



OCTOBER TER M , A . D . 1945

Term. No . L305 Agenda ho


JONL SBORO , ILLINOIS , 6corpora t lon ,

v Appeal from the

Pla lnt l ff-Appe llee ,

C lrc u1 t Court 0

Unl on CountROAD DIoThICT no. 8 , U NIOL


De fendant-Ap p ellant .







COU NTY , ILLIu O Iu any nOAD O Io T

RIOT noz’



Defendants-App elle es

Thl S 1 5 a su l t ln e qu l ty brought bylfhe F l rst N a t lonal

Bank of Jonesboro , Illln 0 1 s , a corpora t lon ,{Pla lnt l ff—Appelle e

aga lnst Roa d Dlstrl c t ho . 8, Unl on County , Hefend a ntégppellant ,

and flh e Clea r Cre ek Dra lnage and Leve e Dlstrl c t , Unl on and

Alexander Coun t 1 es, /fhe B reston Lev e e a n d Dra i nage Dlstrl c t , Un i on

County , Roa d Dlstrl c t 1 0 . IO ,Unl on County , a nd Roa d Dlstrl c t b% .

ll , Unl on County , Defend ants- A ppe lle es, to d e t el ml ne wha t dl S

p 0 8 1 t 1 0 n should be made of the sum of I n the Fl rst h a t l up

a l Bank of Jonesboro , ln an a c c ount ent l tle d “Road Dlstrl c t Lo . 8,

Dra lna e Fund ," The bank soub ht to r estra i n App ellant , Roa d

Dlstrl c t Lo . 8 from proc e e dlnb w1 th the prose cut l on of a sul t a t

law , 1 nvolv1 ng thl S sum of money , and praye d for a d e cre e d e t e rmln

1ng the ownershlp of sa l d fund and d1r e c t1 ng dlsbursement . All of

the va rlous c la lmants to the fund were made part l es de fendant .

The fa c ts out oi Wt h th e controversy a rose a re se t f orth

ln the se c ond amended compla lnt and a dml t t ed by a ll the pa rtl es to

the sul t . The Appellant , Roa d Dustrl c t n o . 8, ln the years 19 15

and 1916 1ev1 e d ag a lnst the taxable property ln the dl strl c t the

respe c tlve sums of and for " dl t chlng to dra 1 n

roa ds" . The proc e eds a rlslng from the c olle c t l on of the sa ld taxes,

amountlng to the sum of C2124 . l9 were segrega te d from the oth er

funds of the dl strl c t and by I t on Jun e 9 , 1920 dep 0 5 1 t ed ln the

spe c l al a c count a bove mentl on ed, wh l ch w1 th a n a c c u mula t lon of

1 nterest there on now amounts to a tota l sum 0 1 Prlor to

the levy and colle c t i on of sa ld taxes,the appelle e dra lnage

dlstrl c ts and the hlller Pond Dra lnab e Dlstrl c t ha d lev1 ed aga l nst

the sa l d Road Dlstrl c t ho:8 Spe 0 1 a1 assessments for b enefl ts to

the roa ds of sa l d dlstrl c t by the dra lna g e 1mprovements construc t ed

by the sa l d dra lna é e dlst rl c ts.

bubse quent to the levy and c olle c t l on by Rba d Dlstrl c t no . 8

of the taxes dep 0 8 1 t ed ln the above spe c 1 a1 a c c oun t ,there have

b e en c rea t ed by the c ounty boar d of Unl on Count appelle es Roa d

Dlstrl c t Lo . 10 a nd Roa d Dlstrl c t No . 11 ,e a ch of Wt h 1 n c ludes

w1 th1n l ts bounda rl es t errl t ory formerly c onst l t utlng a pa rt of

Roa d Dlstrl c t ho . 8 .

On O c tober 24 , 1941 a i l h a l de c re e was ent ered p erma n ently

en 3 0 1 n1ng the sul t a t law , and l lng the amount due the Cle ar

Cre ek Dra lnage and Leve e Dlstrl c t a t and f rest on Lev e e

and Dra lnage Dlstrl c t a t Roa d Dlstrl c t 1 0 . 10 , C5 31 . 39

and Roa d Dlstrl c t ho . 11 , tha t the tota l exc e e ded the

amount of the fund ln questl on , tha t a l t er t he payment of costs

the fund be a pportl one d to t h e se pa rt l e s,a nd tha t d lstrlbut l on be

ma de by the bank a c c ordlngly . Roa d Dlstrl c t Lo . 8 perf e ct ed a n

appeal to the Supr eme Court of Illa l S , and tha t Court holdlng

tha t the re was no qu est l on 1 nvolve d wh l c h would l e tha t Court

Jurlsdl c tl on on dlre c t appea l , th e c a use wa s t ransfe rred t o thls

Court . Fl rst ua tl onal Ba nk 0 1 Jon esboro vs. Roa d Dlstrl c t M8 , 382

Ill . 508 . Th e appe a l b e lnb dlsmlssed by th l S c ourt , ( Fl rst

va tl ona l Bank Vs . Roa d Dlst . j8 , 322 Ill . App . 29 3 ) and appe a l

be lng therea ft er aga ln prose c ut ed t o the S upreme Court , and ca use

b elng rema nde d t o thls court , W1 th dlre c tl ons to cons1 der the

a 8 5 1 gnmen ts of error ra lsed ln the Supr eme Court ( F lrst Na t . b a nk

vs. Road D lst . ” 8 , 389 I ll . the case c ome s aga i n for c ons1 der

a t lon by th1 s court .

In a brl ef of 264 pag e s, app e lla nt alleg es 42 errors re ll e d

upon for r ev e rsal oi th e 1 1 nd1 n, ,orde rs

, Jud ,men ts an d de c re es

of the t rl a l c ourt . Uhl le a party has an un d oub t e d rl ht t o ma ke

or f1 1e a ll n e c essa ry a ss1 T n men ts of e rror,h e should not 1 n cr ease

the lr numb e r unne c essa rl ly . The pra c t l c e of l l llng 1 n t e rm1 na b1e or

unne c essa ry a 5 8 1Jnu e nt s ha s b e en r e p e a t e dly d i sa pprove d by the

c ourts a nd I D has be en sa l d tha t " such 1 nt e rm1 nab1e ass1 a e n ts,

1 nst ea d or 1mpress1 ng the c our t wl th th e tnouoht of a n 1mp er i e c t

trlal , ra th er ca S t dlscre dl t upon the wor th of any of th em ".

Chl cago Gr e a t West ern R Co . vs. u cDonough , 161 F ed . 657 . wnl le

not adherlnt ln l ts ent lrety t o tha t th eory , th l S c ourt w1 11

endeavor to c on8 1 der only th e questl ons whl ch , ln l ts opl nl on ,

se em to b e ma terla l to the Judgment . Not a ll of the 42 a ss1onmeu t s

of error n e ed be a lscussed sepa ra t e ly .

Th e flrst f lft e en a ss1 gnme n ts of error a tta ck the rullnb s

of the c ourt ma de on qu estl ons of law ra l sed by t h e plea dlngs. e s :

of a ma z e of volumlnous p1ea d1 n , , whl ch take up 2 2 9 pa g es of th e

a bstra c t we asc erta ln tha t by spe 0 1 a l plea s , thre e e leral d efense s

were offere d by appellant as a x a l nst a ll app elle es,nan ely la ch es ,

est oppel and the sta tut e of llml ta t l on .

The s ta tut e of l l ta t l on 1 s pure ly lega l a s c ontra

dlst lnb ul she d from an equl ta ble de fense . 21 C . J . 2 51 , Tot t en vs .

Tott en , 294 Ill . 70 , whetsler e t a l vs. S prague ,224 Ill . 461 .

Both la ches and estopp el depend upon the prl n c lple tha t I t 1 s

1 ne qu1 tab1e to enforce a rl g ht be ca use th e pa rty se ekl ng t o enl orc e

the rlght has mlsled the oth er pa rty and 1 s res;on 5 1 b1e for hl S

b e lng ln a pos1 t l on wher e he would now b e gre a tly 1n3 ur ed 1 f the

rl ght were enforc ed . Wh e tsler e t a l vs . Spra gue , supra . As to

munl c lpa l c orpora t l ons,th e sta tut e of llml ta t l ons,

la ches and

est opp el do not apply exc ep t as to prl va t e rl c hts, and c e rta lnly

would not apply a ga lnst a munl c lpa l c orpora t lon whose offl c ers

have merely fe l led to a c t . The c ase of Logan County vs . C l t j of

Lln c oln , 81 111 . 156 ,I S a case e ntl rely ln p 0 1 nt . In tha t case

the O l ty of Ll n coln sought to re c ov er l ts share of t ax mon ey

c olle c t e d by th e County , and the c oun ty ur f e d the de f enses of

llml ta t l ons, la ches and estopp el , a n d the Court held tha t none of

these de l enses w ere a val lable . In t h e 1 nstant c a se ,the a c ts of

a pp elle es ha v e only be en I n fa l ll ng t o a c t ,tha t I S

,to enfor c e

payment from the l und ln qu e S t l on of th e obllga t l ons of app e llant .

Th er e has b e en no a l l l rua tlv e a c t tha t has c a use d a ppe lla n t to

assu me a pos1 t l on su cn tha t l t would now be 1 n e qu1 ta ble to r e qul r e

t hem to change .

we a r e of the cp lnl on tha t the t r la l c ourt dl d not err l n

susta lnlng the mot l on to strlk e the sp e 0 1 a l pleas of a pp ellan t ,and

we flnd no othe r r ev erslble error ln a ny order of the c ourt ln

pass1 ng upon th e multl i a rl ous plea dlngs l n th e c ase .

The app ea l ln tnls case was ta k en w1 thout a supe rse d e as a nd

one of the errors a 8 8 1 gn e d oy app e llan t 1 s the r efusal of the t l‘

a l

Judg e to allow app ellan t , a munl c lpa l c orpor a t l on , t o app e a l w 1 th

out bond . Th e ob Je c t l ons t o the grant lné of a sup e rsedeas wl thout

bond wa s based on the cont ent l on on the pa r t of appe lle es,th a t the

appea l was a persona l vent ur e of th e counse l for appe llant , an d tha t

bond should be g i ven a s ln cases of 1 nd1 v1 d ua ls. The mer e r e fusa l

of a pa rty's motl on for sup e rse d eas w1 thout bond 1 s not subge c t to

reV 1 ew unless 1 t a ppe ars tha t ther e I S a clea r a ouse of the

descret l onary power lodg ed ln the trl al court . Anderson Transfer

Co . vs . Fulle r , 174 I11 . 221 , Ol ty of S,r1 ngf1 e1d vs. M cca rthy 7 9

Ill , App . 388 , Gorbly vs. Gorbly , 20 6 Ill . App . 527 , Hcha han vs.

Trautvett er , 30 5 I l l . 39 5 . We ar e of the O p lnl on tha t th ere wa s no

such a buse 0 1 descre t l on ln the , l nstant ca se . The re c ord d l scloses

no effort the rea ft er on the pa rt of appe llant to hav e a bond .f l xed

by the c ourt .

Compla lnt 1 s ma de by appellant as to the Cour t's fl ndl nfis a s

to fa c ts. These que st l ons seem to be present ed ln the a 5 8 1 gn ments of

errors 27 to 3 3 1nclusi ve . Th e trl a l Judge saw and heard the

w1 tnesses and ha d adva ntag es whl ch a n Appella t e Court does not

possess ln Judglng of the wel ght t C h should be g l v en to the l r

t estlmony where'

the re was confll c t . Under th e law and establlsh ed

rules or pra c t l c e the c onc lu 3 1 ons of th e tr1 a 1 Judg e should not b e

dlsturbed unless 1 t cle a rly app ea rs from the re c ord tha t such con

cluel ons a re wrong . C i ty of Quln cy vs. fi emp er 304 Ill . 30 3 , Kuehne

vs. na la ch 286 Ill . 120 , Podosk 1 vs. S tone 186 Ill . 540 , wood vs.

P1 1 0 6 46 Ill . 435 , m a rble vs. m arble , 304 I ll . 22 9 .

S trlpp ed of many of l ts unne c essary ram ni l c a tl ons, the r e c ord

shows tha t the fund ln que stl on I S the r esult of a spe c l a l levy

1 nc luded l n the regula r levy of Roa d Dlstrl c t no . 8 for the purpose

of payln pthe Judg ments obta l ne d by t h e dra lnag e dl strl c t ,


great er port lon of whl ch fun d wa s se t a srd e esp ec la lly for thls

purpose a n d a llowe d to r ema ln undlsdngbe d for more than twenty ye e _


Inasmuch as thls f und was ne V e r used fol the purpose for

whl ch l t wa s 1ev 1 ed and c olle c t e d , a nd th e dra lna g e assessn e nt s for

whl ch 1 t was lev1 ed and colle c t ed to pay , ha d not be en pa l d ( exc ept

those pa l d by the sa l d Roa d Dlstrl c ts) the trl al c our t , we bell ev e

prop erly , as an equl table ma t ter ,de cr e ed tha t th e rema lnlng assess

ments due the D ra lna ge Dlstrl c ts be pa l d , a n d tn e Roa d blstrl c ts re

1mbursed for the port i on or th e sa l d assessment so pa l d by them ,

plus i nt erest th ere on,there not b e lng suffl c l ent money l n sa ld fund

wi th whl ch to pay the a for esa l d amounts ln f ull ,the Court de cre ed

tha t the same be pro ra t ed to the sa ld Dra lnag e Dlst rl c ts and Roa d

Dlstrl cts ln the ra t lo tha t the r esp e c tl v e amounts du e bea rs to the

amount of sa ld fund .

A 3 8 1a en ts of error 17 to 2 3 , 1 nc lus1 v e , a lleg e 1mpr0 per a d

m1 ss1 on of ev i denc e offered on beha lr of Appelle es . Thl S 1nc ludes

obj e c tlon to the t esti mony of the w1 tness John E . Llngle , treasurer

of the Preston Dra lna g e Dlstrl c t and a lso of the Clea r Lak e Dra lna r e

Dl strl ct , where ln he t estl fl ed to c erta ln r ecords ,a s not b e lng th e

best ev 1 denc e, obJe c t l on to Appe lle e

's L xhlbl ts 10 and 11 ,” hl ch

were respe c tlv ely Treasurer's sta t ement re r ardlng wha t hls books

show Roa d Dlstrl c t ¢8 owes t o r reston bra lnat e Dlstrl c t , and

Tr easurer's sta t ement rega ru lng wha t h ls books show Roa d Dlstrl c e

no . 8 owes to Clear Lak e Dra lnage Dl S t l l C t on th e groun d tha t the se

were hea rsay , and th e t e st lmony of R . Wa lla c e na rrak er, a t torney

for Pla l nt l l f — A pp elle es and for De i e h dant - App e lle es, Dra l nag e

Dlstrl c ts, wl th re f er en c e to c erta ln sta t ements ma ne oy Pa ul D .

Re ese ,durln; negotl a tl ons for a compromi se oi tnls ma tt er .

It 1 s we ll se t tled ln C han c e ry pra c tl c e tha t whe re the

c ompet ent ev1 d en c e ls suffl c l e nt to uphold the de cre e, the same 11 11

not b e r ev ersed on a c c ount of the a dm1 5 8 1 on of i n c omp e t ent ev1 den c e,

as the presu mp tl on 1 8 tha t the chanc ellor dld not c ons1 der the

ev1 denc e whl ch was 1n cou pe t ent l n a rr1 v 1 ng a t hl S de c lsl on . Ba r ton

vs . Hayden , 19 9 Ill . App . 37 .

In S w1 ft vs. Castle,o 2 3 Ill . 2 09 , 1 t was sa l d by our S upreme

C ourt ; "The l que stl on present ed upon th e tr1 a 1 b e for e the chan c e llor

as well as ln the Appe lla t e Cour t , 1 s, upon a ll th e legl t lma t e

ev 1 denc e ln the c a use, wha t de cre e sh ould ue ren der e d . The

chanc ellor be 1 ng the Judg e of both law a nd ev i d en c e , the pr esuml t l on

1 8 , tha t ln r ender lng hls de cre e h e w1 11 only r ega rd th a t whl ch ls

legal and p ertln ent . I t I S the c orre c t pra c t l c e for th e

chanc e llor , a ft er th e ev1 denc e 1s hea rd , t o regard no port lon 0 1 1 t

Wt h ls 1m ma t er1 al or i llegal , and to de c l de the case a lone on the

legal ev 1 dehc e a dduc ed . It was a lso held l n Treleav en vs. Dlxon

119 Ill . 548 , tha t " Ih C hanc e ry cases, the whole r e cord , 1 n clud1 ng

a ll the ev1 dence off ered , 1 5 bef0 1 e us, a ne we a re requlr ed to

assu me tha t all the 1 nc omp et ent e V 1 denc e Wa s re Je c t ed ,a nd a ll th e

c omp e t ent ev1 denc e was a d ml t t ed and cons1 dered , on the l l h a l he ar

If there I S c ompe t en t ev1 denc e ln the re c ord sufrl c l ent to

susta ln the de cre e , l t must b e af i lrmed ,1 f not , 1 t muse b e

rev ersed , and thl S w1 thout r egard to wh ether the chanc e llor may h a ve

be en rl g ht or wrong ln hl S V l ews as to th e comp e t e ncy of the

ev1 denc e a t the h earl ng .

We a re of the oplnl on tha t the re wa s suffl c l en t comp e t ent

e V l denc e l n thls r e c ord,to Just l fy the de c r e e of th e tr1 a 1 court .

F lndl n,no r ev er8 1 ble e rrors l n the r e cord

,th e de c r e e of

Cl rc ul t COurt of Unl on Coun ty wlll b e a ffl ru ed .


J . and J . CONCUR .

ABO TI’in CT o

Trap L L A T C O m

C E Q K O i‘“T H E A

Te r

‘H L ?” N H» ,

so u r—“

m e 3 1m ?“

45 283

APPEAL FROMPla inti ff Appellee,

1 .su mm er: 0


Defendant Appellant .


thi s i s a . peraonal i njury ac ti on under the Federal

Employers‘Li abi li ty Ac t, ( 45 Verd i ct and Judgment

were for plai nti ff in the amount of Defendant has appealed.

Plai nti f f a resi dent of Frankfort , Indi ana , began to

work for defendant as an extra swi tohnan i n November of 19 42 .

He was ia red the ni ght or Apri l 5 , 1948 i n defendant's Frankfort

Yard, tne a result of the i njury hi s left leg was amputated a

tow i nohes above the know.

The Frankfort yard extends east and west for about a

mi le and a half . The tri al was focused upon approxima t ely

toot west of a cross track of the M anon Ra i lroad . There are 1 5

tracks i n the lard . Counti ng from the north the fi rst track , for

most of the di stance, i s the ”passi ng track.

“ The second i s th e

Lake Eri e “ma in,“herei nafter called the Ma i n. The thi rd i s the

“long“ trunk; The "

passi ng“ track swi tches i nto the M a i n near

the west and of the Yarde About 300 feet east of thi s swi tch

point a area: over swi tch Opens from the M a in to the “long“ track .

South of the ”long track“ are the balance of the tracks. Further

south . are vari ous ra i lroad bu i ldi ngs, n i ncludi ng the Yard off i c e .

The Kemp Canning Fac tory, The Horton O i l Company bui ldi ng

and the Rati onal Refini ng Company ar0,aecordi ng to a map submi tted

Ac cordi ng to pla i nti ff's test imony he was crossi ng the

Yard on hi s way to defendant's Yard Offi ce i n response to a call

for assi gnment to hi s ra i lroad duti es. He was, accordi ngly, at

work . Q , g, d or, P, R . gg. 5 5 Fed . Rep . ( 2 ) 866

M i n. v . new . 150 Fed . Rep . ( 2 ) 5 48 ; Eri c R . n Go .

In order to come under theAet plai nt i ff must show tha t

part of hi s duti es were in furtherance of , or i n some way di rec tly

or c losely and substanti ally a ffec ted , i nterstate commerc e . 45

M onies, 380 111 586

Plai nti ff testi fi ed that he was called to report for the

P. HL Job; that he had worked on that Job a great many t i mes:

that the fi rst assi gnment of that crew t he to change the engi ne on

Train No, 19: tha t the next assi gnment was a li ke performance on

Trai n Ne . 9 3 and that both of these were i nterstate trai ns.

defendant says tha t i f plai nt i ff was i njured i n the manner alleged,

there was a mere expectati on on hi s part tha t he would work on

i nterstate commerce. It reli es on w e R, g, G v . M 242

d . 3 . 503 , and many cases whi ch followed i ts ruli ng , for the rule

tha t more expec tati on of employment in i nterstate commerc e i s not

enough to bri ng an i njured employee wi thi n the Ac t . Among others,

we have read the followi ng cases on the questi on whether plai nti ff

was, when injured, engaged i n i nterstate commerc e . Eri e 3,‘

R, Go.

5 ° W W fi fi'2'20333 W ‘

A'W seq: fie“:

TM };

A I e’Ani a rulea eq

’Bufl efifiq rh yntenegn z e commenc e

“si te i


A 0 pu s am we tan m m t w e“ on rm “N ews Am m an bra ver“

enoefip to onset en yntsnee enbyoxeo ureyyn goo voc*

ennui etyene'

eyeswe re ei heene crcn o; embroi meog ye regenessce commenc e In nos



‘one nevi c e eee Apron goyyen eq rst Lerxue’not goo L ays

regeneae ce occasi on" It neyyee on fii i efgr



0 5‘



rouse are e me te exbeecexyon on pro hen: see sno h ocyq ho ax on

on etim e si de new It Em inen t w e Intense w w e ow ns; cri nge?

st ern no*a} neg ape: pony oi geese here engenege z e gneye e


aneyn no'73 ! gene {we won; seerfl neee g ne t 3 Tyne hengcneenee on

not: fine z 1t h: en eyfieneug e; fine r onen ne e so enenfie fps chains on

ra gga b’

g'yep: gyng to pen nonfieq on fin fl ee e fit ter nevi abac k!

Q I‘

WW IH w arn i ng m en:we" w e Ge net: m w hom w e m e

nee III“nee


’ W'eé e

‘er en new est m Joz ef W 655 A

” linem en?

en c j oeej i one enp eeeunye fz i ei geeoeq’

n ehegere connene e' eg

i ,


bean e; pye genres R ene Tn gnnpcenenee ex’on yn cone nwi nyne egyh

In enqei so cone tweet facets bynynz rgl we es neon new:


W ’

a‘W “

T’s} new new to} we?W W fi


new W W W ’

A‘ W on the

“new ( 5 ) net !

Lei weeyfineeog go pro ne gynee q qnz yee*

an ne a‘e eee cqynnfi


gene on pye e el go c euqeez ,e xenq oz nye e ye L eebcuee re e eeyy

ve ee nqrnfi xo‘

breyupgl s ceegynonl no nee enc eeyefi nee

189 Atl. 188g ygg395557 . industrial commi ssi on, 3 67 111 . 5 96;

531. v . §g§gggg, 23 5 U . 8 . 47 3; gongg Pagigig G v . Industrial

Fed . new . one;W 7 . g, e n, n, 5 , Go. , eve 111 . 545 ; Vgli a

3 89 I114 586; gigggz ly . tgggggg finerygi gs Ra i lway Ge . , 5 46 111 . 122;

the htate cases c i ted generally i nvolve the questi on

whether the injury cane uni on tho'

Wcrknene‘Gompeneati on Ac ts or

the Federal Enoloyere Li abi li ty Act, In these cases the rai lroads

were contending the Federal Ac t appli eé . fich e were dec i dea before,

one some after, the 19 5 9 Amendment to sec tion 51 of the Act; Thi s

amené ment was enacted to li berali z e the Ac t so as to protect

employees engaged interchangeably i n i nterstate and i ntrastate

commerce where, at the time of the injury, part of the employee's

duti es di rectly, closely and substanti ally affec ted i nterstate

We thi nk ei senssi on of the vari ous eases read. would not

be helpful in dec i di ng thi s point, Plai nti f f, when i njured, was

worki ng, Actuallyy ,he hoe not begun hi s enti c e, He cannot be

left in a vacnnm. We must say e i ther that he was worki ng i n i nter

state commerce or i ntrastate commerc e, The parti es sti pulated

in both i nterstate and intrastate commerc e, an thi s questi on of

W e eye: m u ne e “m em e “Emm i so event we w e enfiefioé

run aw met e were ewe rt eea eee c { anonfipI e so brt rvsrtz ‘ 3 6’event

tu peep recensgt ge v Tfl cb fl e cece commene e' an spi t eneeeren e;

u we seem an : we re zso n ew m swam ox. vh f: we“ w att“:

agate eee eeeee DL reefitegt ge eomeenee ’

ape beenree esrbfixwxeq

101g in e Aeeeew’fie use: eel ergpee see: as men ueLxsnfi In rugen~

ee exrv€*

woeeexyl‘ye use see pe

fi en ere eeere e‘

ge sc ene; pe

P0 worbz fix TH testersfi cure berna‘

trerucret‘even I fl fl at eq


fifi sewn? gr ee ne exeu 0; eye a enrefi e e eee e Leeq neaj q Bog

entree qrneeerl‘ej oeej l eve aepelexgxe j j i eggee geq re geeegege

oemwe ne e apexe‘

a: ape arms 0 ; eye refl enl‘been 0 ; eye eebfelee ,e

embfeleee esfit fieq yncenepe fi geeprl In Iuceeegece eg g {ugz e epegc

rmengwenc eve r uee geq go frpexej rxe pee Ve g se e e 3 9 b eeeeoc

eve sows t zsee'ape reee vmq wev z so sessi on ex ex sue vcs' epre

g ene eoeseuq7efi ape geqeeer ve g eee j req*

game ne ee qeergeq peget e’

gpe Legeeef gebj ei ee e preprj rpl ve z’

In gpeee ee e e e ape Leryeeeqe

specpt t gee ( Elana emee fl eqee are eengmen e , ueee eneepree vage on

$ps 3 39 5 6 ee ee e ez geq aementyfi IUA Q IA & fins dfl 6 fi 3 7 0 9

At the tri al pla i nt i ff reli ed upon def endant's general

negl i genc e and vi olati on of i ts Rule 16 .

Where an employee i s i njured i n a swi tch movement and

claims negli gence through fa i lure to give a si gnal , he must show

tha t de fendant‘s servants knew or had reason to beli eve tha t he

was i n a plac e or danger. gagggggg§g_ n hlg, gihgg, 280 U . 8 .

v . Boston 5 g; En Ba» 62 Fed . ( 2 ) 782 . Plai nt i f f test i fi ed tha t

the ni ght of the acc i dent, after rec eiv i ng the call to work, he

entered the Yard and came to a frei ght trai n standi ng on the M a in;

tha t he spoke to a brakenan standi ng on the north si de of the trai n

and, ac cordi ng to eusten and observed by the brakenan, he c li mbed

betwe en the ears and tha t, wi thout warni ng , the trai n was moved

suddenly as a result of whi ch. he was thrown. and i njured , We

thi nk thi s testimony tended to prove the general negli genc e .

Where an i njured employee depends for recovery upon

the vi olati on of a custom or rule, he must show that he came wi thi n

the custom or rule . ghggggggggnn higl

v . hhha s; Thegsen v . Downez ,

aad w 7 . Ge Ix Kg go” 525 App ; 5 76, Plai nti ff

testi fi ed that the course he followed a ft er enteri ng the Yard

we e customary for him annih i s fellow m loyees; that thi s custom

was known to and acc ept ed by the defendant; wha t defendant's rule

No. 16 prescri bed two short blasts of a whi stle to si gnal the

starti ng of a trai n from a standi ng posi t i on; tha t the rule was

sustenari ly compli ed wi th; and that the trai n was standing and

suddenly moved wi thout the whi stle bei ng blown . We thi nk thi s

take to the jury the questi on whether

vi olati ng rule Nos 16;


nosrq Fi ll pea” 10 c ame so kph even a; gat e umq mos fees gpfi n goo

7 800 moat g as; 01 SEQ 5 13 6 3 ag axo bywrnczxx 8 5 18 pa na e j fi gg kg g )

boyng‘emeamqymfi pa ape g ab 3 apm7 3 gaq 5 3 3g rye parexs awe aoxc xpvy

Apexs cps LLQB £ any 0 1 csne use aufi onhreq 15 0m gpe gbwru'


ggua'wooexqgnfi go augyaaaz sq z a egywonh

‘ass eganqz fi fi

owxa 3 0 9 5 01 3 9 8 9 mane $0 3 8 4“

a pes spa cfi grme saaru mas measq‘pug fi pau fi g fese: gps gzxas gem

gnwz swwv Ha ve pe z ona moag czmfl ape chwzm anq awe znjaz eg‘so;

cayennei snfia aq so ep@ Qa nl ape: abags so qezsmqgfis5 a

ru innoq 8 Iz z cre se a: at £9 8 HG£THTBE cswbavl'

bfarfl crz z la

spnO fl ep 9 3 borwp wrong IQ 0 L gg g ame gxom cps ewfirfl e guq A 3 8

gurrqrnfi’0 8 9 8 so gys Ag G Q L gasyu acq ngynfi on spa asrn

’ wrympsq

gave; txgen empe brmfi gas gang mj gyfi gp @ .fi smt az qa c g gpe gaxgmyufi

‘nsxfl xufi'

v: five says} we geagrgreq ape ; pa omossaq “ppm bfi aagfl fl fl

vmq A? GC LE wag awe TU 3H& % Q M Q Q U aye sm% :u mas apgnseq n pofi g

t ug Iggy seas o; g agayqyna aneyapc £L$ IB c onayagrse on xv engi ne

gnwxamwn 6 1 gya w boee‘pa hoomwamaag u £6 pgea e en fps Iscp ‘

bywz wgrz g erj eaeq spas sxpga Ingenmyma qs;enq&a g,s

t ug bysrsgrgg, a &m@ jolwemc In ruceL egwge mommsxso‘

mvvrz oag asyfiwg ox pus earqeuaa Q H fps dfi osgygue 0 g { 3 3 9 9 5 178 3 3 6 3

Esgauqaug aj ae cowgggq a cpw a anqyae re fi fig gvac figs

G Q H Q TQ O L sari cps gaa oxspj e earqgwee g ag Jugea aue aa

manqyfifi 0g $3 19 I@’

In gfi arqrmfi sways aa a acrsua‘psxaA aL


ra z ea caosa gnaw 7 3 3 c hase—axwmrusg z su o; bIE ¥U £ILL JU Q { Lam gpa

ge agrwoua nnz aaexsp j e £9 byvyugJLL avg aagaeage HULSA Q Lfi pI Q

on cpsac Q GA SLE I da eegrana 0; Ian gagsngeng morass z

Ibi s divergence between plaintiff's allega tions and proof

and hi s attorney's argument i s a serious one . Allowing for the

prevailing darkness i n the ford, we still cannot reconcile the

divergent theories. Where a pla inti ff reli es upon negligence ,

arising from factswhich he alleges, he establishes a theory under

lying hi s case . The case he presents to the J ury should support

tha t theoryi Ki n opponent has the right to expec t such a presenta tion

i n preparing the de fense . In Nhie c ase , one theory was followed i n

proof and another i n argument . Both cannot be reconc iled with the

evidenc e and phyei eal fac tl i They are inconsistent with each other .

If the ac c ident happened as plaint iff's a ttorney argued to the J ary,

i t could not have happened as plaintiff said it had . Plaintiff

cannot have the advantage of Keaa'location wi thout the disadvantages.

If he wee injured where he cave he wee , he could not have been on

the cut of care whi ch was noVing . If he was injured i n the movement

of the out of care, he could not have been i njured. where he says

he was; i f we say that, because of hi s injury, he does not rec all

where the acc ident occurred, we cast a . ehndow over all of h i s

testimony. In view of the distances whi ch . we have hereinbefore

marked and wi ll hereinafter refer to, we cannot be sai d to require

undue prec isi ono All of the defendant's employe es who testified

on the point , located the plac e of plaintiff's ia ry near the

Canning Fac tory, at almost 800 feet east of where plaintiff say!

he was injured and. nore than feet east of where pla intiff‘s

a t torney loca tes the i nJuf?e Q here i e no theory that the tra in

Pla intiff admit ted saying in the pro-trial deposi tion of

Kurd office as he was traveling on a line t outhweet from hi e home ,

He denied testi mony of a c cnvereati on wi th a fellow employee after

no waHrQ Q ~¢nmarnov1 0: t oouA ennfi grcn nxrp s z ofran embreksc

xusq oz xgfis an we as: £ 3 9 4 9 113 8 an t Irma aafi gynsa: axes p7 8 pome*

accepex'ré vfi saw: vs Asa Inuaneq 6 3 w Downssac mange than QEO

LT?TV C¥LL eqmraceq aaz Infi 1” eye bL e-cbrwr qebeezsrcw 0 1

sgeoxnnl yocspss fifi fi rnfifiaa’

gpwun re no gpeoz m spa: ape pharn

p . use rvaafipg suq Haas saga g‘oog xsas ag e: on fi poxc i rugrgg, a

v u z ae Lfiacaxk? W: gra ces goo tees ewes oz avsng Extrusrxz axi s

an ape natvg’reoaaeq cps brac e o; ofwrwgrz x,s ra ifi nl mean age

nvqam D hfi fi i fl lg u’

VII 0 ; figs gaasq usl ¥ ee okoe fl ape z sart z z eq

asxxoq avg paxsz us£¢ ea L agsx so‘a s c auses pa eq no L edg rne


19 A I Q A a t gys graxfimoc a Aprcp a s pfl a e p Q LEIUPGLO LB

ape». egg seexq ang emanahax'

fl u ewe; s awwgua OA S L as: a; gra

pa ase' 1a as 8 8 3 gysg‘peeafi ae a; p16 z uznni

‘pg qasB fl og Lac qyy

a; gye ea : 0; an‘U @ c oq mos Q?A & pg gm rujansq KHGLfi we EELS

gp e e g g 3 ; cans mgysw fl H G wuarufi'

ya ya mes yfi jnheq xn fine £ 0 A 6W8fi 3

11 pa ass rszmngq mpaxa pfi asks ye xve‘pa oewz q neg pg a a pe au on

canvaspag e av e a; gfiss, yoea pi sn axgpwmc ape greq wugg fieb'

ta aegra was Q E A Q fifibfi fifi fi q as brerusrxg ewxq If ngq'


It figs fiaey% eug ywbbgmé g t a u pgcnmek fi z fia gq 5 c spa a i ’

sarqsncs g fi q hykerewr Lassa“

$pem yuc enaraaeug mygp asap oapan'

bxaa; sag fi fi fi fiWQ L In axfl fimeng'

ga pg cesfl ag pa neaaueyraq nygp spa

In bLfibe ufi cps qeg anea‘

IE gyye c aes’ sue £p 5 0 Ll fl e a Laj yoa aq 3 3

spy: spfi onl'

gi g ebbeasng na g gas b ffipc so exbaec saep s bLsaevafi gran

Ikxnfl F} ? ag gs'

£5 3 axes ms ua asefl z a 3 0 ag e inah ayufi j q anbeox:

wnrarfl fi gnaw Lyegs fipffi p ye we eugspxz ap aa w gp eosa ayqean

qIA a L Q $ng apaobra a’

apehg w bjsruprgg L &II $$ abou usayyfieuaa‘

bxsgsyyqnfi qnmgnaaa 3m spa §fl fi Q‘gs egg} : c finnog L gsame rya gas

a p1 3 aggq unalxa fl nfiwwsfi fl 1a a ashi enfi sue“

VIIQ A IQ Q { on spa

gyya qragnfievco pegmeefl bragugrgg ,c sjyé fia prane Eng have;


be ing discharged from the hospital tha t ho was hurt at a point near

the canni ng Fac tory,”going through

”a moving train . He denied

toatimony of defendant‘s c laim agent and a court reporter or a

sta tement by hi m April l2th tha t he was laj aran when the moving tra in

started to stop . He oai fl he did not recall saying than he was not

euro unethor ho wont be twe en ‘mmnoi l barns and tho Canning Fac tory

or want of the oil barns, and di d not remember saying he crossed

the "stock” trnok . Thi s track was north of the "post ing“ track

for several hnnfl rcd rest . It began east of the Canning Fac tory.

Plaintiff admi tted at the trial that the “stook'traok did not extend

as far west as the oath alongside the Refinery. He sa id he did not

rocoli saying i n tho Apri l l2th sta tonont thnt the tra in was going

wast, no denied saying i t was going 12 or 15 miles an hour . He did

not recall saying_ ho was 13 or 15 cars book of the engine , or tha t

he was going to ride on the train aunt long enough to oroos the tra ck ,

or tha t onr gota oarsloso working around “that stuff“, or that 10 or

12 oars had paosco. hi n after the aooi oont .

We recogni z e that tho orodi bi li ty of wi tnesses i s for the

Jury and that this qnosti on include . tho consideration of plaintiff‘s

impoonhmont by previous sta tements and testimony. There wore other

fac tual di opntoa snob as wha t time plaintiff was oallod, and for

wha t Job, and whothor he was oonooi oua or unconsc ious after the

oooi oent . we noon not oonsi dor those matters, however , for i n View

or wha t we have alreaay said, the Judgment most be reversed and the

c anoe romandod oinoo the verfl i ot is against tho manifest weight of

In ai fl or a now trial wo wish to point out tha t we see no

error in the trial oonrt'o re fusal to submi t interroga tories Nos, 5

n o i am u se pk ms qeu m w‘

O L LO L to one JL IS I oooi g ,e LGLfi BB I go oopnra Ingennoaooot toa aoi‘Q

In org on a non si x-J no uron no borne on: gong an ac e no

one o;:qonoo*

ovat e Loma oq t i mes one A GLQ IG c to ansroag coo wonxz oag h orny: oz

0 ; upon no pa i n ort oooi oorg'poo inofinonc none no t oi onooq onq gpo

oooxqoug' no neog no: oonq on anooo nwggono‘gam on on

‘{ on In axo n

Apt : iop‘woo anoopon no one oouoorooo on oooonooqono oggot ape

tongue; qrsbngoe Hoop no h oax g zwo hj oynnylx non onj j og’ ovq Lon

ymbouopuouo pi bnonrono ngooowon i o son nosgywomi'

$fi 8 l $ mono scoot

Qa z i Fug one: cove dno acz on IU C J fl Q ®$ one oouoz qonncz oo or bfuyngrg1 ,n

go L GG GfiB I So goon one a i ooypyrroi o; nyanooaon ye Lon ago

18 c at s nag hooooq gym ogcot poo noq omg*

on one: one goes Gonorooo monn fi onoono “gong ocogxw'

0 L opt s ya 0 L

no a g o go q s on 3 9 6 gonz o loop yonfi ouonfip so onooo one gnoog'

no: Loc o} ; ooi z ufi no non IS on IQ ont o poo? ox cps onfi yuo’

on ppnc

h ooc'

no qonxoq oni yufi yr moo Rorofi 13 on I? oyyoo on poat ’

ho qrq

L GGS II osi yng 3 3 goo VbL TI rggy ogopumonc opt : ope gi n?” a g o

so { on one: on non noon oronfiorqo goo gogynont*

go oorq no qz q nonx

BI'Tfi srll sqnspz oq g t rue thrfl f £$E £ £9 6 ”Q f O O F a £3 9 6 3 GT? ”9 ? 6 3 28 3 6

Lou senator pnnqnoq Loor‘

If potou ov er on ope Go uoz nfi googot i’

cps "snoop“ gnoog


p o gt oog moo no tsp on one Noonaynt u gi ven

on noon og ago a} : pobna’

avg org non z h moopot t oni ng no otoao , q

ont o unognot yo g own pognoon .Q M i cyj poi ma nuq rue aouvgnfi hou got i

oct t goq go ogoh'

3 s c oi n no g 7g woo Loot } ; oshrnh gr ow as n . u neg

cct eoneng pi gym whi z ] for? now: no non z oj fl i oo npou goo mooxng story

geogrnoni o; qoxonqong ,o offl yo swoon onq o c oa ts t obongon oz o

opt ceuu7n€ meogoni'

“tornfl npoonfin”w wongnfi KL ETE

'no gonz oq

porna oz oopcnfioo { Lfi fi opo noomrgor gpo g no one onto o: o boyog noon


We also wish to point out tha t , after pla int iff‘s c ase

was in, plainti ff was given leave to amend hi s c omplaint so as to

make more spec ific eubparagrsph 11 ( h ) . After all the evidence was

i n and the instruc tions were under discussion, plaintiff's attorney

i n ob j ecting to instruc tions offered by defendant as to the

charges i n paragraphs 11 ( b ) and 11 ( c ) , said there was no need of

these instructions since the charges i n those paragraphs were

abandoned . The verdic t was returned January 12 , 19 44 . January 22nd ,

defendant moved for Judgment notwi thstanding the verdic t . M ay i 5 th

the court granted plaintiff leare to file the amendment to sub

paregnwnh 11 ( b }. June 25 rd, defendant's motion for Judgment was

Amendment may be made after verdic t or Judgment to conform

the pleadings and proof . In this case , however, an amendment was

permi tted to a paragraph which had been abandoned . On the basis

of the abandonment, two instruc t ions offered by defendant appear to

have been refused. fie complaint i s made or thi s. We simply point

Judgment of the superior dourt i s rev ersed and the c ause

i s remanded for a new trial.

vac sssns'dd



ye nema eq ken u use nnzsy*

gnqnsenn on gas sne enxen c ng In L eneneeq‘mc cps sense

on; ape eowqyefos on see see


pens pass negesse‘

no oce byeyng 7s nsqs a; gpye‘

es eye bfi borer

a; spe sp euqeunesc’( no Iseansc ene ei geneg pi degemqsn: efibesn so

benu z ngeg re a bunsfinsbn nnz cy pee peen epeugoneq'

on see pests

cps breeq znns sa g bncog'

In cwz e oe e e‘pcnenen

’en se euqmeng ne e

ene e gesng wen pe me gs execs senqxen on inqsmen: no c on1ens

qeufe q seq inqee esg no; eyeync;xx eneeneq°

bi nsfinebn II ( p )*

fifi fi e ogne‘eegeng e se, e negren ge n Esqfisse c ne e

cps cones fissures e j e gnngg; Te ens no gri n cue sweegnsng co ene~

se z swssu z eases nos dsede sse nonsensesessrwfi ens sebsz ec‘ssh Jess

sp enqoneq‘

nps n enqrcx ne e L e genusq qemne nl ys’


sensenl gssq

gee se Ine ensesgose si nc e cps newness 1s gynae sensaesbne nsne

spendes In esneaneeye II ( p ) e nd If {s)‘eerq teens se e no nose or

In opdn egre d go xnssne”

gyese c sseq en qez seqeus se 5 0 see

In sue ge e Ine gnnegyons n one nnq en qz ec ne eyee’

oyen ygglr ~v essel

megs eons ee eexxyc sesbsnsunsbe yy {pj’

eggen s} : pee enyn ene e use

A t e xn’ byeyngyzx use di nes j eS t fi cu enesq eye c emej srug no e n so

As “1 9 0 A rts 3 6 0 0 7 3 2 one assr‘steam Orsrwcrnt gs sees


( esvb*eee


‘ot towsenz t mess tense 0; fWC i fi

6 ( ac )’ wasv 0

'191'rue fi ns Joe 0 1 see wane» Aeprore veg

or gpe onLa eq Lovq In g reyegyon o; hsn'reg ( u )

‘( p )'


h egrrdeooe ru t arna er en nunesoonwpye obese any on ape among erqa

In tha t» c embrarws suck caveat ens eat eq nce A 199

bj sru pyxxe none yulaneq «no sworn engosopxre pagi l quesdeq'

hLoeeeqeq eonap eues ope n: 300 Leon egret ewe eorrrsron‘


c ane no use: span: reg Lees se as ea cps areqse c‘

xpe canon-st arrei

ponnqsnl o; ens pxfiph ri seq ac e qslj eogeq nonsense: evens re

Loeq on no a qrnc eponj qen uuq rage e new: daanqrud ape not cp

eonsperae’ooyj rqeq

‘greyspygxs, d en aseneq uongnneeg or; or one

as» enq spa Ice combsui , e annex-guerj en Q L IAB Q pl gvsgsn poa

reeqrnd h ogan cps gpz oefio e nongnae egenn 3'B



rvxo'z yrypoye

'V9 pool oee e he soon: cpo c ongen o; u yond canes

noel goons naann aesn on n'g'Ethanol no

'Ii'emetosoprud ablaz e:


HdIU the eyes bt ea eyj eq sag ape bsa ewon; are h as as

Aesaenn abnqn§e*Ifzxeoye 7m st ern foes gong combo Lon engqeon

nz eraez tae‘

fl esh and ante nnae aererud'rat: name to

one ia nsmo none can qe genqange’

hug bysruzxgge peas ebbeeyee'

pegneen bjsxnnz ng e , unpoeopxre nag qegenqengu, canox'


bnobennl geesfie enraged on: on a G Q IIIEIO U on gebgenpen gg‘raeg

gore { e no sorrow co nec oa en gen hensoner a uaye e enq


hB‘bBEaIDIhd lQ aLICE KITXI DdFIAEHEB lhh oszulou ch

3 8 F l?”

3 5

seq Bea uzsxsa’

soon connel'

ananxseon tcn'

oonavnx‘w eesneee ere e


eonnem a‘

t figfl fi

Rieken testified tha t he was "coasting

“ down the highway

about 20 miles an hour . The highway inc lined slightly to the east .

Ray Schuster testified that it was “pre tty hard“ to Judge speed

wi thin i d miles of the ac tual rate . He said he would not c are to

judge the speed of the truck . Ruth Schuster "did not particula rly

se e the truck approaching ." Harian Marvil , pla intiff

's witness,

gave as her opinion of the truck-trailer's spe ed 40 miles per hour.

She was, accordi ng to her testimony,“10 or

“15 or 20“ feet

to the rear of pla int iff's c ar on the curve . we cannot say the Jury

should have found that the truck-trai ler at the time of the ac c ident

was being driven at an unreasonable rate of speed .

Ri ches says he di d not decrease hi s spe ed while going

about the curve . Plaintiffs sei z e on this testimony as support for

the ir cla im that defendant violated paragraph 146 of the Ac t , by

failing to slow dovh as .ho rounded the curve . we do not agree that ,

under the c i rcumstaneee~of this case, the Jury was requi red to find

defendant negligent i n not reduc ing the speed below 20 miles an

hour as he drove around the curve,

At the plac e where the collision oc curred the highway i s

36 feet wide . The black cent er line divi des it into two 10 feet

lanes. The inside or southeast edge i s about 15 inches lower than

the outside or northwest edge , This point i s about the center of

the curve . The curve hers, ac cording to the testimony and exhibi ts,

i s sharper. It i s obvious tha t if plaintiff's Ford and the entire

truchp trai ler passed each other while each was on i ts own side of

the highway, the c ollision would not have oc curred, Since it did

going in. the opposite direc tion, the question of which one so

pys ensure: educates ong aees In and eseo‘

Reyna re nee cheesece-


gee desseren on seven one es

cub csni e' an. cut i e sens“

ec ceneyefl so see geesznosl seq expcprce’

emcees eels no one so: cesseseo nee obese .nn13 e toyed

enefl le sees issue spec ens sesct~nbsri sx e a ass ores O L and coarsest

no ape nseL oi crszssee1 ,e est en see ent i e'

he senses eei one Ecni

ape net’unsch exud so we t gessqooni

'“3 3 on yea

“I Q on 50 ¢ Les:

Rene we not ebrsqoe en see £Lfi afi‘fLfi ffé a she eq cc nyysn he ; poeh

at e the sheer ethnoeestvfi‘a hgfi Tfi fi neaeqr

'Drvrucret , a sxeg ess

loses cse abeee .ot sea annex

“secs censseee geld use beseroere b z h

A I tWTfl 7c acres 0: cps sooner asce‘

an evre we socrq use c ase an

std essences casset tes the: I: use abasest sees“ as tests whens

shee t as stree we seen“

ass exhaust Icarrnee greenerl as see c ess

srsx-s ge nerates cps: we use«sevecrvfi t sens see nrdne et

At the tri al Rey Sohueter testi fi ed tha t he observed the

truck-trai ler'

epprnaoh and tha t i t and the Ford were i n thei r

proper lanes i n the hi ghway, and that they passed and that i n all

she remembers. Hi s wi fe test i f i ed tha t they were traveling about

3 5 mi les an hour on the ri ght si de of the hi ghway and tha t thei r

ear passed the cab of the truck and tha t the trai ler struok thei r

oer and ”we were swept ri ght off the road “a” M ari an hervi l

testi fi ed that she was dri ving her ear to the rear of pla inti ffe'

for about 10 or 15 mi les; tha t she was drivi ng abou t 5 5 mi les an

hour and tha t the two oars kept about the same rela ti ve di stanc e;

tha t goi ng about the term plai nt irts'car was about "10 or 14“ or

$15 or 20” fee t ahead of wi tne ee‘ear; that the treat came down

the ”i noli ne rather feet“; tha t the impee t oeeerred a t the “e agle


of the eurre; and that the trai ler “lurched”over i nto the north

westbound lane and struck ple i nt i ffe‘ear . throwi ng i t off the road

i nto the guard rai ls

Ri ckeh testi fi ed that the tra i ler was 8 feet wi de; tha t

he was dri vi ng about 6 i nches from the seeth edge or the hi ghway;

tha t the Ford eeme toward hi m "pretty fast and i t straddled" the

black center li ne of the h ighway and as i t came eloser the front

end was “cu tti ng i nto meg

” that the truck passed the Ford and tha t

all he knew was that somethi hg hi t the trai ler, as though soh eone

ha d thrown a stone agai nst i t and tha t he stepped and di scovered

the aee i deh t and that“no part or my outfi t“ devi a ted free the

ri ght si de of the reada

Plai nti ffs were corroborated by the testimony of Wi tness

Hervi l tha t, at the time of the colli si on, the ?ord was on the

ri ght si de of the hi ghway. In hi s pretri al deposi ti on Ri ekee sta ted

that when ht fi rst observed Sehueter'e ear i t was i n. the proper lane an

that when i t paeet d. hi n, i t was i n i ts proper lane but comi ng toward

svvsants r: bvafl eq firw‘r¢ use 1” Ice bnaben rt us pas coarse can-ma

{gag ugyy pQ xrnsc s ex;sq gcpaagon,a can xc man rm pan bnobas IWHG

breve urge ax av? nvfianfl h' xn urn knack I qafioaralpw M TQI Q U en'seq

(xfntlr gyw:

'vs awe £13 9 0; awe salrrntan

five song age 9 3 gr!

31$IU£ILxe mane acm@ opafiqceq pm spa seasrman&k ax gygygau

n:&yc a; are Lava”

gwo z aorqcug sag $9 9 ; wao bWL fl 01 ml aaxarxu q3 4 1wgaq LKQ W £9 9

vsq apnamn 6 scene vfifl ffi fi c Ifi avg xmsc pa asebbeq v " q a:ac &a &h fiq

a]: pa Knaa fi a a gwag eamagg zfifi pxg gga we syfi fl fifl aawaaue

ouq 5 3 3uen gprafi yugo we té sfi

fl fi figs gxaex bweeeq gas gang'

gmq xpw:

praox osaggf 17 0 6 oz 3 3 5 U¥§fi fl fi l fl ag we 13 same azaawa ape axons

cps: ans xesq ogwe saawag firw “b aacsh ag es enq xc sn&eqq7 6qu eyv

‘po A fi fi gxxgg

fifi spofi p Q rfi epsfi gygm eye aaapp agge 9 1 ape fl yxnuwmt

affii fi fl $8 8£TLI Q Q fivfi fi fl fl fi fifi fi ilsl fl fl a 9 { Get AI Q fi 3 fifl fi fi

Into nfi g fiafinfi

neespoaww 3 3 3 6 wag agbacg awn“ gnno&xwfi xx 9 11 fps Lava

a; fps omaas! g ag gnap gas gusrj en “Ifi&spfi qa Q A Q L yuga spa nnngyb

cps “z nfi rrnc awryaa gaega z gpag ape fxbac a osaamnag g: ap$

$7 9 as 3 9 , Lssa gfiesq ax a ggneaa , a fi u: gym; fip fi gags: awae gaan

gpwc 89 13 8 fipone £9 6 aux” bjsrfi grx§a, c g ; fi g fi g gqnc “I0 an yea on

poaL an? gpfi c £pe ewna Kean spc a f pp é saws Laz agxas grasgusel

gen cpofi : IQ OL 19 agrea z spa ; ape A g e gxraz ufi apaa g 3 g mirea as

coefirazfiq ppwe efifi fi fi fi ghraywfi gun own 3 0 ga s keg » a; b19 3 fi £T;LG ,

cvn tag “as fi fi xe a&ahe aJfiwa GLL aya xawa fi’

u xfixxsn fl fibkff

c an be eesq rye asp 0a spa rhfi qg wag fipwz xv» fiawxrfi t Etnaex ¢FGJ3

9 9 wxrea an was» GB zwo L z fips alga 0; gpe wrfiyaxa sag apfi e znsz h

pa Lewampexa'

age urgg gsugz gyaq gpg r £ESB .M $L 8 gfi fi A é ITfl fi mpanc

bbobex v sfi fa fl?! Ftfiphfil‘WW? swvc final bfi e asq “Hg gfifis 3 9 85 !

gnncxb gz srysk emblfig ap avg gpwg y; $ 3? gya gang n¢xc IE

v: ¢H ¢ fish acfl amfi fim se ani greg gas: F0 opgan4 $q fifi fi

the black cantor li ne . He a lso stated tha t , goi ng around the curve

ho had to watch hi s truck and di d not know where the sshnstsr auto

mshi ls was wi th referenc e to the blask li ne . It wi ll be seen tha t

thi s testimony i s somewha t di fferent than that gi ven by hi m at

the tri al . At the tri al he sa i é . he saw the pla inti ffs'ear hfter

he was lfls or 15 6 feet out from the viaduet . In the pre—tri al

exposi ti eh his tsstimahy was tha t hi s fi rst vi ew of the car was

as he same fro: uhfisr the vi aduct ;

It mi ght seem in V i cW'

of the di fferensss i n defendants'testimsny, before and at the tri al , tha t ths wi tness Karvi l'atesti mony should wei gh the ssals 1h pla i nti tts

‘favor . The Jury,

hswsver, may have cahsi dcrsd improbable her testimony that she

was drivi ng 5 5 mi les her hour aver the wet pavement, turni ng the

surva at a di stanc e of ehly“10 ts “13 or 20“ feet to the

rear hf plai nti ffs'cart The Jary may have beli eved tha t i t she

V ero tha t close aha hardly h t fl lfi have avai aca the truck-trai ler

whi ch ai d net hi t hsr can“as far as I khan“ and plai nti frs

‘veeri ngear . tn» Jury may have , i n thi s vi ew, further beli eved tha t i t she

were mnhh further to the rear at the poi nt at i mpac t , her posi ti on

fer assurate persepti sn sf the rear at the trash-trai ler was ne t


It is trap that the ski d marks were found only north or

the c enter line, they are net so located, hhwsver, so as ts make

tha Jury‘s wsmhhng unwarrant ed, Photsgrsphs i n svi dshh e, taken by

Ray Sehhh tor shew tha t the sentsr of the left side of hi s c ar bore

the brunt of the impactf There is only obs p i cture of the front

of the car . Thi s thaws damage to the left hsadli ght at a poi nt

Thfirm were no pi eturss avai lable sf the si de of the left front

Ishtar or plai nti ffst ssr . We bel i eve thi s ovi dchc o of the physi cal

qvuvi o ya consteg ensnyrp qvxcq naa, epeenm 01 avg oucrqoug“

novqon ox bysrnarz ga , cas*

no porteao ppra eA z qamcs o; ape bpkarogy

LP‘k l none no brscfi l g i UAW7 I3 PI° 01 cnv GIGS 61 £9 0 Iexc thank

I Q A O I fi ts? own qv-t fie so £9 0 kafi n afi qfl uwnq oz cps anwrrex’

0 : cps csx' awwa spea s qvwvfl fi so ewe IO L$ fivsqrrevs 3 : 8 bozgfgwe pnnu: o; cps Imbweg

'gpaxo { a mark opt byegano o; gp é xnone

xvi aonnt rex vpau saw: spa aouxen 0 1 cps rat: BTW“ ox five a ah pans

ape 1a z a‘e aalgtpg fiuuxmkwmxeq*

ggvgoasfi bpa In ea z qencs‘gfigsa pa

cps c eugen fruo*

gash i t s fins an yecsgeg’pomaA en

‘3 0 we go myxe

13 we ppfi a spas spa EYIQ m xa mean Lg fivq oyyfi naxgp a;

A O L ) geod‘

Lon vacnnscm bfi ne sn on ox spa Leas 0 g $9 0 gz ncgn cbwrj oa A Q B nag

A 6 L$ afi ap zwngpeb £6 flp fi L b aa as zvs boyup oz ywbesg'gs; haargras


Lve ianl max psa e‘3 6 cpre A 1 3 8

“xfi nxwen p¢rraAsq rfiw: {E Q fl g

Aprcp n 3 0 g fiwg ycn @ #x “as we 1 Kama “ avg affirngyxxa,‘ag enyn§

A GLfl £p3 £ O I Q B Q was pungfa ewfiyg pe as fia e rqsg spa gnfi nga gnvryS L

new; 01 braz agrgxfi , c an*

aym fifixl max pv as p Q II Q A Q q ;p3 3 7 1 age

aaka e t a w qxptwves ax evi l are $0 fea‘

are 0 % 3 0 ” £8 9 : 3 6 eye

Ki t qL IAyufi Q Q £ 7xsa was HO fi L aasL z fie nap baa euemp’gg LH IBE cps

pamea eb‘max pwa g oauayqegeq rmbfi apvpj e fl Q L fe agrmofl i avg : aps

z aasrmq aa uponyq merhp ppa EGWIS rm oysrneraz a i a:A @ L*

spa iaxi'

gcsfirm0 fl l‘psz ah e anq fi g rye gnyer

‘n ; gyc mz cg eae gsnali na

Ifi myfigc aaam 19 g ram a; spa qrggsncne&e 3m

t a pQ eggs gLow fifi qa z cue aysg fi c g*

qcbeergycn p7 8 ;sfi gywe3 1 a g e cya n p1 9 Lrk ag A z ca 0; eye 6 8 } A va

ps Ava IE? on 190 ( as: G ag { new spa A IB Q fi G t“

In cps bL Gfl fiLIF I

gwfl vs sue pfi afi rq vs fl an five brfi i n$7xxfi , gen 9 3 3 6 :

59 10 ge egymuui re aamfl ug fl a n gsp g yg gvan ppaa fiyn am pa yrm a:

wop z fo A1 3 fi rsw Lsz snanee go gpg prang 3 15 3‘mg M IT} 9 8 fi e em cyfi e

pa gwg so A t gap aye abaafi ?fi @ gyg sa g xuwfi HU 6 &@ cps QGfiH Q Q Q L enca

syv 9 13 0 ! oaugsn I7 u0'

1 9 wj az aafi goq spwg'Royvfi $ 3 0 GH§ sfi t O R LA O

fit : versespk the fittest as vc'Inertsetrts Is In se e nary Q t shn

meerxree pt setetnst ct‘est ye seems Green fifi’t brsrvctxta “sis

bouqensfl he 01 ans eert ee° a at stuns; enbnehe pun {necnneeyou we

is; ens g enes In the tseenhnexun In one: eeee‘“enuncyneee s bte n

henneué t neeeeutfige ennnrntrefi'

ppe: gee Lee; i n qrehnee rs ghee“

ei xqenee*

gei sneenee sens enneexnngeq see ne i ge’

a?“enti rerene es

ynsenseaqeee seshne en exe ee . epe ren . ee £0 green: t he syneee eeee crer

as: one err 111'nee

“she et

zvsz aec etov no°

Is 5 9 ererlen co £H9 Rene rescxsocxonu

u; enoepes‘

gti ysa epe'

vnexnee gyeu sn ren he has ens pens‘one In ens Q yi refi

unneee en‘In ens ens Lei enerpre ennen se e {sang use In

e c e ebcspye‘

eyeeeefin ens fenn “synese eesnneeu erase pe nyeyssqynfi'

A O Lq z n eye re eresg rnsz nee gyen‘penei en

‘nenes 1: sons

ape : Ge ne en theehfl efixom ere z j en ge {yrs h ue greehbneneq'

é pe

brsrvcxtta h ere when fl i t?A“ Ess


t sstfd'res Irr" v5"



ape eeé e *

as eee no metre TU age axi ng enygz eyan’nan ens eeeenq

,eenezl“ seq neeene e gee tseh ye ne t Jenyeee $0 eye ee zqsne e ye

z en a nyi eynfiyrnfi on: eye “scenes nsne tf’gen nee ex gne


anal perveneq’

eepe nnreeb

ngeynz yi z s enyxycyes snre revet menron

bnexvc‘gees sf} eye teens fi ne syneee ensne ee an eye oeee‘eye

p eryene seeegpvnfi pe e geesseneyi peeenee s e ygneee se seseeq‘

Ineetse zree no'3 eeyq ens lent epei n ese neg peeve so

z en q exewgsngn‘

nsi enseq peesnes ex ant e; tn nus ayernd o; c ensure sesrnsepjens

gee brerhfiltla noebysyn yes; she leehnenc apenrg he

efisrnse see wearxsec neffinn on eye ne zqenee“

10 oevejnsrou h e eeryei e nee : eye g enera; nee use


He do not believe, havever , the t the giving or it we e error . lo

other i netructleu was offered at given defining“proxima te cause“

and thi s i netrueti on aaa not aeflne the term well . bat we bel ieve

the Jury could understand the det inlti en given .

Plainti ffs compla in a: the giving at instruc ting he . 18 .

It veld the jury ta take late eoaei dereti on, i n deteru lni ng how

aneh cre é enoe Sn give plei ntlfra'evi denae .

“tha t they are plai nti ffe

and interested in the result at the sui t .

pla i nti ff t he

the defendant was 3 corparnti an ana the/bnly‘

wi tneea enti tled to

rec eive er be liable far the payment at mane} . 5 g, 5, g, a, g.

e u gmgzgggg, $11 111 . 9 . It nae be en eanfl eened where defendante

are na tural pereane only ( fixfi f "

mfi £43 111 . App .

anfi . where there i s a oerpara te and na tural aerenfl aat and both the

pini ntirr and na tural aeteadant teeti fy.‘EQ QLLQ QAQLQ v . 22213;ggg

M m 111 . Am} . 19 25 . In the M M the giving of the

In the fiy é n u e


instruc tion tuld the jury i t ehould

net discredi t defendant's teatlueuy “free . eepr1e e or'eerely bec ause

he fie deteafiaat .* In the instant cane i nstruc ti ens 15 enfi 16 i nstrueted

the Jury generally as to the bias intereat, etc . at wi tnesses.

Suefl alone . the eorpore te aerendeat woui a have been enti tlefi to the

i netéamti aa. Plaintiff Joined Rieken as cc-é efeadant . The

i taltei z ea weeds. apparently coaght $9 liai t the i nstruc tlen to the

Ic e eenyeny. We eauaet any that fine lastrae t ian given misled the

Inetreetlen fie . 22 told the jury tha t each plainti ff wee

cut, henna to extrexee crfl inery cure to leak g ut fer denser and to

i netm tim cri tic i z ed .

3 1. affirmed .

not beli eve , however, tha t the giving of it was erro

notruoti on was offered or given defining"proxima te

did not defi ne the t erm well , but eli ove

understand the definition given .

ruc tion Ho . 22 told the Jury tha t

so ordinary oaro to look

k dri Vor was,

i n the law

words,“look out for

ible erro n on no critici z ed ,

i s aff irmed.

plaintiff was

for danger and to

one was not held i n

the other . This

have been olear . The

been omi tted . Instruc tions

ned the meaning of the

PEAR m m mm'n'Genome

non ewe neefibna gyneo spa inqfiynvg To sxxynmeq*

no Lynq no Lsnnnarpys ennegfifn gys Ina pnnafirona onrgrorncq°

L qrueni none nsdn znng o; bgnymsrxg‘


86 a 3 9‘gon an en

’granny} ongj rang eye mnnnyng a; ego


“Ion; O fi fi Lon fi nngnn fl apofi fg pag e pceu omT :Q Q Q'

Inagfl nocxons

ruacnnnsron fi n e boonj i gnanu avg wni mos pnn e peen GIBS L’


nu} pytpon a Le e ogf nwne qn cpn {nn nnn fine engen'

npq a

snoz q z njnnk e a fine gnmafi extant ne e’ sun twat one nee neg pe j g { a

qual pnfimq co ,d i enaynn cnqyunnn oa n o so roan nag Lon qnwfien ang 3 0

gné gnnn zton he”

as £®I€ tfi e fia Li sung gfi fl p fl lfl i vcrz L A 9 8

tne finni noayq onqenngsmg fp6 qegynxcgon Sgnnn'

nag ante rmnpnnngyon qzq no: gegrne syn gong n nj f‘na g an p nfz ene

ocnfin rungnmngrnn'

nnn oggnneq on aye nn gngynrue onoxymngo onnne“

a go na g porré ne‘ eaan

’t flue fiz z rn

io; to nan onnen


ox c ont g*

ye p trnd e fee eves pone pl nnyr or at t end

coerce e r e; coax convex one he Del 8 ( 3 9 0 or $90 0 one coupe

ape A enqqos°

ne z a eng ne e eenheue eq no senh e 30 gels ya the

In enne eg o; leofime np sens g enreq vug logfimeu z ne e euneneq on

se enendeq re annexe I’8 egg 9

‘fl oeyene 10 3 3 one anger euq

oougryvrea fi HKUOM H InfiLeqyenpe'

é pe let l Leone qexeuqeun derj gl

Epi nyorene , exem3 5 1nd repre‘

e neenrryeynd oeprnec enq pocnre e

ederbbeq a rgp e enenpoeeebe’e pyeoq b i e e eez e ebh eL egne


aerugexneq en 0117 0 9 e: 3 3 00 none Ase genes apnee g’

Q prc eae’

q vsl cheepre at reef? i ewG ESX'

Q O HU £ e cpvxfieq new: qetewgven

q bne eenrpe e Tends de ee gz pi on grecfrj eq ne cen { on can eebboeeq

re fi t? we evened ceowpre‘scene 5 errefieq sync qexcweewn

qegenqen: gyefinoe eq‘

0 L egnee breq he graduoee‘rye errmevn o;

qrt ¢ c z eq aenqxc n as so sonnet I'3 end 9

'coon: I errefieq suvs

z en ape qeLemgens e n go Q oenee 9 e gg e erg qeuyeq negrone LO L 3

th i s; p ez ene ppe C Q fiL £ eon e i nLl'

gee coats qz t ec peq 9 nenqyog

use GA B LLfi j d g‘

, penee bou we breeqeq no: dorfgl'

i fifi eeee nee

3 1‘III




v entree to defi ne ape rez onwe eren

ararone at nee“

se 0; rec Keenan? axnc crce ec c‘( eee




or goo; Coonnl‘emenre goofi ng y ne e opengeq area arererz nd bLo

In e gene GOHU fi yngone e yz on xxj eq rm ape convex coong


bffi Tfi tlti I“ gnnen'

GOfl Edl Cfi fl fi é

Dexenqeng In gL L O L‘

bEfl wdn $9

BWOBPE On inn eaten on IPPIM OIe

Defendant urges tha t dounts 1 , 2 and 5 should have

be en quashed . The information i n the instant case is almost

identic al in form with. these i n People v . Shaver , 5 67 111 . 3 39 ,

Pegple v. ggggggg, 569 111 . 5 7 ; People v . Padsrewski , 3 7 3 Ill . 19 7 3

Eggplg,v . Mos, 3 81 111 . 25 5 ; Psoplg v . Kgbana , 3 83 111 . 284 .

The obJec ti ons‘

now urged were ma de la . the es cases and the same

authori ties used to sustain the c laim tha t no crime was properly

charged, and such contentions were denied . No error was commit ted

i n holding the informa tion $0 0 60

Defendant ma intains tha t the court erred i n permit ting

imma terial and irrelevant testimony on behalf of the People and

i n denying the motion to direc t a verdic t for the defendant . He

also insists that the verdic t and Judgment are contrary to the

law and evidenc e and that the court erred i n denying hi s motions

for a new trial and i n arrest of Judgment . Argni ng these points,

defendant states tha t the testimony of the compla ining witness,

Janosak , gave hi s opinion as to a technical subj ec t of which he had

no knowledge . The testimony of thi s wi tness was confined to wha t

he saw and heard . He described the furnishings of the office i n

terms tha t any layman would understand . he described the blood

pressure equipment and the manner in which it was used. The other

equipment described i s wi thin the common knowledge of the average

layman . The cour t did not err i n denying defendant's motion for

a direc ted verdic t . We are of the opinion tha t the Judgment and

verdic t are amply supported by the evidenc e . The Judgment i s not

contrary to the law or the evidenc e and the court did not err i n

ov errul ing defendant‘s motions for a new trial and i n arrest of

Therefore , the Judgment of who County Cour t of Cook

KILEI , P. J . ans LEWE, J. czeneeag

u rm’

t'e'n o runs


soreness VLEIBKED”

ccnvei 7 8 sterewe t‘

essesec ns‘are lastweee at one casual cone s at

lltfl Wv f

onemnnynnd curenseu5 4e screens too a non ants] seq on enneeg,o;

coroz fi xd no one fen . ei ops antennae seq ape coon; own use can re

seesreef tme i nbrl condenses 91 one ea i qeue c'

Lye ansdnonr 28 no;

u qrn ee z eg-

aa eoo'

‘no one a; one oc ta gon goes one leat hers cog

rstse s*

one c ases not use G et on contend sexensc sr t c sacru m ton

edsrh e e or oe ae nspeq re errors one common nucngeefie or eye ch eeses

hhee enne aficnbe eng seq can ae nusn In A pron yr ne e nesq'

gpe c anon

gon na open end felons ne ars enq enepeho’

go g e een zneq fps prose

no sea seq pea‘

as g e eonepeq one isnextpfndn or eye c ggrc e on

no finon j eqfie'

nos oeseyeeuh on cure .nersse e .nse coni z neq so op en

qsneesn‘does ore c oyot es so LQ a de cease d } de plecn on doz en no peq

qe g euqser crease spec are seerreont on c ue oonbysrnzsfi exone e e’

{ on u c an st ray one In st on es or 1aq esg'

endornd noses hotness

you one assesses one sore are c osts cameo Jo centred ore onerous

sees reefers one; one nenqyes o ne jeodseos one const an t so one

en‘sostrut see seesaw so cre ase c a nnexes LO L ere seessssvc


( onenenfsf one Th L é IGA R Q Q reesz noel on page} ; at one boners ens

nonessesn me ro pe yse rose fps eases enneq rs bsnneg z z nd

to pq rnd one sni ennesson dose“

spe ndeq‘

enq ~cnnp eeofiee nz ene none gooroo'

no sense ne e conszrre q

ongsonystes ne ed so on eness ac e creed tre e so enema se e oneneeyl

gpe opteorrone non nodes h one ed ge en spe cs case s one ape some

eeé fifd e'


es: 111'east needed A


*see IIT


rset evc sr or team ores noo se rs sedgdfi 4'sw

“fl a i

‘see IIJ


pe en assepeq‘

gee rugcnneefev tu ape reord e r ca se ye sgmc eg

Dexenqenc nnd ce gasp donors I’

3 one 9 necsyq ores

In the Mat ter of the Esta te of

TEIGHM AN formerly knownas sneeze BOLLEfi, Dec eased,

BENJAMIN TEIGHMAN , as Execu torPetitioner i n Oi tati on Proc ee ngs, CIROUIT COURT

Appellant ,


Respondents Appe llees.


enssi e Teichman, also known as dessie Boller , died at

ch icago on June 6, 19 44 . Let ters testamentary were issue d out

of the Probate court of dock county on July 28, 1944 to Benj amin

Teichman , as execu tor or her last will and testament a The

exeentor filed a verified petition charging tha t Morris Weinberg

and Sarah Weinberg”have i n their or hi s or her possession or

control“ a not e execnted by Fred B . Lee and Cordelia Lee da ted

Apri l 19 19 41, to the order of bearer i n the principal sun of

bearing interest a t si x percent per ennnn, a trust deed

securing payment of the note and the sum of $500 i n c ash; tha t

the note, trust deed and sash were assets or the esta te; tha t

they failed and refused, after demand, to deliv er to his the note ,

trust deed or cash; and he prayed for a c i tation . The c itation

was issued and served on defendants. In a verifi ed answer respondents

denied tha t they had any assets belongi ng to the esta te and

alleged tha t the it ems desc ribed i n the c i ta t ion as being assets

or the estate ,"passed to Sarah weinberg as a gift ig§g£;v v t


“Tf?1&afii ys gremrnaoq wuq Loabouqonpa qI Q OpsLEQ g'

I" 9 gnrwf


rpw §a¢sgo‘

”bfi aoeq so gfi h fl wmetapS Lfi c a 9 firgg $fiifif A Aoa


W HOM M e m with “m u m m w e cre‘

wron era psxsfi w ean

WW Wm : M m m ” ecu pem u

fimfi so an Gu sto w e:

new Té afi fiq'


t sLA Q Q an gageq wsa’In A gnrzroq guaa ab L cwbemqeuz a

z fiufi i a q é vV¢§ vfl q we bia i ed'

gbn s eraycyon‘mp0 crag gyws

kiwi {fi xyaq afi q L agfi seq'sxfi az qé mvmq

’so qej fh é L sé ego noco

tfib nfi fis‘ganag qc é q vmq ow&y £ 3 3 6 a aag ga o; gps ea¢0 3®2 apes

asaaz rwfi DQ Xwaua 0 ; 1pm nose enq ape 8 9 6 0 ; GQ OO i n asap: spas


‘né axfufi ruaauea: 3 : ex: fieh c eug oeL q uuwm" w sxsas qeeq

M n 3"raw“ m w e em u 0 1. pw w x m w e burnerfwr arm on

Q fiarmfi fu'

w é xeé saaq pa Exé q B'pe a z uq CO Lq rs pe e gageq

avg gbmvwmé yvfieng ”pag e 7 m spazx 9 L p1 3 0 L pe n bc aae t eron on

ex&onccn i eq 3 A GL ILTBU bsprgyou cpmxgz nfi cusp KGL LTO gernpoxa

gsycfiWvu‘$9 exsua gfi s oz F GL yc a$ myj y ug q assg% meug


at. £15 6 3 1°0e com es ox, (29 ° F cw m l {m ‘m fl 83’raw £0 9 6mm ! ”

gyyewfi a Gfi”

fi fl fl g Q’

vagrant peagwwgnevaa name yasneg on:

cfi asqe fiercpmkn’5 12 0 pawns we eag ere goryaz

‘qj aq w;


gyfifi amgemga

vbbsyyg u¢'


ggggfifiz fi as Exa cnxa

VbbE?T hfififl


9 3 in the ci rcu i t Court followi ng an appea l , the court found

that the note of Apri l 1, 19 41 i n the pri nc i pal sun or

beari ng interest at si x perc ent per annum and the trust deed securi ng

payment , were not assets of the estate; tha t the trust deed and

note were aeqni red by Sarah Wei nberg as a gi ft igtggu z i zgg from

dussi e Tei ehman i n her l i fet ime , and ordered that the peti t i on of

the executor be di smi ssed and respondents di scharged . The

executor app eals;

Guesi e Tei chman conduc ted a roomi ng house at 50 45 South

hi chi gan .svenue , Chi cago . She was a cri pple, confi ned to a whe el

chai r, and had be en in that condi t i on for several years. Fred B .

Le e and Gordeli a Lee owned the rea l esta te at 49 2 3 South M i chi gan

Avenue . On Apri l 1, 19 41 the Le es exeouted a pri nc ipal note for

payable to bearer fi ve years after date , wi th i nterest

a t si x peroent per ashes, payable semi snnuslly on Apri l 1 and

eetober 1 . they txmcuted t en interest coupons. The transac ti on

i nvolvi ng the maki ng of thi s loan took . p1se e at the of fi ce or

the attorney: who now represent respondents. In Apri l , 19 42 the

been made a prepayment on the loan or $500 , i n September, 19 42

a second prepayment i n the same amount and in Apri l , 19 43 a thi rd

prepayment i n the same amount, reduei ng the pri nc i pal note to

end . rednc ing the semi annual i nterest payment on each coupon

to $i $t t These prepayments we re made to the a ttorneys who now

represent respondents and who, i n rec e ivi ng the prepayments, di d

so as attorneys for Guesi e Tei chman. By the testimony of two

wi tnesses who were enployees of the Fi rst Nati onal Bank or Ghi oago,

the executor establ i shed th at the i nterest coupons payable on

Apri l 1g lees, Oc tober 1, 19 48 and Apri l ly 19 44 were collec ted

for the deeefient by the Fi rst Na ti onal Bank of Ch i cago pri or to

A13 u83 a é a xpo nnxc smbreksae 0; cps bsneg Engraver yvug o; Q prcs§a*

go gxgg'

Lysne bbsfismmsfl gs ac ne msgs so i fie sacc hyske aye won

gf‘goo $mv sq atofi egg afimywunnar Incense: bwhmfl ms on asap cowben

bnt bfl uzw c ago m e m om s’ nsqm wfi gm 13 1 4330 7 3 3 } to

aaseuq bx zmsg p In sue k wwfi emafimg avg 7 9 vbnrr’raeg w ggyng

r% ee wags s‘

fia cbshmeus an xpfi foam 0; agoo‘In gcbpampnfi fi Iafis

cps e cgoxmaaa aye yam kebne eanfi La abonqaug3*

In v 71'Ia@g gpfi

rmaapa z afi sya mggxyfi a; guya yawn fiaex byz as as xps ee ee a;

a: arx hfinc ewg men ayaam’ b fi lfipfe asgxwuuavyrl on what: 1 avg


‘bg z wpyw ca psansz gJAs AssL e a;gs& qwge'

fl z gp runaboae


av VbLII r‘IQ GI gun pag e axesacsq c bnz uarbax wage z en

pe e 9 3 g goaqsrgg ra g oxnsq ape new} e agwaa as Gggg aoa gp gropzfixn

apg 7 &‘

avg fifi q 96 6 5 In gyfi g mwuqrgfan gox g aaene j kea ks'snag B

firepraag va enae‘3 p 7 @ 9 &0


gya $ 3 8 9 aLybbye‘sangrwsq'go a spec;

eanz re mayefimsn aowqag gsq a Lagmrfifi ponaa rs gofg aongp

execngen w b eara’

gy? oxe cngoa pa gramagaeq gag La abenq@fi z a gra0 p3 a&3 q*


Gu ests Leravwwn 7 9 EQ L Irxsfirwe‘q axqek eq guysxae becrxrom 0 ;

mega none sofiarxeq pl 3$L$ § asysps§fi 3 9 9 X?K3§ xkom

peanrmfi rnreneag a t bana aug ban snbfim wag gwa tt fi fi£ geeq aaaanyna

P1 fifif' fi'fi i 0“vbsxr I

’Iafa nt h Boa qsbe ursaq rs spya woooavg


Labnoecnx a&o a; fipn baabvlmouge news 91 two roc e’é pe $300 berg

psrufi wxqe Wfi t’

gvnfin asywpemfi‘v &eebemqsws’ “a? rqwngygreq 5 3

rag neg fiké il wag cq fic z ja L ac ea q zpensrm*

ma axe at five

9 60“q aw e m a fiifim fi cm cm $4 t 6 0? 61 m bm tem qW rm cs

ape e é mig ayao L $Lfi 8€q ge wqwrg we efi gxyypyz gag a@ nrmfie aeaoune

gags efiw’ Ig ba s aaL AIGn 6pfi fifi e 01 5 g a$fi ;a’an ape same q a


rugsxaag aawbcs an VBLII S§’

Igfg ta g ap e qmbnfl ra a» pax'aaaqra s;

cps p; gga pamx o; 33 93 aye balwé ax at g fl

s? W é wm L fl fl am”

m m m m aiw aw a 6 2mm“ WW W

on gpvc é fi fit as wen c z aqyg 0g gym: afim‘rose 8 aana yae egwnfis e;

Jae; a; $3 yaeex¢ §g é e fl bew wage rm zp é Gum firgg an } gye qeboarg

a aexarfib ‘gyaz ga* £9 EG L GLG QTQ wasofiwz an eye afiWe qwis’

gcbcé mpfi L -

aa‘yé fé § fi § pfin qsbefiyg at fit

B fl m‘z aefi 3 g a é maa { an

13 pa» é wa zfié a fl fi aafifl g rm z pws pfifix'

&p§ awnng Leoé rfioq ta

w on. nsafi ee g‘m a W gri m e we?have} £35593 bxfi naww n ew gubw raw


Ida Dashevsky, c a lled by respondents, testified tha t she

lived at 143 4 death. xedz i e Avenue, Ghi dego, and tha t dec edent was

her aunt . In answer to a question as to whe ther she had a conver

sa tion wi th decedent with respec t to a mortgage on the real esta te

at 49 26 South Michigan Avenue , she answered i n the affirma tive , and

tha t the conversat ion took place at th e home or her aunt, Hrs.

Teichman, in the presence or witness's aunt, wi tness‘s mother and

Wi tness: and tha t her aunt "told my mother and I tha t she had

given her sister some papers, mortgage papers, on the other house

as a gi ft .” On being requested by the court to repea t the

"exac t

words" used, witness answered: "Well, she said she gave her sister

a gi ft of the mortgage papers on her other house tha t she had .” She

testified further tha t by the words ”her sister" she had referenc e

to Sarah Weinberg and tha t decedent had only the one sister, Asked

as to whether she had any conversation with respec t to any other

gifts, wi tness answered: “Yes, si r, I had such a conversation some

time about a year and a half ago, I think . " She stated tha t she

could not fix a more defini te date for the conv ersa tion tha t tha t

i t oc curred a year and a half previously; tha t witness's mother and

Wi tnnls's aunt , i n addition to witness, were present a t this conver

ca ti on which took plac e at her aunt's home} and tha t i n this conver

sation her aunt said “she gave her sister $506 to he lp buy a home .“

Bore Teichman, called by respi ndents, testif ied tha t she lived at

South Kedz ie Avenue , dhi eago; tha t she was a sister-i h-law of

dec edent and the mother or Ida Dashsvsky: and tha t she visi ted decedent

every week, Asked as to whether she had a conversation wi th. dec edent

wi th respec t to a mortgage on the real estate at 49 23 South Michigan

tha t the conversation oc curred about the end of M arch or the first

gpv: gut eafiafixavkren oooaxneq fipefl d yfit efiq an NBLQ fl an apt zynag

vficnae‘kfifi ”nafl ssoq tn spa vtxrfimvt3A 8 * tfincvez


z oebaeg go a wah gfifi fis em gnu sagr é e cé ge 3 1 wags gafl gp Hyaprswn

enbxi naax'

vagaq rt fiQ npcxgex awn fl ew u manhsxmwz iofi'

mz pw qoeeqawx

qéssqanw rfiq fifie fi Q tfiQ L a; zqv gwfinsAag1 !*

yuq fpv: wag ayargaq qé aaqwna

r¢g¢ goat? fisgwrv vxé nam‘QfiTewfia: ng fl p ape na e a ararau-tnu jwm 0 ;

but! z é rspd fw‘efirrtq pl Lsabfiwqafl ae

‘rearrxz eq fre t Eva Ilb fiq 6 :

ewgran p% £ amna aq “gas fiaaa psz arensn $200 3 9 peyb gym 9 game's

ac tres'

fiyrav iboy brgg$ fin pan wa ge, a pewe} sag swa g In q 3 GO Efi fib

un g aa,§ $ fl 3 3’ya fl gqrf y

aw re ayansse’afixa bne aau g fi g ¢w3 a


ac na en

r: oeafi nxifi s 13 3 1 fl ag 1 guy; b& enyofi ar22 cfifi z nrgvfi aa i fl mogfiQ L-

fi fi q

coarq nag 113 a mans qfi tyuygg qwz e z en fiyfi GafiA fi i fik tTO fl rpwf ppafi

8713 6“ mz z fl h é a finfimsq : n;ea


‘I p§ q Easy §

eabaez evér0 3 snag

$6 $0 M pngpax epe'

wméflfihk t ag g emt yey myca Lsafigng ge

vwi ompsa

geacrxyé g egg ; pm spa mange “pen sawsexu fiyfi fifiq'

h glsz fi fifi fl

v 8113 di cw? mfl mgfivae nwbwz a em pmu egpxa pa g es gwwg apt pvq'“ awe

aoxqt , fi?6 fi’

Axcyg fi a finamc asq: “fi ayy‘sgw ware age Sag a pea axagea

we 3 Qrg;*



gn parfl fi k a é fl fi e fi é q ya gym swam: £9 mafi awe awn

gragn awn arafehv

éwwa bfifi afi a‘mo&gfig % e fififi fi fifi)ow ape sgpmn ganfi c

5 1£3 3 3 fi 3 w§fi zygssa x yaw: uz crq mi musfien fl ag I rwfi c Bfifi'

wfi q

Loz apmwv‘{a syn % % a aefi @ e a; M ffl uefi a il ?fi fir

*fi rguaaaxe me£y3 & a

apwg cps é cunaxawgrwy 3 0 0 3 brass at ggs paws at yfim E avs"xna'

I : qasfi Q O fi gp xgewrfiwfi Vadfi fl m‘epé é wa xsfi aq yfl zwa wz grwwvgraa


eyazfi u fi txfi quasé fiyt away Lssbaag as a mfi § gfiefia ea gys may? ewcvpe

fraeq we Ifiae sefi fifi Keq e vnefi fl é‘cwrfi fi fia‘9 5 ? evv a q$©figgve nsa

Ia? fiwvfiwh sxi‘

awxreq 92 h avfi bunfi fi fi fl’

tfifi i aye


part of February, 19 44 . She also stated tha t the conversation

occurred “a year and a half ago

”and tha t it took p1a ee at

decedent‘s hone i n the presence of her daughter Ida , decedent and

wi tness. Answering a question as to what was sa id i n the c onver

nati on, wi tness replied:”She said she gave h er sister , Sarah,

the papers on the house for a gift and she gave it to her to have

it .“ Obj ec tions by the attorney for the executor to the testimony

or these wi tnesses and motions to strike the answers on the ground

tha t wi tnesses were giving their eonolusi ons ra ther than the

conversation, were overruled.

there was testimony tha t deeedent di ed i n a hospital at

about n. o . on June 6, 1944 . horri e Weinberg, one of the

respondents, t estified tha t he lived at 4669 North Harding Avenue ,

fl hi osgo; tha t on the night or the afternoon when decedent di ed, he ,

wi th hrs. Sarah Weinberg, th e other respondent , thei r son Sidney

wei nbsrg'

and Benjamin Tei ohman, who was la ter appointee executora

went to the la te home of dec edent at 5045 sooth Michigan Avenue;

tha t "we oolleeted all the valuable papers there;' that Mr . Tei ehman

“looked at it and we put it in a shopping bee. We put all the e

papers in a shopping bag , wha t I thought was valuable papers, and

those that we were supposed to examines" tha t Mr . Teichman and

wi tness examined the papers and tha t aft er putti ng them i n a shopping

has"we were supposed to so to hi s daught er and my daughter—i h-lawz


that Mrs. Oni ds Smi th? the housekeeper, was present and gave then

the shpppi ng bag; that they went to an eleva ted sta ti on and started

to go to hi s donghter¢e home to examine the papers. Free other

teeti nony it appears tha t M r . Tei ehnan di d not go to the home of

M f g Weinberg‘s é enghter tha t night , Wi tness test ified further tha t

pwe ephbbgufi p@ &2 gy¢ g gpsx seas 30 an treasgeq acsgyaa unq acwxgeg

pt 8 .A o mane afi kbosg q go 3 0 ca pr: qsaapcen avg wk qg afic Lfirn

~ Ivnla

spe as eywa as uene nabbe eeq go axymvuetu ,syga nx’ wag

bwbens ya 9 agahbrfifi pfi fi‘spas1 gpanfipg use Asyfl i a babexa’ fl wq

urooxeq fig It 9 9 q &a bas 73 TB 9 asvhbrnfi psfi’

as has 9 71 age é fi»

gpss “as sexrsageq 9 1; ans A fi f fl fi pj a hsbeas fing z e tg ggwe xn°


a eng 3 9 age n a g ame 9 2 gaseqeas t n goqg sog gy Kyopgaan va enael

fi crnpssfi avg Bafl fig mrn é sgapwz n‘aym msa Jagsn abbarwgaq axesngeb

fl i t? fiL E‘gfi avw fistnpsnfi

‘sag seven ha ebonqenc

’anvrfi arquai

ap7 cafl o‘pugs an gas fixfiyn a; spa sxga z necamapeu gaeeqausaxeq’


L esbonqafi g e‘pe ggrgygq gyfi s pa Irase a; «gag fic aag gynqrwfi VA GEG Q

apes: n g fi 'w°on mfi ae ygfq

'uae a fl synyaafi

’egg 0; gga

ayu&g axe cfi ag:m@ n& gpfi g qaasgsmg qrsq i n w yfi abz gsl a;

esuaenesggafi‘mak e ag enagyeg


ex £9 3 8 0 A lfifi fi afi fi a wag maaxosa as asnixm ppa 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 & 5 &ps Enaanq

rs‘, ap 3fie cyufl e 9 3 fifis fi cfiexwfik aex afie axfi fi fl san ca ans asaszwovk

gut befi axe an ppa pag as $9 3 3 KTLfi fimq age fifl a a 1; £9 pa; ge pt as

argyom‘nxgfi aae L Q fiIIQ fi S ‘gpa aarg ape Ryan ya; aragsh


oe esxafiq a: lawn tug w'

fifl fx w&aa sag avg; 7g goog .brw@§ as


"the mortgage on the 49 25-2 5 Michigan Avenue proper ty was not

among the pap ers tha t we put i n the shopping beg;” th a t he had a

further conversa tion with Mr . Teichman when they were leaving the

c emetery; tha t in tha t conversation M r . Teichman asked wi tness i f

he had the kayo to the safety deposit vault where dec edent "kept her

stuff,“and tha t Wi tness answered i n the negative; tha t witness

also said tha t the hey‘

whs over on Michigan Avenue; that Mr .

Tei ohman sexed witness to get the key to the box; and that witness

went to decedent ’s former home a few days lat er and i n the presenc e

of Mr . and M rs. 8mi th , round the key. Wi tness test ified tha t the

next conversation wi th M r; Tei ehman was the following day at

wi tness‘s home, when Kr . Te ichman some to “look at the papers;“

tha t in the oresenoe of wi tness and wi tness's wife Mr . Teichman asked

hi m where the $h, 9 0® mortgage was; tha t wi tness told him to ”forge t

i t because we had the mortgage a long while i n our possessions"

tha t decedent "gave it to us and tha t we can prove tha t the mortgage

i s i n a safe keeping,” He test ified further tha t he did not tell

Hr . Tei chmoh tha t it was i n a safety deposit box; tha t he and hi s

wife had a sa fety deposit box at the Albany Park Bank and tha t the

first t ime he vi si ted . the hex aft er the death of decedent was on

November 1, 19 44; tha t at tha t time he opened the box in the

presenc e or two employees of the vault company and took out the

mortgage; and that “the mortgage and all the papers, notes were

i n

Bose Khhrmeh, called by respondents, test ified tha t she

wa s vault custodian at the Albany Park Safety Deposit Vaul t}

that when a customer comes to the count er he si gns on entry slip;

tha t the cheeks the signa ture against the signa ture c ard; tha t

she then let: the customer into the vault and opens the box, which

apt yang: ( a spa onngewont gyve {not rye ducal crybu apt anaone

up: gpcu’

raaz sps c augomsz ruse cps asarp wag obonn ape pfi l’upycp

{pe g 3g; Guyana cyt gyfiyfl gnbe ci rquas ape arauz gfi z e 0 3 1 9 1 gpwg

gpw; u?;n O


C N Q CGD O L oowee go cps c onucex we agave xv Quasi 9 7 75 3

ne g Asa}; anacoqywu a: an? yqpsnl be»; gwxegl geboavc Aafi fg}

3 9 66 {saxmfi fi’ew sq pi -L esbap qencs

‘ta agfxr'q avg : ave

moz tgsfia } «sq gyw: “spa mé xsfivfi a t ug wry sp a bsbens‘noese mans

bxe coyco 01 3x0 0 3 9 19 3 3 3 8 ox spa A gar: eombvnh eg g coo; ca p gpe

nonempst I’raf¢ 3 3p“: vfi cw3 @ trws we ebfiweq ave pox 7 3 £9 9

xz nax £ 73 5 pw a gaygeq spa pox spa qefi gp'OL qeesq&nx use em

5 116 pwq a aggfi ni geboarfi pex we age yrpwnm bfi LK Bgufi vnq tp fl fi age


gsi efiwfin £Q S £ 3 3 as» In a sfi z c cl qeb osyc pox} cps; pa fi vq pT a

re Ia'

w afi z s xe ebwvf ’

u 3 6 csacrz req { fi z rpen swag we qrq Boa £9 11

any: C Q Q Q Q Q H: lfiane { a go as Eng esv oxoa c gg

g g spa moL§fifi fis

Tfi peegsee a s wa g eye a rave % p7 } 0 In on; ba aaeaayeu i u

fi rm aga t e ape ag‘aga mag gfisfie me a

‘swag nygnsaa safq gym go y


xpag rm gag bL 9 66 U0 8 ax aygme aa sag m3 3 n3 6 8 5 9 £ 13 9 KL'§ 6TGWW§ B wsxz q

a yz naea ,o pvws’anew ax

;s;opmsu cswg as “10 9 3 9 3 spc b 5 5 9;8 2n

max: c ouaonaacyen £ 12? RL‘gez zpmg n ma g gps xoyj oa gsfi gwi 3 3

ox xx°Eng nae

'Lanna 3 3 8 fi sh

azsnsaa z e asrz z eq afiwc swg

n ew: pa qsaeqssg ta z oLweL game a gas gala Iwcex avg 13 ag e bmoaane a

Lsxopwvn waxeq a zg fl ee a go Ke g rye gsk co gya pox: wag navy aypweaa

vi sa asyg fifl fi f pye fish ass OA O L GB g i gprfi fl u vn bmnst pp?£ fiL‘

agaz g’“ g ag cps; h i kfi fi d a eg an exeq i n 3 9 9 wqfiegraer ppwg a rgve ag

we p69 gye $ 9 15 3 0 gwe ag gocz qabc agg A 9 3 3 ¢ Anens qsc egenc “xebg pan

aswsca blt gfiwx z u gpsg G Q Q fi Q L fiF fl IQ B ax'ma z epwwm engwq urgna aw 31

xaxgpcn aaaa enag gyon‘

arnp x1”

aaycpwau a pes gfiml mane Iag t z wfi cps

swonfi tne bag e b a eggs as has ya rye apab v rufi p9 8?“ gpg p pg nag a

“gym mmagfl saa an apt wye pyi a fl WA $Q H $ bLobc h se e was

gi ant qtsq nah z ebgna ao xnfiw rye by?weaa duq'

3pfl Ié gane&c

tfi't apt parreaoq apexc gens “town Hagan anq a maxcawfisa fi nq aye

ape Eggs apt 3w3 0 &qcb la unwpax 'on spa tL fl Q : qaé q fl3pm 3 1 3 0 g@ sg717 0q


fi‘ffipfi fifi -

yfi fi’

au exvmrwrufi gye vxxyqanrsso L BLLQ GV fl ab memoxl‘

m m m sum «seq aimswe eoncw se ex; w “m an y mm?

z nfl aa qt tq wag w magpsn on wages) “ euq raw; apex apssxsq ape

upfi z fi fin!

awmbaon sag was oomrq j aei t swv fi’

fi a* msrupanfi roog aux

to $7 3 3 £fifi fl $8 Lglfl fi @q $0 $9 3 9 It ! Cfi g e BH Q Tfi $9 fififi connect

L flxnfi eq i zywc sunk abenaq ffl fi 16 0 ! as awe Q G O L q wv fl c cyw pox

A6?Vpaxfi vwz eq spfim £0 £3 3 6 9 7 9 90x 8 8g raw! rvse In wfig fwfi z cua i

5 3 g ups naxs busaamx aysn spa Tvaran ass mfi gai ppm: fiL‘

sz fian'

fifi g g Q’Iafifi $ 3 ? on gaa awpeL I

‘Ié fi § ¢ cwwx H’L fl fi?TI evmfi a gn

ceasrxffig £U’

£ “é O O Efif fi fi so sag cw»? fiwfi xrnfi z anenk to ens per

neé axquq $5 age 65xg‘

egg anafi emeq 7 3 gag xggynmsz ya a'

gpe gsncgsb

ba aerpy$ figws saws amcnye e wwfi psz a p fi fi fi m$qa fl ng an: gvas paeu’

wax Ffl fi fl XA I?fO fi‘

I? uu um fi n £6 a dwsszraa g? so upwsgfl m Ii 19

spa: gpg mfiag ye megs ab ya ggfi wag$fl fi 1 i G Q H L Q Q a; pfifi Ifi ®Be fi wqax

cfit ospai%rnfn wwxme 613 ea epé

k fi fi e hq refl fi an‘

flpfl e finq five

y‘ggg efi gz z efi $0 gp@ 5 3 3 7 3 yw


x mwygmt - BHO on ewe a;

e fi pa aé fl fibg gfi pg a‘

gqgme aa gpg peq gpwz fip gxa axe snb z oxywspsffi

ask a@’

Iafifi'B®A 9&P@ R I


afi fi gwp em Ia’Tfififi wag bspsz


awpeL afip aafinewc avgargs pl ga nnre mfi i fl phbfi c a gga yg’


fifl fi XQ‘xeee


‘sa w annarsa aw


mat ampex s‘

xfifi n1~

g fimvv n@?vpfiafi an vbtri XG‘raev‘mwfi $


arm m u n g m m pbx m M xww g nfi m 3413 331}e g em ehg‘

gé fup exfii

yalt w asgagi qeboazs'

bax ggfi ma’

mysu avs rqgfi gngrdq

£9 5 qz rfi fldpc emnpomfi x A fi fi lcf wfia twwr fi i‘ wag was“

Sarah Weinberg, called by respondents, test i fi ed tha t

she i s a sister or dec edent; tha t about n. o . on the day her

sister died, wi tness and her husband, their son and M r . Teichman

went to decedent‘s former home; that she informed M rs. Smi th, the

housekeeper, tha t dec edent had passed away and tha t she wanted to

“coti cot some papere thete that would come in handy )" tha t M rs. Smi th

gate her a shopping bag; that she put“everyth ing

” i n the snappi ng

bag and went home; tha t the“mortgage on the property at 49 23 South

Ni ehi gnn Avenue” was not i n the ehoppi ng bag; tha t the first t ime

she went to their safety deposit box after the death of her sit ter

was on Hovemher 1, 19 44 ; that i n the presence or M r . sampeon and

are. Kaufman they examined the ecntente; that“the note and mortgage

were i n the bots“ and that at that time she took ”one of the notes

out for collec t ion. “

Guide fini th test ifi ed that she was the housekeeper for

dec edent and tha t the house consisted of 18 apartments. Asked as

to whe ther eho .hed any conversation wi th deoedent wi th referenc e to

a gift or money to M rs. Weinberg, one annwered i n the affirmative,

and tha t the conversation was around March 15 , 19 44 . Asked no to

wha t decedent oai d. wi th respec t to“this money gift

”, she answered:

”She sa id ahe was going to give it to her for a gi ft, she i s giving

i t to her, making a gi ft of tha t fire . Smi th , called as a

witness by the executor, testified that decedent was an invalid;

tha t the last t ime dec edent left her home was “around about

tha t M rs. Weinberg came over onc e or twic e a week . Aahed as to

whe ther she had discussed wi th dec edent the ma tter or a mortgage

”on Michigan Avenue

”, she answered i n the affirma tive, and tha t

decedent “told he tha t she was going to tell me about her will and


esta te, be added to her estate and be divi ded ac cord ing to her

wi ll . ” Wi tness stated tha t the income from the opera ti on of the

roomi ng house was $200 a monthrand tha t after payi ng expenses,

$100 was left; tha t on the ni ght of June 6, 19 44 , after the death

or dec edent, Mr» and Mrs. Wei nberg, thei r son Si dney and M r.

Tei ehman some to the house; thgt M rs. Weinberg told her to come

wi th then to decedent's apartment "to see wha t we are taki ng out

or thi s plane;” that she went wi th them; that “the pla ce was

ransacked ent : ever7thi ng was looked through;“ tha t ”they terned

the covers up and they found $26 i n. money on the table under the

tablecloth and they took some papers from the drawers and from

the cedar chest;'that Mr. Tei ohmss di d not take anythi ng: that

Hrs and Mrs, Weinberg and thei r son were "looking for thi ngs;”

and that she pet the papers i n her purse . Benjamin Teiohmhn testi fi ed

tha t he was a nephew of deeedent; that on June 6, 19 44 , M r . and M rs:

Weinberg, thei r son si dney and wi tness went to the former home or

decedent; that they went through several papers, some of wh i ch

they threw asi de and some of whi ch Hrs. Weinberg put i n her p urse;

that Mrs Weinberg‘e son gathered other papers together , whi ch were

put in a shoppi ng bag; tha t M rs. Wei nberg di d not bend hi m any

papers; that he was standi ng i n the mi ddle of the room and tha t

he di d not see the papers that were taken,

Khe burden was on respondents to prove by c lear and

convi nc ing evi dence the essenti al fac ts of a gi ft by del ivery of

the property by Ge esi e Tei ehman to the dense wi th i ntent to p ass

t i tle . reggae; v . Egggggg, 3 76 Ill; 3 5 4 , In the la tter case the

”It i swell known that courts lend a very unwi lli ngbout whe t deed men have

i t

“19 $0 A 8 1] sucn» apeg oan a ysuq v naul nmmz z jgvfi


hxob¢111 g} § fi¥ fit‘$9 7 6 9w3 3 fifl Elfip {U ffifis£3 bfifi l

aanarfl vrmfi ea z qewfi e gfifi seaangywy { wage at v Exgg pl Q GIIA $L§ \OL

F0 gra fl ag nae spa bfi bena spa; a e&s gsxes'

§ 9 b 3 &&2 epwx 3 0 ma y aeq ymfi gu cue mrqqys o; spa Laom gug spfi g

gpwc gm“$ 9xnps§ 8 , a was fig ggc&%g obpax bg osse z ofisgpeL

‘&prcp a qns

gvax gyfi aa ragga avg fl ows 0 ; m$q@y WLQ‘

aervpebfi B ag In pen g a ngs!

casegansi gpfi : ggsh mans £Ub fi wfim asasgsr babsz a‘

aomg 0L ayyog

Anatwmfi fifi‘gfia:a $0 3 gygusl avg a rgueae msfi p so cps Lonwax Emma 01

avg fps: age bng ap e havens { fl pea hwxa®* Bavjfiwrn geroywwv ge agygc

£Wt e é qwx Gfifi fisiu gymsxx°

aez ep fi fiw qvq was afixe ani ggrnfi t

gspytayagg wfi q spat gang acme banea g gnaw age Q L $A@ & 3 auq { Lam

gfie eaa gxa fi b fifi g spam gefi dq ggg in % 0 9 9 1 an £9 3 3 5 91 9 ange fi ggs

e; gyra fiffl fi fi fiu ppac sp a M 9 9 £ mxrp p fi ! ggg g ”cps brags afi s

away spew go qaa fi qamg ,a angngmenx “gs ge e fi gs: a a was gaxxufi \9 a3

&eqspm@ v sewn me pus pause ! span gue'asyupsna sarq


yen. ge O Q Q Q

A9 0 Ifl a£2 aya g on rfis wi fipc 0 ; Q fi Q Q 9‘ fi tz é z five qefifiv

a tyy'“ gxgwons ogfi cgq ggag egg Inoeas Ln®w age abfi asgreu a; fig?


fiQ agatq ea ps3 fi agwsa R ug pa q7 argeq G Q G Q L Q TM E gg ymn


Appellant ma i ntai ns tha t the t esti mony of Ida Dasheveky and Dora

Teichnan relati ve to an alleged conversati on. wi th decedent amounted

to mere conclusi ons and was i mproperly recei ved i n ev i denc e . We

are of the Op i ni on that i t was not error to r ec ei ve thi s test i mony.

However, the evi dence to prove del ivery or i nt ent to make a gi ft

falls far short of thet clear and convi nc i ng proof whi ch. the law

rc qni res. there was a conf i denti al relat i onship between decedent

and respondent fl areh Wei nberg . In Warren 1 . Pfei l , 5 46 Ill. 3 44 ,

our Supreme Court sai d

"A fi duc i ary rel at i onshi p i s not limi ted to c ases of

trustee and c eeggi lgggw tgggt, guardi an and word , attorney and c li ent,and other recogni z ed legal relati onships, but extends to everypossi ble ease i n whi ch th ere i s confi denc e reposed on one si de and

a resulti ng superi ori ty and domi na ti on on the other . The or i gi nof the confi dence may be moral, soc i al , domesti c or merely personal .

If the confi denc e in feet exi sts and i s reposed by one party and

ac c ep ted by the other the relati on i s fi duc i ary and equi ty wi llregard dealings between the parti es acc ordi ng to the rules whi chapply to such rela ti ons“

Sarah Weinberg and dec edent were si sters. Decadent was a c ripple and

c onfi ned to a wheel cha i r. M rs, Weinberg ac ted as a messenger i n

collecti ng i nterest represented by the coupon notes and i n deposi ti ng

such i nterest to the credi t of dec edent . Ida Dashevsky testi fi ed

about two conversati ons and about two gi fts. She sai d one conver

sati on occurred the la tter part of M arch or the begi nni ng of Apri l,

19 44 and related to an alleged gi ft“of the mortgage papers.

“ The

other conversati on took plac e about a year and a half before the

tri al . 2no da te of the tri al was January 5, 19 45 , whi ch would fi x

thi s conversati on as oc curri ng duri ng July, 19 43 . In thi s last

conyerseti on dec edent i s represented as havi ng sa i d she gave her

si ster ”to help buy a home“. M rs. Smi th testi fi ed about a

c onversati on. wi th dec edent around M arch 15, 1944 wh erei n she quoted

decedent as sayi ng she was going to giv e M rs. Wei nberg a gi ft of

$500 , and also tha t ”she made her a gi ft of M rs. Dashevsky

tabe’ inn firao anwz nape mfiqs pan 9 fixz a 0: aaoo*

u ah a“af fineAsxk

Q GR GQfibcpfifi efi ayug an; af é fioyvg £0 Q IAG xL a

'Afiyupenfi t


firxg oi

qt é t qawp i nonuq “when 10”raqq Nag asrn ape fifl O paq

execs; $900 age ptrb pal 3 women“was

“amrsp peacrxyc q spans a

odba¥$55srav qfifiaqibs rt LdfixeuenasQ'En'

pékrufi awry 9pm awAa yam

£337 93 " “0 fi gs 02, F53 9 “1 8 319 2157?s 9

‘£397 0? £ 0 3 7 0 LIX

I3 ¥ i wfi fi Bfi j fi gwq 20 gm siysfiaq arts "on ru e wanz é g fie bebsna *

“ gun

afiTO fi'Gé afi i Laq sw3 Tsz z eh hfi fi £ 0 1 wvxefl GL fine pefiIUUTufi at vfiawr

spank ems awmh afiwvgz ewa guy aponf paw Erz pa'

ans &arq one c e fl nsaw

aaww rvifii cvc ea raw cxsqr: oz qtfisqwus‘ raw Dvfimenaxfi eearrxreq

correcgrvg tugfi na as Labz fi awngc q pa ape donbou waxes q In qebomffiynfi

oangrnsq go v'

wgawf apfi qn“

ga g”Afifvp é kfi vegaq we

‘w meaaenfish rm

ewt vp'

g arnpemfi finq qseeqafis fi aae aragexg'

noa aqevg M 3 3 5 asrbfiys avg

xeasxq geayrufi a pegnsgw gpw b Q L LIQ 8 wac enqyuK ( a spa L fl j e a aprspsooebgeq pa fps $£fi9 § gfifi h aragxan 7 a grqfi fl zank gug sdfi?ek fl TTI

I; spa c aagfw afi e fl ya { ve g engage wag 3 a L ebaaaq pk one bymgfi q0 : egg c é fimrqen a M $fi pa mung?


’qaweagrc ch

'msx@ jfi be h@ fi uay


a Leaaxgyug gabaaz ahxga 6 0 age ugyen'

$§a o;y€;uboast ca ge m r@ 3 a congrqfimfi a Labc aaq an é us a:qe


0 5 W? 3 1a oygprbw

‘pm: gxsenqs so saonk

sane: cy% 3§? fiqrfi fi avg mfinq‘veganmma avg crreng

w?LIQ HQ Iwfi i L arg aruuwpz b 1 5 meg Izn eq so cweee a;

Bag L afl begqfi fl fi xsgapaafi'

1m Q fQ ITT’

Q fi f‘

Lsfiarney'spans & 3 8 a cewggqsnerwz aej st zou apyb pesmfi em qsoaqasg

18 118 Lgn. §yap g o; eywa crew; sug;@ e fi a;fi c z ufi bxscg mpvcp cpfi ran

gqfaA eL'fig?ga yqfifi e e ca bpoas Q QI IAPLi as rupeux cw mafi a agar

a§ynj é g gpwg 15 a g e no¢ $LLO L so L ecayas sprs ssagrmoml'

3 a mafia -canwj naraam vvq use rmb na haLIl L$0 3 1a$q ya M?

gogonfiafi L3 13 :;A 0 fie‘fi oouAsnswgrom fi ygp g gesqfi fl c wwa aypaq

vbb fl II$H£ margggrga gnap ng % a; { fi g nfl apagexh sag fifi kfi

my. gzas 01 pox et awfi ' zpv wanz c fl syon ex Lanbouveuse ubbevsu pa

t tflk raaensaa cannons“axe saw bfi fibfi h¢$ ex ceaeqswsas

new; a; Leabenqgng aa p “stupenfi' IS abbosxu 3 a p; ooua eqeq spa;

Iafs‘afi bcsmpez

- se’IBfiQ vnq fig fi OH 3a

‘rafic Ashe eerraabsq to saw

c oxjsccnq wag absqygeq go gaasqena,a as; 1n£ e sacoaug on xfiLGfi'


vfi i tI I’Ifi é fi

‘fl abfi ~ fl rafl Tfi ~fi eabog qeusul pax

'$fi8 Incehsg; aamboue

a u r a M M 3“m m

‘Wm I“mw

‘m wm n 3

“1m m y

$6 vnz a-

&aw1 znawxoec Gaahefl t fioa'A’a‘a fivq ro

’ga fl

-eeaboua A fi fi fi In z oabouqanz a nvxetfi quboarc 9 0 3'

I: In Inaane acrnfi

ea aeye $610gwfi a‘awe cbfi ea gc eq

’ burncybc j yous avg yvregeag

abrnwov fifi‘ anon: £9 9 3 8 3 sfi a £:m@ 0 ; ewe qfi fi gfi -o z

no: euaencq pepasgw fi fil SQ’Iaew WHQ fieasmpeh I

’IE ofi x

Gambsvk ea fi fiA fi M pGL I’Iaq¢


I£ 7 m cyan ag efi fl pyac gpz a pox axa

arms IQ ass abguaq i n gys bne aewsa a; swb5 6 18 $£ a; eye A 3 HI £

afi xa ta ape waga¢m qabaaj f pax paganfiygfi go L eabosg é yga es 3 3 6

3 pfi fi age fiLg ag qfi qq’ harwerbwy megs gag LGfi L Ingan$ ag c aabeue

qfiboexg pax‘

gm gfi gm9“

& 9 g7 q p a as GQ J aL Q A 3 $81‘

gpg e azqawae epwfi a

Gag yugex& é e mgafiewe yuaufa eg fisb a nag ya qecaqafi c ,a a$gecl

L eerqaua a a; geasg fiva’

i qn geqyfi‘ape 8m 5 §£ qasq


tpe F3 13 so fifi i fi pfi x'

SE Q ffl sfifi s acafi q fiwe gala at £3 6 x0 &m@ &

pox suq gyfi g mafiak Esp qefi z g aa’

me z afiman sav sq L en Q qsfl ae go;

It fi fibewna £p . p Q 3 6 0 Q fl fl £ area fifi q 9 ug gesa qeba fl yg

pp? rugwugsa c aaboa@ *

Gena: spfi xe fi wa Ba gi ng imfi 0 L qz eb e aypyou 3 a to cyc afi uex amrb ax

rucsxsagrfifi ye wees spur In gp é exgsa engameq 7 9 age cracsyg

ape gyuomrc afi fi kf swans use as z zmgxufi 3 g so sp a ggog'

It ya «Tao

On raafi e Yorufi q we 20 59 0 $900‘apes ape Q Q Q $ fi g e geexqeq 3 3

In gp a hsgrgxea mug wu emsk arrfi q rs eve bacptsé epsxc A fl fi

A g e no: t axoq nan qrq spa ga aazxa aafi canmrufi mp9 figQ O'


3900“pom mogwan

'fit !

“aé nw aerepmsm

‘awe fiL Q Q OQ s

‘png gwe rsgcsL

goutrxreq a: apt arnt oz éfi a aogA sLascz ow aeysgxnfi £0 gas


be tha t the trust deed and pri nci pal note were delivered to the!

or to Sarah Weinberg as a gi ft, and that ti tle to the interest coupons

remained i n dec edent . However, when respondents'box was opened

on November 1, 1944 i t contained the unpaid inter est coupons,

trust deed and princ i pal note . This strengthens the posit ion of

petitioner tha t Sarah Weinberg was at all t imes ac ting i n a

fiduc iary capac i ty. Apparently, when an interest coupon became

dne , Mrs. Weinberg took such c oupon from the safety deposit box

and delivered it to the bank for collec tion to be c redited to

decedent's ac count . It i s cl ear tha t i n so doing she was ac ting

as a messenger or agent of her sister, Gaseie Tei chnano

We f ind that the evidenc e shows tha t Sarah Weinberg

noted as a fiduc iary or the dec edent; tha t she was i n possession of

the principal note, interest coupons and trust deed as such

fiduciary at the ti me her sister died; tha t the burden was on her

to show that her possession or the papers as a fiduciary became

tha t or possessi on as an owner; and tha t she fai led to make this

proof . As petitioner points out, there are at least thre e versions

of the story as to when the trust deed and princ ipal note belonged,

Serah. Wei nberg clai ms then to be here by her answer: Harri e

weinberg c laims decedent "gave i t to as,

“meaning respondents;

and Mrs. fini th,the housekeeper, testifi ed tha t decedent said


was to be added to her estate“ and ”divided ac cording to the wi ll . ”

Fred B . Lee, the owner of the real estate secured by the trust

deed, test if ied tha t he always made hi s interest payments at the

First nat ional Bank and that he never rec eived any notice from

anyone tha t he should pay at any other plac e . If Sarah Weinberg

was the owner of the paper in January, February or M a rch, 19 44 ,

it i s strange tha t she di d nothing toward noti fying Mr . Lee of

the change of ownership and that she deposited the interest note

nug m o 0 mm » 01 3m I” i wm h’-L‘pbm l m» W W ?

”m ?

