feverseg 20150116

Ixopo | Paddock | Harding | Kokstad | Cedarville | Matatiele | Swartberg | Maluti | Mount Fletcher | Underberg | Umzimkhulu | Weza | Izingolweni east griqualand FEVER Your 24/7 local connection FREE 16 January 2015 www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever No initiate deaths in Kokstad this year >> Record is attributed to the strict control by Indlondlo, a committee which overseas the process NTUNTU DWEBA >>[email protected] K OKSTAD prides itself as being one of the few areas that can report there were no initiate deaths. This was revealed at a graduation for initiates attended by King Good- will Zwelithini at Shayamoya sports grounds on Wednesday. This record is attributed to the strict control by Indlondlo, a tradi- tional committee which oversees the initiation process. Government lead- ers, including the MEC for Health Sibongiseni Dhlomo, Social Develop- ment MEC Weziwe Thusi, Cogta MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube and Harry Gwala District mayor Mluleki Ndobe attended the ceremony where the ini- tiates were given advice and encour- agement on how to be good men. Chairper- son of Indlond- lo Benny Khobo said all 293 initiates returned alive. “In the Har- ry Gwala Dis- trict we don’t have ‘those who did not come back’ in our vocabulary. We don’t use that kind of language,” he said. He said they have a strict application process for those who want to open initiation schools in the district. “Those who want be surgeons must meet the our requirements,” he said. The relationship forged by the committee and various government departments including health, Cogta and Social Development, also assist by making sure that initiates are in good health when they go for the ritual. Young men are screened for high blood pressure, diabetes and sexually transmitted infections be- fore going. Dube-Ncube said the event was important as it marked the gradua- tion of young boys becoming respon- sible men. “We are proud of our children who have graduat- ed from the ‘university of initiation’,” she said. Zwelithini expressed his pride and satis- faction that all initiates came back alive. “Letuskeepupthegoodworkdone in Kokstad because traditional lead- ership and government are working hard to make sure that things are done responsibly,” he said. He told the initiates that they must take pride in their manhood as the nation is expecting doctors, teach- ers, engineers, nurses from among them. “You are the future of this nation so we don’t expect to you to become drunkards and rapists. Take care of yourselves,” he said. KOKSTAD: Shop 8, Pick & Pay Centre 084 710 5555 • 039 727 1336 Other Branches: Pinetown, Durban, Pietermaritzburg & Richards bay Royal Tent Inclusive of blower PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBA King Goodwill Zwelithini arriving at the Shaya- moya sports ground be- ing welcomed by Health MEC Sibongiseni Dhlomo and Social Development MEC Weziwe Thusi. We are proud of our children who have graduated from the ‘university of initiation’ TLC Hospice news page 6

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FeversEG 20150116


Page 1: FeversEG 20150116

Ixopo | Paddock | Harding | Kokstad | Cedarville | Matatiele | Swartberg | Maluti | Mount Fletcher | Underberg | Umzimkhulu | Weza | Izingolweni

east griqualand

FEVERYour 24/7 local connection FREE 16 January 2015

www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever

No initiate deaths inKokstad this year

>> Record is attributed to the strict control by Indlondlo, a committee which overseas the processNTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

KOKSTAD prides itself as beingone of the few areas that canreport there were no initiate

deaths.This was revealed at a graduation

for initiates attended by King Good-will Zwelithini at Shayamoya sportsgrounds on Wednesday.

This record is attributed to thestrict control by Indlondlo, a tradi-tional committee which oversees theinitiation process.

Government lead-

ers, including the MEC for HealthSibongiseni Dhlomo, Social Develop-mentMECWeziweThusi, CogtaMECNomusa Dube-Ncube and HarryGwala District mayor Mluleki Ndobeattendedtheceremonywherethe ini-tiates were given advice and encour-agement on how to be good men.

Chairper-son of Indlond-lo BennyKhobo said all293 initiatesreturned alive.

“In the Har-ry Gwala Dis-trict we don’thave ‘thosewho did notcome back’ inour vocabulary. We don’t use thatkind of language,” he said.

He said they have a strictapplication process for those whowant to open initiation schools in thedistrict.

“Those who want be surgeonsmustmeet the our requirements,” hesaid.

The relationship forged by thecommittee and various governmentdepartments including health, Cogtaand Social Development, also assistby making sure that initiates are ingood health when they go for the

ritual. Young men are screened forhigh blood pressure, diabetes andsexually transmitted infections be-fore going.

Dube-Ncube said the event wasimportant as it marked the gradua-tion of young boys becoming respon-sible men.

“We areproud of ourchildren whohave graduat-ed from the‘university ofinitiation’,” shesaid.

Zwelithiniexpressed hisprideandsatis-faction that all

initiates came back alive.“Letuskeepupthegoodworkdone

in Kokstad because traditional lead-ership and government are workinghard to make sure that things aredone responsibly,” he said.

He told the initiates that theymusttake pride in their manhood as thenation is expecting doctors, teach-ers, engineers, nurses from amongthem.

“Youarethefutureofthisnationsowe don’t expect to you to becomedrunkards and rapists. Take care ofyourselves,” he said.

KOKSTAD: Shop 8, Pick & Pay Centre084 710 5555 • 039 727 1336

Other Branches: Pinetown, Durban, Pietermaritzburg & Richards bayRoyal Tent

Inclusive of blower

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAKing Goodwill Zwelithiniarriving at the Shaya­moya sports ground be­ing welcomed by HealthMEC Sibongiseni Dhlomoand Social DevelopmentMEC Weziwe Thusi.

We are proud ofour children whohave graduated fromthe ‘university ofinitiation’

TLC Hospice newspage 6

Page 2: FeversEG 20150116

Determined, innovative, successful youthsNTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

THE only thing hindering two determined bakers fromgrowing their business is the lack of a suitable andbigger place from which to operate.

James Mashwawu (46) and Johnson Ndlovu (43)from Horseshoe and Shayamoya respectively are thetwo members and founders of Booster ConfectionerySuppliers co­op. They have vast experience in bakingand making confectioneryproducts, which datesbackto the nineties.

Mashwawu said he learnt to bake when he workedat Rolyats Spar in 1990.

“I was taught how to bake at Spar. I started withbaking bread and I learnt baking other things likecream doughnuts, Queen cakes and that is when I de­veloped a love of baking,” he said.

“I later went to work in Avoca Bakery then to thenRegentSupermarketwhichiswhereImetmybusinesspartner,” he said.

Mashwawu and Ndlovu worked together at thebakery section in Regent Supermarket for 16 years un­til they both resigned in 2010.

Ndlovu said they started baking their own prod­ucts in 2007 while at Regent.

“WedecidedtobakeourownproductsatMashwa­wu’s house in Horseshoe to generate more incomeother than our salaries,” he said.

They sold their scones, cream doughnuts on thestreets in town. He said they decided to resign fromwork and concentrate on their business.

