american red cross i - grosse pointe public...

, WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO ~ OUR POLICY ~~~ B) Mal! ~2 00 per year, Smg1e Copies 5 Cent< \ \ \ i GROC,,,J<" P01l\ IL MICHIGAN" TH lJRSDA Y APRIL 16 1936 L B OLDHAM, Pubhsher THE GROSSE POINTE PRINTING CO, Publl.h .... PHONE LENOX 1162 ~~L: VOL lO-'.JO 34 Correction of Error Due to an error all our part the ad~ \ ertIsement of the Fehx FranCOIs Beaut) Salon was some,,,hat confuslrg week We regret our error ThIS shop 15 an exc1usn e representatIve of the Og!lvle SIsters Ha r and ScalD speCIalist::. In the Grosse Pomte area John Stem noted beautICIan who was recently added to the staff tS bell g enthUSIastIcally received by patrons of thIS Salon Wayne Medical Society Auxiliary Meet April 17 H. Hanold Wins Radio at Th.rift Shop \It H Hanold of 916.., \lad avenue "as the Iud v rec plent of tt e ladlo which was raffled at the Nel'Shborhood Thnft Shop all Mond'l.). f\pnl 13 1936 11c1udes the DetrOlt Tigers the DetIolt Red Wmgs OlympiCS DetrOIt LIOns Toe Lows Gar ,\ ood DIck Degener 10m Hayney Jacob Ankrom Constance o Donavan Esther Challove poht7er Clark Haskms Stan h.ratkowskl and Carl Ma'1.1st The aggregatIon of athletes are all nahonal or world champlOns and every one represents the CIty of Detro t CitIzens are bemg asked to celebi ate 1n a fittmg manner With a display of flags and pIctures of our champIOns The Governor and Mayor rrank Couzens WIll .head the 11st of the dlS hngUlshed gatherng of enthusIast1c sports fans who Will attend the ban quet Josepn Carr preSident of ..the NatlOna1 ProfeSSIOnal Football League, frank Calder pr-esldent of the NatIOnal Hockey League and a number of other offiCIals WIll be In attendance Women are mVIted to particIpate m thIS grand glonou'l. cele:bratlon l that they mIght cheer theIr favonte heroes A Coach for Fairy Princess C OLLEEN MOORE recelves a tary WIlham S McLean holds one IDlmature NapoleOnIC coach of the youthful patients flom th" for hel famous doll house, now On mstltutlOn mamtamed by the Il1dl dIsplay m Indlallapolls for the ana charIty so he may see the benefit of the James WhItcomb ceremony The coach, a gIft £lOJ 1 RIley HospItal for ChIldren She the General Motors sponsored ed IS sI-own WIth WIlham A FIsher ueatlOnal foundatlOn, becomes a (nght), preSIdent of the FIsher permanent addltlO11 to the motlon Body dIVISIOn of Genelal MotolS pIcture actress fallY castle, whIch and head of the FIsher Body IS bemg taken on ~OUl of the Clafts1nan's GUIld, who made the countly to aId the natIOn's '-llp .. presentation, wbl1. Gulld cmldren. c or : Governor Frank D }ltzgcrald has l,sc;;ueda proclamat.iOn SCtt111; MRS GEORGE H KLEfN of Devonshue Road and her daughter LOUIse left Sunday for New York where they w111 spend a week or 10 days LOUIse ""111 COiffie home Frida from Ann Arbor Where she IS a student at the Unverslty of MIchigan Aloma Theater Is One of Finest Community Theater. The Aloma Theater at the corner of Vv ayhurn and Ohar1evOIx IS one of 'the most popular theaters tn the V1Cll1 ItYl due to ItS pleasant personnel and luxunant comfortable seatlllg capactty and 1~ 'ConSIdered one of the finest of suburlban DetrOIt theaters The management tS always strlV11lg to please tts many patrons iby securmg the fmest 111pIctures at an early date and presentmg them at popular pnces You wlll always find the 'Program of the week outlmed tn the P01l1te RevIew for your COllvemence Kerby School PT A to Meet April 21 st Statler Hotel Fn'h, Apnl 17th ZOOPVf The \\ oman's A1.tx Inry to 'Alwne - County MedIcal Socletv U'l.d...r he A meeting O'f the Parent Teacher As direct on of Mr Fredel cl T \Iuson saclatl0n WIll Ibe held at the Kerby and Vfrs Hugo A Freund ChaIrmen Sohool Tuesday April 21, at 8 'P m of the Public RelatlOns CommIttee Mrs Mary Rtcherrt of Ferndale wtll be haH arral1<Ycd the program the guest spea.ker She spent two years Jay Arthur MYl&s M D Professor In RUSSIa and WIll speak on her ex of PreventIve Medlcme L.nlVerslty of perlences whIle there Mmnesota WIll lecture on Control .. Some of the stuaents wtll smg Rus h 19 TuberculOSIS 1 111ustratmg Wlth SIan folk songs and electIon of officers I slIdes $~ WIll also be held A large attendan-ce Dr Bruce H Douglas Tuberculosl~ IS belllg tior and a cordIal Contro1ler Herman K~elfer I-J.ospJjta\ lllvitatlon IS (betng extended to mter- ""111mtroduce Dr Myers ested mothers Mrs Robert L Navy WIll have charge ()If a 'Citsplay of dygela and be prepared to take subscnpttons Dr RDbert C JamIeson, PreSIdent Wayne County Medical Soc1etv WIll bnng greetmgs and Mrs rrank W Hartman WIll preSIde ~ubscr1pbon Luncheon 12 30 P M Parilor C $100 (honor111g Dr Myers) ReservatIons !please "'Ith Mrs CD Brooks To d 3,33 Dr Mrs F T Mun- son, 10 8 3252 aSide Saturday, Apnl 18th, as ChampIOns' Day for the Stale 0\ GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS SATURDAY, APRIL] 8TH, AS CHAMPIONS' DAY Grosse Pointe High Track Meet April 18 MIchIgan honorIng the champIOns of thIS progres51ve 'State 111 a fittmg manner The 'CItizens of the State are called upon ~o pay tr.1bute to the heroes of the sport "'-orId who have ibrought honor and glory to the State and De tr01t The Governor who IS an enthtlS las1.1c sport fan wIll be one of the prIncIpal srpeakers at the CIty of Cham tplons banquet to be held at the '\fa SOulC Temple Saturday mght at 7 o dock Sport fans wIll gather at that tlme to do nomage to theIr heroes, which For Job PrInting of the Belter KInd caU lho Rov!OJ", Lono!! 1162. Hungarian Pianist Guest at Recital G1Z1Szanto Hungarmn plamst of th~ Dertrolt Conservatory of MUSIC, WIll be guest star at a reCital of the Ponttac Women's Chorus 10 that CIty Thursday evening Aprtl 23 Under dlreotton ()If Anna S~'hetd Dl ,tSl0n 3 and 4 students of the Conser ,atory Will offer a free recltal at 3p m SatUl day Apnl 18 In Consenatory Hall 501:' "Woodward Members of the scl OQl faoulty WIll give a free con art at 8 15 p m FrIdaYl Aprtl 17 The pubhc IS mVIted G~bnel RIchard CounCil No 2463 Kmghts Qlf Columbus are sponsonng a danc1Jng party for theIr younger mcmbe1s and fl1ends on Sunday AprIl 19tb Da'Vld McCatron 15 chairman of tlle dance ably asslsted by a 'Comnuttee 01 pr011l11ent members of the younger set Thl~ da,llce v..t1l !be held at the club 100m" 14527 1vIack avenue Dancl11g begms at 9 p m Adm1ss10n 25 cents Gabriel Richard Council, K. of C., Sponsor Party Sun. PlaYIng one of !hISown organ compo~ sihons, "Revene Poetlque/ l WIlham Koerper Will 'be featured soknst on the regular DetrOIt Consenatory of MUSIC quarter hour program over WXYZ at 3 45 p m Sunday Aprd 19 The other solOIst WIll be Manetta L1l1dsaYl vocal- l"t, who WIll smg Marlb1e Halls 1 Henry Slegl \\111 direct t!he strmg en semble In two numbers, at ou;>enmg and close of program Soloist Featured Sunday over WXYZ Curtain Cleanmg and Housecleaning Synonymous v\ hen one th111ks of housecleal11t1g one also thmks about ourtal.n c1eanmg and "VI here to have them cleaned to advantage A substantIal chentele 111 Grosse Pomte has found ~t econom1cal to send curtal11S and drapes 1:0 the Russell Curiam Laundry at 14727 Ker oheval avenue Foor years of con sClenttous servIce and fine curtam c1eal1111g IS an assurance OIf perfetet workmanslup An open meetll g V\ as held by the Gen R A and Col F vI Alger Aux hary 1\0 995 on Monday even1116 Apnl 6 The purpose of thIS meetmg was 10 gl've prospeL.tlve memibers an dea of the work the V F W Aux 11lary 1<; dOl1g Department SCl1lor \ Ice Prt.... sldent Getrude Walk11lg WaS the speaker Entertamment was fUl lllsihed by the klddles f.rom Frances ,\ adsv..orth s School of Dancll1g Lunch ..... "as served by SIsters SchmItt Berlm ger 111d Yfartm A pleasd.nt evenll1g WdS had by al expected to b. complet.d withm doot court mll be attractlvely three weeks an<1 the entIre butld landscaped and WIll contam com~ mg and exhlblt<:l wIll be ready for fortable chaIrs and benches where the E::h.pOsItIon openmg June 6 VISItors may relax m the shade The 9tructure whICh VIII) have a j under colorful umbrellas. On one complete aIr cooJmg and humIdify SIde of the Ford BUIldmg WIll be mg system, wIn house exhIbIts nme reconstructed mstonc roads, showmg manufaetullng and test- traIls and hIghways to be known mg processes used by the FOld as the "Roads of the Southwest,') Motor CompanJ III Its Rcuge plant over whIch ViSItOrs wIll be traI'S- at Dearborn, Mu~h A huge out~ ,ported In a fleet of Ford V 8 cars Alger Auxiliary Meeting Was Well Attended April 6th Holdmg' Its annual meetmtg outstde of ChIcago for the first tIme In 1tS hIS tory the ASSO'cl~hon ()If Modern Lan guage Teachers of the Central West and Sooth has schedeuled tts 111neteenth annual meetmg for DetrOIt May 1 and 2 at the Statler Hotel acoordl11g to announcement rece1ved at \Alayne Um ver..,lty tJhJs we.ek MiSS LIlly L1l1d qUist aSSOCiate prol£essor of language educatIon at Wayne umverslty IS see retary 'trea."ure1' of the aSSOclatlon and 15 In chal'ge of arrangements for the 'ConventIOn Among the speakers at the conven 1.10n WIll be promment specialtsts tn language teachmg from many part:. of the country The lIst mcludes Plof Rudolp.h D LmdqUlst Ohto Smte U111 \ erslty Prof Andre Monze Harvard Umverstty Dr George H Derry Fre~ Ident 00 Marygrove College Prof von Gruen111gcn Ul11verc;lty of 'VVlsronstn and Dr Fredenck Kramer OhlO State Unn erstty Language Teachers to "isit I>etroit Tl e ,.month of Apnl brmgs the fir~[ track meet and the first tenms meet to Grosse Pomte HIgh School On Apnl 23 Fordson s ten111S team wtIl open the season on the Gros<;e Pomte courts Two days later Grosse Pomte wtll go to Wyandotte for the T owpsend Club Will I National Union of S. J. first away match Tile Grosse POlllte M F . -'J A'1 17\ 0 .. . C. courts are bemg recondltloned by P eet rluay, prl rga~ng In Ity W A 'l\orkers On Apnl 18 Blrrnmgham WIll bong The regular meetmg of Townsend I A mertll1g of the Nattona1 Ulllon for Its track squad to Grosse Pomte for Club ".0 7 In the Leno'X: Room of SOCial ]ushce wl1l be held Tuesday the fir<;:t meet of the season Fordson Hotel Sav<1rme t rllday evenmg AprIl April 21 at bp ill at the Cadleu"'{ also WIll meet Grosse POinte a '\\ eek 17th IS to enJoy an evenmg of mstruc School 399 "'t Clatr avenue!, for Me later on the 10cal grounds bve entertattmlc<nt through the offices 'PUlpose of ongamzmg m the CIty 0; Tne results of these two sports \-\111 of Rev Sam Jordan WhIte Grosse Pomtc determ111e whIch Border CttIes League Rev vVhlte tS wen knorwn In Town Lveryone mterested In soc1al lustlce school wlll ibe the wmner of the sweet) senet cllxles as 1 lecturer, entertamcr should nOtlfy theu fnends of th1<;meet stakes cup gn en to the schOOl WhICh a.nJd an outsian~ng advocate and ad mg Gros:.e Pomte Dty I:' the onlv has the best record (takmg all sporls \ISOr on Torwnscnd pohcles The pub one not represented In rr Cough1m <;1 mto C011stderatlOn) at the end of tne hc IS espeiclally 1)1Vlted to the on hand bUlge orgamLatlOn Let s organize a year and earlYl because most Townsendlte~ umt v.. th a full quota of 250 memben, v\111 need no l1l'VltatlOn to come and vVl1bur LaBon1y WIlt be the organ hsten to Rev \Vhlte Meet1ng stal tb lzer and 'Ir Paul Thomp::.on WIll be at8pm the SipeaJker of the evemng .",-The cltlu.. l,$- ~ ,!;'W"lJrg a pan("e tn th~ club rcom next "eek Fwlay the 24th I Al A "I' ThIS " to I>e a bIrthday party as the ger UXllary c1uo "II! theu be Dne year old There Benefit Party Set ,,,I! be old and new dance' contmu for This Saturday ously from 9 p m to 1 a. m The partIes are open to the general Gen R A and~ M Alger Aux public o:t1so declares Mrs Mane Blass Ihary are glVtng a cald party WIth chow second vIce preSIdent 111oharge of 'PUb-I mem luncheon on Saturday mght, helty Apnl 18 at 17520 avenue Ttckets are 50 cents Refreshmeruts The proceeds WIll go to the Nahonal Home Recreation Center Come and bring your fnends and have a. good time The party IS beLng sponsored by Mrs S A Lmgeman Home food chaIrman Let s try and make thIS a 100 per cent fund from the Alger AUXlhary Store Sale at Leach Drug __ R_()_,.,_d_B_u_i_ld_s_a_t_~_e_x_a_sf'l_C_e_n_te_n_n_,_.a_l_~ _I pHOTO ABOVE shows the huge .ford EXPOSltJOD bmldmg at the Texao: Centenmal Dallas ao: It WIll appear when completed Consh uctlOn 15 now '11 progl ess thE' geneIal contract havmg been a" arded to the Central Contract- mg Company of Dallas Founda bans are now completed and erec~ tIon of 363 ton':! of steel work IS t ndel way 1 he steel work IS Special Soap New Electric Refrigeration ServIce Open. Local1y A <;pectal soap sale IS 1ll progre-s" at toe Leach DI ug Store at thIS tlme It IS the Ideal tune to <;tock up on soap:. of except on ally fine quahty at prtces comparatIvely low Y 0'1.1wtll enjoy these dehght~ully fragrant soap~ which tne Leach Drug Store at Lake pOlllte and CharleVOIX has secured for thIS i)lg sale If you Wish lust phone your order m and It WIll Ibe p-rompt 1 y deltvered. ThIS service tS mamtal11ed for ;your COllve11lenCe Duncan and \1ac~I<col \\lth com b1l1ed f>x,penence of (liVer 24 years 111 electrIC refngE'ratlan serVice 'VIQrk an nauncc the opel1lng of a nell,Vshop 'Con vel11ent1~ located to extend t le mO::.t etft.clent servIce to rbldents of tIllS VIC1111tyat 14927 Cnar1evolx at 'Yay burn avenue They s1;leClalt.le 1n l\..elvl11ator a'1d rrlgtdalre serVIce but are also eqmpped to sel Vlce all makes at reasonable rates rhelr serVIces will aha !be .avail able on Sunday'S and hohdaysl tn +'1e event of <in emergency Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co., Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. 'IR AND MRS BERNARD r.: HOPPER and thelr ) oung daughter Frances Ann rJCturned to their home on Cadleux Road last wee"k after a SiX wee-ks VISIt WIth Mrs Hoppers pal ents Ml and Mrs Everett Lake Crawford olf Mlvbrook N Y at theIr hunttng estate near A~~en S C City'Requires Dog Licenses, Vaccination A sew ng meetmg IS bemg held by the Parent Teacher AssocIatton of Kerby School every Tuesday and rn day arfternoon at 1 odO'ck at t!he school A qUilt tS ibemg made WhICh W111be gIven away at their May bndge party As tIme for thiS bndge party ap prowhes an a.nno'1.1ncement Will appear 111the Grosse POJ.l1te Revtew Thl:. qUIlt WIll !be worth havmg so be sure and watoh for the date of the May bndge party Kerby P.T.A Sewing Meetings Are Held Twice Every Week Southeaste,n High Spring Festival May 1 Grosse Pointe Girl Sings Over WXYZ Dog beenses for the fi'cal ,ear end lltlg March 31, 1937 are now bel11g Issued MISS Betty Underwood '" 956 Lm I at the office of the CIty Clerk 17150 'Com Road made her radIo debut over M<lIumee avenue A quahfied retglstered VvXYZ On M011Jday AprIl 6 at 3 15 V'etermarlaI1l WIll !be on hand for the 1> m under the aUSiPlces of The Fed COllvemence of the reSidents It belllg eratlOn of Women:. Clulb 1n Detrolt of a reqUIrement of the ordmance that which MISS ]oseplhlTIe SmIth. 15 radIO ALL dogs haxlbored In the Ctty must comlmttee chalrmam be tmmunized or va-ccmated agamst Many frIends hstenmg m were <le- raibles -or hydrophOibla No nog wtll be hghted at her clear soprano notes licensed unless so mununlzed The cost thnlhng througfu the mlcro:plholt1!e"Clr.. of such va"c-cma'i:lon IS Jll all cases Ibtrtbm from Grace Moore's pIcture $1 00 The l1cense tee IS male '$110 One Night OIf Love was sung WIth female $210 a-nd unsexed $110 obvlOus POl&e!and talent Dr R K 0 N e.d1 WIll be on duty Mtss Underwood untIl recently a Thursday AprIl 16 for the lmmUnlZa student at GrQiSse Poa.nte HIgh School tlon .of antmals !presented at the Pohce 1S nQllNdevatmg herseLf to the IPUTsUtt Department 17150 Maumee {rom 2 to of hel mUsIcal career 4 30 p m ReSIdents are urged to take advantage of the convel11ence and prIce stated Restdents 0If adJacent VIllage::. are lllvlted to m<ilke use of these iCon vement facllttles The tc1egl am f'OUo1\vS "llham J Norton Vice ch,urman Dctro!'t Chapter Amencan Red Cro~<; Rellef 'utU<l.t1On~ create'd by tOlna doe<; Tupe!l.o Ml"SlSSlPPl Gal 1e::. vIlle Ge0rgla Greensboro '\Iorth CiTolma Cordele GeorgIa and several lesser "ltuatIons tS serlOUS ann need for 111 creased funds IS certam Have "ent neVv quotas same states '\re not set tmg new quotas for other state::. but urge that fund rals111g be l..ontmucd \\ I1ham M Daxter, Jr An 1'Ppeal for contmued contnbu t1011S was tmm~>dl<lJte1y issue i by Norton who a.,ked DetrOit reSIdent::. to send additIOnal rontnibultl0ns m medlate!;Y to Red CrO'is headquarters 51 VV '\farren Avenue nett'olt <; quota of tl e I melgrency Flood Rei ei Fund was $lWrOO \\ll1ch was oversut-<:'cl1bed the city ral<;:lOg altogether $157500 Among the largest C'ontnbutlOns was $10000 flam Senator dnd Mrs James Couzens an ,l11ony- moll'> ~1O003 contobutlOn apprOXlm~ dtel\! 'l>10G')OrCicelVed throl1g" the \V W J b oaKkast $740722 from lord \1 ator Co Emploves $442175 from the DetrOIt Po-hce Delp.olrtlient $3000 from t e Detr01t 'Tunes oncert \{r and Mrs Henry T Ewald $2 500 DetrOIt Branch of General Motor<; ll:2~()O Ihe DetroIt Ne\<; ~2000 Brl~",c '\1aill..lrfacturmg Co :emplOyee,; $1662 Manuf<icturt"rs Nat on 11 lank $1 0v N<litlOllal Ban"- of l)etr01t $. t.OfJ PaC'kdrd Empt,Nee $111358 and oj;llOOOconJ1:nbutIOns tram r;;; s Kresge \iVls.per & We ..t'!lan DetrOIt 1:0 (I ... n (Q '"' sher Brothersl George \1 ,,1111 Rh.. ard " ~h) r \Ir J. d \1rs \\ alter 0 bngg" Mr~ Fred enck AlgeT and !\itchupr Bell Tele~ phope Compauy the home Pennant hocke) Purple gangstel S at least sotuP of them ale enJoymg the hospl- taht) of Unde Sam at Leaven- "01 th fOI a speB On I nday May I at 8 IS p m Southeastern '\'.111 present ItS Annual Sprmg Feshval 111 the school audl tonum The program consists of vaned selectIons from the opera Faust by PIlson llOt!) 111 1921 are novv Gou lOd MISS Hu1da Marhn D~rector belllg Invest gated \Nandel who of the Southeastern GIrlS Glee Club \voke up at Lanslno- Just fifteen \\111 plesent two of her own COmpOiSJ ) eatlS too late I:> hons whtch WIll be sung by the girlS __ Ml:.<; Betty Hatharvvay IS the SOlO1st 'Lnwed mother L:lJb to secure I and '\'.111Slll1g the' Jewel Song" from hu!)band even \'\ Ith five shots from raust The beautLful <Sicentcarran a p1stol gements a speCial ballet and the large ________ chorus ensemble are other added fea T h C f tures eac ers on erence The entertalllment WIll conclude WIth to Attend the Grosse I a dance In the gymnasIUm for tl1o,e Pointe High School attendmg the concert I Grosse Pointe Conservatory of GrDsse POlllte H.l,g'h School WIll be Music Under New Director one ot t 1e sC1.ools 111the metropohtan ared vlslted by teachers and parents Charlotte 'Y Partello dttrector of attendlllg the regIOnal conference of the GratIot Avenue Centre at MUSIC the ProgressiVe EduiOahon Assoc1d.twll and Dl amattc Art IS now the dIrector on Apnl 24 and 25 J11 Detrmt and Qi\vner of the Grosse P0111te Con 1 he Plogresslve EducatIOn AssDcla "ervatory of MUSiC at 14427 Mack tlOIl I~ a natIOnal orgamzatlon of a aven.ue These two schools are af group ""ho <:all themselves pr,()gresslve~ filtated ",tth the Detr01t FoundatIon 111 educatlOll Dr ')tuart Courbs of tht. MUSIC Schol at 7930 East ] efferson U llvcnlty OIf MIchIgan 15 one of the avenue leaders 01 tJl(~O'rgaJmzatlon whICh has Mrs Partello has had many years of been wldch mfluenbal 111SChool mat eXlpenence 111teJachmg plano and voIce ters In tl e la"t deca,de and IS al<;o",ell qualIfied to have charge Dr S M Brownell supenntende lt of of thIS grOWIng school There Will be sahool<; will speak on V. hat Ba<;tc addthons to thie tfaculty 111plano vmce Prmclples underl e Parent School Re and dramatIC art Instruction by ac latlOll"- He wd1 draw upon speCIfic cledlted teachers In the vanous de Grosse pOlllte sItuatIons to Illustl ate partments may be had 'VIlth credlts to 11:. P01l1ts I ward dLploma courses -------- Enrollment may be made at a~ time ,IRS ARTHuR McGRAW of Jet The fourth tel1'mof th1Spresent season f<..r~.QnA V't- Grosse POQnte returned tS now beglnnmg and followmg thIS, }<nda.y -from Palm S'Pnngs, Cahf thele WIll be a summer term endmg where she spent the \V1111ter. Attgust 1 I l J DetrOIt IS eVident Iv of ChaI'l1plO11S thIS year '~..tnnel s prtLe fighters trophies and" hat nots American Red Cross Issues New Appeal for Emergency Relief Funds ""'-'- Fa,te, f,';;:ks blo>somed forth In abundance at the Easter par- ade 1asl Sunday It was eVident that conSiderable shoppnng ac- tnltle, had been entered mto Br JOHN SMITH Schoolbov Rowe IS eVidently ~omi{ aftel a lecOld th" year He cxhll)lted plenty of stuff In that Cleveland opener :expect a lot of dY1l1i{ grand "wlhers J<lldW for Tigers open ihelr beaWl1 then Qmntuplets were born 111 Ru ma11ld bllt they dlCd ~hrough ex- po::.ure bemg h0111 In a d1tob while tIc fatber ,lumbered 111 a drunken stUpol nearby. 1he bonuses \\lll be pa%ed oul about June 15 Won t the bo), have a grand and gl0110US time "lll1e It lasts A fOlmer heutenant governor under Republican administratIOn \\ III seek the govemorshlp unde, the banner of the Democratic party thiS yeal "Vhen one watches the )ms drn ers mantpulate punches, make change and drive at the same tune Vve wonder why servmg llght lunches 01 some such serv Ice could not be added to keep 101m busy the remall1der of the tIme 'i\ 10th tornado follQiwmg flood -the I\mellCall Red Cross Tue"day Issued a ne" appeal fOJ f.unds for bllerigenC} Iehef \\ ark m the UhIete southern state~ 1111t harde<;t b) thl" week s storms In a telegram to \\ Illtam J Norton vtce chaIrman of the Detroit Ghapter of the AmerIcan ReeL Cl~~ Wl1ltd.1U "r Baxter Jr manager of the mid western brall{:h In 5t LOUIS Mo a'l.ked that DetrOIt and atlJ:other lvhc~l- 19an cIties ex.1:end theIr generOSIty al though no new quotas were set -------~, -------- News Digest I