Uni ons apes pa agenjq0 : sum cape» bj sc e

'It n z p mexnpgpa

gran: acetone; Bsug avg gas; 9 0 nea ax Lc c oz aeq Q ua uncrco fifif

fimv fl fl l

ceee‘togcn rfg m : m «1433 19:n a ngam m a: W igwam} m w e

ELQ Q B‘roe

‘spa oxusn o; gpe L evy ‘sagsca 8 0 3 fi L3 q gk gpe sna g;

w e so 90 mm 350 m » “w en m WIN G“ 3 0 0 0.

»q 80 mm m m

euq nxa‘gn p

’gpe pc fi asxa absn

‘se agqgroq ape; qecsgenc asyq “13

xernpenfi c fyz we qsaoqewc “fl ag s I: go na’umeanrufi Lsabonqeggat

gqpsp Asrupgnfi craywe gpew 3 0 pa poae pl pen fi neg az r wqa z ya

o; ape apexa we go npqn spa gnag; qesq suq bz yuerbsy vase psxanfi aq0

bL O OL'we bogxgxmmex borusa Q fi g

‘awake Whfi as 19 3 2s gpass A S L aroua

cps: 5 0 3 3 3 9 5 7 3 3 we 6 3 C M Q GL ! fiuq pugs ape LQ IIGq so mags gpra

go span gggg pan boasg aez au o; spa baba z a $ 3 s z yqncrsxk peesme

ape baynoybty wc ga‘rfi paxfi ec oonhcma a pmfl fi p qeeq as away

tegqq we 9 gygncrwfi l 0; ag e qeesq&g p2 pyfi : spa a g e In honaeasrom a;

as 1 13 g away ape eargave e snag s gag: gfi z fl p asyupeLfi

e a 8 me aesnfion on fi fievg o; pfi L ayasca’assays aercpwwv


qseoqaup,s sneanng‘

lg 19 cream spas In aa .ge:u€ ape use EG Q TD Q

3 9 ? Q GIIA GL GQ 3 3 £0 SHE 9 5 3 K LO L 0 0 J160 £T°U 5 0 PG ° L Q Q T£9 G £0

qne'“L Q ' marnpaxfi snag afi ew c owboy Lham rye 8 5 16 51 qmbomyn pax

{ TQ Q GTl asba eynz'

abmfi nenara‘mwsn fi n ruseueag eoabou psowma

begypyawen gyg e awfisg fi GI fip Q L Q a re e; a} ; aywe e aa prna In a

axz az qeag - vnq bfiIBGIt uafi e'

¢p7 3 ecz eaficpova fifl fi b aaz gros 0 3

an Heaampen j‘

$3 eanzsfnaq ape nnbfi xq z mxene ax eé nbona‘

L emwtnaq yw qa e aqefl g'

agasnan’mpeu L eab awgsnce ; pox ua a absvag

0 L so gfinvv aaxnpexfi we a fi ggg‘

amq spy; ggprg no ewe ympexses co ebaa a

pa snag cps shay; gasq wag fixyuerbay yoga asne qsxrasnoq ge gg am


for the ac count of her sist er . There i s no proof as to vvhon

the alleged gi ft was consumma ted, nor were there any eyewitnesses

to the consumma tion of the alleged gi ft, or tha t the property was

ever claimed by sarah‘

Wei nberg to be here i n the presenc e or her

sister . There is no proof as to when the alleged gift was made .

Guesi e Tei chmsn's only income was about $100 per month from the

opera ti on of the rooming house and the income on the mortgage i n

dispute . In the case of £g_re Estate o; Huston , 5 19 Ill. App . 3 61,

where a nephew cla imed to have rec eived of hi s uncle‘s money

as a gi ft igtggu z i zgg and the money was i n the nephew's possession

before the dea th or hi s uncle , the court said

“It i s unthinkable tha t a man with one leg unable to

earn hi s living , would strip himself of every penny he had on

earth and hand out twenty two hundred dollars to a nephew wi thou tany contrac t or agre ement for care and keep the rest or hi s life,and no provision for sickness, last illness, funeral expenses,c are and support of a four year old daughter, and give it all

to a nephew. The fac ts and c ircumstanc es i n evidenc e showtha t the dense oc cupied a confidential re la tionship wi th the donor .

The fac ts and circumstanc es of the case at ba r make it improbable

tha t Gussi e Tei ehman, a cripple confined to a wheel chair , wi th

only a small income from a rooming house and the income from the

mortgage , would make a gift or the mortgage having-

a value or

For the reasons stated, the judgment of the Circuit C ourt

of Geek County i s reversed and the cause remanded wi th direc tions

to enter a Judgment fi ndi ng tha t the trust deed, principal note and

interest coupons were the property or dussi e Teichman at the time

as executor or the estate or Gussie Teichman, dec eased; and

di rec ting that Sareh. Wei nberg and Morris Weinberg, and each of them

forthwith deliver the trust deed, princ ipal not e , interest coupons

and interest , if any collec ted, to Bea nin Teichman, as executor .


m‘a* WWW

q eogrfifi any: gunay gornpene avg nonn;e gernpcnfi‘avg asap a: gnaw

axqenre z an eye eaxago 0 1 aa eara xeyepmvu‘qeoaseag! avg

16" * 2


O i


go swash c mfig§msfl £ Lrwqrnfi spa: zpe cna ag q$eq‘e ucxbsr mate avg

oz 90 0; Qafl fl fii re aaa onaoq anq apt swan. Lsmewqaq qz ase groua

havecwa egscgq'spa fifl qgwea g e; gfia arbour: coang

aura w SWQ IT Tueawe z Lom a Leamrwfi wanes Enq ape Insane {AGE spa

avg: aaaays 1ar¢y$ fl y’

cnrhkj o ecuxrnaq as s fi nes: apsqn‘

.n g

mp3 ( saga vaq'

erna fima gfiug e e 0 ; figs 0 6 3 3 fi g psn were re {mbLOpspre

gpfi c five Q Q H Q Q aaeg a z eg w c auz rqancywy asrvgzonapyb awgp spa gosex'“

3 9 3 fi fi x“ &Bs gauge Eng arnc gwagawaba In sa Q nee awfi fi

wag an gas az $fifisaa’fg eg axbaa aaa’

i nk sovgx$ec é a fl absfimi ns Lab cwma avg 3 6 3 5 gp e Lsag e; pya yr;o*

WW fien flrw w 5“m m M am a:

u a $1 ; $3 3 g figb gh gymear; a; eaeni henna pa p3 0 on

us 3 3 8‘nuwpye so

m u m 43m mm : a; m a fiw m'433 m worm m ay mew

e a 9 813g T§E§L afafib wg g spa 7 3 age webgea ,e boa usee7om

zapaxe fl fianfiafi erwfaog go pvas Lafi fi rfi fi fi a; p i e nfiwye‘a wouel

w obm w xv we w as 9x w ziesa é é z sf m e In"vim "


essays gggepwwu , a { HO GN G axe epoma §IQ G mafi fiw axes gsa


ggfi ke mg Eof nfioaz an ca fipaa gpa afyg fisq Ri ng fi fl fl ”sqs'

filt fi $3 ? fi afi fi fl awaffiq‘

cpaao $0 3


Appellant ,


s, Executore or theEstate of PAHL PILAOKUS, ai COOK COUNTY.known as PABL rnarz deceased,State Bank or Gleering,



Emily Pi laekue and Paul Pi leckue were married at Chic ago

on sep tember 11 . 1912 . due children were born or the marriage ,

hanely, Ot to, born February 86, 19 14 , and Joseph, born December

19 , 1916. On Angust 16, 19 85 a decree was ent ered i n the

superior Genrt cf dock douh ty, on the bill of complaint filed

by Emily Pi i aekue , the answer of Paul Pi laekue , a stipula tion

and evidence . The decree dissolved the bonds of ma trimony, gave

her the care , ousted: and educ at ion cf the children, and direc ted

hi s to pay her di d a week for their support .

On Oc tober 4, 1944 plaintiff filed a verified pe tition

se tting out tha t she reared the chi ldren to ma turi ty; tha t shortly

after the entry of the decree defendant ”made hi s presenc e unknown“

to her and their children; tha t it was"only wi thin a few days

last past“ tha t she learned of hi s whereabouts; tha t fellowing

the entry of the dec ree she received from hi m the aggrega te sum

of $80 fer the support and ma intenanc e of the children; tha t

because of defendant's failure to comply vi th the decree , she had

to rely upon the chari ty or fri ende and relatives and of the man

that ehe dhad been informed“ tha t defendant ma intained a

rfl fi fl fl Ingenmeq ” fifig d qe gewqenc wfivucnwvsq W

the amennc gnu nuqcn ape gecko. nee

£1 at t hrough amt Lcrt erasa tut 0; ens N EH

fi ncec c, e z erxcne go eonbfi .n;:y rho geonee‘

ape pe g

detach: veg mwrueeue uc c at eye cpyygeenz ant s

we goa z ec eye L neexh eq Lana prn rye afidnedc rc can

T'ft c 8p? T‘fi fi fl g q $1 $1 3 npcxcepenpe ! erst { O IIDE I Q E

£9 rt e SFG


Efifi TL etzrt z dn ! and : I: net “ed i t A ttrrfl w the thi s

I L£O L rye event 0; the qecnce qogcnqeug fl ange pra hneeence anguonn ,

ac gcyfifi oer spur ewe L cec sue cprrgncn so mncfi t rgi k ages apeLgIh

on hatche t c“Tare brwvwerz t trrwe e a c t rercq bG tTtTGfi

pvt 3 c hefi pox 510 0 A c e; gen rpern enbhoxp‘

not gen ccne‘

c eegcqi seq eqac c gyen or eye cpyfqteu‘hfi q gynecreq

enq screened“

rye qec z ec qrc eeyi cq ape pence oz negnyncni’ ge ne

pi Emiri . 5ryecxne’eye d e ta c h o; fi fi fl j brrec gnc

’e ngfbnj ngycn

aabep z ce canes 0L econ GO GU fl k’cm the h717

s; evmbrernc trrec


'on vague: gg

'jagg 3 gec xee h en cmz eneq In 39 0

uenoj i'ogre

‘pfi Ln &6pL @ G LB gg


’neg doeehp



be c cmpen

on gehcenpeh II'ray¢


@no cp yyqncn m ane pone on gen me h hrede ’

gnryi hzyeeg fl e enq hen: byyeexnc h one ne t t z eq escprc eac

Rh“i fifi ilfifi Rfl BfiE DEPIAEfifiD i BE OhIM lOfi 0L é HE 3 03 5 3


Ingenaentnd hegygrchcn‘

geese gene 0 ; ex ea


B'E‘fi'0 1 EVE? 3 7 8° COOK coacsx’

Vfihfia dEBEVIII

ever mm m a’

m v m mm n em:afihfihlfi fl c cnhm

vbbelrt fi c'

vt bnnr LHDN

HOA OWp$ L 991Fafifi

fi agagyna ago: an gpg g qt go ago ans z uxonaeq a;

on Doocnpfi h f’ fggi gkxgrusxx; z rleq w z uncwsn becretou


are man“ at in 9 v pvxvnce 3 9 fire oncqra at asore‘es'

ans: ab 7 3 : Leaexqa 9m secouug use z omq yv

a I aobl so

£pqggggcxual Lon brsyugyxx w aeeouq resgsL ’ecspz ua

spa pan; neg;Hpar nefigag$ sq may] go spa eyang 0 ; eye aubsnz on means

peronfirnfi aa qntanqwnc on aeA awpeL se’raf¢ ewe game exzrcon 0 ;

awn gang reqfia ant pang grq no; pea» fifi k g cconu zsc awcgynryfi gauge


ecpsnat cs fl asks we bani brass“ finq tnwz so pe t: ox

“gpwnc enk oxqona‘7g qrq so: paa e an seesaw: In gps name a; bfi fl ]

to eye vxxahvsl £ 9 5 brsrusrz x'sen HR £9 9 : 1” Qu ench so zfi c

pl Leayascxsq may} co cps ej exg o; spa gubenyon couns‘

g ag s Gobi

Ez sugeg‘

gm ca rap an g‘Iaqq an egxysa b o; ape p gug son; 8 Jaggen

e a pa gba gpa pas; Ase nogygxeg eggs 9 cQ WQ O Ls Iu3fi u c gyon ass

seq aya g rs ananan pen begrgyau ru new gala'

gpa L Q O O L Q ya ayj eup

bshyaa 0 3 3 9 3 3 smoanga no ape enaqyc o; gsfl y gyysegg e 0 L hg a] bjsgs’

qexowqasg a; gps pfing‘onn eq an onqen L eapng xurwfi gps ogng LLom


cu oc agpan fi'Jaé w fl fie ee fi ha

‘“Ifipcfi é vocz aa 20 fps

suwwan a Lsé axz rnfi fps sna&:g1 3 0 eammon £5 9 pfimfi go fi n anfl i van

srycfl scyoue’

pap wqqi sfi a basi s» spay cps arch; Isafi e a & L 7 3 0;

bssrz xon fl e e grreq pk 9 3 3 1 9 3 113 samgsyaxyfi ampsgsngrsyjl cps g ems

cps gn z gpex oz qsx 0; figs 0 0 m1 ¢°

on spa same gym 9 eabbrswaupfi y

mfifirvfi Eva qyepfi afl fi a fiwn at xfiwqw enfi fifssq co ga z euQ ?us fificxr

0: gaz euqvai vac paw: five pfivk sue agents 9 8 Lsust erneq z new

as se oe fiwsrmfl ax awe gawqe'ya 8 3 1‘In 7 3 3 basesaeycv 3 0 age pneqrz

c ysi ! wag ama bl eq nan Q B cage; Le daynrufi cps pwug so gevqen

manag er a; five fi c eonug y; nogrcs pa fira au a; n «bbyy@ § gran LQ L

“ovLLreq aaqcn gpa fi j xfi a 0 1 5 9 3 1 brawn ! “ eye ge fixeq $9 9

go p10 cxeqra z pt nera pernfl anxuann 3 0 p0 5 2 epvc spa vocosus 1a

pang coc oang ru cfi e agsge gun; cg crewnrufi‘cpyewfio

'any wwmans



the rec ent dea th of defendant and prayed for the entry of an order

restraining the bank and i ts agents from paying out any funds to

the credi t of her former husband, then dec eased . On December 4 ,

19 44 the court ent ered an order rec iting that i t was informed

tha t defendant died and ordered tha t the bank and i ts agents be

restrained from paying out any amounts c redi ted to Paul Pla t z ,

dec eased, until the further order of the court .

0a January 28, 19 45 the court ent ered an order reci ting

tha t i t appearing that the bank. had not theretofore been served

with a summons and "i s not a party hereto", tha t a summons issue

against the"duly appointed and qualified administra tor or executor

of the estate of Paul Pi lackus,‘dec eased, and also that a summons

issue against the bank; Writs of summons were served on the bank

and on Anna Ri tchie and Agnes dedrai ti s, Goexecutri c ee or the last

will of Paul Pi lnekus, dec easeds an. narchr 8 , 19 46 the bank filed

i ts appearanc e and a. pet i ti en represent ing tha t at the tinz er the

death of defendant it had on deposit to hi s credi t the sun of

tha t it had expended to i n filing i ts appearanc e and had

incurred certain attorney‘s fees i n the ma tter, and prayed tha t an

order be ent ered authoriz ing and direc ting it to deposit the

balanc e of the funds wi th the clerk of the court , or wi th such . other

party as the court night determine , to be held until the f inal

order of the court determining who was enti tled to the funds, and

tha t it be dismissed fro. the case, on March 8 , 19 45 an order was

entered tha t the pe ti tion of the bank stand as i ts answer to the

petit ion of pla intiff, and tha t the coexecutrices be given leave to

On Enron 19” 1946 the eeexecutri ces filed a spec ial

appearanc e for the "sole purpose of quest ioning the Jurisdic tion of

the court . ” On March i go 1945 they filed a mot i on to di smiss

plaint iff‘s petition and to dissolve the restraining orders on the

brarugrxx, c boci gron vnq $0 greaaxa e gpn .Los:Lez ayvs O q La on gay

t bbofl ufineb 16; cut “nay; bfi Lbaae ~

ez dat ré uqus gym- ianrnqvogqen o;

m M m"rm m noem efl n m etm m a m ean )

usag e; gwt~ hsgqpqoa nxcprn 3 0 ~ § 9 1£ fl

bogrsret“0 x bywrnggxg‘t ug gya z gpu ecoxeeagsrefia pa $14 9 ” refine so

encensq syvx apt bafivcrfi a at fifl v pfi fl s vca fl fif re 3 3a twea é n x0 swfi

tsqan on fipt qfixehmrnrvfi fi fib‘

fl fifi £9 9 z fivqa‘seq

beast we p safi t fi' W7 finr qscaz mrnfl

’afi ha acre rye xrfi vr

pvrvvee oz awe aafiav A lfifi awe «Ian; on cwf —c ouz s’

fi fi 'fl ffifl navy expat

onqsx pt afl xent q wafifl vxxtrng wag Q TB OO fl TQ E Ifi ea qebfi ars ewe

Ivcfi z z sq asngsrfi agaoxna1 , fi {sea 13 gye uwgasm’ wag finwfifiq spas 3 8

es’ere'EQ Z cua g I$ pug exbtvqoq %a $3 Iz z zsfl $29 sbbewxfiwse fi n? fi fiq

vb tfp 6: qaaanq a 1: H9? 0 % esbaara £0'

fi re ah aqra ave awm at

Isa Ufibaanauas wag v begygrcn $ 3 bxeswu z rn§ spe g as zps eym§ oz figs

0 1 st ar brfwnfina’qoesfi fi sq

*aw ga ng? 8

'$3 69 fine figwx



t ug é fl‘

t3 0 v gz evpfo fi fiq vtnsa e$qnwfgi s‘aooxeuaaz roea ea awe $9 5 :

rvafis t fik yuac syn pgnx'

M arga a; aawmana A &L8 esmaeq on gpe pay;

a; ega styagfl $2 afi fi? Etrfiaxfi e‘c yvq 9 1mg speg a summons

vagrant ape “Q fi fi abbsfuceq wag G fi fi TIKIS Q'

E QWTB i fishfi gOL a; sxaeg gan

argw é fiwwamn avg “7? use a bexai n a ca a'gyaa c aamwewa tease

3’s: we wfibfi fimfwfi nsvs cps pw'

fiwq 0 0 : crunafiaxc z e pefiv 8 @ % A 0 §

09 qg fi fi?2& ga‘ISQ Q egg g amma gfi cez eq fin oz qcx mamyprnfi

qt cecssq‘

fl agry spa tfi fi fipQ L é aqwfi ox tp é ¢eung*

L e eanarvkq~

xxom hwi z nfi eat sfi i fimfi afi ge cusqrrcq £ 9 3 8 5 } byg gx’

five az agyt 61 avg Lanwcx pnapwvg‘gwsv qc aafi awq

'ow geas wn f

Lc a¢nwrgrfig ape p3 9? fl fifi rte yfianga { new ha i ry? O fi t $ 3 1 xfl fi qa 30

age Loesfifi qswgg a; q0 1¢8 Q WfiI wag bnwasg gen cps cmgxl oz Q B emqaz

ground tha t plaintiff‘s claim had not been reduc ed to Judgment ,

was not preferred, did not constitute a lien, that it aba ted upon

the dea th of defendant prior to the making of the bank as a party

defendant , and tha t the court had no Jurisdic tion of the subj ec t

ma tter.

en Herch. 28,19 45 plaintiff , under the name of Emily

M i tkne , filed an shi ver to the peti tion of the bank and denied

that the bank was enti tled to reimbursement for any some other

than court eeete , en April 16, 19 45 plaintiff fi led a counterclaim

i n which she asked for a Judgment agai nst the bank for the difference

between the amount which the mi ght rec eive from a claim filed

against the estate of deceased and the sum of On Apri l 17 ,

19 45 , on mot ion of the at torney; for the bank, the court ordered

tha t the order ent ered April 15 , 1945 , giving pla intif f leave to

file an amended. pe ti ti on and c ountercla im, be vaca ted, and tha t

eueh petition and counterelain be expunged from the record . On

Apri l 18 , 19 45 , on motion of the coexeeutri oee, the court ordered

that the pet ition and supplemental petition of plaintiff filed on

ec tober 4, 1944 and . heeenber 4 , 1944 be dismissed, tha t the injunc tions

be di ssolved , and. that the bank pay all money: standing to the

oredi t of deceased to the coexecntri oee. Plaint iff appeals.

Plaintiff statee: “The Superior Gourt of Cook County

having or iginal Jurisdic tion over the subj ec t ma tter and the parties,

the some having been assumed and attached thereto, the court never

lost i ts Jurisdic tion, nor did the appellant‘s cause of ac tion

aba te by the dea th of the original defendant, whose ceexecutore

'were substi tuted as parties in. hi e place and stead. Survival of

the proc eedi ng i s wrought by statute. “ Plai ntiff c i t es See . 11 of

Vhen there i a but one defendant i n an ac tion, proceedi ng or complaint,

Aptv é pi fit It by: qi z tfivvh: ya ya sagrbm° finaevfiqrsfi an awmbrsync

zns vpiiflfiih: veé ‘ ( 9 0 0 ' II‘cp‘I“ITI

'3 68


aevc‘raw?) k c

apt bnoeefi qrvfi re anoafin: pl acwcdfc’

u nzwrnfxz z organ was“ TI an

a cne aapasxaagt q at bfingrb i ru'

pre byt es fivq ugasq'

gnmgrasr a;

rpc co pi fps qt vgp on cps oxrfixver qexenqwng‘saves coaxecngfina

19 0: It ! Qnareqrogrun‘non qrq gpe sfifi errwu z ,| ag a ve o; aegray

cps swa t pfinrwfi pe as snafi meq~

enq sagaewaq gpuLsfio’ape gags; naasn

psarue onyarvyy vanqaqrccyow aAeL Ewe ga ming: wa ggez sag spa nn rea‘

§1w7W£ItL stages: “Lye gfififiLrofi gowns ax gee; cocngl

oneqrn a; quegsc eq co cps cooxaea z Lxcea'

bjsyfi gyzx sbbavrfi'

pa qyaaa j a cq’

q fpwg ape psmx bum 8T] memaz a aswwq7 3 8 . go sp a

oc top0 1 f* wfl q Deeampes e

‘Iaffi pfl gr emraeeq

‘tag: can rv1nuccrofi a

ens: cut be zrcrom 3 5? anbblswsvsfl f berr:IO fi 0 3


5 I9 3 0 3 ¥1t Irrc q on

vbz yj Ig’raqg

’an mfi gxoa o; rpg a oexeaagurc é s

‘spa ceaxg oz qexeq

aaep b$£I£I Q B sag e afi fi eanerg rm pa axbfi nfieq { LO N fip fl h GO O Lg'


{ 7 19 an wwavgeq hszygyau q c cwfi gaaoreym‘pa Aa GWgaq

’ wnq ggg g

«as: spa onqen ewz é noq V5 3 7? 7 9 fisnrnfi 5 18 13 312; refi ae fw


on mogyew a; gwa g agabseha gag ape pwyg’ spa aofing oxqexeq

saeyueg zpe emgsge o; gee c a @ @q H fi Q‘

ffiO 3 am 0 L as‘orq

’gg'on vbnrr Ié

pegnsas gas smonnc Hfi I Q F awn w1§p£ Lea e z fi a them a grwqm z yreq

In aprep figs g apaq gen 9 Qagfimeug sfiwrnan gag 9 3 5 : { an fps gygxenafl oe

cpvv eeanc aoe¢ v*

en VbLTI I Q’Ifi fifl DT5 ¥ U £I§L xrreq w cafi vz exorfiru

cps: gpv pang a g e nuz rzfcq so ( an an& aawa appex

urcxfl a‘LITE? vv wz mafin cc tfi é betrsrefi ex spa vvq genreq

on nvnew 89’Jae? brsrucrta

‘fi fi qg h an“ figme ox e rl


qexeq ua‘q tag : ewe eeaxa peg we ifi xxaqre z IO B on fine aupi cec

spa cast? ox Q GLQ EQWU I bL IO L re awe wvxrnfi 9 1 spa pfiwx aw a bwnsh

A E R nag bL GLQ t q’

q no: eamagrpfi ao w ryew’cyan we wpsgeq anon

fi bonnq cpfi r brsrnarzx. 8 ergrm wwq we: peon fi aqnaeq :9 imqfiwfi va‘



and he dies before final Judgment or decree , such ac tion, proceeding

or complaint shall not on that acc ount abate , if it might be

originally prosecuted against the heir, devise e , executor or

administra tor of such defendant , but the plai nti ff, pet i ti oner or

complainant may suggest such dea th on the record, and shall , by

order of the court , have summons against such person or legal

representative , requiring h im to appear and defend the ac tion, pro

c eedi ng or complaint, after whi ch it may proceed as if it had been

originally commenc ed against hi m, Flai nt i ff ma intains that i t was

the noty of the court to de termine the amount due her under th e

decree and to have ordered the amount credi ted to dooessed‘s bank

ac count pa i d over to her to apply on the encunt found due her . In

her bri ef, i n support of her connterola i n against the bank, plain

ti ff argues that she was misled to her pre judice by the incorrec t

statement in the bank‘s le tter of October 7, 19 44 tha t there was no

sooeont i n the name of her former hnebano. Ehi s counterclaim was

asserted on the theory tha t the conduc t of the bank i n the e misleading

her, who ac tionable . In the oral argument counsel for plaintif f

stated tha t she was not assert ing any c la im against the bank i n her

oonnterclahn. This amounts to a withdrawal of the cont entions

assertea under her counterclaim and we wi ll, therefore, not discuss

In the brief filed by the ccexecotri ces, the following

statement appoero:“In pla intiff's bri ef it i s stated that the

exec utors insist tha t pla intiff‘s claim he filed i n the Proba te

eonrt . We do not so i nsi eta but we do ma intain tha t in wha tever

court plaintif f files her claim she i s an ordinary credi tor and

onqsxsq b% ¢q {n gne‘oounee a; sqmyuyggnsgyoq


'saws rv

can 0253 9 : we finesse; Lamogi ’pay snag pex ersrm ages bpaasq


c oax: bystuprz x { 716 8 pen crsz m ape re fin onqruyml cueqygon egg


at ca uog as z uaran‘pug A 9 qo mvrmgsyu zpwc Tu apvgoasz

oxee ac0 3 0 Ifl i 7 fl t spa: bI fi Tfl fi i tlga crews p6 11160 In cpo

agreement fi fl bsvt a z “In v rucwxx, 9 anzaz re 7 3 acfl ceq ens: ape

L” £9 8 pklex LIIO Q 91 ave cogxeenchrecs’awe xaxroa rwfi

cps coauseaeyc 7n*

t e aesgcq anqsm pen confi saxmfg ym avg as fi III’pp anaxome

‘neg qsaag aa

coufl nsnon m°

guru amoauee ac alnygpq mg z ox spa C GUfi Q H fiIQ UG

sgsgeq spa: ape ma s me: ve aexgrafi val O IQ TE afl srnax spa pang In wax

pen“na g mfinxanspra

'In spa ana j anfiameng conufi ef go; byvxngrz z

sseongeq an egg apaonl ape: spa ooq qaa z a; fl ag pgng In spa s wraj swqxvfi

voeaang xv ans ug we peg gokmen waspa'

$pz e G enusp z arfiym use

agsgomeug ya ap& pfiuxz a yesz ex 0 ; 0 3 3 0 9 0 ; 5‘n e eggs xpene a v g as

si x: asfixfi a saws aga fi fi a mysreq $0 vex bL oQaqyga pl ape Tuaexneos

pB L - plwex’In afi bb a z g a; pen oaanpaafi j fi rm g gwynes spa pfinx

’ bysta

9 e oofl mg b$rq aasx 5 0 pan go abbrk as ag e amenv: z aa qne pG L’


qeez eo tug ya pfi a e axqeneq spa wweaw: c aeqrz eq go qsaaseeq ln pay;

apt gash az afifi coax; se geefi nmrma spa fimonvg qaa pea muqeL sp a

onxfiz usrj h somwsne eq wfig z ua: p 3m°

bJ$3 u5 111 msrugwyue gpwg 15 use

Q é sqrnfi OL mewnfs7 ng’

ages; fi yj cfi 1: ask bnoeseg G e It It mag pe eu

s z e wevcwara e’

L eaayL ynfi prm ca ashavn avg qegq sp a ac cren’ buc

O L Q Sh 01 pp: esnme’

$3 4 0 enwwove sacruag efi op baz sez 0 L j efia;

samfi j fixuwng mam afi fifie ag wasp qevgp on gge LOG O L Q‘

avg apwyj‘pl

eqmynragnugaa a; amap qagenqaug'pas cps nepysromeh ox

onxfirnfi jyi ksa aeangaq sawxwag spa psyn'gearwe e

‘exac ngaL on

on ooufirfirs: epwrj was an egg : scaamvg sagas“y; r: mrfigg pg

avg pfl gran pagans L7 E?I Qfl qfia fi fi g ax ge axem‘

afiafi fi Q fiIOfi’ bi ac asqInK

gpo agt gafe dbeu'


go envenrpmas twi ct nbfibng ea zvm’

qqnamaoq0 ; an gfiwcron on qack 3 9 w aaLsu sn‘ It use 1 qnck rwboeeq plw e Io n m n fl 0 1 we Warp” ?ma a w n m e m w e m ea n

ape geasse gas wj fmonm’

qz oq’

avg fgwp 1g pe a HQA QL peen bq'


0495 3 n r! opwcsov mm we cm wvm c’81m . m cw u

80 III‘sw

‘m gam m a com e m g ( ass) :

( 9 6? ofl‘9

’H T


m u mm " m mr m m M W

0 ; eye aaa efigp O TF Q G’ é s bsoé rqeq i n ge e

“305 0 L cps z uepwe; vos

sax GIWIQ fl pTGH bjwrngrxg mam psas eponj q pt Q II Q A GQ‘

WB a crate

armrrsx A LI Q Q reefl eq fi bc fi w Qfi qfimswc Us yan‘

3 6 1$9 q9 u g c oupenqe spas

o; spa bnabox connca°

fi pyep ens} : pats spa same abt z wnyou avg goz aa i n

ca ape ve gans 0; eye evae‘grxsaaaq ac spa eyee g on ogpa a ogxrcsa

c l L Lt ruse 6119 0 3 pk execasrgn’on ospex w wy nz oosea’

neoO Lqrga

usage; 13 epwwc euk an eawmz eayamsn exeefi ge w qaaaee’awe aam¢ mwi pa

opi ne ena veg bxoarqea away nygm ppexe angry pa fi e gynesggafi cyan s

msa pa Baee eak 10 ; age wagfi rvwea g 0g Quasyoe’


6A 0 1 gpo

a; anap aefi en ban ana as beagwrn so coaL ge a; cpvnc ena‘q uprog

aedfl sag eheg’ on a pron ans rg araqaq 7 3 saep


q @ 0 Le a‘Bug pk cps axeh arao

qemwnq ox gas eawbrsrnamg 3 @ pa berg efi é 0: cps az z ec ca 0 a engage

pe t IA ez é q go gp e w pz encrgreq tyemaso‘an px. oz qez $u€ sp é

O L penn‘pl canary? be aaa aayou a; ape L5 61 sag Bfl h fifi afi f eagygs $6

c age gs‘pk aggee pwgmg afiernag cue boz nau

‘pi L7 3 8 6L ywfiaraommauc

I VI ofl gatsa a qeanes eyapsn pa aedfi g aguwcyem a; $ 0 3 7 tug bg L aauay

( 36 0'«s

’0 3


3 3‘ITI

'ssA *

asw£ * blearqse swfi z cps sc ans

ernzsnp _n yz§ gas Layc a eve w ogyan’

gea'$3 0 1 ag e cpsuaoni vag

anxonc e apt bfi i mewg ox gyymnfil avg awrnaewg nae rm awl mgvmsa oe$~




'gm z

‘ram ) M am et? m : cm em u new

$6 nzsgs w c ea as o; fia tyos‘“ gee

“19 0 1 zpc gyaaxeo vaa

‘{3 9 3


ch; G Q fiL £ oanrq fl og fiawmc psn’ sag yfiw: pl go Q arfl fi apt p3 3 Layj eq


a?“ I ! Lsm az’

rnfi new“ we 18 nos sw u n g w m :w rap

m an u bfi mm : m m a7m 9 8 hem am we m em e m m 7 13 w e

wife and when the amount was ascerta ined and fixed the rightto money be came vested and as fully fixed as had the moneybeen pa id or the husband had given hi s note for the amount . The

husband could not resume it , nor did he become entitled to iton her dea th . It was absolutely the wi fe‘s, and went to her

representativ es precisely as would any other money decree aga instany other person . It , then, follows tha t her executor or admi ni s

treter had the right to proceed and collec t i t i n the same ma nner

tha t any other decre e could be enforced after the death of the

person in Whose fever it was rendered . “

In the case of Ln 3 ! Egtgt e of Koeeuth E, Bell , 210 Ill. App . 3 50 ,

we said tha t the claim of a widow against her husband's estate for

the amount unpai d under a decree for al imony i s to be trea ted as

any other obliga tion of the deceased at the ti me of hi s dea th and i s

recoverable as a cla im of the seventh class.

The orders granting the injunc tion restra ining the bank

and i ts agents from disbursing the funds were not the equivalent

of the servi ce of a garnishment summons, or the servic e of a wri t

of a ttachment . All these injunc tions sought to do was to restrain

the bank from paying out the funds, Thi s they ac complished. Plain

tiff did not have a Judgment entered aga inst defendant during hi s

lifetime . to hi s dea th her posit ion as to the alimony and support

money the n due was the came as the posi tion of any other person

having a seventh class cla im. In our opinion See . 11 of the Aba tement

Ac t doee not affect plaintiff's position as a claimant aga inst the

esta te, Tha t secti on. perni ts certain ac tions and proc eed ings to

continue against the personal representa tive of a sole defendant .

Whe ther the case is tried in the circui t or Superior Court or i n

the Proba te Court, plainti ff could not have her c la im for the ac crued

alimony and support money allowed except as a seventh cla ee claim.

The chancellor was right i n refusing plainti ff the rel ief

ehe sought . We do not know whe ther pla intiff, as a safeguard, filed

a clai m in the Proba te dourt wi thin the nine months allowe d by the

Proba te Ac t . In view of the sta tement of defendants tha t they do

st epcao 7 0 8”

19 Area 0 ; cps est eemene 0 ; qcxenqvnce cvvc ap ez go

i cxvnl EU ayfi - bswfirt c eaana Away?“ one first - we nzwe srrafi ae p& r?!

3 3 0 toafl pz'

as ea ”O f nfl au . upa£psn at u asxGEmq“arreq

afia cnwvoagrna a fl e ~ mrfifi£ xv L ei aurfl fi brwrfl srzx spa D'wyeztyranni wag anhnox; meael vj yessq excabg an t asa encp are as ararw

3pa bxspwgu eanxg‘bjwvugtxz g ear?nag psas vex eywrn Lab gag fi fi é k fl sqi

ayugpnn eye 02 9 9 rs gxt {x cpt arisatg b& anbsuroa 00 3 3 3 O n TH

c astrano w8s3neg gun beneafiwr s xsaangwgya e oz 3 ears

oaz i ss' &p?¢ wac eu bc yga aahgaqn vagrana avg fiz aaag qrnga ca

to: ga t e wasngz eé g brsi mzrz g . fl beareton as v $I fl tfi ?fi £ $€w1uag cps

pvaynfi s 0 8 3 $ fl £9 arses orarm'

13 aa& 0 0 19 3 9 3 aee’

II a: ape vpagamfin:

novel spam qua aaa gpo same 3 3 spa be grgyoy a; val egp aa'

baz aev


an 3 1 9 gasay wen beexgrov-

ws rs spa arrwaml sag st ena

gyz x qxq'

n pfi aa t afl qfiwsug gfigenaq 9 89?aag qez é sq z Q fi ayé fi pTe

are per! thaw bfilrng ea: fps tange‘ é wTG z fi é l fiesambTIEfinq°


o; fi gsfi apwawg‘

v1: fpses rwiavagraufi eaafipg 3 0 ga mws‘pa Leagneyu

cx $9 9 9 6 5 3 5 0 0 6; s a firwpmau z efl mwfiue‘ @ L aye satayeg a; a Ant;

was $5 8 gasses LLO Q Q $3pfi £ 8 79 § $3 0 gaugt .asma v0 ; 3 9 3 eé fi rasraag

gpa Q Lq®b$ fixg fi axufi £9 3 rfi ifi fi ogz on Laagnsrnyufi gpe pay?

b Gd O A O BfipI O a t 9 syfiym afi fge

awl capes apyrfi fi gram 9 1 egg qge gsssq wg aye arms a; $13 qaaap wag ya

ape swonue fi fi b3 7 q £ H Q $ L a g é ans$ { at ayrwwmi we so pa anec gwq we

so asz g cps; ape aq a an w nz qma sfifiyné g was pnapanq ,a ez gsge Lax

In apt 63 9 6 at $3 SIG III‘vbb



bsxaan ya fi yfi ae zwmex 1s .xyw L ag gexeq',

zpwg uni ogg aL qeaase eouj q pa anz oz oeq sxz en spa qeegp a; spa

3 1 3 10 ; wq ape Ltfiyg $9 baodeeq-

fi fi q afiyyeeg It In cpfi efi fi e wanyen

val_ agyan bauag m' 13’39 3 3

‘goxfoa a gysa pox oxaoa gox 0 L sgmynrga

LebLO t aagfi grass hmsdqawyt . fifi An oa awl aspen g avel q$sz s® fi fififfi é gon pg ; g Q Q gU

‘13 age ypaoyaeg j i gas sag nafl g 30 p a;

wfi vpfi vv Ga fi fv wé aawfi 7 f’ wen gre

ws p é eoao serrrroc ea tr

pseu burg on gas pg fi pruq ggg gynaa B7 9 nose Lon spa ”b ufi fl fi’ spt

no gas wwucl pefi ame nsfi geq'

a e a Lfl frl z yxsq 3 8 pa?gr; wc ut iA 3 3 9 ! wnq away figs awexn: asa wac c ngg yweq sag Lyxeg eye traps


not i nei et tha t she t ile her claim i n the Proba te Court , we feel

tha t she should be given an opportunity to have it allowed i n the

Superior Court . For the reasone sta ted the order or the Superior

Court of cock County i s reversed and the cause remanded wi th

direc tions to enter an order allowing plaintiff‘s cla im i n the

amount the court eha11 rind was due at the time or dec ea eod'e

dea th, against Anna Ri tchie and Agnes Gedra i ti e, as coexecutri cee

of the esta te of Paul Pi la ckue, dec eased, as a seventh c lass c la im,

to be pai d i n due course of administra tion; tha t the injunc tions

be dissolved and that the State Bank of steering pay the amount

standing to the credi t of Paul Pi lacka e ( alias Paul Pla ts) dec eased,

lose i ts costs, to Anna Ritchie and Agnes Gedrai ti e , coexeoetri cee

of the esta te of Paul Pi laeke e, dec eased; and tha t the costs in

the Superior Gourt and i n thi n court be a ccessed against pla intiff .


n rm’ ‘


amm o


tfi fl go oeL10 L coca : erg rm ga z e coon: pa e eece eeq 3 3 9 19 0 3 ogerngygg‘

oi ape corona a; bee } byraofioe’

qeooe eoqt e gg sfl fi f rye ooane yo

yoee roe ooeee‘so were gz eopye enq vfioe c aeoaayxro

*ooexoofl rtyc ce

ageuqrofi po ego cnoqxr or bear byxeogao ( erye e gen] brags) qecoe eeq‘

pe qre eoye eo erg spay ope gsfi rfi gang a; gyeemrefi ban rye cmoamc

go pa be7 q rm gee C OWL Ee or e cmqorogi e gyon i spa: ope Infinvorz oa e

or eye e eeeee or gen? bryecxea’oec ee eeq

‘e a c aea enry ej eee orsrm


efieyrog vent grocers one danc e g eqneygya‘e a oocxecncnyc ea

oe oauc eye c oax: epej j { Jog na e one 9 3 one gyms o: geoee ooq , e

cyt oc hrone so once; to eager offen3 3 a hgetngggg , e aye z w re op e

coon: or Q oog c ugl ye aoacxeeg ga g fifl Q oeoe e Lemongoq “IL?

gabenxox GO fi Ls‘

got ope Le e e0 nd eat fl é d ewe sh eet 0 ; rec gabonre t

no: m em e me t m e xrre vex em re m w e tw ee ,“ cfim a'as user



APPEAL FROMAppellant ,


CHICAGO a bankigfi


poration, COOK COUNTY.

and HID-si t: NATION BAN or

GEIdAGQ , a banking corporat ion,


S Z°I . 2 6


This i s the second appeal or this cause . Plainti ff ,

Loui s B . Freise, a licensed real estate and insurance broker,

tiled hi e amended complaint i n chanc ery for an ac counting and

to recover commissions in the sum of alleged to be due

hi m from the defendants Bi d-Gi ty Trust and savings Bank of

Chicago, a banking corporat ion, and Hi d-City national Bank of

dhi cagc , a banking corporat ion, for servic es rendered by hi m as

sueh. broker while employed by the defendants. At the close of

plaintiff's case, defendants'motion for a finding i n their favor

was allowed . by the chanc ellor and the amended complaint dismissed

for want of equi ty. Pla intiff app eals,

Plaintiff was employed by the Mid-Ci ty Trust and

savings Bank ( hereinafter called "Savings Bank“) from March 16 ,

19 20 to March 1, 1923 , and reemployed from July 1, 19 23 to Ma rch

23 , 19 3 3 , when he resigned at the request of the president .

Duri ng the period from November 20 , 19 25 until hi s resigna tion

Harsh 85, lacs, plainti ff served as manager or the real estate

loan department and as a member or the real esta te commit tee . In

tha t capac i ty he ”consumma ted deals“ on heal esta te with the

owners of property or brokers representing them, inspec ted and

cheesy-es um care ge’one ew es reentenc e

'In qenm ru ‘msa‘

onsets ox boobetgl on pnorone s nc eencrne rpew’Ineb eogeq seq

spe c cebeoxri pe “eonenaweceq goers, cu peer serene arrp ppe

Jose const ancy: one t o r nempen or ape Leer eessse commrccea'


xenon 5 9’Jagg

‘byernfrtl senses t o mencfl on o; cps Leer e eeecc

Detect cps henyoq {non HOA GM p OL 60’The? sort} pro L 8 6 7€H 3 3 7 0 H


‘even vs L e ertnsq an ape Lodfl e ex oz an: bxooreenz


1880 £6 nvnsw I‘rese

’nus Lseubrekeq LEON 10 11 I

”rose as ushen

postwar pe n; Q I IIGQ “genrefi e our“) { Lon “st ep 7 9'

tlnz uert t A 9 8 embrolec pl spa nrq~ ctck she en one

{ on neon or ednrci'

byerurrgg sbb eern“

new errenee pd ape openc cj j on neg ape ee enqeq combrsrnr qyemreeeq

byeyncy1;,e oeee’

samenesnee, h ereon LO L e gguqrnt In rp ern xenon

seep pncgen np z j e enbyoheq pi ape qegeuqe nre'

v; cps cross on

mercefl o'e peng z et oonbonerrc n

'AQ L eonnree e Le uqeneq on pro so


e psugrmfl conoonegren‘

ecq gtq~ cxri “ergonej gong o;

film- than one sstcucsvts nee—crct ent er ewe efl nz efi e sent at

so LQ B Q ABL oceereeqcne xv one one or gang’oco ej ret eg go no gas

171 q p i e eneEQ te e cehrercr rn-

cnwec oni z en .en ec ocnnrrne sue

rents fi'Lneree’ e z z eemee } Leer encore one i nesne nee pLOKQ L


ye one eec cno obese; or gene cenee‘



CFIQ Veé‘9 Phfi fi i nfi c eehenerron

9 nd hID~ Q d? Vi IOhV Anngg OhOL onion 3 Pfi fl xi $ 0 000k cannon?

HIQ‘CIll esnec Wha evnxnce EVER

n° mnmnoo emnm


roarsH‘m m

sh earer scent nen 36 one PITI‘mp0 spenoerren onennnreq one sewnhnen

soone tree: z nz az‘ewescuteness: tri es v teacher was

15 8 PIN’

fi firefi noel Q O Q IIU O Q ”HQ 1 9 L3 9 9 q £0 tfl LUTGD‘

spasbyeyuprgx geaenqeq o; qegcuqsnce so sc conu z i nfi or one models

seq new; scene nsootqa one son In two hosseseroo 0 1 one qez enqsnpst

pl brownsyxt‘so no} : so one beloengo nsqe no pro on ecc ensn


ape ensneeosross ooi ee zse correosron or goes seq ocenreeronn cannsq

enhance twi sted twee esnrnde sens senses essence so as sub: ex

so assarovsni’cerebnone

‘cerednebp eexn zose

‘sue orenge'

13 to

pre’aropong openae

'ge es noon on ope bnemrse e on one pong so as]:

to one brsruertz LE O N eyes to srwc‘

two one swarvfis sens bewarsee

ch oruses! one: helmencs on sc enes: 0; coop comerssrons a cne megs

posse ss ace tate Bess ne e no: Joc eneoq go sec ede: s pLoxc eede

Isaac eonsyeerone seq ge es apron spoofs peas peso heyq so hysrccrtt

Bong peg coyrec pcq a noseyneq Laos astreas newsc ast s seq seve ns

euq easy escsge Icon one resonanc e pssrnees’

nez cnqsuo ge i rogs

c onsecnron a xon ge arsde ge ne on sxnensyi e Les] c eases onenensde

cyanogen} apesno st ooges one eongsoseq rn pro can some can 1s

0 ; s Censor; L ee} senses pnoxenefie essenc es seq spendynfi ecosyseyone

Icon a rn z sasuc s qobenoseng s; gni ynee some one { on one essence

ope oz corsets Len fps bnnhoec on oonqsorz nd one user engage

has} escape one Insansnoe pnogea Loom ope aga te a; IIIIHGTQ one

one Lecnses on qeg engses gssrnfi e Bent“ booenncq froeusee so a

cust oms 9 311 ex G enerates ta ones b1vrucrct’ so cps shearer ruesrsse

sfl nrsta seen one ch eeses err at Irvp zrreres‘

one tree at one

postage gen; ape nepl ge pz cner gong nonessseq BIZ one a c cess on

c ari ng ”narrower Bong“) se cet oq Tuna e a nrngen essenc esa z gu

ac crues?v fl oz cpyeefio‘a powered coebonssros ( penersexnen


ess 9 T° 0 86q ssesrse‘ on eel e‘Jese

‘accesses: ntse orci



of Savi ngs Bank and sustained the demurrer of the Na ti onal Bank ,

and di smi ssed the bi ll as to i t for want of equi ty . Plai nti ff

appealed from that portion of the decree di smissing the bi ll as

to Nati onal Bank . Th i s court reversed the decree , susta i ni ng

the demurrer of nati onal Bank to the amended bi ll and di smi ssi ng

i t for want of equity ( 280 Ill . App . After the cause we e

remanded to the tri al oourt , the defendants fi led answers. The

answers averred enbetent i elly tha t the pla i nti ff was an employee

and duri ng the peri od of hi s employment hi s salary ranged from

to annually, tha t as an_ employee i t was hi s duty to

eooonnt to defendant for all eommi sei ons ree eived from any source

i n the oour ee of hi s employment and tha t i n eonneeti on wi th the

banki ng business, Savi ngs Bank eondneted a real estate loan and

insuranc e department and had the power to lend money on. personal

and real estate aeonri ti ee and the right to charge commi ssi ons

therefor, Berendents further denied tha t Savi ngs Bank eger made

any payment on aeoount of eemni eei ene to plai nti ff, and ever tha t

plai nti ff‘s claim was barred by the ete tnte of limi tati ons and laches.

Repli eeti ene were f i led by p la i nti ff to the answers,

denying that the salary reeei ved by pla i nti ff i neluded or could

i nclude the alleged commi ssi ons earned by him, and denied tha t

def endants had any legal right to onarga oommi eei onne

Pla i nt i ff's pri nci pal oontenti on i s that Savi ngs Bank

had no authori ty under the law to not either as an insuranc e broker

or as a real esta te broker and oollee t commi ssi ons therefor, and

that the feet that defendant Sav ings Bank pai d plai nti ff a f i xed

sult ry'

dnri ng the entire period of hi s employment does not bar

plai nti ff'e clai m for oemmi eei ons, si nce an agreement to ac cept a

publi c poli cy. In support of hi s posi ti on, plai nti ff cites


to hi m.“

In the opinion rendered by the chancellor ( Abst . 3 3 ) it app ears tha t

this i s the theory which he adopted .

The record discloses tha t the only testimony offered was

tha t of plai nti ff. he testif ied tha t when he was reemploycd abou t

July 1, 19 3 8, he talked wi th. Wi lli am J . RnthJe the then. presi dent

of savings Bank . Def endants‘counsel ob j ec ted to the alleged conver

sa tion be tween plaint if f and Ra thj e , basing- hi s obj ec tion upon

Sec tion 4 of the Evidence Ac t. I t appearing tha t Ra thj e had died

i n Oc tober, 19 52 , the chanc ellor susta ined the ob jection. Plai nr

ti ff ts counsel then offered to prove tha t Ra th j e as president of

defendant savings Bank requested plai ntiff to ti ts out broker'slicenses and to conduc t a real estate depar tment of the bank for

hinself sinc e the bank was not permitted to do a real esta te or

insurance business. An obj ec tion was also susta ined to the fore

going offer. Plaintiff further testified: ”I never had a wri tten

c ontrac t wi th defendant Savings Bank and was never employed by

defendant Na tional Bank: M ills requested me to resign and I ac cepted

hi s orders and cleaned out my desk; then I mentioned to him ( Mills)

‘c about all these commissions on the real esta te loans and

insurance ccmmi ssi cns. ‘‘Well,’ he said,two will have to see about

that . “ sinc e the foregoing proof offered by pla inti ff fa iled to

support the allegations of the amended bill of compla int, the

chanc ellor properly snstai ned defendantsT motion a t the c lose of

plaint iff‘s case .

For the reasons indica ted, the order dismissing the bill

for want of equity is affirmed.

Kn ox. ou r. AND seem , a. onsets.

Ixrxxf ss'z'was 3 3313




{ on on e é fl yxl rs n rzmnq*

kwL rpt ncvaoua rfiqxevt&q‘art é nqwm afawraerwfi ewe psrr

brvwncrx;. e avsé'

epsnc ayrog bbabonrh smegmz aeq qexcfiqrugeb é ogré n a: :pn areas a;

aubbon: fpfi srj oevgyawa a; spa wmofiqsq p11} at cambywyng‘spa


;a gtaea tvi Lez efioxnfi b taox oxz ot eq pl bIfi IU trxx so

rmauisneo essayaaraua*

, g fi fi Il‘i pa atrq

’£ 7 11 wvas go ass apong

,H@ a spews a}: agave ccwmraaronu as spa new; g ecwpg Iowua auq

pre O L QE L Q nxq a7 $%asq by?H i gang: rpeg I mavaroneq no gym-

( wyrra )

GC §G § Q § fin gacz onfi r gawk: ETII B Lg é asapsq we ye L daa'

q I wfi oobgaq

eongnswt fi f ffl Q fi gfimqang aaArvfi e gang Bug a g e naAaz fimbyakaq pl

é az fl z‘

af fl i fitrxx z fl nfivc h sefisrzreq t a: ”e a ch - mew fi bvsz em

Insanfi fi aa pa az nmv a*

vs sptfi fi grwv .s ayes aawgvrng q ca pwe xoxea

prUB crz arga a cwt basfi'

nra fl fi k beLwyaggq 30 qfi 9 £ 8 3? gngsgc ox

IIG Q H€ 8 % sfi q ea nomqnasv Lee?ougwse qmn gasug d; gpe pfi yx { 9 3

qoxeaqane gfi aywfia Bfi fi fi andafi agnq Ljsryprgg so gwg g 0 3 g pneg$n1§

3 111 ,a O O fi fi sfiI gg§w O£3 $L fi q z o bnoa a Eggs gwgyfis aa .bxe axqeng 0 g

3 5 oscOfien‘Iafia

‘ape cfiwwaerrcn anecwrwfi fi cps anfimacxon

hrfl ru~

egatrefi é ax sp a aaxqgfi fi e vc z‘Ik

‘vfibavnrvfi spfi a yv fp is 9 9 6 qvwv

sc ares pobae as brg ffigzxz wa g Bg¢p16‘pg agufl gr? epjsé fiyefi fi mam

o; gfiwfi'

aagawqwngal eefl naay epj gagaq go gpé wrywfisq fi fifi£ € L~

anri I’

fig ct rweq art? affrrfim u'Bvrnvs ave swan huevxq$ua

gpvg at $1i 7 n31x1 *Be gsatz gycq ppcg myofi pa $9 8 nQ Q Q bfé aog g oafi k

M ; w as“:w acrdw u name w e cwn m egzm m c}gm m m

tr?! 13 sun snue&1 amray vs vqabcoq’

In cps ab7 3 7 0 n'

n9wqeufiq pl $3 6 é fivwfierj ax tyfi ac'ggj sfi h % q aa- gpsg

as WTW'u


but tha t the pla i nti ff ha s not rec e ived 5 per c ent thereof annually

si nc e 19 5 7 , as provi ded i n the agre ement ( Pla i nt i ff's Exhibi t A )

between the pi ni nt i ff and the Corporati on .

The pla i nt i ff further alleges that i n 19 3 5 defendants

conspi red, combi ned and confedera tsd among themselves to avoi d

the payment of the addi t i onal broker's commi ssi ons du e plai nti ff

and, as part of the consp i racy and. wi thont noti c e to the pla i nt i ff ,

the defendants c aused the corporati on to be di ssolved by thei r

wi llful refusal to pay the franchi se taxes; tha t after the

di ssoluti on of the Corpora ti on , defendants ac ti ng as offi cers of

a de fac to c orporati on conveyed the i nt erests of the Corporati on

to the defendant Robert 8 . Adler who, ac t i ng i n pursuanc e of sa i d

consp iracy and wi th the conni vanee and assi stance of the other

defendants, sold the premi ses new occupi ed by Bond Stores, to one

Ryan; that afterwards defendants di stri buted the proc eeds of th e

sale of the premi ses among themselves; and tha t defendants, f eari ng

they would be held to account to the plai nt i ff for the addi ti ona l

broker's commi ssi ons, procnred an i ndemni ty agre ement from Ryan

to save themselves harmless from any ac ti on i nsti tuted by the

pla i nti ff agai nst the defendants,

Plai nti ff's theory i s that i t i s an ac t i onable wrong

for those i n c ontrol of a corpora ti on and who wi ll rec ei ve i ts

assets to di ssolve a corpora ti on to escape th e p erformanc e of i ts

contracts. Defendants'contenti ons are tha t the complai nt does

not sta te a cause of ac t i on, and tha t the sh i t wa s not brought

wi thi n two years after the da te of the di ssoluti on.

The Engli sh doctri ne announc ed i n n lgx;v . 215 , 2 Elli s

Bla ckburn, 216, and m v . $ 339 50 L. J . Ch E. 5 0 5 , has be en

generally followed in Illi noi s, In giggg v. Bohemians, Inc ” ,223 Ill.

xé ififipcse re C CU £5 0 1

“0 1 e C C LbOL§ £YO B

f8 9 q are sq} : cocai ne the

bLQ G fl Bfie EB tuqeosrci ctssescng'z non glen

M i 3m mm were to m ass: to m a bre wer“ tor. a n WWW W I

glen! rhea siennaa e oexcnqence qrsgnzhsrse roe hncceeqe or gee

ccrq ops bi cnysee non ccoabyeq pl gong asones’no one


qg‘ieero connoi errcn consoles gee i nsene epe of get ecnbc ne cren

nxrrz ur L ernes?so not hpe'inescpfee sexes! cps: steam ape

esq’ on bet : or spa cerebrneci seq h yphens nc gre e go she byswnrrz g

aper bei ocng c; gee seesgycsty pnoyen ,s oomwresross qc e brez nrrxx

we bru nette team s) 5 7 19 3“ ( W 8 to rear qezw qw u

” an “ w e i twnn u was w e com es-sn ow

cocoon sucrose sombrero: concerns eyy op e sc anners] eyemenpe 0 L on

Q oLhoLecyen'assee no hereon ani o ns cannon. eeocsem roe one talent

stat e one Ice new ae ee reed e eewprfanee spec one bfernertt

tfisfiqednes on so epxrfie e7 ee no one brwruertx*

cet boneeyon A3 8 neeq pl ape gerenqsnee as e espretgods so two

one bheoeeqa aces opened mocha one qexeeeenea'

In entecs‘ffi a

a cne mega no asc eti c pym'

eggs; one says or ap e ha emraoe go ghen’

leans erren_ rae qreeoIsgrce’

geese hai monge‘ofercaz ri opendoe


h onoreesnonsense on access; a; pi e pnexen , e conmyaeyone i on rh o

VIcponfip ape not bononyen ne e ea Tendon zu extopeneo‘hyermryLn

Isi s} cryogenoe a; hoe conhc asgyon ar e renmxse eeg ,pk ope qsi enqsore*

srxt . e eeeekvac {exotaz e V ) axon see oenbouecreu use exaceceq‘one

coettorree .pl senescent not scree“

vases t yne t enant ni ece bre tea

snot“ VII o; the spoon or one aonhonecrcm h as cognefj h ca noe one

sesame once one e rroeeeyons a; one sconce on eness ocmhyeyna one

In oonayqonyod ape gegcnqnnee , marten go ol fie’as one:

Heaefi efidde sordi d?A“ei te ee e ? eerdd

‘ear III


”say! issomeone

“ Q M

gee some essences ace enhanc es ye pe ach es A’

Hecoeaai‘jag III

‘Q OQ'

“Q Q IQ U ,Q B $ 3 fi d gl fi fi 19 zone tot ot mt fiee*


ochre so a z one { on apron cps count ed bench moi

e fitm en t w e: on how ever one w as cooperat e seepc;'on refines pi e tn

‘open on use q

tap a porno heoeoe no t no wane 5 7 5yo one; s bet el so a c omposer pee

was predi cated on the theory of the wrongful di ssoluti on of the

dorporati on by the defendants, thereby maki ng i t impossi ble for

i t to perform i ts agreement wi th the pla i nti ff . Si nc e i t i nvolves

the "same transacti on or occurrence“, the f i li ng of the second

amended compla i nt i s permi ssi ble under Sec ti on 46 of the C i vi l

Pract i ce Ac t . ( ggtropoli tan Trust Co. v . Bowman Dai rz , 3 69 111 .

see; Graves ave 111 . so. )

Nor is the acti on barred by S ec ti on 9 4 of the Busi ness

Corporati on Ac t , si nc e the compla int i s not predi cated upon the

theory that the de fendants are li able as offi c ers, di rectors or

stockholders of the Corpora ti on . When reasonably construed, the

allegat i ons of the complai nt show that the defendants conspi red to

destroy the Corporat i on, sell i ts assets, and pocket the proc eeds,

all to the i njury of the plai nti ff . The mere fac t tha t they he ld

offi c es in the Corpora ti on does not change the charac ter of the i r

li abi li ty. If they had not hold such offi ces bu t had commi t ted th e

ac ts complai ned of , thei r li abi li ty would have been the same under

the c i rcumstanc es, We are therefore impelled to hold tha t th e

period duri ng whi ch su i t may be i nsti tuted i s governed by Sec ti on 15

of the Limi tat i ons Ac t ( Chi 83,Sec . 16, Rev . $ta ts.

Befendant also urges tha t the enti re agre ement i s wi thout

consi dera ti on bec ause i t i s based on a past consi derati on . The

amended compla int alleges tha t plai nti ff was engaged pri or to

september 4, 19 54 to procure a tenant . We must th erefore assume tha t

the engagement of the plai nti ff took place before the executi on of

the lease betwe en the Corporati on and the Bond Stores. Even so,

a pest consi derati on for the promi se i s suffi c i ent under the c i rcum

stanc es, sinc e i t appears tha t the servi c es were rendered by the

pla i nti ff at the request of the corpora ti on.

169 111 . Apr. 480; Wi lli ston on Contrac ts, Vol. 1, p . We

consi der defendantsr contenti ons untenable.






Plai nti ff , Gharles R, Whi te , brought an act i on at law

agai nst the defendants Ameri can Electri c Fusi on Corpora ti on,

a corporati on ( herei nafter called "corpora ti on

” ) and Edmund J .

Beaks, for breach of a wri tten employment contract . There was

a runry tri al , a verdi ct and Judgment i n plai nti ff's favor for

$2 500 . thereafter defendants moved for a judgment non obstante

veredi c to and for a new tri al . The court entered judgment non

cbstante veredi c to and di smi ssed the sui t . Plai nti ff appeals

Thc complai nt alleges, i n substance, that on Oc tober 10 ,

19 42 defendants, in wri ti ng, offered to and di d employ pla i nti ff

i n the capac i ty of commerc i al di rec tor of defendants‘busi ness

for a term of one year from about Hovember l , 19 42 at the yearly

salary of $12, ooe; that on Gotcher 15 , 19 42 , pla i nti ff, i n wr i ti ng,

accepted sai d offer of employment; tha t , pursuant to sai d agreement,

plai nti ff ent ered the employment of defendants and conti nued

therei n from Q c tober 26, 19 42 to Dec ember 18, 19 42 and. performed

all the terms and c ondi ti ons requi red of him by sai d contrac t of

employment: tha t on December 18, 19 42 defendants wrongfully di s

charged plai nti ff and si nc e that time here prevented. him from

performing hi s part of the agreement , although plai nti ff has duly

tendered hi s servi ces to defendants: wherefore tne plai nti ff asks

Judgment i n the sum of $8 ,187 ell.

incense: 7 9 one use 0: ee’rei



gcuqeneq p18 concre t e as qez euqooce ! upenerone ape ” refusi ng a ces

bengcnnrua pxe not: 0 ; cps sfia eomeuc‘ sz ppoafiu bj e gcsrz l pas a i

cpwnacq oyez sgrxi c an cross lye: eras peas u nencugcq pro anon

onbrolmovcz can: on neeeopot Is’refs qcxcoqcona ancofixcrfi qyo


a]; spa gene s cuq c oa cyoue L eonyneq c; are pi were ocugneog o;

east ern Lacs carap en se’Iota so De c empea 13

‘race was bexz onoeq

byarorxx; cc psneq one sabfc i a esp cg qcxa aace cnq e cngynoeq

vocebroq serq organ or sab j elseuri rpos‘D amascus co eeyq edne eoeuc

at ri al oz efs’ooc ! case an cocopc b Io


‘brwrutrtt’It n trxrnd

gen 6 gene 0 ; one lean Lac e spo on goa ewpex I’rags as age teeny}

In cps esbeorrz c; ccooeac z er qxneorcn or qsreoqenca , posrnc ee

rots qsteuqt nce’TU externfi

‘catsxec £0 ens era sabrvl cxwvt cttt

Sfia G OWb Ifi IQ S “Ilefl d d’I” fifi fi fi fifinc c

’cps; on gc gcpen IQ

opcgengc asnoqrc cc coo qz eorsssq cps Lj e z uayrn shbecye‘

a c teqyoao one Lon a use fi LJeJ‘

fine C O HL: sucsnsq laQEossg non

33 900"

aponee z gen geronqsnps ooaeq ra n a jnqfimosn non connot es

E t jfi kl gtroy‘3 a eLQ JGn one inqfic cup rm broxwz ri g ,s xenon { on

Booz e‘Lon ot eoe p o; a a na ggcu sab j c iscsr consnecg

'apsne ass

a c ctbc nsgrcu ( pet eyuc z cet ceyj eq “conc one pxeo , ) suq goofing cf

vi sta s; cps qegeoqsure vmenyosu gj sccnto hc eyco cenbone eycs’

sxvtcsrxt'out nroa s


rse“phondvc en en tree as Its


PEAK Q EYI AEé ED LEE ObIM IOa Os sex QGfl 'l'

vbhsrrc ec'

v aosboh fi rrec‘ems enacts c



VREHIQVH armature snares cessosvnzoc’


crscnxn sensevbberre vc

caverns e

'm ay teem neon




fl grse o u“senescefl i onne

‘so nor: no u aetl. ucobl neocoycsz csi

gen 1 cm cease so pofl rn more 1 Lee: mg]; be c more becomesrnoperone~ -rz I c en


qrecnengo ml bnc ecnn Lennoneypyrygyee cocoon !

“I apex: scheme too cool greenest Tos‘ygsg‘on

enq { on sale?1 open; hon‘

oc aopen yarn 7018 noton some Loren can oombyeoe unnecmens'“gyro re so cernoayeqfie neoerbg or loss yesgon c;

, Deen. ns'g enre :

toww fie‘U H HO N’

$000 pec t oral be enot‘

, 5ie eyqsnr vnonyc oc nj eognrc not i on combc necycn°

. nx'senate c


“concoc t Tcsp‘revs

sisters . Es

“anxe eba root‘s

ahqmfl fl q l“K@ fl En2 sea

ebba fi tqnfi a“

”confi ne u’


ug cnl snai l hemne’

bnc z rgspye‘seq sc eni c i on 0 ; ml neural sou obe i egz on

“I pebe not : la .nong axon no ax} : obese nc cnuyj l

é tp fi b ogxyorsrs o; core conocasrroc'

gpye ooxnfi one gyms spec an neocyyl qz ernypnoe sermons sope berg so has es s bones on gpcnxeaysrnfi gel or seep losx. ’


.seswru zwe spac e treasure coffees .sryyhere no loo pl ape nvqessrfineq Loon pyo c cmnrsaxoc ec ooong


atosrsrousr e1x bouncers ( oe‘occ

‘co k sofrnne fi ll?on

berg no loo pl ops onscre en greasnyo gusrc c ccobencpyen*

,s:x operates Q uixot e -be t Assn AJTT rs

nxcon c cnboesesrcn art: no es z oyycn e:

noi smpen I fl c’Ia%8


qonwetcrey presencc’

pshsnmynfi loo: gorqee sobnoxymesexi,Ac c nuns been, oonqscoq

‘one csoobscq e bosyoyon o;

enbyclmsuspi cove cocbc t c cyooé

,gpz o nz yy 0 0 § 1§ kfl one corner canc erous Lon loan

,pcen nL° spi ce:

aHL'00 3 3 18 3 H

“i é fl

coconut rocn‘Ices

,yosnz cen gycc gnro genres qonbonecycn'


so cps ocmhfsys: seq one me genysy congress LB S Q es z oyyomo:

ec csbsnnoe‘menace mxnrpygc v seq B

’L ecbsesri egl

’coo ergcopsg

Detergents. erase O i asbxaksons ens bT3 7fi fl f“g5

The corporati on f i led an answe r whi ch . admi ts sendi ng

the letter Exhi bi t A and rece ivi ng from the plai nti ff Exhi bi t B,

but deni es that sa i d offer of employment was for the term of one

year from hovember l, 1942 or for any other term, and avers tha t

sai d letter Exhi bi t A contai ned no defi ni te term of employment

whatever. The answer further avers tha t the pla i nti ff's servi c es‘

were unsati sfac tory and tha t def endants therefore di scharged him

on December 17 , 1948 3 tha t there was due the plai nti ff the not

sum of whi ch was duly tendered to him as payment i n full

for h i s servi c es rendered by him to and i ncludi ng Dec ember

but uhi ch pla i nti ff refused,

Befendant Beaks i n hi s answer deni es that he, i n wr i ti ng ,

offered to and di d employ the plai nti ff, and alleges tha t any

transac ti ons conc erni ng plai nti ff‘s employment were wi th the

corpora ti on,

the ev i denc e di scloses that plai nt i ff and defendant

Hooks had several di scussi ons relati ve to the dut i es of plai nti ff

as well as hi s compensati on before sendi ng the letters plai nti ff‘s

W hi te A and n; that wi th reference to the durati on of plai nti ff‘s

employment he testi f i ed tha t Beaks sai d: "All ri ght, i f that

di vi si on of salary or the way i t i s pai d to you i s sati sfac tory we

wi ll try i t for a year.” Beaks test i fi ed that he ”

never told Whi te

tha t he was hi red for any defi ni te peri od of ti me .“

Plai nti ff c ontends that the sti pulat i on in Exhi bi t A of

compensati on at “six thousand dollars per year“and “

a bonus on

Thanksgi vi ng Day of each year," when ”

read wi th pla i nti ff's testi mony

i n mi nd," warrants the conclusi on that plai nt i ff's employment was

Defendants mai ntai n in thei r argument tha t the contrac t of

di d not fi x a defi ni te time duri ng whi ch i t should

subrolsane «so no: ssxrvzst era s ost rwfi antes rsspears

at t endants aera tors TD ewsrn wetness: ant e can songosoz at

{ on e lea n'

rs uysq‘,ant ennas are ooooyneyou spec bysyneyfi . s elbroiwene are

Lpesposri ynfi psi 0; stop lesn‘,span geesynoni

oonhessspyon or ”or: pennantsooyysne'ben i con

”seq “e posse on

tz rz utrt t t cvi finse rows one astssfssros TE nssrpravv= st

sflvt 93 est si tes tot sci dtxrnrss bosses at erws'a

qynynyen e; cereal on use ni l r: we bsyq go i on ye aegyezsogeni as

confesses:m new ness”

torso am“sets: a n n e w It. cw :

gnsvprsn v 3 9 6 of ant : axes L etenssse so ass «unscrew asbrsrnsrttan

so nary so pyo ooehenee gres pogono ossqrnfifinpo reasons byeysergg‘e

g eese and tenant } greenesrene Loysrrno so the genres o; srssnsri i

ape ssrqeses oracrcsea sass bfvsnsrtt t he assesses:

combst eeyon'

snsnst e zrsne senoennynd bysyusrxt‘s onbyolmenn sets are? ens

annexes £0 ass or?antral the bfsrszvxt'five wrrsfl ea asst fist

statuses: sense I" sva st aust,sssgee rnwsse'1s fixvcsst

net fist é s'

BTvrsz 7tt benefi ts“

{ on FIB eena zseo nesqsneq pi gym so one {sersgynfi Deosspen yg'yass

ass 0: trrf‘ss“PTfi? are ssrl sonnet s! as nrwf sa batman: 10 Lfi II

0” hec tares IA‘Ines?ops: snout use sa c two brsrvzrzx ass no:

none,snsskyeisoseni ens rose sei a snee cpsnoz one greenendeq nrw

ant seaen‘mp0 seamen {snagen aa ono an“: flue brsrnprz i lo oepareee

etyq Jargon gnprpy; v oongsyneq no qegynyso gens o; ewhyei nonc

lost ghee meaespsn y’Ineson { on sol ogpoa gonn

‘Bug ensue ens:

pan genres gust ears eggs; o; omtyoi aess use i on fins roan on one

saw reason dEFTPTQ v ensb eserassfi than can firstwqrtt sxnzpzss‘

Lye oonbonsgron xyyoq on season apron ssnz re annoyedI;


sowegnaerj on to no eee enrsrn ens resenrz on npren epe benxj ee none

w as oz, sex-am u se: st truth-tu ft am eww e easem ents m writers?

4’ W “

e m it? ms’fee t see

was we sw eeten 61 i f W an ted

ei rqenee serene pi B ett tfiet zen epre bnnLoes‘ ( enmeznendi

gei ne one’

z enqwnfi no banner s eez i nyne nt tynfi got s leen’ ens“ re sated; on

w e were W e Im m erse at her-err“was“ pa brew cru’

gxnxpfg g’egssee~ en res tees nee: 7s To e'eeebre ce exbnsseyon o;

no vanes are; bytync?1;,e beersron stone pee reason or sec ebevnee‘

weeona nn pi e set resene eeerderri on onxeeyene’

“ no one mtenj e

to“in : u se we best?“ fit ness nbw ‘

n . n arr-veers no were m m m m

seq rose It epenexene peoeee hsngreee z to rednrno in oni'esce so


‘"I? synnfi e menenenqem e; on one: a enegenqz nfi

i n eye tetra pnqsg‘nyeynetz a define geesgegenqenre ,

Bx EQ ‘ gfs IH'WEE


é fggW ‘aieyg gmgfi305142 tyr


vi be

one?cfi fi fi ?A“nem fl t 65” me In

the“ see! nfi s

'm u

633 1‘w e in ru e sire! w ee d M Ir



nm e It s“no

“see 113

brew er-se m em e: IW‘IIN W wi ne



u as m “seet

rifno hazyeq or ennerfen

ro ebee z z req To see earpi ece’

.rs ensemeeq

tne sentenc e or on sense; sext et fineness en i nget enoe at sensor

we have analyz ed all the eaeee ci ted i n the briefs

and are of the opinion tha t the writ ten agre ement i n the present

case was an indefini te hiring , terminable at wi ll , whi ch . alone

warranted the trial Judge in dismissing the suit . (figgg,

v .

reusens given, the Jadgment non obetqnte veredic to

one cyan: heret i cs to see tnenneq so avenge rye pee enroret i'

entrei ca'

mnrqencrufi roe reconvene acne poi se congrgreeges Aptep

fl eece can races oz the horrores re cessP1 are sc i enti fi c so ate

elhrc i ee c; gt fiwsten counsel“ pecans Trent on 7» eye one o; Canoe

was Icu c’cheat o'er ( teasvaesunspent 01 one 5 13 13 3 11L) an

coubeni , ) roennynfi res Itsoe on concern embroi eee*

pa t ted 19 5 9

so Intonnc ez cnnj gehyagen gcwbeni ( pene z nsz ron eeryoq “peeragen

genteel c; eve gerroa pgc gee‘recess a Rhone 1710 ruce z euc e horroi

In eeuo‘reee

’t etevq z

'has contracts Pri s va cucsvc o

z en none or 9 60 7 3 3‘

breweryxz ebheeye‘

ope se ason‘s nebons‘spa epsoceyyoa great ness ape p71] or contrary:

to c crxcneygi nygp one xxoqrnfie enq L eoc eceq eroue concerneq In

byarncrg; go pro qanfippen'

c canoe ne e antennae re 9 assess and

ne ecnnq nynQ'

npe n no c pnndeq one name or spa penegrersnl { new

or cps reconn ec t“

gpe ccnbfercr sli cec e ape: rge resnneq ne t or

one gearn o; spa ynent eq h eresrufi no rye qyeroz pngron or one bnooeeqe

o; ape b j c yopygr‘

can go benz ene en syrefieq efine ensnc noes erect

c; was ccbyoi ece’ scoot neon ne e one gnenp espy

’osc oseeq pc epenq

Inacnnerxonwy gefirerea powbeni‘s ccnhoneexon

'Len cps peuez ye

concern asp en Tyre Incennnec hej zoree roeneq pl ape qexenqaac go

prerec‘a cent eneexcn


{ on cheeyi ro bongotncnc c o; ens gonn a o;

cotangent“LP‘afi crcepre Pri s vefi fl ccwes nect art 0: ens evrese

Hetero can? tyresnot enwbxvz nc so oneneenh sterner one

an“lQ Q dLQ E TRnE enrz i eenn £53 l filfih oh IEE Q fififl i


unnej j ea*

OE dHE ani on? adfihha‘a ec thcneezon

m 12:31:5 7a FILE VQ EM Q IS l

occasi on noose

On December 19 , 19 51, the plaintiff and Frank Gabl the

insured were married, and on August 12 , 1962 the benefic iary was

changed from Garoli ne Gabi to plai nti ff . Afterwards, on Oc tober

32 , 19 36, Frank Gabi again changed the benefic iary to Lorraine

Gabl , hi s danghter‘

by a former marriage who was then a minor. For

almost a year prior to hi s dea th on July 4, 19 87 , Frank Gabi had

lived separate and apart from the plaintiff . On July 10 , 19 3 7,

plaintiff served a. wri tten not ice upon the defendant and the

Register company that ,”Frank Gabi was not of sound and disposing

mi nd at the time he changed the name of the benefic iary i n said

c ertificates; tha t undue influence was prac tised i n order to induce

him to make the change“. 9n. Jn1y 19 , 19 87 , the Proba te Court of

Cook county appointed Fred Gabl and Anna Funk guardians of the

person and estate of Lorraine Gabi , the insured's daughter . On

fiotober 20 , 19 5 7 , the defendants paid the full amount of the

preeeeds of the c erti fic ates to the guardians of Lorra ine dabl.

the gist of the eohpla i nt i s tha t on and after M ay 10 ,

19 56, Frank Gabl , the insured, suffered from hallne i na ti one; tha t

he voluntarily became a pa tient of Alexian Brothers Hospital i n

the ci ty of Chicago and subsequently became a pa tient at Veterans'

Administration Hospital at Hines, Illinois; that aft er he left

the Alexian Brothers hospital and be fore he entered the Veterans‘

Administra tion Hospital he tooane a viotia of undue influence; tha t

while of unsound mind he was i ndneed to ohango the benefic iaries;

tha t after the dea th of the insured the defendant proposed and the

plai nt iff agreed i n writing that the defendant pay“jointly

“ the

insurance money due under the c ertifica tes, to Lorraine Gabi and

plai nt iff, but that the defendant refused to perform the terms of

the agreement . The complaint conc ludes wi th a prayer for spec ific

ewpx‘a?“Leeommq sq afl va fine eofl brgxus pa qrewruseq

0 ; fifl ’ aé fiaxzh pfl fi fl fi sfl eve brvfificraa fimg



ggt c gyaao nsa E D 8 g& Q GWQ H£ go qga xqa ape bLnaesgv

baoa e gyms g?! qgfinfia a; p$wogrogv&1 A fi n gas Leanj g a; mnqao

ponnxrorvsi } xvvc aw maxefi uwe fi fl a osz ekeq pl bi vxusxaa fievgrpfiw so

Iggq’cfig qwca ea aprey awe rnaumsq nodnsageq figs cv fia a;

$ $p9 awa gan xw -opfinaahl Lafivq svfi k 5 13 13 811&r3 $APQ ’ Q Q Q

bxeasequ, ;e gpa Efi fi bqrwfl a o; rfi nL fl rna Q WQI‘

awn! pa sxsaaaeg £3 3 finanfie a; psag ararfi fia‘7a be rg $9 9 anzrb e

five- wrnox

'raahrzna fiafir

‘33 s: £fi 9 rn anneg

'fi gs fifi ue


ans qexanasws’

fifi Ai ufi - Pfi fi fl ~bfi fi afimfifi % fi fé fl aarqence on.p&wwrx~ ox

waye‘wag - qwuvnc afie ~ fl fi£rna bxaaaaqa ax fip @ rnafi nwmoni ya? fl ag s

PO LL t z fl o Q SPI’Lfi ieeeaq qé aefi gsnsi a bhafifi fiws £9 nfixg fierus asgfirfi w

gpws ape fiaaxgz gua fib ¥ § Q Q Q Lou fins wag baagam a; gyfi . mz uob‘

anac £§afl qaaeuqfi nr grazqs fiyfi - bxwfi fi é qe sanwz rk. pfl fima qv spa arwrwfimtai

h aga asq \afi 1q ,bhg beaug g ag { a j z ea gm ao; agaggsq a sa afi aenbyaboawy

Qosnarh fl i t? ewe bfarg firxz fine $9 PJ‘

fifi fl sfiwa figs- bffirfl ei zx

meugxr { gsowbaaamwai fiyfi g gagangwup buoba aeq £9 wage a é sgrt n§

£9 feaaz xsa eapy naa Lug kaeaj g 0 a nuga e Ingj ufi nas anQ'

3fie ffl fl fi kfi fl ‘l

fi gfl rae II fl ax nosz axsq BA gpwe cfl o epfi fl fie a; peuagz fi i vah

A39 : qfl e bba az A3 8 ax cfia i fi afl L Q Q ;fi «swap i eggs qexan U £

cfifiwfisq Laam hfg z fl erxa £9 Ffi kk firfl fl Q fi pf‘WT? qvafimas& t

vei xarcfi z arsa 0; ens i waaaaq i z pvg on aesmpsx xg’Iaag

- swe Imafi naq

mfifi smeugmq Wfi bfl fi L fi k fi bfi tfifi fi fififi qfilfi fl qfi vz fl ag as xaamyaqas a;

pl gps .IURa£ $g ahfiw figm .br¥ 1ne L re wxe qfi afipcam ag e xué fl frg‘

xx figs wa ana zfifi fi fi fi fi £ agaafq arfi q swa t age fi pfi fi fi fi fix pQ U @&1@1 vnl

eaangez axegm -nwa . xm fig t H 8 $fi &@ a; fin wnq ggn aeqauq

gegaq ug gyfoq 1x6 $n @ms&a wag O O Efi fiGL OIfit mi'


for want of equity. The chanc ellor overruled the plaint iff's

exc ept ions to the master's report and followed hi s findings and

recommenda tions.

Two questions are presented: first , whether Frank Gebl,

the insured, was mentally incompetent to change the benefic iary

of hi s insuranc e from pla intiff to Lorraine Gabi , hi s daughter;

and, second, whether defendant ent ered into a valid agre ement wi th

plaintiff aft er the dee th of Frank Gabi , the insured, which entitled

her to any of the proc eeds of the insuranc e.

As to the first question, plainti ff's princ ipal content ion

i s that the master erred i n placing greater weight on the testimony

of lay witnesses introduc ed by the defendant than on the testimony

of the two psychiatrists introduced by the plainti ff . The plaintiff

introduced the testimony of four wi tnesses, including her own,

Br , Leo J. Le ts, called i n behalf of plaintiff, testified substantially

that Frank Gabi , the insured, was nnder hi s care at Alexian Brothers

Hospi tal from Movcnher 30 , 19 36 to December 7 , 19 86; that he was

“suffering from on erteri oeclerot i o condi tion of the bra in and an

alcoholic brai n condi tion wi th disturbed mental condi tion,"and

tha t i n hi s opinion Frank dehl was ”not capable of understanding the

na ture of a change of benefic iary of a life insurance policy."

Dr . Walter znrndorfer, called by the plaintiff, t esti fied

that he trea ted Frank Gabi from June 12 , 19 36 to June 26, 19 3 6 at

Alexi en Brothers Essni tal; tha t he snbjec ted hi m to various tests

which disclosed chronic nephr itis and decreased fnnoti on of the

kidneys; that Gaol expressed fear tha t someone was af ter hi m; tha t

the “psychosis consisted of constant fear and apprehension tha t

somebody wanted to hurt hi m“; tha t Frank Gabi ha d either developed

or had a psychosis and tha t he was not c apable of executing a change

i n the benefic iary of the insuranc e c ert ific ates i n question on

f t*


i“o s


rs ress. cs st ats on ross swa t sssU‘

na truss es rves firm

Irrrvsra‘ti es that: rose so nst ewpen fess! cps: we finssscs Less!

tfl't PT ! thonzono seatgsheoe use on not Aegensss, goabygsj"gyg. a


e; gee Aegensoe , gsebrti f s: Roostonsnl’eyessws

’arose assesses yaeo!

bn'ogreoq sesn obelspreoni 10 5 pseogl i cons sag use 8 seenobsloprscnrec

os's'b' 80 110 1 coacrtreq pl ssbosrtrss seesno use

googot e one nos» ( siren enbxoi ses o; gee ysfifoé en soonest“

esp: ne e ex seesq arse on ooespst IS“rang: swash goon sens ans

geahcoev a rcsoseos tGESItfgt té fi fifie setensssc'

bsvi hhfi fl fi

at své crrsuc‘

no n tgpqnen pro sobesnssoo { on cps bshhoee o; tosgrxlfsfi to pose } ;

some sbhest sg on up» szsonosl 9 ; Loc at e rsgot h noose not one b jeyncyxz'

bz srocrz i ,s rose eg gsees new csenres fi*



font vive evsr‘

ass: to fre e srsp k


on vsfié t é'


resesteer ecsr*sfih we tness‘secssbsvrso pk


pt a ssstvxes’

v0 waxes tyre w vomi t? bssssw’ens sass arsesso stq use”


csré fi sears accuse ! zest . 1Low vetoes Is £9 vetoes es'ress

‘some tre es

open “so shore os 8 T] nyfipg {on 9 nos; on gen gels seq cuss ewe some

qo pro on: o: ep7 o8s‘seq soseooh see cnlrst as t op new or} cps gene“!

spe c boobre sens ponies pro or: one eros’nose eeseonsuse etlrot so

trersertx rsszrtres pawsssh sssssus‘snsvx ever

““test i fi es

go no: open sol tsxet enoe no hostesses on fi gfi O L nonz ey qxesnt pesso

z e sooyehsseq fps: cos erynsesy Leashes o; wrenreo BLp Q L E gosbrgsyoebeoye ox ososnoceooyng ape st ones e; ups: on use erfiujsf

', I:

on GLO S S si ssrue greo ewe nygot ss sentence one} si ssy easy uses

see sop} ez eonge t Loree ee to asset o; spa goebyesy apes no re z a‘

( no pesbyper nfenosn new boomz setoo of DL‘golsqot ish one spa: pt

beseech rs’ ress'sec bec ome estat es st eeressa cos: stewstwp? rsxe


on M arch 15 , 19 57 , he was mentally confused and unable to transac t

business; tha t hi s mental condi tion improved gradually, and tha t

at the time or hi s last examina tion on M ay 23, 19 5 7 he had recovered

entirely from hi s mental confusion and was mentally competent; tha t

ho conei dored the disease on acute alcoholic mani festa tion, as the

pa tient qu ickly recovered from the acute symptoms and at a final

examina tion on March 25 , 19 57 ,“he was not tremnlons, had recovered

from hi s mental confusion, and the mental examina tion ehcwed hi m

Br. William H, Heines, called as a wi tness for the

defendant , test ified that he specia li z es i n nervous and mental

diseases and. hne an offic e i n the Behav iour dli ni c or the Crimina l

Gonrt of dock deunty, located at 2600 South. 0ali forni a Avenue i n

the c ity of chi cago; tha t he examined the records or Alexian Brothers

Hospi tal: that he i s familiar with themnthoda by whi ch records or

pat ients are kept at various hospi tals and. hae had occaei on to examine

several thousand: tha t he hased .hi e opinion on the charts, which

contai n the hi story the pati ent gave to the examining int ern or doc tor

at the time , including also the physical and the laboratory examina tion;

that thern 'wns no defini te informa tion on the charts indica ting any

mental aberration or the pa tient at the ti me; tha t he did not fi nd

anything on the records at the time he examined then to indicate

tha t daring the periods mentioned the pa tient was suf fering from

delirium tranch e} that delirium tranc h e i s an acute condi tion, usually

lasting a fewdnfia or a tow vodka,”it clears up or the patient di es“;

tha t the individual may have Ber-rel attacks of the c ondi tion, but

i t is charac terised by recovery; In response to a phypothe ti cal

qnoation recounting all the symptoms of Frank Gabi as shown by the

c linical records or the hospi tals as well as hi s conduc t during the

period or hi s employment , the wi tness sta ted tha t i n hi s opinion

benroq at age tafixsq kumfi In H?! ahrnrav

orrnroer nhfi fi b fi fi ea avg nwgbrxfira g;?nsrz


xm filfi ec nqnng qqm¢q8,apa

dat lsrofi n& 0 %fi fi trafl r filf fins ezfibccwa a; ahanfi awfl r at apmfi fl’

pk g?“

1; 1: epwxmc gca zseq pl LficaA ehk' ,xn Leabonao go v hnfibogpaq gy .

apt : cm? ruqyarqav1 _wsz pens agnnxwx vnefi exs ox ens fl Q EGISIQE

“Pfl fi

Iv fiszyfi a gag q§§a an s alt arcane ab on eye fiwsfeng q1 ¢n* 2

qoryarnw g&qaangl fl fifi a Q GI ILIHW sh amans re fin 3 3 3 86 eanqyxyew’

fi anryrx

any; Q fi LIHfi ave be ggfl wnc Q H Q Q'

cpe fi fi a fl filLB LIfi g 15 0m

aah;pru& cv'

zpfi hssvnqw v: xpfi exwe p g Q I % WIW€§ anew £0 Inqwowee

wencvr « fivnxgz rqs a; £5 @ bvsxafic fie awe 21mg ! apwz pa qrq use 1rnq

gpw; gyanfi A 3 6 no qaxxnrfie zugenmwgyan on spa cpwnse ruqyc g grua fink

v: gpg gnwe’yuQ Jagyna $ 7 8 3 gyo .bpz az cwy gag spa yypna&gahl fi i fifi rM $ £I GU §

sanggyu figs preseal. afi9 bwgz eug fifi a e $9 gye exwwruymfi 7n¢ eLn an goaaaa

leasnwr cponaq ! w : ye pwa3 q yrs garni au on gwe eng agz‘apyfl p

begrcuna was -g ab; as asayaa a pagbypfi fa fi fiq yaw fifi q occseyaw so exgmrwa

HPGEIRGIE apwc y? 16 xfifi z rsfi a mxzw afl eumxvoqe pk fivrau L eeonqe on

ppe ergk o; apycfifiot gpa; pa exawyuaq gpe L B Q GLQ Q o; wrexxwu gbogwena

connx oz $9 01 eoafl xfi‘sowvsaa as8 30 0 acacv ad ftxoxnra vA a s I fl

qxe$wap a sag pwa an snares In ape Q G$$A IQ fi L grywrc an gag gxymgns;

c esqwgg‘geaprxyoq spwfi pa abacfsrrxe a {u awnxoae gnq waves:

AIIIIEW U“qfirn ee

’afi jysg as v fi rsfl eaa z en awe

fa no menafirrl eowbeeewa'fl

gnawi pya waves: oonznarwfi'sa g cps a gngay exfi mrnsgz su anameq prw

gxawravrz ap an KQ L QP 5g‘Iaug

‘“aw ag e aot . pm$maxmfi a

‘pwq usama ez eq

bapxgpg fihyaxyh. psq 0A $Laq LLQ W sya gauge g imbsawa nag 3 p a

pt ecgargO LQ g gps glfl fi fi § 6 su fiag ga wrcopcrz c wa gpe

eaclnerk .gbmm pya mgwtwj eavgamron wag axe $6ma9 7yk sombscempt save

3 3 GHQ fiffl fi a; fix?Ifiafi sw zmygygy 9 ” figl 32“I§ 3¢ pa pwq Lsconsxeq

pfiagvaaa! gpfi g fire wgmaar 0 0 u€3s10a Ififihofi fi q B LQ QHWIIE'avg spas

9 9,ngncp Tfi


‘as fl fi e wfi fi c@ 3 11. ewfi 1wafi é Jug fiwfifife £6 ekanawoe

fl ange: oodbtxt nsz ox lssng asp] so onsnEa ape name a; fps peuexrerwxl


a . cwvwx apt gecgrmouk pcwnrua om 3p. dmeaprau o; ape

fié vcfit c urfifi'

ifit 7 3 3 K% Q Q‘

L6 xerwes afl fi rbe érmonl at 077 cases

toutrz krvfi fiat qfl teuqvuc q wwfl i ‘lsfi h fi at rvz rwvcs v'


fpi ewfif i i'pt t

‘trwee two nefi é nq qtfiaroaoa cyws Lys 13 1 fi ré ut saen


api u¢- eombsgene1 In finwecrvn é q*

&psi pat e aw sfibrraspxé v ta

seasurwxwué o fl ag abhesgsuya& ta fifi qfia cps wfinawr awfiaeygh oz £V3

wh en ewdbt fiefié l bays“? 3: 3&w W fi mm. w as afigu w sm

urgneebé a .&pn was was «fibehta afi umba asapygl nbcu awe aae agyé u o;

gi ft?1'Est fififz‘ QTQ III"

&3 8‘

ant es Gaz a? nmrq In azxwes swwc

“Et a e awg u fifi -


gar If?“ vbb‘$00

‘92 n

“E“( sq ) T8


z u .bjsz figzxx,e pLz ax Gannaay bygae egg eé se e cg‘


rage avg épexfivz zon angry we area av*

finrk a’raga

Efl plkfi fl fi fi fipvg’

rpt tfi fi fl L é q xa a M d fl fifi fj fi an ac z opsn 15?

gaz engwug fi ane~

a edfi arvgwweafi sue Laragz aea'

gyak soazytyeq 1B

fivew £8 90 at henna dQ F Q

afivé n -nrcfl saaee evxrsq TU pafivrz ex

urea ta gé n heat er n x gs fi fi fi s cabgpye sougwwu wag wbfiosxsq so

xv? Arruwaeee gsfisw’abrirwwv Q ua eg fie seenrz req nfiv z rash peg

on nvqemacefiqrwfi fiye ”wean. afi q 63 3 63 : a; spa apwuag a; pausgz eyenk',

pa fl a z ré z é xi new q c‘

fiwq swag ya firs omyfl yau gaaufi gap; M 5 3"eabapre

bLsecwg 7a fire 6 3119 6 uH eesgpé z ys’ragg

’ mpe fi gym apvnfio-


ge e; canrnfi spa IS fi fifi k a bxsaegrfl fi yrs gee gfi: spas ape Ifi afi kfi q use

fa é mfiswi z rwvg pa gwg ae en awe Ina q'hz gwx aapy

'a: yawey afi ca w

Lorsgrufi go kp e %&aafi IIEQ Ffi emxwuaa 0 ; figs smbyé i sé a gcfi z egex

z en e? i gsxe a'

pwq cpwa fiw at ens {mama esq aspan qfi 8¥ 0 3

Korx?vs tererzr¢q cnfl c as w% @ wwew 33 spa amhroi 0L gsfiraxez eomfivnl

a; gfifira zen mawbaufi qfimrufi avg baxzaq 0; age ywnansq,m afibrclmwv z'

n€ z 6 3 q5 uegfi &acufi fieee awrz tww Afl ffiffi a'Bentham g


preponderates c learly i n favor of the defendant , and tha t the

master‘s fi ndi ng ! were amply Justi fi ed .

Plai nti ff‘s second contenti on i s tha t c ertai n letter

( Plr‘s Exhi bi ts 22, 24, and 29 ) appeari ng i n the addi t i onal

abstrac t of reoord consti tute the agreement to di vi de equally the

prooeeds or the i nsurance between plai nt i ff and Lorrai ne Gabi the

bene fi c i ary named i n the eerti fi enteo. Thi s contenti on i s wi thout

meri t , Plai nti ff‘s Exhi bi t 29 i s the last letter addressed by

defendant to plai nti ff‘s attorney rela t i ng to the payment of the

i nsurance proc eeds. The perti nent porti on of thi s exhi bi t reads as

fallou t: “fine guardi an has made clays for full proc eeds of these

c ert i fi cates for the henofi ei ery of record {Lorrai ne Gabl] and i s not

di seased or authori z ed to acoept or be a party to any Joi nt settl ement

wi th your cli ent,“ Reasonably construed, thi s language shows tha t

the guardi ans of Lorrai ne duel, the i nsured's daughter, refused to

make a di vi si on of any of the proc eeds wi th the plai nti ff . We have

examined all the exhi bi ts earefnlly and eennot extrac t an agre ement

from thana In plai nti ff‘s reply bri ef , eoeneel argues tha t Lorra ine

Gabi ”hater had a . voi eo i n. the matter so that she could make a

dec i Si cn or reeomnendati enw' That quoeti ona as we ll as the conduct

of her guardi ans, is not before as, We here not di scussed the other

points presented in. pla i nt i ff‘s bri efs, some of whi sh are outsi de

of the record, si nc e i t has not been necessary for di sposi ti on of

For the reasons stat ed, the order of the chanc ellor di s

mi ssi ng the bi ll of oomole i nt for want of equi ty i s affi rmed,

wru rfi an per: a ow ’

rm a w . W m w on't n saw -meg?

w m bw om ca n?”m omm a ex. we m ac's-N i am

39 7 0 G i na“

0 ; 3p. L8 &b& q’

ermas 7 k urn an: pony U fiwfi fi awz l z en qrabosygyan a;

ham“ M am -4 w bn m ru m bu sts" m a at tim es? m s w arm

oz pt nmfint tqtnua‘1h yap pfixaxd

'sa' as fisas may qxacaaasq fps apps»

qc craran o; useemwogqagyawfl. xpfi c é fi gagrou

° e a as} ?w? cpa oouqfioa

esp: g g$£ fih pvq w acres ;3 avg mg gxc& ac gpsx egg c aarq maps 9

{ z en cvas‘xn

'bxersgfi i z , @ Le ora e O fifi fi fi f sxfinas spb fi



g j r Qua exprpvga é fixsgnyyi finq a gvvoc axgc n t fi'


“to a m a sters 0 1 am at w e M arxism am ; we bmmsntt‘ m 3m m

spa Eunaqtvna og‘

rahnsxne gsaf*ave ysaameq ,s qsaapcsx

*nagnaeq so

A fgp gent arrevz*

, g é safi napyl eafl acnseq‘ay¢ a rwufia Q epaua n s

q bosfi q go wcaebg 0 L pa 3 bfimsk ea fivl 2013 : esgpyemsuc

ecu n m v mr an pw ez ww m cu. m oor-ft; [N M -W 68 i m TD 9 0 15

z oryanfi : ufifi e'

anstqryu gwa afiqo ar¢ ;u z en ;nyy a neeh aqu on space

z g fi fi ngwaa bxé cauqv’

ape baa¢§v 9ue bdngrofi a; fpvw exp19 7 3 L ewqa a:

vi tefibfl vt $6 brfivnx7Lt . 9 fi ftafi vel Larvtt fifi gfi an? bg kfl finz 0 : efia

au n'hW fl u fl V W W t 3 8 re am

Iva: Ten or» “est eem pi

pcw xmm k M £53 8 m stru w w a‘Wye wom ena In Arm an:

bnae esqn a; zwa ynumxwufi a gq gna $u bywyvgt z ; avg Psnxsz gs esp: aye

tpfisb i c g at Lfi ¢0 h § G é fi agygfi cs apt baggswena 3 a QTA IQ R 9 63 8 17 1 gfl s

( fin fi‘

m rwu 85“w‘swan; W q

'sa ) vbben mfi m w e m an mm

bm uiyfi fi m am: m eg aw att 7? ever esch ew s: mu m

I vegoz , e xywfirafifi fi gna sxhyl ?z scrzraq ’

bfiUbO BQ é hQ I CQ fiTafi Effi ya guaen at gay q ez wwgswg‘wag gpmg rye

brsvneyxx‘e trapet'grog gssy'reeaueq hush green

“c ouchoai he comes

genus or are they carc asses: cps: on 0 L wpoag qsnnsni 1‘year

ago chvc ofl o lrsIt wuq shoe: ccubtnl he sharpes‘yuc cnhohsgrufi cps

86’13 5 5 Lesson sxoosgeq 0 pag e: canoeoesg ossyhusarsfi

rbsne’ federnfi vns“eo7 efoe eat ing tWGIL urnonrct t onuson hec tares

L O C O IA Q gg‘oee secp

'suq cps Leasrsqeh‘ae o £6 pa sxbosqeq {on sp ort

tsvn first: that wtsxrnse thorn orientate?“ save that fl e as 35

pro erereh°

acrcp‘haohresq fps: égo‘gao h as so os pore to cancg fl zoh

pseiec ra green onoyri ohacsq go cheese 9 shoes got bIt IU £ILL ehq

”‘Ej esh spa gsepscq c; maul greet ! spur sgcoha ehqs Ease gear rug

the tear sewers 7s daeecres { Q L aso*ooo 9 : one pests: ct seatssro

eIGQ ! ever asEspnnsnk 19° rose soeq'

tmcr’ brarverz t ge tvaue n says

areé b ii

cvsa an cssnsna Is‘rose handse tssacr’ brownarzx,s sc zhen

encore Th the arch oxmerceho arses gush hashshcpesoo them one Wonk

hvt ohge‘sgaefi gear sag fl ashers: gsay

’pye arge

‘cause hearers has}

has at are emeweee Gamblers: as asst are brersertt g fl

one eremz ehcs cps “menses cemfi fetvz fi aforeewtt ebbes1s*’

gph ehshecryot ac t resses rho ooLbohspros e eyo,o searc h so sparse

Qprce fio‘s oohhbhshyon soye‘“ goasrnsz z ex csyreq

ncoaBO tsgroh carp


cat as? o senescent £15 0 9 an shmaehevao sa‘

uape ce asorwc oz aeeb we

Vtfippyshoh on rye Bowen garcoyyc apat hy or anyosfio’ s ccnhc he ge co

j e a

restart new arenas rc eaafs are?out assess; v‘scarccu

‘D‘ s*‘

regal. gowy Lgyeq'

wVe ch anges combrorhr-

xoh so ec ooahrrnh


fifi é iIQE“P££E CEFIAE HFD lHE OhIHIOE 0? é fiE1

00 fiH&*



cast esat

swear or sawma

‘ w e“p anorama

cracsra coast 5‘9



t EVT hfl fifi

P0 301 bVfiF 7 13 3 3 FGBOR hOTTfiKOhfiKI

9 280?


of the alleged oral agreement , had fraudulently deposited the

noney with the corpora tion sole wi thout revealing hi s agenc y to i t;

tha t certa in moneys were advanc ed by the corpora tion solo to

plai ntiff for board and lodgi ng and i n the form or cash . The

amended bill concluded wi th a prayer for a Judgment aga inst the

corporation sole for “plus any income rec eived therefrom"

and an ac counting of the other Loretta Paul, plaintiff's

sister, has not filed an. appearanoe .

the amended bill i s based upon the theory tha t the plain

ti ff's claim i s due under an oral agreement be tween hi s father,

Fred Paul and mi nor . defendant contends that it fa ils to state a

cause of ac tion eradi c at ing liability against i t . Plaintiff does

not seek to set aside the trust agreement between Benj amin Elser and

the corporat ion sole . Elser i s not made a party to the proceeding

thoughl the fraud, if say, was committed by Elser , although pla in

ti ff‘s fa ther knew of the trust agreement between Elser and the

corpora tion solo i n January, 19 41 , no ac tion was taken by hi m or

hi s legal representative to di sa ffi rn i t . So far as appears fro:


the record, the corpora tion sole has compli ed. wi th the terms of the

trust agreement be twe en it and Elser . I t does not appear tha t the

deposi ted. wi th the corpora tion sole represented the proceeds

f the sale of the real estate owned by plaintiff's father,In effec t plainti ff i s endeavoring to modify the terms of

a wri tten agreement to conform to the terms of an alleged oral agre e

ment betwe en El der and the plaintiff‘s fa ther, to whdch the corpor

a tion sole was not a . party. From the allegat ions of the bill i t

does not appear tha t the corpora tion sole had any knowledge of the

( Plai ntiff ) Appellant,

7 .


Defené ants.


Plai nti ff brought an. acti on. of forc ible entry and

detainer agai nst defendants before a Justice of the pe ace to

obtai n. posaesei en. ef certai n. real estate whi ch. she had pur

entered judgment for defendants. Upon appeal to the C ircui t

court there was a trial gg_ ggzg,before the eeurt wi thout a

Jury and a finding and Judgmeni: in favor er defendants. Plai n

ti ff appeals. Juli us Kanwi scher, defendant, i s the only

as 1354 Brown street, Des Plai nes, Illinoi s, whi ch. she par

eha eed tram Olivi a K. meldenhauer, the widow of Dr . Willi am

J . Mnldenhaner, an February 7, 1944 . After pla inti ff pur

er Pri z e Admi ni strati en. authori z i ng her to evict the tenant


but for the purposes of this appeal we need neti ee one only,

vi z . ,that there was no wri tten proof of the agency of M i nni e

Mbldenhauer to ei gh . ths lease . The tri al court refused to

It i s the law that a party she aVai ls himse lf of the

act of an agent must, in. order to charge the pri nei pal, prove

287 In . 559 , The Statute of Frauds at thi s State ( ch .

59 , see . 2, Ill. Rev. Sta t . 1945 ) provi des:

"no acti on. ahall be brought to charge any persen. upon.

any contract for the sale of lands, tenements or heredi taments

or any'i nterest i n. or concerni ng them, for a longer term than

in. wri ti ng, signed by sueh. party.e

randun of a contract for the transfer of an estate or i nterest

in. lands, ete . must be si gned by the party to be charged, or by

by the pri nei pal, a memorandum of a cents-act executed by an agent

233 Ill . 19 , 21, i t was held that

to bind a prinei pel to a lease , under seal , si gned My amether as

cri fl rfi b qfi fl fifi fl é fi te asyxreq sfiv$ apa fieAsL

“L QG O BHIasq gpg 7 5 : 3ér

pk socebgrvg L enc‘

z mom urn

m nm m m z’ Wmm fi

‘m m a 131162“W e 9! LG‘SPTG cwm


Gam ing Lsabou ssyprn pl gm . 91m (m agma /3 1m gc: 0 g m a 9 8mm

gm Tm ga z e 3 & q I i?‘Lefitg

‘q pa M oaag

‘ms gm; 3 bu ncfl ucy

we «m grqswco £315 4“pg Q AS L Wan g or, as) " I; fi fe 0 0 17143 18 m onk 01


bnm mz " mm: TL‘q m mn 13m g , ai m w e m am “

91m mete 3 3

new }; arm 01, p am q c g gym 3mm $176 1 M aebgsq LW Q Lox, we;

£13 6 lm f fihfi fi q GAN SW fi rst OTIA'N W W Q HEKWG L

sqn me q m e p m It: “mem e when: ppm: mac aw qz am fim qm ?

m fg pa ge om; a cm'

j age m agm as go 43 3 3 sem en"

are com

511 7 33 533 11, TU 3m"

: sex bro asq 9 L fl pc sgrm 0 1; pm; 16 8 3 6

bysyngn asdq fxag pu s htofiangk “1 pQ fi G ba rq xcn$ go RL3*

gsfibe z’

“berg mm r q am m m 9 3‘

n Acc ra“ 9m; 3519 ; 3m m

m m }? T acm L 53 3 4: m g ; 4


13 : m ummy m , m a p g 3 9 pa"

( 3111113 011 fps: gum m a z e 23 36 3“s {1173 9 5} Amp}: mm 9 433 q 0 ;

m 3,

m anp’

gm m g ay m fm f 6m; (18 1t q 9 . s‘p5 0 1m i m m 01, gm

gamm a }; gm m xaq m m m H G }; M a g gi-“

u m m}; 2 9 m 0 35 cit,

Em ail 116 i m a gym gm M s Lsc uwmz fi

‘g rm tw e z, We were?

m a xim um 3 0 2 57m Japa n DI.‘m q m m e z m osqu e; mm m m:

W 1

? "IL if?9 6 9 8 9 5?q W ?

“9-530 Q M

“fi aA Gn re j


eaa“ spew N 17 0

Km nm cm r Da m mm mm m u; ape 81am $UG em go Del"

fjq a fi'ém exfi

m ; was {6 3 3 6’ mm, grrq mu: sum 4:9

2pm}; g5w g mw v a


w “M am e ; 9m 23: m w on mm: we sac-m 9 m m m m

3 0'

He }: m apnwmk apxzma mm ; am new : qae aem fi 43133 16 3 3 6 $30

m qeaq‘

ops; gm an y?! em m g srgpow fifi m qr.»

m irmrmu mu m m y]; m om 331:

Fam tmupm m: W «3 1313 m g 7 339 36“


') ka


m a m 18 31113 1163 gm Hos cram w e m m

Lu iw sssqw sm vabg {H mm 3 9mg 9353133382:

( we 5 e'‘1'8‘bk ’

stated to her that there was no lease upon the premi ses, but

the ecart , upon objecti on. by defendants, held that sach evi

dence would be incompetent . Eeri e Gross testi fi ed that a

month before plainti ff boubht the property, the wi tness,

plai nti ff, Juli us Khnwi soher and M i nni e M eldenheuer were in.

the home of the latter, and i n a conversati on. thet took ;pla?ethere Juli us Kenmi soher and. h1nni e

holdenhauer both. stated there

was no lease upon. the premi ses. Thi s evi dence , upon moti on . er

defendants, Wes stri cken . Plai nti ff also offered to prove that

in march, 1944, Julius Kanwi scher asked he r i f she would execute

a lease for him. for the property so that he could be a tenant

under a wri tten. lease; that before she bought the property she

asked Juli us Kanwi scher and also M i nni e holdenhener i f there

was a wri tten lease upon the premi ses and th e t. they both stated

that there was not . Upon. objocti on. of defendants the court

refused to allow the evi dence . The tri al court erred in. re

fl eeing to em i t the evi dence offered by plainti ff, erred in.

admi tting the alleged lease in. ev1denee , and further erred i n.

not entering judgment for plai nti ff .

Plai nti ff strenuously contended i n the tri al court,

and contends here , that the lease i s a fraudulent one; tha t

i t was drafted and si gned after pla inti ff beceme the owner of

the real estate and after she refused to gi ve Juli us Kenwi scher

a lease to the premi ses, and she offered evi den ce in support or

her contenti on. It seems hardly necessary to state that i f the

lease offered by defendant i s a fraudulent one the enti re defense

would fall . The tri al coart seemed to regard the offered evi

However, i n vi ew of the concluslon that we have reached upun

the fi rst poi nt rai sed by plainti ff, i t i s unnecessary for us

to dec i de the questi on as to whether there i s suffi c i ent

evi dence i n the record to warrant a fi nding that the lease

is a fraudulent one , although we feel impelled to state that

i t i s subj ect to grave suspi ci on . De fendants offered na legal

defense to plai nti ff's acti on and the Judgment of the Ci rcui t

cenrt of Cook csunty i s reversed and the cause i s remanded

wi th di recti ons to enter a judgment i n. favor cf plai nti ff .


Fri end, P . J . , and enlli van, J . , concur.

rpen nurses 1 G en see ml eel no Rep bq roe en gyms

seasonspye { 9 9 TU rpese qIAO LC G nmqrs't ug I gon ,r gene

perq yen’

axon fines cps cennre venom gyros s Tennen s

pe g no seve n re hen firm sppoenel ,s ge es sr rpsg prme gs

pnspenq’3 L

‘Henna H

'z one e

'gps eq no nrcgenmsn rpsr ape

c xsnsen re bnoae cnre pe r sewn gen qxnc r ce edsrnsp pen

In sebremper‘163T vmx 5

'sense endsfieq screenel

2m mm 13 2 3 9174: J ess"

qqq no: fesrrgl me: se e A enroenne oxLeLeq z n pen pens} ;

sun nn ne nons qocnnenre turnoqaeeq on yre'

vmn g’

z ones

annrenngeq seq onrnfioe cseq pesrrnonn on-

srrensel c sennsu

ape e azqenee In ne e Leconq sewerage eoyeyl on age

segenqsnr beesecnre a ppve shbe fl y'

oz brz rnsz z e ens wasrnsa serene"nc‘sL ee sense 3we8meee

c z rcnrr cesxg sync enreneq a fimeug non 9353'5Q TU {snow

s $LTT

I qe none pSLoLG rpe scene exp"

on¢ s jnxl’ pee

ebbesz esanew sets fissfiaave see an ocsepe n 52“reee’ eases

Dz exennsu a sfisqnsr ssh A*

none : gen Degenqsns

Queri es 01 rye he nce enrsneq Enqdnsnr rs genes og‘


s qe cnee ne e ssrenc q z n'

sen genes on men Ts‘Té BS‘ ape

genenns nr‘vun g

'senes‘EU 9 essence fineness

fee?so L6 $CA JL ban fe es; sennz ese s a srsq on new so

prefiesnen‘pere z e e issrzse on rye hence on caress; 3 5


gene ec rren ne e pnonfipr on byessgygg‘gyrys



ns'session ssrrzevn eerrsnsen ass Daimler on ens consn‘


we a?veneer won smears


nzrrrrn s'nzcrssses‘

reasonable fee for what the Court does not grant me ." She

agreed to hi s preposi tion . The di voree ca se was contested,

m em e hearings were had before a master and a decree was

entered on key 12 , 1932 granting Amy V. Jenes a di vorce and

the oustedy of her two chi ldren . The decree di rected that

Dr . Jones pay Amy V. Jene e $25 per week for the support or

herse lf and the two ehildren and i t also di rected tha t he

pay her at the rate of $25 per month commencing Angeot

1, 1933, $200 at the rate er $25 per month cem em ing November

1, 1932 for necessary surgi cal and hospi tal em enses thereto

fore incurred by her and $175 addi ti onal soli ci tor ’s fees at

the rate of $25 per m ath .

man and Amy V. Jones after the entry of the decree etdi voree

m y agree d that $500 was a reasonable fee for hi s serfi ees in

outed by Amy V. Jones en July 5,




3 228665

m eage z eq Rex TS’T833 2 mmf‘

gpenoee’pee eneee

Hohmh n? eenee 3

h e“ mO ’BSSBQ QE

val A’ Q efi e e

Ie meg oxLeele eeeee fie come eeeeez

ceaeez . oe cook29

“eavee OB IF?IBfi iE

c egeg pi em} g‘lone e on gfi yl g

’.yagg z

eene eme up ee Le It e ez boeepeq en rye eoyre eenfi en epeneefi: exe

bLoeo ee$IU E pen qraenee es on pe geonee’

aye reue e oz $UTa

epee veneee pyee egoo eee e eeeeeme ej e , gee Lee pee eeenqeee In

men eeq eek a’

z one e eggen ppe engne 0 L gee qeeLee on Aoeoe

fee Le es ce esa be e mbnee*

Lane sneez xeqr e pe e eve gyaa eqqxgz emsy aoy;er¢qe ,e gees er

7‘ja?s Lee ne ee eeenh euegreey eng uoebi pey aahe neee speeepon

Iggj‘$5 9 9 eg gee Le gs 0 2 gsg_be z money oemmeuermfi -

fiee empen

be} pee $1100 es gee rege ea 35abee mefifip commeuc z ea Yfi fifi a fi

HQ L EGTE g fi q fififi fie fl epIIqLG H fiU Q Ifi l g cfifiq fi fl g fi F5

DL'aene a bee vea. g

'aeee e QSE hen eeee gee gee eebbeee e;

rye oneroqe oz pe e yen euq eenf

gye geoeee Q $L 8 ®£9 q eye;

snee z eq eu gen IS’7633 fieemprvfi ewe A

qene e e geeexc e eve

neme z one pee l enfi e M eme pe g pGLQ LG a me asun eye 9 qe e z ee e ee

eKLeeq go pi e bLeboeIgT ee‘

fifie qIAeLee ceee eea cenreepeq‘

Lee eonepye z ee gee eyesspa cover qee e nee fieee g me'e ape

Jones. He procured the di smi ssal of the appeal and shortly

thereafter, in Deeember, 1932 , Dr . Jones was ordered eom i tted

to the eounty jail on M rs. Jonee'moti on because of his refusal

to w past due alimony and the attorney's fees allowed her to

defend against the appeal . Mrs. Jones then told the court

ta commit was continued unti l M aren 19 , 1933 upon the promise

or Dr . Jones that he w old try to rai se the money and w ho some

w M b. 8, m . Joneswrote a letter to Attorney

Di ekem an whi ch reads in part as follows:

that from thi s time on yourin m otion wi th my case . Youl0th as my attorney.

After recei ving the foregoi ng letter from Mrs. Jones,

B1W served a M i ce on Br. Jones, dated M arsh 10, 1933,

of the assi gm ent made to him by m . Jenes en July 5, 1932 .

