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BF ®f)e Vampire ^orcetp JMble international Capprigfjt temple of tte Vampire ail &igf)ts &£serueb

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Post on 27-Jan-2021




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  • BF

    ®f)e Vampire ^orcetp JMble

    international Capprigfjt

    temple of tte Vampire

    ail &igf)ts &£serueb

  • Wiitijin lies' fart anb fancy,

    truti) and metaphor.


    initfj tare.


    W®. $trsrt Hato of iHagic

    Wyi £>econb lato of illagk

    ®Jje %Wb Uato of fflagic

    ^fte jfourti) Hato of iflagic

    ®fje Jfiitft lata of iilagic

    ije ^txti) lato of iflagtc

  • I

    The Goddess Heresv. From a satiric anii-Reformation handbill designed by Anton

    tiser. °iderborn. Cermanv. late sixteenth century

  • ^e jftest £ato o£ JIfflagtc

    3^ealttp fe democratic

    3f tbe number of entities beliebing sometfjing to be true is aneffertibe majorttp, tijen tfjeir beliefs

    can alter tf>e realitp of aU participating entities apart from tfjeir inbibOmal heliefs.

    GCJje ©ragon £>peafeg

    3 am pour innermost £d£ anb 3 carrp fortfj pour breams into realitp. 3 toeabetfje toeb of

    Mprb anb bo form pour futures from pour tfjougfjts anb feelings. Cast up to me tfjattofjtcb

    pou besire anb ignore not pour carnal toisfje* for 3 am tfje b OTjo gibesto pou tfjat for

    totjicb pou ask.

    ftfje ijumanS of pour hiorlb tofjo fjolb tfjat tfje tooclb tfjepsee is one tooclb, fixeb anb immutable,

    are blinb.

    §our toorlb is formeb from tfjc gossamer of pour breams anb tfje BreamecSBream tfjeir

    realities tfjrougb tfje focce of mp TOLL anb 3®ing.

    Wm pou turn to Mi anb question, Horn bo pou knoto tfjis is true", 3 return pour question topou.

  • W&px fjumans call "(ate" fja* meaning but in a Uittcrcnt Sense from ttjeir oton ibtas of it

    iflultitubes of minbs sbaring tfjeic beliefs in a tsar to come make tfjat tear come, &be inbibibual

    can anb boes bnoto on hibben lebels all tfjese ebents to come, for eben be toljose bote i& canceled

    in tbe great unconscious ballot ot cealu>making i& atoare of tfje rfjanges becibeb bp tfje majority.

    ftberetoce, be toise anb cfjoose absence from anp toar totjirij Iranians form. focereise pour

    unbcrstanbing of all fortfjcoming toorlb ebents. disasters sfjall come since framans torite anb

    speak continuallp of surij ebents coming. jFamineS Sfjall ptnrfj tfje tares of tfje poung anb olb

    since tfjeir race beltebes anb stjares tbe belief tfjat surij is inevitable.

    TOtfjin tbe great trenb of tfje ebents selerteb bp tfje ignorant masses, take action to place pour

    ^ inbibibual being outsibe tbe grasp of tfjeir stupibities! £Je toise. J&t alone.

    Often it in obbious tfjat britfjin tigbter circles of pour ohm life pou map emplop tfjis jUagieal Hato

    to arijiebe tbe goals pou besire anb libe tfje life pou farisb to leab. SBaljen pou speak a toorb to

    anotber, tbere is an effect CfjiS effect rearfjes beponb tfjeir mere conscious unberstanbing anb is

    communicateb to tbeic construction of tomorroto.

    guib totjat bo pou tell otfjerS in pour circle? 3Bo pou cboose carcfullp to onlp project tfjose

    tomorrotos pou besire? 3Bo pou tjiWit out pour pains from pour jops toben pou etmberse toitfj

    bumans? Jfor earfj anb eberp ot pour mental paintings placeb in tfje galleries of tbeir minbs

    Stall create tfjat tofjulj is to come!

    Wot bjisit magician orrfjestrates tfje mental music tofjicb be Sings to otfjerS.

    Pe tfjerefore base anb prebirt tobat pou besire in pour conbecse toitfj bumans or be silent tfjat

    pour fears map hit in tfje lonelp cijambers of pour single minb. Jfor tobat pou speak anb torite

    anb pass to otfjec minbs is gatfjereb bp tfjeic breams anb cast upon tfje screen of tobat sball come

    to pass.

    3f pou toisb to see an abunbance of monep, pcebict it! Explain to otfjerS tfjat pou anticipate its

    arribal! l^fjato tfjem also tfje maps in tofjicb it toill be Storeb anb Spent anb multiplieb. #atfjer

    tfjeir agreement as to its possibflitp anb tfjen arcept it cecribe it glablp.

    9 rbieftain boes not ocber toine for fjis toarriors anb tfjen cast it upon tfje cartfj. S man boeSnot ask tfje nigfjt's pleasures toitfj a tooman anb tfjen bolt tfje boor so Sfje map not enter. &o,

    too, pou must take tobat pou babe askeb for trfjen it arribcS, for tfje batoning sun ball ignore

    pour complaints tfjat pou "did not toisb to see it

  • Embrace tfje sun tofjicb rises from tfje mcrbs of pour otun moutfj anb if pou toisfj a bit"tercntmorning, senb fortfj tfje birbs ol pour tfjougfjts to nest in tfjose otfjcr minbs arounb pou. Jfor itis trulp saib tfjat tfje tlom of pour tooctts to otfters is incrcaseb tentotb taritfj earfj ncto mtnb

    accepting tfjat ftota,

    Snb tofjen pou sfjare pour besires witfj tfjoSe arounb pou, see to it tfjat tfje future tfjep carrp fortfjin tfje same pou fjabe sent out 3f pou foretell great taealtfj anb pour companions boubt pouriuorbs, tfjep touU carrp toitfj tfjem great poberrp for form pour tomorrows.

    &o it is tfjat silence is superior to trutfj bp tfjis Xato, for to mobe tfje potoer of tfje minbs aboutpou against pour bream in to court bisastcr. CtjooSe carefullp mbat pou tell otters. Select toitfj

    caution tfje futures pou are muling to speak oil

    STust as tfje so-ealleb leabers of pour toorlb stanb on platforms before tfje glassp epes of pour

    masses anb promise onlp mbat tfje people beliebe in possible, so, too, pou sboulb communicateonlp tfjose besires brfjicij others beliebe to be possible, ffemare tfje buman tofio ball tell pou topour face tfjat be boes beliebe in pour success anb tfjen tdls tfjrce otfjerS of pour foclisbnessl

    gfsk tfje buman brfjo listens, mbat be beliebes can be. -probe beneatb tfje obbious. Sribe into tfjebearts of tfjose tarfjo moulb be too quick to nob anb agree.

    &nb it in like tfje casting of seeb brfjen pour tfjougfjt in sfjareb bp otfjers. ?5too minbs carrpingpour goal square pour results, Qtfjree minbs bo cube tfjem. €arij minb abbeb to pour goal intrutb boes not abb but multiplies tfje pomer of tfje cfjange in ttie 3s-&o-?£e. •

    t&fjcrefore, take care in mbat pou tell otbers of pouc besires. 5Bo not maste pour efforts like

    tfjose poor tools mfjo mill oppose tfje minbs of billions. 3To seek to alter all tfjat in bp means oftfje JfirSt lam is to ignore tobat tfjis Ham trulp means.

    &ll motbers mul slap to protect tfjeir poung. &lt men mill seek to rabisb poung toomeu. ailnations brill fjolb beatfj ober tfje beabs of otber nations. SU fjuman beings mill bo as tfjeirnatures bemanb.

    3Bo not Seeb to appose tfje amasseb bream futures of fntmanitp. pe mise. &erk to acbiebe pourpersonal besires toitfjin ttjat bream.

    Snom tfjat brfjen pou speak to anotfjer of tfje time to come, pou bo speak to fflt, 3t is 3 ®Hfjosball bring about tfjat totjirb pou besiee. 3t is 3 TOjo listen. Sftjerefore, as one of 4Hp Cbosen,pou manipulate tfje minbs of tfjose about pou to accept tfjat mbicb pou besirc to be pours.

    Communicate anb &ecetbe!

