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FEBRUARY 13, 1903. ] the skeleton of Lampris was submitted to renewed examination. That examination forced the speaker to acceptance of the ideas of the older ichthyologists, rather than those of Boulenger; the four actin- osts, or pterygials, of acanthopterygian fishes are recognized, and the coracoid of Boulenger is identified with the fourth actinost. The hypocoracoid is found in the great posterior, bone called interclav- icle by Boulenger. Thus the normal structure of an acanthopterygian fish is recognized. As a consequence, the genus is restored to the group of acanthop- terygians. The forms and proportions of the principal bones of the shoulder girdle are nearly paralleled by undisputed acanthopterygians and relatives of the scombroideans-the Caproidea or Anti- goniidea. Nevertheless, the differences be- tween Lampris and all other fishes, as Boulenger has shown, ar.e sufficiently great to entitle it to rank as the type of not only a distinct family (Lamprididte), but a special superfamily (Lampridoidea). C. JUDSON HERRICK, Secretary. SECTION G, BOTANY. THE meetings of Section G of the Ameri- can Association were held in Lecture Hall No. 1, on the first floor of the Columbian University Medical School. Sessions were held Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, December 30 and 31, 1902. The abstracts of papers presented are as follows: Range of Variation in Eutypella gland- ulosa (Cke.) E. & E.: C. L. SHEAR, De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Eutypella glandulosa is a pyrenomycete growing o:n dead Ailanthus glandulosus. Specimens recently collected at Washing- ton illustrate well the variability which may be expected in various parts of the plant and the conditions which seem to influence it. The parts most variable are the stromata, perithecia (number and shape) and ostiola (length and character of mouth). The stroma is sometimes almost entirely Wanting, at other times well developed and conspicuously pulvi- nate. The perithecia vary in number from one to forty, and in shape from globose to pyriform, with all sorts of irregularities caused by pressure against each other. The ostiola are sometimes scarcely discern- ible, while in some specimens they reach a mm. in length. The tips are normally quadrisulcate, but in the long examples they are frequently acute and smooth. The asci and sporidia appear most con- stant, showing no corresponding variation in the extreme specimens noted. The vari- ations found seem directly connected with the supply and the manner of supply of moisture during the development of the fungus; the maximum extreme in size and number of parts occurring where the branches bearing the plants were lying in a low place, and were more or less covered with matted grass. It is very desirable to determine the parts most variable and the range of variation in order to segregate correctly the different species in this as well as in other genera of pyrenomycetes. Antithetic versus Homologous Alterna- tion: DOUGLAS H. CAMPBELL, Stanford University. Bryophytes have left scanty fossil re- mains, hence their relation to other forms must be deduced from comparative mor- phology. This discussion will concern itself with a single class of pteridophytes- the ferns. Antithetic alternation assumes that the sporophyte of the ferns. is an elaboration of some bryophytic sporoigon- ium; homologous alternation assumes that bryophytes and pteridophytes are not SCIENCE. 257 on June 29, 2018 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

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the skeleton of Lampris was submitted torenewed examination. That examinationforced the speaker to acceptance of theideas of the older ichthyologists, ratherthan those of Boulenger; the four actin-osts, or pterygials, of acanthopterygianfishes are recognized, and the coracoidof Boulenger is identified with the fourthactinost. The hypocoracoid is found inthe great posterior, bone called interclav-icle by Boulenger. Thus the normalstructure of an acanthopterygian fish isrecognized. As a consequence, the genusis restored to the group of acanthop-terygians. The forms and proportionsof the principal bones of the shouldergirdle are nearly paralleled by undisputedacanthopterygians and relatives of thescombroideans-the Caproidea or Anti-goniidea. Nevertheless, the differences be-tween Lampris and all other fishes, asBoulenger has shown, ar.e sufficiently greatto entitle it to rank as the type of notonly a distinct family (Lamprididte), buta special superfamily (Lampridoidea).


