fertilizers chandler vaughan. what are fertilizers? materials used to increase plant growth,...

Fertili zers Chandler Vaughan

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Page 2: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

What are Fertilizers? Materials used to increase plant growth,

production, and increase health. Six primary Nutrients

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulfur Magnesium Calcium

Page 3: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

How does it Relate? All fertilizers are composed of elements,

compounds, or polyatomic ions Nitrogen – NH4 NO3 CH4N2O (Urea) Phosphorus – minerals containing PO4


Potassium – K20 (Potash) KCl KSO4-2

Sulfur - SO4-2

Magnesium – MgO MgSO4-2

Calcium – CaCO3 Ca3(PO4)2

Page 4: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Relationship to Organic Chemistry Definition of Organic Chemistry:

The chemistry of carbon compounds (other than simple salts such as carbonates, oxides, and carbides).

What are Carbon Compounds? Compounds (a combination of elements)

containing carbon

Page 5: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Nitrogen Gives plants a dark

green color Required in the

largest quantities Allows

photosynthesis to occur at higher rates

Page 6: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Phosphorus Promotes root growth Hastens maturity Important to cell division and plant


Page 7: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Potassium Improves drought resistance Assists fruit growth Regulates CO2 uptake

Page 8: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Sulfur Provides a direct nutritive value Provides indirect nutritive value as soil

amendments Improves the use efficiency of other

essential plant nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus

Page 9: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Magnesium Increases resistance to disease Serves as the building block of

chlorophyll A deficiency turns leaves yellow

Page 10: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Calcium Strengthens a plant’s cell walls Helps to neutralize naturally occurring

acids inside of the plant Plants deficient in calcium first show

stunted growth in new leaves and roots

Page 11: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

pH Regulators Lime – CaO

Raises pH Applied to acidic

soils Neutralizing

effects Commonly found

in biosolids

Aluminum Sulfate – AlSO4


Lowers pH Applied to basic soils Used to neutralize Other pH-lowering

substances exist

Page 12: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Joke Why did someone apply Aluminum

Sulfate to a sorority house? Because they wanted them to stop being


Page 13: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Video To the video:


Page 14: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Questions1. What are three primary nutrients

for plants?A. Nitrogen, Titanium, and SulfurB. Hydrogen, Oxygen, and HeliumC. Potassium, Sulfur, and CalciumD. Uranium, Nitrogen, and Iron

Page 15: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Questions1. What fertilizer can be composed of


a. Magnesiumb. Nitrogenc. Potassiumd. Calcium

Page 16: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Questions1. What is one benefit of Potassium?A. Assists fruit growthB. Makes plants greenerC. Builds cell wallsD. Promotes root growth

Page 17: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Questions1. What do the three numbers on a

fertilizer bag stand for?A. Weight, water content, and number of

fertilizersB. The date it was madeC. Sulfur, Calcium, and Magnesium

percentagesD. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium


Page 18: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Questions1. What fertilizer raises pH?

A. NitrogenB. Aluminum SulfateC. LimeD. Sulfur

Page 19: Fertilizers Chandler Vaughan. What are Fertilizers?  Materials used to increase plant growth, production, and increase health.  Six primary Nutrients

Works Cited"Fertilizer 101." Fertilizer 101. Meister Media, 2013. Web. 28Apr. 2015. <http://www.fertilizer101.org/science/?seq=10>. "Definition of Organic Chemistry in English:." Organic Chemistry: Definition of Organic Chemistry in Oxford Dictionary (American English) (US). Oxford, n.d. Web. 28Apr. 2015."Nitrogen." Soil Management. University of Hawaii, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2015."Potassium in Plants." Soil. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2015. "Soils - Part 6: Phosphorus and Potassium in the Soil." Plant and Soil Sciences ELibrary. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr.2015. "Learn More About Sulphur - FAQ." The Sulphur Institute. The Sulphur Institure, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Magnesium in Plants and Soil." - Smart! Fertilizer Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. "Calcium in Fertilizers." GardenGuides. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.