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Metropolitan College of new york

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This Constructive Action provides details of my experience

volunteering at Little Shepherds Community Services, Inc. It has

been established as a place children can go and receive help with

their homework and provides positive recreational activities, for

more than thirty five years now. As a student helper I assisted

the children with homework, created arts and crafts activities,

assisted with distribution of meals, and supervised recreational

activities outside. It has not only been a learning experience

but a life changing one.

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Growing up I have experienced many obstacles in my home

life, I did not have somewhere to turn which makes this volunteer

project very special to me. I lived in an urban area and school

was my safe haven. I began this assignment by searching for a

place to volunteer and came across Little Shepherds Community

Services, Inc, located at 2260 Andrews Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10468.

They provide service to children ages 2-6 years old, for the

daycare center, and 6-13 years old, in the After School

Recreational Program. Our hours of operation are: Monday through

Friday, from 7:30 am-7:00pm.

The first step was calling and inquiring about volunteering

and setting up an interview. When I arrived on May 25 I was

greeted by the director of programs Yvette Joseph. As we

discussed the company and its history I was informed I was

accepted as a classroom helper and told my duties. will include

receiving the children into the center as they arrive from

school, assisting with homework start, tutoring students in Math

and English, and helping to supervise outdoor recreational

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activities. I will also assist in preparing and serving snacks

that are served to the children.

Once I was given my first work date, June 1, I thought long

and hard about exactly what I wanted to get out of this project;

what knowledge I wanted to gain. I was first eager to just gain

experience around children, because I wanted to become a teacher.

As I continued to think about it I realized I wanted to volunteer

here because it gave me a chance to possibly make a difference in

a child’s life, just by being there for them. With helping them

with their homework I hoped to encourage them to work hard and

learn new fun ways of learning. I hope to gain experience in a

school environment, gain more patience when dealing with

children, observe children’s relations & interactions and build a

trusting relationship with the children

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Little Shepherds Community Services, Inc is located at 2260

Andrews Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10468. With its blue wooden fence and

pink accents it is definitely hard to miss. Right off of a

bustling Fordham Road and at the cross street of 183rd, Little

Shepards is a safe haven for the neighborhood. The block of

Andrews avenue is a melting pot of cultures. Located at the end

of the block is a bodega and Spanish Barbershop and opposite is a

The Parish of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, founded by the Augustinians

on April 22, 1906. As you walk up the block, pushing yourself up

its steep hill, you see five story authentic housing apartments,

one after the other; an array of blue, red, pink, and brown

building fronts. Children playing on the street while their

parents sit in beach chairs looking on.

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LOG # 1

Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time Started: 3:52 pm

Time Ended: 6:15 pm

Participants: Ms. Anne, After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: Today was my first day volunteering at Little Shepherds

Community Service Inc., and it was very memorable. When I first

decided to volunteer here I was very confident because I have a

young child and believed I held experience around children, but

all the experience in the world could not prepare me for this

project. As I walked down the steps to the recreational room I

was greeted by screams and laughter all mixed in one. I have to

admit I was nervous until I seen Ms. Anne, the supervising

teacher. She was a slim woman of Caribbean decent, in her mid

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thirties with a warm smile. She explained my task of supervising

table number two. I was to help them color and assist in toy

time. In the back of my head I told myself this was going to be a

piece of cake.

I sat at the head of my table and observed my surroundings.

I counted thirty-three children of all different sizes and

colors, but mostly Latino and African-American. My table

consisted of toddlers between the age of two and four, there were

five boys (Sean, Hudson, Farris, Kryst and Elijah) and two girls

(Nivaya, Victoria). It amazed me how unlike adults children look

at you and begin engaging with you without knowing your name or

who you are. They all looked at me and began asking for help

drawing their pictures, I began drawing my best attempt of a

picture of each child. They were so excited they even began

helping me color them in.

Shortly after they were instructed it was toy time. Ms. Anne

placed a large bucket of animal toys on my desk and the children

instantly fought for their favorite toy. I observed the boys

dominance over their toys and their unwillingness to share. They

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began banging them together and pretending the animals was

fighting. I also took notice to Victoria sitting their quiet,

withdrawn. I handed her a toy and grabbed one for me. I began

talking to her and we pretended the animals where dancing to the

invisible rhythm we were creating. She was smiling and I too had

to smile. As the boys began to fight over the toys more and even

began yelling and shoving one another, I was faced with a

difficult dilemma. I kept in mind these were not my children so

how do I “discipline” them. I looked to Ms. Anne for guidance and

she sensed my hesitation. She walked over and separated the boys

then threatened to take their toys away.

