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  • Figure 1: Instances of account managers username suggestions provided by Twitter, Goggle and Facebook.

    A search on ACM DL did not returned any relevant literature. The query (username AND generat*) (NOT(username OR generat*)) retrieved 7,049 results in January, 2020. By reading the titles and abstracts of the100 most relevant papers (as classified by the ACM DL), only [4] draws near to this paper research problem. Nev-ertheless, it aims to generate pronounceable random words and not human appealing usernames. The forwardsnowballing over [4] also did not also retrieved any relevant literature. The literature profile correlates withaccount managers state of the art (as in figure 1) suggesting this subject as quite unexplored. Most of retrievedpapers, such as [7], aims to extract information such as gender and language from nicknames or to meet a sameperson on several social media [11, 16].

    The need for username generation is due to the fact that the most common usernames were already taken.The difficulty then is to generating human likable usernames that were not yet used.

    Username in Twitter is called handle being also a Twitter URI. This means that it is possible to verify a Twitterhandle by fetching the URL (returning the 404 error the username is consideredavailable). This checking readiness is the main reason for focusing this paper on Twitter, yet, presumably, thesame results can be generalized for other the social-media.

    In addition, for this paper only American names were considered, therefore it cannot be expected to reachsimilar results outside of this scope. Whereas there could be universal heuristics, presumably most of them arerelated to a language and a culture, especially from a structural perspective. For instance, the use of diminutivefor nickname formation is common for several cultures including Latin (Chico in Portuguese), Saxon (Franky inEnglish) and Oriental (Furan-kun in Japanese), however, the different structure requires particular heuristics.

    This paper does not also consider the structural difference between male and female nicknames. It is possibleto guess that Franky stands for Frank and Frankie for Francine but for properly assess such structures a data-set like LDC2012T11 cf. [3] should be further explored considering the weighted relation between gender andnickname structure. Additionally, even the used data-sets providing popularity weight information, they arenot considered in this paper. Finally, name order for composed nicknames or the prevalence of name/surnamederived nicknames is also not considered.

    2 Pseudonym, Nicknames and Usernames

    Nicknames and usernames are pseudonym types distinct to each other [13] shaping its own onomastic category[1]. The username relates to the nickname in the sense that both share etymological motivations and theydepart from each other as nicknames result from interaction whereas usernames are demanded to participatewithin a community. Also, like given names and ”proper” pseudonyms, usernames are chosen but different fromthem it must be unique. In addition, usernames do not necessarily refer to a person but also to an idea or anaccount content i.e., usernames are not necessarily an anthroponym. By not being necessarily anthroponym, theusername research should focus more on structure than in semantics [5]. The structural approach suits usernamesbecause they can be considered as linguistic exceptions [6] as they may never say aloud or be part of a syntacticcontext; they are not committed to grammar and orthography rules (including gender distinctions) [13].

    A Twitter username1 is case-insensitive alpha-numeric 4 to 15 char length2 string in the formusername::=[a-z|0-9| ]. With 300+ million active users [12] a major problem is to find a suitable unique

    1, fetched in Jan. 20202In the Twitter rules it is written that the handle is between 1-15, however it only accepts new usernames between 4 and 15.

    This is, probably, for avoiding username squatting i.e., the act of selling social media accounts with associated earned value thathad created a black-market for rare handles. For a reference, it was offered around $50,000 for the username @N in 2014 [10]; lesserrare handles, up to three letters, were traded by couple hundred dollars [2]. Currently, a Twitter account in the black-market varyfrom couple cents to dozens of dollars due to followers’ number, SMS verified and account age.

  • username that is still available without resorting to numbers and non-name elements. Highlight that Twitterholds both username and nickname, this paper focus on the username. In addition, there is an important ono-mastic distinction between Google and Twitter/Facebook usernames as reveled in 1. For creating a Googleaccount, the user must define its own username that is unchangeable afterward. Twitter and Facebook use adifferent strategy, they set a generic username through a simple heuristic and assign it to the new account; if theuser wants, the username can be changed afterward (to the expense of losing all linked references [9]).