“We registered our co­op at Seda in 2011, and im­mediatelyafterwegotourcertificatesweapproachedbusinesses in Kokstad and Mt Ayliff offering our servi­ces.”

They now supply shops mostly in Mt Ayliff.“Our biggest supply goes to Jwayelani Supermar­

ket. We also supply other shops in Kokstad and MtAyliff so our business is growing,” he said.

Mashwawu said they feel their business would bedoing better if they had bigger place in which to work.

“We are still working from home and that limitsus. For instance we would also do wedding cakes ifwe had a bigger place.”

The two have little formal education, but are usingthe skills they acquired to make a living and providefor their families.

They are appealing to the government, businessesand private people to assist them in getting a placeto work from in town.

“We would appreciate anyone who can provide uswith a place to work from. We are willing to rent eventhough we don’t have much money yet,” Mashwawusaid.

He said their business has great potential to grow.Ndlovu said they encourage youth and unem­

ployed people to find out what they are good at andmake sure that their skills work for them.

Ambulanceimpounded ataccident scene>> Tail lights and park lights were faulty

NTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

ANambulancewasimpoundedatanacci-dent scene between Swartberg andFranklin on 2 January.

The East Griqualand Fever confirms the in-cident took place when the ambulance whichwas called to fetch injured patients in an acci-dent between a taxi and a truck.

Areliablesource,whowasat the scene,saidhe witnessed the incident but refused to benamed as he fears for his job, one of the ambu-lance punched just when it got to the scene.

Upon noticing the flat tyre, traffic officers atthe scene inspected the vehicle and deemed itunroadworthy on the spot.

“It was very shameful that an ambulance,the first vehicle to be called to help in a time ofcrisis, was in such a condition,” the witnesssaid.

Further inspection of the ambulance re-vealed that the tail lights and park lights were

faulty, the stretcher was broken, all four tyreswere smooth, there was no jack, no wheel-spanner and no spare wheel. The licence discwas removed from the vehicle.

The traffic officer’s report indicated that theambulance should go through a full vehicle in-spection,resultinginanotherambulancebeingcalled, but which only arrived more than anhour later.

“The sad fact is that the victimswere bleed-ing—onewas severely injured but they had towait longerbecauseofthegovernmentvehicleswho are obviously not being serviced.

After further investigations by the Fever,certainemployees in thehealthdepartmentre-vealedtheirfrustrationregardingthe“badcon-ditions” of their ambulances.

“It isreally frustrating,wehavereportedthecondition of our ambulances, but the depart-ment drags its feet on the matter,”

• The Kokstad EMRS manager said he wasunaware of such an incident.

Ruling party, notapartheid to blame forenergy woes

THE ANC and not apartheid is to blame for South Afri­ca’s energy problems, the EFF said on Tuesday.

“The ANC is shifting responsibility again. It showsthat from the beginning, the ANC was not ready [togovern],” EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu toldreporters in Johannesburg.

He was responding to President Jacob Zuma’sstatement on 12 December that the country’s energyproblems were a product of apartheid and govern­ment was not to blame for the current blackouts.

“The problem [is] the energy was structured ra­cially to serve a particular race, not the majority,” Zu­ma told delegates at the Young Communist League’scongress in Cape Town.

Zuma said the ANC had inherited Eskom from theprevious regime which had only provided electricityto the white minority.

On Tuesday, Shivambu said any government hadto plan for the future and an increase in population.

He said the ANC had not foreseen the growth inpopulation and had not planned ahead.

“Now to blame apartheid is to shift the focus awayfrom responsibility,” he said. “There was no proper for­ward thinking and planning.”

Shivambu blamed South Africa’s energy woes on“recklessness and lack of foresight in the ANC”.

In recent weeks Eskom has struggled to keep thelights on, with equipment failures, maintenancebacklogs, and financial woes.

On 5 December, Eskom implemented stage threeload­shedding, which allows for up to 4 000MW tobe cut.

On 8 December, Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona saidthe country did not have a power supply crisis.

On 12 December, in a speech prepared for delivery,Zuma said that 12 years into democracy 11 millionhouseholds had access to electricity, double the num­ber in 1994.

He said government was addressing the energysituation. The development of the Medupi and Kusilepower stations was being accelerated in order to bringthem on to the grid.

On Tuesday, Shivambu and EFF leader Julius Male­ma said apartheid could not be blamed for the delaysin building Medupi and Kusile, nor could it be blamedfor the current leadership’s “incapacity”.

“We cannot blame apartheid that we failed tobuild extra capacity,” Malema said. — SAPA.

PHOTO:SOURCEDEskom hasstruggled tokeep thelights on,with equip­ment fail­ures, main­tenancebacklogs,and financialwoes.


216 January 2015

east griqualand


The frontleft tyregot apunctureat an ac­cidentscene be­tweenSwartbergandFranklin.PHOTO:SUPPLIED


The Matatiele Local Municipality Council resolved per CR. Nos : - 657/29/10/14 and 687/12/12/14to sell the various sites in Matatiele and surrounding areas. Accordingly, tenders are hereby invitedfrom prospective members of the community to submit their bids for the sale of these sites.

Bid documents will be available at the Budget and Treasury offices for a non- refundable deposit ofR300.00 on the 19 January 2015. The following is the information statement of the sites: -


398 800 Residential 1 R 189 000ITSOKOLELE

363 260 Residential 2 R 45 000365 298 Residential 2 R 50 000

MOUNTAIN VIEW2503 904 Residential 1 R 120 5002504 904 Residential 1 R 120 500

MZINGISI16 800 Residential 2 R 17 50023 800 Residential 2 R 17 500109 800 Residential 2 R 17 500

CEDARVILLE380 553 Residential 1 R39 000391 571 Residential 1 R40 000392 600 Residential 1 R41 000393 553 Residential 1 R39 000


1244 3023 Church R39 500672 4045 Church R42 1001105 1.1 ha Church and crèche R 85 6001155 3718 Church R 65 000

With regards to functionality a bidder that score less than 80 points out of 100 will be regardedas submitting a non-responsive bid and will be disqualified.

CRITERIA WEIGHTING1. Matatiele Residence (Registered voter in a Matatiele Ward) 502. Alfred Nzo Resident 303. Proof of income (Salary advice) 104. South African Citizen 10


Maps indicating the sites are available for inspection from EDP offices at the new Municipal Offices(next to the Mountain View).Enquiries may be directed as follows:-Technical : Mrs. B.E. NtlokoSCM : Mr. B. VumaseFilled tenders must be placed in sealed enveloped marked “SALE OF VARIOUS MUNICIPALSITES”. P.O. BOX 35. MATATIELE, 4730. The closing date for the advertisement is 12H00 on30 January 2015.




