ezine vol 22


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A Magazine to extend the learning curve, expand the frontiers of knowledge and its applicability; utilize the skills in the best interest of the society, team and self. This Magazine is a student magazine by the students of IIPM Hyderabad under the club of IIPM Crucibles. Crucibles is a team which has been formed on great ideas and an extended vision. It is not just for self-enrichment but also for self-contentment while helping out the fellow members in climbing up the ladder


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Greetings to all of you from the Creative Team of Crucibles!!!

I once again welcome you to the June issue of E-Zine.

All of us down here are very excited as on the fourth of June 2011, our baby „Crucibles‟ was born.

It is our anniversary month and we have decided to go with „Crucibles‟ as our cover article. We

have also included some write ups from few of our members and mentors who have been closely

associated with us in the past, telling us about their journey and learning experience with Crucibles.

We have three new external contributors this month-

1. Sri Harini, B. Com Computers, III Year, RVBRR Women‟s College, Hyderabad

2. Vishalakshi Sathianathan, LLB, Indian Law Society, Pune

3. Sara Charles, Sales Co-ordinator, Miraj Media, Kingdom of Bahrain

Thank you so much for your contribution. I hope that you will continue your association with us.

The last one month also saw us conducting interviews for the new batch. And I am proud to

welcome the following members into our family-

1. Abhishek Hermon

2. Abraham Joshua

3. Aditya Kumar

4. Kranthi Paritala

5. Urvashi Tyagi

6. Harin Sri Prasad

7. Syed

8. Hyder Ali

9. Tejasvi

During the group discussions and the interviews, I learnt something or the other from each one of

you. I am looking forward to work with all of you and I hope we have a great time working


We are gearing up to celebrate „Crucibles Day‟ on the 26th

of this month. And all of us have been

brainstorming and working on deciding the events and sponsors and so on. We all are working hard

and hope that our results pay off.

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I would like to quote Mattie Stepanek “Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and

collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

We have to stand by each other no matter what because if one person from us can do something

very good then just imagine what we can achieve if we all do it together. Remember- “United we

stand, Divided we fall.”

Have a great month ahead and Happy Reading!!!

Harshita Gardner

Editorial Head

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Few days back, when I got a call from the current office bearers of Crucibles, I was so happy to

accept their invitation to write for this edition of E-Zine. At this juncture, when Crucibles journey is

completing its second year it would be great, to share with you all, behind the scenes or the „making of

Crucibles‟ as a student led club at IIPM, Hyderabad.

“A business has got two basic functions – marketing and innovation.”

“Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.”

Peter F. Drucker

As said above by the greatest management guru of our times, every decision must be brainstormed

collectively as a group. God created every human being with a purpose. Every man and woman is unique.

We all have our own, often unrealized, innate qualities. What will happen if all these ideas culminate and

work together? The journey of Crucibles is all about different innovations of our members. When we as a

team brainstormed about forming a club, we felt that it must be independent, self-sustained and without the

clogging of bad leadership. We thought of a name, and we shortlisted the name of Crucible, because we

thought that being management students we are all continuously evolving & learning new things. We may

make mistakes & from those mistakes we learn to create new ideas to implement. In Crucibles, every

member can come up with a new idea; we let it for discussions and add more cherries on our ice cream!

That‟s how we came up with our tagline- “Many minds, one club”.

Like any other organization, people are our greatest strength. Crucibles had the best minds and those

minds had the real guts to implement it, irrespective of any hurdles. We didn‟t have many big sponsors for

our events, so we optimized our operational expenses. Often, we shared the expenses among ourselves for

the betterment of the club. We raised finances through internal competitions & branding. We developed it

slow, but developed it steady. We built it on sound leadership and democratic values. There was a time

when we struggled for working members, but now we struggle to select the best out of IIPM as our

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members! Like any other organization we always build our second line of leadership, through effective

mentoring. If it‟s the time for one of our senior member to leave, we have many in pipeline to take up their

roles, enthusiastically.

Crucibles is a learning platform for every member and it always will be! It‟s a place where we can

learn-relearn-unlearn several aspects of management. We are sure that a true Crucible, who might have

walked along with us, might have learnt that „walk the talk‟. In life, human beings always think about being

a legend. A true legend will always try to make others super-heroes by motivating them, by their own

examples. And that‟s the simple thing we did at Crucibles. Learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast

of change. As we approach the third year of our unwritten story at IIPM, we invite you all to be a part of the

Crucible experience. And, as said by the great Irishman, Oscar Wilde-“Experience is simply the name we

give to our mistakes”. So, be along with us in our roller coaster ride to experience CRUCIBLES.