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GROC,,,J<" P01l\ I L MICHIGAN" TH lJRSDA Y APRIL 16 1936L B OLDHAM, Pubhsher




VOL lO-'.JO 34

Correction of ErrorDue to an error all our part the ad~

\ ertIsement of the Fehx FranCOIsBeaut) Salon was some,,,hat week We regret our error ThISshop 15 an exc1usn e representatIve ofthe Og!lvle SIsters Ha r and ScalDspeCIalist::. In the Grosse Pomte area

John Stem noted beautICIan whowas recently added to the staff tS bell genthUSIastIcally received by patrons ofthIS Salon

Wayne Medical SocietyAuxiliary Meet April 17

H. Hanold Wins Radioat Th.rift Shop

\It H Hanold of 916.., \lad avenue"as the Iud v rec plent of tt e ladlowhich was raffled at the Nel'ShborhoodThnft Shop all Mond'l.). f\pnl 13 1936

11c1udes the DetrOlt Tigers the DetIoltRed Wmgs OlympiCS DetrOIt LIOnsToe Lows Gar ,\ ood DIck Degener

10m Hayney Jacob Ankrom Constanceo Donavan Esther Challove poht7erClark Haskms Stan h.ratkowskl andCarl Ma'1.1st

The aggregatIon of athletes are allnahonal or world champlOns and everyone represents the CIty of Detro tCitIzens are bemg asked to celebi ate1n a fittmg manner With a display offlags and pIctures of our champIOns

The Governor and Mayor rrankCouzens WIll .head the 11st of the dlShngUlshed gatherng of enthusIast1csports fans who Will attend the banquet Josepn Carr preSident of ..theNatlOna1 ProfeSSIOnal Football League,frank Calder pr-esldent of the NatIOnalHockey League and a number of otheroffiCIals WIll be In attendance

Women are mVIted to particIpate mthIS grand glonou'l. cele:bratlonl thatthey mIght cheer theIr favonteheroes

A Coach for Fairy Princess

COLLEEN MOORE recelves a tary WIlham S McLean holds oneIDlmature NapoleOnIC coach of the youthful patients flom th"

for hel famous doll house, now On mstltutlOn mamtamed by the Il1dldIsplay m Indlallapolls for the ana charIty so he may see thebenefit of the James WhItcomb ceremony The coach, a gIft £lOJ 1RIley HospItal for ChIldren She the General Motors sponsored edIS sI-own WIth WIlham A FIsher ueatlOnal foundatlOn, becomes a(nght), preSIdent of the FIsher permanent addltlO11 to the motlonBody dIVISIOn of Genelal MotolS pIcture actress fallY castle, whIchand head of the FIsher Body IS bemg taken on ~OUl of theClafts1nan's GUIld, who made the countly to aId the natIOn's '-llp ..presentation, wbl1. Gulld cmldren.

c or :

Governor Frank D }ltzgcrald has l,sc;;ueda proclamat.iOn SCtt111;

MRS GEORGE H KLEfN ofDevonshue Road and her daughterLOUIse left Sunday for New Yorkwhere they w111 spend a week or 10days LOUIse ""111 COiffie home Fridafrom Ann Arbor Where she IS a studentat the Unverslty of MIchigan

Aloma Theater Is One ofFinest Community Theater.

The Aloma Theater at the corner ofVv ayhurn and Ohar1evOIx IS one of'the most popular theaters tn the V1Cll1ItYl due to ItS pleasant personnel andluxunant comfortable seatlllg capacttyand 1~ 'ConSIdered one of the finest ofsuburlban DetrOIt theaters

The management tS always strlV11lgto please tts many patrons iby securmgthe fmest 111pIctures at an early dateand presentmg them at popular pncesYou wlll always find the 'Program ofthe week outlmed tn the P01l1teRevIew for your COllvemence

Kerby School PT Ato Meet April 21st

Statler Hotel Fn'h, Apnl 17thZOOPVf

The \\ oman's A1.tx Inry to 'Alwne- County MedIcal Socletv U'l.d...r he

A meeting O'f the Parent Teacher As direct on of Mr Fredel cl T \Iusonsaclatl0n WIll Ibe held at the Kerby and Vfrs Hugo A Freund ChaIrmenSohool Tuesday April 21, at 8 'P m of the Public RelatlOns CommItteeMrs Mary Rtcherrt of Ferndale wtll be haH arral1<Ycd the programthe guest spea.ker She spent two years Jay Arthur MYl&s M D ProfessorIn RUSSIa and WIll speak on her ex of PreventIve Medlcme L.nlVerslty ofperlences whIle there Mmnesota WIll lecture on Control ..

