factors influencing the effectiveness of hctman...

FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HCTMAN RESOURCE TRAINING PROGRAMMES IN HOTEL SECTOR BY 1SSAbl MOHAMMAD S ALWIAKHADMAM Thesis Subinitted to the Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia in Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

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Thesis Subinitted to the Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia

in Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

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Kebanyakan hotel melabur dalani melaksanakan program-program latihan yang berkesan untuk meniaksimunikan nilai modal insan sedia ada. Walau bagaimanapun, perlu diingatkan bahawa keberkesanan program adalah bergantung sama ada pelatih mengaplikasikan atau tidak niengaplikasikan apa yang mereka pelajari. Ini merupakan satu kebimbangan dalam kalangan pengusaha hotel. Objektif utama ka-jian ini adalah untuk meneroka hubungan antara tiga faktor yang berpengaruh iaitu persekitaran kerja, individu, dan proses latihan dengan keberkesanan prograni latihan menggi~nakan niodel penilaian Kirkpatrick (1977). Ini adalah sat11 kajian horelasi yang menggunakan reka bentuk campuran kaedali kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Untuk ka-jian kuantitatif, instrumen kajian telah diedarkan kepada 297 peserta yang telah nlengliadiri dan menamatkan program latihan di hotel lima dan cmpat bintnng di ASEZA. tlasil kajian ini menunjuhkan bahawa faktor persckital-an kcrja. sokongan sosial, peluang i~ntuk ~nenjalankan tugas dan sistem ganjaran. kecuali budaya organisasi, mempenpari~hi dnn menyumbang kepada keberkcsanan Iatihan. Kebolelian dan motivasi individu kecuali sikap niempengarulii dan mcnqi~nlbang keberkesanan latihan. Di sa~nping itu, analisis statistik menunjukkan bnlia\\~a keperluan dan rcka bentuk mempengal-i~hi keberkesanan progranl. Scnlua taktor ini menunjukkan hubungan yans positif clengan keberkesanan latihan dan hi~bungan yang positif clan signifikan antara nlereka dan keberkcsanan latillan. Kaedali kualitatif diguriakan dalanl kajian berbenti~k wauancnra satu-sama-satu dengan menggunakan sembilan soalan terbuka drngan pensurLls sumbzr 11ianusia dan penyelaras latihnn di hotel. tIasil ka-jian menyokong tinjauan hajian kuantitatif dan konsisten dengan ka-jian sebelum ini kecuali dengan men i~ l i j~~kkan baha\va budaya organis:lsi dan sikap. Kajian ini menyumbang dalam ~nerapatkan jurang nlengenai pcngaruli faktor persehitaran. individu dan proses latihan kepada keberkesanan program latihan sumber manusia. Selain itu. ka-jian ini juga menambah maklumat dalanl mengaplikasikan model penilaian Kirkpatrick (1977) untuk menilai keberhesanan program latihan terutanianya di Jordan. Akhirnya, kajian ini menyediakan penyelidik dengan garis panduan untuk menjalankan program-program latihan yang berkesan dalam sektor perkhidmatan.

Kata Kunci: Sumber Manusia. Latihan, Keberkesanan Latihan. Faktor Persekitaran Kerja, Faktor Individu. Faktor Proses L,atihan.


