fgtech bdm mpc5xx user manual truck

FG Technology 1/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK BDM MPC5xx User Manual - TRUCK -

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FG Technology1/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK BDM MPC5xx User Manual - TRUCK - FG Technology2/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Indice Index Premessa / Premise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Il modulo EOBD2/ The EOBD2 module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pin dellinterfaccia EOBD2 / Pin of the EOBD2 interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Pin OutBDM Motorola . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pin Out BDM Motorola2nd type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pin Out Bdm Bosch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Adattatore da CMD/Dimensione Sport/Alien a FG Technology . . . . . . . . . .9 Adattatore da EVC a FG Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 EcuBOSCH EDC7 C1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 EcuBOSCH EDC7UC31 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 EcuDELPHY DAF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Ecu MOTOROLA SCANIA EMS6. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .18 Ecu MOTOROLA SCANIA EMSS7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Ecu TRW EMS2 VOLVO RENAULT. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ecu JOHN DEERE L14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Ecu MOTOROLA MERCURY MARINEPCM PCM0308 . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ecu MOTOROLA MERCURY MARINEECM . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 EcuLANDINI - PERKINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 EcuFERGUSSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 EcuSCANIA R centralina del cambio / Gear box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ecu Caterpillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ecu Delphi Isuzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 ECUCummins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Versione del manuale / Version Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FG Technology3/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Premessa Premise IMPORTANTE I MPORTANT IlcollegamentotralinterfacciaEOBDeleECUmoltosemplice,tuttavianoi consigliamodiseguireattentamentequestomanualeperchognipiccoloerrorepu danneggiare la centralina. The connection between the EOBD interface and the ECU is very simple, but we recommend to follow this manual attentively because each small error could damage the ECU. FG Technology4/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK EOBD 2 Comeprimacosaindispensabileinstallare nel vostrocomputer il software, seguendole istruzioni, presente nel CD di installazione. As before thing is what is necessary install the softwareinyourcomputer,followingthe instructions, present in the CD of installation. Diseguitonecessariocollegaretuttiicavi allinterfaccia hardware EOBD2 - figura 1 - It is necessary connect all the cables to the hardware interface EOBD2 - figure 1- Quindi, collegate prima il cavo USB e il cavo perilBDMesuccessivamentealimentare linterfacciaconiljack;illedrossosi accender come in figura 2. Therefore,connectedfirsttheUSBcableand thecablefortheBDMandsubsequentlyfeed theinterfacewiththejack;theredledwill catch fire like in figure 2. Attenzione:Eindispensabilechelinterfacciasia semprealimentatautilizzandoun alimentatorea12V,indifferentementedal tipo di centralina che si deve leggere. Attention:Itsessential thattheinterfacehas fed using a feeder to 12V always, without note of from the type ofECU that must be read. Figura 1: interfaccia con cavi collegati interface with connected cables Figura 2: Il led rosso acceso the red led is light FG Technology5/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Pin