fat loss factor

Hi, Dr. Charles here, and today I’m going to share with you five foods that may be stopping you from achieving your fat loss goals. The first of which are banana’s, yes believe it or not unlike any other fruit bananas are high in sucrose, more commonly known as table sugar, the riper the banana the more sucrose and the less fructose it contains; more sugar almost always equates to more weight gain. The second food that you may want to avoid is soy milk. Soy milk contains estrogen like compounds that can disrupt the hormone balance in your body, leading to a host of problems including altering thyroid function and weight gain. Click Here to Watch Video Now, before I get to the other three common foods that may actually lead to the most weight gain of the five, I’ve got somewhat of an unusual weight loss tip to share with you today. A tip that’s been right under our noses our whole life, literally, it’s also one of the most important tips that I’ve shared with my patients in the clinic in here Fishers, Indiana. It’s a very simple tip that could help you quickly lose 1 to 2 inches from your belly in under a week. Fat Loss Factor

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Fat Loss Factor


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Hi, Dr. Charles here, and today I’m going to share with you five foods that may be stopping you from achieving your fat loss goals.

The first of which are banana’s, yes believe it or not unlike any other fruit bananas are high in sucrose, more commonly known as table sugar, the riper the banana the more sucrose and the less fructose it contains; more sugar almost always equates to more weight gain.

The second food that you may want to avoid is soy milk. Soy milk contains estrogen like compounds that can disrupt the hormone balance in your body, leading to a host of problems including altering thyroid function and weight gain.

Click Here to Watch Video

Now, before I get to the other three common foods that may actually lead to the most weight gain of the five, I’ve got somewhat of an unusual weight loss tip to share with you today. A tip that’s been right under our noses our whole life, literally, it’s also one of the most important tips that I’ve shared with my patients in the clinic in here Fishers, Indiana. It’s a very simple tip that could help you quickly lose 1 to 2 inches from your belly in under a week.

Fat Loss Factor

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Now, I need you to listen very closely, this video contains one of my biggest fat burning secrets, and I don’t know how long this video will be up. So please be sure to watch it from beginning to end while it’s still here.

Ok, so you probably thinking to yourself that I’ve tried every diet known to man, I’ve given it my all and I don’t know it just keeps coming back. Well, let me stop you right there, this is not some magical weight loss pill, it has nothing to do with that crazy assai berry garbage or any special weight loss drops or any of the other incredibly scamming weight loss gimmicks that we see all over the internet these days.

In fact, these tips date all the way back to the 1950’s and help explain why the majority of all the American’s are now considered obese. And no, it might not be because we eat too many bad foods, I’ll show how you should be able to eat some bad foods and still lose weight. Hey, believe it or not, it’s not your fault, but before I get into the specifics let me quickly tell you a little bit about myself.

First of all, I’m Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Certified Wellness Practitioner, Certified Advanced Nutritionist, Speaker, Author, have helped thousands worldwide. One more thing before we go any further let me tell you about someone I’m extremely proud off, a patient of mine named Lori.

Now, she was your typical working mom with three children to take care off. Yes, I said three. Lori was my gunny pig at the beginning and help me create this program. Now, she comes from a very poor line of genetics: Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease etc., So, I thought if this program work for her, it might be able to help anyone.

This one specific tip that I am about to share with you helped Lori lose 2 inches from her belly, lose 8 pounds in only 9 days, lose 2 inches from each thigh, lose ¾ of an inch from each arm, drop 3 dress sizes. At the age of 30, she now wears a smaller dress than she did it in her high school.

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I know you are probably skeptical and I don’t blame you I mean its sounds like something so dramatic that it must torn from one of those super market tablets, right? But it isn’t. Lori ultimately lost a whapping 90 pounds of fat and dropped 16 dress sizes, 16! Lori went from this: 210 pounds which by is the weight that she couldn’t get rid off after her last pregnancy to this: 120 pounds, and she achieved all of this without counting calories, without starving herself, without killing herself at the gym, all while still eating all the food she likes like Raspberry cheesecake ice cream, which she absolutely refused to give up, her friends are jealous and acquaintances can’t believe that she’s ever even been pregnant.

