
A Phase 1 study of PF-04929113 (SNX-5422), an orallybioavailable heat shock protein 90 inhibitor in patients withrefractory solid tumor malignancies and lymphomas

Arun Rajan 1,*, Ronan J. Kelly 1,*, Jane B. Trepel 1, Yeong Sang Kim 1, Sylvia V. Alarcon 1,Shivaani Kummar 1, Martin Gutierrez 1, Sonja Crandon 1, Wadih M. Zein 2, Lokesh Jain 1,Baskar Mannargudi 1, William D. Figg 1, Brett E. Houk 3, Michael Shnaidman 3, NicolettaBrega 3, and Giuseppe Giaccone 1,**

1Medical Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

2Ophthalmic Genetics and Visual Function Branch, National Eye Institute, National Institutes ofHealth

3Pfizer, Milan, Italy


Purpose— To determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), toxicities, and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile of the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor PF-04929113(SNX-5422) in patients with advanced solid tumors and lymphomas.

Methods— This was a single institution, phase I, dose-escalation study of PF-04929113 dosedtwice-weekly. Endpoints included determination of dose-limiting toxicities (DLT), MTD, thesafety profile of PF-04929113, pharmacodynamic assessment of PF-04929113 on Hsp70induction, pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of PF 04928473 (SNX-2112) and its prodrugPF-04929113 and assessment of response.

Results— Thirty three patients with advanced malignancies were treated. Dose escalation wascontinued up to 177 mg/m2 administered orally twice a week. One DLT (non-septic arthritis) wasnoted. No grade 4 adverse events (AEs) were seen; grade 3 AEs included diarrhea (9%), non-septic arthritis (3%), AST elevation (3%) and thrombocytopenia (3%). No objective responseswere seen in 32 evaluable patients. Fifteen patients (47%) had stable disease; 17 patients (53%)had progressive disease. PK data revealed rapid absorption, hepatic and extra-hepatic clearance,extensive tissue binding and almost linear pharmacokinetics of the active drug PF 04928473. PDstudies confirmed inhibition of Hsp90 and a linear correlation between PK parameters and Hsp70induction.

Conclusions— PF-04929113 administered orally twice weekly is well tolerated and inhibits itsintended target Hsp90. No objective responses were seen but long lasting stabilizations wereobtained. Although no clinically significant drug-related ocular toxicity was seen in this study thedevelopment of PF-04929113 has been discontinued due to ocular toxicity seen in animal modelsand in a separate phase I study.

**Address correspondence to: Giuseppe Giaccone, MD, PhD, Medical Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National CancerInstitute, 10 Center Drive, Room 12N226, Bethesda, MD 20892-1457. Phone: 301-402-3415; fax: 301-402-0172;[email protected].*Co first authors of equal contribution

NIH Public AccessAuthor ManuscriptClin Cancer Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 November 1.

Published in final edited form as:Clin Cancer Res. 2011 November 1; 17(21): 6831–6839. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-0821.



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Heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) belongs to a family of highly conserved proteins that play anintegral role within cells acting as molecular chaperones to numerous biologically importantclient proteins essential for constitutive cell signaling and adaptive response to stress.(1, 2)Cancer cells use the Hsp90 chaperone machinery to protect an array of mutated and over-expressed oncoproteins from misfolding and degradation.(3) Many potential partner proteinsin the Hsp90 interactome have been identified including protein kinases (e.g. EGFR, HER2,Src, Akt, BRAF, BCR-ABL), steroid receptors (e.g. ER, PR, AR), telomerase reversetranscriptase, nitric oxide synthase, and transcription factors (e.g. HIF1α, aryl hydrocarbonreceptor, p53, STAT3), many of which are dysregulated in human cancer.(4) Preclinical datashow that Hsp90 inhibitors can abrogate the oncogenic switch which is frequently inducedas a resistance mechanism to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Interestingly most of theinduced and/or mutated kinases that have been identified (HER2, BRAF, MET and ALK)are Hsp90 clients and remain sensitive to Hsp90 inhibition.(5) Similarly the development ofsecondary mutations e.g. T790M that provide resistance to EGFR TKIs also remainsensitive to Hsp90 inhibition.(6, 7) Targeting Hsp90 is potentially a powerful strategy incancer therapeutics due to the central role this protein plays in many simultaneousoncological signaling pathways.(8)

PF-04929113 (SNX-5422) is a water soluble and orally bioavailable prodrug of PF04928473 (SNX-2112) a potent and highly selective small-molecule inhibitor of Hsp90.(9,10) PF 04928473 competitively binds to the N-terminal adenosine triphosphate (ATP)pocket of Hsp90 family members (Hsp90α, Hsp90β, Grp94, and Trap-1) and is highly potentagainst various cancers in vitro and in vivo.(9–11) Based on these results a single institutionphase I study was conducted to evaluate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and safetyprofile of PF-04929113 when administered twice a week every 28 days using a continuousdosing schedule.