He testifi ed that "at that him there was a depression and

for m i en he gave her a wri tten receipt which reci ted

Several were thoreW r Attem y Di cker-man brought

erfi i vcrtt . a~ boe¢nz an 18 eyed-

are ,eeeae- ar


g crree eea e eeq

opje aexne om spa aalaz coe Lenqe hea ph. pz ofionmen'

spa bengge a aenrq gage t eg re t rare 9 arqrhen ocurt ecr agxep

or eh hgehmemr*

are ot ry oonrr“


‘enhroxhegeq rear

It brerfirxz t eeoofivc sfire g e itefi an era oerfienwr one} eevfiefi cfi

Degenqesr oonheuqo pyea br<

§nrxgg i e affirm ye eefi noq

pen ad z s { at qraoz oe $0 9 qseLee'

ej eqeeq 5 0 pe one pra hoe ;Ie rode? ae eaqee e In htoaeeerqhfis

oere ooL 55’rae? adorns; omk . A


nonea Lon rye payonee or geoe

Ufi é hfl ne otfiee $5 30 eyxce 29 6 eg g gee z efiogoxe e aezfinu q. se firm‘

peev qegeg fi eq ph pee L Q GGIBf eh and fi‘i one e ghee pe t { oxmen

_mbon prm'

pTe GISTQ an rye eaosaumevr afieru eg ph*1 03 6 ? peaz fi g

finest gpe ac cess-

pagod a rye vari es or rye e aargumewg .e e e ee laeg

rye filfi dfi d rhea F8 he? BsIe t L’

loose err roe moneh gee pea

auqdmen p eee eugeaeg In deah e a; en°

adees In rpeh ooee ox

fps gy‘foe oer o; muycy epo e eexdmeq we [DI CKBLWS U] $sqo


bgz q one toe HG L reveexfi‘R VIGV avxreexee $3 Lfi IY ape esoo

- fiue

doves sexes lfl fi a‘f eas

‘and 9 9 10 1 9 ages? 10


’afi ee


fi evefi

SU Q erasVfl l A ’

EOU S E $9 2$¥1IGQ fififi fi “EFG LGG e Ifl gq tL Q ? BL'

fine fivfl er’ree


eeece see qeonee Ledereeq arm to fl ee ree. aoeeee


an? berm O de see? eon fl e e In tel: ee psremefl t ca fee deed

on eveae TO’

he wee esezreq arse Rea"

aseee efie bate pea

BLQ G Q Q Q IEQ dyfi fi apfi tene ye heeez aeq hue Horses a; eaaz gnmagg

exceeeaee‘aL'aeeea reecxtz ee on oorepee 5 5



#9 9 $



set forth ack nowledged her obli gati on to pay hi m the balance

of $250 due on hi s fees, that si nce she admi ttedly made a

payment to him of on October 31, 1933 to apply on with

balance , he had a ri ght to bring thi s ac ti on wi thi n ten years

after the date of such payment, that he fi led thi s sui t on

Oc tober 22 , 194 3; whi ch was less than ten years after h e. Jones

made sai d payment of to him on October 31, 1933 and that

therefore secti on 16 of the Limi tati ons Act ( per . 17, chap . 83,

Ill. Rev. Stat. 1943 ) is appli cable to the si tuation presented

here . Thi s secti on provi des in part as follows:

"Acti ons on M wri tten contracts, or other evi dencesof indebtedness i n wri tingting

ofiishall be commenced wi thi n ten


the cause of ac


shall have been made co ac or other t


period ei'

ten years, t any timeWi thin ten of each. payment .

It i s conceded that Mrs. Jones'assi gm ent to Attorney

balance due on hi s fees. However, she insi sts that “her shi rt

gati on to pay plai nti ff was not in wri tm aw was therefore

governed by the fi ve—year statute of limi tations and boom

barred by the statute fi ve years after October 31, 1933,

the date on whi ch the last paym nt wasmade by Mrs. Jones."

In our opi ni on the instm ment e3d by Mrs. Jones on July 5,

1932 wasmore than an assim nt. It rec i ted her emplw nt of

Bi ckerman as her attorney to represent her in the di vorce pro

to re c ei ve a reasonable fee for the servi ces rendered by hi m up

to the time the decree was entere d, such reasonable fee being

$500 . The instm nt served a two-fold our-pose . It recogni z ed

balance proceeded to assi gn to Attorney M omm a a portion or

by the tri al court for i n

li ed to hold that thi s Judgment was

the C i rcui t caurt of Cook 0

therefore be affi rmed .

9 . J . ,

suddenly into the lane of the prlvate car to go around cars

parked ahe ad lu . i ront of the Rogers Park Hotel, then. stopped

again . suddenly to let off a nother passenger when. 15 or 20

feet 1n. front of the pri Vate car, that the dri ver of the

private car applhed hi s brakes but the di stance was too short

and he could not turn out to hi s left because of heavy

southbound traffi c ."

The ac ci dent oc curred on Sheri dan road north of Pratt

boulevard on Apri l 15, 1942 shortly after AJM . .At that

ward runs east and west . Sheri dan road i s a wi de , heavi ly

travelled boulevard wi th three lanes on the east. ha1f of the

street for northbound traffi c and three lanes on the west

clear, the streets were dry and Sheri dan . road was well li ghted .

Pla inti ff testi fi ed on di rect exami nati on. that~ on. the

ocsasi on in questi on she was ri di ng north on. 8heri dan road an

the front se at of an automobi le whi ch was owned and bei ng

the center li ne " or“toward the mi ddle of the street"; that

Just as he reached Pratt boulevard Ha rtwell was dri vi ng at a

speed or about 20 or 25 mi les per hour; that when. she fi rst

saw the bus, i t was"in front of us, and i t pulled in to the

curb to 19 31 eff passengers, and there was double parki ng

there , and he pulled qui ckly around the oars parked and than

out i n the senter lane and then stopped and let more passengers

off"; that when. the has pulled out to go i nto the traffi c lane

pee hu e ”heraaayrll13 has an age 9 6 9 3 came“ 0 1 agaaxqma

upeasaae GIT I t emempea we saw new aetwfi'

cpe be ewe barrtnfi

fine pus ae Heagasrrle oaL .a e a cLoaaz ug bag gy peeraaet q’

on befits“! spa : ape G OHIQ Hoa aaz . qearnfserh gas: ape aea

mes c aoaaz efi ates: pOH TGAS Lq “ape pe a ae a cm ape swag urge

poxoxe as croaaaq baagr Bonyaa aaqu i £U$ $ apan Hanaa ery,a eat

ape ba aasufie z a ue Lo Eeggzufi gpa

r ape pee “agebbeq

are Eafisxa av"

a Hagar“?spar Jar a g e axaq vfi aerrr’pac fi fi ae

3 9 a bps p fl a ”er spa [nonppc e ar] asap a+a In arena 0;

Exqqra rag e "mea n rue aaraa rave “? tugs 9 a £fl WC atme ape

Ege aeIL a c an are G t e a am 13 1 3 414: pom aasz q m: a g e 313 gm

gpa roagygyeq Lfl xepea en a t oaa-axamqnacz an eyesae

me‘n é ae Le GI O Q EIfl E star; goxTa aa aq'“

boa egaaxas rfie baa as age pea se a ota a af ng BL G flfi EQ HTQ A Q L Q $ v“

xy‘effcfi t [aaeafl afims. a arsonnahi z 6'away Ia beam aa aaaaa ET?

az z q an gen eaa'aaa oaoaaxeg ag a pe Bea j eae Lq

’ 9 3 I wnqaa agaaq°

geafaaaxqa v*


fii‘aaapaa {brayvri ag ,a ergot uam]: eye

qegzurgeyh‘ 6“ gashag co Lacery T sea 5 3 nae caoeernfi ag ar;

rag pfl % 5 fie“ i eebboae z aaa xx pereae

‘par 3 qaa lg ac fl empea

” 3 If Cl oaafi fi bfi fl fifi’ 6' IE fipg fi ave £3 3 9 3 fifmfi kfi fi



Q B LAS Q rava fl fi g é DO aou z a csrf gag es v*

hGTT‘I aamg fiPfi fi $3



‘ape ae a ve heat afi gamn aqra .apew Rea 17 1 9£ opr

mpg { oyj omfwfi oeeu z t eq Q H bj aqugz gg ,a cmae au aaamqua ryea:

gear I qon‘r awaa .fi V $ pebbeneg'“

spat age pe a barraq oer seq zyev'

arahbeq gag e“

egg gaen egret

bat an rpe paaae*ang


y p7 2 ca t aeu ucg gpe has” “I ogyl finch

sag fii sfina’

"as arafi cx eye has“! a spa: exam awe armv he

an ape pz wgaau avg ruer caret pa bag my

avfi mafi a part at avensqan Loaa? fifi fi fi naa n ens I z aa: Rafi £3 9

made the answers as indi c ated: "Q . And at tha t time was i t

movi ng or standing sti ll? A . It was i dling and i t pulled out .

Q .Tsell, was i t in moti on when you fi rst saw i t? A . Yes,

naturally, When i t come out i n front of 1313 . Q . At that time

where were you? A . We were crossing Pratt . Q . How far from

the bus were you at that time? A . About 20 or 30 feet . Q .

Was the bus movi ng di rectly north when you saw i t? A . Yes we»

and i t seemed tha t i t was goin g ri ght on ahead ."

She also testi fi ed that as she "saw the bus moving

di rectly north," Hartwell's car was "

about 20 or 30 feet "

from the rear of the bus and that he was dri ving at a speed

of "about 20 or 25“ mi les an hour; that as the has pulled out

from the curb i t “started fast , he pulled out and around qui te

fast, but I don't know~

shat rate of speed i t was"; tha t as

the bus was goi ng north to go around the cars that were double

parked at the east curb i t was moving faster than Hartwell's

car; tha t Hartwell's c ar was"ri ght i n back" of the has m en

i t colli ded wi th the rear end of i t; that whether she saw

that the bus was li ghted or whe the r Hartwell's c ar struck

the has di re ctly in the rear"di dn't come into i t W I mean

that i t had no beari ng on i t , bec ause i f we had gone around

the bus, whi ch was the only alternati ve , we would hi t the ears

going south "; that she di d not know that Hartwell's car was

going to run into the re ar end of the has; tha t "we had colli ded

wi th the bus" when i t stopped the second time and “I beli eve

one m an was ali ghti ng from the bus W was throw W he was

letting out more passengers"; that when the has stopped sudden

lv Hartwell's car was "

about 20 feet from the rear end of i t";

3 0 04 so be so w e: 96m m; a n! on : mm : are : w e are bm eq

Tl Henfixer?‘e can see “apes: an Leon goom'

ree mean one or Trfl l

am?are seen W i n M atte ; ms“

2 9 6mm aim w e “I sen ses

rye: I t nsfi'no pe


rrnfi on rr‘pee ra ge TL ne


peq eons sesame

rye pe a gat eerr h In fee L Q BI "qi qn . £ some 15 see I lmee u

pest see one nee Tr a flreq on ave rse ; Fearaery . e oe r areasa

T3 O Q TTTQ JQ arse eve teea\ ewe a; T o} peer aperpe a nae sea

oar } seer Hearaa ry.e as; as? “arTQ r IU‘pz ox“ oz rye one span

N ews as: we w asw ee If ? be ? w a rm 19 3 3 3 6 39 mm a nae m i a

gee pfi ejae é ton ne H aney so to ea zfiuq eye sa te see; same gospye

gsep‘par Enoe l: anon ayesmere or ebeeq 3ssna g ! pye g e a

grow pee oats Tr usfeaped Le er“ we beTq one seq en seq dares

or fianc ee 35 or so“ naye e an post?peer e a spa pas De gree e ns


rpe rest or rue pe a seq spar ye ne e otxai nfi er s abeeq

term s-ma seesaw 1m em fl g a GE L w e gam e“

: so an"

3a w ees

ape eras gesfrgroq gya g ea ape “can pee pee meaz nfi

w e asw affl eswasn at ? W alt v itae (a: W eaver‘s

ge e fine pas neared artec ¢7&. not gn apes log eea , z;a V“gee ewe

spa pop fl ame aefi‘

eg spar areas a“

vpee; $0 or 30 gear‘ 6‘

agat e hat e hoax a “as ease ososarnfi arsgp

‘fi‘ yea gen Ease

Bernt eyrh‘mesa It same one zu


tnena at na* 6"

vsspar pres

en M r"am an:

"m m u m a rea has m ass w e w e 9" se a”

waffl e ea M ariam sam e v' "

isw e writ e w e M henn a eafi

freesm m u te w vam eaw “a w e: an: am am w e as

avg §L Q ¢¢ posraawxq ! rugspa gz q max 3 6 6 fine Q O GTqfi fl fi pfl f

a; fps 013 3 on cpwcg gof epvspa 3 3 3 OLL qmzk 8 g gpfi szmafi eng

conyq bL aoeeq moxpp-

mqggnag M EQ IBEIUQ

Bfigfibeql sag fipfl g Is Bpobbeq i n awoy'

shealsz ow fipafi

spe Ls asya owxa bsz gfi q pepxeen $p8 _fifl ? 9 3 g ggs camp aggu 3g

" dnxbn In pfl cfi oz gpe pus! swag age QYq was LemempsL apegpez

1g nsa a4 9 bbeq gysz e “Lox beobre so Rag mag“ ape me qnqa s

guam pps camp on spa 6 9 2g ayqs 0L apanq n Lafl q?

lg; gpryo

p Ie AQ Lq3 gpfi g qg ganqynr, a pfi a agobbaq Lfi & Leap smsfi

cg gQ GL q U LO Q Q nmxgg 0g ape mangp oz figsg;

gpa pq ai pp h g gfifi na mg a 9 Lefimywz pfi a agob CU gye 6 9 2g alga

3 5 3 9 2 3 1 3 Debaxgmagg‘goagxgz eg gpfig 3 3 6 $ 9 3 9 bfi aasufie z av

Kgsls Aa aag un‘

5 pm 3 3 ? embyohsq pk_ gp@ fiyygqg eggga g


gxg Ag z aeg z*GUM U Q I g eea ygfi

‘a Efi fi z e

‘{ Lnffi fi fij aegz


GI? “Tfifi g ego g EU gageuqfi ug la 9®fi 9 1%

q ue ea‘

cps gfme oz { pg ga$5 y avg mam spenaz c ns nag e an i o se 9

apc hyg rmpggz mas agqynfi‘$9 8 fa spa yank i n gmauca Gs

Eqmsz q gsz gme j j‘spa Q LIA&L 0g spa segem0 p7 ye TH

5 0 yam gag apese ppa sc c z qeug pg bbsuag‘

Inqq q a fiuq ensz jms egg mwa {n Le fwgrng pwx A 6 L8 IG§ 8 3,

0 8113 I” q¢e enpqi egfi gag spa bvxboae oz eyomznfi yaa a fi fifi é‘

gs gg fis 66 3 3 app pps gaapzmauk 0 g byg zngz gg bnse cg


a; spe ‘ghfisqam@ ggx


fi se ga in? epoxy 80 an 3a‘1 go q 3 9 3 fi fl ¢ 1 Q ¥ Q U5$ I9 og

Gas avg asobfieq fi fl k§fl srr z e 8 9 3 nasav ufi woarvg £8 $c

the bus was about 4 or 5 feet from the east curb and i ts rear

end was a few feet north of the north crosswalk of Pratt

boulevard; that the bus was fac ing di re ctly north; that the

front end of an automobi le , whi ch‘was "all smashed up


then about a foot or a foot and one-half south of the rear

end of the bus; that he i nepected the stop li ghts on each

si de of the rear end of the bus and found that they were in

preper worki ng order; and that thoro was no c ar parked between

the curb and the bus where the latter was stepped but that

there we re cars pa rked"north of that .


Ada House testi fi ed that she was a housewi fe and that

she was a passenger on. the bus; tha t the bus stepped at i ts

usual stopping place; that i t was fac i ng di re ctly north when

i t stopped; that whi le passengers were bei ng unloaded there

was a“severe crash. from the rear tha t threw her against the

se at in front "; that at the time of the crash the bus was

standing sti ll about 4 or 5 fee t from the east curb; and that

she di d not recall any cars parked between the bus and the

Irvi ng Glasky testi fi ed by deposi ti on tha t he was the

chauffeur of the bus; that there were cars parked along the

east curb of She ri dan road north. of Pratt boulevard; tha t he

stopped the has at the regular stoppi ng place 5 or 10 feet

Berth -

ar Pratt boulevard; that he was double parked due to the

fact that there were cars parked along the east curb; that he

stopped the bus about 2 feet west of such parked cars so that

he could di scha rge passengers; that the east si de of the bus

was about 8 or 10 feet from. the east curb; that Just as he was

spam: m am an u m qoox ma wa s; mm ,W m M W ‘fl t

max fifinqx 9 an 70 asa¢ { Lam £fifi -&9 E§ c amp} pvmp finag 8 9 pa a! »

pa c¢fi$q~

qracpvxge ha amenfi enai spas gpo ag es alga 0 § fine pug

c ¢ gfifi p AfifiQ fi mane - cash bangag 5 7 ¢u @ $3 9 sang c amp! pps$'


apohheq age pa w-sfi gpa _msfimrg 3 afoht fi nysas Q 0 L go ggg g

eves c p 0 L gpfl aq n aosg moxgm eg, 5 3 9 £@ pQ fi I b fi S Lgl gyfl p v0

onwaxz anx Q z $7 6 pas! xfig p pgoss 6 8 1 6 GBL S bg afisq groua gpfi

llam a cm am w am m uq pl q ebw w m u waswe m a 42m

agfi fiqgwg @ L i gg g g LL Q fi ape asap c qxp é as; pgmg

sew 3m u nw fi mm? g: 8158 1 m ca arm cm av we w e w e

A3 8 9 " ge aana 0 La ap LXGM gags gyne» pe n sgaqu ag ~$gfi

xg egobbeg z gyms k Te hasagfi fi ana fi g z s psInE anyog qeq gpwz e

H BHH I acefihz fie hyacs} ggg g rg M Q Q A LG O Q fi x n mc vyl H ongg fi fiGH

we w e a ba aw wfim em £579 pm ? gw g gm m e egret ma mm

was gog aa ge z z z grsq snag aye me g 9 nomasazga gnq gp fip

cyan; fl fi L O swag hfi z gaq “yoagg a? rpwgfi


fipE < C M Lp‘§ Hq ry § fiaa nye te gyw j gpfifi L ass arabbfi q pg; $3 9 3

amfi an w e m s: m ay 0 1, we m 2m Loam ; m x mm w as In

em} oz we w a‘mm 156 W abw wfi cm am fi fim on am :

m m atp 9 a n 3 m g m a n-5 1 1g, sog gy G55, m 4; mama

LL O fi £ avg 01 Ufl smxvmmpqye’ mpc 2 9 8 Hwy} fi %“3 3 5 8

poq Afi Lq 3 ;p*

g S fl h pwe .msa La cyug qrz g oprfi voLn cpg g spa

SEQ Afi fi 3 xefi fi fi fifl fi-

fifl i fifi Gl eaafl fl’

fi - aa n gfi


yaa mg? Q figfl f r

g' fl fi t ae g Lz fi w


ggn v g a; eai v fl g Lf HL

"all of a sudden there was a terri fi c jar that came frem

the rear end of the bus"; that she ali ghted from the bus and

saw the ear tha t had "bumped i nto the back" of i t; tha t the

rear end of the bus was north of the north crosswalk of Pratt

boulevard; that to the best of her knowledge the back of the

bus "was about an extra large step from the curb"; tha t the

front end cf the bus was a li ttle farthe r from. the curb than

the rear end; and that after the c rash all the passengers

wandered to the frent end of the bus and got out .

Plai nti ff testi fi ed i n rebuttal by way of i npeachment

of Ali ce hbmsen, see of defendant's wi tnesses, tha t when. she

was bei ng taken to the hospi tal i n the squad car and while

she was in the hospi tal immedi a tely after the ac c i dent

oc curred, Ali ce homsen was wi th her and that Ali ce M en

told her both i n the squad ear and i n the hospi tal that

"when. the bus re ached Pratt beuleVard i t stepped at the

regular step and let off several passengers and that

after letting out several passengers he pulled out and at

her [Ali ce mensen's] i nsi stence he stepped suddenly by thrawi ng

the brakes suddenly and opening the door ."

Ali c e hemsen deni ed tha t she made the foregoing state

ments attri buted to her by plai nti ff .

The defendant urges other poi nts for reversal predi

cetad on. the asserted fai lure of plai nti ff to preve her cause

of acti cn but we only deem. i t ne cessary to censi der defend

ant's centehti en that "the verdi ct and Judgment are centrary

to the mani fest wei ght of the evi denc e ."

$0 fip é mfi U ILG?t ee i tsfi or eye eaZ Q euee'a

or seri es par as cuyk qeem 3 g n -oeeaeri go cesarean gaz ewqw

asses on ape e aeetrsq LEIIfi t G or brsymaf ar re hi d es p

ea eeeee

so sen pkfiri znartt

'merge errt rhfi fieg

IJ qgu‘

z‘eq 5

‘s ape 1159 3 9 (3139 3, 0 1 6n”537 0 6 W 533

2 4:9 ,n

we we re? BHQW UK W e che que m e doom “

pet {ari se eeeeeu be] Ineregeeee pa arohbeq esgqsu jh ph, rpmoesnh

rq pa l fiery In ape adese oer fog { n are poehrp'y


rpv c

2 3 6 M ax re rge'

eoaexrer smasqxa

xamaggfi fi g 0 32, Q C ZGVJq

fiKIQ ‘g figq gug aasgfigggg m {2156

0t Vi t ae

Thheeepeen:exefwertt sevseaz

sq t v Lepnsaaz 93 use at

gas t een and} are rear egreteye arena eyr rye heaeeetet e

L ens Gas at are F3 ? a g e a 12 9 916 tenaee a t eem are cake sees

pea uase enema as si gnsje t te ereh LL Ofi rye carp“! flyfi fi fine

Lesa she oz ape pea se a h oary 0 L rye ne'

er oresaaexa or green

fee Lesa efl s'

0t are per“) area are firz fietee Lk fl fi see her eye


i n. evi dence . Not enly i s he r testimony i nhe rently improbable

but i t i s contradi c ted by si x wi tnesses, fi ve of whom. were

wholly di sinterested . Si nes thesg7%§tnesses testi fi ed that

the bus was standi ng sti ll from. 2 to 10 feet north of the

north crosswalk of Pratt beulevard at or approxi mately at the

regular bus step on the east si de of Sheridan. road when

Hartwell's ear smashed i nto the rear end of i t , the conelusi en

i s i nevi table that the aec i dent dld not happen and could net

have happened in. the manner pla inti ff testi fi ed tha t i t di d»

Inaamneh as the evi denee clearly shows that defendant's large,

well li ghted bus was share i t had a ri ght to be on. Sheri dan

read when i t stepped ts di scharge passengers and i nasmuch. as

Hartwell's vi ew ts the nerth was unobstructed as hi s car

approach ed and reached Pratt boulevard free the south , we thi nk

only be attri buted to his negli gent fai lure to ke ep a preper

We are i mpelled ts held that the verdi ct was agai nst the

mani fest wei ght sf the evi denoe .

327 Ill . App . 208 ( abst . ) to consi der a factual

si tuati en. i n. a _ persenal i njury case where the uncorreberated

testimeny of the pla i nti ff was contradi cted by six Wi tnesses,

three of when were di si nterested . In that case we sai d:

“do are fi rm beli evers in. tne jury system and are in

fullaccord wi th tra rule stated by the Supreme court i n

a .


rsfl 361 Ill . 465, 468 that 'The utmost cauti onexerC


sed not only by the tri al c ourts but by the

sanc ti ty of the tri al by jury.‘

analysi s of the


i n. the i nstant case

evi denc e we were boundated testi mony as to the

red i n the li ght or hi s

In w 7 ; 313W 279 Ill. APP . 633

defendant for damages for i njuri es alleged to have been sus

beleed by her as a result of thi s ac c i dent; that her claim

was settled by the defendant before the tri al of thi s case;

and that these facts were Em u fie pla inti ff's attorney. 111

"Q . And we fi led sui t: agai nst the Bus Compa q , di dn't

M eter Coach M any, clien't you? Mr . Gli ek z That i s 01339 c

that the Jury be inst-seaweed . The Court : I wi ll instruct the

Ali ce M m , not: for the purpose ef shewing an admi ssi on of

her interest in the euteeme cf the case and the effec t such

interest mi ght have upon her c redi bi li ty, the tri al court heard

chi-m m M ar M M anx“

, M d M ? The mm ssz A . Yes,

unusual ei renmstanees in this case i n. connecti en'

wi th. defend

ant's settlement wi th Ali ee W een . All the plai nti ff sought

te show was the feet that sai d settlement had been made . Ali ee

W en was in all -enti rely di fferent posi ti on i n relati en to

the aeci dent tm was plai nti ff . Ali ee Hansen was a passenger

of a settlement wi th 9. thi rd perm injureé as a rem t of

the same m em e i s stated by M r. Justi ce Lemar in a well

122 an. 547, 56 8 , E. 478, where i s was ea‘id at p . 480 Of the

last meat-M ed rem iss

even m

M enalty aught te be exclu ded .W The rule against allewi ng

evi dence of cemeremi ee i s founded on recogni ti on ef thefeet that men testimow i s i nheren harmful, for the anywi ll draw eenclusi ens therefrom in spi te cf anything bythe parti es at

the m ef di scussing the comprem me and ins i te ef whi ch may be sai d by the judge in inst

as be wei ght to be gi ven such evi dence .“

The questim as tn the admi ssi bi li ty ef evi denee as be a

w e was em si dered in the comparatively recent case 61‘M x.

M 3091 11 . Appe 3214 were the cenrt sai d at pp . 330-332 3

ft) m “WN W ?Pk W WI}:“3‘v aw aken? ém m sn a

encamnyyg pgq pswapfia a: pl abbnya$wfi cpa 1afik pi ffl gfi i gnne we

aeflfixwmmnx Hfiq qtné saé q ifia 3ankn ra qz nxafigné fififim‘extg aggc znak

cps dwvz crewa g fiq ph'

brfirmxrzx. a afigdnnfil~ xn neryfiran'

so £9 6

vj fiunntp ape pz rny manna bxdbgnyx anagmrnuq oéfiactrdé a pa

neyewc go pa Ez nnu'

ancp etygswse'“


mfl k no aq pk fine ifl qfie Tn Inactfi efirwfi spem'wa co ans

3: man pg ®X$i Q WETh Ez ejmgxcysy "in pbz ga 01 é nhgpfinfi

z enfisq'

pez c z e 6 zmah‘3 ; T a uzmfinxfl nsjk uwnmz nr

’n fi e M g ? R i ng

19 3 3 on cgs Qfiras nfi gnn gyro“ ancp‘

anrqsnas 3 2 acaang 40 pa Exam

9 gfigz q banaov rmfiameq qn rye egmn uc ¢xq®§n nay ogganaqw

yefig z q»

msqe we go 596 baz fioae gun mywap $9 9 aag gnrcu ax aefigramnfin nq

oggan gnxz z qr cgz ov e nyrex afishong fine ?aua z fi rxfja gag $6 gwaa

as n e ng qa fin z sfl nafi a; gngpfi axgye a i n unmg noma

as s sag g by gupygg 3m can sagz on go naqmce p18

£2? Lfl ye Ta syn; fipfi infiy z fl ac z a $fi 6 afi fl fiffimg fi fi on afi fl xz em

q sfffifi i co“

$92 Ll“

fl e‘m'Tngé

'fine Le g eov Ian

wage a?any asaee c7 gsq g§ z $x3 a 3

pe apnfib TU nn vagran'

pk fins og jmn‘

3 5 C‘3" b' 33 0 ”

nan ny; mans bnmrena g nn ynflanaq a somfinamxas n n one canvc g“L ye Lmre 12 n y asggyaq $N9 £

§ T; In gym gnaw sccz qnug

gyé c é fi i a aq 0 ; b“

01 Q fl Q Ina; mswpz o a “abomgx

I? Efifi é i é Sn?Eh“eva




L agenfiune re spa é fl gastuu 0 g yygprrq pfifi


$6 2 $0 snaz q IffiIgflan ye q e npom gmfi

Em ffl‘

q m g:ma m a? w e gumm y M a mm‘

fi fiqe nxgg v gpz nqgg§§

qV £25 wvxxnfi fins 9 z é gnj amnn

to the settlement could not be erased from the

the jurors or cured by proper rulings or instruo

the court . Where , as here , counsel suggests facts

and in hi s argument to the Jury not proven by

Superi or court of Cook ao 1: i s

Fri end, P. L , and Seama n, J. , am our.

copy of same was sent to defendants. The certi fi cate contain

ed the followi ng, among other condi ti ons:

“Thi s certi fi cate only authori z es an acti on to beh for the evi cti on or remO Val of the tenant institu in accordance wi th the re ui rements of local law

and does not pass upon the meri s of such a cti on under

such law.

"Sub ject to exi sting lease i f any."

On M ay 1, 1945, the day after the ew i rati on of defend

ants'wri tten le ase , they pai d plai nti ffs $50 rent for the

month of M ay, 1945, whi ch Was the amount of rent sti pulated

i n sai d lease , and they rec ei ved a receipt therefor. Defend

and July, 1945 and tendered the rent for August, whi ch was

not accepted . an the reverse si de of the re cei pt whi ch Jacob

Si egel gave defendants for the June rent he wrote : "For month

to month tumm y.“ On June 28, 1945 Jacob Si egel served a

on the 3lst day of July, 1945"and demanded therein that posses

ti i‘fs brought thi e forcible detainer acti on on August 1, 1945.

Plai nti ff, Jacob Si egel, testi fi ed in substance that he

Di rector in January, 194 5 and that i t continued to be so li sted

unti l June 1, 1945; that the only re ason he permi tted defend

any new agreements bei ng made , created a 'hold over'and

became a tenaney frem. year to year" and tha t "

a tenancy

frem. year to year can not be termi na ted by the servi ce er

a thi rty'

day demand noti ce but must be termi na ted i n ac cord

ance wi th the sta tute whi ch. requi res the servi ce sf a sixty

day neti ee, i n. wri ti ng , wi thi n four months precedi ng the

last sixty days of the year ."

Plai nti ffs'pesi ti on i s tha t "a month to month tenancy

was ereated here, so that acceptance of the may, 1945, rent

after the expi rati en. ef the exi sti ng lease di d not create a

heldever so as to beeeme a tenancy frem. year to year, but

servi ce ef demand for possessi en an June 28, 1945, demandi ng

pessessi en. of the premi ses en. An8nst l ,

In. brinai ng thi s aeti en. i t was ne cessary fer plai nti ffs

te pressed in. eempli anee wi th. the Illinoi s statutory provi

forei ble detai ner Sui t e

The enly'

qaesti en. presented for ear determi na t ien is

premi ses as tenants frem. ye ar to ye ar upen the same terms

provi si ens that are controlli ng i n our eensi derati en. ef this

It has been. repeatedly held that i f a tenant under a

wi thent any new agreement wi th. hi e landlerd he wi ll be trea ted

as a tenant from year ts year subj ect to the terms of the

agreement wi th them as to thei r future occupancy of same

that he gave them fer the June rent . Si egel's attem t

te create a tew mey fer merith to month er to furni sh

to males a new agreement wi th defendants as to the nature

lease g

that the latter were te ec eupy the premi ses as“(ceme nts from

rug 50 qotevvwwt° arse?“so ovi a

‘nae socoxq zvfi so Enz cx


qez onvt aaearfivec spa cue ewe Leanxnea spfl w ed exi ax Hebe“ t eenag

rewao woo 0 0 51 go qexenqsug so oxoonae seq eponpj i gpei eexgexl

tbvhewovc I“ VEL II’refe

'are: exce Leeeq E3 10? asae e ne cen

Jesse GQ A GLJUR a baxroq o; pno i ssues pexooqe na meaoq ruse sue

no qe ao FO L $66 t nengp’eog

l gpgg go monj q bxebwne a A$ I££6 H

exrce ewnc’

”pone nevez vfi fl ee arLas areon ebvnceunseve we waxeeq

In ape avai l fiene 0 1 Tees“enz eeqewc ene


nrfi arts Rfiefie so

3 8 veg eyes; mpqeg} ea?7 sw i nea ebemgeeog ya ape pveemeee*

grooz t s q oa‘

g L Q O H eeesemeex O fl ape eeconq groox’

( are e§3 qemos

typo w Q w efie egeewe purjqenfif'

e aw hoem'e% em enmon eye Lyneg

meaeq go Jeea eeq Le eeqej eq eye Ta~ z oom Le eyqenee

agnefish Lepe eee’v ee@o*

goes erme apeee e g z en‘sue Lemryz

2L?QK pe i g‘see pee fieegex 3 3 u 3 4 ~ £eom

f ke e¢qeuoe vs1901

an» ewe eeee Epfl fifi se he eem ea efi e ’rwaee


fireez eaee t’

eye Leeonq ez eefoee fi flee t bere a so ewfi‘Jeeef brai ntxxx

wee eexewqwnsvfibeera~

a geek‘cease ewe v z tfl erug e ve ifiefi meve In breeucrzx‘fi xeaen

aexz e ee‘egree eo

'$pe ee ae mes peexq pegoae rue eonmp Aln fi g

£3 messes; be eee eoroe o; gee gz neg wbexgwe og o; Iggy qfl oeeel

qceerveh Ifi s gpe eefl xeefie? gag es ex fl eecefie“ eaernfie eez aeeevfi

web?! 9’reee

‘byex3 ¢3ex eneufiee ev'

e ez rcv 9 ; { e aerpre

WH‘mneezoe 0 ,9omeeg DETIAEHEU eHE oerezoe 03 LEE oonye*

vbbazrsfi e*

ea cexoeeoa

eeez exewr eeeee*

vseeer egex


Ebeven fif



2 months aft er they had been deli vered to defendant . The

wri tten lease was never executed by plai nt i ff or hi s father ,

or returned to defendant . The defendant moved i nto the apart

ment before the lease was prepared, occupyi ng i t cont i nuously

and payi ng the rent of $90 per month by che ck to the father,

Hrs. Hart di ed i n 1945 and plai nti ff , her eon, a ba chelor,

who had been li vi ng wi th hi s parents, moved wi th hi s father,

Eri ck, to the apartment on the second floor at 1501 Janeway

Terrace . In hovember , 1944 , Eri ck remarri ed and about tha t

t ime, asked defendant to raoeta the apartment and to move upstai rs

i n the apartment oeeupi ed by pla i nt i ff and. hhe father . The

reason for thi s, as testi fi ed to by plai nti ff, was that he had

no bedreon in the apartment whi eh he, hi s father and step-mother

eeoupi ed and had to sleep on a eou ehq‘

fihi le the apartment on

the fi rst floorb whe re defendant li ved, had two bedrooms. That

defendant refused to exchange apartments on the ground that i t

wh o phyei eally impossi ble for hi s wi fe and two chi ldren, ages

one and thre e years? to mo?! upsta i rs to the second floor

apartment and that there was but one exi t from tha t apartment ,

Afterward defendant's attent i on was oalled‘

by Eri ck, to an

ava i lable apartment at 5621 Kenmore avenu e and to a house at

7045 Horth. fiaeoa avenue, but defendant re jeeted these propert i es

the noti ces were prepared by Eri ck Hart and served on

defendant; demandi ng possessi on of the premi ses for Eri ck , and

aft erward a thi rd neti ee was prepared; of li ke import, i n the

name of plai nt i ff and served on defendant and on the 0 0 P . Ai

pri or to the begi nning of the su i t . The evi dence shows that

li do'; to Esther D. Hart and Edward . le Kart, ( Eether'

be ing

merry ape ose ass I no 5 3 9 noeeeoshl rug sp eg ye

are c heryl t easesopen ego soreooi epsnyqhe z oom honey to

se nse rflse cos afienewone! apex whi cz i woe ~

oaz euqt me: one 7 3

I; go Ez qox*

ape Losers qreeroee a’ mes sage ; qoz erqegr

re re qoxeoqwug meal ac ronyms e gge h ee hq oraoeq r: one L esneueq

ELIGK se aggxfee fps: stash so bxsbsnao fl?“Tease we earraenee

goo reason are hhohexeq pa Ehvox one qeyreoheq go qez ewqeug*

boobehrh peyoofieq so ore oom’

goo roses 7s apron so se e nemoq

oooshm roe hee eyeee“

use to we eel prnqrra on solone‘peoon ee hoe

sac soarae a one aeeeaq tree on esteroswe‘sets we searaaq so

seq pro Egeb~ fi rfip 9 &* woo ge e xsog grog ghrofi

‘ape neggen

’ firse

cove firwrnorxx seveso are wfl rxgoons zoo- romaero‘p3 8 Loopfi h

pe aoororoee*

3s roz os'

yr re eyoeh LL Q E er; rye eh z geoe e*

prreozx seq pe e veg sege q yo hose noz ap*

errs oooceosxsoEoe onoc

ebohgmeog z oo or oee3 ;*per he; rxs re ggae

“ ege b~ wogpe h one


s; ra fé aeeeq are a breyvares 7 8 sot aasxwufl so aeefl bz ere

goh roweqrere use are ooc obe fi oz es s gmeyyyrg he: rye eej g',

noose go fieee { orgy go L oae L hoeseeeroo o; seep eeooo aoqearooe

ec ooomeeegrooe are gserxofie Doreeoeu geogey esoe )’ seq

hero; so eyes gore“ oh bhyee he mohe epeh g“Iseg Lon pofl oysfi

so oesopnh he“rose are as one Geeeosxas goes so Lsfiorvsxow we

gwsxooo lore; so goo eggeogyhe goes on h eafiyegz er ( on horoo

a ph go gel on she hrepfi he boeee eeron oz'rps generoa eooomoo~

gee yeogxohq oeoeq‘

0 1 eodsrz eq or sULQ L GS EpI Q


APYQ W re ebbz roeeye> oeoaz ge e gee ;

qoeooef ge t qerereeug echo apes eeesror g ( t ) o; ape

3 K3 &8’ so apes» serene

yugenoeg To 3 : exeehg rye; go see eoeoh i rofi ape ebehhooog

pi bfsrgeexe‘roe aav’ one area hrvrnaree . a evenen- ose we

pl.tps arouses as one era at Ina osss seq error son Lseono


or Chicago i s

in no way eontrolli ng for . >the reason

the property but it was owned by hi s

exrete e asses erg qeeerr‘

conesspree efrease eyes qexseq ver

se q we espeq «unease In eye see ex gg‘j gg



ape seeeeq oases

rebate spew! eye: apex sens se eyeee se q or no earns ee brsrceyfli

none bat cpseeqt peer qexesqemg’nrrpesg enceees’ egeesbgeq co

seq some A e t apress avg nsej eea Lon gpe bnnboees LO L ~ ApTOp rp el

nets qofyl et eq ! tFVR reel gre neg obsesse’ be i z ons

’ hi re: on on:

apron spot nets saysoh qetenqens! spe c cps bLeseee seq surges

users obeneee 1s en exz re z enr sevens ens Les cps bonbce ee Lon

songwrrcs! ape: eereeqssg sent ences gpe g ap e Dresses seq emcees

e; gy‘ygp ewes spa epe pgeys ac ne Inersj z og gs { Inez arses fi OL EIUfi

berg go firm so eqqygz eser gasp? cps; we sanseq go bsl rps psj snee

m u bm scru o m: m m so qsw vssut tr ees! m : we m asseu se

7 3 aft er cre ee screens c engrgyos In bye rnci z g i e byeee or pn eree ee !

ape: genevqsug sgeeeq go erase]; £9 0 bueeees seq capes ednrbmees

A i ry pe e mesons! r RTII O B ayfipu ebeeg bL fl EE srpp mecen‘( on

A j ay engoeserc e j emfi seq sexes} s fi JIj en-Q ymbj ex a ugrsfi Ensse‘

sw am : more as N ew s“; 9 ton n esem blem seen wh en» Q u eer

fine Lyssa seen; ezrefiee apex en en spews genrespen ga‘gees

ID cps gebsxrox genes e; gees genngl sRegsep eeonfie q'gyocs

benz eog beet j ese eeyesqek eembeni‘zyj eg e Lost c e ase sombreys:

WE'i fl fl $16§ RfiHEE DEFIAEHWD $HK ObIHIfiH on LEE GO fl fi i




8aused to be issued by the clerk of the C ircui t Court of Cook

County a writ of replevin for the cha ttels i n an ac tion aga inst


J .Volsted, Richard Roe and nary Roe; that the sheriff took

the cha ttels under the writ from plaintiff's premises and delivered

them to defendant; that thereby defendant converted the cha ttels

to hi s own use; that defendant unlawfully took possession of the

chat tels without the consent or knowledge of plaint iff and without

making plainti ff a defendant i n the replevin ac tion . The fourth

count is for noney’

had and rec eived . A. meti en to dismiss the

compla int was overruled. Defendant , answering, Joined issue

as to the material allega tions of the complaint . A trial before

fine court and. e Jury result ed i n a verd ic t against defendant for

$4 ,oce. notions by defendant for a direc ted verdic t , for Judgment

notwi thstanding the verdict , for a new tri al and i n arrest of

Judgment, were overruled. 9n. a remi tti tur of the court

entered Judgment on the verdic t for and defendant appealed.

Pla inti ff , George W. smi th, i s i n the business of selling

printed calendar pads. He is 81 years of age and hard of hearing ,

he had at one t ime be en in the printing business, but did not call

himself a pr int er. so le ts the print ing of the calender'peds out

on contrac t . he has been in tha t business for 21 years. He has

on office at 176 West Aduns street, Chicago . He leases 90 square

feet of spac e on the third floor at 687 South Desrborn Street ,

Ghi eege e Otto Rasher . a he ckbi nder and calendar manufac turer,

and disresee Enttson, a print er, under arrangements wi th pla inti ff,

occupied this thi rd floor spac e ( exc ept an additional small of fice

ma intained by plaintiff ) @ for-

use i n the ir respec tive husi nessesa

It wi ll be observed tha t the complaint alleges tha t the

two pri nting presses and the cutter were sold by defendant to

however, shows that the paper cutter and the Simple: press were

13 at é p é é taessetsare e é eeri rsc «Trades are: one

Bernesreeq pi brsfnirz z )‘not see issport teebeorri s pnerne é eee‘

coonbyeq spy: gowns green obese ( execs: so engravers: one} : otxxoe

em cees? c ue m inerse poogprnoex. seq sin

-sneer. m mm m ist‘

Less 0; sheet an ape sntnq {feet so é fifi genes ped uncle gasseg’

on stares r: geesvot es senses” enroefi e‘ gs Test es ac ednsne

or sena tora

gs new peer rs ens; pserness {on 3: leeie*

go se e

press} ; e be foren‘no regs one bi rscfnd or are oej a rt

bsqe one

i nfusesosrenqen neqe' Be re 3 3 lawns oz see erg gene on peenrvfi'

settsesti'03 0 5 83 s


*re to are psarvé se 01 serrrnfi

i nfiet eé“isqesesz or



i enq:og {on gg‘é é c seq genenqsse ebbesreq


finqfiseé c'nets ossnisrsq' no e L emrstrtfi b ox gf'ogo one caste


‘necrose oi qegesneng z en s

qyneorse Aet qroe‘1st ingenenr

tbs costsone s lnt i nessyteq 1s 6 asters: sfisyvee sexenqsnéa


oelbrstug are di et nsres* nsz enewws; Wfiensnrnfi

’Qornoq teens

sense re for seven neg seq neosri eq'

v“ooezon so qremrss ape

serve? bretssrtt 8 setseewss IU‘

kvfi entrants soeron’

zps gamers

ovvcesla sterner are Gunners on ruesxeefie ox brvrvcrz z ens e rases:


pjsone naez

rse g generous: usrsnxayyi coon beseeeoren on ryegene


se qegesosne! rye; Efl é ktpl qefeuqese some ones?one sewerage

are ent ree} : swets'

ewfi st r: LL Q W b 3 7 3 £¥ i lg ° enemi es? was eerrenses

st i fl es to pt teases9 1 are areas 0 1 fire att est: costs at


c dfii nsac In a asz tt zwcgaz l'

wuvbt z*

brwraz rxx. e B asensoe eh ltauunw In ewe: apt ptwbrex

ongcab Q B IIA O L GQ‘voncaax

‘are aszraz aoaotz

’ we are spa xyyron pyfip

wnq an. Ifisfi eb gapsgygaceq c qyz xoneug bac on ancgan’

mp0 bi bs;

e nggen arse: awousq pi brvgugz z z conyq no: ps bLo¢ fl msq pi qé xaq uz

7 : ebboleq pk spa aa e z m pe j wyua asyfipp o; gut ea z qsna a°

Lye bfi bon


cg . OA IQ‘H G O' ape cesgywenh a; bysyucz gg spa: we use 3pm bnnopwasx

ox qesc uqsua cat : no worq rpm onwssern co Aoracwq I3 e fl aawrwaq $5

on i n vnhsnfi awsnp psassau bjsxugtxg sag Aor§ c% q*

lpfi eb ucé ncyéfi

spa; AO JE£8 q use agbuyrsq aJap cps novel bwz q on five finxapwua Bison

3 3 0 1 1 Aoyaceqi gyg c brvrncrxz grq we: mxnp'

se 9 8 sws baaapvfl enr vsv

9 9 LQ U QWB £ ;B hae rclog rs spat fl $ aafq cwfi Gnvcz éra LG

use no: bng ru coaqxgyem go o§€L S ga;fi

Es: cps 9 5 8 8 8 so obenwgax Q ua pugs qcsbgge cge ao aLgoLga EUQ bxeag

ob eh fi ga sexya fi uc ga u rj i t sp a; galaUgad c sang was ape angen né q £6

bIsJUgIL; afl qweac z sg 3 6 Sec spa bz aea as onaag ge z gwwfi rsR GH IQ we:

cps cpvacera £0 ave osfi hp° LB acne e: brfin fif twee exasz gerrn é z i

sages; fi sxe ru a q couqrgranl spa; qeLavqwng wfinoeq ca qej xac n

no §axapvaeq It } spa; qexaaq g fi aefi z eq firm epwg ups bag g ag e fl ag

afire fi fia *

bIfi I E SILL seeaxz z sq z fi nxmgn z pfl fi gaz e» are frnfi eve afi cwgufi xl’

ca runbeeg cpe mfi cpyuanm s; g brags on gpa usfi b nongp'

srqa a;

euq £9 9 3 qez euqeuc Inecnaa c soutl Aorszsq'

z b $5 3 3 3? brvrnsrta

t bb z eeopvq pk spa qagengwng mxgy fi n oz xex pa EQ II p7 0 £5 3 mwoprmenl

vrw 9 3 1 bnruz lvfi mwupruenz‘

brafvri zx seecrxreq spa: fl ? A 3 3

cprog fia'

as pf g Xfl fl fl fl Bran rz a z vn T0 pan wfiq was

pa ernane go; 3 2 Aoene'A 7 33 as 0 117 9 0 3 g yge gang gwnqefbn'

anme fig’

geoufl s q“gj sol

‘g ag p9 9 ” rfi ap e finrucymfi av apwnaxl wfi q

17wfi ncfvfi

balepvaea wexoeq go bsi pvt sfifixafisge saw a; fig‘g@c


begé fl gmg z°

IB¢§ z o§;ggoo


gpeeg a e&a sabvne gs £LWB 8 § Q $I O fi fi in in?

t ug ggg g 3pm “si ren prfip ab eaq fil es? u se bunapsaeq on aarfipan $3“


Defendant, as vendor , and Voletad , as vendee , signed a

condi tional ealee contrac t da ted September 50 , 19 42 covering the

sale or the cutter and the Simplex press for Thi n contrac t

acknowledged the rec eipt by vendor or i n cash and therein

the vendee promised to pay the balanc e or in four monthly

installmen ts beginning oc tober 50 , 1942 , the first three installments

being for $509 each. ahd the final installment for $250 . At the

time of the execution of the conditional sales contrac t Velated

also delivered to defendant a promissory note for payable

as agreed i n the contrac t, On Oc tober 29 , 19 42 defendant , as vendor,

and Voleted, as vendee , executed a eondi ti ohal ealee contrac t for

the Miller high speed press, the purchase pric e being $500 . The

contrac t acknowledged receipt of $125 i n cash and therein Voleted

premi eed to pay the balanc e of $37 5 i n eight consecut ive monthly

$50 each and the final installment for $85 . Voletad also execu ted

a promissory note for town, payable as agreed i n the contrac t .

Plaintiff testified that he did not know about the condi tional sa les

contracts. Pla intiff testified that on November 19 , 19 42 , addressing

defendant , ha ac i d: “I've got no receipt for wha t I‘ve pai d you.

I've got nothing to l1t I paid you on thi s and when you

get up the receipt you and Hr. volsted give me the rec eipt for both

and I‘ll .gi ve you taco more . " Wi tness testified further tha t:

“They wrote up the rece ipt and . broaght it i n.“ The rec eipt, signed

by defendant and da ted Kevember 19 , 19 42 , reads: ”fieoei ved from

Perfec t Peerless calendar gempany, on Sept . 29 , 19 42 One thousand

dolla re ae tiret payment of $2 7 50 , purchase pric e on one 44 inch

Power paper cut ter wi th automa tic clamp and motor for same. Also

one Miller Simplep ri nt ihg press with two motors, D . 0 . current,

polyvxe crew butane: on I yrrj en gran abeeq hoeee‘t ce hyep more;

82A aou’

DG°LP° Bfi ae’ ! aut o Lou Q'i l recez t

apert ee one heath er

rein ifbfl vnoa rs 8no¢'

heaxrut eteae‘qwrrxnaoq so eke erect we

w e mn fi on wfi hwmmt m fl a u w zw mu u v o‘w au w w'a

poses bebop onnrex .hrrp'

eneowe¢fc orei h egg oogoh roe etoc‘ vyeé

gory: m-

ee { th i smethane or gsé po‘behooves baron on one of ruby

hoaxee g‘

fioeayeee ceyenqen goehani‘on gobs

SB’feesone gnoeeaeq

pi ci te noeae vet «t een noeempé t re"reee

* tacos: “aeoeracq than

navel ek é td'

eb neovtbs ant pee fl tna 7c rs‘n one Leosrbe


3 3 6 Grow 16d geoo meee ‘, ai sweaa ca tertrcq ta z cnek tha t:

Rec ab one hteerbn too the gn‘goregeq Eras no one neoorhg gen porn

xlac to; noeprnfi to open I berg zoo gj‘ooo on gyro ego hpoe lea

qexeoqeng’ we eerq: “I‘le her no neoexhg no; hoop 1 ,a c hero loo‘


exsrorrxe ccaeez z oq $5 9 3 at oea ewpsn To"roes

‘eeee ee arot

trrrverot eee zttwee seer we owe me } th an t hose one c oaoxsxowtr evrea

e bnohreechl were {on gg gg‘hexepye e a efihoeg 7m gpe 8 0 3 £LW$ 8

£20 eeop seq ifit { they rh oeerrmoco no; 35 3*

Aoyegeq ergo exeooeeg

racrvire evfa pctrvnrt fi nea empen ao’roee

’t ease rmeswrrwonca z oo

theoreeq so bet the peronoe or teen In erhpo ooueeoanylo oonrpri

contrac t e cgncnyegteq heeayhé or $15 9 yo crap enq {HQ L Q IU Aoyeraq

fine EIII Q L granabeeq beet a’ewe bonope ee hares porn? tgoo


any ap i eceq‘e h a enqoc

‘mneonreq e eohqtnz one] heron oonehece Lon

we cahe eq In ape oeh hhee g*

no Garcon; 33”Ines qei cuoeng

’ea aenqon


erao qej raonoq go goreeoho; e hnooxeocxl were Lon er‘é gg

’ hei epyc

£7 3 3 on rye exeohgz on oz op e G Sfi Q TRIOUfi I eej eo oongheog fioj eeeq

revue tot teen ever not the treat ra ttarrwevt oak 3890“

vs the

thererz tanea retreats?eeseoet eo’roes’ tFG z rnea erase twoctrfmovz e

m “W e em f-me ea m a the offense 61. tr ees In m m momm a

t etfiearetfiae out toe etbe rt Aewoon 0: 91*ooo It cost t he fipsnotfl

ueye o; rye entree one ope prehyox bLeeo Lon gsigog

‘gore oonsneo;

eoq ryeeey horse oooctoec qenoq aebrewpon go’

yaes c ea enqnfi one

b‘tfi fi tfi fi fi’$3 A Q UGO L

‘“fi g AQ TOSUQ'we Aenqee

"018neq e

Aen m 0: tr ess?‘txrsmm ?M a w 1m » m u msm y QW O Q J WK

an Aorucsv‘gm‘esa

’fl PSLO 'A S Q B v'Ivfi fl o ant £9 qe z ovqeux xfi aw

rxvunssnz oua as: afi‘sas 9 5 a b zwrvxrsz bgwq gaz aq na

’a» 9 9 c k eqrseq

avx’ego saw a; ey

‘eé g

‘ ~

va awe nest } bnbepwao antes an fifi é £3 9

pi g hq on avg fi fl afifi h sag gpa 3 5 9 bxeaaa a avg 10 ; wani ng 8 9 g, agren

€I£1 n7 a si bahxz zah fi n? afl pwreaeq ab qaz fi fl qvux Lox vra BTfifi fi t fl B G”

cognaaregfirvfi $93 gem waaymfi 9 3 g 3 3 16 3 3 8 x”mas haew sq pk braynn

p7 3 q uaeaea st at i areq ayyx aye naaeybgfi

exaebs zpw GIEHEO

An gu s; m ew s“ m m gflmw 133 W 9“are? AG IM M

'l m i

‘9 M

pa Aarfi apre 3 9 firm fifi “Az qa fiwa 9a cps baz aanpa mfi ga pi firm~ fl uqan

§p9 < k easqbg Gynan £ 9 brwwngyga on gea a&p@ § ya'ya¢ 5 fi O fiIq

m am a ” Za mora m ban n er! at QV LSq fi té

m m eem m mm r

£3 9 baosqbg 3 3 3 3 max figs ge Lme 01 xps sae'ewyan

b fi % 9 &5 £9 29“ fifi fi fi i fi fi fi fifi fi $3 Afi I afif g’

bIFTfi fii li 61? BO t

maeyxuea co pa bar? { 3 m¢w¢pj k bfi i mgnga o; narsan’ wafi rzsfi cj i

bm n’ wa eww w 7 8 em : m arb le firm gpvrw ee W m

M m we bim sz u‘u w n e m a m w m m e so bxm wru as: w e

vygpaaap spa L é é fi xbfi 9 6F5 6fi18 q€®a £3 9 3 ape bummenge asks

mam. tfi 5 2 6 as gag xyfiea ya figé $9 3“

fiewxpaxu fig“ sag bi fiAIHfi Aunt

61 M e” Vi ew w wu m aW fl 'new m m“m m M ? em : m


notes, defendant approached plaintiff and gave hi m an Opportuni ty

to take over the conditional sales contrasts and to pay the

balanc es due thereon. This plaintiff declined to do. Defendan t

then requested tha t pla intiff permi t hi m to repossess the cha t tels

as previ ded in the conditional sal es c ontrac ts. Plaintiff told

hi m he could do so, but when defendant attempted to remove the

cha ttels hs was ne t permi tted to take them. Thereupon, defendant

brought a replevin ac ti on i n the circui t Gourt for the purpose

of repossesei ng the cha ttels, naming as defendants, Henry J .

Velstad, John Bee and Mary Bee. The dheri ft’s return shows tha t

he served the replevin wri t on "George herman Smi th, herei n named

as John Bee,“on Harsh 25 , 1943 . The wri t was served at plaint iff‘s

premises on Desrbcrn Street and the chattels were taken from tha t

locatisn . The Gi rcni t deurt found tha t the right of possession to

the cha tt els was i n the plaintiff therein, George J. Bloom, and

entered. 3ndgment accordingly. Plaintiff, dmi th, knew tha t the

chattels were tshsn from hi s premises on a replevin wri t sued out

by de fendant . Nevertheless, he did not appear i n tha t case or

assert any right st ownership or possession in the chattels, nor

did he attempt to set aside the Judgment , According to plaintiff's

theory, not having rescinded the sale, he was enti tled to possession

of the cha ttels» Assumi ng that he i s right i n hi s sla in tha t the

sale was te his and. thnt there was a breanh. of warranty, he could

have successfully resisted Bloom’s rcpi svi n ac tion by proving tha t

he was the purchaser; that the re was a breach of warranty: tha t

ha was damaged in an ancnnt grea ter than the balance due on the

purchase pri ce; snd . thnt he was enti tled to re ta i n possession of

3 0 pat e pass burg pl pr: we bonsrgrea ruboaoq pa spa aoaoafiwué z

goo mum w hen“ W u “1 0 8 cu“ w e: 61’

s“orm w 101 231m m“

Lebsssongt fir'qsg bvtq on gpc baz apt ac bnTGé 01 £9 9 apwcsera


to a w arm est “ gnome cm Im am w es‘aao

' mm w ean:

z en 9 g enqro: 10 5 gq'ooo

'bysrucr‘; LocoSnrxoq gyve pl ooueenz tmfi

gages byw:ua1;§ 3 3 spaonx we yobs tno Eooqafi

ggans use no aware

scarce t fivrneg cps 9 3 13 9 3 LO L qwmsaee { on are pnesap oz na sngh‘“

3 ; pr: syg cgrou soecbp 0 L xseb fine fic aqw sag BUIU£¥ 13 an

. Apsz s gfl G LG re a pLssfip o; assnwngl pa ppe eoyren'gut pamfix aah’

nvrz onw avrsa Y° £ ( 3 8 0’ea‘cv



‘f§¢ai =

crx;, e ac es rm pvaaq ow spa gaj j oayufi ayahes a; aec'es 0; fps

a; ca nonmp zb'cpese awn pa 5 0 Lseoa ank anqeu cps; comng



sxrofieq an bnoa aq sag a: byuruaxg; sewage qmwyfiea em cps n uz l

gen monax peg wag LGG Q TA GQ‘

1 9 be Leacrearow c: gnu gays ass

buoo; awe snpnxgceq go anbboLc ppva O O HH 8'

Qu a acumen 0 6 5 3 3 13

( an a axevfixnr L GbI$AT§ wag cawa gnayau o; spa mwepznenl'


t cnroxen a; spa 0 19 3 0 a; v tuprax, a esac *

mp 9 pprz q Guava re

fi FLL fi fl si ’

$fi 9 seeang conng tyrefi é a { La fi q eg g q@ 0 @xg*

gat e use

genus 1 0 L xye cowbj srng 1 9 goanqsq abau s pxswcp a;

s: cps gsmbexsz unsa msgugerneq In spa bnguxefl a'

gocgrwoul { a anq z ebap$q pysa ape bLe c a a carq no: {nuecz eu nnobexrz

tucnoquoe $ 3 1 Ge fl nfiaL é i fr7 3 fi caegrmoni on cpya berug'


asabexsgk ns gas 3 bxee g noom re 3 0 qaenfi ea'

braruzfxz q was

$ 3 5 1 8 19 ag e bLemree a new 93 ex ea qhfincc a’

fipfixsc a ewe bucket

grwbrex b&ese a afi yq no: sha z rce buobcxrx art fié cvauc gym safl ban~

gc z afi qvnz ruxnmqnfl eg saafifmcnl 19 6: fps Leasow zpw

Infl at ng we :7 9 5*

Loan woven: v ise; ep apvgsaya mane Li baswvaawq pa pxé sfipg xpfi

1110 3 9 0 cyan re yueaumrageng mc t boarz z on pa nan st agnat'


bec ause he defaultefi i n hi s contrae te. The evidenc e does not show

tha t any penal ty payments to the Government were c aused by the

fa ilure of the prees to eperate . Plainti ff asserted i n hi s

verified oenple im; that the penalti es he was required to pay to

the M om ent for failure to ship pads was Plai nti ff

a m not make any attemp t to peeve the di fferenee i n the value or

the simple: press as delivered and aswarranted .

We fi nd tha t the W ent is eontfiery te the mani fest

weight e: the evidence, The au gment or the Superior Geert of

Geek Gonnty i s reversed and the eauee remanded wi th direc tions

a manner not i neenei stent with these views.


m ’PQ J’ M D 10

rem? a'(353mm?


h BEA owner UEhVHfiED

cc bL O Q GGQ we 9 meee en yes theenerereug h is? speee areh e'

Q oox oe eugh re Leh e L e eq t ug eye eeu ee Lemeeqeq argv q eogxoee

h eyfipg 0; £9 0 en;qeeee*

gee inqameuc o; ape gmbenrex Q Q Q L £ e;

g e { reg apex ape ze qfimeu: 1a congeenk co cps menrxeeg

gee grebyex finest 3 8 qerz aeLe g enq we net h eugeg'

qwq veg e exe huh ec z emhg go be eh e gag grz genenae 3h spa AVIH G e;

are GQ A fiLfi wsfl t get t Ifi LG $0 QHID 0 3 3 8 nee eeee‘fe

blfl rfl fTLX

a eLyxyeg eeehreruc sue: ape heme fzxee pe me e Led eyt eq go D el ge

LeyJaL e 0 ; see bme e e no oneness“

byeyecrgz ee eenseq In fire

ant : enl b ewej el e ehmet ge he ape ac i ehwe euc h ens G eneeq pi gee

one towscon bexortxcvce pt é fiveeree'

Be bop 89‘Iosfi ’ show one

c ohori rovro oi Beafl twryrvgrcu roeneq ongoh spa onqex Aooegcq*

0 &0‘h i fl xopoi oroeoz eq spoj gggg hearerouoe aa i h enqem ape

wi re. was ares new beortron eeeve LO L tastes» rewornfi*

a met a

3 : z eta seam an con er‘on fl e ece 8A


’pa i ooweoq we? was

Ii 13 grams; orooeoo apex are onq en at cooksre uc z oz eee eniexeq

nursoq eoesee LIIGQ eenerfi q one wonxqwexe ane Le ao gnawepsq’

ares ox see t ooas easi ereq Et erz row* one cut escrow 9 1 fl fig

g’Iau q

‘on O L Q S L eon eoceoeq Leergrnfi z aghoz: i ni gpoh oooerqcno~

ace toa‘one 9 oe i gxrroogo o; nogeheyrre crou moo z eeaoq


enceeeq sq fl ernfl hocxcreoeb co oooooo 9 eraz fl em 0 : one nvrz é o

aron'LII S Q ha b eeens on are i eqeeer 6 0 3 oz 13 69

’en c hose a c e

gsz op sé ’yggg on hegrnrohe i ,o shbyroegxofi goL . oea 9 17$o~


s§ * Iago- cv horroroooo ,

e mogz yg‘qreooeeroa pro besi ryen LG L

cogni ej z rog z cy ogong ge i\pee1 3ofi‘org so O LQ B L osoe i eq nosey

0 1 eye afi i eeo eeeoe e fl pfi c pra 5 3 3 ¥ £ IQ U 10 h

xvesggvfi o hi gob Q L Q Q L oqwrpgtna bo prz zooc i go oygyxooep zb

one exbou fl o Lnoo ope oe cooq on oL qe n enaoLoq VbL II Q‘1880

a i eorcez om pva beoysro n offfl e rogues of“fee? so 89 : waxes

borz groneh $ ) B6 fij fi Li om om e i oox gz awyac z ufi { oi eons or


ge é howge M g—rhboj j ee*

garage oovooo-

oi enomz ov’



GQ fl fiJK’

vgi gooz ADPEE’

ao BE .?oei ci oo vIn ore fifiacé n an ear somzmroe oe

notion of pet it ioner, hi s petit ion for na turali z a tion was

di al i esed .

The pet it ion ti led . Angnst 24 , 1945 , on whi ch the pre sent

proceeding i s based, re cites the issuance of a cert ifica te

or naturali z ation to pet it ioner on march 27 , 19 20 on the order

mentioned above; that pe titioner had no not ice of the motion

to va cate the order admit ting hi m to c iti z enship , and tha t the

order of April 5 , 1929 was entered “without hi s be ing notified

of some and without opportunity for a hearing on same”; tha t

thereafter,“under misrepresentat ion made to hi m by representatives

or the Uni ted Statesg whose nameshn» de ee not new remember ,"as

to the validi ty of the order or April o, and under premises by

the same representat ives that a new certif ica te of natural i z a tion

would be issued on a further considerat ion of hi s petition, he

after;"on the 24th. day of Harsh. 192 4 under representa tions by

representat ives or the Bni ted States, whose names heé doee not

new remembers falsely and fraudulently made . tha t (or) he would

dismiss hi s sa id natural iz at ion pet ition they sould . wi thdraw

the ir objections to a la ter pe t it i on and would ac c ept or consent

to hi s la ter petit ion for'naturalisatien at a later‘da t e; and

your pe titioner, relying on the aforesa id representations, and

havi ng .full conf idence i n the representat ives of the United

Statesw and the ir expressed intent ion to assist hi m, made no

inquiry or invest igat ion to ascertain the t ruth, me rit or

validi ty or leggli ty or the act i on suggested i n the aforesa id

representat ions, and he was persuaded to sign a request tha t hi s

pe tition for naturali z ation be dismissed, and on mar ch. 28, 1924,

petit ioner's pe tit ion for natural iz at ion“; tha t the court was

benrgyen z en nesnnez rsegrsu pe qyenyseeq‘egg sh

inni ng sst'


so ere yssen becysren i on negotej xnerron ess Isnen . ee;e ! ems

snort ontsegrene re s Inset berrgren ens nenj q sa t een on someone

l i

nos ismempen’geyseyh t h e Lnengnje unxl me gs

“gnt g ~gti ) pe nooj q

nonyq no teeneq on e ne i gpen eoneyqenegxen on p18 benrgxon'P9

rye tens Lobne eongerxnee amen e men eessr;xesge on sene i sxgt egyon

so the fi 9 115 123 0 ; ens eases at vent: e’ 9 9ssweet beomrsea pk

spei engren’

Nansen st at ehi eeenge gyen neqe no pfn pi nehi t eensnnrsss

o2 qa b e; V5 3 7? fete ens eweeees efi 73 ¥ 3 ”§ NT? heist acetates

to ascese ape O bese t qsrecrvfi _stm ea ogswtsststh‘twns fine: ass

fiefi tttweq epene ! ans; beezsxenen pse‘t o warren o; ape wanton

o; hennnsyrssgren so berzsronen on genesna’ 3 3 3 9 on age onse t

Q! I A J

1nxn 1G¢§by apo fl fip} mtgasn «sq 0 ; bearsrone n fi UfiII tvw

99 9 :m m as (may my m cewwafl 'w e com e “ 3 9 151180

crerwangwgbfl °$0 q 3

3fi 67 0 79 1111 £333 5 A

‘fififé eq é asfe a

's¢o n;, a*

Rv pyxnfi afl efi bLoagc qruga’

avg eye 0 0 1k: In a a g fua on L GLJ EIUE

awcnxfiyrregyan are a luqz oye j bxoeeoqrufi‘ampqeog go 3 71 cps Lfi j ea

lbsai pz onen ,

& eongsnz reu’p18 sbbjrag grov L >L

coaxk)l éfaegxnfl engen 18 no: aayq gpon ambeyj evg pva a?0 8 8 9 ’


at £9 0 Gawaass‘ H0 $9 1 0 TU p18 Lebrk parez' “11 are sa fipusrrtssron

pa oouvrqsxsg‘we bsgrgzonea ;e 3 0 2 bxoc e eqxufi mnqc n gpea se epxoa

1m M egan" w an w e gran"

Epw am ofi var.“writ amw u on new m a

0; 6 LL0 5 8 9 3 fisgwoa‘asp agggngeq Lon sps Ap on

enaao& Lsabonqeng 3 19 0 esga ab cps 9 19 3 m jrmxgsgxon Lon conL aaeson

m ay begu n }: m qrfiwrfi aw 0 9mm }: 51"Jim on P7 3 m am a



begrgran gen maga nwysxyggaw xv spa anhsnrau coax; oz 3 aog cefi fi ¢3’

gfi fi fi on fivfi p’ rasa we e eg fl Heeonq

gran yea n an$1rgafirau gpeu bevqrua’en


mpxgp an? eg nxg wogeq

on j agf bagysrofi en xyysq p7 8 mecyon £0 qgamyea p1 8 bge:

cx 3 98 nyuswsqh

xabsg aewgegwaae a; sp a amyggq agages sag $A 9 L L 8 § ppr


p7 3 3 9 g§$yssnapxb~

I? qsuyeq spa fi rxsfieq LQ bL é Q é Un IO B B a bagmraaa

Bon es 0; cm isom ers £3 Awe-farm we m ovw oz. w h en m m m fl

soLeg gy w m am . an ew ; 42m g ban an a“ m n ew ;

nob vwgfl z vrz evz reni - snxfl ksg 0” ag nap se

‘z a

’pfi nz sq ex] axfiva

t ug waagpsxwfi apfig gye Q LQ GL cg gyawyaafi j a; nepxctoua3 ,8 abbyyon on

z z req 9 a Q fl afi 8 L qasAJ£ fi gpvg £p$ sc anspaq Quaraqxagges g as; rs‘

59 gyya &e:ycz au ape nas Q Q Q Q g fiu z gaq apage a o; vnexros

w WW W?m g"

expfi figgfiq Jag ianxagn you 4pl afigxk 9 1 gpg onqex a; ufi tuswj ysscrcn

a; whhxz ¢vgxqfi 19 x ape axqena a fl q 3 2 3 3 on abboz gmuxgl so 9 3

urban gs’I§S€

* Hag qnxx pc awfigq,

a;_ ngug o; uagras go be;rgyanam

a i m s im ew cszw m w e» ! w e em u -a oz. v -n f?188 0 SW


4 .

udl i ttod to c i ti z enshi p; wi th . rull powe r to open up, vacate or

red o w V W

M " one 111 v . m 221 111 .

By sect i on 11 of the Naturali z a t i on not of 19 06 the

Uni ted Stat es wanéigthor i z ed to appear i n any naturali z ati on pro

c eedi ng and to be heard i n opposi ti on to the grant i ng of any

peti tion. The photootati c cepy of the order admi tt i ng peti t i one r

to c it i z enshi p bears the notati on,"Admi tted over obj ect i on or

U. 8 . Examiner,“and the order of Apri l 3 , 1920 vac ating the order

at admi ssi on rec i tes that i t was made on mi t i on of the Uni ted Stat es.

The halted Stat es havi ng appeared . volnntari ly under authori ty granted


congreen, i t remai ned a party to the proce edi ng for all purposes.

and since pet i ti oner's present appli cati on i s fi led i n the or i gi nal

natural i z ati on proceedi ng, on the alleged ground tha t the orders

sought to be va cated and expunged are voi d, the respondent i s a

nec essary and proper party and its obj ecti on that the court i s wi thout

Juri sdi ct ion of i t i s unt enable,

the order of Apri l 5 , 1920 does not show'

not i ce to peti t i oner

or rocpondent's moti ont It does reci te the fi l ing of respondent's

mot ion“wi th. an affi davi t attached thereto showi ng the presentat i on

of a wri tten mot i on. Kei thor the mot i on nor the a ff i davi t are made

a part of the record. Pet i tione r i n hi s bri ef says that the record

fi led in thi s court "i s the copy of eve rythi ng i n the re cords of

thi s case on t i le 1 1th the elerk of the Supe ri or court of Cook county

from the very lho at torney for respondent sta ted on

oral argument that the wri tten moti on was mi ssi ng from the f i les

noti ces of mot i ons are frequently i ncluded in the name cover wi th . the

not ion, and support ing papers to whi ch the noti ce refers. It was not

d reci te that not i ce was had tn the

pet i tioner; There i s authori ty to the effect that a court may mod i fy

not i ce . It i s a

ox Al fi'tt c gravy anqcs. lc 7 8 gpo gc ka‘

urgpong nocrgfi'xc 13 u

0 3-1 cnflnfl eva anew ape fixxz esn’

aoz?aw was fitterna mafi a z ya zwfs&

gnaw gwfl i hxt figs fingenmwi { on newfioagent an Q Q'


gpfh'ci da a# £ 719 a z ay fine Q I Q L; a: spa Gfi bG LIO k aoux¢


vx agar canny}

tryoq In tyre eofi ng ”i s eye sob! o; «Ausi é prna In ape z eaonqa a t

hex: at &9 0 Laefl xq'

aorraxwuex In p7 3 pale; ag z a saw: spa newé nq

o; w a z tptafl bosrafi‘ gfiyfiwun egg Q agren vex gpg g -q wAJE t wa ge

scares“ az iv fi n vttxqwnxs fisswafisq xpeasse fimfi fi rnfi &p€ fixe acvrwsres

ox Loabawvafi g‘s magz &a*

1s gag e Leerec fififi z rj rn§ 9 ; Luanawqeug ls

Lyn fi b¢t h o; Vfi$¢1 913 53 9 qmaa nwe ag aa uogzsa 3 9 b6 ¢fgrawab

laxraqregsew 0; is I? fi fisaywpra*

nocecafi xl evg bLobe L bfl figi fiuq oajee z rmn eye: gfl s asa p: I? Argpnac

aanfipg so pa awosgnq vua axbfiufisq 8 L& aozq*tpa na abonqafi g 7 0 v

pl gasanawa’T£ z amg yveq bfixz h 3 0 an: bnba g egynfi { O b

‘UTT bnaba aas‘

sue daresq aaw£ $ fl pvarfl a ebbgwhaa aarfl wfiwnzrl nag?» aficpaarcl fiafi ufieq

0 ! wq HaI O H L é exfie s fpfl z fl fl fl wq an afiei fin 01 ans awi fieq

a'a* emaa b oxVfi&11 2

Ease Agosfirwfi 3 9 0 -0 9 69 3

3 9 ergrsaa apxb paste ape fifi gxgrauf

xvqargcsq~ oafi n apleaaran oz

b3 3 ¥t70 §‘

gfl e wwfi é eatvsre 8 0 5 3 01 é fifi oxqe% vq carfi fi'

bazre Be L

fl fl fteq afifi c é a abbey» In an; Ufi gfi z srrswgz on bLo

ya aesé rafl

fiffii“ fififl III'3

fi qfl Tctfi q to ai r? max: beaex ga afifl w‘

fl fi ° amwfi go as

We: LEW 5 'we to‘me; M y ”Effi




[ea 16‘gafiz

Pei A ” Ee: 79“seat Eei z i fiafi n


a n ta n tru m “: dm u m w em a“EM "

N N J“meet

Lel eci 9 3 Tee one ape yrgo* e banal & {I I ec qeemeq to gene i


ea ( 3 case on e rrmrseezeu ‘peeerug e ears ea ei t exi on eqedeexe

en u’ w e me w h en ever m ew 3 5» em m m rw 9 ;

‘iaww u mw

uni gexe te trsqyocseo o; e beag z ofi j ei eeee It eeeeege ee eeIe i ene


) agat e 3 Ge fl xswe e intreqreexefl e; pee ac etate menace one

ogfioogxoe ye mege ,g e e eeonqee ee eggp ope eeaepgrepeQ'


Loebecg gee ee£e* met pe z e z i ce

’ e gg g kfi eeeaeq evyoee emceemepye

ore ee e; ee eeeeee ope-yueg * eeo eel eageone on fl k é fifl I fih ftfe fl In

negpeq on Afii fifi ini eegrenyee c; e oeoe esawrn see tenets}

jneyeqz oezen 0 3 e ee ee ni ggrn eeop e cre ee' eeveog as eernog


im w u on ex we firemen m acaw,sam e }: ew e s fiew eemem e or,

Q Q I III:oer“


wi pe- fienei er core se ebbrreq go oe ci ee re


Looefiez rgufi ope eefn g i -ex eye enqen eng , aeq cc 9 mesyeo eeee

fiestas met ez ee no eeye eq pi e eoneeeeee; ebhoenee oe In coats see

so we “w ere fl ue m em os m M w e eat!”eee

pk ebhem et w e M W e m em e we w e m erge H om e: eeteem ea

2T tfi ‘ aet

" -

3 §efimoeee3eee


i ee‘more ee ynex oz negyes not ee megs

”3 1 Pfi eereeq’

ea { 9 goon e e eert go eye a xeevcpyee cg gnu be z eon *

gayep’ one eeee e e




xeeeeeet even 0 ; nonyee

gee ooz e gpec so onee n eeee noeree { a AQ TQ'

fie vet

cits“ terms gene m m n i ec e ee eeeeeeee

‘w e m 3 8 new so be

ffii fe $fi §9 fi ei . gee ,aebe z ree at on e nedeyeeq necyee e; me gz ooae

wu sqxeemo e ee WW we mem e more"



"i fim fi fl

’ w e“

Beni ta? eeqeertye acme eeene e cocoa ye a int reqregyen eeen one

In the instant case pet it ioner's subsequent filing or a

mot ion to dismiss hi s petition for f ea tureli z c t ion was a

recogni tion of the validity or the order of .Apri l 3 , 1920

vaca ting the prior orde r of naturaliz a t ion and cont inuing the

applica t ion for naturali z at ion for further hear ing, and the order

subsequently entered upon pet iti oner‘s not ion cannot be quest i oned

by hi m nnleee the facts set up i n the pet i ti on. now before us are

suffici ent to ra i se a quest ion or fac t as to hi s voluntary act ion

i n the mat ter, uni nflnenced by fraud or misrepresentat ions binding

the respondent . The pet it ion wholly fa i ls to make se ch. ehowi ng .

The alleged misrepresentat i ene whi ch . peti ti oner urges as invalida ting

what appears npen the record as hi s voluntary act ion i n dismissing

hi e pet i ti on. for naturali z at ion, are sa i d by hi m to have been made

by representatives of respondent, whose name ei nadoc c not now

remember. nei the r the ident ity or offic ial capa c ity of the alleged

wrongdoer nor hi s authority to bind the United Sta tes i s shown .

Furthermore , the act ion or the conrt cou ld not be controlled by any

agreement or recommenda tion or any representa tive of respondent ,

however'hi gh hi s official position . The action of pe titioner in

of the motion to vacate the order of na turaliz at ion.

there i s another obJect ion to pe titione r's cla im or want

of not ice of this mot ion. The present pe t ition was not filed unt il

1945 , more than 25 years after the entry or the f irst order, and

more than 21 years after pet itioner's dismissal of hi s applicat ion .

In 31 Amp Jnr . , Judgments, sec . 423 , it i s sai d,"The presumpt i ens

in favor of the regularity of a Judgment become stronger with the

lanes of years. It has even be en sa id tha t almost any reasonable

sustain rights asserted under a decree whi ch i s twenty years old .“

organ 8 re hostel leans

W W I“ to am a m pt ww afi w n m art en to own m

13 pe t each poor we re rpa g offi c es col noe eoUepjo

to { anon on one refinre i rgi or e teqtnenn poncho egncufiot ni gh opt

i n a! W”i n

"im am“ w e“ m 'u 7 8 m o

‘ne w EW RM N W

none arms 31 leek : error benrcrounn ,e grant ees; 0 ; p1 9 ehhrtct i z an’

Iaffi‘pone seen 3 9 let ne ergo; ope oneni or one Li ner enqon


ox regret orspra ecgrcufi

pee hnoeonc begrcrco not nor nylon angry

arena 7 0 overpa y ep isogxcr go boorsrooen ,o crown or meng

o; 3 pfi , mhn19 § an encore are onqsn o; organeyrt t oron*

cameraman er aoj eugc tl wnq gyenegcnn so neyoroh out are: ex nopxoe

ne i roi z en qxee rseer or p r o begrnrcennnng’ abon one neoorq


pensi on firth two c i g z cxe j boalrroh~

i nc e eexen o; be grgrouon xv

waneeneng on. ne ec nmanqe gyon 0 ; vol nehnoeeone gi ao on Loehoeqooga

gnnrponmene‘ope reopen or one Gonna cearc nos pa eongnoj j eq on eel

anonaqcoi non pro engponz gl no pynq one ge z geg neuron to ewono“


negz pon eye rqeorrrl. on ci trate; oehe eroi or zoo eyyehsq

pl Lohne eongygxaop or noebooqooe’ noose neme eqnaqooe no; non

pro herregcu i on nernnej rregron° one ee gq pl pro 3 0 pane poor ne qe

are: ebheeno fiber goo L Q GO Lq e e pye aeynnneni c arton re qrenyénrva

ape efj otoq nrcnehno tengnsrene apron hsprgronon erase so Juaeyrqe gzofi

w e kw bom vt‘

the m a rrow m om tun e as m e after amou nt “

{ n one neeatn’nornz ynoocoq pl gnooq on nz enehnoeerseryone pruqroé

anrrrpreog he notes e ne c eg z on e; are: we no pro hexanee ni negrou

pl pzu’

nnyoeq gee Le ena nee ob to con hecrnton non heret o no one

anpqednamrj i soreneq when hegxprooe n . e negron neuron pt one egz oneq

ehhrxoepyon gen orna t e gyre z z on {on { a i rmen poenrna’ one see cnqcn

anc egxofi one onse t enoon oz s fl h fl j ft fl i 70 9 cog c wngrnnrnn gpt


oi one aerrqrgl or one onqon or ce nt} 9 ’Jose

mentor so qgenxe e eye hegxz ron Lon i ne pnneyz regroo nee s

In ago sneaenn ores beg:g:owon . e ea peodocng z zrrrfi o; e

466- ILLINO IS APP1 — 328 IllApp Pt 3 61579 4 16 M ullen 8x10x23 Case 195

CASE— 195

In re Petmon of Anthony Volpe to beAdmltted a

s en of the Um ted Statesof Am en caAnthony Volpe, Appellant, V Um ted Statesof

Amen ca, Appellee

Gen N o (Abstract of D ec1s1on )ALIEN S

, §8 — fwhen oalzdzty of order m natu/ralzz atwfn proceedm gs

wasaeooym eed by subsequent film y of m otw n Where pet1t1on wasfi ledto set asxde Older vacatm g pr1or ordex adm lttm g petltlonex to c1t1z en

slnp, on ground that pet1t10ner had no notlce of m otron to vacate order,and 1t appeared that about four years later pet1t10n for naturahz atlon

wasdlsm lssed upon m otlon of petltloner, held that subsequent film g of

motlon to d1sxm ss h1s pet1t1on for naturah z atm n was recogm tm n of

vahdlty of order wh1ch petltxoner sought to have set as1de

Appeal from the Supeu or Court of Cook county,the H on U S

SCHWARTZ , Judge, pres1dm g Affirm ed H eard m the first dlvrsm n,first d1str1ct, th1scourt at the F ebruary term ,

1946, opm lon fi led Apn l8,

1946 Guy 0 Grapple, for appellant , J A lbert W011, Um ted StatesAttom ey for N orthem D ust of II] Antom o M Gassaway and JohnPete1 Lulm skl

,Assmtant Um ted States A ttom evs, and D ewey G

Hutchm s0n, Um ted States N aturahz atm n Exam mel,D ept of Just1ce

Imm 1g1at1on and N atulahz atmn Se1v1ce Opnnon byJUSTICE N IEM EIER

N ot to be pubhshed 111 full

2 .

the wr i tten lee ee t e ndel occup i ed the pr emi a e e a n a t ena nt

from veer to year . Send el'e doront a rests upon an all oyed

conversa t i on whi ch he teeti f i ed took pla c e be tweenAhe e nd

hi s wife and Er . o M re . Wager i n July, 19 3 7 or 19 3 8 . In

substanc e , Hand el teet i fi ed the t er e .wag er told hi m i t

was not neceeeery to ooh for the form each yea r on was

hi e custom; tha t he repl ied tha t some agreement should be

reached on the leng th of notice to be g i ven ehould either

of them d esire a change ; tha t he thought notic e should be

given i n M ay or a t l east i n July i n order to termi nete the

tenancy th e followi ng t orch and tha t ere.Wager coneented

to th i s. Both M r . e er e . toner deny tha t th e allowed con

versa ti on oc curred . Evidence was i ntroduced showi nc th a t

M r . Wage r we e i n Cuba i n July 1 9 3 7 e nd tha t fire .Weoer o n e

i n Europe dur i ng th e entire summer of 19 3 8 .

Hemni tt contends that th i s orel agreement , i f i t

we e ever made , i s vo i d und er the sta tu te of fr onds bec e u ee

i t could not b e performed wi thin a year . The e ffec ti vene e e

of thi s ergument d ep ends on fihen th e eer eeme nt woe intended

to take effec t . Sa ndal te e ti f i ed z“I o qked ere .

Wep er for

the term for the followi ng ye ar . I don't k now the er e c t words,

bu t i n substanc e , ehe eoi d I d idn't have to oak for the fa rm

every year , tha t I could go ahead e nd fore Ju e t so I had b een

doi ng . I said we ought to have a n undera te nd i nc i n c e e e e i the r

one or the other wanted to moke a cha ng e , and tha t we ehon ld

have an ag re ement When not i c e should b e g i ven and 0 t

tha t e tenant should know by hey or at least by July the f i rst t ".

It i s coperont from thi s tha t Se nd el unde r e tood he was to have

possession of the form from M arch 1 , 1 9 5 8 ( oeeumi ne the ag re ement

was mad e i n to M arch 1 , 19 3 9 , and the t th erea fter er e . Wager

agreed to give hi e a longer not i c e than the si xty days permi t ted



February Term , A . D .

G en . No . 9 48 5 Ag enda t o . 5


Pla in ti ff-Appellee ,

~ vs~ Appeal from

THE FARM ERS AUTOM OBILE IKSURAN CE Ci rcu i t Cour tAabO C IATION , a Rec i procalInsuran c e Exchange Organ i z ed and ) Ta z ewell Coun ty,Exi st ing Under th e Sta tu tes of

the S ta te of Illi nois,De fendant-Appellan t .

Dedy, J .

th i s su i t was brough t in th e Cir cui t Cour t of Ta z ewell

Coun ty by Claren c e E . Yordy, who i s th e pla in ti ff-appelle e , aga i n st

The Farmers Au tomobile In sur an ce Associa ti on , to r e c over $7 fl 0 . 00

wh i ch Yordy con tr i bu ted to the assoc ia t i on toward i ts se t tlemen t

of a cla im by Walter Wittmer aga inst Yordy for person a l i n jur i es,

the assoc i a t ion h av ing se ttled such cla im by paying Wi t tmer $5 5 00 .

on Janu ary 7 , 19 3 9

On Oc tober 24 , 19 5 6 , there was a motor vehicle a c c i den t i n

wh i ch Wi t tmer r e ce i ved severe i nsur i es . Therea fter h e brought su i t

i n sa i d Circu i t Cour t aga inst Yordy and L . R . Su t ter to re cover

for su ch i n jur i es . At th e t i me of th e a c c iden t Yordy c arr i ed

a c c i den t i n suran c e in su ch assoc i a ti on on h i s automob i le . Th e

a ssoc i a t i on , through i ts a t torney and i n behalf of Yordy , du ly

d e fended such su i t of Wi ttmer vs . Yordy, e t al . on M ay 16 ,

i n su ch su i t a Jury re turn ed a verdi c t of gu i lty aga i nst Yordy

In encp our: 9 inc h t ern t u eq a A O L Q Ie t o; En z ych etwqu er Lough

c ensuses anew ant: oz artsmen A n'&0 q '0 : wi

on se t re‘Icas

weeocrwrrou‘epnonQp rye scrouue i and In pepe yg 0 ; A c l'q fi 1h

a c c i d en t Ju enL eu c e rm enoy se eooxn pron on hi s enromoprye i ce

no; snow ru int re e‘

V: two gyms on rye soq eu r AO L Q h C WL L q

In esrq C i t oc rr c oon: st e rn e r Aocqh se qN '

y" y ncreh to L O C O A G L

a pron hrrrmen L oc e i aeq c ousi s i n inni e e lp e t eercsn ye psontp r BmI L

on c c ropen JQ’Io e

‘gtsns us e 9 more: A GVJO I Q e c cyqeu c In

on asuna nh A'10 0 5

rue e ueoc r wrrou psnyu?

escrrsq Wh ey c ysrm pl re?IU? mrppwe t toguo

o; e cysts pl nerves stret c h sfi wru er L e i cl go; D B L C OL ?y {n in t z e e *

ap rey z onq i O O U CL I pn tG T re rye use oc q rrrou fonwt q I re e erggsmeU p

Lp e Bonn e t s vnrcmopyre 1L 8 fi L §U C Gvee ocxe xi co

'co L G C C A e L

y i oO'oo

conv ex pl Cyst en oe L'Aonqh

‘one It fps L yexu rJgL-sbbsyrc e= easi n g ;

£9 13 ”H I? use pLonfus TU cps Ci L C fl I C ccnt r 0 ; L‘S Q A Q TI

l i O

rp e Efg fe 0 L TIIIU C IG’

exi a rrnt ab aa z tN G ec = roce e at

Le sse e f] conmrh’


7 seafbsc csrCIL coJr ‘O F L C

bra twrn -vhbe rj e ei

n ew {air M es Vi e w? no

R ecu rre nt som ‘ u“ D'16“

?3 V LF OP fPPlh fl i P

19 89 , Yordy purchased two hank drafts payable to h i s own order , one

for $65 0 . and one for $100 . Thereaf ter on January 4 th Yordy

indorsed and delivered the drafts to a hr . Jack , as manager of the

assoc iation , wh i ch were ca shed by the associat i on . On Janu ary 7 ,

19 3 9 , the associa t i on obta i ned a release from Wi ttn er and gave i ts

che ck for $3 5 00 . i n su ch settlement .

Thereafter Yordy brought this sui t against the assoc ia tion .

A jury re turned a verdi c t for $7 5 0 . i n favor of Yordy, on which the

Judgment appealed from was entered . Th e a ssoc ia t i on brings this

appeal .

The complain t , so far as i s ma terial charged tha t the defendant

”made sa id settlement and sta ted to the pla intiff illegally,

fraudulen tly, and dece i tfully, by i ts statemen ts, a c ts and condu c t ,

required the pla inti ff to pay the sum of $7 5 0 . toward sa i d se ttle

ment , and tha t relying upon said statements and representa t i ons the

pla i ntiff pa id sa id sum to the” defendant .

the only content ions of the assoc iation can be summari z ed as

being , tha t the trial court erred i n denying the moti on for

Judgment notwithstanding the verdic t , and tha t therefore the Ju dg

nent should be reversed , and that , i n the alterna t i ve , the

judgment should be reversed and the cause remanded for a new trial

on the ground tha t the verdic t was against the manifest weight of

the evidence .

Counsel for app ellee say i n their br ief ,”To simplify the issues

here , we are will i ng to confine this argument to the qu estion of

whether or not the defendant fraudulently i ndu c ed and required

pla in tiff to pay the $7 5 0 . to be used by i t i n settling the c ase

well below the poli cy limits."

On su ch qu estion only

bamboo: qsxoq yam ;0 g ame pro: cps wax: qui t PPBP cua next gal

can 3 ; {on q ow ,s 19 “ ra ce hoax ‘J‘QO O WN W me 10 8 9 ge'u guu t ag ar

name to anxb say v qufito u pouq

'1; Ann n zu baa rec A u nL mau eA p

“Hm ! “no f ou m e A n u m y." cm : fu m e {M y o w n so a


no AI II u rao ‘0 hex O H L “ayg‘t ran: p a "ryq [ 9 . 1 3 9 A G o ” 7 f;

youe oe yg pqyeq nu r‘fi g cpah* AO 0 A 415 u rae 3 0 c u ; konL p g } ; guq

cure man as fl a t } G IG ek e -y g j g ' sac En n; a w . o: u ~L

tu'geo wb q 1 -n uw&o a ‘Jo'g b u nea c lc .‘ “

u Acu M I ! ) awn on » u I

opwmce co aact j w cfl i w u fma { L L d’a \4

‘Af fi y

‘& 9 ik fi l a u 3 ¢

ba n” 315 9 5“ -19 2. C,

( ”

3 1. 0c t a n r am 53

9 9 nrb v: $ 4 3 1 crwp nu 5L" t ufi


, ae k‘m u g

‘JG? 1b

naq nfi xfi msa uh , :b v u a~ . 1 u“ ssga k i n ; , 9 L @ m s A é L P

’ J

an? a unj q huacuc p p; J v vseqe , no°

. nonu ak z ( fi vef

ag ) “ ay e

waq ou ; rawu e ek £0 13 ax» sp a f reocxrtguu fl u“; b v k v 0 L

fl tfiv c opeox avg yo: nyuwln poeu w LV La Q L ! cp sr ap au 4xa , re h syo

LoLqm clwp no g nu wt eq Q } A é fi Ls‘ P t ;fi u b g O fi n ke c u so

cussfia at { ca 0 19 3“ qeh'nrmqg c

mopm ew 31t gr qtue c com. ox, w e wa g es;“m

u u'm u

: F Gn u a’u u let a 3L:

mafiarywplou a x ara c{ Ae co rye se esyg u eu c~

» Loxcwn m"n q

cans: L L uoe sqqm an 1m owse pawoea A 0 L » ;h u £9 3 {y Q

nerbe e h sue; gn aw we a"

. u Ju n e‘w b cob qn csu c, £14 9 m m a? t»


vaponu e i gen ta as* ~cxst:auo

, vnc m na e cu e u L 3 c

unst refi'v ' t encwavm q i a“: 9°

c aprma <m~ 1 3 . ( e a k s“ ug u h b 3 r

a r e an rvt in tr o u c v n M ‘P ’ i ’ “ 0 1 1 5 1- 6 1 ! 0 l b I u v r‘ 5

he wen t to Dempsey's off i c e ; tha t th ere was presen t yr . Ferd in and ,

Mr . Ja ck , M r o Dempsey and Yordy; tha t Dempsey brough t ou t aga i n

th a t they were li ke a te am of horses h i tch ed tog e th er and th a t

they owed ha lf and Yordy's obli ga t i on was to ra i se an d they

would pay th e i r be cause of th e v erd i c t ; tha t on e of th e

other gen tlemen sa i d ,"Why Claren c e , th a t

's th e law, you h av e got

to pay ha lf , you owe half of tha t . We are wi lli ng to pay our ha lf ,

but you owe your half and you wi ll h ave to pay your h alf" ; th a t

Yordy th en told them tha t he c ouldn't pay i t , and th ey asked h i m to

c ome ba ck aga i n ; tha t the next day h e wen t to Dempsey's offi ce

and saw Dempsey a lone ; tha t Dempsey sa i d ,"We h ave ta lked th i s

ma t ter over and de c i ded to pay $2 5 00 . You say you c an't ra i se i t

and we ar e going to go ou t of our way . We on ly on e ha lf . We are

goi ng to go ou t of our way to plea se you , and we wi ll pay th i s Q Q ROO

i f you can ra i se tha t he told Dempsey he couldn't do i t

tha t Dempsey sa i d ,"Well, i f you wan t to go over to yr . Kn oblock's

offi c e we wi ll go th ere , and i f he c omes down any tha t wi ll be your

sav i ng"

; tha t th e next day they me t a t Knobloch's offi c e an d a t

tha t t ime Dempsey sa i d to Fn oblock ,"We have agre ed to pay $2 600

for Clarenc e/i n th i s case . He c an

't ra i se the money ard h e owes

h alf and the company owes ha lf , bu t they are wi lling to pay

Tha t Yordy then asked Knoblock wh a t was th e le ast h e would t ake

and he sa i d $3 5 00 ; tha t when he got home h e 'phon ed for Dempsey,

bu t Dempsey was not i n so h e ta lked to hr . Ja ck , th e man ager of

the assoc i a t i On ; tha t h e sa i d to tr . Ja ck ,"I suppose you he ard

we c an se t tle thi s for $5 5 00 and I owe Would you be

wi lling to pay $5 00 more i f I could ra i se $5 00 . I wou ld try to

r a i se tha t Ja ck sa i d ,”No , we h ave don e more th an we

I wi sh a t th i s t ime to fur ther sta te tha t in mak ingthe compromi se se ttlemen t wi th mr . Knoblock for

in wh i ch 1 am paying th a t I am

recommend ing tha t the se tt lemen t be made ; tha t

i t i s my desi re to d i sp ose of th e ca se a t th i s f i gure

and fur ther tha t I c onsi der th e i nsuran ce Assoc i a

ti on's c on tr i bu t i on of to be more th an th e i r

legal obli ga ti on and tha t I am comple te ly sa t i sf i ed

and appre c i a t i ve of th i s se ttlemen t .

Yordy further test i fi ed tha t he reli ed on the 'var i ous sta temen ts

tha t he was li able for h a lf of the se ttlemen t ."

Knoblock , so far as i s ma teri al , test i fi ed tha t dur i ng the

settlemen t n egot i a t i ons a t Knobloch's offi ce Dempsey told Knoblock ,

"I have told M r . Yordy all we hav e to do i s ma tch h im dolla r for dollar;

th a t we are only li able for h a lf of th i s . Regardless of th at , how

ever , we have agreed to go to $25 00 of th e $3 500 you a re demand i ng ,

and i f th i s c asev

i s set tled I have told M r . Yordy tha t h e wou ld h ave

to ra i se that Dempsey sa i d ,

"I h ave told h r . Yordy tha t

thi s v erd i c t i s for and th a t all we have to do i s ma tch

hi mt dellar for dollar , and tha t we have be en wi lli ng to do , bu t h r .

Yordy sta tes tha t he i s havi ng d i ffi culty ra i si ng mon ey, and i n order

to be fa i r abou t th i s we h ave agreed to go to

Dempsey, so far as i s ma ter i al, test i f i ed tha t after th e re turn

of the verd i c t he told Yordy he would f i le a mot i on for judgmen t

notw1 thstard ing the v erd i c t and a mot i on for new tr i a l , and i f th e

same were den i ed judgmen t wou ld be en ter ed aga i n st Yordy for


and in tha t even t th e companyA h av e to pay of the

J udgmen t and Yordy would have the responsi b i li ty of payi ng the other

and tha t Yordy sa i d ,”Well , i f you say so I wi ll take c ar e

of th at r i gh t away"; tha t he th en sa i d to Yordy,

”No . you shouldn't

do tha t , you have everyth ing to ga in and noth i ng to lose , exc ept a

D'Arcy test i fi ed tha t in the c onferen c e of December 3 oth

Dempsey suggested tha t Yordy consult some i ndependen t c ounsel ,

and Yordy sa i d he d i dn't th i nk he n eed ed any c ounsel ; th a t in such

c onferen ce n o one sa i d to Yordy,”You are lega lly l i able for on e

ha lf of the se ttlemen t in th i s case .“

Ferd inand testi fi ed th at a t such con feren ce Dempsey suggested

tha t Yordy consult other counsel and Yordy sa i d he was sa t i sfi ed

wi th the represen tat i on of M r Dempsey .

Fre i tag testi fi ed tha t in January, 19 5 9 , Yordy told h im he h ad

a chanc e to se ttle h i s ca se for $3 5 0 0 ; that the assoc i a t i on had

a greed to pay $2 5 00 and h e to pay bu t th a t he would li ke

to have the c ompany go to $27 5 0 and he pay $7 50 .

Robi nson test i fi ed tha t in January, 19 3 9 , Yordy told h im tha t

the case c ould be settled for $3 5 00 and tha t he was anxi ous to

h ave i t set tled , and tha t the assoc i a t i on h ad agre ed to pay up

to $2 50 0 and wanted Robinson to agre e tha t th e company would pay

$27 50 , and sa i d tha t i f th e assoc i a t i On would pay $27 5 0

ha t wou ld leave $7 5 0 for h im to pay and h e would be very mu ch

p leased .

In rebutta l Yordy test i fi ed tha t h e d i d not a t any time tell

Dempsey tha t i f Judgmen t for was en tered and be c ame fi n al

h e would pay d en i ed tha t Dempsey ever sugg ested tha t h e

c onsult other counsel ; den i ed tha t he had the conversa t i on wi th

Fre i tag tha t the la tter test i fi ed to , and den i ed tha t he h ad th e

c onversa t i on wi th Robi nson tha t the la t ter test i fi ed to .

We consi der the foregoing to be a fa i r sta temen t of all of

the ma teri al ev i den c e . xfl xaxxz xsxxsxuxxeafl ( Xduxxtxuuxat xxxxxxx

t uxnxurtdsnasxt xz axsaaxvpxfixvfixxhxxxxsxsannnxxsnyxxhlxxuaxh

mmxxxxxxxxaxnXxx:xxxxsxk xnfifixxfifi xt fl xxxxxxrxxfi fi xxfi XfixxXfl f fi fifi

cps mecet tsy eayqeuce' xgxxsxxxsxxasakxxshxXKI H R XKWR XRXXXXs k

gs severest rps gsneficxofi so pe s LsIL epsremeu c on wyr cg

G O D A Q L GI CIO U stop geni u ses cp e r ppe ysrest te erz gqeq ro

snelco? en's cps asfaaL pesextxes re'sue gesees fps: as use cps

seven } : exp at ossusert qeuyeq spec we p eg hp : sensesswreos g ray

, ps. sos1q but fia‘soel esu ysg gasp neshssl east afi fifi é fl teq rye; p e

sashes) xpwc It inqameb c Let QIO‘OO O use en ge t sq se q pe osme Lyme;

Iv assures? Lassa csefrti eq asst vs 0 10 no: as ant exes self


rust soars Issue gang got yrs go bsz eu q ye noh yq se asst wh en

QBAQG'one ( use IL rye seer oz e pye m son gs hex tense

so geese ems Assess geni uses re sQ Lse r, vg rue c ombesx eon]; bet

p eA ef

ss esrpreq‘

ens spe c cps ssscotscxou use sfit seq as fish db

cps ewes esn j q ps eersreq got $3 3 9 0 se q eve r we se e swxross re

soprsaov tesarttes cue : 15 lawnstl‘reee

‘i onql reyq pi e test

so fl eas fps essbesi So so gag es see us bet fiaso'

vfec oq so be t assoc seq we so has ez*oeo

‘p5 9 ever so nofl lq

9 ensues gs p erryo ewe on es ge t $3 90 0 : the : rye sseeere fixou peg

st artsfi 90 8 2 { L?°G ever In densest“Isse’

aoeql says use ye seq

urtp ens Lobt sessgerreu 0L . R L ° nembael'

the : long: oosssyr c rest eenu eey see xe t qh sure us see e e pxe gxeq

nenqxuq pe e pyg z ee ayes er se ep eosge t emoe pembse l enat ee req

p e rt 0 : fps serrree ssr IN tux» c ess‘“

congeseuc e no one se rg so i ot qt‘

. Lon sue refieyyl yrspye LO L ome

q z one! sets so srsu , e rfl xvx no B asses ee l sea fl osri £3 9 9 In ea sy

nen be es enfif e eseq pews Lot qt sev ens: some qsqsba su : oosu eey~

n‘vxoi cssrrnz ea pus: In rye cowge t su ee o; pe oen pet gasp


February Term. A . D . 1946

Gen . No . 9 489 Agenda No . a

John M . Furr and Amanda u .

Plaint i ffo- Appellants Appeal from the

C i rcu i t court of

Shelby County :

Shelbyvi lle, Illinois, et a i . ,

ndan o-4 11 ee ?.Dare t Apps e

3 2 8 £ .A. 3 1 3Dedy, Jo

Thi s i s a proceeding in chanoery by wh i ch the plai nti ffs,

John. h . Farr and Amanda M . Furr, seek the canc ellati on of a mortgage

and notes thereby secured upon payment thereof by the pla i nt i ffs,

and the canc ellati on and removal of record of two deeds. The chance llor

ent ered a doorse dismi ssing the oomplai nt for want of equ i ty. Plai nti ffs

his wi fe . were i ndebted to the defendant She lby Loan a Trust

company, herea fter referred to as ”Trust Company," in the sum of

on ten promi ssory notes of that date , due five years

after date, beari ng i nterest a t se per annum. payable semi -annua lly.

To secure payment thereof Ei leen and wi fe on sa i d date executed and

delivered to the Trust company a fi rst mort ga ge on acres of

farm land . Therea fter the Trust Company. in due course , and apparently

pri or to maturi ty thereof , sold all of the promi ssory notes to

eertai n of the defendants herei n .

execut ion of thi s dead . and i t was held by the Trust Company wi thout

being rooorded from September 10 , 19 11 . unt i l July 15 . 19 36 . when

i t was racondod o

Such. mort gago i s the mortgage sou ght to be redeemed from . and

aaid warranoy and qui t c laim dead are the two deeds sought to

be canoelled i n thi s prooeodi ng.

Arthur 0 . Wi lson di ed i ntestate in 19 3 8 . and hi s wi dow d i ed i n

19 3 9 . No admi ni strat ion. waa had on. h1s estate . He left surviv i ng

as hi s only heirs hi s wi dow and six children , vi z . Grace Wi lson .

Luther Wi lson, waltor Wi laon . Amanda M . Furr (who i s one of the

pla inti ff! and tho wi fe of the oovpla i nti ff John Furr ) , Clarence

Wi lson and Howard Wi lson; Therea fter erase Wi lson di ed unmarri ed

and intestate . Thereaftor and on January 19 . 19 44 . Luther Q i laon ,

waltar Hi laon, Glarenae Wi laoa . and Bowara wi lson , for the consi derat i on

of four dollars, qui t~olai mod all intereat i n sai d promi aes to the

plaingi ffs» On July 11, 19 44 , plai nt i ffs started thi s sui t .

On Septombor 11, 19 3 1, a lease dated September 9 . lgxl. was

sugared into by the ?ruat company as lessor and John E . Fur?

as lessee . whereby John Fur? rented from the Truat Company

the south aoroa or sai d real est ate from garoh 1, 19 3 2 , to

February 88 , 19 3 3 . Thi s lease conta ined a provi sion. that i t was

sub ject to oanoellati on in case of a bonaflao sale by the lessor

before Boveober 1, 19 3 1 . in Whi ch. oa ee $5 00 ahouli be pa id to the

lessee . eeaond lease was entered i nto wi th the Trust Company

by L ¢ 0 . Westervelt , trust offi cer , and John a . Furr on August

18 . 19 5 2 . Whereby finch sores were leased to Fur? from. mar6h

1, 19 3 3 . to February 88 , 19 54 . 0n. the book of the second lease

appears the followi ng i ndorsemant , dated Au gust 18 , 19 3 8 . and

m M ‘m : u; an em u -sou: n o} . pew broom: n:

m oh m . m «m um m be“ n ew17130 m m» m“am on m on

w on-ou w m e am ' w e cam or. the ee -cru w cu an ew :

new ton-q «0 m t w W 9 “M t-pow:

mm : w ere W OW “

on m ew a“we) " we em an at e n u tsor: m wieru sfi m ew

w of? m am we w ere 9mm yea-rm w e m e wwe arenas

h ! cm “W IW * M v W W II? ow n “ma n" W w e were n

the oompeny by the mort gagor in. eeti efeot i on of the mortga ge debt ,

that the c ompany should hold ti tle for the benefi t of the parti es

interested . tha t the oempeny mi ght mana ge and rent the premi ses,

and from. the proc eeds pay the taxes and expenses. the overplue

to be di atri buted among the part i es i nterested ; that any offer

of purchase shoula be seemi tted to the cert i fi cate holders be fore

a sale wee made , that ueon a sale the company ehould pay the

proeeede, lees expeneca , to the certi fi cate holders. that i f the

sale pri ce was more than the mort gage indebtedness, the excess

should be pa id to eueh certi fi cate holdere , end that the mana gement

or the fave mi ght be removed from the Trust company on. requeet by

two thi rds of the parti es i nterested .

The mort ge ge et all times bee been and is held by the Trust

Oomeeny ena no release thereof be e been executed . The notes were

never returned to the merteegere , and ever si nc e the issuance of

such ali quot part certi fi eetee the Trust company has held eueh. notoe .

After the execution of the warranty deed on september 9 , 19 3 1 .

nei ther Arthur 0 . Wi lson, nor any one c laiming under him; eeeertod

or attempted to escort that said mortgage indebtedness was not

sati sf i ed by the gi ving of eela warranty deed unt i l about the time

pla int i ffs obtai ned such. qui t~ole im deed in. Januery, 1944 . from the

Wi lson. hei re .

fhe only wi tnesses who testi fi ed e e to the giving or obta ini ng

of the warranty deed were John .E . Farr end Lula Wi lson. ( ehe being

plei ntiffe, end L . 0 . Weetervelt who testi fi ed for the defendants.

3 0hn e . Farr teeti fi ed thet on September 9 , 10 81, Arthur 0 .

wi lecn told him. that L . 0 . t eetervelt had been out that afternoon

and wanted a deed for the pleas, and wanted the wi tness to farm

land . and was coming back that eveni ng. and M r . Ei leen. eeked

a; a n m : 06m m :m : gu n m an calm; w e m enu s n , m JOIIIQ‘

hoctroc cpvc $9 eponé pr awe antmfi £0 $0 a an co ear: apt Isaq wnw

xré opfifi ! cnvc st aceaaexa avtq at cunnaps cue cpvufi 3 6 Q O are 3 °

tr“q*O Q . 1 $9 9 6 fimv' ¥ fisfl fi k a‘axraew pefiwu rs out wnq A 8N £ zueo eye

u m“) a ; M arg a in” emerg ency aw ays}; I qcmw w e no pm aw e

tfinfi6 tat $Pfi i nonfq a fl wc aye Jana $0 arcu@ sa i cave eve nxsngaa

knoé aassfiv peat“ an; spa £0 13 9 oafi rq ecmvtufi fi gt rzns btfips

I fidfipc so cfl tn as unta i sfivs Afi fl $9 L AO IC aq $fi$¢ ape pwn; q

iaba’ avfio wpfis: ré au fi cvwa a fi fl b e~1313 0” asrw‘a z q0u 4 ¢ xfiwa mustyeu

dfl fianq 9‘autonoq vistas; eye tax§ 3 . 3 fipW¥ fifie assuaaa avrq‘

$ 1 sen t:

31303 9 “K7 3? 3 0177? 4?t rpm £90 1 9m m m y 3 153 9 9 W $24 9 6? $3319

m M ¢W $ W t?“ em u £014 33 ” W8 aaawm arc N


3 M

m g N m e n ew "“1 W m m m Lon a to ai m 9 gan g so w e M at es :

133 we W m . m’

j fi oufig n u “n ew mm ‘gaacm eyc i nfe

-g asayam en

m il 3 73 57 N1 “ tam “ AW N “W N W at“ w W vfl scw m rfl mm m

e'a rm 33m mine m

and m m garnet; an ; mm un m et! $5.19i ea cps;

wi th Dale Wi leen; thet‘

Weetervelt then went aheed to explai n a ga i n

whet the deed was for . pract i cally the eeme thing, that they wanted

e deed for thei r own proteeti en; that fire . Wi lson asked Lula and

the wi tness t hat they thaught about i t , end they told her that

ehe oeuld go ahead and si gn i t and could cont inue to live ri ght there ;

tha t the deed wee then executed . and Jake Wendling, who was a Notary

Publi c . then eeme into the heuee and took the acknowledgment to the

deed ; that after the deed wee executed and given to Westervelt he

sai d that he was goi ng te St . Loui s the next day end eeuld not be

in town in time to get the deed reeorded . and eeked them not to say

anythi ng to outsi ders about the case . i f anybody gets hold of i t they

are li able to get a judgment against them and knock i t out for

f i fteen months; that the wi tness asked Westervelt i f the mortgage

and netea eculd be delivered out there , and Westervelt sa i d . no .

he theught the thi ng te do was te leave i t ri ght there at the bank

unti l i t was eettled up in ease of a sale . when. the wi tness was

asked why he asked westervelt i f the netee and mortgage would be

sent to fit . Wi lson i f they were not pai d , hi s enewer we e ,‘aeli , I

was wondering i f he was goi ng to do i t i f that was the way he was

going to do i t .”

Lula Ei leen testi fi ed that earli er in the eveni ng”the folks had

told us that Hr . westervelt wanted them te si gn a deed for the ir

place to the bank . ” that after Westervelt came the wi tness was in

the ki tchen When fire . Ei leen came i n eryi ng; that later fire » Wi lson

and the wi tness went into the room where the deed wee later executed ;

that Westervelt then eeked Ere . wi leon to si gn. the deed and sa id .

“era . wi leen. I think yen eheuld si gn the deed , i t i e as much for

your good as for the bank ,'and ee id ,“Hr . Wi lson wi ll si gn the deed

farm house the deed was executed .

Weetervelt deni ed he told the Wi lsons tha t they were pretty

mush involved and i f 3 Judgment was taken a ga i nst them i t would

throw them i n bed shape and the bank tooe deni ed he told the

wi leons that the deed was only add i t i ona l securi ty for the bank

deni ed he sai d the mort gageve could stay ri ght on the farm $ust

as they had be fore . but sai d he di d tell them that the Trust Company

would be glad to rent the south part of the term to John e . Farr

and i t fiurr cared to let the fillsane cont inue to live i n the house

duri ng the term of the lease the t was no affai r of the Trust Company;

deni ed he sai d he theught the thi ng to do was to Just leave the

mortgage in the fvuet company‘s hands unt i l the ma tter was settled up

deni ed he sai d he thought the thi ng to do was to sell the land

and all over what the mortgage debt took would be turned ov er

to Hr . Wi leeng ideni ed he said they were not taki ng the wi leon's

heuee from. them, and deni ed he sa i d they were just making th i ngs

safe for the bank and er . and fire . Wi lson could sti ll etey there

as their home .

Westervelt's explausti en se to the delay i n . i ssui ng the ali quot

pm certi fi cates was that the m a em had d i ff i culty i n

getti ng the note hold ers to meet and a gree on e plan for the operati on

and sale or the farm, and thet sueh agreement was not reached unti l

about 19 3 7 .

John e . Furr test i fi ed that on September ll . 19 5 1 . he went to

the Trust Gospeny and told L . c . westervelt i t looked to him that

i t would be better for the Truet company togive the Wi leoue the

farm house and ei ght sores of land and "strai ghten the thi ng up

ri ght now." and that WesterVelt sa id he would see . Westevvelt

testi fi ed he had no recollect i on of any such conversat i on .

max-008 30 xm m u woaa‘ea M am at m e w e» waswe

a t kn ew“ no: we m u m m a” ms 114 “ fl atworms-t 9 4. W0

m m n m v i we Inwwxw 0 5. w e “W ! ” w asW e m w w h egg:

0 3 “wt? N M “ 81” 19mm“ £0 c13 i m m ; W ” 23 em: 43s

m W 30 8m m 3 2 cen tre“ w asN ectm ° we ca nexw w.

we cam e: 0m m m mm m 'M ccws ” A can mm : W “

W th e” may me . h aw Emm et-

w }: m L EM W'IU an (ape am 313 53 3 1

m ea rm : m m a w e: m m w e we am rw rxw w e

m 0 c M w W N M N O I'csw e am ewwww m‘m ; cm mm

can 't at m u m “ e“ 3 0 2? 330 « an : was“ c*

4:1a {30

m N a zare ne on can w e ” m ee t! ton w e qq ww : cm : w e

M inn a ox, em ai rm aee' m e new : 3m m em qea efl pergw eq

Ot‘OW w e w 53 ” W e; M an ama 9pm ; em; ate re qw em z ue pm

w ere an y 99 9 geawm m eg use ems egg-mesa w e g m qeaew euse ‘

w m u m at w e se e “N ew w e we bu m m er?are 90 me ta

M affi rm 0 1. em tt e/n ae It ew egecpffl ea 6& 3q new“:



m cm ym m xmfi 9 3 ; a m we; eem zue ge ” seerw eo we be t ween

an m enn am w. 8330 M u m e: a n new 0 ; we met eor/su cn ex,

m e an : pe no mem es. em em rnfisxesw esfg a; spa m eets-em M W

“om ega“

W eye epeeuee Q t em u , m axuf a» ecwsw nh p ea n ut:

tu m em w ww w an e nem a w e ea t-ee

ri e was; sp ar. mega

w e m a m N ew 9 em ew m e e; W e Jennif er“; ew e z e ee

uncontrad ioted evi denc e thaws that at the t i me of the a z eau ti on

of the dead the than value of the premi ses was less than the amount

of the i ndebtedness, by the fac t tha t the deed l imi ted tne r i ght of

poaseaoion of the grantors to M arch L, lots, tbo fac t bhfi t fin Au gust

18 0 19 3 2 , Arthur 0 . Wi lson si gned the i ndarg ement on the Fuwr lease

which. atated that he , as a sub-tenant , was then leasi ng 3 13 ac res of

the farm from Jehn im. Furr, and i n no other ri ght , the fac t that

on warch 1; 19 3 4 : when . the laat Farr leaae had termi nntad , Arthur

0 . Wi lson. and wi fe moved away from the farm and nQ V &r tharoafter

c la imed or asserted any i ntereet therain , the fac t that Arthur C .