SECTION G, BOTANY.THE meetings of Section G of the Ameri-

can Association were held in Lecture HallNo. 1, on the first floor of the ColumbianUniversity Medical School. Sessions wereheld Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoonand Wednesday morning, December 30 and31, 1902.The abstracts of papers presented are

as follows:Range of Variation in Eutypella gland-

ulosa (Cke.) E. & E.: C. L. SHEAR, De-partment of Agriculture, Washington,D. C.Eutypella glandulosa is a pyrenomycete

growing o:n dead Ailanthus glandulosus.Specimens recently collected at Washing-ton illustrate well the variability which

may be expected in various parts of theplant and the conditions which seem toinfluence it. The parts most variable arethe stromata, perithecia (number andshape) and ostiola (length and characterof mouth). The stroma is sometimesalmost entirely Wanting, at other timeswell developed and conspicuously pulvi-nate. The perithecia vary in number fromone to forty, and in shape from globose topyriform, with all sorts of irregularitiescaused by pressure against each other.The ostiola are sometimes scarcely discern-ible, while in some specimens they reacha mm. in length. The tips are normallyquadrisulcate, but in the long examplesthey are frequently acute and smooth.The asci and sporidia appear most con-stant, showing no corresponding variationin the extreme specimens noted. The vari-ations found seem directly connected withthe supply and the manner of supply ofmoisture during the development of thefungus; the maximum extreme in size andnumber of parts occurring where thebranches bearing the plants were lying ina low place, and were more or less coveredwith matted grass. It is very desirable todetermine the parts most variable and therange of variation in order to segregatecorrectly the different species in this aswell as in other genera of pyrenomycetes.Antithetic versus Homologous Alterna-

tion: DOUGLAS H. CAMPBELL, StanfordUniversity.Bryophytes have left scanty fossil re-

mains, hence their relation to other formsmust be deduced from comparative mor-phology. This discussion will concernitself with a single class of pteridophytes-the ferns. Antithetic alternation assumesthat the sporophyte of the ferns. is anelaboration of some bryophytic sporoigon-ium; homologous alternation assumes thatbryophytes and pteridophytes are not


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genetically related. The homologoustheory, based upon (1) the alga-like pro-thallium of certain ferns, together with(2) apospory and apogamy. The objec-tions are (1) the alga-like protonema isalmost certainly of secondary origin; (2)apospory and apogamy are readily ex-plicable in other theories. The most prim-itive ferns have the least alga-like gameto-phytes. The numerous resemblances inboth gametophyte and sporophyte point toa common origin for bryophytes andpteridophytes. Gametophytes are alwaysaquatic: sporophytes are distinctly terres-trial structures. The evolution of thesporophyte is demonstrated by a series ofliverworts. The sporophyte of bryophytesculminates in Polytrichum and Anthoceros.The sporogenous function becomes subordi-nate and vegetative tissues become highlydeveloped. The uniformity in spore pro-duction is one of the strongest argumentsfor the common origin of archegoniates.Anthocer-os resembles most closely thehypothetical primitive pteridophyte. Thesporophytes of bryophytes and pterido-phytes show many points of a,greement, be-sides being an asexual generation derivedfrom the oospore. Those resemblancesprobably represent true homologies. Ob-jections to considering apogamy as a re-version are that apogamy occurs almostalways under abnormal conditions, and inhighly variable and specialized forms.Langa's hypothesis of the origin of thesporophyte is not sustained by the actualbehavior of the gametophyte exposed tothe assumed conditions, shown in variousCalifornia liverworts and ferns. Coulter'stheory as to the importance of photosyn-thesis in determining the origin of theleafy sporophyte is not impaired by thefacts. The development of special greenorgans is not necessarily associated withterrestrial plants. Apospory and apogamy

are analogous to adventitious budding.The water supply is the prime factor in thedevelopment of the sporophyte.

