f i m~~~ro~~t)pointt }rtuitw - grosse pointe public...

~\ f h\ \1 ul '1;200 per \ ear, S111g1eCopIes 5 Cents GROSSI: 1'01\ 1L l\IlCHTGA"I 1 HUR"DAY ~lARLI-l l~ 1~37 I B OLDHAM Pubhsher f \OL 11 NO 30 I m~~ ~ro~~t )pointt }Rtuitw THE GROSSf POINTE WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR PRINTING CO, PublIshers FAVOR - ADVERTISING PHONE LENOX 1162 HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY I THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT - T , ( " \ Ray Hafeh well knO'\\n DehOlter as" sumed Ius duties as manager of the DetrOIt office of the Liquor Commls" '>On on Tuescla) \-Iarch 16 He \\ III have charge of \\ a} ne County and seven nelghbonng counties RAY HAFELI He was born In DetrOIt 1tt 1b98 and acqulled hiS educatlOn 111 paroclllal arId pubhc schools He" or1... ed on 111sfath~ er s farm until the age of 17 for a number of years he was emplOyed by the Packard Motor Car Co 11 the ex- perImental diVISIOll Then he estab- hshcd the Harch Brothers Realty and BU1 1 dmg company and for many ~ears "as promment 111 the de\clopmcnt of acreage througbout the northeast sec. tlOl1 of DetrOit In 1932 Mr Hafcb l\aS a candidate for Congress of the ul1lted St<l.tes In the rlrst Dtstnct and later became a member of County Treasurer Jacob P SumeradcIs staff Mr Hafeh has taken an actne m. terest 111CIty state and natlOnal polt .. hcs, and managed the campaign of Prentiss 111 13ro'Wll for Ul1lted States Senator and Jacob P Sume1 J.Ckl for re election as County Treasurer Mr Raymond Hafeh IS effiCIent and thorough and should be ab asset to the CommiSSion 111the capacIty of De- trOIt off ce manager \\ 111(.hhe assumed 011Tuesday thiS week ADOLPH L DAMMAN Express Appreciation Democratic Candidate I Qualifications of for Twp. Treasurer Democratic Candidates for Township Offices TI e fam 1) of the late }.,I a Oldham \\ Ish to e:>..tcd the I hcartfelt than~~ to tl e r ine lds nCIghbors off clals of the var ous Villages '1:1e (ty Town blllp und tl e pohce department for the1r k nd al d conSiderate expre:;,:,lOns of sympatl y and condolence 111 the r recent bereavement Arthur L PaseIk Offers Spec,al Easter Arrangement. T\\.enty fa lr per cent of the total populatlOn of thiS state 1$ 'vlthout Ib rary service The unscn cd tellltory 11c1udes 1140 000 rural people and 46000 urban reSI dents the latter 111 CitIes of from 5 000 to 25000 populatlOn :CducatlOn of all the ,people IS to the rIterest of all the people as has been recogl11zed by the state s grants to schoob L branes which are a part of the educatIOnal structure cannot be developed '\\ thout state support Th s finanCial ad should properly come from tl.te state because of the tendency to sh1ft tax sources horn the local comrnul1lty to the state The library budget of all local com mun t es totalled $1 822694 In 1935 ,.... hlch means an e,,-pendlture of 37 cents per capita ll1cludllg U lserved areas but even 111 comn u llt es \\here hbranes eXist the average expenditure '\"as only 49 cents per capIta The estabbshed and accepted mUllmum standard IS $1 00 per capita If present funds were supplemented by the 25 cents per capIta requested 111 the b 11to be brought before the pres ent legl~lature It would not only be pOSSIble to extend serVIce to present un:.erved areas but It would materially ImprOve and de>-elop the seIVlce 1ll al ready estabhs1 cd hbrancs 'L11lque Easter table pieces corsages bouquets and unu<;Ual plants are avaIl able to the cl entele Ot Arthur L Pas elk rtonst m the P~nch and Judy Tl eater bu Idmg In a remarkably short time tlus estabhshme lt has ad vanced to prOMmence as a £lonst of outstandmg ment HI" pnces have been '''ell WltlUll rea~on and the quahty of flowers ha" bee 1 of the lughest standards and he IS ah\ays vvl1hng to offer suggestIons v..hen oeslred These are some of the reasons ror the rap1d de, elopment of th s flo\>,.er shop 'Ir Pas elk IS Widely kl10wn m the commu11lty J VICTOR H DeBAEKE All Dogs of Wayne County Are Placed Under Quarantine Democratic Candidate for Township Justice J\ str ct ctara It ne \\a:;, placed on] all dogs 111 DctrOlt and \"\ aj ne Cou lty 1 uesday after 30 cases of rabIes had bee 1 d scovered on the records of the Doard of Health The 1cstllet 011S\\ ere announced by Dr Hel rv F \ aughn Cm nty healH comm1>Soner TI c quarantlle ,\111 effect about 6;, 000 licenses d.nd an une.,tlmatet! l1UI11 ber of 1.1111 censed an mal;:; The dogs \, III be 1estr cted to tl (' r 0\\ ner s pr'em ses 1l11eSS they are vacc natec. for rabies a lei on a lea"h L lder no other co ldlt all;:; may a dog leetve ItS 0\\ ler s prem ses Police ofucers have been ordered to arrest o\\ncrs of dogs \\ho have fallcd to obey the rules of the q larant I1C wh ch ",ent mto effect Tt escla) "10 lator;:; '\\.111be '>ubJect to penalties ra 19 mg from $10 to $JOO fines or unpnson ment of not more than s x mo It IS ",01 bert Denl IS a ca Hlldate to StlC- cced h 111self as To'" I1shp ;,upel "l:,or, do PO:.lt on 1e has held for sc\ era1 )NrS He has conducted thc affairs of the 10\\ l1sl1Jp 111a ,crj cal d.ble and econom cal ma lner a cl ma y ael\ au" tal:{es have dccruecl through lIS efforts HI;:; t lOrou~h 1110' lcdge of thc ofhce and 1115sp1e d d e..... .pcr e lce '" th 11e Ford \Iotor Car C0ll11Mnv IS a great ach antage 111 the conduct g of the af .. fairs of the roV',nsl11J? Carl Seh", e kart prom ncnt local at~ torne\ IS seel ng the ofhce of [0",\ 11" ~hlP (Jerk and h s e}.,.penelKe as mem .. ber of the \\>a) ne County pro:,ecutor s staff should be d sple ldld advantage to our Townsh p II the conductmg of tillS most Importa t office Adolph L Damman has conduc~cd the office of To" nshlp Treasurer 111a capable and creditable manner for a number of years and under hIS glHd- ance th1S office has functIOned perfectlv Ta'l::es have been collected economIcally a ld effic ently and the d sburslOg of funds of the fownsillp handled prompt .. ly and speed ly HIS fine record has been outstandlllg 111local affairs VIctor R DeBaeke J ustlce of the Peace IS also seekl11g re electIOn He has alv,ays taken a prom nent mterest 1n the affaIr;, of the commull1ty and Horticultural Society I has d"pIayed cons derable abliIty and Th d M 18 derCI'ed splendId Judgment In d,,- urs ay, ar. pemmg justice as a Justice of Peace The Gl0SSe POlIte and Eastern of Grosse POlllte Townslup \flchlgan Hortlcuftulal Soclcty ,,111 Chas A Hov,md w 1 10 seeks election hold a bunco and card party at the to the Board ('f ReVle\\ has a fine ~e ghborhood CJub on l'nd<\) \!arch bad.,gra-und of accor pl shmcnts to h15 19at 8 p m credit and shou11. be the t pe of 1l1dI~ Rco>dents of the v cm ty are cordially Vidual best qUdl fed f)r th s e'(actl11g 11'\ Ite I to J011 them 111 an evenllg of office T K .• D dd pleasant Iecreat on Frank 11 Allald flank \V De.('er, ony 01nlS a y ~ John W TraVIS anJ Robert Van ~1 n.. of Baby Girl Feb. 28 ii!fiQfiilli1Ii"rn!JiliilJC1Ji;!Jiilliln;lliilli'JIi!li!!rolli!!li!r.liillll~ aeys are men () mtcgn y .I1<l,,.racter :t .-4t>-- ~- ~~""t," j-~ .,.1... S~t.rijtJr~V6ters .... '\ 'h l'l.,a;lvi .M' cO)1.s.tah1es w U -p~rforllv 1.1e TOlly Kouns that pOPulal COllces ~ f duties of thl" r ofhces WIth courtesy \ SlOnalre of the "\Vaterfront Park pur ~ to RegIster or I and con~lderat1on vejor of hot dogs pop corn etc to Special Election. ThiS le:.Ulne of he flua l .5tatlOns d\ hungry bathel;:; clur1l1g the summer @II the cand date~ \\ho <:cek eleL 1011 all months becan e father of a .fine baby The Board of EducatIon Rural I the Democratic.. tiC et "gl\en t 1 lat }""IU guion }cbIuary 28 at St \farys Hos AgrIcultural School Dutr\ct No I might better know the men Vv '0 }1;ne pltal 1, Grosse Pomte TownshIp an~ served) ou and \'\ho des re ~o sC'rve lony has been paSSl11gout the Cigars nounces that a speCIal electIon thloughout the comwg Yt.ar fhe"c dl c1 s really prOud of thiS bundle of ~ wlIl1:J e held on Monday, AprIl 19 men have been ~e1ecte 1 b .... ause of theIr 1°) i All school dtstr1C:t voters are ~ outstandmg abl 1 ty --------- I urged to register who have not IS: Vote Apnl 5~ We Crow Wtth You Why not Grow already reglstered @! ~ W,th U.? Advert .. e n, The ReView ~ Ray Hafeli Appointed ------- _...r..r;!!ii!Ji2!il . . Corp. W. F. Bruce Why Do Michigan DetrOl~Office Ma~ag.. er Post V. F. W. Dance Sat. Libraries Need Aid of Liquor COffilOlsslon From The State? Jomed the party Dick Korte of LIttle Roc~, Ark became a mem ber of the group when the bus stopped at that CIty The Lake Charles club WIll use the bus to transport the team from CIty to CIty wlthm the league dur4 mg the baseball season. ThiS IUUe contains a no-bee of a pubhc hearrng' on the proposed 19311938 bqj.)'et for the CIty of Grosse POInte and taxp,1;t,yers.and reSIdents of '"the CIty are InVIted to attend th. heartng which wIll be at 5 p m tiext Monday March 2Z, at the Cltt office, 17150 Mau mee avenue Republican National Committee Receiving Contributions to Fund lIu dreds of small contnbut ons fro n aU over Jthe country the bull of them gIftS of ~ve 0 ten dollars are be llg rece ved ~y the Republlcan "\ a tonal Commltw.e accordllg to J 01111 Hal111lto1 Reprrhhcan ~ atlOllal Chalr ma 1 r SIX hu ldrt'c[ ~l1d tift} :;,lx <.-ontrbu !lOlls of $100 h-r less were receIVed dU! ng J:<ebrual~ alt'me There '\,ere a number of do~r glfts Dt rIng the month 383 l\w.i and women also pledged contq~:ntlOns for later tllS year \fost of'\be pledges arc for less than $25 , ~ Budg~t Hearing ~ \Ve are no,,"l recenlng 75 to 100 conulbutlOns 'Cladyof $2;, and less Most of them are ~5 or $10 donatlOns \{r Ham lton sale! ':::,uch a large numbel of smal1 guts fron, wage earnel sand small salallcd men and women 111c1lcates better than an:}'thJug else I thll1h. that the rank and file at the people are Vitally mterested Jll the Repubhcan Party One fourth Qf our cOlltnbutlOns are from women A number of Democl at:, are contnbtltll;lg Letter after Jett~r would se"'l11 ~C:\, 111chcate that the gifts are bell1g macleA:qthe Republican Party at a very real saCllfice to the contrlb- tors' ...,. j In commel1tlUb" upon the many small subscnptlol1~ and pledgcs recel\ ed dur mg the last two montfls Mr Haml1ton sa d that It was hiS hope and the hope (Contmued On Pag .. T",o) The DetrOIt Garden Centel at the Russell A Alger Museum on Lake shore road w111ha, e ItS second lecture of the month on Thursdaj at 3 0 clocI 111the afternoon M ss Irma Kharbroff Will speak on Impenal Gardens of Old RUSSIa Illustratmg her talk "\\.lth The C01P \valter F Bluce Post 1146 sl des Veterans of Foreign Vvars ¥.tIll hold a '\IIS:. [{harbroff who IS now ltvmg St Patnck s party Saturday March 20 In the Un ted ,states, \vas born 111 at Ten Mile road and Little Mack Russ a and has personally VisIted the A "eal Insfl party 1S assured and gardens wluch she will deSCrIbe fnends of the Gro"se Pomte alea are 'The lectures are free to the pUblici cordIally 1Uvlted to attend There Will and of e<:peclal lllterest to gardenmg be a'11ple refreshments and a nommal enthUSiasts fee \\111be charged Seek Berths as Future Tigers { CARL SCHWEIKART HOW MANY of these yonng fellews WIll be major league stars WIth the DetrOIt Tigers a few years hence? As promlsmg rookies they have been SIgned by the Beaumont club of the Texas league~ a. Ttger farm, and have been farmed out to the Lake Charles, La, team in the Evangelme league. They are pIctured at the TIger headquarters, Navtn Field. DetrOit, just before leaVing for Lake Charles in a. Ford V-8 bus purchased by the Lake Charles team for use on the Evangehne ClreDlt. \ In the pIcture are John and Paul where John Burman" Stanley Cor~ Johnson YpSIlantI, Frank Secorl, bett and Harry Ga1vm of CmClfi Grand Haven, Gerald Paman, De- natI, and John Zontom of Whites~ trolt. Steve Rachurok. DetrOIt Ville, W Va, were pIcked up In Barney McCoskey, DetrQlt BIll Sprmgfie1d 111 Arny Vesely, ChI Speas Toledo, and Pat Mullm, cago, Joseph Roda1skl, Ashland, Grrndstone Pa WIS, WIllard Day, Fremont, Ill, The first stop was Indlanapohs and EdwlIl Well~nd, ~v~.pstQ», :m., [ Tovvnsci d Club ",,0 7 ,11 meet as u:;,ual rlluay \farch 19 8 p In at tl e Ives Scl 001 1146 Ph 11 north of Jeff erson Townsend Club Speeds Plans for Local Broadcasts REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Pla:rs \\lll be completed to put the TO\'vnsend PIa 1 on the radlo 10cd.lly \VJBK already has slort announce ments or grnatlllg from "\atlonal Head quarters ll1 Chicago every day at 6 4" p m and 9 30 Pm Ever} one s 1l1vIted to hear morc about the To vnscnd Plan A door prIze w 11be g ven \fr Cope lhovel of A:;,hland aye lue \\on tl e door prIze last '''eek a fi le book of Dr TO'Vvt send s radIO talJ...s Much enthusiasm s bemg ShO\\11 all over the Clty rour new clubs were orga 11zed la~t \\ eel An} one v..lshl11g to organll:e a club may get l11structIOns at th s club meet ng Qr by ""r t ng publlclty cha rman Club \0 7 1216 \fan stlque Detro t Dog Licenses Due April 1st Garden Center Illustrated Talk Thursday, Mar. 19 ReSident:, of the City of Grosse Pomte are rem nded that 1937 dog hcenses are due begmnmg Apnl; 1 for the year 1937, and al e urged to secure such llcenses as soon as poss1ble These hcenses are obta ned at the office of the City Clerk at 17150 Mau nee A, enUe (8 30 a m to 4 30 p m Saturdays c1o;,ed at 12 noon) lIcense rates bemg as follows Male dog $110 female dog $210, unse'<:ed $110 No hcense Will be Issued for any dog unless a certlfi cate sho,\vlug vaccmatlOn 01 Immunlza tlOn agamst lables IS s...tbmltted show mg such vaccmatIOll to have been had w1th1l1the past SIX months usua14 of the '--- NORBERT F DENK Democratic Candidate for Twp. Supervisor Professional Women's Party March 17th Democratic Candidate for Township Clerk A St Patrick's \feetmg of the Grosse Po nte ProfessIOnal \Vomens Club was hdd at 6 30 Wednesday March 17th 'It the Grosse POll1te MemorIal Church Mrs Prhll Leldlch presented mOV111gpictures of Ireland Good Friday Service at Punch and Judy Theatre Services ¥.t11 be held at the Punch and Judy Theater Kercheva,l avenue and McK111ley road from 12 to 3 odock Good Friday afternoon The manage ment or the theater has very kmdly offered the bu;ldmg for tlus purpose on that afternoon and the serVIces Will be I of a communIty character to which all CitIzens of Grosse POlllte Park City 9f Grosse P0J11te Grogse Pornte 1 arms Grosse Pomte Shores and Lochmoor and the publtc 111genel al are cordially lUvlted Boat Moorings in City of Grosse Pointe An organ reCital of sacred musIc Will be given by MISS Mary Jayne Easton a graduate of the InstItute of MUSIcal Art In DetrOIt and a teacher of plano and organ, from 12 to 12 30 0 clock Thel e will also be speCIal vocal num bers The speakers for the service WIll be the Rev Calvll1 F Stickles D D, pas tor of the Church of The Reformation DetrOit, v/hose tOPIC WIll be ' H1S (lOSS and H m n the Rev 11 Luther Canup, D D, rector of the Grosse POlUte church whose tOPIC WIll be Jesus Ctuclfied Bet wee n Two Thieves ' and the Rev CE Hoffsten D D, mll11ster of Bethlehem Swedish Augustal1a Church DetrOit who Will s-peak on What Good Fnday Means to Me' A feature of thiS three hour mecllta tlOn mUSIC preachll1g and prayer w1ll be the smgll1g of some of the church 5 best and most famihar hymns by all present Bnng your famIly and frIends and )0111others m your commul1lt} regard less of creed m a service In commem oratIOn of the death of our blessed SaVIOr Bay and Gnlf A bay is an mlet of the sea ly smaller than a gulf, but same general character. - News Digest Mason School P.T.A ...,It seems that dog raemg may become a M,ch1gan sport shortly The next step" auld be legahzed gambhng A story comes to hght that the c,ty manager of } hnt spent $8900 for guns teal gas and other eqUipment £01 rotltmg the still... ! ers Arrangements at e bemg made I to d,spose of them ~It IS iar easIer to control VIce glllnb1ll1g etc, 1f 1t 1S conducted legally than It 15 to force It mto hIdden corners III every nook and carner of DetrOlt It would even affect racketeers by leavll1g noth- mg for them to prey upon Purse snatchers afe qUlte actIve in DetrOIt ovel the v... eek ends , The State Depa'tment at Lan smg ha,; Issued a \Valumg that a man has escaped from the leper colony In LOUisIana and 'ViIII 111 all probab'hty head for M,c1llgan ~ The man who shot h'mself the bullet bouncll1g back mto the gun IS makmg attempts to shoot h,m- self agam, acc.ordmg to 1115 fMends Employel s al e seal clung 111 valll £01 SIt dov, n stnh.els \\ ho seek less money and longer hours It seems that sa:Aaphoncs ale not acceptable as settlement of hotel b111s m DetrOli Robe't FISher 1S servmg 90 days m the House of CorrectIOn £01 t1 Y111gIt A man was convIcted of uuper 'SonatIng a \' oman at St P dul 'Mmnesota What ne"t? , The dtJetcfr ",,'h;t> • gtlard'etr" '111 e health of four pres,dents ,s of the 0p'11l0n that Pres,dent Hoover had the welfare of the people at heart, but the c'tlzens failed hun t Chicago tax,cabs are bemg dnven mto the lake 111a ta"lcab War wh'ch 15 ragmg the' e An" Pennmgton couldn t sectll e dramatlc pa' t so she does stnp- tease act. The well-dressed Spal1l;h sold ier wears eVe11l11g clothes, or whatever he can find J A\IES GRACE and 'Wham Del- bndge of Grosse Pornte have been InitIated mto Delta Kappa EpSilon fra- termty at the Umverslty of Mlch gan Mary Gage of Grosse Pomte was 10 Itlated mto CollegIate SorOSIS Boat owners res1dmg m the CIty of Grosse Pomte who deSire moormg spaCe at the CIty mu llclpal harbor are urged to make apphcahon to the C1t}' Clerk as soon as possIDie ll1asmuch as moor- 1l1g or dockmg space will be allotted on the baSIS of prtonty of apphcatIOus The Pal k Committee has Iss,ued orders F IR . H Id f co, erJng the aUotITent of space and unera Ites e or have ruled that no hoat WIll he allowed Annie Laurie Schuler to tre at the CIty dock ,t m arrears _ I for moonng fees for eIther 1936 or 1937 The Rev FranCIS B'" Creamer, of The rates for 1937 wdl be the same as ChrIst Episcopal ChUl ch conducted thp last year Owners of all boats for rites for Mrs Scl uler at 2 p m Man \\hlCh moor1l1g fees "'ere collected last daY.,111the home of her daughter \Irs year Will be sent postal cards \\olth a John D Wilson 758 vVashmgton road I return card for descnphon of such Grosse Pomte Bunal was 111 Elm- boat In makmg apphcatlOn for space wood Cemetery I and repeatll1g from the regulatIOns Ml s Schuler dIed at her daughter's Spaces" III be allotted In order of home Fllday She ",as born 111DetrOit I pr11t1ty of a'JpheatlOns" March 22 186,3 the daughter of the ------- late Dr and Mrs John Smith and was 8lup sLog the WIdow of George Schuler In ad FormE-rly the shIp s log was an In~ strument towed by the vessel, the dlhon to her daughter she leaves a distance saIled bemg ascertamed by granddaughter Betty Ann WIlson the number of Its recorded revalu~ hans In steam vessels, the dIstance traveled IS determmed by the drIve of the engme~ The ne",t regular meetmg of the Mason School Parent Teacher Asso elatIon Will be held on March 23 at 8 p m At thIS meetl11g electlon of of- :fi(.~rs for the year 1937 1938 WIll be held Followmg the busl11ess meetmg It glVes the program comm ttee great pleasure to present for the entertam ment of the members the Treble Clef 'Sl11gers of the Grosse Pomte MemorIal Church ThIs IS a glOUp of young girlS, dIrected by Mrs J Brunck who have acquired an envlOUS reputatlOn Recently the Smgers broadcast over radiO station WJBK These young girls. mqJt of ",ham al e Grosse Fornte resIdents, deserve every encouragement and support The speaker fOl the evenrng 1s 1fr Wm Watkms superVIsor of the music ...department m the Grosse Pomte schools HIS tOPiC"'Ill be 11USIC Re freshments will follow the program Attendance at Hus meetmg IS urged and anyone wlshlllg to spend an en- Joyable e\ enlllg '" II be welcome at the Parent-Teac ' 1er meetmgs J

