftd. Co., the Exploits I.umber Co., the New­foundland Timber Estates Co., the New Land .Lumber atrd pulp company. The merger has been efftctcd largely through the effort• of H. J. Cro,.·c, of Newfoundland, who visited England and Ba.led company In London. In al1 llllclibood Mr, Crowe wj ll assume the management of the new company. The manGging directors or the various interests fnvolvcd have been In con­sultation at the Winilsor hotel for the past few days and it is (ltougbt !Ital the final arrangements would be completed this afternoon. ·

Fu RS FURS. p:~.d .~~~1r. M. Co'nnors. • . . Q E 0 • KN 0wL1· N ·• • Charles J. Howlett, 0.0.S. JY•S.s•.•od . ·



Rabbit Ski.ns1

6 cents a doz. Other sorts nccordlnir 1 to qoal t • ·

. - -IIo)'ouni g rndualc of The Pblladcfpb io

.De fa l Collei;c and T he Correltson Ilo•­palul of Orn! Surgery, v.-i•hes 10 anpouncc thttt he ha:s taken. over the Utnlal om·ces Rll<l Practice of Dr. T. i~: . DullRrd, &~d is prepared to per·!orn1 nH O{ltra.t ion in oCntal Sur11cry, <specially in the followlui: bmnchco :

Porceloin, Crown nnd BrldJ:'C Work.

Correellon ol Denlnl lrrl'ir11-~rtllu. ,

Trenlment ot an Diseases 01 the Denlnl nnd J\S oclntc or-

T..ondoa, July 26.- An official •late- E ,( DUDER ' i;nn • IY4,2m,cod ' menl has just been issued by tbc board · • J~• • , ___________ _. __ or trade giving particulars or a new •. commercial arrangement w1lh Greece ---------------by which goa<ls produced and manu- CHEAP 'SA.LT facturcd in any part of the J;lrltish · ,• empire shall enjoy unconditionally • tbc "most favorccl uaUoa treatment in Greece so long as such , portion of the British ~mp!re accords goods of Greek origin treatment as favorable as It !!lvca goods of any other foreign nation. 'the duty on cod/ stocldi•b now about 65 cents per hubdrcd r.unds, bas been reduced lC9S than a bal aa a conccssio.n to Newfoundland, io return for the free admission of Greek currants.


I 0,000 Hogsheads ' ' .

CADIZ SALT. / . ' " '

Cheapest Price:$ . ..

'": .. - .


I' I

1 • ' ., EY.E

ls•a <lc:licatc piece of mechanism, and shoulc.1 have the grcalcsl cu e nnd nllcOliOI d•ring an examination. Examinations shoultl only be mailc by one wlro l"'' ho! lhorouglt training anti plenty Qf praclicru lmowlcdgc . I ha,·c tes ted 1hc cy $of

> ' 7000-•

~rsous. I hold tliplomas from two or lhc Best Amc"!c;Rn Collc5~. ]la the most lmprovc<l appliances, and do the work fallhfully as lbouoauals 111 tcaUfy. No charge made for examination.

' R. H. TRAPNELl. Graduate· Optician



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