dellinterfaccia EOBD2 Pin of the EOBD2 interface LafigurasottostanterappresentailPinoutdei10pinpresentinellinterfacciaEOBD2. Questo pinout rapportato alle porte Bdm di tutte le ECU. The underlying figure represents the Pinout of the 10 pin of the interface EOBD2. This pinout is rapportate to the Bdm doors of all the ECUs. FG Technology6/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Pin BDM Motorola Nellamaggiorparte dellecentralinenon segnatoilPin1usatocomeriferimentoperil corretto verso del Bdm; nella figura seguente possibile vedere lo schema della porta Bdm con i valori di ogni suo Pin. In best part of the ECU has not marked the Pin 1 used like reference for the correct toward of the Bdm; in the following figure is possible see the scheme of the Bdm door with the values of each his Pin. Lafigurasottostantemostrailpinout standarddellaportaBDMMotorola TM. Potrete notare dallo schema che i Pin 3 e5 sonoentrambia massae quindi in comune. Usandounmultimetroquindi possibilecapireillatocorrettodelBdm e di conseguenza il Pin numero 1 usato di riferimento.The underlying figure shows the pinout standardofthedoorBDMMotorola TM. Youwillnoticefromtheschemethat the Pin 3 and 5 are both to ground and therefore in common. Using a tester it is possible understand thecorrectsideoftheBdmand accordinglythePinnumbers1usedof reference. FG Technology7/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Altro tipo di BDM Motorola Another type of Motorola BDM Anche laltro tipo di Bdm ha lo stesso pinout di quello precedente; di seguito mostriamo le fasi necessarie per capire qual il senso corretto e quindiil PIN 1. Also the other type of Bdm has the same pinout of the preceding one; we of succession show the necessary phases for understand what is the correct sense and the PIN 1. 1 - Questo il tipico schema del BDM; 1 - This is the typical scheme of the BDM; 2- Trovare con laiuto del multimetro quali sono i due punti in comune a massa; 2- Find with the help of the tester what are the two points in common to ground; 3-IlPIN1asinistradeiPIN3e5trovatialla fase2.Diconseguenzasiriescearisalire anche a tutti gli altri Pin. 3- ThePIN 1istoleftofthe PIN3 and5foundto the phase 2. Of accordingly is been able to also go up again to all the other Pin. FG Technology8/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Pin Out BDM BOSCH Il Pin Out BOSCH si differenzia da quello Motorola standard. The Pin Out BOSCH is differentiated from that standard Motorola. LafigurasottostantemostrailPinOut delBDMBOSCHequalisegnalisono assegnati ad ogni pin. ThefigureunderlyingshowsthePinOutoftheBDMBOSCHandwhatsignals have assigned to each pin. FG Technology9/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Adattatore dalla pressa di CMD / Dimensione Sport / AlienaFG Technology SesieteinpossessodellapressadiCMD, DimensionesportoAlienTech,potete utilizzareladattatoreindotazionemostratoin figura qui a destra. If you have the press of CMD, Dimensione sport or Alien Tech, you can use the adaptershows in figure to the right. Seguire la seguente figura per collegare correttamente ladattatore: Follow the following figure for connect correctly the adapter: Attenzione - Attention: Lalimentazione deve essere data tramite il cavo con linterruttore SOLO alle ECU BOSCH. The feeding must be date trouth the interrupt cable ONLYatthe ECU BOSCH. Adattatore dalla pressa di EVC a FG Technology- Adapter from EVC press to FG Tech Sesieteinpossessodellapressadi EVC,potetecollegareilcavoflat direttamente alla pressa. If you have the press of EVC, you can connectdirectlytheflatcabletothe press. Connessione con ECU BOSCH EDC7 FG Technology10/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK NelleECUEDC7,laportaBDM BOSCHposizionatavicinoal processore MPC555. IntheECUEDC7,theBOSCHBDMdoor ispositionedneartotheprocessor MPC555. - Vedere figura 3 / See figure 3 - Noiper,nonutilizzeremotuttele14 piazzole, ma solo 12.However, we won't use