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FastingOlogyLesson #30 PREPARATION FOR30-DAY JUICE/WATER FASTING How to navigate the depths of fasting and cross Beyond By the GREAT hunger barrier Robert Dave Johnston Editor-in-chief Amazing Health Publishing FastingOlogy Health, Life, Freedom

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Lesson #30

PREPARATION FOR30-DAY JUICE/WATER FASTING How to navigate the depths of fasting

and cross BeyondBy

the GREAT hunger barrier

Robert Dave Johnston Editor-in-chief

Amazing Health Publishing


Health, Life, Freedom

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Foreword Changing eating habits is challenging. But, for some people, the hardest part is ADMITING

that they need to change. And without such admission, change is not possible. Complacency kills. I see it every day all around me. I came across a lady at the supermarket’s pet food aisle last week that helped me see firsthand how destructive denial can be. The incident left such an impression on me that I decided to share it here with you. Hopefully it will give you motivation to press forward on this path of self-mastery.

So, here is what happened: I have three male cats. Even though I am the human, the truth is that THEY

run the house. So, a few days ago I bought a different type of type food with the idea of giving them some “variety”. But, come to find out, cats don’t like variety. They don’t like change. Not only did they not like the brand I purchased, they let it be known by revolting and pretty much refusing to eat it. I figured they would eventually eat once they got hungry enough.

But that day never came. Instead, they expressed their displeasure by turning over the bowls and scattering food all over the kitchen floor. This went on for about a week. They ate small amounts; enough to survive. The rest, however, was scattered in protest.

So, when I came across this lady at the supermarket, I was in dire need of help. She was admittedly a cat person. I had never witnessed this type of “feline insurrection”. I needed someone to cry to.

When we started to speak I noticed she was at least 100 pounds overweight. She cheerfully started to educate me about “cat psychology” and let me know about mixing old and new foods first

before making a total change. Then I looked at her cart. It was filled with soda, muffins, cakes, pizzas, frozen cheeseburgers, ice cream, white bread, sugar and bags and bags of candy and chips. I could hear a voice inside of me saying: “She is killing herself… she is killing herself, she is killing herself”.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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I looked at her. She was so radiant and cheerful. A genuinely nice person. But she was a food addict. So, I don’t know how, perhaps it was Divine Intervention, she asked me what type of work I did. This was my way in! “I have a website on fasting to help people lose weight and improve their health”, I told her. There, I had dropped the bomb. “Oh!” she said – almost stunned. There was a silence that seemed to last an eternity.

She looked down, glanced at her cart and then back at me… “I guess then you would frown at everything I have in my cart”. I thought to myself: How did this conversation turn so quickly? I took a deep breath: “No, but you seem like such a wonderful lady and I frown on you harming yourself the way that you are”. Her eyes watered and she proceeded to tell me of her binge-eating disorder, how her husband left her, how she now spends most of her time alone… eating. She told me how her health had gone from bad to worse; how she felt her life slipping away with each bite.

I started to sense hope. It is only when a person hits rock-bottom that he/she becomes willing to change his/her ways. Based on everything that she had told me, I was fairly certain that she had reached a turning point. Excited, I then proceeded to tell her about cleansing diets, juice fasting, detoxification and the nine-month change process.

The she hit me with it: “Oh, I don’t need any of that,” she said flatly. “What do you mean?” I inquired. “You just said you knew your life was slipping away”. “Yes,” she replied. “But the meds my doctor gave me are working. I feel much better… I’m good”. Upon my inquiry, she disclosed to me that she was on blood pressure medication, insulin, nitroglycerin and nicotine gum, among a few others.

In addition, she wore a sleep apnea mask because she often stopped breathing while asleep. “But wouldn’t you be better off if you changed the way you ate, lost weight and got healthier so you wouldn’t need to take so many meds?” I retorted. She looked bewildered, even slightly offended. “Nah!” she said. “I’m too old to change; as long as the doctor takes care of me, I am happy”.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Wait a minute, I thought. “Happy?” Was she not crying a minute or two ago? Telling me of her ailments and how horrible her eating disorder had become? Yes. Of course she had!

However, the moment I propose a program of change that requires work and a little sacrifice, she adamantly refused it. I spoke to her for a few more minutes imploring her to at least look into it, but she wanted no part of it. “Thank you, but – really – I’m good”. And so she strolled away with her cart full of death… but everything was fine because she had her meds!