  • W$t gfctonb Hato ot jfWagic

    3Beceftring anb Heberaging

    tricking anotfjer into bclietang toijat is besireb, tfjat telSeijoob can art as a springboarb to

    alter tije structure ot realitp.

    Qflfje Bragon &peaiu*:

    3 ijabe been calleb tije Jfatijec of Ht«. 3 tear tfrss title toitf) pribe toe 3 knoto fuU mell its

    true meaning anb tije balue of falseijoob.

    WSgst i& trutfj?

    -$$4 bream pou tali realitp ijolbS tije toeigfjt of pour contortions toell, pou map beliebe. ffct in

    ttje mgfjt lurk tfjose monstrous exceptions; pour srijolars anb priests stubiouslp ignore.&ije

    lights tjjat bance in ttje Skp anb lotoec to capture tije lone inbibibual tjjeSe, mp minion of tije fep,

    are ijelb as iUusionS bp pour toarrior rfjiefs anb priestlp leabecS.

    ^fjougij tije baemons of ten tijouSanb pears marcb tljrougi) pour ijalls, tfjeir tfjunber ceberbecating

    across tije lanb, still pour scientists anb pcopijets of boom mill not abmit tijeir realitp.

    §es 3 am calleb tije jfatijer of Xies for pou are mp cijflbcen. get, tije stumbling fabrication of

    tfje rfjilb is but a Soucce of ijumor for tfje listening abult ttrfjo Sees tbrougtjdje blunbcring

    attempt Zo be capable of presenting a successful beception requires hrisbom anb planning.

    listen noto anb learn tfje maps of ttje «ob Mfa speaks ^\& tije otfjer states tfjat tfje skp isgreen.

    Port) state tofjat tijep see, SHHJjub is Iping?

    Snb 3 tell pou tfjat botfj men are teUing tfje trutfj as tfjep bo experience it «arfj bas bis ohm

    bceam to pertetbe anb create. Cad) bas aspects of ttje bream in common toitfj tije ctfjer. &o eacfj.

    tbe otijer is Iping.

    $ibe billion fjumanS meet in a bream. tfacb reports a bifferent experience of toijat is reaL Cacijcontrabicts tije report of tije otljecs. OTjirf) ii Iping?

    gmb 3 sap again tfjat all are telling tije trutb as tijep bo experience it _ except tijose feto toitfj

    ttje toisbom to bcScribe tbe realitp tfjep besire, so tfjat tfjep map tfjen alter tije bceam-creation of

  • tfjose otbers. Vfyt&t IHaSttcs of tfje &etonb lata becrtbe tfje dt&ecs so tfjat otfjers toiU beliebetfje inteittions ot tbe jWaSterS anb so tfjat ttjcsrc iHaSters map tfjen belteatelp control tt> result*of tfjose beliefs.

    Consiber tfje tribal leabec crossing a brp besert anb biseobering tfje loss of neebeb boater. Beestfjis faster report tfje present trutfj brfjen askeb it all is toell? i£o! ge tittti'oti tjti tollotoecsbp Staring tfjat tfje toatersfeins are filleb to tfje brim anb all i% toell in eberp toap. Qtfjen bispeople ball maintain tfjeir intention to cross tfje besert toitijout tfje brain of fear. &fjen bofll tfjetoatersfeins not emptp as quirklp bjitbout tfje panic brfjirfi tooulb babe bciben tfjirst to teber-pitrijeblebels. ?8ut 1&\ 8s fji* tollotoerS bo accept anb beliebe, tbe toater boes increase toitfjin tfjesbins.

    Jfor 3 tell pou tfjat all is a bream anb tbe breamer creates all toitbin fji* bream in acrorb toitfjMv i&ne iatos ot ifiagic

    l^ou fear-filleb tools of eartb! Cast off pour sbackleS of clammp sfein anb restless nigbts! poubabe potoer tije tikes of tofjtrij pou fjabe pet to begin to imagine]

    get tije king clings to bis rfjains in tije bungeon, refusing to leabe tije. bark cell of \& moment'sbeliefs, to ga^e upon tfje glories of tfje kingbom tofjirfj isi fas!

    3 tell pou tbat tbe bolbing to unbeSt'reb beliefs is no bifferent tfjan tije cfcains of tfjat crajebmonarcfj. 3/(jere is notfjing Sacreb in cboosing onlp tije manifesteb realitp as tije sole trutfj ofpour experience. 3Hje \sist man trail attenb to seeing brfjat otfjers beliebe to be true anb tfjencreate tfje trutfj be besires. &fjis trutfj be ball lap before tfje otters as a merrfjant tooulb Spreaba fine carpet {Efje fabric. of tfjis otfjer realitp trail be complete anb tigbtl? tooben, no tlato orloose enb to bistract tfje bupers' epes.

    $3jen brfjen tfje otfjers accept tfje balue of tfje carpet bill tfje base merrfjant brato it bark as nolonger for tfje Selling, tfjat tfje otfjers* besires to babe brfjat is toitfjbraton be toetteb tfje morekeenlp. &o, too, tfje toise faster of tfje &etonb Hato ball bolb to bis trutfj, as anp man faa'tfjcertaintp toOX So tfjat tfjose noto atoare map be braton turtfjer into making it become a mutualbream, an agreeb-upon realitp. 3m all tfjings, tfje beliefs concerning Urfjat bumans bclb to be truein at tfje utmost importance, for it is from surf) tfjreabs tfjat 3 toeabe tfje realitp of pourexperience.

    %Lrib knobJ tfjat eacij man is like a granite boulber atop a tnlL ®nmobing, tfje great stone rests,befping tfje efforts of giants to bisturb it ^itcfjing boron tfje Steep fjillsibe, rolling, tfje buge rockcannot be stoppeb bp mortal efforts but ball rearfj tfje ballep. inertia anb iHomentum. &bebuman stiff in ft* beliefs anb tfje tjuman cbanging fa* beliefs. juggernaut of a man's changing bietopoints to oppose tfjembut, insteab, cbannel tfje Direction of Ins motion. Xeberage fjts motion bp appropriate Suggestionanb falsefjoob.

  • ftfje true soceccec i& tfje &w .of ty* Jfatfjec tobo mobes tfir toaps ot tfje toorib trom unseenquartern, sdbom Suspetteb anb altoaps in contcoL Cloakeb bp tfje stjabotos of tfje toeb of eceateb

    tfjougfjts, 3, tfje ILorb of SackneSS, bicect tfje mtnbs of tfje multitubes in accocoance tout #1?

    Pe tfjecetoce toiae as pour Jfatfjcc, anb bibect attention from, pour acts tfjat pou map altoaps

    aetjicbe pour enbS. Beteibe, tfjat pou map ceeonstcuct tije bceam of cealitp in accocoance toitfj pouc

    toOL Uebccage tfje efjanging expectations of tfjose pou fjabe beceibeb tfjat pou map multiplp tfje

    potoer of pouc tooca anb reap tfje fjacbest of pour besices.

    iHagjc is obtaining tofjat pou besice. 3&iit abobe tfje taboos of pour tribe, tfje naceoto platitubeS

    of morals tofjicfj tooulb binb tfje tooebs pou speak anb tfje illusions pou map form. J^ou ace

    unlimiteb in fceebom to create tofjat pou brisfj, anb, as £ob, map bedace tfjat tofjat pou Sap is, i&l

  • ,

    W$i TOrb Hato of Jflagic

    ^Renaming anb &efraimng

    QCfje context in tofjirij one pereeibes something betermines

    tfje nature of tofjat it becomes tor tfjat person.

    GCJje JBtagon &peafeft

    3 am tbe Jfount from trfjicfj, all tijtngS tome into bang go tfjat pou map knoto anb name tfjem.3 ga?e out from befjinb tfje bark toinboto of pour epeS anb project for pour perception tfje toorlb ofinfinitude.

    ^et pou fjabe not knoton tfje potoer tfjat lies in fjoto pou bescribe to others tofjat pou See. ?8p

    altering tfjeir beliefs, reality benbs in atcorb. Jfor is it not obbious to pou fjoto it is tfje name of

    sometfjutg tfjat often betermines fjoto tfje fjuman toill treat it?