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Most hotels invest in implementing effective training programmes to maximize the inherent value of their existing human capital. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the programmes depends on whether trainees apply what they learned.This is a major concern among hotel operators. The main objective of this study is to explore the relationships between three influential factors which are work environment, individuals, and training process and the effectiveness of training programmes using Kirkpatrick evaluation model (1977). It is a correlation research using a mixed design of quantitative and qualitative methods. In the former method, a survey instrument was distributed to 297 participants who had attended and completed training programlnes in five and four star hotels in ASEZA. 'The findings reveal that factors such as work environment, social support, the opportunity to perform and reward system, with the exception of organizational culture, influence and contribute to training effectiveness. Furthermore, ability and motivation of individual influence and contribute to training effectiveness \bit11 the exclusiun of attitude. In addition. statistical analysis indicates that needs ancl design i~ifluence training effectivcncss. All the factors demonstrate a positive cul-relation with training effectiveness and sho~v a positive and significant relationship between tliem nncl training effectiveness. The qualitative method is used in tllc study in tlie fol-111 of a one-to-one interview using nine open-ended qirestions \\,it11 Iii~mali resource managers and training coordinators in tlie hotels. Tlie findings support the outputs of the cluantitative survey and consistent with previous studies except the organizational culture and the attitude. This study has contributed in bridging the gap concerning the intluence by environment. individual and training process factors on the effectiveness of human resource training programmes. It also extends the literature of using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model (1977) to evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes particularly in Jordan. Finally, the study provides researchers with guidelines on conducting effective training programmes in the service sector.

Keywords: Human Resource, Training, 'Training Effectiveness, Work Environment Factors, Individual Factors, Training Process Factors.

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I want to dedicate this effort to everyone who have supported me throughout my education experience.

Firstly, my father' soul. My mother. Sheikha ( U m Ali), heaven is under her feet;

My second half, my lovely wife.

My brothers ~ ~ l i o have always helped mc in facing the difficulties, Fayez, Ali, Fawzi. Omar (Alshacr), Ibrahim. and Bassam.

bIj \i\tcr\. Faqrali. Ilana, blona. k l c ~ a ~ n . ~und Ola \\ho have a l \ \ q s bc there to \i~ppo~-t and cnco~lla, clc me.

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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful. I thank you for

providing me the power and inspirations needed for carrying out this study.

I would like to extend my appreciation to my advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurha7ani

Bt Mohd Shariff. for her thorough supervision. encouragement and willingness to

support nlc. and help me urith llcr intellectual comments. fccdback and assistance.

I\\vi~ld also lihc to achno\\lcdgc 1114 cousin ilbrcl Alsalanl: uncl n1y Ir~rntl\.

Osallla rind A u d for ~hcir support.

Finally. I offer my regards and blessing to all who have supported me in any

respect during the conipletion of the study.

lssam Mohammad Almalchadmah

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. . PERMISSION 7'0 USE ............................................................................ 1 1

... ABSTRAK.. ........................................................................................... 111

ABSTRACT.. ......................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION.. ....................................................................................... v

ACKNOWL,EDGEMENTS ....................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CON'I'ENTS ........................................................................ vii

... I,IST OF FIGLJKES.. ............................................................................... ~ I I I

LIST O F APPENDIC t:S .......................................................................... xiv

C ' t IAPTER ONE: INrPRODIIC:'I'lON ........................................................ I

7 , . INrFK0DO(, I ION ....................................................................................... I

L3ACKGROUND OF TtIE S'I'UIIY ........................................................... I

Context of Study: Hotels in .lordan .......................................................... 6

PROBLEM STAr1.EMENT .................................................................... I0

..................................................................... RESEARCH QUESTIONS 15

..................................... OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ..................... .. 15

.......................................................... SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 16

...................................... DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................... ... 17

CONC1,USION ......................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER TWO: LITERA'TIJRE REVIEW ........................................... 20

..................................................................................... 2.1 llVTRODUCTION 20

2.2 HUMAN RESOURCE 1N T H E HOTEL INDUSTRY ........................... 20

........................................ 2.2.1 Hotel Operations, Products and Services 22


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2.2.2 The importance of Human Resources ............................................. 23

........................... 2.2.3 The Role of Human Resources in Hotel Industry 25

2.3.1 The Training Process ..................................................................... 35

2.3.2 The Role of Training in the I-iotel Industry ................................... 38

..................................... 2.3.3 The Effectiveness of 'Training Progranime 40

........ 2.3.4 Model to Measure the Effectiveness of Training Programnle 41


....................................................................................... PKOGRAMR4E 48

2.4. 1 rI'hc Work Environment Factors ...................................................... 50

2.4.2 The Individual Factors ................................................................ 59

. . ....................................................................... 3.4.j 'fhc .l 'l-a~n~ng Proccss 65