Patients and Methods


Eligibility criteria included: histologically documented solid tumors and lymphoidmalignancies (lymphoma and CLL) refractory to or for whom there is no standard therapy,measurable or evaluable disease, age > 18 years, ECOG performance status < 2, lifeexpectancy > 3 months, adequate organ and bone marrow function, and the ability tounderstand and willingness to sign informed consent. Patients were not permitted to havemajor surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or biologic therapy within 4 weeks prior toentering the study and any toxicity related to previous therapy should have recovered to atleast grade 1. Patients with symptomatic brain metastases or HIV infection on anti-retroviraltherapy were also excluded.

The primary endpoints for this phase I study were to determine the MTD, safety, andtoxicity of PF-04929113 when administered twice a week for 28 days. Secondary objectivesincluded: investigation of the effects of PF-04929113 on engagement of the Hsp90 target bypharmacodynamic assessment of Hsp70 levels, assessment of response using the NationalCancer Institute (NCI) Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST 1.0) criteriafor solid tumors(12) and standardized lymphoma criteria(13) for lymphomas, anddetermining the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of the active drug PF-04928473 (SNX-2112)in humans.

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Study Design

Cohorts of 3–6 patients were enrolled at each dose level. The dose level at which 2 patientsexperienced dose limiting toxicity (DLT) was considered to have exceeded the MTD. Thenext lower dose level at which no more than 1/6 patients experienced DLTs was consideredthe MTD. DLTs were defined as adverse events possibly, probably or definitely related toadministration of PF-04929113 and fulfilling any of the following criteria: grade 4 non-hematological and hematological toxicities with the exception of grade 4 neutropenia lasting< 5 days without fever or infection; and grade 3 non-hematological toxicities with thefollowing exceptions: grade 3 nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and electrolyte abnormalities ifrefractory to treatment, grade 3 creatinine if not correctable to grade 1 or less after 2 liters ofintravenous fluids within 48 hours, and grade 3 elevation in liver transaminases and/orbilirubin if they did not return to baseline after a maximum of two dropped doses (not toexceed 10 days) within a cycle or 15 days between cycles.

The starting dose of PF-04929113 was 4 mg/m2 per dose. The dose escalation schema andthe number of patients treated is depicted in Supplemental Table 1. Intra-patient doseescalation was permitted per protocol if: a) there was no drug-related toxicity >Grade 1 afterone course at the initial dose level, b) the higher dose level had been completed by allpatients in that cohort and no patients experienced a DLT, and c) disease had not progressed.Patients self-administered the assigned dose of PF-04929113 with 225 mL of water twice aweek continuously in a 28-day cycle. Food was held 2 hours prior to and 1 hour afteringestion of the study drug. Treatment was continued until disease progression ordevelopment of intolerable toxicity. Dose modifications were performed if patientsdeveloped severe toxicities based on predefined criteria, according to the CommonTerminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 3.0. Intra-patient dose escalationup to the last evaluated dose not associated with a DLT was permitted if there was no drug-related toxicity >grade 1 after one cycle at the initial dose level, the higher dose level hadbeen completed by all patients in that cohort with no DLTs observed and there was noevidence of disease progression.

Studies performed for baseline assessment and on-study evaluation are presented in thesupplemental section. On-study evaluation included an EKG performed on day 1 of eachcycle starting with cycle 2. To examine the relationship between plasma concentrations ofPF-04929113 and its effect on the corrected QT (QTc) interval, the study was amended inMay 2009 to include continuous EKG monitoring beginning one hour pre-dose andcontinuing for 23 hours post-dose on days 1 and 15 of cycle 1. In July 2010 due to findingsfrom animal studies that showed the potential of PF-04929113 to induce irreversible retinaldamage, the study was further amended to include a comprehensive ophthalmologicevaluation including visual acuity and visual field assessment, ophthalmoscopy, darkadaptation testing, Ganzfeld Electroretinography (ERG) and Optical CoherenceTomography (OCT) if these tests hadn’t been performed earlier or if new visual symptomsdeveloped while a patient was on study.