Some of the stuaents wtll smg Rus h 19 TuberculOSIS 1 111ustratmg WlthSIan folk songs and electIon of officers I slIdes $~

WIll also be held A large attendan-ce Dr Bruce H Douglas Tuberculosl~IS belllg tior and a cordIal Contro1ler Herman K~elfer I-J.ospJjta\lllvitatlon IS (betng extended to mter- ""111mtroduce Dr Myersested mothers Mrs Robert L Navy WIll have

charge ()If a 'Citsplay of dygela and beprepared to take subscnpttons

Dr RDbert C JamIeson, PreSIdentWayne County Medical Soc1etv WIllbnng greetmgs and Mrs rrank WHartman WIll preSIde

~ubscr1pbon Luncheon 12 30 P MParilor C $100 (honor111g Dr Myers)

ReservatIons !please "'Ith Mrs C DBrooks To d 3,33 Dr Mrs F T Mun-son, 10 8 3252

aSide Saturday, Apnl 18th, as ChampIOns' Day for the Stale 0\


Grosse Pointe HighTrack Meet April 18

MIchIgan honorIng the champIOns of thIS progres51ve 'State 111 a

fittmg mannerThe 'CItizens of the State are called

upon ~o pay tr.1bute to the heroes ofthe sport "'-orId who have ibroughthonor and glory to the State and Detr01t The Governor who IS an enthtlSlas1.1c sport fan wIll be one of theprIncIpal srpeakers at the CIty of Chamtplons banquet to be held at the '\faSOulC Temple Saturday mght at 7o dock

Sport fans wIll gather at that tlmeto do nomage to theIr heroes, which

For Job PrInting of the Belter KIndcaU lho Rov!OJ", Lono!! 1162.

Hungarian PianistGuest at Recital

G1Z1Szanto Hungarmn plamst of th~Dertrolt Conservatory of MUSIC,WIll beguest star at a reCital of the PonttacWomen's Chorus 10 that CIty Thursdayevening Aprtl 23

Under dlreotton ()If Anna S~'hetd Dl,tSl0n 3 and 4 students of the Conser,atory Will offer a free recltal at 3 p mSatUl day Apnl 18 In ConsenatoryHall 501:' "Woodward Members ofthe scl OQl faoulty WIll give a free conart at 8 15 p m FrIdaYl Aprtl 17 Thepubhc IS mVIted

G~bnel RIchard CounCil No 2463Kmghts Qlf Columbus are sponsonnga danc1Jng party for theIr youngermcmbe1s and fl1ends on Sunday AprIl19tb

Da'Vld McCatron 15 chairman of tlledance ably asslsted by a 'Comnuttee 01pr011l11ent members of the younger set

Thl~ da,llce v..t1l !be held at the club100m" 14527 1vIack avenue Dancl11gbegms at 9 p m Adm1ss10n 25 cents

Gabriel RichardCouncil, K. of C.,Sponsor Party Sun.

PlaYIng one of !hISown organ compo~sihons, "Revene Poetlque/l WIlhamKoerper Will 'be featured soknst on theregular DetrOIt Consenatory of MUSICquarter hour program over WXYZ at3 45 p m Sunday Aprd 19 The othersolOIst WIll be Manetta L1l1dsaYl vocal-l"t, who WIll smg Marlb1e Halls 1

Henry Slegl \\111 direct t!he strmg ensemble In two numbers, at ou;>enmg andclose of program

Soloist FeaturedSunday over WXYZ

Curtain Cleanmg andHousecleaning Synonymous

v\ hen one th111ks of housecleal11t1gone also thmks about ourtal.n c1eanmgand "VI here to have them cleaned toadvantage A substantIal chentele 111Grosse Pomte has found ~t econom1calto send curtal11S and drapes 1:0 theRussell Curiam Laundry at 14727 Keroheval avenue Foor years of consClenttous servIce and fine curtamc1eal1111g IS an assurance OIf perfetetworkmanslup

An open meetll g V\ as held by theGen R A and Col F vI Alger Auxhary 1\0 995 on Monday even1116Apnl 6 The purpose of thIS meetmgwas 10 gl've prospeL.tlve memibers andea of the work the V F W Aux11lary 1<; dOl1g Department SCl1lor\ Ice Prt....sldent Getrude Walk11lg WaSthe speaker Entertamment was fUllllsihed by the klddles f.rom Frances,\ adsv..orth s School of Dancll1g Lunch....."as served by SIsters SchmItt Berlmger 111d Yfartm A pleasd.nt evenll1gWdS had by al

expected to b. complet.d withm doot court mll be attractlvelythree weeks an<1 the entIre butld landscaped and WIll contam com~mg and exhlblt<:l wIll be ready for fortable chaIrs and benches wherethe E::h.pOsItIon openmg June 6 VISItors may relax m the shade

The 9tructure whICh VIII) have a j under colorful umbrellas. On onecomplete aIr cooJmg and humIdify SIde of the Ford BUIldmg WIll bemg system, wIn house exhIbIts nme reconstructed mstonc roads,showmg manufaetullng and test- traIls and hIghways to be knownmg processes used by the FOld as the "Roads of the Southwest,')Motor CompanJ III Its Rcuge plant over whIch ViSItOrs wIll be traI'S-at Dearborn, Mu~h A huge out~ ,ported In a fleet of Ford V 8 cars

Alger AuxiliaryMeeting Was Well

Attended April 6th

Holdmg' Its annual meetmtg outstde ofChIcago for the first tIme In 1tS hIStory the ASSO'cl~hon ()If Modern Language Teachers of the Central Westand Sooth has schedeuled tts 111neteenthannual meetmg for DetrOIt May 1 and2 at the Statler Hotel acoordl11g toannouncement rece1ved at \Alayne Umver..,lty tJhJs we.ek MiSS LIlly L1l1dqUist aSSOCiate prol£essor of languageeducatIon at Wayne umverslty IS seeretary 'trea."ure1' of the aSSOclatlon and15 In chal'ge of arrangements for the'ConventIOn

Among the speakers at the conven1.10n WIll be promment specialtsts tn

language teachmg from many part:. ofthe country The lIst mcludes PlofRudolp.h D LmdqUlst Ohto Smte U111\ erslty Prof Andre Monze HarvardUmverstty Dr George H Derry Fre~Ident 00 Marygrove College Prof vonGruen111gcn Ul11verc;lty of 'VVlsronstnand Dr Fredenck Kramer OhlO StateUnn erstty

Language Teachersto "isit I>etroit

Tl e ,.month of Apnl brmgs the fir~[track meet and the first tenms meet toGrosse Pomte HIgh School

On Apnl 23 Fordson s ten111S teamwtIl open the season on the Gros<;ePomte courts Two days later GrossePomte wtll go to Wyandotte for the

Towpsend Club Will INational Union of S. J. first away match Tile Grosse POlllte

M F. -'J A'1 17\ 0 .. . C. courts are bemg recondltloned by Peet rluay, prl rga~ng In Ity W A 'l\orkersOn Apnl 18 Blrrnmgham WIll bong

The regular meetmg of Townsend I A mertll1g of the Nattona1 Ulllon for Its track squad to Grosse Pomte forClub ".0 7 In the Leno'X: Room of SOCial ]ushce wl1l be held Tuesday the fir<;:tmeet of the season FordsonHotel Sav<1rmet rllday evenmg AprIl April 21 at b p ill at the Cadleu"'{ also WIll meet Grosse POinte a '\\ eek17th IS to enJoy an evenmg of mstruc School 399 "'t Clatr avenue!, for Me later on the 10cal groundsbve entertattmlc<nt through the offices 'PUlpose of ongamzmg m the CIty 0; Tne results of these two sports \-\111of Rev Sam Jordan WhIte Grosse Pomtc determ111e whIch Border CttIes League

Rev vVhlte tS wen knorwn In Town Lveryone mterested In soc1al lustlce school wlll ibe the wmner of the sweet)senet cllxles as 1 lecturer, entertamcr should nOtlfy theu fnends of th1<;meet stakes cup gn en to the schOOl WhICha.nJd an outsian~ng advocate and ad mg Gros:.e Pomte Dty I:' the onlv has the best record (takmg all sporls\ISOr on Torwnscnd pohcles The pub one not represented In rr Cough1m <;1 mto C011stderatlOn) at the end of tnehc IS espeiclally 1)1Vlted to the on hand bUlge orgamLatlOn Let s organize a yearand earlYl because most Townsendlte~ umt v.. th a full quota of 250 memben,v\111 need no l1l'VltatlOn to come and vVl1bur LaBon1y WIlt be the organhsten to Rev \Vhlte Meet1ng stal tb lzer and 'Ir Paul Thomp::.on WIll beat 8 p m the SipeaJker of the evemng.",-The cltlu.. l,$- ~ ,!;'W"lJrg a pan("e tn th~club rcom next "eek Fwlay the 24th I Al A "I'ThIS " to I>e a bIrthday party as the ger UXllaryc1uo "II! theu be Dne year old There Benefit Party Set,,,I! be old and new dance' contmu for This Saturdayously from 9 p m to 1 a. m

The partIes are open to the general Gen R A and ~ M Alger Auxpublic o:t1so declares Mrs Mane Blass Ihary are glVtng a cald party WIth chowsecond vIce preSIdent 111oharge of 'PUb-I mem luncheon on Saturday mght,helty Apnl 18 at 17520 avenue Ttckets

are 50 cents RefreshmerutsThe proceeds WIll go to the Nahonal

Home Recreation Center Come andbring your fnends and have a. goodtime

The party IS beLng sponsored by MrsS A Lmgeman Home food chaIrmanLet s try and make thIS a 100 per centfund from the Alger AUXlhary

StoreSale atLeach Drug

__ R_()_,.,_d_B_u_i_ld_s_a_t_~_e_x_a_sf'l_C_e_n_te_n_n_,_.a_l_~ _I

pHOTO ABOVE shows the EXPOSltJOD bmldmg at

the Texao: Centenmal Dallas ao:It WIll appear when completedConsh uctlOn 15 now '11 progl essthE' geneIal contract havmg beena" arded to the Central Contract-mg Company of Dallas Foundabans are now completed and erec~tIon of 363 ton':! of steel work ISt ndel way 1 he steel work IS

Special Soap

New Electric RefrigerationServIce Open. Local1y

A <;pectal soap sale IS 1ll progre-s" attoe Leach DI ug Store at thIS tlmeIt IS the Ideal tune to <;tock up onsoap:. of except on ally fine quahty atprtces comparatIvely low Y 0'1.1wtllenjoy these dehght~ully fragrant soap~which tne Leach Drug Store at LakepOlllte and CharleVOIX has secured forthIS i)lg sale If you Wish lust phoneyour order m and It WIll Ibe p-rompt1ydeltvered. ThIS service tS mamtal11edfor ;your COllve11lenCe

Duncan and \1ac~I<col \\lth comb1l1ed f>x,penence of (liVer 24 years 111electrIC refngE'ratlan serVice 'VIQrk annauncc the opel1lng of a nell,Vshop 'Convel11ent1~ located to extend t le mO::.tetft.clent servIce to rbldents of tIllSVIC1111tyat 14927 Cnar1evolx at 'Yayburn avenue

They s1;leClalt.le 1n l\..elvl11ator a'1drrlgtdalre serVIce but are also eqmppedto sel Vlce all makes at reasonablerates rhelr serVIces will aha !be .available on Sunday'S and hohdaysl tn +'1eevent of <in emergency

Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co.,Lenox 1162, for Job Printing.

'IR AND MRS BERNARD r.:HOPPER and thelr ) oung daughterFrances Ann rJCturned to their homeon Cadleux Road last wee"k after aSiX wee-ks VISIt WIth Mrs Hopperspal ents Ml and Mrs Everett LakeCrawford olf Mlvbrook N Y at theIrhunttng estate near A~~en S C

City'Requires DogLicenses, Vaccination

A sew ng meetmg IS bemg held bythe Parent Teacher AssocIatton ofKerby School every Tuesday and rnday arfternoon at 1 odO'ck at t!heschool A qUilt tS ibemg made WhIChW111be gIven away at their May bndgeparty

As tIme for thiS bndge party approwhes an a.nno'1.1ncement Will appear111 the Grosse POJ.l1te Revtew Thl:.qUIlt WIll !be worth havmg so be sureand watoh for the date of the Maybndge party

Kerby P.T.A SewingMeetings Are Held

Twice Every Week

Southeaste,n HighSpring Festival May 1

Grosse Pointe GirlSings Over WXYZ Dog beenses for the fi'cal ,ear end

lltlg March 31, 1937 are now bel11g IssuedMISS Betty Underwood '" 956 Lm I at the office of the CIty Clerk 17150

'Com Road made her radIo debut over M<lIumee avenue A quahfied retglsteredVvXYZ On M011Jday AprIl 6 at 3 15 V'etermarlaI1l WIll !be on hand for the1> m under the aUSiPlces of The Fed COllvemence of the reSidents It belllgeratlOn of Women:. Clulb 1n Detrolt of a reqUIrement of the ordmance thatwhich MISS ]oseplhlTIe SmIth. 15 radIO ALL dogs haxlbored In the Ctty mustcomlmttee chalrmam be tmmunized or va-ccmated agamst

Many frIends hstenmg m were <le- raibles -or hydrophOibla No nog wtll behghted at her clear soprano notes licensed unless so mununlzed The costthnlhng througfu the mlcro:plholt1!e"Clr.. of such va"c-cma'i:lon IS Jll all casesIbtrtbm from Grace Moore's pIcture $1 00 The l1cense tee IS male '$110One Night OIf Love was sung WIth female $210 a-nd unsexed $110

obvlOus POl&e!and talent Dr R K 0 N e.d1 WIll be on dutyMtss Underwood untIl recently a Thursday AprIl 16 for the lmmUnlZa

student at GrQiSse Poa.nte HIgh School tlon .of antmals !presented at the Pohce1S nQllNdevatmg herseLf to the IPUTsUtt Department 17150 Maumee {rom 2 toof hel mUsIcal career 4 30 p m ReSIdents are urged to take

advantage of the convel11ence and prIcestated Restdents 0If adJacent VIllage::.are lllvlted to m<ilke use of these iConvement facllttles

The tc1egl am f'OUo1\vS"llham J Norton Vice ch,urmanDctro!'t Chapter Amencan Red

Cro~<;Rellef 'utU<l.t1On~create'd by tOlna

doe<; Tupe!l.o Ml"SlSSlPPl Gal 1e::.vIlleGe0rgla Greensboro '\Iorth CiTolmaCordele GeorgIa and several lesser"ltuatIons tS serlOUS ann need for 111creased funds IS certam Have "entneVv quotas same states '\re not settmg new quotas for other state::. buturge that fund rals111g be l..ontmucd\\ I1ham M Daxter, Jr

An 1'Ppeal for contmued contnbut1011S was tmm~>dl<lJte1yissue i by Nortonwho a.,ked DetrOit reSIdent::. to sendadditIOnal rontnibultl0ns m medlate!;Yto Red CrO'is headquarters 51 VV'\farren Avenue

nett'olt <; quota of tl e I melgrencyFlood Rei ei Fund was $lWrOO \\ll1chwas oversut-<:'cl1bed the city ral<;:lOgaltogether $157500 Among the largestC'ontnbutlOns was $10000 flam Senatordnd Mrs James Couzens an ,l11ony-moll'> ~1O003 contobutlOn apprOXlm~dtel\! 'l>10G')OrCicelVed throl1g" the \VW J b oaKkast $740722 from lord\1 ator Co Emploves $442175 fromthe DetrOIt Po-hce Delp.olrtlient $3000from t e Detr01t 'Tunes oncert \{rand Mrs Henry T Ewald $2 500DetrOIt Branch of General Motor<;ll:2~()O Ihe DetroIt Ne\<; ~2000Brl~",c '\1aill..lrfacturmg Co :emplOyee,;$1662 Manuf<icturt"rs Nat on 11 lank$1 0v N<litlOllal Ban"- of l)etr01t$. t.OfJ PaC'kdrd Empt,Nee $111358and oj;llOOOconJ1:nbutIOns tram r;;; sKresge \iVls.per & We ..t'!lan DetrOIt1:0 (I ... n (Q '"'sher Brothersl George\1 ,,1111 Rh.. ard " ~h) r \Ir J. d\1rs \\ alter 0 bngg" Mr~ Fredenck AlgeT and !\itchupr Bell Tele~phope Compauy

the homePennant


Purple gangstel S at least sotuPof them ale enJoymg the hospl-taht) of Unde Sam at Leaven-"01 th fOI a speB