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h\ \1 ul '1;200 per \ ear, S111g1eCopIes 5 CentsGROSSI: 1'01\ 1 L l\IlCHTGA"I 1 HUR"DAY ~lARLI-l l~ 1~37I B OLDHAM Pubhsherf

\OL 11 NO 30









Ray Hafeh well knO'\\n DehOlter as"sumed Ius duties as manager of theDetrOIt office of the Liquor Commls"'>On on Tuescla) \-Iarch 16 He \\ IIIhave charge of \\ a} ne County andseven nelghbonng counties

RAY HAFELIHe was born In DetrOIt 1tt 1b98 and

acqulled hiS educatlOn 111 paroclllal arIdpubhc schools He" or1...ed on 111sfath~er s farm until the age of 17 for anumber of years he was emplOyed bythe Packard Motor Car Co 11 the ex-perImental diVISIOll Then he estab-hshcd the Harch Brothers Realty andBU11dmg company and for many ~ears"as promment 111 the de\clopmcnt ofacreage througbout the northeast sec.tlOl1 of DetrOit

In 1932 Mr Hafcb l\aS a candidatefor Congress of the ul1lted St<l.tes In

the rlrst Dtstnct and later became amember of County Treasurer Jacob PSumeradcIs staff

Mr Hafeh has taken an actne m.terest 111CIty state and natlOnal polt ..hcs, and managed the campaign ofPrentiss 111 13ro'Wll for Ul1lted StatesSenator and Jacob P Sume1 J.Ckl forre election as County Treasurer

Mr Raymond Hafeh IS effiCIent andthorough and should be ab asset tothe CommiSSion 111the capacIty of De-trOIt off ce manager \\ 111(.hhe assumed011Tuesday thiS week


Express Appreciation

Democratic Candidate IQualifications offor Twp. Treasurer Democratic Candidates

for Township Offices

TI e fam 1) of the late }.,I a Oldham\\ Ish to e:>..tcd the I hcartfelt than~~to tl e r ine lds nCIghbors off clals ofthe var ous Villages '1:1e (ty Townblllp und tl e pohce department forthe1r k nd al d conSiderate expre:;,:,lOnsof sympatl y and condolence 111 the rrecent bereavement

Arthur L PaseIk OffersSpec,al Easter Arrangement.

T\\.enty fa lr per cent of the totalpopulatlOn of thiS state 1$ 'vlthout I brary service

The unscn cd tellltory 11c1udes 1140000 rural people and 46000 urban reSIdents the latter 111 CitIes of from 5 000to 25000 populatlOn

:CducatlOn of all the ,people IS to therIterest of all the people as has beenrecogl11zed by the state s grants toschoob L branes which are a part ofthe educatIOnal structure cannot bedeveloped '\\ thout state support

Th s finanCial a d should properlycome from tl.te state because of thetendency to sh1ft tax sources horn thelocal comrnul1lty to the state

The library budget of all local commun t es totalled $1 822694 In 1935,....hlch means an e,,-pendlture of 37 centsper capita ll1cludllg U lserved areasbut even 111 comn u llt es \\here hbraneseXist the average expenditure '\"as only49 cents per capIta The estabbshedand accepted mUllmum standard IS $1 00per capita

If present funds were supplementedby the 25 cents per capIta requested 111the b 11to be brought before the present legl~lature It would not only bepOSSIble to extend serVIce to presentun:.erved areas but It would materiallyImprOve and de>-elop the seIVlce 1ll already estabhs1 cd hbrancs

'L11lque Easter table pieces corsagesbouquets and unu<;Ual plants are avaIlable to the cl entele Ot Arthur L Paselk rtonst m the P~nch and JudyTl eater bu Idmg In a remarkablyshort time tlus estabhshme lt has advanced to prOMmence as a £lonst ofoutstandmg ment

HI" pnces have been '''ell WltlUll

rea~on and the quahty of flowers ha"bee 1 of the lughest standards and heIS ah\ays vvl1hng to offer suggestIonsv..hen oeslred These are some of thereasons ror the rap1d de, elopment ofth s flo\>,.er shop 'Ir Pas elk IS Widelykl10wn m the commu11lty



All Dogs of WayneCounty Are Placed

Under Quarantine

Democratic Candidatefor Township Justice

J\ str ct ctara It ne \\a:;, placed on]all dogs 111 DctrOlt and \"\ aj ne Cou lty1uesday after 30 cases of rabIes hadbee 1 d scovered on the records of theDoard of Health The 1cstllet 011S\\ ereannounced by Dr Hel rv F \ aughnCm nty healH comm 1>Soner

TI c quarantlle ,\111 effect about6;, 000 licenses d.nd an une.,tlmatet! l1UI11

ber of 1.1111censed an mal;:; The dogs\, III be 1estr cted to tl (' r 0\\ ner spr'em ses 1l11eSS they are vacc natec.for rabies a lei on a lea"h L lder noother co ldlt all;:; may a dog leetve ItS0\\ ler s prem ses

Police ofucers have been ordered toarrest o\\ncrs of dogs \\ho have fallcdto obey the rules of the q larant I1C

wh ch ",ent mto effect Tt escla) "10lator;:; '\\.111be '>ubJect to penalties ra 19mg from $10 to $JOO fines or unpnsonment of not more than s x mo It IS

",01 bert Denl IS a ca Hlldate to StlC-cced h 111self as To'" I1shp ;,upel "l:,or,do PO:.lt on 1e has held for sc\ era1)NrS He has conducted thc affairs ofthe 10\\ l1sl1Jp 111a ,crj cal d.ble andeconom cal ma lner a cl ma y ael\ au"tal:{es have dccruecl through lIS effortsHI;:; t lOrou~h 1110' lcdge of thc ofhceand 1115sp1e d d e......pcr e lce '" th 11eFord \Iotor Car C0ll11Mnv IS a greatach antage 111 the conduct g of the af ..fairs of the roV',nsl11J?

Carl Seh", e kart prom ncnt local at~torne\ IS seel ng the ofhce of [0",\ 11"

~hlP (Jerk and h s e}.,.penelKe as mem ..ber of the \\>a) ne County pro:,ecutor sstaff should be d sple ldld advantageto our Townsh p II the conductmg oftillS most Importa t office

Adolph L Damman has conduc~cdthe office of To" nshlp Treasurer 111acapable and creditable manner for anumber of years and under hIS glHd-ance th1S office has functIOned perfectlvTa'l::es have been collected economIcallya ld effic ently and the d sburslOg offunds of the fownsillp handled prompt ..ly and speed ly HIS fine record hasbeen outstandlllg 111local affairs

VIctor R DeBaeke J ustlce of thePeace IS also seekl11g re electIOn Hehas alv,ays taken a prom nent mterest1n the affaIr;, of the commull1ty and

Horticultural Society I has d"pIayed cons derable abliIty and

Th d M 18 derCI'ed splendId Judgment In d,,-urs ay, ar. pemmg justice as a Justice of Peace

The Gl0SSe POlIte and Eastern of Grosse POlllte Townslup\flchlgan Hortlcuftulal Soclcty ,,111 Chas A Hov,md w110 seeks electionhold a bunco and card party at the to the Board ('f ReVle\\ has a fine~e ghborhood CJub on l'nd<\) \!arch bad.,gra-und of accor pl shmcnts to h1519 at 8 p m credit and shou11. be the t pe of 1l1dI~

Rco>dents of the v cm ty are cordially Vidual best qUdl fed f)r th s e'(actl11g11'\ Ite I to J011 them 111 an evenllg of office

T K.• D dd pleasant Iecreat on Frank 11 Allald flank \V De.('er,ony 01nlS a y ~ John W TraVIS anJ Robert Van ~1 n..of Baby Girl Feb. 28 ii!fiQfiilli1Ii"rn!JiliilJC1Ji;!Jiilliln;lliilli'JIi!li!!rolli!!li!r.liillll~ aeys are men () mtcgn y .I1<l ,,.racter

:t .-4t>-- ~- ~~""t," j-~ .,.1...S~t.rijtJr~V6ters ....'\ 'h l'l.,a;lvi .M' cO)1.s.tah1es w U -p~rforllv 1.1eTOlly Kouns that pOPulal COllces ~ • f duties of thl" r ofhces WIth courtesy \

SlOnalre of the "\Vaterfront Park pur ~ to RegIster or Iand con~lderat1onvejor of hot dogs pop corn etc to Special Election. ThiS le:.Ulne of he flual.5tatlOns d \hungry bathel;:; clur1l1g the summer @II the cand date~ \\ho <:cek eleL 1011 allmonths becan e father of a .fine baby The Board of EducatIon Rural Ithe Democratic.. tiC et "gl\en t1lat }""IUguion }cbIuary 28 at St \farys Hos AgrIcultural School Dutr\ct No I might better know the men Vv '0 }1;nepltal 1, Grosse Pomte TownshIp an~ served) ou and \'\ho des re ~o sC'rve

lony has been paSSl11gout the Cigars nounces that a speCIal electIon thloughout the comwg Yt.ar fhe"cdl c1 s really prOud of thiS bundle of ~ wlIl1:Je held on Monday, AprIl 19 men have been ~e1ecte 1 b....ause of theIr1°) iAll school dtstr1C:t voters are ~ outstandmg abl1 ty--------- I urged to register who have not IS: Vote Apnl 5~

We Crow Wtth You Why not Grow already reglstered @! ~

W,th U.? Advert .. e n, The ReView ~ Ray Hafeli Appointed------- _...r..r;!!ii!Ji2!il . .Corp. W. F. Bruce Why Do Michigan DetrOl~Office Ma~ag..erPost V. F. W. Dance Sat. Libraries Need Aid of Liquor COffilOlsslon

From The State?

Jomed the party Dick Korte ofLIttle Roc~, Ark became a member of the group when the busstopped at that CIty

The Lake Charles club WIll usethe bus to transport the team fromCIty to CIty wlthm the league dur4mg the baseball season.