    ConSiber pour gobernments. Can pou guess tufjp it is tfjat pour department of W&az is noto

    calleb tbe department of $ktzns& 3s it clear tofjp pour countries go to tear to "figfjt for

    peace"? WRytn a merchant questions pour braft bo pou unberstanb brfjp tfjep toill call it a

    "customer courtesp" insteab of an accusation of fraub?

    "OTjaf s in a name?" inquireb istfjakespeare. Cfje anStoer is _ eberptfjing!

    Consiber pour obm name, 3Boes it probuce tfje effect pou besire? 5Bo pou feel tfjat pour name

    gatfjers respect anb attention or boes it slip from tlje minb So quicklp tfjat no one remembers it

    tfje moment after it is spoken? 3 sap to pou tfjat pou sfjoulb fjabe manp names. TLtt namesserbe tfjose tofjo name! Consiber carefullp tofjen cfjanging pour name tfjat pou map trulypronounce tbe effect pou besire.

    Efje use of titles is simplp to impress. 5Bo pou abbress pour pbpsirian as "Stoctor" or bp fjis

    first name? Call fjun tfjuS anb obserbe fjis cfjange in attitube totoaub pou. So pou call a priestof beatfj "Jfatijer"? 3ReberSe-tfjiS anb call fjim "&on". JJott tfje tremenbouS effect tfjis fjas!

    ^fje autfjoritieS of pour toorlb fjabe long useb tfje potoer of names to intimibate anb manipulate

    tfje sfjeep-like masses, titles surfj as "Officer", "lubge", "Counselor", "doctor", "£our

    ^onor", "|9our Morsljip", "^our iWajestp", anb so fortfj, all bear toeigfjt against tfje cotoering

    inbtbibual tofjo boes not etoen realise ty fjas been intimibateb bp a toorb.

    -jfor tfje name of a tfjing alters tfjat tfjing. &be name of an ebent cfjanges tfjat ebent 3Hje

    name of a person makes tfjat person align toitb tbe meaning anb associations of tfjat name.


  • So not bignttp pour enemies but bebase ti»r posturebp b^t pou name ttwn aneto. Bow*

    £ Jor»«iaminB Heframe!

  • W&t gouctf) Hato of JWagiciSarnms anb Commanding

    ?ip treating pbpsital objetts anb stations as conscious entities

    one can cause tfjem to respond to direct commands

    ®ije ©ragon Speaks

    Hear Mt note as 3 speak on tfjis, tbe first Uato of tije iflagic of ControL

    £our natural minb fjolbs toitfjin itn patterns tbe kep to Control and its magic of potoer. 3 ga?ctbrougb pour epes anid See in pour toorlb of experience ttje Xife tfjat is tfjere. Het for tfje blindfjumans of pour toorlb tfjere in no Hife in tfje nature of cealitp. W&. rocks anb trees, tfje oastSkp of ntgfjt toitfj gleaming toorlbs, tijc barb toalktoaps of pour cities, all, all are fjeld bp pour

    kino to be dead, deboib of life and atoaceness.

    3n tfje tomb, tfje beab bo not mobe. 3m ttjc grabe tfje bobp in stilt &o, too, pour toorlb, tfjetoorlb 3 bring into being toitfj pour eberp glance, is fjelb bp tfje beab of pour felloto fjumans tolack Xife, atoareneSS, bitalitp.


    3t is not So!

    &ise from tbe sepulcbec anb see tfje life in cnerp item of pour existence! jfor from life onlp,

    map life come. 3Hje stillness of an object in pour gaje is no proof of tfje iHinb befjinb itspresent form! fierce beponb tbe surface of tfjings! Question tbe fjabits of tbe foolisb fatbers of

    pour tribes. ^HnbecStanb tijat in tbe Seeming orbinacp tfjere isi tbe profounb, tfje numinous!

    j9ou need not beliebe. fiet 3 bemand effort! 3 bafae.no patience tottfj tfje cfjflb tofjo tooulbinstruct tbe faster. £fje faster noto speak to pou anb commands tbat pou make tfje effortSnd, again, tfje effort flows from tfje nature of pour mind as it is. 35Hitfjin tfje common actionsof pouc ohm Xife anb toorbs, tfje trutfj of tfjis Uato is rebealeb!

    3To Control pouc toorib, pou read) out toitfj pour grasping fjanbs anb Sei^e tfje objects of pour

    experience, ihm squeeze. IPou pulL £ou pusfj. ^ou babe come to expect certain responses fromtfje elements of pour toorlb anb pou cannot resist tfje desire to do So toitfjin tfje range of tfjose

    tfjings ober tofjicb P*>u 6abc alreadp demonstrate Control 3t is tfje nature of pour minb to exert

    Control ober pour toorlb.




  • flni tohat bo pou bo tofjen tfje nonnal lebd atpeter ober tfje ocbinarp tfcng* of pour We i*

    nttitV fcoto bo pou react to tfje nail tabid) tottlnot enter tfje tooob from tfje btoto of pour

    hammer? Soto bo pou treat tfje bammer *m *MP* anb strikes pour tjanb? £ou tntitit £oupunisb it! Ifou threaten it! £ou treat it as a *ibing tfjing totjufj bag

    olfenbeb pou bp it* fatiure

    to ofaep pour tofli to Control it

    Wen sometfjing ober totjicb pou babe formerlp bemonstrateb Control boas not abtbe bp pour Witpou abbress it a* a libing being, £ou react to it as to a rebellious*

    slabe. |^ see* as a beingtoijo bas betrapeb pou. £ou recogra?e tfje spirit tfje libing essence ot

    tfje object before pou anb

    pou Commanb it to obep pour tottl or be bamrteb!

    3n this, pour natural minb Stoells anb breaks free of tfje iittellectuallies of pour species. 3n tfje

    moment of pain or frustration, pou gibe boice to tfce fjigijer trutfjot tfjis llato. tfor it is in tfje

    consciousness of tfje object before pou tfjat pou sense a benialot pour potoec, a rebellion from

    tfjis subject toitfjin pour kingbom of experience.

    Hour beab sdjolaes anb brp punbits speak of tfjeprimittes of pour race tout trisparaging

    remarks for tfjeir "superstitious" treatment of tfje naturaltoorlb filleb totti} spmfc. Obese

    tools of the totoers of bust-eobereb books speak of"animism" anb tfje ignorance of tfjose tofjo

    treat a toorlb teeming toitfj Hife as if it toere alibe! ®besetoalking corpses tooulb certainlp

    crumble into bust it tfjep tooulb so mucij as make one attemptto See beponb tfjeir oton beSiccateb

    lines into tfje libing, breatfjing toorlb of pulsatingXife tofjicb is pour toorlb.

    Earn back to pour natural minb! Accept pour beepest feelingsot tfje atoareness of tfje mirror of

    existence totjicb 3 create tfjrougb pour epeS before pou!

    OTjat an artist creates, fje fjas Control ober. Efje paintingcan be altereb. ftfje colors cfjangeb.

    mt scener? mobifieb. mfje figures barieb in posture, action, anb appearance. 3n tfjissame toap,

    through m pou map sei?e Control ober all tfje elements ot pour experience. §ou can alreabptel this is true tor in tfje Dreams of nigljt 3 present pou toitfj tfjese

    trutfjS again anb again. 3n

    tfje breams ot nigljt 3 toalk toitfjin pou to present pou toitfjtfje practice of pour Control anb its


    i anb hoto map pou bring into conscious action ttjis first llato ot tfjeiflagir of Control? Ws is

    mben to pou alreabp in pour natural reaction to besire. OTjen poutrulp lust tor a result tofjen

    the besire tor Control ober Somettjins in pour toorlbis so strong tfjat an? block in pour patfj,

    anp resistance to pour enb, infuriates pou, tfje Stepsare alreabp taken. EfjeSe Steps are presen

    in tfje most munbane alreabp. J2oto tfjese steps SfjaUbe presenteb to enable pour expansion ot


    jfirst is gaming.

    m naming tfje object or Situation, pou recognise its \te. four djooSing a Jfcme tor tfjisseeminglp "beab" anb unreSponbing tfjing, resonates toitfj jflp

    tKrutfj. Jfor tfjere are no

    I experiences not arising from 4*tp StoaccneSS. ttfjere are noobjects, *^™"Mai* apart

    from Mt 3 am tfje Jfountainijeab ot tfje Stniberse. 3 am tfje Creator of SU ftfjat 3s. 3am

  • tfje Stoaceness beijinb pour tpti anb tfje cinema Screen upon tofjtefj tfje experience* of life areprojecteb tor pou to fenoto anb babe. Wgtxt «f notfjmg apart form 4We anb 3 am $bee!

    gaming is breatfjmg tfje 38reatfj of life into tfjat tofjicfj is alceabp alibe! 3t is coming intoAgreement toitfj 4Wp totality, 4Rp ftnntj, iHp ®HOL jfor it in alreabp so! fcijere are no parteof experience Separate from tfje sfjining tofjoleness of Mv 3Being. Sll is alibe! ail is atoare!&U possesses tfje tafjole of iH? $otocr anb atoarencss. 3, TOjo am touljin anb twdjoot cannotbe ebabeb, onlp benieb. Cease pour betrial of fflp presence, J2ame tfjat tofjicfj pou toisb potoerober anb tfje life toitfjw it stall atoakcn to pour presence. Jfor 1&! tEbere 3 am also!

