facebook101: a facebook profile vs page

Facebook profile vs page What a page can do for your business

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Facebook profile vs page

What a page can do for your business

Facebook profile vs page

There is a difference between how a Facebook profile works (which is ment for person to person communication) and how a Facebook page works (which is ment for brand to person to brand communication)

But what is it?

Facebook profile

A Facebook profile is meant to represent a single individual and is for non-commercial use.

A profile can post texts, photos, videos, add profile and cover photos and host events.

Facebook page

A Facebook page is meant for brands, businesses and organisations.

A page can post texts, photos, videos, add profile and cover photos and host events.

Facebook profile vs page

Both can post texts, photos, videos, add profile and cover photos and host events.

So what is the difference?


Facebook profile: When you become friends with someone that relationship is 2way. Both need to agree to be friends.

Facebook page: The person can like a page without consent and a page cannot become friends with a person.


Facebook profile: They see what you post, you see what they post. It’s an equal trade (though you might not see everything they post but that is a whole another discussion.

Facebook page: They see what you post, you cannot see what they post. Exception: you can see what they post when they do it on your wall or tag you specifically.


Facebook profile: You both can communicate with each other, via wall or private message.

Facebook page: The person can communicate with you via wall or private message. You can only post to everyone (not able to tag someone specifically) and you can only react to wall or private messages when they started the conversation.

Facebook profile vs page

So, if you are a business, make sure you get a page! You can share posts from your page to your profile so more people can see it if you want to.

Want to know if Facebook is right for your business?Learn during a 30 minute free Skype call with me http://www.digitalie.eu/contact/