Wi lson d id not at any t ime after the az aeuti on of the a t t ranty deed

offer or attempt to pay the i ndebtedness or make any q u iryeonoa rni ng

the same . and the fac t tha t after Septem ber 9 . 19 3 1 , the Trust Company

made ma attempt or request for the payment of the i ndabtofl neas, but

immed i ately took and cont inuouely reta i ned the exoi u a ive and

und i sputed possessi on of the whole of the premi ses and duri ng such

,It 18 our opi ni on that the tvi al court d id not err ln entar i ng

decree in questi on . Therefore such aacree i s aff ir 0d

Affirmed .


“smugfilm W .» ac an: was; egret w as“ M fl ci fi d or, qxt um mwzh w as

QJWIW 9! item M Iwekw i‘FWW IU

‘W9 m e? am: M m W

on W }: x'IM P 34s m m w as M imic 19 0W PW ré nm w w'm m

amen was“! M m?pm as a anw abwuf'w e urge: ap t «mam a;

38‘m am? W W fr an ew m u m: more garmt amw w gm w e m un j aww

9G» FF?‘IWWIPW L‘WW Fl fifi fi'W ¢ W“was}

an“we gem 3m gym; Aw” 9 3. aw gu t-am algam m a w as: 43mm w e m om s

fiw m msw é aggm a m m m am ascw ewe as. m m fl www

Gneei e scott , testi fyi ng for the pla i nti ff , sa i d

that she had seen aefende nt i n the tavern whe re wi tness was

employed . i n mem ber , 1945 , abou t 10 dr i nki ng beer . i n

the m any of one Carl Redford ; that at anothe r ta vern ,

defendant was drinki ng beer wi th pla i nti ff's brother , Harry

real . no date bei ng speei fi efi ; tha t on. each occasi on , all she

saw them do was to si t there dri nking beer . an redi rec t exami na

“thi e man”, they W e i n by themselves and left by themselves.

m m Real , brother of pla i nt i ff . test i fi ed tha t i n

answer to a qu eeti on by pla i nti ff i n February. 1946 , he repli ed

tha t he had been wi th fiefendant . Wi tness then testi fi ed tha t he

had been i n the company of lire . Meal , the defendant . a lot of times;

tha t the fi rst time he w e elem wi th her was i n M y, 19 45 , on 3

unti l ei ght-thi rty er ni ne o'clock and emrteci ba ck

tha t a t lire . Eeel's requeet . he stopped the car and

relati ons wi th her; tha t severa l m ele e la ter he baa

wi th her i n a trai ler wher e eke was li vi ng on clear

time ‘s la ter. cm another oeea ei on i n the tra i ler , the

th at the last time he heel eem l relati onswi th her

etgtefi tha t he di d not tell hi s brother about thi s ma tter unti l

19 45 beeause "I fi geroa tha t was hi s busi ness. not my busi ness; I

wasn't telli ng nothi ng ." Q .

"weulfin't tha t have been Just as

appli eeble before?" A .”No .

”Q .

“Why di fin't you tell hi m before?“

.A .“I wi ll tell you any. Do you want me to tell you?

“ Q .“Yes.

A .“x went out Gee ni ght and I had i n my pocket and she took

all my amugh and. the next morni ng she ga ve me my dough and I steak

i t i n ey peeket and when I get home I had She takes tea

“new m ,“ we?» w as m m. seeme e

rrses e m; gem es szm eem es'

em sw seem “ m a n t is?we em brew ers? w m

Roll Floworo te sti fi ed tha t oho was the mother of

dofonfiant; that &uri ng tho time the tra i ler was used , she , a t

all tamas, i lvei there wi th her é aughtor ; tha t Harry Nea l was

there sovoral ti waa and that most of the timeahe was a ccompani ed

by a woman out hi s wi fe; that he nover~ hoa any Opportuni ty to be

«Andrew Whi te , oallod as a wi tnsoo on. behalf of pla i nti ff ,

wont into a touri st oabdn; that wi tness, i n a oar , was wa i ti ng for

anothar~ man anfi rfimalnod thoro for*

ab@ ut forty mi nutes and never

old 3 3 9 fiafenaamt emmo out; that no l ights wovo turned on in tho

Tho ovtfiofl oo of too of pla i nti ff‘s wi tnossos. Harry Neal

aafi. Aadtow whi ta , boars fii reotly on the oommi ssi on of a dultery by

tho fiatonfiant . As to the testimony of plai nt i ff's brother , Harry

wi th hi s oonooa1mont of hi s knowloé go unti l sovoral days before the

tri al . whore i s also the statomont i n the lottor of pla i nti ff to

finftmfiant i n regard to a alvorao , that he would never qui t unti l he

W W W Y“W $23 9 A JM M Q a; Em i sszxm m gm mmw bgy va'

W w qm m w’ m m wm gm m : W e; aam m rm m, m m;mm M a.

we M u seum 0 a we? fix, m wmu m M sm w w‘mum m ay}

M i W 5 W 1333 3 sw ag Im zwmg 1m m } am um ; gzfi w page; &

W m m M ax; W W W gm w wan fi pcn'w W in“ m m zw was“, su m

w as: i nto a m a m w ww nsw c. mm m aa‘ ‘

w x cm .’M B w u w

‘t 5

Appellees, APPEAL F3 01! sum oa


3 2T L A. 3 14


Thi s is a habeas eerpus proceeding brought hy mam

mu tt and Hertha m ist , hi s wi fe , of Geneva , Ohi o, te recover

Fer a clearer understanding or the i ssues presented

in thi s caee i t i s necessary that the factual si tuati on be

set ferth semevmet fully. The evi dence di scleees that the

si sters and that they are fi rst ceasins er the plainti ff,

1911 unti l when he married hi s present Wi fe , Martha

m was a baby the Conklins teek care of him a great deal at

ei ght years eld hi s parents gave him to the defendants ta rai se;

m anor on m e ow m m m few w e w e: no facet?m : em

m om ! w e w e cam —mm .2m m ox. m en sam e?

”mm m date

m : m e com e mm m 9 4:m m ow anthem s w e a8m m

ez tp¢ tast e erg pz e be t enxe seas pym'

go cpe qegewqenfia so £ 8 18 9 !

m cm * m : mm m m : mow er mm w e ever? m e spam:

no use 9 pepl gpeacons na poeg eet e o; prm

'e amaz e get ; a;

orqe e: oz gpeae cpxrqxev‘PITT

“et a poxn


yn cpi eefio a anew

Bu m ?m sw e m u s w as 1mm N ews cmmm m cw : we

ran were“ e mu ms Em m et M E tw een: en s" FEEL

Ka ma em u ! £13 9?msru se: name we com frm a xv em ce fio n ew

z qaxet e tug eye: gpel Q LG Lrt eg G enera? on gpe bye;npr;g*

qetw ew w‘M u m s (201m m w e ESTER? er com rm‘m e

86 3 goxpp aemeeysg LHIIX'

Lye eatqefi t e q:acroee e spe g £3 0

In gpqe ease T 5 ye nec ee eez k fpt p sue ge xpne f expmc pyeu 96

he: 9 creat e; nfl qet egenqynt o; gye z eefi e e bne eeugeq

o; Be nogpm 9 0 pe t bemensa eve eve confiyrue ebhegy*

gpe a ameur GLqGL ex spa $113 7 sonar see tqeq eye onesoqh

M O I-em s comm a 9m gen re 00 1m m 01, cm csfio‘IITW OIR'


get cp ( yeneynegget Leget t eq ea e a not egpl )’LLGW

eye ce aaoqh cg ppez z Lcmt geee keen eye qent ygem‘net e ggk

Eats; eve fiwt gye Hez efi‘n1a n e

‘cg geneas


“ge seceaet

myye 3 3 e yepe e a eexbfi e bxec e eqwua pLomgpg pk fistga

Efi'i Q PQ


CE Bfifl fifl DETIfiEHED axe OblfilOE Ob xHE COQ UI‘



eyeez eee COEKfIn gfi q HEPrIE R’

M 0033 5” COOK COQ M

’ 1


"1m EV ” w e?


zeta -1101;

91 8 m e

m w e; w e m m m m“

«37 32

W R GW W M l:m w im p: m ega wt 3


v 55 nerwetmd ape cynefl meafl neca angst epi ey Doz e

JJAQ Q tne rrz e et ,s nemmwr


‘pebbk Ei fiI

llgp magnets 9 1 pen Great 9 g aepooy end exp? oppe t a

3 3 A$L 9 1 meqe j a?enq gweg ape peg Lemmeq mega oyeee Lt qenqepqfie ,

conxwxqe i dfififi ewe five engaged It'

drnr ec on; eeee fine men

.brann, zseeefi e getxnt ape yea: $pt e e keet e ape mse ,m:;p ape

benzene ped eeyeyz derree‘zunrmqrud eoogyudt gpe g Dexogpi veg

ox. M swn w mam a. m w e N ady: pl m m m e com m m

gemonagt egz fid‘eefiez eq aoz fl zst In ape Re t gen

’qq some oetvtufi

3 671 TE vex dope d} nexg‘ende deq In eu g eet g

’qrq dome e~ §

brace we?» we?use; rm extmm e‘zn r zmm l met 3316 g m ecu

hen; og_ pet dese gron tez xoqe q p gfl w geueyqne a; a eummet

esqp summe t A 9 6 9 $IGS oz oebp one ! ppfi e ape abeup eye dt eepe i

m m mm em s“ Haw k w e: tf‘fi fim e cm rm‘m at

-J R

rev? n ew em : we sw arm" m m amaz e mm W 9

asm m w em : m en stem?wee m om we; cm men m c ’

sw eet w e so acm e? w e we we to m m IYGL m ap

430 we mm at we comm as! mm are covm we m teeizemrl

w en m am w e a m teem are“Beech aw e m ower free w e}!

we sem em e Un seen eracrcam wasat am en ? 3 339“

get eez g‘

om o‘m m m m em amu se so acm e)


pfu: were?In ewe-axe:

vapwmrf‘tw o! em: ewe we firm s-“w W een new ; so te ased“

com m w e m eet i sm w ort vex ro we m m mm W

2a m We cm m e m et: me m rromw fi sew m m om m a

spa ge ez egtmoe oz firement e comyrrfi i epfi#‘DQ LO £EA I Q HBIHQ Q

meme ’ apn z gz i guet e eggei‘aaogtoq


embyoi mene " a e werq esgg

mm mm mm seek pew acm e u m we 3m m firm“

: Beech

Lye ap tyq ,e i 9 13 avg pnoafl p: gexocpi‘ppen LO fl L heats erq

rye gangge‘even ezxi een


i eet a org“eemt $9 cyton do so AIeTp


sister, whi ch they were unable to locate; that thi s letter

bar the advantages and edueati on. hgre and send her through

we felt that we Gould knep her"; that shortly after she repli ed

as her si star Flarenas.

ways very bad and she‘

uas si ck. 1n bed ." She deni ed that

remai n. wi th. thdn. é nri ng the enti re peri ca that she would go to

SQ PD O$u a; gysa ape east q 9 fisfl a Q 61€ dfi % fl £8 o; aah. gi fig M ggg

ape ag e: para “effivex o; gps gouxr¢n'

fiz nxa ppvsnoLopgl cafigq

sane Aexk peg avg ape use azag In'

peq'u ape ggnqad


a: gyep £13 3 3 avg gps; pa; pnapgnq . a “z ingucysy O ILGfl magancea

fifl g fl $0 Ffl 5 $ c zascx‘

saxongp pen acpney ,z essa qua pa sysa ganxeq spec pa eaex amass

rt spel £O QR Danespa $0 Iras nxfiw'


fipeh caurq fifi eb yfl a

zsz ca Q BHTGQ xpfisfin b fi fi fi‘fifl Tg £9 5 C OfiFI$HE 9 : fi fl fi - fifmfi fipvg

gnu: fifiE covfiyrwe “fl S L O so pi rfi? g ab qfimn'

gaz afimasz Afl sg fiI Q fi a'“

cpak [canxjfnaj avzq sysa $oarq gseb gem”a a; 3 3 3 $zme cuss

w 80 [nonospfi j assz eq cast e Lxfips gronfi'

fie { Int k

pen Laomosvz ] fib gel 3 apoz c came “xxx: $98 Exa'agg gasses sexy

15 manyq pa nrcs bxoaqqxfl z spa; gpe Ez nya [couxyqn 3 2 o rc gsxa

arts $3 9 acwxzrfl a in 7639 $12 A fgs umsa az fix Eng Bfl fifilv fimfi figfifi

fifi lgfi Efl nfic pwvx mfiGH noxogfl h fi z z aefl $ so T?A 6

9 3 p9 1 ez ege z groz enae‘

narrz c afiwfirzv refi cz zreq TH $V?fl Lsfifl kq so 396 Rams exaecs

aracg n LxOfi fps; szwfl fi fi fii f £§B Ifi $88 1 bszx oz isnw‘Ia¢3

Blafifi l‘Be flfifi 19 3 6

“ fl nq sfifi g 69 5 z amvxnfiq m1£fi we » an?was

as fi z a'Hfl i fifi z e yfi z aswh ag e phofi gflxsxa vex pfimfi _p1 sex

$ 9 261; spfi sme cfinrq $3 65 fiyfi c apoz ¢31 fi i fifix apfi Labrreq

acpeoy 9 9 me pgq BIT? spas ape ceurq assh ,axp v aa 9 3 yonfi ; wa

pas gpe aqaawgwfiaz sag GQ fl cfl fit fiU'

fi@ L$ wag z ang wax gpnoagp

aseteq In afi pafivwaQ saw: u¥L me moafa eggs noz fl cph gm? EIAs

aregsm‘au7cv gawk- mane fi nspre so rcavxe i sfifix ayz a rascen


M W fi r

m?» W *'im wiqr am‘

tfié‘zm am in m m

pan Ié ¢pqx sag a§§q5

“gags a v spa 33 91 fl ame an?Co'

geex 3 3 Law

gasps; sfiz setna go pz a brwn'gnq an aamm r¢



pa ecgycfiyaqaaq

In m am mm 3 0 1. 6 39 a pu pa . 130 10 3331 M om go 1161.

x m 8 3 m m . harmm s m axi 330 3 3. w“

E mil 67 3" mm 6 3 I W

sam e her; m m“

mm s w as; rm $336a 9 m; pg

m omma:mm In mm; 7mm mm 51m aeq M m gsm ei I aimcame 3 18m fi rm: 2m“: am an w ay: m y. la ym fi a; ma n aé nq has! 8 n ew; 9 m; 5 m M a w e I } as am M s W

{19 243 2 5m m , m I am no: 9 112; go m y] 9 2 I w as mm M m 4»

I M : $0 cm 13w u m im am asm y gm m g m

“fiery gom m lk M 3 6379 9 } w ry pg ensmax: m um: W e}

m ay w e 39 M 14: as 191mm } :

013 £81 rawm am 3m m m om 9 ream -t m Dam m ‘

p3 1. m m: m y. hemp 62g, bw cn cwn em u m ea—amg'

mm ; (15 2 113 9 m eg ba ngs; we m ec’rwwn amweq 139 m m w e;w e;

£55 2"

a: gm cvfie um m fi fi 9 2 a se em-sax e m 5 5:11c Rm ‘cm w l gwg

m afi a ! mm m w as“ TEN ?no arms 5 3“ms?” m a

‘firm s

magma; m g m 0 5:s m mpew 0 1. pm Lam-

Ii m m 43753 13 xx:

0517 0 (3m m? m m : w an n a batczjoq a; fag-S panam a: m m

mm QW W G W W W N W ?“ $113 : {sm omk (I‘

m 3 0 3 30 $0

cm ew m g w as M u sing"?


dent turn di fferent up there wi th Bi ll not Respec tln Be tty

at ehi ldren Phylles she was net going to Let Dorothy com


I told bar I wi ll see to that when. the time O OEBS ."

Gn. Ju1y 13 , 1943, Bhr§ha Hurtt wrate a letter to the

cankli ns, whi ch. i s i n part as fallfiwsx

"we have deci ded that» Dh Hg i s nbt comi ng back to


“9 , E. is ear daughter and I intend she wi ll bea li km thfi rest and

“m answer magma letter the answer i s sti ll ‘no.

I m wu r im nd having Dex-aw ,

Batnwe leavi ng Chi eage wi th. har mather in. Jun£ , 1943,

arraneamfl flxs had haea . made far Beyathy's parti c i pati an i n. a

kney hat . EhfiY'tfild bar that they baa to return. her te har

whare is undi spuxmé avi é finfie i n. the record that in. 0ctob"

wi ll let Dorthey and Csrline come after Chri stmasI am in the Dog house sti cking to Betty 8:

W11 tha has got control and you wi ll Just hartto Play i t easy what you wri te .

The Conkli ns compli ed wi th hi s request and wrote Dorothy

i nvi ti ng her and Carolina to come to Chi cago during the Chri st

mas holi days. Her brother bi ll sent her a round trip ti cket

and she and Caroline arri ved at the Conkli n home the Sunday

eveni ng after Chri stmas. On. the followi ng Thursday Dorothy

had a talk wi th. Florenoe and Nelli e Conkli n i n. whi oh she asked

attorney Florence Conkli n told Dorothy that they would do

What they could to keep her . Dorothy then wrote the followi ng

letter to her parents:

”Dear mother and Bed

"The more I have thought aboutgoi ng back to Geneva,

the more I have felt that I just can'do i t . I have askedAunt Florenc e and. i uat Nelli e if I can't stay wi th. them,and they

'ssy that they wi ll be glad to have me .

hurt over thi s andThi s has beenb my

li ke my real home .happy wi th you and to be a

that I Just can ’t go on.

"I want most of all to get a good edusati on. and to dowell in my sehoel work , Here at Swi ft School I have alwaysdone pretty

'wei l, but i nk Geneva I was fsim and I am

Efraigthat I would

tfiever et th

ggggh, high



zggere eon. on si 0 so I wi l oer

do good worgfi

and to graduate .


h you don't [know] i t , I ori ed myself tosleeglots lots of ni ghts thi s fall , and I lost nearly

thi r eon pounds i n we i ght when. I should have been. growingand gaini ng .

” lease, please say that i t i s all ri ght for me tostay please don fit blame anyone except me for my dec i si on,for thi s i s really What I want most i n the world .

you wi ll want me to be happy“

and i t but i f I have to go

"Lots of love to allYour lovi ng daughter,

Dorothy.P . 8 . Caroli ne wi ll some home Suneay. Bi ll wi ll have the

Issue q prams vvlofia oxsabc mo EO E mi . qoc:aron‘

m 9 7 1 L131”: 7am » we 30

q £ 6183: M FG” I ufl As M en fifiofiqufi

Tam oz; m fiw fi 'm m : w asm eanr? ongp how qoo ,s [xnoml oz yag mlaorg go

qo Rocq M OLE goo $0 fihsqnoga°


gane z o'n'do ou


afap vi cra z e“avg x awry caarz znyh gal co

sgnaxq gosh I mofi yq noaoz as; gyz ondp‘

pyfip ec"

oaz gvoz o'

qoua bz saafiv fisr? Fax In’

oenQ A5 I as? LQ TIIH”

q”? I sonary ru mi acpoor noxg

'name oh gaqgg aopoo; 1 pads ayaoha

"T fi fl d g mosh 0 L of; go Es; a gang sqncwcron dug so go

m m 3:was 0 1m m 510 w "

pahhl a zsp log $ 3 2

rxgh Eh nae? pooa°

w e! m k N 1 am am m 7 as T q was we“

Yuma M O I-em 0m! W W in; 1 0 913 143 W }: W “?

am How I mm new $335 : I ma: 6m m cm 1 mm “ am t;

mp8 mo;6 I peas promp t ; apes; Eoz ufi pscg go Qanaah

“beam h0 $p9 1 g“? Dfiq

Iaggax so pan haxonca:

hoop goal coq so yeah paa'noaogpi span aLosa g


a gorroaynfi

sam u rai m o mm a mm oom fm am w e) . 5&q (if?

F9? V $9 7? fildfi'

hronanoo g fl q Q GTITG 3 9 3 9 9

m am 3m m ammoni a“

an we Lorroam g m qq k m esm

w q m m cat er-

m e su m ac: a: we 0041135173 51 pm m Mmag yorz qai a

'HQ L pnoapaa pIIT 8 9 fi £ yam a Leona hath grafia:

1nnxprufi go; sag ca go coho go q efi fie gals”? fipfi Q FI IQ F

32W? com m a sm rlsq who in"? m amas: m tw o's M fim

to hrak I ah

am en or $55: M r mu 1 Qua-t;w asmean T m zsam acam re: 3 m m 3m

;n conoho‘apaa

’nocartpnasnexufi pee pnepene. s abec i zxo fine

ooec eeqeq {If pee—mt m p

14: crooxfix ob‘

beaaa wag: open me

no Dosage} . m eg pe see m e “peas“ on m a gem-


“go m am . dra pe

w ho w hoh m aaeq m aeaem x yepoee e go we sw a m om;

pone w e a mm em we poem m m m e {tw o n ee memos“ nin e

£ 9 9 amsosen eeeeeeee IQ‘ree?

’ mexee Daoeeui . nee eseye awa re

my)“ hoz m zhen h peceaee 0; pore ASILQ ‘B commas

“Jpn; fewer.

ope HangsFeee'

va pe a peen'

aeea‘In one oz pea feeeeaa so

snoopy” Joaz noym e" moegs'jm ii e rr; ( grom m et apes: oom t eq no

so Loewe In qegw r one “mem e $8 {to we 27313 0 8 4: com mon:

I?m Ihbeeewye ” from w e ocm m oa C E. m m obz ngrw

eeexe fiteeo brarvexeae L316? ava i l combrwrve oa z evv'

17m m .

qeq spa 213 143423 go Tom e tampon poxopm'1; Lean gent:

en emas? M 359 W e} pe e: amm oneq pl gorebjrone”


aeq emf}

ec z em a one m e m e ee a rm to: mhm m ‘ape }; qogem enga :

Lo we ope goons obeu pix hom e? em m owe r/5 53 m "

boz oap‘a ne e

eve rocxi e fi one ecoe'

econ on five ooz es? open S eceobee q to

em pa Low e on: em eoeceeqoq m 8634"

n 1133 0 W e pepm ocm

five coverrn fl eee ewe ooz e ppfi ge keepe z optembeeq so fees pen


eea eoer ca We m ay; roenpe z a ox, m o 11m m Lam-

y}. new no

to am on es: em s}: gm e pom e e oooooo Exoces’


ffi g h are m emo»

eombrwrvc ewe qz amz aaeo'

on see Homage bxfen

w e}: coopnrmmtmfi so We qeyryodoemei‘. oz, bosom

-w noon 1117

11: goo gn om e som e efie zoep we comf

y-m a

"oym fim poem

Donosee‘az a'aeaaa Geaa so apoeefio one q fiaq a combfetvr

aenxcee eoaea pe e Lecoi ha at eye Lamnfioeee reeeea Lfi fim

spent the month of July, 194 3 at his hm .

M KS Hurtt earned meager wages and his fami ly was more

or less poverty stri cken . He di d not rec ei ve m en, i f any,

help from hi s older ehildxren , because they marri ed a t an early

age and left the home . Two of the daughters, Betty Jane M

case but she had theretofore fi led thre e sui ts fox di vorce

and hi s lack of respect for his si a'eers, Betty Jane and Phyllis.

in hi gh seheol and had been convi cted of recei ving a stefm

cook nose no; Ltfi so peso opehea peql. ot neootpe' 971: see no;

anaemia on sea fixe aexsspa: IF aanaeq so eves arse c an cseswias

hanboae goon pa amass 3111 one to some see 00 fl ¥ 3?fl 9 ' 1g aea


apes enzqovc e coarq peas peen'

rnrxoancsq tom no esaet

use byeoeq em bhopenron ae e TUpLoqoceq {n eaxqenoe on bysqoctz z e ,

extrem a-fro"

mo Leoehq eg n o «som eon es hexagram {so W e}: no

Rep }n gaaeeya az gp geese efpem pole In I3?¢ mpen‘

pe h as e aeuyez


arm; m a race or, Leebc ea W e arepaz a‘page}. am am gon n a"

pe ce fl ee o; hpog ape cooeyq eaeq ego axonfiz aj sppxpoqe geaefiq pan

HICE pe n crease- sea arr? av e wee hasn


z ai aeq pk ape Canaries;

sesametwfi so masses nfi aef‘one as? esp ea Li reusrh ooz e ?

Iv fisrso'

sserrra awe nfixsas her? "pag e ab“ aauc'

ne e mu: hmoeang an; ape gm‘ape de em s? cam uemaq In 9 parse?

esus‘a; TII 8 on

e ooz es? ear?“ sof as asabbee z e ease ooaoesh

yearnsppeh e *

any? doenz ey Ioaoyaaq pro spree qsofipgoz e‘perch

go a arerooe dogmas} wu'

pxe game In Id¢23 aptye peac eaa hoe

\aa2se Hom e; eleso a Terran co see conerz va Jo


kafcsac metemeeq

m om m a gam e"3 3 m m }: one p eg cork peat: mars

'req a m a. m m ’

on fee new not Ti ara? setsvex Fospa wq one see eebanateq

efiszwee are“ maz es Bee ra ges qTawz aeeo

“hoaxes Herr or e ye some

c e ee poo ape use gpexegogone Leyaq ppmee agree 10 1 qxaonoe

use reaynfi a zos‘

ees seasonsof see eree ea pee chi ef oz sees

messy? 3 9 31“moxz req open ( gel nu Le 3 5 $6 9 1 8 orq

'Besgh fl aws

9 90 one Tai t one peaa'

0 1 39 3 fig“? goae‘Be pfil memo S fl q

para Li ce FI E argon opTIqoen‘peeseao pooh mo az zeq a: on eesra

oz Ieea be aesgl agaj osee' no qrq nos L eoayae mnop‘$5 eeh‘

fieafie geese evnu oq aeaaea aaee e an; eye xeeyyl. ke a meme

shave roe war p? at here“roe?we pea some “

gs 33117: t, s man n a cm; m é pag e; m grw z pe oz, m a iii-x: n o

m e gm } 0g gm (3m m 8 3 awn g In m m paw ;

mom m a m am a}. u: we hi m ox, “m em o tn gm a w as“


( M acaw: 199 9 3w W $236 m am a IB M IA Q Q paw n} m as my;

cw epm'rm cmflfiegewssmq amon g; m msm s pm 19 139 3 w

¢pe £3 13 : b ani : e z neq In qavkxnfl Ic’

neg onyx qxq guze resssx

an }: 9 7 1 gm j sfiw m agn em ca m Sw a ns? ox, am magm a“

bm how o z, 73 1. 9 8 3 1}:a m earqem e $336 m n emm ren al» 6 0:33)q

gra c e qegamwvgm 1330 c m Lambs}: {33’s m u m ? 3 0 1. we

conn xm e m y, sm ear sang fi z zy £33 15 2"em km pm m abogm


wa s m 4:W e m am a ) ; my; m eg era arm gr? W 30

mu ng co m rm ufia m m m ) . age 13 6 9

-3 3 hexagram /z; 4 l

m mm a 1173 9 37 {33 0 239 1 95m m aul 3 0 w k mm }: mm p age“

m n n mymm : 1 cm: m u s; 45 a: 4. x guns 4:

m realms; cm W $2a 2m m (3mm ms mm ? L0 22 ma sr

m g 843n m nam e mg53 3 I M 7 3


m ar 3‘

e “marge z ffi‘l

apex: 1 mg a; m z fi‘mm mm m mama 1: m m

you I ma yn pfi fi fi ¢xrr rwanenna sfl efii fi nssaw asa: Essszva cfi rwzvfi

3: I?0 043337 9 9 36 pas. 2 .1m m

m g gt csyys’

écs m g}: fl a w


fi z cfim zwarsywfi £9 3 ccfixwi fl a .$o Axaxm 3 3 a

eaxqenae a ra$£sn fi sz gcfi fl £0 swam uh fismz z gfimgfi an

m an na m m $3513 bxmfmgfi 0 L hm m‘

gm nfi 42mm m snwfi ss m a

439 gram, b ug gy? gezmm nw u rge; 9 fl agrant go m o hair m m

c }; we amm m 1e mm on e m ewmfi mm (ma ma as; m m gm

3 .5 t oz; ms w w w a; g un Lolfifimw 7m m 01 N 3

M W?we “If?wow W 3 43 OW N W0

9 ” wer e 1m gyms {m m m z r1 mm 3 60 1; $0 hm w n rm $3712

to undertake to rai se Dorothy and send her through school;

that such. egreeeents, whi le not absolutely bindi ng, wi ll

be gi ven great wei ght by the courts, espe c i ally when acted

upon for many years, and when i t appears to be for the best

interests of the chi ld tha t the agreement be carri ed out;

tha t , whi le parents have a superi or ri ght to custody

ori ginally, that ri ght may be lost ( and i n thi s case i s lost )

by permi tting the chi ld to be rai sed from i nfancy i n another

home , where ti es of love and affec ti on are formed , fri endshi ps

made and cemented, and associ ati ons formed whi ch cannet be

broken. wi thout greet harm. to the chi ld and great pa i n. to be fl h

the chi ld and to the persons who have expended thei r love and

care and money upon. the chi ld"; and tha t "upon the evi dence

in thi s case , mi nds cannot di ffer upon th e preposi ti on. that the

best interests and welfare of the chi ld demanded that she

renai nt wi th, the Conkli ns nor tha t her prayerful wi shes were

to stay here .“

Plai nti ffs'theory i s tha t "as parents, they are enti tled

to the exclusi ve care and custody of th ei r own. chi ld, that

they are fi t and proper persons to have her eare and oustody,

end th a t they have not forfei ted tha t ri ght by any act cf

the i r own"; that ”they have permi tted Dorothy to resi de wi th

the defendants wi th the understandi ng that she return. when

r equested; tha t when they learned of C i rcumstanees that led

molded and she was bei ng estranged from the rest of her fami ly,

and when they rece i ved i nforma ti on. defendants had concealed

from. then. whi eh ccnvi need them. that the Conkli n‘hone was not

m i ow e! w M WM M’m ix M W Q mm Dom m pa

9 bLO bGL gems z ax- gofimrpl

‘sag Q 8 gpe z L Lynqmcre j cz pcmmagauc e a

gnaw tU fi fl'M WTgfi Gfi fl fiffi fl sq £93 5 $F® C OURT?” FO HG fi S B


gag mpvu'pwek L®C¢1A8 q ImgoLmspron qcxenqang3 gwg couoegygq

mq sq fi gg spa REG pn fi c agz gugaq axon ppmT s?p 9 1 pg ; gfimTfi fi

swam go pe;: AS ppwx-

UO n pl ,m cpyx c gsz ag e psTni zmhmobenyh

t q fl ng e , 2 pass CL c z z smmagancsa $p@ p j aq


qez eq wga n m gpc ufi qe bsgguqz na £3 9 ? age Le guLU span

ppc rz omn ‘é fi Ufi f “n l pg as be L fl j fi gfiq pomeggh fa L eaxqe Aggy

g ag gwg r $U8 1 Ug as Hop gorgeqfisq ppfl g Lz aur pm gwfi‘sc g 9 2

ppé fi $1 6 113 gwg bLobs: bg L acma go gwaa p9 1 cq z s “Hg caagfl q33

po ppa exv vnaxae os "an ax ,

3 3 1 L omn oyyyq’gbw¢

aygruyf rgr . xusoah ya gug g “y a ba z enfie’snak sue au¢1gz eq

m are } Hanan.

L emsvm fi rpp bra coyxrgfi a no; gwfi fi p$1 bL U IG LLfl j £ 5 3 9 6 3 L ane

pe a r rntc z eage a mGILC L C 0 1 p3 9 ej z yq gemw:Q $q fipfi fi avg


fifl TE cspe‘H?U q2 cwuwo o qr1 § g* when spa firofin az grcn ppgp gp

care g ag mousk when ry e cpz j qu‘ o vq :

“ f

¢ unfi an'

gpa sA q ucc

spa op q avg go gp$ Lexeoma fi ve pg ne sfibsfiqeq gvsra yaas Egg

pnogcn M I QpO fi f ELesg p q go gfi s cvyy q ynq LT GQ f bsxm $0 gory

mg as avg c emenxeq‘avg e p z ocxsgrome goz v oq kurcu ofiwwb g pe


Ape Ls £ 3 6 8 0 1T OAG rnq


Lge cpron q é a O EWQ Q’gL Tq gpvba

pl bQ LmIggynfi +Tb cpq $0 96 q aeq gmnm IU’" U CK “w ynfi gpam


’sna g Ly7ng fl e a pg Toe h ( avg In fU I E 0 3 3 6 18 j aap )

ppsg’M yz j e b§ L Q U £ 8 pg ne s sfibah:0 L LTEfi z go cuecoqz

znrexg egn o; cps c rq gpvr spa ?EI G PM GU £ we a?z z r@ q oasE

W5 0 3 pa n mask AEULE ’av g aven


vg 9 b3 9 § z e go pa tom paw pe a¢

pe EI Aen Ensag nsrfipg pk ppG qonxge‘embotxsyyx‘ pyem e gggq

cps; eu cp g alsemsnpa‘mprye nop $ 0 9 0 3 m¢evk pyfiqynfi


£0 uuqexgsge co LUI Q Q nonopyk eng aawq pen ruz ofi gp afipacr?

cfl ta eves x: ewe pk eme'genesTU eefl enfi eeeeeee~ co eeeeee

ecpeon nfi n: em ceee ' It m et e w e m w as hetbegt eeeq m

w e: re m 4: epen generiihm mem es. m eg pee pe ee‘uehe


9 0m m pe Lerm m 430 gm hetm ’nenryh er peer n ew aye:


ca Q O se eve seesvez zwex at fipfi est eee eedeeesee the:

w ere In we e’ me} In eee

‘bm nc e w e}! m fi fteeeeemg ia 4?s

qxebueeq cps?eye ceeertwa ewe wee seen eoz oapfi Dean £0 the

me com m a He m hw em pe t ce egeqh pi e w een. it re em

m m neq m eeehn e ee e ewe wen . em ceeerfl es. eyesmet esgsem,

cemneq £0 eeee a betweueuerh Tw'


‘$$fi £ “ape ee a 9 0

w e ge nre ex. en tree ex, wee “M eme peep fieLogp'h pe Le .»

pa texseex aceeeq sees$9 9 3 6 7 3 no ee i qevce TU she L eeoma few;

fine twee ceel ete new excexfev: 309 Heep set? firei‘u It apbfl re

we aseeeq fipfi $ ape cewxfrve eez e “Aetx tree“e omcpl beehre n

rps ru e: 315x33 6 tu m ewe t ee ew e we w e qee’

yerexfi hym en?

01 breruzrtta ; genome 1 8 event 3 3 the eernz ee'

meeqeeeq .ek

W 6 M 3 8»? GE 176 1 LW IM 0 3 em: at?“ COII’

ICTTW ; wee 170 4?

use pared W ebemh wowe e em; ape e ee pewseegt ehteq {w e

Ii eeefitq he eee eee at been?see: theme I? we

qebe faxvfi brererrtte e t

'eex ca tsfl eh‘u

oz, 9 9 1mm eh m m ex, 3 th ree em; heme m emeegger. W betxh

men efieeeeee fiul em were “eept edeenrm’ sneer, Dew em peg



the Conklins if she would spend the month of July wi th him

i n Ohi o . Dorothy's father told her to get the permi ssi on

or the Conkli ns to make thi s tri p . Jost a few days before

fi 3 . Hurtt took Dorothy to her home i n June , 194 3 she di s~

cussed wi th. the Conkli ns the ki nd and color of dress that

she should wear upon. her gradua ti on from. grammar school i n»

Chi cago the following January; It mi ght be added tha t the

Hortts'"fi nanc i al c i rcumstanoos" had not C hanged"for the

hotter" i n. Juns, 1943 , as they clai m, As late as December,

1943, marks Hurtt wrote the letter to the Conkli ns, hereto

fore set forth, i n whi ch he i ndi ca ted that his fi nanci al

affai rs we re i n a very precari ous condi ti on.

The judgment order of the tri al court was predi cated

pri ma ri ly upon . the theory that the fami ly i s the foundati on

of c i vili z ati on, tha t i ts permanenc e and stabi li ty should be

safe-guarded and that the techni cal legal ri ght of plai nti ff!

to the custody of Dorothy was paramount and superi or to- her

best i nterests and future welfare , unless t he Burtts had for

fei ted thi s ri ght by reason of thei r unf i tness.

In . our Opi ni on the fi nding of the tri a l judge that there

was nothi ng i n the re cord "to i ndi cate tha t ei ther the father

or mother ever i ntended to surrender the custody" of Dorothy

to the Conkl ins i s aga i nst the mani fest wei ght of the evi dence

and i t i s also our opi ni on . that the tri al judge di d not gi ve

preper consi derati on to the best i nterests of Dorothy and

i gnored her Wi shes and feeli ngs i n the matter, althongh. 8ho

was the person whose welfare was most deeply involved i n. this

swam -fix on Dom wl 1mm“em oomfirsrcq rm eqm wwm m m

or?brsxugyz ga sfiLc e spas qegeuqvfi ga uGLe £0 pwne $5 0

bLoc ea Lf8 °

use p ba z ecv vvoes ” Q ILbL G was U 0 ?$ qeebfh THAO IA GQ Tn ppqa

{ gnoz eq paL g rapes t ug LO GITB ED Tu spa mscgeb‘sypponfip ape

bL ObGL ccna* q an , ¢yon go gps re ap IngsLa epa 0 2 Lonopé fi $3 3

suq yc yaa

rse oaL obxvron cusp pre 3 1 1 3 ; image gwg no; egxs

po gwe covxyyua Ia“ 9 9 1U

“$ gve msmr z e ep 0 1 $3 9 e az qencs

C L mogpz m 6 & S L Incsrqsq ro z fi z xawqen sp a st agoqfi fl on Donoppfi

n a e nogT j ua In rue LB C O”

Q "go Ifl f TC fi gv g"

r p eryvex $3 3 Lg $pwm

pe?g Inge z s?ge “fi

g“ ” vye ae pus 1n z gga pvq Loxu

so p yo " napoq i oi .o;o:pk brz smosu: svg afihGL z on ca gax

0 L C I AT TIS G pIOU’pv

~p z ga bu ruauaucs 9 U; ap


nrrj gk pV

tg pa

bLI U?L IIl t han spa pJG oxL 5 7’

s spa z fmrgx T E pus { e quqspyan

LEG ?7 g&m@ ng ergo: o cps +LIS I GO fi L g ne e bLec z csnsq

ez ;fi rz a LQ LG


x r A'nk B1m3 ~ 7 10 f e conqqcz ou


I U hyrcy'

nr swi g rye grmg vb

z sj

gsz pe nmz ;¢ nmo ne fi ve ?e$ge z go $3 3“ou tyxna ’


pegpunu 3“Gun

“ga¢ 3

‘8 ? ryg k c;sxm

‘v 2 jaga 3 2 pac ompeL


cwvs”o 3 rn Logromz nfi 1

"U 3 WL1

‘I: svfirr 06 q aq gpvp £p%

a a auo rj g y awn when p9 1 Ez q wgz an LL UW an W”

L Baye s? Ifl

roofi WO LO $fik pfi pen Home In arse“Ifiq g 3 p6 qy e~

gge ,ony3 ;u e $0 a a yxrb

'3 7 7 5 6 re & gala psz ame


pq pen go fieg $3 6 fism aarofi

fl ue ‘cvyjf n a $1 2 9 5 mofl fn

"have +p6 mourn oz 13 7 3

not be re turned to thorn and from January, 1936, when Dorothy

was turned over to the conklins to be rai sed by them, unti l

Ehrtha Hurtt advi sed Florenc e Conkli n by letter on July 13,

1943 and again. on. dugust 3 , 1943 that she was goi ng to keep

Dorothy, nei ther of Dorothy's parents had ever by letter or

spoken word or by am act of thei rs i ndi cated an intenti on

to retake the chi ld or to assume the sli ghtest burden wi th

reference to her . Eartha Hurtt also admi tted upon the tri al

that she di d not intimate or suggest to Dorothy pri or to

Jane 28, 194 3,“when she took her to Geneva , Ohi o, tha t she

In plainti ffs’ bri ef i t seems to be conceded, in effect

at least, that the evi denoo shows that Dorothy's father did

agree that the Conkl ins should have custody of Dorothy untLl

she fi ni shed her schooli ng but they say that "any not or

representati on"

by harks Hurtt cannot therefore be construed

to pre judi ce the ri ghts of Martha Hm'tt ." As already stated,

the evi dence shows that M artha Hurtt was ei ther a pa rty to

of M arks mu tt corroborati ng thoir testimony and completely

refuting hi s mm testimony and Mrs. Burtt's eonduc t in per

mi tting Dorothy to remain wi th the Conkli ns wi thout objecti on

for more than seven and one half years, i t must be held that

record “to indi oato that ei ther the father or mother over

mam gam ma co L em ” amen cm am azi ng fu rrow w iser-mv

LGLUfi¥Efi yi a fl an $e egzmafifi gwg cov qwep In benn


AIQ ! 0 1 RHG ssacrfi cfi$. ot £fl? donfij zva‘ppe yeggeLa

EDGfi IGQ RB ax Isa Ivfifiw£ wmfi’bfi z baeé *

spa eaxqeuca ayfixs spa; mgl gyx fi fl t gs £ 9 2 axgpeL 9 bangk so

go bL aZfi q;s@ awe axfipga oz fisz gpg'

afi z ¢s*

u V9 qrz eqql egg psq‘

Leyz sasfi ¢q ax p&. naz ga gangs GEHHD $ gpeLsLoxe pe c owapz asq

ape z i nrayeq yak-aspaofzufi pug gpfih agh gps¢ fl

ank g ap 9 3

in brvrucxz z a ; pxz ez z? afi ama £0 96 conceqeq‘13


9 L3 3 0 $

$ anz q no: pa Laxfiawmq £0 3 95 ccvfiIIHS‘

1m 58" wt? m m : em mm; m m to GSU C M ?

"on e

" w aswe

Lemm in g 4» in? m m m m m m am w eg nbon w e mm

Danagpafi nfl q an o; 5 0£ egfih . e hwnawyé psq GA Q L pk Iaigen 9:

m m mm : m u m m amm é (70W pi m u m on fi rm I?

primary and1slgarannount importance .

enti tled to custody of hisforfei t the ri ght by mi sconduct or

If agreement, surrenders

to another, such surrender i s not

but , if a contenti on ari ses in

to such relin ui shnent much wi ll3 and habi ts s the con endingthe reclamati on i s sought wi thin

lapse of ye ars and the ci rcum

stanses of the parti cular ease . All oth r consi derati ons,tea ts the interest and welfare sf

"We do net s s wi th som e]. for appellant thatwi shes of the on account of her tender years andim am jssgment should not be consi dered by the court;

a bri ght, inteili gent l slaves years of age

the per moss welfare s most dse ly i nvolved {nousthe


m and it i t bnt t wat r wi shes and feslingabe consulted , a]. as a matter of csurss, not

necessarily allmmd to prevaii.

provi ded for and hers that the m ister

should not be (11 gsshe ha s been

frem her father ars oldna t i


fgr m ny yem , a tbs he s almos a stranger


if He volnntsri ly gave the custody of hi s daughtereven if thi swasmore from necessi ty thanfacts remain that he has been separated from

and that through hi s procurement, new ti

interests have ari sen, and hi s parental ighsgo

giikgot now outwe i gh all the other we i ghty consi ders


We think that the law as enunci ated in the m case

undu tesk to raiso tho ehild at thsi r m oxpense nnti l m

baefirtvirh «fibffcfipre to :p% 18 0 3? rn'

fifira 6 8 3 5 a parqwnfi‘i t

9 3w


o n q p 9 11 ppe ex ex

¥fl tfinoapa fiaha gnz égm’

pen Asa ppmoxfip p19 5

apfixfi c‘i s“

$0 euogpg xa

ag ev 1; guy? a g e maz e { Lam Base

“a * , uo aornv$sxrrh Se five cannoga 0: FT? qwafipfisz

3 5 3 w a

eeraam Lox mana ,z eg z a‘suq pep pa Ia gymnaie agxgngen $9 ,

azut $ aw? £3 0 kevxz org1; mfi ag pa L Q HGWPG L Q Q


‘£p$ ¢ ape p3 3

pm . am; ms 313 3 ex, pram Emma; m peqnc 9 ¢z on 13 3 0 3 weare z geq

'1p Ea $3 3 3 gyep p Lsxsgaz 13

ugpfi ne 3 9 3 Ia“yfim ag yga 9 1 6 $77 BEO Az qoq Lax suq p3 3

seesawanryk syycnaq ea fiaafigaponjq pa cayeuj gsq

‘g ygponfiy e a 9 magpea oz soa z ae‘megIrz i fifi ez cfi

’awe re fifi fi 3nvz svgspea vug 26 61: $3

pyw bexaov fi poeo aejggxs a ma z e qeebxh IQ I O IAS in spa

$3 a pz rfiufi‘Impsryrfisfi c I eyeA$ fl Reyna o; a a avg 3 3

rmuscfixe jmqfimgnp‘

apoarq nap pa GO U RIqGq pk spa Gafi l£lmz apga a; gp@ egq$g

* ea HGQ é fiH£-

0xwax pguqaz kegz fi gug

“gs ac fl og gaz es fiq'

c omuaer Lo; abbejrgnr gp vg gpg

p0 1 GFTTQ sB IIEG $0 P6 £0 Lona?” YB'PQ K



w e use m umm y so im efi eroqh‘m en m m m m pv fim

Donopm momm y. 9m; Donomxl eye box. qsrnfitrfiox, mtg gpomeiote

0 1 pnuogfil'

gel be ergxon use avg 1 3 armbyz cpap one use

gnpone nebbrneoe one eqfl copron o ne fine pobefi seq gebymegzona


fi;e'gang; nee on: bxzmenzy oomooxuoq b i g; gpe

Lebnj eeq p en L ebeszeq Ledaoega 40 pe Le gatneq'

xo gpe

pox A I II co TIAO In psL benempe . yome‘«pone ape fl ea conrfnn~

one TT AIHE omnufieg'cunfiowI Q j efi z no fnqguga emq combe jyoq egerneg

C oma-

rm 7mm means w e use c om m rem ’pooh; C



ppme epq 0 3 ,3nfinfl memempooq fiILpfi % j Ik abz oogeq Lz om



3 6 1 6 no psae 9 Loamgoeu ke g: eIq 311 3 epo use on gpe

hoone‘pe osmo e ggoopeq Hug-

ge nofieg no spam avg gpeh go HGL'

j raeq A T 3? one qegofi qguga gen mono even eoaefi emq one be };

novel abom p az'

$3 $ 9 2 onyx 3 8 5 3 3 3 1 ppe g <DO L 0 $gk‘FEATfi a

0m m w e we com"

m w e we 6m m: men firm‘Isms m y

psogen nxrpe fl p fixes: pnxn go ppo cpryq euq fixes; born to ope

meLL :n fi eye yebbzws ea 9 g ape opq'

Lo op $1 6 8 oomyq non be

ple a 0 1 Tons enq d z z oegron


ugz ey new} ?map be e eeeL oq aggro“;

Iugsvch pa qegcq nge enq $3 5 0 1 m yon” sveoc z sgrena emu

BLoS fl L emen¢ benmqggoq peL no pe Le z eoq bz ee gz esyjh. goom

o; Doz ogpl so use conz yrne” mg gpeLopl ppL O fl Qp sperm ooh

go ptL ¢fi 2 $fi ql’

geek aoyeneeLrj i oerlndfi z epeq ope onenogk

fie z xa En: g-

qe ecnz peq z g‘yen bebeuge 'moq bop pe eugz gyeq

gycyn pone eons rose xnnpeyong one Te en U JTxe e pexj a‘so

3m re m oce a zfnh whose one mm w t é Ewm if?"

0X pfi n

uoarq pe peggex eenneq In sue covxyrn'

pome on In ope pens

a ffecti on for her, then thi s chi ld should certainly not

be subj ected to Mrs. Burtt's custody.

Dorothy was an i ntelli gent chi ld who had had the

Opportuni ty of evaluati ng both homes and under the law and

the facts and c i rcumstances in evi denc e her understand ing

and consi dered preference to remai n wi th the Conklins was

enti tled to consi derable wei ght . Tha t the tri al Judge

fi rm ed the att i tude and Wi shes of Dorothy i s evi denc ed by

the following excerpt from hi s opini on:“After all, no

matter what she Wan ts, M arks Hurtt and hi s m re have custody

of the chi ld, if they have done all they could , and I beli eve

they have given her and the other chi ldren the best they

could, W ar the c ircumstances. " There i s no questi on in

thi s ce ee as to whether the Burtts di d all they could for the

other chi ldren . M y di d not do anything at all for Dorothy

sinc e she was six years old, when by their own procurement

they had the Conkline take her into thei r home to rai se ,

he we Vi ew the decree of the tri al court , i t regarded

nothing but the stri ct legal ri ght of the parents and di s

carded as immaterial the c i rcumstanc es under whi ch Borotby

was mm into the home of the Conkli ns and kept and cared

for by them since she was si x years old . The tri al judge

fai led to give preper consi derati on to the fa ct tha t all that

here thy knew of heme and fami ly ti es grew up wi th the parental

care bestowed upon her by the conkli ns and he also fai led to

give Draper consi derati on to the atti tude and wi shes of

choi ce between the respe cti ve homes.

Thi s case i s peculi ar and unusual in that Mrs. Bu tt

be best m m i f she i s gi ven her custody. Altheugh Dorothy

19£fi$mffl 13 fi £3 0 klfipr eL -9 . blxen¢ so gye cuesoqk 0g psi operq‘

W e 92 I: 7 8 M t { W ‘W we N ew ? we com e M”m

“c mxcpecenqrnfi eve aeemrsfixx Lrfionees exbaee z z eu e; gee

am m u cm a an we aupsew‘me can : gem ( b

'3M ) we:

go gpe csspoqk e; pas ssnp‘


expex La ea zusnemenene

c fifi e e A3 2 LGBENQ GQ fl I#fl Q II GGSIOU ? Ppg fi £3 0 GHQ Iq 99 1 65 ?q q

ge e jsqfimeng oLgeL 0 2 fine $1 7 5 ; Q O HL$ mes z eeese eq Sue $3 6

c aeqrnfi 3 0 eesnne eve cusgeqa 0 g gpe cpyfq'

In rpwg csee

spa gegpes. epe peg Lemsssz eq {usgxpfl $eq s pepesa eesbse bL O~

spa tuse ssez ae lesse org see In exapgp aseqe a; ecpoor‘gpen


ape cpzrq Lemsrueq exc v pen gsgpsx , e sxegeL fi nery

erases ge Leqae e z gyesg euk qegrnrre WLL emfiee eug es so . pes

ee a spoeg sen Reese q pb L Le gges gssueg pen 0 A6 £ £0 pz a

mocpen qz es Epobgj k capes ye» prb gg sue ppez eez gen apes age

in em 3 33 U I‘‘


‘w e 0 8m m

pe r son BIII w e we com m a"Us 20 Dam esBow en

qz negeq seem go pe z qsefse so “as; ene n‘“ es IQ meLe

’ sq

Inegeeg on canarqexz u t Donogfl h ge Lfi pfi LG M GILLLG ape gape;

pe epenq ape qq q we: qeul msfiz n€ Ig°

ages 3; ebbesxe {pee

exemrfi esrem e a 4 0 eregpe: ape usqe sex? egepemeug go get

meme Besg’

“ apeU'

gz a'3 3 sec ee e Ingexz ofispeq en pen cseeew

negrz . w'

ce q nen'

e byeryss ape a g e H os eozma so re: goz gpek

gvrufi e gen; gems qrxgesefi ; db spans nypp BIII sec j e ebecgyn

m egs w e com m a se e pars Am e am 100 m m were "Tl;

m a" 1m m m uffinsDal-owl so eenm s‘ egress em s

L asersrnfi TH pen oes pume'

on gene 30’Iaeg

‘ge e q e eggs;

eqasvgsge e ea c enexqe z sgxen eyes yes oppeL owq z en meme

spew“ eves ape gi g Be; e fl nx gosoggi pe wees €n1. ee Le

enga ge”Tee} $1 5 9 1 eve peg t egfi eeq so nosvsn Desoggfi go

121113 4343 fl e e“me

'ear-m m oss we confi rm III 13 11 w e

LGO Q IAG sgsefl reeee eve : ewe coerq we; boeeqpyl peee In gps

“ SO“

na tural ri ght of the parent; an other words, although

the parent i smorally and pecuni arlly fi t, i f it appears

reasenably certain, consi dering all fine circumstances,

she was prim ipelly respenei ble for the unpleasant, enhappy

ta Herks Hurtt i t. i s suffi ei ent te say that hi s own letters

reeegni z ed the ri ght sf the Genu ine to the custody er

Dorothy unti l she cm leted her educatien and sale letters

he best served by remai aing in the Canklin heme .

we are M elled be held that the tri al ceurt erreé in

mended be the oustedy of Flerenee B . Conkli n and Nelli e M .

Conkli n and th at: th e cemplai nt of plai nti ffs, Marks Hurtt


psa e In rpern boeae aeron‘

S I] or asyq bL obenpl? su n L Q Lfl B O yo

I: re pre mi se 17:19 t TU w e bon n et! w e : w e w a iv es

cov arareq or pon eopq Q ooqa In a L oomyrfi genes or by L ov a a’

oenpsrn”pofi aopq fl ooqa seq bnobv nrl ep roo pee b e r z ryon syj ofi eq

U G Jm W°

vbbeyj evr‘

abbe y? 11 3W

qe c oseevi

or eye { snare 0 ; goa l 3‘

t agge d“

2 .

turn i t over t o the Admi ni strator of M ary K. Ha ddad , dec eased .

It i s also alleged tha t they have collec t ed , at vari ou s t imes

from. th e tenants of th e roomi ng house , l arge sums of money

to-Wi t , Wh i ch they have i n th ei r p ossessi on , a nd

control , or have embe z z led the same ; th at the same money belongs

to the Estate of M ary K. Ha ddad , dec eased .

A c i tat i on was i ssu ed and the respondents, George M arble

and M ary M arble fi led an answer to the pe t i t i on i n. whi ch they

admi t ted they had i n th ei r possessi on , the household goods des

cr ibed i n the pet i t i on , and admi tted th ey had re fused to deli ver

the same to the pe ti t i on er , bu t d en i ed that the dec eased was the

owner of the property a t the time of her death . They also den i ed

having i n the i r possessi on any money tha t belonged to M ary K.

t dad a t the time of her death .

Upon a hear ing i n the Probate Cou rt , an order was entered

f indi ng the i ssu es for the respondents, and that they di d not

have any property i n the i r possessi on belong i ng t o M ary K. Haddad

at the t ime of her dea th, and at the t ime of the heari ng di d not

have any property belong ing t o her estat e . The Court di smi ssed

the p et i t i on a t the c osts of the pet i t i oner .

The peti t i oner p erfected an appeal to the C i rcu i t Court .

A tri al denovo was ha d i n that Court . The c ause was submi tted

to the Court for determi nati on , whi ch r esult ed i n a simi lar order ,

fi ndi ng tha t the peti t i one r had fa i led to prove tha t the property

described i n th e peti t i on , was an a sset of the estate of the

dec edent at the time of her death . The peti ti on . was di smi ssed .

rug po cps gee prnonfi or mt“

fiance gecqeq‘p o p ern eq eyy bsmu enss

c ongru ne fl a t nu rT T ewe arms or eye qe e cp on rms‘psqqsq

‘ ”

vc conq u

fl eas ne eev hpe v r'pya n ew n a me ’ cr ppe same'an d rpre b rooe qst s

qqaonc eq‘qeme a gxc gsq correc peq e ve t em p LLO B ap e mst oj oe a

moup pc Ta per h ose L -meaa { e q’

DH L IDE roe gyms ap sp pp eh. met e

qmmoa Kr uge r se q usLB g‘q q me t e qz aonc eq sew sp enp Q

qsme a He qqeq epsnreq so coyye er rye seer on pp v a bt e benpl

Iyyrnore°ez ras apz op pyme gen e : nsqqeu

“Tn eq rn cpree fio

s eq fps; H UpI] e c ” e¢ ,me pm 3 33 9


ppel xe e fqeq e ; loofi pon q>


Lenses ape gnp nyp .ne so a s 1sL eye a*

1 p j bo e en e Lmow

are ea z c en e e apoe e see p fl en h y‘gsqqsq errepsse q pp e

pseqeq e r rye fi rms or p ea qespp‘


og ho vel rr'

e p ern bose e , e i em‘ agree e g g per c eq po ma i l 3“

oz ewe bepsrz ee eu £ J 3 $ eye‘

ebbeI J e e e de c on see O p L

apene 1 3 no earsena e mpr peoen eb“ ro en r sarn pp w op eras

po pe jec‘

q efi'

r u , ep ra cont ;


osj i J dn e a pros 0 4 Lee ;Q1eL L on

‘ so ap e e { a e fzneq‘T o

sbbeyysnr pe e no; 2 3 9 1 bye [ 0 amass c a eoog q se ag i pu en i or

sexq enc e O A GL pp e o r ie crgon ew og LQ CI Q I O U GL

“ gs TI g fl £.

gps Cou pe e nrsq i n sqwresyefl {me ssenger se q IL L GI Q A L U Q

I‘awe CO H L; ermeq lU { 7 0 9 4

7 Q z g e re e ves gen spa L e ahonqen;

Eye ennons nerre q show Lou L eneb ssy 8 L $ as pe j j oma


epse eh qsr‘

an ebbes] pe e p eep hmoee cr peg go gym s goe ng°

tha t he r e c e i ved , over to M rs. Hadda d . Th e payme nts were

mmi led. to James Haddad i n Chi c ago, and. he i n retu rn , ( so he

c la i ms, ) sent the money back to Rockford to M rs. Haddad . The

evi denc e further shows tha t h e c onti nu ed to c ollec t from. the

M arbles after M rs, Haddad d i ed, and so cont i nu ed for several

years after th e admi ni strator had b een appoi nted i n M ary

Haddad's estat e .

On September 2 6 , 193 9 , James Haddad ent ered i nto a

wr i tten agreement whereby he confi rmed a v erbal di scu ssi on i n

reference to the sale of thi s property to th e M arbles, th e sale

pri ce be i ng By the t erms of the sale , a fter payi ng

all b i lls su ch as ren t , li ght , he at and water , all of th e re

ma i ni ng i ncome from. the property was to be p a i d to James Haddad .

In. no event th e payments should. b e less than per month .

The M arbles pa i d vari ou s amounts unt i l Nov . 15 , 1941 , Wh en. M r .

George M arble wrote to M r . Ha ddad i n Chi c ago, i nformi ng hi m.

th at th e purch ase pri c e on the c ontract h ad be en. r edu c ed unt i l

there was only plus, du e on the c on trac t ; tha t he Wi sh ed

to make thi s fi nal payment i n person , and get the bi ll of sale

tha t was promi sed hi m. for the g oods.

On Nov . 18 , 19 41 , M r . Ha ddad wrot e th e M arbles a ck

nowledgi ng the rec ei pt of the letter of th e 1sth , bu t a dvi sed

the M arbles th at hi s attorney i nsi sted tha t th ere never was a

sale , a nd tha t the letter i n . the M arble's possessi on i s not a

bi ll of sa le , and tha t h e would b e i n Roc kford wi th i n a sh ort

” we N W so w e Igu anas m ussel on av e arm less

pry} o; as1e‘

enq bps: pa hours pe In goc O L g mxrpIu a sp ot

HEI G‘e rg apes ppe yepne t In fps me i pye . a Loe ae o ayou Ia mo p q

cps qsnpj e a rp np JIG sgpaenei z rsz speq cps; sp ans r eA eL a ss a

vw i eqfivu‘d w e L e c crhe C L w e 1431123 9 1 oz. 4211 0 Iaw

m p seam s

on new It“Id fl


we z1q v w ow w e Pig -B PIG B sow

apesn ew bLG”

T E G"rr n


got spa Con qe’

$0 r age tyre Lyme; helmeu r z : est eem”

J L q a s; {ye pyyj 0 g i € j €

ppe t e M 3 3 onj i gaj’

gu D j fi ?’

gr e on rye c ou gh sc nl spar po ag ap eq

np sp Lp e b e t rpsc e bn z oe c h rp e t O D P L g C $ p e g poem n eqe c eq n: f . j

In no ea sy; rye tshn eu ga at omi c h e we es hp :h hen mp hmz‘

msj u vn Tween : Li am pho th oi e i pl se a as b erg so qgwos q qsq*

sf] p z fj a one; as L 4 H Jaye“p e e p s" ? a rr et

’er; 0 ; ap e ne ~

i t xc e pegsfi 3 3one noxn ( c g ge e e

‘ e gpen oslynfi

L ease snc e ‘v rye sale or pegs on ch e t rm 20 pp e me t p j oeipp e esj e

nL rppeU sensel ess apesspl :e v a enpsj wr ac fi ssror yr

HV Q Q S Q aS G fi fifi fie‘

le ans egret pp e e qmrmv a ct sp on peg p oem scbO Txgsq T D pa il

gst pyos egret rn e*

fl sq q o req’

a so courqnn e q LO L gener a }

enrqenc e Lnnppe i epoms ppsr p e c oe rzsq eq re C O IIG C E grow pee

oj aymei

) sens tne a omel pe ox ,o Boc pponq no g t :




meyj e q go games Haqqsq rs cps-c am)

t seq p a In Legfi hw'(so n o

spa r- se L Q G Q IA GG’

one s so hma‘q qsq

'rmp 9 bsfime npe .a ei e

Th e Judge of th e Probate Court , and the Judg e of the

C ir cui t Cour t saw an d he ard th e Wi tnesses t est i fy i n thi s c ase ,

an d they were i n a much bett er posi t i on to t est the c redi bi li ty

of these Wi tnesses tha n a Cour t of revi ew. The law h as c ommi tt ed

to the tri a l ju dg e , Wh ere a c ause i s tri ed by the court wi thou t

a jury, th e determi nat i on of the c redi bi li ty of the wi tnesses

and of the wei ght to b e a c corde d to the i r testimony, and where

the evi den ce i s merely c onfli ct ing the Appellate Court wi ll not

subst i tute i ts judgment for tha t of the tri al court .

From a revi ew of th e evi denc e i n t h i s c ase , it i s our

c onc lusi on that the p et i ti oner fa i l ed to prove by th e greater

we i ght of the evi denc e , that th e estat e was en ti tled to the

property i n qu esti on. Th e order d i smi ssi ng the pet i t i on of

appellant is affi rmed .

Affirmed .

such does not c onst i tut e a c t i onable negl i genc e . Appe llant further

e nds that th e v erdi ct i s mani festly aga i nst th e we i ght of the ev i denc e .

Pla i nt i ff R i chcreek t est i fi ed th at th e br i ck si dewa lk upon whi ch

alked to th e plac e where h e fell was smooth , and about the same as con

t e; that,when h e c ame t o the pla c e of th e hole whi ch wa s a bout 5 i nches

p and i z ftot lé i nches wi de,

all at onc e h i s foot stepped , sli ppe d or

t i nt o a hole or caught on an obstruc t i on th ere; and that he fe ll for

rd ,breaki ng hi s leg; that h e lay th ere unable to ar i se for about fi ve

nut es.

He wa s pi cked up by thre e men h e c a lled , and was c arr i ed on th

ck 0 5 one of them a cross the street .He st a t e d there was a sli ght sk i ft

snow on the ground; that he had no knowledge of th e d e pressi on or hole ; and

at he saw the plac e later when th ere was no snow .

A wi tness who had pa ssed over thi s walk for many years li kewi se

scr i bed the c ondi t i on . He sa i d that a cross thi s wa lk were two deep

a cks where th e br i cks were pressed down i nt o rut s bec ause of vehi c le s

i ng been dr i v en ov er th e wa lk . He sa i d tha t on the west si de or

treat si de of th e wa lk ,the depressi ons were f i ve t o si x i nche s deep and

welve to fourt een i nches wi de ,tap eri ng to th e e ast si de of th e wa lk ,

hat the begi nni ng or de ep part of the north rut was ab out a foot from a

tree,wh i ch was the loc at i on of the pla i nt i ff

's fall .

‘h i s wi tness

t est i fi ed that he saw the pla c e shortly a ft er the a c c i dent ; tha t th i s walk

had be en c leared of snow; th a t th ere probably wa s a li t t le i c e and snow

th ere bu t he di d not know how much . another wi tness who li ved c lose by sa i d

that th e depressi ons had been made bec ause of loaded c oa l tru cks from the

str e et c rossi ng the walk to th e se at , a nd that there were ruts wh i ch

led t o the tre e .

For the defe ndant,

a poli ce off i c er t est i f i ed that the pla c e was

smooth ,that the defect was c ov ered Wi th i c e and snow . A number of off i c ers

of the c i ty t e st i fi ed . One t e st i f i ed th a t he di dn't not i c e or obse rve any

holes or ruts i n the si dewa lk exc ept that h e not i c ed a l i t t le hump over

the roots of a tree . Another poli c e off i c er sa i d he d i dn't not i c e l aey

any depressi on or any rut s i n the si dewalk . St i ll another wi tness t e st i

f i ed that the f ollowi ng day the r e were ashes th ere, and tn~ t the heles we re

cps; cps { cryonxna gel spaL e n eLe a spen gpsL e'

e n; cp~ n cps paye e n o ne

ebne eexen on awl Lug e In rp e erqeni‘

e U O pp e L arguses cesar

ooge o; s gL ee°

VU O £He L borrcs ogi reen sarq we qxqu , 3 uoé rge" Efi i

0 L L uge In ewe erqensfx e i c ebc n g we nonrc eq e Iyggye womb ones

6 cxpl'

g e eprgxeq°

one p e efirg z eq £N ¥ £ pe qrgu . 3 c op i es on cp e e nne sc i

p'pp e g cps qsre cc ne e e oa eneq e ra; roe suq swam

e nempen o; O LLIG GL B

hon rye qege nqsug‘

e boyxc e oi gz css se ep i g i e q ppeg ape b j e c a se e

c cps cL se‘

p answered ppe n ary so pp e e ‘ ag'suq Sfi fi t spans sens L e gs aprop

cps qebneseron a p e q pe eu megs pec en ee 0 L yoeqeq c osy annexeLk um gp e

pe g he qr; U 0 : fi nes p ea wa cp’

fiU O fip e L a rgu e e a ap e IIh S ; c yc e e p i ee z q

se c c yssne q 0 L enc n’

pee p sp o t s bL op epyk me s s yrppye I c e seq ec on

Lrsq sp ec pe se n cps bye C e eponayl sag sn ap e sc c z gewpl p ug ppre sexy

spree se e the Ioc ecrou 0 L are brusucrtx. a Le fr'

,p:e e rsww ee

pp e p earssrua c s qse b D eng or spa wongp nap ass seen; a goon ra c e 3

e no reassess Incpc e srqs‘

4“shan ghai £ 0 fp s se e; arqe or gp e ssyw'

c axis or eye a syw‘ap e qebt sesrone meL e Li ne no e z x { h opes ge es e s;

s pe ew q a sw O A S L gpe mi‘

He ee l ; spar on ape n e ar J i gs O i

aspans ap e parses meL e bse eeeq j O fi U Ing e L fi p a psc ssae o; asprc Ie s

Ipeq rye c oa c I O U°

He esf g ppsg sonoa e gpqe wa ry me L e pnc eeb£54

v si nuses npo pe g b e seeq OA c L gyye seyg Lon maul l e ans Irwea ree

we sea cps bra c e Tene t sp ew Q S b L e se e no se cs'

on on rye enossq ! sp ar ye pu q no wh oa ye gfi e or spa gsoL o e e z op 0 L pe ye‘ swg

on one oz spew sonc e e ap e sgne er'

Heag ape q gust s se e a arrays EKIlfl


We se e browe g sh pl a e s e sp p e osj req

‘as; se e c esa re q c u gp e

pneewfufi pqe yea! ap e; we yak sp ans c owpye no o L I B b gen ep osg LIA b

were a poj e DL cendpg on an O p ernnoz rou gne i st se q cp e y p a LG II LQ L

erg ys, ac h ye Inches arqe‘eyy er owes p i e Loos ege e b e q

‘eggbheq on

gpsg'apeu p a c ame g o ap e bra c e o; gp e pore sprcp se e e p ong Q Iuopsa

Iraq 3 0 rye bj t c e spans na 16 3 ] se e smoocp'an; epong gfi v sews e s


bre rvz rtt srcwcL eex C e d+TLI8 q fines cps ek rcr arqsmsix shew spi cy

uqe apes ap e a enqycc re seuILesgjl st ern er cps nsrfip g o; ap e earqence’

eucp goes soc c ouegrgnre sexyowsp j e wefi j rdescs'wobeyywun LfiL gfl GL

I ‘g :

A h a?“

ye euq sexy] nemewua In pp e Isfi'srcpc ae sx sa i i e t sq

pa annexe

Ge e erg 9 c ase ne t s bra c eq on eye pi og eu msmpeL

q IeE In byssa‘

He ass In a posbygsy In 50 0 3 Isysuq

asse t s] sense s se a s Juse i re ; 3 0 p er} rye nat i ons

3 apvep fi e psq LGL LO L M b I pu LQ L S rps i nlni l use L eoerasq‘


5 10 0 6 cpsk f s pe e nap pe o u spfs Lo bsa i onm cp s yeenh

earneq Lon seseu sesg e ‘u s fio deu a c t g i ufi s cseqq

sp , s j o t ne e stays gn e e psg‘

sysi srsq e rg s n z b ca se use

a earn pt og o er ppys bogus osn i sea so; ha s ass qre~

8 go sexy Lon i p t ss qsls’

a fine r sb c sg t eq an ap e

s a aq a b e'

ayi s lurp s t g i si c e c e fgsur be sapsmopeq

was ps4 p esn a s pyr p e a “egg d'ug o ke en nb 3 0 i ri s wunrp e

ye a n i rebnreq 2 anymosi sp ams cssi £9 0 rs U£ILL ass

ougeu ge 5px cp s A e L JJG Q or pps lea k vnq Enqdmsnr rs

EU O M e u q Ta o p p c 10 10 In c emsrufi so ru ini l‘

c artons on s sayz'

e g g fip o k b was e yso be bL e aesp

89 III sas'

v fs var Lp e met as Irepri reh

eves Isl me g o non p s j rsi e pu s lnnl ,s go renmru e pyc n

ap e enun quc o oi ap e inL l so ge i o nm 3 U s sp a t e ap e bL G

ergomsj g on rye ge n e 0 ; eye s3 1s 1€e q O C C U u o U O B'

U p e pu I; 0 1 eye e eoo j yse :u; { us a bb ey}sU g besi e z urug

a t 6 ba g on e rro nmsn ;e’

on mp spp sn pp o L e h as so?

awl L YLo L sues L'

II gp o wisp; e i rsL i ps soc?

mo go non L3 0 4 rs cp s L G G O Lq ssh gssrfmonm

pa i n ,and at th e t ime of the tr i a l , three an d a h alf ye ars lat er


leg wa s st i ll c ausi ng h i m trouble . The hospi ta l and doc tor b i lls

Instru ct i on No . 2 g i ven on behalf of the pla i nt i ff , adv i sed the

tha t the law r e qu i red the c i ty t o use rea sonable c are to keep the

li e si d ewa lk at the pla te i n qu est i n i n a r easonably sa fe cond i t i on

the sa fety of persons passi ng ove th e same . The appellant c la i ms that

abstract i nstruct i on i s mi sleadi ng , and that the g i v i ng of i t i s r é

si ble error . Defendant i n i t s i nstru ct i on s No . 15 and No . 14 t endered

gi ven adv i sed th e Jury of th e same duty. Instnuct i on No . 2 Wa s not a

actory i nstru ct i on . The Jury wa s v ery fu lly i nstru c t ed i n th i s c ase .

truct i ons ar e to be res s a seri es.Where a defendant i n i ts t endered

truct i on asks the Jury to b e i nstru c t ed i n a li k e manner as i n an i n

not i on gi ven for pla i nt i ff , su ch defendant c annot c ompla i n of pla i nt i ff's

truct i ons. ggggg vs gi anderfer , 296 Illfipp . l49 , M c Inturff vs The

248 Ill . 9 2 , 9 9 .

Appellant cont ends that th e tri a l c ourt err ed . i n not grant i ng a

tri a l becau se i t was d i scovered aft er the v e rdi c t that one of th e Jurors

d been c onvi ct ed of grand larc eny and had not been r e stored to h i s lega l


Th i s fa c t wa s not known t o defendant's attorney unt i l two days

t er the verdi ct wa s returned .Th e rec ord does not show any qu e st i ons

re propounded to th i s or any Juror on the voi r di re There i s no c ont ent i on

at th i s Juror was asked c onc ern i ng such and m fa lse answers to i nt er

gat i ves. Appellant c ont ends tha t under Sect i on 7 ,Di v i si on II of the

i mi nal Code of Illi noi s, su ch conv i c t ed p erson was th ereby rendered i ncap

le of servi ng a s a Juror . Appellant c i t es and quot es numerous c a ses of

cre i gh Jur i sdi ct i on some of wh i ch so hold and some of whi ch hold c ontrary

0 the rul i ng of th e courts of appe al of Ill i noi s.

Appellant contends that by v i rtu e of the Common Law th i s

uror wa s subJe c t to challenge by prop t er de l i ctum on a c count of cr i mi nal i ty,

d that wheth er att empt Was made on the ggig di re to le arn of su ch c onv i c

cm i s not mat er i al ,but th at su ch fa c t aft erwards di sc overed demands


lee c i t es many c ases from f ore i gn Jur i sd i ct i ons holdi ng to

fibbe frse c rass nev i c e ase LL Om .L O L Q IEU ini rsqrocrous porqrufi co

1 i 0u nk n—p

np é gp eL scasmbg ass megs on cps h orn grL e



jssxu O L ssop c ona to

vbbeyyeuc consa a sp ec pk A ILpne or cps Common pen gn j e'gyve


nyz nfi‘or

‘cps oa cs 0 ; shoes} 0 ; i xucxa


BGLA fUfi as a Uni on'


Vbbsj j snp orgse suq de c re e c oma t ose ce ase or

ag e or Ij rruofs’

enop cdunrogsg bd O U Ase pre s ag a s qsxsq‘

j ucab

ebbsyj enr c ougeuq e pyap angst ge cpron g‘Dy

a xarou II or are

a int o ; ass seyeq acnc eL u i ua cncp emq

bnob a nuqeg £ 0 pure 0 L sum QH L O L on rye A O IL

pa yee susmeL s go rngei

v fi b n fi 7 8 m0 couneuprou

cps A SL Q XCr as? L erni c b g'

Lye L e c on g goes so; spoa sc i dne e i youe

9 b ” C O U fi Ib’

q t.

i prs Le er se e use swans so qegerqsu; . e ergc nvsh fl urry é a c gels

sq 0 g aneuq Tsnosul o n ; psq no: pssu L e ssons; so Nye fags;V 1 v 4

s; p ecanse I:

s e e qrsooa e i sq S n L cps A u L gIC £ up r one or sp a jnaob s

gbbe TTE D r G unneu ie rbwr ap e pL Isy c oni c eni eg In wag fir e ugrug's

arse s Lon brasserrr° se ep det e n gssp c ause ; c ombysi u or bysfmrrfii , s

you sag e ppe jnnl 3 0 pe ru egnn c yeq In s j IKe mscsen as In as In"

Iowa ens go p e L e

58 8 seare e lip


b i k e ‘c

l Jusrnsc gyot'

qere uq r TU The gevqeue r

gp e le i s m A s i t gn j yi Ta d -L fi c g e q In rp z s ese e’

en sqa re e q ap e final or gps same a i ‘{ U s i nsog gou p c

6 G LL O L’

Dere ngsnr In Ire TU RQ u fi C Q I J U B A )

s e no; a

TE S U Q M" Iv Pa UQ v q

pL S C fi In s , a 3 1on i s mi s j e aqrna ° sue fip rye Q i a rwa a t yr T R L a


seracx c g be neou e be esi re cp s e a rs

e fl’

gp e a bbsyysng C IS TWS rung

c e z q s a eyx er rpe‘b j see In dn e a « y U TU e L e seoU e pyl su re u q n O U

cps;Ec ysr. h saa sq ppe c yst 3 1 see L e e J p j e c ans no xssb ape

{gei a pfc u mo‘8 si xes on p e psyi a

t sp a bysra LL’ sqa raeq fifl b

a errj f 0 sn e1u€“

p rw pn cnpj e'

bp s p a eorrey a qoc pc i pIyIs

Bsz u'

av g s; cps pres o; gp b gL rey’

Lfi L 6 v a n ; a pay; i e sL s Ir p'

r had be en c onv i cted of a mi sdeanor or felony. N e i th er the dp fedant

i s a ttorney knew of the i nd i c tment unt i l the Jury ha d r eturne l a v er

of murder .That court sa i d ,

“Th e rule 1 8 str i ngent tha t a defe ndant,

ha s not i nt errogated as t o qu a li f i c at i on of Jurors,c annot t ake ad

age of knowledge learned a ft er verdi c t .

In Egg; vs. Lehlba ck,40 L . Ed . 4 3 2 , 160 U . 8 . 29 3

,the fa c t

a Juror was an a l i en wa s not l earn e d unt i l a ft er th e v erdi c t .Th i s

due to the ne gli genc e of th e defendant's attorney i n not so le arn i ng .

wa s there c la i med ,a s c la i med h e re ,

that the Common Law r i gh t of tr i al

Jury had be en v i olated i nvolv i ng i nfra c ti on of the Conslt i tut i on . The

rt held to the contrary and refu sed t o rev e rse the Ju dgme nt . In th e

1 c ase,the c ourt ap proved th e c ase of Egggg vs

i he scop i e ,4o 111 .


supra ,

and poi nt ed out th at i t had ov erruled earli er Illi noi s dec i si ons.

e abov e requ i rement s ar e r e c i ted i n many ca se s wh i ch ar e quoted and c i ted

gtatg vs Pi ckett ,by th e Supr eme Court of Iowa ,

7 5 N .W

. 5 46 , 5 4 7 .

Si nc e appellant ha s not shown by the record that i t mode a ny

t empt upon exami nat i on of t ender ed Jurors for exami na t i on ,to learn

he qua l i f i c at i on of thi s juror , i t c a nnot now c ompla i n be cause of such

at er a cqu i red knowledge .To hold oth erwi se wou ld be an i ndu c ement to

i t i gants to refra i n from det ermi n i ng qu a li f i cat i ons of Jurors unt i l a

party mi ght fi rst fi nd how a Jury had dec i ded the i ssu es.

Fi ndi ng no error i n th i s record ,th e Judgment of the Ci rcu i t

Court shou ld and a c cordi ngly i s hereby a ffi rmed .



g ap onfq os'sag soc c i jych]? Is p a nesl


LLIs q

gruqrua no GL L O L T U ryqs L e coh g‘Lye Qfi gfiweug or sp a Sy


bl wrap: LIL B£ T i ng pow a in i l p -q Jscrqsg lye { esne e'

ffiasnpa go L e gh a ru LL JW gu i e h mi u fma dnst ycsrycu e or ju i c h a fl i rt y

got scdnxh eq KU O M q fi h ' $0 c q c pp eh h raa t ony: p a an Isqe c t mah p ro

d asyygrosrz ou 0 L gpya jo i c i‘7 3 c ~ o r U G M c omoTsIu osc e c aa or soap

garb; nbon exawTUscrsu a; £ 6 b q&k c 3i nh c h s re l sxsmrh srz u o go j e

e L U


hrrc e abbo j j au: yes no: sporu pi rye second { ve g yr mags awl

acece A 8 brorerc‘pl cps anc e e Ge ese O L 10 ' or e




spans L ec fl yh smo U¢ a sh e s e c rpeq In mash ca se s apxcp si c doorsq sa g crrsq

wfl bL fi

'avg boyure q our awe; Ir p e g oa sL L nIag 6 8 L II b L IIJIU G I Q gearsi oue


I csae‘spa c och r FbDL O A eq ap e case 0 3 a s

rpe g e ob j e

so III’

paj q go rps cospa sh i sq L J LH E Q Z po L e a eL as cps lfi q%me fi g‘

In 3p »

finLl psq paau A JO Isrsg Ind ) j aru é IuLLsspz ow or rye Cousxrrgn gJJ U'


use gbexa cysrasq'

a s c ys4maq p ah e°

gp ar rps Cosmos pea L ydp c 0 L ga z e }

qfl s co rho U e dj yfiasoe o; gp b qe i auqanp ,s 8 g£ OL U bl Is mop so j e eh u z ufi

a 3aL O L she an ari as ass a ) : I e z h u e q fi ner; ergo; rp a a e h qz eg'

é pre

z u'

ififi?A a"


so r aq'sss

'rec o

'e'ses'are Lee:

69 or xuoh ysqfi a Isa i u eq sgpah A GL Q I G Q'“

pe a se c Inpah i ofiageq as go j fi E TILIG Q LTu U c g inh oxs'

csuucr regs sq

015 1111361 :


mpsc c onh p eaxq‘

"Lye Lays rs saxrudsur gpsg a ge i euqsuc'

$2 algbL uei sees or spa TuqraxmsUg fl urry pus joh i peg L e gnt usq a h az e

0 L peg pee p gouaycgaq o; a mysqeanon 0L La j osi'

M exrpom cps qsi eqsuc

appellees fi led th ei r separate moti ons to di smi ss th e complai nt

on the ground that th e a llegat i ons fa i l to state facts suff i c i ent

to enti tle the pla inti ffs to rel i ef ,but are vague , unc ertai n ,

i ndef i ni te , and contai n “Ac onclusi ons.

On M ay 6 , 1944 , the tri al c ourt e nt ered. the followi ng


“The moti ons of the d efendants to di smi ss thi s c ause

are called up for heari ng i n pursuanc e of the previ ous order of

th i s court but no one appears for th e pla i nti ffs, and the court si ts

and hears sai d mot i ons and bei ng new fully sati sfi ed i n the

premises i t is ordered. hy the court that sa i d moti ons be and are

now a llowed , and tha t thi s cause be and i s now di smissed at plai nt iffs! costs.


No not i c e of appeal from. the or der was f i led wi t hi n

the statutory ni nety days, and i n apt ti me ,a peti t i on fo r'le ave

to appea l was fi led i n the Supreme Court , but no freehold bei ng

i nvolved , the cause was transferred to th i s c ourt . ( M cGovern v .

M cGovern , 3 90 Ill . The pet it i on was grant ed by thi s court ,

and not i c e of appea l was fi le d on June 25 , 194 5 .

It i s i nsi sted by appelle es that the order Of M ay 6,

1944 is n ot a fi nal appealable order . It is well settled that an

order wh i ch merely di smi sses a complai nt ,or di smi sses a complai nt

at the plai nti ff's costs, is not a fi nal appealsble O rder , and

that to be fi nal , an order should a dJudge tha t the plai nti ff take

nothi ng by th e uri t and that the defendant go henc e wi thout day,

or words Of equi valent meani ng . ( Chi cago Portra i t CO . v . Chi cago

Crayon CO . , 217 111 . 200 ; Boa rd of Educat i on, v u

B Oa rd of Educ at i on ,

3 01 Ill . App . 228 , 229 Prange v . C ity Of Mari on , 29 7 Ill . App .

A general defi ni ti on of a fi nal and appealable

Judgment or decree i s found i n M cDonald v .

Walsh , 3 67 Ill . 5 29 ,

5 3 3 ,where the court sai d : "A Judgment or decree is f i nal and re

vi ewable when i t t ermi na tes the li ti gati on on the meri ts of the

ease and determi nes the r ights Of the p arti es. ( C i ting c ases. )

An order has the essenti alv f fi nali ty when , if affi rmed , the

an order i t i s mani festly equ i val ent th ereto . There was nothi ng

further to be done , and i f the order be affi rmed , the c ourt would

have only to proc eed wi th . i t s execut i on i n enforc i ng the payment

of the c osts. The or der i s a fi nal and. app ealable order .

The remai ni ng questi ons a re whe ther the alldgati ons of

the compla i nt suff i c i ent ly cha rge mental i nc apac i ty of the testator ,

and undue i nfluenc e . The al legat i ons as to me ntal i ncapac i ty are

as follows:

”That the sai d.James w. M cGovern, at the t ime of the




ifigc ontrary was i n hisdotage ,

was suff ering fram uremia and otherdiseases, and his mi nd and memory were so impa i red as to render himwhhdly i ncapable of mak i ng any Just and. pr oper di stri but i on of hi s

estate .“

The law assumes tha t all adults are of sound mi nd unt i l

the contrary i s proven . ( Grosh v . Acom, 3 25 111 . 47 4 ,M ere

eccentri c i ty does not consti tute unsoundness of mi nd . Age , si ckness

or debi li ty of the body does not a ffect c apac ity to make a wi ll i f

the t estator has suffi c i ent i nt ell i gence remai ni ng to make a wi ll .

( Hoski nson v . Lovelette , 3 65 Ill . 21 , The fact that certa i n

relatives are exc luded without any reason the refdr , or because of

preJudi ce , do es not i ndi cate want of mental capae ity, if such does

not amount to an i nsane delusi on . ( Q uathamer v . Sehoon , 3 7 0 Ill .

606 , But the law requi r es a t estator to know wha t he is doi ng ,

what prope rty he has, who ar e the natural obJe cts of hi s bounty,

what di spesi ti on he wants to make of hi s property, and t o be c apable

of understand i ng the nature and eff ect of executi ng hi s wi ll .

( Hoski nson v . Lovelette , 3 65 Ill . 21 ; Anli cker v . Brethorst , 3 29 Ill .

11 ,

In th e Anli cker c ase the tri al court refused an i nstruc ti on

offered by the cont estants on the que st i on of mental i nc apac i ty by

reason at i nsane delusi ons . The preponents contended that the

act i on. cf the court was Just i fi e d on the ground th at the bi ll fi led

contai ned no a llegati on to th at effect . Overrul i ng t he cont ent i on ,

of death by reason of some ma li gnant di sease , the exa ct na ture

or Wh i ch. was unknown to the c ompla i nant and hi s mi nd and memory

were so i mpai red as t o render hi m wholly i ncapable of maki ng any

Just and preper di stri buti on of h is estate . The a llegat i ons were

simi lar to those i n the instant complai nt exc ep t that i n the

Di etsel c ase i t was alleged that the t estator was at the p oi nt

of death by reason of some ma li gnant di sease , the exa ct na ture

of whi ch was unknown to the p leader ,and the re was no allegati on

that the testator was i n hi s dotage . The court i n it s Op in i on

quoted the f i rst part of the heldi ng i n the Ameri can Bi ble Soci ety

case , supra , but omi t ted the last sentenc e and held that th ere was

no suff i ci ent allegati on i n the b i ll tha t the purport ed wi ll was

the produc t of an unsound mi nd and memory. We are unable to agree

wi th tha t holdi ng . The a llegati on as to ment al i ncapac i ty, i n the

instant case , sp ec if i cally cha rges that James W. M cGovern ,“at the

ti me of the signing of sa i d instrument was not of sound mi nd

and memory, but on the contrary hi s mi nd and memory were so

impai red as to render hi m Wholly i ncapable of making any J ust and

proper di stri but i on of his estate ." Thi s relates spe c i f i c ally to

distri buti on of hi s estate by the purport ed wi ll , and in our Op i ni on

is a. cha rge of mental i ncapaci ty to make a wi ll .

Begi nni ng i n 1874 ,wi th. Puterbaugh

's Pl eadi ng and Pract i ce ,

Chancery , substant ial ly the same form of a llegati on of ment al i n

capac i ty has appeared i n that and si mi lar works by Branson , wermuth ,

and Edmunds, and have been consi dered by the'

bar as authori tati ve ,

and generally used .

In the work on Pleadi ng a nd Prac ti c e under the Ill i noi s

Ci t i l Practi c e Ac t , by Palmer D . Edmunds, former Commi ssi oner of our

Supreme Court , Vol . 5 , ( 1940 Cum . Pocket Supp . page the Ame ri can

Bi ble Soc i ety case , supra , and the Andli c ker case ,supra , are quot ed ,

and i n di scussing the Di et z el c ase , i t is said ; ”The Di et z el case

appears to be an unwarrant ed. departure from th e ruli ng lai d down

ebbssna 420 9 6 an sen tim ent sq qsbsnnnne 1m m cps w ri st? IW Q’ (ma n


sosea yna g ee Dresser osee ‘we re e erq : n a greets} se as

greys acc tsgl cse e‘snbne ‘se q ppe vuqyroxen cass


‘e ns dsoceq

nahLems ooams‘Acy


( Iasg . gsm beep ero nhb ° beds ans vmsnresu

014 7 7 n cnrc s vcc’

pi beymen D‘

gqmsuqa‘Lemman gommtset onsa 01 can

In aye song on brea qrva'sng


bnsc gyc e er ase fps gjyz note

a Renensyyl ne eq

avg Eqmnnqe‘eug pe as pest consrgemeq pi {p a p en as espp onycssxa e

ssrscu l pe e w h en s-sq In {ne w aw arm ye a sau te pi exc esse s gam es?

cpsuoenl’si pspa ucxsj j l pp : C fi i a gone 0 ; a j j e

fe pf on c g

‘GU gh;

RSES fl U IUR I n n a’a t es b age sosu

fip ,e nyesqz nt ans bL 9 0 £ IG G

Is a epszfi h oi manner ru se soysl so were a az j j°

qrscnspnnz on on pya e a te rs pi Que hnnhon t eg sy1y

‘seq fr c an obreyon

bnoben qrscnrpnr;on u; pi e eagsp e'h my} ? L eya gee she ofpyc eyyi so

rmbsrt sq as to sesg e m pry ap c j j l Inesbspge oz mea ts? un i te en seq

erg memonh‘pan on ru e c ovenant fi gs stag st g memoni sa ne so

a ss one on sc ene synq

{serene csse‘shesynrssj g i ove rse e

ru t p games a neea aenn

‘g en gee

mi sp'

nna c pc xna ago c ryst erz cn a s to moses} z ueensoypi Tn an;

fps bnoqncn or on unc ca si ng and assent “ " a ans a ne pj e so canes

no eni grcys*

p syysfisgyon yr pp : pry; apes ens hnxhongeq nf j j ass



per umrg i eq see 3 9 0 0 searene e se q pejg pps p Lp ene a ss

dnoheq rue T I L E ; hang or e”

e porc i ne i n sp a emenrc e e 3 3 9 3 9 d ecrees

spas cps sesysroi fl d fl fr vi e qoge fie gpe c on es I H zse c o rugon

0L a pron mes arsscnn £ 3 cps syc . q e n‘

s eq goo se see no sj j essp:cx

o; gesap pl season 0 ; C u mu usj yamenn qre esee‘ape exe cs sense s

Drap es; c ase j g h as rj j eae q ffir f cps neese pon ass an ape b orne

sgmfjsn yo apnea yn ge e IUB fi c Ufi c cmhj arme exeehn In ppe

leer seq bncben gre etyaneyou 01 pt

s esz eee‘

gee a j j ogesyvua meme

oz qesrp pl L esson on some me yyt xsus qta exr e

‘i ge exe c; ve gans

If tha t be true , she would be hi s next of k i n , to the exclusi on

of the plai nti ffs, but th e allegat i ons of the complai nt , admi tt ed to

be true by the moti on to stri ke , exc lude h er as hi s n ext of ki n .

In Pollock v . hollock , 5 28 111 . 17 9 , 186 , rel i ed upon by

appellees, the ru le as to th at c onsti tutes undue i nfluence i s sta ted

as follows: "Undue i nflu enc e whi ch wi ll i nva li da te a wi ll must be of

such a character as to depr iv e the t estator of fre e a gency . It must

be such as to destroy the freedom of the t estator's purpose and

render the i nstrument more th e wi ll of an other th an hi s own . Such

i nfluenc e must be di rectly conne cted wi th the executi on of the

i nstrument and Operate a t the ti me it i s made , produc i ng a perversi on

the t estator's mi nd , and i t must be a sp eci esof fraud . Advi c e or

persuasi on wi ll not vi ti at e a wi ll freely and understand i ngly made .

‘Phe i nfluenc e resulti ng f rom love and affect i on , wh ich doe s not seek

to control the wi ll of tin t estator , is not undue i nfluence ."

In Ryan v . Deneen , 3 7 5 I11 . 45 2 , al so re l i ed upon by

appellees, the wi ll of Ka theri ne Ryan left her pr operty to he r

brother, Matthew D . Ryan, wi th a provi si on that i f he predec eased

her, one ha lf was to go to M ary D . Deneen , a ni e ce ,absolut ely, and

the other half i n trust for the bene fi t of her brother , M atthew R .

Gregory, wi th a provi si on for remai nder over to M ary D . Denee n , i n

case he di e d be fore the testatri x . Both M atthew D . Ryan and M atthew

R . Gregory predeceased the t estatri x and M ary D . Deneen t ook the

whole estat e under th e wi ll . The allegat i on as to undue i nfluenc e

on the part of M ary D . Deneen were si mi lar to those of pa ragraph 8

of the compla i nt i n th e c ase at bar , exc ept that the word “arts”

was used i n pla ce of the wor d “acts." As to undue i nfluenc e on the

part of Matthew D . Ryan , i t was alleged that he threatened the

decedent by tell i ng h er tha t unless she made a wi l l le avi ng every.

thi ng to him, wi th rema inder ov er a s above menti oned, he would leave

nothi ng to her ; tha t she was of meal: and humble cha ra cter ami c on

trolled by M atthew D . Ryan , wh o was overbeari ng and di ctatori al ;

tha t she ac ted only at th e d i r ecti on of M atthew D . Ryan , and that

when the purpor ted wi ll was exeeut ed sh e was under t he c ontrol of

span ape bsLboLees ,nIII are assesseq ap e use onset ens ochrtof'o;

w e: we eases c an so w e ti n-can on cs se em s I) sew‘m w a s

OW P1 W N W D'Elem

“arm h as om npesw ud so} m easgom efl

ncem tfi no pen ! am : am a ss or, see; seq pressure opew orep w e sca n

ap no gun? from} ssmsm gen ea sy. as spree s m am oseq’

we mom yesa e

qec eqeng at eeryzsfi p en shes nuqe se ape a ges 8 mrj j Teasers sh eat

hea p or wenrp en 3°


{ a n ee syyeaeg fre e us spr esrenee fps

see 'fi aeq In bra ce or are song “were“

, vs as areas rsrj ueroe on ap e

o; cps Oombfe‘rug m: w e sees an pc s

‘am e n; 5213

's; We song fl am e ,

on we bear on new 3) passes me te aren as no w oes or be nefitebp a

avers escaperfrees ap e an ; we e mcees, on as re i7i Im m ense


gassesi b i eqeee ee eq w e assess4's ensse al 1) assess noes"

sp a

em ficsl‘a m ! e bneareror rem. feel. O A EL £0 m m W ffifi i’e’afi



ape Gene t. new“

; 75 15 N ew s Lon ar e penem e 33 per. p oo m ay fissu r

es z,‘

peh‘one pe n,

a ss as ti

c so W 333. gr Dense“

23 spsc jnsej i’seq

2 6 course: a re i n ; or age pe ese gon’

rs ne g seems m u se-nee ,

w e rum-sense L e ann }

at:n e w yea rs em; au st ere/w er ror cross nor se e;

benenssrov a n y so.“

” were s at} ; Lseeyl em,

e ncrot ersng'

nfiyi meagre

the nesce gos, e sures," sue u m es es s sh e et:seer w amp wastes oz.

rm cm senr sue”

cleane rs er are u se 3's zre Alsqe

‘bi oqnert tl s

‘eena exsron

se easy so so freshest. are rese arc h or, cps £ 68 LG C L L , Q

iznm oe s m fg

ens}: s o neness“. as so q ehnm e ap e reassess. or, shenoh If re ar


s gogj ea e‘

“areas re fi nanc e am en : M y; grinsfl‘f'sge s In“? wa s pa or,

abbeyreee‘mere m a

ss are as fr e e sew ers-ease m eme In lesne e re ere-peg

In gen es? A sen se )?see II )



-es new at

pee em s 3333. w e mow er he eri rxs‘esoynqe you. are m e u ser oz, M L“

01 w e brvm wu s’an: w e sere asetoue an; w e combi n er m esses no

It 3 1155 3 9 9 $141? W e P6 W e new: 01; FTU‘£30 3 136 GXO IN B IO U

apparent . In. tha t case th ere was no allegati on as to an enfeebled

condit i on of the testatri x‘s mi nd , whi le i n the case at bar i t is

alleged tha t James W. M cGovern was i n his dotage ,su ff eri ng from uremi a

and other di seases, and hi s mi nd and memory were so i mpai red as to

render hi m wholly i ncapable of mak i ng any J ust and proper di s

tri but i on of hi s estate; tha t Joseph W. M cGovern , the executor , i s

the husband of Margaret M ari s M cGovern , the pri nc i pal ben efi ci ary;

that the wi l l was drawn and i ts execut i on attended to by the father

of the other legate e ; tha t M argaret M ari e M cGovern managed th e

property of the decedent and tha t a f i duc i ary rela ti on exi sted be

tween them .

Ths di fferenc e between the Heavner case and th e c ase at

bar i s a lso obvi ous. In the Op i ni on i n th at c ase i t is sai d that

no act or word of Frank Heat h er was a lleged t endi ng to sho w that he

took any pa rt i n procur i ng t he exesuti on of the wi l l , or that his

domi nant persona li ty had anythi ng to do wi th l i t . The Opposi te is

true here . In Sul z berger v . Sul z berger , 3 72 Ill . 240 , 24 5 , the court

sai d i n the opi ni on:"The rule stated in England v . Fawbush , 204 Ill .

3 84 , 3 9 2 , and si nc e qu ot ed and followed i n numerous cases, i s;

“Where a wi ll i s writ ten ,or procured to be wri tten , by a person

largely benef i ted by i t , such c i rcumstanc es exc i t es stri c t er

scruti ny and requ i re s stri c t er proof of vol i t i on and c apac i ty. The

proof , requi red i n such cases, must be such as to fully satley the

court or Jury tha t the testator was not imposed upon , but knew what

he was do ing ,and. what di Sposi ti on he was maki ng of h is property

when he made hi s wi ll . The a cti ve agency of the bene fi c i ary

of a wi ll i n. pwo cur i ng i t to be drawn , e spec i a lly i n th e a bsenc e of

those who have at le ast


equal cl ai ms upon the Just i ce of the testator ,

and where the t estator i s enf eebled by o ld age and di sease , i s a

c i rcumstanc e'whi ch indi c ates the probable exerc i se of undue i n

fluence . Where the mi nd i s weari ed and debi li tat ed by l ong-c on

ti nned and seri ous and pai nful si ckness, i t i s susc epti ble to

cps CIA TI gi ac gyc , vs: ht onyz s sp ar yr agar; p a frus. ;T


i cone pnceq‘

beep cql A Le sser b nsaeni s “rspi ro g’

0 3 9 1 3'

(moreqo‘Leonys c se anehu jsrj noe q CO


t to. u’

pe unse ceq co gr un: 2sng pus cpa:one assurwz a; spa j a b .

ens DI Q J Q GL C a n ? U u i q fl 7 1 6 EU u C cps n one ; 3; eye J r v i ‘ we

on qeg er es an: c ya ya as];v'ou go nee a


e: . n

emery L essonapyl rui onm ape O bu O JIQ G Ob LL u 3 ; 3 1 . be en} ; vg ev e age ;

ps qeeasg sag T H aspepsuos an yc p a

sc ar es as’

a so~ se cgz fl u 1 in s Q A f f anec pr oe 1 3 3‘


i cons ass non nsc c e aa

110: L TGs’

qseq {u oL 3 6q cp s ; t l oy

L L ol d a n; GA“

q € U :i

h as ba c onnsq pi { no nu~na tugj c sso e a ; on : on


re a ; pass »

to Op S LQ Q a c qn s Tngrnc cc e

'e r g

a s q ,n . f on

{ snag so sxe ec , s ans nrjr $fl “ 3 u a;;c



p as I ¥P 1 3U 3

i n c onceng a z gp wen bnoc fineq as e xsc rr ff

n ti ;p: a =J 3 { x quoc t povyrl

es U TE shout In C O T I S C$¥ L § t et a g e e‘spe c as so? on L a e asy


or s qcmyuerrnf ope nsc penr an o th e rearspon a s: g au c h e r gt

i on mot e swan Lao leans peLO L s cue n yT j M a s e cJacq‘cusp ape y ea

01 ru e j efiensee‘Op anhsq ai r” nuq ta rugj o sues

‘t h e se c ; Ti e n. ; as

p etsnae or spa bpfi eyosj sun Hausa? c oxqrgrcv oz zv e reagerofi‘


cps j e ee enrg enc e af yj p a L sdnrz sq yo Innsyq rs rue hf j j or soap

magnet Laos Apex csnss‘ “c arpet atom stopp a g e oi c gue na yse


arsnebnsssnnspz ou‘

,rpe Lespre n cps

nynq oi ap e peai scoi‘no

nngas ruz rneuc e a re ryepj s no pe ymbce sq c hoc cl L Lsaq suq

to the end . that controversi es may be speedi ly and f i nally

determined ac cordi ng to the substant i ve ri ghts of the pa rti es.

The mot i ons to stri ke were di rected to the ent i re

compla int and whi le the a llegat i ons of the ei ghth paragraph

thereof are almost ent i rely conclusi ons of the pleader , we

beli eve the remai ni ng allegati ons are suff i c i ent to requi re

the defendants to answer the charges th erei h. made . The

Judgment order of the c i rcu i t court i s therefore reversed

and thi s cause is r emanded with di recti ons to overrule the

mot i ons to di smi ss.

Reversed and remande d. wi th di recti ons .

bxooeec In seam enes w as w e a reas suscnue eo 71: one 0131e

w en ch?! to sh am e WtW W-fi 1603 7 01: no sei zure W C} an

or. w e u m some poms Benn ett we we cease L em m as film!

on fishes] ass bm ssm oq so m e corms: neon a t e m cm QW Q UQ

71118199 11: use ensesoq m em eenfi m e a n“? m s:sp ew lig ht en}:

cresceq so scen e show u s c cesbj'syuc es m em es

”on obbncbwe gc

to arm s» the cw bm m fl W WW w e w e bfi rwru W‘s-Ind

last. 0 143e acne 350‘fewer m e ew e? com som eones a wo men

som e: u se steam ers arms-m g}: sensor w at ers: toe the som e )"

orm q to no one It ton mm w ox. bnbn e w e sn ow ed n o

SW UN IX ma caw: mm to Locos-s: 9 bec om e ox. teese'ce

Dose‘of qen acm q we obxm cn oz, cps sonny


DQ LM W £~ V19M Tm e

nm nepsfio IIN W Weonoor to

toe oz.

seen: 04:season on 01. scre am -"



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som e 01. som ew ay m w e we

onenessm en”t o rests

eec (M D DIQ dB’


Vhbm l'

YLE Q Ofl fl d

or this court . ( Board of Educati on v . Board of Educat i on, 2521

Upon the cause being redocketed in the Circvdt Court of

court overruled the noti on of defendant to strike and an answer

amended Was fi led whi ch set f orth par . 104 of chap . 122 as

amended by an act a.13d July 1945 111 . Rev . st . 1945 .

of the p lainti ff and agaim t the defendant for and the

In our former opini on are stated that the sum sued for rep

this appeal must necessari ly be the same as i t was on the former

appeal . The rule of law is, that when li ti gati on is prosecut ed

whether the Judgment was reversed and the cause remanded or the

Judgment affi rmed . C ity of Chicago v . Collin , 3 16 Ill . 104 .

th i s court on the former appeal as a gui de to a correct con

clusi on in the further pro ceedi ngs i n the case and no attent i on

wi ll be given to arguments that th e court erred i n so doi ng .

Counsel for app ellant , however , states i n hi s bri ef that

Appellee ,

sum m on count,coon comet .


-da tri al by the court there was a fi ndi ng for pla i nt i ff

on hi s complaint and agai nst defendant on hi s cross-compla i nt,

wi th Judgment for plai nt i ff i n the sum of Defendants

Pi ai nti ff i s an Illi noi s corporati on, l i c ensed to wri t e

hexardoucs Eecceber 51 , lead, plai nt i ff deli vered to defendants

copy of the poli cy i s attaehed to the compla int . It provi des

for a premi um of ton sfor each memos of defendants‘payroll .

.A ri der endorsed on the poli cy i s as follows:

“It i s hereb understood and

endorsement i s at tached wi ll be made at the

on the basi s of a 595loss rat i o to be


followi ng rates:

no pa

«It 7 8 fivqeaapo

{on c b&smrnn a; ggfigg xa; easy firao

*eo a; qe i cw@wnga , bwi aayr


Gabi a; $9 9 boyrsi ts es wmi fi gs spa &@wfirszwg~

13 bacaxqaa


rW% fi Lsneo baj z ci pi xfipfcy Ia bxamrfl sq ea yugewwygx smfim

5 13 3n3 11; ( a an IIITfl GIW ®anbe z vggau’freewaeq as a byss

en yrs eombyarag an? vfifl rvag qaaeq ue ex rye a z awa-a®mhysrng*

vfibsz jwz ge°

Veryxtruly you rs,

Imperi al Insuranc e Agency, Inc .

By: H . We Dori . "

The amoeri al Insuranc e Agency was, as a matter of fac t ,

Rei ch Brneslan. He testi fi ed and descri bed hi mself as a broker

and soli c i ti ng agents he had be en doi ng busi ness wi th pla i nt i ff

for some years. Hr, Korman, vi ce-presi dent of plai nt i ff,

testi fi ed,“They secured orders for poli c i es that we saw fi t

moneys for premi ums but di d nothi ng else for us unti l such t ime

that he would submi t a prospe ct i ve insured when we would ei ther

wri te the poli cy or re ject i ts He was known more or

less as a rovi ng broker . "

The evi dence di scloses Bruselan was pa i d a commi ssi on

of 1? on thi s poli cy, as di re cted the pla i nt i ff to send a

part of hi s commi ssion to Engelhardt-Krcgmsn e Gompany. It

ti ed,“I was a soli c i ti ng agent for'the Hi ghway mutual and

Stones" Stone was the presi dent of the plai nt i ff company, and

t ime thi s'

letter was wri tten. Bra eslan has an offi ce , and a man

named Borf was in i t, firesslan says of hi m,“He was never

W. Jackson Elven He wee i n the offi ce at 5 5 6 at Wells Stre et

hot that was not my offi ce, Hy name was on the door but I

di d not ran the offi c es as di d work for me but I di d not pay

hi n. for such. workc The i s an i nsurance broker on hi s own and

W 9 9 9

m sq yon; man In In”

gagnargy ngin eg pymfi

“as fine veg an

gzma ggye Jensen nna ALI££8n gi g anynu nag an az azna‘fine V was

Ba ntam “ n utm eg w e m am wo m an na; m m m m" am w e

N W W ’am t sewin g; c harm am w n w ea m u: m m m m

193 . w as 16 3 3 8 5 ’v fifi

" 113 a bran-bk‘é a fisw a; bynrm n g


mm m m ?Ifl fl W eJ 'W fi ci m “ N a m ust. a; tank"

M IM I) .


by let ter wri tten wi thout an

Judgment wi ll be


‘Q N M W ’

b a n w e seem 91 em m u ss m ww v M N W H IE am m u sz

cros‘spa magpex pfivnq UB


L6 fi BQ SI oz brgsngqgg‘a mogz un gaz an


gfimhemg z l Inzwmagvvn'

z eageq‘a ge as; g gqqe pk agxbfi j a


ppeae Lonxgscn“

maz xfisfiae'

sag benmvuasy $H 33 fl 6$1®3 3 Lsagxsxmrwfi pya an a $9 Legacyoas

abbewy Ia LLQ m eaqema q¢ amxaaz fiz gfifi c embj sznn Li fé q gfi


eawse qow u peq 27 3 m 9 cm fiw mr m s an cfiw cem s

gi dm‘ppe cqz c dz g Cfi qxg

‘In asap Q fl bG L I O L ;o fiL$ exec s L6 ~

hafi z gsan 0 L gfiwaa abhegya 8 1 5 gnaw gas gEhQ L TG L‘age

1 Exam anbaaron JO HL£ 0;fi'

3 mow «w arsso fi wo

3 9 3 3 fiafiwxz‘

fifl'¢3Q21 3 3 an abhefl j


June 25, 1945; the complaints in the Superi or Court at

P . M " the sui t i n the Ci rcui t Court at P . H . In other

words, the forec losure sui ts were fi led one hour and fi fte en

minutes earli er than the i nguncti on sui t . The Ci rcui t Court

sui t was di smi ssed on moti on of the insurance company

September 18, 1945. Appli cati ons of the insurance company

for recei vers were allowed in each Superi or Court case the

plai nti ff in each and all the forec losure sui ts. Silverstein

and Jackson Realty and Homagement Corporati on were defendants,

The bri efs argue much about whi ch court fi rst obtai ned

juri sdi cti on. Ill. Rev . Stat" chap. 110, sec . 5, seems to

be clear to the effect that the filing of a complai nt i s the

tion . Silverotein does not deny the fi li ng would give the

court juri sdi cti on of the subject matter but on the authori ty

4443, argues i t was irrecoosomr to acqui re exclusi ve Juri sdiction

i t is not the rule in Illinoi s. See Sec ti on 5'of the Illinoi s

a ” 104 ?1, 753 Viacom; vd m 304 111 . 160 , 163 .

328 Ill . 472 , i s c i ted to the contrary

M om m li censed in 111111018 . Cost bonds were not filed

fer payment of the antes gi ven. for tbs fourteen, parcels unti l

1956, the date on. whi sh. ths mortgages and notes gi ven for the

seven addi ti enal tra c ts weald mature . The i nsurance company

by motisn to dismiss raised the questi on i n the sui t 1n . the

C i rcui t Osart , and also i n the Superisr Csurt, urged thi s de

fense to the sui tsmnt thsre eauld not be interposed succe

fully far the reasmn tha t i t was an stbmmpt to vary by or

cuntsmporaneous evi denc e tbs terms sf a wri tten. contrsct . The

somplai nt i n. the Ci rcui t Chart averred tha t the fi rst sxten~

si su agreement , extendi ng the time for paymsnt of the notes,

was exessted pursuant ta thi s pri or and contemporaneous oral

agreement .

Defendants make the poi nt that be cause us repli cati ans

were fi led by plainti ff i n. the Superi or Court sui ts no thi s

defense, ths affi rmati ve defense must stand admi fitsd on the

recerd .We hsld be the centrsry undsr tbs c irc umstances here

appeari ng a On the hearing in the Superi sr Gears, plai nti ff

offered to fi le repli cati ens. The court i nfl i aated he di d mst

thi nk. i t nec essary; Defendant ai d not object . Thi s amounte i

552, 5553 AléshLzsm fiaghsL; 38 ill. App . 313 , 3183 3 Corpus Juris

Lhasmnihr Qgg .

vg _ fl hohfig, 3D9 111 . App . 406;

Efiflhfl fibm é glg n gfl as 294 111 APP. 585

Ths rule that prior er contemporanesus oral agreemsnts


np t be i nterposed to vary the terms of a wri t ten contract

i s held by same anthers to be has a rule sf eV1 denc e but of

substanti ve law; Wi gmsrs, Evi dehse , 3rd Ed . ,Vol. 9 , see . 2400;

1. Restatsment or the Law of Consra c ts, chap . 9, sec . 237 . A

leading case an this subje ct 16"

M W 247 N . Y. 3277 ,

160 H . E . 646. The law annsunsed by our Suprema Gearsis li ka

snpsgwnprns fsh

“{ Emoxe


‘?Lq fig 3 0 1'a


Is psrq pl some « assess yo pe nor LU I S oz snr vsncs pfl g oz

mfi l Us: pa Ifl ¢snbossq so h ash pps fc sms 0 3 s mxxscsv congasf p

G s. c "as baron on c an swhossmssfi a 01 s? sgncsmas~zY a 1"

ppqux I; Ksosasssl' Degsngsug qqa rep onjsc g‘

gu y s swssxcsq

oz gesoq so gxys Lebyz csgzsws'

nus F O W? $”

q ossaq vs grq so;


on sys fl sssrva as“

a qsbsxyon~osr c

‘hysrn gz


p c ss $3 6 C O U Q LsL fl mugs? fps C T I C V“2$

“E C G S gens

qsgeneo‘yfis sggqnms pQ As gegouse use ; arssq sqwrgcsq on rye

mess Lz rsq pk bysrfl syz g In 90 6 asbest os ‘0 7 3 ? 3 713 3 ro cure

Dsga ssgs msss spa hoz u r pvsg 9 3 0 9 ¢

° s us s j z csgrcsa

c emhjsz fl p In gps Q IL Q TI Q sows: srssnsq ass: 53 s L*z sy sv gsn~

c cngsmhorsuGO fi s eaxqsnge gpa fiG LWQ s; s shz crsn'

comgz wc p'ass

i fk goL figs L 8 8 é fifi gpsg 3?ass sh ssgsmbg so «9 7 1 pl ossy"

Lease go spa znxggsss c an} ? ssh pa TU fiGBhO PG Q afi c c e a§5 1

cyLC fi Ic osfi sc‘sag srao rs fU fi Q fi hssrsr cessp

‘sshsq $91 3 qs~

pk mO $IOU'

$0 qrsmxss Lszssq spa dnaspz cm in five swi g* w fps

sensn sqn soz sy s'c pa hasrq msgfims

'ap e rmsvxswcs c sm hsnfi

raag=pps qsfis as i cp figs snagssaes sun sass? RJA GH { as tvs

£0 3 sshmsnp a; she Hb fie fl fixass Lox gps gonsgssn'bssssfs 8 3 11}

that Wha tever the purchaser may have done by way of improve

ments was exclusi vely referable to the wri tten contrac ts and

had no relati on wha tever to any alleged parol agre ement .