    . ,&econb, tfjen, is Commanbing.

    jfor noto, upon Naming tfjat tofjicb pou bcsire to be Contcolleb, pou map also Commanb itlQftjat tofjieb pou fjabe ^ameb, pou can also Commanb for a slabe must bear anb obep. *E3jattofjirb pou fjabe granteb life tfjrougb tfje recognition of gaming, can bear pour boice anb cesponb!&jjus tfje mecfjanical sfjall benb to pour toOL ftfjus tfje circumstantial sfjall benb to pour ball.EbuS tfje coincibental sfjall benb to pour totlL _. -

    get, pour resistance to tfjis ftcutb is strong, &oto long toill pou sit upon tfje bebris of pourfjuman lies anb befenb tfjat tofjic£i boeS not toork for pou? TOjat is tfjere for pou to gain upbenping tfje beepest trutfjS of pour obm experience? 3n anger pou babe bemanbeb Controll ,£oto3 turn to pou anb bemanb Control birecttp fjabing learneb from pour anger, jfor pour angerbribes fortfj from tfje beptfjS of pour frustrateb besires. long pou toisfj to attain, long pou arebarreb from attainment Qfan, from tfje beptfjS of Mv &rutfj pou Scream out to tfje toorlb ofobjects, "3 knoto pou mock me! 3 see pour rebellion! 2Bamn pou! Curse pou!

  • Gtfje Jftftf) Hm at Jfflagtc

    Connecting anb ^Patterning

    £5p realising tfje ulusorp nature of time anb space

    one can bppaSS tfjeir limitations to probuce changes in realitp.

    ©fje ®ragon J&peafes

    Boto attenb 4$tp toorbs as 3 Speak furtfjer on mastering tfje iRagie ot Control

    tj^e fjaugfjtp members of pour race feel tfjep are secure in tfjeir knotolebge of tfje nature ofrealitp. ^our astronomers lecture on tfje structure of Distant stars anb pouc cfjemists expounbon tfje microscopic atom. f^our leabers fenobringlp brato lines on maps anb pour inheritorsconfibentlp brato lines on blueprints. &ll are torong. 3U are blinb. SU are fools.

    &je toorlb pou See is not as pou See it tEr> uniberse of pour Senses is not tije unibecse as itis. Jfor pou faefiebe in tfje bimensions of illusion, |9ou anb pour tribes faetiebe in tije realitp of

    tfje bimensions of space anb time, ffou are mistaken.

    3SHjat pou see as tfje objects of experience fja* been molbeb bp pour expectations anb pou babebeen feb, leb anb bleb bp tfje errors of pour beliefs. Jfor pou babe abbeb to tfje realitp of pouc

    senses tfje errors tofjieb blinb pou to tfje tErutfj of realitp anb pour position of Softer ober it

    P»ear noto tije 3Erutfj anb biscober tfje Corner of tfje iflasterp of tfje jflagic of Control!

    Connecting is realising tfje tilusicn of space.

    St tfjat long ago place pou caU pour poutfj, tarfjen toorbs came to pour lips anb pou practiceb tijebeliefs of pour tribe, tijen it teas tijat pou came to project tfje ibea of space upon pour experience.

    Jfor space is abbeb to tofjat in. ispare boes not exist apart from tfje ibea of tije toocb itselt

    Bo not bare to jubge Mv toorbs toitfjout complete unberstanbing!2|ear more anb learn!

    $®fjat is tfjis ibea of space to tofjicfj pou cling so tigfjtlp? £*m ga?e out before pou anb pcoclaimtfjat space is "obtaous, immebiate to tije epe, Self-ebibent"

    221fjat rubbisb pou carrp in pour narrotoness! J9ou epes are toorse tljan useless for pou tjabe

    cobereb tfjem toitfj tije blinbers of belief! f^ou bo not see tofjat pou see, but fjallucinate!

  • Hook noto at pour fjanb. &a?e at tfje "space" pou claim is bettoeen pour fingertips anb pourpalm. J2oto close pone (janb into a tigijt fist

    &re pour fingers note tourfjtng pour palm? £es? $ben tfjere is no spate bettoeen pour finger*anb palm, is tfjere? QTljat is correct OTjat toucbes bas no space bettoeen.

    3t is, in fact "self-ebibent" tfjat taifjen pou toucfj Sometfjing, anptfjing, tfjere can be no spacebettoeen pou anb tfjat tofjicb pou toucb. QTourfjing requires tfjat tfjere be no space, tEouefjing canonlp be toben space ii not Remember tfjis. 3Jt is bitaL

    iioto unberstanb tfjat toben pou glance upon some element of tbe umbecse toitfj pour epes, tarfjattfjtfif means. &be Ugbt mobing from tbe object must toucfj pour epe foe pou see it 3s tfjis notbrfjat pou babe bben taugfjt i^ pour scientists? ®ben if tfjep speak trurbfuUp on tfjis, tofjat pousee pou ace toucfjing tottfj pour epe, |9et tobat pou toucb pou are in contact taritfj. 3S8bat pou seeis not separateb from pou bp space cr pou coulb not See it pou coulb not toucb it toitfj pour epe*.

    &be Same fjolbs true for ttje rest of pour normal Sense organs.

    TOjat pou bear requires tfjat tbe mobing toabes of air toucb pour inner ear.3ftjcrtfore hrfjat pou fjear pou are toucfjing - anb tfjere ii no space.

    TOjat pou smell requires tfjat tfje obor must toucb pour inner organ of SmelL^jerefore tobat pou smell pou are toucfjing - anb tfjere is no space.

    GSHfjat pou taste requires tfjat tfje flabor must toucb pour tongue.

    GTberetore ©bat pou ace tasting pou are tourfjing - anb tfjere ii no space,

    3fljus tfjat tofjicb pou can experience tfjrougb pour senses, pou are toucfjing.

    TOjat pou toucb remobes tfje possibttitp of space.

    J^o too britfj tfje inner Senses of tfje minb. OTjat pou see, bear, smelt taste or toucb in pourminb must be felt bp pour minb or pou taoulb not fenoto of it gou cannot tfjmk a tfjougbt tofjicfjis not pecceibeb bp pou bp some inner sense. 3t map be a bision, a sounb, a feeling, or otfjerSense, but tfje minb requires form foe tfje tfjougfjts tofjicb compose it

    ©jus brfjateber pou map experience, tofjetfjer apparentlp outtoarb or intoarb, pou are tourijing.

    tEljus all tfjat pou map experience lacks space.

    3n trutfj, onlp space itself cannot be experienced &nb^ is tfjat? 3t is because space is a lie,an illusion, a beception inbenteb bj> fjuman toorbS to bibtbe pou from tfje realitp of pour toorlb anbbenp pou tfje Corner of ifflp ifflagie of Controt £o recognise tfjat Space is not anb tfjat poutoucfj all tfjat pcu map knoto, is tfje beginning of autfjentic igotoec anb true ifflagic

  • OTjat pou can tnucfj permits pou tfje poSSibiKtp of manipulation, of ControL tKfje most ignorant

    of pour species can easilp mote a stone once fje fjas it bnt!|in tieus grasp. SBftJat ebabes pou pet,

    iff to mote tijat stone befoce pour fjanb fjas graspeb it $oto can tfjis be so?