Praveen Paul


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“Shahnaz Husain” the first thing you think of when you take this name is beauty. Shahnaz Husain is

famous for her larger than life personality and beauty tips but not many know that this woman is the owner

of one of the largest beauty product companies in India.

Born in a powerful Muslim family she was married at 16. While most would assume that in those

times there would be no scope of a career Shahnaz Husain started her struggle to achieve self- independence

just then. So strong was her drive to succeed that she persuaded her husband to work in Tehran where she

took up a course in Cosmetology and paid for the same by writing articles for a tribune.

After completing her studies Shahnaz Husain returned to India. Though equipped with the

knowledge of all chemical beauty treatments she turned towards the age old techniques and remedies of

Ayurveda. This later on turned out to be one of the many reasons of her success.

Shahnaz Husian entered the beauty market in 1977 when the concept of beauty treatments in India

was relatively alien. So how did she succeed? Shahnaz Husain started out her first salon at her own home.

She personally attended each client and also gave prescriptions with regards to her diagnosis. Her products

had no side effects as they were all herbal and soon she had a strong clientele including the then Prime

Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

An important factor while starting a business today is advertising. However, Shahnaz Husain

achieved international success in her business without using any advertising techniques and her business

simply grew by word of mouth. The quality of her products and services reached out to more people than

any advertising technique, which today seems impossible.

Today franchises are given out to people only if they fulfill innumerable terms and conditions.

Shahnaz Husain handed out franchises to the most unexpected groups of housewives. Her out of the box

ideas, which seemed big risks in those times paid off subsequently.

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The Shahnaz Husain Group today has 200 beauty centers worldwide. Success magazine has named

Shahnaz Husain the „Woman of the Year‟ in 1996 and has estimated the brand‟s value at $100 Million and

is still growing. Shahnaz Husain was awarded the Padma Shri in 2006 apart from many other accolades that

she still continues to receive.

There are studies and research going on as to her business techniques in Harvard and students from

many national and international institutes still hound her hoping to understand the secret to her success. As

said once by the legend herself “You can be what you will yourself to be. You can make your own destiny”

Vishalakshi Sathianathan

ILS College, Pune

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The closest that you can think about e-commerce is how are companies like Flipkart, Quikr, OLX,

etc are able to be able to advertise on the television platform or the social media platform almost throughout

the year, entailing huge budgets for this campaign, while companies like Airtel or Pepsi advertise, though on

a periodic basis?

Well, let me enlighten you with some facts that will shake the living daylights out of you. Commerce

involves the whole system of an economy that facilitates business to happen. This involves government

policies, retailing, insurance and risk assessments, etc. E-Commerce is basically the same done on a

digital/online platform, with the same objectives in mind.

Surveys have shown that it hastake 38 years and 13 years for the number of users to reach 50 million,

whereas the same for internet and mobile users have made the preceding two look puny with 4 and 3 years

respectively. Think from a businessman‟s/entrepreneur‟s perspective. Every one of them wants to have their

presence on a medium where there are a considerable number of prospective users. Earlier, they were and

are even now on the radio and television platform, with the average age of the users around 40-50. However,

the internet and mobile platforms have thrown in whole new avenues where the average age of the user base

is much younger, allowing brands to target them for their own business ends.

With the population of India pegged around 120 crores, we have 13 crore internet users and 60 crore mobile

users, with this figure rising at an exponential rate. Out of the 60 crore mobile users, there are around 20

crore users who use internet in their mobile, creating a whole new platform for businesses to market. Such

figures have led to companies using e-commerce doing business extremely well. The e-commerce market is

worth Rs.30,000crores every year, with companies like Flipkart having around 30,000 products on their site

and Myntra having set revenue targets of Rs.800 crores this year.

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Online websites can no more be considered as just another medium to earn a few extra bucks and

publicity points, but is being considered complementary to the brick-and-mortar setup. Huge advantages like

penetration into new rural markets, allowing users to research and choose according to their choice, allow

them to compare products seamlessly etc, are already being leveraged by businesses, with many following

suit. Online e-commerce platforms like BigCommerce, Magento, Martjacketc are working on a S-a-a-

S(Software as a service) platform, eliminating the need for individual businesses to invest in IT

infrastructure, collaboration with payment gateways and logistics, thus streamlining the whole process. One

can only guess and predict the future of e-commerce!!