CALL PROF: 060 441 5813 in Kokstad


Page 3: FeversEG 20150116

16 January 2015

east griqualand




Youths begin car wash, illegally>> ‘Since no one seems to care about us we decided to do things ourselves’NTUNTU DWEBA

>>[email protected]

DESPITE not receiving a bless-ing from theirward councillorthe youth of Horseshoe have

taken the initiative and started a carwash,albeit illegally,whichtheyhopewill better their lives.

Theyouthmet todiscusshow theycouldimprovetheir lifeandidentifiedthe high level of crime, alcohol anddrug abuse, teenage pregnancy andwidespread unemployment amongthe youth as the most prevalent andpressing issues they face.

After severalbrainstormingmeet-ings they resolved to start theWard 1Youth In Action car wash in Novem-ber 2014 as there isn’t one in theirarea.

The youth complained that theircouncillor, Phumzile Nocanda, hasdone nothing to improve the lives ofthe youthandhasnot introducedanyyouth empowerment programmes.

Mawethu Nocanda (30), said theyidentified land that was not beingused by the municipality and took ituponthemselvestocleartheareaanderect a tap there.

“Since no one seems to care aboutuswe decided to do things ourselves.Wearenotharminganyoneandtherewasnotapthere.Nowthecommunitycan also get water from this tap,” hesaid.

He said they contributed moneytowards soap, sponges andpolish fortyres.

“Ourbusiness isgeneratinga lotofmoney.Wehavenowalso introduced

abraai stallwherewesell fried chips,liver kebabs and vetkoek,” he said.

When contacted Phumzile said heis aware of the car wash but said hedisagreeswith theway itwasstarted.

“In every residential area there isan authority figure to which mattersare reported. In this case that figureis myself as a councillor. I have noproblem with young people doingtheirownthingandIsupporttheirini-tiative but the manner in which theyare doing things is not acceptable.


occupy municipal land, so what theyare doing is illegal and in a way theyare undermining me. If people haveprogrammes they want to do, thentheymustdoit therightwaythentheywill have my blessing as councillor,”he said.

Ontheallegationthatheisn’tinter-ested in youth issues Phumzile saidthat is not true.

“Thatisabsolutenonsense.Peoplehave themisconception that the gov-ernment has a responsibility tospoon-feed people and that is not

true. If I were to introduce a pro-gramme to the community that Ithought of myself the likelihood ofthat programme being successful isvery slimas theywould not have a vi-sionfor itandthereforetheywouldn’town it,” he explained.

He added as themunicipality theyare ready to support any initiativethatuplifts thecommunityandwhichis done legally.

Sibongile (20) said they ap-proached the Greater KokstadMunicipalmanagerZamoMkhize in-

forming him that they opened a carwash.

“Themunicipalmanager is awarethat we are running a car wash inHorseshoe and said the municipalitywouldvisit theplacetoseewheretheycan help us,” she said.

The group deposit all moneyearned from the car wash into thebank.

PHOTOS: NTUNTU DWEBAAt the food stall (fromleft) Mawethu Nocanda(30), Zamile Mthembu(31) Senzo Matha (28)and Sibongile Qesile(20).

Mawethu Nocanda opens a tap theyput up themselves at the car wash.

‘SAPS victimise me’ ­ foreignnational

NTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

A FOREIGN national has appealed tothe Harding SAPS asking them to stopstealingpeople’sbelongingandvictim-ising foreign nationals in Harding.

SimonMazimbu(nothisreal),origi-nally from Sudan, said he has been avictimofpolice in-terference eversincehemovedin-to town.

Mazimbu saidhe was at the hik-ing spot in Hard-ing when a policevehicle stoppednear him and po-lice officers gotout of the vehicle.

“They asked where I was goingand whether I have a passport,” hesaid.

He told them that his passportwas in a car he was in and whichwas hijacked, saying and that hehad reported it stolen at HardingPolice Station.

“I told them Iwas in a process ofgetting another one but they didn’tlisten instead theydemanded that Ibribe them but I refused.

“They took me to the police sta-tion, but they didn’t tell me what

theywerechargingmewith.Oneof theofficers said they would take me veryfar where I wouldn’t see my people if Ididn’t give themmoney. I still refused.

“I was arrested and put in the hold-ingcells, then Iwas later transferred toWestvillePrisoninDurbanwhereIwasincarcerated for threemonths,” he ex-plained.

He was takenback to the Hard-ing holding cellsand was releasedwhen he ap-peared in courtand the magis-trate said put thematter aside be-cause there wasno case.

Mazimbusaiditwasnotfirsttimehehad been victimised by the HardingSAPS.

In 2013,whenhe reported toHard-ing police that he had been hijacked,the two police officers who accompa-niedhimtothescenedemandedthathegive them R250 for petrol.

“Really, thepolice are always tryingto extract money from people, espe-ciallyusforeigners.I likelivinginSouthAfrica, but what these police officersare doing is very wrong. Many people,even South Africans, are complainingabout them, but they are too scared tospeak out,” he said.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAThis foreign national is appealing tothe Harding SAPS to stop victimisingand soliciting bribes from non­SouthAfricans in Harding.

One of the officers said theywould take me very farwhere I wouldn’t see mypeople if I didn’t give themmoney.’



LynnHitchcock031 533 7660 /082 3660038


REPORTERNtuntuDweba078619 2174

SALES MANAGERMarcus Govender083 3246390

Page 4: FeversEG 20150116


416 January 2015

east griqualand


The Harry Gwala District Municipality situated in IXOPO invites applications from innovative andcommitted individuals for the under mentioned position.


SALARY: (E2) 463,595.68 to R504,429.71 (Plus applicable benefits)

JOB REQUIREMENTS• Matric / Grade 12• B Tech (Civil Engineering)• NQF Level 6/7 in Civil Engineering or relevant qualification preferably.• Four (4) years related experience in management.• Project management qualification and be proficient with computer software eg. MS Excell, MS

Access, MS Project.• A valid code EB drivers license.• Willing to work extensive hours and traveling throughout the District

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS• Manages the key performance areas and result indicators associated with the rehabilitation

and maintenance of road infrastructure, Municipal buildings, Bulk Electricity InfrastructurePlanning , Intergrated Solid waste Management and Special Projects through investigation,analysis and interpretation of developmental requirements against the capacity and capabilityof the department to accomplish immediate, short and longer term service delivery objectives.

• Presenting a conceptual framework of current and future interventions necessary to achieveacceptable levels and standards of service delivery to the Executive Director; Infrastructurefor consideration and inclusion into the departments short/ long term performance andservice delivery plans.

• Assistance with the development of on-site project management coaching for emergingcontractors (EPWP), especially for rudimentary programme.

• Implementing sequences associated with establishing databases reflective of all capital,rehabilitation and special maintenance projects to be undertaken in the regions/ wards.

• Prepare reports and Responding, through the collection of factual information and/ orconducting the necessary investigation/ research, to enquiries and concerns on servicedelivery from the general public, councilors, government departments, developers, etc forExecutive Director: Infrastructure Services Department.