Pharmacokinetic Analysis

Blood was drawn on day 1 and 15/18 of cycle 1 at the following time points: pre-dose, andpost-dose at 20 and 40 minutes, and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours. Duringsubsequent cycles blood was drawn prior to dosing on day 1 only. Details of sampleprocessing are presented in the supplemental section. Samples were analyzed using avalidated LC/MS-MS method.(14) PK parameters, including area under the curve (AUC 0–48), apparent clearance (CL/Fm), volume of distribution (Vz/Fm), maximum concentration(Cmax), time to reach maximum concentration (tmax), and half life for PF-04928473 were

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calculated by noncompartmental analysis using WinNonlin professional software version5.0 (Pharsight Corporation, Mountain View, CA, USA).

Pharmacodynamic Analysis

Analysis of Hsp70 induction in peripheral blood was conducted by western blot. Details ofsample processing and analysis are presented in the supplemental section.

Statistical Analysis

The dose dependent linearity in PK of PF-04928473 was determined based on slope of thefollowing power model: AUC=intercept • (Dose) slope. If 90% CI on slope contained 1, PKwas considered linear (i.e., dose-proportional). Statistical comparisons between Hsp70induction, dose of PF-04929113 and PK parameters were performed using nonparametricMann-Whitney U test. All tests were two-tailed and statistical analysis software GraphPadPrism v5.0c was used. Spearman correlation analyses were performed using GraphPadPrism software to correlate Hsp70 induction with PK parameters (mean Cmax and AUCinfof each cohort) measured on day 1 of cycle 1. Other secondary evaluations were performedin a descriptive manner. Results from secondary analyses are exploratory in nature, and p-values are presented without correction for multiple comparisons.


Between March 2008 and October 2009, 33 patients were enrolled. Patient characteristicsare summarized in Table 1. Intra-patient dose escalation was carried out in four patients:from 4 mg/m2 to 16 mg/m2 in one patient, from 8 mg/m2 to 16 mg/m2 in 2 patients, andfrom 8 mg/m2 to 33 mg/m2 in 1 patient.


PF-04929113 was well tolerated. A DLT was noted in one patient in the form of non-septicarthritis at a dose of 16 mg/m2/dose 18 days after initiation of cycle 3 of treatment. Althoughthis adverse event arose beyond the period for evaluation of toxicity at a given dose level(defined as 28 days after 3 evaluable patients in a dose cohort receive the last dose in cycle1), the cohort that was enrolling when this adverse event occurred (cohort 5 at 44 mg/m2 onwhich two patients had enrolled) was expanded to six patients and no further DLTs wereseen. However, dose escalation was stopped at a dose of 177 mg/m2/dosedue to reports ofirreversible retinal damage observed in a canine model after 4 out of 20 patients on anotherphase I study evaluating PF-04929113 had visual symptoms of nictalopia and blurred vision.

In addition to the grade 3 non-septic arthritis, another patient being treated at a dose of 16mg/m2 experienced joint swelling and stiffness possibly related to the study drug. Furtherworkup in both cases did not reveal any other cause to account for these symptoms.

Most adverse events that could be possibly attributed to the study drug were grade 1 or 2 inseverity (Table 2). Grade 3 adverse events possibly related to the drug included diarrhea,non-septic arthritis (described above), AST elevation and thrombocytopenia (Table 3).Grade 3 diarrhea was seen in three patients; two treated at dose level 8 (100 mg/m2) and onepatient treated at dose level 10 (177 mg/m2). It was not considered a DLT since it lasted lessthan 48 hours and was not refractory to treatment. Grade 3 AST elevation possibly related tothe investigational agent was seen in one patient at dose level 7 (77 mg/m2). It was notconsidered a DLT since it resolved within 4 days. Grade 3 thrombocytopenia was seen inone patient at dose level 10 (177 mg/m2).

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Continuous EKG monitoring did not reveal any effect of PF-04929113 on the corrected QTinterval. No drug-related grade 4 adverse events or deaths were seen.