Benjamin Taylor


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The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang‟s visit to India last month appears to be a propitious beginning to a

strong bilateral trade relationship. During the visit of former Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, way back in

1988, both the countries had framed some institutional mechanisms. Joint Economic Group (JEG) was

established with a view to strengthen the economic relations as well as trade science and technology. Later,

in 2010 there was an agreement to set up a platform to discuss India-China Strategic and Economic

Dialogue (SED). This platform was specifically set up to discuss, share and handle issues pertaining to

domestic economy.

Inspite of the cross-border tensions, things are looking up. The meeting of Mr. Anil Ambani with his

Chinese counterpart focused on building a conducive investment environment in both the countries. India‟s

target for growth is 8% in the 12th

plan which looks optimistic. Both the countries realize their potential and

significance in building a strong economy- a strong Asia. They have decided to make 2014 as the year of

„China-India Friendly Exchanges‟. They have confirmed that they are important partners rather than

competitors. Trade and investment facilitation has been agreed upon to promote projects including industrial

zones and railways. They will jointly initiate BCIM Economic Corridor to promote trade and create bigger


A new era is gradually emerging where both the neighbours, who account for nearly 40% of the

world‟s population with their fast growing markets and technology can stand supreme in contrast to the

slumping West economies. It is hoped that by 2015, the bilateral trade relations will reach a $100 billion

mark. What is essential is that both the countries constructively engage in economic activities on the one

hand and resolve the cross-border issue on the other.

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Now is the time to seize the new opportunities, now is the time to synergize and show the world what

both the countries can do. When China and India speak with one voice, surely the world would sit up and


Dr. Deepika Gardner

Associate Professor and HOD English

St. Joseph‟s Degree and PG College

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MIRAJ GRAPHICS is a fully fledged multi- media company that focuses on websites, marketing

collaterals, events, exhibitions and corporate gifts and premiums was started on august 10th

2005, and ever

since then it has grown and flourished to immense heights. They started with just 2 sales persons, 3

designers and 1 receptionist, but now there are over 20 designers and 15 sales executives who have made

their way into MIRAJ. They function for many big firms, such as the INVESTATE, MEDNET, NIAD,

NAAS etc.

They started up MIRAJ ARABIA in 2010 which widely focuses on clients in and around the GULF.

Starting up MIRAJ ARABIA was the best decision the managing director took, as all the high end

prestigious firms are to be found in and around the GULF regions. Their main cliental base includes the



MIRAJ always puts in utmost effort and sheer hard work in whatever they do, be it an event or an

exhibition or any other marketing collateral.

They have a range of designed and fabricated tents, each of which had an array of spectacularly

planned and interpreted high end activities open to all age groups. Such as the recent ECSA which was an

energy conservation event that mirrors the norms and conducts to conserve and safe guard energy.

The event was attended by over a million visitors, who were given an inimitable experience. It was a

huge success and a proud moment for all.

MIRAJ has a spectacular range of corporate gifts and premiums.

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Their motto is “QUALITITY AND COMMITMENT” and ensures that they provide the best

quality and consider clients to be their GOD and hence stay committed.

MIRAJ designs, installs and fabricate exhibition booth that incorporates sharp angles with intricate designs

MIRAJ creates exclusive websites as well according to the theme and he pattern of the logo of the

client‟s corporate identity.

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Mr. CHARLES MIRAJ the managing director changed the name to MIRAJ MEDIA as he wanted

to make it as 1 whole team even if they had their firms in two different countries.

I have been working in MIRAJ for about 2 and a half years now and I have learned so much from

how I was when I first entered the firm. MIRAJ has given me great responsibilities and helped me carry

them out with prudence and perseverance. I work as the sales coordinator, to coordinate and follow up for

sales and marketing jobs.

I love my work and enjoy each day in MIRAJ as all my co workers are just like family. And it

makes life all the more easy and comfortable because of the healthy environment that prevails inside the

firm. I live by doing that best I can in whatever I do and by putting in my heart and soul into it.

REFERENCE: http://www.mirajmedia.com/portfolio.php#


Sara Charles

Sales Coordinator

Miraj Media

Kingdom of Bahrain

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Me: Watsup?

Friend: WhatsApp.

Me: That‟s what I just asked you. Friend:

And the answer is WhatsApp. It‟s a new phone application, where you can send and receive messages,

photographs and videos for free, on 3G and 2G.