ThiS IUUe contains a no-bee ofa pubhc hearrng' on the proposed19311938 bqj.)'et for the CIty ofGrosse POInte and taxp,1;t,yers.andreSIdents of '"the CIty are InVItedto attend th. heartng which wIllbe at 5 p m tiext Monday March2Z, at the Cltt office, 17150 Maumee avenue

Republican NationalCommittee ReceivingContributions to Fund

lIu dreds of small contnbut onsfro n aU over Jthe country the bull ofthem gIftS of ~ve 0 ten dollars arebe llg rece ved ~y the Republlcan "\ atonal Commltw.e accordllg to J 01111Hal111lto1 Reprrhhcan ~ atlOllal Chalrma 1 r

SIX hu ldrt'c[ ~l1d tift} :;,lx <.-ontrbu!lOlls of $100 h-r less were receIVeddU! ng J:<ebrual~ alt'me There '\,ere anumber of do~r glfts Dt rIng themonth 383 l\w.i and women alsopledged contq~:ntlOns for later tllSyear \fost of'\be pledges arc for lessthan $25 ,

~Budg~t Hearing ~

\Ve are no,," l recenlng 75 to 100conulbutlOns 'Cladyof $2;, and less Mostof them are ~5 or $10 donatlOns \{rHam lton sale! ':::,uch a large numbelof smal1 guts fron, wage earnel sandsmall salallcd men and women 111c1lcatesbetter than an:}'thJug else I thll1h. thatthe rank and file at the people areVitally mterested Jll the RepubhcanParty

One fourth Qf our cOlltnbutlOns arefrom women A number of Democl at:,are contnbtltll;lg Letter after Jett~rwould se"'l11 ~C:\, 111chcate that the giftsare bell1g macleA:q the Republican Partyat a very real saCllfice to the contrlb-tors' ...,. j

In commel1tlUb" upon the many smallsubscnptlol1~ and pledgcs recel\ ed durmg the last two montfls Mr Haml1tonsa d that It was hiS hope and the hope

(Contmued On Pag .. T",o)

The DetrOIt Garden Centel at theRussell A Alger Museum on Lakeshore road w111ha, e ItS second lectureof the month on Thursdaj at 3 0 clocI111the afternoon M ss Irma KharbroffWill speak on Impenal Gardens ofOld RUSSIa Illustratmg her talk "\\.lth The C01P \valter F Bluce Post 1146sl des Veterans of Foreign Vvars ¥.tIll hold a

'\IIS:. [{harbroff who IS now ltvmg St Patnck s party Saturday March 20In the Un ted ,states, \vas born 111 at Ten Mile road and Little MackRuss a and has personally VisIted the A "eal Insfl party 1S assured andgardens wluch she will deSCrIbe fnends of the Gro"se Pomte alea are

'The lectures are free to the pUblici cordIally 1Uvlted to attend There Willand of e<:peclal lllterest to gardenmg be a'11ple refreshments and a nommalenthUSiasts fee \\111be charged

Seek Berths as Future Tigers



HOW MANY of these yonng fellews WIll bemajor league stars WIth the DetrOIt Tigers a fewyears hence? As promlsmg rookies they have beenSIgned by the Beaumont club of the Texas league~a. Ttger farm, and have been farmed out to theLake Charles, La, team in the Evangelme league.They are pIctured at the TIger headquarters, NavtnField. DetrOit, just before leaVing for Lake Charlesin a. Ford V-8 bus purchased by the Lake Charlesteam for use on the Evangehne ClreDlt.

\In the pIcture are John and Paul where John Burman" Stanley Cor~

Johnson YpSIlantI, Frank Secorl, bett and Harry Ga1vm of CmClfiGrand Haven, Gerald Paman, De- natI, and John Zontom of Whites~trolt. Steve Rachurok. DetrOIt Ville, W Va, were pIcked up InBarney McCoskey, DetrQlt BIll Sprmgfie1d 111 Arny Vesely, ChISpeas Toledo, and Pat Mullm, cago, Joseph Roda1skl, Ashland,Grrndstone Pa WIS, WIllard Day, Fremont, Ill,

The first stop was Indlanapohs and EdwlIl Well~nd, ~v~.pstQ», :m.,


Tovvnsci d Club ",,0 7 ,11 meet asu:;,ual rlluay \farch 19 8 p In at tl eIves Scl 001 1146 Ph 11 north of Jefferson

Townsend ClubSpeeds Plans for

Local Broadcasts


Pla:rs \\lll be completed to put theTO\'vnsend PIa 1 on the radlo 10cd.lly\VJBK already has slort announcements or grnatlllg from "\atlonal Headquarters ll1 Chicago every day at 6 4"p m and 9 30 P m

Ever} one s 1l1vIted to hear morcabout the To vnscnd Plan A door prIzew 11be g ven

\fr Cope lhovel of A:;,hland aye lue\\on tl e door prIze last '''eek a fi lebook of Dr TO'Vvt send s radIO talJ...s

Much enthusiasm s bemg ShO\\11 allover the Clty rour new clubs wereorga 11zed la~t \\ eel

An} one v..lshl11g to organll:e a clubmay get l11structIOns at th s club meetng Qr by ""r t ng publlclty cha rman

Club \0 7 1216 \fan stlque Detro t

Dog LicensesDue April 1st Garden Center

Illustrated TalkThursday, Mar. 19

ReSident:, of the City of GrossePomte are rem nded that 1937 doghcenses are due begmnmg Apnl; 1 forthe year 1937, and al e urged to securesuch llcenses as soon as poss1ble Thesehcenses are obta ned at the office ofthe City Clerk at 17150 Mau nee A, enUe(8 30 a m to 4 30 p m Saturdaysc1o;,ed at 12 noon) lIcense rates bemgas follows Male dog $110 female dog$210, unse'<:ed $110 No hcense Willbe Issued for any dog unless a certlficate sho,\vlug vaccmatlOn 01 ImmunlzatlOn agamst lables IS s...tbmltted showmg such vaccmatIOll to have been hadw1th1l1the past SIX months

usua14of the



Democratic Candidatefor Twp. Supervisor

Professional Women'sParty March 17th Democratic Candidate

for Township ClerkA St Patrick's \feetmg of the GrossePo nte ProfessIOnal \Vomens Clubwas hdd at 6 30 Wednesday March17th 'It the Grosse POll1te MemorIalChurch Mrs Prhll Leldlch presentedmOV111gpictures of Ireland

Good Friday Service atPunch and Judy Theatre

Services ¥.t11 be held at the Punchand Judy Theater Kercheva,l avenueand McK111ley road from 12 to 3 odockGood Friday afternoon The management or the theater has very kmdlyoffered the bu;ldmg for tlus purpose onthat afternoon and the serVIces Will be Iof a communIty character to which allCitIzens of Grosse POlllte Park City 9fGrosse P0J11te Grogse Pornte 1armsGrosse Pomte Shores and Lochmoorand the publtc 111genel al are cordiallylUvlted

Boat Moorings in Cityof Grosse Pointe

An organ reCital of sacred musIc Willbe given by MISS Mary Jayne Eastona graduate of the InstItute of MUSIcalArt In DetrOIt and a teacher of planoand organ, from 12 to 12 30 0 clockThel e will also be speCIal vocal numbers

The speakers for the service WIll bethe Rev Calvll1 F Stickles D D, pastor of the Church of The ReformationDetrOit, v/hose tOPIC WIll be ' H1S(lOSS and H mn the Rev 11 LutherCanup, D D, rector of the GrossePOlUte church whose tOPIC WIll beJesus Ctuclfied Bet wee n Two

Thieves ' and the Rev C E HoffstenD D, mll11ster of Bethlehem SwedishAugustal1a Church DetrOit who Wills-peak on What Good Fnday Meansto Me'

A feature of thiS three hour meclltatlOn mUSIC preachll1g and prayer w1llbe the smgll1g of some of the church 5

best and most famihar hymns by allpresent

Bnng your famIly and frIends and)0111others m your commul1lt} regardless of creed m a service In commemoratIOn of the death of our blessedSaVIOr

Bay and GnlfA bay is an mlet of the sea

ly smaller than a gulf, butsame general character.


News Digest

Mason School P.T.A

...,It seems that dog raemg maybecome a M,ch1gan sport shortlyThe next step" auld be legahzedgambhng

A story comes to hght that thec,ty manager of } hnt spent $8900for guns teal gas and othereqUipment £01 rotltmg the still... !ers Arrangements at e bemg made I

to d,spose of them

~ItIS iar easIer to control VIceglllnb1ll1g etc, 1f 1t 1S conductedlegally than It 15 to force It mtohIdden corners III every nook andcarner of DetrOlt It would evenaffect racketeers by leavll1g noth-mg for them to prey upon

Purse snatchers afe qUlte actIvein DetrOIt ovel the v...eek ends

, The State Depa'tment at Lansmg ha,; Issued a \Valumg that aman has escaped from the lepercolony In LOUisIana and 'ViIII 111all probab'hty head for M,c1llgan

~ The man who shot h'mself thebullet bouncll1g back mto the gunIS makmg attempts to shoot h,m-self agam, acc.ordmg to 1115


Employel s al e seal clung 111valll £01 SIt dov, n stnh.els \\ hoseek less money and longer hours

It seems that sa:Aaphoncs alenot acceptable as settlement ofhotel b111s m DetrOli Robe'tFISher 1S servmg 90 days m theHouse of CorrectIOn £01 t1Y111gIt

A man was convIcted of uuper'SonatIng a \' oman at St P dul'Mmnesota What ne"t?,

The dtJetcfr ",,'h;t> • gtlard'etr" '111ehealth of four pres,dents ,s of the0p'11l0n that Pres,dent Hooverhad the welfare of the people atheart, but the c'tlzens failed hunt

Chicago tax,cabs are bemgdnven mto the lake 111a ta"lcabWar wh'ch 15 ragmg the' e

An" Pennmgton couldn t sectll edramatlc pa' t so she does stnp-tease act.

The well-dressed Spal1l;h soldier wears eVe11l11g clothes, orwhatever he can find

JA\IES GRACE and 'Wham Del-bndge of Grosse Pornte have beenInitIated mto Delta Kappa EpSilon fra-termty at the Umverslty of Mlch ganMary Gage of Grosse Pomte was 10

Itlated mto CollegIate SorOSIS

Boat owners res1dmg m the CIty ofGrosse Pomte who deSire moormg spaCeat the CIty mu llclpal harbor are urgedto make apphcahon to the C1t}' Clerkas soon as possIDie ll1asmuch as moor-1l1g or dockmg space will be allottedon the baSIS of prtonty of apphcatIOusThe Pal k Committee has Iss,ued orders

F I R. H Id f co, erJng the aUotITent of space andunera Ites e or have ruled that no hoat WIll he allowedAnnie Laurie Schuler to tre at the CIty dock ,t m arrears_ I for moonng fees for eIther 1936 or 1937

The Rev FranCIS B'" Creamer, of The rates for 1937 wdl be the same asChrIst Episcopal ChUl ch conducted thp last year Owners of all boats forrites for Mrs Scl uler at 2 p m Man \\hlCh moor1l1g fees "'ere collected lastdaY.,111the home of her daughter \Irs year Will be sent postal cards \\olth aJohn D Wilson 758 vVashmgton road I return card for descnphon of suchGrosse Pomte Bunal was 111 Elm- boat In makmg apphcatlOn for spacewood Cemetery I and repeatll1g from the regulatIOns

Ml s Schuler dIed at her daughter's Spaces" III be allotted In order ofhome Fllday She ",as born 111DetrOit I pr11t1ty of a'JpheatlOns"March 22 186,3 the daughter of the -------late Dr and Mrs John Smith and was 8lup sLogthe WIdow of George Schuler In ad FormE-rly the shIp s log was an In~

strument towed by the vessel, thedlhon to her daughter she leaves a distance saIled bemg ascertamed bygranddaughter Betty Ann WIlson the number of Its recorded revalu~

hans In steam vessels, the dIstancetraveled IS determmed by the drIveof the engme~

The ne",t regular meetmg of theMason School Parent Teacher AssoelatIon Will be held on March 23 at 8p m At thIS meetl11g electlon of of-:fi(.~rs for the year 1937 1938 WIll beheld Followmg the busl11ess meetmgIt glVes the program comm ttee greatpleasure to present for the entertamment of the members the Treble Clef'Sl11gers of the Grosse Pomte MemorIalChurch ThIs IS a glOUp of younggirlS, dIrected by Mrs J Brunck whohave acquired an envlOUS reputatlOnRecently the Smgers broadcast overradiO station WJBK These younggirls. mqJt of ",ham al e Grosse FornteresIdents, deserve every encouragementand support

The speaker fOl the evenrng 1s 1frWm Watkms superVIsor of the music

...department m the Grosse Pomteschools HIS tOPiC"'Ill be 11USIC Refreshments will follow the programAttendance at Hus meetmg IS urgedand anyone wlshlllg to spend an en-Joyable e\ enlllg '" II be welcome at theParent-Teac'1er meetmgs




O. Mulier's Market13228Kercheval DehverySeme.

LENOX 7143Grocerie. - Vegetable. - Beer

a a•• '0_0 a_a., ••






I:A~TI:VSend Them. in Early and AVOId the Rush


GRAYWOOD CLEANERS17012 Kercheval at St. Clair Nt 7700

BET1Y SHAFFER" of GrossePomte, has been elected sOCIal chaIr-man of the Kappa Alpha Theta Soror ...Ity at the Umverslty of MIchIgan

• • • Serve the Finest MealsLILLIAN BEAUPRE, daughter otl WEEK-END SPECIAL;)"

\ir and Mrs WIlham F Beaupre of CubeKerby road left last Suuday for a tw'l Steaks lb. ' 32cweeks' stay 10 Flonda h'

• • • C o1C~e-AnyCut

Another Woolworth Speoll1 Dance Pot Roast of Beef, lb. 21cWIll be held at the Club on FrIday, All SteakMarch 19th AdmISSIon IS 10 cents Hamburger, lb.These dances are provmg very popular Home.made PorkWIth the young folks, and everyone IS Sa lbwelcome usage, •

from Pork Shoulder

MRS J BURGESS BOOK, JR ofEa~t Jefferson avenue was hostess lastThursday at a small brIdge luncheon111 her home

Your hair will be a crowning glory from every..... angle If we do your COiffure Our corps of hur.

dresser. are expert In creatlng flattenng waysof dOing your hall' ••• and our permanents arefamous tor the lovely '~natural look" they lendto your hall'. Let us teU you about AEROGENE-The la.t word in permanent waving efficienq.


2nd Floor Puncb '" Judy Theatre Bldg. NI. 1mGro.le Pointe Reprosentatlve of OgIlVie Sisters Hall' &. Scalp Specialil ..---------------I

I.'-~:~~:r~;~~:::::~~~~~f;~~~~~-lJobbing Specialized 1_0_0_0_0.__ 0_0_0 ~~_o_a_a_a_l.

_.I- .1


Norbert P, Neff,City Clerk


You are hereby nptified that a General Election will be held inthe City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, on

Last day for registration for this election


Registrations for qualified electors not already registered will behel~ daily at 17150 Maumee Avenue from 8:30 A. M. until 4:30 P. M.until Saturday, March 27, Registration hours Saturday 8:30 A. M. to12:00 Noon.

At the Central Polling Place, the City FIRE HALL, 17145 MaumeeA,:enue, between Neff and St. Clair Avenues, polls of such electionbeing open from Seven o'clock in the forenoon until Eight o'clock inthe afternoon, Eastern Standard Time, for the purpose of electin~ thefollowing:

Monday, April 5, 1937

2 Justices of the Supreme Court2 Reg~nts of the University of MichiganSuperintendent of Public Instruction .Member of the State Board of Education2 Members of the State Board of Agri-

cultureCounty AuditorState Highway Commissioner

Saturday, March 27th


Haye. Near Outer DrivePINGREE 2131

'Notice of Election

Flat Wall Paint, gal. $I.15Enamels any color, gal. $1.95Interior GIo •• Paint,

very high grade, gal. $2.69 I

NOTICEOrder' your crocheted apread of tablecloth llOW. Small payment down, bal-ance to lUll your purse. $37.so and up.

LILLIAN NACEY SHOP13138 Kercheval Ave, Deal' Drexel

MRS JACOB HOLMES of 860Nottmgham avenue, has returned toher home from Kalamazoo MIc.hwhere iohe has been directmg a playsponsored by the Mothers Club ofSouth Burdlck school

• * •

J I '! 1 "'''''''1) Q ~"".,

~r on health tOjlICSw111dehver the final MJRS' HUGH DILLMAN, of Laketalk of the serIes of health lectures at Shore road, who has been spendlp.gthe Hannan Y M C A next Monday the wmter In Palm Beach, left FridayMarch 22 at 7 15 P m H1S subject to "Istt her s1ster In law, Mrs De1phmewtll be, Sex HygIene II ThIS lecture Dodge Ashbaugh, m Santa M0111ca,WIll be open to any man or boy In thts Callfcommulllty who cares to attend

THE HAL H SMITHS, of WmdmIll Pomte DrIve, returned home lastweek ...end after a three weeks' stay atHot Springs, Arlz

Fulton Clrde of the Kmg's Daughters ,,111 meet at the home of Mrs CA SImon of Buckmgha.m road onFnda), ).:farch 19 Mrs Mary FIkesWIll be the asslstmg hostess

* • •One of the week end s most attrae

hve a4Talrs was the tea whIch Mr andMrs John Nicol gave tn their home onRIdge road, Sunday afternoon, to an ...nounce the engagement of their daugh~ter Ehzabeth to Robert Dykens Cook.Mr Cook b the son of Mr and MrsCharles Olney Cook of the HIbbard

MISS NIcol s aunts, Mrs Henry G:Nmol and Mrs Frank D NIcol, pouredduring the afternoon at the tea tablewhICh was covered WIth a cloth of whItepomte d esprIt In the center was asJlver bowl filled WIth whIte calla 11hesand castIng a soft glow over the ap~pomtments were Ivory tapers bur111ng111 a five..Jbranched sIlver candelabra

• • •

I. .1. _...a

Evenings NI. 3966

Good Friday Services

...--Dr C A Dody, Wlddy known S1leak-

The Southeastern Mifl1$terlal Ass~.-elatIon of Churches wJll sponsor twomeettnglo ihlS year In this terrItory •One of these servtCes wtlt be held In

the J effersou Avonue MethodISt Churchat Marlborough and Jefferson a\enueS,and the other at the Grace EvangehcaJChurch, Lakepomte and KerchevalThe serVIces wdl continue from 12 30until 2 30 p m The two speakers WIll

alter1late m theIr serVices Rev. LeslIeA Bechtel, pastor of the Calvary Pres.byterian Churoh, and Rev O. W. Wag-ner, pastO<'of the Eva,l1llebcalChur<hof Jackson, MIChIgan.

