fauquier middle school schedule ideas

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  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    This schedule is an example where I lengthended 4th period to 1 hour total and lunches are 30 minutes but class breaks stay at 4 minutes like they are today




    Start End Duration Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

    Bus Drops 7:15 7:30 0:15

    Home Room / Class Period 7:30 8:26 0:56 Spanish Encore Math Band Geography PE English Science

    Break 0:04

    Class Period 8:30 9:20 0:50 Science Spanish Encore Math Band Geography PE English

    Break 0:04

    Class Period 9:24 10:14 0:50 English Science Spanish Encore Math Band Geography PE

    Break 0:04

    Class Period A 10:18 10:48 0:30 PE English Science Spanish Encore Math Band Geography

    Class Period B 10:48 11:18 0:30 PE English Science Spanish Encore Math Band Geography

    Class Period C 11:18 11:48 0:30 PE English Science Spanish Encore Math Band Geography

    Break 0:04

    Class Period 11:52 12:42 0:50 Geography PE English Science Spanish Encore Math Band

    Break 0:04

    Class Period 12:46 13:36 0:50 Band Geography PE English Science Spanish Encore Math

    Break 0:04

    Class Period 13:40 14:30 0:50 Math Band Geography PE English Science Spanish Encore

    Rotated Off Encore Math Band Geography PE English Science Spanish

    Class Change Time

    Class Duration

    Lunch Class Duration

    Alternate Middle School Schedule #1

  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    Sample Middle School Student7 periods, oHomeroom, o Enrichment/Intervention,oSeminar, ScheduleEncore/Intervention eriodsor all students:lr; Grade6ftusicstudents EPeriod lCore X Period2lCore2 Period3/Core3 Period 4/Core 4 Feriod5 Period Period7/En-c5,1minutes 54 minutes 54 rninutes 54 minutes 54 minutes 54 minutes 54 minutesAlgebraCourse2

    LangArts 6 Science us lMusic A)fu l l year

    PElHea l thE/r A) | E/1^

    SemesterE/r B)

    2'-SemesterE/ t B)

    E/rB) E/j.:l-rltirE lbntsr i. i ' , r , : - . : : . . " r . . , . :Period lCore i Period2/Core 2 Period3 Core3 Period /:eore Period5/Encore Period6/Encore Period7LangArts 6

    us l AlgebraCourse Science E/ r A) E/ r (A) E/ r A) E/r A) PElHea l tE/r B) E/r B) E/ r B) E/ r B)sl i.iiiPeriod lEncore r"enoqz Period 3 P,eribd /Core 1 PeriodS/Core2 Period /Coie3 PensdTtarCivics& Econ Music PElHeath Science Elt I El l For.Lang Algebra ourse Lang rts7

    F-'Languagestudents i -. l::. +. :: .iltrrPerio :1 Ftrriod 2' Priod 3/Encore Period /Core1 Feriod5/Core2 Feriod6/Core3 Period7/CorLangArts 7 PElHea l th E l t l E / t l E / t l E / l Civics& Econ Music Science Algebra our

    ;il e ir.l.Fhti dguts . . : , . . . ,. . ' i l . ' '^ r , ' : . : " . , , , ; ,. ; ,larneriod /Endore Period2,/Encore Feriod3 Period /Coie1 eriod /core2 Period /Core3 Pe*odZAlgebraCourse3 E/t I El l For.Lang. PElHealth Science Civics& Econ El t I E/l E/ t I E/ l Lang rts7

    '. . .-: iLi: . . , , ; , tnfl tcgtrEsPeriod1 Peiiod2/Encore Period3/Encore Feriod4/.Core1 Feriod5/Core2 Period /Core3 Period7/CorScience E/ l E/ l E/ l E/ l Lang rts7 Algebra ourse Civics Econ PElHea l thGradeI ilIusic and Foreign Languige Studentsriod 1 Peiiod2 Feri0d,3l Period renoo 5 Period6 Period7Algebra1 Music For Lang LangArts 8 PElHealth World Ge o Science

    GradeS.Music nd Non-Fqreign anguage tuaentsPbriod,l Period Period3 Feriod4 Period5 Period renoo /WorldGeography Science Algebra1 PElHeath E/l E/ l Music LangArts 8, CraaeAryon-,@Piriod 1 Period 2 Period3 Period4 Period5 Period5 P,briodScience Algebra1 PElHea l th E/ l El l Fo rLang WorldGe o LangArts

    GradeB Non-Music nd Non-Foreign anguage tudentsPeriod Feriod Period3 Period rerloo 5 Period:6 Period7Lang rts Algebra1 PElHea l th E/ l E/ l E/ l E/l Science World GeograpAssumes4l5mlnutes erschool ay.Lunch 13 5 mlnutes (increased from 23 mlnutesl, and 2 mlnutei between classes.Clas periods remaln at 7 perlods, wlth Increases n each class perlod trom 4g minutes to 54 minutesEllminate Enrlchmenvlnterventlon - 35 mlnut$. Homeroom ls extra instructional tlme for students who arrlve early - 25 mlnutes.Replace semlnar/tnterventlon for 6h and 76 graders with a 3d Encore/rnt ervention period for 6dfh gnders.courses, A/g can be changed to daily.7'8rade Muslc students may nowtake electlves. This lncludes 4 quarter length electlves, or 1 5emester language elecflve/2 quarter length electlves,By utlllzlng a shared electlve peftod for 76,/86 Erade students, students may take BeSlnnlng Band/Orchestra in i$ or S" giaOe.course n also be requlred.core teache6 will have one team planning perlod and one personal planning period, Exploratory teachers have planning & bus duty 1n perlod.lncreased flexlbilitY allows guidance to tailor sdtedules to each student's indlvldual needs, increasing chance for success o. all students.