This is the first time I came to know about WhatsApp. Though it sounded fun, the way my friend

described it, I didn‟t pay much attention. This was two years back. Now I have close to 100 contacts in my

WhatsApp list. Out of which approximately 25 contacts are active users. I am sure it‟s the case for every

other user.

WhatsApp is a mobile phone application which is the number one paid application on Apple iOS and

number one free application on Android and other operating systems like Nokia, Blackberry, Sony and the

other anonymous OSs. It is a California based company. It was founded and developed in 2009 by two

people who were the veterans of Yahoo. Never hard feeling on Apple and it‟s not like it would make much

of a difference to the Apple users with a mere 0.99$ an application. WhatsApp claims to be having more

users than Twitter‟s 200 million at present. WhatsApp stands for “simple, personal, real time messaging”

which totally gives us all a personal and private feeling. And like other applications, it doesn‟t require any

advertising as the product in running on the road to success. It did cut through the cap of „200 messages a

day‟ by the telecom regulators.

WhatsApp delivers almost 700000 messages every minute which is a true indicator of individualism

and joblessness. Speaking of joblessness, if they set up an office here, wouldn‟t we just rush into queues just

to get recruited as a part of them? They also have a large number of Customer Support agent requirements.

The few competencies to the post are fluency in English and Greek, ability to differentiate between the

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usage of “your” and “you‟re”, and the clear knowledge about how Wi-Fi is different from 3G. Doesn‟t it

sound like an achievable dream? But in reality, it isn‟t.

Even for the founders, the thought of bringing the App into a B2B platform seems like a ridiculous

idea, but now there are cases where a small enterprise with around 10 people have formed a WhatsApp

group to discuss works and practices, says Neeraj Arora, Vice President and Business Development


The most fascinating attraction of the App is definitely the “smileys” available, I am sure no one will

disagree. Who would have even thought that we would have “Mc Donald‟s fries” as an option? The variety

available gives us a mesmeric effect. Further, the “Typing” notice visible is another augmentation to the

product. This could sometimes turn into an irritating boon for users. The root of quarrels leads to WhatsApp

and right when you think that the problem has settled between you and your friend, his/ her justification

would be, “but WhatsApp told me that you were Online or Awake.”

Its Revenue plan to extract an amount of Rs. 55 from every user for annual re-subscription is a petty

amount that any user will be willing to pay for this addiction created in them. But the fact is that this will not

be the only source of their remuneration. Its alliance with Reliance Telecommunications Pvt. Ltd. (October


2012) had far reaching effects in India. The company is further working on alliance with other telecom

service providers.

Speaking of Reliance GSM package, it enjoys unlimited WhatsApp and Facebook across the country

at a nominal price of Rs. 16 per month. This information would only take seconds for youngsters to shift

their telecom service provider to Reliance. WhatsApp and Facebook!!! It‟s like a dream come true for the

youth now.

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This application is simply another social networking medium with a pinch of personal feel in it as it

operates in your own hand with your own touch. The upcoming alliance with other telecommunication

networks in India will certainly have an impact on the economy with an increase in the job opportunities

they tag along. And who knows, we might even get to see a WhatsApp office amidst the IT companies in

hubs, provided the company changes its mind comes out of the notion „No Advertising‟ in the future.

REFERENCE: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-05-14/news/39256020_1_whatsapp-

users-android http://www.whatsapp.com/

Neethu Unnikrishnan


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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are designed as a common global language for business

affairs so that company accounts are understandable and comparable across international boundaries. They

are a consequence of growing international shareholding and trade and are particularly important for

companies that have dealings in several countries. They are progressively replacing the many different

national accounting standards. The rules to be followed by accountants to maintain books of accounts which

is comparable, understandable, reliable and relevant as per the users internal or external.

“IFRS” began as an attempt to harmonize accounting across the European Union but the value of

harmonization quickly made the concept attractive around the world. They are sometimes still called by the

original name of International Accounting Standards (IAS). IAS were issued between 1973 and 2001 by the

Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). On 1 April 2001, the new International

Accounting Standards Board took over from the IASC the responsibility for setting International Accounting

Standards. During its first meeting the new Board adopted existing IAS and Standing Interpretations

Committee standards (SICs). The IASB has continued to develop standards calling the new standards

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)


International financial reporting standards (IFRS) represent a set of generally accepted accounting principles

(GAAP) used by companies to prepare financial statements, a critical source of information published

annually, at a minimum, and useful to various stakeholders (shareholders, debtors, clients, employees and

governments) in understanding a company's financial performance and management‟s stewardship of the

company‟s resources.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting standards developed by an

independent, not-for-profit organization called the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

There are some Guidelines and rules set by the International Accounting Standards Board

(IASB) those companies and organizations can follow when compiling financial statements. The creation

of international standards allows investors; organizations and governments compare the IFRS-supported

financial statements with greater ease. Over 100 countries currently require or permit companies to comply

with IFRS standards. The International Financial Reporting Standards were previously called

the International Accounting Standards (IAS).