all the 14 circles, but only 12. Saldarequindii pin stripcomedafigura 3sullaportaBDMesuccessivamente utilizzareladattatoreBOSCHper connetterelacentralinaallinterfaccia EOBDconilcavoflatcomemostrato nella figura 4. Therefore,jointhepinstriplikeinfigure3 on the BDM door and subsequently use the BOSCH adapter for connect the ECU to the EOBDinterfacewiththeflatcablelike shown in the figure 4. Importante: Figura 3: Bdm vicino al processore Bdm near the processor Figura 4: connettore inserito nella porta Bdm Connector insert in the Bdm door Le centraline Bosch si alimentano tramite ladattatore Bosch come nei 3 passi seguenti: The Bosch ECUs feed through the Bosch adapter like in the 3 following steps: PASSO 1 STEP 1PASSO 2 STEP 2PASSO 3 STEP 3

Alimentare correttamente la centralina a +12V usando il cavo con linterruttore. Feed the ECU to +12V correctly using the cable with the interrupter. FG Technology11/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK LEDC7halapossibilitdi collegarsianchetramiteuna secondaportaBDMdeltipo standardvisualizzatanellefigure5, 6 e 7. TheEDC7ECUhasalsothe possibilityofconnectthrougha secondBDMdoorofthetype standard visualized in the figures 5, 6 and 7. Nel caso si voglia utilizzare questa porta,occorreutilizzare ladattatoreMarellipercollegare conilcavoflatlacentralina allEOBD2. Inthecaseyuodesireusethisdoor, youneedstousetheMarelliadapter forconnecttheECUwiththeflat cable all'EOBD2. Inquestocasolacentralinanon vienealimentataconladattatore BOSCHtramitelaportaBDM,ma direttamente dalla presa originale. In this case the ECU doesn't come fed withtheBOSCHadapterthroughthe BDMdoor,butdirectlyfromthe original connector. Vedere figura 7 a pagina seguente. See figure 7 to next page. Figura 5: connettore inserito nel secondo Bdm Connector inserted in the 2nd Bdm Figura 6: Secondo BdmSecond Bdm FG Technology12/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Di seguito mostriamo il Pinout delle ECU Figura 7 qui sotto Bosch EDC7IVECO DAF NEW HOLLAND MC CORMIC STEYR: Subsequently we show the Pinout of ECU - Figure 7 under- Bosch EDC7 IVECO DAF NEW HOLLAND MC CORMIC - STEYR: Figura 7: Pinout EDC7 IVECO BDM GNDBAT+IGN EDC7 IVECO B4B12B39 FG Technology13/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Qui sotto il Pinout Bosch EDC7 MAN Figura 8 Here under the Pinout Bosch EDC7 HAND Figure 8 - Figura 8: Pinout EDC7 MAN BDM GNDBAT+12VIGN EDC7 MAN A15A7B36 FG Technology14/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK ECU BOSCH EDC7 UC31 A differenza delle EDC7, le ECU Bosch EDC7 UC31, hanno una sola porta BDM come possibile notare in figura 9. AtdifferenceoftheEDC7,theECU BoschEDC7UC31haveonlyoneBDM door like is possible notice in figure 9. Pulirebenelaschedanelpunto interessatodaogniagenteprotettivoe saldare i pin strip sulla porta BDM. Cleanwellthecircuitinthepoint interested from each protective agent and join the pinstrip on the BDM door. A questo punto usare ladattatore Bosch perconnetterelacentralina allinterfacciaEOBD2conilcavoflat come mostrato nella figura 10. AtthispointusetheBoschadapterfor connect the ECU to the EOBD2 interface with the flat cable like in figure 10. Figura 9: Bdm ECU EDC7 UC31 Figura 10: adattatore Bosch inserito nei pinstrip Bosch adapter inserted in the pinstrip Importante: Le centraline Bosch si alimentano tramite ladattatore Bosch come nei 3 passi seguenti: The Bosch ECUs feed through the Bosch adapter like in the 3 following steps: PASSO 1 STEP 1 PASSO 2 STEP 2 PASSO 3 STEP 3 Alimentare correttamente la centralina a +12V usando il cavo con linterruttore. FG Technology15/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Feed the ECU to +12V correctly using the cable with the interrupter. In figura 11 qui in basso mostriamo il Pinout Bosch EDC7 UC31 IVECO LANDINI NEW HOLLAND MAN - VALTRA MASSEY FERGUSON FENDT - SISU: In figure 11 here in low we show the Pinout Bosch EDC7 UC31: Figura 11: Pinout EDC7 UC31 IVECO BDM GNDBAT+12VIGN EDC7 UC31 IVECO A5A9B40 FG Technology16/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Qui sotto - figura 12 - riportiamo il Pinout della Bosch EDC7 UC31IVECO LANDINI NEW HOLLAND MAN - VALTRA MASSEY FERGUSON FENDT - SISU: Here under - figure 12- we bring again the Pinout of the Bosch EDC7 UC31: Figura 12 Pinout EDC7 UC31 MAN BDM GNDBAT+IGN EDC7 UC31 MAN A5A9B40 FG Technology17/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK ECU Delphi/DAF Figura 13: Spina principale centralina DAF main connector of DAF ECU