• Assist the Executive Director in preparing and compiling monthly Portfolio Committee, EXCOprogress reports on service delivery (Infrastructure delivery progress).

Enquiries should be directed to the Executive Director: Infrastructure Services on 039-8348700.No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Applications with comprehensiveCurriculumVitae, certified copies of educational qualifications, ID and drivers’ licensemust be addressed to the Municipal Manager for Attention: Miss N. Lungwengwe,Executive Director: Corporate Services, Harry Gwala District Municipality, Private BagX501, IXOPO, 3276 to reach us not later than 16H30,16 January 2014

Further correspondence will be confined to shortlisted candidates. If you have not beencontacted within three months of the closing date of the advertisement, please accept thatyour application has been unsuccessful.The Council reserves the right not to continue with the interview and appointment if itfeels that no suitable candidates identified.NB: Canvassing with Councillors or Management will lead to immediate disqualification.Harry Gwala District Municipality subscribes to the National Equity Strategy.


40 MAIN STREET, PRIVATE BAG X 501, IXOPO, 3276 TEL: 039-834 8700 FAX: 039-834 1750E-mail: [email protected]

WARMgreetings to thepeopleofUm-zimkhulu.

Compliments of the new seasonI want to take this opportunity of

commending all road users for theirvigilance during the festive seasonduring this “arrive alive” period. Thesame arrive alive call has not endedas patriots will be embarking on nu-merous road trips hence it is a back-to-school month.

Matriculant class of 2014

Futureleadersaredefinedbytheirperseverancewhile theyacademical-ly empower themselves.

Itisonthatnotethat,asthemunici-pality, we commend those who par-ticipated in their exams and furthercongratulate those who made itthrough. They must remember thatthe future of this country is in theirhandsthereforechoosingtheimpact-ful and not saturated career pathwillindeed take this country to another

level. We also would like to call uponparents to display undisputed sup-port for their children without the “Itold you so” attitude. Pupils and par-ents must make use of TVET (FET)Colleges as they are the steppingstones to the academic world andscarceskillsare foundin thosecolleg-es.

Back-to-school campaignsNot because it is unusual, but be-

cause it is the imperative and most

relevant programme at this time, theUmzimkhulu Municipality is to em-bark on its annual programme tomakesurethatacademicallyacondu-cive environment for the communityofUmzimkhulu iscreated.Aplatformfor pupils to apply for registration inhigher institution had been createdfor 2015 and we are embarking onfurthermotivatingpupils tomakeuseof the academic opportunities whichthe government provides, hence we

have a back-to-school campaign.Lastly,Iwanttoencouragemunici-

pal employees tomakeuseof theaca-demicopportunities themunicipalityis bringing to their door steps. I fur-thermoreapplaud thosewhodidwellin their exams and encourage thosewhodidlessthanexpectednotgiveupbut to soldier on for the betterness ofthis rural-based municipality.

Till we meet again, stay responsi-ble and arrive alive. I thank you.



WARM greetings to all residents of sweet Matat.Welcome once again to the Matatiele Local Mu­

nicipality viewpoint. It is our responsibility to ensurethat our community is well informed of recent accom­plishments at their respective areas. The MatatieleLocal Municipality believes in providing people withinformation which is accessible to them; and whichthey can use to improve their lives, based on theirneeds, encouraging people to participate actively inthe democratic processes. Keeping people continu­ously informed of policies and programmes that af­fect them and progress in implementing them.

Update on infrastructure services projectsThe municipality, through its infrastructure servi­

ces department, has the following rural housing pro­jects that are currently under way — Thaba Chicha

500 units, Mvenyane 500 units, Mehloloaneng 989,Queens Mercy 300 units and Maritseng 1 500 units.This development is part of responding to the govern­ment’s priorities, outcome six, that of access to hous­ing and basic services.

Apology to Itsokolele and North End resi-dents

The residents of Itsokolele and North End areaswere without electricity from Tuesday night until lastWednesday due to the unforeseen failure of two MVcables. Our electricians have responded to the issueand everything is back to normal. The municipalityextends sincere apologies in this regard.

That is all from us for now, till next time, stay safeand be blessed. Thank you sweet people from sweetMata, a destination of choice and excellence.


GREETINGS to the people of Kokstad.LED projectsThe Kokstad Light Industrial Park is now in

the final stageof completionandas themunici-palityweareveryproudof thisproject becauseit will create jobs and grow our economy. Dur-ing construction tem-porary jobswere creat-ed and hopefully therewere people who ac-quired skills that willenable them to live inthefuture.TheKokstadLight Industrial Parkwill provide an oppor-tunity for backyardbusiness people togrow their businessand skills. At the sametime it will grow theGreater Kokstad Mu-nicipality’s economy. Looking at progress wewill soon be able to announce the completionof the project and the community will be in-formed about the process of occupying it.

Return of amakrwala ceremonyKokstad was fortunate and blessed by the

visit of iSilo Samabandla, Ongangezwe Lakhe,King Goodwill Zwelithini kaZulu who wel-comedbackamakrwala from initiation school.

HismajestywasaccompaniedbyMECforCogtathe Honourable Nomsa Dube-Ncube, MEC forHealth Dr Sbongiseni Dhlomo, MEC for SocialDevelopmentHonourableWeziweThusi,Ama-khosi, Izinduna, mayors and councillors. HisMajesty emphasised the importance of behav-

ing likerealmenanden-couraged the boys toconduct themselves in adignified manner. Heapplauded the goodwork done by Indlondloandencouragedthecer-emony to grow and beeducative to the boys ofthe community. AllMECs and mayorsechoed the king’s senti-ments about the impor-tance of the ceremony.Entertainment was a

topclassprovidedbyawardwinnersHlengiweMhlaba and Dumi Mkokstad. The programmewas directed by Ukhozi FM presenter Sbu Bu-thelezi who gave educative remarks to theyouth. I ampositive that amakrwala learnt val-uable lessons and will practice what was saidto them. We hope to see good ambassadors ofthe male gender.

Inkosi inibusise.



Are you a BoxerSuper Shopper?THISyearstartedwithdelightfulnewsintheretail industry and for Boxer shoppersnationally.

In2013mavericknationalretailerBoxerSuperstores launchedacampaign that tookthe industry by storm.

“The Boxer Super Shopper Show” wasdesignedonaUSSDplatformwhichofferedcustomers an easy and affordable entrymechanism. The three-month-long cam-paign offered customers a chance to winBoxer shopping vouchers to the value ofR30 000 and one of three Ford Figo’s.

The success of the campaign exceededexpectations and resulted in Boxermaking“TheBoxerSuperShopperShow”anannu-al affair. Customers were overjoyed whenthe return of “The Boxer Super ShopperShow”wasannouncedin2014.Thesupportreceived from customers doubled and,needless to say, Boxer was more thanpleased.