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The goal of IFRS is to provide a global framework for how public companies prepare and disclose their

financial statements. IFRS provides general guidance for the preparation of financial statements, rather than

setting rules for industry-specific reporting.

Having an international standard is especially important for large companies that have subsidiaries in

different countries. Adopting a single set of worldwide standards will simplify accounting procedures by

allowing a company to use one reporting language throughout. A single standard will also provide investors

and auditors with a cohesive view of finances.

Currently, over 100 countries permit or require IFRS for public companies, with more countries expected to

transition to IFRS by 2015. Proponents of IFRS as an international standard maintain that the cost of

implementing IFRS could be offset by the potential for compliance to improve credit ratings.

IFRS is sometimes confused with IAS (International Accounting Standards), which are older standards that

IFRS has replaced.

Developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), these are a set of accounting rules

followed by, or being adopted by, more than 100 countries. All member states of the EU are required to use

IFRS as adopted by the EU for listed companies since 2005.

All other major economies have initiated a process to consider convergence or adoption of IFRS in the near

future, even the United States (US GAAP as developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board

(FASB) - being the other most important set of financial reporting standards) where cross-listed firms in the

US stock markets have been permitted to file statements prepared under IFRS since 2007.

With the increasing globalization of financial markets and of companies, the use of a single set of financial

reporting standards across countries is viewed as having increased the comparability of financial statements

across borders. It also reduces the cost of preparing the consolidated financial statements of groups made up

of companies conducting business all around the world.


Financial reporting standards have been in the spotlight since the banking crisis, more specifically those

requiring the measurement of financial assets and liabilities at fair value. In September 2009, G20 leaders in

Pittsburgh asked the accounting standard setters IASB and, its US counterpart, the FASB to work towards a

single set of high quality global accounting standards by June 2011. Convergence, however, is proving

challenging and is likely to be pushed back.

Initially, IFRS has begun as an academic project aimed at creating a single set of global standards, their

actual use was kick-started by the European Union.

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An EU regulation requires listed companies in Europe to adhere to International Financial Reporting

Standards (IFRS) from financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2005 when preparing their

consolidated accounts. In implementing this in UK legislation the Government has not yet made the use of

IFRS compulsory for any further categories of accounts, but the legislation permits all companies to use

them for individual and consolidated accounts if they wish.

Changes have been made to UK tax legislation to accommodate these new rules for tax purposes. There are

some of the standards that explain the complete analysis of the financial system of the business organization

or all the provisions in the nook and corner of the world


IFRS 1: First-time Adoption of International Financial Standards (2008*)

IFRS 2: Share-based Payment (2004)

IFRS 3 : Business Combinations (2008*)

IFRS 4: Insurance Contracts (2004)

IFRS 5 : Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations (2004)

IFRS 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Assets (2004)

IFRS 7: Financial Instruments: Disclosures (2005)

IFRS 8 : Operating Segments (2006)

IFRS 9 : Financial Instruments (2010*)

IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements (2011)

IFRS 11: Joint Arrangements (2011)

IFRS 12: Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities (2011)

IFRS 13: Fair Value Measurement (2011)

Kranthi Paritala


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As defined by The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good

Business Sense by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, “Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing

commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the

quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.”

Corporate Social Responsibility came into common use in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Since then, there

have been various opinions held by people regarding CSR. On one hand, some argue that companies make

more profit if they operate with an aim. And on the other hand, some argue that CSR distracts a business

from its main motive i.e. profit making.

In CSR, a business monitors its activities in compliance with the law and ethical standards of that nation.

CSR aims to have a positive impact on environment, consumers, employees, society, shareholders and other

members of the public sphere. ISO 26000 is the recognised international standard of CSR.

According to the Indian Law System, the Companies Bill 2012 incorporates a provision of CSR under

clause 135 stating “that every company having net worth Rs. 500 crore or more, or turnover of Rs.

1000 crore or more or net profit of rupees five crore or more during any financial year, shall

constitute a CSR Committee of the Board consisting of three or more Directors, including at least one

Independent Director, to recommend its activities for discharging CSR in such a manner that the

company would spend at least 2 per cent of its average net profits of the previous three years on

specified CSR activities.” Whereas, there is no provision for CSR by companies in the existing Companies

Act 1956.