\' 1 '; 1;; h f'

Hannan "y,o' Notes

on ; Modern Turkey' at 3 30 ~undayafternoon, March 21. 'By ~iJt.t1ar re-quest Burton Ho ....es wAl! repeat hISmotiOn P1Ct..,t1:: travelog "England, Scot.land, Wales» at 8 30 OJ}. Tuesday eve ..mng, March 23

luhen Bryan made a motion pIctureexpedItion through Turkey last fall Heobtamed mtimate shots of Turkey'sdIctator preSIdent Kaural Ataturk, atwork and at play In h1s summer houseHe filmed the mosques,. ma"ket placesand unvelled women of Old COllstanh~hople and busy scenes m the newTurkIsh capItal of Ankara

Burton Holmes' travelog starts 111

London and WIth new mobon pIcturestravels to quamt aod out of the ..wayspots m England, Scotland and Wales

Case Cracks Downon Used Car "Gyps"

Revocation of the hcenses of twoused car dealers In the Wayne countyarea for the sale of re ..bullt al1tomobtlesunder the representatIon that they werenew, has been ordered by Leon DCase, Secretary of State

All such dealers are hcensed by theSecretary of State, by law Case hasnotified all second hand car dealers ofthe state of the recent revocat10norders, WIth the cautIon that all complamts agamst any bcensees w1ll befuHi" investIgated by the Departmentof St.te

Any -eomplamt of alleged Illegal practlces on the part of any l1sed car dealerwtll result In a "'request that the lIcenseeshow cause why hIS ltcense should notbe revoked, Case has adY1Sed al1 con ...cerned

InvestIgatIon .of the recent com ..plamts was made by Joseph Charnoske,DetrOIt legal counsel for the Depart ..meat of State It IS Case's behef that _m.a_o_'.I __ m_not only WIll the pubhc benefit from Isuch a paltey, but that the vast majorItyof the some 2 700 used car dealers In

the state w1ll welcome any mOVe whIchWIll entor-ee ethical and legal pr~ct1cesupon thOse few of tJ:t-etr number whomIght mdulge In them

Corner Neff Road



GEO. W. BASSNiagara 1514



Juhen Bryan, explorer and rovmgphotographer for the HMarcl1 of TIme,"and Burton Holmes, world's 1)1ost fam ..ous travel lecturer, WIll ibe the Wor~Adventure Senes featured speakers atthe DetrOIt Institute of Arts next weekBryan speaks WIth new motlpn pIctures

Detroit JamboreeDelegation Has Local

Physician on Staff

sum of $1,800 000 Under an explana~hon of the Blllm the AppendIx of theRecord Mr Rabaut heads hIS remarksI In the spmt of faIr play' whIch ISfollowed up by a summary <If cancel ...latIons made by the Reconstructwn Fl.nance Corporatton m the amount of~80 000000 to the Statcs who had bor-rowed money for rehef purposeswhereas money borrowed by polItIcalsubd1V1S1ons of States, such as CttIesand countIes are sttll held to be debtors In the aggregate of $19500,000 Them<llley owed by the polItIcal subdtVI~srans to the"Corporatton was borrowedfor the Identtcal purpose that the statesborrowed It namely for rehef purposes1U the trymg ddYs of the depressionThe Congressman c<lnc1udes With thestatement that the CitIes and countIesare not deSIrous of evadmg any resp<lnslblhty to the Federal G<lvernmentbut they do object to be dlscnmmatedagamst Should the Bdl pass, DetrOIt'sdebt to the ReconstructIon Fman-ceCorporation would be cancelled Senatar Brown w111mtroduce a SImilar BIllIn the Senate


We are the Excillsive Gro •• e Pointe Representative


Of Course you want to leave Winter's sombercolors behind you and step out in S'on1ethingthat's brilliant and Spring-like. And in Fash-ion's language that's sure to mean a lovely newprint frock.

Village Woman'sShop

17016Kercheval NY8470

Rabaut Introduces Billto Cancel Certain DebtsHouse ResolutIon 5528 was mtro ..

duced In the House <!urmg the pastweek by Congressman LouIS C Rabaut,Democrat, of the Fourteenth DIstnctof MIchIgan The Blli has as ItS pur-pose the eancel1!Jt1on of certam debtsamong whIch IS one of Detrott s m the

Among the several fine scouters of.the DetrOIt Area CouncIl, Boy Scoutsof Amem:a, who have SIgned up ai:>leaders for the NatIonal Jamboree, tobe held In Washington Juue 30th toJuly 9th, 1S Oharles M Burgess, M D

Dr Burgess IS now servIng as VIcechaIrman of the Northern DistrIctCommIttee He IS the son 01 Dr JayBurgess, former coroner of WayneCounty j Dodor Charhe," as he IS

affectIona.tely known to many of theold timers In scouttng, receIved hISEagle rank In Troop 62, of whIch heIS now serving as a troop commIttee.man The local Jamboree CommIttee18 very happy 1U belf1g so fortunate tosecure the services of Dr Burgess tocare for the several hundred local scoutswho wdl attend thIS S'Pectacular ac ...tlV1ty

Other S'CCUters who have regIsteredas Jamboree leaders mclude T J Wll~son, scoutmaster Troop 17, T. F Muel1er, commJSSIOner Redford district,Harold Wellman, scoutmaster TrOOp252, B Barnes, aSSIstant scoutm.aster

Democratic Clubs Troop 229, George Schwarz, commIS-SIOner of sea scoutIng and Walter But-

Support Roosevelt on 1es,asSIstant scoutmaster of Troop 244Supreme Court Plan ----

-- "March of Time"At a recent meeting of tbe Grosse Ph t h

Pomte DetrOIt ProgresSlVe Democratic 0 ograp er atClub the subject of revlSlng the Institute of ArtsSupreme Court of the Umted Stateswas dIscussed

After agreemg on the fol1owmgpotnts It "as deCided that eJl;ch per$onpresent -Should write h)s congressman,urgmg him to gtve the PreSIdent whole ..hearted support 1Ubehalf of hIS leglsla. ..tlon

1. 'Dhat PreSIdent Roosevelt by lusprogressive leadership averted a revo-lutIon and resultmg du::tatorship

2 That the present members of thecourt, although very scholarly gentle-men, were schooled a long time ago,under entIrely dIfferent SOCIal,econOmICand mdustrIal condItIons than those In

extstenee today.3 That the number of judges has

been changed several times 111the pastWithout vI-Qlatmg the ConstItutton

Mother's Club toHear Watkins Speak

Mr WIlham Watkms, mUSIC super ...VIsor of Grosse Pomte schools, WIllgIve an address at'the meetIng of themother's club Monday evenmg, March22, at 7 4S o'clock 10 room 119 of theGroue pOl11te HIgh school

Mr Watkms will talk on "MUSICPOSSIbilitIes In Grosse Pomte Schools II

As the school has been Without Inwstrum ental instructIon and a schoolband and. orchestra have been e11mm-ated for the past few years the mother's club WIshes to gIve Mr WatkInSfull support on his latest plans that hehas made for musIcal balhtIes 6f GrossePOinte students, ac-eord111g to MrsJames C SmIth, publICIty chaIrman

The annual brIdge ...tea for the schol-arshIp fund WIll take place Tuesday,MarCh 30 Door Pl"1zeSand table prIzesWIll be awarded

The PrICE;of admISSIon IS 7S cepts..-------

(Contmued from Page One)01£ other party leaders that funds topayoff the party s :campatgn defiCIt of$900 000 and to prOVIde money for fut-ure <::ampalgns would be raIsed throughsmall i:ontnbutIons for a great numberof people who would become mterestedtn makmg an annual contnbutIon tothe party treasury

Alfred M Landon the party's presI~denhal candidate m the last campaIgn,was the first contnbutor thts year, MrHamdton dIsclosed sendmg hIS chockfor $1,000

The largest contnbutlOu $25000 wasmade by Howard M Johnson of PIttS-burgh Mr and Mrs Robert BarrDeans of New York CIty gave $10000Dunng January and February therewere seven contributIons of $5000 ea'ChThose to gIve that amount were ArthurBallantme of New York CIty J FLmcoln, Cleveland, E T WeIr, HowardHemz, Lorenz Iverson and Mrs AnneLee Beeney, all of PIttsburgh, andHenry Ohver Rea of SeWIckley, Penn~sylvanIa Total contnbutlons for Jan.uary and February were $97,79819.

,Republican NationalCommittee ReceivingContributions to Fund

ELGIN BICYCLE - 28' wheelbase,good condItIon, $6 00 Tuxedo 2.0823

Work Wanted


FREE/to sufferers ofSTOMACH ULCERSb~~HYI'ERACIDITYWilliirds Messaqe of-Relief

Wanted-<;arageWANTED TO RENT-Garage on

Beaconsfield or Lakepomte, betweenCharleVOIX and Mack Tuxedo 2 3809


ljcAndy & Ann Cafe

15009 CharlevoIx .t Way'burn.

BEER Popular Price.

Electric Motor Repair

DUNCAN &: MacNICQL14927Charlevo", at Wa¥bum

N,b'" Sua. '"Tu. 2,1150 T~:h2~r06

-"""(WANT_D-Small flat or apartment,

ltllddle ...ag~ couple, w1l1 gIve refer ...enees, near transportahon, GrossePol11te Park preferred Mr George5auers, 1355Maryland Murray 7672,


Explains the marvelous Willard Tr«zt ..ment which 18 bnnglng amaIIDS rchefSold em 1$ doy$ triaL



RELIABLE WOMAN wants laundrywork to do at ho~e References

T.l Tu 2-3799 3606Cad,eux Road


MODERN BEAUTY SERVICEExcellent Workmanship, Quality Ma-terial., Madllneleu Methoc:l~,F.....or..able Prices, Fashion'. Lateat HairStyles You will appreciate the

KORTE BEAUTY SERVICE14940Mack at Wayburn NI. 7178

Gro••e Pointe AgentCharlevoix and Lakepointe

TUX. 2.3333

Review LinersHelp Wanted-Female

WANTED-For general housework,young woman hvmg VIl:ltt1ty Grosse

Pomte Farms, home mghts Call NI.a$",ra 6173MOTHER'S HELPER-GIrl to asSISt

'WIth ~ousework and two ohlldren,.tay or go home mghts TU 2 2166----

Business DirectoryI


Dr. Michael MercaderDENTIST

at 14404 Mack Ave.Telephone Tuxedo 2~3237


WE SPECIALIZECall Lenox 8275

14727 Kercheval at AshlandPrfces"Realo ..abl.


YO U WIn be satisfiedWIth yOUl"curtain.alJd drapes

Done at the

,_' Help Wanted-WANTED ....Young men and women6 over 18 as enumerators for the betraIt CIty DIrectory, In Grosse Pomteand Southeast DetrOIt sectIon ApplyMonday, 8 to 10 a m S E Andrews,Room 14 14827E JeffelSon Ave,WANTED-Boys from 9 to 12years of

age for chOIr of Chnst Church Chapel45 Grosse pomte Blvd ExceptIOnal opportu111ty to acqUlre the foundatIon ofa musIcal educatIon Apply to BeecherAldrIch 4S Grose Pomte Blvd Tele.phone NI 4841



14739 lIIack at Ashland NI 9709

-WHY NOT GET your hats remodeledout here by an experIenced mIllIner

Telephone Lenox 6610

Business Opportunities',tAKE OFF WALL PAPER ~ Iteam

Steamer for rent, AWly caretakerAloma Theatre







Clarence P. Semon,Township Clerk, Grosse PointeTownship, Wayne County, Michigan

And' for the purpose of electing the following Township officers:

Township SupervisorTownship ClerkTownship TreasurerFour (4) ConstablesJustice of the PeaceCommissioner of HighwaysMember of Board of ReviewYOU ARE FURTHER NOTIfIED that the polling places for

said Election shall be as follows:VOTING PRECINCT NO. I-NORTH END OF TROMBLEY SCHOOL.







!YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if ~ ve not already

registered, you may do so by appearing before tht;. .>wnship Clerkat his office in the Municipal Building in the Village of Grosse PointePark, Wayne County, Michigan, any day prior to Saturday, March27,1937.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Annual Meetingof the Township Electors will be held at the Township Offices in theMunicipal Building, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, on Monday,April 5th, 1937, at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Eastern StandardTime, for the transaction of the business ofthe Township which canlegally be transacted thereat. \

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED 'that the following officerswill be elected at said election:

YOU ARE HER~Y NOTIFIED that the Annual Election ofTownship Officers shllfhe held on

Annual ElectionGrosse Pointe Township


and that the polls for said Election shall be open from 7:00 o'clockin the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Stand.ard Time.

2 Justices of the Supreme Court2 Regents of the University of Mich.Superintendent of Public InstructionMember of the State Board of Edu.

cation.2 Members of the State Board of

AgricultureCounty AuditorState Highway Commissi~ner

Monday, April 5, 1937

To the Qualified Electors of theTownship of Grosse Pointe, WayneCounty, Michigan.







23c, "

4 lbs. 19c

C. O. D.'s ,



• bunch Sc

Public LetterB-O-X


MR AND MRS JOSEPH EBEAUFAIT, of 1127 DevonshIre road,Grosse pomte Park, wlth five of theIrchIldren, have returned from a monthsstay at West Palm Beach, FlondaThey motored to Tallf~~see, FlOrIdathen to MobIle, Ala, ~~ from thereto New Orleans They ijten motorednorth along the MISSISSIPPIRIver toward home

MeXICO, whICh the author coveredthrough Its 1ellllth and breadthMorton-A Woman Surgeon

The author has recorded her personalremt111SCences, and her mterests In

SOCIological resear<:h, travel and adven-t11reSIms-The Trader Home

Practical do's and dont's on themmor and maJor problems of traderMe and trader travelJohnson-Professor At Bay

Humorous and philosophIC essays bya professor of EnglishGondge-A CIty of Bells

Romance and a touch of mystery arecombIned In thiS story laid In anEnglish cathedral townFergusson---Guatemala

A pldure of Guatemala whIch des~crlbes Its country-sIde, the VIllages, themarkets, the various peoples, and thepolIttcs and economiCs of the natton,for the tourtst and traveler.

Grosse Pointe Library





Greening Apples




Wafer Sliced Bacon, lb.

Fancy Pot Roast Beef, lb.

Fancy Sirloin Rolled Roast Beef, lb.

Standard Oysters, pint

Fresh Fillets, lb.

Smoked Fillets, lb.

M.,!a 16, 1937EdItor of Grosse pomte ReVIewDear EdItor

I have noticed several thmgs 111thecolumns of the CIty papers and 111theIrpubhc letter boxes that 1 th111kare sortof amusmg

One of them art>pearmg tn the letterbox suggested that perhaps we werevery foohsh to express our oplOlO11toour Congressman and Unlte-d StatesSenator, masmuch as we elected themto Support Roosevelt," Instead ofgomg to Washmgtoll and thmkmg forthemselves or to vote for what 111 theIropmlOn IS for the best welfare of theIrc.onshtuents

Mr McAllIster's speech at Ann Arborthe other day suggested tt would bewell at thIS cornmg eledion to have

NeW' Books some New Deal men 10 our MIchIganRowan-Tthe story of Secret SerVice Suoreme Court and "Help Fmlm the

An hIstOrical account of the wtles Job," Instead of electmg such men ofand macihmabons of espIonage and the caltiber and WIde expertence of Su~ages ... preme Court JustIces Fead and NorthGraves-The Anbqua Stamp I wonder how many more people

The feud over a postage stamp of have decIded that we have been fooledcunous and romanbc hIstory has far- long enough, and are ready to go outreached consequences thIS Spnng e1ecbon and demonstrateMIller-MexICO Around Me It?