    It must then to be verified the relation between nicknames and Twitter handles. For verifying this relation,given that Twitter’s active users are around 300Mi in 2020 [12] a sample of 30k random nicknames was retrievedfrom LDC’s Nicknames data-set [3] and checked against Twitter’s user-base for availability. The results are that1763 (5.87% of the sample) of plain nicknames are available in Twitter. This result suggests that nicknamesare being widely used as handles in Twitter, therefore, using structural nickname formation strategies suits thispaper intent on generating name-based usernames and strengthens the idea that nicknames and usernames arestructurally related.

    3 Structural Heuristics for Nickname Generation

    The name formation uses two data sets, one first-names3 another with last-names4. For a reference, by joiningone first name with one last name (first× last) it is possible to generate 1, 68923e10 names. It is also commonfor occidental names to be formed by composed names and with two or three surnames, increasing the amount.

    Certainly, there are “common names” that most of the generated usernames will be already taken. Theidea is to verify if there are a name combination and nickname heuristics that are more likely to be avail-able as a handle on Twitter. Therefore all names were considered within the same probability. The namebuilder has a function signature as buildName(gender, compound:Boolean, surnames:Integer):Name. The com-mand generateName(random.choice([‘Male’,‘Female’]), random.choice([True,False]), random.randint(1,3))was then used for building the sample.

    Then, given a name, the username generation starts. As presented in table 1a there are several elements thatcan be used for composing a username. This paper focuses on generating usernames based on personal namesas elements. When usernames are formed upon personal names, they share the same structure and rules of anickname [13] getting into a form like [5].

    Structurally, a nickname is formed by abbreviation, modification or name portions, however, there are alsonicknames without any clear formation rule. For the first case scenario, a set of heuristics based on structuralonomastics can be used for generating nicknames. For the second case scenario, a data-set based approachmust be used. Fortunately, this second scenario matches with contracted nicknames and then implements thecontraction heuristic. A straightforward and convenient structural onomastic typology for nickname formationwas found in [15] and adapted as depicted in table 2 guiding the heuristic development. A graphical descriptionof the way that these heuristics relates to themselves are presented in figure 1b. For this paper it was possiblefor formulating suitable, human likeable, heuristics for Separation, Portions, Initials, Contraction, Diminutiveand Fancy but not for Swapping, Phonetic, Dropping and Combination. The focus is given for the first group.

    Any word generator may unexpectedly produce bad-words and this is not an exception. For an instance,names such as Analee and Nazifa may produce bad words by picking the first four letters. For handling thisproblem a blacklist5 is used as a strategy, even not being the perfect solution is aids on avoiding, at least, themost scandalous situations. It must be stressed that username suggestions are supposed to be presented privatelyfor each user, therefore, even names in the “gray area” may be presented being up to the human to choose it ornot. This will vary according to each user’s personality. Therefore, all generations are filtered for bad-words.

    Finally, for limitations, the lack of papers that were found for this subject results in a preliminary set ofheuristic rules that must be further developed until they can reach some maturity. The proposed heuristic forthis paper is suitable yet not fully developed in the sense that every time a new adjustment emerges. For aninstance, a rule picking the three first letters of name with the pattern consonant-vowel-vowel (CVV) suits forGIO[vanni] but not for JOA[n], then, for this paper, this rule was dropped yet a “smarter” rule may be conceivedon future works. Nevertheless, some heuristics overlaps filling some gaps of each other, for instance, the gap leftby CVV rule dropped from the heuristic on the portion heuristics is mostly filled by the separation. Therefore,understanding how the presented heuristics interact with themselves is also important for this paper.

    3104,110 names from the US Social Security without duplicated names,254 surnames from the US 2010 English bad-words

  • a)

    Element Type Characteristics Instance Elem. Example

    Titles Tendency to appear first, befollowed by a personal name.

    dr, ms, just, real justKrista

    Personal names Tendency to appear first, befollowed by a surname.

    chris, mike chirsAdams

    Determiners Tendency to appear first, befollowed by a noun.

    the, that, big bigJoe

    Person. pronoun Tendency to appear first, befollowed by a verb.

    i, your, my iDrinkOJ

    Org. suffixes Tendency to appear last, fol-lowing an organisation name.

    uk, news girlAtNY

    Circumflexes Tendency to appear both firstand last, adjacent to a name.

    x, xo, xOliviax

    Number Tendency to appear last, fol-lowing a personal name.