What does this say to you, my friend? Are you able to see how insidious the “addicted mind” can be? In which way do YOU justify your lack of action or your complacency? Are you justifying NOT

doing this program in its entirety? Do you say to yourself: “I’m good?” If you are making progress and on your way to reaching your goals, I salute you. But, if you are procrastinating and wanting to give up, then clearly the crossroads remain before you: Will you continue to move forward towards your breakthrough, or are you “good”? Will you walk through the discomfort and reach your objective; or will you “settle” for less than your very best? By the way, remember she said she was too old

to change? Well, I asked her age. She was 34 years old

, although she looked at least 15 years older. In the prime of her life, yet unwilling to see that her thoughts and emotions were using food to kill her. I can tell you that I walked away from this encounter with great sadness. “And to think that there are millions like her,” I thought. “Set in their ways and reluctant to change”.

Are you unwilling? Are you resisting change? If so,why? What are you defending? What price will you pay in health and life if you do NOT change? I hope this story hits home with you as it did me. It made me realize that, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times, the ONLY road I wish to be in THIS road of health and wellness. What about you? Oh, and remember: always make sure to mix old and new cat food FIRST, before switching it over completely. Otherwise the cats will rebel! Note: Download links for previous lessons will be at the close of each PDF file in case you missed or misplaced an earlier edition.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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How to Navigate The Depths of Fasting And Cross Beyond

Welcome to Lesson 30 of the

The Great Hunger Barrier…

FastingOlogy™ program! You have come a long ways and been asked to do A LOT

of work. If you have followed the program as outlined, you have undoubtedly experienced notable weight loss and a drastic change in eating habits. You are becoming a “well-oiled” machine of health and wellness! But, we have one more level to explore: 30 days of consecutive fasting. This is the great challenge. Here are the facts: “Ninety-nine percent of those who decide to fast for longer than seven days do not make it past the 9 to 11-day mark

. Worse yet, they often break the fast inappropriately and end up overeating. The result is serious digestive distress and – sadly – more weight gain, guilt, shame and self-condemnation.” Why is that? The answer is plain and simple: THE GREAT HUNGER BARRIER. These well-intentioned fasters are not prepared to deal with the intense hunger pains that strike for the first 9 to 11 days of fasting, sometimes as long as 21 days. This initial battle takes us to the very limits of our human strength, fully exposing our fragility and complete dependence on food and all things external.

“Hunger, in essence, is the last post on the outer limits of our humanity. Pass it, and you are rewarded with what can be a completely life-changing experience, both physically (drastic weight loss, healing) and spiritually (enlightenment/revelation).”

My objective in this lesson is to help you tap into mental, physical and spiritual resources that – worked together - will overcome the great hunger barrier so that you can seize ALL

of these powerful benefits. There are only TWO lessons left in the course! THIS

is the quantum leap into the unknown; here is where the deep mysteries of fasting are unleashed and many lives are transformed forever. Enter this lesson with faith and expectation! Be prepared to receive a bountiful of blessings.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Open your mind and heart; set aside your doubts and fears. This is the journey into the center of your being. May the powerful light of the Spirit guide you into the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. Embrace the

challenge – believe that the best is at hand!


So, then, how can one get past this ominous 9 to 11-day challenge? How can one cross beyond the great hunger barrier and tap into the HUGE

weight loss and health benefits obtained through long-term fasting? The answer lies within the acronym - R.A.P.I.D™. Let’s take a look: R – RESISTANCE

A –

Understand and Accept that the only way to complete a long-term fast is to actively and assertively resist hunger and detox symptoms for the first 9 to 11 days, or up to 21 days depending on your health and level of toxicity.


P –

Learn to identify, isolate and ANNUL all thoughts, emotions, arguments, rationalizations and intentions that ask you to break the fast prematurely.


I –

Relax and Allow the body to do its job; stay out of the way and be patient.


D –

Pray and Meditate as much as possible, always visualizing a clear IMAGE of yourself at the weight and health you wish to attain through fasting.


Stay in the fight and work your way through the discomfort from moment to moment. Do not give up until you cross through and DOMINATE the great hunger barrier.

We’ll take a look at each of these steps in detail…

Important Reminder

This lesson has instructions for a “long-term” or extended fast. Fasting for more than 2 days should be done with caution and respect. If you are unsure about the state of your health, I urge you to see your doctor before you continue. This course focuses on fasting for weight loss & health betterment – NOT for ascetic purposes.

