facebook: building social connections and support for western oregon university athletics

MASTERS THESIS CLAIRE CARPENTER MARCH 2010 Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

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Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics. Masters Thesis Claire Carpenter March 2010. WOU Wolves: From the beginning. Identifying a need. Facebook 101. Ready…Set…Facebook!. WOU Wolves: Risks and Apprehension. Faculty on Facebook - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics



MARCH 2010

Facebook: building social connections and support for

Western Oregon University athletics

Page 2: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Identifying a need

WOU Wolves: From the beginning

Facebook 101


Page 3: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

WOU Wolves: Risks and Apprehension

Faculty on Facebook 2006 to present

Student-athletes on Facebook WOU Social Networking Waiver

Page 4: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

The Popularity of Facebook

More than 400 million active users; 50% of them users log on to Facebook in any given


The average user spends more than 55 minutes per day

on Facebook

More than 20 million people become fans of Pages each


Page 5: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

My Project

Created a Page within Facebook Posted current WOU athletic news

News Scores Pictures Videos Events

Page 6: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Insights from WOU Wolves

Insights application from our WOU Wolves


Facebook Insights measures user

exposure, actions, and behavior relating to

Facebook Pages.

Page 7: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Taking a closer look at our active fans

Fans Who Interact with our Page

Interactions Interactions per post Post quality Posts

Page 8: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Fan activity two weeks ago

Total Fans Active Fans18-34 78%

18-34 40%

35-55+ 17%

35-55+ 60%

Page 9: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Fan activity this week

Total Fans Active Fans18-34 79%

18-34 38%

35-55+ 16%

35-55+ 64%

Page 10: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Taking a closer look at all our fans

All Fans of Western Oregon Wolves

Total fans New/Removed fans Top Countries Demographics Page views Media Consumption Unsubsribers/re-subscribers

Page 11: Facebook: building social connections and support for Western Oregon University athletics

Suggestions for future Page Administrators

Set an appropriate project goal

Occasionally, shift the focus off of the athletes and onto the fans

Target alumni

Utilize other media (i.e. twitter, athletic homepage, contest programs, etc.)

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Facebook. “Statistics.” 2010. Retrieved Jan. 25, 2010, from http://www.facebook.come/press/info.php?statistics