Due to the potential impact of PF-04929113 on visual function, a protocol amendment wasimplemented requiring patients to undergo a comprehensive ocular exam (see above). Threepatients who were actively being treated at dose levels of 77 mg/m2, 133 mg/m2 and 177mg/m2 were evaluated. One patient requested to come off study after 10 cycles prior toocular assessment. She was initially treated at 177 mg/m2 and subsequently dose reduced to133 mg/m2 due to diarrhea. She complained of blurry vision and was found to have bilateralcataracts. Ocular examination revealed a slightly prolonged cone-rod break in the right eyebut the ERG was normal. The two other patients were evaluated after 8 cycles and 28 cyclesof treatment and had a normal eye exam.

Duration of Therapy and Responses

Thirty-two patients were evaluable for response: 15 patients (45%) achieved diseasestabilization (median duration 16 weeks, range, 3–110 weeks) as best response and 17patients (51%) progressed on treatment. No objective responses were seen.

The median number of cycles administered was 2 (range 1–28). Three patients received 10or more cycles. One patient with medullary thyroid cancer received 28 cycles (initial doselevel 8 mg/m2). He had received no prior systemic therapy. Another patient with metastaticcolon cancer received 11 cycles at 177 mg/m2. This patient had received 5 prior lines ofsystemic therapy. The third patient had metastatic salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomaand received 10 cycles of treatment (initial dose level 177 mg/m2). This patient hadpreviously received decitabine, depsipeptide and flavopiridol. All three patients had stabledisease at the time of discontinuing treatment and the decision to stop treatment was basedon data from ongoing animal studies and other phase I studies of the same agent thatrevealed the potential of PF-04929113 to cause irreversible retinal damage.

Pharmacokinetic Analyses

Plasma concentration – time profiles for PF-04928473 on day 1 and day 15/18 are shown inFigure 1. PF-04929113 is rapidly absorbed following oral administration. Levels of activedrug PF-04928473 were detectable at 20 minutes through 48 hours. Supplemental Tables 2and 3 summarize the descriptive statistics of PK parameters for PF-04928473 on cycle 1,Day 1 and cycle 1, Day 15/18, respectively, across all tested dose levels. Maximum plasmaconcentrations were normally reached between 1 to 3 hrs. Exposures of PF-04928473 arehighly variable with geometric CV% of 8% to 124% on AUC0–48/AUCinf and 13% to 133%for Cmax. The half lifefor PF-04928473 was almost similar between day 1 and day 15, whichranged from approximately 8 to 15 hrs. The half-life for PF-04928473 doesn’t appear tochange across different dose levels. The high clearance value (CL/Fm) indicated that it isboth hepatic and extra-hepatic mediated. The high Vz/Fm value indicated extensive tissuebinding. There was no drug accumulation after multiple dosing. The observed accumulationratio for each dose level is listed in Supplemental Table 4, which ranged from 0.65 to 1.83.PF-04928473 followed almost linear PK with slope (90% CI) of 1.23 (1.08–1.38) for powerrelationship between AUCinf,ss and dose, and of 1.22 (1.08–1.37) for power relationshipbetween AUC0–48,ss and dose. Plots of AUC0–48 versus doses for Cycle 1, Day 1 and Cycle1, Day 15/18 are shown in Supplemental Figures 2 and 3, respectively. These figures showalmost dose-proportional increase in AUC0–48 with increase in dose, consistent with linearpharmacokinetics.

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Pharmacodynamic Analyses

Hsp70 level in PBMC— We measured Hsp70 levels by western blot in peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 27 patients (data not shown). The Hsp70 protein levelincreased in 16 out of 19 patients at day 15 and/or day 16 (Figure 2) and in 3 out of 4patients at days 18 and/or 19 compared to baseline. The level of Hsp70 induction wasgreater at higher dose levels and this was observed at the beginning of each cycle and wassustained mid-cycle, i.e. on day 16 (Figure 3). Interestingly, the degree of Hsp70 inductionshowed a linear correlation with PK parameters (Cmax and AUCinf of each cohort) asillustrated in Figure 3.