On I nday May I at 8 IS p mSoutheastern '\'.111present ItS AnnualSprmg Feshval 111 the school audltonum The program consists of vanedselectIons from the opera Faust by

PIlson llOt!) 111 1921 are novv Gou lOd MISS Hu1da Marhn D~rectorbelllg Invest gated \Nandel who of the Southeastern GIrlS Glee Club\voke up at Lanslno- Just fifteen \\111 plesent two of her own COmpOiSJ) eatlS too late I:> hons whtch WIll be sung by the girlS

__ Ml:.<; Betty Hatharvvay IS the SOlO1st'Lnwed mother L:lJb to secure I and '\'.111Slll1g the' Jewel Song" from

hu!)band even \'\ Ith five shots from raust The beautLful <Sicentcarrana p1stol gements a speCial ballet and the large

________ chorus ensemble are other added fea

T h C f tureseac ers on erence The entertalllment WIll conclude WIthto Attend the Grosse I a dance In the gymnasIUm for tl1o,e

Pointe High School attendmg the concert

I Grosse Pointe Conservatory ofGrDsse POlllte H.l,g'h School WIll be Music Under New Director

one ot t 1e sC1.ools 111the metropohtanared vlslted by teachers and parents Charlotte 'Y Partello dttrector ofattendlllg the regIOnal conference of the GratIot Avenue Centre at MUSICthe ProgressiVe EduiOahon Assoc1d.twll and Dl amattc Art IS now the dIrectoron Apnl 24 and 25 J11 Detrmt and Qi\vner of the Grosse P0111te Con

1he Plogresslve EducatIOn AssDcla "ervatory of MUSiC at 14427 MacktlOIl I~ a natIOnal orgamzatlon of a aven.ue These two schools are afgroup ""ho <:all themselves pr,()gresslve~ filtated ",tth the Detr01t FoundatIon111 educatlOll Dr ')tuart Courbs of tht. MUSIC Schol at 7930 East ] effersonU llvcnlty OIf MIchIgan 15 one of the avenueleaders 01 tJl(~O'rgaJmzatlon whICh has Mrs Partello has had many years ofbeen wldch mfluenbal 111SChool mat eXlpenence 111teJachmg plano and voIceters In tl e la"t deca,de and IS al<;o",ell qualIfied to have charge

Dr S M Brownell supenntende lt of of thIS grOWIng school There Will besahool<; will speak on V. hat Ba<;tc addthons to thie tfaculty 111plano vmcePrmclples underl e Parent School Re and dramatIC art Instruction by aclatlOll"- He wd1 draw upon speCIfic cledlted teachers In the vanous deGrosse pOlllte sItuatIons to Illustl ate partments may be had 'VIlth credlts to11:. P01l1ts I ward dLploma courses

-------- Enrollment may be made at a~ time,IRS ARTHuR McGRAW of Jet The fourth tel1'mof th1Spresent season

f<..r~.QnA V't- Grosse POQnte returned tS now beglnnmg and followmg thIS,}<nda.y -from Palm S'Pnngs, Cahf thele WIll be a summer term endmgwhere she spent the \V1111ter. Attgust 1

Il J

DetrOIt IS eVident Ivof ChaI'l1plO11S thIS year'~..tnnel s prtLe fighterstrophies and" hat nots

American Red CrossIssues New Appeal for

Emergency Relief Funds

""'-'-Fa,te, f,';;:ks blo>somed forth

In abundance at the Easter par-ade 1asl Sunday It was eVidentthat conSiderable shoppnng ac-tnltle, had been entered mto


Schoolbov Rowe IS eVidently~omi{ aftel a lecOld th" year Hecxhll)lted plenty of stuff In thatCleveland opener

:expect a lot of dY1l1i{ grand"wlhers J<lldW for Tigers openihelr beaWl1 then

Qmntuplets were born 111 Ruma11ld bllt they dlCd ~hrough ex-po::.ure bemg h0111 In a d1tobwhile tIc fatber ,lumbered 111 adrunken stUpol nearby.

1he bonuses \\lll be pa%ed oulabout June 15 Won t the bo),have a grand and gl0110US time"lll1e It lasts

A fOlmer heutenant governorunder Republican administratIOn\\ III seek the govemorshlp unde,the banner of the Democraticparty thiS yeal

"Vhen one watches the )msdrn ers mantpulate punches, makechange and drive at the sametune Vve wonder why servmgllght lunches 01 some such servIce could not be added to keep101m busy the remall1der of thetIme

'i\ 10th tornado follQiwmg flood -theI\mellCall Red Cross Tue"day Issued ane" appeal fOJ f.unds for bllerigenC}Iehef \\ ark m the UhIete southern state~1111tharde<;t b) thl" week s storms

In a telegram to \\ Illtam J Nortonvtce chaIrman of the Detroit Ghapterof the AmerIcan ReeL Cl~~ Wl1ltd.1U"r Baxter Jr manager of the midwestern brall{:h In 5t LOUIS Moa'l.ked that DetrOIt and atlJ :other lvhc~l-19an cIties ex.1:end theIr generOSIty although no new quotas were set-------~,--------

News Digest








Fitzroy Q,96l

3454 Mack Avenue

1 hursday, Aprtl 16 1936_ n.


Neighbothood ClubAClivities.

Mack A:v~.,Storage

and l\1oving

Stor.agfbPa~g. ~relghb~S~"'Pl.\lg_ j

-;-.L-Ocap and--rl:.o-n!&: b-AA-tcwce: ~I-U i:'


Fa<;t Jefferson aVC1UCat \Ial1lstJqutLarl E, K ruher pastbr

All those who ha v(,' lomed the }< astmlllstet PresLyter an Clhu't'ch etu.rmbthe pastorate d Rev GMl E KItchelcae asked to be ",pec al guests of J9l.1e11 a 1U .leI vIces next Sunday Evt."r}body 1", Invltecl The seTmon IS TheLand of BegU111ng Aga111

At 7 30 p m Mrs Dora WhItney.:;tate plec:ldent of the WeT U of\[lChlgan WIll be the gue"t speaJ{er\11" Wllltney .:;the outst<lJrtthng wornan speaker In tlls Pa1'~ of tne ~td"' ally along teml erance lmes hewmember" vl,lll be rec"'Jved I1to the fdlowsh p of t 1e chUl ch

V\r edne"day even ng the nile! weekserVIce Wlll contmue the stu-dy Olf {1'1etheme \Vihat God ReqUlres of Us

Eastminster Presby-terian Church

Hayes calor bean~lt' and LawrenceMyers bugler Mrs Lew WaIlaceHoffman ]r w111 be semOI preslncl1tdun 19, the com1l1g year




Cadillac Society, C. A. R.

::t: 4 d; ( me!;

P~}( holobY and the offer crafts that:tre 111the Camp r re progl am A I}

onc o\cr c tSi1tcen IS ellglble to attenJ




.By Mill'S Margaret MUfney GlenQ, C~S. B.f

of Boston, IVta.fjachu~ettl>, ~


I " 0

MON., TilES, & WJ!;D. "JECIAL~ ~~


$5.50Felix Francois


Amplifiers Will Be Prllv~ded illthe SUl\day School ROQIYl


Memher of The- BLard of Lectureship of The Mother Chure-n.1 he Fus! ChUich of Christ S'Clen~tr, lr1 Boston. Massachusetts-


At Second Church Edifice


at Eight @'l:loek

Subject: "ChrIstian SCleM~i H'uml'll1ity's Liberator"


2n.d Floor Punch and JJdy theate~ B-ldg '" Nl. 37S;lc'rcssc POlnle ReprNciltahve of Oki(vle Srstel s. H.alr &: ~~lp Speclaha.ts

It _,

i\. lNCiersh tp tram ng COUlse \\ 1 At a rccent mee1:11g of Cad111ac SobGf,ln Tu sd'ly mornmg Apnl 21 a clety (lul(h en of th'(p Amencan Re\9 30 at 51 \\ e<;t Vv drren ave 1ue 101 olUtlO 1 tho followl1'lk officers \\ e""f-a 1yone 111tert~ted n learn lUg more elected Janet Home1"'lu1110r pres dentabout the Camp nre program Th s Ua1bJ.let He1Zm&111 \Ice preSIde tcourse wIll meet once a week for elg t Bctty MeIser record ng secletary

AI r d Girb! Do 1 t forget the bIg Jump rOd'C\\ eeks a d WIll mclude adlvltIes nat LC 1 e1"1guson corTespon !Jng seci t.d H contest t held at NelgrhbodloOOt1re 100e symbo-l sm Camp nre an tar) \Ian1)n Sa\dge leglstrar alrV v

J " Cl Club on Saturaay mor111ng Apnl 25the CommUllty handcraft ado1escel t J V Dbert r ~l1SM:r1dll arence~--- --------------- - - -- at 10 0

i!1iJJi'..roilli!JiilJi".JOl@I'liilJi'JUIIi'JWtilliilSo!Ji!101J'lIi11lilJi11lillNm!i",I'JiJfi'._~"''i!!Ii!!ffilfol.WlJjl_~ __

~ -11 I JULIE MAE FR:?£KS ~ I Ha" you set yonr dat" to come o»er@ ~ ,..,l', ~ Ito the :Nclghboflhood CluJb to the modiiJ <> 14339-E Jefferson at eh mers ~Iern barn dance' Apnl lSth 15 the~ FEATURING ....".. Clatr Al Rlchdrds 115 the orahestl;a~ if Sprmg Coats - Swagger SUits Come ohe come a1111 your oldest du 1&Rl MannIsh SUIts 1 loor .:;1-ow and r€ifre::..hment al ~ 111

T?J PRINT AND SILK PI1-J;:~SES ~tor(" AI thls entertamment for only~ "--- I $7.75 to $23'.75 ~ 25 c nts per petsoll ,_ ,.' ,ill '\ EXCLUSIVE MODI:LS ~ So fo 19 faT now hut 111 he seelugill! Parisian Fashions an,d, N:ewest Shade. 1!1 you ~aturc1ay~ I." LRN:OX 6150 "\ @ WIND BAGii!Jiil.JCI_"JiiIJii'Jli!JiJf"''i'IiiIIO!Iii!Jil~~~'ii'JiJ.IillOlIOlriilli'Jii! _",,,ll!Ii!1JiJ1j1JWjfu~oJii! ;"'c= .------ ----_-'- ;Jt"~~______ 1he final basketball tournament game_........- -_ ....-A-N....N-O....U....N....C"E....uE-N....T- ....- - - - -- iI for th" gIrfs wIlf he played off onI !¥. i 11hursday AprIl 16 at 8 p m 110f T0 MUSIC STUDENTS I tween tne Eo,ver Rollel BearIng al10I GROSSE POINTE '. t th~ A 0 C The,e teil,mS are vCly~ • evenly matched and thrs opromlselS toI CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC II be a mo,t excItIng g~meI 14427 Mack lIt Ch"lJ;ners TU. Z.3Z58 I IlIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii!!

is NOW UNDER NEW MANA.GEMENT Jill'.! CERTRUDE BOLiO MlLLS II ENLARGED FACULTY In VOice, P,ano a\ld Dr,..."tlc Art t GROSSE POINTEj Credits for Diploma COu.t'~esa~ the Det~oit Foundat";>n ~"SIC I PIANO STUDfOI School, one of Michigan's Fmest Institutions. II 181,Jg;.>t1", Roa"'" ~ *~ ~?,t CHARL01TE W PARTELLO. DJrector Gr-f\duate of D~tt:Plt 11lst)tute of

., _ MU';lcal Art ¥ <--~~-~~-~--~~~---~~-~~-.~~~-(

MRS IOSEPB G RYAN atMedo\'y Lane returned: 1-)rofnelast Monday B.ifter a we-e1{"'sV1",lt at her mother::.home n l.fendetr Conti ahd her SIster,",n-ome In New Vary Clty ,

Master Jamets L Ryan ,,(7as host ata c!Jnner party at hIS home on Meadm.\Lane and a tl eatre Pdr'ty at The P111ll'hand Judy last FrIday The ocedS onbe111g hiS tv,effth bIrtHday HiS gue~t<;welt- MIke \IV-are rrank ParcelhJack HoUlcF Carl Prytula James. SmIthand J ad" $ lOwday

• • •MAJ EDMOND C FLeMINGA1\D MRS I'LEM ING of VendomeRoad 'lre In New York Wl'th theIrreturn planned fot Apnl 20 Theyleft last Thursday and are beIng JO ned m the metropohs by daughter PatTlCI;), ,,,ho attends Sa-cr'ed Heart Convent Eden Hall at Torresdale Paand b} .:;ons Josoph and FranCIS Boyer~tudents at tl c Newman School 111L<lJkewood N J

The boys remalt1erd WIth them onlvlor the Easter \-.,-eek-€:Jid but MaJ dnllin t 16m ng and Patr'lcla 'WIll g-o onto \Vasnl1gton on: Alprtl 16 for a fe''''day~ stay

Peg&y A.1l1~worth 1\1(l6 at1(l~her JOUr!"

noy planned She expects to leaveabout VIay 1 {'or a ":V1SItWith fnen hIn B€"I etly HlnS da'11:f and WIll remaIn In the Golden 'vVtst fiJr a,boot amonth • • •

MRS CHRISTIN'I. MulR VA,HLS \N of LeWlSt01 Ro~d and MISJ o-hn B 1 o~d of McK1111ey PlClice returned I t< day !\fom a stay 111 Ne\\York CIty )

• • •• • *

MRS Bt,NJA\£rn S WARRh1\retnrned Innay to her harpe on La '" J ELA lNF- MA,RIE ARl'{DT

~horG R'Oad after a round of VISIt,<;at I)~~£~ STU ()I()",mart southern spas Her last stay"as at Charle&toll S C Where s'he , H ~ ,

was lamed oy her dang 1ters Mrs ALL CLASS L.ESSONs FIFT"Y CENTS "C d 91aBarrington. R6ad '"\ 'l-..rt. LEnox 7fj3~

~~sn ~ \~~:1~:1IJ~0~~01~11C:;0B~~1 2_._ I $(& $ 2mOl e Mrs WIlSall 1:' lloW lt1 B-altl Ii '.@IE & 1more \\11th Mrs Compton for a VlSlt


of Semmo!e Ave and her da ughterMrs vVl1bam B Colburn <QIf vVa~h111gton Ro-ad Grosse Pomte rett1rnerdto theIr home~ 01 \Vecl lcsday after a'extended VIsIt ).11 Roc.kledge Fla \IrsWaldron 5 son Ohl-a.rks h \Valdronwho has been 1n the Sotlth WIth themreturned .-it the ",ame tune to Ul110nCollege In Schnoctady N Y. .. .


Provencal Rd. who has b.een 111 NaplesFla. for several weeks returned hOlTILSaturdaJ accompal1led by her ~o 1Henry]r On rnday G \fenuellV>hlharus anoth-e'F "Sun left fOl 'Wa." 1 \ll1gton tor a week" vISlt


• • •MR A'ID \IRS RAY e DANAHER returnc...d hst Thl1r~day toShadow Lawn thelr horne -on Lake

c ;;

Christian ScienceChurchea

MR~ R LRV\lI, ClLESBROUGH\vho has been spendl11g sev~ral ",veel "at \{Iam1 Peach 'drnved the first otlhe week at lei home on Kem1l1tgtonRoad

St. CQlumba EpiscopalChurch

Lowell Thomas at Artfnstitute on Sunday

Hr.: G R us" "if ..,,~0 "t.t~E:; R ", ": I.E;":_ f&' it!