2.5 RL:I.iZ~TIONStIlP i l i \.. ION(; ' I1 IF 1'AC:'I'OI<S INFI. IJI'NC'IN(.i ' 1 . 1 IE

'I'RAINING PROGRAblME ...................................................................... 72

2.6 ('(INCLUSION ........................................................................................ 72

.................................................. CHAPTER Tt IREE: b1ETliODOLOC;Y 76

3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 76

3.2 RESEAR CH DESIGN ............................................................................. 76

......................................................................... 3.2.1 Quantitative Design 77

3.2.2 Qualitative Design ......................................................................... 78

7 7 ... RESEARCH HYPOTHESES ................................................................... 79

.................................................................. 3.4 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 83

3.5 POPULATION AND SAMPLE .......................................................... 84

3.5.1 Sample Size ..................................................................................... 85

......................................................................... 3.5.2 Sampling Method 877

3.6 DA'TA COLLECTION .............................................................................. 89

... V l l l

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3.7 VARIABI,ES ......................................................................................... 9 I

3.7.1 Independent Variables ............................................................. 9 1

3.7.2 Dependent Variable - Effectiveness of Training Progranime ......... 93

3.8 IlVSTRUMENT DESIGN ..................................................................... ~ . ~ . 93

3.91 Validity ....................................................................................... 97

3.9.2 Reliability ....................................................................................... 99

3.10 DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................... '......... I07

3.10. I Quantitative Analysis .................................................................. 107

3 . 0 . Qualitative Analysis: Contcnt Analysis ........................................ I OS

3.1 I ('ONC'I,lJSlON ....................................................................................... I I I

. . 4.2.1 Respondents' Demoiyaphic Character~st~cs ................................. 1 15

4.2.2 Descriptive Analysis ................................................................... 1 17

4.2.3 Hypotheses Testing ..................................................................... 129

4.3 FINDINGS OF QIJALITA'rIVE METHOD .......................................... 148

4.3. l Respondent Protiles ............................................................... 148

4.3.2 Questions and Themes ............................................................... 149

FIRST QI!ESTION ... ............................................................. 155

SECOND QUESTION ........................................................ 160

'THIRD QUES'TION.. ...................................................... 164

FOURTH QUESTION ................................... .... .................. 168

FIFTH QI.JESTIO1V.. . ............................................................ 172

SIXTFI QUESTION.. , ........................................................... 174


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Table 1 . 1

Table 1.2

Table 1.3

'Table 1.4

'I'able 1.5

.[.able 2.1

Table 2.2

'I'able 2.3

Table 2.4

Table 3. I

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.4

'Table 3.5

Table 3.6

Table 3.7

Table 3.8

Table 3.9

Table 4.1

Table 4.2


............................................. Classification of Hotels in Jordan

Classified Hotels in Aclaba.. ........................................

........... Workforce In Tourisrn And Hotels Sector In Jordan

............................. Nunlber of Staff in f lotels Sector in Jordan

Number of Staff i11 I Iotels Sector in Aqaba ........................

....................................................... Proble~n of' Service Nat~lrc

'l'he Ne\v IlK Model in Operation ..............................................

., . . .............................................................. Importance o t I ' ra~n~ng

............................. Kcy IFactol-s that Adtlresscd in the 1,itcrature

,. - Sample Slzc tor I'apulation ....................................................

.............................. I tc~n Rcso~~l-ccs for En \ ironmental Factors

Item Sources for Individual Factors ............................. ... ...........

Item Sources for Training Process .............................................

Pilot Study Sub-Scale for Coefficient Alpha of 'Training . , Effectiveness ..............................................................................

Pilot Study Sub-scale for Coefficient Alpha of Work - . Env~ronn~ent ...............................................................................

Pilot Study Sub-Scale for Coefficient Alpha of Individual Factors ........................................................................................

Pilot Study Sub-Scale for Coefficient Alpha of'Training Process ........................................................................................