NelleECUDAFlalimentazionedeve esseredatatramiteilconnettoreGrigio originale. IntheDAFECUthefeedingmustbe trasmittedthroughtheGreyoriginal connector. - Vedere sopra figura 13 - -See figure 13 - Successivamente pulire bene le piste dove c la porta Bdm da ogni agente protettivo e saldare i pin strip. Figura 14.Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuitwhere there is the Bdm door from each protective agent and then join the pinstrip -Figure 14. Dopodich, usare ladattatore Delphi con cavo flatper connettere la centralina con linterfaccia EOBD2.After that, use the Delphi adapter with flat cable for connect the ECU with the interface EOBD2. - Vedere le figura 15 - - See figure 15 - Figura 14: pin strip saldati sul Bdm Pin strip joined on the Bdm Figura 15: adattatore Delphi inserito sui pin strip sul Bdm Delphi adapter inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology18/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK MOTOROLA EMS6 SCANIA Figura 16: Pinout ECU Scania Nelle EcuEMS6 lalimentazione deve essere data tramite la presa originale. IntheEcuEMS6thefeedingmustbe trasmittedthroughtheoriginal connector. - Figura 16 / Figure 16 - Successivamentepulirebenelepiste doveclaportaBdmdaogniagente protettivo e saldare i pin strip. After that,cleanwellthecircuitswhere thereistheBdmdoorfromeach protective agent and join the pinstrip. - Figure 17 / Figure 17 - Figura 17: pin strip sul Bdm / Pin strip on the Bdm FG Technology19/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Dopodich,inserireilcavoflatsui pinstriprispettandoilgiustoverso.Rispettare,comesempre,ilPIN1della porta BDM. - Vedere figura 18 -Afterthat,inserttheflatcableonthe pinstriprespectingthecorrecttoward. Respect, like always, the PIN 1 of the BDM door. - See figure 18 - Figura 18: cavo flat inserito nei pin strip Flat cable inserted in the pinstrip FG Technology20/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK MOTOROLA EMSS7 SCANIA FG Technology21/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK TRW EMS2VOLVORENAULT Figura 19: Spina principale ECU TRW EMS2 Main connector ECU TRW EMS2 NelleEcuTRWEMS2 lalimentazionedeveesseredata tramite la spina originale. IntheEcuTRWEMS2thefeeding mustbetrasmittedthroughthe original connector. - Vedere figura 19 / See figure19 - InquestotipodicentralineilBdm disposto in linea come in figura 20.InthistypeofECUtheBdmhas arranged in line like in figure 20. - Figura 20 / Figure 20 - Figura 20: Bdm lineare dellEcu TRW EMS2 FG Technology22/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK EnecessariooraosservareilPinout dellinterfacciaEOBD2perfar corrisponderecorrettamenteisegnali dellacentralinaaiPindellinterfaccia stessa.DiseguitoriportiamoilPinout dellinterfaccia (spiegato a pagina 5) ItisnecessaryobservethePinoutofthe EOBD2interfaceformaketocorrespond thesignalsoftheECUtothePinofthe sameinterfacecorrectly.Hereunderwe bringagainthePinoutoftheinterface (explained page 5) 1 VFLS02 SRESET# 3 GND4 DSCK 5 GND6 VFLS1 7 TRST#8 DSDI 9 VDD SENSE10 DSDO Aquestopuntonecessariocrearsiuncavoconun connettoreavaschetta standard.Seguirenel dettaglioleindicazioni mostrateinfigura21. Atthispointisnecessary createacablewitha connectorstandardlikein figuretoright.Followinthe detailtheindications representedinfigure21. Figura 21: Pinout del cavo necessario per il BDM in ECU TRW Pinout of the cable that is necessary for