The success of this campaign was latersolidifiedwhen“TheBoxerSuperShopper”showwon gold at theMobileMarketing As-sociation Smarties EMEA Awards in CrossMedia Integration.

As soon as The Boxer Super ShopperShow ended in 2014, customers began in-quiring about its 2015 start date. Boxerstores across the country are boasting theireye-catchingredwithyellow-and-whitede-tailed signage. Customers will be happy tosee “TheBoxer Super Shopper Show” cam-paign back in all Boxer stores.

Boxer shoppers will get a chance yetagaintowinoneFordFigo1.4LtcarorBoxer

gift cards to the value of R10 000 eachmonth. TheBoxer Super Shopper Showbe-ganon9 January andwill endon22March.

The same mechanics will apply as theprevious years.Boxer shopperswill need topurchase three different products with theBoxer Super Shopper logo to qualify for en-try. Customers who qualify will receive aunique number printed on their till slip.They will then need to enter via the USSDnumber provided and follow the easyprompts. Throughout the duration of thecompetitionBoxerwillbegivingawayatotalof three new Ford Figo 1.4Lt cars and sixBoxer gift cards to the value of R30 000.

Boxer has really started the new year bygiving theirshoppersnine fantastic reasonsto shop with it. — Supplied.

The Kokstad Light IndustrialPark will provide an opportunityfor backyard business people togrow their business and skills. Atthe same time it will grow theGreater Kokstad Municipality’seconomy.

Page 5: FeversEG 20150116

16 January 2015

east griqualand




Have you everwondered?

According to the editorial policy of the East Griqualand Fever, readers areinvited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant er­rors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information aboutcorrection of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’sCommunity Press, George Claassen, at [email protected] call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complainabout the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case,please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 ore­mail to press­[email protected]





Ombudsman ofEG Fever

Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage




PHONE: 039 727 4301

PUBLISHER: Neil [email protected]

NEWS EDITOR: Lynn Hitchcock031 533 [email protected]

REPORTERS:Khaya Magenu:[email protected] [email protected]

ONLINE: Nicole [email protected] & SALES:

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OFFICE: Shop no 1, Pick n Pay Centre,Groom Street Kokstad 4700

PRINTING : Paarl Coldset, PMB.COPYRIGHT:Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout,design and photographs is vested in EastGriqualand Fever and may not be used with­out the permission of Media24 News in writ­ing.

DISTRIBUTION:Neil Tapinos 031 533 7603

The good and the badTHIS week, once again, there is good news inEast Griqualand Fever. The two youths whostarted their ownbakerybusinessandwhoap-parently are supplying some outlets in Matati-ela and Mt Ayliff, is in indeed good news. Thecommunityandbusinessesmust support themwhere possible and the East Griqualand Feverwill continue to publish good-news stories inorder to support and boost sales of whateverlegal business youths begin.

The letter from Matatiele Concerned Resi-dent is disturbing if it is true.

That officers of the law take it upon them-selves to “discipline” errant drivers “privately”

is unacceptable, should not be tolerated andshould be investigated.

That SAPS officers are allegedly victimisingforeign nationals is also something that needsto be investigated and stopped.

Thatambulancesarenot roadworthy isalsototallyunacceptableandonewondershowthisis allowed to happen when the bad conditionshave been reported but nothing is done to fixthe problem.

If everyone, including municipalities andgovernment departments, take it upon them-selves to find solutions to problems then peacewill prevail and everyone can live in harmony.

• If Chris Hani had not been murdered, he would havebeen voted the president of South Africa and NelsonMandela, who assumed the position of presidency,would have not amassed the estimated R45 millionwithin 20 years – a feat not achievable for the mostenterprising person with business acumen.

• Who had ordered and paid for the elaboratehearse imported from Europe before Hani’s death?

• Why will Clive Derby­Lewis not be released onmedical parole? He has been accused of not providingthe names of others implicated in Hani’s death.


Driver allegedly hit bytraffic officerANincidenttookplaceon12Janu-aryatabout8amwhileIwasonmyway home.

I got a lift in a vehicle that wasgoing to Khoapha, as I wanted togo to Mapfontein Village, and wewere stopped near the MatatieleWaste Water Treatment works bya traffic officer who was checkingvehicles as part of his duties.

Ourdrivergotoutof thevehicleas he was ordered to do and thenthe officer hit him.We, as passen-gers, shouted at the traffic officerasking why he had hit our driverinstead of issuing a fine for what-everhehadstoppedthevehiclefor.

However, the traffic officerphoned for back-up and then wewere taken to the traffic depart-menttotestourvehiclewheretraf-fic officers told our driver that hehad only a problemwith the tyreswhichwerenot in good condition.

The name of traffic officer wasMr. Mfofolozi who was driving avehicle with registration numberHGD 359 EC.

IwouldlikeMatatieleLocalMu-nicipalitytotelluswhichsectionoftheConstitutionallows traffic offi-cer tobeatdrivers. Is it theirpolicyto beat people on the road, or it is

a mandate from our ANC govern-ment.Ihopeyouwill takethismat-ter to your paper.

Matatiele ConcernedResident

• Response from the munici-pality:

Dear Matatiele ConcernedResident,

The municipality has not re-ceived a complaint of this nature.It is not in the best interest of themunicipality to hit people. How-ever, the matter requires investi-gation before a proper responsecanbegiven.Themunicipalityur-gespeopletoreportsuchincidentsto the Customer Care office forproper procedures to be takenagainst perpetrators.

We ask Concerned Resident tocome to the municipality and re-port the matter formally so that

‘Marriagebetweengovernmentand king toend’

THE marriage of the government and KingGoodwill Zwelithini will soon come to anend.

I don’t know whether we should takethe visit of King Goodwill seriously. My con­cern is based on the fact that the same kingwas so vocal at disputing the culture of cir­cumcision by non­Zulu­speaking tribesduring the reed ceremony in 2011.

Today we see him parading in front ofthe initiates giving recognition to the sameculture he insulted.

I think he was not supposed to havebeen given a platform to address the initi­ates, unless he made a public apology tothe non­Zulu­speaking tribes for publiclyinsulting the circumcision culture. Second­ly since he has not gone through the initia­tion process so was not supposed to ad­dress them.

The other disturbing factor is that hiskingdom only starts and ends on the otherside of uThukekela River, then the nextkingdom is the Dlamini kingdom under HisMajesty King Melizwe Dlamini. The reasonwhy Dlamini and the Griqua chief were notinvited is something the governmentneeds to address. Zwelithini knows heshould have at least notified Dlamini thathe would be coming to Kokstad so that theDlamini nation could give him blessings.Secondly he should have also notified theGriqua chiefs because you cannot talkabout Kokstad without giving recognitionto Adam Kok.

The whole country is watching this “po­litical marriage” the government has withZwelithini. He is treated better than anyother kings in the country, he gets billionsallocated to him per year. The governmentbought him 10 farms which he uses as hisplayground, and he gets this privilege atthe expense of taxpayers.