Fasting for a season to lose excess weight and get healthier is acceptable. Abuse of it via Anorexic and Bulimic practices is NOT .

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© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Step 1

“R” RESISTANCE: defines resistance as: “the act of power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding

. The opposition offered by one thing, force, etc, to another”. Here’s the thing: No “faster” can make it the distance unless he/she is prepared and willing to exercise his/her “Hunger Resistance Muscles” (HRM). Just like one lifts weights to strengthen the body, we of the fasting path resist hunger to strengthen our minds and power of will. A person who resists hunger face-to-face is one who can accomplish anything. Hunger truly is the ultimate human barrier!

To make it to 30 days of fasting (and beyond), it is imperative to FULLY UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT that it will be a battle for the first 9 to 11 days, up to 21 days for some (those who have chronic illnesses or suffer from extreme toxicity).

Here is my message to you today: Put on your resistance armor and be prepared… brace yourself and expect hunger to test your commitment. Expect to feel famished, weak, uncertain and with a strong urge to give up. To effectively practice RESISTANCE, every faster MUST anticipate, understand and accept

this reality. Let’s quickly go through these three points to illustrate:

• Anticipate the worst. Although the hunger pains and detox symptoms may end up being mild to medium, start the fast prepared to handle strong to severe hunger. ANTICIPATE

the worst for those first 9 to 11 days.

• Understand that you are not enduring hunger and detox symptoms just for fun or out of some sadomasochistic fantasy. You are doing this because you want to change your life; you want to lose excess weight and improve your health so that you can live life to its fullest! (How’s that fasting journal going? ) The body is cleansing, healing and regenerating; it is burning fat at an accelerated rate.

You will emerge leaner and healthier than you have in years – probably your whole life. Understand these truths! It is impossible to practice RESISTANCE if we don’t know WHY

we are resisting.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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• Accept that there’s going to be a battle and enter it head on with heart and courage. Many people write me to ask: “How can I not feel hunger while fasting? How can I evade detox symptoms?” Many “fasters” have a very hard time RESISTING

because they are not willing to accept and face the battle. Fight the good fight! It won’t be in vain. Step 2

“A”ANNULMENT: Annulment is defined as: “Psychoanalysis: A mental process by which unpleasant or painful ideas are abolished from the mind. To reduce to nothing; to destroy… obliterate”. Here’s how this works: When fasting, be constantly aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Any time you find yourself wanting to break the fast prematurely, STOP

! Do NOT let the mind run wild, and don’t react to negative thoughts, rationalizations and intentions. Do this

: Take out your fasting journal and write down the reasons, arguments and justifications the mind is giving you to quit, such as; “this is not such a good idea … you can always start later” or, “you cannot do this, you’re not strong enough, good enough”… etc. Realize that: “These thoughts are standing in the way of you reaching your goal. They represent everything that has been holding you back up. They will NEVER yield unless you confront and overcome them head on. How? LOOK AT THEM AS COUNTERFEIT CURRENCY. Sure, they sound valid, they may be convincing and plausible - BUT, in reality, they are FAKE… they are NULL and void. DO NOT give them legitimacy. Shoot them down!”

This is my experience: The long-term health benefits of fasting FAR

outweigh the short-term gratification of breaking a fast early. WARNINg

actually condemn you for doing so!

: If you succumb to negativity and break a fast prematurely, you’ll be surprised to find that: the very mind that was working relentlessly to convince you to stop will now turn and


: this is a battle, and the foe is mostly in your mind. It is made up of your own thoughts, feelings, ideas and perceptions. So be

on constant watch. Do not lower your guard!

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Spend as much time as possible writing in the journal. Be prepared to identify, isolate and ANUL the negative chatter. It’s all useless noise. It is mental garbage that serves no useful purpose. It needs to be invalidated, discarded… ANNULLED! Trust me, this stuff works! Want to get really good? Spend time practicing and mastering RELEASE THE SERPENT on Lesson 16, Part II, Page 6.

Step 3


: Patience is defined as: the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. Quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience”.

One of the primary reasons why well-intentioned people start a long-term fast and fail is because they irrationally expect that it will be easy, require no fight and that dramatic results will materialize overnight. They start fasting out of emotion and/or impulse.