This phase I study has shown that treatment with PF-04929113 administered orally twice aweek using a continuous dosing schedule is well tolerated. Drug-related AEs were generallymild with the most common being nausea, fatigue and diarrhea. The toxicity profileobserved is similar to that reported with other Hsp 90 inhibitors in phase I studies.(15, 16)Schedule of administration of Hsp90 inhibitors has been shown to have a significant effecton drug tolerability.(17–19) PF-04929113 has been evaluated in two separate phase I studiesusing different schedules of administration; every other day for 21 days of a 28 day cycleand every day for 21 of 28 days continuously (later amended to daily continuousadministration) The most frequent adverse events were nausea, emesis, fatigue and diarrhea.DLTs with daily administration included 3 cases of grade 3 diarrhea, 1 case of grade 2dehydration and grade 3 gastrointestinal hemorrhage and 1 case of grade 3 visualdisturbance and grade 3 diarrhea. Four out of 20 patients who were receiving PF-04929113daily complained of visual symptoms at doses raging from 50 mg/m2/d to 89 mg/m2/d.Three patients complained of nictalopia and one patient complained of blurred vision. Thesepatients had grade 1 visual changes, which were reported as mild darkening of vision. Inmost cases, the onset of the event was within 2 weeks of beginning the drug, and all casesrecovered within a few days from stopping treatment. Although no similar unexplainedocular symptoms were noted in our study, ocular exam did reveal a slightly prolonged cone-rod break in one patient (data not shown). Preclinical data have demonstrated thatgeldanamycin and 17-AAG have generated cytostaticity and cytotoxicity in cultured humanretinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) which are essential for physiological function ofadjacent photoreceptors, possibly by downregulating AKT and ERK1/2- mediated signalingactivities.(20) In a phase I study of the Hsp90 inhibitor, AUY922 administeredintravenously at doses of 2–70 mg/m2 over 1 hour once weekly, night blindness wasreported in 19 out of 96 patients treated (20%). Other visual symptoms that were generallygrade 1 and 2 and mostly reversible started at 40 mg/m2 and included blurred vision,flashing and delayed dark and light accommodation that increased in frequency or severitywith dose. Grade 3 darkening of vision at a dose of 70 mg/m2 was listed as a DLT in thisstudy.(21) Given these findings we believe it is critical to perform a comprehensive ocularassessment in future trials evaluating Hsp90 inhibitors, since this may represent a class sideeffect.

Dose escalation of our study was terminated based on the ocular findings in preclinical andclinical studies of this and other HSP90 inhibitors. Further understanding of the oculartoxicity observed in a separate phase I study is warranted in order to continue with thedevelopment of PF-04929113. Based on the clinical and preclinical safety observations, anddespite the preliminary observation of antitumor activity, PF-04929113 has been withdrawnfrom clinical testing. PF-04929113 and a structurally different back-up compound showevidence of retinal toxicity by a yet unknown mechanism. These data indicate that HSP90 isa critical component of retinal function and that its prolonged inhibition can lead to

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irreversible retinal damage with photoreceptor death. Further evaluation is warranted tobetter understand whether this is a class/target mediated effect of HSP 90 inhibition.

Although no objective tumor responses were seen in our study, 15 out of 32 patients (47%)evaluable for response, achieved disease stabilization. This is worth noting in a cohort ofheavily pretreated patients who had progressive disease at enrollment after multiple lines ofsystemic therapy (median number of prior systemic therapies was 4). Disease stabilizationwas seen across all dose levels. Supplemental table 5 shows the underlying tumor type inpatients who had stable disease on treatment and the duration of disease stabilization in eachcase.

Our efficacy results are similar to those seen with other Hsp90 inhibitors in patients withadvanced solid tumors, where responses are rarely reported.(22–24) In a phase II study ofIPI-504 76 patients with NSCLC were enrolled, and 5 patients (7%) had an objectiveresponse including 4 with EGFR wild-type tumors and 1 with EGFR mutation. Interestinglyamong 3 patients with ALK rearrangements, there were 2 PRs and one prolonged SD.(16)These results suggest benefit in patients with certain solid tumors. The next step would be todetermine the biologic underpinnings of responses in these patients and potential for patientselection in future trials based on the presence of a tumor that is primarily driven by anHsp90 client protein.