    (all numbers) Johnson78


    Table 1: a) Typology of common elements present in usernames cf. [5]. The highlighted row shows this paper’sfocus. b) A heuristic formulation for structural onomastic nickname formulation based on rules presented intable 2 (the number within each circle is the ‘L.’). A nickname may stop at each level or may proceed to thenext for encompassing more features. The Fancy rule-set as a special case was not included in this picture.

    I. L. Heuristic Example Description

    1 Initials ZS from Zachary Smith The first letter of each name.

    1 Portions Liz from Elizabeth A nickname may come from the front, end or middle of name.

    1 Separation Mary-Ann from Maryann If a name is a composition of two other names then split.

    1 Contraction Ike from Eisenhower Ad hoc formation, usually due to socio-historical circumstances.

    × 2 Swapping Bill from Will Swap letters for the first letter of a name portion.× 2 Phonetic Bob from Robert Like swapping but based on the phonetic structure.

    2 Diminutive Charlie from Charles Include terminations such as -EE or -Y in a name portion.

    × 3 Dropping Fanny from Frances Dropping such as R or H within consonant compounds.× 3 Combination Miz from Mary Elizabeth A combination of the nicknames of a compound name.

    * Fancy Markus or from Mark Creative possibilities, a general heuristic cannot be envisioned.

    Table 2: Nickname formation rule-set adapted from [15]. ‘I’ shows the heuristics discussed in this paper. ‘L’is the heuristic’s transformation level, for an instance, a diminutive (level 2 heuristic) suits better to a nameportion (level 1) than to a name (level 0), see table 1b for reference. The Fancy Rule Name is highly ad hocbeing able to encompass several heuristic possibilities, therefore it may be placed on any level according to thedefined heuristics and may involve some other typologies as presented in 1a.

    Name Portions. Name portion-based nicknames can emerge from the front of a name, from its back andfrom its middle. Most of these formations can be reduced into a letter trinomial composed by vowels (V) andconsonants (C), such as, for the name, CHARLES the front trinomial is CCV, the middle CVV, and the backCVC (for name generation purposes the letter ‘Y’ is considered a vowel). Eventually, the fourth and fifth lettersmust be also considered, such as on CCC formations, as for the front of CHRISTINE. For the middle-nameportion, good heuristics could not be conceived for this paper. There were then created 32 rules except for thosethat did not suit after a brief “human likability” inspection (that were dropped). Follows a code snippet:

    t r i n o m i a l = name [ : 3 ]i f isCVV ( t r i n o m i a l ) :

    cand idate s . append (name [ : 2 ] ) # JO[ an ]# candida tes . append (name [ : 3 ] ) # JOA[n ] 3 and i sVowel (name [ 3 ] ) : cand idate s . append (name [ : 4 ] ) # ALLI [ sson ]

    Name Separation. It is common to a compound name to become a name such as Mary Ann becomingMaryann that can be easily re-splat when a nickname is emerging. Therefore, structurally, name separationis looking for inner-names within a name in the form innernames.append([n for n in dataset if n in name]).Name separation and portions are qualitatively distinct yet structurally similar (a separation is a portion of aname). On average, separations produces 2± 2 names that were not within portions against 7± 3 that are. Thissuggests that these heuristics have a high structural relation yet important qualitative differences. Nevertheless,in practice, these heuristic names can be used interchangeably.

  • Name Contraction. There are two possibilities for name contractions, one is a result from a socio-historicalprocess such as Greta from Margaret, another one is a result of portion, swapping and dropping letters combi-nation such as Mike from Michael. Therefore, for this paper, name contraction is used for denoting nicknameswhose formation rule cannot be properly determined from a structural perspective. Therefore, for handlingcontraction a bag-of-words strategy will be used. Among a set of evaluated nickname data-sets (only five werefound) the American English Nickname Collection (LDC2012T11) [3] presents the higher rate of non-obviousnicknames, being then chosen. Highlight that data-set is copyrighted and cannot be freely distributed. Also, itpresents some compound nicknames such as Johnny Boy from John (being the space replaced with an underscore)and it may present quite uncommon nicknames such as James from Monroe.