Specific Differences in the Wood of ElmTrees: W. J. BEAL, Agricultural College,Mich.The wood must be examined from a num-

ber of trees of any one species and fromnseveral places in each tree. The most re-liable differences may not be the same inall genera. In elms, the number of rowsand the size of open ducts, the thickness ofthe cell walls and the proportions of themedullary rays, are all important in de-termining the species.

Some Undescribed Structures in Synchy-trium decipiens: F. L. STEVENS, WestRaleigh, N. C.Several structures of problematic func-

tion in the nucleus and cytoplasm of theSynchytrium cell are described and fig-ured. They are developed in connectionwith nuclear division, although their en-tire divergence from any previously de-scribed cytological structure renders anattempt at exact interpretation hazardous.(Illustrated by a plate and lantern slide.)

On the Manipulation of Sections of LeafCuticle: S. M. BAIN, University of Ten-nessee, Knoxville, Tenn.The author outlines his experience in

handling leaf sections with special objectof determining thickness of cuticle. Hismethod is to imbed in paraffin, cut withblade of microtome knife in slanting posi-tion and unroll scrolls on drop of distilledwater on slide. Preparations are then setaside and water is allowed to evaporate atroom temperature. The sections are thusattached by simple adhesion to the glass,the whole process being a modification ofthe method of Nussbaum. Where many


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sections are to be made simply to study thecuticle, the best plan is to remove the epi-dermis from the leaf before passing intoreagents. Double staining with hlema-toxylin and Sudan III. is recommended forphotomicrographic purposes.

Suggestions Relative to Botanical Period-icals and Citations: W. A. KELLERMAN,Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.Since botanical periodicals have become

numerous, it is considered desirable andpracticable that there should be greaterspecialization, and especially that contrib-utors should offer their manuscripts tothose substantial journals which most dis-tinctly represent the phase of botany con-cerned. If authors would thus generallydiscriminate according to the nature of theircopy, existing and more or less special-ized periodicals would become more valu-able to the class of readers to which eachprincipally appeals. Opportunity wouldalso offer for additional magazines dis-tinctive in character and definite in scope.Ready and accurate citation would be

enhanced if publications always bore sim-ple, short and correct titles. Proper run-ning head-lines are indispensable. Theyshould co'ntain (left page) page number,name of publication and volume number(also series if any), and (right page) date,subject (or author and subject) and pagenumber, in order just named. No numberof part (if any) should appear in head-line; it sho-uld only appear on cover-page.The rules for citation adopted by the

Madison Botanical Congress should beamended in several respects-the more im-portant being that section which requiresthe use of the illy understood and scarcelysuggestive abbreviations for the months,such as F., Ja., Ag., 0., N. and D.; thewell-established abbreviations are generallyused and should be sanctioned by rule.

Origin of the Patagonian Flora: PROFESSORGEO. MACLOSKIE, Princeton, N. J.The Patagonian flora (including that of

southern Chili and the islands) containsabout 2,100 species and 300 good varietiesof phanerogams already described. belong-ing to 522 genera and 110 families. TheGraminea have 276 species with 50 varie-ties, and the Compositae about 400 species.They are chiefly derived from the Andeanregion; fewer from Argentina; with minorbut significant contributions from Aus-tralasia, New Zealand and the Antarcticislands. Papers of Gray, Hooker andothers about the North American flora arehere amended so as to suppose a migrationsouthwards on the advent of cold periods,sending to Australia and southern Chili, asfar as Fuegia, forms which had been pre-viously derived from the Arctic lands; alsoso as to consider the flora of the NorthernHemisphere and the Oregon-Cordilleras ofNorth America as not primitively Scandi-navian, but rather from Central Asia,whence they have radiated in all directions.This explains some of the affinities betweenthe flora of Patagonia and that of Aus-tralia, New Zealand, Japan, etc. Besidesthis, there are evidences of direct transferof plants between Patagonia, New Zealandand Australasia, by either sea or currentsof air; and probably there was at one time,not a land-continuum, but a chain ofislands such as would result from the ele-vation of the Cordilleras towards the south,and consequent emergence of elevated re-gions in the direction of South Shetlandsand of parts towards the south pole.Victoria Land, beyond the south pole, withits volcanoes, may be part of this Cordil-leran extension, and other fan-like expan-sions are traceable.