A book" of4\rst hand expenen<es ,n ONE WHO 1iAs-BE£N FOOLED

".. Y '!"Jr'f" r '"9ll1'Op'-'"


The t1urty-elghth annual State Coun-CIl of MH~higan Soclety, Untted StatesDaughters of 1812 WIll convene Tues-day, March 30, at Hotel Durant, Fhntat 10 30 a m followmg a state boardmeeting at 9 30 0 clock WIth StatePreSIdent, Mrs Helen Baker Rowe, ofGrand RapIds, presldmg at all seSSIonsMrs Emma A Fox, state 1812 parha-men tartan, will offlclate 111 that ca-paCIty Mrs E L Murphy, of Fhnt, ISchalrman of local arrangements

Reports of state offIcers, and anelectton of a staff of state offtcers forthe -oommg year, will occupy the morn~lug seSSIon There 15 no contest forany office, though the post of secretary,made va-cant by the death 111 Februaryof Mrs Fred W Culver, of Sagmaw,wLll be filled Mrs Edward B Flack,also of S<lJgmaw, actmg se-cretary, Willread Mrs Culver s state report Reports wtll be read by Mrs Lloyd De~WItt ~ml'th, state VIce preSIdent, MrsClarence J Chandler, chaplam, MrsKate R Klefer, correspondIng secre-tary, Mrs CurtIs T Wolford, of GrandRapIds, treasurer, Lynn T Mlller, ofIthaca, audttor, Mrs Herbert AThompson, regIstrar, MISS Myrtle EBabcock, hIstortan i Mrs Oharles HMooney flag custodIan, and Mrs HelenBaker Rowe state preSIdent

FollOWIng a recess for luncheon, re- *ports of state chaIrmen wlll be given *and preSIdents of MIcll1gan 1812 chap-ters w1l1 also report The Hon JudgePaul A Gadola, of Flmt, WIll speakbefore the Councll at the afternoonseSSIOn, while the banquet speaker,Former Congressman WIlham WBlackney, also of FlInt, wlll gIve anaddress on flAmencan Ideals" Also atthe banquet, Mrs Rowe wtll presentgreetmgs to Mrs Emma A Fox, Inhonor of her nmetteth bIrthday thlSmonth MUS1Cat the banquet wtll befurmshed by the St Ceceha Trto, ofGtand Rapids

MISS Florence Kmgsbury, sub-debdaughter of P2.st state preSIdent, MrsGordon W Kmgsbury, of Edtsonavenue, Detrott, Will act as lpersQnalpage to Mrs Rowe at the State Coun<:tl

State 1812 CouncilConvention March 30




2 for 15c4 for 99c

2 cans 49c

4 jars 59c2 for 33c

3' cans 25c21c

2 pkgs. 25c2 pkgs. 19c2 cans 29c

For appoint-ments phone


2 for 25cfor 33c


10 Phones and 5 Delivery Trucks to Serve You


... ~

17030 Kercheval Ave.•

Church IS sponSOrIng the organtzatIonof an tnter-denommatIonal SundaySchool, under the gutdance of the pas-tor, Dr Frank FItt, and the relIgIOuseducator, Mr Arthur Neff

The first meetIng wIll be held onPalm Sunday, March 21st, 1937, In theaudltortum of the Stevens T MasonSchool, on Vermer road The serVIceswIll be held at 9 30 a m

Classes have been scheduled In ac-cordance wtth a recent survey, for allchIldren three years old and overThere wtll also be a Young People'sgroup, and a BIble Class for adults

The movement IS a result of thework of a number of CIVICmmdedreSIdents of the Village who desIred aplace of worshJ.p, fo1." the relIgIOUStrammg of the young people

The offIcers and teachers cordIallyInVIte to the serVIces all who are m-terested

For any further mformahon, call thesecretary, Mr'l Jack Conle}, 1840 Ros-lyn road, Lochmoor NFagara 7052

Fort PontchartrainThe regula; meetmg of Fort Pontch.

artram Chapter, Daughters of theAmencan RevolutIon, WIll be held atHotel Statler on Fnday, Maroh 19thLuncheon wIll be served In the mamdmlUg room at 12 15

OWIng to the very grave Illness ofthe regent, Mrs Bastl L Connelly, themeeting WIlt be m charge of the FIrstVlce-Regent, Mrs WtllIam F CatlInwho wtll cal1 the bustness sesston toorder promptly at 1 30 o'clock

At thIS meetmg, officers for the com-mg year WIll be nommated

The speaker of the afternoon w1ll beMrs Charles H Mooney who will talkon EllIS Island, and the hostesses WIllbe Mrs Alfred J Ackerman, MrsWalter MIllard, Mrs John W Noble,and memoers of the EUts Island com-mIttee


Chase &Sanborn


CoffeeIb24c 29c




Have You? Did You? If Not.THEN WHY DON'T YOU?Visit The New ••• Smart ••• Modern ••• Beautiful

Jakimec Beuuty Salon999 Beaconsfield

Cor. E Jefferson-m Grosse Pointe Park

Says Mr. Jakimec:Modern beauty treatment adds real charm, ourexpert beautICians carefully plan every detatl ofyour personal appearance to give you thfl.tLOVELY TO LOOK AT" appearance

vVhlle our oo5ts are deltghtfully low, our com..plete beauty serVIce 1S of th(} hIghest type ofbeal.lty serv1(;e avaIlable

Asst. Jellies, 4 kinds, 8 oz.Catsup, large bottleBaby Food, asst.Cucumber Pickles, large size

Soups, Asst.Except Clam Chowder, Consomme andChicken Gumbo

TOMATO JUICE, 12.oz. size, doz.No.5 can 29c

Philadelphia Cream CheeseBoneless and Skinless Sardines, 8 oz.

Pioneer Minced Clams

GROCERY and DAIRY DEPT. Fresh Meats, Poultry and Sea Food

Blu.RibbonT.bl. JONES ~~ 3SCBu!!~!s~~v~7c SAUSAGE lb.COMPARE THESE PRICES

Silver DustPalmolive BeadsC. & B. Date and Nut Bread

Leach's Drug Store is selling anewly developed shampoo and hairwash that 18 being especially pre..pared for him by one of the fore-most pharmaceUtlcal manufacturersIn the country

f'Leach's S pee ia I SbmulatingShampoo" IS 65% pure .cap madefrom the essent18.1faty aCid. of purenatural vegetable 011, the source oftl)Ierecently Isolated VitaminF. (thesin and scalp k'ntamJn).

The essenbal fatty aCidsdefinitelyexert a mixed gerD'lIcldalachon"Stimulating Shampoo" IS useful inhoth dry scalp and over-ally scalp,both of which are-due to a lack ofhpold balance lD the skin Theshampoo removes the branny scalesof slon associated with SeborrheacapitiS (dandruff)

The continued use of f'Leach'sSpeCialStimulating Shampoo" tendsto restore the normal hpold balanceof the scalp and stimulate the secre..tlon of .ebum from the .ebaceousglands which makes for the propercondition of scalp health necessaryfor the luxunous growth of beauti-ful hair. The product IS dehcatelyscented With lavender flowers whlCmImpart their delightful odor to thehair follOWingwaslung

LEACH DRUGLakepointe at Charlevoix


Lea(;h SeIlingNewly DevelopedShampoo

In VIew of the need for ~ ProtestantSunday School m the VIllage of Loch-moor the Grosse Pomte MemOrIal

I~"""""-"""""""''''''''' 1'~~{r ll"

I Thursday, March 18"1937

Grosse Pointe MemorialChurch Sponsor Sunday

School at Lochmoor


~% "M "


\ ~~



, -IMA (iI NARY -, N--T--e=R-OCV"-'E--W=S=c-r--_"""'"=B-y'7L-.Frank


CAREEr<? ;:r:' ~ PICTURES.QP 11 ~\,

[~ -:: "1":'h~)~\ ,...,.,.I ,,~ I:~ ( ~......:"t Y

\ -..:f/:f..-, I-




--,-By 10-




A FELL0l'!r INAN AWFUL Pl.llSflT •WflO GETS" m WI?Ot.l$WflEN OOlN6 RIG>!T''----''---r--/~ oe:iE- ...

~ .........._-.-....,<l;:;::)~

- By L. An+onettel


- By Ray'. Hop man

One 1;;;Soot,

- By Fred Nordle1




801" HE"OI.l6H-r YoU

.. OlJ6H-r 10-L.\ V e. 1"HePAR..


-I/-//-i ;< ""'//1 ://


eEFol<.E l..o~G 1-I-I&>.Oil-\eM I.AI.lGI-\I~e. So





WILL '(.4,? CAN'T' ,ft ,t/-~A GUY LOOK AT A f" ~-.PRETTY DAME wml Ifft~OUT SOMf:G'0t;.Y....J 1/ y1.. ~N' IN,J% ~-- ,..........





'100 ~£e- I l,)SEP '-0F'oP. Mfl.. BLOiVI - WHATIII PRp.cncFlL JOKeFl..HE I~ - 1 1"01.0 HIM'-0 S1"f\~ ,/ou!-



)/) ~


GLIlo.l'2E S •




~t'f-ry't~ f>ACKIN THeI.t:AllINc:."1'\"1"A6AIN





Oi'lI1" BE SO~RY1:'1"\ fOR Me: -1'-11>!

SORQ.'f _NELl-Ie: .Ie'.; ~<! i

Par FourL


Page Flye

LIS. 10c

LB 21e




Lb. 19c1jz.lb. 3ge

llP;.rge 17eJar

4 can. 2geqt. 31ejar

can 10eLb. 23e

doz •

EASTER SPECIALSLeacbng the Easter Parade


Your WIttenJoy our modem faclhbe.and economical price••ShampoD and Flngerwave.. 3ScHot Od Shampoo, complete $1.00Per'Dnaltty Hatr Cuts SOc

Ritzie Beauty SalonNot connected With any barber .hop

13319KERCHEVALBetween LakeView and Coplin

LENOX 2830

Our expert mechaniC has had manyYC!l4\raexperience. We can overhaulor rebUild your sewing machine veryreaeonahle



Thi. Week. End at









Crepe With a flared jacket Cayand youthful as Spriq lhell. Olleof a hUl'e collectl~ of ",arteldre.ses from.

$7.75 TO $23.75

Julie Mae Frocks14339 E. ,J.ffehon at Chalmen


BAB.O for Porcelain or E.""el,

Lipton'S TeaHeinz Pickles ~~a£R


Salad Dressin. #:;.

Bokar Coffee

Fancy Fn.h Dr ... ed, Plump, Milk Fed,








Ocean Perch FilletsHADDOCK FILLETS

Maine Potatoes

A senes of seven Y! Boys' Clubshave been orgamzed 10 the boys' dIVI.SIOn of the Hannan Y MeA underthe leadershIp of officers of the HI. YClubs These clubs are composed of75 grammar school boys Each clubmeets weekly at the Y and has aprogram of mterestmg actIvIties Of.fieers and emblems have been chosenby four of the seven groups and plansare bemg made to have a formal mttla-.fion of all the dub members

The weekly program. mcludes bUSI.ness meetlngs. character dlscUSStODS,games! hikes, and hobby achvttles

MtchlQ'Mt for hOspltahzahon, the othertwo RepresentatIves of the commItteefrom MIchigan bemg RepresentativeFtank E Hook of Ironwood and AlbertJ Engel, of L.k. CIty

The property consists of apprOX1~mately thlrty~nme acres and IS a tn •angular tract located at Southfield RdOuter Drive and Snow Road In EcorseTownshIP! Wayne County Michigan-

Chri.tian ScienceCIa......

Menu LutheranChurch

Good Friday Service.

L. Rabaut Bill to AeeeptFor. Property P.ases

'Matter" WIll be the sub,ett of theLesson.Sermon In 1.11Chrishan SelenceChurch,s thr •• snOllt thO world on Sun-d.y, M.... h 21

Among the BIble Cltaltons IS tho fol.lOWIngGohn 4 24) 'God IS a SPirIt.and th.y th.t wor,ltlP him .. u,t wor-S'hsp hlm In spmt and In truth

Correlative passages to be rtad fromthe Chrlstlan SCience textbook, "SeI'".nce and Health WIth Key to the S<:rtp-ture:s,1r by Mary Baker Eddy, mc1ua.ethe follow,"g (p 140). ' We wor,hlpspmtually, only u we cease to worshipmUeriatty SpIritual devoutness IS thesoul of Chtlstiaruty"

foll"",s Maundy Thursday, Holy Com-munIOn SCrVI(eS at 8 p m Good FrI.day sttvlce at g p 111

You are cordla1ty mVlted to a.ttendth6se s~NIC4s Mt Ohve welcomes you

Gro... Pointe Lutheran I It IS he w~p~~~:~h,ghly wit ..Church hilllly .ohleve ••-------------_ t 'I J_ _ _ _ __ ._._, __

The House WIth Seven StorIes," Wlll S' M h'be 11" .ubJ.ct of the ,.rmo. at the eWing ac IneGross. Pomt. Luth.ran Church, wor. REPAIRINGshlpmg in the &Udltori1,fm of the Rtch ..ard school Kercheval avenue and Me ..Kmley road, Palm Sunday, March 21,at 11 0 clock, preached by the Rev M

K . h f C I b Luther Canup, D D, p.stor.nlg boo um US ThIS serVIc. WIllb. h.ld tn COtnm.m- CALL ro. 2-1555Hold Crusade Rally Ioration 01 the d.y of confirm.tlon fot Singer Sewing Machine Co.Against Communism all m.mb.rs tn the parISh .nd th."

fnends Th. chanc.I wJll h. d.corat.d All Work GuaranteedThe Lakeshore-;::cl1, No 2733,w111 WIth evergreens and some of the. - - -Q- - - ---

sponsor a crusade rally agamst com- church hymns of the 16th century wIllrnU!Hsm and lrrehglOn next Sunday, be sung The pubUc IS cordially inVItedMarch 21, at South Lake HIgh school to attendloca.ted on Ntne~MIle road near Mack The subJect taU(ht III Sunday sch.oolavenue St ClaIr Shores at 9 45 0 clo<::kwIlI be, 'John's PIcture NOMAThe new machJnetes,

Mr John J Walsh, a very promment of the TrIal and CruclfixIQn of Jesus' PERMANENTattorney of DetrOIt and a well known If your boy or glrl IS not attendmg Rerular $3authorIty on commUnIsm wtll be the some Sunday School, he or she wdl be $7.50 50ormcipal speaker In additton to bemg greatly benefitted by enrolhng In one Permanent •

Jefferson Ayenue favored by havl11g Mr Walsh, an elab of our classes taught by competent! for only

B C h orate program has been arranged capable, and consecrated u~chersapti.t hure wh,.h conSIStsof thc St Clem.ns Band -----_------- PERMANENTS •.•$1.00

- h of SOpIeces and other speCIal entertam. a. low .. -"PaYmS"nd.y Wlll b. ob,.rv.d at t • m.nt PI

Jefferson Avenue Ba.ptlst Church WIth f Weather permlttmg the band wIllspeCIal mUSiC and the mInlstra.bon of mareh from Nme.Mlle and HarperbaptISM at both ",rV1(:es A Lenten avenue to the school If not favorable ;'lcantata wlll be pre$ented at 7 30 pm! weather wI1l-go dIrect to the school atunder the dlTectton of Jason Moore, 12 30 Speaker at 3 0 clock Ptt'hhcand at the 11 a m worshIp the Rev. mVIted AdmiSSiOn, freeWayland Zwayer, mmlster, w1l1 preaCh, _On the message of the day The (hurch•• locat.d at the ~orn.r 01 Lak.vlew SevenNew "Y" Boys'av.nue, OPPOSlt.Plp.r BI.d Clubs at Hannan

The preacher at the annual GoodFrIda.y services In the Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church \\1111be the Rev OharlesHaven Myers, D D, mtntster of theNorth Woo d W:l r d CongregationalChurch The servIce wIll begtn at 12 30and dose at 2 30 p m FoUOW1ng thesermon,. during the second hour, theLenten canotata "Olivet to Calvary"wl1t be gIven under the d1redlon ofJason Moore The R.v W.yl.ndZwayer, minIster of the JeffersonAvenue Baptist Church, w111preSIde

Southeast corner of Ketchtvat andL.kewood av.nues, A H A Looller,pa.lor, 1434 Lak.wood av.nu. T.l.-phone L.n"" 2121.