    For understanding the benefit of using that approach, the other heuristics proposed in this paper were usedfor generating nicknames and compared to the nicknames proposed by the data-set, [i for i in h if i in c]where c ∈ Contraction and h ∈ Heuristic). In short, the other heuristics do not over-set this one, meaningthat it provides a set of non-obvious nicknames adding value when joined with the other heuristics for usernameformation. As a result, whereas portion and separations holds a high structural relation between each other,contraction does not.

    Name Diminutive. The strategy is to include the terminals -Y, -IE, -EY, -EE, -IN and -KIN at the end ofnames, also, by doubling consonants that are not H or R and replacing C and Q with K (becoming -KY, -KIE,etc.). A caution to be taken is with names ending on I or Y as it would become something like -IY or -YEY(some of these terminations would suits as fancy name yet not for this one). For this heuristics, it was defined40 rules. Being a level two ruleset, it suits better for name portions than to full-names. For instance, Burnamas full-name results in Burnamy and Burnamey whereas as portions becomes Burny and Burney.

    i f name[ −1] == ’ i ’ or name[ −1] == ’ y ’ :cand idate s . append (name [ : len (name)−1]+ ’ kin ’ )i f name[ −2] != ’ y ’ and name[ −2] != ’ i ’ :

    cand idate s . append (name [ : len (name)−1]+ ’ ee ’ ). . .

    i f i sConsonant (name [ −2]) and name[ −2] != name[ −3] and name[ −2] != ’ r ’ and name[ −2] != ’h ’ :cand idate s . append (name [ : len (name)−1]+name[−2]+name[ −1])

    Fancy Names. There is not a “correct” set of fancy variations for nickname formation, in short, creativityis limited by human likability. Therefore a strict research on fancy username generation involves getting peoplefeedback (out of scope for this paper). For a proof of concept, three rule types is being used. The first is fancycharacters, such as the use of “ ” for creating nicknames like MARY and M A R Y and letter replacing such as ‘3’for ‘E’ and ‘4’ for ‘FOR’, e.g. R3DFORD and RED4D. The second is “foreignnessization” by including letters such as‘H’ and ‘G’ after the last name vowel for strength and ‘US’ and ‘UM’ for “latinization”. The third is based onthe repetition of name portions such as JAJA from Janet and CICI from C[hr]ISTINE. These rules are extremelyad hoc, for this paper, there were defined 26 of them, for a snippet:

    cand idate s . append ( ’ ’ . j o i n ( [ c+’ ’ for c in name ] ) [ : − 1 ] )i f ’ f o r ’ in name : cand idate s . append (name . r e p l a c e ( ’ f o r ’ , ’ 4 ’ ) ). . .i f name[ −1] in vowel :

    i f name[ −2] != ’u ’ : cand idates . append (name [ : len (name)−1]+ ’ us ’ ). . .i f isVCV ( t r i n o m i a l ) : cand idates . append ( ( name [ 1 : 3 ] + name [ 1 : 3 ] ) . c a p i t a l i z e ( ) )

    3.1 Nickname Evaluation

    For internal evaluation, it was built a name sample with 168922 (0.00001% of the population). The idea is toverify how many nicknames, on average, each generator creates. The results are presented in table 3.

    Considering a total of 91 nicknames and an availability rate on Twitter of 5.87% (see section 2), the estimationis that, for each name, it is possible to find around 5 nicknames. This is a quite narrow margin to work with.Then the topic must be further explored. The probability for a not available username varies according to therange of people that they encompass. For instance, a handle such as F encompasses, at least, all names startingwith ‘F’ whereas FSMarcondes is quite less embracing. In short, as general a nickname is, less probable to beavailable due to its naming scope. For numbers, table 4 shows the availability rate in Twitter for the proposedheuristics. Ba aware that table data may be a little biased due to Twitter’s policies changes over the time. Forinstance, it is not currently possible to set a handle less than 4 characters2 yet these existing accounts may stillbe suspended and removed1, therefore initials availability may raised.