................................................. Analysis Used in Both Methods

Demographic Characteristics of The Respondents ........ ... .....

Responses Rate ...........................................................................

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Table 4.3 Means, Standard Deviation. and Frequencies of Items for 118 . ~

Traln~ng effectiveness .................................................................

Table 4.4 Means. Standard Deviation. and Frequencies of ltems for 121 .......................................................... Work Environment Factor

Table 4.5 Means, Standard Deviation, and Frequencies of Items for 124 ....................................................................... Individual Factors

Table 4.6 Means, Standard Deviation. and Frequencies of lterns 127 . ~

Fortraln~ng Process Factors ........................................................

'Table 4.7 Mean and Standar Deviation for the Study Variables ................ 129 . .

Table 4.8 Collinearity S ta t~s t~cs .............................................................. 13 1

'Table 4.9 Regression Rcsult of Work Environment Factors ...................... 135

.................................... I'ablc 4.10 Reyrcssion Result of Intlividual Factors 137

.......................... Table 4. I I Regression Rehult of I rainin? Process Factors 138

'Table 4.12 Correlation Uct\veen \P'ork Envil-onment. Individual 1.30 . . . Factors, and - I ralnlng, Process ....................................................

Table 4.13 Correlation Between Work I.:nvironment Factors and 112 ,. . Training Effect~veness ................................................................

'Table 4.14 Correlation Between Inclividual Factors ancl 143 . . Training Ef fect~vcness ................................................................

'Table 4.15 Correlation Between 'Training Process Factors and 'Training 144 Effectiveness ..............................................................................

....................................... Table 4.16 Summary of the Hypotheses Findings 145

Table 4.17 Qualitative Respondent Profile ................................................... 149

Table 4.18 Sumn~ary of the Questions and Thenies ..................................... 154

Table 5. 1 Result of klypotheses Testing Accompany with Previous 209 Studies .........................................................................................


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Figure I . I

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Figure 3.1

Figi~rc 4.1

Figure 4.2


Location of Aqaba ................................................................

Kirkpatrick's Training Evaluation Model Levels .................

Level of Training Needs Analysis .......................................

Training Design ...................................................................

Theoretical Franiework of the Study ....................................

.................. P-P Plot of Rcgre\sion Stnndal-di/ed Rcsiclual

Normal Plot (Scattcl- Plot) of l<egressiun Standardizccl ................................................................................. Residual


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Appendix A: Interview Questions ............................. .. ................. 244

............................................. Appendix B: Expert Validation Form 246

.................................................... Appendix C: Final Questionnaire 254

......................... Appendix D: Regression Findings (Main-Factors) 262

......................... Appendix E: Regression Findings (Sub-Factors) 270


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This chapter begins by describing tlie background of the study and specifically

focuses on hotels sector in Jordan. The main targeted area is in Aqaba city. It then

follows by explaining the probletn statement, research questions, and research

objectives. The purpose of this sti~dy was to investigate the factors that intluence

training eftectiveness in hotels sector in Aclaba city. The st~ldy investigated nine Factors

in three gt-oi~ps which are work envit-onment (socirll support, opportunity to pcrforni,

reward system, :lnd organization culture). indiviclual (ability. attitude. and motivation).

. . and training process factors ( tra~nlns needs ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 training design).

In addition, i t also provides a brief description of tlie signilicance O F tlie currcnt

study. Finally. the chapter concludes by presenting the dctinitions of the terms used in

the study. and ends by su~i i~i iar i~ing the contents the the chapter.


Tourism sector is among the increasingly growing businesses in the world

particirlarly in the Middle Eastern region which boasts of several historical tourist

attractions. In this region, the gro~vth of tourism registers at 17% compared to tlie

world's growth of 4%(UNWTO, 2008). In the context of Jordan, the tourism sector is a

crucial part of the economic sector which accounts for 10.5% of the gross domestic

product (GDP). The sector created approxiniately 39, 359 direct ,job opportunities of

which 13. 005 were employed by liotel organizations(MOTA, 2009).


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The contents of

the thesis is for

internal user


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