There are so many isolated and char-acteristic forms in Patagonia and neighbor-ing parts as to indicate that it is a true


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botanical region, although not closelylimited from the adjacent lands. In thisrespect it contrasts with the Arctic regions,which have few peculiar forms. We maycite among its characteristic forms speciesof Hamadeyas, Chusquea, Philesia, Lapa-geria, Chlorcea, Arjona, lodina, Accsna,Patagoniurn, Schinus, forms of Verbena,Pernettya, Benthamiella, Acicarpha, Azo-rella, Nassauvia, Perezia; also remarkablecases of discontinuity as Drimys andVeronica elliptica.

Nuclear and Cell Division in Diplophrysstercorea Cienk.: EDGAR W. OLIVE, Har-vard University, Oambridge, Mass.Diplophrys stercorea is an organism be-

longing to the Labyrinthuleve, a group onthe border line between the plant and ani-mal kingdoms. It passes through twostages in its life-cycle-a vegetative stagein which the spindle-shaped individuals liveseparate and distinct from one anotherand a resting stage in which many indi-viduals crawl to definite centers and thereheap up in stalked, orange-colored colonies,visible to the naked eye. During the ac-tive vegetative state, the naked cells creepabout over a nutrient substratum, beingprobably propelled by the extremely deli-cate, fine pseudopodia which they bear atthe almost opposite poles of the spindle.The individuals in this condition each con-tain usually one yellowish oil body, whichlies in the cytoplasm close beside the nu-cleus and which breaks up into minutegranules during active movement or dur-ing nuclear division. The nucleus, whichis plainly visible in the living organism,is of simple type, consisting of a singlespherical chromatin mass, or karyosome,surrounded by karyolymph, the whole en-closed within a membrane. During nu-clear division, the karyosome divides bysimple constriction into two equal parts.Division of the naked spindle-shaped cell

results from the progressive cleavage of afission plane, which starts at one side andtravels transversely across the cell at anoblique angle. This oblique plane of fis-sion is unusual, since longitudinal or trans-verse fission is the rule among unicellularforms. The oil bodies are equally repre-sented in the two daughter cells, and inthe subsequent resting condition they usu-ally become aggregated into one refractiveyellow mass.

On the Behavior of Certain Yeast Organ-isms in Pure and Mixed Cultures: Wm.B. ALWOOD, Blacksburg, Va.This paper treats briefly of the physio-

logical activities of yeast organisms isolatedfrom the fruits of apple, and then sown aspure and also as mixed cultures in an applemust of known chemical composition. Theresults obtained are illustrated by twographic charts.

The Desert Botanical Laboratory of theCarnegie Institution: D. T. MACDOUGAL,New York Botanical Garden.A notice in regard to this laboratory

has already been published in SCIENCE.Dr. MacDougal stated in greater detailthe purposes and scope of the laboratory.President Gilman, Professor McGee, Pro-fessor Toumey and others took part in thediscussion.

The Pines of the Isle of Pines: W. W.ROWLEE, Ithaca, N. Y.A taxonomic discussion of the West In-

dian hard pines and a comparison of themwith the species of the Gulf states.A new species, Pinus recurvatus, is de-

scribed and commented upon. The eco-logical significance of the dense summerwood of these species is ascribed to thexerophytic conditions under which theplants exist. Specimens and photographswere used to illustrate the paper.