On PaIIU.Sund.y, Morch aI, • cia"01 t.n boy, _nd .'snt •• n ll'1rl, mIl bec01lntme<! Ind Wlll tbu. b, receIVedinto CQmrnumcant membership WIth theLulh ... n Chnrch Th. servlC. WIllbellll\ .t 11 15 a m The Sun<laySchoolwill be In •••• _ fr(J/II III 10 II o'.lo<:k

On M.u"dy ,hursday, March 25, aCornmtl\1lOnServIce wtlt b, h.ld In theev.mnl( at 7 45 o'.lock

On Good Fnday, March 36, a ,.1'''''WIllt.k. pl.ce .1 I 30 m the aft.r_":It wdl close at sueh a t,me as to' en ..able p.opl. to return 10 th.ir 1'1,•• ofbUSln.,' by 3 o'.lock

On Il;ast.r Sunday "OrmllJr, lhe ,.1'-mOIlmil tteat the "'J.,t.c word of theRedeemer "I am the Resurreehon andthe Lif." ThIS will b. the fir.t 01seven sermons to be delivered on the"I Am',}' of ]e,us The hour of the,.tvlce Wilt b. II 15 a m

COnrt.,sman Rab.ut's liou .. JOIntR.",I.Ilon 272 to auth<>rlZ.the Admm.IlJtratton of Veteransj AllaH'S to a.cceptttll. for the Vnlt.d St.t~, to •• rt.lnr~.l proPOrty to b. donatelf hy MrH.nry "ForI! and wlf. for V't.r,n,'AdnllOlstrat'.... faclilly l'urpo... w,*l'a,'~d by the Hous. em March 11thThIS •• llon IS th~ 1,,1 Ihat IS Me •• "r)'t& be taken by the !tOIl'. to "'Ur~ thev.l.tans Of M••h:gan .nd ,urtoundlngt.mtory Gf the .,tabh,hm.nt 01 th.1tho'W.l With Admrlllstr/;tlv~ f.eft.II"

Mr. ~,baut Introduce4 hIS IlIIl a,.h.u ..... n GftM ,p.cI.I co.. mltt •• frolll

Palm Sunday serv1ces at CentralMethodIst Chur.h, D.trOlt, will b.marked by the traditional processionof the chOirs! With the chIldren carry.InIg palm branches and trumpeterspeahng forth the trIumphant messageDr Fred.rlck B F••h.r mil pr.a.hthe sermon, and the chOIr WIll closethe mornIng wor,hlp mth the "HIllc-luJah Chorus" from Handel s 'Mes~Slah"

Evemng wOf$h,p on Palm Sundaywl1t cortle as: a spec:ud service, WJtheither Dr Fisher or Alois L ..ng descrIb ..I11$' the '\Orld famous uPaSS10J1l Play'!of Oberammergau, and Guy Fllkms andthe Central ChOIr presenting the mUSI~

cal aecompamment.On Wednesd'8.Y eventng! March 24!

the L.nt,n 'upp.r will be h.ld It 6o'clock, fallowed by the d.votlonalp.rlod at 6 45 and the lecture at 7 45Prof ... or B W. Wh.el.r of the Un,-...... ty of M,.hlllln w.1l b. the I.ctur.perIod ,pe.ket. WIth the topic 'Th<BIrth of German Natlona.lIsm '

The public 10 ""t,d to attend allof the .ctlvlt ••• of C.ntral Chur.h, andalso to c<>meto VIew the new sanetu ..uy and auditorIum



566;: Central Methodiat0491 Church Services5$3

















00lI C:__

1M 195143 130I~ 191148 164191 190

~ .. It. 1.. 1

WL43 2335 3132 3431 3530361739

IlIin'. M.hilpe130 152 166180 1+1 1231OO ISO 155136 1<46 136166 165 14757 57 57

849" 8+1 789

795 763 817C. a I. N... s......

107 151 170166 142 109157 ISO 131147 142 121136 195 160





Total ~ ll90 892 2,631"T,...... WOnby Strltl', Mobdll"


Ruerae•• Men'.Bowlill, Leape

Impetlat Cl.an ...G k Ii: N.8h Servi••Oak CI""ersFrahm's At.h S.rvlc.Crl .. tr EltelncSttltt', Molll!i/l'

788 80s A231..,.n.1 C\o&.....

Curtin (av.) 17J 173 173Kl.,n 191 126 167H H.. bst 161 1+1 153R H.~~ I~ 136 l~Olle> 199 192 ISO

"t : tl\. llV.tlll .f the afllmOon ""Ilbsr!1I t....s ara plaant<! f<>rthe be,thotrJ. made kll", the mMI .laboral.klto JIIIl<d.1snd the bo.I lIyift#' homo.IlIlde 1II<>l!.1<JihOf pn.o ""elll! aretho most lat&rtsllllg Iffan, ... "nt, ..tandem Ind mlllllpl" kitts Ind kit•• p.plian.es su.h 'S rut" m." ... "s and,aUs

A ra.e to ,t. 'Whlth boy .an /Iy alldtake d6Wa 1I1sk,l. 1lt000trapIdly " alsopl.nllt<!

Tho .... Ills of the carnival Ite It.. -II.d 10 11111'1'WhOII'I r ... ,I .. od tn 1'.,1-ullt a.dvillts .. Hinn.n Y M C A

........ Are1o. ....... ..Albfecht 139 1:lZ 126W F Frohm 139 130 139Wi.. mln (av.) 147 147 147W H Frahm 151 158 158Schot... 147 166 178

Halldi.ap 75 75 75

HuhnR.cbt<R.,.rsH.lllt •• I.... 1I


-:It.dnor (1.II\c.,I1\).t Mack av.nu.'the I;!Ille White Ch~r.h ;\.roulld lh.Oltne.," F. %l. $Iotn, peS\ot, 442Sl'/,edn9l' aVill1ue. Telephone NI,...,a~

hild,y S;h~l m,',n, 9 ;j/Ia ..l'1"M .ervices, lO ,45 .. 1ft.~/)d,w,,1t ldnlen ,ervI.os Wl<ln,,-

day .vtllll'\\' .1 8 o'.I<Itk. 1'.slo, raulU.Y1\ of ,.hOl'llh.Z:on church wIll d.-hv.. Ill. $il/illoll-

S.tvlc," clu,11lI Miy w.ek ",,11 b. as

303 NEWS""-

By th.. tunc tJus attlcle comes tohand ..,r St. P.lrlck P&7 p.rty willha•• b•• n p.. t, "" hete'. b<>plll#oachand .vory .... 'I<'bo att'lldt<! had Iv.ry h-l'I'Y alld en/9y.bl. ev..."ft1l- Re-c.nl .tt."d,," •• at our blll(lO partl.'has been v.lY lI"alllY'1lll'fot whl.h w.ar. thanlt!ul a..d .... a.1t ylrtlr furth«."du!geJl.e .lId jlllronll/l:. W. ,trlveto ~ltao. and lh.... tllet ot Ihl, atlfol." .. , to say Ih. lea,t sectetly, .lat.dat ,0111.at the ni•• cllII!1'llnte"lshand.du, by eur palt<lll. and ",ests It ourpatty la.1 Ftl<lf,1'.. eftillg. Thes. bltit/opatU.. a.e OUr .lIgular prOllrallt .a.hl".ldlay ••• 1IJtit/,SO please .ome Oftena"d htl", alOllf yOU. ftlend' Th. 25-dllt .wl••10ll fu "'Ill \>I',vall at anplottl.. a/ld I. ~ ~ndQubli:dly knowby tblS !ltl\. ~leflt1 (Of beet ... d ,Qftdr,nlt. at. '\Ot!labt. lit fOf lit. pr... oftd",h~Oft ThIS 1l\lft b.. at I.",I~rltd rollljt With O\jr boy- s.out troopunder lh. abl. teade.,hfp 01 Comrad.Saker .1\d alret;dy 1"0 1lIt41ltit/' ottit. bllfo lIav, b•• n beld A c01ll'le11... 11 belys Itav, ,rllled up f.r thettO<l1> but thete IS lOOm for mot. 00,f vou ba.e "61's b.tween Ih. ag. o(12 .1\<1 16 plt •• e ha.1 tltllll fOP'll"! t/JMr. B_1<.t It out h.aduuan.rs, 17520Maek '.elnlt lriy Thursday .. e.. ng al1 1)'.leek Bltatp. '1" Ihe b/ly. of thetrOOp~l.. ,. llll Ill_ say thlt Mr ~el<.rI. planll1ftll ,0ttI. Jl'l':Id !1m" (0' you00 pl•••• b. pallent and all.r e.ery.th11llliSor,.n ..... 114tUMlng .IUO<)lh.ly yen .II .rt. !f,et $Ufe, ~tIi 10 b.,I.d l'<'\1 11.... d"i4.4 ... b. a ,.<:>tIt

JuneJ BtauprePdl",rThayerT Beaupte




-c:.._ .IMIrI., C,aftter 136 130 170:l\el>l' lQ! 180 200Howe 142 125 134Audretsch 1OO 147 IOOTurller 162 172 1#

Hln,ll •• p 9 9 9---


Refr .. h.. WornGarmlmta



AU Rolfa.t Bicycle. on Silleat Whole.ale Prices

A marvelou. Permanent that will make your

hair .oft, lu.trou. and beautiful, with variation

of .tyl .. to .uit your individual requirement ••

Easter Permanents


• $ t .. I_~ __ ~.. 8_~liiIIIliiIII._" 1__ 0.0.8.' 0__ U"_


Re.tore. Life toFabrica

.. .. ,., ~Of the Registration of Unregistered QualifiedSchool Electors of Rural Agricultural SchoolDiatrict No.1, of the Township of GrOll5e

Pointe, Wayne ~ounty, Michigan


ESTABLISffilD ItZS;txpert Tailoring on Ladie.' &: Men'. Garment.



15417 M.ck at neacon.lield F01'nt.rIy at 7628E. Ula;rettaW.ll Equipped to Handle All Kind. of Bicycle Repatril'l,

, .


Cleaners •Tailors

Maclo... l.. , • C".'luipole or Spiral A•• iI.bl. at Popular Pric.ll at the.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthere will be a registration of the unregisteredqualified electors of Rural Agricultural SchoolDistrict No.1, Groue Pointe Township,Wayne County, Michigan, at the pollinsplaces of the several precincts of the districtttCJ.wit:

Pruinct No. 1-1'0 inclllde aU of the City of (;ro...P"i"te, votin~ plac. at the Cadieux School, 3f9 St. ClairAva."", City of Gro ... Pointe, Michigan.

Precinct No. Z-To InclUde that part of the Vma,.of aroa.e Pointe Park l)'illl .outh of Kercheval "Vllllue,1'otift. place at the Munitipal Hall of the VillAag. ofer.... Pointe Park, .Ituated at No. 15115 Eo Jeft'eraonAvenue, Groe.e Pointe Park, Michigan.

Pretiinct No.3-To include all of Groa.e PointeFlltltl .. votilll place at the Kerby School of the VIDa.eof Gro •• e Pointe (l'arm., .ituated on Kerby Road northof «rOll .. Pointe Bqulevllrd, Gro •• e Pointe Farm .. Mich.i•..,.

Precinct No.4-To include all of Gro •• e PointeShor.. withitt th. "hool district, voting place at theMllllici,.1 HaU of the ViII.ge of Gro ... Pointe Sh_Oll th" j:OI'Iler of 1... Sh"re Driv. and Vernier Rod,Gro ... Pointe ShoreS, Michigan.

Precinct No.5-To include all of the Vm..e ofLochmoor and Fractional 5ch,,01 Di.trict No.9, Gratiotl'._.hip, within the School Diatnct, voting place .t theSte"'iII1. T. M, • .,n School on 'yonder ROlld in the VlIlNeof L-ochmoor, Michi.an.

Premet No.6-To inclllde that part of the Vill .... eof Gro Pointe Park incillding and lyiR1r north of Ker.ch'IVaI A enlle, ...otin. placll at the D.fer School, 1$425Kercheval Avenue, Oro .. e Pointe Park, Michigan.

OIl $atu~a;y, tit. 20th day of Mtrch, A. D. 1937 and on Satur.Uy tJ>e 27th cIllyof March. A. D. 1937, froltl3:00 o'clock P. M.tll8,OO o'~ock P. M. Eaatern Standard Time on both of whichpy. all unfegiatered qualiliecl .chool electors of the districtm.y r",ltt" for the .Jl'I<;llIl election of the sch .... 1 dietrllt tll!HI 1t.14 "" Molt!! ..y, !-pril 19, A. (). 1937 and for Qth.r "Ie(:.tI\ll!lI. ,"lIe,.1 or /l~, In the c1iatrict, .. ntll a general reo",,-I.".tl_ i.o,d.red ..etQi'dln, t, laW'.

N+tlce i.llIs" .Ive that provi.ion ha. been made by thea.. ,d ef Ecllleetien for tIte re,lstration of all untoegiltend and'lU1III6ed ."hoel elector" of the district at any timo dllrmg 01.Ii"" \o .. ra by the Secretary of the Hoard of Education, ",,\l/orthe Superintendent of School. for the Di.trict, andlQr tilePllrell.." ~"Itt of the Board of Eclucation, at the o/fice of theII...." of Education, 389 St. Clair Avenue, City of Grea.e... lnt-, Mi~i«4Jt.0.," M..~dt Ill, t'37.

R.ALrH M. (;LARK. seeretaryawl! of (!:ducation, R..ra1A,nlllllt\lral School Di.bictNo, 1, Orot,e P .. inte l'O'WP.hip,WilYlte c.....ty, Mlehic\Ul.

LENOX 3040All Garmllllt. In'lInd "-ain.t Fire and Theft

14931 Jefferson Ave. y cgv


' I 1__ ~'._~, ~"__~. ~,~ ~.~_~,~..~Il__ Il n_"_

kite enthu$;asts who flew kites op. theb.,ob.ll fi.ld, of WiI.r Work Porklast. Saturday have mdlcated theIt U'1...

A kite carmva,l 15 bemg pla.nned for terest In the commg carnivalI Salurd.y .fternoon by the H.nn.n Y Th. prognm will h.gm WIth relf'"MeA boys' divlstett About 7S lly J ,tratJon for events at 1 30 at th~ I Y,'.......-----_._-------------


r~~-~--\Thursday, March IS, 1957

j " %

Hannan Y.M.C.A. Notes

)\ ) J





--SINCE 1893





Punch & Judy Theatre Bldg.

o i 1!Thl,rsday, March 18, 1932')

Unique Easter Arrangements and NoveltiesComplete Line of Cut Flowers, Plants,

and Unusual Flowers


{CORSAGESat our Usual Reasonable PrIces

Advance Orders Now Being' Taken




Star'. experience and raclhbes Eor careful, thorough rugand carpet cleaning are unsurpassed anywhere In the coun-

trY~rle low Sendyourrug. to~

~A.RP.'I' C:r.IIA.1VINGCOMPAN1" ~J4"()tJ /" /---~For Job Printing Call Lenox 1162 REVIEWLINERS GET RESULTS



DetrOIt Colony, NatIonal SOCIety atNew England Women, wtll meet atCentral Branch, Y W C A, Wednesday, March 24, for a luncheon at 12 30o'clock, followed by a meebng at 1 30a clock, which Mrs W Scott Hobbs,Colony preSIdent, WIll conduct

Dr Preston H Scott, of the WayneUmverslty Speech department, andjProf A :S~arle of Wayne UnrversityMUSICdepartment are furnlshmg talentfrom their classes for the programMISS Anne Lukes/reader, WJll representthe Speech department •

ANGELENE MALISZEWSKI,ofGrosse POInte, has been named h~ad ofthe JudICIary CouncIl of the Women sLeague at the Umverslty of MIchlganMISS Mahszewskl, a reSIdent of MosherHall, has been on the JudICiary Coun-Cil for two years She IS a member ofWyver~, IS In the cast of the JUnlorGirlS Play and was an onentatwn ad- jv1sed thIS year

New England Wom~n'sMeeting March 24th

(14) HALF STORY-A half story1Sa story whlch JS sItuated 10 a slop1Ogroof, the usua.ble floor area of whJchdoes not exceed one half or the floorarea of the story Immediately below ItA half story shall not be counted as astory for the purpose of determm10gyard dImensIOns

(15) DWELLING-A dwel1mg IS

any house or bUlldmg or portIon thereofWhICh 15 occupied wholly as the homereSIdence or sleepmg place of on€; ormore human bemgs, either permanentlyor transIently In cases of mixed occupancy, where a bUlldmg IS occupIed10 part as a dwellmg the part so occupled shall be deemed a dwelhng for thepurP'Oses of thIS ordman-ce and shallcomply With the prOV1S1onsthereof reIattve to dwellings

(16) CLASSES OF DWELLINGS-For the purpose of th1s ordmance,dwelhngs are dlvlded mto the follOWIngclasses (a) I PrIvate dwelhngs" (b)Terrace dwellmgs '(c) Two famIlv

dwellmgs,' and (d) Multtple Dwell1Ogs"

(a) A 'pnvate dwelling" ISa dwelhngcontammg but one housekeepmg umt Iand occupted by but one famIly alone

(b) A terrace dwellmg" IS a senesof attached prJvate dwellings separatedfrom one another by common or partywalls of fireproof constructIon

(c) A 'two famIly dwellmg' IS ad\\ eIllng contammg but two housekeepmg U01tS occupIed by but two familIesalone

(d) A I multlple dwellIng" IS a dwell10g occupied otherwIse than as a priV.ate or two family dwelhng

(17) CLASSES OF MULTIPLEDWELLINGS-All mulhple d'Welhngsare dwellmgs and for the purposes ofthIS ol'dmance are dIVIded mto twoclasses, V1Z class A and class B

Class A Multtple dwellmgs of ClassA are dwellmgs contammg three ormore mdependent housekeepmg umtsand WhICh are occupIed more or lesspermanently for reSidence purposes byseveral famJhes ThiS class mcludesapartment houses bachelor apartments,StudIO apartments, kitchenette apartments, and all other dwellings SImilarlyoccupIed whether speCifically enumer-ated hereIn or not