"13ehefs and Doubts and at 7 30 p m S C ~ l Shore Dllve aHer d1 extended std.}011 GettIng Along The mU-51Cof boh 0" n C'al forma 1 or th r trIp homescrvlces Will be under the d1rectJon of I the" closc PdMma Cellal lo'UteJason \{{)ore ..

1he Jefferwn Baptist Church Sch{)ol \ Caron ~~ir-eGirls M01,bers ct the two leadersh pmeets at 9 4" a In wt1l1 a second se~ There were two week end part e r tf'l.11111g courses that arc Just 'Coms on for the younger departments and whIch beqdes bemg a l}art of the en Activities pleted '\\ 11 pc ld lC t week enn ata nur"ery d)Urmg th~ hout of the mar 1 roymoot of Eas1:er 1-< ve and J!-ast~r Camp W thana tl e summer camp of1g ,~or"H~p The young peo'P1e s 01 Sunday had an especlat swglficance T 1{" all ual meet! 19 of the DetrOit the DetrOIt Camp hre 91rl" OUtdo01

ganlzatlOl1S meet at 6 15 rp m Both wcre bOll voyage- festlvlhes and I Can~) 1 Ire GUdrd a 1S AssDc atlOn v'111 C C I g trd,J". 19 a (r "a 1 early mall

A iCommlttee compOISed of Mr Her each dId honor to Mrs Courtland K I be held \1onday eVelll1g Apnl 20 at llg b r I lllke VI11 be among the featman Deu{lter \1;rs A A Fngstrqm Ldrned Ot Lake Shore Road I\ho w1ll the Ce 1tral l1cthod st Church vyoorl. Lre.:; phl110d Tl e !allOWIng memben\11.':>5Viary bovere1gn 1ths A A hng be off for NeJw York Sunday e\ en 191 ard aid Ea.:;t Adams at 6 30 T le I Yl'l1 attend M1ss An le Brandt M1S"strom lI'clSS.B<lir?1bara B Dunca 1 Mr on her way to Berruud!a Mrs Larned GuarCll '" WIll be the gue<:.ts at dmner I Ida II ffman \1 sS Frances BidwellJOhl R Gl31dl.fJlgMr K D Green '\Ir Wd~ abload ShlP and sa-11edon1ue ddY! d the Lxecutl\e Board of the DetHlt \1 ss v.J:'1ly Grodllan '\11<:'S \l~rtha1: \V Malll IS laYl11g plans for th and she wulI spend aprproxlmately thlec COI1Cl1 of Camp FIre Glr1~ Repo1b \lcJ::,\uv v1.:;s Dons Cra'\\-fQrd MrscCllcbl<.<hon of the fifte:enth antll1ver w.eeks III the sem! trop1cal Island.:; b tne c1 stnct chaumen \\-Ill be fo1 Bern ce Row"q MISS Gertrude Ro\:)s<J,r) of t le -cburc-ihthIS June 3~aYl.l1g at the Pnnide&s and el1JoYl11g l~ vec1 by a talk by Dr \11dred Tate ertc: \lls,:; ElSie \1oorman MIs~ \! t

-~---- the leIsurely Me and fun that lovely .Jf the Parental EducatIOn Departme 1t gl11d Str) 1& TVflSSg;l' Hl1l V1rs \1j .... / Bl.:fl1:1Udaoffer,", of \1 ern 1 Palmer School Dr 1 ate I fladtord Mrs F Stolt'ey Mrs B GoP:Annual Meeting of The groulP n thlS p-arty mcluded w111s,peak 011 Pr nClp1cs of GUldance \1155 R Lnh,lfield MI-8S G Schwa1z

Detroit CoI9ny, N.J;;.W .. 1fr and Mr~ Dean Mr and \t.[rs Mul a. ">ubJect that W 11be ot v tal 111teLest \11ss E Sc1n\-af/ a1d MISS \1ary Ca~e}, ~ey Cortland K Latned and '\-irs to G nrd d lS \\ ho are the \ olunJ1:ee a ld \1 s Catht.nne Stearns from the

Latlled thel honoree \:frs T Worden ea,.,dcI"of Camp FIre groiUps Reservd Camp }<11t..staff{1unteJ "Ir and Mrs Vvl1ham Harr s tlO~S :.hould be made b) callmg CamrJr Ml aI d Mrs Charle.g Thorne \fur FIe Hcauqualtels Columb a 1600 beph} Mr and \1rs Carsten Tlt.dema 1 fore 1 nday Apnl 13Geotge Black Mr and Mrs CharlesR Murphy Mr and Mrs Phthp 1\1"V\ nght and Mr and Mrs John \VStro'h.

The second party to Qomphment MI SLarned was a tea and cockta I fete Mrand Mrs Andref\.\7 D Hotcnklss gave111 the1r hOrtle 'On M uskoka Road oel


Tl c annual meetln~ of DetrOIt Colonv '-iew England vVomel1~ WIll behe d Vvednesday Apnl22 at the Fedel atlO 1 Clubhouse Ha11iCock and ~econd a\ ehue<; A nOOn r1uQ.cheon WIll1?recede the me-efmg at "",hlCh annu tlIpods at offieen amd cha1rmen W11iJeheard Cotony preSIdent Mrs l.&wardL HolmGs ",,111presI<rie

11tH" MatHe P JaC9b" general cha rman of the 23d NatlOnat Congres" dthe Natldnal Sodety Now Erlglan 1\Vomell convefllng May 17 21 at HotelStatler a"t th~ l11vitatl6n. of Dett Oft

COIOIy I~ entertall1fng the Congres"comnuttee ohalrmen at a one 0 clockIu lcneon Tuesday April21 at the PalIster Tearoom r'01101wmg the luncheon fina1 details Df ihe Congress Vi- IIbe arranged

Congress plans mclude a luncheo 1

\lay 18 at Dearbprn Inn fonowed byI a VIsIt to Greenfield Vll1<;lge 1n t e

evelll ~g a m~moTlal tableau WIll bedIrected by the <:baplam general 'IrsT ohn 1'd::.tet M cMllhm oJ EhzalbethN J On Ma~ 19 reports WIll beheard and Genealogy a'S an Intel 1

gent Past1me WIll be dIscus-sed by\tIrs HarrIet vVll1lam,g WaIte of A nArJbor The Detrol1: Colony wlll g ved, luncheon at tl-tG Ya.cht C 1.1Ibfor natlonal oB1cers and delogates followedby a tnp around the cIty In theeven ng under the dlrectlOl1 of lusDoroH y LeWIS of Wh1te Plams "!\ Ya co te<;t of ongl11al New :englandsonf,s SUi0m)t ed by the Colon es \\-111be held ElectIOn of nabOl1al officersr1.kes plarce May 20 With the annualba11C\uet that even111lg" Prof Wl1l1amA }o ray er e:xecuhve secretary of theC. ranbrook Fou ldat on w II be the-"peake I On May 21 after reports 0ColonIes 'Cups pnzes and serVIce bars\Hll be awarded and offi'Cers ll1stalledPresld0nt General Mrs Parlan SempIe of Montelau' N J wIii preSIde dtall <,ess1011s

Lowell explorer author andradIO C01tf111entator w~lI close the 193)\iVarld Aq:venture Senes program wltl

Itwo motIon pIcture ledures at the DetrOlt In'3ht'Ute 91£ Arts. next SundayApnl 19 At 330 Lov>ell fhom.s ;>111

I s.pc;ak On Through E-omanbc Illd~-aa lJ Into ForIJwldell '\fghanlstan aJ dat 8 30 on WIth Lawre l(Ce In '\.rabla

Lowell Thomas, livas the only AmerCaJl1oP~(,'rver w1th th.e mystenous ColLawrence dunng hIS operatIOns 11Arab1a Later he a.cc0111lpamed thePrmce of Vv ales tnroUigh IndIa spend1I1g two years there HIS two ~undayledures have been gJven more tn II

4000 tImes In all iParts of tJ--e world

Th(" 1936 haster was tbe h~PPlesand most jOlful one In tlhe 15 years of11) ml Ilsfry at St Columba ChutcRcv Otey R Berkeley told the Vestl}of the Cnuroh at Its meetmg Tue~ddvcve111US

Ovcr 12;,0 people took part In the<;crVlces bf'\.V'onhlp 01 La",ter Day T t."peL dl Laster mUSlc of the \fen s arc!

Bo) 5 ChlOr under the dIrect on ojLholrm15ter Button and olf the G rl<,LhtOlr at the 9 t m serVlce under tht.lcader<;mp ot M..ts Bel"lkeley duectOlprOVIded a great 1l1Splraf.>lonand 11

,cntlv(' to the v.or,!,hlp of all ""h-o atended 11he mUSIc at the 6 30 "erVlCC\\ as es<pecIally sLgnlficant to the rt.guJar members of the congregatlon DE'cau e It marked the: return: to the cho Io-f Tenor SolOIst Mr George 13 BlaIrafter a I011lg !l1ness

A lOther feature maibng tor a hapuy'Easter wa-s that 111sPIte of the facttnat the regular congregatIOn had 1ecent y mO're ilian doublcd Its gn Ing tor-al,!,e enou@h mOllrey to refinance thf' Do-ctrme of Atollement w1l1 hI;} theChllTCh mortgage tne 1936 :Caster 0 ~ubJed: of the Les~ont.S0rmon 111 allferll1g of rre..ady a thousand dollars m ChnshaJ11 SCIence Churches throughoutaddttJOln prOVed to be the largest Eastel the world aij Su.nday April 19offermg 1;...the llstory of the Pans'l Amol1lg the BIble cltatto 15 s thIS pas

Truly saId Tvrr Berkeley 1t seems sage (II Cor 5 18) And all thl11g"after the five yeals of strain and ap are of God \:I,~hohath reconctled us toprehens 011 a1d tne clouds of uncel hllmelf by Jesus Chnst a.nd hath g1ventamty that the Pansh IS 111d€ed conllng to us the ml11Jstry of reconclhatl-Qllforth lnto nE';W hie. 111 the sunshmy Correlative passages to be read £1011morl1lng of New Hope the Chnstlan Scrence textbook SCI

He a1'll1ounced also tlhat the 4 p m ence and Heabth VI'rithKey to the Scr pvespel <letv ce on SUr).day after lOOns lures' by Maly Baker Eddy mc1ude\\ 1I1chiasP10Hn so popular durmg e the (p 19) Jesus alided 111pre 1:~ster .:;eason 'Would be defil1ltdy recol1clhng man to- God' by grVl11gma 1contll1uecr 'Q11i'11VVhltsunday \fay 31 ~a truer senSe 'Of Love the dlVll1e PrInA ncw '5cht.dule o<f vlsItm.g preach<el~ Clple of Jesus teach1l1JgS and thIS truer<; bClllg arrdnged Sunddy next the <>ense of Love 'fedeertLs ma;l from t 1e

speCIal raster mus)'C wIll Qe re'pO<.lted law of ma1:rter 5111 and death by d1eat the 11 a m and 4 p m :serVIces law of Spmt,-'1:hc la\" O'f DlVme Love



::.'1-Sewer Crock, Drail) Tile

Cement, Sand, GravelCement BillCks, Brick



Al6txUt Tfie"atre~1500t Cliarlevoil/: Ave.

C;~er of, W"lyku~nAJ)l\(I'SSJ'oN.: ADUI,.l'S 211c-




East, o~Javaalso EiDWARJ) EVLRF1'1



EDIlfUND LOWE andV'\L"'l'-~/I. HOp::;ql' lI'

The GreatImpersonation

afso 'J\,'lNI' '3HIRUY andF-H1LLlP HOL \11 S In

Miss Chatterbox7 __ ~


""......".".,..".,0,•."." ....".".,..". '"~a-".~...."."'.,..,,! ". '"~.!".

WEDNESDA,Y, APRlt 22-Pltl:;S10N rOSTER arrd


W~'re OI\lyHumanalso- It.!:!'. E LANG ami

THOM1\1,S- B.ElCK In

Every SaturdayNight

LIg:htmng and Cropslhp weather bureau sayS that light

nmg is not affected by the kInd of cropIn a field

Jeftierson Avel)ue13aptist Church

The R{'v Wayland ZWaJyer m nlst.erof the jefferson Ave,nU'e BaptIst Churcl;J."lrll prl3a.(;h tlhlS SJ.!nd!a.y~t 11 a m oq;


2619 Conner at CharleVOIxNIghts Le 1J59. Sun<laysNI 5ili)/

l "(we

~ t'"

For Sale


WANTeD.t.wpbca1:lOl1;l are now: bemg acLe-pted for a sternolgraphlC POSltlO1 111the CIty "()If Grosse Pmnte officeAiplpJIOMltillU'.:;t have !been l'es1<1ent

I of CIty tior aJ least one year BU;'Inl=i:Sse.:xlpenen-ce necessarry A~ply17150 Mwum:ee Ave 9 00430 P !If

Review Liners:

P$;r'fwq: E k 2''U r 4 ;w:;:a;:~ ..- 'l. <;.HineS'fs R~ppointea Iload or pa'od vIllage street In Wayne

"" •• County Th'Cre were nQ a,dequate: Road. (i;OJDmISSlOnc;w bndlges Today s hIghway system pre-.. sents a d1shncttvely dIfferent picture

Mr Hmes remarks pr-oYdlyEcAore tJle end of 1936 eveTy roac

1.11 \V ay Ie CourlJty will have some typeof nuplDvement 1'ifr HIles saw whennotIfied of h>15 ruprpolllltment ~oteworthy 0 thIS work 15 the glga 11lesystem of concrete hlghM ays wIth haliof the county s 1400 mIles olf roadcone-eructed OIf the highest type safestmost duraole of rnaten.:tl 'Coocrete

under the leadership of NIr Hme~dS thalrman of the road comm 351011and under ms 1111tlattve aId stlJperl11tendence tXla :first mIle of ...COI Cl etehighway In Hie Iworld was constructedall Woodwara avel1l1e begll1111ngat S),.'vIlle road ThIS expenmenil: whIch V,a~trIed In 1908 na& revolu1:10111zed roadcon",truchon t'broughout the un verr"t.\>Ir Hl11es 1', the mventor and 111 hatorof usage ot a wh1te hne down tJ e'Center of hrglmvays \\~hlth he called thecenter hue safety stnpe adopted as ...sdlfety mea",ure and copIed by everystate 1n the U11lQl11 ..