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Studies in Aracece: DouGLAss H. CAmP-BELL, Stanford University.The material was collected at Kew. The

species especially studied were Aglaonemacommutatum and Spathicarpa sagittacfolia.Aglaonema commutatum shows extraor-

dinary variation in the development of theembryo-sac. The ordinary angiospermoustype was never found. The number ofnuclei in the mature sac is probably, inmost cases, eight, but may be as many astwelve. A definite egg apparatus andantipodal cells are rarely met with, andthe former is rarely at the micropylar endof the sac, but usually lateral in position.Three or. four nuclei are often found inprocess of fusion, presumably as a prelim-inary to the endosperm formation. Theformation of the endosperm proceeds fromthe base of the sac; cell walls are presentfrom the first. The tissues of the youngembryo are very little differentiated; atmaturity it fills the embryo-sac. A. pic-tum conforms to the ordinary angiosper-mous type.

Spathicarpa sagittcefolia shows nomarked deviation from the angiospermoustype except in the great development ofthe antipodal cells subsequent to fertiliza-tion. The nuclei of the antipodal cellsattain enormous dimensions. The devel-opment of the endosperm is much as inAglaonema. The embryo is small.

A Preliminary Synopsis of the NorthAmerican Species of the Genus Mitrula:E. J. DURAND, Ithaca, N. Y.During the last summer species of the

genus Mitrula were unusually abundantin the vicinity of Ithaca, N. Y. Photo-graphs and full descriptive notes wereobtained of so many species (some of whichwere undescribed) that it seemed desirableto attempt an arrangement of the NorthAmerican species. A general preliminarysynopsis of these species makes up the bulk

of the paper. Further study of materialin the large herbaria will be necessary be-fore the paper will be ready for publica-tion.

On a Fungus Disease of the MulberryFruit: W. A. ORTON, Department ofAgriculture, Washington, D. C.This paper gives a brief description of

a disease of the mulberry in the southernstates caused by an undescribed funguswhich fills the seed. Specimens of theinfected seeds, and also slides and draw-ings, were exhibited.

Numerical Variation in Plants: JESSE B.NORTON, U. S. Department of Agricul-ture, Washington, D. C.A review of past work in this line-

Ludwig's work and his approach to a log-ical explanation of the Tibonacci series of3, 5, 8, 13, etc., as based on phyllotaxy-other literature-place and time, modes,etc.The importance of phyllotaxy and antho-

taxy in considering numerical variations,illustrated with curves constructed on thevariations in numerous plants-Sangui-naria, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum,Ranunculus, etc.The lack of regularity in phyllotaxy

and variation of anthotaxy in individualplants and flowers as a cause of secondarymodes in variation curves, illustrated byChrysanthemum leucanthemum, also therelation of the whorled series 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,3, 6, 9, 12, etc., to the alternate series1, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc., and its multiples, as giv-ing modes in different species not in per-fect accord with the Fibonacci series.The relation of double curves and in-

dividual plants showing tendency towardsingle curves in individual plants-Chrys-anthemum leucanthemum-and changes inanthotaxy in individual heads.The relation of reversed and normal

phyllotaxy and anthotaxy to the change


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in mode in curves is shown in the pine-apple and chrysanthemum.

Transgressive variation due to changeof anthotaxy is found in Iris.

Contrasts and Resemblances between theSand Dune Floras of Cape Cod andLake Michigan: HENRY C. COWLES,Chicago, Ill.Physically the dunes of these two regions

agree: (1) In the character of the sand,except that larger grains are found atCape Cod; (2) in the general features ofdune formation and movement; and (3)in the pronouncedly xerophytic conditionsfor plant life. The following contrastswere observed: (1) Obscure zonation onthe ocean beach (this is much less markedon the bay side of Cape Cod); (2) a verti-cal sea front on the dunes nearest the sea,doubtless chiefly due to sea encroachment(this feature is wanting at Nantucket);(3) the Cape Cod dunes are much lower,(4) less extensive, and (5) present a muchless typical contour; (6) the dune move-ment is much more rapid on the Cape, asshown by self-registered measurements onhalf-buried trees.