the BDM in ECU TRW Doveteottenereilrisultato comenellafigura21/B quia lato. You must get the result like in the figure 21/B here to side. Figura 21/B: adattatore creato per Bdm Ecu TRW EMS2 Successivamente,saldarelaltra estremitdeifilidelcavettoappena costruitoallacentralinaseguendole indicazioni in figura 22 qui in basso. Subsequently,jointheotherextremity ofthethreadsofthecableassoonas builttotheECUfollowingthe indications in figure 22 here in low. FG Technology23/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Figura 22: segnali e relativi fili saldati sulla porta Bdm Ecu TRW EMS2signals and relative threads joined on the door Bdm Ecu TRW EMS2 Doveteottenereunrisultatocome in figura 23 a lato. Youmustgetaresultlikeinfigure 23 to side. Infine,collegarelacentralinacon il cavo flat allinterfaccia EOBD2. Finally, connect the ECU with the flat cable to the interface EOBD2. Figura 23: adattatore creato per leggere il Bdm su ECU TRW adapter created for read the Bdm on ECU TRW LeECUTRWpossono avereancheunaltrotipo dischemaelettricocome infiguraalato.Seguire sempre i segnali del BDM facendoriferimentoal PIN 1. The ECUTRWcouldhave anothertypeofelectric schemealsolikeinfigure toside.Followthesignals oftheBDMalwaysdoing reference to the PIN 1. Figura 22b: BDM posizionato in un altro modo nelle ECU TRW Bdm door positioned in another way on the TRW ECU FG Technology24/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK John Deere L14 Figura 24: Spina principale ECU John Deere L14 Main connector ECU John Deere L14 La Ecu John Deere L14 deve essere alimentatatramitelaspina originale. The Ecu John Deere L14 must be fed through the original connector.

- Vedere figura 24 / See figure 24 - Pulirebenelaparteinteressatada ogniagenteprotettivoesaldarei pinstrip come in figura 25 a lato. Cleanwellthepartinterestedfrom eachprotectiveagentandjointhe pinstrip like shown figure 25 to side. Infine,inserireladattatoreDelphi conilcavoflatsuipinstripcome mostrato nella figura 25b a lato. Finally,inserttheDelphiadapter withtheflatcableonthepinstrip like shown figure 25b to side. Figura 25: Bdm ECU John Deere L14 Figura 25b: Adattatore Delphi inserito nei pinstrip Delphi adaptor inserted in the pinstrip FG Technology25/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK LeEcuJohnDeereL14possono avereanche unaltro tipo discheda elettricaconlaportaBdmposta come in figura a lato.[Devecomunqueesseresempre alimentatadallaspinaprincipale conlostessopinoutmostratoa pagina precedente ] Saldare quindi i pin strip sulla porta Bdm. Figura 26. The Ecu John Deere L14 could have anothertypeofelectriccardwith the Bdm shown in figure to the right.[Itoweshoweverhavealwaysfed fromtheprincipalthornwiththe samepinoutshowntopreceding page ] JointhepinstripontheBdmdoor. Figure 26. Ancheinquestocaso,dopoaver saldatoipinstripsullaportaBdm, bisognainserireladattatoreDelphi come mostrato in figura 26b. Alsointhiscase,whenyouhave joinedthepinstripintheBdmdoor, insert the Delphi Adapter like shows figure 26b. Figura 26: altro tipo di Bdm ECU John Deere L14Another type of Bdm ECU John Deere L14 Figura 26b: Adattatore Delphi inserito nei pin strip sul Bdm Delphi Adaptator inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology26/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Mercury Marine PCM Figura 27: Spina principale Mercury Marine PCM Main connector Mercury Marine PCM NelleEcuMercuryMarinePCM lalimentazionedeveesseredatatramite lo spinotto originale. IntheMercuryMarinePCMEcuthe feedingmustbetrasmittedthroughthe original connector. -- Seguire indicazioni sopra in figura 26 - - Follow indications in figure 26 above - Successivamente pulire bene le piste dove c la porta Bdm da ogni agente protettivo e saldare i pinstrip.Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuitwhere there is the Bdm door from each protective agent and join the pinstrip. - Vedere Figura 27 - - See figure 27 - Dopodich,usareladattatoreDelphicon ilcavoflatperconnetterelacentralina conlinterfacciaEOBD2comemostrato nella figura 28. Afterthat,usetheDelphiadapterwiththe flatcableforconnecttheECUwiththe interface EOBD2 like shows the figure 28. Figura 28: pin strip saldati sul Bdm Pinstrip joined on the Bdm Figura28b:adattatoreDelphi inserito nei pinstrip sul Bdm Delphi adapter inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology27/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK LeEcuMercuryMarinePCM0308 hannoisegnalidelBDMposticomein figura30quisotto.quindinecessario crearsiunadattatoreavaschettastandarda 10 pin come qui a destra: The Ecu Mercury Harbors PCM 0308 has the signals of the BDM set.thereforenecessarycreateanadapter standard with 10 pin like to right Adattatore a Vaschetta 10 Pin standard Standard adapter with 10 pin Successivamente, collegare i 5 fili della vaschetta appena creata come viene descritto dalla numerazione in figura sottostante: Subsequently, connect the 5 threads of the adaptator as soon as created like descript from the numeration in figure underlying comes: Figura 30: Collegare le piazzole dalla scheda alla vaschetta standard Figure 30: Connect the circles from the card to the standard adapter Infine, collegare infine tramite un cavetto flat il bdm allinterfaccia EOBD II.Finaly, connect finaly the flat cablefrom thebdmto theinterfaceEOBD II. FG Technology28/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Mercury Marine ECM Figura 31: Spina principale Mercury Marine ECM Main connector Mercury Marine ECM NelleEcuMercuryMarineECM lalimentazionedeveesseredata tramite la spina originale. In the Ecu Mercury Harbors ECM the feeding must be trasmitted through the original connector. - Seguire indicazioni sopra figura 31 - - Follow indications above figure 31 - Successivamentepulirebenelepiste dove c la porta Bdm da ogni agente protettivo e saldare gli adattatori.Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuit wherethereistheBdmdoorfrom eachprotectiveagentandjointhe adapters. - Figura 32 / Figure 32 - Dopodich,usareladattatoreDelphi conilcavoflatperconnetterela centralinaallinterfacciaEOBD2 come mostrato nella figura 33. After that, use the Delphi adapter with theflatcableforconnecttheECUto the interface EOBD2 like shown in the figures 33. Figura 32: pin strip saldati sulla porta Bdm pinstrip joined on the Bdm door Figura 33: adattatore Delphiinserito nei pin strip sul Bdm Delphi adapter inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology29/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Landini - Perkins Figura 34: Spina originale ECU Landini - Perkins / Main connector ECU Landini - Perkins NelleEcuLandiniPerkins lalimentazionedeveesseredata tramite la spina originale. IntheEcuLandiniPerkinsECMthe feeding must be trasmittedthroughthe original connector. - Seguire indicazioni sopra figura 34 - - Follow indications above figure 34 - Successivamentepulirebenelepiste dove c la porta Bdm da ogni agente protettivo.Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuit where there is the Bdm door from each protective agent. Figura 35: porta Bdm Bdm door FG Technology30/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK - Figura 35 / Figure 35 - Saldarequindiipinstripsullaporta Bdm - figura 36 - After that join the adapters on the Bdm door - Figure 36 - Infine, usare ladattatore Delphi con il cavo flat per connetterela centralina allinterfaccia EOBD2 come mostrato nella figura 37. In the end, use the Delphi adapter with theflatcableforconnecttheECUto the interface EOBD2 like shown in the figures 37. Figura 36: pinstrip saldati sulla porta Bdm Pinstrip joined on the Bdm door Figura 37: adattatore Delphi inserito nei pin strip sul Bdm Delphi adapter inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology31/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Fergusson Figura 38: Spina principale ECU Fergusson / Main connector ECU Fergusson