fantasy about the environment or children’s view of recreation


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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The relationship between society and nature has long been on the agenda of all mankind. In "Fantasy about the environment or children's view of recreation " the condition of the environment of the village Dovhe is given from the standpoint of practical approach considering the harmonious interaction of natural systems with human activity in them. Therefore, the relevance of this work meets the above formulation of the problem of relations.


• to improve our environment;• to raise public awareness of environmental issues;• to increase the level of environmental consciousness of society.

The essence of the work is to try to adapt to the natural conditions of the recreational needs of the person with the natural preservation of the integrity of natural systems that are used in recreational landscaping.In the future, this work can be developed on the issue of developing recommendations to establish regional environmental and landscape route description suburbs of village Dovge.


Nature and man ... man and nature ... Many think that nature was created for man and not vice verse - the man is just a part of nature and is served by its wealth. Living in nature, we must always remember that they themselves are components of nature that perfectly get along without human "neighborhood" millions of years, and probably there would remain unchanged without this "neighborhood". Why do people put down to nature? Why they consider themselves "crown" and allow themselves to destroy the world? Why are so many smart and correct words and so few results? It's high time to change the old slogan "Protect nature", "Love the nature!" That do not cause any positive emotional reaction, but rather a slight irritation and complete indifference to the environment.

However, people should be taught from birth to notice the beauty of the world, to value natural resources, with reverence to treat the surrounding grass, flowers, trees, shrubs, birds, animals, insects and the sun, wind and rain, streams and springs ... Only such an attitude makes a person - a person who thinks and lives with the thought of his or her attitude, his or her impact on the environment, and consequently - to change it, to use own benefit and not to harm nature.That is the argument that I want to reveal in this work as an example of local natural systems of Dovge and prove the real possibility of coexistence of man and nature in it. I want to submit it in the form of imagination, because I do not know where to get the money to implement my dreams in this difficult and challenging time. However, I believe that once a project like this will attract the public interest to my native village and hope that even though my grandchildren will take advantage of the crazy ideas of my grandmother.


Perhaps the greatest pleasure and joy ardent love for native land, for life is nature. From childhood, we get used to the surrounding material world. We love to spend time in the forest, field. We look at the flowers, trees. We communicate with nature with pleasure and admire its beauty. Whispers of blue water, green oak, sonorous singing of birds, the smell and the variety of colors - all the way to the heart with nothing incomparable nature of the Earth .Human beeings armed with technology of human society, only too confident in their abilities and mind, do not stop to attack the nature. And even when it became clear that the world of our younger brothers completely in the power of human bowels of the earth desolate, and the nature prays for deliverance, even then man stopped and pondered the consequences of their activities.

Transparent clear air, blue rivers, lakes, springs, majestic forests, flowering trees, protected from water and wind erosion of margins - all this vast wealth will disappear, if humanity does not senses. Multifaceted using natural resources to the needs of society, we must act so as not to cause harm, but rather comprehensively improve and increase the possibilities of nature. We must live not for only today's needs but also take care of the state of nature and future of tomorrow's day Photo 1.

Mountain stream where our river Borzhava starts

On the example of natural systems of the village Dovge I want to consider three possible transformations of recreational areas

(Fig. 1 and photo2).

Fiure 1.Map location of the v.Dovhe

Photo2. Satellite Map of the v.Dovhe

To convey to live in the original, pure and inviolable natural beauty of the land should be: firstly, to preserve what has been created by nature and, secondly, to improve the environment, harmoniously matching modern comfortable decor elements in national or modern style . This will enhance the effect of beauty. I can give an example of a route to the mineral spring water "Sour Water" (number 1 in Fig .. 1 and Figure 2).This natural path was created by itself for a long time. In the forest, no far from the the village, was a small fontanelle that pierced from the rock cliff and brook ran merrily on mountain callback. One day mushroom picker or shepherd saw fontanelle, drunk and was surprised: the water was not common.It was sour

Фото 3. Джерело «Квасна вода»

And people began to call mountain spring "Sour water "(Chemical analysis showed the content of hydrogen sulfide in it

Photo3 .Mineral spring "Sour Water"

Photo4. Mineral spring "Sour Water" threatens of landslide

Photo5,6 .Path to “Sour water”

For centuries the path has been trampled among young beeches, which are now completely mature, sometimes even felled by wind and time ... From the history and stories of local old-timers we know that people are often treated it for various ailments. They dug pit- tub into which they poured mineral water They also preheated large rocks in the big fire, and thrown these stones into the water and thats way the water became hot. To source leeds a narrow path, which is difficult to walk becouse of mountain landslides

Photo 7.Beginning of the Path

The route to the source is 100 meters along the river Borzhava (photo5 and Figure 1)

Photo 8.Borzhava River

It rises to the top of the ravine Chyschenyk , from which the whole villagecan be seen at a glance and which ends with a wonderful beech forest. Not so long ago this beautiful place was beautiful and comfortable for holiday destination of villagers and their guests.