The moment hunger, detox symptoms or any other mental/emotional disturbance arises, they become impatient and give up. This phenomenon is characterized by thoughts that are nearly-always related to TIME. A mentor I had years ago said the word TIME could be broken down into the acronym ThIngs I MusT Earn.

Here is a list of thoughts to watch out for: “I’m not losing weight fast enough… this is taking forever… I’ll never make it to 30 days… I still look fat and terrible…I’m getting nowhere fast… what’s the use? The scale is not moving (fast enough)… I’ll always be fat… I hate myself… this is pointless, useless, futile, etc…”

We can increase this list ad infinitum. That is why I insist on the importance of keeping a fasting journal. You must regularly write on paper what you are feeling and thinking. That will allow you to identify the subtle tricks the mind will use to knock you off course. So, if you have been lagging on the fasting journal, I can’t think of a better time than NOW



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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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a journal: a) Gives thoughts and emotions a forum of expression, b) Interrupts negativity; distracts one from excessive focus on hunger pains and/or detox symptoms, c) Will help you to reaffirm your goals via constant review of your goals. Anytime you feel short on patience (feeling like this fast is never going to end and/or that you just cannot go on), immediately return to BONUS I, Twenty Questions to Help You Break Negative Eating Habits. I will talk more about patience in next week’s foreword.

Step 4


: Imagination is defined as: “The formation of a mental image of something that is neither perceived as real nor present to the senses. The ability or gift to form such conscious ideas or mental images especially for the purposes of artistic or intellectual creation”.

I want you to realize something: you ARE

an artist! By taking this course, (making a decision to improve your health) you are painting your most amazing and important masterpiece: your life. You are amidst a change process that will help you to overcome habits that have hurt you. And you have become willing to go through temporary discomfort in order to achieve your goal. Mental images of the future are filled with health, wellness, long life and vitality. You will gain great pleasure by viewing the weight loss, improved health and vitality that this process will yield for you. With such images fixed in your mind, you will gain motivation. You will realize that the benefits of walking through the discomfort FAR OUTWEIGH the immediate relief of giving up. THAT

, dear friend, is the key to the IMagInaTIon strategy. Keep your mind fixed, not on where you are, but rather on where you are going! When hunger pains/detox symptoms try to derail your efforts: STOP!

Breathe! Focus your mind on images of yourself leaner, healthier and having reached all of your goals. Let this vision fill your entire being as you breathe. You may look in the mirror and not see these images manifested yet, but you CAN see them through IMagInaTIon. How does it feel to have reached your objectives? How is your life better? Do you not agree that it is well worth it to hang on? Yes, it is!

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Spend time throughout the fast nurturing The Mind’s Eye: that sacred place that you can visit anytime to renew your strength, vision and motivation. It is the oasis in the middle of the fasting desert. It is the powerful hideout where the impossible becomes possible. The DETOX BREATHING exercise on Page 6 of LESSON 16, PART I is very powerful and highly recommended as part of this IMagInaTIon step.

Step 5


: Domination is defined as: “Control or power over another or others. The exercise of such control or power. Mastery. Supremacy”.

This is the step that rounds up all of the principles that we have looked at over the past months, and is one that I want you to prepare to practice “one day at a time” for the rest of your life. Now let me clarify: When I say “doMInaTIon”, I am NOT

talking about an ascetic practice of self-flagellation, sadomasochism or suffering. That is not the type of lifestyle that I promote or believe in. From our perspective, doMInaTIon means the adoption of:

1) A (constant) mindset dedicated to crossing BEYOND the great hunger barrier; 2) A mental toughness to face and overcome ALL

emotional and/or physical barriers that stand in the way of your goals”.

Let’s look at these two points in a bit more detail:

The CONSTANT mindset/commitment to cross BEYOND

the great hunger barrier. When I say “mindset”, I am referring to a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to hunger, detox symptoms and/or mental/emotional negativity. Do this: While fasting, remind yourself that hunger and all other symptoms are temporary and symbolize a deep cleansing that will help you lose weight and improve your health. Constantly bear in mind that the short-term discomfort of fasting is NOTHING in comparison to the HUGE rewards in physical, mental and spiritual health that you are gaining. THAT is the winning mindset that will allow you to complete 30 days of fasting.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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B) The mental toughness to face and overcome ALL

emotional and/or physical barriers that stand in the way of your goals. When you start a long-term fast, visualize yourself as a traveler into the deepest regions of experience. Your goal is to cross beyond the hunger barrier and reach your goal. Get tough! This is YOUR time to attain domination… produce the optimum health that you deserve! Many ask me: What exactly does it mean to be “mentally tough”?