Class B M tdtlple dwelhngs of ClassBare dwelhngs whIch are occupIedas a rule, transiently as the more orless temporary abIdmg place of m<11viduais who are lodged, With or WIthout meals, and m which as a rule therooms are occupIed SIngly ThIS classmcludes 10dglllg houses, boardmghouses, furll1shed room houses clubhouses, convents, asylums, hospItals,Jads and other dwellmgs SimIlarly oc~cupled, whether speCIfically enumeratedherem or not

(18LJiOTfL-..A hotelJS • 'l/ul!\QledwellIng of Class B m whJch personsare lodged for hIre and 10 whIch thereare more than fifty sleep10g rooms apublIc dmmg room for the accommodatIon of at least fifty guests, and ageneral kitchen

The defimtIon of dwellings andclasses are taken from the State Eous~mg Code, WIth suoh modIficatIons asfit them for use 111 tl:us ordmance

(19) GARAGEPRIVATE-A prIV-ate gar3Jge IS a space or structure WIthnot over eight hundred square feet ofground floor area for pnvate use forstorage only, havmg no pubhc shop orservice In connedion therewith andhOUSIng not more than four automo-bIles of whICh not more than one maybe a Comm~rcial automobtle

(20) GARAGE, COMMUNITY-Asenes of pnvate garages located Jomtlyon a parcel of land under a smgle own-ership

(21) GARAGE,PUBLIC-A spaceor structure, oTher than a prIvate or acommull1ty garage, for the storage,care, repaIr or refill1shmg of motorvehIcles, ex:ce:pt that a structure ~rroom used solely lor the display andsale of such vehicles, m WhICh they arenot operated under their own power,and In connectlOn WIth which there ISno repalrj mamtenance or refimshmgservice or storage of vehIcles otherthan those dIsplayed, shall not be considered a pubhc garage for the purposesof thiS ordmance

(22) STABLE-The word garageshall mclude the word stable, one draftammal bemg conSIdered the equJvalentof one automobile

AdOl'tedMonday March 15 1937NORBERTP NEFF,

CIty Clerk


I'i... 3,Figure 3 The yards and courts are

the open spaces reqUIred to give lIghtand air about the bU11cMngsOn a lotThe Width of SIde yards and courts andthe depth of front and rear yards re-qUired for qlfferent kmds of bUlldmgsare given 111 the ordmance These di-menSIons are untform for the fulllength of the yard except where addI~tIona,l WIdth I$- .reqUIred for the rearportIons of Side yards beSide extradeeRb~lldmgs

After the yar4s reqUJred for a contempmted type of buddmg have beenlaId off on the lot any part of the arearemam111g Of all of It 1f desIredj can beused for the prInCipal buIldmg Porches,garages and other proJecttons and ac~cess.cry butldmgs may occupy porttonsof the reqUIred :yards, as prescrIbed 10the ordmance

Where a semi detached dwelhng ISpermItted on twp adJommg lots outercourts may b,e *ubstltuted for the tn-tervenmg stde yards as prescnbed mthe ordmance the bU11dab1earea be111g'found as before

(13) HEIGHT OF BUILDING-The heIght of a bUlldmg IS the verttcald1stance from the establIshed SIdewalkgrq,de at the cetfter of the front of thebutldmg to the hIghest pomt of the roofsurface.;t a flat roof, to the deck hnefor mansard roofs, and to the meanhe1ght level between eaves and ndgefor gabled, hIp and gambrel r'bofs Forbulldmgs set b~k from the street huethe he1ght of the bUlldmg may be meas-ured from the arerage elevatton of thefiU1shed grade along the front of thebuddmg prOVided such average eleva.hon shall not exceed the estabhshedslde~alk grade at the center of thefront of the: 'bull~bng by more than onell1ch for each foot that the buIldmg setsback from the front lot hne•

bUIldmg plans filed for approval WJththe Butldmg Inspector, and prOVIdedthat where a corner lot together Witha lot or lots other than a corner lotare used together as the SIte of a ter~race or apartment, such terrace orapartment must front upon both suchstreets, and no garage or accessorybUIldmg' of such terrace or apartmentshall be constructed upon such lot orlots exceptmg m the rear of the .same

(7) REAR LOT LINE-The rearlot hne IS that boundary whJch IS op~poslte and most dIstant from the frontlot hne In the case of a lot pomtedat the rear the rear lot hne shall bethat hne parallel to the front tot hne,not less than ten feet long lymg farth~est from the front lot hne and whollywJthm the lot

(8) SIDE LOT LINE-A SIde lothne IS any lot boundary line not a frontlot hne or a rear lot hne A Side lothne separatmg a lot from a street IS aSide street lot line A SIde lot hne sep-aratmg a lot front another lot or lots1San mtenor Side lot line


Rf- I,



Sectton 1 of the 70umg Ordmanceof the City of Grosse Pomte IS herebyamended to read a~ follows


TO AMEND Section 1 of theZoning Ordinance of the Cityof Grosse Pointe.


JlID FIgure 1 Lot No 1 15 a corner lot~ with a curved street hne A B A 15~ I the pomt ot begmnmg of the curve~ wlthrn the lot The stratght hne C-A~ produced ~s the tangent to the curve~ at A The curve IS already started at&l the edge of the lot at pomt B, so the~ tangent 15 taken where the sIde fat hue~ mtersects the street hne The two~ tangents meet at D formmg an angle~ of less than 1350 E IS the pomt on~ I the street hue nearest to D and so@ 15 the (.orner I Lot No 2 15 not a

i"Corner lot because the angle betweenthe tangents 1$ greater than 1350

(5) INTERIOR LOT-A lot otherthan a corner lot 15 an mtenor lot

(6) FRQNT LOT LINE-In thecase of a lot aputttng upon only onestreet the front lot hne IS the hneseparatmg sUi:h lot from such streetIn the case of any other lot one suchhne shall be elected to be the front lQthne for the purposes of thiS ordmanceprovIded It IS so deSignated on the



TUxedo 2-1459


Faucets Rewaaherd and Re-ground entlrp .,gl house $1 SO

Furnace COlIs, Installed $3 SO,$4New Ball Cock inst In Toilet $3New Trip Lever Inst In


America's FinestDry Cleanini


DeHcate~Fabrics Handledwith the Utmost Care

EASTER'I 0 __ 0 o~_,! THOUSANDS OF CUSTOM- II ERS and friends favor Imperial I! cleaning because they appreci- II ate its ultra-smartness. II I! ~====== I

I It Costs No More than !I Ordinary Cleaning I-. ~ ~ __ 14


Mack at Nottingham

Splendid Tailoring Facilities forAltering _ Relining - Repairing


Call TU. 2.3000

Wm. C. ORR


The Best and Most Economical Fully Automatic Heat


Installed, RepaIredand Vaehum CleanedPlumbing - Heating


COP1pleteJy mstall{"q In your present heatlngplant. With 220gal fuel tank, automatic controlsand fr~e serVice for one year





919 Barrmgton Road LEnox 7639


Page Six

Definition.For the purpose of thIS O1dlllance

certalll terms used are hereWIth defined

(I) STREET-A Street IS a pubhc

I thoroughfare or way thirty feet ormore In WIdth

(2) ALLEY-An AlJey IS • puhhcthoroughfare or way less than thIrtyfeet m WIdth

(3) LOT-A piece or parcel of landoccuplen or to be occupIed by :l buildlUg and Its accessory bUIldmgs and meludmg the open spaces reqaIred underthIS ordmance A lot eXIstlllg and ofrecord 15 a lot the dImensIons of WhIChare shown on a document or map on STI\Ee:T

file WIth the regtster of dee-a..; or In s e [common use by county or City officers ~anq. whIch actually eXIsts as so showror any part of such lot held In own ,,~ershlp of record separate from the remamder thereof srltf;e-T

The term lot' as used here does not I...,necessanly refer to a lot shown on asubdIVIsion plat or held In a smgle Figure No 2 shows an Irregularlyownership and descrtbed 10 a deed It lotted block Lot 6 would normallymeans the parcel of ground necessary face A Street but rf the owner Wishesfor the conduct of a gIven actiVIty m to take ad'o;antag&: of the Mam Streetd.ccordance WIth the yard ~nd court frontage, he may db so by callIng thatreqUIrements of the zomng ordmance Side the front lot hne' at the ttme ofThus, a group of five or SIX buildmg filIng hiS bWldl"lg planslots as shown on the City map might The SIde on A Street 'Rutomahcallybe acqUired as the SIte for an apartment becomes a SIde lot lIne, and the hnehouse, WIth allowance for the butldmg runnmg back f1lom A Street ISttseH and the yards requtred about It the rear lot hne On 1...ot 4 If the Mamand when so used or mtended to be so Street frontage IS deSIgnated the frontused, 1t 15 a smgle lot m the meamng lot hne, the B Street frontage autoof the zonmg ordulance Or a man ImatIcal1y becomes the rear lot hne Lotowmng ~ large lot mlght butld two or No 3 15 a three stdett lot, the SIdes ofthree houses on It to rent, but they wh1ch mtersect at".a. pomt The rearwould have to be so placed that each lot hne IS therefore, accord1Og to thehad about It the full yards reqUIred In defimtion, an Jmagmary hne ten feettlm. ordmance mdependent of the yards long parallel to the front lot hne andbelong1Og to any of the others and placed as far back on the lot as pos-each parcel of land contammg a house SIbleand ItS requtred yards would be oon- (9) FRONT YARDS-A front yardsldered a lot, whether m separate own- IS an open space extendmg the fullershlp or not WIdth of a lot and of a umform depth

Agam a man oWning Sixty feet or measured horIzontally at nght anglesfrontage m a reslden,oCe A Dlstnct to the front lot hne, unoccupIed frommight b'l.1ld a smgle famtly two stQry the ground upward except as herem-house thirty feet wJde In the mlddJle after specifiedof It He could sell strIPS from the (10) REAR YARD-A rear yard JS

ISIde of hIS lot Without changtng Its an open space extendmg the full Widthst<!.tus under the zontng law so long as of a lot and of a umform depth m,eas~a stnp 4 feet WIde (the requ!fed s,0.f: ured horIzontally: at rJght angles to theyard) remamed on each slde of 111S rear lot line, and unoccupied from the

I house But anythmg less than the ground upward except as herc11lafterthIrty eJght feet would not be consld~ speCifiedereda lot,and If heshouldsellofffour. (ll) SIDE ~ARD-A SIdeyard IS

Iteen feet on one SIde of hJS house to an open space ~xtendmg from the frontgive a neIghbor a larger buIldmg SIte, yard to the rear yard and -of a umformthat nelghbor could only use the wter wldth measured hortzontatJy at right

I eleven feet In figurmg the SIze of hIS angles to the slde lot hne, and unocw

Ilot when applYIng for a bUilding per- cupled from the ground upward exceptm1t (ThIS IS covered m SectIOn III as heremafter speCified(D) In other words the strtp of land (12) COURTS-A court IS an openrequtred adJ01nlOg a butldmg IS consId~ unoccupIed ~pa<:e, other than a yard Aered to be a part of the lot on WhICh court not extendmg to the street orthat bU1ldmg stands even though 1t front or rear yard ~s an mner court. Amay have been transferred 10 whole or court extending to the street or front1ll part to a dIfferent owner yard or rear yard JS an outer court

(4) CORNieRLOT-A cornerlot IS rtfl1.O"R'T~ a lot of which at least two adjacent

Sides abut for theIr full length upon a

Istreet prOVided that such two SIdes m-

Nott' ce of Electl' on ter<ectat an angle of not more than~ 135" A lot abuttmg upon a curved

~ street or streets shall be conSIdered acorner lot for the purpose of thIS Ol;'--inthe- h~ dmance 1£ the tangents to t e curve at

~ Its pomh of hegmmng wlthm the lotill CITY OF GROSSE POINTE , or at the pomtsof mtersectlonof theit ~ Side tot hnes With the street hne mter-@Elect-IOn •• onApr-.15thllsectatanangleofnotoverI3soln~ .W. .'@lthecaseOfacornerlotWlthacurved~ •• street hne the corner shall be can sId-~ The quahfied electors of the C~tyof Grosse POl'?te, Wa~e Iered to be that POint on the street hne00l County, Mit:hlgan are hereby notified that a special election neare~t to the pomt of mtersectIon of~ wllI be held on Monday,. April 5, 1~37,at th~ ~Ire J:lalI, 17145 '" the t,ngents heremdeSCribedlID Maumee Avenue, at whIch a specIal proposItIon wtll be sub- i>i~ mitted to q\'ahfied electors of the City of Grosse Pointe for ~~ the purpose of determining whether or not the City Council ~rei shall be authorized to seII or dIspose of the folIowing lots or ~@ parcels of property descrIbed as: ;;]

Lot No. 590 Grosse Pointe Colony Subn. of Lots16-27-33-34and 35 and Part of Lots 15-17-26 RivardPark Sub. of part P. C.'s 229 and 458 and Lots 11 and12 and Part of Lots 10-16-17-18 Sub. of P. C. 300Grosse Pointe Village, Lots from 387 to 763.

Lots No.8 and 9. AII of 8. 2552x155.60 of lot 9The C. Neff Est. Sub. of part of W. % of P. C. 344,lying bet. Jeff. and Mack Aves., VllIage of GrossePointe.

Lots No. 105 and 106. 87.90xI78.80 lot lOS, SOx178.80 lot 106 Amended plat of St. Clair Park Sub-

~ diVIsion, P. C. 239, between Jefferson an" Mack,! Grosse Pointe.~ Lot N<>.1. AII that part of lot I of sUb. of P. C.I 239 lying sly of Maumee about 438.25' more or less'i1l 114x438.25.~ AII that part of lot 1 of sub. of P. C. 239 lyingffii nly of Maumee about 1138.25'more or less 114x43825.

i or such particular lot, part or parts of lots or combination ofany description of any or aII such lots or parcels of property.

You are furtber notified that registrations of aII qualified

Ielectors not already registered will be had daily at the Cityoffice of the City Clerk, 17150 Maumee Avenue from 9:00A. M. to 4:30 P. M. (9:00 A. M. to 12:00 noon Saturdays).l\1al'<:b16,1937last daYfor registration for such election.

'~ Polls of such election shaII be open from 7 00 A. M. to"8:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time of day of such election.

This election will be held at same time as the BiennialSpring Ele~tion.

, NORBERT P. NEFF,City Clerk.


Biochemist Job Openin Iowa Announced

Original Motor CarDesigns Are Sought

l'a Seven

OrIgmal motor car destgns represent-ed by models submttted tit a natKllt ..Wide competItion WtlI be sought by theF"her BO<IyCrafuman'. Guild In 1931as a means of developIng the creativegemus of Amertcut youths.

Announcement of the new prcgramextendIng the Influence of the GenetalMotors-sponsored edUca.tIOnal founda-tIon mto the lield of mdu$trlal desIkttwas made today by PreSIdent WilhamA FIsher, who dtsclosed that four$5000 UniVersIty scholarshIps and otherawards totaltng more than $80,000 arebemg posted for thiS and the hap-oleonlc coach .. bUildIng competItIon.The latter IS bemg conttnued tHIS yearWith even more awards than thenumber posted last.

The 1:wo competItIons have betaestablished on an equal bUls. TheunIverSIty scholarship, one 111the JUIlIorand one In the sentor diVISion, wt11 b.awarded the budders of the NapoleonICcoaches and the model autom6blleladjudged the be.t of tho.e .ubnutted.There are tripS to the seventh GUIldconvention lor the W1nners of regionalhonors, whIle cash awards, startmg,\l+h $100 for first place, WIll go to thevictor .. In each state and the Dlstnctof ColumbIa :Dupltcate awards In eachage dIV!S10n bring the total to 922

The only hmitatl0ns unposed upon~hose partiCIpating In the competitionIn creative deSign are practical Innature Models may be of the sohdvanety, fashIQned from a smgle blockof wood, or other SUitable matenal, bUlmust be constructed to a sclale of oneInch to one foot and conform to thedeSIgnated length, height and Width,so that an actual car bUilt to the samespeCIfications ","QuId ha.ve suffi.cu~nthead room, leg room and breadth toaccommodate five or SIX persons com-fortably.

'Heretofore, the Gtllld has empha-SIzed the Importance of craftsmanshIp.recognIzmg the delimte advantagetrammg of tms sort affords youths en-termg the m.o<1ern IndustrIal world.'Mr FIsher .said ' Smce 19.30,we havereqUired partlcl~ants In the comptb ...hons to reprod~e m1tltature coaches,selectmg the award WInners on theexceUence of tne wCloQdcraft, metal-models submitted.

f Success of the movement IS t.vldene-e<! by the fact that the Guild now hasmore than 1J250,(O) mmbeu LlteraI1ythousands of boys have rt:c~:lVed cashawaras of varymg amounts and trlp,to the GUIld conventlorts Forty nIneotbers ha.ve been ~warded a total of$176000 tn universIty scholarships Thefour. who thus far have compltte<i theU'college courses, found Jobs awaItIngthem WIth Genertl Motors 1l\)OItgraduatton

vVIth thiS !plencitd record beforethem, offiCIals of the automotive con ..cern decIded to broaden the scope ofthe umque educatIonal foundation ac."cordtng to Mr FIsher, who IS viCe..preSIdent of the corporation

- There are few sohooIs In thecountry, where It IS poss1bte for a boyto tea"n motor car deSIgn," Mr. Fisherstated - It 1S our hope, through thenew Guild program, to dIscover anyindiVIduals th_t may be espeCIally g,ftedfor thIS work, and to take a hand IntheIr tralUmg At the same ttme weexpect to awaken an mterest In thebroad fieJd of 1ndustrial destgn, un-coverIng latent talen.t In a much largernumber of youths, who may be ablytItted for thIS relatively llew but raNdlygrOW1llg branch of 111dustry"

Membership In the GUIld 15 open toboys of from 12 to 19 years old m-clusIve Those under 16 are enrolled10 the JUnlor dIVISIon, and thou overthat mark In the semor The mQdeIcar and the NapoleoUlc coach compett ..tlOns Will dose at midnight, July 1and Aq,gust 2, respectively announce.ment to the award WInners beIng matieas <:,oonthereafter as poSSible.