All thi s i s worthy of noti ce when . we consi der the

propri ety of the orders appoi nti ng rec ei vers. We hold,

after consi dering the evi dence , the Superior Court di d net

err i n the exerci se of i ts di screti on. i n thi s respec t . There

was no personal li abi li ty on the ne tes. The sole securi ty

was clearly scant and .meager . The evi dence to tha t effec t

was not contradi cted . The debt was past due . The premi ses

were in. need of repairs. The mortgages in the trust deeds

had agreed to the appoi ntment of rec ei vers in. oase foreclosure

bi lls were fi led .

We are qui te aware that the last nahed feet

263 111 . App . 316; Klassz , Yagi tsh , 302 111 . App . 229 , and

316 Ill. App . 139 . we do not thi nk the

opi ni ons i n these cases inconsistent wi t h. the vi ews here i n

expressed . he held the tri al court di d not ab use i ts di s

creti cn. in these Superi or Court c ases. Begleg z , ;1lliggig~

199 Ill. 76.

In . sppeal no . 43617 appellants made a moti on to stri ke

pages 65 to 662 i nclusi ve from the record and to stri ke

comparable pages from the record i n Nos. 43618 to 4 3630 . The

moti on. was reserved to the he ari ng . It i s allowed .

In. appeal No . 43631 the orders/ di smi ssi ng the sui t of

plai nti ff i n the Ci rcui t Court are affi rmed . In Nos. 4361?0 43630 the orders of the Superi or Court are also affi rmed .


2 .

of other pereone to alleged admi ssi ons by the defendant

support i ng her cla imed By sti pula t i on the report of a pri vate

detecti ve employed by pla i nti ff, showi ng me et i ngs of defendant

and the other woman i nvolved and thei r a ffect i onate condu ct ,


theugh. not adultery, was re cei ved i n evi dence .

Befendnnt contradi cted the test imony or the pla i nti ff , admi tted

gnawi ng the other woman and or bei ng wi th her on var i ous

occasi ons. di s test imony falls far short of admi ssi ons establi sh

i ng adultery. It does show conduct not to be expe ct ed from

a lovi ng husband and father of two chi ldren. The testi mony tendi ng

to show defendant's i nfatuat i on wi th . the other woman . wa e competent

as a ci rcumstance to be consi dered by the court i n we i ghi ng

the testi mony of plai nti ff and de fendant as to the reasons for

and the fac ts leading to the i r eepsrat z on i The tri al J udge ,

who heard the teat ime and saw the wi tnesses, re c ite a far

bett er posi tion than 5 cenrt i s to Judge of the credi bi li ty

of the testi mony’

pre eented, and we are not permi tted on the

hefendant i s engaged i n the advert i si ng busi ness. Plai n

ti ff clai ms and defendant deni es that pri or to the i r separat i on

he told her he was maki ng around a year . The competent

evi dence i n the record shown that not later than the i r separati on

hi s income had dropped to betwe en fi ve and six thousand dollars

a. ysar on ac count or war condi t i ons. the test imony shows that

plai nt i ff's attorney put i n i n the preparat i on or the complai nt ,

order for i njunct ion , draft i ng of noti ces, conferences wi th

counsel; and deposi t i on, 46e 1/ 2 hou rs; and i n court appearanc e

and before a epec i al commi ssi oner, 54 hours; and that he

had recei ved from. the defendant on h eccount of servi ces $200 .

There i s testimony by a lawyer , whose quali fi ca t ioné i s admi tted,

that an attorney of the experi ence of plai nt i ff‘s counsel should

for offi ce works wi thout ccndi derat i on of the i denti ty of the

3 , a

cannuey‘avg qoboaz arou

°gou r\g pfi fl k i fi efi q xv fl ange wbbevi é né e


0 AIQ SB ¢ 5 Tn eye LQ GO LQ awo& a gyaa $3 3 IW£6L swan cpsz z fi ebwz sgzaa

pa cgrq 9 3 5 pa awe msxsaa g z ofi vq gyg‘aea 9 meg a “

$gfl cnmbsaanz

Lecoz q ea 67 8£fi &§ pi e arnqwfi fiw

passe» boaxarafi span avz w é efi nc 3 8 £9 iaqfis 9 ; spfi e zsqré rxrez


ape afi ecrwowi 0: brwrwezxa evq qw&e fl € 9 us 8 8 se sfiw Lawaawa £6 3

a; ifififi qsgeq vz ;a raz agfi agj ea fi z zy £3 8 ogp$ 5 aamwn'

ssa aowbagafi g

e cefl aru3 &*

E1? asgaxgmsl n ya { fix- apa fip a; gqayeaxafi & segvpj gap .

Dexesqz u: oovckwqrasoq 39° £$3 £IN 0 3 1 0: afi fl bxwxnsrzx‘sqmrcseq

court i s affi rmed i n all re apscts

e t a to tbs cranes of at torney's fses. The sauss

i s rsmandad wi th di vest i ens to f i x thi s allowance at

taxed aga inst the defendant .


W 13 3. en m i?An n a

yuse yIB wonfiwfl agm@ ac name gpe bne oeqrvfi

about 01 pwz 20 9 3 W0 z eag’ aways mane i gpeme mus Ba

opegnfi egrfiy

9 0 1 cfixaafix ape fi t£$fl s A z é ra so fl a b aen! cné qwa


nomgsa Baz g eg fl own gagp'agnssg


Elgs rt z awe L ecmxmyafi ea

ecnsac fl fifi fi egap senses“ lH Q LPE Q B JyAeq In wemfi procg‘

tpanz A on atfia oawxeex*

Lrwxnsrtz as? avg" Iraxua ow cg mbewae »

mp9 e ocrqena oaoannsq ow gfl q a sag fi gvfi‘max 8

‘Tafi é

Aa rcz xex gatesqvva‘

bm aw gsq { 8 Autum n gm em s: com‘g m ay; pu s qrm cgsg a

gsz bsyxea wnq fiO Lfi IQ ecaeaaa rs gye says dfi a wgrov

brwrfi crlt ea v LQ WHT£ a; w { Q T} gas 3 0 a pays 0 & qsbng aa zon

sflsrnag 7g tn en vegtam x3 ; beneamgr fnjaxrea anagsyweq pa

nc z afigensabbovya gLom 9 fifl qfimang 10 1 eupenfi q

mi’ ‘IHQLIQ E mm m W I AW QE LEE GBIM Jfl Ofia $3 3 E’O fl fl m

2 .

was about 5 feet leng¢ 3 feet wide, and sleped to a depth

or about 6 lashes; i t was i n the heat er er the alley, whi dh

was 29 feet wide, and there were unobst ructed passageways a

apprexi mately 7 feet wide on ea ch side of the hole . Pla i nti ff

test ified tha t she had prebably he t i eed the hole a number of

t imes be fore the e eei denfi when she visited he r sen; she had

sever stumbled i n the he le before that t ime; she di d not think

she ever walked over it before; she must have gone around it .

“I didn't see i t when I fell tn it . “ “I wasn't noticing it

than. “ “I did not notice it . ” "I knew i t was there .”

the sears sa id: “In the absenee sf wi llful or wastes i njury

on. the part of the defesdant the plai nti ff sashes resever i n

an ac tion for persenal lfijuri es unless it appears he was i n the

therei se sf ardlnary ears forl hi s safety, and i n sash case

it i s the duty or she eeurt ts direc t a verdic t for the defeu

dant i t there i s he evidence tendi ng ts shew affirmat ively

tha t the plai nti ff was exerc isi ng due ears er vte raise

a reasonable i nte reeee e! seeh . eare . A. party has me right to

knewi egly expese hi sselt be danger and then resever dama ges

fer an i ndury uhleh'

he might have avoided by the use or reasonable

284 111 . 24s, 251:L mn v M W ” 210 111

69 5 3 63 7 , Plai nt i ff si tes eases sush. as 8131 at ggstggg v .

M 217 Ills 293 : M v, w . 23 1 $11 .

that the mere passing ove r a sidewalk knows to be defective i s

set egg 5; esstri buhery segli genee . Plai nti ff also cites gi tx e;

KLh a Lsf ve jggfiggggg 14§ Ill, 5 58, where it was held tha t a

pedestri an may ordinarily assume tha t a sidewalk i s in a

reeeeaahly safe condi t i on fer travel and i s not absolutely bound





Plai nti ff i nsti tuted garni shment proeeedi ege on i ts

steameet usai ent the defendant , The garni she e bank answered

that i t had ea . deposi t to the credi t of the defendant

i n an ae eenat deei gnated as Van Gney, doi ng business as

¥eterane er Ferei gn‘

Wsre or E . e . Rodeo . Judgment was entered

agni uet the garni shee fer the use of plai nti ff for

whi ch. 3edgment was sati sfi ed en the day of i ts entry. No

quant i en i e rai sed en thi e appeal as to the eat i efeeti on of

that Jedgmemt‘ He di epoai t i en or the sum of

remai ni ng on depe ei t wi th. the bank was mass by order or the court .

Wi thi n 3 9ndaye tree the entry at the judgment aga inst

the garai eheeg the peti t i oner Ge ek county Counc i l of the

Veteraee er Forei gn Ware of the Uni ted States, a eorporet i on

( hereaft er called the eeunei l ) , i ntervened, ela i mi ng to be the

owner of the reads an depeei t wi th the bank, Defendant appearing

speci ally, moved te di smi ss the pe t i ti on at the Counci l on the

and that pet i ti oner“i s an outsi de credi torb i f any, and has no

seep eyerue ! new: eui eeomyeeroufl seq esece o; fl f hfi L Eafl £ ¥ 0 fl

on are confu sed» w e Im m un e m e Oem an‘Gree n's: w k w e 9 11

pt hmreae o; seq at om ey1. eeq fi I I oj e roe epeeeone t ee geznfi oee

sue one; goo bnoqe ee e sees q ge ek one geevfi fl Ihee-f fiq

one L Q Q i Q‘one eyeo gfi se j ey- eee e z z z o bep j ee znqemsygi zu eeoese e

b i ognooe spoofs gsnwyep a gene go se eneegee eye be e eo egeeaoo og


i’I Aerem s an se e m egos O I. are w e bow el w e? w e

G M : m. eet csrosw cm w e W W ox. N oeace 131 w e new t-H I orb

B3 1 cxb eseee yo—

eeeuee eroe eyes Lee “ Da’ emc ee: gpe

Les ape epone so 9 3 enu z q eeg pk ems aoeoorz t spe c gee eneqe oen

er: ne eeeee n i nbnrogyet ewe eqneni ffi z efi sen es a eyr oongsee ge

enop fi fi fi ek Igneeee ee e e epey; po ee dnree q‘e eq e

“syj b i oe nke

seq oeosgqe err soonest sag es essene’pu ffs

} oeyne e‘«no

prxe’ emfirol seq oefieee ej ] e ons see eesi sse e g e LQ L ape ep we

wen gpo Q fi fi WQ T I* sat e efineee eee eh ee yqeq peep eye bL Q Q fl Q Q L epe nj u

easeemeeg are eexeuqmue se e mege t t eo so so enoqn oet’ seq b eez geooex

eorqren gre j q we gyrosae‘i

" on g GEfi G fl Q fi m 5 eg g j g’Iaefi


In ogre

esnetee regs so sfine emeug z oi ge e b i e eeoeer, on ox s noose re

HHQ G L «one at Wn fifi eg e“Iuee qegouge jn seq D enyrroue t

ope LeBQ B ”on so qekoexe nag? ap e tenoxape e so e a no pw sensej eu

demagxoo non bne eengeq re epe gne s fi e $I$IO U b L re pe e oeue n 0 ;

eye ot ter oases go ee nmyg besrnyoe en so T ug sxnewe ’ one eye gore

DeiFfiee es we e mi tesxe en Isa eei e ecroe as one inxxaez ieson es

Smnfiyeeeo gryee eogye e eg ohoee n e bbeey Loom ope ease Eeqfimeng'

ee‘eee ee“

ew e more ifi efiew fi gam m a-fr sot/ em “e ns om

eure neq In i eae t on besygx>ee t one eseruep ope est urewe e goo



os spray gereoqeufi ogge ne e we enyq euee’ Zoeeooos se e

ge t fi repee q e geuqene'n $pre noerov ne e woe ne e e eq osoo' vi gor

at sea st rate gy inqfineug on ope angame eg eugei eq efisyuen ape

3 .

and all t i ckooo deli ve red to the Gouncll by the producer

chall be returned by the Counc i l i f unaold , or i t sold , the full

face cash . va1uo the reof shall be re turned by tho Counc i l pr i or

to fi nal a ccount i ng; that the gross proceeds a ft e r paying all

cocoa, charges and expenses shall be di stri but ed two-thi rds

to the producer coo one-thi rd Months counc i l; tha t ”the

m ali ce? shall M an ly, m o wi thin 10 days followi ng the

last performance and presentat i on of sa i d producti on or show,

prepare cnfi submi t to the counc i l a full and complete aud i t and

atamcment or all recei pts and di sbursements whatsoever in connec

t i on . w1th . coi d chat or producti on, and shall i mmodi ately

pay over and deli ver to tho cococi l such amount or amount s as

shall be { coca to be due to the Council by virtue of th i s

coctract as i ts port i on or/ ohs net profi ts of sa i d show or

product i on"; tha t should there be no pfofi ts, or i f the sa i d

product i on results in loss, than any and all loss or losses

thall be borne cotlrcly by the producer, who by the agreement

releases all clai ms agai nst the Gonncll by virtue of any loss

incurred under operat i on of the contra ct ,

to be coucoersi gnod by oi thor B . H . Gaplov or Ca rl E. Olson

Clone wi th defendant's si gnature . At that ti me caplow was

Judgc Afivocato or the Counc i l anfi Olsen was Commander . ou

ectobe r 7 , 1944 aofendant by let ter to tho garnishe e withdrew,

coamtormandod and canceled the foregoi ng i nstruct i on and di re cted

ac count when si gned by him i nalvi fl ually. shortly aft er the

prooontatlcn of tho rodeo, defendant presented to the Counc i l

a report showing gross re cei pts‘or total expenses

leavi ng a not kulunce of Rho Counc i l

arvrna R ! D L Q L Q Q Q LRO a; ¢y2§ggj


a pabq apoayue fl yc aa ne eeybgn 9 1 gagwr exbeuees

bxaaemgfi fiyou 0 ; $3 9 L0 9 6 6‘qegoU Q V H c baa asug aq an gpa Q O fi U GI]

veeoanx Ap ev “7 3 3 6? 9 1 fi im Iaqrz rqaerz l*

aponcj l Bacan ape

gp$ fiwLB$epoe go powon ax] qyaega gyexaq ggg n gnfi mu ofl gme

GH Q cwufi oxaq gyfi £G& ¢ asxwfi yuagnnacrcv any Q TL$ G£$Q

cage gan A'Iaffi gaz é nqwng pa Isggwh so gyfi awnnz apse fi rcuqxam


isqgs vqafi awaa a; gpe Q onwarj sfi q mwa commwuqex*


«Ionfi axap qegaq fi g ,a arang anne‘we gngs srwe Q ahxea man

go pa Gofl ngexaz finaq pk exrpsa g'H‘asbjsm 0 L can} 5


Rannz apfia cnw: a} ; agac gs E fl q gnwgg a gag mx on awe waaofi uc name

vfl fl afl g fse‘kgéa%


aehse fl pen e“

gaz evqg v: a c crxreq spa

ne g z q ng abeweq p1 8 race wa g fi l flg gas fiaLH ISpa a on

Igon LLeq “use; obsxsgrou cg 3 fi @ uam; x fl cgv

Lareg ee e cf? Gn wa ufigsu ez r?“ Cfi gwfi gj pg a 5 Lgme c; wuk 16 8 8

epwyr pa pa ngs pi gpe ebeqmu eh’ mp0 9 1 ape afixaaweng

L aaa j fl u In yoau‘gp fiv g al fi fi q fl y; yoas on Isaasa

bnoqnq efi ni gyas enoq fi vaz a pfi no bz az z z a‘C L It ggs eq

O O Q fiLfi eg 9 8 sea b 3 L £ 3 0 H ea ggg sea bag gyz x a; awzg apes on

apvy; pfi z enmg 3 0 pg qua go figs gsan z r: pk a z ngn g a; cpxa

bwfi oasb sag qej raan 3 9 ans Qafi vaxy afi cp amo ng ; e L smonuca 9 3

gran a g rq e n aa ox a nexyan* sag auwrx Iaweqrwaeyz

agfiz emaa; c g 9 7 1 Lece fbga g uq qrq saemem¢ 9 mp $g 3 6 8 A 6 L In sava g e

bfiabexg sag aupmxg pa gye Q Q Q fi G iI a La} ; a ge osmbysge sfl n sfiq

Ifi ap bg agohmwfi ee avg bxsaaa ga z z e fi m; a q ung qnegxov on awon‘

fiboqmaan was} ; 1mwQ Q IsreIk‘

fimfi Q 3£§ IM Io ¢% la Lorromxui cfl a

wag ans-axffiq $0 fl £§ v eg fi wfl zr! £ 9 9 3

$0 83 3? ang nafi a sag exbsu fiss egg } ; pa gracL Jpnaeq smo


z a { Ina} vooemg gz nfir sna g gps finoaa buocasqa 3 1+ex bg fipm& 9 11

3 3 9 9 e f au s ae ppsxaa g apwzy 9 g Lsgfixaeq p& spa gennsyy bare;

69 5 11 pfi L eanmnfl q pk cfi e coasarr IL fiwaorq‘an r; asrq

*eve LHTI

quq 9 T} crsfiega q raexoq £0 3 p? Q ofi wcyy pi £0 6 onoqnc en


ox Q¢ 10 nq3 3 £ pexana we nag qeboazs$q In fi zzy fipfl Pfl vf‘gpfi

fitfl nebourga Lsrygq‘oz fiWfi ppfi mosfi1. pfl ey agarqn aggfibafi gwfiyc

afipeot 9 9 g axeqrsO L“

u?q rwa p fi ex $9 mprey'

gexfiwqwna wage

apwxg a; g _ $ bg a grgafl

Lgya mensrz aba fi ssa gp a L eysgyom 0 g

20 3pm coafi afj gps wmonnx $ 3 aaou@ ; a gan ug $9 pe gna yg 3 a

gnu bxoasngwcyow 0 ; eye LQ Q GB’agew pa { 2 g edfl rkaq pa baa sa g a

as z a fi B Q % l yo OpI zasz ran ac § oaanmg £9 ggg z envc fj “mgyj waggn

tpu bnoee cqa La ae gaeg pl gym g mq we 3 6 gpe grepfi b aemang a; gnaw“

Q XG L Q TBQ myw Eagfimewf z v gag fi z g fisLfi fi EJO fi ?wq gmgsgaebzwfi 0 g

qa ea Ha} Q aawge Ea sy omme z swrb‘

ne z avqwac gu j agg

LL 8 9 3 9

anbboz x a; $25 oywzw oz & & H fi L fi§ Th oz gpe anua‘ gfiw Q fi n£ fi$ 0 £

bLagxga 9 ; egg bkfi gfl cnffl fi“

¢p3 cannayy O ff é fi HO wagp cxrgz r:

{ Q Wfiq go pfi gfi s £9 gwfi Q O fi H Q TI 9 a g as 7 fl 3 ~ £Uf a q a; spa $ 8 3

wag qajyae z gs spfl aenvc zy afi ap smofi g e 9 k fi moawfi a we agg fy p a

tn c eswoceza fi agfp gp® $L Q Q fl agfgm‘$9 5 so Imaq a fl sz l by} O AQ L

Q fi QJ% V

WE q mgafi emefi g 0 ; ai r Lsaaynsa fi uq qfapa nesmé mpa mpfi g gfl é a g k

qwug canyawg gaq $0 ag pmyg 3 9 fip é goauegg 5 £5 11 fiwg cambj ag¢

Erasn ca cpa Q O H U GIZ“ wz ge z ewe baa aeygeg , en on $9 3 Lmqea qaz afi

bLQ Q fl O aL‘

go LTgfi t Q L yngame ag rm gn u 5 &aaewqa’ a? amfig


0: rye fipfi n“ sz wek: cfi fis sweh fipa mrq fix fifl umaq 0 4 8 5 aw sfie

gax egg gasbxufi an eye bbafi eege qe L 54 £ q gaam ;p6 b& $ asvaa gsafi

pega e é u 13 avg Q GLQ U Q % Q E’

ggz a fi fiL fi GU Gdg s>ugayaa we hkagxayafi a

a q'

Isa az gn ga ma a g pa geasumffl fi q pl 3 3 6 $8L 6 6 3 3 5 $

13 3 ma fia O u fipG pgeoxh gpa: y; asa ave c avg z a; gpyfi bQ LQ IC fl JEK

firg é fi fi i e 511 151'23 3


“ saszsxawa b €L IGQ

«sq z ad noc

‘wAwsrfi pxc pa g agwhj é GO Efi LWO Q fifi fi



qtheag InssLQ eg In ape bLfl be kgk on guvu a purq 91 3pm fiuanq ages’

La egxc eg co b anaaue go as emnana 0 3 O k FV&?fia

II“ cpwbcsx es‘III Ifi ®I$ EfiA i sfi q aawz nfiee 3 6€ Q


awf fl firfipfi Ia

kTgfig ga rmnsxg e g a ya psae g fiban seagyou


and 0 ‘60 3 110 2 " JP )

the cause remanded W1

he garnishe e i n favor

i n possessi on of

fifl TTfiffl fl l Cfivhs use 9 yxfiyn an zww aofi z passs «annex o; geyra

zpwn¢ 2 ensue are we Irfiwa rm snavs 9 ; qGLSfiq c arnxrea ae

O AS £ tn“: Q q fi ffk pagans ”fi g q $ 9 3 fifi fi fi tfie 3 9 0 7 P0 1 9 $ 3 3

z pa paye‘

wpe fl g par; mwk ab no yak £E¥ gfi3 § aye pwq annex peaw

at’ennweq eaen fi ve sorxeq sm e i «Ba bxfiraarzx fisvs «9

9 3 ruse

i t Blsrnetxx scebbeq em z pennrfiwz 3?q9 6: eoaen we trbbeq

{a xnofl g a; cwya baabah zkt ya $ 9 3 Q Q AGLfi q mygp a saggy eaaan?

bxeboxci ! sN Q L Q wwa a gas? pare In spa cease ; 9 3 ans qrqoasyx

v 17 3 3 18 oAsk w 9 16 0? £6 a bm3wsxv aLevz 0 ; Gaz swqwfi g 3 rwxrsh ga

9 A 3 719P7 8 t fl t l nsrxsq ewez fiwhq 0 8 cfi fi 8 9 mg? 3 163 9 ; eLavq O Aevfl e

Ig zge b*a“ ow a aerq Bygpy’ gwg so sexes: can psyufi fanaq z sgefa

stay ape rucsuxxoa a; gq fifi s ag asag can pawe t Is 5 9 3 wpaaa

fisygsq so cfia IH fl Q E fi G fi f IBB ox gnj efi ma eaae ag avg 3mq sae na e

bj z ee o; pnarue aa ya gwe 9 0 8 3 9 3 1 9 ; a gerraxfi emwj ekce sag

gjsz uz yz z‘mp9 has embreleq pl vex ywepfi nq

’I axg p1 3

cabarmcs1 ag e z ugxsqnaeq an pQ Q V JL ag ;" e qegewq% aga

In { Long 0 ; sp a bxabexch ea i O E Q by gyfi gj ex In aggsg fis=


brvrvsrax* npv a¢3y $3 3 0 9 fl og: pa ra :a a bfl gj yc az qefin

0 ; a lsz a In 3 3 c egrafl { on buh aamsy gminmz e a au k z fi zwsq pa

gg*ggg encoxeq sfisraag rsavg aeasfiy grgfirfi n aba a aye aeuqrag

paz auqvnk Q Tal 0; sbfi g wya akafi a Qfi qfifi emg 19 L


'EIGK 2& L CO fl H&'


nooi denta and a small street li ght on the other si de of Grand

awtnun about 85 or 160 feet east of Wells street; there was

no defect i n tho si dewalk adjacent to the hole; the si dewa lk

for at least 2 or 3 feet on each aloe of the ooal hole was

covered wi th small parti cles and lumps of coal and coal dust ;

plai nti ff oould not see for ahoaé of her be cause she was i n her

own shadow; the oould see the si dewalk and the bla ck colored

00 01 on i t; she felt the orunohi ng of the coal under hor v foet

tor a di lfiunon or 2 to 4 feet be fore she t ell; she was not

alumnod by the oranohi ng, and i n response to the quest i on on

and start ovor that, and you were not on your care at all,"


A wi tness tho had li ved on Grand avenue for a number of

years tooti ti efl that the coal hole i nvolved here was i n front

of her houai g a few feet from the doorway; tha t the coal hole

fl avor di d not fi t; i t was aboot 2 inches too small for the hole;

that sooh. oondi t ioo had exi sted over 5 or 6 years; tha t on one

oooasi on she had stopped on the edge of the hole and noti c ed

tha$ tho oovor rai i ofi about 2 i nohos; that she always walked

Plai nti ff refitri oto nor right to reoover to the charge

i a . hor complai nt that "The é ofondants than and there careleosty

lafi . nogli geatly kept anfi , mai ntalnod sa i d hole i n sa i d si dewalk

testimony. and defendant's obgeot i on on that poi nt i s unt enable ,

as i s i ts object ion that tho oonfl lt i ona shown i ndi cat e a lat ent

dotset wi th. whloh defendant ooulé not be cha rged i n the absence

i t It O pfiaoerw tun aim w m cm we wow: ww w w w I mam

wuq qsz onq g ,a ep joegyofl on £9 9 : borne $0 fi fissfi apj e‘

ensqtgrou * § Lyra apvz fis Q Q AG L Q spa cenqypy>ve apogn p} aye

rnq¢¥pa ecAaz nae ; cps Game In a q ee‘7n5 9 0 m3 9 avg augeuganeg

é fiq §%fia}fiswark KGB: q wxrvrfl f fi sq eata wash In agrq $7 q afl szx


han aaw5}g 7 3 p gpwc oapv ga geq axu gyen sag gfi g l fi amz fl xe aaxir


L 5 3 £fi § ®gfi Lgfipx 3 9 L eeoaen ea np g owwxfis

vné flwqfkp e ag ar pays“

gfific figs 0 0 5 6 3 asz aeq a n, ag S ywcg aat aye wz sgma mg j xsg

oocfi ardh'

epfi pwq epshbsg a n gps e qfis on 3 pm pays svg unggcaq

gag e z qagaq Q AG L g on e Le g z e ! apwg on one

Gw en m mu: 113 2 m w e m u 3“

m am a we aw n no» we m m ?

0 1. pm , 13 0 17 5 0" a us» m ay 3m m use qaam m t emu: mm Gear} yon

fiest a ceegrgwsq epfie gpu ca §r pore zmaofaaq pans fi fi fi { a 13 0 9 ;

V fiyguesa fipc yfi q fraaq on ez wuq e ganma Le » a wawpex ex

ape enaaeLsgfi

afi é beau: Q AGx- guwg° sa g hog fl exa won 0 3 lonL og b e we wj r



“n g In Qnap ywfl nkgr z ap z xn 3 a gar? wrafia

Oxaamsq 91 gps ekavsp fufia wwg i n na ebg a fia . so gpe dfl aagg gnf a

gen 1 qz lgwnag 0 1 3 $3 q geeg pe z a z e ape gaff? ape a g e 3 0 3

afi er,on I 3 ! fig? gsxg apt ennmqprufl Gt spa GO fi I nnqaL pvxxg e ag

mm W a t am 6 0m g w e cm an ew }: m g £336 9 3W ?! wsow q

bra wn ; 94m m m m m ew oz. m l: m ew “ m s aw TE N !

;ea as Jews; 3 em. g gees an 9 9 0? Q JQ @ o; gyfi may} 9 0 3 9 av g

Bo m m 6 M Q M W E w izw ew w a n wow ! w e am m x

é aénne'

vpaap 93 ex Jag 19 3 3 fl e as a; agxesgt sna gs 43 3

“WW W“m 6 arm : “w as N‘

fi w on em sw an 0 1; M m e


Team 9 3 xet aan 9 ; bratwcrzL .8 3a R a ng Lox pa» ya apfi fi fi

$3 3 3 apiweai efl fa afiws gy$ asq @ @ 3 8 exoaafiqas

5 3 3 i f}?y®b

*avg 5 5 9 3 3 9 9 Loconq pmmame as $6

at 5 13 13 43122 3 3?TM 0; gm m m M £9 ginsfigxerz { 9 3 use Em u}.

ebb1:0 fiprt ga-

snm 9 3 9 3 6 0 L Lafi gfi fi pz am apfi za ax mz fiyg 7 9 81 ¢$ma geyk

ebbsr¢ % afo fifi l apfi fiawse on nansa caesfxreq $0 pk apam‘

fifi t

Ema $3 4 9 pee fi? §fi$ .mfi e angggyaq ag awa e pe a 0 9 86 anpmrggeq ow

£§5fif3 a‘fi i wfifi é fim?aé'


erz*apg ea fl wb brfl i vxzaz . e obzmrsn

sqe? se§ a“

yea lIf'

qgc~ ¢ar

eArvowee qe z ovewnsnee Inq epcee £9 brfi ruwrxt e Le n gx‘see'oe fi ne

GO H H GGI 16 x qez enqsnn TU apart pa fe z same: tern Huge: eye

as‘rawg’ape qei ape qe e t ee ne e ee ceLO Q

fl ee c e: EO fl BQ ens LL O W qeee nqeee atom ye kew he“ Ieye so WWL Q F

3 p9 1 oycym spec ape GGfi L R ep0 fi j q peh e e j j oe eq yupe heag an ape

ga z enqeug Q bEQ VI E 9 3 g bj eymgyxge 3 3 7 9 v ehe ae~ ebheey pi eyrep

openoeyyoh eng 8 qecne o efi fie Leq shuffl esee leuqe g g Lax

ee-bjwrnevc a he qeeneeq so bah ”

§§e oe ee 3 9 9 pee hepaz e he z pa

eels ewe eerresxsq £0 3 eee‘es

’ M fi7 0 fi ey e gee ewe ”where ewe spe c

cps coughe hl hxeyegyxz e ee Le {e gepgeq he { a Lo w ee i geru me h cpenqyee

Degenqe ua denyse ape; I: emeq h yeyngrgge eul eem pug ea

emcees Lonvq he pe qse*

peen Beyq’

JU GR bh eleq Len en e e eemngzwfi fl ag 3 q ecxee Lox spe

go commf eeyone acme e; Apsep 4 eh TL eae pxnfi gyg‘gj g

'gj‘pe g we:

wag cpfig fl Q Q 3 l ape sexes a; sue eoegne eg heel fi a Le

oxjepome“vteenee e eng Poni e qvvsl fines gyeh.

be L § 0 Lmeq ES LAE C GB

0 1 qegeuqen z yu £ U 6 eyege a o; Lexe e‘

h t rcgeu efih eemeuc nypp qegeeqesg epenepi epei h e t e 3 0 pe spa

qetefi qenp syre firufi apex on game 19’n I

’seek 6 U £ 6 L 0 q I U Q O e

byernprz ge LJI Q Q agarx comh j erug { u eye e eea k afieyvep

i E‘fifl afiICE O IGOfi fié fl DEPIAEHHB $3 2 CBIEIOE Ob LQ E CO fl fif

vbberre fl a'


Hfl rxvfl Goahogth zefi‘e Q O LD eLg u

Q OQ K eonfl rx‘

an} HIGH aoneh'

vbbe j j ee e’

gapenmehpe t h w xpnwfi geyee combeni’

loane’Ce ~ bwLaEe Le

‘yxeqyea e a

i fifAi

2 .

that tag sourt erred is entering a decre e for mere than tha t sum.

Th; rasard discloses that pla intiffs are cc-partners,

tradi ng as fishermsrhonn Young sales Company, having the ir

plac e at business at Ft . Warthg Texasa Tha t Sche rme rhsrn lives

i n Exi le; sad . Ieehg i n F3 . Warth, Texas; tha t they a re agents

for a number at companies is ssme of our southwestern stat es and

have been i n busi ness since 195 9@ fioi ng business principally by

selling suppl ies to re ta i l companies i n tha t vic i nity. Defendant ,

aelyah eerper at ies, i s an Illinois serperati en with i ts pri nc i pal

glass er business in. @hi eagss E; K. Rayi erb pre si fient of the

defehdast company) has be en esnnsetcd wi th the oi l basinesa since

1928; tha t before the fl a ts of the ashtrast , entered i nto be tween

the part ies June 15s 1941” it sela i ts ewn. repa i r plugs and

June 1s, 1941 , the parties entered iste the writ ten cen

tract which i s the basis of this su i t . I t was prepa red by defen

ya“ d o g w o c i b 15;

“an sales at halti-Seal Repair P1sgs to consumers, we will pay

ya“ D a c e -c t » §e%

t i th. the terms thereof , “ Tha t or, Owen woula call on pla i nti ffe

at the fi rnt opportunity in working out some mod ini ed form of

the agreement to oever wha tever territory pla int i ffs and Owen

mi ght “decide you eon effectively and intensi vely handle for us.

The fina l dec ision on thi s mat ter will , however, have to rest

“Pending hi s visit wi fih you we will be very glad to cont inue

to pay you commissions on all orders whi ch . you send us; or whi ch

customers whi ch. yen have established for us, send us direct ,

Peroonally I greatly apprec iate the friendly cooperat ive fashi on

i n. thi eh. you have always tried to work with our lit tle company,

one look forwarfl to doing business“wish. plai nt irfs for a long

Eight any: later, on February 18 , plaint iffs wrote defenv

they said: ”It was a pi eaenre to r e ceive the le tt er from you .

li aison,”to i neti hote a nnch. nere i neenei ve campaign for Relyan

Mulei ~$ea1 .nepai r Flugsu'Whatever i s best for the Rolyan Gorpene~

We woloome Hr. Owen, We hope everythi ng works out fine for all the

Fine Going of Rolyan Prodnet nq

we had Just concluded the program of a ma il ing campa ign of over

three fiheuoanan We ordered a emai l stock of Rolynn Produc ts i n,

li nerooure we; out and the rema inder ready wa i ting additional

“no yobs no noov'

uei e sue bree ennee; be neonoyyi moecrv fl an

n enecnno on gori en bnoqn eg e anew lone Tennon oemo‘

Itxc be gnno use one sag ape nemeruee n Leona oergru a eqqycyeoe j

£0 onneernee non rmmeereoo LHRU oooeombayoo‘sun noon 0 ; ago

spi ke gpeoeooq*

ao 0 L 3oneq e emery econ; 0 1 yeri on bnoqnc po yo‘

ne pee le an oencj nqeq ape beefinem oz 3 neyfz ofi oenbe z fiu o; neon

“I8 nee runene egrmfi gees no or} meLe o; one myoq‘yo geep

Erna eernfi e o; yorkeo Eneqn ege*

Lon on gnyi en com bonogron 8ne e ’ me or: fie a one one 13 pa

sexi sm Q O kbfi L 9 £IO H’ne

eomen ooq goo gone nnenne nnn xoeoa ge j oo go

go nej oome fiL’

ge os‘

$8 robe eA eei np rna moxi e one xsne i on ex] rye

cron me one se ns nix] no pe ep Lax goo gopenn nupono~xpnng ani on go“

mnIpz-geoj Bebern Q I TEB* ‘ eye genen 1 8 post Lon one yerlen someone

uvnwfl eaf {so Inenrgoge e mnep mono ge gooeyne eemoernm Lon geylan


eqi yeo on onborvnmeog 0 ; ex*

goon Q*

gnen on e me:

gpoi aq f “In use e exe fine an L c oyne pro Jane en LLO fl lon *

Jenner. $1! M i mi (to cm green-em, 0 L gi e pb fl oe

‘l j o

‘$23 wrap

mrfiyg qele gecen’ on i ea e Ll 131 bye:sg ¢;1o & h @ £6 gogoum

gyms no oomo‘

one roe; i onee nq no qoeefi pmognoee u eygp'

bj exogz gxe {o n 3 Icon

In apron i on pone nyee le gnyeq so many eypp eon yfgayo combe ui ’

Lanfieoerj l 1 fiL esl Q Q w L ~ Q I8 2$ ape LE IS Uq coonone ez ne Loeofou

oné cemone epsop loo pone oego oyxeyeg i on no“ eooq ow orn eog*

£0 bel<

loe oomnyaoyome on ex} eeeee e nefeg ken oooo not on apron

"beuqrfig eye ere }: nygp lea no ex} : pe ne z l oxen so eonsrnee

a?“ITHWT Q e fl loron an aura mwxfoL eggr*noneA e L

‘pe as no L e na

nwfibn Jeoq o i on one onnouerz eri ewe eoneneen oj l meagre ge n fi E‘


efineeneog no oenon eponenen nene fgonl bj o gonz gge one

on sne“

z rna£ obbenonursi In eonxrufi one none woqxgyeg z one on

fi ttfi‘

fi?‘cé t fi n cponoo;*

a Lynn fin?seen mearq oe r: en Drexugxggo

1: fl eecin g 01. one on w e n ot groo m e mce e” : when» ewes“

an»; ugwoe spi t spot oot e doooeg pl we !xene fi . oon bez ooe j eoa

” w e ” I?” 0” £10s 0 33 W W I! m ay ( one ow e at {mom rom eo )»

agnogeoz aornfl gomboul IH epz ou opol. ee je co ape ; loco ut‘gope no e


eroxfiq: a? lagoon you Enos oooe Loeereeo Li on gee geyenoslone

LL OW’ec z em a; ew esmomen ta em otion Iae fiwo no on e? to “ a

m y: Soiree? {w e gem om en cm mom w as decree

9190 11 moo n ee spree loo eoee e yogeuez oey‘t

League one eye eot yymfi oee e; on « Loe uueee fi

o oenneeyj l. qeheeg e

gooey‘me Irge eree eoeoe e rgo i on ones zoo e oa enoygreq so sure

Iyye so fieyy Gomb eufl ueyofi lob ope ao yorgl ope; loo one bogg z ea

o; obot egzou qyi eog tote one ogi yoe owq eo booeowo loo eooxq

pofreee one: mooy poeye oee axt pe pe gooofiuoogoe Loom loan eoe e

loot urorvycl'

ensue I9 e u yegff ep g on yo loot geese» £9 3 2 loo

pe A e oejl i e ooz ueq one owe } ; oeqoi gh ee e myzy enobrl goose In

ugruc a ope oeoooj z eoz ee og l ea k goemot monyzofi sui cemeoc e e

e ecepyyqy eyepye we ei ew, ppoa l~n z egee e z le j l GO A Q L‘

e fi fl

In ope gyeeopyou 0 1 go, plhe o; ne eeyo oooooo Apron i on eyene

fiQ Nb t oeeIJe Le‘

fi e e onfe j xge so nous loo K:A e eoe e ageoafi g

mnefl vz georoe go ooz y qynoeg so ysoao z oq z ecoyeg oeome one? eeoooqj l

xyyneeet me eon ouepqe £ 9 go eo


“ozooe z ocrxea e is re e go


g one on ee ooaug oi boe eu e; pn e z oe ee one RL

”nelgon ,


so oeggruu ynb e Hoe noi uz nfi eoeeeueoeou oo uej oyn aeoy gobeyn

oooez eooa: “It pe e eeeo ui . reeeec:oo so oeogeoo to“ exop e Ayeo

LQ AQ &$ Q I§ LsefiLH 8*u Lyon agoroo ogoe o ne pcene emq ope Jeey eu

AG § h ~'Iixe erfl a blee aeq go oboe lone fifiwfie eeug oonoe u


yufi gpe

mane un p M omm i es hoa x. m y; em ote so w ok e/eel HW EJ: M ean»

W eb” m oo mom en t a B was“ to “m en 38 M S W m : gee

i nfirm ?! 228“ 37W?”m i nim eoehom n ou’ so goon

“n o we;so

egg so yous gpyefie a moi xoq ow; eo oom mmouof p eoexz e'“



‘1i st price apoli ca only When. M u1ti -S eel Repa ir Plugs were


by the purchasorg but When they were for resale and were

purchased i n. 1arge quanti ties the discount or 3 5% applied'.“Since wo Rage canc elled your working arrangement , your

representa tive had so right to establi sh. any new perchandi sing

sales outlets fort lti-fieal Repair plugs. As a matter of fa ct ,

we have writt en you on numerous occasi ons aski ng for certa i n

vital i nfl orma ti on concerning year me thods of sales O pe rat i on and

area coverage whi ch mi ght have lead [led] to our se tting up a

reasonable working arrangomont within an intensified area whi ch

you might handle, but this informa t ion hasnever be en forthcoming .

”In our cancella tion let ter of February loth we told you

onlywthgt ‘we wi llbe glad to continue to pay you commi ssi ons on

all orders whi oh you sent to as; or to customers whi ch you ha ve

“Further, as a mat t er of fac t” Haloney Tank Manufac turing

Gompany could not be classified as a Jobber-resalor ans therefore

i s not entitled to a jobbing discount as indi cated on our yellow

colored. ‘aobbor's cost sheat h . W

”glass we introduced anfl developed M nlti - Sea l Repa ir Plugs

wi th. thi c company we tool tha t the aet ios taken by your represent

ative in hi s conta ct of this company was sati rely out or order

aha places as i n nu unwarrant ed¢ embarrassing posit i on wi th . our

customer . We see no alt ernative but to discont inue all di scounts

to you on products of our manufacture effe c tive as or the dat e of

this let ters Thi s let ter will therefore serve as our not ificat i on

of this aot i oa .“

In the second amended complaint, on whi ch the case went

to trial, tho accounts of a great many persons are named on wh i ch

in tho .bri efs- i t i s conceded tha t only the a c counts or two or these

m m! M ~M e you “. n ew a: wee W omen; w easel brews-Ju n

on etim e m ow ers! W e 3‘s" nee W e mem e? 85

‘Joe?“ new W W W “ .

m ew liesw we" w e m i me"gen eri c 15 m i m e . m ean s? 91 w e

”Bereadant also centenas that the 'tank compan i es'were not

oensumers wi th&ngthe meani ng'ef the employment agreement, but

were Jobbere, and that pla i nti ffa'eemmi eei on on thei r orders

should therefore have been only 15 per oent t “

we held that the centraet er Jane 18 , 19 41, was terminated

by defendant M ereh . 12, 19 45 , whi ch was 3 0 days after defendant

nrote plai nti ffs on February 13 , 1945 , that i t wa s oaneelli ng

the eentraet . Under the cent raet plaint i ffs were ent i tled to

a oemmi sei on on all sale ; or pi ns: geld by defendant i n the four

states covered by the eent raet , Whether the erdere were obta i ned

by pla inti ffs er net . It the plugs were eeia\

to gathers, pla i nt i ffs'

eemmi ee ien. was lfifl aha i f eela to eeneumers, After M arch . 12 ,

however» plai ntiffs were te recei ve eemmi eei ona only on all orders

whi eh. plai nt1£fu sent te eateneant er to euetemere who sent thei r

ordere alreet te defendant whi eh euetomere plai nt i ffs had obt a i ned .

by the let ter whi eh é efendant wrote plai nti ffs Hareh 26, 19 4 5 .

mhe tee quest i ens for aeelei on are : ( 1 ) Were the defen

dant'l sales to the twe tankL eomeani eaa Meleney Tank company and

Sleek , ei valla e Eryeen,“eonlumer sales” wi thi n the meani ng of

fientabli ehefi'by plai nti ffs? It the sales te the tee tank eem

pumi ce were “eoeeumer sales“wi thi n the meani ng of the contra ct

and the ordere were ebtai ned by pla int i ffs { rem the two tank

”establi shed”or seenred these two sales.

that the Navy Department hee. nedo some tests at defendant's plugs

&pe eerqeeoe enema ape; gee pee geux combeerea a ces eefis

beers: a cne “oonenmen eefee , erapye ape weeexefi ex ape eoee ae og

ac fl iwpxrafive. pl fizwrvirxxae 12 £9 3 ae Tea so see sea gene ca m

ape eeeagxeeg oz gene 1g‘yaeq

fi enq ( 3 ) ge Le spe ee ee j ee me gs on

green greeyj e w Bakean’l eoeeeme n eeye e“ erge7 e ape e ee eye fi o;

qwnk.eterse se gee £5 9 gave eonbeuz e ei§ ®TO B G& Levy cembee z eeq


fiefl desenrowa z en qeorerem wee : ( 1 ) gene cue eeee e

L‘3 i g


pl cpfi rez eet spree estenqe cz fl eece brervcrz z fl evnav t z‘re te

e xoiqeh t qyxeeg go qexeuqeug fierce on egOWe » byersarkge pee op i e rneq


i nfiep breregrxge sen: ge qe geeqeme ex go execymexe mp 3 asus geni ea,

pea cAeL‘ mat e ge be eeyae eoeeyee gone ouz k on ex] ot qet e

eomfireeree 19 9 19g eve 11 aaye go cemenme ee ’ec

* °vzsee he q 7 3

pk breruz rrge on noc'1; PP? Effi gfi fi fl bs 3 6 16 $0 ?9 Pea bfi‘brwrvastz e u

fl eeces ce L eq pa ape eeeeeeeg‘epeeee x gee oeqe t e fl e es epre z fiee

Q‘sommz eeron on e]: eej e e o; bre fie eorq ee qegenqeng Te ape goes

ape congz eeg‘

gages eye eoeaneog LI Q TH 3?L% 8 eat s evnygj eq go

“negenqeeg twee eeuceeee ape: ape ,ceefi


eoebemree , neee we:

Lfisxs re Gene t earqsvca 3 9 gym 6419 0 3 snag rn‘mfl i rom’ bne erqvvz

cpsc cnz a usa

vfl uioppe h a q brwrncrmz s raroq so a contraavan 6; yak «Hg

0 ; apes use s -qyacafi un‘gpe snacema z fl ea arsaargt

1863 3 sync aynho c enaccwsa a; qeganqvm: grq use LG GG IAG s gracenfl g

taxman 8 6 63 8 3 3 3 1 any eon mwnaav n an ape Q G£GHQ Q E £ gowbaaa away}

BkrfivQ‘awn M ot awrreq pk bfgrwfirxxv


are ce acrxreq 5 9 9 3 five men

at canvas: xo» bysrngzgga camgayq’pa spa gssgrmeul OL geni e E

fififififfiFfi’ 9 59 III’

189*vuq fifl ffi a vwcfnerow 18 na# e zxcoesq

39 3 III‘193 ! §Bsi fé é n Efifigffigfif Q AG III

’9 8 5 3

gang combevz sa asna camafi men afiysa Exfiqz eX’

é fi g fi yz Q S'

enrux are carry oeaLs emasq TH fl orqrufi fifi fl t fine ewrea go ape sac


IQ Q- bxoaxqeq 39 9 1 g ag z pyrspwq an opgsrncq ape onqez a



cps bxsrngrgz a° naqen ape comgnvac'ga me was engggj aq go wens

a; spa brags cps goa e kz maug use gpa confinkeL’ t ug gp sz oLa

cps awake reexaq'

amqox efl z e vavas oz agwse as spwvx rs crswb

3 Eva eye aaasnfi fi awg mafl rq fi ne age pfi Icfi In Qwas

smo cvfl x configures‘eefisspwx argy some at cps fl exra‘£6 spa nurscg

Incrfl qe 8? base? poz aa‘

Lug fiafl fi? amnfq pa wage swq fl arv pl ans

gang gyene apoayq pa gnz nragsq one ex meme aege e; gmaga* swap ge

ranch are eoxsknmanc bxoaz qeq xv 7 3 9 ab$ 0 7L10 3 f§66H8 spasmz pp ewepf

fipv 9 0 129 to» fl ee a r fine z fl vfia x: pfi q bxenrafi srk bfi xspvasq’

v: z rxag spa aaasnnmcug baxopvawq qrnscgrz xxow qsgenn g saws o;

vuq arnco gagengsvg ,s hyafia ooayq pa Inaaagsq gnaw eye oncarvfl

10 .

We think this evidence does not Just ify the eencluei oa tha t the

centract betwe en the parties 0 3 June , 19 41, should be conetrued

to mafia that the two tank eempani ea were consume rs of the pat ch


( 2 ) were the sales to the tank compani es i nvalved i n

tbs instant gaz e“establi shod ” or seeured by plai fiti ffe? Between

narah. 12 and M arnh. 1?, 1945 ; defendant re ceived di rect ffiom the

M alanay Tank Gempany'

orders .ameunti ng ta and from Bla ck ,

317 3 113 Brysena The tri al court found tha t these two

sustamers hafi'

been establi shad by pla intiffs and allowed them a

cemmi sslan at 5 65» we held this waa ervara fi


ens of the plainti ffs, Ebb Zaung, testi f i ed . that i n July

er August, 1942, ha eallea at the Maloney Tank Company erri c a

i ts purahasi ng agent, at i ts main effi oe in Tulsa; Oklahoma, and

tbs la tter saw! hllfihi a card; tha t the next time he called an

l etter at Maren 267, 1945 3 at whian time , M m Highrn l ”threw the

inxa i aos eat an the dedk'and showaa all he had purehased di re ct

a t in M 1945 0

Bgfendant teak the deposition of Mr . Highfill, the purehaslng

agnnt for the Maloney Tank campany, fi e fiesti ti ed tha t he re c eived

defendant had . gatdh. belts spoei fled i n Gavernment tanks fer sale,

and afi li c i ti ng the M aleney Tank company busi ness. Tha t two days


sat elle Bryeen eempany fer patch plugs i n eonne et i on wi th

Gevernment tank eentraeka through i ts own soli c i tat i on . The re i s

ether ovi denee in the record he the same effect . Upon a eon~

alderfiti en er'

all the evi denee, we are of O pi ni on tha t the orders

for plea! of the Blaekg 817 3 115 Bryson Company were obta i ned

by defendanz and therefore plai nti ffs were net ent i tled to any

eemmleelofl s after Karen 12, 1945 . Prior to M arch . 12, 1945 the

anti ti ca to inhereet from Hareh‘ 87 , 1943 to harsh 22 , 194 5 , the

da$e e: the entry ef the averse , by vi rene ef se eei en 2, chapt er

allewaa te re ee i ve exper annum fer all mameys aft er they become

a sui t kn equi ty and “In equi ty, i nterest i s allowed beeau ee er

0; 3 9 leewa‘

rare eve ITAE Q cefiacwen wa we epe ue seq ergo anew: Iaqe‘e be

erreasuee‘bxoaeeueea cyye vbbewj ° ape z ebra pxrez eye veg


blexnsrx; fierefi ereeett aefeq a rse ape eme eee ex tee

reoxee erufi gee ez joesuee ge he; weegp Lox ez eregrxz'gee

k ebab: peoexpean z g

‘. ggee




l en enge z ewe eeenxeq

eye ewnugefis on qegewqeumfi e£o*

ape oewmreafefi ee % Ire q fif fi

becxgien e egznfi , ggeg spa e j ymofifi fie Inexee eeq fifi Qeqa e money

seq ,rsh flgfi ,eegxeeq eyee eeaevqsvz hex DIWTHQ ILL areef v


Fflsxgazxxaz lsaee efiexuea eeleveeee ereerefi pew eerrea on

e .oommoe DMTXAEBED xam oexn on 03 eem conea‘

3 00K fiGfifl kK‘

The decree re c i t es tha t the parti es agreed i n open court

te a prep erty set tlement thi ch . was i ncorporated i n the de cre e

and the amount allowed plai nti ff for the support of he rself

and . ni nor chi ld was based. on the representat i on made by

aefcnfl ant i n open eeart that hi s i ncome from all sources was

a year. In aadi t i en he the allowance of $149 per month ,

defendant was erfl ered he pay eost e and expenses i nci denta l

to the eee ca t ien e! the minor sen, ineludi ng complet i on of hi gh

schofili Aha i t was further decre ed that defendant execu te a

qui t clai m. &eed eehveyi ng hi e i nterest i n twe pi eces at real

estate te plai nti ff; that ehe of the pureele ef real estate

on i hi ch . tho parti es ma intai he é the i r home in Wi nnetka , was

subject te a mortgage er and that defendant pay thi s

indebt edness wi thi n 10 years; that he pay taz ac levi ed aga i nst

the premi ses aha expend wi thi n 6h days for repa i ri ng

them; that eefEhfl aht t ake out i nsurahee en hi s li fe for not

he di ed, ahculd he appli ed te the payment or the mortgage of

and unpai d taxes, and te asserc the eeucat i on e: the

mi ner chi ld, the peli ey to be del ivered te pla i nti ff and to

tell . at whi eh . tim9 i t wee to be returned te defendant .

hei ehdant wan else requi red to pay some other matters.

Defenaant, called as an adverse wi tness, testi fi ed that

he rema rri ed i n 1948 and resi ded wi th. thi e wi re in fish Park;

that he was vi ce-presi dent, sales manager, chi ef engi neer and

chi ef est imator of the Campbell-Lawri e-Lantermi lch Corporat i on

that defendant's i neemc for 1942 was for 1945 ,

of the he eri nga hi s i ncome for 1944 does ne t appear,

not ca bra on ewe druueerw pews awonwcrvfi so 2&1Q 3

gee exta¢s efiwg si z es eye qceLee ewe eaeuneq In IadO

3 3 2 3;mansnos 9 9 berg pd gax*

In ppwe denuee gree gnu seyqeuec


a on an» fl eaeegeeq mpeLe byerngrgi b earqe a dug epru fl

a; bez ywd yuaeaaag en eye d engue qua ! eyes pa ye L aII$A8 q e;

ape aa‘ogfi me z gi efl e IE Jae5

° suq ye EBB hfi fl l asyreaeg


feag age: eyuae ape geoxee e; greenes ewe eugoxeq qexeeqeng

avg egeng gggg fi e ei ae edne filg z eeensre

'gee S A IQ Q R GG Lfi eppe z

9 8 abfl fi a “pe fl a effooe hex fl ah z b £9 Hes ebxrvfi fi t 3 9 60 so i roarqe

re Loefipyl é j gfiego

igo 9 Base? Lea me avg ml axi s?” page { a Igfg

$113 {a ge ¢ heeg t gave “ea ;eexfi d e z bee ae e fish EB Q L 1 eenj q eel

gaz eeqane fisasrxz sq fiveswe fl e a Irayua a rea nz a bne e eua

( Lem gpe Infl owe gwx L eee nwe wage pd Jez euqe fi g‘

awqx erfi’eo$

”seflVII sz aweae { rdfi hse Lea reed eye Jade abbe fi h

ea EQ Q A B hegnede eg g xeL fps mafi a gags) qexa eea‘e vac evenme

§§3bfirwgeg £92; £9 » spa lfifi a ref? ( i cryoaysfi aye ewme mes,

yeei yya v we; eaceme z en 3 5 45 ex 13 $ 9 9 i nnspsb

{E dema gex a g e gg'yeg


gb ( ez gan exefi bcz ene 0 ; g‘3 00 ewq $220 )

a we; rueewe‘pexene qaqn vg;ud Income 3 3 x ape

xpwcp gj‘gag ee e ej rmonlt gees] qeqe agrvz e’te‘eee

ea’yee egufi


°ee= peg qfipfi fi ’

asee‘eei egnes qwqa e psent ’ er



ea&e ,mnqsz semez ggngyoue’

ggrgl z eseneai bele ang‘gsgg


PGSO R Q qagfi fl fi i evv ase13 82'ei‘z Lom A9 3“? eye morrovrfi fi fieefi ecrcus

on {ue qegmengad e egz ufi fi IB page: Inee ee dnpi e cg 3 0 sex and

La ceyasq { new spa oawbfi fl i seq gy‘xga Lox qrnygena e

66w «a bstrac t o; $IQQ @

“M n ew w affl e-“law “


ma a ne g. m;

”0 3 93 { L OW cembpe

yj f peexyee fi gsLmyj sm fiv e $3 9 { 3 9 3 epycp’


10 1 spa lean yaqsd qexewgewe ,e avycxi se q

bencraa ppm; tkoq



i fi fl Q fi B gen nexe eue w e

ge pd


is“ P?Q fi A fl I fl O a; enaanq¥ n£ . e “near 7” ape cwwbpszx~

special assessment, insurance, or a total

or per year; whi ch leaves her or the alimony

allonhnee or $1, 68e. Pla intiff testi fied as to he r l i vi ng

expenses per heath, aggregating eeeeg but some of these items

were eeti natee and thet einee the decree was entered she had

bereaved free are. Keller at different t imes to pay

Q he ehhneellor i n deei di hg the ease, i n referring to

glui nti rr said: “the dourt i s very mneh impressed with the

i nfielli genee at thi s lady. When aekefi abou t her a ctivities,

coeiui elubu, had so forth, she very frankly told the Court

her to, and i t fines not mean tha t be eeuee a eah . i e divorced

fret a woman that the refi ne meet shift fer herself and live

on. a atandard tar helew tha t whi eh he i s capable of ma inta ining

eollege»”New he i s married si nee and he sets up i n detail

Ihhx it ee ets hi m te live , en an a verage, I think he pi t it at

a year.“ what "fieeeeeary expense he goes to i n

eeh eeeti ee Wi th the buei heee er the eempahy i a a legi tima te

ehurge aga inst the gre ee i neeme of the Gempany, so he does not

have to have these expenses; If i t costs hi m and hi s wife,

in. hi m. te say to hi s first wi fe , te encu . be ewes a first

ebli get i ong the second wi fe i s a luxury, he cannot subordina te


the order of the C i rcui t court

he mat ter remanded with

plai nt i ff $2 50 a

apt 3 9 3 0 1 see ox engxz z ersr ca a z pip9 5?awbsn fl ag Ionex bn eafi

Iccwvev* ans a a pefi qvefl vt P‘fi fl aucp ave phat evq sue pIe Q QTrfi‘

Ops x01: conLrpro bf?» qoan Iv gas pwex avg Lrfips ab ae apv

w e am 64 6v m." W 3 9 2 W NW


M an am a W m

was 9 0 ” vfi q qwfi fipcfl n~xfl -rut sacramsq we» go ape poabrcaz avg so

qxrAen gyau Q LO AO BEL co pen pawn 9 g Aggg'

monz p arsmfi aeq VA GH fi G’

asa saxau ae ya abygezfi mpuxe Lgmag q na e fl rAsn


mpfi cap

i seye at§ a E“; on spy: fifi?fl 3 aye « arqeaas $9 In eowxrz ce’


LI0 0 1’ rnzg nrwfi psx'

hyg rmgsz ; afa z fi a apa pfi afi fi e fi nannacyg na

an:efi c ea hwvrvarz z 9 69 7 3 3: gag grac e 0 ; fifie eg p a so

q A9 3 enn mfl abbyyeq gpa pnwgfi a$ afi fi egmfi 9 AI Q IGHI i o ng‘

o; opreafio'tn 3 aofi gp qrn&egrem avg as Ri sa; aaseq

“ fiyfi fi ape

o; qe z enq ¢ ,e sag a on Kaqsye*

vaenna wasL nywmewa rm gpa Gish

brerngrg; awe L i qyfi fi fixgp pa; emu ewq QWfi aycfl L ~ Ifih j fi fi xv ag e

syn G acfl xnenee combyfi gusq ca 3 9 0 3 bysae fifi xefl fg’


apya 3 3 gpe agarxerrrwa dnsegxou In cps ca ae'

cafl seyq e curl gfiwg ape amoxug gyenae; Ia EQ Q GN Q se nnqaa saw

10; a fl ea parwy'

I; qoa a fl ag vLaue GLLO L In cp & jnqfiwosg Eng

0 3 spa Aa xa g‘gnaw apyey fipfi 9 bbewya

*pagangg ug grg use moae

moAcq {Gk a mag gn;9 y*

13 % 3 E qsuxsq wag jwqamawg angsxaq

v Afi nqz ax ac t bxwrmsxxx urcu q wé sa a;

In fin sacrom xox nafiyrfiauc e’ on gn j 9 3 q z z fian@ nwa

£3“BEEQ IBIQ G fl fifimlafl fiVLGHE&£ Bfl TIAQ £EB Q HE é htfl i fl fi $2 $3 5 GOHEQ



m m m mmm ‘fir fia t-ban awn’ mm am t

vasawr hfifi fi

vm fi m‘

8 .

at the time of the ac c ident . These were cra cked and broken

as a result at the a cc ident . DP . fiohe ehz er-

put au i ce bag on

.hcr torehnnd¢ three stri ps across he r bare back , took her

pulse , exami ned anfl gave bar a seaati vei He came the next

day. she was cent innausly confined te her bed for about two

wefikp, _and thy é acter came to see he r ea ch day for about

that tum . she says she had terri fic pai ns i n her ba ck and

acute fer her back by the deeter at hi s office . She went there

twice a we ek fer thase treatments for ahent five months. Efl bays

were taksa . She teat i fi ea she sti ll had a ba cka che at the tri al

(any 1946 )and has pain whea she gets up er si ts down . She had

afivar had saga troubles befere thc a cc idantc The doctor advi sed

?hc plaint iff's evidence i s cerreborated by Dr . Schechter

we do net f ind it to be so. There i s as question about the bi ll

fi es ha chargad whi ch was thz usual, customary anfi

reasfinable oharga . The denfi i st was not avai lable as a witness.

Ks was absent in the Army. Plai nti ff testi fi ed tha t she pai d

him for the naw set of art ific ial tee th . It was di sclosedart i f i c i al

only to the fi rst cat of teeth and not the ascend , repla ced

tdwxv no qt a$i aq fie-

gs uxq c i*

§p1a>pcmc c oi

*gwg xai exayaa

can 5 9 ! para tafi smcm“ ywfi j fi a$fi fi sc caxag i n haygxfi fi afic a nax

on e i aoc-c xwmxuwz tou swag spew ans { I k fl g fioagpae goesp gpc same


Kai gym fl fi fi 3 fi £ O i vmazxxsfg z ssagg*

xc c am qxcayaaac

Ltwtnavpi v cywmfiv ! act q cmz rag m% % 5 0 @ 9 A9 $j i e c a 0 fiqcneaa*

we Gfl fi % fifi q 35 i fl‘gfi

’ c g i qy t fi fi xpw ufl fi fi f’

aaacoav fl ag

fl fi Q fi Ufi fi LIHQ $6 9“ 83‘

f fl 9 ° gpafl fi fifis

gexnfi qfi nn c c fifl na ah a aa:g$5 ¢ e a? $9 .qamc &ca ya oenzyrcgznfi*

83 mg fig; firj yfi 3 9 é fi rsg yea hi c°

m M m an xfi m m m w mm m m m M aw am sm sk

fi n $I8 Q’

Q O’

cm flwsa We m m‘

m cm con fi rm s» su ms W N ew“

as m afivw e m assm m ax-m e

pang ausfi pez cxc Le i ac ac i a 3 &Q fi pj fi fl ‘ age 3 8 3 3

mm m as: 95 m m m m W W“mm aw m 3 9 9 “ om


fifi i fi i‘

pfi g afi cfi'

z i caprae p€ ;0 3 3 gfi fl afi sgqengg

gym qofigmi ag i xaeq

(m raw wm W 8 W ccw am fl aw m: w e; aw e fieW‘W e m g

$3 3 9 fifi fig fia

fl pfi Lg fifiTi I fi Q Q Wfl Bail} ycq a pasgfi epc $ 3 Q BQ £ l 7 $f

8 fi g s; Len gpe ce fi i awgmarga gag wgumg m0 n£p8* Xv é fl lfi

magga { an pa ; pc cg pl spa gaogan a: $3 3 oggz es’

gps can; swa bs

cps: pen pswq wc§ 6q*

vxgc » msega gpe a c e fi z ccn j cmb snuc z u

spasgrma * spa acme ape psq z enasgyc cc fmc 3a fi u i pan; c uq

maega‘g ag gyc qa aga i awwa so ace pwn ssay gal { ax spans


ape use ecugxcmc a aj i ccsz rweg £0 ac » gag gsg'

uacag sue

bum? em cee c m; W p m at cw gym'

149 a m gm a n

p3 & _z a kafi é eq‘apmae aci fbc oe coc c pc i pans pwcr

’goo; p a y

$3 a k aafi yg a; gym c ec rqeum*

gabc fi afixa h has ca 3 9 8 pcs on

we gpa cywe o; ggt wacrqc fip'

gpa ae &€ Lfi c i mcyc q q paexem

ocefl vfi fi b» 9 fie firemei eel aav i eeyeee o

ereeogreee go efi é fiyc gee doe egre u ex gemeae e so eee eeee Te al”

gee joqfiwee g ye Le Ae L heq veg ape men ee Lemweeeq eygp

9 90 13 1* see“ e? gee 111

“ Least

on ope qeeefiee efigex beebem- ye egne egeenefi gfii iffififi


a * ETfiE’ Q fi‘

ewe ifi qeeefie' eweenefi Ifi ei awe oro‘pe ee eexflos eeyj eq go b gee

qe z enqeng’ eve gees yeeoe eege e en gpe ee he earee ye eeecreq ea

ape Lee; 0 ; ee firy?enee e e fp$ Leookq ye oeeeeqeq pl

{ e eocyrefi xv gee neooee £0 exhboeg gs“

wretege pl gee gene eww eg see qnxz t

apre { a e mane emeae*



*byern£ 211 1 8wege oeeel seawe en epeee ewe e ere exevr

abe earwz roe*

efvrenrzx ee ee Len ee’eee


‘eve e eaeree ewe

we so ewe L 6 3 3 0 fi‘no; eye z e ye no eaqgeuoe en eprea go pe as

13 7 2 eenxeogj z efeez epe t l qyeee fiemqeq r$*

ea eel ebe enyeae

ox gpe Inie el‘ I? re ne g cyeymeq pow rueg amez ree ewe e b xeveofl e


qwmefiob e eeeeeee z en be z e wee efi z xeerue efi egere eq ea 3 me ow} ;

«veewewna ewe z eeee fl afxcl brerwersx aofl xe es eusrcrce 2° fives

Asnéice ave leefl eenc°eee

'e >e ee exaceevceq ape lane eye: 1;

eater 6 : eeee"

ee’aPB eeere fi W>WHs O z quwfl fie a VTIe eeq pa ewe

g§8e°oe eé‘

eheeekcrae ewe e1e9*

ee Be z e $0 eye q aeeoe wees 9

she Eye: gee here 73“m$04 3 e aresa ee 7 9 we; eaaané qz acne' ape

ddkftz iee abe t fie? eeeerae fifivnfieq yen erse°oo xoxn eueaé

4565 3

GQ LBBLATT 3 3 08 0 Gorpora



8 . R . JGRQENdEH,

3 2 o 1;h. 3 5 5an. a nn ex Emm a em vm n THE am ni on 01? THE COURT .

Appellant .

Plai nti ff obtai ned Judgment by cenfeee i on aga inst defendant

for Befendant was gi ven leave to apnear and defend, the

Judgment to stand as eeeuri ty. On tri al before the eourt Wi thout

a Jury, Judgment was entered for defendant , On mot i on of pla i nt i ff ,

supperted k? aff i davi ts, a new tri al was granted . From thi s order,

leave havi ng been obt ai ned, defendant appeals,

and mi scellaneous arti cles aggregat ing payi ng oash.

and agreeing to pay $2 5 per month unti l the balanc e was pa i d , He

re cei ved and re tained a folder heari ng hi s name and address, showi ng

be pa i d monthly and on whi ch were to he noted subseque nt purcha sed

and payments. At the bottom was a notat i on “Carryi ng Charged

A12m e m e t ine he si gned a pri nted form headed WAGE aesmm m ,

contai ni ng several blanks. Thi s form, before the blanks were f i lled

i n, was undated, a cknowledged rece i pt of merchandi se of ( blank )

value and reci ted an agreement or the defendant to pay a . ( blank )

sun per ( blank ) peri od for the use and hi re of the merchand i se

hereafter to treat thi s agreement as a eentraet of sale at the pri se

cee i s is: ze xept

, 1g exam Geez erfl eq c bane; e; vcreLUai go eeni eaa

panecrgen. pe sneer an} ? vaneeeeug e a e se eri eeg e; eats an ape bnyee

“new 7c tpb fl rq pa gans awn bxebexei ex eateeet vz'

81 tFU cane she

ever: set weteeq w ee 0 1 eye mu aeeeeeeae ewe 9 6 3 6 1 9 113 bsxe'

sen be; ( prefix) be z roq i en she a te ewe eyes on eye ne i eueuqree

ari as seq neerree we afieeeeeeg e; apt eez eeewur he he h e ( prefix;

Gonawrwvufi Beeseer prvuxvi

eera ae z nԤW% @ L b are prevea ha ys errrsq

eve be imenge' V8 gee pereem eee e nereezeu agene i refi upendeg

spa eeeeee e; me npperqyee beneee eeq’

.rye eeee'

eese’gee eeeeyg ae

eve waxeerna re bei 53 9 be; we uee seer] gee peyeue e a . s herq*

\fi e

eeq ereeexxenee e a eeerez ee eddeedeggnfi eei e” eez yefi seep e age



In efiheewpe k reee i ez eeeevc be nepwese exam breresz z z anxnsee ee

Jeane peaywan peen'

eprerneq*gaz efi gee p fi bfi fifi j fi‘

snbboxseq pi e B ee 3 L¥ 8 1 ne e di ee ree~

know epye eLqe L’

s Qe ni‘zq meee ewe eereeeq gee degewqewg'

on energy or fijw¥H $ILL’

jeqfl mena ge egeug ea eeeeh zei°

on ed ge; pexe ee {we Osu Lg erefifins

Lon eeei‘ee

*ngeeeeenc awe glee” Ia eas eh sheave sue eemaee


brfi i nz rai severe ee ieefieeee he oeueeworoe seern eg qaeefi eews

time V den eager"

0 4 eeeTCTevr eefiee-

ee cerevee

é ;Peeemmo v We“? LHQE eeeee


03 9 9 3

‘fiIQP G‘l@ fl qfi fi & cxgreee meetsxxseoe lsu nereenp 0 1, pra onIJEs

refs Jessas see sees 8 exexfrfl fl f enbz elafi at eye

£1184 3 9° eexz esaz t a; seale rs sets?at scoresease th e“saaa spsz I“

In lfl DbO Lfi at woezeu £0 averse ass loogsest'brerwsrxn

new; use sfiaoeq oboe possess qegesosna see bxsfncygg*

ebbxxoq edersog cps soboj e Pfi lsnce soar; s fid i g Bld GfiQ Ll si essdoe

0: p7 3 ”essays exes brsrnarta“ one saw: as? sowek use five £0 9 3

fi rst: oatswseve ee iree when save as weee vfis £0 L Lonesex neveeozserefl n

ask ss‘tle

se‘wasseceervfi ease age eye use as ea page pi ape;

gyve 993 1 fiaeo aegesqese s noee rbe’

Lo oe z aoq so e egqesoe‘oeeeq

oon ,c so as} ; oomereea 1: oroaoq‘one ea of}

: eyes as ass gonsynn he ”!

ab oast . ppoas$ one hem egosjs pose asagpes Laos ask one IL loo


«IL i on eff} seas a he i nous a; gas goyxane’x as} ; bros

spa {si nygsne has; ewe aeye aee oegesgsos Loom assasen seamefie’

nyeyocri i‘so seaboaso so qeaaeeaae ,e Le oa u og eyes bxeru crli rose

cfia ersd Loo: ago shoes; apex go eat at raga he“afi eh

‘G fieerfi fi g s 0 ;

go prn use spec r; ass onegosmak go srfin an ssordsmeon apes bsn~

obsess ease sysex 35 3 3 fl pe bn z ugeq gone gas; has ouj i pszoa sore

ostefl evwsseasz eees eyessass as artuae spa ease se arexweue 9 3 1 see

qegeuqsuc z Lom are xoqe ngeasose~

axeyscrxg 0 LL6L6 § no eargefi ee'

spa gohyrpano sages as edneeaeaa epz ep sofsoeoq aha qz eooea fio g

waxes setessene pas exie ae te’ one sees b3 3 3 3 :1££ are L eboeaesese

eyessee veeyfiuu sng ass aq possess ox aj i oaegrone msqo pl byszsgrz ;

ipo qei enee nndoe so see woefon £0 se nat e spa q doeos use

ope ns on eye LO IQ Q L geese xxs”

on npz op'

qegonqssg erases as gene eeeo goo behooves one goo gees


se é es‘

eebeewpcn e‘rese'Ivefi aee 0; eeboeapen Jr

“ass ease

tee“senor eeee° se‘was e onesak asleeuefi see

“ass veerdmesne

go opon. gpo seeooeuqrae henopoooq 3 3 Q 2*

§a’ oessi xsd opssdos a

sore 0” solvers ex bei nvvkfi‘ EIWTB STLI LIT 6s In 3 8 8 PIQ UKG

iagfimooc one sscponxnl go ease boeeeseyos e; ego mesopeuqrss

that at no time an that date di d he assure defendant that defendant

would be released frem hi s indebtedness te pla i nti ff; that he

never stated to defenfl ant tha t “i f defenaant would permi t certa i n

tarni ture ta be repoesoeeed , that sa i d aerendant would be released

and di eehnrged tram. hi a ind ebtedness to pla i nti ff, ” Pla i nti ff

alga fi led an affidavi t of the attorney represent i ng i t on the

tri ala sett i ng up offerts te locate Shay ana i nabi li ty to do so

When aefendant si gned the wage a ssi gnment wi th. the blanks

.a; 1 i 4 43 msr. 252 Ill. App . 545 , The i nserti ons

to preauee Shay on the tri al , ana the granti ng of plai nt i ff's

moti on for a new tri al refi ted in the di screti en or the tri a l court

fna order apgealed tram i s aff i rmed

fifi tepfl gc‘b

”1 " any o;@oevmn

‘q" eone fl x


mp9 c e gex embeej eg { LO H rs exgyameq~

rug anag q7 $0 h 0 3 7 0 0 aea neg

mogten x0 5 v Hem eater L eegeq qu fine qrt enegyen ea pvt £LI $T eonng

ca bnoq fl ce ewvl on rye saxvz ° t t e stw teeuerwt Q t brvrfi axz z ge

besetbg z yfineq $2 spel*

5 19 7 3 3 11; use see ne tyrfiees In xerrrma

eené ueqwegree ex qegenqseg ,e ce egymanl eg g $3 ee aboxeeq at spa

qe zsnac Le ases pa etarqvar: 9 ; a re 18 s qyesec

30 3 0168 8 6 eta xtgepgeqme ee‘

e g g rye pangea a; e egvprrtpynfi gee;

gra ze

negovgeng ,t enyt qegeuee ae e sue eyyefieq e fineeme u$ o; evwl

wage pi bxwrsgrz g at e 9 ta pe z evgz ey eombjxe g ae fi z zy gye p fi ngwoxyeem

Zfifififfifii fig

f3‘A "

III‘vtb ete

'tvfl twawacrena

tnwvervfi on fine fifififiTfifti a' see 11 7“9 09

fl m XIII I” P?“PI Q WK'IH g fi c fi fi qg fi fi s Q T£§ Cfi S g ages

avxrrrfiq t ea t errasne q 13 $0 5 7 9 7 U£It£“spans “we fi t rwbrroq

tfitn qez a wvc arfis eq eye mwts « aertuwo fl c prwvxa

Bea pa c qneeq ea 3 ei cu c aefl

fi ver: fl i c°5 fine ve tteevsnet 9 6 8 5 etxu t eei wag fifivc ant i eonre

sxrfix’ fl escz nt ab GC¥O L£ 3 so Ioevse enwl Hut I”?PTIT£1 3 0 q0 as

tree ( Iraq an exz yqe arg o; cps UB£©L 5 $K L ett eaengrya 3 3 em gge

«sq QI EQ FWL Q eq them fi ts ¥Hq9 p80 § 3 e 8 9 cc brwrvcrxzfla trt rvnxtx

gnnnrgans 3 0 pa s oeaeeaeq°apt g eerq qegeegeug &O fi Ig pa L Q I Q WGGQ

v B L fisvceq co «excutt ne 3 9 9 : art qsxesqvvsaefi rq benwrc ge navrv

loufe no berevafi q team'

prfl Ifi qt pfi eqfl fi a fl £6 brsrtsrxz t cyst v6

antsvsno crws av ape: gags 97 4 nw seasxa eatenQ VB fi ant e fit te eQ S Bs

trwnt ea 5I9 13 £7 313 est bvneroaremz l spa Lewerbs q eq awl sa'reset


pa trqrvfi seen covA esrevs! ass: 611 at can sava nna ox cps purrqrnd

dsxsde enq grasp arx gree ns rmaeqregsrl’ and ape L e mersqe n on rye

brs mu u a 7 213 6q co m eager mm m rmm fi In w e 8 9 9 60 8 cm

goes enpegsnarsj enrag ed eyes 8 3 spa gnyey I: se e epoan spar

nebe eee eeaen‘

L emoq eyynd an ape gynag 8 1x {Icons pee bnedna eeeq

su dd en scenes span syncs ape emai l 0 1 cps inqdmeug ( on

besee eeyon e: spa shenae evg oe eebyeq pl qegenqsng'

gj ernnzxge ,

o; snag lee: 13 err: men he ne ce eeeni Lon byereerxge na pe as

13 8 on arrearud sue pnyq nd spans cue gap nyoon'seq pe eenee

apart brsne 9 9 see: sp ed qe no: ceegembj sge rameqrsceyh L emeqer

3 8 ad ded en ewe Gre ta ease brsrnz z t t fl se es afiavdeq eds metrt i eq

In spray ape sbsagwenn mes j eeeg eq*

Derenqenn te sexton na aseece

bran pe {sweet enej i ercea avg afi p agenpyej j l L eases} ape pn z z qrnd

Bjsxnayt ge , seaxev 10 a boeeeeeyoe ae e ne eeq on agai n

gpo jnqdmenx enenn uysqe

Enos npe ee enqene pa sbbeere*

mmenqaenp go bye besrnron ass qenreq , euq p 3 3 me tres so assess

enrgenee ass 31:9 algaz enqseg le megxeu Lon j e ans 3 0 L116 es

cps ifi qfid eve‘

ext i ncrtz e enae ehsq‘

and as Honeepe b e’fade

Jets“ 0 0 3 0 9 9 3 Q I’Tees getsvssv c erred e becI¢IO B so Ad ag es

ape Lesn’ ape any: on neesrfl n g z on pared apeleg no goaea pex I’

en 5 0; qsnrea LG L LGU G’godeppea aypp e agar; In awe Senate In

besee e exes or Vbengaeuc mo‘9 on ape j ogs LI Q O L or ape pfi z rqynd

vndn ae 8‘rate bfsreerez e 0 9 £ 1 ¥U 6 q ladde eue LO B

EH’ fififl filCE'


Feelsa“ asi des“


Gddsd Oh GHIG fGQ‘

vbberyee e’

eve esseeossa“Readi es

“ 60 »

evanar eeses’LPOBEKGE eeoeeevm

2 0

i ncludi ng defendant , had been gi ven an opportuni ty to l ease

one of the reaedeled apartments ba t defendant i nsi sted

upon keepi ng the apartment on the loth floore Th e answer

also asserted need of defendant's apartment du ri ng the

renedeli ng to a oooamddate a tenant as ept i ng a lease of a

reuedeled apartment; and urged want of Juri sd i cti on to va c at e

the Judgment beoaase of the lapse at more than 5 0 days aft er

After heari ng evi dence tending te support pla i nt i ffs'

answer the sourt deni ed defendant's pet i ti on for want of

Juri sdi ct i ons After the court had stated\hi s posi t i on as

to the vaeat i en of the Judgment , defendant asked leave ta amend

hde peti ti on to ask fer the further stay of the wri t of rest i

tati en . The eeart deni ed thi s moti ons We fi nd no error i n i ts

ruli ngs. The appli eat i en te vacat e the Judgment was f i l ed

toe late . (sees ale Huni eipal Court Aet , 111 . Rev; deat . 19 45 ,

d: the tri al eenrt to st ay the wri t of resti tut i on i ndefi ni tely,

does not she! obese of di sereti en unraverable to defendant .


3 .

August 25 and to rei nstat e the cause was allowed . The case was

theat heard, The eeurt found defendant gui lty of wrongfully

wi thholdi ng pe eeee ei en of the premi eee i n quest i on and ordere d

that the wri t er resti tut ien be stayed. 5 days. Sep tember 15 ,

pursuant to not i ee, the part i es appeared before a th i rd judge

and an orde r was entered ecnti nu i ng the matt er unti l the next day

at whi ch t ime the court arderea that the Judgment of September

4 , 194 5 , be vacatede wee Judgment erder further rec i tes tha t


plai nti ff pre eeeutes thi s appeal, and dept ember 19 ,

fi led i ts net i ee of appeal and i ts veri fi ed pet i t ion whi ch

purperte to set up the taste i n the ease, from whi ch i t appears

at di smi eeal was entered August 25 ; that i t was tendered for the

three manta; then due on the 11th . ef September but that plai nt i ff

There was as warrant i n law for enteri ng the Judgment of

for'pla i nti tf, Judgment was ente red on the f indi ng; and on

Septei ber'

lé u the denet was wi thout authori ty i n agai n heari ng

the ease and findi ng defendaet net gui lty, fer the sole reesen

that she had tendered the rent en September 11 and agai n on

the 14; At that stage of the proce edi ng plai nt i ff was not

The Judgeent at the Muni c i pa l eourt of Ch i cago ap pealed

from i s reversed and the eense remanded wi th di re ct i ons to



Hhtehett , P. J . , and Ni emeyer; J . . eeneur,

gwi vs engen fiwa cagakaq sfih@ @ srnfi qegz nqwfi ga , sb% e9 3 pang*

shfiswr no 3 3 7 8 coa&g'

i pfi wagyom a fi a genreq ez q ea syn g gxg

Lama fi g? eusfiL fiq‘ esz npaz ss‘I é fi?‘geasuqvmz s z z z eq fl nwz refi

asaopEi I ’Jag?“ a qe ange 0 1 anxea ze 3 1% $ awq ssy$ 3m gya fl ag s:

agoeg we exoskgyaue m$&a aasxafi ysq sag aw

o qaoase 9 3 g z acyeanne as engexsg as haeleq gax'

09 33 6 3 10 9 9

ape gc $¢ps GAIqQ fi Q G’ wage ab p13 s e u£ wag La e¢m&evqeq gfiws

aGLQ q a uh ape awfi as $ 9 3 negsxfieq g@ a measc y In epvfi aonl

61 gagiooo


eAréeueoq pl 3 baawz fi @e L3 . vogO’

vi nex spa reag en

qseq fir4 au an bz mfi reea xu gagnEgaw’ga asawns as rvqapssqmaé s

combrwyvg tn cpaac g hl so goa$firsas ape $13 3 0 3 9 gxfi ag

yang my]; wag z g acsmwug a; Eqwsxq g*awxr



Whi rl e‘Ifi%a

‘V* K


‘$3 fifi a fl z ee fl fi qen sgfl




Goorott and Elsie Cocroft , hi s wife , executed the ir prommi eeory

note payable to bearer for due five hears aft er da te

wi fih i nterest at 5 per cent per annum and to secure the

payment, on the same day executed their trust deed conveying

the prcni eee in. que et i on to the Chi cago T itle Trust Company,

Trustee . The promises were improved by a 2 and one-half story

and basement frame residence loca ted i n Evanst on . The property

was originally owned by Edward Rm Hell who sold it to the

soorcft e who hook in part payment the note and trust de ed.

Some 6 month: aft erward the Goerofte eold . the property to

defendants¢ fl annel Biok Pryoo and Eliz abeth Drew Pryce , hi e

wi t for oanh and theynae eamod the mort gage .

When the indebtedness come due June 25 , 19 5 3 , Edward R . Hall ,

by hi s men, Edward Bu Eoli ¢ and defendants, executed a writt en

agreement cxtenfl i ng the time of payment for a period of 5 years

or until June 83 . local Ana on June 25 , lone, the some parties

executed another agreement ext ending the t ime of payment of

the $en, ooe for a period or 5 years or unt il June 25 , 19 45 .

thonld pay on a eoeunt of the principal on. or before

June 25 , 193 9 , the i ndehtofineeo evidenced by the note for

would be reé uced to anfi the rat e of interest

to 4 per eon; upon the $8GQ Q OO . By the terms of the

extension agreements all of the provisions of the trust de ed

exccet no there in changoé o ageni d continue i n forc e and effec t .

Ho port of the ment ioned was P3 15 0 M ay 3 , 1941, the

song Edward B, Kali , wrote defendant, Samuel Pryce saying :

“When the not e union I hole for any father's a c count, secured

by mortgage on your residence at the above address, [17 3 5 Chi cago

Am e , mvm n on, Illinois] comes one i n June, 194 5, I hereby

agree, if you request i t, to renew the loan for another period

ans 1 x\at epoxewxcos nan spa gw O L_ 3 p® mencaafi b ama z e

vp I 3 71? bax are LJL ag heab ’ax gpv aeoomq

z en vyoae ai a‘ooe


*I; 3 9 ” was sqrrrva so vfi nxl awe fl e ncfl efie

two I‘svfi firv s a aesfi mfi 3 9'

96 aeaare fi fifi monafifi as

on gpsxaapanga*

‘gps pavx p9 3 oz ;9 L@ Q‘

na $sxs O AGL gfie yawn 3 3

canmrnaeq: y?! 3 9 6 fifi fi fl cps hLohehgz 3 8 HO % &fl 7neq we

Ifl vfianw nebne eeufirfi a n afi cpsa’ago fl ag qseq

‘LWG I6R£ 6 L

z pefi

gficwegov mnfixsx fivq pmq agypg q on gym png L anxq'

pe $ 5 3 no

ecaarvfi cnw: fl ° fl anerrl nsa aeg i s ux£y'


fl a i r kefl fi Lqrvfi



‘aneg a wL' Q fi h fi b fl é ab fig okgenqo‘gra hq

qr? Eng afl ax so Bfl é fi awe cywe ox ba z aeux exxfinqeg ergpn& $3

eaascs« fl n& afiwk box»: qg c £FH£ fi va&h aye b argefl ce‘xpe qaLeB Q fi vsa

men: mgqe 1 L* ’ xaarq pa pruqyufi on U f a afi gpg a lm

Bfl fi LIUEF DG¥ O § 8 gya maeg eL* wag 3 8 aqmyggeq wfi k a‘gpyc gal fi fik e c

Q agu eej £ 0 3 byszusz L; 3 9 1 eggs 3 3 use wgmrcasq 9 ” aps

wag fififih cfifiw n ) arzy wk'e’ z bsfi fie fi

‘£3 6 bzsrv8711

qfl fl ¢v'gaz esgwnsa og zsaq cw yrs 3 0 3 4 weLe q z aaq 0 1 fififi e

Lg cfi

afifi'eAIqeneo Laxcnax euawe p x wxsea mL

'5 8 31

’an t e


avl fai r“ f a spaaw damsag


,ps¢m> 3 ps grmw ko; hskmea g axgenqsq

’In 9 eonqsna e sygy gyb yeggaa

qfi fl‘

fi fl fifi 8a‘Iaffi Lax are £ 9 3 3 63 cyz sapex we ns enz rgreq £9

3 0 ~h$3meug Q L Ingaheec fi e a mfi qa ap exewggem*

urea seen barqnenq afie Ingfi aaas awa haxa £6 EH UG se‘Iaé g pH:


a1 3 8£60 vvq fi z ceaxfi hg xyleg aprfl go bvxa 9 : cfie b k i fi clbfl

spa sagwae asaw sgosaq { U EIGLIQW‘bj fi ymgrgx paxg figs vane e a

fl sgsL ape my} ; g ag sabenemgxh’ wgg az

w a tt-8 W 6", m m m bfi lw u‘V

’82‘w w w s‘w e wm rw w

4 .

the mortgage was one or the assets belengi ng te the estate

of Edward 3 , He ll , decea sed , of Whi ch . he was a ct i ng as

exncuter; that fine mertgagc was left i n trust wi th . di re ct i ons

as to fii npe ei t i en cf the money; When pa i d; tha t“I am not

parti cularly inkere eted in a reducti on of the pri nc i pal amount .

It i s my euSy to make the fund produce as mu ch i ncome as possi ble

and at the same ti me preserve the fund so far as poeei ble for

“If your offer i s te pay and wi pe out the mortgage ,

I thi nk that I can say at pressat that the offer i s re j e ct ed .“

Atterward, July 28, 194 3 , er. Pryc e agai n wcc$e plai nt i ff

ackncwledgi ng the let t er ef June 17 , stati ng that he had re cently

soli ci ted several part i es as to the value of the preperty and that

“The coe eeneee cf opimi an se ems to be that the pla c e

wi ll not bri ng were than i t sold at forced sale . I enculd

corroct wi ll waggest the fellewi ng preposi t i on .

full valuet ien cf the prc rEy, field mertgage to run for at

least fi ve year! wi th the pri vi lege cf renewal for a se cond fi ve

ere-payments er $59 0 cr mnlt i elea thereof on. any interest day

”We beli eve thi s i s the maxi mum tha t can be real i z ed

tren thi s property and feel that we ehonle rece i ve consi derat i on

ahead or any pessi ble buyer at the same fi gure .“

Pla i nt i ff di d not reply to thi s lett er unt i l gay 15 ,

1944 , when he refers to de fendants'let t er of June 15 , 19 43 ,

at all sati sfaetery, and at thi s t i me I wi ll be pleased to re ce i ve

No . 1

Fi ai s E . Ba

Appealfilli i am

Ci rcu i t Court .

Wi lla-m Bo m m ,

wim ui t W t and wake/di ed i n i ta fl am e of December 16 ,

1044 , Whi ah, a a aforesai d . araerad thfi bank to pay to Fi nn

tha m 0 1? sum i nterest . 2mm decree also

di ami ssad a aamyla i nt, i n tha na ture or a bi ll of revi ew,

fi lad by fihe hank. agai nat Fi nn . during the pendenay of the

aeaaunti ng sui t , whi fih complai nt prayad for vacati on of the

(Em m a of M y 19 , 19 3 9 . on the m um of fraud , anal for

filam ent agai nst Firm. xi; la rm thi s deg ree of December 16,

the am pm m i n the nature of a bi ll of revi ew tha t thi a appea

ma w ti an a? 13m (Em mi: i n di smi ssi ng the compla int

i n the m ain or a bi ll of ravi ew wi ll fi rst be eonsi dered .

m an“ court and thi s 0mm?by hi e w atim ny in the earl i er

W adi ng, upon whi eh the M ar at! of M y 19 . 19 3 9 , was based .

In substance . thi s teatimm xy m s, am ora l-1g to the compla int ,

tha t i n the m li er proceedi ng, Fi nn falsely testi fi ed tha t he

Jam s, far the am of and tha t he pum hased the

x3i allow (m ath ; from Ja cobs for ghi a b was a

di fferent and separa te M en tion . The compla int alleges

Em m aw of Agreement batm an Henry

Jam bs and W. B . Fi rm : cf Garti f i ca te or

th i s Tartan 01mm hou se and p i cture show cu tti t .

Com to be 0m m on terms agreed on . by Cha s.

A . Gri dley . mm }. consi dera ti on

i ssua ba$waea than , ei tner by p1@ &fi i ngs or i n faet . If no

a fimi fitefi by aha bank . In efihar'

waré a , Fi an'a pcsi ti an was,

rel i ef unti l the api ni cm at thi s Court was fi led , Oc tober 15 ,

Vm fl $ 7 74 4

Agenda No . 7

Appeal tram the

fiacon County.

whaae, J . £3 ZE1013A . g;d?77

waste an allawance ef for Plaintiffs'soli ci tor's

In har parti ti aa complaint , M i lli e stombaugh alleged

tha questlaus ra i sed by the fiafandant i n th i s appea l by i ts

fi ndi ngs i fi the ease mf Btombaagh v . morey, supra , wherei n ,

at gas cfi unfierela ims thsy fi led .'Attenti en i s also ealled . to

di sfl regfl nai es i n rafaranae Be c ertai n navaleaaed mertgagas.

?h9 3 6 é i aerspanai es a g to i ntfirasts are fl a t auffi e i ent to

taan. unfiar her complai nt .”

fin fi nd that the sali eltor for the pla i nti ff properly

i n taxi ag casts against the property unless the Tri al Court

thi s Ga ga in the allowaaae of a ttorngy's fees as costs agai nst

Five Thousand Dollars Pla i nt i ffs answered the counter

cla im on mat ch 6th , 1943 .

On February 18 , 1945 pla int i ffs fi le d the ir m ended complai nt ,

making John D . Stab]. a new p arty defendant . To this m e nded

complaint m ono) . fi le d! hi s m ower and oountercmm , c la imi ng damage

in the em of Ten Thousand Dollars and a llegi ng sub

stant i ally what was contai ne d in the ple adi ng first fi led . John D .

Stan]. was charged with m ay driving his automobi le upon route

81 M anon he comm not do so wi th reasonable safety and wi thout wfi

giv ing any warni ng of bi o i ntention to do so . On April 2 , 1943 'stoll

fi le d hi s answer to the complaint and const erolam , cla iming to be

free from negli gence . en M m mbor 29 , 1944 plai ntiffs m ended the ir

w aded om laiat i nom osi ng the ad 6m m 1m One Hundred Thousand

Bollars ( M emooon and W ing tm defendant's now to appear

correctly. m m ly John 0 . atoll .

Thi s is what happened a» on Sunday a fternoon at about four

thi rty» a ch ar. M y day» roar automobi les were prooeodi ag southward

on Sta te Route 81 at a point about four mi les south of the Vi llage

of Halfday. foo hi@ way at m o point was paved with concrete and

consi sted of tow: lonoa of ten feet each . verandant atoll in

company wi th M a jor Tom letoo or the m o. Am y was dri v ing south

frm hi sW e 13 M ormon-ow oarom o go ohi oago. He drove his car

comple tely off the pavement onto the west shoulder and stepped and

fixed the left si de or the hood whi oh baa become unraotene d . The

seoond oar appeari ng on tm scene was tha t of é efenaant cla rence

M i chal . He was arm i ng soothwaré , oooupying the m at lam ,“

traveling at about twenty mi les per hour , and a c compani ed by his

wi fe who was riding i n the front seat wi th him . The third on was

driven by clarenoe's 13m m r, George M ahal It was proceedi ng in

the some lano at the am rate of speed oofl about fi fty feet to the

rear of his brother . who men u brot hers had oom from the own er

hem of George which was loc a ted in How l-y, Illi noim ahout th irty

mi les from the scene of the acc ident . on: fourth car. oocmpi ea by

Lance vnq can neppraq «sq wcxncg 9 si t e’sfi q pra sex: came ctoaavseu


g.s esz ’

fpa gear! set gaz ag e rent rs axon: ex :3*$5 6 fixevvr

fl h'aspen sc ai xgteq cpw; upc fl gi g cei nevqpeq cps eyansnaa

fizaxufi uni a az nrnav

Q ffit i“t

asafihb mtepar CG Q SILIG Q gyms agay? baryag gag gfi qqsnyi axgp og g

cfifiw'wnq cps: fl ag to mantl e epaxbrl so 3 3 9 rgi z

arz a'grrsa

‘cefl si z teq spas ;a v a w a w gem anqgefi rl Q afi xv ixang e;

cps 16 13’9na 39 8 3 IH «612 3 ea fie u fl afi ex ape Ohfiew as$ * fi rg i az ae‘a

o 0 p3 9 hai a g spas neoasarcagrnfi 1m go &% 3 $AG saqqenrl go

firexsfi ee fi?3?§ 7 gfi aexnz eq cpec 3 3 0 7 15 ? osfi barree Lz fip¢

ga lye maxi ; afaapiqa Iz aps<an 35 a nag &

“wnq hi mneagaq £6

Lega li z e; myz z os‘

fl ag gnz xgyo eowxv? same i aoiig

lZa yfl nqnfi q$9 fi fl fi 111 6?Rye 9 0 0?pa 5 713 9 3?Pfi fl fi ffi tfl F?! 6 3 x“ raagg q I“ Q?“

a on cfis fqebz tree on eye fifigq‘ aterr sancti t eves

spa oxé az as; spicy gala ape xaaq awq anaayeq xago e

Lneng gauge; a; nyqxsnge ;a Baa agmfi eg spa xqfifig o fi c x¢ngsx on

ox, crsm uofi m aps? M cummq 3 0 gm reu‘m sm abog w e w as

axa'Q p n Lynac sag cps atopgy meme away aye Asa gags

agate; a; gi a expuu . a Lsaz qqu c

swath qsustvstxan sage exi t xvoen &sa noxfixm'rfrynera

’fi fl afie a

text Bleap‘

assay mi xes a w 3 30 si gns a; ape yearqang3aufl

vnq Pé x'Pfl ecenc £ 5 3 efiatt v $0 $5 3 taflva'

i fl mfs yawn fl ea we sefl vq

spa neecuq raga {souf syc asaa' 13 “a . petnfi Q LIA Q U pl

fi z a'

« 4

hhd t transpi red after the colli sion must be gi ven some

attention . George mi ehml test i fi ed that htoll was leavi ng the

scene of the acci dent; that he stepped him. wi th the warni ng tha t

he was the cause of tho aeoldant and should wa i t for the poli ce;

and that M oll ami d,"them 19 N othing the mat ter wi th me , to

hell wi th man ila further testi fi ed that M oll was m‘oli ng,

amelled of li quor, dhd i n hi s op i n i on was drunk . Ellen M i cha l

testi fi ed that her husband Glaxonod stopped the Stall car,and

that she ta lked to 8 t011¢ She told ham. that he had caused the

aooi dant and was not going away. h is reply to her was that he

was on hi s way to ohi dagh and “di dn't have timh to bother with

these people". hha tuxdhar related that he "started

he was bldrryb eyod and smhlled of li quor , dnd further sa i d ,"I

As to thi a feature of hho ovoht,otoll test i fi ed, that

hajor Tomwleton, upon di sooveri hg tho seri ousness of the ac c i dent ,

wont to the nearest toldphono and called for the poli ce and an

ambulance . He admi tted that, whi le wai ti ng for the M a jor's rot dr n,

he was si tt i ng in hi s ear and was apprhaohed by a man and lady who

sai d ha was reoponsi hle for thd aooi dent ohh d he repli ed, tho¢“


you wi ll exami ne my traoha on the shad e , i ndi cat ing my gradua l

approach to the highway, you wi ll see i was in no way responsi ble .

Stall farther testi fi ed that he ahowod the poli ce off i cer hi s

tracks, gave him his name dhd other i nforma ti on re quested or him

by the poli ceman . whereupon he left the scene of the d ec i deht with

the offi cer's permi osion . he testi fied that he had one drink be fore

di nner and was not i ntoxi cated .

Russell Bott test i fi ed that he was a member or the Deerf i eld

poli ce force and deputy sheri ff of Lake oounty, and that he ohms to

the sodas of thi s acc i dent as the result of a phone call . Be

corroborated h tollvo aooount with respect to the automob i le tracks

on the shoulderaand sai d he talked to and observed the defendant

and. t¥3§fha was not i n any way under the i nfluence of l i quor .

atoll automobile,and should have reasonably anti cipated tha t i t

woald turn “ma nly in front or the ni che]. ear find should have

an tic ipate“ m m ow i ng of the M ichal car to the laro,eh a. if

she hoe done so and managed her oar with due regard to those

conditions, the oooi dom:wonlé not have happened . Appe llant's

counsel oi te m y cases i n support or their argumen t , but all are

clearly di m inguisha’

hle from the inatant c ase . we do not believe

that the court erred i n overruling defenoant'a motions for direct“

verdi ct, nor do we holievo that tho jury m : not Justi rioa in

finding by QM ?w N i om that both plainti ffs were i n the exerc ise

or M e com gaittheir own m i nty.

Appellant further oom onda that the verdict: were excessive,

and that the trial court erred i n giving certain i nstm ot iona

“n ewto dw m Im tm ohi oh um ber two h f”

stat e d ‘ tha t i t

was unnecessary for any wi tness to have expressed an opinion on

the m um:of 6m m 3,hut that the jury oould "w ho ouch estimate

from the foot: and oi romnstam eo in proof . " ha d in instruction

nm hor thu s thi s lam agfl woo um d fl in determining the amoun t or

“w a s. the Jury has the rimt to and should w ho i ota considera

tion all the roots and oi roumotam oo as proved by the evidence

before them ." It wi ll he noted that in ne i ther i nstm cti on wan

the jury's dotom i hofhioa of tho m um; of damages limited to the

w i dow s with rotoronoe to damages. In Garvey v . The Chicago

Rai lways Gum m y, om 37 6 o im am instm oti on cont ained this

language : ”In de termi ning the amount of am m o have a right

to take into con sideration on me facts aha oi roumstancos you

believe are proved by the w i donoo before you ." In cox-16m i n;

the giving or that i notm oti oh , but not ration-sing therefor. the

court son :“An inotm ot ion which does not require the assessment

or dam e" to ho based upon en hance as to am ass for whi oh the

law an on recovery}: is improper." ( Illinois Central Rai lroad

Company 7 . Johnson, 281 m . he do not believe the appellant

is i n a posi ti on to ten advantage or this error in thi s court .

was a c ontusi on of h i s stoma ch wh i ch the doc tor sa i d nec e ssi t a t e d

an op era t i on where i n e i ght i nches of th e small i nt est i ne were

r emoved .Dur i ng the p e r i od of hosp i t ali 7 a t i on h i s c ondi t i on wa s

pronounc ed cr i t i c al for sev era l we eks. M any b lood t ra nsfusi ons

wer e gi v enU

nr i ng the f i r st four months of h i s i llne ss, h i s we i ght

dropped from 15 5 pounds t o 8 7 pounds. Inbeptnmb er ,

19 4 1, Orban

went home from the hospi tal ,but from th a t t i me unt i l M ay,

19 44

he wa s C onf i ned to h i s home, and for a gr e a t er por t i on 0 f that t i me

was i n bed . By M ay ,19 4 4 ,

th e le ft leg a troph i ed ,shr i v alled


short ened unt i l i t was four and one -half i nches short e r andg two

th i rds the si z e of h i s r i ght li mb . At the t i me of the a c c i dent

M r . Orban was 48 years of age ,and dur i ng the year pr i or th ereto

earned as a tool mak er . he ev i denc e abundantly shows

Orban to b e a c omplet e physi c a l wr eck . We do not beli ev e

was exc essi ve .

The c ourt i n passi ng on defendant's mot i on for a new tr i al u sed

the followi ng language“The v erdi c t i s so hi gh a nd ther e i s some

other peculi ar c i rcumst anc es ab out the c ase , pa rt i cula rly that th i s

defendant wa s not made a p arty unt i l four days b efor e th e two ye ars

had expi red ,a nd th e oth e r def endant be i ng la t er d i sm i ssed out of

the c ase the la st moment . It i s a pe culi ar c ase . Howev er ,I c annot

gr ant a new tr i a l Just b e c ause a c ase i s pe culi ar ,I mu st hav e some

alleged grounds for gr ant i ng a new tru i a l .

” We agr ee wi th the c ourt

tha t th i s i s i ndeed a pecu li ar c ase . Inde ed i t i s so str angely

peculi ar that we beli ev e th at Ju st i c e demands that thi s c ase be re

tr i ed .

The t est i mony of the two M i cha l fami li es i s so i nh erently i mpro

bable and contr a di ctory that i g'

i s worthy of li t tle b eli ef . Clar enc e

M i chal,i n February,

19 42 ,was a defendant . Lat er he f i led hi s c ount er

c la im ,c la i mi ng damages ln the sum of and chargi ng the

Orbans solely,wi th c ausi ng h i s i n jur i es. He spec i f i ed i n h i s plead

i n a st ate of i nt oxi c a t i on as descr i bed by the M i chals.Th e poli ce

man! was c ert a i nly i n a posi t i on to know ,and i t wa s h i s busi ness to

know i f Stoll was i ntoxi c at ed .He wa lked and ta lked wi th Stoll , and

he was shown the tra cks that h i s c ar ha d ma de on th e gr ass shoulder

as he ha d gradu ally“nudged

“ h i s way b e ck onto th e pa v ement . The

tra cks showed no abrupt ,forty—f i ve degre e turni ng of h i s c ar .

The pla i nt i ffs'c ase was almost wholly dependent u pon the

t est i mony of the M i chals fami li es. Inher ent i n th e t e st i mony of

Clarenc e M i chal are so many i mprobab i li t i es and contra di c t i ons

tha t i ts falsi ty i s demonstrat ed . Hi s story, a s r ela t ed on the

wi tness st and when c onsi der ed i n li ght of hi s dec lara t i ons made

prev i ously , i s qu i te c ontra di c tory to th e laws of uni versal human

exper i enc e ,and i s b eyand the li mi t s of human b eli ef . The other

M i chal wi tnesses wer e doubt lessly under the domi na t i on of Clar enc e

lM i chal,a nd the i r cre di b i li ty consequ ently loses i ts we i ght .


Jury was nev er told abou t the i nconsi st ent and contr adi c tory posi

t i ons taken by Clar enc e M i chal i n hi s plead i ngs and h i s t est i mony .

Fou ndat i on for h i s i mp ea chment should have been la i d . Upon a r etr i al

th i s wi ll doubtlessly not be ov erlooked .

In v i ew of the unsat i sfa c tory char a c t er of the proof offer ed on

ibehalf of the pla i nt i ffs, and i n v i ew of the conv i nc i ng chara cter

of the di r ect and posi ti ve pr oof of a c ompletely d i si nt erest ed

'wi tne ss off ered on b eha lf of the defendant ,

we hav e re a ched the

conc lusi on that the ver di c t s i n th i s ca se are c ontr ary to the

mani fest we i ght of the ev i denc e .

Cause rev e rsed and remanded for new tr i al .



genesL b A o L B eq a L smsuqsq Lon H em gL TsI'

msumLe B g a erdpp0 ; 3 pm t a rge nc e

c onc rnarou cusp cp s A st gyc ;s In ppre csee ens c ompmsnl

a xg ne ee oLLaL eq on p cn L or eye qsge uqsuc’a s pea s L e e cpeq eye

or cps gru e c c suq d I Q IA e bL oog Us a c cmbj e i e jl q I U peL e sgsq

c ep eyr or spa bIe IU pILL euq In A TGM or ppe C u L A I U GTDfi cpsa scrst

IH stem 0 ; fps nassrrsge c i oal CHi L S O lb L or sp a bL oog O LLb L a q on

rpre xx} ; qonp grsaeyl 0 0 3 ps e A sL yocysq'

Eonuqsprou Lon p 1 8 rmbsaopmeup spoe j q p ea s pe e p j ?1q‘

nbun s L spL Isy

grows gsysu pl SJSL GU C G wraps? Tu pye bj ssqj uas euq p i e ps agymoml

QnLA . Asa nen em gq sposg i ps fueou e z egsug seq court e qrcgon l he er~

Krone] mi z ue e ae a me t e qonprrsasj i nvgsn cps qomrvsprou er‘ayai sscs

sxbsL Isuoe‘seq gs p elqvq cps Ti a ras or pnmsu p o j rsg


Lye O pp eL

oLsA I Q n ayi'rs dfl Ifi G


C O n sqIC LO L l go pp e yea a o; nuxasi ssj psmsn

a rgvé ss agsuq _a psn C O U G Igsq ru Traps or p 18 geo L sp f oss me gs

cps: fps s argl re qewomsi ne i eg'

Hrs egoml‘as L e jsge g on ape

gjsse use wraps; gas so maul ImD L Op gp I IT£Te E suq Gourmeqycg i on e

cégb i monl or spa N c U I E m IIIS Q‘

Impsi esg In ap e fissprmonl or

LUG bys i uclgge , c ase a ss sjmo ep mpo l qsbeuqsur r hea ppe

pna cxa epoasq no 8 pL H D ¢°

eLgl-tyns magmas gnmuxue 0 ; p 18 csL '

pe ass spomu gp e gL B C fl fi apex prs osL peg wags on cps SL sss anonyqsm

RU O M TL seer: A sa rusoxrc egeq’

we a gree; sue ca ress fl i t?ssorr’9 0s

mam‘use ds Q IU IK In s beercru u £ 0 gnom'

e vg Tc a ss p i e pnsyusee go

TU a


erage at rupcxrcepron G e qe ecnvpsq bl ppe N IC pE I a' mp9 burrcs

A M rs. He i nema n ,who Iev ad i n Hi nsda le

,Illi noi s


owned a li fe e st ate i n a busi ne ss property,wh i ch prop erty

aft er h er de ath was sold to the happs.

Th i s r ea l esta t e wa s

loc at ed i n Hi nsda le , and sha ll b e r eferred to her ea ft er i n th i s

op i ni on as the walgr e e n prop e rty .Next t o th i s prop

e rty ,there

was loc a ted the Oswa ld bu i ld i ng . In th i s Oswa ld bu i ldi ng Rapp

conducted a bakery busi ness, and on the se c ond floor of i t Walk er

had h i s off i c es wher e he c onduc t ed h i s r eal est a te busi ness. Wa lker

had been a re si dent of the v i llage of Hi nsdale for more than twenty

years, and throughout thi s per i od wa s a duly li c ensed rea l e st ate

broker .He wa s the managi ng agent of the Oswa ld bu i ldi ng , and i n

tha t capa c i ty had many busi ness tr ansa c t i ons wi th Rapp . Wa lker

a lso sold Rapp‘s r esi denc e to hi m i n the Vi llage of Hi nsdale .

Walker's test i mony c onc ern i ng hi s deali ngs Wi th Rapp i n

the i nst ant c ase runs a s follows. 3 ome t i me dur i ng th e year

19 4 5,

'R app came to Walker's off i c e and st at ed th e t i nasmu chas

h i s b akery busi ness was prov i ng qu i te prof i table he was a c cumulat

i ng some sur plus money wh i ch he desi r ed to i nvest , and that he

was thi nk i ng of buyi ng a busi ness bu i ldi ng , and asked Walker to

se e what he c ould f i nd for hi m . Walker t old hi m that the Oswa ld

bu i ldi ng had be en for sale and that the pr i c e was around

Rapp's re ply was that i t was someth i ng to th i nk about , and asked

wha t else he ha d t o offer . Walk er and Ra pp t alk e d of sev e ra l

oth er p i sses of property that mi ght be purchased and the pr i c es tha t

mi ght be c onsi dered . Th en M r . Rape i nqu i red about the Walgre en

property,and M r . Walker's r eply was that M rs. He i n e man had a li fe

est at e i n sa i d property , and that i t would not be ready for the

market unt il and aft er h er d e ath . Aft er thi s lenghty di scussi on ,

Rapp told Walker that he would look ov er some of the se proper t i es

and‘would talk to h i m lat er .

Walk er furth e r t est i fi ed that on tha t same day, h e t ele

phoned Rapp to c ome to hi s off i c e .wh er eupon , h e r elat ed to hi m

all the conversat i on he had had wi th Corbi n .happ repli ed th a t

the pr i c e was r i di culou s; that no one wou ld pay so much for such

an old bu i ldi ng . Rapp sa i d he want ed to se e the lea ses,

and tha t

he would li ke to know the cost of ma i nta i ni ng th e bu i ldi ng and

the taxes. On Dec ember 2 3rd ,M r . Corbi n c ame t o Wadker's off i c e

and brought all the leases exc ept the one on the pr emi ses oc cup i ed

by Walgr e e n . Walker t old Corb i n that that wa s the one that Rapp ,

a prosp ect i be purchaser ,was i nt erest ed i n se e i ng ,

and th at h e would

li k e to have i t i n hi s off i c e soon for Rapp's i nspect i on . On that

day M r . Corb i n and M r . Walk er v i si t ed all the t enants i n the Wa lgre en

property and not i f i ed th em of the change i n management . On the

same day,Wa lk e r r equ est ed Rapp to come to hi s of fi c e aga i n . On

th i s oc c ase i on Rapp i nspec t ed the lea se s a nd i nqu i r e d abgd’

th e one

wi th Walgre ens, whereupon i t wa s expla i ned that i t would be av a i l

able ln a f ew days. Rap p st ated a t that t i me that the r ent als

should b e i ncr eased c onsi der ably M r . Corbi n sent by ma i l the

Walgreen le ase to Walker on Dec ember 5 1 , 194 3 .

so , on January 4


19 44 , Rapp was aga i n c alled to Wa lker's off i c e when h e wa s shown

the Walgr een lease whi ch cont a i ned a r ent al f i gure of $25 0 . On

thi s v i si t Wa lker and Rapp d i scussed th e t axes, i nsur anc e and he at

i ng cost .Also

, on th i s oc c asi on Rapp i nf ormed Walker that he

was not i n a posi t i on at that t i me to make an of fer i nasmuch as

he was not sur e about hi s draft st a tus, that i n the ev ent h i s c lass

i f i c at i on was changed and he should be i nduc t ed i nt o mi li t a ry

serv i c e,he would not want t o undert ake such a b i g dea l.

Thr oughout the month of January, 19 44 ,M r . Rapp and

M r . Walker had sev eral i nt erv i ews on thi s sub jec t . At one of them

M r . Repp st at ed that h e would not pay more than for the

property , and that he was st i ll unwi lli ng to make a n offer . He

wi thout selli ng hi s resi dent i al property i nasmuch a s hi s busi ness

was i mprov i ng; and that he had some f i nanc i al b a cki ng .

It was i n June ,19 44 tha t M r . Ra pp and one of hi s employees

named Schmi dt came to Walk er's off i c e and d i scussed a matt er i n

volv i ng Sch i mdt and an a t torney from Downers Grove by the mane of

Carlson . It seems th at R aps di sli ked Walk er's a t t i tude i n the

mat t er and ma de thi s stat ement ,“I wi ll have no mor e busi ness wi th

you ; thi s i s goi ng t o be unprofi table , and I wi ll do no more gu si

ness wi th you at a ll .

“ Th i s concluded Walker's r elat i onshi p wi th

Rapp . A read i ng of th e r ecord d i scloses that th e for egoi ng sub

stant i ally deta i ls most of th e deali ngs betase n Wa lk e r and Rapp

a s t est i f i ed to by Walker .There were a few other v i si t s and

i nt erv i ews and i nc i dents, a rec i t a t i on of whi ch would unduly length

en thi s opi ni on wi thout servi ng any helpful purpose .

Rapp t i ck the st and on b ehalf of appellant ,Carl Vendley,

and test i f i ed that he nev er d i scussed wi th Walk er th e sub ject of

the Walgre en property i n hi s li fe . Rapp t est i f i ed that he f i rst

learned that the property i n quest i on mi ght be for sa le i n Apr i l

or M ay, 19 4 4 , and tha t he ga i ned such i nforma t i on fr om Wi lli am Laue ,

a plumber i n Hi nsdale . He further t est i f i ed tha t i t wa s not unt i l

the lat ter part of June , 19 44 that he f i na lly learned of hi s deferr

ment by hi s draft board; that up t i ll tha t t i me he ha d no i nt erest

i n purchasi ng any property; that th en he went to c ell on M rs.

He i neman and found that sh e was not at home; that upon telephon i ng

M rs. He i neman's resi dence ,he was i nformed by Pearl Dumphy tha t

M rs. He i neman had him to the Chi cago Ti t le and

Trust Company when he i nqu i r ed c oncerni ng the st a tus of the Wal

green propertyl

Ra pp further t est i f i ed th at he oslled John Kavenaugh , h i s

persona l a ttorney,who i ntroduced h i m to Car l Vendley; that Vendley

i nterv i ewed Rapp some t i me i n August ; and th a t i t wa s through h i m

solely tha t he acqu i r ed i nformat i on about the Walgreen bu i ldi ng ,

and asso through h i m that a ft er sev eral offers the bu i ldi ng was

f i nally purchased for th e sum of f i fty f i ve thousand


c i t ed by both appellant\e nd appelle e i n the i r br i efs, we ar e Ju st

i f i ed i n c onc ludi ng ihat asshmi ng tha t ther e was a v a li d li sti ng of

the property i n quest i on by the pla i ntiff wi th Walker ,a n sumi ng

that the tr i al c our t pla c ed cr edenc e i n the t est i mony of

then th e r esult i s i rr esi stable th at Walker was the procurr i ng

c au se of the ssle of the Wslgreen property and thus enti t led to

the commi ssi on for selli ng the same .