So m<1Jnyhave been hIS co ltnbutlo11to roa"d bUlldlll.g lQ the UnIted State"that he was presented the George ~hat tl~tt Awal d m 1935 for outstahdmg wOlk In AmerIcan hIghway d~\elo,:>mcllt PreSe1tatlOn of the awardwas made last December In MiamIFla at a meetll1lg' of the Amer canAS,",DclatlOn of State I-Ilgihway officlalst>he Amencan Road Budders Assoclal'Ie1t»Wanfed - Female tlon and t 1e NatIonal Resea",h CounCIl

G He IS one of the org,anrzers of theAutomoblle Club of MICh1g"al11a pastpresldellt and a present d~reC'tor IH,IS also one of the attorneys 1Ubet ofthe Detroit Itlte~ In.Sl1ra.!1ceExl;ha ge

UNJTlj,D VANAj;llUM STOC;K-1~04(Mac}l; "Ave; .Titxea..o tlO:122 Ibetween

9 a In and 2 -p rtl-t See MaurIce~ ( {i (~

Flats lifor Rent:-ct-, -- ...-;c__-, __ ",_~--._, _

uP{'~R l'LA~ TO RENT -528", StCrnJt Groc;se :?-om e 5 rooms and

bath Sl<le drIvt:>-t","garage ,h~JY' deeorat~d "adll1t. <;nl:y

'f~'to Reii{~lJgbi--Housekeeping Rooms

BhACONSFIEJ"D, 1449-3 rooms andbath newl.¥ deootp.~ted fUir11lshed

adutts Q;ll1y

!O'*- Dean of \\t ayne County .lPpbhc, Ed"la"d N' H,nes Ihas heell~nted tQ succeed hImself as road.commtstSoner !by fJh~ Board of County,SUpe.rvISOr',gMr Htnes mas served con.tmuously on the road oomnllSSlOn S11lce

.:.lts mcePtIOll 30 yearfs ago'-'- 'Dhe 'S'Utpervlsors' <lichon follbllNed art$upreme Court dieclslon uphoLdlDIg thatbody s r1Wht to taJR-ethe office of road""commISSIoner off lIhe ballot and make

It an appoIntIve office In the mterestof a shorter- rba-llpt ThIS achon was

&alt'!!cl<ed hy Oharles A Matthews whon..canrl~d the questron to' the. Supreme

Coort on a writ mandamU$

-~ Mt Bmes has enjoyed an unusaltenure of office Sll1ce that day thre{..

..deoade,s..ago when the road commISSIOn\Vas rformed and he and Henry Fordwere two Of the GI~tglnlailboarD NotSll1ce hIS first election has he m< f-<;>roffice Durmg th~s tImelhe; has not made a speech pnhted a.cardJ nUl an <licUvettlsement .:;pent d,

dpllat or permItted any of Ins ftlennsto maKe. finanCial contrIbutions towardrns re elechoJ,ll.

When the first road cOmmtsslon wasfprm~, ~her,eJWa.snot a mne of good

= GlRL WA:NCTED_F01' general hO't&e'" ork go Wtr'13 mgntt; Nla,6

ara 1808

Work WantedFA'MJLY WAS1hNG done at h(>111e~

E"'tperHmceu references If reqUlredM rs LaAchat 3606 Cadieux Rd Tux2 1799

_ \VGMAN wants <bnykmd of day WOlj{- rehab lie a~d best r-elfereq.ce (Call

Pia .. 1811V\TIDO\V warts to do laundry a

::;;; home e"penerVG,ed rt;.'a&onable prIce,Phone N,"~ara 2837 ,SOS- CadIeux Rd,



17116 "-"'l"cheval at StNIAGARA 1310


RyJex Double Check

I200 Smgle SheetsleO Envelopes

or100 Double Sheets100 EnvelopesPrmtmg IncludedBlue, Ivory, Orchld

or Green



*the inexpensive way to delicious cooking

"Nfy gIrl fnend and I room togetllcr We bought aDutch Oven Susan* and thmk It'S grand It SIts on thetable of our kItchenette, and we SImply plug It In theelectrIC outlet In the wall We can cook a whole dInnerat once, eIther for the two of uS or for half~a.dozenpeople It's hke havmg a small electrIC range" (':1995up, at lIaldware stores, furnIture and departmentstores, other electncal applIance dealers and DetrOItrd,.on offices)


Storageuntil Dee 1st

-INSURED Uplo$10000

LET uS PROTECT YOUR FURS AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRl<.EMoth Proof Bags FREE WIth all Wmter Garments Cleaned

Rehning and repamng at Spec1ally Low Pr1cesWe Call and Deliver Phone LEnox 3040


Open evenings untd 7:30 Estabh.hed Sincp 1925 I---,

.CLEANEDBy handThe approvedFurriersMethod



IReasonable Rates No Estimate Charge

Duncan~& Mac NicolI \

14927 <.HARLEVOlX AT WAYBURN Jl TU 2 1150 Nlghts. Suns & Hohdays TR 2 800b I- -- - - - - - - 0

.---1-----_._----------------------------------------- ....... -..,1 PERMANENT WAVES II THE NEW

I Machineless MethodOthers $3.50 and $5.00I r

,Jacqueline II BEAUTY SALON ~(~I 1101 I,.akepomte and St. Paul LE. 8013 II~-------------------------~

Page Tltrel! ISo wholeheartedly was hIS SUggesil011

1officers a 1Jd enrollees c-ontrllbuted Wl1~":

accepted that wtth1n a very shQrt tlme Ingly to t.he fund [a pune of $40 was forwarded to the 1 --------

Red Cross authorltles Members 01 [ Call Grosse-Pointe Printing call"the forestry supervlsory staff Armv Lenox 1162,for Job PrintIng.

\ --------------------

The ten best models o.f the GrossePomte HIgh School WIll be chosen 10

a models contest May 7 Over 25gIrlS are expected to tryout ood toe\\1111I1erS!Wtll Il$hl!blt clorthes at theMother anld Daughter banquet on May7 The conle,t Will be hekl at 3 30oclOiCk In the auditorium unde'1 thechamnanshlip of Mary CraIn, l2.dMartha Ch;.e, l2-A IS the generalchamnan In Lharge of the Mother andDaugihter Banquet

A new and .novel tdea wtll be trIedout at <the next Mason 500001 stor)hour club to Ibe held A.tpnl 22 In theMason School auditonum

The mom!>ers of the fifth grade WIllenact a play taken from the !book •I Enul and. the Detect1ves by EnchKastne'I' In the manner that a mQIVIngpIcture woold be prooo'Cod

All s-<:eneT) costumes and the soundeffects have been made by studients ofthe fifth grade

ThiS book tS a translatton OIf theGerman Cluldren s book

Mrs D K Chnst1an fourth gra<1eteacher, tS In charge of the produlCtlon

\i\ 1l1ners of amards Ln the GrossePOlnte Htgl(' Sohool Outdoor Club conte<;t for fly tymg were announced atthe Semor Htg1h Open House

DonaM "" alker was awarded firstpnze a De1uxe Fly VIse dlonated byMr A A Payette Donald's name \\111also be lniSlCnbed on a plaque dooatedby Mr B T \i\reyhtng and Mr OharlesA Merrell Fach 'follOWIng year sWll1net s name WIll be added to theplaque

Harold Kruetz won second .pnze afly tymg VIse donated by Mr A APayne Bert Lmdley won thtrd pnzea fly box doncl.ted by Mr K L CasperDonald Morgan, the wmner of thefourth prIze won a patr of hackle rphersdooato<! ;,y Mr K L Cooper FIfth'Pnze a bo!X of books, presented toLavern CraF!1dall, was donated !by M rE A ParcellS A paIr 0If hackle awaraed Btl1 Stevenson for SIxthplace These 'PlIers v..eiTe donated byMr L H Veckey All other contestants recetved tOlkens Dr Horton FKImball -also diOtnated a copy of hISwell knOfWn !book fiFty Tymg at Home'to each contestant

The Judges were Dr Horton F KImball Mr Rene Bral1ld Mr Ward SmIthand Mr Pa1lll Cowan

Charles Bomont 8 B, was proclaImed spellmg champton of Gros<;cP01l1te Htgh School at tihe spellIng beeheld Thursday AlPril 2

MarjorIe Almsdtale and FlorenceHenry, eIght1h grade champIOns wererunnersup

Ahce Boor Glona Pler1Ce CatheronSlubon Alllta UVltek Betty GoddardHelen McDonaM Jane Lankms Wallalce MacGowan M1d Ttmothy RahIllwere on the seventh grade team

Bdl I\.alib Gharles Bomont, MarJorIeAlmsdcl.le Floren.ce Henry were tIee1g1Ith grade champions

Ohve Guenther and Dorothy CastI 1

cum were on the eighth grade teamalso

Charlese was ylctonous on the W01dlIlaugurahon

Apnl 21 Ihtasbeen set as the deadlmed1ate for all Proem matertal !for theJune ISSue of Proem Grosse PomteHtgh School s lletf'ary maga.z11'le

On thJS date the Proem Board mustmake the final selectton o{ contnbuttons

Although 20 ma.nU'scrlpts have beententatIvely accejpted the matenal ISvery unevelI1ly dtstrIlb1.1ted as to gradesMartha. Chse Proem ed1tor urged allgroups wrhJch have not turned theIrbest work mto the Proem Board todo so ImmedIately

Several manuscnpts h a v ,e !beenturned over to the art ueJPartmoot so"hat lmoleum blodk 1llustrattons couldbe prepared

It tS planned to have the prmtedmatenal mto the htgh schOOl ,prIntshop early m May and to publtsh themagazme early 111 June

Barnes, prmclIpal, were Professor Jorw

don s hosts MoncLay I He seemedes:peclally Impressed W1th our gUtdatniCesys.tem ' satd Dr Brownell

I Pomte Scnibers has been selectedas the name of Grosse Pomte,. HIghSchool s newest club sponsored !byMrs Anne MaJnen typl11lg InstructorThe dub s atm 1S to promote skl11 mshortha.nd and typmg

On Maroh 24 awards were !presentedto students for outstandmg .acrnelVements A gold engraved medal rwasgIven to J caDi Betz:mg 12 A for taktnga five mmute dictahon test at the rateof 120 words a mInute

Jeanne Spoerl an-d. EIleen DOOllpseywere Cilwaroed a certIficate for attaInlug a record of 100 words a mInute 111

a five muwte d~ctatton testMany other a.wards were presented

to gIrls haVIng attamed .so words am1l1lute m SImIlar tests

"'hen rumor foreman Joseph Vanceat CCC OLmp Au Sable read of therecent ~peal of the Red Cross forfunds to aId! stncken flood vIcttms 111

Peoosylva:ma and Ohm, he suggestedthat the Camp make a oontnlhutton tothe fund.

Asks Funds for NewDiplomatic Headqtrs.

Grosse Pointe HilJhSchool Notes

Charks Parcells Grosse POllllteHIghSch.ool senlOr reall1zed the amblt10tl ofmany a youngster last week when hewas prJvlleged to VIe!Whts father s college ~ecords and ~~ort cards

He bad the opportwuty to do "IIthIS when h1s father a.nd he Yls1ted ht,\,fart:her s fo~mer and Ohaftles' !futurea.lm.a mater, Yale Ul11verstty Theydrove down to New Haven, COUlItl, lastweek-end to acquamt Chacles WIth themstttutton

Dur1l1g the tnp many m'tereshngthmgs happe'11led. FI'1'St of all theydr"Ve tb.roogh some of the floodedarea They v1svted t1te htgh 51)ots of::New York CIty They were shownaibout the ca.tnf!ltus!by a f.ormer mstructor of Mr Parcells

Chartes WLl1take hts oo1llege boardexams mIlS June He and EdwardKl<llg January '36 are the first twoGrosse P0111te Htgih students to seekentrance to Yale

Nexrt: on the hst 01f scih<lol funlCtlonsto wht"Ch Grosse POlute Htgh Schoolparents wtll be lUW1te,d1Sthe 8-A oo<.nhouse to be 'held on FndalJ Apnl 17,when parents WILl constder the se'lllOC

hIgh school programs oJ theIr chtldrenThe evenmg's program Will begtn m

the audltonum art: 7 30 0 clock MrVmcent Peterson 8 A adVIser WIllgIVe a brtef address explalIlmg the pur-pOSe of the occasIon Mr John Fmchmustc dIrector wIll d1rect an 8 A nl1xedchorus whIch 'W1llsmg Pl1grim'<: Choru~by Wagner, There's MUSIC tn the A1rand My Homeland An 8~A studentWIll act as student chalrman

A home room contter(>nce and gt1td-al1Le p,.eriod WIll begm at 8 0 clocklJunng thIS time parents and "eachers"Jll dtscuss problems pertammg to thelllte'Lhgent selectlon of 9 B subjects All(>xhllbtts rooms wlll be c1o~ed at thIStm"e

IndIVIdual conferences Wltl begtn at8 00 TD m.eet ea'CCl parent and todISCUSSthe md1vHLual problems of therespechve students wlll be the <Urn ofeach adYIse:r

room 8 30 unttl 10 o'clock exhlb~tsWIll be shOlW"n These eXh:lbltS wLll beSImple and wIll tlaustrate a few @fimteaspects <)Ifthe work Exhtbtts W111 beprepared by the teaohers of each 8 Aand 9 B subJects WIth the emphaSIS on9 B sub)""ts

I<t£teen !boys 1n JUTIlor htgh schoolw111 receIve Intramural aetters .at theend OIf !the semester If they fulfill theacademtc 1'Ie1qu1rlimle11treqUlrtng themto pass 15 hours 'OIfaoadem~c work

Elght OJ! these boys are m the 8 AThIS team IS made u.p (JIf R VanderurdAbraams E Bolster, C LIttle J DIesmg J Denms R Golze and TReader R VanCllelI'unl calPtamed tms teamwhtle Abraams aded as asslstanl1: captam

The OIther letter wmmng team wa,\,made up OIf seve:n boys from the 9-BThey are H Hohllfelc1lt, B BiOcbtanzB More, R BQWSier L PIper, GS~haffer, and T Trask H Horulfeldtwas ca)ptam df the 9 B team

M uflel Sprenger 12 A and RichardLlvmgstoo, January '36 both membersof Grrosse POinte H,tgfu. School s QU111and Scroll chapter are worrk.l1lrgas volunteer wnters 1ll the complmltlOtl otf alustory Qlt Grosse P0111te bemg madeas a Federal Writers Project under theWorks Progress Adtnlntstrahon

1'1unel who IS serVIng her second<:emester on the Tower 'ltaff htas beenasslgned ~he toplC Fo1k!1ore and FolkCustoms Asststmg her 1S StanleyHoergendoer a U of D student wh(WIll do most of the research workAfter they ha"e mtervlewed old reSldents of Grosse Pomte read extenslvely and explored all other aWllab1eSCUl'ices M uned WIll wrtte the matenal10 Its hnal form

RIchard 15 w:orklllg on the t(lP~C Ofeaflly settlers {)If Grosse Pomte Heplans to do much of the mtervtelW1ngfor the tOPiC hlmse1J£ Rtchard who atpresent -attends the DetrOIt BusmessInstItute was on 'the Torwer staff lastsemester

Dona1d Treadwell JaUluaiI'Y '36 theTov. er s managmg edltor last semestereX!pects to work on th1s hlSl1:ory ofGrosse Pomte after he returtllS fromrIonda 'Dhe three students werechosen for th-edr wntmg aJblhty as exhtbited by thetr ,",oll"kon the I orwu

Mr Axel A GroenbeiI'g p.roduchondIrector at racLto stalbon WW] nas ar'fanged to !have th.e thLglh srchool PomtePlayers and the Glee Cluib .awear onthe March of Youth program 5aturday morning, AprIl 18 at 11 30 0 clock

The ca,t and play lS yet to be de-ctded Forty Sl1:udents Who make upthe' miXed chorus WItt SIng IOn theWay to Jerusalem' /by Miilun&r-s, 'andI To S!pnnJg' by Gned T~C1boys selectgroup WIll SIng "For God So Loved theWorld" by Stamer followed !by thegIrlS select groUfP smgtmg • LIst theCheru!>,c Ho't' !>y Gatti Mr Joh~Fmch, mUSIc mstruttor, wtJI dIrect theglee dub

Mr R H Jordon, professor of ed'llcation .a.t Cornetl UniVerSIty, spentMonday, M.artdh 30, VISItIng GrossePOInte HIgh School Professor Jordon<;poke on GorneU at The UmVel"SItyClu!> Sunday mght Dr S M Brow-nell, $uper>ntendont, aIlid Mr John R.