    ternate e c oo c e u e #

  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    r f , ! - l : l f - 4 . - l - - l t - l - - - l - - t ! - - - r l r - - - r ! - - -tvlrq(Irecnoof )cnegunng Aruernafrve6th Grade 7* Grade

    7 . ? n - 7 ' ? n7:30-8:308:30 B:334 . 1 1 - O . " e9:33 9:36

    Ll:42-tL:4511:45 12:15!.2:15 12:1812:18 1:18L:t8-L:ZLL2l-2:2I

    Announcer.RentsCoreClass hangeCore.llClass hange

    ellGrade7:20-7:30 Announcements

    7.?n - 7 .?n7:30-8:308:30 8:338:33 9:339:33 9:369:36 10:361.0:36 10:39 ClassChange10:39 11:09 Lunch11:09 1L:L2 Class hangeLLtL?-L2:LZ .Core \{L2zt2- L2:L5 Class hange

    AnnouncernentsCoreClass hangeCsre rlClass hangeCore ll

    10:16 10:L9 Class hange

    Class hangeLunch"Class hangeCorellClass hange.Core.lM

    X.2:55 12:58 .Class hange1:38 1:41 Class hange

    9:34 9:399:39 10:3910:39 10*2L0:42-LLz42tl:42-lLz45!.1:45 12:4512:45-L2:48!2:48-L:t81:1.8 L:21LzZt*2:2L

    Class hangeCoreClassChangeCore lClass hange"Core.lllClass hangeLunch.Class.ChangeCoreV

    Alternate Middle School Schedule #3

  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    G} it r -S i'rs. N lH ET t r iH . i , .

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    ."*n {;!r.6) .::::m ii:{q{ c{.': $n Efl l-,

    ' : ll* !--l


  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    DETAILS:1- SCHEDULEA 7-periodaywith1 extended lock2 - CLASSES--onger lockorLanguagerts orallgrades.Other lasses reMath,Science, S,PE,Elective , Elective6th Elective - MusicOR Non-musicakeextraCTEs,Elective -CTEsALL7th Elective - MusicOR Non-musicakeextraCTEs,Elective -CTEsALL8th Elective - MusicORCTEs,Elective - CTEsOR Foreign anguage3 - LUNCH lt s possibleo have6 separateunch eriods hichmaybepreferred,ouldshortenhe unch ines, tc . lf this sdone, ossiblewoshifts ergrade, r considerombiningfo rcross-gradeunches.Smallerunch rowdsmight e a nicebonus eature!)4 * CLASSCHANGE IME Foreaseof writingheschedule,- minclass hanges reincorporatednto heendof each lassperiodmakinghem50-min locksnstead f 47. This3-min lass hangewasbased n he imesused n heschedule roposalesigned yadministration.heressome lexibilitynclass ength ndclass hangeimes ependingnwhat spreferred.5 - CLASSMTGS An extra10minutessbuilt nto7th eriod.Thiscould e eliminatedndspreadhrough lass hanges r used o make lassperiodsonger.The hought as o usethis ime o have lassroom eetingsbout ullying revention,tc ,or o haveannouncements.6 - BLOCK EACHING- English eacherseaching ithExtended lockswould ave5blocks day. (2 extended locksit exactly ith3 regular locks.)7 - BELLS Would ingat consistentntervals. t most heywould ing oreach lass o startandstopand henpossibly alf-wayhrough lass.8 - HOMEROOMAn extra minutes asadded o 1'tperiodo ncorporateime orannouncementsndadministrativeatters.NOTES

    ' I wasunableo depict llof hepossibilitiesorschedulesn hese iagrams.. To me,Music San exploratoryoursehereforebelievet'sOK or music tudentsohave lightlyessexposureo CTEcourses, speciallyy 8tn rade.Unlessmusicsmademandatory,tudents imply annot ave hesame ime orexposureoeverything.

  • 7/28/2019 Fauquier middle school schedule ideas


    Allclassperiods re he same ength o makebellschedules onsistentor all threegrades.6th Grade - EverydayMathScienceEnglishSocialStudies(History)PEExploratoryWheel6thGradeAlternating /BMusic/Encorelasses Business, echEd,Work& Family, rt)7thGradeEverydayMathScienceEnglishSocialStudiesCivics)PEMusicRotateEveryday n a 1 2,3,4,55 ExploratoryWheelor EncoreClasses aseduponwhatyou ook n6thgrade or StartSpanish/Frenchand inish t in8thgrade.8thGradeSameas 7thgradeMathScienceEnglishSocialStudies WorldGeography)PEMusicEither inishForeign anguage r take5 moreor the same5 ExploratoryWheelorEncoreClasses asedon 6thgrade.

    Alternate Middle School Schedule #5