IT MEans: *Having an unshakable belief in your ability to accomplish what you have set out to do. *Maintaining an insatiable desire and the motivation to improve the quality of your life. *Remaining fully-focused on the task at hand in spite of

intense hunger, detox symptoms, emotional upheavals, frustrations, distractions, external situations etc…

*Not allowing yourself to be overly affected by worry, negativity and anxiety. *Learning how to condition your mind to identify self-defeating thoughts and/or attitudes and NOT react to them in ways that will lead you to break the fast and/or eat poorly.


Your job is to utilize the mighty tools of rEsIsTancE, annulMEnT; paTIEncE and IMagInaTIon to transcend hunger/detox symptoms and attain doMInaTIon. Those who fall short do so NOT because they are not capable, but because they do not believe that they will make it. What’s the problem? Their mindset

is negative, inconsistent and counterproductive. Just saying "I'll be positive" or “I’ll try” won't work. It may help, but it will not take you the distance. In fact, saying “I’ll try” is already a statement of defeat. You either intend to do it, or you do not intend to do it… period. There are no “in-betweens”.

YOU HAVE TO TOTALLY EMBRACE THE PROCESS OF CHANGE. You must become willing to go through whatever discomfort is needed to seize your prize. In short, through constant use of the R.A.P.I.D™ steps, you can develop and maintain the willingness and mental toughness needed to cross the hunger barrier and complete a long term fast.

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© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Important note: The commitment to transcend hunger must continue

once the fast is over and you resume the Standard Life Diet (SLD). In fact, the first three months immediately following a fast are often the hardest. Hunger returns with a vengeance and bad habits will fight to usurp your newfound freedom. A proper mindset must be renewed each day. It is only via constant doMInaTIon “one moment, one day at a time” that you will develop the strong foundation needed to permanently overcome poor eating habits. At this point many members ask me: “How will I know that I have attained domination and crossed beyond the great hunger barrier?” It will be undeniable. You will wake up one morning and feel a deep sense of peace and lightness in your heart.

The obsession/compulsion to eat will be gone. Thoughts of food will be few and far between. Physical hunger will be but a minor irritation, or it may disappear completely. You will feel that you can go on fasting indefinitely. It is during this time that miracles of physical, mental and spiritual healing often take place.

If you have struggled with an eating disorder, this type of fast can set you on the road to permanent freedom. This is the breakthrough that I want you to experience as we conclude the FastingOlogy™ course. That’s it for today!

This Week’s Assignments 1) Decide Which Method of Fasting You Are Going to Use for the 30-Day Fast Coming Up in Two Weeks

. My preference would be that you do a juice fast, water fast or a combination of both. In other words, juice fasting Monday through Friday and then water fasting on weekends. This completely liquid fast will give your digestive system much-needed rest, as well as produce very quick weight loss.

However, if for health or other reasons, you simply CANNOT do a total liquid fast at this time, then return to Lesson 25 on Intermittent Fasting and determine which method works best for you. You already have some experience with IF after the 14-day fast we did back in Lesson 27 The key word here is


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© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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What I mean is, unless you have some medical reason why you cannot do a liquids only fast, then I expect you to do a total juice fast, water fast or combination as described above. This final fast IS

meant to be a challenge.

So don’t just go with whatever is easiest at this point. Push yourself… push yourself… push yourself. Take the plunge and put to use all of the material that I have given you. The time for delays and excuses is over. Now it is time for assertive action!

2) Go Over Today’s Lesson Several Times And Familiarize Yourself With the R.A.P.I.D steps we discussed. In two weeks we begin a 30-day fast. Make sure that you are ready and have studied this lesson. You do NOT

want to start fasting and find yourself unprepared. Trust me. The more time you spend studying this material, the smoother the fast will go and the easier it will be to make it through the hunger and detox symptoms.

2) Talking About Being Prepared, MAKE SURE To Tighten Up On Your Observance of the Standard Life Diet. The cleaner your digestive system is when you begin the fast, the less hunger and other symptoms you will likely experience. You have had PLENTY

of time to get used to the SLD and make it a part of your life.

This assignment, therefore, should be easy. If, however, you have NOT been following the SLD, then I suggest you go back to the beginning of the course and do it as outlined. Cutting corners and doing it “your way” is NOT

what you signed up for. I am here to motivate and direct you, but you also my put of your part and follow my directions.