wntten dlWayne Untpresented mrnday eve

3 Doz. 79c

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch


SUGAR3 Ibs. 20c

Prize Plays to BePresented May 1 by

Wayne University

SynodIcal Conference Ohu1"ch Rae!nor at Mack avenue F ESternpastor 44£5 Radnor avenue TelephoneNiagara .302"

Sunday School at 9 30 a mI{lvllle <;erV1Le:, at 11 a mMt Ohve cnurcn lI1Vltes you to at

tend these serVl'ces

Three one act playsrccted and proo.uced byverslty studel ts !WIlt bethe UnIversIty Theatermug May.....l

The t'11 ee plays winners In the 193536 annual ca..ntest are Test> Tube byAnteo Tanm M1SS \faxme Colet s AllRanks Al1ke and The Ll"Ves of aCollege PresIdent by Fred OcvlrkThey WIll be dtrected by Robert ChaplD Harry Goldstem and Leonard Leoneunder the supervlslOn of Prof R1chardR Dunham chrelCtoc otf the UmversllYTheater

Test Tufbe' tS an exprresslOn~st traged(Y-deplctlllg a young man whose unswerv1ng ambltton to !become a chembt1$ opposed by hts faimly and by or'Cumstance All SerVIce Ranks Altke1S a melodrama of -the future, a prospectus of a Uto~nan world repUibhc

The LIves {)If a College PresIdent tSa farce bUIlt upon the routme 0.£ a dl2.Ym college hfe

For Job Printing of the Better Kindcall The RevIew, Lenox 1162


Grosse Pointe



Lemons 2 doz. SSc


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Thursday, Apnl~16!)':36

Messiah LutheranChurch, t

,Southeast corner of Lakewood andKercheval a\ enues A H A Loeberpastor 1434 Lakewood q,ven'Ue Telephone Lenox 2121

The Problem OIf Human Suffenng, ....JI1 be the general theme whloh WIll I(

be trea ed 111t\he se<rmons on the comlng Sundays The fir'St of these Willbe dellvered next Sunday Apnl 19VI hen the subJe'Ct WIll be The Gauseof Human Suffenng The serV1JceWillbegin at 11 15 a m and the S(;5SlOnof the Sunday School at 10 15 a clock

The an live! sary banquet of theYoung People s SOCJety w1ll be heldn.ext SUl1da~ Apnl 19 M 6 'P m-


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ImperialCleaners & Dyers


_Modern Cleaning FacihlJes lholOugh.Perfect Wor~anship

Blues' Both welTe presented WIth a<;p1endld teachers BIble Ornn FIgley 1

\\ as alWalded the pr1ze for ha:vmg gath jel ed the largest Lenten Easter offe:rmgHe was presented With a frame pIctureof rloffman <, Head orr Chnst Eachmember of tthet ,school was presentedWith an Easter glft

Seven adu ts wer{' added to the membershlp of t le congregation at the Holy\Veek senlces The parish now ha~more than one hundred members enrolled ~1 Its S<Ul1daySchool d.nd churchmembershltp

The Church Counell w1ll meet at thehome of tvrrs Edna \i chela 209 \tIch.mley road Thursday even,mg Apnl16 at 8 0 clock

Miniature Coach Givento Miss CoUeen Moore!ndlanapol s-Colleen Moore today

has a mm ature :NalPoleomc coach forher famous doll house an exqulSltefaIry palace that the motlOn pIcturedctress l,> taktng on a tour of tlbe co untry for the benefit of the nat10n s cnppled chIldren

The coach a gift olf the FIsher Bad)Craftsman s GUild was presented toher by WtJham A rlsher preSIdent ofthe FIsher Body DIVISIon of GeneralMotors and nread D~ the 'U11lque educatlonal foundatwn !Who came to Indianapo1Js from DetrOit With GUIld Secletary \i\1l1ham S McLean to offiCIate d.tthe 'C'erenl'Ony condltcted at the Ayresaudltonum where the castle IS be ngexhibIted for tl1e !benefit of the James\iVh1tcomb Riley Hos-plta1 for ChIldrenan 111stlt\1Jh0I1for the undenpnvI1egedthat Was founded as a memorIal to t egreat Amencan poet

T o)n111lgMr FJsher In the presentahon ceremony were Supenntenderut ofSchoollS PCiJulC Steson former .pIieJSIdent of the department of super111.tendel ts of the NatiOnal EducatlOn Assocmtlon and a memlber of the Gmld ad,lsory board Hugh McKay LandonpresJdent of the James VvllltComb RIle\' I\1emonal ASSOClatlOn ""hlch ma111talllSihe hospItal two local wmners 111the ~ffi!

modo1coac'h,bmldmgcompetitionscon i CAS~H A'ND CARRYducted by the GUIld <child patients 01£the Riley HospItal and others

The mltuatu1'<€Jcoach beautlfuUy ex-e Icuted by Wa~ter Leuschner and othermembers of the GU1ld techmcal staff MILwas mllnedlate1y placed on dls'PJay 111front of the house and wJlI become apermanent part of the eXlhlblt T'vflsl\1oore m acceptmg the model an • - - - - __nounced that she pbans the constructlOn ~of a moonstone roadway lead ng up to 00 Fresh Daily. Comply with aUthe palace rgate and the acqumtlon of IfoUi !prancing hDrses to draw the cal iCity and State regulations.llage In deSIgn a compOSIte Orf tht.-ornate vemcfes. used: for the coronatIon Whipping Cream 20c liz-ph.and weddmg of the Emperor Napoleon Jil

The orlgmal mo",el servmg ~, t ,e !li1 ICE CREAM-All Flavorsproject fo" boys enrolllng In the maste.r ~cIa's of the FISher Body CraftsmanS l"! at foHo-wing locations-lOc pt.Gu ld competttlOm In wh iChrEam $5000 IUl11vers ty scholarships are offered a~ 14909- Mackawards thIS year was deslg1ed bv ~I eU'>dhner rvvho started wOik on thL Iii]mll11ature for the castle some tt\c 14539 "h""rt'7A-t •monlhs ago aftel f"her Body andl 21 " a cvOIXGenel al Motors executIves had pel I ~celVed the l1"'ed of a SUitable coach 111 ~'Iii1ffi!Jii1lillJiill~JiID];!ffi!Ii!Jii!liilll'lJiiilli!to!Jii!ffi!liill1if,,01I,~~~ ""'"'the otherWise complete faIry pafarce [email protected][ilJij

Though only 12 l11ches ower all ap -proxImately two thirds the SIze of the lcoarhes constructed by GU11dmem'bel sfor enh y In the competlt1O'n::. the bt'llemodel 1S complete 111every detaIl WIthw1l1dows that shde "Upand doW'11 doorlacks that operate spnngs havlThg In

dlvIdual leaHs an1d steps that fold 111toreces!>es on eIther SIde of the body

31 50015000018000

760,000322 000

1981657 ODD

$18000002IJ 000


eNorth Dakota

Faith Lutheran Church


AllianceCaltonLuyalhog"l FallsCle\ elandDaytolt!NIle:.Warren

VInot 1000000Note In addltlOn a loan oJf $15000

was authonzed 'by vhe R F C for Gllaro 011} but the amount granted waslOt \II ttlrrlrawn horn the Federal RLserve Bank of Clevela ld

The CQruntit.':sareIllmols CookOhiO CUyaJhoga Lora1l1e Mah'On1l1g

Mo 1tgomely Stark Summit Trumlbuhe'1,\. York .........Nassau\1\ aSI 1l1gi:on Grays Harbor Kmg::.

PIerce and SnohomishNorth Dalkota Bowman Burke Bur

logh DIVide Merrcer Montrall Warnand WllIam~

A b 11 111trodluced ill the House Aprtl9 bv LOUIS C Rabaut (Dem) Repre.sentat ve from MIChJgan IS des gned toH'llte1,e certatn cltles and count es flamthe obhga~lOn of approXlmateJ'Y $20000 000 borrowed for relt€f purposesfrom the R F C which were loansmade for the same purposes t'hat slmJar loans were made to 42 states WhlCblatter loans have been cancelled In exceos of $280000000

Congressman Ralbaut pomted outthat hIS Own C1ty olf DetrOlt JS Vitallylniterested 111 hIS measure as Detr01tLorrowed $1 800 000 from R r C forrehef undel the Emergency Rehef andConsh ruCtlO1 Ad o:f 1932 There areten other c ties mc1udmg Cleveland asv.ell .as 21 countIes 111 the States 0"

r 11n01s OhIO Washmgton New Yorkand :.Norta Dakota VI hlCh made R F Crehef loans to be cancelled by thIS bIll

In mtroducmg the measure the Callgressnl'Ll1 saId In 1:he S'P1f1t of fairplay I mtrodU'ce a bJ.11des1gned to COT

1ed the dlsCrtmmatlOn agaInst certamcltles and countIes In my opmlon It 1'3

only rIght that the Federal Gorvernmentaocord <the &ame treatment to all Ul1)t~of government WIthout dlscrlmmabonOn what baSIS does the FedeTal Gmernment convert $280000000 of loans tostates 101:0 out .. ght grants and yet ...the same; im1e hold 32 'CIties and coun

Ities of these Slffie states to the dbhgd.tlO~1 to repay approximately 190 rn 1hon'> wl1 ch was borrov"ed under thesame Act and for the same Identicalpurpose

He saId The cities and counties arelOt de::.lrou::>of evadmg any responslblltt). to the Government But they doobjt:ct to bemg !{hscnmmated agamstThey must be treated on the samebaSIS Accordmg to the Umted StatesConference of \::[ayors the CIties whIchVi 111be effectea by thIS are supportmgIt because they fed that they harye beenQlscl'1mmated

1 he ubes Wh1ch m R F C loansunder thls Act are


Fast Jefferson and P111lolipavenuesRe", R D Lmhart pastor

Easter Sunday was a day long to bercmemoered by the great throng of Grosse Pointe Unitedovel 1600 WOIsh1'Pers wh1ch overflowedthe mam audl'ormm of 'he 'lO'CIO'" Lutheran Church ~chut'loh ~nto the Sunday SClQooldepart ~ -men~ where a loud speaker brought ChnstlanS'the LIght of the World ~ ~the entIre sen ree Vll11be the SiUbject of th.. sermon at ~

~ The main aJUrd'1<tonum01£ the church the Grosse Pomte United Lutheran ~@~~_was enhanced by beautiful and arllstlC Church worslhlplllg In the R1chard ffiJ _decoratIOns set to a plea.s~hg taste by "chool auc1ltonum Kercheval avenue f2] =-\iI'S Grace Harvey The maIn aIsle and McKmley road Sunday mar-mug ~\\as fia;nked 'W'11:lhca.nale Sltandalfd<::oAprIl 19th at 11 0 clQck pTeached by 121


co"ered With smilax held 111p1a-ce With the Rev M Luther Canup D D paswhite sahn ribbon The roam aIsle tor SUllaay School evnd catechism at\\1 1t.h leads 111tOthe chancel was beau 9 45 0 clockt ful \\ Ith Eastel bItes emblems of fhe followl1g challicel furniture wastl ~ Resunected LlSe On the altar re dedicated at the Easter senlces la~tpoced a white cross of caTn.atlOns the eu Iday offermg plates dona>ted byemblem at never dyllg love brought Mrs 1 reda S pple altar cross donatedus 111 the Ghnst who ever hves our by V\.llham Canup altar and pu pIttnumphant Lord and K ng hang111gs donatea by Mrs Frank Trail

1 he 'ChOlr of 80 vOices directed by :z;orw pansh record donated by Atty\ir v\l1lham F1ShwiCk greatly added to B Vv Cru'Se an oak lecturn donatedthe great HaJllelu]ah Chorus could by Mr and \frs Chas Ho1ma Holynot hut be thnlled 1n therr soul WIth COmmll11l0n self: dbnated by \irs Ednathe st1a1l1<:of heavenly mUSIC \hche1a

The c11trax of thiS beautdul and 111 In the membership contest 111 Sunday<:plrlng servICe was reached ~n the ser Sohool between the Reds' and Imon by the pastor the Rev R D Lm Blues Atty Benard W Cruse wa<:ihart who presented In a logIcal and avvarded the prne for haVIng ib-roughttorceful manner to the 1talge and -a.,p 1Jl tlhe most new scholars for the I \prectatlve audIence The Challenge of Reds and 1<rank Mumfo<rd for thel mffi!mffi!JEl'1i.i!fi~m!mfmillfi.'lliillE!ffil'i!!ffi!l~


i TUxedo 2-3'333 II FAST DELlVERY StRVI,C~ II LII=~~~ti[)12U~'~'t(J~ ~:~ --,,~ 'l7G• III Lak~pointe~1at~Charlevoix ,,~-:~L tosse Pointe iG;~nic_!1OI!!1OI!!I!l!!1OI!!1OI!!1OI!!1OI!~'''!IIUI.'I!1OI!!I!I!!1OI!!1OI!!1OI!!I~I!!I!1!!l!lI!I!l!!W.''~_!I!I!!I!I!!OO!!I!I! !I!1!!l!I!!I!1!!I!1!!I!I!!W. !W._JmlUJIIOO!md:liililiili1iililiililiililiiliJiilifiiJiTiiJiIiililiililiiTiliililiiJiJiiliIiililiiliTiilirn1iJiiIilii1lfiiIiiiiIiJilIiiiiTiliililiiliJiiJiliiliTiililiiTiliiTiTiililiiOOiiJifii1iJiiIi1ilJlJiiTiliiliIiiIiJiililiililiiTiIiiTiIiiTiJiililiiliJiililiililiiliJiililiililii}

THE GROSSE POINl'E REVII:Wa3:mib'.w$~ --~.

Chnst s ResurrectIOn\\1Ith the glory and' IllsP1t:atlon of

tne holy Easier servIce rmglOg m oursau s we nO!W look on to Pentecost~ext ::,unday at FaIth Lu~heran "senes of sermons w 11 'begin .on thegene['al theme \Llfe After DeathYou vlll certamly want to !hear thesesermOl 'l

Serv ce begms at 10 45 Subject Gfserrron Sunday What 1t Dea<th'"

Sunddy Scnool a1 9 15 Classes forall ages unCJC1the l~adersh P of compet~l1t teachers a\'\alt you

It yOU have no chunch home 'Wecordially mVlte you to worship WIth U::o

shall be

the polling

HyperpyrexatorArtdic al fever treatment l1crea<;pg

boc y metaboltsm glvel1 for arthnt s:rhe1.1mdtrsm nervous dlsorders asthma and hay fever 15204 Tuxedo 2 0022

Cat Island One of BahamasCat IslJ.nd is one of the Baham 1

Islands about 36 mIles in length flomnorth to south

mO<lolland obseinatlon An IllstltUtlOllI Rabaut Introducesfor tae correct1On of mental defect'; .. •may then be utilized Bdl DeSigned to

It " w,ll known til>atun'll the latter Aid Detroit, Statepart OIfthe last century the legal patiern .of procedure was followed :tn lhecaSe ot the chIld as 111that 0:£ the adult-rpu111Shl11ent to SUlt the offense WhlCl-J.m g1ht even In the case. of a child be<is !>evere as the death peuaJlt} M1Ch19an estabhshed her present Juvel1llecourt system In 1900 although therehas been some changes and addItIonsto It SI Ice then The prmcIplf' behllldthe estacbhshment of Juvenile court>.everywhere 'Was that the "1tate shouldtreat the offendtng c11l1das a ohIld andthat the court slruould as~ume towardh1m the relat on {jf a p'lrent

[h:1&pr nClple IS bem,g carned out In\Vayne County under Judge D JIIealy Jr of the Probate COUIt wi 0

presll.les In the J uveOile DlV S10n lIehas assumed a humaOlt.anan pollcy an]a fd.thc.rly attItude towards every chIldcommg before the court glV1l1{gh 111every pO::oSble chance to adjust htmself1n hrs own home before recommend ngan I11"1htutlOn Judge Healy behevesthat the favorable results obta1l1edthrough the use of prdbatlOn warrantsIts tnalm almost d.lllcases before athersteps al e taken




Spring IS here, andyou can seon let offsome of that pent upenergy by sockingthe cover off the ballAnd when you canfollow thru with asparkling glass ofPfeiffer 5 Beer, youare two up on yourthirst and your SPiritsare above par..