It se pesrs th at walker was the fi rst p er son t o t a lk to Rapp

about th e purchase of th i s p rop erty . It was Wa lker's effort s that

develop ed i n Repp a desi r e t o buy.

wh ereis barker i s the eff i c i ent

c au se of produc i ng a pur chaser who i s r eady and able to buy upon the

t erms fi xed by the owner ,the broker wi ll be ent i tled to the c ompen

sat i on agr e ed upon . Grooms vs Fggyer Engi ne er ingComgany 3 7 4 Ill .

115 , 12 5 .

In the case of_3 rsnc i sco vs lemsn 25 0 Ill .

App . 4 5 , the

WM?pla i nti ff Fra nc i sco was a r eal est ate broker and the defe ndant


li sted wi th Frenc i sc o a ferm_i n

”uPage County wh i ch was

owned by Cole man and oth e r memb e rs'

b f h i s fami ly .

Thi s farm was

li st ed wi th Franc i sco i n Novemb er , 19 20 . On Dec e mb er 9 ,19 20

/%re nc i sc o i ntroduc ed Lee as a prosp e c t i ve purchaser ,to the owner .

Le e eventua lly bought th e farm by contr a c t made January 17 , 19 21

wher e i n th e fi rm of St ewart e Stockwell a c ted a s the brokers.

Fr anc i sc o br ought sui t to r e cov er asbroker's commi ssi on and th i s

court s 4 60 : "Th er e i s no d i enut e ebou t Lee hav i ng be en

f i r st1 th e pla int i ff a nd i t cannot be ser i ously doubted

th rt fl ee ne v er si v er ed i n h i s i nt ent i on to buy th e land from

the t i me h e looked at i t on Dec emb er 9 . It was not n e c e ssary gor

the tr i al Judge to det ermi ne Just wha t prompt ed lee to endeavor

\t Q

close the deal through some one else than th e pla i nt i ff .

It i s

apparent that he had some purpose\

sh i ch se emed t o be suff i c i ent to

h i m . Hi s br eak i ng off of negot i at i onswi th the pla i nt i ff a nd taki ng

them up wi th anoth f i rm was\ not the r esu lt of any de c i e

i on on h i s part no land .The c i rcumst anc es surroundi ng

te é av estan: ex ape sa rqevoo°

sose b b ch A 8 euusesx‘see zfr


dese:s »ue£ 3 0 pa qre gnhpsq fl i Q G 1: Is« shstn eg cps c rest seq mesq


OU and crews fivuq’one ta i ufi 0 L one ast e r ooa IU a fe e

ps snscsyusq pl 3 Lssrsnsnfi C 0 5 L £ nurs es gosh sins L 3 0 ps asybsoyl

on cps cpsscsnl ,srqs


ype Governewnus Lsscp e q pl s opsuosfyoi spon rq

no lea c h ape area anus th i s owe s eg os} ; us L u A T v } on one i t ysg

supra Cpsucsxl an on on e Lye snhsfs p te yrs

« Lanneug se ems

ae'wexe IIQ LIG ”gage s en os e fi e eyee sure G e e s B NWI I D6 Gd b alqfi b eq 9 3

{ U snsj nsp j rt ape z on es 0 ; pus l egs? coong ,e graq z u a

'{g so oeses

In c ousrxesrue cps L fl j wd o; ye n i n) : mnag smy ge £9 3 8 O Q fi L £

ssxswses’can h e p o II$A u cprs so he ye D o, 8 upj zssl fou


opesb j i ssbossq e'

E 0 gene; A b U JIu l sp an } ; os ouw\ssss. e g Lab hrs

neuefem fl e e smsrcheq ml gvbb i pL oe ts UT u ucpounei°

g i nseensp*


L II?“ d e 'onu ee ee e w‘

i f } u ub - fj o°

cre ym Lon c ommi ssi o n E b b mb lgfi t A 8 rec; ug c c g‘

1, e n”

asp e n i rre re c e a s e snoooxg rr ; eye s tyr ygg i c g I} g t,8

IIT‘3 5 3


seersextet st fittt3 5 =

j og Ifjo

camsgevc ss ge e Q E LU U Q B U L c suuc ; a u lg L a v J eKu e wg u h i ym c gmu . es 7 on

nuonssg z ou n p j l su e Dh O Q fi L IB g se nse c g lps esj e'

Q U IQ L auop oi L~

nrgponl maxluh ssh GLLO L Q £ 0 p i ngsc p p1 8 oL Ie sj s l e ep'

one se e

Tet fies unseen qk ltfi e Ut O IO d e J th e ge n} £e L 0" t b P 3 4 D e e PL OKQ L E

no Del b j arugxi i lye c ommi ssi ons e aL e e q fl Du U‘

” i & u L use LIQ go

n g &fl u £ 3 5 rye ansg ome t nonoe q use no es zes

N b a n d } ; os ssyeq

onen essng use pse’

H“ n e e L e be sseq sa u c erspsq p i one bysz n~

VIWO GL he e d v i lL efi P6 sn e escrsq i fi h fi S£ ° M = L R agc cxseyj ,a

fimse fiU O h fi upsg yrs sag es gnsuc rsc c se e no: psxufi LI L IK ggefip o q'

c z‘

lye gnsuut c un. ssme anon pi es cps ge i suge Ug Cayenne c haps so

The r elat i onsh i p b etwe e n walk e r and Rspp for more than

sev en ye ar s ha d be e n c ord i al .Th ey oc cuoi ed the same bui ldi ng ,


when Ranp had any r eal esta t e problems he enli st ed th e a ssi st anc e

of Wa lk er .He learned that the Ja lgr e e n property

- a c c ord i ng t o h i s

own t est imony —was on the marke t i n Apr i l or M ay ,

l 4 .He d i d not

bec ome angry wi th Wa lker unt i l the la tt e r pert of Jun e

,19 4 fl


seems unre asonable that he would turn t o a str anger i n th e r eal

e st a te busi ness t o h elp i n thi s tfir e

nsa ct i on r a th er than go upst a i rs

and see h i s old fr i end Wa lker .

“1 8 0 ,

Rapp feebly e xc la i me d h i s

sev eral proven v i si tfs to Wa lk e r's off i c e dur 1 og th e month of

Janu ary, 19 44 by st at i ng th at h e went th er e a t\thot t i me t o se cur e

a cont i nu at i on of hi s lease on hi s b ak ery prope rty . The ev i denc e

di sc lose s, howeve r ,

that on Dec emb er 15 , 19 4 3 , he h ad a lr e a dy

secur e d th t lea se .

On th e other hand ,th i s O b se rva t i on may be ma de wh i ch lends

sub oort to Reno's ver si on of wha t tr ansp i red i n thi s matt e r . In

June , 19 4 4 ,Rapp went to se e hrs. He i ne ma n at her r e si denc e a nd

found no one a t home .Th en he tsleobone d the r e si denc e and asked

f or M rs. He i n e man, and was i nformed by M rs.

Lumohy tha t sh e ha d

passe d away i n Dec ember , 19 4 5 . M rs.Bunchy,

a n uni mpea ch ed and

di si nt erest ed wi tness, corrobora tes Rsob as t o the c onversa t i on .

It does seem str ange th at R eno would c a ll for M rs. He i nema n i n

June , 19 4 4, i f he had be en told i n Dec emb er , 19 4 6 by Walker th a t

she ha d pa ssed away .

The tri al c our t saw and hear d Rape a nd Walt er test i fy .

He was i n a posi ti on to obse rve the i r d emeanor wh i le t est i fyi ng .

We are c onfront ed her e wi th the long e stabli shed ru le that wher e

there i s a confli ct i n the proof and the fa ct s and c i r cumstanc es

i n ev i dence ,bye fa i r and reasonable i nt endment , wi ll warr f nt the

f i ndi ng of the tri al court ,tryi ng a c e se wi thou t a Jury, r ev i ewi ng

c ourts wi ll r elu ct ant ly , i f ev e r ,d i sturb such f i nd i ng . Lowry vs


February Term ,A . D . 1946 .

APPELLEEApp eal fem the C i r cu i tCourt of Wi ll County .

Dove ,J .

The Jury i n an automobi le ac c i dent c ase i n the c i rcu i t

court of Wi ll County r eturned a verdi c t of i n favor of

the pla i nti ff upon wh ich Judgment was ent ered and the defendant

has appealed .

The ac ci d ent occurred about 4 o'clock , P . M . on M ay 3 0 ,

l94 5 ,on U . 8 . Route 66 i n Wi ll County at a point where it i s

crossed by a county a i d bla ck tsp hi ghway known as Caton Farm

Road . It was rai ni ng and the pavement was wet . Route 66 runs

approxi mately north and south and Caton Fawn Road crosses i t i n a

general easterly and west erly di rec ti on . Appellant's car , a two

and one half ton Cadi llac ,was comi ng from th e west on Caton Farm

Road . She was dr i vi ng , acc ompani ed by her 84 year old mother ,

Appellee's c ar , a two door Chevrolet coa ch , was c omi ng from the

south en rout e to Elgi n , conveyi ng an i nsane pr i soner from the

peni tent i ary at M enard to the Stat e Hospi tal a t Elgi n , havi ng

previ ously left another pri sone r wi t h the au thori ti es at Champai gn .

woman on Loses so Erfiru‘

cona elyufi an Inasre ba rt ouen gnom ape

vbbeyfe e,a oen

‘ s na e qooL opeanoIer coson’ass c omxnt i t em ape


ape use gL IA IUR‘soc owbsnyeq pl pan pa lest org wopp eL


a one p 9 7 ; non q rj j ss’a ss oonrng anom


cp e n ear on Caron aé tm

fiancee } eseaetfi e r

g nearenyi qrneogrov’

ebbej ysug ,e can

‘a sa c

shbt oxrmsceyi nonrp a e ongp avg Caron germ gong exc uses 7 3 In a


It ne e Lsynrnfi a ppe be nemen; n ee nep'

Homes 9 9 Lfi U Q

c roeaeq pi e oomuci srq pi e ce rob prapmsl anonn as Q E £O U Lena

Iaeo'on n

'a HU fl RG as In M YIT conunk so a barns“sa t e It 3 8

m ec cyq en; Q C GH L L eq S po lm v3 L'ki 0 13 113 3 20

pee shbesfeq'

ape b jsrunrrr nbou ap zop jc qfinene a ss enrea eq avg cps qerenqsnr

c ost : or 5 7 7 7 Conrad L ecnnne q s A 8 1 qIC £ c; gen'oo In rea ct or

tna iota ya so engomopz re ec c z qenr ou ee In ape ornonyr

coa e‘i'

HVLLIE avatar csossz‘

CO H La OL M TII convex

vbhee j { Lem rue a onrg


Lepnnsnl menm V'D IB¢Q




etheyj eem tne esnse‘gem w e 7m w as an ,

i ce psfl sa e u se a

shes the fiend pa bsebetyh Insennegsq‘

Inseanecgew g“ fiyscu we

rime on cps eeyyre ron'

Tskw ant i free‘seq In e con see s mp 7s se esngrsy

ape se ecrnoei as re apespsbbeue g fines pagoe e see an ape

ascri bessewage oi cps ei rqenee‘ewe re excss eyas In smesee


sbLeyyse t i nes ens se crqcns’ seer spa h ang i ng ye sternsssee

at s bone exl ens mymnt ee as he see memes? ensbpda yssj C O EQ IQ I O U on

ayaynfi Ive gnaesrens on pepsyi ox Ebbsjye s’

i n e qu i tfi I UQ seesra enh

gna fine ness andeq g e e Lfi d anfi fl j s. e eye s see scans sense { n

c an se e so psqyi Th isseg pres no Labe TL s seas megs en? rsnee a yeq‘

seq yrs nest i ng ] avg ge ese: Tyre encamp eq he tgsg'go yhb egysnn,s

s L eseyp 0 ; here c e j yyeron’

i ns L ebsfns an eye cant e ens gsg9'3 1

eewossaren or spa pnsrn’seq gy


e es ass beamenencfh Inlnnsq as

neqyesy seesymemi re no ans agreessp as so was assi st i ng LL Gm

an; use sages so a woshmpsf‘sh o ne we L ensywsq specs sen qsi a


mencp‘esz i eheq nematod e censearens

‘see In a eontne eq-


e easnari Inlnnsg*

ge e t ype mere pnexsn Us ass pgeeqrnd esspa

step ape seen euq ent ry on sh e 08 A $WGU$ cu Be eps gg~

Vehej fee se e

It eee bb eq If na e p e e q e q se es on pe e semen evqe a; canon gene yesq’

eL shb erjmns, e esm .a se me an eq‘ap e { name p ang so cps Iami

‘seq a pes

seq spe ar 9 Lee: OLI spa se e; erq e 0 1 ans Lsnemeng'

Les i nc ur seq

qnxaqnd c ame he s epeb spe ws AO so 9 0 ge eswoman on spa Tngene eegrcn

we see spasms Eh d m pe e ca n“

vases ens e eyjrsyen pp e C U L he ass

c ensor. e; shbsyyse t e oe z .’

sears? see ye lp jeans gh ee egg? ensapex

ceremsn tesergz sg sna g e bb e rfsnn,e can sme apeg qsmee gj i Inge ape

spore ens mrqgfe 0 1 cps }seei eeep;en cg pee sa c p zdpne i s*


sees deg ape baysonen oeoehyeq ap e nest ease Lye eeyyyeron estat es;

some hexagra ea I n gmycsae‘

vbhej jss as; on p7 8 Lyfins In ape LL C § $

Qpe epen’neat gemssq

‘se e use c ase on eye hash In enqet so A IEI p

use parse a nsn pi p 7 8 i nvenq 5“

. monq coyemen‘ape T ress sh

shbsyyee h as esbssz n cg cps R ta s an eye beurrenczsnh*

fine est

preponderanc e of the evidence that th e a cc i dent i n que sti on and

resultant in juri es to Guy Ri gden if shown by a pr epond eranc e of

the evidense ,were caused by the negli genc e of the Def endant ,

fistti e Wagner Crosby, as alleged i n the Complai nt or some count

thereof , and that Guy Ri dden himself was i n the exerc i se of

erdi nary ears for hi s own saf ety at an d b efore the ti me of the

i njury, then you should find the Defendant gui lty .

Whe re the owner'of a car i s ridi ng in i t , he has not ,

only the ri ght to possessi on of i t but has such possessi on and. he

assessarily retai ns the pewer and the ri ght of controlli ng the

manner i n whi eh i t i s bei ng dri ven unless i t i s shown that he has

sentraeted away or abandoned that r i ght . He li kewi se has the duty

to central the an ew. (Palmer v . M i ller ,see 111 . 256 , see ) . The

questi on of erdi nary c are on the part of the dr iver of appelle e's

ear , as well as appelle e‘s swn ordi nary c are , was thus an element

ef appellee‘s ri ght to r esover . A fatal ob je ct i on to the 7 th i n

struc ti on, urged by app ellant , i s that i t:disrsgards the element of

ordi nary care on th e part of th e dri ver of appellee's car , and

di reste a verdi st . Whi le an instrue ti en. Wh i eh does not di rec t a

senS i dered tegethsr as a ser i es, ( Chi cage C i ty Rai lway Co . v . M ead ,

806 Ill . l7eg Chi eage Uni en Trasti en Co . v . Hawthorn , 211 111 .

i t i s well settled that where an i nstruct i on di rects a verdi ct ,

all the element s nec essary to sustai n such a verdi c t must be con

tai nsd i n the i nstructi on and .i t mesh an instructi on omi ts an

element nec essary for recevery i t i s not cur ed by other gi ven

instructi ons and the gi ving of sash an i nstruc ti on const i tutes

reversi ble error . (Hansen v . Trust Company of Chi c ago , 3 80 Ill .

194 , 197 5 Illi nois Iran and me tal Co . v . Weber , 196 Ill . 5 26 , 5 5 1;

Chi esge and Alton Ra ilm ad 0 0 . v. Kuekkuok , 197 Ill . 3 04; Cantwell

v . Eardi ng, 249 Ill . 5 54 , 3 58; Cremer v . Borders Goal Cc . , 246 Ill .

"should" take i nt o w nsi derat i on certai n elements. A bet ter

usage is that they”may

" do so . ( Rudi n v . Wheelock , 249 Ill .

App ellant also clai m that th e t ri al court erred i n

admi tt i ng the t est i mony of M r . Coleman , a non-expert wi tness as

to app ellee's mental and physi cal condi ti on after the a cc id ent .

The wi t ness test i f i ed th at he had known appellee for t en ye ars

pri or to the ac c ident and had liv ed a t h i s home a bout six years

just before the a cc i d ent happ ened; that hi s physi c al condi ti on

was "all ri ght

“and he was healthy and strong befor e the ac c id ent ;

that i n the acci dent he was "knocked out“an d was i n a da z ed

condi ti on whi ch lasted unti l he was taken t o the hospi tal; th at

"There i s a di fferenc e i n hi s cond i t i on as t o wh at i t was befor e

the a cc i dent . He just doesn ’t se em th e same as he used to be .

Isn't as cheerful and fri endly as he used to be . I can noti ce

a di fferenc e in hi s mi nd an d memory. He doesn't se em to remember

th ings as good as he used to ." He further t esti fi ed that he had

seen appellee every few days si nc e the ac c i dent up unt i l the ti me

of the tri al whi ch occ urred on January 51 , 19 45 .

It i s well settle d that b efor e a non-exp ert wi tne ss i s

ent i tled to express an Op i ni on as t o the ment al c apac i ty of

another person he must stat e suffi c i ent facts an d c i rcumstanc es

upon whi ch to base i t . The quest i on of whether the facts sta ted

form a suffi c i ent basis for such an opi ni on i s one for the tri al

c ourt to determi ne , and unle ss the c ourt has abused the di scret i on ,

the admi ssi on of such t esti mony wi ll not effect a reversal .

(satt v . Rob ins, 5 0 5 111 . vs, 82: Ergang v . And erson , 3 78 Ill .

5 12 , Long and i nti ma te acqu a i ntanc e a nd Opp ortuni ty to

observe the person whose mental capa ci ty is the sub j ect of

inqui ry is suffi c i ent t o permi t the expr essi on of an O pi ni on as





FEBRUARY TERM ,A . D . 1946 .

0 . A .




Dove , J .

Thi s c ause i s here uby an appeal from. a decre e of the

ci rcui t c ourt of Peor ia County, di smissi ng for» went of equi ty a

compla i nt i n a su i t by appellant a gai nst appellee for sp ec i fi c

performance of a wri tten Opt i on executed by appelle e's grant or ,

granti ng app ellant an opti on f or a le ase of 160 acres of marsh

land i n Marshall County for th e offi c i al duck hunti ng season of

19 44 .

App ellant had leased the premi ses from the owner for

the du ck hunti ng season ea ch year from 19 36 to 19 45 i nclusi ve , the

general proc edure bei ng to tak e an Opt i on each year for th e next

duck hunt i ng season . His lease for the 1945 season was preceded

by su ch an Opti on . On Octob er 6 , 1943 , be procured a writt m

opt i on from Georgi ana Y. pai nter , also known as Georgi ana Y . Palmer

Brown , the owner , for such a lease for the ofl i ci al duck hunti ng

season of 1944 , paying h er th er efor . Thi s opti on prov i di ng

for a rental of less the pa i d i n. the event the

opti on was exerc ised . The Opt i on provi ded tha t i t shall be bi ndi ngf

Oberon use encnora eq*

ape cbrrou bmonyqee sUfi fl to are } ; pe prnqrsfi

tom 9 Lenssx oz zess‘ou fees are soo

‘oo here In roe when: are

a eeaosJ OL rees‘bai rufi zssn crea t i on

sore otcr“” beenrqrn


Bi oen‘ap e ow en

‘c oop e jG SfBG


z O » pus em cee } one}: p eru sed

°hfi T°U 1 3 0 ” 9 9 0 3 3 7 9 3 9.X kfiymen

‘eyes areas so eeonfitsus 1


pm snap on cbeTcu'

om Q GnOpsn g‘Iesg


ps h i cosnsq a mere;

gasp pongyofi se esou'

gqe Tease { on ap e pass assess a ss bneoeqaq

Rowena; bnooeqnne pared no pag e so chores se ep mesh i on one not

cps ga sp napht ha season esou l ean gno m Iago so jeep Ine j negne‘


Vbb eyysuo peg j e e e eq ap e bnemz ee e Loom or e oases. t cn


Tan; In pe n epsjy Connie { on o*

s cggycre ] quay fl o ori ng season or

fineorrufi shb erysor so carton Lon s yesa e or 3 90 sense a ; meson

bani sh meeoe or a h arness chrros eseospe q pi eth erye e ,s ?E JU$O L’

oombj eyus To a corn pi shbsj j sn p sterne r abbeyyee gen eb eoygyo

syncope cost sor booz y?Q ofi rgi

‘qz asxsernt ¢ O L new: or ed s

zni a

i nt o sense I t wase _ pi as shbesj rmom s ceases 0 1 on e




o v'smmx

assesses ssse‘V



assess sletetes

an y cps arm‘s: g en es 0 1 we Oberon ! cps: p21 L esson sponsor,

{w oesrm o shben'es no bea rers pre ec pn aen cn


m som qsvoe

i w m l I‘reset am one so t o term 0 : ebben am rsmspasses

fwd season or. raw pom cu Cowp er. m“w as em; a orti c oxibyzt e on

m entor: as no bBLLQL UW O G a L eon ard rye bLooeeq‘e’e 111) 430 one ;

m a d e so absentee"


m u ss sum m arises"

assessesw a s gszswsm t fi


m: { Ireq’

m a roon m jeans or,coung

a 117 3 9 0174;

m m n ew com i ng-cc on ( proper. e


‘M essen ger

“on genom es se

to cps we arer. w cps-groan on gebgemp et 3 7

?18W er g m ou nds pet ers

when or enamel. true nebrl spott ers new u rog epe som e ass 32.6 19 1,t

ww'sei ner w e z or. c caner.

‘nee soc wa ge a basal no we sure

( camer as or, sp a cbgrou one“ snap orpex. t error, as snag


r asses weep

w e O QWbIW ZTQ'

w e wear qw‘i ‘c oerce absen ce he


{II} w ere an y s apex Erm

co gen Ble ep apex: n , pa confine m e oh m or e‘pa ( Deat h ) 2&0q ps

ape ; pa pe g bsrq sci ssor re cesses gen e ra 10 1. ms bnobenct’seq

uon oe reerru eq gm ebben ee e erq*am p humorous exbyegn ss

afi g'oo as w e perc hes or, ap e m ay w e oouecspye euro esm eq me

an y: or cement; Lox. s yeses oom onsspye gpeL Gfil‘p

’seq e serg e; cx,

ebben ee a neu ron mem os ox, {73's eye cm

‘c u so seah orse m e obm


on z one 9‘ “

j g-se shimm ers se nse; no he e enneq oz;



‘erg yugereegeq In cp s L eebe O pm e ree ees

s nu me ral qeeq u se: use onsen‘one W e c ase; see aeoot qeq on gel

n‘we? on m e o

‘« Jese

‘fi ni sh es w e}: were to m m m em es elm

qW fl EL‘l 3 31

"face cape shares 0 2, sam en essnee Loco-Lowe or piston

( on c seep 16 113 9 } or, gybggyoo erg 42pm fec es nee asconqeq on

ex, gp'o hLessree a are om en ( or. see leeks 1m m ape ga ge npen eoz

on com m so‘TBW'ebbeIIe e brow ses e sau cer Tease

app ellant had the ri ght at hi s ele ct ion , in case the i ssues were

found in his favor , to acc ept damages for non-performanc e or

accept such part, performan ce or sli ghtly different performanc e as

app ellee is able to make wi th or wi thout an abatement of th e sti pu

lated amount of rent or damages f or def i c i enc y of p erforman ce ; and

electi ng to acc ept a le ase for the off i c i al du ck hunti ng season of

1945 , i n li eu of th e lease spec i fi ed i n the O pti on,wi thout any

abatement of rent or damages for defi c i ency of p erforman ce , as a

full , complete and satisfactory performanc e on behalf of app ellee

The master's report , fi led January 24 , 19 45 , recommend ed

a decree in c onf ormi ty wi th app ellant's ele cti on . Appellee's 7 th

excepti on to the report , that th e master erroneously found tha t the

deed to appellee c aused a merger of th e leasehold and the fee ,

and that wpollee could not rely upon his right of p ossessi on

under his le ase , was overruled . All of app elle e's other exc epti ons

to the report were sustained, and the decree app e aled from was

The noti c e of appeal , filed Augu st 7 , 1945 , asks a re

versal and remandment ,wi th di recti ons t o enter a decree di recti ng

appellee to perform the opti on as nearly as possi ble by executi ng

and deli veri ng to app ellant a le ase of the premisso for the

offi ci al de ck hunti ng season next followi ng the entry of such

decree , wh i ch appellant agrees to acc ept a s a subst ant i al and

satisfactory performance of th e contract wi thout an y abatement of

rent or damages for def i c i ency ofpe zformance ; or ,awardi ng app ellant

W es i n the event of a d etermi nat ion that equ i ty i s now wi thout

Jurisdi cti on to enforc e such substanti al per formanc e , and for

other and further reli ef i n the premi ses as equi ty m y requi re .

The some reli ef is urged in ap pellant's statement of errors reli ed

m evidence discloses tha t the land i n c ontroversy

is i n the vi ci ni ty of Peori a , on the Illi noi s Riv er . Appellee

ppm m apomeq m am s N ew oz, my cfiw'm: 10 1. a rag es am 837 7 3 80 sam e

KEB‘Lsrmen- aya a oa fisq spa go aoxfi a g oxeae . pva L ov q Q O fi fip a; spa

snz poqfi eras pg q'

wgl klayne ya fine I fwg'

13 818 6 S bb i fi a a é psfi

pa yuan sp a jaag DH Q’

p Q Q U'

fiE Q Q'

LO L gang pfi uxfnfi e asy BS Q Lb Q O L a

egarnax ,xpe bL obez ga vbberye & area guwz as cpg g saws

Gug ehsg Iago RLa'

,bfl ym@ L cq spew awake was nagg i ng oug aga yfifi


pra asap gagn Teq'

gpsg .np z w Jagas mag

barman aei q gpe gywaq wag paeu x@ 3 2 8 q gen cps qnet aeg pem onya‘

Lafi fiq U Q b on I gvas 0 L ebg?Q U'

3 13 fi ggoamekb geasrlleg fipg fi fl h?’

pa Hug yrs angOLnG h. xp g xshgxee‘

gpe gag es epa aygq ens LQ O O LQ E aux


figs: npshs no angacsuqyufi j asfi e a' ‘

t ej j es geasn eq spas

arapze a; BIT agpex b 9 5 3 0 fl 9 3,3g % a g ym yeeeoai Ia


zm sore boaeeasrau‘

was“ . m y: mum cm M aw 3 0 g eaam am n m m m c7 m 03. cm

pus angry qsfi fi fika Iafifi ggg veg pgen on 13 a zucs gpe qa ggg a; np a‘

9 11 ans pnugrmaq finonuqa $y¢mfi spa L i AgL yawn Lo dfii fl‘

awssaarz ffiq

the south si de , and a cabin ,or club house , a short distanc e from

the read , near the cent er or th e south li ne .

It appe ars from the t esti mony of app ellant that he and

hi s assoc iat es had blasted out some ponds, and a di t ch leadi ng to

a di ke or a drai nage distri ct w ani ng a cross the northeast corner

or the land , i n order to get boats onto dry land , wi th a landi ng

of plafikfl and a boat m l: at th e di ke , sever al hund red yards north

of the southeast corner of the property. They had placed four duck

bli nds, made of bull grass tied or wi red to upri ght s dri ven into

the ground below water in a pond on the north pa rt of th e property,

where they di d thei r shoot i ng . These had t o be renewed each ye ar .

ther e is t i mber between the road on the south and the shooti ng pond .

The land i s also ov ergrown wi th brush and bullm sh es, a nd i t is

impossi ble to see any part of the pond or th e boars from the road ,

but to do so, one would have t o walk up the di ke on the east si d e

someth ing less than one-half mi le , and then west about 100 yards

to the boat lend ing . There was a path along that r oute , leadi ng

from the cabi n , wi th a foot br i dge .

Und er the terms of appellant's lease , firs. Palmer was to

furnish thr ee boats and not loso than fi ve doz en decoys . Appellant

testif i ed that she furnished two boa ts, and that anothe r boat was

furni shed. by hi m or his assoc ia tes, and that they wer e left at the

di ke a t the close of th e hunti ng season about December 21 , 1943 ;

th at the lessor ’e decoys, and t he cars, push paddles, some

gasoli ne drums and lamps, kerosene c ans, two wooden lockers,

cooki ng u tensi ls, aprons and towels belorg i ng to h im and his

assoc ia tes, were stored in the club house between hunt i ng seasons,

appellant and the lessor each w iring a key. Appellee test i fi ed

that M rs. Palmer di d not t ell him that appellant ha d a key . Aft er

the 1942 hunti ng se ason, appellant and hi s assoc i at es had made some

repai rs to the club house , some of whi ch were paid for by Mrs.


W m 29 am S j'fl'p m e

‘acm e 0; m p new ham 1 03. pk xxx

m a u z a’

sgw‘asks aaam q 711 m 9 6 3

p ponae pem ean yfimrfi fi 8 6 3 220 5 53}

Geom fi fi tGUETIE"ebaw a 8 2144


3 0 1167 3 W ong 3 3 pm 9 335; m e

ca n use Te aecsm wom‘ha

’mfg cm hm bargqya a

'w as

m e 9 : gm; crane ox, w e i3stia 9 88 3 0 1: exports DEEC GIBPBL SJ"

Tai t} ?

W i nnipeg pk m m etc: W e sam m ree avg m m m mm m TELC an em

M etrw eq film : w e mw‘ferfl eq mm m m

“m y m ac 833 0 310 6 11, paw w e

3m m . 451313 g am e or, wnbe i em cfi m ums“gnaw 5 3 7539 1, £18 3

tum cps fi epgrn‘m g}: a w oe pm qfie


30 mm pofig ymrqm fi ‘apaxe mm a b un m ag L orne

m agm a

put so go see"mm z40 a W A Q ca r em? ab m e gu n; on $53 9 w as. 23q

{whoa arpfa 3 6 6 3113 La g 01 w e bout; 013 mm poema p aw a re L 08 3"

w e m ic: re area m a gm as: m m pm w avq m m w‘se‘ 5m ; u: 28

w e we L‘TWPGL psm esn we In ksq

rm 9m 3 0mm gwg ”is epoaN U i-‘i bouq

51m m and} grq m an . 35 78 9 9 w e; 5 0 pg Lsrmmsq Garey M erv

we M ug perm m acs]; rt: hour; on fps nou n ba gs O I. £15 8 bm bem k‘

oz , ape aom pesag GO L D‘GL 01, m m m obawx

'musk pag e;

0 3m m; Lam (may

hm m ; 9 m an: m y: a“

: w e gum“W W W ?


pm m q km w arp

av mm a 9’

qw msge qm tw o: m w wfi mm nonspesac c om er.

7173 8 9 9 0 0 78 9 63 pjfisassq ow: a cme bcmm’ sang s an gry}; 3 9 9 1 7 335 to

b alan c e: am your 5 67 m » m g firm sa m we m 9M m W e room

rm w e m mm m w e come m are capm‘so apron abb en w

new: on no ape pom: Im n fi ' by: ma Lem mas pe Loa m;43823637 6 9 aw

bxob é t pl‘anyom eq spa capn t

‘h ave em; rom g eL o q

‘ fancyspanW1.

ppm: m ebboj m g c ease on? so the bxemfiraee so Ioox tor, mu D’



mea g‘pa avg abbej


Tavg n ew; agm amm go se ep 0 315 43 1" 01!s

n eem ew gom ag one yo pa j ama £0 a ma m on‘a ma gomrew 3 0 1.

were ayomi mf

g m eqeg‘

q e one; am op op e cyarweq nae pam‘pm; am op

byeoe‘avg ape QTL G C Q Q Q


m ay go m ay a poem: am en e‘bbeg

j‘ea geem




pet: pecaeen m'm an q fi

ne wh en em u: p eo‘n m

“?53 0 8 3 3 on: so W e

namemp e‘a m luwa

'ofi he poor gone 3 1! we G S GQ


gone gra in eaz‘on nae

cepm‘m a Banzai. new fi zm fi m w e c an

*eg g apex na (33 g

am; ebben'ee p ars; oa en m e go aom a

‘m tg £2”

a ow e pz oyr go we

Q W HW K TS‘UL I? H9 fi eafl lw q W M 0 73 M M oooea z on m

gage was abbey-yea w e; “L i? "

Layman 0 3 1503 on; so aye yang are

m g m g nabs: one pon e ax: pm bra ce pegne eu eee eooa‘grew we

m ore fiozraom‘mp 0 3


q ope ra: e van 1m m mm

139 q eee n n Q GA STJSIT M ane p az ohe e'

m xoom vfi was m ug o;

tbs-n un prfixm

‘a 71” pm wage no m ah aogrou ozg m e $90 eeaee’

Ta per. arena em: Jooxaq oa en move so acm e efi em’e a p a nae anem ia

exportsm e p anam a a j eeae‘gO L me new: he a t ”a s m nan: peoa

pam efi ‘am: aeqq m agma apong eh

ben e up p'a rnfi um aeq on 7 3

pew Im on eq“em; m ap ape new ape n ae no gear, 11; { on

am we no: aah 9 237142117 118 encan am ) pm ; poem pnm ynfi on $117 9 12m g

are 3 132so w xea’

em neon on e}, m i“ ape: we (fi t; n ap any. pm ) mag

Ia-N‘we fioox xxa' 5 97 119 3 on: phone m ay spa bim boee ow, room ing

n a U O B£ 6U£8 mat; use ontm tm x’

zie 31; “in seam: naepj e oom n row “


thi ngs ov er for her . He testi fi ed that he "was a li tt le on

gua rd“ as he did not know app ellant . That app ellant t old him th at

he had shot ducks on the preponty and i nt ended to do so and t hat he

has. an opti on on it for the 1944. season from whi ch app ellee con

oludod that somethi ng was wrong, and sai d nothi ng ( bout having a

lease on the premises. He showed appellan t the push paddles and

appellant put them under the cabin where M r . Droll oould get them.

It i s i nsisted by appellant that the master's f indi ngs

should not be 611“d unless clearly oontrary to the manif est

wi ght of the evi dsnse is unt enable . In courts of rev iew that

M atti as is appli cable to fi ndi ngs of fast only wher e the master's

or where the sp urt has heard the evi denoe . It i s not appli c able

where the court did not hear the testi mony. The f i nd ings of the ma ster

are only advisory and are open for seasi d erat ion by the ohanoellor

and by a court of revi ew. (Jones v . Koepke , 587 Ill . 9 7 ,

the elect i on filed by appellant t o accept a lease i n li eu

of the lease spec ifi ed in the Opti on without abatement of r ent or

damages for defi c i ency in p erformanc e , as a full , complete and sati s

faatory perrsrmm a e on behalf or appellee urti er the Opt i on, was a

trai n s at any sla in for damages on aeoount of non-performance and

the answer to his contenti on that appellee's "

Fth exc ept i on to the

master's report m ognixsa his ri ght to slam damages i f the i ssues

are fauna in hi s fave? is, that th e ele cti on was not fi led. by

leave M court Or was appellee ever app ri sed thereof pri or to the

f i li ng sf hi s excepti ons t o the master's rep ort . App ellant took

the ini ti ative i n the pressedi ngs, and equ i ty requ i res tha t app ellee

should have been informed of the fi lim of t he el ec t i on befor e he ,

appellee , oould be “tapped by hi s exc epti ons to clai m that am ellant

has. waived any slam for W 3

As t o the quest i on of the merger or appellee's lease by

the taki ng of the dea d, the gene ral rule is th at when the tena nt's

rights of anybody else in the pro perty and were t old by her that

the land had been rent ed for the duck season only , tha t she was

bask i n p ossession and that th ere was noth ing outstandi ng aga inst

i t . Her assuranc e went so far as to show them a le ase or an Opt ion

on the 80 acres, with the statement that it was the only le ase or

option which was ever outstanding , She had a key t o the club house ,

and was appm nti y in sole possession ,and appellee did not know

that app ellant ha d a key. As t o the art ic les left i n the club

house , it i s not shown or ola i med that th ere was any general

osstom of Sp ortsmen in that p oepoet , and th e fast that app ellant

di d so does not establish suoh a oustos as would be noti ee to

appellee of his rights thereunder , i f any. ( Bissell v . Ryan, 23

111 . 666; Kell y 7 . Garm ll, 225 Ill . App . Appe llant

reeogni ssd Hrs.Palmer's right to have a key, and she was as much

in p ossessi on as he . Where the reoord owner of p rop erty i s i n

possession of property , and a second party is likewise i n p ossessi on ,

the possession of th e la t ter is not noti ee to purcha sers or Judgment

erod itors of rightswhich su ch p erson mayd ai m i n the premises by

his possession, but hi s p ossession , i n order to be suoh not i e e ,

must be sxelusi‘vs and unequim al . (Union Bank of Chicago v.

M ap , 517 I11 . 184 , 189 : Gray 7 . Lamb , 207 R I . Furthermore ,

the character of th e srti eles left i n the c lub house was such that

appellee might wel l assume that th ose of say c onsequenc e bel ong ed

to the promises, and that the others had been abandoned by the

former lessee .

While app e lla nt and hi s assoc iat es had blasted out a

pond and dit ch sad installed a wooden boat l anding and b oat rack ,

there is no showing or claim tha t they were inst alled exc ept for

use is the seasons when they were a et ually used , and no clai m i s

made tha t they did not belong to the lessor . After the expirati on


the hunti ng season their more preseaoe would not indic ate to

hosq seq sysop seq rssosrysq s sooqeu pose I q z ua s q p ose Leop‘

so cps basetsee’seq sp asape osuets poo posh spssqoseq pt ape

cps opsmsoset o; sp a esgxc yes gets In one e j fip posse .soe seep spas

7s bosssaet ou so ps'mpe z sspe t eoonq asses o; .b pobesz1 TE I t

III" sse

‘Ken t at

“osm orr

‘se e n zr'ebb

offs) m om ma

qrq so g oes use oesssyrefi‘

anop s esc hew as h oo j q ps wesyoe so

st ages 0 ; sta tesmen rs spassesbsos‘seq op e ge e; apes ebb eyj sse

em s sw arm : w e of tow we so we se tmres setsm we strip

sated in good fa i th in the ir dealings wi th Mrs. Palmer , and the

eireumstaneeswere not suah aswould put app ellee upon notic e or

appe llant's rights before he procured. h i s lease . So far as the

reoord sh ows, M rs. Palmer was an available witness for either

effect , however , ca n be deduc ed fr om this fact helpful to one

or disparag ng of the ot her simply bec ause he di d not pr oduc e her as

a witness.

eppfi llee recor ded his lease on Jan ua ry 221 , 1 944 , the

day after it was obtained and he went into ac tual p ossession almost

im edia tely thereaf ter . Alth ough appel lant obta i ned hi s Option on

Qst o‘loer 6, 1945 , he di d not record it until M arch ll , 1944 , more

than a month aft er app ellee was i n sotual and not orious possessi on

maxim is tha t where the equities are equal , the law wi ll prevail ,

set whi ch oooasi ons a lose , he must stem. the loss.

Th is eonelnsi oa di spera es with th e neeessi ty of c onsid ering othe r

matters urged on this app eal .

Dec ree affirmed .

mes, James H . Peters assi gned his prospect ive interest i n his

mether's estate to Whi te , the consi derati on bei ng expressed ther ein

as and other good and valuable consi derati ons, the assi gnment

being 9.139 0 1t in its terms. wmt e reta ined the not e i n hi s

possessi ons and Peters made payments there on aggregati ng

the last of whi eh was on January 27 , 1928 . On Janm ry 4 , 19 5 8 ,

Whi te start ed sui t on the note in the oi reui t cou rt of whi t esi de

september 6, wed and at the time Whi t e di ed on July 533 , 1940 .

The note was i nventm-ied i n whi te's estate , rec i ti ng as

W unpai d balane e, with a sta tem ent of the p endi ng sui t , the

pleadi ng of Mary Peters that her name en the note was not her

si gnature, her subsequent death , and that the "assi gnment aforesai d

was ma de by sai d. J . M . Peters to the sai d Steve Whi t e upon the con

si derati en evi denced by sai d note ."

an Apri l 22 , the sw atar of Whi t e's estate

assi gm d to appe llees the not e and also assi gned to them the said

assignment of James H . Peters ts Whi t e . On Apri l 10 , 1945 wpellees

appeared in the sui t on the note am on thei r moti on the sai t was

di smissed, on Key 3 , 1945 . On June 2, 194A , appellees fi led thei r

peti ti on i n the county eeurt agai nst th e exeeutor alone asking

payment te them of the share of James H . Peters i n th e Mary Peters

the executer appealed to the ci rcui t c eurt .

appellant , James H . Peters, filed an

«n am e In these he alleged. the execut i on of the note , the

payment thereon, and claimi ng that the assi gnment was made

to secure its payment as colla teral only and seek ing to

lim it the m astery of app ellees to the m ount dw on the not e ,

um . W M M aim a m e name i n hi s passan i on and appellant

am tw m itt mmthe 3 mm , W am im his 11135111310 31 w keep i t

93 4, asm chasers

w the M um . IE ismm ammm that appellant received any

mummy w mm film M M a tmm Whi te at film him the assi gn

m m m me tim i é W m M : We ei ghtsfilm on W e note .

m u m 's fim timw mm he did not knew of the pay

m um m ae a m rw m any m eeedm gs relating to the

will. at his mm . am thi s anom aloa and his testimony an the

01; pm w arm " m rm was awmw 3 3mg wiwrrw ; m agn et; m

n:we fi nance“ n:m a aecwge‘raww g na gym c om gaw m m fi m

aa mm m m w e; w e w afi um rv w as; mg; m g}? d é fl‘rfl fi an. em

Ffi not? 01. mm W ! Pi swam» m:or, vhbe naeu‘my M am asw

m M an mm 9m m M EN its GGIW Q Q L‘FI‘q awn gm u w m am ):

am wfi m m u amncfl m m m m 9 33 0 ” M EIM W aw Tw angveg

pi wfibvtf1m Kw M n’wgcnag

rm bxfim ur M a;m mm muege

m w h fi m m g m awn“m g

wysu was new“$133

“pt; m 3 gu m m n m

wu a‘mm amt an” 3633 any} mm m: M 2‘mm


“m m mm: an spa sw atawqamanfi pm z

‘m em grofl 4

30 free}: 13

$TAW a)? ilfi

IA , 1

é » W ail

new , 3 .

clerk . dawnné nng fihmfi an urfl tnnnaw tn? i natnllatlen. nr parki ng

autana “an aatnnltdning ragnlntinnn far finely use nan onnrnti nn.

nagq . knri l n, 194g . anly anpwnvefi by tug nnynr and. pub11ahad, be

uné Vi llngns net . QXII . Rav. fl i nt . lfié fi . ahap . n4 . mar .

fit GM O a.

can in ecutrnvarny. er a netttian pratnattng ngatnat the passage of

fauna cvt é aafi a that the ni gnaturwfi , atntnmanz or rfi ai danoo. and

antes nnnn thm- nnfilti an aru annuAna nnfi Lynn , «R that the pennant

si gning thfi nati tinn. nx% nlfl atnre neallfi ed to vats for a aueeeaocr

n! mai n xnfl ufiwmnfi . nnfi . in naniatnnlxsi ea in Whi an elaatoru are

rsqui raa ta an rugi afiarafi , thnfi nbng warn auly ragi steren vstore at

shanta ahnllfiba fantanafi aagafiher at thn'

unpnr efigea i n ene aneumant

moati an 1n~5n nrevi fiae z an aeti nna tn audh a

wi th thn elnnn wi‘

h nhnm. fihe pafii ti en i snftwv fiha nnui t inn 1a fi lnfi . i f nbjaot i anun nati mi nn

ha ti lealgrk

Jnrfinai fifii nn i n vnatnfi i n fl an cannfiy gaunt

1 nlnn anta thaneon aha

nan ( 5 ) shallpuhllnnti fin i n gene

innlxfiy, or . i t share

Enema Illa nnrkn shavi ng fixi ng wi fin. thn Gi n?alark an any a, 1945 .

abjwetxana ,‘

bnt ant an tha yaz i ti an . era fine nata ti ena~

pruaari bnd

fin? 1945 . Gantnrnnhla in tun nstntlnna . Anpellanua‘nati an,

that the gaunt fine no sari sfii efinn or finfi fiabasot .mntter er the

manlrwsfi tha t i f fifia matlga fi f fl fibli t i on wa e i nauffi oi ant , or

if 4m gam in g-m and M W awewmm M M prem aturely film , thou

aha abjeet i mna . fia , toe , tbs alalm zhst uh» Jufige‘a na tat i qna ware

a?! anfiavavfl an fiha pet i ti aa ,wwfl i fi 3 9 2 affefit the carri ai anoy or

the abaaatz aaa .

Aa tfi thfi mllagea. grafinfl t§ a z thfi nhsfioz i ang ware not Il iad

mfiqmi raa tha ai ty alarm ta as ramwQ than, v i vualy ha caulfl not

was wi thaux juri a&xnt1@n. baafiusa tho Judga 5 15 na% andarge hi s notw

cps 3 816 o; bngbsnpz mnqe L z oL ecIoefi Le‘Eng cps conr p ga jg spy;

coq aayonex z srroq 30 megs qz agnrpupron c g Lfi nqe 8 2 1219 8 LLom

i GC Q U$ sees 9 1 390 ITT‘Q3y

‘mye z e 9 ghe CTQ I

abcuqen¢ . e concenpgpv*

v axwf j g t axpnfi pqon ma g bLe aevpe q Tu'


grbmen , a page; BQ AQ LS I IIITU OTB 0 9 3 9 2 qecz qeq gqaeL aeyk co L 6 ~

when pk spa conz ga o: LGAIQ M $3 $3 13 ggfi ge‘“ fi e Li ng in be er

gz an ppsg “ppa bnac z ee 63 3 3 5 7 0 3 aeema U G AGL go pg ae peen bg aeeq

c z rmynsy oonpgmbge fi G L Q In LoIAGQ'mogn paganqrna gpa z x

w a aex~

az gne‘pm: mark on 0 8 9 3 3 In ogpog egsgsa

’TU ma g; cg uprcg

GT AII cou¢&mhg 19 no; sfibg g psprg*a &p@ 3 eggs 5 0 IffirU O J Q qecz ~

oz gmfipoz gpm 1 2 p Q amen an oxqex Legnarnfi co bmuqan LO L

pa qremq aaeq pe csnae‘

9 3 p3 3 coxwz er c auga‘

wi pe fixe gg fl sxgpp

1g Is Lz z afi qxfieq pl LG BDO B Q Q U Q fpg fi $5 9 anomrq

penqa Ta 9 gonecyoemz e envy“

L?pfl smoafi fi syye fieq 3 0 pe qna begyrronsn on oeL gsz u vowqeboarpeg

mwapsm fn‘

cpsnc exh‘

8p0 & . G Q fi ?G yph . ve swanj q no: bgh pus bLo

five gfl benz oz coa co U vas pp L e ebcnqsmg

‘fi I III fim 3

‘mfi apfi nfien

gps ebbe fi j ya bla z e cmfaq pl nz z em gz fi ag psmg fi rT GU aoafipp $5

cv fifnfi 9 L qre $3“p0 fi 0 8 3 26 In s oxa zy cevgamfig bLoc asq:U Z


guys T 9 my sbbsg y‘

3 5 Issas ELsngsq‘LL OW an a z qe z n n



He ahcnqeng vbbe yfse“

1&1??w a M FPL GEH’


begypynne: vfiborTfivr‘

mam a 3 ma“

UGLafi fl gnfa‘

3 CGfl HQ - OB 0005 13 03 M&3fVELHDH B


fibbEVP kJOH. BfibE EIQgA


by1m m?HQBBErP ‘fi IBEBVfl fiH Elfi fi fl ae

314 Ill . App . 537 , i t was held

that an O rder di sabarging the male he Shaw cause was appeal

able, and after di scussing several earli er Illinoi s dec isi ons

m u m airan M im i: er m assessment ai a fine ,

141 111 . 665, the court held that m

W e and FM S , between the party insi sting upon abadi am a

m e ri ght to appeal i s in aim party, as in ether cases in

W W .“ In a 285 U . S ; 217 , i t was 1z2 d by

O'I h t


no v

“a ns-v. 5 9“

as ”deWrmim tiw of the nature of the prw eefii ng ,“ was ta

se cure restoratm at the di verted praperty in arder to carry

2an;aq;gpgan Q L gym sanng‘avg xv gagenma nfi mpegpan spa cage;

we finoarq uvg pa fiqzfl qfiaq £0 wafq spa bL ObGLfifi anpieasta ape

Q Q CHL G xsagfi z egran § z . ¢pe qraa z psq bxebaz ck $3 caggn go asxxz

ea uq$;5 a Ue gIAs 0 L gps D 3 5HL 6 0 1 ;p@ bz g cseqfnfi‘g $ 3 2 5 9

gug cps hL filbL ea $3 6 bepxgz on

‘ayc spa comm; cggxc sz xxaq

bz cbe z pl ,auc me s gye afl p?% 3 $ usggaz Gl gpe bL T fi C Ib fi T ag z g‘

0 9 88 apgmgsg cpw aefi gumsogena 9 3 5 2 Ol rfi fi p tn qxaez gfufi figs

bfl fi lay”


L GLImQ U rI congambp‘a pus; guemegnz s cmqgm gran

cm ewm III 583 a my m W efmm q 193

lp@ xxfigg so abbegz 22 In cxpuwz beaga‘

ya In oggam cemea xv

so we: m agnu m am we w e zm nmq mm we Awr w m “m

yufiauga anq bmxboasa’pagfi eaw $5 3 ba z gx gna r eszu% atom opaqremse

w e £339 m u ; aswe 5 3 1121 cm rm w fi

‘"“I: n

"so my

age bL O Ee $Q IQ € 3 3 go afi cfi ls gmq afi gnmse s ogaqr Lamagi r¢~

z a

m ga'smm m xw N T H I


"mm arm smm mm :w

n ew at M am a"

M ia m u m w m ann a w e m a y if? qam eq'n

ymfifi axgran cg am'

zmbxraonmsfi p an figs fi aae aamanx eg a gzns‘

aux amfibemc so spa cyg ym cg fi fibaryeea ggg g 3 3 ya aura gga

gpa wean: mtwgeq t “gagginfi saga ya Ema. az gpvge 0 3 9 9 3 Ifi fl Q E

epjs’afiq gggaz QT2 3 3 3 §¥E 3 aeaaxfiy osxrxé z IIIInoz a ge ezexoz e

IN W W}:“


am rn W“

35W 2m In"vbb ’

aw m m m mm

rim momma! £6 airm en m m ow : If?Q GIITM I“

flaw- cyso z ra seyfi pyfiapnq Lu?» gpfi g Eg gqgifina a; gpi é rt pmna

V Law g bgfigm w Q $Gifi m mum“

5 1113 32, ya 014113“

In n u f u

a “as?m $ 0e m m v amt; ac; W ) ; m ap 99 cysp azu eé

$5 53 on gpé‘

fié gf$row@x mg i £5 3 6 gpa cpvxfi ccé z z apqss 3g pogp

aggm gam g were deposi ted wi th respondent as

N a in the prm ipal sun of $5909 . 0a, ineluding bends

m «aah m afi a W and were to be pai d their pre

G Dfi L: fl ag gas vz fimwgwga on c afiuaaj‘a gac Lee 0 0 0 engafisq



wag bfi L EH Q H Q so ea ens e hmaegu¢$q 33 ahmn

cycfisxq 0 egfl gg newg ( fipop fi nvmfi &se wg paadfi engyz cpvgfieq ga

Q O Q EfiL’ daaecrmfi zmfi gpe oz fifi uxsapgsw 0 0 0 exxagsmcs 61 £9 0

g fipfi I U Gt SU Q L Q T'

O z spa ecg ¢g { a spa Q IL$H§$ 0 0 fi 7

$ an 9 3 3 0 00

fig fl fi fl g fix 00 £03 06 0 5 10 00 £09 Q figfis O i ITTFUO IB pk SEQ

gLam axps ga gnq c afl z g z araaaa LS t fi aq IE’

Q ATQ $U C $ £5 0 ; gm

cofi m ga c l ppge ggwgfi'fi va g fig z veg flyGEfi

"a cmmcng? IQ shbe fims

enypvmrpx gm aria

ffifi bags au pansTfi 0 L Log vni re z z eg In'


”gpa aeyq qjyfi gaq samboxfi pren psa H G T qap; oz

gpfi gsoomqe z . a a; ,xcs ea coax cadugk‘EIIIH O I E

‘avg gpsg pa

gg gg’

"z; z g { a easy a comba z sggmn”u psna Ef A Q L pafin afgag gm


fimq sawn g ggg g 33 9 $L$IQ I0 8 ox TH O Q fifiaafi gTfi fi 01 figs

grew 01:w‘

www gam ma mm :ma m: gam esm w 9 6m m »

p0 8 nsaam. peey $0 1 nfixan'

;nfi z g Bang oaggmyxag TU $09

0 L 00ngaaq 0 § Qv ®xyagyu§ pa fi gxfiseaLhfi z fisrafi‘gag sa gmz aq ppag

EQ fifi Q EQ Q B fi ga vyafisx qe syeq p g p T gI GM Q L ya a garb

Q BTJON FG Q $299 “W e !”

$wg pcnq z ya Q Q $T$I®Q am $9 0 bna nsys epg z a a; gpe $ 0 3 63


qcuray agh :ye £0 0 33q ppemc z vna $F$ afi yam wnq yorqsn fig

vag qafifi atgeq gangs p wcaz gs ppaafi $3 nc conn¢eLA HI IEfi fi'


mn zg pa aaafimgq gysg gya wsageL - z aeoz aaq gys mawak 19 5 cps

6& 2?q m 8 bxfi onfizmw a qw m zmszw we, I F

evap z v'

gye afimxag afi Fnefiesrufi $n c'go‘fists

«w e?aroo‘ao mm ‘

vm cm wfifi pm Um pew q 3 00 m

w e 9 1151437 690 m me am we. m ean s an: asap“ m a m m

m m 01. m ew w q pum a bi $98 wfifi mfifl fie 03m m

ta sai d Cloverdale Sta te Bank was i ssued by the Audi tor of

Publi c Ac counts cf the State of Illinai s an De cember 3, 1920 .

"On July 6, 1922, the Audi tor sf Publi c Accounts of

the State of Illi nmi s i ssufid hi s permi t to do banki ng busi

un July 8, 1922, duly fi led. far rec ord in. the Recorder's


gfl gfi'


fifibfi é mpz l s?’ 3039‘cpe

° nfime

gmaaxae moin zpf b‘JU 60 0 3 -0 0 0 0 2h

‘IITIfi e Ig

ifl I$W0 5 £ gag

Af rrfffie 01, 0 m m”u rm g m 4320 aa c m Lfifi acz m e ’


$9 fie aemfim v’3030

‘N ewa rk Sm M erm cm w 01 083 we

Erz ag snenme sag pfl e _fie abn usa xvaext

0 g Bz aaz gamaag vnq 3 0 rye fi Tsf fl ffik an

90 5 00 60 0 1 gyfi- Q Q LBGn a yi gf gg 9 1

ga mma nw gzb’in! m eg $ n Tre m z a

’ m m em Cm

m m“ a'

r, m e m y; m m a M W Q M M L M W V3 3 5”

W m mm? Wob

mq sww m z w‘so am $209 luIV C S

a? ma m w as 30'r

aaet we afioam m em m; 39 9

geag jra‘IT*

0 0 3 8'

gyms“spa afiT q pwux mss hLohaxjk 3 3 7 gamxfi yyfi z omoaeq £0

¢ R*

3 0 3 3 qmnyz fi spa 3 9 3 0 3 3 0 6 56 0 0 pfi $ Q La q gag $M 9 0 £hm

ge ca a on 5 0 06 333“ $ 3 gesqah ug j gbggg


00 00 80 goamgx on afiym g‘yass

‘rm Hoaxy; 0 0 ,05 3 aari vua&fi v

be Lmzsuse 00 1} 1110 0 a La c exq 10 pus we aonq ge Q LL4 6G 0 1

0 6 0 610 8 cm Qty?“ 9 ? Docm am m m » $540 4: m m

Ga m e 0 2 0 7 09 8 6 cam e? n fm am’1m m eat I} 6x m aw rfi m om

21—67 31 9"305 5

”grams u rea; W


m e ow III we 00 0 0 10 6 0 148;

maz e 430 2 9m :m oam qfl‘m awm M D?! m m e6m GW LW m a“

cm gy m 01. IIN W W w arm m a bewm so 98 W m :

wm c vcom m ax. [ma affirm 8 2 w 96 649139 0 0 3“3 030

$0 ag1g cToasng fa agagc gsmKJ fi fi a I z aaeq 03

. gpe vagz pom a:

Laabenqeup , e eue eeL rpe j yee ayu€ gee exqe z efi ee or gee LJIGS

men?9 L eye 8?T GKI $ eawesave ewes never“

13 Aeee we

DH be gs eoengl‘per eye ob$y


ce~rev ne e genreq eve gee ieee~

C O HL£ a e rye oeqee rwre eneet eq ee pee crecerr comer cg

gega 0g Iyxrnere’eoe fiyr yee ae re sehag; co rye ghee yyeee

ape UfifiQ Luel. €eUeL eI‘

rebeeeemrrufi ye bfi c t fp ea rye

exinaw qeq"


pse e and rec cae z 7 rd eoege en? cpe i dee $5 gr e e

pa cue gee eeme”

a pexeph qfl omreaee ewe rysr pee ee ebengcnr

hyerng en 3 e nepee e- e; e den fie

r eenro pez e goz oae gv1eq peLere

ai fi Ie’

gpenegeee’oz qez eq seq q n qfieq

one: rec c cm~


Q O E 15T§fi0 ?3's

bO L e gIc u*ae

or ce z fiefeen‘engrpc e e

h vreexnpe cg

eqfifi qqeere q ee fi pLeah co gee e anpengz cee ee pee geobje cg gee

genera“ euq ea gee eweaeu erreq gue aege

‘ee Le qefiera yxcq seq



y; or pee T aanea bee aengeq tn gee eemfij ezwe

beobex‘re figrrmr ge menfi ee . eeha 1ufi gee eee trey pewgzu t beerrc

us’.epe¢ ewe enrq pewe e we pose cowqeceeq TU B eeeefir


see In agxz eg ecoe aqeuee exec eye epegere e e; gee grege

pean {U egaecp ee c oeqeue e aqsa ge eee e; ee ze agengen


gpee rye ceegncg ewe obeeegren eg eezq eewx gee

apocepeq ne seeneoe. re eeeee eeeee Beee*

were deposi ted wi th him. as part of the purchase pri ce at the

time of the sale under foreclosure , and that he had deposi ted

sai d bonds, together wi th many others, as part of the purchase

pri ce wi th the clerk of the Superi or c ourt, but that bends

numbered 109 and 110 were stolen from the files by persons

snknewn, anfi that the bank therefore had no ti tle to the

benfl s or any'r i ght to the funds deposi ted wi th hi m. for

nenfiepesi ti ng benfihfl lders. Respondent's supplemental report

is a suffi ci ent answer to these allegati ons because, as hereto

fore stated , hi s report , whi eh appears of recerd, shows that


snmbered IQ?and 110 were never deposi ted wi th. him. as

masser ansdid net cemsri se any part sf the bends aggregati ng

whi eh‘were deposi ted and ac cepted by him. i n. payment

of the purchase prise at the sale . The averment that bends

1929 enfl retained poseessi on. thereof from. tha t time unti l may

1943, m she seld them to the Uni on Trust Bank fer

Respondent's bri ef upon the meri ts of the c ontroversy

afferde seaux enli ghtenment . Peti ti oner's oeunsel says that i t

"barely axseeds the di gni ty'

of mere epi the t ." So far as we

are able ts understsnfi , the pri nc i pal defense i s that the whale

baokgroenfi is i rregslarg that the benk. hes no banki ng faci li ti es,

that the bank was unable to carry on a banki ng busi ness, as

of the bank di d not di sclose any current operati ens. Even. ir

vssuse Ia¢3 ape beesrqssr salesmeq rye emerges 0 g hmpyqe sc coungs

ceases Is rfl'

fiss rs ssrrs Hezsf‘snsc five psfififusa so essrbsees

mernperse osj k, s be ecn eggres peX'

zs fieksmog’{per rgs



psoxfi noa ye gxsessresfi rpsr res pen; ye a so pgnfiTU”


apes es sussxassns‘sub bxsuc z bsf guesses 23 arse fifi fl sssre

“perers sxeesqe rue mere ebrppsrsu gs gem es es

sz remqe sesur seyrspreseemg*

z eprrfenex,s cowssey asks res: T$

ye ehenqeer.s page; seen res seri es on rye eoeraessz eh

res?” Mess see earssrem'

ce sew eur os 1 3 8; senssos eeoe’


rasa ensassessesbbsse u afsn'

rrsnsor name'

sns r fires smrrr Era

sssssssz csssc c estz ssrcsrow pave ass bsscsssss se ts posse is

a Is snrxssjk . segsrsq ns gee gesr;mou3 0 1 E19“oesrse


U fimpe z sq Tog see 77 0 here agoren gs no: eebborrsq pa sea ssrgenso

or rps bnrope ee bxres s: rye esye*

ape easemenr seer song s

aas‘eoo'og essay ssse qsboesrsq seq soaebreq p3 . pre zs


bskmefi r

messes emsgi g was coszsgee see hear or rye posse safisefisprfifi

pangs seepereq 105 seq 110 sens fishes qsboerrsq urge eye as

sees arsrsq‘yrs sebarg

* spray ebbesss or rec ess“ seems pus;

re s esz z z c zsnr ssseen so geese syj esspi oee peom ee1 se ~


assessesrcrss perqperqexe'

ye sbonqenr,s sebhysmenrsr esbcng

pesqe on eel Lyssa go cps asses qehoeyreq syre pr m gee

sempseeq ]ga see 3 3 0 sens scores { som'

rpe arre e gs bessous

harms s V‘

ses cross or res assesses c ents“ pe r eras passe

esrq ponqs’resereel fixesseam ernse e

‘es be er 0 2 fps Esmspvee

stab oz cps ssTB asses z oz scrcssss* sue eyesso see qsbssvseq

mess qsbesrreq eyesere es beer or eye fisncpsse bsyeo er gee

8 parrqxnfi 9 : ct ta stmfi ‘rpe fl fit fiw ti nfi fi Bg fik- Tfi fl fl fipré £0 weafime

z zsce $3 3 a Imfioe arpye pacent a 01 gug mu; eeuqtgieu go cougpz fl tg

sugpotr asq st ag In fip c bye afi yofi fit ntr Q fi nfi t an ohet ygt


sqaz aé gpsp t int s 0 b amrpi e parrqrgfi ya S fi fi z j fi prfi $3 $3 3

"In m i c?» to hem W N W » at W WW IS“

1m m “0

10 110 49 :

axon QLGafi hsux‘

aramoq pm T I E fina trqawfly

*9 3

m m : 5 0“m y we w eemsq Cr form ic. w an mmm ww at we

9 fl §T£O L o; bfl pjyc 3 0 3 0 3 3 16 “ &yo gq a pr§y@ q gfi g g angst ga pe oz

t e abonqen¢ csyreq qopn 3*

em q*a fl gnfi fa xCWTHGK LHL £9 3

pSv bR pntxnt a e fi nqan p1 8 Q TLwC £$GE'

In gpe Q ant as ¢g gpfi 51 13 ;

9 861 43 635 456 0 1, fr‘


'oo cm frry aoo


’8m: Gam a


cm 6! m q

m suse mm : 2m 3 33 0 a q w e tra’m

‘fm‘p m M ae -w m we

( FI Q GHQ II ) g t i fit aatqtng t aarQ Q e as age @ 9*


gogty xv GC TC H 80 3

C Q LBO Lspfl sea; on mpqcp fUG csayqsf Ia c fi asq fim* fag gpyg gs

IIIIfi o$aE 3px: pvt pwng Nye z asci a gg t 2‘3 pt eg ant e t

’avg g

W 9 1m m w e u m : Tor-raw; m i rom

’ w rs m y rm : m gow n s“

fl ag 0 ; sue au t ofl grasp 2®§g s t fi pas use anw Q Q Z gvg f

peg pe au b t t azqeng a: five GTDAS L Q SI Q gfg ge Bang zxuce Té??

1311819 9 22 mm mm Elm sW M OW T rm mg cm cg gv 2m m axw t;

pk c z ar gsagj mnuk’ we e cvgeq eggspg wgnngsq ya can psmvrwt

tne gutsy $3 3 3 3 p~fl ~‘afl bfiyewaugeq pye qoc 7m an$g th enrc é t

13 anbbot g 0 1 Grai n“r


fip VQ IT‘bng arqang o;

ss j II‘Q0 )

“pa: t o grey orgrm 7 9 saeat geq 9 2 s qexfi fl ts

afi e gs curi ae: I£8 saesga

gagm gt berqtranar contousgxan'

pwq peat qt aaoygeg‘1g caq

11 9 m tpg fit aeqe 0L ffig M TE’

t fl $fi p'

p3 Sq $PQ GT2

balm we hm m tg arm s at we m W m we mm

place as yam may aesi gnate . These books and records wi ll not

di sclese any current operati ens, since the bunk .ha s ac cepted

ng deposi ts fer aema timQ . But wha tever banki ng transac tiens

have beea . made in the past are ava i i able for yaar inspecti an,"

Thi s letter affords same explanati mn of the rea gan, uhy the

bank had no banki ng quarters, but tha t ei raumstanse weuld ant

preclude i t frfim asserti ng i ts elai m. tc the pro rata share ef

The tri al er tha cause was anly partly caneluded . The

channeller aeemed ta be exmrc i sed over the fact tha t Russell

Firebaagh, whase re i iabili ty'

he questi anfid, had bean. instra

N3 3 . Gertz e's bafifis, and by reasan thereof he apparently enter

ewaer of these banda. Therefare i n the mi dst of the proceedi ng

he tafiminateé thfi hfi aring abruptly by di schargi ng the rule and

di ami ssi ng the peti ti ca . Respennent does net c ampla in about

thi s eaarse ef prt c edare , but se ekw to justi fy i t on the samfl

theary that the chaaeellor adapted, namaly, that the wnole pro

eaeai ng was fraudulent, a“held-up,

"and ”

ova of the rottenest

i n fraud of justi ae , an acti ans whi ch, are merely groundless,

callaé . fii t&hall's attenti on. tm the fac t that tuasa bands could

be parehasefi amé assi sted the Uni an. Trust Bank i n acqui ring

Yi fiw af tha fast that respondent dees .nmt conplain. ef the

RGEE m ace,


w eer in whi ch the acci dent M an ned, the condi ti on of the

aged seven, b} 116 1? next fri end brought sui t aga inst the

Ci ty ar Spri ng Valley for i njuri es resulting in the less


the thi rd fi nger of her left hand. The declarati on

alleged tha t on account of her tender years plainti ff did

not know and was not informed by anyone ef the provi si ons

sf the sta tn’

ce concerning sui ts at law fer persm l i n jury

hex tender years and hen phye i eel and mental i ncapaci ty i t

requirements 61‘fi re enetnte . Defendant's demu rer tn the

deeleretjma admi tted ”we threading allegati ene. fine court

painted out that the recogni tima by the law of the status of

384 111. App . 463, wherein a

M ’S Cm peneati en fiat ( Ill. REV . Stat . 1943, Ch. 48, secs.

138 Q gag . ) wi thin si x menths m the date of an acci dent

as a 0m m precedent fie enfex‘eing his am en-law ri ghts,


Foru m sa gm 6 0m g 53m 313 m s 69 86 fifig fi Pa fi fl fi fiafi 7

we g? M W an W IN { raw m 91m ca,

” If m emm fi

wa n e W em amw W 4: ( m'M m gr 7M ?“ “

M aw

YW Q L Em m a m a n 9 w m z zw 01. m a M fim m am gm“6 e

fi gm m m m w B3K? III‘

affab‘we? W a rsaw 9

so am am M ilk a“

as $ q mm w ezww w

epz yq ag agp Aaaa a_ eyq a vg 12 byi agavyz l g un infiombsganr

m y rfsrq mm : mm asscrsm IN M am e? w e m s: 9& 2k m 9

TP& FE E L fi cofinxxaq as pfi z ua fi ggeayh qaaarg 0L xfi abawfl rpxyrph

rmc q a gyswru'

ggg hsafi xaz ama 9 sysma fig beL enua agxwg {ya

GOWE I Q G Q?$IQ U gz q mop rn¢cng pa $3 6 EGHfi L Q I yg fi fifi fi fia qaaq ca

gpa ygi z ayg gg z s In eg ac gynfi afia p a apfi gg ge ye gpe 0 9 9 Huge;

rrzm a £33 6 WM m m W T} m m w as its: W M m M am a £319 5

ruz gnge fi fi q fl fifl xfi &X&Efifirfifi ab $6 9 i figm- TI BPXTffl

bomssqmw : rms$71 Iaficofim wow 92x ma m a 0 1; W 3 433 42e as,

Q Q Q TT LGQ Tuu vqmz efieq fifia zmnafie i nfi gpa seams

Le fimi z fiwfifi ys a; pgs eyfl

gfi gfi‘

gaga fiqafi fi ;a qsw waz an as gas

yam fiGH Q fi L 33 3 3 3 wan psm bgkfiyg fiy vsq mangwy rnswbsaxgi 13

an spa 833 13 $Q NQ ®U®Q L U7 3 6 anypg 9 ; yg a 1am fiaaaanfiy n mxk

xylefiqggsp fl

p an g eaoqug 0g p$x saggez kfi g L B q

erg} { mg {UQ fi L?®R fi® 8fi 7 £IH § $3 gya raga


gggg aeAsfi ‘pk pea b erg { xz emq pz fi fl fiyg envy safirnac

“Am .



hate in the aftw neen of Eavenber 26, 1944 the defend

the presentatien er evi demee de fendant was found gui lty of

five dollars am casts. eabeeqnently, en Dec ember 1, 1944 , a

moti on was fileé cm her behalf for a m e tri al and in arrest

but are taken from a repe l-1; of proceedings had after defendant

ease Where that ri ght exi sts, the defendant's pri nc ipal

M ed w as} . As a master sf fac t she was assi gned a publi c

Emma Lewi s, as; assistant sta te's attorney whs was also

saw “60 W ‘erases wasw e 3 ew e

‘1 em some:se m

m etw asW m m 0m: m 1 se e“ as we tn ess W fi fé l: secs

ye segeg yes seesfiape asseeuqsq “gov 9 3 8 so qsmweq seems‘

pL Ofi pTe .mes‘ape eggs gases 0 ; lafin gems pusguese‘u swq span

se al sire seq spasrae yewaes ge' spay gs sexespas messape

ps3 mess ab span; sex; sex as was vgbs‘sue eyes eye seeg

ever go { smug pea In pas $6 3 42 apes esbssgeeus’ ssgpsnfi si gn

dfi zspfl’


‘one 03 g

fl s berxc e eg bseess’ gsegsggeq

ages gs sgpembpeq se'

belsneqe pas gs enges s asp seq fie pews

extz cene seq afames ens 6g eyes I n ppo Le os e ggs pg ; peugpefi

Bz ogpene . egoz sf ppsg ape useq spfi sz se rswfinsfie £0 spa barges

Gi fl fi fifi a £fl 9 $ qez sfi qfi fi fi fi g? scans fU£®XI Gfl $GG f B CO TQPT5 $$

ea zqencs eqqneeq mbou gps pssxzufi pl nnmase a e az gne aees sen

msurz e eg sefn 0L cps esrqeess‘

gsze irl sxu msxvseq‘gpe

How?were we Em m i or, we em f} Gem s 4'

s Sam m i e we

DO LgI Ofi cg fire ga ze; so e qt ecnasnon ex lye ge cgs‘sag ssan»

genqsng . e mosses 10 1 9 use gsxsy seq qesosss s c ag esqenspxe

L G GO L Q a; sews 33 0 bsfise cofise z u?mfi ssyqeucs csgsfi om‘


ape eenglossssk‘pasqsgsuqsmg ,a senses? pus psesfipe afi 9

ag e Lensessfl fi senoTH eTO fi eo q seem'

pe qzsbeee e;

m m eess‘

awm m 9m;we w hbom es pi w e N EPW R asseesaw

GAGL‘gpe Lscenq

‘spray {mfioxgs Aesggk‘eas;xsqrc §ssex

efiq ass neAez seseq z ; I seersq~s gash gszsf


a gesu

3pxe sstqenes gagenqeng gssprxsse seep gx‘

neses ssxssq flesh

aeress the faee and bent hi s glasses.

Jeyee Detecti ve Ageney) eerreberated the evi denc e that Hi s.

intexi eeted, eefi that they finally had to lead her frem. the

pfieehaeed a beg of beans i n. the basement, and whi le she was

the be ans. She deni ed that she had been‘ drinki ng or di sorderly'

or gui lty of breach of the pesee , and sai d tha t she had not

quently plai nti ff's attcrneys confronted her wi th the testimeny

0; see heysee e i zyee z s'gee e: spew

“z oeeby


g euxet‘l


deanmxl eat dngeq pet e1¢p~

gye peepnmwfil


fni exz cegrnfi 77 5 3 0; LDL ppe be esLyle le ez s°


oz EerTsz ea finesse at rye fie eee‘see sets fuex eBE‘

pwe fins

Spa Pneva' see genres tees eve ewe peefl eei nfirfifi on erefimte z rh

boyrcs ozntc exs é ez e ewe Berg {o spew “ego eve per? si s lees“!

sseprng geese £p€ 61315 3 3 2 e ccoegeq yes sUQ'


nest eye gee Bfimsn‘

sgseeg efi t fi E Q E cps; eye psq baea i oe zrl

pg ; Lesse ess syneq euq fl Q I away pet: ape goq e sse ¢ 3 m e

c . pex eserex‘qsq some esebtsna en eeeggst gyoam‘seq peesaee

step 01 ase el ogues ergness'

ape et z q pee p ape mes se zgzna

fits'Bfi fiw,e ssspr ment 13 ssgz eeyl s; ess gsnce e z pp

Tfi fioxTGQ$Q Q'ens fee : see? tf vfrrk seq es fesspee teow




befissfii ae sgeuch‘soxt epe z sgsq gas eq exse see; fies“

genesyearns sea Humorq et eehesyq‘ergo embyolese e; 33 3

see qeteusee t e serws‘spve see eeeflw: ales

Vassar esse n ce £119 4:sewers“mem es. nebm mm eseer-s

gsfivfi xerep‘e qegsc pxee emtroleq pl ashes Dsgecszss

senesz spe‘

tece efiq pen: pi e Cressé e~

g fl L n‘muggy qa crxsq pa panqra ppm g c cefinc fiFQ M

ems w arm” w e: 2m affam esw we mumm m m lam

-«m mafi a


qraenm nrm “M isfi ts“mm $3 n boaesrprru ree Len”ht-Oms

gmezxabngwg\ &q a cenazuneq gyU £ p19 byen'

z oz UG&63 £T3 TH § gag

ppL O B Qp paengz apnba gym coam% p:m ae c pzwua 0 g qabengmgfi f

fi q cmu ayqeLspje ancceae‘$0 8 l Q O EIU§ U £Th ggmqm?fi a fL?Q fi

0 8 £0 L$wfi c abecwgyy fi go man“ 6 ag cw db Q ymyya z ga gpe g naeq

gyLGfiKp pg ganqg ape z xsm‘

cxfism confi gc z a avg e gn bfma sfi

c q fiq spa hL fibfl L fi q E Q c Unq z ayus bran re EGTI ¢ g z q bz m~as$

Az c gax G‘gnqfi g ahL ¢ 8 §


a abn v gqap xw fi fi fi w

c mnrs mm bxaqmc g a gyjsq “fi ggfiyeb p*u 5 g@ gaz emq 7 u¢

Ufi Q LT$Ifiw gag BQKEEO TQ Q IGH} qyamz e gzh‘qeawz sg s ATFSHIB

Camweossq fl ggp Q fl ffi wpf g'

fifi?fi eL 8T£fi gen 39 Efi qma fGfi GpIUfi

g abbagna gpmg egayfi ya Té Eé na f gqqm‘ape ggg paew

fi bhewy'


’EL Q W mN‘GJ qfi i afl qfi ufi fig ? £gfifl 5 g ”

3 154113 3 1: 9‘lfl mxw m z

'pvq gm mm m fi m g fimfl m m gm 1m m as,

s At gamwn bl oq fi sfi c z gfgq agqgé fg xf*

u gays? pg £3 9 sowng

aT?fiIH fi fig“n gaxaamau fi

’$ 8 3 HQ A Q L C O ” 3 ”mmg figq

5pg pqm

£9 EFA§ pfi fiu'

sgfi tnz sq go qeganqvfl ; In G O U E IQ Q LS $$0 3“

0L 9 3 3

fix“bEfiEIDIKG i fifi£i lfi kHIEfiB BETIAEEfiD lHE GBIEIQ E 'GL $23 efifi3 &


WM em ? ww w ’ won Grim mit? 3

" wm g 9m} b’ wm



ooz gpam'

gpxss cfiwfia‘gyaw fifi fl agnge

‘ggwn was $fi fi£

Lana asap: a Esogsfie waxy: ape xoksyprg a

Egg}; {m g m M abm sx Lscm‘a a q gm 5m m, wa‘figg‘ool m y

m w rm gmn m m mq m 3333590,w spam w hat


im am W i s

sfifi wfispe am In m ay fic z omqm fi $0 3q m

“Au stral“ g am m a }? 430 my? m qh ge z,es s-m q Ima ges: tr

m e W earz cw magm a; Vaaosz fim oxf snag 133m hec z‘

m fl emmsfi g

Jami m m ‘m m wars Qm‘fi 2m w an GTIN IW -fifi gr?

mu }: gm bnoaramm 6 5, wasm u m 5 575 5 yam; a re; mm“

ma ca w?veaocmwm m ; 43s m Em m a: w rz‘m m soemrmr

m m m qam brm‘mg new 59 m (m am a ; mm?m }.

we're 0; 3 0 23 6 43e m ax. page m m m; “mm eaa my " m m “

c am pympeq a ELOLp IG pm m ga m we Lem -Lan es! 9m;

w i v

60 a m w e'Jan a

"M : GO M EO H

’ram 4:o 1m

By am em nt of the parti es a wri tten draft of the

am tm et was he be preparecl by the Gerdoxvs'attam ey. m

a cw h ef days to é o m s, ami then ta send i t te a m

ex. Ism s W m m m 5a was It amm q FA W Dr m 1

tpei want BLez pev gg w j eppz v hz ebfixeq pl ggsgn wpc c *

g qaqfi cg érooc figo £9 pym


rn combTQ s go'

og yrs enq px*

$o1q cpwm'

gpw; pg ng $geq awwa I a fi fih Q fi ap mug gwgsq spz m'

2 a

eoz qofie . asLa; 01 age C O Ufi BL BQ Q IOH ye zyg g j xakpe bxssg

aecaz a p9 9 neoeaasz l yufixeqqgugat spasas saanxsq spa ec aqmfia

Ez skfiabnswfi’ speng mpxcp


:psz s 13 covarqfi z gprs oafigxz qg *

Oreo conc ez aeg gpe q v at WBI GFEHQIE$U 3 wag aafrznfi

con¢t§¢p £ 9 2 {0 pa bz eha z wq pa spa GO LQ OU% , sagannsk’


Eh sfiz é qmgmg at gym bfi npzsa 9 ai z ggen qxszg cg gpfi

( 0 2 CPS M OW ? m “131136m W W W W m 3m }?

Lraq px, é ébozrgran we garrcasx figpfi GG£ Qfi fi é eevq £p%& fi $fi %w¢

sz fip fl fi afiecs £0 FNTB bfi fi ae ex sfi é pz"gé qk

gse Gag azq sgqafi go 8 3 3 afi afig agz afl s fipfi fi Rag wyfi. pgx§*


pg mm" m m St e heys j

‘n Jfi jm fi‘aggmmw

m?’so was

$0 pg fia s gag? craasg‘

gag caefii kafi


fifibm fifig g g é qq ¢ z z § $9

paw m y]; W AG: 139 pg 2 31q M m m 0 1, Sam: fl am e m cmq m,

C GU EI Q Q L TWQ fipami Rpw¢e&ek comgfi q c ; fie sfifi nafi e

go sam e I? s&a?s go m e am ; sqqmmm pawm m g‘nrfi mm

m m; eczqmm m so tu m sw a m : m;m m g gs5 }f c kw m art;

vac lefifi fl fi'

lfi 50 na‘ Ifi 0 6 0 3 1 8 36 m@ fipW; syala KI QPfi 9 @

m m?m gqsm pawm s cw gm eg m gw am pg can , apm rm sk’ m

“mom nkow afi m g‘sk’

re i: am ; £19 39 m 330 1133 3 W

pa J am ag $131 M i! emf m “ m g?

8 3 W Esspsq TJ m m 2513 1319 {m p m ix c m m‘m p aw qxfi fa«5 7 3 33 2

0 13mm ac; m gyk arm; pp m: 1 (m ay; pm 2mm g ong 113m

mac }:m an pas-

UK qm m “m agm a M m em lfifi

'm sqé q gym


w a fi rm s? N 2 61K} 210 5?mm spec }: { M Rpfi w pmm gm acm


:vws I pvc afi cs $3 l®fi Q ua Bl“fififik v $


“I cam 35m gm ; 45131 3 fisz M E m 76887 3? fiw wz m "

m g mm are mm mm m; qefi m nk on m fi rm ?

slim e the mark was to be done enti rely by m . Breyt Spraak

m . fine 6m m sai d this was eati sfectory. m y sent

thi s check payable he Walter H. Eddy and Vi ctor C .

and gave i t 159 M“ Gerem 'e letter enclosing the

each pa ckage, and she elem wi shed te have Breytspraek veri fy

them the m fireet was ultimately prepared several weeks

fi tfiva¢fl as’DE

“nqgh Imwfl qrgxfi rh va pi zxsq spa eongona $9 9 :

rwpsn Eng LoLq qeq $0 BL Q kfiabLefifi {oz 3 1 8 z z j’énq fi z‘q h‘a


5pu c an az fl cg ne e mypzmegeyfi bxaq eq 8 6 A &L % I fi fi afiv


aez Até é n pnat exbsmas annex n u v1? I nssz e gg ya ape .

pea tpv p p$ f ourg nnqcz pfixe Q T: pyoe amfiha enq Lovqen z aqu

so fpe GX £65 £ so mpyen pr? gy ms covj q pa fi aeq” a oeufi ec ufi

DL‘q k‘pecfi gas on Lfi xcp sq fiB $H10 i mfl q rz a

gomm ou"a

Backgafirsgg eaz qengyk gwnxaq $y?a j egpax O AQ L fO

az gpemg sn gren9 1 sxfienae 30 five eoz qone’

rj ge z gmfimefi jspeya

‘bscpsae z‘ego”gbbnoaaq 8 g g9 a



LO Lmfiys a aaemms gpe Le abonaz pzrrsh go; psnyag syy gye

0 L 53 3 Ini crq j avg m sa e pepcpea on oxqene 0 1 eve ahe c rgj

pen a eL aga rnR fge g 3 L“q 3 amfiyq J UQ S L Sfi ge 9 37 pi mfi aaela

ego? be cKSRs’ Q ua spa area fixevgq so psAe Bleksabxq sg asn h

ceasxgfirwi gpa hopeuch on ;p3 arz amrw pg pyarz cowgsz vfi q 3m

Dz“xqgk. moq pa ugrrzwfi ro sjrom fine q aa 0 g U * 8 uvmfi qu

cofignfi cx‘agngsq wgqyf z ousr Ini o z mg g jo n ya go you as;

cpsg $3 3 1; agoomueh’gm conpc jbyegyo n

og bLebgn?mfi $we

qq eaasq gnogpsL IG Q fiQ L go pxahgebz afi x‘myaz e zn aye afi yq

cpvcfi use q sq fl fl kcfi sv‘I63é

‘ape U GX £ 99 1 ma?

“Q anqan

sun fisac Ix £0 v?m*

u coxqan i a fe z csz EU GIO EJHE aye sycor‘on

Enshfabmvg g‘

1 exqol aeq pus cpacg wast so EL'ansz fiabxegx

fipta $r‘ooo cwecx


befivfi fe £0 serscL n"

Eq smv AIC ?0 5 C“

heafi ‘mp3 eoz qawe Q S IG gpfa nsa asgfagvc goxl

'mp3 h . a@mg

I monj q ga i n O i GL mfi Uwrg 0 1 fipe ev acg ye arm-

3 0 3 cps; Ewan

eques cpé max; m9 ? so ps gowg engrz eyz pl fin“ ?mshgabz ssg

answer that the questi on of juri sdi cti on was rai sed , and

aafiaw the provi si ons of socti on. ll cf the Ci vi l Prac tiee

Act~ and tbs settled rule of law'

i n this state , the statute

m u ng upem the defendant the ri ght ta object to the

Juri fidi cti cm ai‘the am t be cause sui t was net bm gh

‘t in

we proper county, w afers a pri vi lege of whi ch a defendant

the fiuty of a party to plead to the juri sdi c ti on of the ceurt

by a recogni z ed autheri ty, together

of possi ble outlets, whi ch Breytspraak agreed to do, pro

an advam e payment at to cover such servi ces. That

share af the pm eafis m Breytspx‘aak becam e

,as be theaght

ehfi ek had“been pai d wither an acm t 61

‘the first

m 1)? c im amsfianee that could cast any aaubt upon thi s phase

V .


m am fl ent,Defendant . COURT, coax com .

On August 27 , 1943 Edward S . Gi llespi e fi led a cam

plaint far di vorc e aga inst the defendant Evi e Gi llespi e,

space of m e year and upwarfis. A suggestimn Gf insani ty

and Wi lliam H . Tm le was desi gnated as her attorney . Sub

seqaently, on m 1944, plai nti ff fi led an amendeé

an m em ber 29, 1927, the day N?the purpor’aed w riage ,

having gone W m rm her home i n Vi cksburg, mssu si ppi .

we fl am sq fiTTDGLLO LGG am w m ffch In on e u m Tara m 3633“


qexevqgnp fisg abfinexzfi fi geyk fj keez a cg Ufifi’


fipfi fl pps bsz pz ea ma z e mwz xz eq ya cpz cafio an DecwmpGL

Lz fim'ac p ppe ansxqzwv sq yrrafi


py e gfimsfi sm'

gbba gr'

Loz mnysgg q qfi'

pfi z mmvfi ggp gya bL gAQ L 0 g fps gmesqeq cemfiyg z ug‘

cpfi uoayron £ I£p0 fi £ s 3fi Ll. L6 8f I£®q In gpe engaz eg 8 qe c z ee

9 Ag I*

q mg rxywfin can pngc z°

az yg j a; cwa poz oz e $3 6

qeLq z np g g a gw’

;ufi sus be Laou sag gunsbspjs on augenrmg sags

an Be c am e }: 53‘may mm «m . M , we hm m m m i lm gfl ’

c ambrwvn; $0 snunr p7 3 mq rg fl e ?0 c fiuqsng‘opg xfirw? ggvg


an sg‘ byz yngrgx gz jeq an emafi qaq

gug M IIIIQ W H‘geubz a £ 9 3 qcazgfivga q fi g we: epgexfi%k



agmng z é‘qaxcv jqugra fi mum

‘at e sbbc zn¢$q fimfi z qysu


gq Irgem

emanarfia Q fi asz gr cn gum z a g egwg pfe sag as { G L gps

3 4 111 56 3

www w w arm's}Com:13W “

m m a m a ss,” m owssw g‘


syn ba guaqhgr aLafi fi Q - Nmfiaq Lam Leaa zz

yj Ia gpwp ans

3 &s

r§q msz az gfig'

pzma qzq nosyaa a gpa d fi fi gfir awbmsfgk, ¢o euggx Inga

baz ?an on ppa gagg .a g paL Wi z az g ge‘Dec anpfi z 53

‘yé sA


gefi qwag‘ppa cpancuyjmz Loamq gwag qez enqqu¢ fi

“3 fi U Ivafiwg

m ag on m y; $ 3 bmw cma m : 8rm gamm a w mafi a 6 ; {16'

s n uagsyxwz gxz fi y‘qnmynfi fl yz cy 8&we gag fi z gna aasa ge es?

mm W t; w e gas wk 53‘

3 323 cm m acaw 33 6m m “ “

yum ,

LsxpaLeq $0 efiwf ph ah fiwh Q L Q wL fig c asxg‘fing Ia

gqac pz agaq 9 3 :mb1 &aaq aw afi rk . m@’yayj

‘pfi g pa? k fi i p€ fi fl

a; gangsfi e’EIIIfi Q T a

“ s gem qai bfi LO IQ‘aye Eg g

fl im sy nam e am w e N fi m wm q so me m ar-mm Lei-m e Ew an


3 3 :33 :q 42m m m pm $13“1320 m m wsm m fi» as? sac

c oxn gg q so fps ggnz xz ag 3 5 3 46 yoabrgg j Q Q L figs z ufi gns‘ens

Ben qrae g as M fl e qeaqgug geq 9 2 qumannz g bxsecax‘figs age

fipfi asa q fi gIF 9 $§q rnasnfi pi $fi6 cefi ugh amasscg geeg cg nngh'

canqz fiz on‘

g ag axcyqv a fisax an

gnafi geq fi g an zuegygfl prmy'

3 u hfl uq ge’zgyrme ya s mgwgsy


Refra&z nfi qegcuq vnp ,? Lexwz n’

po cyj cefio‘

eye fi E E

9 3 g Q LGfi S pa; pg cx go orrc fl fia fl I+U urnqs gsmfi e z e avg gm;

13 53“ in: m m : m m br m smx, 519 1343 49 m ompm afi ma RM W L

g agsz ape Lamvimeq gu grcgmpmz fi mrpp bfl L$U$B mfi grf vnfi fiag

5 3 3 9 5 3 3“roaraysne Lox exgmzq zon pk g WGH $% T exbe g g

*gyen a


9 3 g p®L pu epfi nq‘EGA& LQ cz yj e abre

“LLO fl

AICKafl fiLK Bfifl

or, 12232 16 2mm we m e £8 1?e 1216 1, 13 3m m“ Viz-mm Ezrwm‘

{su n In 3 556 w as m gm m $0 m omm fi m 2m aw ay,

m m In cmw fifl '

figs “we embynkfi q xgx a aa p 3 1mg as gps rsaoora Q $% ga

M a m 3 0 0 531: q; 6451“ m g é c rw m am }: fat 06

’flaw : PM W N W“

pfi L mg? aué g fig q IE aac negsLsay mo»; Lea ceL eaw

papers far 5 62 m m ta the W e State Hospi tal .

(sw am M 35?m i ) afrfig 2'swe g ram $23w gw g 2136 m

m ay fie m amas; 13118 ; $393 sage-q Legrcm n mfg m coobaxagms

M pgm m m p 13m m some

43mm m ew 3 13m ; pm m m m m‘gm m ‘é‘.

m ma ntra w m m axin g}; m m esa; am a m mm z z w

bwaw am pm cgm zrm wg m we W E N exam gown s?

or. my ?mm m Im vm sang ym r gm az fim q me W C E Q Q Q LB

brwm m ‘r u n xm m s:m m :m m eq Q GLGW

'W éf In ma

3 M i a mi“ in: mag: 9 bakém gz wfi 0 3 3

q a}: pamn er,

am id; $6 z pmyé q" m }. pas afm m xn sq m W h om : 3


" m goa‘

arm 9“5 9 m m 6g grim e; mo begg a‘we amm psm e mg, m en;

cums; W M 8 gal-refm n mfie m am a: Lemmm W

ApesI evm' I sa req { 6 Bmab 1: tax a Dé mrvq oxmfifl tfifl'

aesmfi q mosqk gwg fi Q LL IQ q’

1 sagag pen mpsx ,n®a axenfi‘ I

psnz eyg' mag w M O GK gggg z ape mU LLz G Q E

‘* 1* a Egg

fipg : awe fi fi fl?q Q BTT'

E Q awe mg a fio$fl fl $0 K??T

I qaw‘r fi $U$ co pa mwz aa $0 ugm'

ca fi nk 0 $pem m@ n *

; V§ §GL

peafieq gumhyawn aqgw wax pana‘

epfi aq’(I gan‘g E nu& ’

E TIwfifi fa 9 3 mi n avg ppfl ; egg fi ve $0 jenfs 3 2m“


3 gyms vz pez cps ma raxsfie’ s fl Q Q Q U $0 yayx sycfi g £3 6 3 6

A fi fi fi go’

1 gaqsg {a mags 3 9 x wuqez sggnq peL mpj zfi mrza na 01

yo pen pfi apruQ'

gys an L asafiw°

ans afiyq ape n mug

sue msrLT é €e I q Gaf fe e frma fiz hzrfi gm bfi aafi g qs pan pa @0

aeém go 8 3 9 9 3 msvc z fi S P pgrgrwe g gaag*

g gpg aégpfihse' ms neHTq fifi fi fi was * 9 qrob

'z fi nw?q fi fixrcs


ap$ qrén afl

urfipr oz $9 6 asqqxnfi 9 3 ? 3 3 6 6?sfia z e 2am aafia true gfiem eq z fie z i

qpo ag e bL Q BGN f Hg pys c aLemmgfi EU } garfimq so UG L am‘

spfi g

gzona Elfin psx Rug qz ac d z aeq ggcrmfi cu qrnfi manz yg gei ygg g

avg 9 3 p3 0 &:gweaa l nomg i pysg egg { nednfinryk'

pgq c anagi gm

p6 7 q aua , yan gz e fl aauryi as fisgpgxrufi a

gas: spa LIL Q fi mfi g gagenqfimp ?n yé gfi‘

ac agxgy n%mrg8 pgz oxs

mqgg amgx evj j ofihre‘hI?Tfi p2LL‘E mb g figm‘gfimrfgqeq

on 0 3 6 ag g3eog’

pvsh enrageq’gug ggg g In cwuhaz asgrev ape CO fiTq fi e:

W . Elli s Stewart, seare tary M the 811e Li berty

Life m am a Company, testi fi ed that for about three

0m m er twi ce a week pri or to DeeambGr 29 , 1927; that. he

nepa z ey ewe mann ey‘eve eye peyeeneq geLGq ng no ne


qeLeBQ enga ¢pe p qeLeuqene ke eonnet eepxoue t q peh



qeweee‘LG O QpE IT aefiee‘re m

epeenn eve cue eng age;

gweLe ez geL‘at 40 eye gyms 01 rye met nge fie

‘ape e;

Lexeve* sew: apt sQ LB C we : te e IH ease Iv cp e ce tO ’

i nne Heme peecggreq eyesqe gené vuc p e e on peJefipelaLO L

ebbee t In gee bebexe pexe’ere gtq nap twee sun Leeeen

G Leee~ exvuqnngz eu‘£fl u n z gueae { v d $

z eq eye; qez enqeup

L eebougeq Leeqzyh pa de e egz ce e’ sue b egeg LE Q IO UU j


enq ee qq eye ; on e yancpeen SIA Q U'

IU q e 15 0 8 pk gee ax;

mgzj e ens ne e peeu”


eng c cuaz qet eg U GL e g ene beneeu‘

awe nqsfi e ee megs qez euquup . e neqqyna qxe aa‘fWIKGG fie p3 1

gfi e t e po‘euq peg c enaeL ee gz eme nq peL e; ee z z ee e figmee


get 0 1 pe e me neqeae'

ape pe

e we; pee ne aeney Lease began

eup‘gene 1g ee yet obzmz en eyesgagenqen: ue e no on eye

fieeq gee z e j‘c eyj eq e? e eypne ee an payer; o; eez a ~

430 £136 WWW

nee ; qeh‘1 goon pen name In ml se t “ ewe eye HGAGL Legexueq

Gontq eq $0 PEAG Sfl Q S afil g fi fifi Iges‘

I fibffi fi $N9

sneakeezut A TII 96 ef f nz eep‘u ewe cfis a gxweea veqeqt

bnpyz e breee‘se Iona e a gpeh gen tg een euh gpenfi {a hoe“

fiefTi fi fi VGL fifl fi fi EQ Q T exes LU?3 $3 9

11 eye ele cpe eznfi me'“ H8 eggewbgeq eo L8 3 2 3 5 L9 pGL an

spek yeee asme ao epz finfie‘1 en egeegq

'I q mefifine eemepeqe

gee exonore M e g“

eye Le abenneqx “beebj e comqnfi fn'

gye peux‘

fiegeeen‘1 em


aozue an Ieee e pene‘u aben


sexxnt pen ewe;

employers and basiness assoc i ates. hrs. Howe felt that “i t

was a normal thi ng for he r not to want to be seen i n the

loop wi th persons of dark complexi on, for fear someone

would go to the place where

hartha Gent knew defendant as a chi ld in Vi cksburg,

M ssi sei ppi , and then attended Wi lberforce {Tniverei ty when

defendant was a student there . Later she saw her frequently

in Chi cago . Based upon t hese assoc i ati ons, her opini on. was

that defendant was not i nSane . She knew that defendant

passed for a Whi te person at her work downtown, but testi

fi ed that defendant had never i ndi cated any apprehensi on

about being followed .

Blade Samuels, defendant's aunt and guardi an ad li tem,

testi fi ed that defendant lived wi th her from 1922 unti l she

was marri ed, exc ept ahen she Vi si ted her parents i n Vi cksburg;

that whi le living wi th. her defendant assi sted wi th the house

work, attended Bryant Stratton business college , and later

was employed at Carson Pi rie Scott Co. and Searsffioebuok

that she was present at the wedding ceremony) and

that defendant responded to the questi ons propounded by the

mi ni ster; that before the weddi ng she told the wi tness that

she loved Edward and thought. he weuld make a good husband.

In 1929 the wi tness drove to Vi cksburg i n her husband's car,

together Wi th pla i nti ff , defendant, and the wi tness'daughter

Whi le they were in Vi cksburg, the Ei lblette had a rec epti on

for pla inti ff . She was of the Opini on . that defendant was

sane ont beoembcr 29 , l927 . 0n. erose-exami nati on, hrs.

3 9m on! Beam are" may on sLoeao-em mmfgtrcm


3 0 3 braxsfyt g‘

gye _nes or pas ohz nqom rowsgageoqsz saea

gpz j s g hel. mese in Aqoxepfi z d‘spa ayrpyegra peg a adeei greo

m agm as m m brszmn z‘gamm a-

m” w e we tea


m az e . W W ”

In gas msgne a c qnone as grosapasd IH pen shapewq ,a sex.3

wasqesa am a*

eahcuqsq 420 we da ydrea m hw hem seq as}; we

q co'i gpsg aps .a e e ,h z e eou¢ s; ape M GQ Q ?fi € da z eeemfi‘enq

ass esfhroheq an: gang's}: j


w e too”:«asoo

" ”

Ht; estate possess:

m ay? sn ow ed v i e w a: d am ages psnweee con fide ”

em rages

mm ; njrz‘

ye 1131 3112 a:pp qey uqcrm: saezregeq an?! 2176 m useu

asa H Q LLreq‘saoshe m en are m erged pear. ham mer; rm fi f ofiepfimE?

N M W T BG flf‘f’ft qegenqsug TEAM } “I£310

£36 3: £10 31 M 3 3 HUSH"

rises sw oon”qoq sfi h t e cam: am ; 8:s q sq fl eets

P0 ”? 176 273 33 W H O M“?

1,q cps; qe getrqsmt ass w as; q esgcq ssh ahbnepenaz'eu

hsaaeq Les 2? man e hem e: 4“yes; hoax qom pom

‘pm: m ag »

43W ? (ISLW KZQ W N 3 3 11042 m esme' mo foxea £553 43 Q Q Q UQ CTM

m ap j asaos

ge ese show w ees saaoes syone‘pea off

-{m en ass

qszsm srn: acre 8 am qmm sp ews

regal, ape sea was asefifi ensri

{ zearaszhbs‘em; swan sw ag ger; wm az m se un aw awh even

aq do ho we hysae amass mm }; m e n her “

w e 9 mouse} g az ed per. am: so A CTH: so pd sees! ye size

615137 0t em; m arina d e se aoez‘mw

'nae fl ygseem 41355 4


li fe, that i t i s of unlmewn ori gin, and may go on for years

before i t develops into symptoms that a laym n could recogni z e .

These observations lead to the stem of the well

known rule of law in thi s and tamer states that where a ease

i s tried w the chanc ellor, hi s dec i si on wi ll not be reversed

381 m . 335: M m

findings are clearly and mani festly aga inst the wei ght of

plai nti ff ea testi fy, we record di scloses that he was fi lly

aware of we plai nti ff's im m atem y as a wi tness, as ih

di eated“

w the eham eller's statements of record, and he

dam mit was imam , because he so stated fully in the

course of his rulings on defM ant's moti on to di smiss at

defm dant m an insam m m en peoember 29 , 1927 and d1d

evi dence and eught net to

decree of


m de a m u m far a directed V erdi c t on

It was competent for pla intif f to introduce , and for

or m are at the wi tnesses testi fied, and the mere fac t that

plainti ff's inteetate attempted to crease the track in front

9 1?the ear m m was gm a few feet away but whi ch had

alewefl dawn ta almost a step, weald net of i tself pm that

he was guilty m?contri butary negli gence , because he m y have

whi ch reqfi i red all nerth and sauthbound traffi c to halt. Under

the ci rcumstaxaeea we thi ak that i t was a questi on at“fac t fer

ef sine w e fer hi s awn safety, and that the court would m t

have hm justi fi ed in di recting a verdict holding that he

fendants and given by the eeurt, tha t defendaa ts were net

find that they are subjec t te the cri ti eism mm the plai n

566, where the feats were M y in confli ct , to reverse the

mi sleadi ng to the Jury and pre judi ci al to pla inti ff's cause ,

because to repeat censtantly and needlessly the charge"then

yen should find the defendant not gui lty“ or words to tha t

effeet, suggests to the Jury that en the questi on of fact

that they wi ll:tellers the law as charged by the ecart, and

net guilty, i t i s easy to understand that they may be mi sled

If thi s were a case where the evi denee m ai d warrant

negli genee , as a matter ar law, in fai li ng to exerci se due

the ear passed hon ed i t, awl the custom of crossing the

M erseetmn swath at we li ght, as testi fi ed to by several

gfi mxersaqrn% oz bLe juqrc IQ I enq apv q pa L1 6 6 o fi‘

gpa nua

AggBQ E Q Q a‘1g Asa { fibcxgfimp gn ggg yuz gnncpz ana ayO fi j q wag

sgogpfi z sz z sy‘fl moq we ars cg z ogny Gorg z qa z g gyan

’pa p aruc a

ox cyan 9 G$g16 38 fi £ Lesa]; caq Lac eous pfh pe sxbaa psq am

exfi ec g6g*pg q ¢p6 ymapnnagrgna c ambyg rvsq ex na g Q Q Q fi Q IAQ U

$3 9 $A1q Q G‘

fie argon asawj g somrq Lawnong prl fiB A fi pesn

Cfi L S gan yxe Q an'

ag;e ch‘qagaxq¢n¢a l H LEHEGU ; gyep aangex

naarzasnce‘as s ma gpez 0 2 }a&

‘In Lsryyufi go exaxcz ae gas

figs acmcyxayafi figwg bj fi z up$11 , g rvgaagg fia $ 9 2 Efi xygh 0 2

IL Q vIa Q ®LG w ag ea “pens fififi eaz qence mo q fisz xgnc

0 1, m s“ {fa £s w e W e gaww m s‘

Inge geyyaazmfi gng p LD® cosh; re Cp“

L §IUR gnaw“as 8 muggem

mop fifixrsfi‘{ p 13 $ 3 31 fa uuqexassng gsx: fipai fish pa mfajsq

yea 57 6 yen we cpsz fiaq pl ans cc v z p‘Q ua

gz ova‘gpsx 9 1 6 comvz fifcq co gpfi Lfira

qegengg xfi'

fipsn Q "LGE B $1 6 si fimrueq

egz eep‘

afi fi a 311 1 pass on yrs due a$1sfi oz asap

Lenqyny no: amyygk g om ‘xoxqa $0 spa;

TA gum nseqygaayi cpe epfi nfie ufifl fi fl

bmvgmqvcysf go bzsxmtrz z la afi fi ee’

ti ff askad bim. ir he would go alang, Jousma sa i d that i t was

not necessary,"the horses were all ri ght,

" tha t "there was

a man. there whn would halp me , so I went over to the barn. wi th

my helper ." Whfin. ha got to the barn. he saw

'Eé waré Jacobs, why

had charge of the barn and horses an defendant's farm, and bald

him that he and his helper had come to Shae the Imrses; that

Jacaba sai d “all ri ght,

“and than Walked into the barn and get

ane harse ,"and I walked i n. to get tbs other herse I

could. nnt say hfl W'hfi approa ched the one he was leadi ng eat be

the aeei é ant .

testi fi ed tha t he we conducted a ri ding awhile in Palos Park

m 1; i s all that was m i d . Be Walked into the barn first and I

m a am aze him.” On c ross-examinatmn plai nti ff teatifma

tha t an pri or occasi ens, when kw had gam e 136 defendant's farm to

shoe th ese nurses, one of the men employed on the farm or in

cha rge of film barn "brought, the barges out to me to ahoe outai dea

antfil thfi day of the acc i dent . “ It likewi se appears fm pla in

ti ff's testimm that can pri or oecasi ans he di d not have a haly

m wi th him as he di d on the day in questi en, tha t men on the

farm helped hi m 5119 63 the harn ess, ansi that. the reason he aecom

pazii ed Jacabs mm the barn on the day i n question was that thfi

m law is well $ 9. 1:t i n thi s state tha t persons are net

Servi ce Act ( par . sec . 14 , chap . 105, Ill . Rev . Stat .

In What Words they contend tha t by vi rtue of the

previsians ef m id Ac t they be came employees of the c lassi fi ed

ei vi l servi ce «f the new Chi cago Park Di stri c t on May 1, 1934,

men the oansoli dati m task effect, having been tam-fi rm em

bo am on 5 am date . A li ke cententi en made in behalf of

M iam i‘sW I}? si tuated , m were tam er-aw employees

W vari ants m —ci vifigg


gi stri cts whi ch were superseded by

the Chisago Paw; mi stri ot, was upheld by the Fi rst Di vi sian

m?this eaurt in M e ex mg Kgln M 313 111 .

Ill .

App . 562 ( leave ta appeal é eni ed by the Supreme court ) , de

ai ded by the 9am di vi si en af thi s amart an October 15, 1945,

i t was aai fi at v 564 , 565, 566:

Fri end, P . J

a “n ew : 01, We cu ll 0 1.

(1m mCORELK. OB CODE 3 3 3


“8mm 03 XPI'IKOI?‘

Leeqe ee gerrb fl es

eu¢ . a westeee Lo: 9 neg pare] egg Tn emz eep o; inqgment

use gnxeq pa gpe enema as pen byes ex mes fiexrgl‘


a; one gaxren'

Degeuqeep negneq gels: pl lama egg gee ceaae

asz ae cue keen 7 3 ppm genes on gonsecgqcn eve so beak s Lyme

gqcs ea bLoarrsegren'ene


yeaqne ea’u seq eenpsuceq pen fie

oz. we eta-mm ?m m on “m ew nk w e A'J ceem w ehm

z en bLopegzon‘nqgeqseq p6 3 Eerrrfi . ee gee exemeeeiq { Ingres

2 ar Chap . 38 Illi noi s Revi sed

to the fem of the Statute i n each case made and

previ d and aga inst the peace and di gni ty of the Peopleof the Sgete of Illi ne i e .



the i nformati on. wes i n the follow

ing term

"su re ex?cam OF ceox,CITY 01? CHIGAGO .

eubscri bed and sworn. to be fore me

thi s day ef Oct 17 1945 A . D .

di sjeneti ve farm di d net appri z e the defenfiant ar the speci fi c

and eeeti eui ar charge or crime that the defendant had ta meet

and defend against ea . the tri al er sa i d eaeee ."

fer eueh. purpeee teewi t at 325 E. 57th. 8t . 1 floor Apt." the

263, M W bm boea gee-e gg ea 33 a pg»

255 59

3; 3 p¢

I w e re} , 93m.


men: on {in eg gs “0 1. gm Te: e pumme‘m om” on om en bz m eee

Icee‘sbwfi Um} w rnpemn

‘wa e perfee 0 7

, Lem‘we nmenmeu m


n ee; bm bemrh spe w ing. we qegenqeng m m rm j'ee zgrry;

“TQ M ?petite pee}: mezzo when. gi een gen: 3 4: ye 1sm arem fl m 33;

em; ge‘

ggee seew eg 013 we tens? or, eetgq eem ‘u

mtg benfi emrem (m em e m; GETNFG we ; we gerenm c me so weep

exejeuegm e Lone we we ; 3 3 5m we qez eueewr es, gape fam in e

0 ; Gee re saeev*e*

gepeem peq em} among an pez one we

3 Q‘YPW W PQ C} em; m s eye eeme 3“

Q3? 3m

?E33}M I: m W e Leerq M Wang .

3 amou r on gee. asa}?qaba ge g(3 7e7

m m W “ m o-w W M h

m ( em :

m e; m e m om y ou m e In nee ton omu

on m 439 GI» ITTTm 3 3°


bee fiefireg we ew es ewe qz emfch ex, m e M y;

we m enu me “w ere 731 am p ceee m qe w e


Axereerev we bee IQS oz . cpeb*

39 irrrnera ecaxacq

probati on offi cer and procuri ng hi e recommendati on as the

statute provi des, and in sentencing him wi thout hearing

evi dence on the questi on of aggravati on and mi tigation of

the offense charged ." It appeared that sta tements were

made to the court by the state'3 attorney i n aggravation of

tm offense but that the tri al court heard no evi dence in

mi ti gation thereof and that pm h ti on was refused wi thout

referring defendant's appli cati on therefor to the probation

offi cer for investi gati on ami recommenda tion . There i t

2 and 786 [Criminal C

are c

the propri ety Ofthe legi slature i a

f the facts in every appli ca ti on

Reviewer, the m ag case has been disti ngeishe d in

Lem knapgcron Ia mwgg‘

1p w¢?mp ae am*

z rom pus Ivnfifi fi9s mesg In


pvs Lonsfioz ufi

{ 0 L bropfi ggfiu'"

gangag UH c g £p6 {saga enexh G BO ITG Q $ZGH

bL O pE PI&fi ; cT esz yfl qemmuexrr paa swa pgsfiIen g L@ $5

as m y; 311 qemm m Er m a or

5p3 Ig ufinwfie ,:ua ETCU egvem 7 9 0 3 2 e a % a&3$3 40 Enofingyaah e a cfi nasq

T r gur®g g uq 0 3 3 no abbyrcsgxen $0 9 Led§$e$fiearmn wayk ‘apfiw gm wbbc s

ump§ cj fym ex qe?6H Q FU£ an $ 1 1 3 } EQ L Q ?L *


rfiov cps com?g“ or gws ban eqev


nbon sue rrws 0 ; £3 6 O O fi L Q gag 3 3 $9 3 3 mm max GGfi CTH EIAB

sears: ffig fl afiasvw G ageLmTz i w“ * e csone mwrsu &0 fi g Imb f nfis

O LLTPGL qemoua; gpg p gi g T3 qe aqfi fl sq soQ TBWTTE g bbefi x*

“we qn cz ee rsdfi T Laq o r

gwe bxope r*

awbra ce


UAa agT€asxcu’ suq aye a; rag ba z gze e gyanafa

glgoz uaw ass Q fi Ch 0 ? $7 9 PC HT Q go‘

mcye 9 Jq com~

gye qegewqamp 0 L LabL aaGM $fl $I Q fl E Efi Q Q pk gym a$7 g$ ;e

mxapg pg ELea rceq sfisrwmp 0 1 TU gage: of

Lyneq exp rcx 50 five L abar.g CL gps bxspe gyafi are

rpsg GrF L £ {H gcgammi nrna spams ( H6 2 f* 0 U 8 T 2 can»

0 9 3 6 Lopsgg‘

cu 73“

$1w t I v m are; p; m: snow y};BLop q ou 9 9 M 1 7 7 3 : ru e C Q HQ $£ ov a go 0 6 rmfimeeq

dne z pwon o;“pen gpa gagau m u mg $U3 7 $ as wqmqfigeq $0

gran q $ 7 9: axon C T ywm e f xeuag fi e pssrxnfi when gns

S L G 6"

$z $req so gwg a gua cosz p-

pesa Q AIGGU Q Q”

n vgfis S N

pfi pwcu 0 7 27 6 8 1 pfis pfi fl p spa bsobye g fi q fps

ospz on goz bmq gi an apaw pa Tmasagz asgaqmg fi?geap 3p? Ffi fir j t ruas T ngswqe ; mvp OU

\ fififixfi “

n abbyz ~

,edw¢L 3 q pl G FI LWIGE 0 L afa gfl gnz fi . e@magz fl o

§r a


Lg: TE

ITT’ saa' é rv¢



re cowaT* e z eq £6 am”3

176 3 bm t filsbp: g, 3 {m g 90 gam m y cogs


use aq pk § §ye cammg £ 5 hb‘eafi ~ na&a

oggz c aL LO L afiq Le f ommcwqg sTufi*

aga t e 2g

I GLG I Z Tfi g'

Q JLQ H Q Q B ; 15 gbbfg gpaxaf cx $0 syn bxopfl


£216 ou efi ae pm $34 f “? £5 353 3“

m fi m g“


msqe $0 gpe coxmg 93 . 3y: ag$ g@ ,m agpnmnak rm cafimfi ac aU



cps 0 118 3 3 6 cpuxfiaq'fi {g abhaameq fipfl z fi é L Q

eaxqgnae an gpa dfi aagi qw o; fi fifil fi fifi grvfi'

3 Uq UTc zgg gxas at

apepfi pe bxonxqaa‘g nq rm eofi asnbxnfi gym L i cpomp pasz xnfi

bLopg fii fl n ogaz aex Hug hg oc gnfi

pxa neebmmfimqvgrun'

g e gas

and 786) together, we observed : ‘The di screti on the court

ma exorci se upon an appli cati on for probati on i s not an

er 1 di screti on to be exerc i sed at the more wi ll or

m of court, but i s a sound legal di screti on dependentfor i ts exerci se upon the fac ts shown . It i s obvi ous thatwhere the fac ts are not shown and are no

deni al of probati on i s an arbi trary and

the fac ts were ade

gua tely di s

s made and the tri o. Judge had an

tory of the defendan t's li fesentence

"After evi dence in aggravati on and mi ti gati on was heard ,

get probati onThe court

erney repli edof thi s boy.