  • a)

    Nickname GeneratorSample

    Avail.AVG ± Max Min

    Name 3 1 5 2 0.47%Initials 3 1 5 2 3.85%Portions 18 5 31 2 4.23%Separation 9 3 26 0 1.25%Contraction 4 5 40 0 5.87%Diminutive 24 10 63 0 26.89%Fancy 39 13 81 6 59.27%

    Sub-Total 1 (raw) 101 29 197 24 -Sub-Total 2 (no rep.) 92 26 177 23 -Total (no bad words) 91 26 177 23 -


    Table 3: a) Descriptive statistics for the proposed nickname generators. The initials depicts the shape of builtnames. For a proper benchmark, all strategies received the same name data-set (even higher level heuristicssuch as diminutive). Sub-Total 1 is the summation of all generated nicknames and Sub-Total 2 excludesrepetitions form the summation and Total filters for bad-words. It is important to highlight that bad-wordfiltering reduced one nickname on average and then is significant. For the availability, for each heuristic, anon-repeating random sample of 30k nicknames was gathered and checked against Twitter’s for availability. b)The nickname generators data plotted.

    Another availability variable is the appeal, i.e., how a likable a nickname is. Table 4 reveals that the mostappealing username is the proper name itself, followed by separations that is also mostly proper names. Theseis followed by initials, portions and contractions. Curiously, diminutive is not a high appealing username yet isa highly appealing nickname, supposedly, it is not expected to a person to call himself with a diminutive; fancyresult on the other hand was expected, presumably, due to its ad-hocness. Therefore, on the other hand, as morespecific is a nickname more likely to be available.

    4 Username Composition and Suggestion Ranking

    A common feature on usernames is to compound a nickname with a name (e.g. BillGates) or with anothernickname (e.g. JLo). This brings products into handle generation, therefore, it is possible, on average, toproduce 8281 (91× 91 from table 3) username suggestions for each name; ranging from 529 to 31329 variations.For assessing the availability for compositions as such, the products were generated for each pair of heuristicresulting into sets composed by elements formed as < h1 >< h2 > and < h2 >< h1 >, where h1 and h2 are twoheuristics. From each set, a subset with 30k (around (0.00001% of Twitters active users cf. [12]) of non-repeatingnicknames within a length of 4 ≤ x ≤ 15 were randomly selected and checked over Twitter in March 2020; theresults are presented in table 4a.

    Table 4a shows that usernames with initials tends to be more appealing, supporting the idea that smallerhandles are preferred to longer ones, except, as shown in table 4c, that the longer handle is a personal name.This means that EDijk is a more appealing username than EdsgerDijkstra, yet it is as appealing as Edsger orDijkstra. The diminutive and fancy heuristics followed the pattern raised in table 3.

    As for appealing, the difference between name and name-name availability, may be explained by consideringthat repetition for the former requires a two-name homonym. Also, it must be considered the difference between“common” and “rare” names and sociological issues in creating names such as marriage, e.g. it is more likelyto exist a German-German name than to a German-Japanese, therefore names such BernonKoyama tends to beless common whereas splitting them, they tend to be equally common. In short, since this paper sample isartificial, it may be “sociologically biased” and further studies should be performed with an actual name samplefor refining the name-name availability.

    For a suggestion ranking, the results gathered in tables 3 and 4a can be normalized and used as an appeal index(depicted in 4c). According to the proposed index, as higher is the appeal of a generator, higher is the humanlikability potential, yet, also, that the “best” usernames are probably already be taken. Therefore a trade-offmust be considered for suggesting. For this paper, the selected compositions are Por-Por (#8, 22.63%), Sep-Sep(#10, 28.84%), Sep-Por (#11, 28.22%) and Dim-Ini (#13, 35.42%); see suggestion instances in table 4b.