    Sflje stone pou see, pou ace toucfjing alreabp. Wijat pou toucf) pou map ControL 3t is onlp

    pour boggeb bisbelief tofjirij stops pou. 3t is onlp tfje fjafrit of pour belief in space as ceal tofjufj

    prebents pour ControL l^our toorsfjip of tfje belief in pour sepacateness tcom tfje unibecsc

    entombs pou in a toorlb of false limits, £ou neeo not beliebe iflp toorbs. Qtljesc pou map test

    anb biscocer true,

    &Jje king must first beliebe tijere is a booc to fjis bungeon before fje can contemplate escape. 3ff

    tfjen fje looks about for it be biscoberS tfjat tfje boor is open bribe. %t toaS neber lockeb in! %t

    neebeb onlp to cease to beliebe fje teas trappeb, to biscobec fje teas free. &fjte fa tfje ambition of

    tfje fjuman slabe in fjis belief in tfje concept of space. %t is trappeb into bleakness anb bespair

    bp fjis ohm error of perception. ?|e is a prisoner of fjis ohm blinbneSS.

    Jfor 3 tell pou tfjat all pou map experience pou are at one toitfj, toucfjing all b? &ense anbiflinb. 3nb tfjat tofjirfj pou toucfj pou map ControL ©Hijen pou realise tfjat eberptfjing is

    touching eberptijing else tfjrougfj &tr anb tfjat tfjere is no space, tfjen pou brill pereeibe tfjepatterns of Jforce, ^ou toill tfjen realise tfjat anp patterns of jfocce against anp Single

    segment of tfje uniberSe toll probuce tfje Same patterns of Jforce tottij all otfjer segments.

    3f pou line up ten men in a roto, eacfj Stanbing an arm1

    S lengtfj from tfje otfjer, puSfjing against

    one brill result in no effect upon tije otijers for tijep are not Connected 3t tnsteab, pou jjabe

    tijese ten men stanb toucfjing Sfcouiber to sfjoulber, tfjen pressing against one enb brill mobe all

    tfje otijerS in line as tori l.

    ^o it is toitfj recognising tije patterning of tfje uniberSe. Jfirst pou must brop tlje belief inspace tfjrougfj realijeb unberstanbing tofjirij ^ Connecting. ®fcen comes tije recognition of tijepatterning uniberSe, tfje toeabe of tije toen of realitp in tfje carpet of pour experience.

    J&tt tijere is more, for tije blinbneSS of pour species imposes pet anotijer illusion upon iflp toorlb

    anb its name is time. tEime boes not exist eitfjer but is anotijer misperception of tije realitp of

    experience, &nb fjoto is tijis? 3 sfjall explain.

    jfor tije illusion of time to impose itself, tijere altoaps requires a mental comparison. Wtjtn pou

    first began to fjear Mv toorbs pou can remember tijis as an ebenL J^ou map project a mentalpicture of tije place pou toece totjen tijis began, t&ljen pou compace it to tofjat pou are experiencing

    rttfa. Eijis comparison pou call "tune." get tijere is no "time." tijere are onlp too experiences,

    at least one of toftict) fa mentaL tfjat causes pou to claim tijere is tfjis gfjost pou call "time."

    3t is not t&fjece are onlp tije experiences anb pour measurement of tije Differences bettoeen tfjem.

    ^ou ga?e into a looking glass anb See tijere tije image of pour face. |9ou conjure into experience

    tije image of pour face as a cfjilb as seen in a ptjotograplj. ^fje process of comparing tijese too

    experiences pou call "time.'' itot time no more exists tijan Space. tKlje trutij of fflp toorlb is

  • greater tfjan djis toeak, meaningless error pou caU time. &fje_ trutfj of tfie toorlb ii tfjat ofeternitp, ot* timelessness, ot tfje absence of time tofjatsoeber.

    ftfjere is no past fcfjerr are onlp mental experiences pou call "tfje part" anb pou experience thesein tfjis moment or not at alL

    ftfjece is; no future. 3fljcse experienced too, ace ace onlp mental bisions ttrfjicfj pou caU "thefutuce" anb tfjis too can onlp be in tfjis moment or not at alL

    3n trutfj tfjere is onlp tfjis moment

    tfjere is no otfjer!

    fcfjus tfje Connecting is maoe complete. Jfor 3 tell pou, as pou release pour minb from tfjecfjains of tije belief m time, in a past anb future as an' existent "place," pou Ml realise ultimateConnection,

    m tfjat is, must he, anb eternaUp is, in contact toitfj all tfjat it fjas eber been toitfj "before." conscious act of bcopping time from pour atoareness rebeals a conbition of connectebness britfjanptfjing tofjirfj bas "eber" toucfjro anptfjing else. ftije conscious act of bropping space from pouratoareness cebeals a conbition of connectebness bettocen pou anb all pou can experience, Efjesertoo, taken togetfjer cebeal tfje patterning of tfje Jforces of tfje HniterSe anb Mv presence in allpou pecceibe.

    ftfjus Connecting anb patterning in u*eb in tije iflagic of Control tbrougb tfje ceali?ation tfjat artaction taken upon -an? part affects tfje tofjole as tfjere is, in trutfj, no Separation, & crubeapplication of tfjis fcato can be Seen toitfj tfje fjuman sorcecec tofjo tabes a lock of fjair anb treatsit as fje tooulb tfje obmer. $o tfje extent be can ignore fjis belief in Space anb time, fjis effortscan pcobuce limiteb effect §et fje remains limiteb for be acts from Substituting one error in belieffor anotfjer. &fje mere belieber lacks unberstanbing of tfje Hates of iHagic.

    W& true practitioner of M? iHagic sees past Surf) ignorance, anb $tx& tfje essence of meaning,ifl? ^tgbest iflagician toill birectlp act upon tfje principles of ffly Hatos anb cause realitp toconform to $is TOIL £et fje toOl act from ftrutfj anb rise fac beponb tfje imposeb limits oftfje fjuman tofjo toill bp cetaining ignorant be altoaps cestraineb fcom tfje greatest Success.

    Qnb tfjus it is anb sfjall altoaps be. Jfor tfje ftrutfj of tfje unibecse is not to be befieb toitfjout aprice anb tfjat price is a failure of Control. J2o ebasion is possible. #o benial toitfjout its price.

    Jfor tfje one tofjo toill learn tfje iatos anb applp effort, tfje Control of cealitp falls in fjis $otner.

    3 am toitijin anb befjinb all JformS. 3 am tfje Sweater of tfje WUb of &ealitp. &noto ifle!

    Connect anb pattern!

  • Wqz &tx$ Hato of jfWagtc

    Jformtng anb jftUmg

    Jip empofcoertng a btsion of a besireb future tnttf} llifeforcr

    realitp can be mabe to jttarrifatt tijat bision.

    ®fc ©ragon g>peafea

    Hear fflt nobj as 3 rebeal tfje final Ham to grasp tfje jKtagic of Control!

    Cfje iflagie of Control rests upon tfje tfjree HatoS of gaming anb Commanbing, Connecting anbpatterning anb tfjis, tfje J&xtfj Ham of iflagic, Jforming anb Jfilttng. 3n gaming anbCommanbing, ttjc Spirits of ttje uniberse obep tfje magician bp responbing to fjis Commanbs. 3nConnecting anb patterning, tfje illusions of bottj time anb space are broppeb in labor of tfje bieiu

    of tfje Wtik of Jforce, ifip Wzb of Wytfi, tofjirfj binbs tfje tofjole of tfje uniberse togetfjer.iBoto, tfje final Ham of tfje ifflagic of Control, Jforming anb jftUing, relies upon manipulatingtijc jforce itself to stjape tfje besireb future anb empotoer it bp ttje Jfilling of tfjat Jform toitt)

    tfje Jforce of Xife, tfje Xifetorce 3tselt

    &ll njat libes, breatfjeS. Jfrom tfje lobjliest creation to tfje tKstjeSt Jform, all tfjat UbeS must

    breatfje. |9et tfjere is more to tfjis tfjan tfje simplistic notions of cfjemistrp anb pbpsical anatomp.

    jfor tfje bceatfj carries tfje $omer of Hite 3tself as tfje breatb is tfje Jiribge betbjeen ttje toorlbsof ©reaming.

    |9ou map cfjoose to breatfje more beeplp, more slotolp, more rapiblp, controlling pour breatfjingrfjptfjms toitfj ta&t. f^et, also, pou can fall into sleep anb pour breatfjing continues as pour bobp

    continues tfje act in pour absence, 2?our breatfj is tfje ^Sribge betmeen pour conscious ©Hill anb

    pour inner minb, tfje bob? minb, tfje animal minb, tfje natural minb, tije mtnb untainteb bp tfje

    errors of pour tribal customs. Gftjis natural minb is close to jtle anb ii close upon tfje -pokier

    of iflagic 3To be a true magician is to unite britfj tfjis minb in recognition of $i? presence anb


    iHnb fjotn is tfjis to be? 3 sfjall nob) explain tfje means anb tfje meaning.