A Job for a b10chemist at approxi-mately $3,000 per year IS avatlable In

Iowa through the NatIonal Reempl&y-ment Service to any Mnchlgan reSidentwho ca.n quahfy.

The order, forwarded to the officeof Major Howard Starl'et, State Re-employq:t.ent Director, by the N:R.S In

Iowa, sta.tes that the work 15 ehenucalresearch Involved In poultry dIsease.

It IS deSIred that the apphcant havea doctor's degree In btoehemlstry andbe quahfied by educatlon or expent:t\ceIn aUlmal husbandry, vertebrate z~olo,\gy, btophysIcs, anatomy, patholo*,y, andr€Iated subjects A man between 30and 4(} years of age IS preferred

Anyone In MIchigan seekmg the JODshould apply lIumedfately to anyoneof the 4J 1f1chtgan NRS office. ThelocatIon of these offices may be learnedby wrltmg to Major Howard Starret,State Reemployment DIrector, 1702Wa.hmgton Boulevard Bulldlllg, De.trolt

The NRS IS a d,vlSlon of the UnitedSt.te. Ell1l'19yment S"V1ce operatedunder the Department <Yf Labat". ThereIS 110 cha.rge for th.e servIce.


PicturesSchoolboy Pitcher Awaits Big Year



Leaders Happy Over C. 1. O. Recognition

Equine David and Goliath Meet

Yes, You Are Seeing Double

Left to rIght, DaVId J McDonald, PIlllhp Murray, seated Standmg,left to rIght, Van A BIttner, Clmton S Golden and Lee Pressman, at-torney for the C I 0, umon offiCIals who won an agreement wlth theCarnegIe IlhnolS Steel corporatlOn, for recogmtlon of the C I 0 to bar-gal,!! I,!t m.!'tters concernmg u!l!!l!! ~.12"e'!.s of the ~el C;P!llP~Y. _

An mterestmg study In eqmne contrast IS presented at the Melbourne,AustralIa show by the mIghty Clydesdale stalllon, Everton, welghmg aton, and the mldgQt racehor;;e Wee JImmy, 23 Inches hIgh and welglung36 pounds Everton completely overshadows the llttle fellow, who cantrot under Everton s belly WIth plenty of headroom to spare But on atrack?-that s a horse of a dIfferent color.

You mlght thmk thIS was done wlth mIrrors but you're wrong. It'.the De Sutter twms, two of ChIcago's leadmg femmme basketball players,lookmg at each other through an em~y picture f-Fame Lett to rIght, they.are, Manon and Mercede In the event you stlll beheve thIS clever pIeceof photography was done WIth a mIrror, look below the frame whereyou can see two sets of legs.

,"l' , jM>.J "X :l ::Y..>..> ~ ~

Bob Feller, elghtee 1, of Van Meter, Iowa, who holds the AmerIcanleague stnke-out record for a smgle game, IS shown WIth Steve O'Neill,manager of the Cleveland IndIans The sensatlOnal young hurler whowas SIgned to a $10 000 contract hopes to have a record year m 1937.


Only ten years old, Lord Mantague of Beauheu (above) IS theyoungest peer to be Included on theinVItation hst to the coronatlOu 01Kmg George VI of England Hesucceeded hiS father, the secondbaron, at the age of three LordMontague's mother IS now the HonMrs Edward Playdell BouverIe.

Jane Anderson de Clenfuegos,wIfe of the Spanish MarquIs de C,-enfuegos, who came from Cuba toWashmgton to thank the State de-partment for mtervenmg and sav-mg her from death as a spy, whIleshe was s.ervmg m a JournahshecapacIty WIth the SpanIsh 10ya}Jstforces For 42 days she lIved In avermm-Infested dungeon, WhIle ourState department fought for her re-lease and now she has Come fromher home In Havana to personallythank our secretary of state for thedepartment s help to her.


It must be good or she wouldn'teat It herself MISS Betty Rme,whose home IS at Sturgeon Bay,represented WISCOnSIn In the Na-tIonal Cherry P,e Bakmg contest mChIcago, and her culinary effortproved the country's best MISSRine vanqulshed opponents from In-dIana, Mlnnesota, Iowa, IllInOIS,MIChIgan, OhIO, New York and MIS-sourI MISS Rme receIved a $100prlze and wIll make a trIp to Wash-mgton to me.t Presld~ and ;Mrs.Roosevelt. _

VIscount Swmton, secretary ofstate for aIr, who d1sclosed 11'"parhament the plans of the Br1tlsr RoyalaIr force for the defense of Englandand London from an alr attack Tocarry out the plan he announcedthat tne personnel of th.,. forc£. wouldbe Increased to 70 000 officers andmen wlth a first lme strength of1,759 alrcraft orgamzed m 124squadrons The cost of the aIr forcefor 1937 WIll be $12,500,000, or moreth.m double the amo\ll1t asked lastyear.




Happenings of the Nation Told, -e i

Scenes and Persons in the Current News

Eleanor and Billy Pick Exposition's "Aquahelles"


~~ ---" Ihursday, March 18, 1937


"Flying Fortress" Is Last Word in Air Fighters

l-Promment alumm of Notre Dame UnlVerslty hold memonal serVices at the Knute Rockne memorial atCottonwood Falls, Kan 2-Dr Hans Hemnch Dleckhoff, who has been named to succeed Dr. Hans Lutheras German ambassador to the Umted States 3-So1dlers of the new Phlhppme nahonal army set up byGen. Douglas MacArthur pass m reVIew durmg first pubhc parade m ManIla

Thrlllmg rescue by firemen 6f a woman trapped on the thIrd fioor of a burmng bUlldmg In Lynn Mass18 shown In this unusual photograph Several other dramatIC rescues mcludlng that of a baby V:h 'to_sed over the roof featured the lire battle. 0 w...

BI1Iy Rose, prQIDoter, IS aIded by Eleanor Holm Jarrett, former world's amateur backstroke swJmchamplOn, 1rl. selectmg shapely 4laquabelles' who wJ.ll grace the Great Lakes exposltlon In Cleveland tbuJlsummer. A feature of the show WIll be a water carnIval, wIth Eleanor as the prmcipal attractIon.-------------=~---~----,---------~--- I

Firemen Save Lives in Conflagration in Lynn

Uncle Sam's giant Uflymg fortress" attracted plenty of attentIon after arrlVal at the general headquartetsair force base at Langley fie'd ThIS gIant Boemg bomber, multI.motored, heavily gunned, all.metal-andmighty speedy -IS the last word m aIr fighters- -- ------------------------------------



• Or hiYour;

PresentHome ••


Residence-1305 BuckInghaMTU 2-1717

Cooper Bros.


Lenox 5885

, " 1' Thurs~y, ~::rch 18,_193 1'1

be Greetmg the Kmg )6 15 P m ChnstIan Ludeavor group)l7 30 p m There v" 11be a program

of selected musIc by the cho rs ~ellOtand Juntor directed by \Il DerhamBeer The pastor w111preach On tl1esubject What Does Palon Sunday\fean to You?

Wednesday evenlng we arc contm-umg the study of the Book of Romans.

Thursday evell11 g we will have ourcommU111011 service

vVe w111also Jom m With the Goodfnday services With othe- churc.hes111thl~ "lC111ty

NEW BICYCLESAlso RebUilt Used Bicycles, Fll"st Clu.

Bicycle and Motorcycle RepalrmgCrosse pOinte Motor &: Bike Shop

1423Lakepomte NI 9478A C Verbrugghe We buy used bicycle.

Buy Now. Prlce.s AdvanCing Soon


$159.50with CONTROLS

3 TONS OF COAL FREENo Down Payment

C. A. Hayward Sales13231 Mack at Drexel

LENOX 2924



and enjoy



Natural g", heat IS the modetn "ay of house heat-mg \i\ Ith natUlai gas there S 110 coal to shovel 110fil es to bt1l1d, 110 ashes to carry, no trudg11lg up anddown stan s Competely dutomatIc and clean-nosmoke, smudge, soot, gnme 01 odor to make house~keepll1g harder.

If you are bUlldll1g a new home you 11wantto make It completely modern" Ith a gas fired aIrcondltlOn:n~ umt to heat, filter, aud humIdIfy thehome "tnd If you'd 1Ike to make vour present home, happIer place to 1Ive JUsta11a fully automatIc gasbUiner m your heatll1g plant You 11be ama£ed atthe drfference natural gas heat mal\.es'

RIGHT NOW, call th. hOUf_heating dlVJSIOn and ask for afree estimate of the cost of heat-!Qg your hom.e With the most Satl"Isfactory modern fuel-- Natural~'~URlIP Gas Many families

~ ~4;. now UStn~ Natural

Qif/'~Gas Hl!fat tell U'i tha~;. ::::1 It costs nO more than

~ \ ::t:: the so-caned f'cheap..'II er" and far less sat..

Isfactory methods.

Bohemian BEER


NOTICEPublic Hearing

on Budget

Installs a Natural Gas Burnerin Your Present Heating Planteompletely automatic

Terms up to 3 yearsAs low as $175 cash

$10.00 Down

In accordanee with theproviSions of the City Char.ter, a public hearing of theproposed 1937.8 general bud.get Will be held In the Cityoffices at 17150 Maumee

• Avenue at 5:00 P. M. nextMonday, March 22, 1937.The pubhc is invited toattend.


Clifford at Bagley w .. Phone CHerry 3500Boulevard .... General Molors Bld.lr Wyandotte .... 3013Biddie Avenu!;.tHamtramck •• 11601Joseph Cltmpau Dearborn •• 22113Michigan Avenu,-.e-j




r- -:-'::;~-_.- :~=e~!~e~~~~~~~~~":o..eI POInte Hairdressers • The finest materlal~

and equipment plus the knowledge and skllt ofMarie Buzzelle assure you a beautiful lasling I

Iwave. Marcels of DistinctIon by


I GROSSE POINTEI ~ A HAIRDRESSERS I! 279 Rivard Blvd. at Jefferson NI. 7320 t1 Q.... 0_0 _

~-~--q-\-,-'--:;;; " ~

TROOP 156Troop 156 IS workll1g vely hard to

have the entIre troop second classscouts by June At present they aremost mterested' 111 first aId work

The troop practIces every medmgon theIr song for the camp Rally, tobe held at the NeIghborhood Club

MISS LoIS Oldham, troop leader, exwpresses her thanks to Troops 156 and139 for the lovely farewell gIft theypresented to her

Whtle MISS Oldham IS away, VIrg11l1aMIller WIll take het place as troopleader P MeG

We Grow With You Why Dot GrowWith V.t Ad.,.erh.e in The Rem •••

TROOP 141The members of Troop 141 met at

the Convent of the Sacred Heart onMonday afternoon, March 15, for theIrregular weekly meetmg

A troop committee meeting was heldat 2 0 clock the same day Ways ofohtammg matenals for whIch the trOOpIS 111 need were dIscussed

Mrs Charles Belanger vIsIted theJU1110r dlvIson and helped many passtheIr knot revIew-

The scouts made plans for a tnp toWWrs new studIO B C

TROOP 140The members of Troop 140 met at

the Groslle POlUte Memonal Church at4 0 clock last Tuesday afternoon ThegIrlS" ere passmg a first aId test TheTroop bought a first aid kIt WhICh theyWIll td.ke WIth them when they $0 onhIkes

The gIrls also practtced a song bythe name of Slumber" for the rallyat the NeIghborhood Club Apnl 2


TROOP 121Troop 129 met at ChrIst Church

Chapel on March 12, 1937.The troop's tenderfeet are workl11g

on second class scouting There aretwo classes one sewmg and the othercookmg Mrs R Waldron, the sewmglllstructor, was not present The cookwlUg class met In the kItchen Wlt!t MrsS W Wallace presIdmg as head cookThe rest of the troop went to the ptaDO

to learn a round One of the COOfiSannounced the food was ready TapwlOca and creamed potatoes had beenprepared Many praIses for the foodwere sung such as, f It tastes good,"It's like glue," 'It m.ust have sand

In It," etcThe meettng was closed by awardlllg

Vll."glma Woodall, Mary ElIzabeth TItusand RosalIe Packard theIr pms


Most of the scouts of Troop 131 havenow completed their observation, tablesettmg bed mak111g and thrIft Someof the gIrls are '\\-orkmg all sewmgfirst aId and home nurs1l1g but mostlyfirst aId and home nursmg

Thev "ere tested for theIr knowle~e about first aId as follows

FIrst everyone marched to somemUSIC When the musIc stopped there'Ya.s supposed to be a train crash.tEveryone hmped to the seats In theIrpatrol, some WIth broken arms, frac~tured skulls and so forth One scoutout of each patrol was chosen to appearas the slcket and a piece of eloth waspmned to them, nammg some diseasethey were supposed to have Thescouts remaIning' In each patrol weresent to a table WIth pIeces of paperlaId out on It Some saId, 'Call docwtor," 'Apply smellmg salts to nose,"gIVe a cold glass of water/' etcFor example, If a person had f heat

exbaushon," or a broken arm, youwould select the paper you thoughtnamed the remedy for that dIsease andpm It to the pIece of cloth that hadthe name of the dIsease the patienthad What a grand game It was

And until next week-chernoMKM

A GIRL SCOUT IS COURTEOUS\1any tunes a person IS ready to be

courteous, but some do not know thereal meaning of courtesy Conslderabon plays a large part In practlcmgcourtesy Many are courteous at thebegmnlng of a party or dance but to-Iward the end forget to thank peoplefor the dance or the good t me

r think the real secret of courtesy 15to prachce It until you form a habitThen, It I5n t ever so hard to find wordsto thank a ld help people

I coulrt go (In telhng "ou thousandsof Wo:l s to be LOllfteous, but the mostImpQ1lal1~ are t le courteous tlllngsyou ~I d I shoull '.10 eve y da)

Do ) au greet your mother by run-111l1g up to her and kiSSIng her, or doyou say calmlv 'he 10 ' and run oft toplay";> 1h S comes u11clel COilS ceratlo11

Do you say' good mornmg k yourt('d~her, and d') yOll help ~OU11~~erchil-dren ge~ their \fa,s on?

Please try to practice courtesy lorthe good and consIderahon of othersPut yourself to a. test Are you as-courteous as you can be? Don t for-get A GIrl Scout Is Courteous

M rI T.

GIRL SCOUTS IEastminster Pr~sby.terian Church

TIllS week, we present the secondedltonal on GIrl Scout Laws which are ,;--bell'1g wntten by the scnbes In Grosse 9 4S a m Sunday School "Ir HughPomte to commemorate the foundmg H McNeill, supenntendentof the orga111zatlon 2S years ago This 11 a m The sermOn subJecf by theartIcle was wrItten by Mary H Tlede- pastor Rev Carl E KIrcher D D Willman, scnbe of Troop 129




bars 35e


doz 35cfor 25e

Ib Se



1.lb. 21ecan

2 No. 2% 35ecans

2 lb. jar 27eqt. 27ejar

lb. 15e

3 bars 17e

WJR 3:30 P. M.


~inda's First LoveMonday through Friday

FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave

Phones NI. 6500~6501



L~g or Rump







Leg 0' Veal










15229 Kercheval Avenue344 RIvard Blvd

17215Mack Avenue













CRISCO 3 lb. can 59c


Extra fanc;y qualityII FlorIda grown •





COFFEE2 Ibs.45c

t6117 Mack Avenue

15222 E. Jefferson Ave




Complete SatisfactionGuaranteed or

You~ Money Refunded



Fillet of H.addoek




VEAL ROAST lb. 27 CLEG 0' LAMB lb.' 30c



~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11II1111II11111II111111II111111II1I1I111II1111II11II1II1111II1II1I1II1I1II1m.== ==== === =~PRE ..EASTER FLOUR SALE== -----------------------------------------------== ~! PILLSBURY'S 2~~~b'$1.07~ === ==~ GOLD M ED,AL 2~~~tb.$1.09 === =;;;;;;; -

; HENKEL'S. 2~~~tb.$1.03== === =




Page Eights--









" M , t