



Published by

The Hong Kong Translation Society

Translation Quarterly

The Hong Kong Translation Society

Translation Quarterly

Xo. 79, March 2016

All Rights Reserved


ISSN 1027-8559-7'J

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magazines and other sources. The full text of the Translation

Quartcrhf can be found on EBSCO Publishing's databases.

3fi Founding Chief Editor

'Ijil. ll Liu Ching-chih

Chief Editors

Leo Tak-hung Chan f.^^r

Executive Editor

Robert Xcather

Joseph Poon

Associate Executive Editors

Lee Tong King

ShaoLu .

Editorial Board( iiliWi I . iu Ching-chih (Chairman)

Serena JinRobert Xeather

Leo Tak-hung ChanJane LaiJoseph Poon

Advisory BoardLin Wen-yuehLo XinxhangXie TianzhenYang Chengshu

Anthony YuYu

Editorial ManagerTony Ma

Laurence Wong

Mona BakerCay DollerupHoward GoldblattWolfgang LorscherGoran MalmqvistJames St. AndreGideon T<^ur\

Translation Quarterly No. 79, March 2016


w Chief Editor's \ote


A Descriptive and Pragmatic Study of jinin }osc

the Translation of Racist Language Martinez-Sierra

in Django Unchained and Antonia

Saiichcz-MacarroHI¥ Book Review

li! Research Notes

47 iml5tfiW^«

96 ffij^j Mf?'j Guidelines for Contributors

100 Sfc^pTPJ^^ Subscribing to Translation


Subscription and Order Form

Book Review

2015 ' pp. 14+250 • ISBN: 0^8-7-308-


• Herman 1992 ' - H(*I^ • Herman 2009 •

2015; 4^ ^isd

5: ft ?

fiflr Even-

Xohar •' B'J"

• Lefevere '!

^lt" - Hi*! : Toury R'J

201S: 16

George A. Kennedy • 5

:fBI0f< E. H. F. Mil ls ' ,['£:

• %i^f ' Edgar Snow i^^iLa'i

ftfi ' ffifTCfc!^

38 39

2015: 206

universe of discourse

2015: 117 - K&m

) . ^ - :K^^fi = ' 6 ) Mi§^>

irregularities in behavior " i

2015: 201-202 '-



native speaker


Julia L-ovell • 201 5: 1 16


Harvey & Hij^ins

i Berezowsky 1997 '

Wekker & XX'dlcr l l)91 - Leppihalme 2000 '

, 2004" ^^a^fftl&Kjfli

2000 = Pimo 2009 : Rosa


Wilkinson 2014


° - flffi£nrf^iS • Chesterman 2000: 1

i^w - *r*e£it



BctcxowskJ, Ixs/ck i I99^"i. Dialtct in Translation. Wroclaw: Wmciaw L.'mvcrsih

Publishing 1 [oust.

BcTman. \tu< ii'if : I ')92}. T/v }-L\fl?>??/!t? of f/v Foreign: Culture ami Translation in Romantic

Gitffiany. Iran-;. S. 1 Icvvat'it. \lbany: Srati. I nivt-rsity i > t \t-w 'lork I'rt->>.

, (2009). Toward a Translation (..ntiasw. John Donne. 1 riins. h'ismctjise MassanJier-

Kcnnf). Kfiir: Kft ir Sratc rnivcrsit^- I'rc1*^.

Bcrlhclc, Raphael '2^00). " Iranst.inn^ \firican-.\nicticai! Vernacular Knglish into

(i t - rmun: I he lVnl>]i.m <>f ]im' in Mark Twain's tiaekltbeny Finn", journal of

Soiioiingiuslici4.4)- S8X-613.

1 htstcrm.m. AnJn\v. ;iiu! Rosemary .\rntjo ( 2 ' M K ) > . "l-orum: Slurt-tl ( i rount l in

Translation Studies". Target \2; [ S I - 1 6 0 .

(".roiiin, Michael H996)- Translating Ireland: Transtadon, Ldngtiages, Cultures. I ' i > r k : ( ork

I'niversiry I'rtss.

l)miitro\.i, Bnyitt.i l.;ii«liind (1997) ''Translation of Dulcet in I'lttiunal Pnnc:

I iibeha Moivr« in Russian and Kns;lish a-: ;\. in Point." In Aor/v. I iinattot!

and Cbmsf in Latiguq%e: Proctedtaig of //v Ceitteitary ,\leeftu« of fhe Nyfifiify>i£ka

.*>ii//sk,i!pet \rdre Mam/la—22-2) Monk 1996 Srofkiiolni: \initjui>t .uul XX'iksdl


International. 40-65.

;2(Kl4i. "()rality, l.itt racv. RrprinluctMHi of Discourse and the- Translation ot

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I anc-Mcrcit'T, ( iilhan . 109 i . •• I ranslatin^ tin 1 ntranslatabk-: 1'hc l'raiis]ator*s

\L - r lRr i t , ]df<i!i>j?ica! and Polincal Ri_spotisil)i]ir\". 7rf/;of/0.1: 4i—CxS.

Lcppihalmc, Ritva ,20(Klj. "'! In i \ v i > l-.ici"; nt" Sranilardi/aiion: ( >n rlit- Translation

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Man. ( . . 19c '2i."'. \j ]'r:nnc\vork for Rc^'arch on rlit' I scnf Nnnstandanl

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- 2015 i • ((nmmrn—ftffl'J'a£*3B93flfc3fc fclb^liW


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