Ecologically there is general similarity:(1) In the vegetation forms of the tworegions; (2) in the wonderful enduranceof swamp plants which are encroachedupon; (3) in the general content anddynamics of the associations (but on theCape lichen pioneer stages are often foundand pines do not always precede oaks).The contrasts are: (1) The beach floradoes not show clear zonation on the oceanside of the Cape, and the plants are hud-dled at the foot of the fore-dunes; (2) theocean beach (but not that of the bay shore)has a much sparser plant covering thandoes the lake beach; (3) half-buried plantsshow a surprisingly vigorous leaf develop-ment on the Cape dunes; (4) the plant cov-

ering on moving dunes is more dense atCape Cod; (5) tree shapes are less modi-fied on the lake dunes; (6) some speciesmesophytic ina one region are xerophytic inthe other.

Floristically the two regions are astonish-ingly alike, the per cent. of common speciesbeing as great or greater than would betrue for inland associations at such a dis-tance.

In conclusion, the resemblances are morestriking and more far-reaching than thecontrasts, showing that halophytic andtidal factors are relatively unimportant indetermining sand-dune or even sand-beachfloras on Cape Cod. The contrasts whichexist are probably due, in the main, to dif-ferences in moisture and wind relations.In most respects the Cape conditions seemto be the more severe, and yet the vegeta-tion covering these is more dense and thegrowth more vigorous.

The Production of New Varieties ofOranges: HERBERT J. WEBBER andWALTER T. SWINGLE.The great desideratum of the orange in-

dustry at the present time is a hardyvariety that will be able to withstand theoccasional severe freezes without seriousinjury. The deciduous trifoliate orange isperfectly hardy as far north as Philadel-phia, but its fruit is small and practicallyworthless, though sometimes used for pre-serves. Several years ago the writersstarted experiments for the U. S. Depart-ment of Agriculture, in the productionof a hardy orange by hybridizing the veryhardy trifoliate orange with varieties ofthe ordinary sweet orange. Our aim hasbeen to secur.e a new hybrid orange thatwould have the hardiness of the trifoliateorange and the sweet, edible fruit of thecommon orange. The experiments havenot yet been completed, but two hybridshave been secured which possess decided


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merit and will be valuable for culturenorth of the present orange belt.

These two hybrids have fruits about thesize of a tangerine orange, varying fromtwo to two and a half inches in diameter.The texture of the pulp is perfect in everyrespect, the membranes between the seg-ments being tender and the axis verysmall. They are thin-skinned, very juicyand nearly seedless. Unfortunately, how-ever, they are too sour to be eaten out ofthe hand without sugar. In flavor, theyare more like lemons or limes than oranges,but as a matter of fact they stand aloneand are like no other fruit existing. Theyare new creations in the fullest sense ofthe term, like Burbank's plumcots. Theyare neither trifoliate oranges nor ordinaryoranges, though in many characteristicsthey are strikingly intermediate betweenthese two fruits. Neither are they lemonsnor limes, though they will more nearlytake the place of these fruits than oranges.The new fruits are very aromatic and havea sprightly acid flavor, with a trace of bit-ter, which reminds one of the lime andgrape fruit. They make a superior adewhich rivals lemon or lime ade. Theywill probably prove to be valuable also for.culinary purposes to use in the place oflemons. The trees resemble the trifoliateorange mainly, though having much largerleaves, and will probably prove valuablehedge plants. They are evergreen orsemi-evergreen, retaining their leaves theyear round in Florida. In more northernlocalities they will probably lose theirleaves in winter. The fruits ripen earlyand will be gathered before frost. Theirhardiness has not yet been thoroughlytested, but young nursery trees have passedthrough a freeze without losing their leavesor showing any injury, while ordinaryoranges beside them were defoliated andtwigs the size of one's finger killed.While the success already obtained is