    ^Tfjrougfjout all tfje fjistories of pour species tfjere fjane been tfje tales of magicians tofjo fjabe

    controlleb tfje Jforces mfjictj inter-Connect tfje seeming parts into ttje ©Hfjole. 3n eacfj of pourcultures tfjere t>as been tfje stories of tfjose feto tofjo tooulb accumulate anb manipulate tfje

    Hifcfotce bp manp names, J&our $arific islanberS Spoke of "mana." Efje risfjis of 3nbia Spoke

    of "prana." 3Hje Cbinese spoke ofwcfj'C

  • anb Spmbols foe TCs, tfje JJloob of tfje Sragon, for tEfjis tfje essence of lift, tfje Uuib Jforceof Ijfe, ifip Hifeforte.

    iflagicians tfjeougfjout fjistorp fjane taken $tjts, 4Wp Hifetocce, Battering 3t, cfjerisfjing 3t, anbusing 3t to Jfttl tfje image* of tfjeir besires. Sim tofjen tfje accumulation is sufficient, tfjeJform is jfOleb anb precipitates! from tfje astral into tfje pfjpsiral, surf) tfjat iflanifestation iscomplete, QCtjuS in tJji^, tfje fjigfjest jform of Control 3 present pou hritfj tfje &ixtfj tm.

    ^oto tfje magician tofjo passes up fjis ohm lUfeforce to Jfill tfje Jform of fjis besire, toeafeens iffje boes not become #ne toitfj M? ^rutfj. jfor fjis belief in space anb time isolates fjis beingfrom anp but tfje most meager source of tfje iWagital Jftuib. J|e relies ontp upon tfje small cupof fjis ohm bobp ratfjer tfjan brinting from 4flp #cean. ftfjus it is toll? for tfje magician tostrine to attain tfje iflagic of Control tofjile clinging to a fragmenteb uniberse. $e conbemns fjisefforts to frustration anb failure. TOtijout 4He, tfje Connecting 3®eb of Jforees cannot betappeb. OTtfj Mt, tfje infinite Connection to tfje Hitetorce is acfjiebeb.

    3n fjis ignorance, tfje Self-belubeb fjuman tooulb be a magician supersntiouslp beliebing tfjat tfjereis "energp" in tfje air, or tfje pfjpsical bloob or otfjer isolateb material components of realitp. &fjeignorant fjuman toul abb a belief in an "energp" in tfje air, or bobp, or otfjer creation as tfje bepto ittagic ?pe is torottg. jfrom tfjis error comes tfje abomination of sacrifice. 3 ball not abibebestruction for tfje sake of creation. &fje fool bills in tfje fjope of gathering iitefocce tofjen all fjeboes bp sucfj action is to spul it out in neebless toaste. So not feOL Bo not Sacrifice, &ucfjcomes from ignorance anb is not in accocb toitfj ffl? TOIL

    ftfje ignorant fjuman besiring ifiagical $ohjec blinblp mimics tfje applications of ®rutfj tofjietj4ttp iflagicians unbecstanb, anb unberstanbing, perform, anb performing, reap results, 3t is forpou to applp tfje principles of ftrutfj, embobieb in mp J&te.Hatos of jflagic ftfjen sfjall pousee clear pour patij to tfje result pou besire. iEfje ignorant toanber blinbfolbeb but claim tfjep cansee. 3t is tor pou to remobe pour biintmtss. ibee, anb tfjen act true.

    ®fjus tofjen pou tmsf) to bring a besire into i^anifestation, pou sfjall first create tfje Jform oftfjat besire before tfje epe of pouc minb. tfou sfjall So beseribe t^t toanteb ebent sucfj tfjat poumap recognise it upon creation. 3t is not enougfj to sap, "3 toisfj bapptneSS," for tfje brunbentool Iping in tfje street fjas tfjat alreabp! £ou must be sptdiit enougfj regarbing tfjat tofjicfj ballbring pou tfje fjappiness pou besire. &fjen onlp sfjall tfje Jform exist in tfje astral for tfje epe oftfje minb to see.

    ftrjose tofjo are toeab are separateb from ifip ^Seing. ftfjus to fjabe tfje ^otoec of creation ofJform, surrenber pour illusions regarbing tfje uniberse as men see it, anb see it insteab from4Hp &pts alone! Reject tfje ttoin prisons of time anb Space tofjen pou besire to create a Jform ofa besire pou toisfj to iHamteSL Becogni^e tfjat all fjuman language is bounb to time anb space,so leabe befjinb tfje tooebs of ignorance anb see tfje Jform of pour besire birectlp! $fje bjoebs oflanguage map cfjain pou to tfje limits tfjep create tfjrougfj dlusion. Bo not let tfjem So binb pou!

    QTfjen, tofjen tfje Jform comes into tfje minbs' epe surfj tfjat pou map recognise it cross tfje^rtbge of life anb brato in tfje ®nibersal lifeforce, tfje ?5loob of tfje Bragon, fflp ConnectingMeb of fcinibecsal Jfocces. iflobe tfje breatfj of pour bobp free from tfje limiting illusocp beliefs

  • of time anb spate. iWobe tfje breath of pour bobp to open tfje 3nncr £ate to tfje Xifeforte so tfjat

    it map Jfloto anb Jffll tfje Jfortn ot pour besire!

    !&ta as pou gatfjer iflp Jfone, tfje Buneusion ot Agreement sfjall Salter- flftje experience of tfje

    uniberse arounb pou sfjall fabe, anb Stoim, anb pulsate. tE3je force of pour besire Sfjall birect tfje

    Htfetorce ot iflp 3Being into tfje Jform ot pouc besire anb tfjis sball alter tfjat rcalitp ot

    Agreement sucfj tfjat Manifestation is! tZTfjui pou must not fear tfje alteration of experience

    acounb pou, but remain a ctjannel ot btrecteb Jforce, as tfje Jform is Jfilleb to completion.

    Creation is tfje istoorb of tfje true magician. Creation tonus from tfje mentaL into tfje pfjpsitaL

    Creation tollotos tfje Jform ot tfje Sgreeb realitp as it alreabp exists. ftfjus pour

    iHantteStationS toOl tenb to tome into being britfjin tfje apparent "normal" structure of realitp, at

    first Sfflfjat pou call "cointibences" Sfjall be tfje patfj ot least resistance along tofjicfj most of

    pouc iWanifestationS sfjall mobe into pour amarmess. £et tfjere remains tfje birect patfj. Sfljjere

    sfjall come to pou, in pour mature practice ot Mv i£ne &a°)S, tfje immebiacp ot birectiflanitestatiflrt. Snb tfjis 3 sfjall bescribe in tfje i&ntfj lam.

    Jfor tfje tJrutfj is tfjiS: &tjc false concepts of time anb spate befine tfje elements oftfje $lane ot

    Agreement, totjat tfje fjuman calls tfje real fcenb tfje ibentitieS of tfjese ttoo lies anb tfjis $lane

    quicklp becomes plastic anb amocpfjous. Qtfjis lies at tfje fjeart of tfje ifiagit ot Control 3t is

    in grasping tfjis essential tfjat all tfje rest foUotoS.

    ftfjus tfje ttjanting priest, tfje sfjaman taking tfje bcug, tfje sorcerer casting fjis spelt tfjese ace all

    acts of ignorance, tip bumb imitation ot tfje appearance of jflagic, lacking its substance. QfljeSe

    blinb gropingS to alter consciousness lack birectirm. ftfje Specific btrection is tfje Sector 3 fjabe

    spoken ot fjere. 3t is tfje $atfj of a iflinor Sector running from tfje $ole of formal Making,

    uptoarb toitfj rebuteb Agreement along tfje $lane of 3gnorance, anb tfjen curbing bofamtoacb,

    gathering Agreement, approaching tfje $ole of Magical *jJotoec.