In our study, pharmacokinetic analysis did not reveal any drug accumulation afteradministration of multiple doses using a twice weekly schedule. Pharmacodynamic analysisshowed induction of Hsp70 in PBMCs. Hsp70 levels increase as a result of Hsp90 inhibitor-induced activation of HSF1, which then enters the nucleus and activates Hsp70 geneexpression. An increase in Hsp70 levels was seen in all patients treated at or above a dose of33 mg/m2/day. Furthermore the increase in Hsp70 levels at 24 hours compared to baselineshowed a linear correlation when plotted against the mean Cmax and AUCinf of each cohort(Figure 3). This is the first study that has demonstrated a correlation between PK and Hsp70induction across dose levels. Since Hsp70 induction is seen at dose levels as low as 33 mg/m2/d, PF-04929113 could be combined at relatively low doses with other systemic therapyin future studies while retaining the ability to inhibit Hsp90. Hsp70 has however beenidentified as an anti apoptotic protein and it may play a role in HSP90 resistance. Ongoingstrategies to overcome this problem include direct inhibition of Hsp70 activity(25, 26), andinhibition of the transcriptional induction of Hsp70 by heat shock factor 1, which has beenidentified to have potent oncogenic activity(27). The complexity of chaperone biology isfurther highlighted by reports suggesting that Hsp70 induction may have beneficialneuroprotective activity when an Hsp90 inhibitor is combined with bortezomib(28). Onedrawback of this study is that PBMCs were used as a surrogate tissue for Hsp70 analysis.The data thus far suggest that Hsp90 exists in a high-affinity state for pharmacologicinhibitors in tumor tissue compared to normal tissues.(29) Coincident with this observation,Hsp90 inhibitors tend to accumulate in tumor tissue as compared to normal tissue.

For the first eight years of clinical development the only Hsp90 inhibitors in clinical trialwere the natural product ansamycins, which had major drawbacks in insolubility andformulation. The data reported here is the first full report of a second generation Hsp90inhibitor that is fully synthetic and orally available.

In conclusion, our study shows that PF-04929113 administered twice weekly using acontinuous dosing schedule, is well tolerated with mild adverse events but modest anti-tumor activity when used as a single-agent. The recommended phase 2 dose has not beendetermined; further evaluation including a better understanding of the mechanism of oculartoxicity, relationship between ocular toxicity and plasma levels and implementation of

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appropriate testing to evaluate ocular toxicity of PF-04929113 in patients would be neededto define the recommended phase 2 dose. However, based on PD data from our study thelowest biologically effective dose appears to be 33 mg/m2 administered orally twice weekly;at or above this dose induction of Hsp70 was observed in all cases. Clearly drug schedulingis an extremely important issue. HSP90 inhibitors given on a daily basis may enhancetoxicity where no identifiable clinical benefit can be observed. A deeper understanding ofproteins that interact with Hsp90 and further insights gained into molecular aberrations inrecurrent or refractory tumors by comprehensive molecular profiling may help in thedevelopment of novel combinations of Hsp90 inhibitors such as PF-04929113.

Supplementary Material

Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

AcknowledgmentsThis project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, NationalInstitutes of Health. This work was supported by Pfizer Oncology, La Jolla Laboratories, San Diego, CA and theIntramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health at the National Cancer Institute, Center for CancerResearch.

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health andHuman Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organization imply endorsement by theU.S. Government.


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29. Kamal A, Thao L, Sensintaffar J, Zhang L, Boehm MF, Fritz LC, et al. A high-affinityconformation of Hsp90 confers tumour selectivity on Hsp90 inhibitors. Nature. 2003; 425(6956):407–10. [PubMed: 14508491]

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Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) serves as a molecular chaperone to multiple oncoproteinsand biologically important protein kinases. Although many clinical trials have beenperformed to evaluate Hsp90 inhibitors, the development of ocular toxicity in animalmodels as well as clinical trials has raised concerns about further development of thesecompounds. We believe our study is the first to incorporate comprehensiveophthalmologic evaluation to assess ocular toxicity that is associated with these drugs.Although no clinically significant drug-related ocular toxicity was seen in this study, theoccurrence of ocular complaints in a separate phase I study of PF-04929113 using adifferent schedule of administration suggests an association between schedule ofadministration and development of ocular toxicity. Unless the cause of these ocularsymptoms is determined and resolved satisfactorily, it is likely to have a significantimpact on further clinical development of Hsp90 inhibitors.

In addition, to the best of our knowledge this is the first study to describe a linearcorrelation between a pharmacodynamic endpoint as illustrated by Hsp70 induction andpharmacokinetic parameters across dose levels.