Their ability to refrain from fighting was short lived. I

looked at the boys and told them I would take their toys away if

they did not stop. I began asking to see each child’s toy and

asking what sound their animal made. We made sounds and even

added our laughter with each animal. Although today was not easy

I enjoyed myself. These children who I had never met made me

realize the difficulty of educators’ jobs. I lived through the

first day at Little Shepherds Community Service Inc, I am looking

forward to my next.

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LOG # 2

Date: Monday, June 6, 2011& Wednesday, June 9, 2011

Time Started: 4:03 pm

Time Ended: 6:47 pm

Participants: After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: So my first day I’d say was a success. Today the weather

was very hot meaning we

where outside, which brought on a number of difficulties. I

believe with the hot weather the

children became very agitated and became very whiny. It seemed

like they were 3 groups of

children, group one was sitting in the shade coloring, group two

were running all around the

jungle gym, and the last group where playing hopscotch. I began

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to try to make distinctions

within the groups but found no solid evidence of age being a

neither factor nor gender being a

factor. Why was it that certain children wanted to play and

certain children were content with


    There was one child who captured my interest, Farrast. He is

only three years old and the cutest little boy. He is smart and

loquacious. As he began to paddle on the white and purple

Barbie car, he only bared a smile on his face. At pick up time I

met his father, who happens to

be a fire fighter. When his father entered he located his son on

the car and asked to speak to

me. He told me flat out that he did not want his son on that car

anymore. I asked why and he

told me that the car is for girls and my son is not a girl. He

felt the need to further inform me

he is not to play with the dolls or the hula-hoop. As he let I

stood there stunned and confused?

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    As children we labeled pink for girls, blue for boys, Barbies

are for girls, and cars are

for boy; this seemed harmless enough until today. Thinking on

what this child’s father told me

I wondered why and where these labels even came from. I can

honestly admit it angered me that this child was not allowed to

play with these toys because his father said “they were for

girls”. What did he fear? Was he afraid that if his son continued

to play with these toys he

would become gay? Would he be too sensitive? And why is it that

little boys are told “boys

don’t cry”? Are we unintentionally emotionally crippling our


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LOG # 3

Date: Monday, June 13, 2011& Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time Started: 4:55 pm

Time Ended: 6:02 pm

Participants: After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: When I think about children I think of innocence. I think of joy. And I think

carefree. Today I believe those thoughts were questioned and eventested. As I sat

outside watching the children play I noticed a three year old,

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boy named Hudson,

pushing another child. I have to admit this is not the first timeHudson has gotten into

trouble but I began to wonder why he continuously gets into trouble. As I pulled him

aside I asked him why he pushed the other child, he told me he did not know. I asked

him to apologize and he refused. He left me no choice but to place him in time out, he

responded by saying something that both upset and frightened me, " I'm going to shoot

you".       As I stood there completely dumb founded I wondered how such an innocent child

could say such a shocking statement. Why did he say that? Where did he learn that? Did

his anger propel him to throw out words he could not comprehend? I thought of my

daughter and fully realized I cannot shelter her from everything.My words I say she

will mimic. What I do will shape her outlook on the world. With that being said, has this

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boys outlook already been compromised? Are our urban areas breeding a generation of

violence? Is poverty feeding a hunger not of hard work but of fast fixes?          

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LOG # 4

Date: Monday, June 20, 2011 & Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Time Started: 3:55 pm

Time Ended: 6:35 pm

Participants: After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: There was one thing on the agenda this week, graduation.

Addition to the after school program it is a daycare center, from

children ages 6monthes to 4years old. . The children in pre-

school where scheduled to graduate June 24th and the class before

the pre-k class were heavenly involved as well. I was in charge

of art work for the ceremony. This presented two issues, I don’t

find myself to be very artistic and I believe I lack creativity.

When I expressed this to Mrs. Joe she assigned another worker to

assist me. I was relieved.