Photo9,10. Chyschenyk's Views

But gradually blooming meadows, where you can see Lily of the valley , saffron banatskyy, vitrennytsyu dibrovnu, kandyk ,canine tooth, violet, lungwort, comfrey, were overgrown with alder bushes, rose hips and blackberries.


Photo11,12.13 Exotic flowers

If we can clear the upper part of the bow, put a stone path, make the winding slopes, shift, place decorative benches, tables, alcove in a folk style, information stands, it would be an excellent recreational trails. It is important to prevent the visitors, inform, teach how to behave in nature, introduce the ecological value of the environment, as it is usually done in national parks. People need to be convinced that we should not belittle human nature with territory littering, breaking branches, destroying flowers and so on.

The second perspective resting place (Fig. .1 and photo2) merely for children, can be fitted along the left bank of the river Borzhava Quay Street.This locality is used by unremarkable people who illegally planted it with vegetables and crops.

Coastal thickets cluttered, often drives garbage. During the flood area is sometimes flooded with water.

Photo15. Additional gardens for villagers

Photo16.Littered banks of the river

From my point of view, this area could be transform into a small children's park. Since the shape of plot - an elongated triangle, there can accommodate many tracks for scooters, roller skates, skateboards. Benches, sandboxes, playgrounds, swings transform this place in the beloved children's recreation area for teenagers and moms with kids (fig. 2).

Photo 17.Modern kind of place for swimming

Coast of the river will require appropriate strengthening that will protect the area from flooding and flood - Flood of spills.

Photo18.Strengthened riverbank of Borzhava river

Interesting is to design and construction of beach area in the tract Zarinok on both banks of the river Borzhava ( number 3 in Fig .. 1).

Photo18Banks of Borzhava River

Figure 3 It can be like this

Spa resort «Borzhava» is situated 500metres from the village Dovge and two hundred metres from Zarinok

Photo 19,20.21 View of Spa resort «Borzhava»

Hanging bridges, cable cars to the source "Sour Water", beach facilities would be a great place for a summer holiday for youth and older people. River banks requires serious clearing and floodplain regulation.By the way, to protect recreation complex from the road transport narrow-gauge railwaycan be restored , with exotic already at this time wagons and Directions for walks and seasonal tourist sports complex with auxiliary crossing, obstacle course, would allow young people to get a fun, informative and health benefits and spending their time.

Photo 22,23 Train and train map of local narrow-gauge railway

Finally, I have proposed to use the educational and environmental to a local television station, which would be carried about positive examples of actions and reforms aimed at environmental protection in our village.



"We have failed to understand that the Earth does not belong to us, and we belong to the Earth" - said Robert Edberg (4)People are so enthusiastic about improving your life that are not noticed in both rivers are fewer fish, and forest birds and animals. Fish died, poisoned by fertilizers that flowed from the fields, dirty sinks cities and factories. Poisonous substances kill insects in the fields and at the same time, losing birds and animals. Forests were cut down, so animals and birds harder it is to find food and shelter. They died simply from the fact that they had no place to live. Ecology - a special world of a man who is determined primarily by its spirituality. A person who is guided by love, high morals will not harm any creature not commit violence upon her. Destroying the environment, humanity is destroying our futur."If nature will change so much that would deny the essence of the species Homo sapiens, nothing will save her from the fate of the dinosaur," - said MF Reimers, confirming human behavior. Talk today about the environment - this means not only talking about changing the nature, but also about saving lives.

I love my land, my Dovhe. So I really want that surrounding nature will bring strength, health and satisfaction to everyone who encounters it, lives and "breathes" nature of the land. I want people to other areas in Ukraine enjoyed the beauty and recruited (enriched) strength and inspiration from the contemplation of our streams, meadows and just by meeting with wonderful and hospitable people of our region. I want fabulous corners of our land are well known to tourists and nature lovers from all over the world.

Photo 24.Our beautiful village Dovhe

Photo25. Borzhava River begins in the mountains

Одна Батьківщина!Двох не буває.Місця, де родилися, завжди святі.

Хто рідну оселю свою заТой долі не знайде в житті.

One Motherland! The two do not exist.Places where born, we always holy.

Who forgets his native home,That fate will not find in life.