Listen, when it comes to weight loss unfortunately women get the short end of the stick, it’s definitely hard for women to lose weight, in fact women have been hard wired to not lose weight and no matter how cheesy what I’m about to tell you sounds, it all makes perfect sense if we stop and think about it.

Let me explain, it all stems back to the hunter gatherer days of our ancestors, men weren’t built for fat storage at all, men were built to be lean and fast to hunt food, how men can even accumulate fat at all goes completely against our genetics. On the other hand, women were built for fat stores to be able to survive and care for children during famine. Their essential minimal fat stores are many times higher than men. Women were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations for child birth, milk production and child rearing.

Now, unfortunately we’ve been built to survive, not to look good. Women have a couple major fat storing road blocks that hold them back. First of all, women’s fat cells are bigger and have more fat storing enzymes in them, men’s fat cells have more fat burning enzymes and are much smaller. Women honestly do have a lot more working against them which is why the steps I will be outlining in this presentation works so well.

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Second - estrogen multiplies fat storing enzymes, making them gain weight around their butt and thighs like it’s an Olympic event, God knows child birth genetics. Third - crash dieting it puts our bodies instantly into starvation mode, reducing fat burning enzymes by up to 50%, our bodies literally freak out; so, not only do we lose tenderly mass amounts when crash dieting but our fat burning enzymes can decrease, yikes.

This should help you understand why it’s harder for gals to lose weight. S,o is it actually possible to overcome these silly genetics? Well I’ve got some great news, you can, and I’m about to share with you one simple tip that can instantly boost your fat loss, guaranteed. Knowing what I’m about to share with you will make you realize why the popular well known, so called diet programs simply don’t work long term.

Mega rich weight loss companies make money off of people like you and I by selling us stuff that leads to at best temporary results. But, here’s the thing we don’t need them and their expensive weight loss gimmicks to lose weight, what I’m about to share with you is key to actually being able to eat some bad foods and still burn fat.

Ok, let me give you a tiny anatomy lesson and it’s probably something you’ve never heard about, I may get a little bit technical for a second, but stick with me because I promise you by the end of this presentation, I want you to understand how to lose weight you want and keep it off for good. This unusual tip is about your liver, now the main role of the liver is to breakdown toxic substances and produce bile which breakdown fats into small intestines.

Bile is critical for the transport of fats through body. Liver dysfunction can result into difficulties eliminating cholesterol which is a type of fat. For those of us who consume large amounts of cholesterol which is very common in American diets. Liver dysfunction can be a very significant factor in weight gain. Now, if the liver does not regulate fat metabolism efficiently, weight gain tends to occur around the belly area and the protuberant abdomen also known as pot belly will develop.

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Another sign of an unhealthy liver can be role of fat under the upper abdomen; if the liver filter is not functioning correctly, it can’t remove the small fat globules, chylomicrons that circulate in the blood stream. These extra chylomicrons can build up another organs and fatty deposits under the skin which can lead to cellulite which tend to be found on your butt, thighs, arms and belly. It can be very difficult to lose this abdominal fat until the liver function is improved. That’s one of the major reasons that the older we get the fatter we get.

So, what I’m basically trying to say is this - when your liver is clogged up with junk it will be difficult to lose weight no matter how much dieting and exercise you do. Ever wonder why whenever you should diet and then stop, you’d gain the weight right back. Well, clean out your liver properly and turn it right back into the fat burning metabolism boosting organ that it can be.

Imagine starting a good weight loss program with a healthy liver that’s regularly burning fat for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week even while you are sleeping. The key here is to get your body as healthy as possible before beginning a proper weight loss program. I believe that starting a weight loss program without cleansing and purifying your body, well it can be setting you up to fail before you even began.

So, what can you do right now to start cleaning out your liver?

Based on Lori’s success, as well as hundreds of our patients, we’ve developed an all-encompassing system designed for a long term life changing results. We call this system the Fat Loss Factor. It’s made up of several easy to understand components, now in just a second I’m going to show you a ton of before and after pictures of real world people, besides Lori that have gotten incredible results using the Fat Loss Factor program, I guarantee that it can help anyone to lose weight.