The government needs to call a meet­ing with these two kingdoms — Dlamini’sand the Griquas — and rectify this mistakebecause next time we will not tolerate thiswalkover Zwelithini and the governmentare busy doing.

Prince D. Dlamini(Nhlangwini Royal House)

• Letter shortened.



Letters to the Editor must be received by no later than Monday 4pm. Letters and e­mails should be addressed to The Editor and e­mailed to [email protected] faxed to 031 533 7972 or posted to PO Box 20162, Durban North. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. While pseudo­nyms are allowed, writers must still include their full names and contact details (which will not be published) or letters will not be printed. The Editorreserves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so they are legible.

proper a inves-tigation can bestarted. Com-plaints must beforwarded toCustomer Careoffice, LesangFaniso orphone039 737 8141. ANNOUNCES THE ENROLLMENT OF

FULL-TIME & PART-TIME FOR 2015Classes commence 19 January 2015

SPACE IS LIMITED SO BOOK YOUR PLACENB All new students will be required to write an entrance test.

Study ProgrammesNational Certificate Vocational (NCV) Level 2-4

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Programme 191 (NATED)NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (N1, N2 & N3)• Mechanical& Electrical EngineeringNATIONAL DIPLOMA (N4 –N6)• Business Management • Civil Engineering• Drama • Electrical Engineering• Farm Management •Financial Management • Hospitality• Graphic Design •Human Resources Management• Mechanical Engineering • Public Management• Travel & Tourism • Graphic Design

BURSARIES are available to students of the College (terms & conditions apply)When you apply for your bursary bring the following information & certified copies:• ID Book / Birth Certificate (3 copies) • Postal Address• Current home address – (not a P.O.Box number)• Sworn Affidavits from Parents /Guardians if they are unemployed.• Most recent report, statement of results or Grade 12 certificate - certified (3 copies)• Address where you are staying while studying • ID BOOK of parents X3 certified• Details of other family members living with you (certified copies of ID x3)• Residential address of parents •Number of family members in the household• Proof of Income (salary slip or affidavit) – X3 certified• Death certificate of parents/guardians who have died or sworn affidavit – certified x3


For More Details Please Contact the following Campuses

BOBOYI Enyenyezi Campus 039 685 5482/3GAMALAKHE Gamalakhe Campus 039 318 1092KOKSTAD Kokstad Campus 039 727 3062OSLO BEACH Port Shepstone Campus 039 685 4824/5UMZIMKULU Umzimkulu 074 2108096/ Clydesdale 074 1718155


Page 6: FeversEG 20150116

He showed me my problem in a pot of waterI thought Mr. Mogan and Sarah were lying and I confessed to Dr. Khanafter meeting him. I had a lot of doubts but it is true. Dr. Khan is the besthealer in shortest period of time with a cost of R150.

He gave me STAMINA oil to apply to my palm with a magic ring andwithin a hour I had luck as last with Casino, horses and gambling. Imade a choice and won R4 million!!!!. All my accounts are paid up andI have investments now. My Aunt Aisha (57 years) is happy after I tookher to Dr. Khan her husband is back after 7 years. Mrs. Ana (47 years)-thank God for showing me this man.

Are you feeling totally helpless and financial down? Dr. Khan demon-strates on radio after fortnight how to use STAMINIA oil to win, Casino,Lotto and other gambling actually was so surprised after myselfconfronted him tried STAMINA oil and won at Sun coast R645.300.55.Thank you Dr. Khan to serve me out of credit and capitalise me. If anyone want to visit Dr. Khan, his office in Harding and Kokstad.Cell: 073 617 0585

In the Estate ofthe Late NEVILLEANTHONY MARTIN,ID 5607265095080 of21 St Johns Street,Kokstad, Kwazulu- Natal and whodied on 31 August2014. Estate No:026124/2014All persons havingclaims against thea b o v e m e n t i o n e destate are requiredto lodge their claimswith the undersignedwithin 30 days afterthe date of publicationhereof.Dated at Margate this29th day of December2014.

Hamann AttorneysOffice 4, StandardBank Building, MarineDrive, MargatePO Box 1840,Margate, 4275

Hurry!!! Back to school cashup to R250 000

078 555 7891-Gwen

TLC Hospice news

AS well as recently receivingnew uniforms, TLC care giv-ingstaffalsoreceivedbagsfor

use in the field.These bags have compartments

andpocketswhich our staff are able

to keep supplies, such asmasks andgloves, in. They also keep caring es-sentials like Aqueous cream andvaseline in small containers thatthey give to patients in need.

These bags will assist the care

giversincompletingtheirdailytasksin caring for patients and can becomfortablywornon theback to en-able caregivers towalk into the fieldwhen necessary.

These bags will accompany eachcare giver as they enter a patient’shome so they can offer immediatecare.

Each vehicle that goes into thefield with the professional nurses isalso equipped with a bag.

These bags are better equippedwith basic First Aid supplies as wellas some medication for minor ail-ments.

Staffready totacklethe newyear withtheir newuniformsand bags.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

‘I want to study to be apolice man, I am goingto do Grade 1 atKokstad Primary. I amexcited because I will

going toschoolwithotherolderchil-dren.’

‘I am happy because I willgoing to the same school asmy sister. I won’t cry whenI go to school, but I

will missmyteacherfromGradeR a lot.’

‘I will be doing Grade 1 atIbisi Primary, I am happyand I will listen to my newteacher. I will be a good


‘I am very excited that I willbe going toGrade 1becauseI will be with my friends inthe same school. I will studyhardasIwanttobeateacherwhen I growup.Mymotherhasalreadyboughtmy uni-form.’

Vox pop

Qhayiya Sodidi (6)

NTUNTU DWEBA asked the little ones how they feelabout going to Grade 1.

Yamkela Vakalisa (6)

Oluhle Vakalisa (6) Emihle Ntshangase (6)

Are you on the pulse of what’s happening inyour community? Write for us and get pub­

lished using theCitizen Journalism tool at www.egfever.co.za

The bagsequip all thestaff, allow-ing them tooffer imme-diate, com-prehensivecare to allpatients.

TLC isready andset togiveallpatients thecare thatthey needinto 2015andbeyond.— Supplied.


616 January 2015

east griqualand


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Grow with theShoprite Group ofCompanies at our

new OK Furniture storein Izingolweni

Branch ManagerThis management role will see you: • planning and organising themedium and long-term activities of the branch • ensuring that settargets are achieved • managing staff • identifying and solving problemsrelating to customers, staff and equipment.

To qualify, you will need at least three years’ managerial experience, inaddition to the essential requirements mentioned below.

Admin ControllerThis opportunity exists for a highly motivated and energetic individualwho is eager to join our rapidly expanding company and whose profileincludes a proven success record in the specific area of furniture retailmentioned above.

SalespersonsThese positions will see you: • meeting and exceeding sales targets• generating new business by following up on referrals, participatingin promotions, etc. • maximising profit and income opportunities• coordinating goods delivery.