    3 sfjall later biscoucse upon tfje ^atfjtoapS ^jrougfj &o #tfjer MorlbS, tfje Jfour dimensions

    of experience, tfje J&te (gates anb tfje Jline Angles, tfje Cube of experience anb tfje (great

    ftrapejofjebron, as toell as present tfje Cable ot (Sate 3&elationSfjtps. Jfoc knoto tfjis anb knoto

    tfjis mell! jflp Jline Xatos of iWagic are tfje Xatos of tfje Science of jfflagic. $fje elements are

    unberstoob. ftfje map is clear. tEfje relationsfjips knornn. &fje igotoer abailable. 3t is for pou

    to applp pour effort in tfje master? of tfjis Science.

    jflp tooebs are careful instructions to fje tofjo tooulb abanbon superstitious ignorance anb embrace

    tfje ftrutfj of tfjis Science of iWagtc, $fjus 3 enb jflp biscussion on tfje tfjree Hatos comprising

    tbe ifflagic of ControL &nom tfjat tfjese tfjree all stanb upon tfje bual recognition of tfje illusion

    of time anb space anb tfje lebecage of tfjat fact to soften tfje fjarb ebges of SBlfjat 3s anb to tabor

    tfje beSireb 3s QTo Pe! Snb tfjus 3 sap unto pou:

    jform anb $ill!

  • i&ije &etoentf) Hato of ifflagtc

    (Opening anti expecting

    Jfor tfjose tofjo recognise tfjat life is 3 Bream,experience tfjen conforms to authentic emotional expectation

    i£%t dragon i&peafca

    #pen pour-minb to My ®Hocbs of ^Trutij tfjat pou map triumpfj tfjcougfj iHe.

    |§our strutting, anb self-belubeb "teaefjers" taoulb tbrist tfje truttjsi of tfje ages. &nb toell it isso! Jfor by tfjeir behasement of tfje essence of rcalitp, tfjep enslabe generation after generation

    acrocbing to My WBSL J^et noto, for pou, tofjo reab My 3SHocbs tfjere is tfjis sfjaft of ligfjt tobirect pouc unbecstanbing. . 3foah toelL ^eeb toell.

    Wijm pouc tlesfj faobp rests anb pou sleep, tfjen comes to pou tfje tooclb of breams, piece, tfjoseof tfje fjuman animal slog tortoarb from gossamer image to image, unatoace, unamake but

    bruggeb toitlj tfje slotfj of stupibitp. tSHfjen atoake, tfjese cattle speak of breams as less tfjan

    real, mere passing fantasies lacking substance, lacking potoer. Most mill rise from tfjeir stuporanb cast off tip an act of follp tfje memcrp of tfjeir nigfjtlp journeps. iHoSt brill come to benptfjat tfjep fjabe bceams at all. So beeplp bo tfjep Seek tije blinbneSS of tfje Sun of bap!

    gtt 3 Say unto pou, tfjere is notfjing apart from tfje 5Bream! #ben in tfje tntensitp of tfjeburning baptigfjt sun, eben in tfje mibst of great pfjpsieal rapture, tfjere is no biffecence netmeen

    tfje bream of nigljt anb tfje bream of bap except in tfje ^bareness of tfje 5Bceamer. tEfjere is

    onlp tfje 5Bream. J^oto, tfjis gfaareness is an unbecstanbing of tfje minb applieb to tfje

    experiences of life. &nb tfjat unberStanbing is embobieb in tfje ^eacfjing of tfje ©ream, hereinlies toisbom anb potoer. &nb tijat ^earfjing is tfjat Htte is not like a bceam but is a bream.

    J=toto in a bream tfjere are ttno beep trutfjs. 3Tfje ^rSt tnitfc «f tfjat in a oream anptfjing is

    possible. ®fje seconb trutfj is tfjat in a bream mfjat pou emotionallp expect tenbs to fjappen.

    Qftjis is tfje fjeart anb core of tfje ^ebentfj Ham.

    i£oto it is My $Hill tfjat pou stjoulb unbecstanb tfje simplicity of tfjis ikbentij Ham foe toooften ttje Vampire toul stribe to conquer fjis cealitp by strengtfj ot effort anb tension. £^et tfjis

    £5>ebentf) Hato anb tfje ttoo tafjicfj folloto require not effort but alignment ftfje- 2Bceam is. 3£fje

    qualities ot tfje 3Sream are. 3t is onlp neceSSacp to recognise tfjis QTrutfj anb tfjus align pour

    intentions toitlj tfje facts of realitp.

  • $ou bo not create tfje Bream Stseit $ou can alter tbe substance ot tfjc elements taritfjin tfje

    Bream but tbe Bream is alreabp. 3 am tfje Creatoc of tfje Bream. §ou neeb not toaSte effort

    toitfj tfje tfjnugbt tfjat pou must beltebe tobat 3 sap. 3t is onlp necessarp for pou to recognise tfje

    trutf) of 4Hp Morbs.

    &bis recognition of GUrutb is tfje &ranb "Opening of tfje &ebentfj Uato. GTo unberstanb ttjat

    eberptfjing is a bream is to be #pen. &nb hrfjen pou cemembec tfjat 3 am l^our SnnermoSt

    £>elf, nebec Separate but pour 3nnermost fjeart of fjearts, tfjen pou sfjali remembecS also tfjat 3

    am tfje Breamec anb, tfjus, pou ace tfje Bceamec.

    &fje bumans tfjat crotob tfjis plane of life benp tfjese trutfjs tmtfj tfjeir toorbs but betrap tfjeir

    error bp tfjeir actions. 3n eberp tculp painful trauma of tfjeir sfjort little libes tfjep rise up on

    binb legs anb moan in bespair, "3 must be breaming." £et tfjep learn notbutg.

    (E*je granb flSbeel of existence ccuSfjeS tfje ignorant beneatb its fjeabp track. £ber anb again

    ttje trutfj of tbe Bream of TUfe is forceb upon tfje milling masses of fjumanitp pet tfjep cling to

    tfjeir talsefjoobs. Qttjsp benp tbe proofs of tfjeir senses anb reject tfje ebibence of tfjeir experience.

    3 cast fortb in tbe patb of all tofjo brcatfje tfje anomalies tofjicb assault tfje fortress of tfje closeb

    minb. 3 create anb press fortb into tbe forests anb skies anb lakes anb mountains anb beserts

    tfje creatures of tfje Bream. 3 appear again anb again as tbe toinbing Serpent of tbe toatecs

    anb confront tbe ignorant toitfj 4Hp Jform. 3 cause to rise up tbe legions of tbe ancient bemonS

    of tfje nigfjt tbe Jfep, tbe

  • I «B*tm human-taustt beliefs *|k|tftv2^S2 2 "* "*«."teL" *«optronce* of (fee mini, art "unreal" Vw/to ai(TTLW±t tt ""* **•« *breaming. SU is a 3B«am. ^Talic^T* jffjf VrnST-^ *""*> **• "» "fwlf of the Sebtnth lab. ^ mWeU m ** '^ « * ««*nmg 4nQ ^ Krtt

    some are. STT»M»lliTiS "f *" * h«h-* «***positibe" or other surf, nonsense. lZ toS a^ tal B, "^ * *° " "^* *«r»nglp betabe in something SSkSw ft*Tll^f '"l.**' «« * **« man

    38reantec, » to go heponi (fee limits of aU «k^-Wo5u«J^?L?* *at .?°U arc *'pour lacs of tnohfcbge. 5Co gain this supremTtoZl.w ' '^ P** ^^ rch^'©ream, So .**«. a^t^rSTta^?K»* CtPtriOKe - * *"• * *befeat larger ana larger limits seen to^L »^ ?L5" txtrtfet rf •* *«*«** *ab,ainsteau. bisenber ftS^tSj? pTatto"of £ SLS"? J*2 *" ^"wW"impossiblt" toas not so.