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Step 1 is all about cleaning your liver and body which we’ve touched on slightly in this video. On page 30, we’ll tell you about the food substance that found everywhere that will bind the fat that causing toxins and literally pull them out of the body, this step is almost like getting a do over from all the damage that you’ve already done, instantly giving your metabolism a much needed boost.

Step 2 talks about specific fat burning foods that you can eat, so you can still enjoy some bad foods and moderations like cake, cookies and in Lori’s case - ice cream, and still continue to lose weight. On page 34 you will discover healthy delicious fat burning foods that you don’t need a mortgage to purchase. Now you can afford to eat right.

Step 3 on page 15 teaches you the reason you probably don’t have to do all of the cardio like so called the experts teach. Increase your fat lose by staying on the program. Generally, all that’s need is 15 minutes 3 times a week. There is no reason to kill yourself in the gym unless of course you enjoy it.

Step 4 on page 60 teaches you something that will likely shock you it’s the real reason that all this so called diets eventually fail and the reason that the Fat Loss Factor program cannot fail. Once you get through step 4 you’ll never look at the weight loss the same again. And after just a few weeks you’ll be on your way to overhauling your system, boosting your metabolism and getting in what may be the best shape of your life.

The stuff I teach in the Fat Loss Factor program, it isn’t a bunch of nerdy mumbo jumbo and unrealistic steps that needs to be followed. Its written in a very straight forward do this and then do that way that anyone can understand and follow. It’s written for the real world it isn’t fluff and theory like most weight loss programs, it’s the same stuff that I’ve taught my patients in my clinic here in Fishers, Indiana. And to prove to you that Lori’s transformation wasn’t just a fluke, let me quickly introduce you to some others that have followed our full Fat Loss Factor program with amazing results.

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This is Matt from Monrovia, Indiana, take a look at Matt’s before and after pics below, Matt lost 65 pounds in a few short months, didn’t just loose fat but replaced it with lean muscle.

Or how about Matt’s wife Rachel who simply followed the Fat Loss Factor course with her husband, Rachel changed the shape of her body at age 38.

And this is Tim, Tim lost 74 pounds of fat at the tender age of 50, even ran his first 5k race recently something that he never would have dreamed of doing previously.

Look, can I guarantee you can have the exact same results as these guys? Of course not, not everyone will actually follow the steps I outlined in the program, that’s sad but it’s true, but with that said I can absolutely guarantee two things. First, if you follow my program you will see results, heck they could even be better than what you have seen in this presentation.

Second, if you are not a 110% happy with your results, you can keep your money and the course for free, the full Fat Loss Factor program, you will get the exact system that me, that Matt, Rachel, Tim and Lori and thousands of others have used. You can change your body and your life, And I’m so incredibly confident that work for you that like I said earlier if for any reason you decide that the Fat Loss Factor program isn’t for you, just email me with in 8 entire weeks and I’ll give you a full refund and let you keep everything for free, no questions asked. My personal email address is [email protected]. Email me anytime, I check my email very often and love meeting new people.

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So, email me to ask whatever questions you might have. I usually respond within only a couple of hours at the most. Ok, so, what’s the price for this one of a kind system? Well, if you sign up for the UPS box food from Jenny or Nutri , you can pay around $1200 for just some of the food that you’ll need for their 12 week plan. I say some, because the dirty little secret that those companies never tell you is that you still have to go out and buy super market food on top of the money that you spent with them in every 4 weeks. And get this, some of these programs also charge you by the pound, yeah the more you lose, the more you owe them, how ridiculous is that? Plus, you could be married to their food for a very long time, ok who wants that? Yuck.

Now, you could go on one of those popular diets that are out today right and the real cost of food that put you in the poor house or worst than all that you can buy another fat diet scheme that takes your money and your health. But ultimately leaves you in the worst shape than when you started, or you could get the Fat Loss Factor system for less than the price of a single session with most personal trainers, which I’m sure you already know what comes of that.