Stock ClerkThis position will see you: • manage stock movement • resolve customercomplaints regarding stock • ensure the availability of sufficient stock.

HP ClerkYour responsibilities will include accurate and timeous: • banking• filing • housekeeping • cashier duties.

General AssistantThe general assistant will: • off-load stock from trucks • move stockfrom the storeroom to the display areas • provide assistance with stockcontrol • run errands • keep the stock room clean and tidy.

Essential requirements for all the above positions: • a Senior Certificateor equivalent • previous experience in a service or retail-relatedenvironment • fluency in spoken and written English • the ability todo basic arithmetic (applicable to Salespersons) • an understanding ofcustomer service principles • willingness and availability to work flexibleretail trading hours.

Applicants who do not meet all the requirements will not be consideredfor appointment.

In addition to excellent career opportunities,the Shoprite Group offers market-relatedremuneration packages, whichinclude attractive benefits.

Forward your CV, a covering letter(clearly indicating the position youare applying for) and a certified copyof your ID in confidence via email [email protected]

Closing date: 23 January 2015

We promote and apply the principlesof Employment Equity andreserve the right not tomake an appointment.



The Sisonke Development Agency is seeking price quotes, from suitably qualified andexperienced service providers, for the supply and delivery of 80 sheep and shearingequipment.

Interested service providers must collect bid documents at Sisonke Development AgencyOffices at a non-refundable cost of R100.00 per document, Sisonke Farmers Market, Erf2226 Portion 27, Ellerton Farm, Ixopo, 3276 from 16 January 2015.

CONDITIONS: • Quotation or offer submitted must be valid for 90 days • All costs quotedshould be inclusive of VAT • All costs quoted should be taken as final: (No adjustments oramendments to costs during the term of the contract or appointment will be contemplated.)• Firm delivery period must be indicated • Quotation or offer documents must be inclusive ofa valid and original Tax Clearance Certificate, together with certified ID copies of shareholdersand the respective CKI/CK2 Registration Certificate • BBBEE Certificate • Recent Statementof municipal account (rates, water, refuse etc.)

The Municipal selection process shall be based upon the Preferential Procurement PolicyFramework Act, (PPPFA) and accordingly the offer made shall be scored in terms of thecriterion set out hereunder:

Criterion PointsPrice 80Preferential Points 20

• The agency is under no obligation to accept the lowest quotation • Quotations or offersmade or facilitated by persons in the service of the state will not be contemplated oraccepted for consideration.


Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the project name: The SisonkeDevelopment Agency - Supply and Delivery of 80 Sheep and Shearing Equipment,and must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of The Sisonke DevelopmentAgency, Sisonke Farmers Market, Erf 2226 Portion 27, Ellerton Farm, Ixopo, 3276 before theclosing date and time.

NB: Faxed, e-mailed bids and late bids WILL NOT be accepted. The SDA reserve theright not to award.


Procedure related: Mr. S Gumede, SCM Specialist, tel. (039) 834 1362.Technical related: Ms. Zintle Mkulisi, Chief LED and Tourism Officer, tel. (039) 834 1362.


To all pool players and anyinterested in playing pool,we, KPA, Kokstad Pool

Association are holding ourAGM on the 22nd of January2015. All are invited, contact

Paul 084 511 3667

Page 7: FeversEG 20150116


NOTICE NO: 06/2014/2015

Umzimvubu Local Municipality with its mission to properly plan and deliver qualityand sustainable services to improve the socio –economic status within the broaderUmzimvubu community hereby invites applications from committed, self –driven whowant to accelerate their careers in the field mentioned herein through rendering servicesof high quality and exceptional intelligent in order for it to maintain its vision of being thebest run municipality in South Africa




MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12 plus three year Diploma/B Degree withAccounting • 3-5 years’ relevant experience in Local Government Finance • Minimum2 years managerial experience • Extensive knowledge and understanding of MFMA,National Treasury regulations and applicable GRAP standards • Reasonable under-standing if IDP, Budgeting and SDBIP process in a municipal context • Understandingof Performance Management System (PMS) • CPMD will be an added advantage •Knowledge of Munsoft system will be an added advantage • Strong supervisory, presen-tation, communication and interpersonal skills • Valid driving licence (Code 08 minimum)• Good report writing skills.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Maintain managerial control, leadership and smoothrunning ofRevenue Unit • Budget monitoring in line with Municipal Budgeting Regulations • Debtcollection services/credit control services • Implementation of Free Basic Services• Development and implementation of cash management internal controls • Prepa-ration of Interim and annual financial statements • Capacity building and performancemanagement within Revenue Unit • Dealing with audit related matters and develop turna-round strategy for all findings • Prepare relevant monthly reconciliations • Supervise,develop and manage employees’ performance • Provide technical support to DCFO &CFO on revenue management issues.


MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: National Diploma/Degree in Accounting or equivalent •Advanced Computer Literacy • Basic Knowledge of Local Government • Understandingof the Internship programme and its purpose • Good academic record.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Revenue Management • Expenditure Management •Supply Chain Management • Budget and Reporting Management.




MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12, National Diploma or B-Tech in Civil Engineeringwith three years’ experience in Local Government environmental particularly in middlemanagement position • Registration with ECSA and SACPM or eligible for registration• Valid Driving License (Code 08 minimum) • Strong supervision skills and interpersonalskills • Project Management Certificate, Auto CAD or any other design programme willbe an added advantage.

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Project Management • Design tender preparations andadjudications • Conduct site meetings and supervision of service providers • Ensurebudget control for all projects • Representation in the Council, Standing Committees andother meetings • Ensure maintenance of all projects done by Umzimvubu Local Munici-pality • Supervision of staff.

All applications with Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of educational certificatestogether with a covering letter should be forwarded to: The Corporate ServicesDepartment, Umzimvubu Local Municipality, Private Bag x 9020, MOUNT FRERE,5090 or hand delivered at Erf 813 Main Street, MOUNT FRERE, 5090 or 67 ChurchStreet, MOUNT AYLIFF, 4735.

Enquiries: Sanelisiwe Zangwa (039) 255 8500/ 8562.

Closing date: 02 February 2015.

Canvassing support from Municipal Officials and Councillors is prohibited and any personfound guilty thereof, will be disqualified with immediate effect. The Umzimvubu LocalMunicipality is committed to achievement and maintenance of employment equity anddiversity especially in respect of race, gender and disability. The Municipality reservesthe right to approve or decline the appointment.



LAND Rover’s most iconic model, the Defender,has become even more geared for the greatAfrican outdoors courtesy of a new “Africa Edi­

tion”, says the automaker.The Africa Edition, says Land Rover, builds on the

legend that is Defender, and “gives the faithful theopportunity to own a vehicle that not only has aunique look but also an array of features that enhanceits workmanlike persona.”