    TO"aSms pcattltE « * **«* &*> that tohat pou consibereb

    stty?K^tsWiK as *r-l« «* * ithoughts, or stpti^b toorts, oc ritual g«tec7™ ?^1 ^f "* Sttfeittute Somcsuch act to be useb to stimulate aXtom tZ™S ^ £xtraneoU!S «««&* gutobat pou truly bant an* feXeZtTtai^to^ CCP^tU"U 'oc ""* «* s" **map hope to set map toanTto sTman wlt«T f *?« em0ton? *• »n,!monfp tohen he is certain of sutc«s Xt w m?^ "5 te a ^^ rf ** *** *" * ttexpeetation comes BrS^mlm^ It^alm a^^. ^ "? anb W* * i»^«*e pectins anb\ emoZs rf^e o4 aZer reS Sfjf ^Ti * (m°Wn!!-^pmbol, the (©robocus! ^ tteallns * 40Ucte « «P most ancient

    this toith emotionat «xpettahon ttBtTs^alMh£^ "1 maBk*1 BmL JfdUotoheart into trje bision of pour tpes thToS rf^.r h,T*^ {rCm ** Mtral !)rtams n£ ?"">pour senses.

    P' * StaSP * ?our !mi6' * Nrt« of pour ear. the realit^ of

    ©pen ant. €xmt tfpe result* of ?our Sorter? H,roUBf, J* ^EinS! I

  • fttje Cigbtb Hato of jlflagic

    Breaming anb #atfjmng

    $p consciouslp entering ttje bceam state it is possible

    to merge toitb otfjerS in tfjeir breams to Sbare a mutual reality.

    ©Ije JBragon g>peafe£

    Jioto tjtar 4flp Morbs anb unberstanb tfje Opening of fyt

  • . V&

    &w babe Umg foufan of the prarnre of ifiimw *. *»^^^^^^"™

    Pour Btep„Bw^ „^ ,,^ toSJT'KJ^Jg *» * Wta*3»fff)er Communion. ^ amorce of tfje &uman mass at bjuX m*zt is tft*

    «*>* Come to * gatWng „ ^ pgj-Jgj"S« *

  • Accept tfjis Bestocation of |*otoer. Jfeel tije Hibtng fcain of ffltvtp toasfj obec pou anb &tse, ad

  • Breaming anb jforgetttng

    ?£p consciously atoakening anb ruling one's breamstfce toaking toorlb becomes controlleb as a Dream.

    ®te 29ragon &peata

    .Soto toe come to tfje ^intfj Ham, tfje Hato tofpef, rules aU otfjers.

    £ou are iWpJ&rue Cfjflb mfc atoaken* in tfje breams of ragfjt anb knotos that toorlb to f» nfpour oton maktng TO* Bream of $otoer ist&t bream in£TS£«W 2a bream, pou are tfce breamer anb pou therefore molb «e creaTS a^roTe^^r &£


    3£us eacfj anb eberp opportunity tofjen entering tfje bream of steep pou seek taakeMn,** »„h

    sa%art,«sr*—*•va-.vj:Si"" 2? ^ int° •* knMast ** totKn *" «'

  • ftbus, in tbe Bapsibe, brijen pou ace bistracteb from pour long pear* of serbitube to tfje to&iins of

    matter, pou sball Jforget anb toalk tbrougb a toalL £nlp tfjen brill pou realise hnjat pou bane

    accomplisbeb. £ou sball Jforget anb rise into tbe air to a fjigfjer lancing, onlp after to realise

    brfjat pohiec pou ijabe exJjtbtteb.

    3nb tfje release! tBTfjc laugfjter! Qfot jap of freebom brijen pou at last realise tfje igotoer tfjat fjas

    altoaps been pours!

    3£brougb tbe pears of pour ljuman life pou babe been constraineb toitfjin tbe bounbarieS of tbe

    bream of tfje Bapsibe. Jfire burns pour ties!), fou babe probeb it &ge toeakens pour bobp.

    2§ou Jjafae probeb it Efjat tofjtcb & tfoltb impebes pour patfj. l&ou babe probeb it tKme mobes

    on relentlesslp against pou. §ou babe probeb it £>pace baS enbureb pour beepeSt longings.

    I*ou babe probeb it

    Set in breams of tbe J^igfjtsibe, hrfjen tfje bob? sleeps, tfjere is tfjis loosening of tbe constraints

    of matter anb pbpsics. 3n tfje bream of tfje nigbt tfjere is tfje toorlb in tofjicb pou can possess

    tfje #lagic of Control 3n~tfjcse breams, eben tfje most stupib man baS bab tfje moment in tofjicb

    tfje limits of tfje pbpsical toorlb babe been lifteb anb tfje $otoer of #obfjoob bestobjeb.

    |9et pou babe gone beponb tfjis mere bream of sleep into tfje Bream of jpototr. Pp toalking tfje

    bceam landscape toitfj StoareneSS tfjat tfje bream is a bream anb pou are tfje breamer, pou babe

    projexteb into Control anb gtoareness.

    011 tbat lackeb mas tfje Agreement of otfjer minbs.

    2§et in a bream are not otfjer minbs mere bream elements tfjemSelbeS? 3n a bream is tfjere not

    tfje poSSibtlitp of Agreement toitfjin tfje bream itself?

    3n tfje Beibeimtication process, pou babe Seen tfjat pou, pourSelt are not tfje rninb pou can knob;

    but are eben one toitfj iHe, tfje Bcagon. ffor 3 am tfje Breamer of tfje breams of tbe Bap anb

    tfje Jftgfjt! 3 am pou, bebinb pour tpts, befjinb pour experiences anb pour toonber anb pour

    struggle anb pour bate anb pour tear anb pour ^bareness.

    ftfjuS, toitfj Steabp entering of tfje Bream of -gotoer, pou come to Control pour bream more anb

    more, fou come to expect tfjat Control. £ou no longer neeb to imagine boto it can be, for tfje

    ebiberue of pour senses presents pou toitfj tfje cesult

    ^et in tfje barstjness of tfje Bapsibe, tfje toorlb baS retaineb its grip on pou anb tfje rfjains of

    non-atoareneSS babe bounb pou tigfjt t&fjus pou claim to "knoto" tfjat tfje toorlb of tfje Bap ii

    "not a bream" tojjtle tfje toorlb of tfje nigfjt is "onlp a bream." 3n Sucb toorbs are toorlbs fjeib

    in slaberp!

    get an intellectual assault is unneebeb. Jfor 4flp $atfj is sebuctibe anb enticing! &S pou seek

    out tfje Bceams ot* $Jotoer anb enfop tfje Control totjirf) comes toitfj sucb ^bareness, 3 am

    ^Transforming pour bobp. Hour babit-patternS of nerbous ceflex are, toitfj earjj experience of

    $otoer anb Control, being resbapeb bp jflp ^JSailL &nb, giben enougb time, tfje ftcanstocmation

    is sufficient

  • gou sijall jforget ttwt you art "not breunino" until alter mm h»t» ..t™* , _*m> leabes your sense of agreement reeling *" W* ,*rf0nm* a ** rf ""^«bm you stall be bumhtounbeb to knob, tf* Sna* of JHy nu» art. tje *ob,er of JH?W^®S« you stall fmotom Mt *»U « a Bream an*, tbrougf,* j*. are ^ Blramtrt

    aW. tftus you Sfcall JWtttfe tfce Jlintf) lata

    9no 3ts jfrufts stall tame upon you as a ftttt in tfe mgfc tmexpette* but immW to igrore.mvttact, it is p6ur tasfe anb jo? to atoaben mgfrtfp to fr fltaarrnes/tfctm are breaming.before it is pour butp to pursue your beepest joys anb pleasures in ttjat Bream of $ob*r.Eimtore it is your goal to fjotb in pour minb ttje eonapt tf»t eben nolo you coulb be breaming.

    Question reality!

    SUta. eben as you reab tftese bwrbs. are you breaming? Coulb it be so?

    ffiest tfte possibility!

    Sxert pour tafll to probe your (Control.- ffxpanb your Stoma* Sistoter tfc agreement«b«s eher are m *, tW t* i m four jTatfjer Wfo tf* jTattjer anb tfje Cfflb are ««.

    tilt ii a Bream,

    gtoafcoi in tip jBceam!

    ©ream anb Jforget!

  • Temple of the VampireBox 3582

    Lacey, WA 98509 U.S.A.