We are just two lessons away from the end of the course. As I have repeated many times, the SLD is the foundation that will help you to keep all of the benefits that you achieve through fasting. If you are not taking it seriously, or are just skimming the surface, then you are not going to get optimum results. So I want to impress you with a sense of urgency related to the SLD. Without the SLD, fasting – no matter how long – will produce only limited benefits.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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If you have slipped, it is OK. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on track. Return to the SLD and the EATING COMMANDMENTS

. Your past mistakes can reveal valuable information that you can use as you resume your course.

I’ll repeat what I said here a few weeks ago: You are not going through this course because you have nothing better to do with your hard-earned money. You are doing this to get results and improve the quality of your life. So PLEASE

, follow the directions and embrace the SLD …


Practice the Law of Reciprocity from Lesson 28. Get Used to Relying on It To Help You Through Hunger, Detox Symptoms and Obsessive Thoughts About Food. Do this: Visit The Fasting Forums and Write Posts Regularly Motivating and Encouraging Others.

You can go to Fitness Through Fasting’s -- Fasting Forum #1 or Forum #2 and post messages. is wonderful. These forums are filled with people who are genuinely hurting and struggling.

A post cheering them on and comforting them will definitely make their day. I have done that for a long time and am always amazed at the gratitude people express just for a few kind words.

This world is starved of “comforters”. There are way too many “takers” and not enough “givers”. Ironically, the true power lies in being a giver. When you give, you will receive back double and in great abundance. You will find true strength. You will find the power to do great things!

3) Stay Close to AND Communicate with The Person or Persons You Selected When You Took The DECLARE AND DESIGNATE Steps on Page 9 of Lesson #1


This FastingOlogy™ pillar has great importance. Have you noticed that it has ALWAYS been part of your assignments? Why is that, you think? First of all, I want someone to look in on you often to make sure that you are safe. But, above all, I want you to internalize and realize that NONE OF US CAN DO THIS ALONE.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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I have tried it and, while I made some progress, it eventually did not last. We need each other. So please do not isolate or try to do this alone.

See You Next Time! Warm Regards,

Robert Dave Johnston Publisher FasTIngology™


Lesson #1 … Click Here to access. Lesson #2- Part I … Click Here to access. Bonus (Twenty Questions) … Click Here to access. Lesson #2- Part II … Click Here to access. Lesson #2–Part III … Click Here to access. Bonus 2(Intermittent Fasting & Home Enemas) Click Here to access. Lesson #3 … Click Here to access. Lesson #4 – Part I Click Here to access. Lesson #4 – Part II Click Here to access. Lesson #5 Click Here to access. Lesson #6 Click Here to access. Lesson #7 Click Here to access. Lesson #8 Click Here to access. Lesson #9 Click Here to access. Lesson #10 Click Here to access. Lesson #11 Click Here to access. Lesson #12 Click Here to access. Lesson #13 Click Here to access.

Coming Up Next … Lesson 31

Spiritual Fasting Part II :

How to Use Fasting to Achieve Internal Healing, Receive Direction & Intuition. Apart from bad habits, many relapse into destructive eating because of festering emotional wounds. Here we’ll see FIVE ways to tap into spiritual power to receive a new vision for your life and future.

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A FastingOlogy Lesson: How to Lose Weight Quickly and Transform Your Health Through Fasting

© 2007-2009 Robert Dave Johnston All Rights Reserved 2007-2010

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Lesson #14 Click Here to access. Lesson #15 Click Here to access. Lesson #16 – Part I Click Here to access. Lesson #16 – Part II Click Here to access. Lesson #17 Click Here to access. Lesson #18 – Part I Click Here to access. Lesson #18 – Part II Click Here to access. Lesson #18 – Part III Click Here to access. Lesson #19 Click Here to access. Lesson #20 Click Here to access. Lesson #21 Click Here to access. Lesson #22 Click Here to access. Lesson #23 Click Here to access. Lesson #24 Click Here to access. Lesson #25 Click Here to access. Lesson #26 Click Here to access. Lesson #27 Click Here to access. Lesson #28 Click Here to access. Lesson #29 Click Here to access. Lesson #29 – Part II Click Here to access.

PS: Remember to type in the appropriate password you receive via e-mail each week along with the link to the lessons.