    For some highlights, the suggestions is a starting point for attaining a valuable handle e.g. the DeGeGene

  • a) b)

    Name Oprah Gail Winfrey

    Suggestions (109) OprPrah, -, WinOpra, WOprey

    Name Ellen Lee DeGeneres

    Suggestions (91) ElleDeGe, ElleGener, DeGeGene, DeGGyE

    Name Willard Carroll Smith

    Suggestions (224) MithWill, CarrolWilla, OllWill, SmiteyW

    Name Angelina Jolie Voight

    Suggestions (58) IeJoli, JoliAngeli, AnVo, VJollee

    Name Francisco Supino Marcondes

    Suggestions (272) SupPino, MarconSup, CoFrancisc, FSuppey

    #01 Sep-Ini 0.00706888 #02 Name 0.0071633 #03 Ini-Por 0.00901419 #04 Separation 0.01905134#05 Con-Ini 0.03164555 #06 Name-Ini 0.03802946 #07 Initials 0.05867811 #08 Por-Por 0.06200336#09 Portion 0.06446972 #10 Sep-Sep 0.07353824 #11 Sep-Por 0.07731926 #12 Contraction 0.08946507#13 Ini-Dim 0.09704636 #14 Con-Sep 0.12345875 #15 Con-Por 0.12833573 #16 Con-Con 0.13370589#17 Name-Con 0.20209316 #18 Name-Sep 0.21308006 #19 Name-Por 0.21562814 #20 Ini-Fancy 0.21579253#21 Sep-Dim 0.22190245 #22 Por-Dim 0.22192985 #23 Name-Name 0.23012208 #24 Por-Fancy 0.24023221#25 Sep-Fancy 0.24088978 #26 Con-Fancy 0.24146516 #27 Con-Dim 0.24897241 #28 Name-Fancy 0.26171283#29 Fancy-Fancy 0.26494588 #30 Dim-Dim 0.26869951 #31 Name-Dim 0.26957627 #32 Dim-Fancy 0.26987766#33 Diminutive 0.40983232 #34 Fancy 0.90333811 #35 Ini-Ini n/a

    Table 4: a) Twitter availability for generated nicknames (sample of 30k for each composition). b) Selectedinstances of username suggestions from Por-Por, Sep-Sep, Sep-Por and Dim-Ini composition (one for each). Thevalues within parentheses are the total number of suggestions retrieved by the selected heuristics. c) AppealIndex (Ā) — ordered availability data presented in tables 3 and 4a normalized.

    may become the DeGGene (also available in Twitter) that perhaps pleases that person. Eventually, appears“finished” likable handles such as MithWill and WOprey. Among the suggestions there are both “fun” and “serios”suggestions, respectively, IeJoli and AnVo. It was also noticed that bigger names compositions are more like topresent bad suggestions due to the 15 character length restriction. Finally, for a personal account, all thepresented suggestions for the last instance name are quite acceptable, they are not dream usernames but betterthan those presented in figure 1. This suggests by one side that this paper has succeeded in presenting a proof-of-concept (TRL-3 [14]) that there is room for explore before recurring to number streams. By another side thatthe proposed heuristics can be improved in future works.

    5 Conclusion

    This paper has shown that it is possible to generate a comfortable diversity of human likable nicknames to beexplored before recurring to number streams as it is being done so far. Also, structural onomastics suits forguiding the generation heuristics for username creation. For this paper, there was proposed a handle suggestionsystem that (1) generates nicknames based on the products of six onomastic categories, and (2) ranked themthrough the appeal index (Ā) (after checking its availability in Twitter).

    For future works, it is suggested to expand, improve and refine the proposed heuristics for generating moreand better human likable usernames suggestions. That may include the middle portion of a name, phoneticcoincidences and name combinations and may consider other properties such as gender, nationality, etc. Also,there can be proposed ontology relating name, nicknames and usernames through several parameters. Forinstance, Franky is a male English diminutive for Frank that relates to Chico in Portuguese which in turn isa diminutive for Francisco. Finally, submit the usernames for human inspection, without neglecting culturaldifferences, for improving the heuristics and the appeal index.

    Some questions that remains open are the appealing difference between username patters, e.g. is more appealing than or ?Is there an important bias comparing automatic generated names, as used in this paper, and people actualnames? Is it possible to generate structurally odd nicknames by feeding a neural network?


    This work has been supported by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the RD Units ProjectScope: UIDB/00319/2020

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