'e and

robsti on offi cerDefendan t thanThe court theni on depar

m ent

we ever wi ll .

the sentence

atto sai d that was too much , but made no exc epti ons or

Eistest against denying probati on . It seems clear that all

feats that could e shown were shown, and the attorneyregarded i t as a hear for probati on and took no exc epti onto the manner of hearing by the court instead of by the pro

Eto cla im i s made tha t any addi ti ona l factswhi ch would result in a di fferent acti on

t states in her reply bri ef that ”the case

in the i nstant c ase and the ease of me People

ass c i ted by de fendant in error is not only not in

this court " and that "i t could readi ly be se en that i f the

ecart in. any case before i t should possess an arbi trary dis

cretim to refuse an appli cati on for probati on in a ca se upon


argon pl qegenqene In GLLQ L re ne g enyh neg no

9 ; see esteneefl e zn'

eee Teaeeno c e ae one eye ooz e et gee"


gap qegenqenp apogee on pe

t t oerh pogo; gnop “roe ce ee

If 0 3 Q

o enpqsnen ec

to eez gz ez ene no open

ouq $fi6 eenfieno

goqeh no he enoL zgj j‘

no boopopyen qohengnenp

£8 8 €TLIGQ $U fl £ he Q IQ or eyme e $$QGWQ Gfifl i c fi'nee cons; omen

conyq Lin? eneeh; epernon no engenqeg cpneop‘

gegenqenr spewconneogeq {pep onenhepz e joen gee; e beepegj on aggroen

ape Georg seconnneq snexheprne noneq. 1oer no hone pone; n z

ry to; e conbrege preroni o; gpxe pol‘;

wogeo IE pe nee neared non boo eggonneh Lehj z eqg none 9 o gee cone:

to: hoopeezonesqq ,po a dore free on 8 Let

no In e ddt eeesron euq nqp gr

c eeg eennence'

e Hz eennh 0 L one oeeeueevete zoneA nee meqe one ppe rLIey lnqde pe g on

eno’ sue noose .nete oqe i ee reri qre~

eepygneoh one omongponroeq exen~

no: xndnyneq xuoo‘pp»

3 Ia Ia opereeE‘

cpeeyodoy qz ecoopxen qebonqeneeeq or eye none 3 17 } or

no oxenez eo on on 8 byt es get Esepecrou to noo .en

no peetneq ,$pe qracnerzou rpe sooth


fifig fiIn e z LaL csyra onx g ggenpi om



fififi g Hfi' fi fl firq

”Delenqsn$ . 3 Q Ofi u Q GI waxgq cps a nvn$ 7 ; pg moufq canazqsL

qebg z pmsnsaux Ivae egz fiegrom*

gyeae‘sggvn Les a fi gg@

spa aommg mz ppoqp a QTLK on p3 3 brag on no: Enxjsa no

va so pun hoertz ou xv n a Lgfiwxq ga z euqsfisnearocgaq3rn?g

pfi crcn'

a pq paga‘cnq easy a ITES

O : 3 1 0 3 6 4 1 16 annjq bz g crreg yyk

It seems c'Ieer from the Herr;egg case that i f e defend

ant i s tri ed on a plea of gui lty to an indi c tment or i nfer

me ti on chargi ng him wi th the commi ssi on of a criminal offense

and he makes an appli c ati ee for proba ti on, the tri al court

may properly di spense wi th en investi gation by the probati en

deem i f a hearing is had an such eppli cati en upen Whieh

the state's et‘herney and, the defendant are respecti vely per

mi tted fie present evi denee i n aggravati on end mi ti gati on of

the offense and the tri al judge i s just as fully apprised en

such heari ng of defendant's previ ous li fe and conduct as he

would have”

been i f a probatlen offi cer had investi gated same

and made a rm t thereon . It seem jus t a s clear free the

m eaee that, where a defenfian’

c i s tri ed on a plea of M


ea ti en,‘hhe eetzrt may properly dispense wi th an W esti

gati en by the prebe ti en depereeent i f the trial judge reeeived

m il appli catinn and deni ed probati on because ef the enormi ty

of the cram er because the facts in the case were so serious

standing he sensi deI-ed that the defendant's repu ta tien and

previ ous: cement were good.

w e i s the si tuation here? As hexe tefore seem , defend

ant was tri ed by the court on her plea of not gui l ty. After

her behalf. She asserts tha t same we e dem ed "m e tantaN or

mm sem en,

APPEAL m m cm x.


ti ff“ statm t 61“claim and entered ml

i s as follows3

of Seven fivea n y at the ted


( who was

tee of the

[state Senater] the5

i ng to obta in. such. appoi nt~

li ce Offi c er fer the0n . the aforesai d false and

de fendant tha t to seeure

z nsaa ang Lebz saangg gqow o; a qeLanqanc

3 39 3 6 e;_ 1rrz noz a‘vug 3 9 1A 3 5 am cue stonsagrq gay$a avg

fl G fl : 8 3 3 5 3 39 gqfipmsh mai nfauvwae borxce gggz osn gen g


“m mm bTQ Ifl $I§L qe azm v’

z $0 omw tm sm og ab em s

am 0 1: m s Im macsq 9 IR} mm?» DO TTM E ( é aao'oor

gsbfi 9 3 3 0 6n'bsz gh ) avg cue myyyea gngyeL [ggsfia gaug poz j spa

mm ?cm zxm v 0; cm «30 1mm 9 6m m )"

com rcm e 01, 3msup monrq pa epyz fiaq go he } go Gnu aapfi 5

*nambaek ( fi fin fi z z

ea amcp'

ace pa gqfipaak fisrmxewvnc s 5 0 7 3 3 6 figu res; p99 qegenqw


0 3 qfi z $0 opggrn fifig fibbfi f fl flmfi fl fi GE tfig hrgrneyz z

{ Q IESIK avg gxaq remcyk L$bxsaeucsq so gye b13 7 7 $TLL97 3 9 w rw n m q qfrrw rfl m ac zm q 43m bW TUPIEZ SW

umfl vsfi fi 0 3 Q PO fl fi $§G 9 10 1 6 3 3 1q simfi £3 6 Q GLQ U Q Q H?

gqfl pmgm. gsrngenvvca bOTIGE OLETG Q L 20 1 age ggg gg at i z nnra'

w 6 04m; 0 1m m we vbbom m enc 6 3; 47m bmm m a $ 8 9

oLfisursfi xyfin'

rn api ca fio ) I abL b ESU QG Q go gpe brsz nff z p fines

brgxntygg ,a aga gamenc o; cysxw 23 8 8 LOIIO fi E :

qegefiqfivg Lon coega“

crag ga agé eamcn; ox affirm wag enpensg lmqfiwsng $3 gsaaz 01

LeAsxes sp a LIUQ I nmqez a; spa c anz g .apycp ewagarusq


new attempting to use as a defense; and also tha t a mach

stranger publi e poli cy re quires tha t the defendant should

i s attem ting we keep after having ebtained it by fraud and

Befendent's thew? i s that "pla i nti ff by hi s plead

m defendant m precast-e and did pm cure by bri be or parabase

3 9 330 t as a State Hi ghway Haintenam e Poli ce Offi cer of

we State ef 1111219 15 and illegally paid meney to that end .

The illegali ty ef the transac ti en appea ri ng of record upon

“N W !


allow a par who

the agre emfim; whi iehas gi ven thereunder , the re covery be i ng, not under

agreement but i n di saffi rmance of i t, ani a prami se

a righfi exi sting i né epenfimntly thereof ."

P! 3363

Ifah var

ithe parti es are not

1ma ef to the One thatcaurt does nat

makbs the objec ti anrcy's Eq . Jar . See .

In W W W 151 111. 650 , i t was sai d at p , 657 3

q l antenprise, or agree to dc an

hi ked by'

puhli e pali cy, and spenfiother 9? efiherw1se i n. ai d ef soné

"T9 the 3 8m effect are N 59 111 . WO: M

M axi m s/m m 189 a . s, 4 23;

zggggg, 6 Hi gh,

espec i ally where he has beenprz mr sg

axcgspfan afi cg 8 3 . £FW$ bxeagwgaq pl. £p$ epa pamwu¢ ogh grv$m3

sqpsrgr L fl IS pag exams aggq Lays gag e app c eaex af

g fi fi g‘


Da w mc “w e! U m IIIWO?2 0 9 8 6 8 TU Pffb‘m m 3 2, w e

m m C L W e emow rz ea u m W m mw ma ma ,

EIS TUQ ILL ;E cou¢angyoua L¢ 89 q wfi ( ye excsbgzona go ape Q aaengy

ne z enqqng LUIIGR safarh on gyé abnaaay u fij$ ubtyz c fi pye

0L 0 83 3 0 1‘

“ag ar: m g he go 170 4: mfg}?M an a ge ppm gm 3 3 9 1263319 331:

e aasugz g j ajsmgmp uacsaeqxi go comggrpmpe 9 ?ooq afi fl as fil

fifl mbfifi c' in 0mm chimi ng gpfi agag fima ur 0 g C j fi Im wjysfisq Q AB LA

be zq pi firm'

go fps c afi z z qsuus $ 3 3 mz fipg pa maeq Lax gu‘

ggj t fiey

GAGE gymnav wfi cp ATS fTE’

Inq16 3 gsq w arj j Q usaz gfifi t pps'

E Ufish

c cmz xqsnce man go Le cutg £0 p1 9 axcpzm mensfi opaggnsq LL O fl'


2nb% oz ;rn€ grs bupz z o Impeae ep on bnoyrc b0 7 3 \k mg } ; a emfiey g

counqgsnce mfi n gnu awraj k spa 19 m 9 2 g mr ggeL fig $9

gwe agfi pamenfl oz GyQ Tm boz q ha fi é LO U Q ?fi ¢ 8 8 a aemi fispye

gag sbbmofixz spsq spa go 93 2 omn'

mae °

Q LLIC GL q by;?U:I gg L C IT GQ on qez euusmg ,a s ae Labz sfisn¢8 ~

ogz v crfira pa BG CBL G byflr

a z z 8 boeqpx aw 9 3 s agypn barrc a

vi m go gnaw 0 5 0 3 cuvg gmownc go gpe qgoz e eflsq bnprqc

bg l firm aggo an p7 3 Lebnseenpg gz om $93 3 I f ag e Ub C fi aTF L§ \LO L

gqfig go p eamme a n gk $0 $3 6 xryg fiay grana gc cn'

gnq pa

gwa aggcem% n; o; cysym qv geq ng z Lenq awpyk Iagfi ceq byg fua

¢pe o¢pan b fl z gl $0 $3 6 fl nj g fi Lfi I eucexbz xee' “osoq nfi $0

is reversed and the cause is

Plai nti ff di d not sue Gosey. The quest i on of Casey's

negli gence i s not i nvolved .

we shall consi der fi rst the qfiesti on or law whether the

ease sheela have gone to the Jury. who testimony most favorable

to plai nti ff i s that before commenc i ng the “U“ tern , Gosey and

hi s were locked both ways on 65rd Stre et end saw no traffi c ei ther

way for s esnple of blocks; that the pavement was dry and the day

fai rly li ght; that at the time of the coll i si on the Oldsmobi le ha d

completed the turn, was fee ing end_ pree eeei ng west from 5 to 7

mi les an hour, in second speed; that the Oldsmobi le was struck by

a stre et oer, moving west about 20 mi l es an hour, whi ch di d not

slashes speed before the impact: thet M olleensn di d not see the

peri l as seen so his passengers because hi s attenti on was di verted

to the ”ri ght

"; end that the eldsmobi le , out of Coeey

‘s control ,

swervee eontnwest to consi sts the course descri be d i n our statement

of feats. we beli eve thst ev i dene e tends to prove negl i gence on

The questi on of srcximste sense must be answered by the

determi nati on of whet the noteresn, as s orndent men, shoe1d _have

foreseen as the probable sonsoonenoee or hi s conduc t . In our

de termi nat i on we agai n sees the evi denc e and i nferenc es favorable

to plaint i ff at the close of the evi denc e .

5 ixty-tnird street is a 45 or 50 foot busi ness street

carryi ng two street car tracks. The south curb i s 25 feet from


westpeend traoks. The Rapi d Transi t Elevat ed streeters i s

overhead . At the time of the acc i dent , both sides of the stre et

<were perked sol idly wi th au tomobi les, Most of the storeswere

86 urges an penn‘

fiuqen cps e cuqxgyvve noeeq’pra seceegreu

woagp e'

epoaj q ye pei e Lexe ee ee gye p’

geeayue w 8£L6 6¢ ewe ea

omen Lox puerpe ae‘heyj eeeeu peg poem on fifl fi Lease gen eeneefi j

ac ne Denyse aerrqj hy exsp Be gemopyj ea°

has: 0; age exone e meme


v: cw. arms 0 L tne eacrqevs‘page ezeea 0 1 eye sense:

ape Annapoauq ensexe'

eye £5 3 19 ek fi nare EJaAecee z anfl cenna re

eexxi rufi see epxeeg ea; gasexc'mp9 Bessy c amp ya 89 i ces Li ce

g1x41~ ggzxq egneex ye e ee ee 9 9 Lee; pu erne ea egneec

go blfilfl firile: eye areas on eye ee ygene e

qsfcxwgne z ruy .“ e 3 33 13 gage spa ea z qeuc e eye gugeu encea Lea enepj e

Losoaeeu e a ap e exepepge cone eee euoee 0; pre e euqec g‘

In can

qssehwz uegyeu o; “gee ppe wagoxe eu‘

e a 8 hL HQ GH fl men’

aganj q yee e

eye caeeggou o; n eexrwece Q U H 8 $ maez pe en ee eee q pl five

CFG D$L¢ 0 1 aetefl qfi fl fifi’

0 1 Leona‘

$ 9 p ej z eee ap e ; eergeuc e peuqe 3 0 bases veej qaeuee on

eesnaeq eougpe e e: so c eme j ege gee aonL ee qe e oeypeq we onL exe gemeu:

£0 see abrapea i eve apes ewe orqawoprre

‘pee 0; coeel,a eoncbor

B GLII e a econ ee pqe D eeeeneeb e peceuee pz e e ggeucz on Ase grasngeq

ej eeg em abeeq pezone eye z eb e cs: ape; xegyeenen Q IQ ve g eee spe

e eases; c eL‘wca;me e e ez epeng go exree em gonn

‘egrep qrq use

mIIQ B en p Ofi L:In eeeeuq eb eeg: gpeg ape gj q O pxxe e e e eei neg pi

eoeoj epaq spa gnLn‘

fl e e Lee

xug t ug Dnec eeqrnfi a esc Li ne a go

{ exert Iravcz ans: 3 : are tre e ox spa c uffz aron cue OIqewOPIIG use

“an { 9 L s 3 0 3 3 10 e; pj eexe: ages ape D ee ee enc ne e gel eg g epe gel

yre e xta geogeq peep eele as Q q ash a e: eve een no ene i zxc argpex

so brermgygx re 39 5 : pageae eownenc rua gye ua, ge Lu‘coeel a

ac es epeej q pea e gene an eye lexi'my? geegre oui woes z eaonepye

fi 5 ~ 3 § fi II 9 9 3 3 1Q ¢ L { Th ai £H6 fififi fi fii ofl 9 1 I?“ Afi fl fipeb kHB

unfillfisuee { 8 no; {we eje eq'

bjwre crx; grq non ea e ae eol°

&pe dee esyou o; goeei , a

fim h a m u‘au wnfi m w e nan 0k cm fl fl sw om c

m m : em pm m wfi paw l-t we m n n w w e: m y wbn exxow

i t's po Rog pogp pggqa an ape atesLysfi anser’spa can pwq agabbeq

um m e wa s,m m £0 w eb w e Lam ar-q mom en t m

,am : pm cm

pa sxfeq go yeah { now Launxufi . pyn enaamopzro ab on spa az qemsj :

co chhrl cps pg fi gss avg apg shaaq OL gna orgaw0pz fs znmheaasq: cyst

gee; ay cps wec ejsnwgon‘pas qrq waspsaa bL G R Q U G S a; mynq snz z yeyeug

v q a nsz e gveereq ax; {pa a;e &xyua fl pesf z fifiuxwe grq nag ham p7 6

sun. w q‘W arufi pm ? ”n ew xcm w

‘w e was“: w e rum -ea; am; w e

sug ar: wag A 9 9 peac Q IL Q O £IK a c es! sp a; ye Inez GO H£L OI a; gpe

fez ; “p ear o; pxa sncemeprxe use pcgmaen ape ewes avg asecponnq

gave no me gs age ,nu cans xv eeeouq abeeq-

suq‘mpsn asxncg


aowwencrufi ape ,au gang wag { an apnea en Loan 9 10 03 : fl ea negpzufi

an‘ra geespagans pegua ecxney! gfifi c we yaexsq pony naha pagans

eefl qygxou ! spa t ya p 3 q psen { acrufi A g es“

fioxnfi { L aw 9 go A mII G Q

Q c aca afi eg z gz sq A0 3 orqawapxye a g e 3 9 fiae q meopyuroaj

w e mw zw ae “was <3; m a “m em e'

gpvs qexeq vpa meLs gnzrgl an sesronz gj e fi h fij I@ 6 U0 8 ass sasz u ag

m saw mm m e 0 11 8 6 5 7 9 1: £ 53 6 9;c w e inn m agm a


’pBIJQ AG npe daaagz ou &3 3 20 a cue 3&Lh

nqwnonvpra WQ fi uoaz q qz afi fi z as In apeTL sa gas» no syza dussgwou'

fine Laxae In 0 1 6 k gpe snap auq wonaaa cpc EI Q Cfi firfi$ AG cwrnr

chm ; m am w imp Gm‘a mt-8 so eon m o am p w bu m war-m om s

~gapp 1g ang ape Q Iqamepgrs so ananao eongpmeaa a; ( sac we z ucs arug

rpc'q 0 ; n1a ecngp a c ab‘no se go psyaai g c eea $9 [ one 0 Q 9 £LO I

eaxjwfifi .axgp spa cyqsmoprro bnoeeeqrnfi ma s: $ 3 a eyan absoq

qn su w w w e went m m ” m ow nm xem ufl M eg“rm m am


for a few seconds; and tha t the impset was “terri ble ”and sh e felt

a"terri ble Jolt ” whi ch ”da z ed“her and threw her agai nst the

front sea t .

fl elson test i fi ed that he was walki ng west on the south

si de of 63 rd street: tha t when he fi rst saw th e Oldsmobi le i t was

fac ing west on the north si de of th e westbound tracks, movi ng about

9 mi les an hour; the t the street oer was at th e ti me about 40 feet

away, goi ng about 15 mi les per .hcer; tha t the street car di d not

change i ts speed before the coll i si on; tha t the stre et c ar moved

5 to 8 feet after the oolli ei on; tha t the Oldsmobi le pi cked up

speed and was goi ng, maybe 16 mi les an hour, when i t struck the

second car; and that he see no eastbound street ear during the

i nc i dent . deferred to a statement si gned by him for the Stre et Car

company's representati ve, he sai d he ha d never read i t and that

he di d not tell that representa tive that the stre et oer was goi ng

12 mi les an hour; that he sai d nothi ng about seei ng an eastbound

street see , but remembered. ssying that i t pulled i n front or th e c ar

so suddenly the motoemsn di d not have a chance to stopsand di d not

say previ ously tha t the street oer neved only one or two feet after

i mpest .

two poli oe offi cers test i fi ed to the condi t i on of the

c ar, one sai d a dent Jest shove the tai l light on the ri ght rear

of the Oldsmobi le was the only damage . He sa i d i t was dsrk at

the time of hi s i nspecti on and tha t he di d not recall tha t the

tai l l i ght was broken . The other orrisar test i fi ed that the ri ght

rear si de of the beck of the Oldsmobi le was smashed, completely

pushed in and the tai l li ght brokene

Nehleensn testi fi ed he had be en werki ng for the Berraco

Li nes about 10 months, and 6 months on 66rd Street , when the acc i dent

buwfl eq TU wag kHO cwxr Irfip: pnvxen'

Leas o; sue pgcx on cue OIQ EWOFIIO a r e ame apsq'cowbIeseJk

gar} jxgps mes pboxeu'

ape eng ex oz xrcan ceecrz req spse 39 0 n p8

£9 9 crwe oz are Ivfib@ficrou awq swax we erg no: b ec fl II rpwa awe

o; spa ej qamoprj e Axe ape curl qsmsas'

Ha asxq 13 a g e Q fi nx 9 3

one ew1g 6 gene flan: epoa e gpc ear; Jrapg on cps Lz fipg L Q S L

$5 6 3 0 110 6 o;%xc ek e £e asyz req x9 xvfi c evqxaran oz cps

Tubfi fl t'

aw; bb aa z onayl gpe z gyc asnaes as; mea eq on:& one on 1 3 6g eggs;

as anqqeuj z ape moxanmfi u q use pag e 9 cpsuos so g gnb t anq qxq we:

eg&sec gsx'p5 3 s empeasq asmynfi zpfl x Is baffeq In gnong ox ap e as;

I8 mqj aq an poax) snag pa sarq ”cani ne spog g e eeyufi fin oe sgponnq

pa Q IQ soc ca]; snv: L ebnes$uasgra e spa: cps ecLe ea C S L .M 3 8 aorufi

cambsnl,c h ebxsseygs L Q'pa e q p$ gwg nsg sn Lssq It avg spe c


Qgsaonxoq pa 8 aga gemeng argneq pl HIE Lon cps ggL e eg g en

eeoenq awL: gag spa; as sex so a gsgpoavg agL esa c an a IB€ . cyo

abeeq t ug “9 8 $ 3 19 9 I Q mxyea an pomx‘

a new rs egnnox ego

a so 9 L3 6 9 3 13 9 3 ewe seJIJerom: tfifi fl spa orqew0 9 11 9 u rsfieq afi

cpsuas Isa abeeq pagans ape C O IZIQ IQ U E cps: ape agxesp can aoa eg

sasl‘fioxmfi apes: 19 $ 3168 be; yuan! swag spa e;; e ag G EL qrq nos

3 $ 7 16 8 an noun ! £9 3 3 spa agLeeg own .nsa as cps arms spans go Lee:

( serve aeac an spa waxgp erqe o; gpo me agponuq gascxa'

ao¢ yu8 sponc

BTQ W 0 3 Q Q LQ 8 £L§ G£ 1 £H$£ “F 3 9 P6 2 3 A eve OIQ SQ Q P3 I0 It

aeraan asegra;9q saw: He “3 8 A firxrnfi n ae: an ape cone?

9a t Q LL i e lore, ayz an ugvgeg, gen vuq spnam pan wawyvag ape

( a; t §en ac congat sag spa: cps rmbseg a g e "gonarpjsu euq eg g gar:

noz ona z n an: coast er” I: nve IS 10 8: east: cps: cwc OIQ fi N O DTIO fi ve

than: Asnn cps fish’s: own are I? L0 0 3 final q‘pk cps ti me ape

poauq apnea: sex: £99 3 13 9 zxang npscxe pe g eucoxeq spa naezpenmq

gyne c;11_peprvq ppe oeocpenaq ecxoop as; Juno cps bwgp o; gp é‘h oeca

“13 uq aa $oruro earq cps Q IQ BWOPIIG wage a “g" z any

, agab :gt, 3 avg IR nz q,w;:eL cps: cps wagonwfi n abbjyeq cps pnsxsa


o; epnbs a “cexfiq. In} spa: pg vea fiuagpex be e aeufl ex as)


finq cps; ape rmbgec psas spa paql 0; cps crqew0prre cux

p a ganj a so apab pug gg eys h as no ask. TU pus M O LIqu so ag orq figs

rmbsoc T£ 3 aboaq was ruc ngg esq ! ape: sp a mononmau qtq aaenz pp z ufi

A $L e In aye me egponnq pagoxe anew cps ac crqenn DG GHL L GQ auq 9 : age

0; cw?aches: ssh germ? Asst ! erg : fins pecg ana era oz ens exqewO prIe

ggc saaspaanq c am vuq apex we gun 13 Ex meg span; j g gas: In xuong

€£L GG¢ as»!

3 9 awz q cps orqamoprre wage a “a“ gang ;nom payi ng

“Tswana 3 31 3 0 9 n a e Lrgrufi on spa { Long b3 scgoxm oz gps

noun fivq pag e Isg rew: ssgs 20 Les: so ecob cps Genes: c an vs cpwe

wpoag gees“

He anxspsn xeesrxyeq spe c pa use 80 19 8 19 wrrea an

hoaeypjs $9 scab pye agneeg sax suq aggen spe \

;mbeor ecobnsq 3m

'nsa tucnswasq eggsh cps rmnvc cz avg pysp p gi pe q aseq ea enmppyus

gnaw cps 8 £L 0 6$ 6 9 k avg &se apnncx s ei g pyom! cpfi c Isa abeeq

c arryeron ! cpsc ape orqawoprre sea 80 1n€ nbnopxz aroa u

‘aj oaek

sag } ! cps: pa q aceq _pxa abeeg go 9 wxj sa an pO WL paxons cps

mwxrua a “a” nann'csme Inge p18 A I i I O U anew I Q Less

0 8 1 A DTGH cpagnac zsq p18 A IRIO fi ca cps use: basseg gym: cps: spa

p13 c an as: fiaxue 13 Q L 19 myj ea en pO HL euq an se apponuq ash es;

gone a p9 1; pyoax R ees anew cps ec crqonp occnxncq'

He ceagygrcq

qg qmsqnnooq vneuae'

a span: pj ecg se a: 0; va cant wag p fi q

.A rgg cws teens on spa aoarqené'shoaeeqrufi use: pa nag apobbcq


HQ 10 13 7 3 9 smby0 1_ ru .uvnop'Iafifi

'gs A 9 8 gamxyywn

smashed i n very li ttle at the rear; that he saw the Oldsmobi le

before the motormsh and told the motormen to stop the oer and the

le tter immediately applied the brakes; that when he called the

ooterman had hi s heed turned slightly toward the right , wa tching

an automobile which was see ing from a garage on the north side of

the stre et; that i t was not ufiti l he shouted tha t the motorman

applied the brakes: tha t the street oer went about 10 feet after

the eelli ei en; end that the impac t caused the driver to lose control

and gave the eldemobi le more momentum. The wi tness admit ted tha t

a couple of weeks after the ac c ident he stat ed tha t the front of

the street car was 30 feet from the Oldsmobile when he first saw it

and at that time the motormen was looking toward the right .

Wi tness Daniel testified that as the westbound street

oer was t easing en eastbound oer, the Oldsmobile made a "U" turn;

that when he first saw it i t was 15 or 18 feet away wi th i ts front

wheels on the we stbound treok: that he did not hear anyone shee t

to the motoreee , out he heard hi m make an exclama tion and try to

stop: tha t the street oer wee goieg be twe en 15 and so miles an hour

and "saught'the automobile; and that "

perhaps“ the i mpaot caused

i ts sp eed to inereeee .

The statement signed by helsos. we e i ntreduoed i n evidence .

According to it Nelson stated that the stre et ear was moving abou t

12 miles an hoe r and, after the impac t , moved only one or two feet

and the t the eldemobile was behind an eastbound stre et c ar and pulled

in front of the we stbound ear .

Yhe questions of the c redibility of the witnesses Nelson

and Toi ui o, whom counsel eonght to impeach , were for the Jury .

Whe ther the accident was at tribu table to Gooey'e sudden

. m m u an m om ent an N CWN M PIG so comm a saw

a n Lom e’upon: com ma] acm e m ymbsscp

"m m gm . mm qm


ga s un screw 0 ; w e om qwm sk 0 L w e m m e aeaa magm a

In a; spa a sueponnq GWL'

anq cgag eye oj qemoprj e mes peprnq fl u G fl figfiO H Q Q ucxeu p c g ; t ug bayreq

13 mxrsa i n yuan a‘fi‘g é h rye zmbwc g

'woa eq mark 0 8 8 0 3 pan Less

vcoc bqlné so I: aereou egsgeq ape: cps apne a; 0 3 1 £ 6 8 waAIufi spoa g

mp0 agsgeweng ayuusq pl h ereon na h { ugxoqnaaq {a earqanee'

ab esq go ruaLe fl ee'

t ug ussafipg, aye afi co&0prxsz a gp$s “b enpwoau cps Imbacg csneeq

econ: spa: cue acnseg c an M fi fi fiorna p 3 £fl € 60 IQ fl ag 5 0 myyaa 3 3 pe ak

3 0 ans wocos m'pas ps psanq pzm megs ea so fimfi grou wnq 9 5 1 go

myeere cps fi sagpoauq gnaex: cps: pa qxq no: p esn sumane anon:

£H‘8 ayau F9 LIL EQ fl fim I& 7 3 $ 3 8 I? $ 5 18 £ 0 9 8 fin al assn 7 8 6 Lnavs

max 3 9 8 bé aai ufi 8 B exaspoauq GB L‘ape OIGQWOPTIG wage a an“ sans!

a ffiUeae DHUTGI fie fi fii LTGQ fifig t We £P9 R 3 9 £P° H fl g Bthse fi

avg a: 39 3 3 gyms aye masonwwn ma g 3 0 0x13 8 aome z q cps nrapg’

cps aghast ean fi Q B 90 Lees Laew spa q aWOp z j e anew pa LIL 9 £ awn ya

s 6 0 3 9 18 0 ; usage eggsa spa ec q emg pa cgaceq ape; cps { Lens 0;

t ug teas cps c s prj e muxs momsycfi m°

$p0 urcnc aa egmxsceq spas

ape 0 01119 10 3 : wuq cpsc cps ywbfi og c an aeq spa Q LIA GL 3 0 $0 9 3 congno:

ebbj feg cue pssxes: spasspa agnafi g own n ew; spe c; 70 x9 6: wage»

ape agz eeg } gp eg It use uuc HU tJI pa aponchq snag ape mogoxmwn

an 3 fl 30 fi OpII G uprapumsa courna gnaw a fiansss on ape nongp ayqo o;

mom m y pm m e new m w aq en fimm ma m-q m e w fim‘m mm ve

Ju icer {w surw efi m om ma w e Im u s! mm m ean In cm eq w e

psgoae ape wepoz msu BB Q gej q gpe megahmsn so ecob age can wag gpa

ame fipfl q In A BL3 Irc e a; ape L 3 8 5 : saw: pa ass ape orqmmopz rs

own 9 0 Iftcro qonpc rpe earqsuae xpfl c tne watc hman firq n£

noxcnqwns avke ape watc hmwm era was q eL c XaII saasnfirfiv"


pe gu eeu anoonfi ooq avg 5 117 3 va emne a augea spa

qz q L on spa xyi pg'up:r@ fioxua so mrrg a be; vonn om Q Q Lq anxaec

a t og GL QIU SLm 6 8 3 6 In Q IA GL cJUR p1 3 a ggaugz eu so awe boaarpgs

up guru; 1; use Lon spa junk ea 3 3 1 nyenyen spa mogouwfi n

O paekAoq cge bony; aoones‘

we Opsehaeq cps beLJJ‘

fixes cps cawxgc ta suwsno swearq vwae

ca e$x cps: pa qTq eAst n fi we e e fl j g go gpe fiaaxgamg

asap aq sg nk 9 9 3 3 p e saez qeq spa gee q fl g'

It 3 8 a? gaz syae

seen sue orqewoprre pez ono v9 qrq wa g cpwc‘yvq vs guns 80

“pa C O fi Iq

B eayxfieucs'

$na Q fl Li $ 9 1 fl eas paj IBA fiq ape magobwsu ayfl nrq peas

fi fi TIG Iooxxwfi smak’AVQ H pa cgeayq 3 3 4 8 p 9 69 abb;l:n& pssxsa


13 In bfi zfi g fives 59 ayre x an finan

gb$eg 0 1 gg mff é a an yawn { an 8 a fxe ag can 13 fl a g

spacyacerl bann fiug°

oa z boac‘ ape Lyfigfi a; spa amylase frua a In 13 9 gL f cxa rs mes

3 “a" ganu‘

0L cna a pe O O HIQ na g C L Q ae c az gsuce , gnaaxs { C L avg :

‘Lgege I8 no c an$fiunyau £§ u £ ae ssx gag no Lyfip g so make

qraLeEeLq 3 1} 0L cps 3 9 8 9 3 3 , ge agxmavk on figuc scoowz g‘

£91 8 excxeme seap14 0 3 z‘

1; A 9 9 no: Ledfi yLeq cc cowaj egeya

can acc ebg apra goegxmoul $ 6 gLfl G’

é ps QnLk m$a pane qgaae fia eq

no agLsec as; g rapsb ask“

Dexemqn a 3 9 x spa: B O Leweoasp j e wruq

apex roogeq pony nwka wag esarq ass gfi o c a gynes pI G CEE amq 3 3 A

‘mps geeela 3 ®acz gysq gpwg psz az e 6 0 § menoz wfi spa afl xu

Lsaq eq ape da aapxoun In Lasoq 9; ape .b rsxugygg*

a g e spa bnoxz mege awaaa oz bygxfl firgz ,e Ivifiarea'

$9 8 a a

qefiaee‘13 Is svafi fip gg i fl agfi rm .gwe A enqrc g x; spa usfifrgevss

ga s a dnsg arpu Lon gpe dual“

11 3 9 0 maganmau .u e a usfirrfisu: In 5 5 1

§fi 0 axxcam snpsa an $9 3 Dp ab&&yl_ e ggex p e-

pwq wosz c e‘an pc aw

a passenger c alled h i s a ttent i on to i t .

tha t the verdi ct i s clearly agai nst the

the evi denee and for that rea son and the fur ther

9 set forth,the meat i s affirmed .


tbs era 8 0 bretwtrte'

W" ecu: se e pedse m w e meme em: 9 oeoeeesecox. use enp egrm ge q

leg brooeq wex be euxoa on xuooobocesg beoeoo’

efie z uer two sorq sd‘

Qpeel,a se gooopyj e sped c j xepeq rue afi Lp°oeoaesq gee eyqee srx

ee cn poo a p seq vetoes ope erqee e jx yoeonyud ensures geseeo‘qL

to ape ee arp c one 0 ; gong geeeec'

$os be exeq fl fi $0 fi 0 9 II$ se e genome

gq ooprye spree A oonoo sc oope oes euq e enoex so sopomeprye bongog

tense: est obeneroq pl ae z enqeys wh eyeeneo O B IIIQ GQ ergo rue

,u, rune IE onqen go oeoeoeq see: on sgeq aene eg‘

v se ecpoeoq

gee eue ooe euq Eyrys ve eroes’


Ij j rooys’

eoufi op so mega e

5 egoL goeel , a oj qemopefe xsoymx se es on eq geneer pc ce e eu

Lye ec c eqeoc oeoe na eq aerosol e’

Ig ee‘opens e:eo b



tbbee j‘

breyorrex nemscerod ieo‘ooo

'qsqdoeor ne e i on i gg

’ooo eeq qegeoqsoee

pexenqssee ee qe e soften 10s e se e anyey’apron u se oeuyeq noon


one look L essefi sq e senses: t en D isresrtt ton too‘ooo


eoorqenc so see r yo Ee eneu s'lefef


ec ef‘vbbefj e ge Q O fi l f go


gyro Is 8 ee Leeoe } fu jnnl ee gxoo onrernd one or gee some

e E’


sde efi enee'



some m em es W om cw o m eme coca CO M /ill"

sessses‘we sensees


"e n 9 :

esenve e' solo? e fl e csveree e





ewe seceee « 0x eye eseeeos‘

dress e'seeosi oee eeeeveon oe

The defendants contend tha t there was no evi dence tendi ng

to prove tha t they were negli gent under the c i rc umstances or tha t ,

should we fi nd agai nst tha t contenti on, pla int i ff's i njury was

proxima tely caused. by thei r negl i gence ,

The c i rcumstances of thi s case are substant i a lly the

some as tha t i n the M erron case, The evi dence and i nferenc es here

are at least as favorable to plai nt i ff es i n tha t c ase . Si nc e we

have held there tha t the questi ons of defendants'negl i genc e and

proxi ma te cause were for the Jury we must , acc ordi ngly, so hold i n

thi s case .

Defendants also contend that the verd i c t of was

so grossly exc essi ve as to be accounted for only by pre judi ce ,

passi on or a mi sconcepti on of the evi denc e . Pla i nt i ff says thi s

quest i on was not ra i sed i n the tri al court . In the i r mot i on for

a new tri al defendants poi nted to the verdi c t as bei ng exc essi ve ,

and c lai med that the Jury was pre judi ced , They say that they asked

for a new tri al, not a remi tti tur, and that th i s i s sti ll thei r

posi ti ons

Pashkow was an i ncompet ent person at the time of the

tri al, Hi e mental condi ti on i s not cha rgeable to th e acc i dents

He testi fi ed bri efly, as di d another person i n hi s behalf, tha t he

had not worked regularly for about 20 years, but had done odd Jobs,

After the acc i dent Psehkow's left leg looked l i ke "a

c orkscrew". He was taken to a hospi tal where x-rnye were taken

of hi s leg . The n-ray servi c e does not app ear to have been very

thorough. From the n-roys i t would app ear the i njured leg was

plac ed in a motel cast . Outsi de of these x-rays there i s no ev i dence

of any treatment unti l Paehkow ent ered the,Yoternne Hospi tal at

bouncy, Illi noi s, i n August as a mental‘puti ent . Though i n a

mental word, he was given physiotheraphy treatment for h i s leg .

songs: na‘we use green boi syornensbpi onscre en: not p19 ret

oysoeq In s more: essn'

ancayqe or green x~ tsi e opens ya no caresses


atom rue x~nei e we nonyq absent ape relates yea ne e

a; p7 3 reg“ ape aw ash senayoe goes nor obsess re gene peso goth

eonyeeana ,'

no use pages no a poehz rey spans x—asi e sens ge nes

V1£9 L ewe scoreemn seentna te rate rot Jeanne free as

poo nos .a onxeq nefinrsnrl Lea spans 3 0 tee ns‘can one sees seq lone'

as seexrtres paratrt‘ we owe escapee se ason on sea pensrt

’case as


are sense; eongynyon re use ope nneepye re cps seorqoe c*

st epson . ase so Inconbsreng heneee as one eyes on rye


ton a use z ersr‘we: 9 aserszrcsn

’ sue even cut e I t terry st ei n

suq creroeq spec cps 1nt i ass bnejnqroee“

Lani sc i spar spot sexes

s yen gags: gerenqsuse heznceq as are scanner so pared exc eesya e'

dnesaz en a re no: tsreeq In eve cheer conng'

In snort coarse i on

he eeron on e eyesonoeoptcn on rye esyqenee'

bj sruryi z eels sure

no aac coxh exc e esrse so so pa sooonneeq { on earl pi beetsqyee‘

Degenennps exec oosreh q spar ap e h oneys: or gi g‘oog n ee

bnoxrme ge sense sens res cps text no oneg’

eeooaqynaj i‘so were re

peas pore scene ape: ape dc eerycnn c; ge i enqeure, coarseness seq

t he a; roses on assenspye no hyezncrtt as re apes c ase“si nc e as


ee are ; In ape net her cone; yes esz qencs one Inget ehoee none

Lye oyneousgenoes c; rpre c ase one sepsaensroyyi one

hi cxxneseri c eneeq pi stern nefiyrfionce’


e e‘truq afiernee the : concessi on

“ hre yneri g , e Inlami ne e

Lye ge i enqenre courses rhea geese use no et eueo renqrna


admi tted to the Veterans hospi tal a t Denney, Illi noi s i n August .

defendants contend there was no proof of any treatment for the i njury

durdng thi s peri od . A person who i s i njured by the torti ous conduct

of another must use reasonable care and di li genc e to mi ni mi z e the

damage and can only recov er such damages as he could not have avoi ded

by the exerc i se of reasonable di li genc e . dgdnr Rapi ds Iowa C i ty 51 .

Defendants poi nt to the lack of evi denc e that Pashkow

received proper medi cal treatment . They say he was admi tted to the

Veterans hospi tal as a mental pa ti ent . Thi s i s to support thei r coop

tenti on that the condi ti on of the leg was neglected. Pashkow was

di scharged from the army i n hovember 19 42 because of a mental ai lment ,

after 3% months servi ce . he entered the Veterans Hospi tal sufferi ng

from dementi a praecox, simple type .

Insane persons are l i able for torts they commi t . M c Intyre

v, ghglgz , 121 Ill . 660 . We are justi fi ed i n concludi ng from

5, E, to, v . Becker , es111. 25, and asAn . Jun . 9 . 882, tha t the

questi on of the i r di screti on, i n determini ng contri butory negli gence ,

i s for the jury in each case . There i s no case c i ted nor found

dec i di ng responsi bi li ty of insane persons to avoi d aggravat i on or

neglect of an i njury. In an i ntenti ona l wrong a pe rson of low

i ntell i gence may recover damages due to the aggravated condi t i on .

Restatement of the Law of Torts, Sec . did, Chen. 47 . Illustra ti on 4 .

We beli eve we should apply the same rule i n determi ni ng responsi bi di ty

for avoi dable consequences as i s appli ed i n determi ni ng contri butory

negli genc e of i nsane persons.

di ei ntiff's ease i nc luded the i nferenc e , at least , tha t


Paehkcm'wns cufftri ng from dementi a pre ecox at the time of the ac c i dent .

whi s i s enough to take to the jury the questi on whether he possessed

di scret i on suffi c i ent to avoid neglec ti ng hisi njury, and to wha t ext ent .

The defendants should have gone on from there.

The only i tem of expense test i fi ed to was the future

amputati on‘whi ch. pla i nti ff

‘s medi cal wi tness sai d was nec essa ry.

e obcxeu‘é pfi t smrcz z gan gees Ed: L§w0 A é £9 0 3 6 Imbndbii Sj ameupu'

t aooayneq 19 1 0 3 11 on gpo Ene auqa a; bfiejfiqroc‘bnaarafl an wigcow~

anon e aq ras'youe n

‘II as Lrwfixgngyl exc e afiygq ”QNf


no cabsq pl 8 A'§TTTTfifi

sIa II I’

peeu wnb rmbvngrsj'meuc execaa 9 1 . 3 110 A 3 uoe In gfimfi aea mwa

1: five xt eé nwnrrk pcau warq spas“avene spa xxx?! use

tn fi vw iw sm 7 8 we km )"

fina u¢yan a; pgt-e xeaaayAeua en a; gnu A BL Q IC t { L é fi Lz om censzqcnrcroue

0; gas obturon ape: apxe re a me ga 1m ayycp me awe: c ouayqaL fps

B oa pt A fi q ave vmsfia 0 1 nTw spar nfiefi wag Wt fins Ks 9 L6

6 L psq smbnmg gyom peas bauxuhfi aq pagaxs gpg fnyay‘

figs i fi xa a onyq

Lpsl cam £p9 £ fisq bqepyoa pseu bxobenxi snawgsq g agen ape scorqeng’

suqsebbsq goon“ bearerafi a pron M 5 8 pcnwg so bxsi fl groe 39 0 11 c ase‘

a fi fi efi f opa:& fi ysp wyfi ficga z muq fiwq weere ae j e zs Jefi qguerj ufi In

wzmqa 01 she 3afimna'

psga aupa go c ausanq ppsg Ewapgan’

avg 13

quarufi cps cars] Epfsy monj q gene Q lO fl E Gq almbwapl 0 L pyse In £9 8

mpona re 3 0 crvym spas ppgus A g e fink bnsjaqycrsf GO U Q fi O £

gpfi c ape aq raa nae exaaearA e no span sxgeus'

at eye na roz'

bxfirucrz z pk wsxrvfi w bsmwczrfnb oz gé o’ooo ooua gqag

rug rs fi ge é peb spa owes afi ag pa xspnyeq pacwnae on exosaara eme as

cps L O Q fl aoq baxcpsayvfi bofi sn o; monek' $ge dfi saz xou me ens O O H BIGSL

as eases?“ awe 1aq€weuz on asp‘ooo orervcrz z boynce so

33 0 eomb j axn; fa anz z rc z sucfk pfiaaq ca xsaaeb ’

i nfl ameuc 13 qxnec ct q so enbbokc cps crarw 0 ; Te a: senuyufi bon en Agron

oewbywzuc no; ebaorsy gamweee'

no qz eeaz ee' “a cPIDK i yunygx, a

p 13 xrwrgeq spyj rare e‘maz e ab saray

'wag no cysym a g e mags In ape

to; shearer qfiwaaaa auq‘gyep fi nk q wae a crermeq on g aoomnp o;

£p6 L GLO LG'mouse oxg

‘Dexeg qsvca ask cps: Q IS IU£ILL qz q fl og sex

3 3 18 ba apxoa‘pawsasx

‘pas neg gpg g mange: csbscrcl avg 1 9

yuoebwaymacq“mrgpp qm nos; LoanyLrufi 0 9 11 meager eggoxx



Lowenggg; v . gggggg, 9 9 Ill . 74 . Cases have be en c i ted by both

parti es where remi tt i tore have been approved and di sapproved . we

need not refer to any of those oases.

We beli eve the verdi ot of i s so excessi ve tha t

i t oahh ot be aoeountoé for except on prejudi oe , passi on or mi scon

c eption, the remi tt i tur di e not remove these improper elements,

so as to gi ve assorehee that defendeote had a fai r tri al . We see

no meri t in fila i nti fr'e ooh tooti on that oruoi al fac ts i n the ggrroh

,§g§g and i h thi e ag es are the some one we should consi der the

eucoti on of defendants'li abi li ty as set tled by two Juri es, We

beli eve that the Gofooamata are en ti tled to another tri al . Thi s

oonolusi on may, at fi rst , seem harsh . It must be kept i n mi nd tha t

tho Jury had to é ooi de whe th er defendaote'negli genoo was the

proxi mate oanee or Peehkow's i njuri es. Thi s requ i red consi dera ti on

or fioooy*a ooodaot . If the jury was prejudi ced i n favor of Pashkov ,

aeronoanta mi ght well suffer an i ojueti oe on the questi on of li abi li ty.

Binoe the ease moot be retri ed, we beli eve we should pass

on two remai ni ng poi nto!

9 2 to support thei r olaim tha t the tri al c ourt commi tted error i n

permi tting a medi cal wi tness to testi fy to the coat of ampatati on

where there was no swi tches tha t snob was requi red or that there was

an i nttnti on or having i t performed, In the gem eggsthere was no

evi done e tha t the operati on was not contempla ted or reqh i rod . In

the case before us modi oal testimony was that the amputati on should

be performofi .


that surgery i s ”indi eatefi?we thi nk there was enough

in the evi é oooe to Justi fy the estimate of the east of the amput ati on .

M oreover, the amount of $5 60 i s an insi gni fi cant part of the verdi ot i

Appellant, APPEAL FROM

7 0


OF CHICAGO .Appellse .


Thi s i s an ac ti on to recover damages for harm whi ch

plai nti ff c lai ms he and hi s fami ly suff ered because defendant

unlawfully di sconti nued servi ce of gas and electri ci ty i n hi s

home . The court wi thout a Jury found aga i nst pla i nti ff and

Judgment was for defendant's c osts. Pla i nti ff ha s appealed .

Plai nt i ff i n the sooner of 19 38 lived i n dalume t C i ty,

where defendant i s i n the ut i li ty busi ness. It had furni shed

gas and electri c i ty in the plai nti ff‘s 10 room home for 20 years.

On July 13 , 19 5 8 , pla i nti ff , in fi nanc i al di ffi cnlti es, fi led a

p eti ti on i n bankruptcy i n the Uni ted Sta tes Di stri ct Court . He

li sted a debt of $10 to defendant . Thi s was an a rrearage whi ch

had ac cumulated the previ ens few months. On August 12 defendant

di seontinned i ts servi c e . an september 29 , 19 38 , pursuant to a

deposi t by pla i nti ff of the servi ce was restored. Plai nti ff

and hi s fami ly were deprived of gas and electri c i ty and were

forc ed to buy meals outsi de thei r home during the peri od of di s

conti nued servi c e . They had no li ght , hot wa ter or radi o duri ng

tha t time .

The i ssues are whether defendant's ac ti on was a coerc ive

measure to forc e payment of plai nti ff's past due bi ll; whether the

cash deposi t requi red by defendant to restore the serv i c e was un

reasonable; and whether requi si te noti c e was gi ven pla i nti ff

t estonepre ! seq apespea sodsrayce coerce as: RIA OU brerugrzx

crew qeboerg Lednyneq pi cogesqcsg so secret e ape nexarc o .nss an

get recess eta usespet qui escenc,c sorrow use 9 O O GLGIA O

eoecrnncq cexnrc c'

incl et c so Iydpg'cc ; a ec on recto geared

xot coq so psi users oesez qe sperm pose qnt znd pee bez yoq 0 L gre

enq yrs fewryl a cne qcbnz i ee c; fies seq eyeesi rcrgi are mere

qeboexr P1 bIWTfi CIII O i QIS“90 ape 8 9 3 5 7 3 0 “3 3 5 13 7 3 8712

seq eocsmuyeceq are onscreen gea . ac espe*

gs endear 13 qc zssesuc

Irereq e qcpr of $10 so qexenqeng'

apye se e we sat eenefie mercy

battered TU penseabtch 7s ass nurses eases: evacueescents“


on dark rs‘Ices

‘swervertx’TU zrnsncrer steerenreree

’tII 9q

are ens eyecct rcyei rs cps yo Loom sees gen 80 ise t e~

brwxvcrtz xv ens assess ct fess IrA esen“

3 ersi‘


ic eevg use for qexeeqen3 , 9 c ease”Byerns x pe e cbbeeyeq

«Brsvutrz t fl rwrws as «fie era i sdrrl fl attened pecssse sc i ences:

ap e grs'oo exc eeqeq ape coc oon npvop qereuqeug M 8 8 encycj eq no

tsp qeboeys {on ne cronecror 0 ; one eeni rec e rg apes In eui ensue

° 3 ¢'P1189 9 O L GQ Tt’

hIa IHFTIL c ongeoqe tne : qfi ld uqd fi k qfimq fi q 3

£& O IA 9 pyyyrnd benycqe one agrfyei moi necoxt e e oc ep qehoexc no

c oneemen pe e peso qej rodneue gpnoe on mono gems? arroyo one be ecoqrod

e t c to pee necc nq'

$no dec ency onqen boosyqe e poop opens e

no'3 rec no

'0-9 Lemme eoq ccnqrpz oe e Loo vbbj roscrou Loo ge t ayes

EO A Q LnTEQ oeeeprrepe eog or eneeyi e‘


one qereeqeofi le eepeqnye e

gee Irfynoro commenc e generoeyoo‘corona } onqen 3 0


spe c no q no; neoeooct open one qcmenqog hei nous on see engi ne pr;r*

spe c one poyenoe peg pe en rogeo cone or In one eonennhgoi t end

orc z eoeneyoueq pr]; no penqei eq one emc ees core“perrynd roe seepre i


He goesrxyeg ape : open pe oeqe poo Delmevt or see

coonco pi e { use hold e r: or gp c qepe ye peg Jregeq to pro penxnnbpc i

open no qrg mop open GO E bIGIU one: qcxouqenn ne e e ggeebcz ud go

0 ; one geneng { on one ce ep qebc egp‘

Ii we cloc k ( nee gee geenyeeni

3 0 noon runneq so ope IJIruore Commenc e ccemz e eyou go eombj eru

eocc eee‘the runete euryon or gee geyseq grease age pnreg goons


wi res ope eennrc e nee oyeceoneoceq e j eru grz g eoedpo’stones;

ent ee t ede seq on; ab 9 goose} : or egg pegone Leegc i z nd ope eena z oe‘

orp e eq e are} embj oi e o or gereuqeug qeweoqeg specsueosi tn?“ $10

w rvxrtt escalated spec ULSG L tfifi eexA JG S e ds ereoow~

“on eoc cnop*,

onee u cenoode eeee'

or» or} : re a z emb ee a rty e L eo erbs can ee'ee‘

nacho; one on gyh*


ape pee fonaet g z dni ee gen e Lee yng Irene

exec a change { on bneerooe eenexc e Lon gfs’

gg enq sconce e roger

tore PTII arouse eeeedee L°h one: EQ L TO Q at es'ee'

It conferueq

i on rye eeLAJena i eneyeyeq peene eu amyi Jeep eng yofioeg Igtp'

on rode nt ea‘Icee detonat e: sensv rncrti v truer pxrr


require under the terms of the general order . Pla i nti ff, immedia tely

after servic e was discontinued, sought i ts restorat ion . He c ontends

tha t the defendant th ereupon demanded a $25 cash deposit to establish

hi s credi t for the future . Defendant's testimony i s that it

requested s deposit of $15 . Plaintiff introduc ed i n evi denc e a

letter from the supervisor of the Public Service Division of the

Illinois commerc e Commission written to h im Sept ember 9 , 19 5 8 .

This refers to plaint iff's recent visi t and stated tha t on th e basis

of the previous 12 month hills "the credit deposi t requested $15

se ems to me to be reasonable . I t i s i n keeping wi th the Commission'sGeneral Order No. 109 This letter then referred to the

informa tion that pi ni nt i ff hen giv en, tha t hi s future requirements

for gas and electric ity would be less than the post . I t advised

pla intiff tha t as a consequenc e the commission had recommended and

the def endant had agreed to ac cept the credit of This

deposit was thereafter made by the plaint iff and la ter refunded to hi m,

Pla inti ff says that hi s service was discontinued wi thout

notic e or demand and cennlsi ns tha t def endant offered no evidence

to show tha t it gave the five day notic e required by the general

order . In this issue as well as the foregoing issues pla int iff had

the burden of proof . He t estified that he rec eived no notic e , oral

or wri tten, before the discontinua tion of the servic e . Defendant‘s

counsel showed plaint i ff a document for identi fication, asking if

he had rec eived the original . Pla inti ff sai d he had not . This

document was offered i n ev idence but was excluded on plaintiff'sobj ec tion that i t was a copy and no not ic e had been served on

plainti ff to produc e the original.

Defendant's superintendent at Calume t Gi ty testifi ed

tha t he had known plainti ff who was a good customer for 20 years

Len she s aana grass cpe 1nq5 aens o; spa mmwyayb fl r conng

oombré rwsq 0 ; on aphnfi‘

no weeq Us: oomez qen ape mwficsxfl

erfl c é 357 3 It qrnaz ugraut wag no apnae a; qxac nagrca ye a psan

fifiq'sps ac q fi t i nag sp erL bnya zreé a Huge» Pfi fi bxeasxc e Vfi fi

at t ecbl zp é xsot gag exec spa c onuc,a L egfi fi fi } no fixaug p z e a cgrow

so 3p? ru eenbo§ sgrcu a ; spa oxyfirnfiy ga fiysaarbz 0 g caaxzmank In ryen

bj srugxzx combyfl yma spwc qez auea connz gx L agfi aeq go g ggbaysce

fi Q firué c cue mg urxea; a egfinc a; spa sgrq evae’

at é finfioélewk cpfi 3L19 1 1aqfis, e qsaxerou an cp aes u ne aprona ye


oz cneqrps ck e; xpg fi rgueaee e A KE LO L £N 8 £LI€I coaas’

gaz es {socfi ar yaaz é a'

Lp Q c é nng Laanq aesyuag bywyngrz g‘


as pc a§ harnesq an; ape oongryog o; aseptmO fi l 0m gg cse


z fi nz pex caresses gysg aye fi z rszew vofifcg A 3 9 sang Lnom fins aorta?

saunas} ? 5g re saga pag e qegq vng wwq é we eggaag $0 rugaaqace

u m M agm a“ pm $5 flew an en w pm W e dfl ew rw m fi m; fifw uxu xfi

no mayecefi nosrae excen gga fig ng&abpch betfgrgn use L3Ifi q suq pegcb e



pk xz ce acrvsg ez n Q‘

agyw g é g gzwagl fi g fi $ 133 L agsnaua e

a vg $3 3 3 spec fie: pk ,qsz suqsn¢ , a gayfimac are}

age afl pagvuas- ag spa paywnna a; gys a19vefis¢a fiangrva fig

‘gsasyé evh

ga, a gayq paa e~

go msxe a Q Q b0 8 7 35“ ape argfifia é ananeaeq'

“an grq'“

43 644




000K 00 UNTYOAppellant .


mai n i s a personal i njury ae ti en, The owner or a bui ld

i ng and hi s tenant , a roomi ng house Operator, were both sued .

The tenant Blanche noes was dismissed before tri al by sti pula ti on

pursuant to a covenant not to sue , for wh i ch pla i nti ff rec eived

The Jury re turned a general verdi c t of gu i lty against

Thompson, here inafter called defendant , and assessed plai nti ff's

damagao at It returned also an inc onsistent Spec i al

verdi ot . Plainti ff moved to set aside both verdic ts and for a

Ben'tri al. Defendant moved i n the alterna tive for Judgment notwi th

standing the general verdic t or for a audgnent pursuant to the

spec i al verdi et . Qhe tri al court granted plai nti f f's motions and

ordered a new trial . Defendant was granted leave to appeal from

tha t order . Gene . 110 , Per . 301 111 . Rev . Sta te .

The be i ldi ng at dfidd Kimberk Avenue , Ghi eago, Illi noi s

was purehased by defendant i n 19 51 . It was then an old 12 apartment

bui ldi ng. Aft er defendant ac quired i t i t was divided into small

apartments, In 19 3 9 defendant leased the bui ldi ng and Blanche Mose

opera ted i t and collected the rents. she employed plai nti ff and

hi s wife and they lived in the bui ldi ng . They collec t ed rents for

her and plai nti ff did Jani tor work .

pc t eve brd tvcrtt qxq iourson eoox‘

PT! A txe wnq aneh Ira eq In cps onrrez ufi'

test c orrecxcq LanceLon

obet t geq 7 g ouq c offeessq ape t ango“

ape emtyoleq'

b j ernprxg euq


In 13 93 qexeoqeoc Joe eeg one pnz yqyufi eve BTQ BO HB noes


vi xen qexeq uc sc enrneo I t 7 3 A g e qrareoq Tfi to emery

use bnt ope eeq p i qexeneenp In 13 3 I*

13 use open en org IS ebeneoeng

tne ta ttered 9 : oooo LTWpd k T Vl dnfi fi‘epreade

‘IIIrnet e

cut e cheek“

opfl b‘IIo


30 3 III’

t en“


ongoneq 9 non pLIeI°

De geugenp Ase dnevpeq Ic ons 30 endear { new

ebooroy l enqrog'

ape gore; c oon; dnencoq e j erosrg;, e d oggone one

egcuqrnd ope Q enexey ne i qyog on { on e Qngdmenz boneoeng so cue

non anxwf’

pegsuqeue meseg tn ope ei gennegra e Lon a fimens nonercpb


bye zngyi g eoneq so eon e oyge poop nonqroee eoq gen 9

gemwdee ea IS t ogn nneq tree t o xeoeuez eaouc obeoyer

Lnombeou’penorneggen correq qexenqeug

‘one eeee eaeq byerncyz g, e


$no lend L ecnt uog e denot e; nenqreg o; Enri ch sdeyoe:

boneoeng go 1 conced e : no; go one“z en mpTGp bye;n:rxg L S O Q IA O Q

mp0 goofing grandee nose not oxewyeeee pez ene gnyej pi efirbmye gyoe

Ind enq pro senouc’a nooe gofi pooao obenecon

‘none poop eoeq

dHTB re a hei nous; yu}oni . eocrou'

Lye annex o; e perfe

HH'bHdBIDXnG fidddlcd RIPEI DEFIAEfl ED ten Ooldloa Oi LEE GOBBd

coon oomenx‘

nonven isomoeon‘


u rmm o'mu e

c; spy: ca se ncdnz acq spec gee c osh: enact a emere rs rye xenon

no carqencs c; ssh neaxyfiesc e on eye bong seq new: rec orient egesce e


He ecnrcsqe peas rs settttcs revsopens use

qenc are : It rs qz e‘uni agoreggcn nee cps bscxrneps canes ox

De tescvvc . w ceases: castes cps: eve osqrusece ebsrrcstrsuq

i n? 2p“: brsruaxli g t ra iseree nets cbhaoxrnspexi screen groseni°

xszrrnd no bnc ayqe sue ee zsgeyn e serene } ; on are enz yme speynnez ,

cri nge feessc i ences: has ucRI IEeUEIK Arorsses ones vastnesc e rs

Gage c; gpz osac'Iafia

‘ap e c ase seen so fps anal on eye eels

ecz a en;,a erycfieq aroj sgyon cg Q pehgea ge‘sfifi

’ ?tgcfi asnyorher

In pz a c cnbj cysr’

as axgnqt ea e j y‘peasast

’ sz c ebe sue peace on

bysz nsxxi cpsndeq senat e; ehccygz c were ex neaj z gonoc

teasers dornfi so ensthan ass re assni et hane sc rrerufi *

psughsrra on rye a erye'

gpe arernn si h e e v neeq Esncnsyyl pl ape

exgeuqrnfi co a been seen rye screen or see arexe e*

geese a c ne no

ergo a; spa erernssi geese a c e s mosses prayeren a rcs e’

wa ne zr

asi gear as rye poach ers“

anon are pe ach es; esIITcfi on see hrEna

an eye na use ous c evryni‘

earl res rear nsj z‘noa e i sa

‘h our ex: spa

spa a ez rs .a ee Lees a yee*

horn asj j s caresses ennnnenq an i nn

gee seeyna c i covera ges on I? arerte*

i re ash posse ss

pa peg nesq ape ersrnasl i h odnenerh‘consermee 3 0 on so grass 3 qsh

Lace ass Assaxecre ea Ifgfl fi ab ewe Isusrnfi'

users? 9 7 8 enti cement

Rysscec par conrq see apcnc we use gored“

gases a re crease Iran;

{ use rye pssenenr°

an ape gyms no use prrse In one she hug none

goor‘no Jessyrs pej esco enq gory peeqxz ns: qcan cps arcxnsei

yangyufi as are peeq o; cps erebs’

asome spices, Lorreq nnqeL pre

race 0 ri ch; VI I} 39 pe ac h es: ersyne*

as egebbeq on no s

asi as the presenc e at the parrcrnfi'so shaves ens sock revered

aebcswpen ss’Iess

‘brwzusrz t use Intak esserfs on FT?


eeeee ee of the speei al verdi c t of the Jary. The spec ial verfii ct

at the Jury was that the absence of the handra il was ne t the

peexi ea te cause of the plei mtlfr'e injury. The i neonsi etenoy i s

qeparent from. whet we said about the eendi ti en of the pl eadings

on whi eh the ease wee submitted to the Jury .

Whe qeeeti en before us i s whe ther the trial court abused

i ts di eereti on i n setting aside the verdic ts and grant ing pla i nti ff

who trial under eenei fiere tlon i s the eeeend i n this

li ti gati en. The result at the first trial was a general verdi c t

ef guil ty agai eet defendant aeee eei ng damages at a general

verdic t of net guilty as to Bleeehe Mesa; and a epee i al verdi c t

finding tha t the ebeenee er a headrei l was not the proxima te cause

of plaintiff's lné urY fee trial court granted plaintiff a new

trial an to beth. de£ee é ante . Elemene M eee applied to this ecar t

fer leave te appeal . Leave was deni ea. ( Opi ei en No.

There i s na di epnte in the evi eenee . Eefendant admi ts

eei li ng . He Bela there had been nene Sines he became owner .

Plaint i ff need the etelrwey many times eei ly. Hi s feet

and fell eewe the stairs, The eel; te eti eeny bearing on the absenc e

or the haefirall i s plaintiff's sta tement that he "was trying to oateh

Fla inti ff says there have been tne verd i ete i n hi s favor

and tha t he ehoule have a trial on the issues. Def endant refers

us to the tee epeei el verdic ts on the pree i ee question of the absence

or the heedeai l consti tut ing the proximate cause of plainti ff's


oz cps penet ery convergucrufi cps bxoxreeee c ea eo o; breye5} xx,e

e a go gpo‘ano cheese] g eneroce an ape D h aej as de e eryou ox eye epeeuee

wnq spe c pa epoerq pee a w gL IeI on eye 7 eeeee*

Dexeuqeec L Q LQ L Q

byeyngyxx same spat e pane poem gee e ez qresa ye pee gee et

perq o; somesp i ue co egob m1 Lwrr*


ox new pfi q srr 16 brsrvcrxt . e ase eewevn eves we ge es starve so c ease

eeq Le} : qoen one ecerne'

ape onyx eeegyeoez pe enrufi on cps eeeeeee

eyrbbeq on eomegpymfi geqep yea an ape yeuqrufi'

He j eep pee peyenoc

breeuarz t neee cps eaetne ek week £7 5 9 ? eerfl'

HIE z oos


He aerq gpene peg peen noes eree e ye pec ewe ee vee*

cps; spat e nee so pvnqt etr on cue epe z n e ea epoe e pus eeeee eee

inane re ea qrebaee en ape ee rqeeee‘

gez euqeug seerge

{ at raves so ebbeef‘

reee e ne e qevreq’

( obrvrou ne'esgeg )


e e so pogp qexeeqenpe‘

yrseepe fieee ebbyz eq co cure GO fi L :

o; brerncytx. e yuiehl' mp 6 pLI?I c oax: fixevgeq'

b j erucrg; 9 men

treq7 efi apex Lye epeeuee a; e penguexy ewe no: cps bnoxzeene ce eee

Ast qrep e; no; Berytz se so Ej eveee we es: seq e ebeo z ej g eneroc

e ; fie i j tl efl eguea geaeegeeg e eae eeyefi qewef ee we gy‘gooi e fienexer

frayEegxou'mp 9 t eefl yg e; gye s eg gaz e } mes e Eee ee ey e et qre:

xyo ct z ey eeqet eeuergot e gz eu re ewe eeeeeq rs spre

9 8 0 a threj'

Ike qt eoL ecrou In eecgz ufi e eyqe spa A engz ese enq anenetsfi brerucyxx

Lye du eeeyen pexot e we re ewecpet ape refer cone; epneeq

on egrep ppe eeee ne e eepmygpeq so eye Qe LZ’

ebbcne e ; { LOW new: as eerq Upon; ape eouqrcron 0; one bj eeqrufl e

bxoxz ee ce can es ox cps breyugrxz ,n ynzena‘

Lfi fi rueoe eyegenea re

9 ; eye zeal e ve spe c ape epseeee e; gee peegeerr ne e no: see

paewuec o; cps eboerer a exqreg ox eye QeL1°

apt deserer g angree


rmam van BQHKE'11



5 3 AE3 9?D VKB fifi fl vfibfin AILH DIBEG£I OHB*

W wasIII!"


L emsuqeq .argp qxnoccranu ga bnaeeaq i n gas aaanaa'Efii §fififigfi

Rbsfi arnfi i xn:11; e nag It L Q A GL Q GQ avg gpw ee fi z e is

3 0 5 spa Leasen Q IAsH spa oz qan o; cps gnbaLIO L C amus

“e sang e z narqet no orpsn boryge'

ape gaxm ya Leuqcxxnfi tfi a absc xwy A eLqres'

raagnac gyou In ka sxyufi spa Remanwj aeuqxas‘I: grq Bog afl qenbgq

apaoq ape 3 9 3 5 “bhoxrmfi ge ag a t e“ as axbrayg eq ya brarfi g111 , e

ace no wez xg In brarfisrxxla coucsnpron cpsg'apyra ap e 33 5 3 nnqan~

eve orz efl macvne¢ a pl é api ec crnfi gaz enqwne so snocwsn xnrsr'


{ 3 ya gyya ot ee °as porraA a no fl ooq bnab c es R IJI p g sanaag avqan

c j oaxyfi aubbaxgeq


pi nuqysbageq gesgwwoml 8 8 £3 9 ang ers} A GL Q IQ £

3 3 3 3 11 syn em s m m w e aw onq‘mac sheen ] A euw c g m eme ass

11 bxsrfi z rz z ga z e acrmowl as spa Lz h ec cnrvr A 3 3 Ufi pfi csw~

BSA'Q gaga


coax; we} enact 13 g8weuc V Q O O LQ THQ IL'

q b' 7 70'Bg z




v Sevens: g ongyasspans 7 3 ye Inoonerageec arcp cps ragga: avg spa

easBIVTUg A O LO anpwygceq so ape 35 11'

v abecrsy A enqyog commi era

tn spa zrnac ehrc j'cry epsnfioa o; abscyz ro 3 9 817 3 6 3 0 0 79 £9 9

obneargo z rnqrufia ens tmbrrarg tn cps Eenona: aa roga‘eygpoafip

qexeaqeuc . e IIWPT}T&3 wkrarni wasat £96 ”paeuco ox awe wwfi qsfirr'

gas Qumran pag e Lomnq errxc ea sfie aba attra dua aarou a;

420 54, 480 5 5 , 420 56 and 420 5 7


e TBEST GGMPANY, as Trustee under the

Last Wi ll and Testament of LOUIS M »

SQ UMER Deceased, ELAINE R. REINHARDT APPEAL FROMand enisseo em s e enter conqu er, asExecutore of the Last Wi ll and Testamentof BENJAHIK J. RosENTHAL, Dec eased,HANNAfi ROSENTHAL



THEE? QGMPANI, as Trustees under the

Last Wi ll and Testament er BENJAKIN J:COOK COUNTY.

Pla i nti ffs Anpellants,

V t

Defendants Appelleee .


wheee appeals are from decrees di smi ssi ng for want of

sani ty four c omplainte fi led by lessees of the Board of Educa t i on

or the C i ty of Shi eago, seeking to set asi de apprai sals of si x

lots, enclnei ve of improvements, located i n block 142 , School

Sec t i on .hddi tlon to Chi cago, These lot e, together wi th other

property i n block 142, are known as "School Fund Property." The

appra i sals were made by three apprai sers as or M ay 8 , 19 3 5 , i n

purenenee of the terms of c ertai n leases wherei n the Board of

Educati on i s the lessor and the plai nti ffs-tenants are the

lessees, finder the terms cf these leases appra i sals were

requi red to he ma de every 10 years and the amount or rental fi xed

at 6% of the value of the lots, For i nstance , the rental for

the 10 year peri od following M ay 8 , 19 3 5 would be 6% of the value

or each of the lots as fi xed by the apprai sers as of tha t date .

The ci rcui t court , after heari ng the evi dence , found that the

equi ti es i n each case were wi th the defendant and decreed tha t

eeeh complaint be di smi ssed for want of equi ty. From these

I myugwxc anxgrcren: no nurj tgl ayc chbna;asr In ewe on cry a;

tn oA Q LA1 7 a7 ufi £9 . bxmbsxxk‘grq map so: Q LpIgL aLIIl

‘xpsl wage

Bownq go apt ebbavracxa wag pa cps fiLIUI c oax: cps: 1; age ebbnwyagna‘

I? In awoan c m gnu eaxqenco bmse eugsq on papaya 0; age gepeoy

eqobgrnfi 9 aerasgz ov “prep psq as Lsrecz ou no mange: AC I H O’

( q )

8 ! qz egrufin yapeq { now some pp acnogycyj A fi j fl e ) on pk emprcnwz yyl

ebb z vrasy ( gpwg ya’spa qsp eLq agyon 0 ; Lara cusp manyec asrne

curl pl 9 mz &:wxe In spa oanc abgres 3 g rye q QBGg mangsn 0 1 cps

Avxnc on cps nuabengi'mparx LG Efi I gB e enxq pvas pe en L escpsq

wbDLWTE Q LB sz nraog a: a grafi a xsz ru 3 X § Q b 2 0 ; £3 8 aonag r myawea

a prep cps mg ng ec Awyne a; bnoooxgk z a qt eaawyueq'( Q ) gpe

re abhvneng cpfi g spa ubhxg z aena rauOq L ecogwyxaq agyvqsaqm pl

qua: gasyrcpye‘apc xae expwnas1A $11 b z eaeueaq as ape c ay


h arms 0; cps Icsw we on awl 8“raga

“abou cue pfl ara oz 8 11 zseefi vr

( 8 ) o whbnfixeena q neg qweenwrue spa LQ IL ca en ma z xsg

ewanj q‘

pwae qepam UGQ'


EEKE awe gg7 n away mangss ag i ng oz apsae

Q I Lanrg 0 0 3 m: 3 3 9‘when w cpanfi e o; cues G Ofi xg

0 1 ppm Jesaeafi

@p$ ebbxsrasx spauJ Q pa AG peev g ag wargs pm fins

L esmoa cpsLso; spa swbneyaer qrq U 0: oammrk M I Qp aye ab oaxayona

ape seq o; wbbxy z aena new spaxfixaas i mbnobanfl eowasrpa ceq'


sbb&syeeae mane q7 a§awj rz yeq go 9 3 3 peefi fl aa 0 ; prg a ga g ons3mqyee‘

agsgsq wane absarzwfiwyrl’18 we gayj oasz L& Q a; pas

t nq cps pag e asyne e qecehmrucq pa spa aeaxg*

bxarngygz a , gpeonk’

pk gag fimbnara ang a spa: spa fibfibsrfare sgoarg pc 3 9 : serqa

brwrmcrz z e , n oaa ya sfiz g away a; can yoga use ea axaa j aaq

rya ¢eaangray

gge wwme' in wavy ease gym qegamgvu fi £7106 wu euaasn‘qeulrve

wag aaqesyanaq' '

:n fivsyn eacanfixgg'

ga e&m®nfia apex wfi a anpan grsjrz

eoaeorq gsq abt pfi Q LIfig‘

ape afixz rarene i oz gpo combyaynca we

qeeLoe a eebang ge wbbevra xena cvfi ew to ggra osnng avg R Q LG p ane


the following re spec ts: ( a ) by adopting a theoretical value

based on c erta in c omputations never used i n the purchase or sal e

of property and having no relation wha tever to market value,

such as the computa tions presented by one Fred J . Tucker , the only

wi tness appearing on‘

behhlf or the aohool Board before the

appraisers; or ( b ) by adopting a value designed to produc e rentals

which the eporsi sers thought the tenants ought to pay; or ( o ) by

adopting a soeoelaaivo future value ra ther than the ac tual market

value on newa, 19 85 , ( 5 ) The appraisers grossly overvalued the

lots to euoh a degree as to demonstra te that they disregarded

tknown oohdi ti ons essentia l to a Just sooerte i nment of vslue', and

tha t the velsos found. wero not the result of unbiased Judgment , but

we re the result of arbitrary and wilful sets, whi ch i s the

tequivaleh t of an intention to make a grossly exeeseive'appra isal .Sueh gross overveloeti ens require the set ting eside of the appraisals

even in the shsehee of proof gliggggfthe t any one of the appraisers

was disqualified or hissed, If any one of these grounds be me i hw

tai ned, the aeprei sals should be set asi de and the fa i r cash market

value or the six lots determined by the court in the amounts for

whi ch. ths pla inti ffs eontendo‘ fno defendant‘s theory, i n i ts

eesenoe, i s s nega tion of sash of the grounds sta ted by plaint iffs.

The properti es involved are lots 5 , 7 , 31, 5 2 , 5 5 and 54 ,

all loosted on the west side or sta te Stre et , between Madison and

Monroe streets i n the Gi ty of Ghi eego, ?hey are i n the heart of

the c i ty‘s chi ef re ta il merohandi si ng distric t . Esoh is an inside

lot, having a frontage of 24 feet and a depth or 180 feet , to a

15 foot alloy running north and south i n the rear, We give a brief

qeaonrhzren oz tne ever&e «was erwe 0: awe firecx 9 : I: extaxsq

1g z oos 0 13 0 1 Lannrufi WO Lgp cnq $9 fi £§ In spa LGQ L ’3 0 £15 9 c pure;

Jae;at arwfi w gunfiavfio 9 ; 8¢ £ 3 9 3 avg v «t b flw 6; ISG nee t

’ts w

3p . e z gi ,e ogre; Legg y: menapvnqrexua gyucz c‘ ‘

Esop ya 9 3 rfi arqa

gauges gansag;rs ape arsa e; cpyeefio'

gnei was 3m spa pefl sg a;

a]; Iacc poq on eye me an alg a on a£fi t9 9 9 L0 3 5’pega g on HV Q Yfi g fl fi fl q

ape bxobez exe a Jnaora eq fine Iasa 2’A‘Q I'98‘9 9 Eng

ceasvco‘Is 8 usfiscroa 9 1 away e; figs Rne fi nqa Q £B f®q pi Ergynarz xe’

up?op cps bxsz fl przLe aonz emq’g é pe gageq n£ ,s gmsonk

‘i n

A t rue a; spa 8 7x raga qagsamymeq pk ape c oaxf z u ape amomuga Lox

aexmeq‘ape Ebbhsqeg j e epauj g pa ass asyqa wag ap e { syn 0 9 3? ma z gos

ass qz edfi gryxysq an prseeq¢

II fl ux one a; spaae anonnqe po marv

eA en In Rfl'apee fl c a 0 g bnso; spa: an} one a; spa ebbasxaeL e

gfl ap ena ah oa eLasj fi sgz aua L O Q HI LG spa as¢grn€ warqe 0 g ap e abbnwyeeya

,edargsx@ na 0; an yuz augrou 3 0 ways a finoa é yz axosaaraa , fi


bz yeg j'

a cne spa me agre o; skpxananh sag nrj gnr scca‘“pray { a gwc

3 9 3 : rpm AS IHQ B tomnq fl eas ne g spa Lsan j g o; fl upxe aeq Qaqfiwayc’


‘rfl oan oenn roua se asnsyfi f ga w ?5 E g seaez gagua esc oz mug

rose ca'aHOp a qsgbae we go gemanacav ge egg : gpwz qrsnefifimqaq

Agi ng ow xvi g’3 3 3 9


( a ) ape fibbuareena Rhe aarx OA Q LAWIfl Eq spa

wqehgrnfi a absc arapras ( agat e aejaa Lsgpsn cyan cps ac pnwy wvxxoc

A pyen ape ebbnvraeaa sgonfipg cps gefifinge amfifi} so belt on ( 0 ) pk

ennnsraexa . 9 L ( fl ) pl e qen ufi s Awrne qsarfiweq to b z oqnc e L encsfa

n;:u% en abbosxrnfi an papaya on spa gages} gowz q pagans cps

asap we age cambnaecronn bnefiaugsq pl one Eaeq q‘a xen

'ap e ouyl

a; bneh@ z ck se q pfi b ffi g no noye grgu mpfl gca es to wsnyac asyne‘

pa eeq an oenaeru c ombngsgyaue naa é n naaq ya gfi c baxcyvec on as} :

3 9 9 { crIenrnE Le abeoaa: ( 8 ) pk aqafiayufi s fipooz agrcar Asyae

17 L 3 b 5 ° °l kfi fl fig ¥U 9 3 70 § 3 Bfl TTQYfl g 3 £ l?“ U Q ¥ £F3 9 3 £ cannsu $1 285 2“

penaqung auq GLUIBOB ape 9 3 3 15 3 aceanq gicen'sag pana cea spew ¢p®1

lunepgnge Q IAIQGQ'

gpb Raenuq gyoeu°

xvrz ea ceanbreq cps anyyxe

oecnhrgq pl cue ampgeuvnga‘


fierrsfi’ mené pwuqrarna .fi emon ,a

.n3 & é Twfinoaoq R yan a eeaw sgragrh mam Beg an agonh’

gynsbz oog Pfi I Igtfifi

$21 m as t he w as SQ sag an»new mw n oq

' w e" m rose

Inge 9 avg gr rs wv ayrefi t annyp fi eweswag a eaa‘

gya saucy e;

xgoeflscembani ‘awake Ia couqmcscq 9 3 a sang so gr*ce acoz s


rufixeaeq nygp s EGA Q H agonl z z xebnoog pfi z jqrufi oeeabz eq pa gym g'3‘

nameu me fl ags any WIIITQ CKR'max; 6 5 3 rose a] anq gg

‘pnao IHAQ IAQ Q

nou—zrnsbnoo; parrqtafi oacsbrsq pk gexe nxa’eufiaasq In asxewanqz arnfi

( was rnAaj aeg ) q otnynfi yes 5’use rmbaoasq myay w 9 7x agoz i eyq

pnrq ug sag occmbraq pa spa gag Boprn Ha fi z exk gcmbwnl'

res 8’

yuanra é q’ syrep ave rmbL fl a eq fl xgp c u ej q asses agonl nan-1:5 sbxoog

xnsafis Q ewbsul g suq IO c ons agoxs‘ “3 3 3 ya you 5

‘agat e Afi Ifl B ya

zmbnaAcq pl s 211 ecaul { Ineb z aog parq fl fi'oc cubyaq pl eye 3*


runornaq ) eacp wwnrafi cps esws gnoueé é e wag qeksp as Joe 9"

fi cne

w 1! w a ger-ark qrw osz ov use new 9 & 9 e row q’a w e; e

( 1m

gc agrs Lpewgne‘avg enaafieq {a menopq tstnfi aou , a meax‘ bsac asqgufl

Lyoexa g yms ooc fl bz eq pa .@wgsrkr &psgyez fl ags» w afl pysse e { LOW ape

oeasbrsq pl sp fl assays gnascng Q fi spa abofl nq {Joan a zpe abbeL

At rae to a: 13 9 5 9 In spra os 'ya gpo 3 1mm 0 ; spa abbngyeg] 7: a g e

3 1 as: gene rnaeyaeq' ~

vqioz ura§ tyre bxobengl ya 19 3 g‘space

gnu awry pk axgz eea‘paspfl a z nfl sows Legg y; egone a

'apra baz aar

re n Lrnebxoo; eprawfim nayfqywfi‘oeaebqafi Jags I say 3

'.A I£U a

on raggfi

v: cue soagnnea; 9 0 x3 3 ; 01 ag gresn'

wnq acwcs gaug es:

the ori ginal leases, dated M ay 8 , 1880 , were to exp i re

by the i r terms on M ay 8, 19 50 . Supplemental leases da ted June 15 ,

1888 by the i r terms expi re on M ay 8 , 19 85 . The leases on the

respec tive lots are snhstanti ally the some . The ori gi nal leases

provi ded for the payment of a stipulat ed rental from M ay 8 , 1880

to M ay 8, 1885 . As to the rental payable for the remai nder of the

term, three "fii sereet male resi dents of the C i ty of Chi cago" were

to be appoi nted by the Board of Edncati on to determi ne the ttrus

cash value of sai d demi sed lets, not t aking i nto consi derati on the

taprevenents thereon,“as of Kay 8, 1885 . For the suc c eedi ng five

years, to M ay 8, 1899 , the rental was to be 6% or the “true c ash

value ,"as fi xed. hy the appra i sers as of M ay 8 , 1885 . Each fi ve

years thereafter, unti l the termi na ti on of the leases, apprai sers

were i n like manner to be appoi nted by the Board of Educ at i on, and


rental i n sash ease for eeeh succ eedi ng f i ve years was to be 6%

or the tree sash value so found by the apprai sers so or each M ay 8th.

Li ti gati on ensued st the i nstsnee of the lessees, over the fi rst

appraisal of Hay 8 , 1885 , Some t ime pri or to Jane 15 , 1888 a

osmpremi se was reached, whi sh resulted i n the supplemental leases

of that date . Eho supplementa l leases provi ded tha t new appra i sals

should be made as of May 8, 189 5, and that apprai sals were to be

made on eooh .hay 8th. every ten years thereafter . The method of

appointi ng apprai sers was ehanged. Insteaa of the Board of Educa ti on

appoi nting all three, i t was to appoi nt one , who was to act as

chai rman. the judge or the Gi reui t Court ( new the Di stri c t Court )

of the Bni tt d states, Northern Di stri ct of Illi noi s, was to appoi nt

a second . and a thi rd was to be sppoi nted'

by the Judge of the Proba te

Gourt of Cook fiennty. It i s to be not ed that the tenants have no

voioe in the choi ce of any of the apprai sers. Si nc e the executi on

of the supplemental leases, apprai sals have been ma de as of the

roam . bw n'qo ‘m a me n am e M N m w an n a pl m v! at. W O

fi ogfi lfi 3533 61. £9 0 m a mm al: 9; m m Sbbw rasm'

two w hbremengar

sagnbboggahem .apieog{a§ go aah wfi pz ah‘ggxmfi oz busessq fi eonnecisq

v'pyz aag In cps oaxaz ggrgxeaasa bgeaxqsa ggac Je aRQ aa epwry ps



'“ $§ Q {xggg bg nsexsbp 0; eye ambbj emengsx I caaa a

ruaesqmana l zpfi g gpa haz eana abboyngeq e a abbac z eab e ‘psnanvqeb‘0 L

qeqygneq pl figs hfl nngea _pehsco 399 ; 15 18 b og gpo munboae o; gpra

Lej faaa: a £9 gasenmyue avqen aspy grxec guy; pgxen‘ggw gLaa

;gwfigsgeq ru , ggs geangp bwbaaasbp o; gps anbbremangwj levees us

a; ape 3133 a; cpyefifie’ was Isganaageq 3 9 16 9 3 9 0 on mexg$seao oz

mhhzsqaama: a Q 5 a apfiII swap w§ga7mg age qyacxoeg mare Learq g

mpg Igsena hL OA IQ 6 ape qavyygxosgrona a; spa


may re joi n wi th in 10 days after the rec e i pt of the lessor'estatement or argument,

The followi ng provi si ons of the leases i ndi cate the

breadth . of the eppra i eere'di screti on:

t t The solefrovi ei cn of the four preceding pro

vi si ons is to a llow the part on to present to the appra i sers

i nformati on wi thi n thei r possessi on and thei r v i ews concern ingthe value of the demi sed lend . But i t i s expressly understoodand agreed that the appra i sers abni l not be concluded i n any event

by the statements so made, but shall be at li berty to eeek or

obta i n eneh i nformati on no they deem perti nent ei ther wi th or

wi thout noti ce to the parti es, and to make thei r apprai sal upon

all fac ts wi thi n thei r knowledge , notwi thstandi ng anythi ng con

ta i hoa i n the eai é . wri tten statements above ppovi ded for . Tha t

notwi thstandi ng anythi ng i n ea ia lease contai ned the eppra i eere

ehali he at li berty i n formi ng the ir Judgment of the value or

the lane. wi thout i nclndi ng the value of the i mprovements the reon,to take into eenei derati en i f and ao for as they deem i t perti nent

the improvements on each land and the cha racter , conp

hoot , rental expenses and other part i culars thereof ,fac ts or informati on from whatever source beari ng

upon th e questi on of the ac tual value of sai d land, and i t sha llbe the du ty of the lessee to farni eh arpra i eere promptly on request

a statement showi ng the rental rec ei p ts and di o‘

oe reement e on

accoent er eei d improvemente for fi ve years as near as may be

next prefii fiing the time of the apprai enento“

In i nc t ime appra i sere were appoi nted to .meke appra i sals

of school fend properti es as or May 8, 19 5 5 , Among these prop erti es

were the lots in questi on. The Board appoi ntea_ eeorge B . Carpenter,

a former judge of the fini tea states Di stri ct Conrt, Judge James H .

Wi lkerson, then seni or judge of the wh i ten Sta tes Di etri et Court,

appoi nted Peel Steinbreehor, The Judge of the Probate Court

appointed Wallace G . gi ant . the persona appoi nted by the two Judges

were i n the rea l estate busi ness wi th offi ces i n the c entral

busi ness di stri c t . Wi thin the time and i n the manner provi ded i n

the leases, the tenants ri led obJeeti one to the appointment of

Steinhreeher and Clark, The objec ti ons were groanded on the claim

tha t both were di squali fi eqfi The basi s or those content i ons were

fully stat ed i n the respec ti ve obj ec ti ons, After heari ngs before

the reepeeti ve appointi ng judgee, the appli ca ti ons for reeonei dore

lbbL'I aGI cnq mvxu an abbb arsc j aha pkfi fl q Rheauqa‘

LIsrnxrxxu eez z cnq cvvc Am wponIQ'

aé x fi grqa twv raea

an bcuvyarea 7mfioeeq“

counoansq W3 3 e’15 9? ghbnswsera

‘awak e afl onrq 9 9 no Lahtarnfinxa

spa soua fl n. ( brervprgz n) batq gps news on 39 8 watts fi i £5 3

suq beuwj gxce a cne gau z oq’

pa p C H O LgeL A 3 9 sa z anaq bxog i grnfi tpg p

cambonsnx rsfifi vc grema Leagnayarufi spa gasz q gnaw rmboaynfi xenz wygnnsa

qegeq wg pa as?orueq anew euz oba ynfi bsmsygz fi e‘

Np gz qsv gen

z rxeq‘

fi sxrwfi zpv c avg wbsag refi ra as 63 3 $ 8 19 0 suq xyfl a rwe


.n @ as mags pi cps 3 0 t hg¢

awe c ambygruge 9 5 pg; A e ng xyen

o; gokgsygune avg 0 1 tabestnz on ex banargrea bxefl fqfi fi In fist

as age apanfie gym: ape xeabec crae asj asgyaua n gme axsg as;5 e*

$§ L9 € 2 9

dnsj yz ruwgtoés o; cps sbn yeexe‘wnq $ ggf¢JOUWI opjeagrama psasq


cpewn ep isosroue’n@ ecvfirfifi guess q e axrfirnwrrfi

‘so tpn

VRI TH’Tu gas caunae auq argp gn ape bneecnrpag cyme

’fps sausa ge

geu yaga a gag gr“az gg $§ 3 ¥ L $114 2 baem33 m

°yn 9 3 0 9 3 3 a; 513 5 asap

way a Idnwsa .xoog a egae 5 0 fax 2’mggp z ga avg

raga afi fl ag fifi é é fi‘GQ O

raga a} fl ag as I’O SE




kfibaxgfiq gpe gafignfi i nfi A fi z a9 £¥ 0 3 8 a; ape foca‘fi gxcynarng a;

wwq 3 7 2518 gpa gyms 5 &aeakrpeq pk spa yeassa .;pa fibbLsrasLs

£9 0 afibnfi rasLa swag bnoaseqaq Aq spa psg z zn8 2° xu qua connae

tys a ma ex f ps {st aea avg spa 13 3 3 0; axi ng 7 3 3 saAaxyI z abrre a‘

pgovna cpsrz mvu'

ape Iqaae ea grreq acwz swengw we b é nfi ycpé q pm

a; any p3 3 k13 3 8'

$ E eswgkmbragsq pl apt Ié rae a‘qaqfi e gwgb euanx

ne abeosrae wbboyvgmgnga wag hL ecosqsq he fiyA e 36 reaaooa wé z rea

wbb&w:aena “fib u qnfl xkg°

v1} cpxe e vbbmaraens gee sbgaq apeyn

screw 0 ; ape é bboyngmangs suq Lon aye fifibeynfiwsyr ax hayuaynaaa


eaeh of wh i ch stands an i ts own fe c ti ng: First , tha t the apprai sal

was made by an i llegally eonsti tuted board of appraisers, twn or


i orc disqual ified , and second , tha t the apprai sal was so

exocaai ve and so i rweoonollable wi th readily obta inable fac ts and

recogni z ed ptandarda at valae as $9 show'

tha t the appraisers ac ted

arbitrarily, committing a eonstrac tive fraud, or made a mistake

i n the eanecptlon of the i r duties. We turn to a consi derati on of

plainti ff“ contentm n tha t the appraisal should be set asi de because

tne or the agprai serm were biased ana prejufl i e ed, and were ther efore

disqualified to aofia mhe objecti ans are di reeted against Paul

Steinbrvehar, who was also a 192 5 appraiser, and walla ce G. Charts

Glark and J . Ei lton Trainer were partners fer ever 40 years under

the firm name at clark aha Trainer , Whi le Ste inbrecher was an

appra iser in 19 25 , Trainer was a sehoel board value wi tness i n the

apprai sal of fihat year¢ stei nbreaher Joined i n the appraisal wh i ch

measured fins increase in value be tweea 1915 and 19 25 a t Trainer,

Glark‘s puffinar, sponaersd as a wi tness for the Board these same

values in. the 19 25 litigation; Plainti ffs assert tha t alafik was di s

qualified i n aat as an appraiser bacauae at hi s partnership wi th

Trai ner“wh1¢h > pvevantea hi m from exerc i nlng hi s free and independent

JQ Agmsnt as an apprai ser, The partners had an intima te personal

rolattenshi p axfiwnai ng ever a perisd of 45 years, Thay awned real

catate in camnan. fl he i r~

partnershi p agreement requ ired tha t thsy

ehara equally tbs axpennes ana profits of tho partnerahi p busi ness.

It i neludea a ahare i n fees earnnd by Trainer as an appraiser and

expert wi tness, aafi xai ee i aaluand the fees Glurk. eh argod for hi s

wart i cee as a 19 55 Sabaoi Board apprai serm

pat tian of tha wart done by Trai ner'was dons i n the fi nmfs otti ee .

TU cps 1689 Igsrfivsrav rm anrl ex raw: v aowarqen$prc

$5 3 7 3 Q L ag e anyfiyngryx emblemaq pa spa goaxq as an gxfiana

nonaree: so a 3 3 29 gamma} Bewnq abbnwrasnfl

erhaat aygncec‘q craa Ivcruqeq aye L9 9 0 Q IWLX cp gxasq gas fire

13 ynajuqsq t eywxe ya { c an og z naq pa gnwrwcn an an vbbxsyaes 5 9 g

apvne ednarra xpc exhsuaea auq bnoxrgs a; gpa bannueLsprb pa gz nesa'

engage In somwan' apexn. w gwaxep7b gagsamamg ne é fi rxeq apes gysk

xej sgz eg eprfi sageuqrng ma m; w banrag a; fig lfi fi bfi‘

gas! amsaq Lea]

fifiégwenp 9 9 EU mbbnst esh' s bfi ncz g z a n an {nexwwac bea aenfi j


fi prop'

Bneasugoq gym xxom exenerarwfi wye avg z ugabemqemz

é fiwrxgrsq 3 0 was as an wbbnwrefin peeenaw o; pya bf ngw$xap7 u fi rgp

A trasa TU eve EIWIW£T% IG fl fi eensspws azfimg Axe qrefl

qxsxx,gbg nfinen


fisg we a fixpwaea 3 0 3 ape Boa aq gpe e$ egme

mesaansq ape IHG LQ U ES xv A fi ffl e paga san jaj gi

wuq j gsg as 80g”

ang i nan’

wfib z wrasr o; é fiwc kssn' asarupz scp en fl orueq In gye abbng z q mpycy

ebé bsregn‘

}n yagg’

gz firuex nae a ecyoey posaq A arna uraneae In cps

spa 17am swa g a; c Lx avg gaa z uen*

M pgys ape za g cp aL .usa an

gym»; avg q“urrcau mnsrnsn msaa b$L£HGL& fiax ma en fig kasna fi U Q Q L

apeynpkecpss'ape use area a 15 3 3 abbxaxssx

*avg ayryv ea G


qraé sfirgggwg £0 aog'

ape 6pfigcgwaufi sue gynseaaq wfiarnag 5 9 3 :

b1$1m¢yggal caurensz ow syv¢ yy$ eup ng raaj apa fl yq ps ass gaxqv peosfi ae

I” gas- finnaakgyou an gpfl yx gagxea'

fie fl ak” an s'c mnaqqsnvgyun fi g

rage anz rz en .umn eubyoxoq so argc spa 3'g'Q' ebbncweggt' 13

-fi fl § Gffi hi fiufl fl 9 3 CPU Laboeoq {u age 3 € L3 usb ~

gasopex? I@ 9¢'mb atuen qreanafi aq;£p° H


aҤkbfi w1 = vra

gfit ao pa £ 3 3 In gwfxa covaxasaxgp slang: ansfnab

ggt crvhfi'

fivq Q LfiTUGL oxgxoe‘

&pxz e ghaynan A 9 3 aufi z fisg In wsxrye

z xsz v8x TU sve s’

o‘e Aerfi fl az ov

n us 19; Kpfi gaz xq‘

,a aa gwa 0£p6 b abbaszssn afiben eq-

3 0 L 3 9 @ aycp

EI 9 0 fescz z xeq Iv P$fi 5 7 1 0 ; ewe acpaar Beebq In spa $88?acaa «we

nan xn baa; 0; age anobe&ga so £0 pa abbsxraeq'

a; sepa?x gang Enchaakre e xn eafi ueagxau mxgp spas Iaen*

xmw yoga

ape emnnng c; nose 5 0 pa bs7q Pk five Bfi fi kq fi fi fi an; xxxeq

ct tn uannq_b@ agaq_

sn spa Llhmha paoxe fl fl q Q Tfi kfi -A fi a ah Q Q IR OQ 'fl i fifi

was not until Oc tober, 19 3 4 tha t the apprai sal reports were prepared.

On February 9 , 19 5 5 Glerk was appei nted as one of the School

Beard appraisers, less than four months after the R . F . C .

appra isals by Trainer and fucker . The R . F . 0 . appra isals were

made wi thin si x months of the 19 5 5 appra isal da te of May 8, 19 3 5 ,

Plaint iffs point out tha t the firm ha d been pa id for

the Rs F. G. appraisals, that Glark had shared i n these fees, and

that he was net at liberty to depart snbstanti ally from the 19 3 4

values wi thse t reluc tanc e and embarrassment . Pla i nti ffs sta te

that clerk knew that finder the partnership agreement he would be

obliged to share hi s 19 5 5 appraisa l fees wi th Tra iner , that sinc e

he shared i n Tra iner‘s fees and Tra i ner would share i n Clark's

19 5 6 appraisal fees, Glark eonld net substantially depart from

the Tra i neri i ueker values, when so short a time intervened be tween

Geteber, 19 5 4 and M ay 3, 19 5 5 , Plaintiffs argue tha t Clark was

not free to exerei ee the bread di screti en repesed i n hi m by the

leases, and tha t clerk had a predilec t ion ,whether conscious or

nneensei eus, to sustain substantially the appraisals of hi s partner ,

made a few nenths before e

i t i s interest ing to note tha t i n the 19 25 c ase the

values gi ven by Trainer were the values which thi s court ultima tely

fixed as the true cash market values as of M ay 8 , 19 2 5 . The

appra isal date with which Tra iner was eecnp i ed was M ay 8, 19 25 and

the appraisal i n which Clark partic ipa ted toek plane as of M ay 8,

19 5 5 . Glark d i d not partic ipate i n the R . F, O . appraisal . The

report went out ever the signa tures of Tra iner and Tucker . In

ear epi ni en, the feet tha t Glark was a partner of Tra iner and

tha t they partic ipa ted i n the fees, did not disqualify Clerk;r


was arbitrary and not the exercise of judgment; tha t the appraisers

disregarded readily obtai nable tests; tha t the appraisal i s without

basis i n fast; and tha t the appraisers and defendant's experts

mi soonoei ved the meaning of fair oash market value . Plaintiffs urge

tha t the appraisers mistakenly followed the role la id down In the

Ha tter of Board of Wa ter dupply of New York, 277 N . Y. 45 2, of

“Fair , economic , Just and equitable value under normal condi t ions,"

rather than the Illinois rule , and compla in tha t al though the

appraisal of i gae gave full offset to an 865 i norease in market

value over the preVi ons appra isal year of 1915 , the appraisers in

19 55 allowed only a 15 reduet i on from the values fixed i n

19 25 . Defendant replies that a decline i n values as of May 8 , 19 5 5

was recogni z ed and considered by the appra isers and was fully

reflec ted i n their values;

In sonei deri ng these losses, the depress Court i n


v . ggggg or ginoet i on,254 111 . 45 8, said ( 45 5 )

“The role i n this State has been tha t the fi ndings of

appraisers are oonslssive upon the part ies in the absenoe or fraudor mi stake and will not be set aside merely heeanse the valua tion

the parties were enti tled to an honest appraisal, free

of trend or mistake . The partiespresent ed test imony and exhibi ts

as to every element tha t could reasonably throw light on the market

value of this land as of May e, loser Goneededly, this land i s

very valuable and has never been offered for sale , Only one witness,

Tucker, testified as an expert for the Board before the apprai sers.

As we have observed, one of the appraisers was an able, honest and

respec ted retired Jurist , and the other two were real esta te men

of standing who had a vast experi enee i n appraising real esta te i n

the sentral business di stri ot . Under the losses the appraisers were

not confined to the testimony and exhibi ts presented to them. They

'were at liberty to seek and obta in sash information as they deemed

pertinent , and to asks their appra isal upon all raots°

wi thi n the ir

um m e 73 mm 9 85 3 9 m s pew w e: w e u nqmfi a oz

qt‘cnqsu¢,o congasaren gpws can gek ss‘usarua egaaxeq rngo ama z e

o; gnu biogragaus o; cgpwnwz omfi chum yswsaa°

gpsns 3 9 $ 8 3 1; 79

spt niate se - po ewfi amsq pl w palaa‘easn gpvfi fip ageh msi xwex aewa

v v'

fi e ”L8 3 18 0 ex~ zvfl cmxuyou fifiwt gas { asaee go 9 9 ; IUGLfi F Q G

a rsucaaea LIXBH cfis n haafwgsou fi g sag swq gao 3 g gg§ ' as was

Baynq Tec ase qshaecrwxsg ape ; 3 13 9 01 spa Iq'

gas 0 ; bywz ucyz ge,

Lsenj gz ufi In ape anaagp 0; ongflz fl a pa arweaa qz sg z gaaav

n ame exz ecssq sqa ah aaIk pk 9 0~ G HIIE Q qscgnfinmj rsyng { emcee

no; 6 8 tfi p11 8p6 q ggwg bnoabeogrAs pfi i ene sag aeryuna oz yaob bxobexga

ebbc asa gpyfi concenc10 0'

as $ 3 6 0; eye area cuss brsrusrgLa psae

assaygz ufi In spa ELc p a; ofimjlz fi fi fifi BID GS Q gre gaxeca'

Daz ewq a

o; exrsgrna pnerna ee wuq Lewes paeanse o; qsasngn yxrbfi ( chase

sue c ancner pfl axne aa qrapnrcc nsna ebbnspenexa e o; spa acvprjwcl

bj sz ugrz z s spas bxasbaen e palena q 8 6119 3 8 0; 3 9 3: ceases In

aesgxme gm“as hxaaanceq Iv aabboug 0 ; 3pm sascz gyow 0 ;

pa enagq eq‘

a cpvxfl o o; xxsag’ wanna: an aouacnac as‘v€w7neg gyxm

‘ag ave ;

10 3 9 :n dne apron 9 a a; fl at 3‘73 3 3

‘asks may wregsxev

‘vnq QpS g

£5 3 ; ape ebbnwyaexs'rn xrnqrnfi ; gp8 19 1; swap msnga z A UTfi G an ape

agaqz eq cps A arswrnoas noeoxq Is tvta case -a ens BGUAIweoq

cps ebbLaracxe eAaL poem uratmwgsym bfi gfi asq‘

fi e pag e cansxaryl

asagewavca' xv U0 Ig ucwna e pWAG cps asynse we 0 &3 2 prxayeq pk

FHM IGW 'H eu xm acw w sfi M um? cevcvrfl eq m we m u m

reasons sta ted, deeree the C i rcui t

firsrucrxg mt nz toq qexonqwug a; Deaeuboxx'19 5 3 an aah Ig

t rgvr Lsfwgrouepvb spenecageno exrssrnfi pegu csn cpsw’


wtxrufl on pwarne Bun cxwrm wasta ge away aspen pm ayngna o; ape

BB Q osxeeaa 0; age bencyea! sag ape: ape Danette pa pfimnsq ( LOW

pc gnceu ape bvz crea: qsonesq gpag pa hem pen egaennel,a gee: rm

to age ‘rrrne 0; 3pm sombreyngt qwaaoxa eq cps pauge o; mt gnrmeux

uuk Leweouwpyo c ease Lon ape sheen 0; one mesh ymfisqwspayx e oL

qQ asl tfiq wuq wpuengeq VGL EQ IL LLQW SP9 5 19 7 9 3 711 “ICfi O fl t

In an «wench ape qeuyeq spa apanfis oz qs9 9 L£7 ° fl‘


pra bean 10 h make $3 6 9 cue xewn bnren 3 0 fps Lrjrufi 01 age GO WbIQ IU t‘

csnac‘sag “banawaceq tn C R OP qeaoxcroa , arcpaag sn1. z enj g on

qeaexseq sfl q cpaefisaq veneer; { new urn urgpaac 9 3 1 Lee aonspre

w arm? on em Em m y am : on me w en m ay w‘ram em mu tan t

en em a 08W“: men u: m m ” ! m w e m u rm eon : 0; 09 0:

cm mars-cv m‘raw W m manu re u m :w cown w a tor.





600K QOBH&K‘

Gi eero, Illinois. At the time of their marri age this property was

owned by Anton Troj an and Ella Trojan, husband and wife , who

lived i n the basement apartment . Followi ng the marriage of plai nti ff

and defendant , they teturned to C i cero, where they lived i n the

first floor apartment at 2101 South 61st Avenue , formerly occupied

by defendant and her mother . They li ved there until Wednesday,

M arch 10 , 19 45 . No eh i ldron were born of the marri age . Pla i nti ff

was employed as a clerk i n a"hand books“ In 19 43 defendant was

employed i n a defense plant i soe tes close to her home .

Pla int i ff testified tha t some times he pa i d the rent to

the Trojans and somethmes hi s wife pa id it ; that he di d not remember

who pai d the rent i n January, 19 45 ; tha t he did not remember having

a conversation wi th M rs or Mrs. Trojan i n January or February,

1943 rela tive to the Mat teis'vaeati ng the first floor apartment;

tha t i n eonversati ons wi th the landlords, they told hi m tha t they

( the hatteis‘) could stay there as long as they wished; that they

never told him to get set; tha t M r. Trojan di d not tell him tha t

the Trojans wished to mov e from the basement to the first floor

apartment; tha t during the first part of Marsh , 194 5 defendant told

hi m ( plaintiff ) tha t she was going to look for another flat; tha t

he obj ec ted; and tha t “evidently

" she found another fla t . Ashdd

as to whether he was ever i n the fla t she moved to, he answered i n

the affirmative . Asked as to whe ther he was there on M arch 10 , 1943 ,

he answered: "No." Asked as to whe ther he had any knowledge prior

to the evening of M arch 10 , 19 45 tha t h i s wife was moving, he

answered: ”Yes,“ Asked as to where he acquired tha t knowledge , he

answered: ”From her ." Asked as to whe ther he did not he lp carry

”the stuff " out to the moving van, he answered tha t he did not see

“cps canxt . an: tfi'

i fl s wanrnfi . asu‘pg snausnsq spec pa gwg Bag eafi

snunausq “know at h!

u V&ssq i n as fineswax we qz q net P9 19 canal

snua enoq : “xoa', vegoq cm ge ,apa&s pa scdnxneq gpva gnomz eqfis


so an. “A cvvufi Gt wshcv Io‘ra¢9 saws fire Arte A sa moarnfi


pa Gnaasnsq: “na’

hs waxfi q ya 30 apwgp e& pa pfi q fi nk gnanj eqfie DLI Q L

tfl fi Jfl fi i TLUWSIA G“

V£xaq we 3 a &vuapea ns Ag e cfl ene on Renew Io‘I5 ¢Q


t o ca apfi gp ax pa laa a Q AE L {a spa £19 : ens mmk aq 3 0

‘pa anafi onsq In

pa apaae geqt avg spa; Q aa z gwscj ln ape i fi fi uq sweeps: LI g c‘


FTW ( hrervsrxx) apfl s 89 9 use fiarufi £ 0 Ieox tO L fi uccnex xr$c5 ave r

vbsngmeuz t zpvc qmnrufi ape grass 9 9 3 : 0 L xfi hfi fi‘3 862 geaa vug £GIG

sp a 5 &0 7gua Asaysq 30 $ 0 4 9 { Lam 3 3 5 pg aemswc $9 cps gra d: c on

vaAss- ¢ej q pym so Esp spa: xL‘axofian gyg no: SGI I pxw cps:

( one unasers. ) eenxq aawfi spake we 10 3 3 8 8 fiwel mqayaqf tugs £9 9 1

s 4 In canaexeag ioua mxgn £9 6 rangi onqa‘xpek sorg firm fines anal

raga Larg gra e £0 gps gagge z e , Aacfi gynfi gpe { rags grooL z b g ucmsug z

s aosae z awgyou fi i gp RL'

an axe'axoisw In qavfi @ mk on c nnsxk’

Ape gps L Q B£ In Q Q U fi fi ak'Iagg ! spa: we q nan Lsmempea U garufi

ape gnojwue xuq acmeaxmea p1 8 mJLs sfi sq In! eye: we qrg Hog L emswpsn

hIE IU£ ILL seacrz req xygs efiwe fixwea pa 5 9 7? awe new: to

embroi sq In 3 qe z euas bywug yesagsq oyoag no pe n pome'

use subroloq fi g s 013 5; In a”pang poqx

'. In Iaqg qsgsugvnc na e

sa tay TO'feeg

'M O cnrrqnev fi st s pone oz tne mfi xkrfl fis

'brsxvz xz x

pl qegeaqwn: avg psL moaven‘mpek Jra eg gnaz a angry neqmaaqg l

s s¢ xIQ O L fibemgmeng as $101 gc fi gp gran vneuns‘z exwes oocnbroq

suq qexaq ng'gpgl ncgfi nnaq so cyg ano

’npane spam Iraeq rm spa

175 3 3 In ape pwasasug absngmeug'

LO II Q A JUQ gfi e menxywee o; bre z usrz g

ouxfi q pi f ymgsu LLO QmU avg Eri e Lnozcn'

fl a apvsq gag fi rgo’ape

ert a‘Ijrraoxe

'v: ape arms 0 1 gwayn wsxnysfis fiyra bxobengl use

tfifiw P0 F'fl "0 65 0 3 “ 3 0Kfi q 9 0 5 £0 I ih i A 183 film ! Sfl fl t ”0 “UFO? VGL

Tet? pt . nsA t L . cq We» upsz pa ysq w pews Lon peL z cpwg 9 19 0 6

pan vac aongLypnreq wax wanak go pan an§bomgl fiwwfi affine fl vnap yo'

fi g i z vee q rqvq oaavrh peaa eou cvwwt saw: aru& e wvncp Io‘TBQ Q we


flool yea use bxyq 0 g : ox gu z e waoonvg wu§ 59h

3 9 spam In a 1az na-

psnx wac aauz l pag e rpa among ; on ge bdayz use

soduwtussq’Laukgp e bambaea ox megfufi s ~

gyn1ayan 0; $ 9 9 9 1 onegrgeq

9 3 :0;na i grass 0‘§¢fi 3 & T“Q TC Q LW

’N 13? fi pfi m 99 9? 0a cfi ¢m fi fi k fl

upwwe .cpw1 a eLs' ES Esearxraq apwx spa bwa gre& Wfififi fiq as awry 0 a

we sssq yam any as amAe wag fipfi fi gash nst a ag gxatraq

qevrcq gpfi s pa nsdmeagag pea af0 bye; 0 m: 3 Lon fl z ml cyan pa

¢nsc pa £p$9 new; $3 13 5 9 mrpp yya wogyen yu fl efksas bg kfi“


uhgxameng cps eeaewq en gpynq gal eggaL pea fi cyfufl afi a eae~mog cq wag

as xe afiygysq Lfl h ffifi L ass: aw woa efi Wye ara gg z nfi an: cg aggxn Louwex

Q IA oLfi G‘

1 ‘3 0 IQ‘

fl fi % $1 afifi a g e $6 WU fi Q’I mug aarufi £0 86 3 s q onoe


. gs‘6? fog? 3 a $93 ya re finz ufi

‘2 M E ; Kayne go g ag pan Lon 9

p7 8 a rm“ fl p ew ww ra ts fins Hem 319 : on fivxwp IG‘Iaez

’fie wu ensncq

p g fi e fl rq we: yuan psn*

Vtgfi g as $0 Ape: couasz sa gyon go pwq axgp

f ag spew scwaeq fuss we qrqv ae'

nswfimpab wfl q gag s I; we qrq fl ee pe n“

ape 8st asoa s ton pfi h l'

Q €HT¢ Q eesrmg gna‘gaurah c g gua c apes Lywp

qowreq pfi IbTfi Q wax fl xsan eye go; to spa nem 11mg ) qefi roq cenue c cz ufi

xewfiupen psrbryx fist ca cfi xna p0 1 C IG£§ 8 8 so gymfiuam z jw;*


"spa tcaz z a sk ew efi w bywae as fipv expat TH are a ga r avvsvs qxqv ;:

new ao¢ wé a c'”'

3 ¢ uwsq gs mea eq "a ev fibI Q a; paspay pwégapsu ox

tea fixe‘

fiayfl fi ta wfl as‘1 fl IJI pe jb how‘, pug I U GA C L ones gorq

fifipfilgfi'ffi ¢3 9

'I qon . t a a fi ve: is fi ve

'as I avka' . @a ran? we

goyufi‘mé boas wnq

x t fl rtq pex no; ca weas‘ g ag ape gg g acme efg

3 1 HEA Q B yerbcq'

ssL Lz H0 ofncye a'

$p® any} aprmfi re‘ape mas

cracpfi a {new sperm 113 ; $0 gg$ z ysg go apyep ape woaeq"

pe snan ez eq

3 waarfi fi fi fi y’


fi a go apespan we q no: pnjb pan moas pm;

to gi ve him a di vorce; tha t sinc e that date the only conversati on

tha t he had wi th her was i n requesting her to gi ve hi m a divorc e;

and that he never asked her to come book and l ive wi th him.

Elle Ten jan, whe , wi th her husband , owned and lived i n

the basement flat at 2101 South Slot Av enue , C i c ero, c alled by

pla inti ff , test i fi ed tha t plaintiff and defendant occupi ed the

f i rst floor apartment . In answer to the questi on:“And they moved

thei r furni ture out of the apartment that they occup i ed?“ she

answered: “They di d ." Asked as to whethe r any property we e left

after the part i es moved, ehe eei d she di dn‘t go upstai rs, and

She di d not know whether plai ntha t plainti ff brought the key.

Wi th ees knew defendantt i ff or defendant had ealled . the movi ng van .

pri or to her marri age to plai nti ff and knew plai nti ff from the time

They lived i n her bu i ldi ng conti nuously

Hrs. Troj an testi fi ed

of the marri age i n 19 39 .

from thei r ma rri age unti l M arch 10 , 19 43 .

further that sometimes pla i nti ff pa i d the rent and someti mes

defendant pa i d the rent; tha t pri or to M arch 10 , 19 45 she told

defendant that they ( the frojann) wi shed to move to the flat on the

fi rst floor; tha t at the time plai nti ff returned the hey a day or

two after Heron 10 , 19 43 , ehe ( Hrs. Trojan ) gave hi m book some of

the rent he pa i d for the month of M arch: tha t they ( the Trojans)

moved i nto the fi rst floor flat about three months after M arch 10 ,

19 43 3 and that the reason for the delay i n mov ing was tha t they had

to do c ertai n remodeli ng .

