ezpublish meets simfony2 - phpday2013

eZPublish meets Symfony Gaetano Giunta | phpDay 2013 | 17.5.2013

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Page 1: eZPublish meets Simfony2  - phpDay2013

eZPublish meets Symfony

Gaetano Giunta | phpDay 2013 | 17.5.2013

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 2

Not your grandpa’s CMS

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This is not eZ Publish


5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 3

Not your grandpa’s CMS

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The drivers

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 5

Why change? The need to refactor

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Existing codebase is 10 years old

High maintenance cost

Started with no unit tests - singletons everywhere

Layers and roles not properly defined / documented - interdependencies

OOP before php had




Late static binding

And much more

Not built for an AJAX and REST world

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 6

Why change? Everyone loves NEW!

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Existing codebase is 10 years old

Widely deployed

Well debugged

Pitfalls have mostly been uncovered by now

Proven to scale

Well known:

Documentation improved over years

Tutorials, forums, blogs, aggregators

Active community of practitioners

Official training courses

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Why change? Do not forget drawbacks

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Focus on our core business Experience Management

Content Management

NOT Framework maintenance

Durable Architecture

API stability

Battle tested / not (only) the latest trend


Lively Community!

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 8

Picking a framework for a platform rebuild

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• Simple Integration with existing API

• HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller) stack

• Decoupled Components

• Dependency Injection

• Good Template Engine

• Extensible, Open, Reliable ;-)

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• Homebrew

• Zeta Components

• Zend Framework 2

• Symfony 2

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And the winner is… Title of presentation is a hint, really...

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 12

And the winner is…

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 13

This is eZ Publish 5!


Symfony2 App. (=app)

+ eZ Publish

bundles (PHP & REST APIs

+ Legacy)




+ Full-blown


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The challenge

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Product Management SCRUM Story:

«As an existing user, I don’t want to be pissed off by a new

#@!$% version!»

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 15

Backwards compatibility (life sucks)

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Product Management SCRUM Story:

«As an existing user, I don’t want to be pissed off by a new

#@!$% version!»

• 100% Data Compatible (same DB scheme)

• Possibility to include legacy templates in the new ones

• Routing fallback

• Load legacy content templates with legacy rules

• Settings

• Access Symfony services from legacy modules

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 16

Backwards compatibility: the objectives

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Product Management SCRUM Story:

«As an existing user, I don’t want to be pissed off by a new

#@!$% version!»

• 100% Data Compatible (same DB scheme)

• Possibility to include legacy templates in the new ones

• Routing fallback

• Load legacy content templates with legacy rules

• Settings

• Access Symfony services from legacy modules

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 17

Backwards compatibility: the objectives

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A new architecture

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Product Management SCRUM Story:

«As an existing user, I don’t want to be pissed off by a new

#@!$% version!»

• 100% Data Compatible (same DB scheme)

• Possibility to include legacy templates in the new ones

• Routing fallback

• Load legacy content templates with legacy rules

• Settings

• Access Symfony services from legacy modules

Challenge Accepted 5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 19

BC: the challenge

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 20

Dual-core architecture Where the magic is

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Legacy version still works perfectly standalone

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 21

BC: icing on the cake

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Taming the beast

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New Core: a standard Simfony app

Legacy stack isolated in a dedicated


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Refactoring: directory layout

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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../ezpublish/autoload.php'; // set up class autoloading

require_once __DIR__ . '/../ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php';

$kernel = new EzPublishKernel( 'dev', true ); // extends the Sf Kernel class

$kernel->loadClassCache(); // a method from parent class

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

$response = $kernel->handle( $request );


$kernel->terminate( $request, $response );

The Kernel class wraps the HTTPKernel

It adds a Service Container

It allows to register bundles via registerBundles()

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The new frontend controller Using Symfony HTTP Kernel

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Sandbox legacy code in a closure

Index.php had to be refactored (from 1100 lines to 20)

Logic moved to a php class

Separated environment setup from execution and teardown

runCallback() sets up the global legacy environment

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Refactoring: bridging Legacy code

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The ChainRouter from the Sf CMF project is used

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Routing: seamless integration

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eZ4 had an incomplete REST API

Only functionality available: reading content

Based on Zeta Components MVC component

A new API has been implemented

Full reading and writing of content is possible

All “dictionary” data is also available

Content-type for response can be JSON or XML (with an XSD!)

Fully restful

Usage of all HTTP verbs (and then some: PATCH)

Respect http headers of request (eg: “Accept”)

HATEOAS: use urls as resource ids

No separate request handling framework needed: pure Symfony routing

Bonus points: a client for the REST API, implements the same interfaces exposed by the local PHP API – network transparency!!!

5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 27


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An ongoing story

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 29

Version 5.1 is around the corner

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Where to go from here

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There’s a few tickets left!

Did I tell you it’s on the sea?

Want to dive in?

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Sf2 book – jolly good looking docs:


eZ Publish:

Community: http://share.ez.no

Source code: https://github.com/ezsystems

API docs: http://pubsvn.ez.no/preview.html

Slides soon on Slideshare

Contact me: @gggeek, [email protected]


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The usual suspects

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5/17/2013 [email protected] Slide 33

And now for something completely different