I cut letters, banners, and put glitter on everything. I

have to admit I enjoyed myself very much. I allowed myself to let

go of my hesitations and actually have fun. I am not saying I did

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the best job, but I made an effort to step out of my comfort

zone. It made me think about a lot of things I steer clear from

because I don’t believe I’d be good at it. Today brought on a

different train of thoughts. I have to be open minded on

different things, even if I know I might not be good at it. It

isn’t how good you are at something but the experience you gain

from it.

After my “art” project I helped the afterschool children

with their homework. I have to admit I was amazed and surprised

at the difficulty level of Destiny’s (5th grader) homework. I

tried to remember if when I was in fifth grade my homework was

that hard. I was aware that the educational standards changed

since I was in school, but still it was a surprise. Her

assignment was to read the provided story and answer the

questions. I took notice to her lack of enthusiasm so I thought

if she read it out load to me she would engage more. I was right.

I realized I gained joy out of helping her. Joy out of making her

more excited about reading because she knew there was someone

there to listen!

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LOG # 5

Date: Monday, June 27, 2011& Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time Started: 4:03 pm

Time Ended: 6:27 pm

Participants: After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: Heat and thirty children are not a good mix. The weather

this week was almost unbearable for me and downright agitating to

the children. As they played on the jungle gym acquiring energy

from who knows where I thought of my childhood. This neighborhood

is not the best but it is times like these I don’t see that, I

just see happiness. Making sure I refilled the water every hour

for the children to keep them hydrated. I believe the floor

received more of the water then them.

The staff and I began preparing for arts and crafts because

the weather became too much to bear. I did not mind as long as I

was not the one to have to tell them. Once they were told most of

the children began crying and refusing to go in. I remember those

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days of playing all day and not wanting to go anywhere because I

feared I would miss something, anything. Ms.Anne and I pulled out

the markers and paper and distributed them on 2 different tables.

Reluctantly the children began grabbing their markers and drawing

their pictures. I watched and wondered what their life’s were

like at home? Do they sit down and color? Are they as carefree?


LOG # 6

Date: Monday, July 4 2011& Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time Started: 4:00 pm

Time Ended: 6:53 pm

Participants: After-School Students

Location: Little Shepherds Community Service Inc.

Summary: It is my last day volunteering at Little Shepherds and

it is bitter sweet. I am sad to be leaving these children; I

became so close to them. On the other hand I am relieved it is

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over because it was overwhelming. Not necessarily volunteering

here, but adding this to my already packed schedule. Balancing

classes, work, my child, and volunteering were harder than I


I arrived exactly on time prepared to say good bye to the

children, to my surprise there was a party in full swing. I

looked around the mess hall and seen a huge banner saying “WE

WILL MISS YOU MELISSA”. Automatically my eyes welled up with

tears. I was absolutely touched that not only did my co-workers

take the time to do this, but the children’s participated. There

was pizza, drinks, and even a small Carvel cake.

As the party continued I danced and laughed. We played games

such as musical chairs and hop potato. They were enjoying it as

much as me. The party came to a close and again the tears began

to fall. I began giving the children hugs and thanking them for

sharing these past months with me. I promised to come back and I

intend to keep my problem. My final thanks went to Ms. Joe (the

director). I explained my complete gratitude to her for giving me

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the opportunity of a life time. I did not only gain an experience

but memories!

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I began this experience for my own benefit. I had all

intentions on becoming a teacher. I knew I would gain experience

if I did my volunteer work here. As the weeks continued my whole

views and beliefs were shattered. I entered this with the belief

this would be easy because I have a child, and could handle

children. First mistake was thinking this, and this was made

evident within the first week. I did not take time out to think

and realize these were not my children. I could not discipline

them or treat them as I treat my own daughter. I know what

methods of raising her work for me. I know at the end of the day

she has no choice but to listen to me, this was not the case with

these children. They come from all different backgrounds, and

with that different beliefs, foods, and ways of doing things. I

also did not take into account dealing with my one child is

completely different than dealing with thirty of other peoples.

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As I said earlier, I entered this experience with all

intentions of pursuing a career in education, my intensions have

changed. I can not explain how grateful I am I was mandated to do

this volunteer work. This experience has made an impact in my

life! I realized I don’t want to teach. I believe I do not have

enough patience and it is too stressful. I came to learn I am

more comfortable working alone in a quiet organized environment.

Overall I would not trade this experience for anything!

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