VOTING PRECINCT NO.2, embracing all terrItory North of the centerline of Kercheval Avenue for its entire length In the VJilage of Grosse PointePark, at tl>e George Defer School, sItuated on Kercheval Avenue betweenNottmgham Road and Balfour Road In the VJilage of Grosse Pomte Park,

The Voting Booth in the George Defer School situated on KerchevalAvenue between Nottingham Road and Balfour Road in the VJilage of GrossePointe Park for Votmg Precinct No.2, whIch shall embrace all territoryNorth of the center line of Kercheval Avenue for its entire length in theVillage of Grosse Pointe Park.

VOTING PRECINCT NO.1, embracing all terrItory South of the centerline of Kercheval Avenue for its entire length in the VJilage '1f Grosse F'ointePark, at the Municipal :E!uJidmg,situated on Jefferson Avenue between Avenue and Lakepainte Avenue in thp VIllage of Grosse Pointe Park.

The Voting Booth in the Municipal Building situated on Jefferson Avenuebetween Maryland Avenue and Lakepointe Avenue in the VJilage of GrossePointe Park for Voting Precinct No.1 whIch shall embrace all terrItory Southof the Center line of Kercheval Avenue for It. enthe length in the VJilage ofGrosse Pointe Park.

To be Held in the Village ofGrosse Pointe Park, Michigan, on

Tuesday, May 12, 1936


Yau are further notified that registration may also be made withthe Village Clerk up to and including Saturday, May 2nd, 1936.




You are further notified that the following shall bepolling places (01' said special election, to.wit:

You are further notified that if you have not already registered,you may do so by appearing before the Board of Registration, whichwill be in session on Saturday, April 18th, 1936, and Saturday, April25th, 1936, between the hours of 8:08 o'clock in tire forenoon andg~OOo'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time, at the places:

You are hereby notified that a special election will be held in theVillage of Grosse Pointe Park, Michhl'an, on Tuesday, May 12th,1936, and that the polls for said special election shall be open from7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening, EasternStandard Time.

You are further notified that the following propositionsubmitted to the qualified electors at said special election:

lhge Four.. ~"' m

The Treatment of rectlonal" measures It " posSIble

J 'I D I' I throuh the Wayne County Juvemleovenl e e lnquents Court to leave h~m 1n 1115 home under-- the suPervlslon of a prdbat10n .officer

Vv nen the fam11y the k111ShlPgroup I place him tn anot!h-er home or m amor t le traditional communIty mfluences 1I1StltUtlO11 A further remedy after theare not a!ble to regulate the behavlOf I fil ng of the complamt and dppearanceof the duld ana It Decome" necessary 111caUl t 0'1:the child he may be held I Ito resort to other agenclel;> and COl 1he DetentlOn Home for rnt.ntal exam


I SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ICustom Made Arch. Support $3 50 ~

Guaranteed FIt ~

I Regular $5.00 and $7.s0 • ~value for with tlUt AD ~

[lj Nu-Bilt Custom Shoe Shop ~~ 14929 E. Jefferson at Wayburn LENO~ 1304 illIii!ffi!lii!li!Ji1!1~lii1mJiIDi!mlN'ii1!li1liill'IJi!Jiilli;!Jii1ml"Ji1lmm~"""Ii!Jiilliil~

iF1-' f t ''> -4

•Pag-e Five

SYNl1CAe e,


O?fR GI1 9~~ VAN 'I1NEFf... lI~es SYNOC", t:

CUB V 11 U St.. l li 1..)

EDDIE CA'IIOR Just rI I, v;, ( I 10r" or I Cantor'


SHECliCKEDOti 1H~AMA1<.l;;R.Ko",~


;rOUl':NAI.IST>- ~'~ IARRlVIN6 AT A ~ '"4S0CI~Y TeA IN ~ IADRIVIN6 RAIN, PULI..€D ill\) J:::--:.lhOFF /lIS 800TS AND SOCI(!i / J ' v:::::.J:£<, rJ:;;f!1lI ORYeEFOREOPEN FIRE'! ';Ls ,,' ~~"7 '" /J 3, "-

'l61VR/(jl1T 9:l.6VANiNefl\A OCATE c:.


t, I,- II I

", 'f I\t f' I


_A~ I'" Hfl.FANI( I

-By Blumey

- 8y Fred NQrdley








- By I..Antonette

- IV Ray I. H@ppman 1



'" . --~~~7,,;:~, v

- -----==- J

--- , _ ls- 3"L"=M"'~--.---

/THE GRaSSL "POINTE RI:VIEW---------------------

COM"t. I-\t:R~,C OM't. /.\eQ~ r






r1'1:0M M'I ?ERe \-\ •






....IN 5\\3<::RII\.





\\-\ PARk_




IU.lMI3US -By Art Helfant !I

fhttrsday ~pnl 16 1936......~-,-"







I ,I j





LENOX 4190

and enjoy






A. GINSBURGExclusive Ladies' TailorSUits and Coats to Order

Alterations and Rem.odehngReasonable


Bohemian BEER


The Review is the only adverb.Ingmemum haVing complete coverage U,the Groue POinte district.



HENRY MARTINEstimates CheerfUlly Given

1146 LAKE POINTE LE 3515


tThursday AprJ! 16 1931

Before You,Clean HouseA small amount of mon.;y spentIn gIving your furnace a thor_ough cleamng now will save dec-orating expense, protect smokeback to yOU with interest in the

at Nottingham~~.

Lenses Dl.Jpbcated

If the) rc sent f01 Ie" lunze

Sandy" as d ~lOtC'1l11an thtllb

}Ie "' a~ qmck to 1ealueClothes <.,tavde':mer-v ..edl much






E. Jefferso~ corner Maryland

Glasses Fitted

DR. H. M. SUTHERLANDOptometrist

3171 ChaJmers at .Mack LE S804Open .E.venlng$

IMltch~Il on Ft'h and Games diVISI011Sselected Cha1rman of the affaIr Wtthproject superVISlt)n Mr rv.l:ltClell re other oounty offictals cooperatIngcently left the organ1za11On to re eutelprivate emplo:pnent )UtHor foremanbmer Br.a:man Wlho also covel cd pl0;ects for the same d1V151011S ha,r, lefttIe organlzailons

1 () Gable Jlll1lOl forestel at Camp\:folasses Riler s-uoceeds JUrttlor forester C G Dn',on 011 wood utI11zatlO11..\ork conducted In co 0pclatton WIthrhe lJl1Jver,>lty of Mlchlgan ,:,chool ofI orestry Dixon recently moved fromthe state

Ju!Uor fore<;,ter If !vI DaHnport otCamp HoughtOn Lwke and lechm ala">SIstant fohn A Webb Camp PigeollRIver ihave been a-ssrgncd to the corl elatlOn and p.repar<t1tlOll of I <ild } conotme Stu ve:y maps spoIHorcd Dy the1 dllds Dlvl'>lon of the Department ofConservatIon

County BUIlding employe') who all.leglOnnanes are iP1a.nnm:g a party atthe LeglOn home 011 May 2nd HaroldL Stoll RegJ,r,ter of Dee'Clr~ ha1-. been

Washes the ln~ude of the motor like new _ Removes grl,t carbon andsludge from the crankcase - Saves cOolitlyrepair lulls _ Adds bfe andpep to your motor


LET US CLEAN YOURRugs, Drapes, Curtains and


Special Mon. & Tues. OnlyLADIES' HEELS 12cRubber or LeatherC.omplete lIne of shoe dressings and


pipe from rust, and comeform of lower fuel bills.

It's WIse and ThrIfty to Have Your Furnace Cleaned Early

The Wm.C. Orr Furnace Co.>

SteaIn and Warm AIr Heating _ Air Conditil'ning3132Chalmers Ave. TUxedo 2-1459



i "'! ';\ FrIday and Saturday Special ,~ I-;:; [email protected]'j; HA TS $5.00 I

~." ~I Many Custom Made \ ~~ "'.)1 STRAWS, FELTS, SILKS I

~ 'flY I~ MARGUERITE SHOP m I1___ EAST JEFFERSON AT NOTTINGHAM ~ ~~~~~~W-~~Li!ii!Ji:illiQfi¥ffi!ffi!ffi!rwiilffi!f_ii1IiilJi!1iilfiiil


CROWNCleaners & Dyers, Inc.




15323 E. Jefferson




By Alene Thelsner, Nutrition DirectorDeb'od Dan')" and Food Council

They "ily Apnl ~ht{Y\vels bnng \;11.}J lowen and It s prOlba.b.fy ver} truebut we Ie Just a') mre tbat Aptll ~h{)rwers are really made for June bn:lcsAt Jca~t the ~howel 'i we re talkll1g"bout <ire 1\ovv that the depreSSIon I') d

thlll!g of the pa,r,t (011 )es It l~ red11y)shol\' er~ are coming mto theIr ownagain but they 1e a much more Sf l1slble'\ anety None of thiS miscellaneousbus111esS-showers are sUPPosed +0 ram\ eJ Y definrte arttcle<; Call1t1ed good~ror tile new !pantry sllelve, hook" forthe about to be estalbh~hed hbr,,1,ry')heets and tOVvels tor the new lInenshelves or seed') and plants for thenew garden Very practical thUIg., tl1ateve) brtde really needs

Of course you re planmn,g On SomesDrt lYt entertainment foT' your friendsVIhio WIll be marned In June or ther ..abollts Why not an Aprl1 Shower.?\1 aJ..e It a 1C'c1pe SJl10wer It s dJfferent and oh so praJCtlcal too Haveall your guests dhl? 111and buy a reCIpefile for the lle\\ kltchen the card kmdarc the lllcest don t :}ou thmk? Thenhave eaeh guest bring the rectpe forher most famous dIsh ALl of us al e"'amou, for making sometihIng or otherJust t'he lea~t bit better than anyoneelse And be sure the 111strllctlOns «.rewr1tten So Simply that even the mosl11e,,-prlIenccd bncle can easl1y folloVltl1em

It 5 a good ldea too to firmly typethe 1ules for hea1th..ruUlldll1g meals ngnlon the vely first card In the file Serveplenty of the pltoteiChve foods (freslfl mt and vegetables mIlk at least aqualtt al1id eggs) a cereal of spme k1lldand meat or a merat substitute eve1 \day If foHowed faithfUlly It practlcally guatantces th1.t the new husband" lil be In top f.orm all the ttme

As for the luncheon Itself all shQIWers are prece'Cled by lunc'heo'U\S c fcourse do serve It on the J?oreth weather and SIze O!f your pqrph penntttlllgdS well as eaSe 0If serV1hg' And useSpring flowers for decoratIons tu!lp"and freezia and pussy wt1.lows they re'0 typIcal of Apt'll And then here I~a meuu that wIll taste Just hke SPfll1~ltselt and follows out those mstru.chans :}OU 1e g1V11lg the brIde

Frttlt Cup In Orange Baskets(here S idle fresh IfrUlt)

Cheese Souffle(here oS the mtlk egg,> and meat

substitute)vVJ10le Wheat fingeif rolls

(the cereal)AsparaguS Salad

(the fresh vegetable)Bu.tterscotch Tarts(Ju')t an extra gesture)

Chee.e Souffle4 TabileslPoons butter4 tablesp.oons flour1 cup mIlk

>1 tb soft Amerlcan ciheesey~te-aspoon salt4 eggs

pe-pperMelt butter shr In fllYtlirand season~

tngs Add mlDk stirrIng whIle ~ddmgcook over hot water about 10 minute'!stlrr1llg often Remove from !fire I a.ddchel"'3e cut In small pieces stIrrmg untIlmelted ~eparate eggs beat yolks unttlt1uok and lemon colored Add sauceto beaten egg yOibks ~tIrrtng !WhIleaddmg f<""old 111 stIffly beaten egg'IA hltes Pour 111tobuttered bak10g clUi1Bake 41 mmu'tes In pan of water or.50 minutes In a moderate oven wIthoutthe pan of water Souffle IS done whenkntfe lUserted 10 the center comes outclean

Asparagus SaladI ay 'tl1ree or four stalks of <fresl1

cool.ed asparaglls on a lettuce leaf CutpImentos mto narrow stnps and placethree ~t'rlps <icross the stalks of asrpar

agu, for color ~erve wIth French ~iillii!ffi!J@;1roJiiQfimOIiJriJr~~~

Butterscotch Tarts~ cup 1,1OWn sugar4 talblespons 'butter

% cup bread flourh teaspoon saltZ egg1-. slightly 1)eaten2 CUP1-.mtIk i

% teaspOon vanIllaMIX butter anet 1-.ugar Cook two

mmutes or unbl syrup 11-.brown Add ~I 2 3 CUJps cold mIlk and &cald over Ihot water lhx: flour and ~alt wI1hrt.m<lll11Org111l1k add to hot mixture a Idcook 1'" mmute!o. Add eggs cook two ~minutes Cool and. add van1l1a ;]

Pou" thiS mixture mto l11dJ),rldual ~baked pie ')helts garlllsh 'With whtpped lIDcream and serve ~

CCC Ca~p Personnel IRecently Changed i



The f.ollowmg per-sollllel ohanges 111

the \11chvga.11Emergenc) ConservationVv ark CGC Camps m the lower Penlll')ula. ",as annoonced recently bJ \\1 B

IEdwards admlnJstratt\e 1,r,Slstant Hioharge

Otto H Hall Jmuor cIvll eng1l1eerforme'tly on detacQed ser'lce With

• Upper Pemns-uIa camps, succeeds R B


~~~~'~'~~p'~~~ ~~,....-,..--,..-",~~








plus bottle charge

ll{.1fnoq~ S,U9nv U'e9fI A'epO.} Ado:) .mOA leD

Fer Food leaflet' Testedand approved recipes forsCientifically balancedmeals, free to yOU everyweek'








2Y2can 15c

J*'it g' w,(






16117 MACK AVE17315 MACK: AVE.





'UWi" ""A4.h



Celery Hearts bunch 1OcE Z TASK




COOKIES • pkg 1Sc

doz. ~(jf:• • •MELO.RIPE. LUSCIOUS


Asparagus • hunch 10cMOR JUICE FLORIDA


Potatoes 10 lbs 33cFANCY CALiFORNIA






Soap Chips


"""""'""",-r,,,"-~~-'~~'''4I""'" "',.<",",*,,_, -:1r....'''i""!',''''.,..,. .,, "., .., ""'"~ ""''''' j


P & G Soap














Armour's Corned

Scratchless Cleanser

6 cans 25c

Beef Hash

2 cans 29c

Pagoe SIX

An appetite hUIIdet'. as well as abody budder' Why? Because Country Club Energy Bread bruns withwholesome !lo-odness and IS guarwanteed to be perfectly balanced In

vital food elements by The KrogerFood F oundahon Makes delIcIoustoast, too I Trv a loaf-today!


Chuck Roast lb. 19c





Rib Roast lb.27c


Chickens Fine for lb.29c



2 pkgs 25c