Nelle Ecu Fergusson lalimentazione deve essere data tramite la spina originale come mostrato nella figura 38 sopra. IntheEcuFergussonthefeedingmustbe trasmittedthroughtheoriginalconnector as shows in figure 38 above. Successivamentepulirebene le piste nei punti interessati da ogni agente protettivo. Subsequentlycleanwellthe circuitinthepointsinterested from each protective agent. Saldare quindii pinstripsulla porta BDM. Afterthatjointhepinstripon the Bdm door. Figure 39: porta Bdm / Bdm door FG Technology32/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Infine,usareladattatoreDelphiconil cavoflatperconnetterelacentralina allinterfaccia EOBD2. Intheend,usetheDelphiadapterwiththe flatcableforconnecttheECUtothe interface EOBD2. Figura 40: Connettore Delphi inserito nella porta BDM Delphi connector inserted in the BDM door FG Technology33/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Scania Serie R Centralina del cambio Gear box Figura 41: Pinout centralina cambio Scania Serie R Pinout gear box Scania R-series Nellecentralinedelcambiodello ScaniaSerieRlalimentazionedeve esseredatatramiteilconnettoreA della spina principale. In the unit of the change of the Scania R Series the feeding must be date through the connector A of the min thorn. - Vedere sopra figura 41 - -See figure 41 - Successivamentepulirebenelepiste doveclaportaBdmdaogniagente protettivo e saldare i pinstrip.Figura 42Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuit wherethereistheBdmdoorfromeach protectiveagentandthenjointhe pinstrip. Figure 42. Dopodich, inserire il connettore flat come in figura 43 a lato per connettere la centralina con linterfaccia EOBD2.After that, insertthe flat cable like in figure 43 to the right for connect the ECU with the interface EOBD2. Figura 42: pin strip saldati sul Bdm Pin strip joined on the Bdm Figura 43: connettore flat inserito sui pin strip sul Bdm Flat cable inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology34/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK ECUCaterpillar Utilizzare ladattatore Delphi per connettersi alla porta BDM raffigurata qui sotto: Use the Delphi adapter for connecting to the BDM door shown under: FG Technology35/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK ECUDelphiIsuzu Fig. 48:Seguire le indicazioni del Pinout in figura sopra / Follow the Pinout instruction in figure above Utilizzare ladattatore Delphi per connettersi alla porta BDM raffigurata qui sotto: Use the Delphi adapter for connecting to the BDM door shown under: FG Technology36/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK ECUCummins CM850 Figura 49: Pinout ECU Cummins NelleECUCumminslalimentazione deveesseredatatramitelaspina principale come in Figura 49 sopra. IntheECUCumminsthefeedingmust bedatethroughthethornlikeinfigure 49 above. Successivamentepulirebenelepiste doveclaportaBdmdaogniagente protettivoesaldareipinstripcomein figura 50 qui a destra. Subsequentlycleanwellthecircuit wherethereistheBdmdoorfromeach protectiveagentandthenjointhe pinstrip. Figure 50 to the right. Dopodich, inserire ladattatore Delphi come in figura 51 a lato per connettere la centralina con linterfaccia EOBD2.After that, insertthe Delphi adapter like in figure 51 to the right for connect the ECU with the interface EOBD2. Figura 50: pin strip saldati sul Bdm Pin strip joined on the Bdm Figura51: adattatore Delphi inserito sui pin strip sul Bdm Delphi adapter inserted in the pinstrip on the Bdm FG Technology37/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK Attenzione / Attention: Infasediprogrammazione necessariosaldareuna resistenzada22Ohmcome indicato nella figura 52 a lato. Forprogrammingyouhaveto join a resistor of 22 Ohm like in figure 52 to the right. Figura 52: Saldara una resistenza da 22 Ohm / Join a resistor 22 Ohm FG Technology38/38 BDM MPC5xx TRUCK MANUALE BDM EOBD2 Truck Manuale BDM MPC5xx Truck VersioneMarzo2011 VersionMarch 2011