Anton Trojan, one of the Joi nt owners of the bui ldi ng

i n'fihi eh plai nti ff and defendant li ved, c alled by defendant, testi fi ed

that he was subpoenaed by plai nti ff; tha t i n 19 59 , followi ng the

marri age of pla i nti ff and defendant, he (wi tness) told plai nti ff

that thsy ( the Trojans) wanted to li ve i n the basement; tha t la ter

Hrs. Trosan got si ck; that he di d not l ike to live i n the basement:


m m m am t: m e no an m a m a co


m ls m cm psaew xn

é fiwg-fpt i ( gnu gnavena) Asnneq to 7 7 4 0 In ant pvasmsvs! spe c Isaak

wenbrtfi é 0 : br= ¢serzx suq qsxeuqa vt‘v0 ( urine aa ) corq brvracrxx


fls h e? anpboewt eq pl brvrncrnxi £9 9 : 7” raga‘Lorrourua cvo

36 Aprafi‘

brvtuxrtx avg qé z enqvnc Jraeq°

ovrnoq pk qexsuqvus* sqaerxreq

vaaofi gxefivn‘one 0 1 age Torus ca uah a a; spa pnrrqynfi

go qa aoxperv L ewoqeyysfifi

ref?! vuq cpw; cps Lesson { on egg qsrwl In moA 7 9 € use gwe g apex pfi q

moaoq Into spa Lynne { Ic on 11mg spous cpaes moneys c1 3 ¢n h JLGp TO”

apt Lon: we bsrq Lax spa weary e; v ep: spas apex ( ape LLa i gna )

3 5 0 0 13 9 3 usxc p IO’ra¢9

'ape ( fik e

‘gz ojwn ) gang gym paox some 0 1

{ rsaa LIO O LE age : we cpo grmo brayusxgg LsgnLuaq spa gel 9 qwm on

qexenqvvc eves fuel ( eve axoissa ) t rap eq co me £0 cw6 LIE: on $9 6

9 °I€ S QU U£ 5 8 1? spa h®U £ 3 svfi c Q L IOL $0 HQ L GW IO‘I8€Q EDG gorq

{ unspeL cps: aomegrme e bj arugxz ; be rg spa Len: wag sowsgywe a

{ new snafu wwnhrvfi e nucrr NS L Gp 10’13 62

fl k e‘£L0 33 3 ceez rxreq

o; cps mfi nzxeas In IGQB‘

apex Ira eq In wax pnrj grwe oeucz vfi onarl

bnxas so pen mwxnxvas co bysynfirxx a yuan bj gyugygx anon ppe firms

erg; on gaz euqvug urg csj j eq ape mO Arua neu'

ATEDO W S W M qexewqau ;

cave brvzbcrxx pnoafipc zvs rel“

gp a qrg no: KUOm xyegpax brags

agcen spa bgz xrca waAcq‘spa swi g ape qrqu , c 80 abageyma


anunsxsg : agwek qrq’

, vaxoq as no upecpwz aux bxoboz pz . ava reg;

ryt rs taxnyga z n eg g ax spa an gweng gpvx spam O GGfi bIO Q &“ ape

113 9: groan sbsxpmans' In avausa so ape dnaagron: “wag spsz moaaq

Ext rucrxx’ceaxxxweq case brfi rvsrz z was qsxcvq x oooubreq £F9

apt pvf emewa xrva i s$70: soar? erasva eéne‘croeL O’ barreq pl

KIT? maoiwu‘mgo

‘uygy pen pnapsuq

‘ouu cq t ug Ira aq


vuq apespa usa en sexsq we ; 3 0 cows pwcx avg ITA G nwgp firm“

apvg pa psq Arty pan a g e yu L edneugrue pan so 81‘s nrw a qxaoxcsi

so Eras fit: 1 q oxoe: cps: arwoe cps: qwne ape earl couasnssgrou

xj c g'pona een S seq 9 0 ,0 10 9 k i n tpe WI gé LU GQ Q p é LO L G pa r6x: ( on

c onnsogeq zpo 8 3 9 Lfi fl fia TH cpa as“ { 19 3 3 spa t pa use z u cpah


I II two qamba 1 wea n GA fi L eoeu‘tyre ya ape monaz z u cps: ye

Into spa tIv: fl xsv'

woz : gwge an A zsntfl g spa alas pa newankeq: “01

ha: gnaw In p7 2 e gg : cps: nu gnen “Q k fl d é cpem 05 6 k ! “ spy; pa fl eas

psn pfi fi pfi uq fi$n $0 80 3 pe t oros e so sue wafi L19 3 ! £H3 £ we

wp ap e game: spvg ape qrq use E0 3 0 a c fix was?! b‘fi‘l é fl fi c

gut maaeae R ang ppwxc cponsa . go s‘m’ : spy: pan pnspfl nQ‘ava pews

“aunt gpwufia n fiac’9 9 g cpwg we bjwé aq spew


ru pr: encamopyfe ! gpfi c

ya; pfi apwaq pej beq wsL .u;g§ ape bsoxrwfi f rpag pg HQ IBQ Q’

§ GL \ GE L B1


eye ogrysq w A fiU wag gpv c spa A gv c ame on N Q L Q p IQ}y@ f9 3 rust

efi fi aaena avg fps: eye mg qa as; B OA T“? se pp . fl fifi 219 5 2

gnaw npebe swam H ana IrAyufi k gpwc spa garq nrw ave ve g Ioescsq men

Tomba vneune‘eyaeno


‘apxyp ne e apnse 0 L xa procga

ape h ang Gag gag Iooyeq gax s Lysgt ggg fi 8p$ gca fi q one 9 3 Iggy


ne torq pen sag e a g e avga EQ a wa corq "pk rye Tq TOLQ nt sag a

ta gvpnawxfi pwa yfi apauq £G Iq yen sps: “me mfi fig a fi avss cps afgg“!

fiponj q“! gn rwsao mane Ea z nfimwgnea psgaa eu rnam} cpws aomé gz ms

Bi z ewqfi v: soe£rxfeq gpwx awe caeateq brfi rnrrz z ag e-

v querxar A 715


gpsc cpui gag pssu I zarufi aaog kg ge @ B Q'

ebssg syncs apen'

brvrnsfxt eg g Gelfi figfi fl t i spas anal eebfi b g caq on wwxew IO‘T8¢2

argueeeaa’ppax Aoa j q gaszrgz egg : cgsz g ens

acybgyascq spay 3 1 U fimGQ‘

EE $E O N Q asks csz reg euq fifi O hE we

moa eq Iago 13°

v: cprfi Qfiwfi gfi fi fl ape sggaxneha Lax sue bwagree

¢psp sagen gpa LIL ag {j maa z yvsmz a L ewoqerbq mxgwgaa 3 9 g p 7 3 urge

8 : Arrow arms bfi &£ Q t ens neaop Lava A 3 8 L gaknvsq £0 byw:nz 7x&:

fps 3 9 mg 9 A®$7 3 § on cw» vsxg oasvymfi bjwrvctgg &egfi naaq cps gaz e’

fivwetrt i tvfi a fiz xex £9 9 LHBU¥ £R fi 9 use wsneq en uv% 6w10'13 69 ’ argwnx

ffiwc v0 £0 7 9 bff fwtfi L efiwz v3 a afl xq TING co wag e spa £19 3 16 3

hi s work; that he some baok two or thre e weeks la ter after she

was settled; that ho still didn't l ike the fla t; tha t he did not

request hor to live wi th him at any other plac e; tha t si nc e the

separation she saw him two or three times; and tha t she went to

Attorney Sopor‘s offi os at the request or her husband . On c ross

oxah i hati oh , questioned as to whe ther she asked her husband to

go and look at the new fla t before the moving day, she answered

i n the affirma tive , and said he replied:”Time enough when we

move." Further on trons-examina tion aha testified tha t on M arch 10 ,

19 45 he told hor he was moving to a hotel . aha denied tha t he

told her that he di d not want to move . She stated tha t prior to

harsh 16, 19 45 a complaint for diverse was fi led by her.

hrs. Buhlap test ified that she was wall aoqfia i ntod wi th

defeh fl aht; tha t the was not aoquai htsd wi th plainti ff, but knew

hi m; tha t on North 13 , 19 45 she saw plainti ff carrying baskets

out; and that on that day she saw hi m oohnooti sg the stove i n the

new fla t . Plainti ff, resollad to the stand, denied that ho oohneoted

tho gas stove i n tho how'

apartmoat; sta ted tha t the moving van was

at the ola_plaoe around noon tins; and tha t about o. h . he

ht lpcd hi s wife sorry bundles out to tho oar . On di reot examina tion,

i n answer to a question as to whe ther he took hi s wife over to the

new plaoo, he answorooz “I never took her over there .” Oh cross

examina tion, i n ahswer to a question as to whother he took her

olothoo over there , ho replied: “Took some things over there ,

not tha t day you, that day, tha t i s right ."

Gver the ob jec tion of dotssdaat the court received as

ovi donoc a note whi oh she admitted sending to hi m shortly after

north 19 , 1948 , readi ng:“John: Ihu may have all everything I

rcootvod from you i s yours, i nolué i ng all furniture, money, etc .

Ploasc , I want it that way. Isur wish i s my wi sh. so that shouldn‘t

xrot ue‘I mung r: gpvg asl' xoan swap 7 : m1 g rep no gpfl e aponrqu,c

LQ G OIA O Q z Low i on re leane'yuernqyne tr] xnxnrcans‘neuel‘sac

OA Iqencs 3 none upvow awe anarngoq asaqyfifi £0 pvt spongri alien

cast apt ep isc grau o; qoxeuqvng cpt eafin: Lcoarj eq an

an: cfl vc é'i 10 3'cwtn qvl’cyvs ta nrfina


aregywa aa e& apexs‘no s rxé q: “gee; acme cprsfl é spen6

" '

axwwrafi gron'In WU Q fl Q L so a dasacroe t a 3 0 npagpox pd coax pa;

non . b1é es’gt suauehsq: «I neao& coax psi bi eh apens:,


on Guac a

xv euaaon 3 0 w 63 0 5 5 7 0 3 c a an apa z peL we gaag p19 urge oxen no fps

paybaq p7 2 canal pnuqrea on: $9 cps owi' ofi Q TL Q GA sxfimruwrron‘

as age org bra ce smousq swan swag: wag apfi g wpoa g B’ m0'


spa 88 8 8 3 0 4 3 TU 3 3 0 yen sw awé nci egaeeq gnaa gpe .mcarfl fi fi é n fl ee

fl ea xIvz'

brwrvcrz z’L eesIIBQ to sue acq

'genreq cpg c at Govvscisq

one! z vq { pee on spas qwz ape wen p7 3 ocuncegyue spa 2:0 Ab 7 a cpfi

first saw: on 3 8 5 63 TO'Ta eye aux brfi ruzxzx cenxz rvfi pvefigsv

qexcq vs! apex are usa nee sc ansz uceq arty bIVIBtrxx‘an: $3 8 »

nz s'Dfinrvb sosz rz tsq cps: awe fi e?“err wodavruc69


assay 70‘13 69 8 cowbrsruc 10 3 grA eLos use arreq pl veh


carq pen true we are nosnew: so mQ A S ’

ape acvceq spu r baroz £0

13 19 we EQIq pan pa nan mna z ug cc 6 pocey‘

ape qeureq snag pa

moa e', gnazgen on enoaa-examrnwgyon ape ge ecrxreq npaa cu gsaey TO“

rv‘ape wxxtnmwerA e

‘sag aerq we xebrxsq: Q LIWG svoafin mvvv A G

30 fi fi q Joey a; syn neg 17 9 3 paxa z e cps moarofi qeh'

ape wuen exoq

q mrnsgxos’ daeecronaq so go upespsn ape segoq pan gaspa so

ya¢?z usxaabeb ,a'ez z yoe a: fine L edmeap 0 ; pa» pnepauq

'on enc as

3 9 5 3 L 3 810 U}3fl9 qqg prw gas on sumac syncs} avg apt : ape nuns 3 0

5 5 63 9 5 ; pa» so IIA G nygp'

p7m as fink aspen brac e ! eve : az uc e sp a

gwq §a{greq: cpvc an qrqn.sIIRG ewe argct ens: pa grq nos

p15 noxxt gpfi g ps ewa a pwex'

gno on aynse ,neaxe fuses sz cox up;


m em r w an mam a?“ m. w e zmw u mm z w vvua qw rw q to

h3 t1v%1xz 3 3 ?aossvai u: fiofi fl bttq kpfi abvnwwevs 0 3 eve tyne: groan.

pl vngen GUQ’

EIIS msatsa'ago oaoabroq ape pa ecmssg xbwngmeug


é onqnoté on gnsegutbs'

apt patrqrwa In fipTOfi spot Ie q use ouueq

£3 span fps: ape bangrefi up 3 3 1 gyms wag s dafi nz sz an qvasfinaemomg‘

am N am e ru m u “are: a way w asVAW’

m eem ’Ami e

‘qetw qw c

m am i e e cru el-ed w » “en n u i“ W A

“ m 3 83 3 3 3“

7 ¢ab

eonkxsn§ nc e* wuq was so: z enercq anew Goue ewc

'we 7 3 3 0 3

emtfisaerz om rmbryuq‘aanaoufieq an ape onyaynay ashamS pyou o£

qzaoz ss' '

@fi6 § 6 rye bysz nsrz x 79 fl qraoncc bkeescqrna‘pse


refit: qeeengrgv aw gpe bfi ua Q: ayapex ea oeuagrga z c a afi ewnqa ton


eebsxfi cs pa magma} canaans'xpaL c In no snap

{ani . z eaaqnspye asuas auq wfisyua; HTQ afl II] gen w ba oq e; ;ous z esx*

E Q Q WIUG Q final

eagaprygp age cwqafin ez -qseebswom‘non L Q GHILG Q go hmnA a cps;

Iq w e w u ss: A M EN ox m e gamm y gra mm ar m

e' D3 §q fi fi fl fiofl tfi fl q fl fifl fl t 3pm Q GGL Q S IQ c oagbfi hi - fifl £9 3


live in the basement apartment . In February, 19 4 3 M rs. Trojan

became ill and her husband became dissa tisfied wi th their apartment .

M r . Trojan testified tha t he told pla i nti ff tha t they ( the Trojans)

would like to have the fi rst floor flat for themselves. Abou t

the same time M re . Trojan oonveyed the name request to defendant .

Defendant testified tha t during the same month she informed plaintiff

tha t they must vacate the flat bonanae of the request so to do by

the landlords. She loca ted a fla t at 1801 Lombard Avenue , C icero,

about four bloeke from where they were living . She t estified tha t

one asknd plaintiff to name over and look a t it and tha t he said

there would be time enough to look at it when they moved . Pla intiff

made no effort to obtain another dwelling plac e . Defendant made

the arrangementa for moving . Plainti ff helped her wi th. the packi ng

and oarri ed out some things i n bushel baskets, which he put i n hi s

ear, and also drove defendant to the new flat . He told her tha t "as

long as you are going to move, I will help you .“ He also told her

that as lens as she was leaving he was going to ask for a divorc e .

When he re turned the keys to the Trojans they gave hi m back part of

the M arch rent . He than went to live with hi s mother .

the burden was on plaint iff to prove hi s case by a pre

ponderanc e of the evi denee . The ev i deneo shows that the Trojans

wanted the first floor apartment , than oeonpi ed by plaintiff and

de fendant . Anparently, because of the Bri endshi p betwe en the landlords

and the tenants, thorn was a willingness on the part of the tenants

to comply wi th the request . rho evidenc e strongly supports defendant'scontention tha t with pla i nti ff‘s ooneent she rented another apartment

i n the vic i ni ty and moved there . He helped her i n the moving and

than dooli ned to li ve wi th her. He did not offer to make another home

for bar . In fac t , he testi fi ed. tha t thei r only conversat ion thereafter

related to hi s requoeta for a di vorce . The evi denee i n thi s case

tortscq to pro Lodaet ga go; a qraanae'

LPG earqonee ya apra ewes

go; pan“ axfi xsdc

“pu asagigrcq fpwc


ppkrfi flurx covtoxaagran spexesxaen

tn ffie‘areruygx gmfl r6~

Ho p é yfidq we; rs gué moafug‘vvq

oengsngraw cyst a tgp'brarngyzx;a ecuabue ewe L 8U £O Q fiuogyan



t ug tpw neusncfi’twaxe an twe bwng 0 ; rue fQ UWU pa

qcxssqg fl cfi'Vfibaa#s%rk‘pwavave 61 fps gayanqaprb paga eau ape IQ UQ IOL Q E

n eutsq'rpo true: 119 6; 9 bsxguanx

spay é aafioyaq pi bysrngyxg wub

bont vuca*ogf

zpo aarqeuas* $na aavqfincs agua a rvgc cps gncfisue‘

xge pa t q¢u age on brwxmgrzx fl G bxoas wré evas pl 8 fixe

JOfiR— ysf z od

'sae $813 3 3 0 mcae

‘I a iry barb mox*

u gs $7 80 cq pen

ost's q 3 18 0 qndxc qfigenqg fl n go spa vea . 11§ ¢


ya gerQ‘

peL sna g "ea

sue esfnré q on: fl ame tarmac tn pfi ager pragwce‘Aprfip

pe bng



and sxxxufisweuga xen woarwfi‘

3 19 7 3 3 711 yarbeg pe n uréw ape bfi egwfifl

ape aé g@q*bré fngrgz 5 0 name sacs avg roag <sg 7; wag ggwc we seyq

ape”: baa» prooxa tt fi fiane afiwh fl é ne Iraz ufi'

fine asazrxreq raw:

D9 £9 fl ¢fi nr asi zrtwoq an“: qfifirvfi zwa fl aws maven hwé ruz c nwsq brsrnerzx

sp é‘sfime arms fl kt

anoaan é omasksq fifié ewwo xsmfi sa: £6 qegeaqwut’

A afi ffl yrgo. 3fi $3 5 9 gag z yneg great z 1a; 19 a swé masyAsa' vfiaa z

xz 'ana iwé aetzrnré q an?! pa aarq'

brwrnernz t¢Wh twei ( can Lnevvmfi )

peé fl me'

rfrffiwq~fiat fifl fl pfi vq oecsws arsescrezxoq Atty finfl ffi vbsnsmé mc'

I R@ 5 0 5 £ 5 19 7 9 3 711 1' 3 5 Vfl fl i xfitfi tyre £9 6 1 £ 3 3 : 3° fl b’


gpw: ibe afixeeq an t qra z az as oz apeya jez uspang seesaw: quot no:

wax vnq gnu; pa grq no; man: pan go cbboao a q oLc e‘mpg 3 3 0 ;

7 8 ml nxan'; v: en‘s arme ape xvea save wt Lsznfi eq so li k e ayap

coaz z'

1: $111 9 0 °pnant eq avg : awe ne ts ecwce a cfivz ai nat are?

qsz onqsug aeuc as bywruszxx use wgmz aarpz e Lox C O N SIQ Q L 3 23 0 3 pk cps

In z po aombygxua fi plep ape z rjeq 7 9 no: ecsgsq $po nogs Aprcp

gang so span swag ape qrq no: g ang 1 qxa oboe*

Lye fl nofi vq vascngeq

bung so qeaeng pym‘gpan ape grant ees] 9 ; gpm cwme ccabrsrng aosyq

gp a aonbysru: Lon Q IA c a nonj q ¢emq go fi fi rmgeag on peg

3 3‘goes so: Ianq afibbob z as bjsrccxxx, a casa' I; spa grxryfi 0 ;

{p t leaf cpwg apa grreq a cowbrsrng gen qra ene e g ag apea gremyaaeq

Api fig}( ryeq cpo sombrcrfl g ( on q GLoe sag we go apt It use qreu:aeeq*



ape combysrmg na e q:amraasq*

gpfi L GG O Lq ta erremn e go

no: wbbgsn apex ape fines mncp spon: spa qxaonc e aewbyxrvg mprcp ape

eon: gym spongy; a z gex gye asbexagyos°

haom pea psegymowl It avg

wasynag prm baton as gwxcp rg’jafg

‘auq on spa megs aprcp ape

neLonRIk on ave Lsas n s qez enqvug grrsq v soai rng go; qraomoe

In euqc onrufi gs aneeawm cps qesnes byan yz ; L GI IQ B

q ngsgoq ggg g ye Ase go 36 3 c qz aonc e*

on ape gal on cps moarna byvrugrz z saxoq gsgaq u: { on w qTAaLeo

ape qr?nap fi at: go pa earogeq gorycmrng a Qfiqfiaang a; s coaLs*

t bcxcéé nx gsxsfi qsv; eennog pa opwneoq nygp qeeengron 9 9 0 9 5 6 3

apt moaoq pocvnee fps jwnq10 &q warc q cps banpres so A g esss gas“1 3

zrq v0 : mut e urcv ape £0 9 1 8 7? ab awe H a b i ts: nslvctovevtb‘

i s a gg a fl

ewe; sue ssbvnvcron use wastuec spa arr: 0: brai ncrxx'

Boxeq vs

yuccuqoq so seas; spa 13 3 711 LoysgyouepJB’uou goes I: shbesn

goes ”0 : oscvprrep swan v: ap e $13 3 on ape aebvnscroq GOxQVQ Wfl S


Pla i nti ff has fa i led to prove tha t defendant

in without any reasonable cause . We f ind tha t

the res is ai nst the maai fest weight or the evidenc e . The

i s reversed and the

manner lucon

a s enfi wi t thi s Opinion,

are nonx‘sag use & @ dnsag@ q awfl a H“ pa fi za an s banaxeu'“ anqaa

re qrxxrenz c ton FTW so Lnxcp eb avnkl on ave qncrfi a Ivorqeus so

Pi ns "18 non tnscbwurgwgsq Esq pg a M am Leg apeq gm agape rp


c engang eucabuq Into 0 ng z ggsm oougngop mgyop fi eotceq ggwc

ox bnya gen,s me ga vuq m§ c ooa‘

an qwnneul Q‘13 3 9

‘pxns auq

Q pc nyea E’

tru e”


use ewbj okeq pk eye qegauqa ys‘9 msU fl z vogmLsL

ape essencyaf gwaga axe annoyanoa gxreq‘

Eon mama aean a

Quqfiueup In z ox Da z enqau c ebbee j e'

ggsnc 3 5 3 s lax} cnyar avg s qrnec geq A GL Q IG $ Lon bysxwgyggi wnq

gageuqaug q c w mogz an aoa a qrz eopaq a sq cc‘mpIOfi use qeursq


awe afl p agrpa geq ea v: cps arses C L a} ; cps ea rqsuas

Prue qreq on DO O SWp Q L Sfi’I8ffi

‘abon fire q rv fif e wqmruras fnz x

z esne TE Q Q LSH Q % H £ ups ssnui wfi In axosaa 0 g Q Q’OOO D GL KGQ L ’


swag spa fi gxesweug angry pa exasmqeq LO L 9 ( “L gp ex bez rcq o; xz ae

s xsqrua 0; {was pnfl qneg myysa { Lam spa 0 7 3 1 o; Qwrowao’e uq

cuat fixnfi In 9 combscyyfi pa arnc ee Lou a bg nyoq o; grae lasxa nygyrn

qe z sq nsmonpq bg h pxue 35 00 mougpjx 1; pa Legnsfueq LL O E

gS Q L II ga g gluq rce ce‘Inc

“8 conboL a gyow

‘Aprcp bLO Aq q spe c

c oncxac c pfi cxsefi qpenxea g'PIB b


’g ug qegemqens fi ac unge

apre I? an ac crew 9 : 1gm Lon pL gaop a; g e cs



umycavmme nv¢yzx cum aamnrcvmx‘

5 .

300K Q Ofl fiil'


cxycfii z conyx


pac é t ueq‘

a; fine Eazwse oz cavwrxsE'PImE

‘wasmvr $3 03

s x x Bawmrxx’vuwruyaz nfi xnrx

??IQ Q


the terms of the contract , the defendant agreed to pay Li ne $200

monthly commenc ing January 51, 19 5 8 , unti l December 3 1 , 19 42 ,

prov i ded he di d not i nterfere di reotly or indirec tly wi th the

busi ness of the company wi thi n a radi us of 500 mi les or the c i ty

of Chi cago and did not di vulge to anyone trade secrets or i nformat i on

relati ve to the business or i ts customers, such as pr i se-li sts,

oorreooondonoe and reoords. P erti nent porti ons of Sec ti on 7 or

the agre ement further prov i ded“tha t in the event the sa i d Cha rles

E. Li ne fire , has rally oompli ed wi th the provi si ons thereof on hi s

part to be performed and has refra i ned from doi ng the thi ngs whi ch

he has agre ed to refrai n from doi ng , tha t the c ompany shall ,

at the end or the fi ve-year peri od herei nsbove provi ded, be earni ng

an amount i n oxeoss of per year, then thi s agreement sha ll

be oont inned and extended for a further peri od or fi ve

It i s understood that the salary or the presi dent of the company

duri ng sneh per i od of extensi on shell , for the purpose of comput i ng

the earni ngs, he consi dered to be an expense of the busi ness i n

an amount not greater than the present amount of the presi dent‘s

That the payments to ee i d *9har1os E a Li ne , Sr . , or

$200 per month shall, i n any event , c ease wi th the death or the

fl orendsnt‘s books of sooonnt showed , for the year endi ng

Dooonber 3 1, 19 42 , total i ncome from sales was and

net prof i t

the record di soloses that J . Bruc e Allen, presi dent of

the defendant company, and hi s si te owned 5 5 and 45 per sent,

respec t i vely, of the stook of the company; tha t Allen also owned

t trapfbsrfi qfiofl

rn Bencfifl nn areaanafa‘tvq gag ecuba mega Eefi aqagemn


at cut apcefi'

o; rye aawbfiuz : fswf‘

vrj ew gran amwsq

ept vtcbqvvc'

eowbrwi'fl fifi‘PT fi aaneq 99 anq fie box wave“

spa L eoatq gi aoj oae a spas1'BLfiO G vfi en‘bnsarqang 9 1

vi a bxnzra kswfi'IQ'

necsmpsx ar‘Taes

‘zecwr rveewe lfiafi

fifffi fl use tug

gszsq ux,e gouge a; finoomv: ap onaq’z oa ape lava euqrnfi

serg cvvnrse E“rtvfi


9300 but moatp‘evfl fr

‘Iv anz ea @ng

°G G$8 9 arcp aye q¢ssp ax z vs

an macaw: not atafi coz span ape bassenc smanug 3 g spfi bxsayqevy a

gpi ewxnrufie‘fin covarqcneq 3 0 pg an afibauss ox gwa pnsyug ea



qnnyue anon bsz raq 01 c z gswaz on'

eyfl rr‘ton cue ha z boee a: oombagxufi

It Ta fl fit saeoq spec spa as nm oz cps bh earqefi c on zpc"

e ambsu1

pa c é wxruncq avg expgnqeg gen 9 z nngpen banroq o;

cu wwomn: 79 exesea ox gg’ggg be» 169 5 ’

29 0 3 gays sfinesmeug~ apsyy

at pfid’

auq o; tpfi 17A6~ 28 § L bssyaq psz gqyg voa c bLO Arqeq‘pa evxurma

we nfi a sfinesq xc Lsz nsru gnaw gorufl'

gyasspa é omhaul wya j f‘

best so pa benz oumfiq wag p9 9 L axnsrscq 1 3 0 m gaysfi ays cprufio ngrow

tyne 3 5"

fiv e £5 113 cewbyyeqnxrgp cue bnaararana gpexeo; 0a p1 9

ape sfihc emeu: ag z gpsn bnaaxqaq ”egg : In cyw sa ss: fine aq Q VQ LIG Q

oakxc abeuqsuoe a twoobqa*

bensynans bonsxonu 01 a®0 3 7 0 n 0 1

p w;1ge 3 0 age pfi GTU 6 8 9 on Ice ca ugomebs‘anew as bxree-Irscs

o; gm efie wnq gm nos CITA Q’

IKG go 3 3310 9 9 3 1.a at em pa or. va cu u m s

pngz ac aa Gt QB0 0 0 5 5 9 3 1 filfiprfi V L¥ Q 7 5 ° 9 L 900 Q IIGG 0 1 $F°

a Arc fie qrq nos Incexz ene qrns¢ a11 efi Inqrnec crl uwcp spa

£§5 , 39 Lmi 0; eye concnsog’ spa t enqwuc wfinoeg so 5 9 1 ryne $5 00

In sz z oac'

recombgywfi aa ceaspxyep v qrggensug concave: anon cpwz

tenaoueug'enq pa cps rucxoquc aren a; bean] eg rqenec qez enqyng fi fi i

gusa o; awe-o ‘exbeuqrasbee cx pouue bczmcngs so vrreu

'az ,m§w£pen

pd bran yuan cpfif'

vf3en psq pesu L eecrarua e-


Apogpcz prue

ape panrnst e'

avast awe sArqeuco gpvfi pa q-

saaeuswru amme 0;

5 9 3 0 3 3 nprap-

vyrsn gxseuqi q A S LO bsabenj k cpe nfieq as sxbsnace a;

cnaraw¢na a; ape qsgeq ng aoa&oseercs‘q sn


abbey afi é analomwua rn cpg fiasrysaa wag finnmw pi $7 3 9 an pa §n&p*

swi g age .nonq “samurafiah'

mcwww “so: bnaz rca‘,wag avg ; ape

{ 11 9-z est benz aq'

Bez evqsnc c ougeuqa egg : cps bsxgrsw

bTW fi N u . swa nk n w e: we “m am a c emm k m m

rna bsi menc o; a poana'

xa ez é q qkiyufi raqs‘aypyong wni bxz cn


wfibe amauc arc? Leabcsc $0

on bh é arqfing‘ LGGQ IA Q q s pausa a; $5'Isg ’

90 1 9 5 seaxvcsa

space né aeuguz gpwg‘75 sqé rcran 34 yrs U @utwr& eureka a; 31960

fifiq quagb epoagtng Exafiuq a

‘en A 013 sa

‘menl ocpen rceme aasq c g

tns‘oxrnfi exhoveea 19 s prune} ; avg pi n xxx» 5 0 gpc grapyua yoga;


expressed i n the agre ement . ( green v . Aghlnndfi Steteg gggg, 3 46 111 .

174 , The intention of the parti es to a contrac t i s not

determined by evidence al iunde , but by the language of the contrac t

i tself . (gel; Go. v . dpargsMilling ee , , 3 04 Ill . App .

To the some effec t see Domcxeg v . O‘Gcnggll, 5 64 Ill. 467 and


v . Mint z , 3 4 5 Ill. 48 . As pointed out i n the Engelstein

c ase , at page so: "Courts may not , because a more equ i table

result might be reached thereby, construe into a construc t prov i si ons

tha t are not there , “

sinc e the contract was prepared by the secretary of the

defendant company it cannot complain because the construc tion i s

favorable to the plai nti f f . ( Muscle v . Belford, 68 Ill. 29 0;

The word ”earnings

" i n i ts general acc eptat ion does not

mean net earnings, unless quali fi ed in some way. ( Seri gggi cld Coal

go, v . ludggtrigl Gem. ,29 1 Ill. 408 , 412; gtgtg v . United Elec tric

giggt d‘

bgter fig. , 9 7 Atl. 857 , 859 ; figith'

v . Ba tes Machine Cc . ,

182 111 . In ggggg v . Egggg substantially the same arguments

were advanc ed as i n the case a t bar; There the cour t sa id, at pa ge


”If, as is new contended, the intention was to li mi t the ir liabilityupon the order to such earnings as might rema in aft er the paymentof all enhanc es or the work, it would have been very easy and mostna tural that such intention should have been expr essed in the wri ting,and it se ems to us tha t to permi t the construc tion now insistedupon to be plac ed upon the ac ceptanc e would be clearly viola tiveof the rule that the t erms or a written agreement cannot be variedor changed by percli


During the first five-year period of the contrac t ,

defendant made monthly payments regularly to Line and, so far as

the evidence shows, he complied wi th all i ts t erms. while he was

rec eiving these payments, Line had no oc casion to compla in about

the expenditures or the payment of bonuses which it i s admi tted

aggrega te a sum for i n exc ess of It should be noted tha t

efisnodseo s new z en rn exc ess o; ga‘ngo'xc snunxq pa nogeq ape;

nc é cxirbfi specs bei esnce'rtns one no oc cueycn go c onbfuyu upon:

gut enrqcnco eponn’no ccnbj req Argo or: the genus

“nurrc no nee

qcz enqsng msqe nonzpyl bc i u encn Lcdsj enj i no prue cuq‘so Let so

nonrnd spa Lynn: 114 9 ~ i csn bcnroq ox cps concnec g’

on cpsvfizq pi osnoJ'.

o; no more hung goo gonna o; w nnxcten udnceneuc*

osunox no c anyonobon cc pc bync eq


nbcn cue eccobcunoe nonrq pc oresnrl ATO I9 £1A 8

out I: sc ene no no onc e he ba nner gnu sonucnnozron nun factoredevents: open coop i ncensrcu cpcnfsnuns been ez bnc c ecq In ape u tterufi

3:1.sxbone ee on cue nonx

’ye annwn pens


neeu Loni ee ei , a ,mosgshow you once; no snow estnrngs c c nrduc Lowers wagon cps hei nous« i t?we i n can w m cscw

’m w cw ca

’m em to n e w one?» wvbrru i

nets nonsense so ya one cues to pen'

goons one cosnt sq*

8 ; budo

Ice H I"

Inc“) In onicfi s' hole? especcnz rvrrl £3 3 sewn enduoenps

.Ht un no: cunnrude

‘nurses dnsrrnycq In some ns3 *

not nonq “conc rete, In you denot e} uocebcegron coco no:

qcxenqsng c cnbeuhfl zg cannon oemhrnwn neurone one conucnuccyou re

reruns gun court ed: nsc bnebnnoq pi cps cecnopsnl on eye

nuenr¢ ,nrdpe no neccpcq*


‘?ngd s couc gnoee bnoaycyons


:i z node on: .a n s.m a non

‘penance s


c ct n canyneprc

Fi fi SIX‘( fiBffd

'1 Ҥfi fi fi fi fl nwrrfne cc'i one IJI

'wbc' cas° 3

m rm‘b'1'

91m 3“


cfi gsxeq figez eou 72 waxynwsg‘

;p% jaLx go eng ex a asxqreg Lax rye bjwrugrz l’ wnq cps fl nqfimaug

Eon ppm assaous apypsq’z pe £L 7 § I ooaL c bmob enj l qyu eaceq



’IQ A! uccofii gfigifi A


3 93 III‘vbb


0 1 Tea { on rye can»; 3 0 qegenarue'(gfibn eyqsz A

fififi paz g‘90 9

brace enq‘cpez figoxa

spa Ie&% j eggsc; 0 ; ya Dmsaemgsq s dne agyon

ape C O D kL E Q fi In daeacyon rs Hexagon ympqfiaans nan ruaevw



gnaw opgxfirnfi re 5 8 an exbenee on age qe;suqang , a pn eyyeaa'{so

é ombenawarou { on aesareaa aynsq s qsxsq‘bLoc fnqsa gye qegsugwu:

w panus‘

c oz bj eq argp cps { so c cpwc'rg x9 5 fl nfingsq pk A fl l o;

gongnaé g nwa exsmnssqf

as gprnn gfis ap aeuas 0 1 Q ua L egensnes so

a; oofl bacrue esxnrwfis" away} so; pa finesse; 33 3 3 I: use apes cps

é ; Eve géwbani qfi z xufi anew be trog 6; excafl ercu “ten ape banaoes

ape Q antxsoc ¢xbxcaark bnoayqeg gpwg gnu 0 1 cut bnsarQ Gvc

45 477



Defendant i n Error,M UNICIPAL COURT

7 .


Plai nt i ff i n Error .


An i nformat i on was fi led i n the Muni c i pal Court of

Chisago, ehergi ng the defendant, M a ry Robertson ,wi th the

statutory crime of soli c i tati on to prosti tuti on under the pro

v i si ons of sec t i on 165 , chapter 5 8 , of the Illi noi s Revi sed

Statutese At the tri al defendant pleaded not gui lty and wa i ved

a tri al by Jury. the sourt found that the defendant “di d then

and there unlawfully, wi llfully and wi ckedly soli c i t to prosti tuti on

at 27 40 dheffi sld Avenue i n the C i ty of Ch i cago, County of Cook

and atate of Illi noi s, i n vi olati on of sec ti on 163 , chapter 3 8 ,

Ill i noi s Revi sed Statutes of The foregoi ng quoted language

i s the same as the charge i n the i nformat i on . Jndgment was

entered upon the verdi c t and the defendant was “sentenced to

confi nement at labor i n the House of Correc ti on of the C i ty of

Chi cago for the term of si xty days."

The pert i nent part or the statute i nvolved reads as

follows: “Any male or female person who shall sol i c i t to

prosti tuti on i n any street, alley, perk, or other plac e i n any

oi ty shall be fi ned not exc eedi ng two hundred dollars or

i mpri soned i n the County Jai l or House of Correct i on for a per i od

of not more than . one year or both .“

ox, non none rm one low. ox. pone“

Inbnxeoneq In one eonngi any] on Rouse o; conneogxon LQ L e benroq

awry: pe ( teen nor enoeeqynd cue pnoqt eq q°rrone on

bnoerrpnrz on In eni ocooor‘syrei

“ been‘on egret breoo In eni

gorrene z “vol were on z ennre heneon moo one } : sorter: go

goo bei grnenc bong on rye ore enge TUAOIA O q tongs so

p osao got one rota or ext ra ge i e*


oonxz nenene or yopon to rot goose o; gonnoocyon e; are cz ri o;

onconeq when one honoree one one nanomet e r ne e ueencenooq go

ya one come we gne enende In and z uronoeg1 3 u*

asodsen: h on

IIIIWO IE BGA IB GQ arecnree 0 1 {no gonehoyefi onogeq yendnefio

enq agree or IyIrnogn‘In Arorerron o; eeecyon ree

‘earnest gg

9 : sees onettrexe Ve enas we see oral ox oereefie‘ooswcl on coon

HUG sfifi bfl “fl i fi d lfl lri " & 117 3 3 3 13 one fi rfl fivqri anyway; so bneerygngyon

v enter em lsbi'

the acut e tonne one: one oetauennr . efe even

essences? we one z ero? teenagersbret qsq nosgallfi i fl ue sera cq

AIEIO“? 0x 863 9 763 Tee’ snooz et ee

’ at one zrrreera scarves

exegsgoni earns o; soryoz eseren no hnoeeyseeron annex are eno

entosfio’openaz nd see qexenqene

‘ye t i gooengeos

* mean age

er estete

ez ron new £710? 7 9 est nonrerber son»: at



fi fl EIGIbVP QOfl H$

dfl R bEObPE 0k. lHE BdVLE OE


( F0 0 0 M : 8 3 3 6 :

boneon sorrorceq'

I” zwe Efifififf A“ ETEE

‘982 III


‘9 : 989

$9 0 rayonmwgrma 3 18 0 LEI ]? ca erase gps w $ on gpg

3 0 3 0 10 9 1’

c emmrgcgq‘n§on a bnpjxo guanoufipgg xe on abou hnrasge bkfi bfin 1 8

0 811‘

3 9 3 0 6'A pcgpen spa gag ap z xgeq yu sye Ingonwasyau awe

c ommoa bnsc grcs In qoega as re g g ae; ya so gearfinssa bnravcs bnob e&sl

In cps gram 9 ; cpre gaa’gas was on a¢mseg u nmpana ( s

cps beebgo‘s.

bgaz gyow’

Rory? evae a‘

$ 3 3 qyaarmxjss’

amq svaL sLose Lug c q aa a qo Hop aubbong

may} we Lye eoncaxg‘In upyep gpe fl Q LQ "

as“ Q Q G Q G L E In ape Lone~

10 9 9 3 7 0 3 6 1 a pnxq€s ergo 8 p 0 9 9 a; gmo ganqa‘

ape 1 3 6 19‘9 3


gras§ f aewuf‘s a

“é p$9 sags s exaaq ens

space cease are & 0 Lq use“ mus naeq Axcp L egensfiee so apnesg Ingen~

weave vegansea 0 L bnoxrmygk‘

3 50


In spay; e eg‘ape heobre ma fia anvs ave manq «

9 3 a

3 bL IAsgs poms canvas pa qsge&m1g eq ( Low cps Ifiufiasfia o; spa

Iv bnprta’

fifiscpeb Sé fio efl extz erq vA aua e re 8 b fiPI IO brg c e on

tyre egcgycu wob jyea 0 9 11 $0 banaons Apo 3 0 7 10 7: gs bLoacyeacreu

abon L euq fi o; pps apa z fi ee‘re re mwfi ygsac sna g

sxrme opwxfieq'

gz au 0 0 3 3 3 7 5 3 a} : spa necsaewnl sj yeaaprona so conegrcnca spa

$no b eobj e wetnpvyn In gp eyn axaawcv: gpvc awe Inz anms

fibeGILI GQ‘

ssq ( 5 ) qbea Eon opwz ac {were angxreyam; co agg go spa onz me

use eemwrz csq In a ack e es'

errez’ b ang 0 L ogpsx. b mprya breae

yuaoxmazaen ye aoxq pee fi neo In goga nos opa nfie cps; aye oxgsuae

Bega wncla’

fia z z arbsj oeugeugyone was ( I ) apes ape

“Further consi deri ng the suff i c i ency of the separate

counts of the i ndi c tments, i t wi ll be noted tha t each count one

alleges sol i c i ta ti on to prost i tuti on‘upon the publ i c streets or

ether plac e of the ci ty of Ghampai gn .‘ It does not allege the

name of a ggfiggger rs n sol i c i ted nor descri be the streets

er pla ce . e rule i s we settled tha t an i ndi ctment for a

etatntery effense , espec i ally when the offense i s a mi sdemeanor,chargi ng the facts const i tuti ng the crime i n the words or the

sta tute , and contai ning averments as to ti me , plac e , persons and

other c i rcumstances to i denti fy the part i cular not charged, i s

good as e pleadi ng and Jest i riss putti ng the defendant on tri al .

“sec ti on 9 or the Bi ll of Ri ghts provi des that i n all

crimi nal presecnti cns the ac cused shall have the ri ght to demandthe na ture and sense of the ac cusati en agai nst hi m, The purpose

of thi s guaranty i s te secure to hi m such spec i fi c desi gna ti oncf the offense lai d ts hi s charge as wi ll enable hi m to preparefully hi s defense and to plead the

eudgmsnt i n bar of a subsequent

presecuti on for the same offense . “ Itali cs curs. )

To the same effect see gas Pecgle v4 Shi afrgddc , 5 81 111 .

a t

In the i nstant case the i nformati on i s not only vague

and i ndefi ni te as to the plac e where the offense was commi tted,

but also fai ls ts hens the person soli c i ted;

For the reasens sta ted, the Judgment i s reversed .

gab spa Laa eoma eganaq‘gpa 3nq§mew§ ya L uaez aaq


waq gag Q Lryrge as £9 ,sye afyse fi pena figs ogz fifi ug $3 8 ea fl mregaq‘

1m cpa {Hatfi fi fi awxs gpa qvgg nwfi gyam $3 3 3 3 onyx awfino

ape fi amfi 6La9 @e aas A'aprfi i i é gé fi

‘sat ITT

hLoeeeagyau ga» spa agwa-

aggsnfis”g gawfrsa O fi L a

}Ill p3 8 gaz asse avg 5 0 areaq figs g qfl msu: 7 3 pan 0 ; v gapeada esc

rage to fire ogwngw as ayyj 63 8 9 19 prw so bxebsnc

k 19 go aecaxfl go gym easy abscyxye qg argusgyen

gps ,n% afixs fifi qoxymxsay bnosecagrawe ppm wafl a aeg agar} pwas cps krfipc so qewa

qgefl agafl a Q £ z fl e‘

nrrf 0L gsfipse bbwarqee an“? rm fir?80 3 g e a c bj esqrvg sag 33 9 3 13 16 6 nmgrxvfi eye qogefi qvug av garay


0 £§ 6L araefiwaxgneee 4c rgewgt cps bangr¢a z es 3 0 g ausnfieq°7 9

agepago‘enq ecsgfiynz vfi vg e z msuca 3 9 pa pfwe

‘Erwofi‘Esngama fl ag

a: ez z efi ae ea 9 0 7 9 111 fi fi e fl spa oz xgnfie 5 3 a m;aqawaaaca‘

a fi n rfigra zmeug 10 k 9

gob qs&b ;1pa spy acna aga

ogpeL fi brnne ca cyw fi z gfi 1g qcee as; firrcfio gpevj refiea aortergwgrov £0 sggngya u fifiQ bapfyo l

afiheaxe on

c omnca o; s l?vq7 hrmoa a 3 11} pa nereq zp@g Q B fi fi count ana

"ganxpsn eefi q e z ynfi cps aa z grexgsal o; spa 8 65 3 3 9 3 9

Efl sxq§fiu GA GL 3p. beni gn an. cprj q pc abboyuecq‘avg gpvz gpo

wt ! pe¢ css wuq 10 t qcbeuqawt z gyse cps weeps; c euaeuca span w

oqaot cc‘c oncxor enq qrag rbj rmo pun sprrq

pm L G Q BO U apaaoo; are

I agpos‘xexron yrcpvnqe

‘In Apoj yh nug pj e 3 0 c ans ( on

‘ bxbcec p'

apt arrefioq Lesnt h ox na tureefl yrcnvnga re Emonk Hexxcv! swa t eye

ya xv ape onagoql on concamy o; NL’avg nna

'gpg nrea gnsql! aye :

v xtavts evrrq‘use DO LQ on aepxfi i b z I i

’ fipwc cps eprrq

ape o; ape anbbremeusunl bocz firou ya cps: xsgproeu growa e‘

eywrrsn In conseug 3 6 age one gryeq afi ue g‘IB€O 91 Issue gcnwpcn

on gal 15‘1863

‘fi fi Lfi Q LGS a

'pag an z rre g a anbb j ewsncz z k begrgron

eugexeq In cougoxmrga mxcg cps bnwken o; spa oesycron’

vz geaaa kq*

avryq o; fi fi L IO U gycpaz qg'

an i guasnl SA“13 5 1

‘9 qeonee mra

ape fl fiA Q BIIG goaxg‘po sbborucsg Raq xam o; xwgpreeu Htepwnqa

bnvmrufi’TEEEI spec nfixhl HTII

’ep i ex 5 L 9 fi 3 9L°B exz i e ea oz

aggrasn o; tfi g Q HA Q HII Q conng‘

xxz j aq v neggcyon In cps: eonuc

0m aqua Iaeo‘Inena “g auges“ an c aaragsus bnopspxan

gas aabLeme Coaxs‘

nuans aye C % 5 &8 fl e a gnuusgsn& eq go gyya coast"

0 1 p bgak IA’

111“3 9 a

“g;9 £ a



yeaocnqeng Q D D G$ q so

oaannql vug C GU£L °I on fire ¥II GBT£IWS £ 6 ourrq finq gk asserou I Q

Q onz n.qsnkrn& ape ooamge ne j srm a; LeabQ UQ Quc bnsfitnfi Leg cps

LeA eL as a $3 5 8 ] enhbrgu gnggy qeaae a Q L cue Q ILQ H IQ ( aaAsurIe )

91 ante whbsej’Leabouqouc

'Ema»; aeLLou

‘G é efifi 3 0




gseboaqen: Eng vbbsxywuc

Q0fi 3£b


besrcvuueu awe vbbeyrea‘

cxvnnxz ( i fl fiEEIPE}

IV 0 ! IFTIfiO


guardi an be authori z ed and empowered to assent to the legal

adopti on of sai d chi ld . The concludi ng paragraph p rays that

some sui table person be appoi nted guardi an over th e person of

Kathleen Ri chards and authori z ed and empowered as such guardi an

to assent to her legal adopti on.

neepondent'e answer avers that i n a cause enti tled

‘ggggz;gggggn, the Muni c i pal Geert of Chi cago, on December 11,

19 40 , entered Judgment fi nding respondent to be the putat i ve

fa ther of sai d Kathleen Ri chards; that under the law of the State

of Illi noi s commonly referred to as the Bastardy Ac t, Chapter 17 ,

Smi thp hnrd Annotated dtatntee , the respondent i s enti tled to the

custody and control of Kathleen Ri chards: tha t respondent i s

gai nfully employed and earne suf fi c i ent wages to provi de su i table

care, mai ntenanc e , educ ati on andl

gnardi anehi p of Kathleen Ri chards;

that he i s a marri ed man li ving wi th h i e wi fe i n a respec table

ne i ghborheed i n the Gi ty of Ghi cago; that hi s wi fe has expressed

wi llingneee to rec eive the chi ld i n thei r home an a member of the

fami ly or the respondent; that the reependent does not consent to

the adopti on of the chi ld by Hr, and M rs. Charlee Brady, Respondent's

counterclai m concludes wi th a prayer that the care, custody, eontrol,

educati on and guardi anehi p of hi s mi nor chi ld Ka thleen Ri chards

be gi ven to hi m as i s prov i ded by law.

Peti ti oner's anewer to the respondent's counterc la im avers

that in the bastardy proc eedi ng i n the M uni c i pal Gourt the

respondent pleaded not gui lty and deni ed under oath a t the heari ng

tha t he had ever had eexnal relati ons wi th the mother M ari on

Ri chards; that the respondent was ordered to pay the sum of $1100

for the support and ma intenanc e of sai d Kathleen Ri chards, payable

at the rate of $9 00 for the first year and $100 per year thereafter

for ni ne years, in accordance wi th Illi noi s sta tutes concerni ng

{ on nxusVAewxa’

In soaonqguee urgp xyyruora sci ence e aouoonnznfi

c g gpo page on $5 00 ge5 spa L7L ¢g lean a 3100 b loan sponewggsn

x0 ; ape anbbopr nag marvccnsne e o; aq xwppj eeu HTOFW% Q B'belagre

grppfi L Q fl t spa; ape usabenq eug new @&qeneq go bah sp a anm a; $1100

gpn¢r p9 pug ag es gag 68 3 6 6] k efg gz ona a rsp spa moansn nwxyou

Lsabefigeug byceqeq fl ag gnxlsl. q qqyreq ungax owpp s: cps psaaxnfi

mm : m we m am a bb w eeqw fi m w e HHU IO IEQ I cons»: w e

hesrfirafl ax‘a anaa ex £ 0 xyg usebonqeus, a aoangenoyvrw fi A S L G

pt Ei Aqy go gym as Ia bz oa rqsq pl Ifi fi‘

eqanwsrou avg fi fi ak Q Ig fi fiv 01 FT? $ 13 0 3 Oprrq KS £PTQ SH BIOPV LGG

eouugaLQ Iwrm oouc j nqea fi rcp 9 backs» spec pus ga z e“onegoql


ape sqobgyon a; spa epsyq pa KL‘

avg mxa‘p h j sa w qi

“gaebouq®u3 ,e

xamyja 3 ; eye L eab umqaugt snag cps L G Q b O U Q SU t goes so: couaeug go

A rfyxnfl neafi £0 L ee aqaa KNG avrrq In cpaIL paws we a wespen o; cps

nergppobpooq In spa 3 13 1 0; n c afiot spas pga A 3 3 3 psa cxbksaesq

cps: pt 7 9 a ma LL z eq was 114 3 0 8 arsp p i e mgge an g La ebeogspj e

c axe‘mfi yngeveucs

‘egg cspj ou avg finabqyeuapro 9 1 gaspz seu grapvxqa !

Rsxy gfi j j k embj ofieq avg sang ? afi z az crovg fl B?@ 8 go bLoayqs anygi a

enageql uuq confine: ax xappj meu gropsz q a ! spa: Lssbouqsuc Ia

amrgp-gnsq vuaogsgeq spa seabongenc ya auxxcreq go ape

o; Ijrz uars sommouz h L exaa z sq no we syw Ba a f aq wt c‘cpsbgex yé

{ aspen a; esz q Kappresu gropanqa i fu$4 anqex cps ram 0 ; aye agape

IaGO’ eugsneq, 39 qfiw@ug gruqrnfi L eab ougefi g go pe spa ongg gz ns

Emai l gsfinfi fi‘sue unvyaroay coax: 0 g cprasfio

‘on pae ewpen 11

ge ebeuqeng‘a au aa en WA GL? spas rn a c ameo sucrprsq

3 3 gm HQ L $9 85 ] sqoocxaw'

xvrpj ocn Hi ayfi nqe avg financxz xoq ,euq embonencq e a snag afi a rwn

some aargfipjo bsnsofl pa fi bbaxfi psg fingnq n one; cps benacu o;

eqobfiron o; asgg efi 11q*

mp9 cavaraqrnfi asxsgmwbp b Laz a cya c

fina wwfl pa cagpaxxxaq gug euboasneg co a aaeup 9 0 £9 6 refit:

pt uo‘away cps 65 0 3 3 7 9 3 0; anesoqa 1a oomgLoA O Lgoq

‘a; s cpyyq

ox five é wrrq efl bct rox to cvvc w baneusnonrq

an: ttwntsr xwev$x Pi a f nrfimc ewqen uoorrow I? oz spa St acehql

Anyxnz . ag spa aarqtnwa‘pa: pt 6 3 3 3 0 8 In agz cog gave Lsfi bonqwmg we

cc-hyz gu 'twvt an! truuveae I“ 39 9 geonee sne cevvu a: spa mw-rz se:

L BWLIUR/ Q I spa oprIQ‘

zw cwrs parex L eeb euqauc ,w conuasy qoe e no:

unshaaqeua t ag vi a “Ila oxxen é q w 119 euq bkfi ben Home z oz spa

apa fl j q pmAe E11 9 3 ¢na oasaoql go L a afiauqawg an spa RLO H UQ cps; cps

weapon pwaru€ ,LeI ;ufl mJapaq rye oa aceqh 6 1 van cprjq’cue aonn:

Oqafi qfi k q am no are wwcs$%as ascpsa 0a £9 8 pfi ecwnq C U II Q’vug spa

ye ahovqeug ,a aw rmoybsy oemgau fiyem Ia fag ; O?3 0 8 p @ aa a

ccgoxo cup exoq pe h eyn A g osxeq avg 6 9 : c arqe'

Enema HO hLGU‘ya no: onxygrgq so pwa e ape finvnqysuaprb O L Q GL pause

i fifi gfl fi é'

lu .fl fl efl 6 3 8 9 q s a bL Oq eq: avg £9 3 : ggw avenue] { g ape L‘

£9 9 c fi acoqk oz eye owrrq fi nq so sqfl bs It su ec conqwu c é are? cps

foz rayusj guah g e’ens LI: avg bnobsf osnaoue so concrnae cc psas

mag fit t‘cpvxxe t gnsql

’g rep mpow avg cprrq mag z ysa eq nugeL cue

peasgoxoxe aa z ensq ya gpye c anaa on 19mn8 L1 sé‘reert ppvg fib

epyt z'bxmpacyos ag zrsen a; tne i nfi eu gye gonng

’HH Q Q L rwa qe fl xew

ewesgi ggyoev gyfipq fi uswgyu duqen gpa n z qywuaprb o; ganml HIII‘

ragaxeaga o; ape ag j j q g g g 9 3 mp 6 b eobz e a; aye gasps 0 L ITIIB O IB

A ffi rfi fi 0 ! 99 6 3 10 3 I Q 01 IS? ge aga k V0 2 3 £P3 £ Tc 7 8 XDL eve P8 8 2

cfis wfi tfi nfi r Lfi tfi el‘was ns arfive £0 fps anecoqh 0 1 £9 0 cwrrq 91


engexaq'w am yewaun qeaLae fi pycp Lonnq cvv c Ewa z l c Lon

em w oq 119 3 1 4118? spa 0 0 5 149

on 3 3 13 $3 5

A 189 £0 “fiO bfi cps GEIIQ'

exbaaae 3 9 cps buprra on go ape mogpcn‘

gnq spe c ape v qle g en

gyse gpv BL! 41 0-

B$ A 9 firaov gnu apyyq w 80 0 4 poma gag e a; sum


ape aofgsa‘xwxwfi a grapwaqa

‘was fi E BpTG so xosb gsm opyrg

Logbafi qang, a ESLH Q Q I z a oevcmrpfi ta wuhgpyufi go ape eabQ O La o; ap e

HT63 9 3 9 3'3 W6 war} : fisnfl é e a fig 3 9 ac t swat $ 0 9 ne anrc 0; cws

pvfimwz qz z Eye : 9 0 pro B $A GL g cmcnrpnseq 3 0 fps anhbaus 0 1 Kg gpgsau

born i n wedloek.

It i s urged by The People tha t where a controversy surrounds

the oustody or a bastard child , though the right or the parents

exists, a paramount oonsi dereti on i s the best welfare of the child

i tself .

In zhe Peggle v . Weegg , 228 111 . App . 262 , 268 , this court,

i n advert ing to The Poogle 7 . Porter , 25 111 . App . 19 6, said:

“in oontroversi os of this charac ter , three matters are

to be regarded; the rights of the parent , the rights and interestsor the h or persons to whom the sore and custody of the infantgorsech ild has been given by the parent , and the welfare of the child;and of these three the last mentioned i s the matter of primary and

paramount i npertenoe .”

To the some offset are The n gle v . Nelson , 23 5 111 . App . 410 , 415 ,

416; goggggn , Eggghgll, 811 111 . 519 , 527 ; and Sullivan v . The People ,

3 24 I ll . 463 , 477 m

The et i denee shows tha t i n the proeeedi ngs before the

huoi oi psl deort the respondent denied paterni ty of Kathl een Richards

and eontested the bastardy proceedings. After judgment was ent ered

aga inst hi m he refused to pay any support money due under i ts terms.

In the original Juvenile dourt prooeedi nge insti tuted June 5 , 19 40 ,

respondent did not ent er an sppearseoe or file an answer . In hi s

sworn answer to the present petition, which was fi led M ay 12 , 19 42 ,

he again denied the paternity of Ka thleen Ri oherds. During the pro

ceedi ngs is the huni ei pal court and i n the Juvenile Court , respondent

was liv ing with hi s wife . Al though respondent was ga i nrslly employed

exc ept for .u few months prior to April 19 41 and had an equity or about

thre e thousand dollars i n hi s home , he and hi s wife made Joint

contributions to the mother of the child aggrega ting about

Since 19 41 the Bradye have shown a marked devotion to Ka thleen

Richards. They own the house i n which they live . Mr . Brady i s

employed as an engineer, and hi s wife looks after her household du ties.

oubroloq 6 8 Ga oufixvssn’ s q are A 125 19 65? pas poasgpq gu gres


&nom fl an ape waxes tM -fi fl wcy fifi fl l Ita e'

fin“Enfi ah Ia

avvco IBQ I t?“ v qle wane Bankm'

a awnfisq qaaoeren ca xvsvresm

cong&rpag:oua 3 0 ppm mapper sfi cum cyz rq wfifimsfifi grua wpaag QIQ‘Q Q

gpsac cponaemq qorxwaa 10 p1 5 gcma‘we wag pz a axxe mgq a 20 19 3

exosbg geL 7 gen mengpa buys; 30 v rI rag } &mq p% q cu afiarxl 0 L spams

Asa rxa rnfi 3 7 3g p 7 3 s e*

wygponfin usabpmqgnr a g e fig ymz nj ffi eabj oheq

ooeqrvfi a In spa nanycrbwy combs sag In {HQ Q GA Q U IIQ Q Ofi L g‘neebouqewa

pa sears q 1aq ape bagsaurgx o; Kfi ppfa fiw gyayab qt'

pahrug sp a anaa

axons EUE fi GL so eye bz saeus EGCI£¥ 0 9’

fl fi a £7T9 € wfi fi IS'IaQ S

Leabeuqeuz qqq was engsn as shmea z auue 0 3 £17? 3 3 Q HRA Q L‘

In 9 3 3

1E 8F6 9 L T3 ¥ 9 3 1 fi fl fi é fi ITO Q fl fi fi fi bhua eeqrnfia Efi agfcngag gays g‘Tago

efistwag gym we L az asoq 3 9 b9 & $3 1 sabbaz e mwash gas Q Q GQ L yea geLma‘

avg oanceageq gwg pa uaw q baoc agq:y€e* Vi sa» fifl gfimgvg a g e emsenaq

”fl areybar Q O fl L$ spa afi fibanqamx qsfl z eq b a gsnnrgk 0 g gg gpyeeu yrsp qs

gpa eq fi fi c g i fi O m a gpvg rm gym Q L Q Q G Q Q TUQ E paz oae pp

LO spo'asme etxeesvné Eva $9 05 r3 A‘i é feefi


5 9? III'Vbb


era‘ez g

n fi moang rmbengsve@*


L ee sp a face mangroveq 3 8 ppe maggsz a; ba:msn1 suqEyfi en

pl gpa bwaenp‘avg ape neyzsne ot ewe ayrrgl

o; ape finaecn on besaons so apam sp a owns suq en a pc gl 0; ag e Tulsa;

an fl v‘

i efifisfisqz apt brfiaka 0x are baxews‘tpe x1?§ ce sun ruseh fi aca

“In c ancnoa enaxsa o; cpwa crabsc gex‘ppaes asgpsz e

TU S QA S L z IDR ce xv? b é fifi i e A“bonn5f

‘89 III




In é fi“beobf5 A'meswa

‘888 III



sga‘25 1 8 O O fi Lc


oxrnca'9 bsxvmcnng c anarqesa gz om re ppe pea: a eILe & 9 0; eye epxrq

gpo c fl asoqx 0 ; 9 pa agwnq cprj g‘gQ O fi fip fps grape o; ape bvnanpa

It IE fl kficq pl mpg Becbye spa: upsne a c ovcnoasnel snnnonnqa

penu rm nsqyoeg‘




Defendants”COOK COUNTY.



Thi s i n a eccend ap eel of th i s cause, wh i ch was

reported i n Velume 327 Ill. App . 224 , General Number 4 3119 .

Referenc e te that dec i si on wi ll eheW'

the t the facts i n the case

are wi theut repeati ng then here, Atlant i c fl e eti ng e Engi ne eri ng

Gerporati on, a ee rperet i on, i ssued three cert i fi ca tes of stock

fer 85 9 shares enen in the names of plai nt i ff and defendants

Hnrphy and Hagemeyer, respeetively. In the ori gi nal dec ree i t

was prov i ded that the alert of the Seperi or Court del i ver one

of the eerti fi eatee te pla i nti ff and ene to each of the defendants

upon payment to plai nti ff by defendants or ei ther of then of the

emeunt provi ded in the decree and, in the event of fai lure of the

defendants te make eueh payments, plai nti ff be dec lared the

nbeclnte enner of the eteek,

In thi s eonrt the ori ginal decree was substant i ally

affi rmed i n all respee te exc ept that the chancellor was di rected

to add a provi si on to the decree provi di ng for the sale of all

the eteek in n bleek . After the manda te of th i s court was i ssued,

the c ause wa s rei nstated i n the superi or Court and several heari ngs

go 0 5 1 abruteu'

enacteq pi see ceeecofren emseqynfi ape enrfiruey eeexee bnt eueng

note peg pe tct e cps enemeerren'

eh peeeepet a‘15 0 9 we c eL e e e

tee ac nee ne e t erueceaeq In ape gabetrcn cent : eeq eei eney pse t rngc

two 8£O GK TU v prose'

Vtsex see ueusvce oz tyre cost s ee e ra eusq‘

so seq a DBO A TRTO E so cps qeenee be esyqrufi net ape eeye 0 ; eff

exxrnmeq { a er; eeehec ps exeehe gee: gee cpeucerron e e e qrneehee

In 39 12 scene ape enyfiruer qec t ee are enpeeeefz efri

epsernce canet 0 ; eye egeeg‘

qoz eeqe fl ae so megs enee he i eeupe‘breregzxg pe qeeye t eq gee

emc ee; bL O Aq q 79 ape eeei e e ee q‘en ape «same 0 ; Legrexe e; nee

shew beheses cc byeye cwgg pi eexenqemge 0 L eyepe n 0 ; seem c; ape

an ape eet crgyceee e so hrsyeexg; eve one ge ee ey e; see qez euqeu z e

use hL ee reeq cave ape cretx oi ape anbeexet CO fl L £ qerre en eee

a bpi enq gefieeei eh‘

Le eb ec etnej l‘

13 see ehrtyney gect ee I:

10 5 836 epeLe e seep In eye nemee oi breyuz ygz evq gegeuqeege

conbonepyen‘e ce tbenecyoe

reeneq sense ec t eygz eecee 0 1 8 3 9 0 3

see fi repoe e L ebeesrufi sp ew ge nes

vsj evsre ce egyua e Eearue et rna

gr i ee eme e 3 0 age; geeyeree A FT! eye h . epeg cps geese In ups eeee

LebO Lceq In Aerame QSA $13”ffifi


g eseeer hHWPO L tfiflh’

xprn ye e eeeevg ebb eer cg gpre eenee‘agree ne e


vet errevee*


M gm qccerc eoneex

eeeeee E‘rtrrxveehe

'ex WI

"easesxce cease


beer menuvbbsrree

‘ vg

129 98

see fee we set: useefte sees even 9 c ase I? Lee enqee pk

I fl -est cnee ere dresserree e esei tee exes one e ssence Gowns“

asfies pl brereeftssees see were deseeses eseessz ss can eeeeeeruebz ev

sea benbose ox sextet en'

rveerrrdeue eve sea execs“ In rs

Li neuarar assess esessences cssz tefl e sefireeenz efi eehbexexresf zes

reefs else on cheehseesel no mess e cowhreec {snee zedexres o; cps

sc once? qrxscrexe , tee c'megeneeh ce someone goes Jen engen *e1

rrzrfisereu‘sweseerefi as csr’see

‘eo on one concese az eu ! ewe first

recess! one: see brsruorxz nee ese nfise see costs at the heavens

sees 3 9 Leasesmenace gp e ecnhenscrem one eez genee eenecss greenexey

one zrneuc rer ,ereoe e on vej engzo assayed e gwdrse enz un genbO Legyenl

Lennyeeeq rne*

qe z eneeer c engsre pefsnce enc ore hsnhoseeed so open

to cps easel e; are e esee on assesses e‘reee

‘the bIexuz vz z

ape nec exq qreeroe ee ghee qahxnh rye sne e z e; pesnz nge baron

cpvuaerren eenrsq are hesesree‘sue qetevesncs pores awe z estssa

ocneygrcexe e oz egocx, reeneq, ;n ewe sense 0 ; rue gegengenge'mpe

reg ewe ewes sec £0 Larrne see Ives01 the brerucrxe sfivrsss cps

qe ge { on eeye i n green e; cps egocfi In desegren one {stench encenew

cuesews. oeese e; assesses e’rcee

'pe weqrxveq pl coesrvwrnfi see

on neocwyon IA'reee

‘enteneesz s tyres e be crsrov bnehrfl fi

Whether Atlanti c Casti ng Engineering Corporati on was

mismanaged by the plai nti f f or other of fi cers of the corporat i on

as charged by the defendants was not before the chanc ellor i n

the present pre ceedi ng . The record di scloses, however, that the

chanc ellor di d endeavor to obtai n for the defendants the i nformati on

they requested relati ve to the fi nanc i al status of the corporati on,

wi thout gci ng too far afi lhds After heari ng all the test imony i n

the fermer jprcc eedi ng as well as that adduc ed i n the i nstant c ase ,

the chanc ellcr fi xed a ti me whi ch . he regarded as reasonable under

all the surroundi ng and attendant c i rcumstanc esa

finleee we can say that the evi denc e clearly shows an

abuse of the di esre ti cnary pewar granted the chancellor under the

mandate in our former op ini on, this court would not be warranted

i n di sturbi ng the order ef December 5 , 19 45 , amendi ng the ori gi nal

decree . In car op ini on, from a c areful read i ng of the record i n

thi s case, the evi dence dees not Jueti fy a modi f i cat i on of the

order of Dec ember 5, 194 5 as prayed for i n defendants'peti ti on ,

Per the reasons gi ven, the order i s affi rmed and i ts

provi si ons thonld be carri ed set wi thi n a time to be fi xed by the

chanc ellor .

canen. arrxnne3‘

mm ,Ew e AND Bum , J . com es.

oungoq g'3‘nuaaon £5 0 3 £9 0 bnewrsea ans spa msuwfiamanc zpoago;


gpwc 0 9 Decompan 9’I3 ¢Q q®15 uqeuc g

'R'aeasu nonc rprx

accoupea 9‘raga gye bsomz aoa ma ke wwuwfl aq pm bratu gxgg 3



tax Sue'

ou penvt z 0: cps Romans} rag a { 5 0 9 vnarr rs’ Ia¢9 co

0 ; 9 9 7 0 5 8 0 pores an anqrArqaq oas~ pwyz ruceneeg 7 9 age bnsmrae a

Apron pt ext ra: 1 5 t Iran on spa a a?ae a§ cmsg spa game: cambvul

cut : one Bannwaq geervwvv worqe w tax eenarz rc fi cs non gra’eco

In aye arc} o; s agfio‘ oowgsrurng gev L angepye poser abaLgmaupat

Ioewcoq as ans uencmmaac aonwax a; Imqrwwg vm&yns a sqsp acz ssc‘

gLa ag wfl xasmswc‘

ens ape caveat o; a gsaava aeaxl q og payrqrve

coubcnl o; qpycvfio’ s seahona c:ofi

‘we mafi aea aa fi nqeu I asw yu

oowbrrrvg e j reagng rs afipacfi vse spa: bjwrwgrz ga avg cps luaag

on nasaapex 5 9’raea brez wcrxxa 11164 avert 9117 a;

0 1 q rwfiw wa cwne q SftH sak es: tn cps cz tl 6; aprov8o'

LG GGTA Q L LOL fin abuz z weug pone; raosgeq up are aoz pnne eg connan

on breeqynfis auq enygfi uc e‘ou qfi unaxk If

“Iaeg abborugrnfi s

Lyra ya fi n Tnpenyocugoxfi aboaay gnaw an oxqen enac L aq



pageq nce vbberjwfl ga'

9° x

‘nowvu afi q


goem z’


bez smqwuca vbbeyxesw‘

$1 EEE%?HD 3&Ei fifi Vfi wag

pesq L ac enqeq fi a maeawafl coakbonwgron 0 g Iffz ua:a

‘as mnaagee

caravac lt$PE 9 £BQ 3L conbvmx‘y coax oonn&x


Jaefi‘spa Knaun we axfl a: fie

”bee ac vi xeemev: q aq vbtql Iw’

ochbonsgrou 9 1 Ixfywore‘

9 a a ngas

$fl fi“

&3ngm GOKbVEX an catcveo‘w


STV Ifi c xa vbbeyrsse'


and discharged all the c lerks and other employees retai ned by

plai nti ff; and that he i s now i n possessi on and collec ti ng all

the rents, i ssues and prof i ts of the premi ses. The bi ll concludes

wi th e prayer for a part i ti on of the premi ses, a ttorney‘s fees,

and general reli ef .

On Jenary 8 , 19 46 plai nti ffs served not i c e tha t they

would appear before the chanc ellor and move for the appoi ntment

of a receiver i n aocordanc e wi th the prayer of thei r p eti ti on,

a oopy or whi ch ostlos and p eti ti on. was served on defendants'

counsel . On January 11, 19 46 , when the ma tter came on for h ear i ng ,

the plai nti ffs presented thei r p eti ti on for th e appoi ntment of a

recei ver and the Houses fi l ed instanter their answer to pla i nti ffs'

pet i t i on and an answer to the complai nt .

Ploi nti tre'veri f i ed pet i ti on for the appoi ntment of a

rec ei ver alleges that the premi ses i n questi on were purchased on

Apri l 12 , 19 45 on behalf or the plai nti ffs and the Romans; that

unti l the 8th day of Deeember , 19 45 pla i nti ffs were i n ac tual

possessi on thereof for themselves and the Houses; tha t on the eth

day of Dec ember , 19 45 the Romans entered the premi ses wi th the

a i d of other persons whose names are unknown, and forc i bly evi c ted

the manager, bookkeepere end other-

employees; tha t they posted

c ertai n indi vi duals at the entrsnee of the premi ses who warned

plai nti ffs and the employees to keep sway from the premi ses and

refused . them ae eess or possessi on thereto; tha t there are numerous

unpai d bi lls; that cheeks were i ssued whi ch were returned marked

“i neuffi oi ent funds”; tha t vari ous tenants have refused and fa i led

to pay rent; and that the Romans have fa i led to ma i nta i n the

premi ses and are permi tt i ng waste and di ssipat i on of the i ncome

tromf the premi ses. The prayer was for an order to be entered

appoi nt i ng a rec ei ver,

vbheJntrnfi v sneez Aan‘

Lson, aye~ bsmmraea

'¢p$ bfiwhom .nvw 10 h wfi engnn 90 yo O fl t u i aQ


bsowrae a avg 3 L» oouwxgarufi A g ape was qz aarbssxau a; zyn rusoma

go bvi . h en3 2 avg snu g $pe HQ Wfi nB pag e guyrsq 3 9 wefugsqu cps

. Iuanxgvoreuc tango“: n c AsL IO fi a senvucs pvas L SLfl BeQ'

q { F tré fi

awbq 9 7116“any: aweaxa ag g e aeansq “asap mane L eag xneq W$Lgeq

ngz nanq gnaw 3 0 0 61 8 an boaeesfiyaa Epfi l fi pfi f any: z gek e fine uamefi an?

hxctnxrz gs wnq gas Gmbfoz eea ca yeah smg a gnaw spa bh emygsc Q ua

oemgwru q TarQ H Q Ta fi p gp e eng&asaa 0 ; ag e bb gfi yass sue naLveq

ap e WQ Q GRGL’

_9 0 @ RIB fl hGL Q avg expen embraise fi t $w9 1 .bce ¢9 q

erg o; oxpsa benacu a nyv as H$WQ Q ans nuxnnnu‘sag gonstprl sg z e geq

qvl ox Dec ewpen‘Iaqg ape Hsmwve gagsaeq ave os geae AJgp spa

bee qp eayom'

gyexsn; LQ L pwgmaeraea g ag nae gamvne t agac an spa gpp

fi vfif? ffifi E£H Q'l 0 L 3 6 0 ®mpsb‘I§ §Q byuz ufz ggs g ene In ec pfi gy

vbmrr IE‘rafg a? pant } ; ex eve brsz ncraxfi gmq syc Bawana t nut s

Lsc erasL eyj sfiae snug cps haemxase In da asxrey nabs baxrpsasq en

affirmi i z z a g a ek fz z gq becz cz ov Lon syn fl bbornswfl ug on 9

begzgxou avg an evens; so cps comoj wyng’

L ccoya en any spa gcmana arj eq ( neasucsn spar; enamsx co brayucrgga ,

gpo bra zvgyxxa bpafi awgeq ap e} ; LGL gye abborvswemc 0 ; fl

c eaveey“

an fivmfl fi kfi II’raee

’ape fl ape z vcgen G ama on { on pesnyufi

a c obi oz apycw nogz c e 9 3 g b egygron na e senaaq on gogemqsnge ,

eg t xaaorasx rm acaa&qg noc swap ape Ensi gn o; gpsrx begygrou‘

aoarq abbesL - paz oxn xpc cpwuoarxon suq WOA Q { as gpe ebborngmeng

on wz fl fi nz e‘IS@€ brswwfirz ts sekaoq noxrc a saw: fipefi

fl fi g fifi fl vL FI LG ITGL'

Inj gp w bkale z $0 1 a bc c au ox rpm Enemyasa’

asgez nal ,a z e ca’

up: Lance“3 9 1 3 9 2 awq

— baoz z gg a; gpe bxewyee a¢

gpa p7 1; eomcq c a

hfwrngrgxi «we saw: pm It fl ea rs be eaoacrow avg coyrec crmfi arr

rug qraepsnfieq err spa orange vug egwc n embrolsse nocgyneq pl

asap aspen B fl q <mtfp’

3fi 7 q auae z og Lra eL . ono

nvrt nxarri conteqafi vq‘c amahrnfi q

'ee fivrasq fine easfaqsq


sna g so GILO fimA C Q t awe b»a¢ rai aa a aq z L a ag Q fib é fi mfi fl g fifayu::gz a

tug bnaceoqc 0 1 csrq bueuz aeu we go aB - quqrargeq Q ueu pvj z 7 5 3 65 6 03 !

A O L Q ap enern qeoIQ L eq 20 pa ansz gj eq cart 3 9 ape as&u1ufia‘aa vz ya

apt chaste cpe b erv we: Lancfi* wag afvrnsrz xa

‘3 8 ?Orxc efi nefi z e

£0 yorq greys no ssrq hksmrass LQ L spa sac s mnq .a axbgfi ea avg abon

cps: anqen gnu seams o; aq gnawg 3 &ae efi fi a z aaz q ghaaasa fi fike gq

t ccvcpoq so 3 9 6 gv aaen so five efi fi brgtnsan? 3 3 k xeq Exvzpra v

noebeac 3 0 ans ak emraea ,nab e £5 7 11 £9 5 3? In 3 fibfi ac U8L 9 $E 9 3 £

fi ve rwfi ab use cfiwbwui 0 L cnlefifim‘v canbonfl crafi

’sa cnfi fl eee


huemxaeet xyva ups bxfl pee finq oaz rfiaarene oz cfiq ara aucrxz e‘Hemwna

0 » Q» S pan; VbLTI IS'Iaé fi aowgus fi vq braxupzmx& baLS fl fi eeq awe

L Q GO LQ IEQ o; a GeL gvrn gk fl n£0 6 3 8 gage gagaq nsoempek Ij’

raga: fps:

I; tvi'

goaaxnoq pl z paw pi nevaou on t?» a nenfiaaz raaasaca fi ne

$F9 $ bT9 TU£I¥IE 9 9 0 31? D“ grt eecsq 01 Sy3 3l Ingexeac TU aq b LemTaoc'

0 1 ea wnqrnxqsg aufi ~ yfifn Ivcenea: In gas bnemraoa Inaoyxeq B6 L Q IE !

ea ensr enpnasnggsfrk fi e LO II Q fi Q : eggs D I$ IW£JLLfi axa we: eye afl nena

gui nea 39 Egayngz gz a, b ggxggau afin awe abborncg awfi o; a L Q C GIA SL

aye avaxaz £3 gpc cmmbj aruc fi fi?0 fi 1 8 snoanbeLageq 1m gye

tn qegan nz fifi apeage z asa ara e& . po abha:u¢sq'

fivcsonfi ex spa su ag ax so {ye emmbre z mg ps sonatqexsq pl cps GO fi Lc

xyetn t nua ea 3 a 29 9 brfl rnctzxa, Essysz en’ aug b z gl apa g spa $5 18 ~

L ez aL enea gr} apt wj z ofiwz yeua ox cps fin ax$§ so ego eembygyug 7 a

fifi fii wake ;Ixog VH‘EU fi Q G fi so ape oombrsyuc sag InaoLbeLscs pl

by:n;aay .boaasaagoa a; spa bmemye ee°

é fifi $ 5 3 3 9 ; UA fi L E gpwg

1arn: tnq‘aanenvx g unme n: vqwre


swec a'x'sfi avn re man 1a

i n? hsxi z fov Lon syn fibba Ifl £W6fi£ o; w Lsc erasfi'apawne i n speyx

vz csn fl fi fl i ?fl fi aap ecvucrvrfk 3 TI 0 3 eye “TIGRO LIO U S on


d . A. Stamberg for the purpose of havi ng sa i d trustee i ssue a

deed to plai nti ffs conveyi ng to them an undi vi ded one-half i nterest

i n sai d premi ses, contrary to the terms of sai d trust agreement;

and tha t by reason thereof the sai d trustee di d on Dec ember 11,

19 45 exeente and del i ver to plai nti ffs a deed conveyi ng to them

an undi vi ded one-half i nterest i n and to sa i d premi ses, c ontrary

to and i n vi olati on of the terms or sai d trust agreement wh i ch

were then well known to plai nti ffs and to sa i d trustee . Further

answeri ng, Homsns deny tha t no other p erson or persons than the

parti es menti oned i n the complai nt have any i nterest i n or to

sa i d premi ses, and state the fee t to be that sai d premi ses are

esc ap i ed by the followi ng named persons ( nami ng 3 04 of the alleged

tenants) as tenants,

Homans'theory or the case as set forth i n thei r bri ef

i s ( 1 ) that pla inti ffs are not enti tled to part i t i on, as they

obta i ned by fraud a deed to an undi vi ded one-half i nterest i n

the property herei n i nvolved; tha t the i nequi table conduc t of

pla i nti ffs stands admi tted by the pleadi ngs; ( 2 ) tha t the parti ti on

sui t meet rai l heeanse ef lack of neeessnry parti es: ( 5 ) tha t

the somplsint di d not allege any facts warrant i ng a di ssoluti on of

the partnershi p , nor di d i t pray for n di ssolut i on of a partnershi p

between plai nti ffs and the Romans, and the compla i nt d i d not allege

any fac ts warranti ng the appoi ntment of a rec ei ver, nor d i d i t

pray for the appoi ntment of a receiver; and ( 4 ) more di sagreement

betwe en partners does not warrant the appoi ntment of a recei ver ,

and the appoi ntment of the rec ei ver was contrary to the law and

the fac ts.

In support or th ei r fi rst poi nt Homnns‘mai nta in i n

thei r argument that the new ma tt er alleged i n thei r answer to the

compla i nt to whi sh no reply had been fi led by pla i nti ffs when

the heari ng was had on January 11, h9 46 , i s deemed admi tted under

dec ti on 40 of the Civi l Prac ti ce Ac t . The alleged new ma tter i s

9 0 0 3 7 0 3 «0 0 ; eye ynwc pyae voc'

ape afrefisq wen marten ya

cps p evxrnfi a g e pi g on qsnnsxl 11‘mate“ we quea eq n xggeq g ags;

oombycrnp no array no Lebfk seq poeu gyj aq pl bysyugz gz e A 9 0 8

spars dbé fl msup gpfir tfifi'

bsfi mscgex gyrcasq in spawn 3 6 3 5 6; $0 cps

In subbeu: o; swarm gyb esboyup Hpmwno t matugsrfi In


avg cps sbboz upmon: a; sp a Lee eyact ass O O U$L $L1 3 0 rue yen sag

pe pnc eu bn ueL a qoae we; M S L LQ Ht eye abboruzmsug o; 9 LseerAsL’

bL fi l { on age ebborucwonc o; w L GO é TA Q L ! avg ( f ) mane qyaeahesmeue

g um { se cs msxssngrnfi cps fi bbotagwevg 0 1 a L ac eynen’non qtq 13

p é pg e en bi nrrgz a suq Lye nomamw*

avg figs eombyuyug qrq D O £ 8 1168 6

eve w gnenaprb‘N O L grq ya bngm get a Q TGfi DI fl fI O H a; a bsnnnanefiyb

cps aombrt yux qwg use fi yyafis fink ( sage nexnfingrufi a qyaaoyasrou 0 ;

any: wa g e gar} poc g fise 0; yes; oz nec e easz k bsasyoe i ( a) span

bn m n u fie anm qe wqm u sq 91 m s bresqrnfivt ( 3 ) m s: w e be t-m etal:

ppe bnobencl genera yuc noq t pugs cps IU Gfl fi j cfi pj fi cougans o;

opcvtueq pl Lawaq a gesg as $3nnqvq gq ou a u pwrg yuceneas In

TB ( I ) lye: bTF IUSILIG ”L G 9 0 : G U£I£IG§ £0 9 8 cfi fi l

EDEF Q B‘cpeoxl o; spa ca ge 5 8 as; Laney { u gpeyn pLyaL

z ehwnga ) vb geasngeJ

c:c n%} oq pl cps goyjoafnfi nsfi eq agnaoua ( ubmrug goq 0; fps errefieq

asrq bL emxe ee‘

auq ecfi cc fine L3 0 3 90 gs ape: asyq bnamyeee t he

banzre fl menrroaeq In cps womi xuc pfi Ae fi nk Intak es: In 0 L fie

auaa enrafi’Hoa g ue ggax xpz c no ospex b exaon on oeneoue gnaw ape

A Q L O span A 9 11 gnoms co bysxmgyxz a guq so asrq pan acoe*


go gwg In Atoysgyou o; ape genmn 0L sq cLaa: Q fiL Q QWQ fl sspray

t o naqrargeq ovg~ pyyg ID £6 L 8 8 3 7 3 avg 5 0 Berg bLamrae e’

c oucz sni

Ié fa exocmsc n geyya en so bfg rvgyxxe 9 gesg coua elrafi so spew

a spar pl Lesnon speneo; sue eq £Lfl 8 £0 8 qz q on Dec ampou 11‘

7 3 Btrg bLsmraee‘

g oun Ll co cps cexme oz aq sumac g fl xe emeng t

qb é q go byV7nc7xga Q O UAokrufi to cpvm an u q arqeq ens-per; rugsne ac

g'V ’

asympsne Lou ape baxbbwe 01 pvxymfi evvq cz a esoa IC EE G 3


brwyncrgxa own swys spew qsxanqwuga annafivng cc eeogran'

sg ao; cpsorobt gut : uni 9 gp¢a buncrsa fi ns ruce&oaasq In ape bnamgaae

In boaeooeron fivq idqfimsvsone qfcc z e a; ponqporqcsn’

11 3 3

.ngz cugaun pc t no: poeu bnc jmqrcoq pa cps nonveragen a; ,beL eoaa,

bakers! 8 3 In cat mut e i s pvh‘

$fisi a £9 9 Gowns asrq'we hwfl e egg

scmcrona sans wz qc aoneobmrufi ape fi IyQ a IQ GF a; Hec eaegnh



"saa III


“efims eou‘

firs? nsfifi bq £0 ape -5 018 8 HL Q GG pl HQ fi fi fl e'xx

{ F 7 I Q L O so L ebxz so cpa Loaefiarwfi .ayyefi agxmfi fi ax eye anaaen‘

In‘ansnce a o; z usc fiysfipxs mosque ; new pe q A u LLQ N h18 3 0 3 1LLQ‘o; app bLoa yexeme o; cpa canes 9 8 § ¢ 3maug

'1m ass abruyog 9 6

canesmancfi ta w .a afi a §anyav 0 ; £9 8 bzvsqen a fi go gym 1 08 9 1 sages:

Ingaag ”c ongL fl i k 3 0 mag In age gexwe a; spe eL fi ag

gun aaenaeng Jn ape finfi fi an gwa g bywrwaygz t , qeeq use

my" 3‘see


fi3 55 3?K‘are III'vhh

'65 9

‘fQ fi i firewoxv z i rrfl vz a CTfiTI finsonyoe

attuqvnfl pi spwmaernea‘ggcse syrofisgraua wane eomoynerona a;


e rmanwenaucsa ebbasn agrep nonagrga gs spa aat ne suq c anz brnaa i'

abovgxfl I I fl afi fisse 0 ; fine qeeq no brwxwtrgaa'an; an cue tease fina

g;qg¢ ia8Leemena

'u gfi i egpe ems mgwcaq Ia spa g uamcn no snag ape

s qa é q c afl gnvnx go sag In axcysgz an a; £5 0 canwa a; $9 5

“ggt 5 3 16 skaegaa q es aps gug gas e z so byen v a

abrncq unq corxagqg a gap eawv opgex auq A fgy ape fl L fl afGB": ssws

gpubqrn leg gongpe fi cps: ,bzstus:gga fi UIfi fi Ifl j Il g angeqeb egeq‘ sou

ga spa swi g bnem1aoa go» gnu anew sag bax3 ¢aaa 9 9 g fi bew spa cha nge

cpo $953 3 a; fipe gnaac vfiz oaweya asrq sfiassa go pale £1310

raafl aue e gug n$qonqrna fig 8 sa ngwwu $Lfl §rfi 0 &8 gesq . ! . cwfi 3 angaa


In their answer Romans name more than 5 00 tenants as occ upant s of

the premises but no reference i s made to the na ture and charac ter

of their tenancy . Whether they were transient guests moving from

day to day or bound by leases for a definite term does not appear

from th e answer . Mani festly, naming all or the guests of a large

hotel as parti es defendant i n a complaint for partit ion i s not only

extremely difficult but i n most instanc es futil e, sinc e the guests

are eonstantly changing . Many of those named i n the complaint

when the sui t i s filed would necessarily have to be dismissed on the

ground that they had no interest “i n possession or otherwise ”and

the new guests added as parties de fendant . Thi s a t best would be

an interminable process, As point ed out i n the Boddiker case , Romans

c annot be pre judi eed i n the instant c ase by a delay i n Joi ning the

tenants until after pla inti ffs'right to parti tion i s det ermined .

Defendants urge as their third point that the compla int

did not allege any fac ts warranting the appointment of a rec eiver

nor did they pray for the appointment of a rec eiver . The bill conta ins

a prayer for general relief and was later supplemented by a petition

for the appointment of a rec eiver . The bill as well as the p etition

alleges many se ts at misconduc t by Honane i n the opera tion of the

hotel . In the case of Baggage; 2255 e Trust Co, v . Baisez , 263 Ill .

App . 5 45 , i t i s held that a prayer for general relief i s suffi c ient

to warrant the appointment of a rec eiver pendegte ‘litg'

before the

hearing, We do not think tha t Hemane'position on th i s point i s

t enable .

As to Homans'final contentions, the evidenc e shows tha t

the pla intiff B . R . M anson ha d exc lusive mana gement of the hotel

until December 8 , 19 45 ; tha t he collec ted all the rents, and tha t

there was a monthly inc ome of 3129 000; that he bought all the furni ture;

Vhen the hotel was purchased a bank acc ount was opened at the



6. 9n busi ness 2 8 EQAO j.é

By tm i r sacana am nfied peti ti an ( hereinafter for 3 3 11

vaai enae refarrad ta as peti ti an ) relators sought a wri t of

business as M . B . Haters, to remeve certai n autm biles, other

Stan? Islanfl aV@ nnfi and tbs nfi rthp and~seuth, a11ey east thereof,

in vi alatim of law. Am rs were fi led by the c i ty, i ts

£0 uwva rpfix rn'

reba“we fsr$ u In'

rarv eyanfi nfi na bnvrtc

3 9 3WWW wqcmceq em bassy; 9 11g m am w nm q Q AII‘qfl iGQ

mm qm m r m we q m aw y a; qemw m ga‘m om W e}: m ysgcm a

cm w Le afl rmq rm 9 «gem cm, w e? becn m 12cm 8 m m at,

boxgz ens cL mpz nw fists apc gen pk gas CGfi L fi'

$1161 at ggg

ce arfinvpeq oz nxcxez a avg pl fififi Tfi Q TA¥ Q fl g I qeaenqgmfa’awxfgxfi

TU Arorwcxon'

oa Igfi‘

vwfi aena mess z z rsq pk rye etch“I$a

agonk gaygfi q saamng sag gag fimLpU-gmq» 3 0 fi gv wyfeh aweg fipgxoog‘

fifl wrfc an fva anfl fi p $1qo a t Efi ar Earp asLe ax pesfisfiu

am omypm am m oniu m 947 73 3 7 3 2 3 0 17 bxabemh g jmfisq so pa 9

sbbmmgeyg nce? naeq pa fl“ B ’ mpgexa 10 3 fine GQ U

“fi C £ on pfisz n

Amman ? samexvrm rn? eqfiu a

’ mea g re n yyfim u xm w g m caper.

pm m ea we. w 3'gam ma} go) m amas 9 & 1,n e firw omopzm a

’0 5pm ,

0 9 73 576 7 4316 2? em ;

‘grzmm m ann a mm m a m a 3”53m m

”(36m g

m a fi a m swims“

; we qagmyq sm a cm 415m m La aBe om m cggrcrgy

m a m a m m m fiaq m ms.» M ammal? ) 139 19 30 1 13 sw am: a mm“

: 0 1,

M‘338133913 1136 m m QEPZILE

HED Qfi i‘

ifl fifi OE» LEE COM”

31mm m VA I Q N‘


c g fioi fl vraz u kl z cam‘afi L6 3 $U¢a am¢gnu Ereogxz cz ph 63 C?neux?om

‘cammxearomsn ex

$ 0 3 In W

0 0 14 1 0 5 10 130 1. 0 1 y lpyz c

r~ ave-1 0m m, a}; boygrm

bEObPE oz EBB amvmg a& Irrzmoxa


IE Lz ovs I a QIK Lefi fi fi z qe- fisfip Q i afiwncs 9 2 r¢ Laesamam


gas z z z aa 2$Lfi fi fi $9 ¢fl 6 6& E$‘z ? s Ifi xfio fl bfixsmeuc pmq zufi

ramsqxfipeyk aomgg 0 ; 3p@ agqsmfigg sofi egz pmgaa 9 bsnxmsl aywcp‘

Imfi 8 q18 $é rz fa egg aafi py Q L gfin, ofl z p 3 3 Q Q IQ GL Q TK 3 7x gefip

LL Q W swé fi ancfi z 0 2 rwG lfi gfifi fik ffig figs camp ag e I3 Leas! £3 8 9


IBIQ‘e bg agfi fi ez qgnwnna G BfifipITBpfi q Aggy asnsea e a 39

avg pakmaq ppe Brramgynaagyk ea ag gyaxgoz'


sfiuazyfi z nafi Q $onk ~z eywnq aasmae ry vfi'

afi egegyl qxz scpqau so

In 194-3 Merbi tz elm Byrne sum med a wri tten appli

eeti on to the Ci ty of Chi cago for a permi t to oc cupy the

strip of land 7 feet by 100 fee t on the south si de of East

78th street between the exi sting si dewalk and the lot line

between Steny Island avenue and the north-and-south alley

east t hereef for a period er three years at an annual cem

pensati en of per year, and the ci ty eounci l on December

15th of that yearspassed an order authori z i ng the superintexr

by one ef the eleem en to cem ur in the report of the cemmi ttee

en local i nclustri es, streets and alleys, whi ch had approved

the afipli eeti eno

On December 23, 1943 a noti ce was served en defendants

the fac t that sai d stri p of lend i s a publi c parkway, and that

i t had been m a fer some trim by LL. B. Meters for storage of

mm eutm ati eelly exclnded the use the reef by the general

publi c we, was i ni mi c el te the publi c interest; that the demand

and resi dents er the Ci ty of Chi c ago; that Klepfer had appeared

befee'e the ( 3t on loc al industri es, streets and alleys

$0 ab j ect to the use ef gai d publi c parkway for pri vate gain,

and hafi wri ttee letters to the ci ty offi ci als wi th respect


by lee wi th the duty and respenei bili ty of prote ctm


Whi dh i t appears that the dedi cated street was 66 feet in

to the curb and over the si dewalk to the lot li ne we re as

heretofore stated . Klopfer supported the documentary evi

denee by oral testimony'

whi eh. wae uncentroverted . The court

in; 1ts oral opi ni on. eneeetai ned some doubt as to the dedi ca

ti on , but the law i s clear thatvthe acknowledgment and

recordi ng of a plat ,i n accordance wi th the statute , showi ng

stree ts and alleys therei n, eperate effeetuelly as a deed

conveyi ng ti tle to the streets and alleye be the c i ty.

does the law reqai re that evi dence of ti tle to the land

platted be produced; the fact of pla t ti ng end acknowledgi ng

are aets and evi denee of ownershi p ( n gg v, Leecg, 28 Ill .

premi ses platted as are .merked or noted as donated or granted

to fihe publi c , and the premi ses i ntended for streets, alleys,

ways or other publi c use are held in the corporate meme in.

trusfi and for the uses and perposes set forth or intended,

namely, for publi e nee as a publi c way ( Che 109 , per . 3, Ill .

Rev. Stat . W4I5) . When relations i ntroduoed in evi dence survey

plate properly recorded and acknowledged, showi ng the ereati an

of a 66-foot publi c street known. as East 78th street di rectly

east of Steny Island avenue , defendants i nterposed no objeo

ti on thereto, enfi the exhi bi ts were admi tted i n . evi dence . They

include the parcel of land in. controversy, and under the provi

sceé hgeq p3 . £g@ excl oz cpz ofl fio’

agxpfi geq a bLebeL qeqqcq en‘ me z eoeex’ {pa qeqz oagrem ewe

arena cg goe agegnge euq ape Loz egoz fifi onppoe z pre e‘geso cone

I UGIQ Q G fipfi bez e ey 0 1 Tong In coupz oae nefi‘egg queen eye hLO AI

axon speLe eo‘Bug ppe exp z $e ee Le sqmrepeq In eayqofiee ‘gyel

ee ee c g afoul rez one eaemoe‘qege nqmvxe Inpev ooeoq no ople eu

0 3 e oq—Loop bnpj fc egxeee gme eu ea Bee p 53 pp egz eop gyne cpyl

brsge bxoee Ljh me coxqeq cue q W0 3 ye qfieq‘

eponz nfi fine one figxmfl

yea” fl

gfl g'IQ¢ 3 }

'gpe fi L6T 5$3 3 2 T mfroqmoeq qu eerqeuoe enmlel

nemefl‘{ on hno j z o fl ee e? e hu fl yT : mvi ( cp


yca‘be L ' 3‘III ’

gLoepe q LO L pee mee e enq hv oee e ee; gouge C L Ingefi qeq’

name on oppeL bupy{ c nee axe uej q TU g ro fi O Lfi O L Q Q G a cme rm

go see bfi pjyo‘ ” no see ELGE T Q Q E gn peu ye q tea errele

bn zmwz e e bj 9 $“6q me e t e m e z yeq on noeeq

fi e qonsgeq on Exemgeq

agqemre e oenaelemce i n ge e eyubj e o; Bm‘U boxgrove 01 epe

onq gee eognoej eqameuy swq Esc oq fl f og easy byescom»

e Le ec ee sue earqence oz o, uvz eprb 5 3 IT;'

byegge q pa bz oqe ceq i $7 8 fee? 0 1 byepa f « no Q PKL O J IG U Q IUQ

qoe e ape gee z edfiyme eye; saz gene s oz egcye go gee {one

m ow e r ?“

“S i

! In" we“ eel,

eouA eL fi q re go gun ec z eegea vg eyj ele pe fiUG c:g1


egz e ope enq eyj ela cpsmeru‘obe z epe egz e cgn a j j l e a 9 eoeq

LG O GL Q ¥ U3 0 1 e byep ya oceoxqence eyry cge epepmpe’

epeez ufi

pi ou’per eye yea so C TQ Q L ppes'5pe ecx

moej eqfiweng eg g

{U Ifia oL 9 I obyvqefi engexcejmeq acme conpfi ea 50 ope qeq1¢s~

qoue e pl O L ey ge e prmovl eg z ep mee mfioon gz oaergeq*

L ye cools

pexegogone egepeq‘xyebgen aobbonpeq gpe qoeomeueenm oeqn

po gpe csz p one O AB L pee erqee erx ro ppe

you IIfl B esLe se

eIQ Qp eg g Cpfi fi £F8 ©1 8 £§ WGG £10? £H$ C SUfisi 0 2 £3 6 Loeqeek

epj oy y: ebbeene eye; pee qe qroegeq efl eeg fi g ? go Loop In

u p”

ing thi s fact the court i ndi cated that i n. ni s Opi ni on thi s

appeared to be a"spi te case ,

"and defendants sti ll persi st

in. allué 1ng to tbs motive whi ct rompted relators to i nsti tute

proceedi ngs. The doc tri ne of unnle an. hands has no appli cati an

ta the case at bar, be cause the performance of a duty to the

a wri t i s gaught to campel the performance af a duty to the

publi c , the wri t shaald hat be dani e d bec ause relater i s

actuated by parsenal ill-Wi ll i n .fi ling the peti ti on“

At the i nstance of thfi court the relator gave his

m am Star bri nging the sui t . He testi fi ed that he owned

the premi ses are h e a ted, tha t he i s a taxpayer, paying his

hands, especi ally i a . vi ew of the fact‘

that the subj ect matter

elimina ted framl ths proc eedi ng.

ti ens ta issas a wri t as prayed, and i t i s 89 ordered.



Seanlan and Sulli van, JJ . , concur .


u I t“5 9 0; ge nerates go a ermxyvn. oennsnssnros passes” pyw

arsenayou o; pys Exc ess; j esss‘{ LO U esteempex I so ae ogegpss

truvi ll tore me“GO IQ D£G IH me soars &, Ae yrs v cnt xel~s9 1

osnrq no; ens eenfq no; hen gpeg we ep L ens“ amrsp eels: aI

Lsaeu e q rec ast cps; an“qoj qegern serq Tn enpagsnes qsga sn;

gps sfienp o; 3 3 : ounc e segnq gegg'oo box monpp Lesser not a

e; qexseqsnc'

apssensn gpn syne‘ens nz guesess eyes efinee

pres tn vnfin fl s' cexsese tu was earns stews I: use we see extras


nonnye aq ssern eele gee genes eeusennvsros see some

0; enogpen Iesee'

amrgp eels gee eonnenaerrena sense In qfi U e‘

obe yeq pl cps atoms on hyszngqg; sue qegenqsns xeL cps exe onggon

klIO L an eye exh z z sgz os 0; eye jssee‘wefisgyesyone sens

ee cnegenl enq snessnnen*

use bne exqeng or spa qe ge eqeuc on bsvl‘a “aspen r'gorgesepfi‘

yepenp D’

anrgp se e yrs Idsfl fufi ssmsse nt go i n gs p” seyq age z o

bysyupzi g osuss' are oggz ce e e ns es egg gangs aspe sp vnenns’

gen b sxbe esew hprz z o bees mes sfiens non cps

ape j eese so exbyno vfi gnsg gy‘Iafg

*gpe bnemxsss sens sang

nnrcces resss s; s wouguxl Longs} o; bskspj e In aqneuc e‘

songssspe ep'


Degeuqess ass gm ooeae asgon angst e

as ass soups Du e -pg j g o; ewe gosxnp ZIO O L‘gu ess so gaggm eg

Le eonen bossseexon e; bLe nz ese In ape crcl on anreefie‘q esesgpsq

( ruqz ua o; cps eosnsl i n nu senses c ; LQ LGIpJB qscsrnen he

sysxnsrx; ebbesz e { new a i fl stmens ton setensevs on see



vbbej ye e*

Irj rmese eonbonscyon‘

cnxovco Hera noose ce“ an on cuxcvco



when ce?EFFEM sors’



and Goldstei n. He says:“I also spoke te hi m about the lease

and he sai d he would li ke to have an extension and I sa i d

wew a s gi ve hi m thi rty days more and he sa i d,'Is tha t all

you ean gi ve me?‘ I sai d,'That's all, up te I sa i d ,

“We'll gi ve you up to the e0th. er september'and , tWell,’ he

sai d,‘ir that's all that's all then'or semethi ng li ke tha t . “

m ean examim d, Hr. Peek sai d: "I teld Mr . Goldstein the

best I cauld 60 was te gi ve hi m thi rty days and he sa i d 'Ir

that's all yen ean give me, I guess I ean't do anything about

i t's I told hi m we weuld. have a lease made out and ferwa rded

to hi m. “ merri s fiei dstein says Smi th . sai d to him: "If you

want i t you ean. stay there i n the meant ime and I'll negoti at e

wi th . the landi erd ". He Bayes"I sa i d te hi m ( Smi th ) , ‘try and

get me at least si x. menths ti me and then I‘ll be able to make

arrangements to meve that staff', and he sa i d to me he wi ll try

te de i t .” Geldetein. turther says:

“M rs ami th er anybody

else di d net talk to me about thi s thi rty day lease . He di dn'ttalk to me eXa etly abeut a thi rty day lease but told me the

landlord will not gi ve me seether year but i f they rent the

plaee, anti l they rent i t we can stay in the meantime for a

certai n t imes "

On thi s vi tal pe i nt of whether there wa s a verbal agree

mwnt for a thi rtyh day ext ension at the lease , we have the

testi mony or Pe ek and ani th agai nst the testimony of defendant .

The prependeranee seems to be i n favor of pla i nti ff . The

wi tnesses for her .narrate the more probable stery and are

eerreherated by fa cts i n evi denc e establi shi ng pla i nt i ff's theory.

smi th . prepared a loft lease from the ewner to defendant

for a term begi nni ng September 1st and endi ng september 3 0 , 194 5 ,

at a rental of per month. Q he leases are i n the re cord

and were mai led to defeedant fren . Peek's offi ce wi th a let ter

was ease vari es ca sexeeewen anew sc ax. a exez ce area a lease»

we a h angs: on he; moves“ gee yee ee e g as In ape LE GO LQ

z en e geLm pe gzusxuh aebsempea yep seq seersh gebgeepen go'Teee

gmz ep bne be i eq a yoga ree ee gnaw ape asses so essenqe ug

ee rnepea epeq pi ge ese rs sargenes eagepyyeprefi hyerngygg . e pesoni*

argme eee e ge n pe n U ehL e ce pee aoxe beepepj e areal eve a xe

ape hashesqeaee oe ee eme as pe re ge ese e; bj eyngygz'


cc egrmonh o; bees ewe se rge e fl e yues ape ge eeymehl o; qegesqsssf

men: { 0 3 e ppya¢3 ~qel expeneroe 0 ; gas yee ee‘as pens ape

on pegs arse} horse 0 ; apespea cpe ae se e 6 senpey eELe e~

soaseyn s1ee“u

bree e‘angry “psi L6 fi £ { g as Gem ez el Is she weescrh e ;0 1 e

yengyeaq er]: so: eyes as enespen less pa; 1; gne i L ea: gee

sejx go as exe ocyi eeense speech gee Iee ee passoz g h e sp e

else are wasserr 3 9 we spent fifiTW fipi hsl ask fa??9*

H8 qreu ye

he go ys* u qoj qaeern ge aepex eels: “we“gmysp 0 L enleoqk

eaaeefieee sge so ease spas ugngg ,’ seq pe eerq so as ye my} ; gel

ass h e ea j ee es sea aengpe ayes seq ppey z .y§ se e pye so megs

sxgp cps yenqreaq u*

He eels: “z serg so eye ( smrss)‘

,se z es;

ass; 3: men oen seek re eae In gpe mee mgree seq sefiopyehe

£0 fl TE'u Keb k i fi eeyqagers $9 3 8 8$T£P 20 all RO fl

ya,” I sq vym h e aenxq pese e Jeese mege ea; seq ge aeengeq

ppeg ,e er} has a a h fixes we‘1 geese I Q h fi ‘p go evhsprua spas;

pa ge I Geni e as se e so fixes sew svrz cl seas avg he eats ,11

exone~ axamz uee*he

” sees se ts: “I sefe we “eoyeecera spa


II; gese ge Err afiee z a arr shes; 0 » fioeaeprnfi rise spe g*


. ge ,y] fixes i on sh he cps gosp on geeseapea , emq‘

,me 3y‘, pe

hem oen Exa e ae 3‘ I seye‘

,Lpe g‘e eyy’ ab se I ee ;q


me seals firA e pew cartel swla mane see as aewe‘‘z fi pawse

eve ye eeyq pe aesyq 17 3 6 no peas en exeenegon see I eerq

seq gorgesers~ ye ee ls: “I syee ehexe 5 9 are spansspa j ee ae


814 9 egganggou arae $9 sp a cayax magnane consc rnaqwe us arap an 8 3 : gpra ma pasfi graboasq 0 1; Ej awasat} : tea KI B Q Il { oz ufi z q 9 3 eyes gp a &Ifi q Iefifi fl

'fififi fi % fl £ H fl fl fi k fl fifa

psae ,% aasra eq log ; cpaag { on

as fifi hfi swafi Lac e zA bq sue ayfiyaq

ynfi spa; fi G nanj q So ken wfl sq cyousy sgvnchea fl i cfi

‘e fl n Afi h fifi f nnqmnaga ~

we 1 m s? m oon as, am 5117 1m as saw -w m am:

aekaewpfl h Q fi fifi’TafiQ

’ aoafi arwfi spa song? avg; 0 ;Log rag ga tax eura gm q wz fi axe: seba@ @ pa z j ag $9

anfi qek qwfi a ox yfl &fl fia gfiwp’3 @% a

’I I aafi fi Lqee so

uvwgn* wt“ magpwfi rfl

ee rg age z nqaa eLsgaLK 9 3 g 5 L 6 9 @



afihfi efi psx Is“ Iai e‘brvxnarz c . a sa g as & L @ ¢s qe z eq vy

we spa oxz z ee oz ceaevqf fis“


gpa anaeroba In a grep ya ne w L 8 $6 7 A 6q ag e ge agz c z eq

asap?pl exqen oz qe ga gwg ,

a bae arqsug°£6 spa eggob nei 19 ;

cps qabyz csge 7 6 9 8 9 8 go; sprngh qa fia $ 3 3 L Q Q Q TA$G qua a; o u as

LLQ E Q u ke fl q fi p§ q p eas L Q O Q IAGQ‘

gpg Isfifi fi L 9 1 D u e; mgpp

byg yuz zxxis yfisug aebgawpeh 10“Iai fi

‘avg pagaxs $ 3 1 Labj l

“3 6 5 8“$36 @ aeuaq

'mug q fi fl $ 5 3 bfi a gpLoafip pug p Q U H pk

sqqme aasq ea oggxe @*

Lgsa$ mfi a w ng gvgz om on fine epasfi

$8 9 Cfifi cfi L0 h s5 00’

u0 so cps oxqaz 6 ; bTQ Tfi EILL z Q vusuc’

an spa fl ex: qv i ’ Vfi fifi afi 31’1868

’gaz e fi wswarfsq

apyrrfi a“a


be ox‘vfisfi £


AGLE tLR Il lenxl‘

extras rmmeqrgserh ton erfiu fisfl b fl‘

aahysa ewg 9 3 3 3 8 3 7 3 9 Laga nu same pa aux

&TII i on $1 89 sxxyx loan aoxbenwge me t ; so posn

ga wavrl O fl L asyasa 0 g spy: e a i yefie’

arms go 8 3 3 bgafl bé ecrae fl e a pa nama avg me oxhaaaaa

psg a spa Lyjyc $0 anon spa es bxemreea es uni

0 a 5 0 5 Ar} ; wage sfl fi x ¢p@ $wfi ea EL Oq fl fi apvs

3 3 ape ayme Lfi se, &oa axe fl an bemynfi'

gen ( 10 ) gwa magnsy gang yug gras cran efi’ fi fi q ya

I a; £6 a‘bwawfiax goz p'I fi% Q

“ mz fip z

a &p& efi fl j easq rag es ya { on one nongp gnaw

in our latte r at Angunt gGO, 194 5 ,

Very truly yours,

Philip F'Q r WQ Peak , Agent ,

Thi s lat ter was sent to aefendant by regist ered mail ,

directed to i ts afri cea The re ceipt at tho dafendant was

mailed fieptemher 15 , 19 45 , anfi i s i n wvi dence . It shave

wi th aoeura ey fine passible speed wi th. whi ch a let ter from

any offi ee ta tha ather eould be delivered by ma il , Agai n there

was mm reply.

Tha eo let ters, the leases, the aheak or defendant with

natat i an i t was for-

aeptember rent, the aestruotlon i n

derbnaant's ofti ee at the anvalops in which the leases were

enclosed, tha fa ilure of é fi fandant to reply to ths agent's

lettere, as helfi, establlah. the exi stenee of a new lease for

thirty days, ending en aopbamber 36, 194 5, bsyend a reasonable

Kavi ng { quad thfl faata ta be as above stated, the legal

that by balding ever a now Bananey was crea ted for a like

tern a fl uné z r tbs 0 1d leans, The fa cts are wholly ingensi stent

313 111. 33 8 , The case 13 clearly not for, but aga inst

i t. who epmm n says:

t ion of a renawal at the

eve of the tenant cannot

a eontrary intention on

alone, it can be rebut tedintention on the gart of

alene, er en tbs part of both part ies."

yangret q wrava“ o; 0 9 gwa bang o; peflb Bsz yrc a


a 13m m oi, a mam m al y me am am km a;

k& W awwfi: em s;


Lpfl ohyvyon awla

319 IT?’ Q AB’ mp6 evfi e KO L‘pfl a 3 83 10 9 :

arcp val bfi fl r'

rwxeh fl fi en‘

extea Efifififi AF $5 fi2i § ’

se hm wfi Hfi fi é x gps ®7q yawa%*

i pe 19 0 3 3 9 x3 apoyrl Incona i ag a ug

fikfi fi fififi wfi’

fi Lgfi fi fl"

§ f fi ag fl aa 0 3 gag pmaa fi ye a’

Ert ag?

bfiepr$m f a wafi Q T££T6 fi ffi £6 6Q YA 6*

Hafi ra h { Gfi fifi fig? Lafi gfi 36 pa Q ? vpe ae egwgsgipp® Isfiq z

ré z ge$a* &a para“ fi fig fi pj yfifi ape axxagsmwe ea a “fi t 19 8 3 3 LO L

Q GIefi q fi j fl aggrna an ape c fi j aba yw fig ;&fi 3 9s yawae a g ene

Bmgcgyon 1g &aa Len gebgempen news“ gpfi qa egnnccyen In

lywas yaggane‘spa Iawaea

agpa cmefix oz gaz enqfi fi; “yap

gas 3 6 L ebj l*

one exxfafl 39 fi?@ fl efl fq fie qurvaa z efi‘

pk maxi“

vawyv svfi afi

qz nsfiefiq as mfl fi ex fipfi qafi é fl fifl fi t $ 9 8

é pra ycggen awe asng pa qeaeaqeng pl hfi dffigebaq mwyj’

fix¢rrh m” m* afi efil ‘

v@8 3 3*


A0 11 gL fl ri loa z e >

rm ant re z z e L 0 g vwfinaghgqlrev?

0 1. an m m ” ? m m “ mm Q'BLG U Q’W fi £ 6 06 q em Iee een

ex ape bhewrge e‘Afij f é ej ee


pe§q gufi TH §?a geuq e e nee Iee eo

pl cfixeemeup e; peep hsnxmee“ eye eeeewg eenrg nag ee eebsompen

W fl In"ebb

'see‘m e


am m mwg w e make m e w e

sex-w an e 3‘s“ If? we: ems“ reee

” w ere" ee’

fie! efi fi ffi fi A

qc i e , ve gfee pl eye yveereeq ee eyq ve ee peen eeee aavek $9

LLfl O‘1; s geeevel anon maven ge we es? ewe eee egee


eree qs bxe eeog ee ee z e*pe eeee n

’ eexge qz efiryfieyeeepye*

In W A “ W “we I}? were see? w e fi x am ass «m afi a

Ieeeee b eeeyq neg pe p:uqrnfi on cue Ieeeee°

z ; ee e ee pexq

gangeL o; e yee ee’

ne e zaeee e g g ene oeebgeq pi eye neue eg

eeeonq eugenepz e we re ape { z e eg'

{ g :e fierce gees ave mexe

so “1 am aze oz. m ew pee cm m es n: Lern er M


m3 m m w e

aengeq on qegeeqeme we be‘ 03 see; e z afi meuc qegeuqe eg qeoxre eq

ne gree 0L gprL ge qei s be ge emrwe ge* me gereee gel ue gree ewa

cLeegeq e geee oex gene weesp go me n¢p* hpffiv e eegg L udfi ILG

peg eegeu¢ ,e ee eewq cpeoefi re 3 9 9 : , we ge ese ea bLe aeq

m w e W ea se: In M lik e" ”

if“ w e U S!"

88 III*


Bfl $ HQ


F tfifi Tefiqloig“we fire ej eeaxen

‘weegene e Ine e

‘ercgong fink men

ugpene e eeeeee £0 » e keen on Lee Leena gorge

m e III‘ao‘w e efrbw m cone: were:


ea: we: ape ( exonereu 0 ; eye zeeejeeo*

19 uewfififi I? BffiE§Z§X‘


on tha Judgment .


g ggfi nnox ”HG Hramelsn’

fifi* * meuwnx*


qua aanna e xaano £ L I$ a; nfi Tfl qfimfi fl fi'

pean exa&a» fl ag afl fi j g an: O LQ Wgé a gsyuuea ogpanfi ggqn .3 §wa

ce 0 defe n for the support

not excessive .

The decree i s



‘eem ;

a 110 2 3 0 1 3 6“

g 8 es;II

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