The limited edition rolls nearly 70 years of “hard­core, 4x4ing capabi­ lity into one unmistakeablepackage”.

Just 50 are available, of which 30 are 110 stationwagons with the balance built on the 90” platform.

All carry a Defender Africa logo on the sides andrear. It’s equipped with black Sawtooth alloys shodwith 235/85/16 Goodyear Wrangler MTR dual­pur­pose tyres and has a distinctive red roof.

It’s only available in black with colour­codedwheel arches.

Interior highlights include a set of Melvill andMoon seat covers in black canvas with red leather pip­ing, red contrast stitching and a unique Africa maptag.

A CD­tuner with MP3 compatibility includes anauxiliary input and Bluetooth interface.

It’spoweredbya90kW/360Nm2.2­litreturbodie­sel. A range of optional extras are available.

Prices:Land Rover Defender 90 Africa Edition — R523 00Land Rover Defender 90 Africa Edition 110 —

R562 000.Due to government and safety regulations, the

venerable Defender line will be chopped. Land Roverannounced it will cease production of its iconic 4x4in 2015.

Land Rover design director Gerry McGovern said:“Replacing the iconic Defender is one of the biggestchallenges in the automotive design world; it is a carthat inspires people worldwide.”

According to the automaker: “Defender produc­tion in its current format will stop at the end of 2015.

“A replacement will join the Land Rover modelrange but we have announced neither the name nordetails of the new product.”

— Wheels 24.

PHOTOS: SOURCEDLand Rover’s African Edition Defender.

FOLLOWING a busy period of new­model launches inSouth Africa last year, 2015 shows no sign of slowingdownwithmanyall­newvehiclesandupgradeshead­ed our way. Here are some of the highlights:

Sports carsWell­heeled high­performance enthusiasts have

several pulse­quickening cars to look forward to, in­cluding the new two­seater Mercedes­AMG GT whicharrives in May to replace the SLS.

Honda’s Civic Type­R will give boy­racers some­thing to get excited about when it lands in the thirdquarter of this year sporting a powerful new turbo en­gine, while Mini’s rapid John Cooper Works, Audi’s hotRS3 and third­generation TT are also on the 2015launch list.

City carsAt the more modestly powered and priced end of

the market, several new affordable small­car rangesare headed our way, starting with the A­segment Su­zuki Celerio hatch later this month to replace the Alto.It will be followed in February by VW’s new Up! three­door hatch, a small car with big ambitions.

Other upcoming city cars are the new Toyota Aygoarriving around mid­year, and a safety­upgraded Dat­sun Go (with ABS and airbags).

Compact carsMoving up to slightly bigger hatchbacks, Opel’s

Adam has just landed in SA to compete with the likesof the Fiat 500 and Honda’s new Jazz arrives later

this month.BMW’s first front­wheel­drive car, the 2 Series Ac­

tive Tourer, goes on sale later this month. March seesthe launch of Citroën’s outlandishly­styled C4 Cactusalong with the new Peugeot 308 hatch.

SedansFord’s Fusion, the replacement for the mid­sized

Mondeo arrives in local showrooms in the next coupleof months, to be followed by the new VolkswagenPassat around mid­year.

Luxury carsThe coupé version of the Mercedes S­Class will be

in local showrooms by the end of this month, featur­ing a Curve Tilt function that leans the car’s body intoa bend — much like a biker or skier would — to reducelateral forces on the driver and passengers.

SUVsBuyers seeking big cabin space and a generous ride

height will have lots to choose from this year. BMW’ssecond­generation X6, the Land Rover DiscoverySport (which replaces the Freelander), the new KiaSorento, the retro­styled Jeep Renegade, the SubaruOutback, the X3­rivalling new Lexus NX, and the newInfiniti QX80 will all cruise in during the first half ofthe year. The second half will usher in Audi’s new Q7,Merc’s GLE Coupé, Volvo’s XC90 and Foton’s Top­lander. New compact crossovers will be the Opel Mok­ka, Fiat 500X, Mazda CX­3 and Hyundai ix25.

— IOL Motoring.

Cool cars for SA this year

DDeeffeennddeerr’’ssllaasstthhuurrrraahh>> Land Rover’sAfrican EditionDefender arrives inSouth Africa —only 50 unitsavailable

16 January 2015

east griqualand




Page 8: FeversEG 20150116

NEWSeast griqualand FEVER16 January 2015 PAGE 8

Village holdsnew yearcelebrations>> Chief urged community to be united

NTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

THE new year was welcomed with cele-brations at Machunwini village inUmzimkhulu last Saturday when the

Amachunu nation held their fifth annual cele-bration at the local chief’s homestead.

The event, organised by the area chief,Vusamadoda Zimema, welcomed in the newyear and thanked God for having kept themsafe throughout 2014. He also asked God to

bless them this year.This is the second year the celebrations

weresupportedfinanciallybytheUmzimkhuluLocal Municipality.

Hundreds of people from Umzimkhulu,some fromas farasMooiRiver, attended. Songanddancewere theorderof theday,before theformal phase of the eventwhen speeches fromstakeholders were delivered.

Delivering his speech Zimema urged hispeople to be united, he also warned youngpeople to stay away from alcohol and drugs.

Above: Childrensing and danceat the celebra­tion.PHOTOS: SUP-PLIED

Chief Nduna Mchunu from Mooi River, Chief Vusamadoda Zimema and Dalula Mchunu lead theroyal entourage.

Womenin thecookingarea.

Kokstad manshocked bylightning boltA MASSIVE lightning strike in Albert Falls,caught on camera, shocked a man packing uphis fishing gear.

With his wife, Julie, and their daughter stillon his boat, Kokstad residentWayne Tarr waswading in thewaterwhen a lightning bolt shotdown, hitting a tree justmetres fromwhere hewas moored.

“I was terrified. It was one helluva shock. Iwas coveringmy boat and about knee-deep inwaterwhen it struck. I have often been aroundlightning like thiswhile fishing, butneverbeenshocked like that. It was absolutely close,”Wayne said.

After witnessing what had happened, their16-year-old son,Michael,whowasat a cottageoverlooking the dam at which they were fish-ing, filmed the remainder of the storm.

Julie said they knew something had hap-pened when Wayne leapt onto their fishingboat.

“We were petrified. I knew something waswrong when I watchedWayne jump out of thewater. It just happened so suddenly and out ofnowhere,” she said.

— Witness.

PHOTO: SOURCEDA massive lightning strike shocked a Kokstadman who was packing up his fishing gear(not pictured).


“Wehave theproblemof youngpeople abus-ing alcohol and drugs.

“There is also this newdrug calledwhoongathat makes people steal, please stay away fromthat, young people.We still need to develop thisarea,” he said.

Harry Gwala Deputy Mayor Ntuseng Dumapraised the Amachunu nation for holding suchan event.

“This is really a great thing and it shows thatthe government and traditional leaders areworking well together,” she said.