And you’ll get all this --

The entire Fat Loss Factor system teaching you the truth behind the fast permanent weight loss. A system that allows you to still enjoy your favorite foods; These are the exact methods used by Lori, Rachael, Matt and Tim , who you met earlier. You’ll know, and have access to everything they do.

Second, the Liver and Body cleansing videos where you’ll get to watch it in your kitchen, preparing the entire cleanse up described in this video making it easy to lose that starter 1 to 2 inches in under a week.

Third – You’ll get access to our custom made software program that will allow you to search through 70 fast food restaurants and view our Fat Loss Factor ratings for each food; You’ll know immediately which foods you can eat on the go, and which ones you can’t, over 5000 different foods.

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Fourth – A pre-created Grocery list, yup we have taken all of the guess work out of this for you. We will tell you the exact food you can get from grocery store, nothing is left to chance.

Fifth – Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced weight loss exercises. All you have to do is to read and perform the easy instructions, as you progress simply move to the next program level.

Sixth – Five sample 15 minute workout routines. Yes, you heard me right, it only takes an average of 15 minutes a day. And we provide you with 5 sample routines that you can perform. If you forget how to do an exercise, just go to fatlossfactor.com and view the exercise animations, you’ll instantly know how to do any exercise. Yup, that’s right, we’ve got you covered.

Seventh – A Fat Loss Factor measurements form, that you can use to track your progress, as you lose inches and pounds each week, you’ll be able to keep track of it. I expect you, by the way, keep us posted on the results.

Eighth – A simple to use goal setting guide that I use in my clinic, by answering a few questions you’ll have a clear cut roadmap to reach your goal. Hey, you have to know where you want to go, before you can get there.

Ninth – I am also giving you a food diary and exercise log. I’ve designed this to help you easily move day to day and see exactly where you are moving and what you are eating. I’ve made this an exact science so you can get those proven results. Don’t worry; it won’t take ever to fill out.

Tenth – You’ll get 1 full year of personal email coaching. Yes, that’s right, I’ll give you my personal email address, so that you can contact me anytime. Ask me whatever you want, whenever you want. Listen, I am here for you every single step of the way, I want you to prove it to yourself that you can do this once and for all. So, I’ll be there for this for all of the motivation that you’ll need.

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By the way, you’ll also get any lifetime updates for free. Yeah, if we find things that seem to work faster, or better or easier, we’ll update the course, and you’ll get access to the updated copy absolutely free. I mean, heck you deserve the best and that’s what we’re going to give you.

Now, because this is in a video and that we are not going to be leaving it for long, and you manage to get here while it’s still up. We’ve setup a special discount to get the full Fat Loss Factor program. The regular price and the price that others have paid is a price that’s much higher than most all other diet programs that you’ve most likely seen. And, the reason is because; I reveal things that nobody else reveals.

Books, the regular price for the methods taught in the full fat loss factor methods package is $732, which is the price I’ve charged in my clinic to meet one on one with me. Now, here’s where you benefit, Since the fat loss factor program is instantly downloadable, well; I don’t have to pay my clinic overhead, I don’t have to pay my employees to schedule appointments for me, and meet with you face to face, and I don’t have to ship it to you.

Basically that means, I can reduce my overhead fees and pass the savings on to you, because I don’t have to pay out as much. Now, I told you earlier, that I am going to make this affordable for everyone. I am not going to charge anywhere near $732 for this package, I am not going to charge $399; I am not going to charge $299. Heck, I am not going to even charge half of that at $149.

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The price of the full Fat Loss Factor course is yours for a one time payment of just $97 which is almost 90% off the original price of $732 that I’ve charged my patients here in the clinic. But, I want to make this even better for you, because you’ve shown me, and yourself that you are committed to losing weight; or you wouldn’t have listened to this entire video. If you order right now, I want to give you this special recipes book that Lori wrote that lists over 60 meals and shakes that she ate while losing 90+ pounds. These are meals that are so good that we both still eat them to this very day.

And, to make sure that you have absolutely no excuse for not taking control of your Health and Life with the fat loss factor system, I’m going to lower the price even more; and give you the entire fat loss factor system, the bonuses, the recipes book for just $47. Not the already huge 90% off discounted price of $97, you can get everything for just $47, but you must order through this video, by clicking on the add the cart button below right now.