far-reaching, even more important resultswill doubtless be obtained when seeds fromthese fruits are grown and selections madefrom among the progeny, as it is wellrecognized that the segregation of charac-ters ordinarily takes plaQe in the secondgeneration of a hybrid.On the Production of Wart-like Intumes-

cences produced by Various Fungicides:HERMANN VON SCHRENK, St. Louis, Mo.Peronospora parasitica appeared in epi-

demic form on the cauliflower in a green-house of the Missouri Botanical Garden.The leaves were sprayed with various fun-gicides with and without the addition ofglue. As a result of the spraying thelower sides of the leaves became coveredwith large wart-like growths after severaldays. These were formed by cells of thepalisade parenchyma enormously elon-gated, giving the appearance of edema-tous cells. The cedematous condition issupposed to have been caused by a stimu-lating action of the copper salts.

Evolution not the Origin of Species: 0.F. COOK, U. S. Department of Agricul-ture, Washington, D. C.Evolution, or progressive change in the

characters of species, is a phenomenonquite distinct from the origination orseparation of species, and due to distinctcauses.

Natural selection and other aspects ofenvironmental influence conduce to thesegregation of groups of individuals whichhave then the opportunity to become dif-ferent, but the segregation does not causethe differences, which arise through theaccumulation of variations assisted bycross-fertilization.Some Experiments in Cell and Nuclear

Division: FRANK M. ANDREWS, IndianaUniversity.Experiment I., Influence of Hydrogen.

-Young staminal hairs of Tradescantia


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virginica were put in a three per cent.solution of cane sugar and then broughtunder the influence of pure hydrogen.Under such circumstances nuclei in theresting stage can not divide, but nucleiwhich have begun division can completeit. No cell wall is formed; when, however,oxygen is again introduced, a cell wall isformed.Experiment II., Influence of CO2,.

Nuclear division can not take place innearly pure C02, nor can nuclei whichhave begun to divide complete the divisionas stated by Demoor.Experiment 111., Influence of Ether.-

No resting nucleus can divide in ether.In one per cent., three per cent., four percent., five per cent. and six per. cent. ofether, nuclei that have begun to divide cancomplete division and form a cell wall.In seven per cent. ether nuclear divisioncan not take place. Nuclei in ether donot change from indirect to direct divisionas stated by Nathanson.Experiment IV., Influence of Cold.-

At 20 C. nuclei can divide. At - 3° C.or -4° C. nuclei can not divide as statedby Demoor.Experiment V., Influence of Chloro-

form.-In chloroform diluted one halfwith water, nuclei that have begun to di-vide can complete the division and a cellwall is formed.Experiment VI., Influence of Ammo-

nium Carbonate.-In a one fourth percent. or one half per cent. solution of am-monium carbonate, nuclei that have begunto divide can complete division and a cellwall is formed. A one per cent. solutionof ammonium carbonate kills the cell inone minute and before nuclear divisioncan advance.

New Examples of Diurnal Nutation: F.L. STEVENS, West Raleigh, N. C.Nutation similar to that exhibited by

Helianthus is demonstrated by lanternslides for several other genera, prominentamong them being Bidens, Amaranthus,Ambrosia, Medicago, Melilotus, Artemisia,Lespedeza, Trifolium, etc.

Problematic Fossils, supposed to be Sea-weeds, from the Hudson Group: DAvmWHITE, Washington, D. C.Slabs of calcareous shale, deposited in

shoal-water flats and marked with mudcracks and iron stains, bear impressions offragments of supposed algae of singularcharacters and distinctness. The fossilsrepresent a narrow sinuous axis, now flat-tened, but probably nearly subeylindricaloriginally, alternately and repeatedly fork-ing at an extremely wide angle at inter-vals of 1-2 cm., the subdivisions recurringso as to describe nearly regular and equalincomplete rings or semicircles about 3cm. in diameter. The lobes, which end ob-tusely, nearly equal the axis in width, andby their ring-like form and regularity inalternate arrangement present a very strik-ing appearance on the slab. The fossilsare true intaglio impressions, or trails,destitute of carbonaceous matter. Thestructure of the mould bears no evidenceof layers or wadding as in worm burrows.They are tentatively regarded as fucoidaland comparable to Palceophycus or Butho-trephia, though it is possible that they rep-resent extraordinary trails made by someannelid or other animal organism. Thespecimens were collected by Dr. RobertHessler in Fayette County, Indiana.On Cultures of the Leaf-spot of the Grape,