We would be grateful if our manuscript entitled ‘A Phase 1 study of PF-04929113(SNX-5422), an orally bioavailable heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor in patientswith refractory solid tumor malignancies and lymphomas’ could be considered forpublication in Clinical Cancer Research.

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Figure 1.Mean plasma concentration-time profile for escalating dose levels of PF-04928473 after firstdose (semi log scale) on: (A) Cycle 1, Day 1, and (B) Cycle 1, Day 15/18. Error bars are notshown for clarity.

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Figure 2.Hsp70 induction in PBMCs on Day 15/16 after treatment with PF-04929113 compared tobaseline.

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Figure 3.Association of Hsp 70 induction with dose of PF-04929113 and PK parameters. (A-C):Hsp70 induction post-dose on Days 1, 15 and 16 as a function of dose (≤ 44 mg/m2/dose vs.> 44 mg/m2/dose). Statistical comparisons were done using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. All tests were two-tailed and statistical analysis software GraphPad Prismv5.0c was used. (D-E) Correlation of Hsp70 induction with PK parameters (mean Cmax andAUCinf of each cohort) measured on day 1 of cycle 1. Spearman correlation analyses wereperformed using GraphPad Prism software. Natural log of the mean Cmax and AUCinf ofeach cohort was plotted vs. the fold increase in Hsp70 at 24h versus baseline.

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Table 1

Patient Characteristics

Patient Characteristic Total

Total number 33

Median age (range), years 57 (38 – 78)


Male 17

Female 16

ECOG Performance Status:

1 32

2 1



- Non-hispanic 23

- Hispanic 3

Black 6

Asian 1


Colon Cancer 7

Rectal cancer 2

Esophageal cancer 2

Pancreatic cancer 1

Non-small cell lung cancer 3

Small cell lung cancer 1

Pulmonary carcinoid 1

Peritoneal mesothelioma 2

Ovarian cancer 1

Endometrial cancer 1

Prostate cancer 1

Thyroid cancer 2

Melanoma 1

Lymphoma 3

Chondrosarcoma 1

Bladder cancer 1

Thymic carcinoma 1

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland 1

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the soft and hard palate 1

Prior systemic therapy 31

Median number of regimens (range) 4 (0 – 8)

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Patient Characteristic Total

Prior radiotherapy 14

Prior surgery 32

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Table 2

Adverse events possibly, probably, or definitely attributed to treatment with PF-04929113

Adverse Event Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Number of patients (%)

Nausea 8 (24) 1 (3) 0 0

Emesis 2 (6) 1 (3) 0 0

Anorexia 2 (6) 1 (3) 0 0

Diarrhea 4 (12) 0 3 (9) 0

Constipation 1 (3) 0 0 0

Dysgeusia 1 (3) 1 (3) 0 0

Abdominal pain 1 (3) 0 0 0

Dyspepsia 1 (3) 0 0 0

Weight loss 1 (3) 0 0 0

Fatigue 4 (12) 2 (6) 0 0

Joint pain 1 (3) 1 (3) 0 0

Arthritis (non-septic) 0 1 (3) 1 (3) 0

Muscle pain 0 1 (3) 0 0

Flu-like symptoms 1 (3) 0 0 0

Edema 0 1 (3) 0 0

Cough 1 (3) 0 0 0

AST elevation 3 (9) 2 (6) 1 (3) 0

ALT elevation 5 (15) 1 (3) 0 0

Alkaline phosphatase elevation 0 2 (6) 0 0

Creatinine phosphokinase elevation 1 (3) 0 0 0

Hyponatremia 1 (3) 0 0 0

Hypophosphatemia 0 1 (3) 0 0

Leukopenia 2 (6) 0 0 0

Neutropenia 1 (3) 0 0 0

Lymphopenia 2 (6) 6 (18) 0 0

Anemia 2 (6) 3 (9) 0 0

Thrombocytopenia 4 (12) 0 1 (3) 0

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Table 3

Relationship between grade 3 adverse events at least possibly related to PF-04929113 and dose level

Grade 3 adverse event Cohort Dose Level

AST elevation 7 77 mg/m2

Diarrhea 8 100 mg/m2

8 100 mg/m2

10 177 mg/m2

Non-septic arthritis 3 16 mg/m2

Thrombocytopenia 10 177 mg/m2

Clin Cancer Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 November 1.

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