You’ve learned about a nearly fool proof method of losing 1-2 inches of belly fat in under a week. You’ve seen the dramatic changes that took place in me and Lori, Rachael, Matt and Tim by following the remaining easy steps in the full fat loss factor program.

You’ve seen just how much is included in the fat loss factor package and what lengths I’ll go to, to see you finally change your body, you’ve gotten a crazy money back guarantee where you can get a refund for any reason at all, and get to keep everything for free.

And you’ve even gotten an enormous discount off the regular price of the program, from $732 to only $47.

Oh, and one last thing I forgot to mention; we just created two more special bonus videos to help you with the rest of the program, just to make sure that you can get started right away.

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The first video is called “What Not to Wear”, and it’s about how to dress to make you look skinny. This can instantly make you look like you’ve lost 10 pounds.

The second video is Laurie making trip to the local health food store, teaching you exactly what to look for. What isles to go down, what to look out on labels etc. This will answer all of your Grocery shopping questions that you know the right aisles to shop in, and the ones to avoid.

The third video is a quick start video that takes you through the course in 10 minutes to make it brain dead easy to get started.

Ok, here’s what our most recent customers have said:

From Gia in Tempe – Arizona; She writes; I had my 16 year old daughter run through in once school let out; in 2 weeks she dropped 24 pounds.

Or how about this one from Joyce in Boston. Joyce writes – since starting this diet in April, I have lost 25 pounds, I love this diet.

And then there’s John from Boulder – Colorado; who said within three days I lost 5 pounds of fat and reduced my waist size by at least 1 belt buckle.

So, here you are, staring at the fork in the road; two distinct directions that you can choose from; one road is well travelled, the pavement is cracked, bumpy and full of potholes, this is the same road that you’ve been on for years, and it leads you right back the life that you have at right now. Life what you are doing that you keep doing and keep getting what you’ve been getting.

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And then, there’s that other road, brand new pavement, pristine and smooth, this road meanders gently across new ground, a delightful trip that takes you at your own pace, but delivers you quickly to your new body, your new outlook, your new confidence paved with my hundreds of hours of research and writing; the only road that we’ll guarantee that will melt the fat from the toughest areas faster than a blow torch can melt ice cubes. The road that will lead straight to your brand new body, your brand new life.

Download that new life.

As you consider putting the system work for you, imagine how great you will soon look, how healthy and sexy and alive you will soon feel. Remember, this is the one plan we personally guarantee will work on your trouble spots, your hips, thighs, gluts, your abs and do it with unheard of speed and ease.

And don’t forget how time sensitive this offer is. If you act real fast and you get the ground breaking Fat Loss Factor system a whole year of product updates, the year of coaching, the success toolbox and Lori’s new video she created just for you. You are getting all of that for this low price because you are among the very first to grab this offer.

So, give it a try so you can take advantage of the Discounted Price; and Lori’s amazing money back guarantee.

Click the button below now. I truly hope that this is where things will change. We’ve laid out the exact roadmap for you to lose weight you want to lose. Now, it’s up to you, I mean it when I say I can’t wait to meet you, and look forward to helping you completely change your body and life in the days to come, we hope to talk to you soon.

So, make it a great day, click the add to cart button below to order right now.

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Oh, I almost forgot, the other three foods I would recommend avoiding are: Breads; most are full of enriched white flour, which is devoid of nutrients and full of high glycemic carbs that cause blood sugar spikes which leads to more fat storage.

Second – Granola– This touted health may actually be making you fatter. Some granola bars contain 528 calories and 28 gms of fat.

Third and last – Farmed Salmon – Studies show that Farmed Salmon has sixteen times more PCBs than wild Cott. PCBs are cancer causing agents that were banned in 1976. Remember, fat stores toxins.

Ok, that’s it; I hope this presentation is been helpful.

I have so much more I want to share with you now. But, this video would be far too long if I did. But, I’ve outlined everything in great detail in the Fat Loss Factor course, which you can access by clicking the button below this video.

Have a great day!

Fat Loss Factor