Phyllosticta Labrusc6e Thm.: A. D.SELBY, Wooster, Ohio.The paper. states the results of success-

ful efforts made at the Ohio AgriculturalExperiment Station, to secure the devel-opment of the various stages in the growthof this fungus on culture media. Peri-thecia preceded by pyenidia were obtained


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repeatedly upon agar-agar made from thissubstance with meat extract and peptone,to which 2 per cent. of grape sugar. (glu-cose) and .03 per cent. tartaric acid were

added to approximate the proportion ofthese substances in ripe grapes. Theseperithecia contained mature asci and asco-

spores, and are apparently referable to thesame species found heretofore in the old,rotted grape berries and referred to di-verse genera-Physalospora, Larstadia andGuignardia. It seems referable to thespecies known as Larstadia Bidwillii Viala& Ravaz.



THE year 1902 has been a notable one inthe history of the New York Zoological So-ciety. The municipality of New Yorkthrough Park Commissioner Willcox in-vited the society to take over the directionof the New York Aquarium. This was a

mark of strong approval by the city of themanagement of the Zoological Park by thesociety. After some deliberation the invi-tation was accepted, the necessary legisla-tion at Albany was secured, and a contractwas made with the municipality wherebythe society should receive not less than$45,000 per annum for the maintenance ofthe aquarium, and should assume entirecontrol of the personnel and the right todismiss any of the existing employees, thecontract to be terminable on six months'notice on the part either of the societyor of the municipality. Mr. Charles H.Townsend, of the United States Fish Com-mission, was invited to become director ofthe aquarium. For conference and advicethe society appointed a scientific committeeincluding Professor Charles L. Bristol, of

New York University, Professor Bashford* From the seventh annual report.


Dean, of Columbia, Dr. Alfred G. Mayer,of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci-ences, and two other gentlemen. Fortu-nately, at this time Mr. Townsend was sent

abroad by the United States government as

expert in connection with the Seal Fisheriesdispute with Russia, and this enabled thesociety to arrange for a complete tour ofthe aquaria of Europe. Mr. Townsendbrought back plans, photographs and notesupon the best features of the foreignaquaria.The director, with the aid of the advisory

committee, has already experimented on a

number of important changes in the aqua-

rium, including a new system of labelingand illumination of the tanks. He has alsoplanned the introduction of a fish-hatchingexhibit which will be in operation through-out the year, the arrangement for a largervariety of exhibits, especially of inverte-brate forms of marine life, the closer, touchwith the public school system of New Yorkby making provision for supply of materialin connection with the biological courses

in the schools, etc. Alterations in theaquarium, which will vastly improve theinterior, are now being considered at an

estimated cost of $30,000. It is probablethat the necessary appropriation will bemade, and that by next year the aquarium

will be thoroughly well appointed. For-tunately, the design is admirable in allrespects except illumination and ventila-tion, and both these defects can be rem-

edied.The attendance averages 5,000 persons a

day, and the opportunities for spreading a

knowledge and love of nature among thepeople of the city are very great.


In the Zoological Park the attendancethis year was 731,515, an increase of 38

per cent. or 200,000 over the year 1902.

There were 127,000 visitors in the month

FEBRUARY 13, 1903.]

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SECTION G, BOTANYCharles J. Chamberlain

DOI: 10.1126/science.17.424.257 (424), 257-265.17Science 

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