CSR in India is not a very new concept. Companies like TATA and Birla have been doing social good with

their operations from way before CSR became a popular thing. Though we have such great examples, CSR

in India is still in its budding stage. The only companies that follow CSR in India are a few public

companies and a few private companies with international stakeholders. The emphasis is more on the need

of policy implementation rather than social welfare.

The effectiveness of CSR depends on a lot of factors like lack of understanding, inadequacy of trained

personnel, non availability of accurate data, coverage, policy etc. CSR is soon becoming a „business need‟.

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The main problem that CSR in India is facing today is the lack of clarity of what it is made up of. The

government tried to make it mandatory for companies to spend at least 2 % of their net profit, but due to

heavy criticism, it gave up in mid July 2011. The lines between Corporate Philanthropy and CSR have been

blurred. These are two different things.

“In addition, to making profit, business should help to solve social problems whether or not business

helps to create those problems even if there is probably no short run or long run potential.”

- Holmes (1976)

One of the best examples of CSR currently in India is „SHIKSHA‟ by Procter and Gamble. Started eight

years back, in 2005, Shiksha has helped 280,000 underprivileged children till date to access their right to

education. It is in partnership with NGOs such as Round Table India (RTI), Save the Children (STC) and the

likes and has built and supported over 140 schools in India. Shiksha has donated a cumulative amount of 22

crores towards helping children since its inception.

Another program namely Live, Learn and Thrive by Procter and Gamble helps children around the world to

get access to education and build a great life for themselves. This is a global program.

Other examples of CSR in India other than Shiksha by Procter and Gamble are the E-Choupals, an initiative

started by the Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) that helps farmers to procure agriculture and aquaculture

products directly via the internet. Coca Cola also has started various welfare programs for educating the

poor and for water conservation in India.

CSR in India has gone through many stages. And, not one but all corporates should try their best to change

the social situation in India. If more companies follow in the footsteps of the above mentioned companies,

then that day is not far when India will get a final and permanent solution to all its social problems. The

facilitation of partnerships between corporates and NGOs must be encouraged so that with a combination of

their skills, manpower and money, the socio-economic development can be accelerated to a high rate.

Harshita Gardner


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Hi All!!

On this anniversary of Crucibles I feel elated to write something about "The Crucibles"-voice of

the IIPM student fraternity. From a small step in 2011 it has taken giant strides in 2013 and I

feel honoured to be a part of them in this magnificent journey. It has like other initiatives had

its own share of hindrances in its path but it has clearly emerged out as a stronger voice of the

fraternity and my gratitude to those people whose untiring efforts have made this journey


Congratulations to all of you guys and wish to see Crucibles at its pinnacle!!

“Let's make a dent in the universe”. By Steve Jobs

It is an honor to be associated with an impressive and highly talented group of people united under the

banner of Crucibles. Involved in a range of activities to uplift their fellow students, this club is marching

ahead with great vigor.

I found the articles in the Crucibles Ezine of great importance as they address entire range of readers.

This magazine covers a wide range of topics like recent happenings, social issues, government policies

and their implications for ordinary people, and student‟s career challenges.

Workshops conducted by them like “How to choose a right career path”, “Negotiation Skills”, and “How

to crack consulting case interviews” were highly beneficial for all student groups. Their biggest and most

applaud-able initiative is bringing the industry experience to classroom through guest lectures.

I would like to congratulate all the Crucibles members for taking a great and selfless initiative for the

benefit of wider society.

Wish you all the best for your great endeavor.

Keep Going Crucibles!

Best Wishes,

Prof. Gary Sandhu

Professor Debapriyo Nag

Adjunct Faculty (Strategy & HRM)

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Crucible Alumnus

Firstly I would like to thank all our fellow members for taking crucibles to the place where it is currently. I

wish and hope it prospers more and more.. Being a part of crucibles from the very beginning, has given me

an opportunity to open up to new and different things, together we have organised a whole lot of events and

created portals of opportunities for every single entity associated with crucibles. Every task accomplished

carried us forward to our single goal- Development!. I am thankful to crucibles for accepting me, my

strengths and weaknesses, for giving me the courage and opportunity of being a leader, for entitling me with

a position of a founder of this group which has with time progressed from a bud to a beautiful flower. This

group has believed in development of self and others and also acted as a base for young talent to showcase

them self in front of others. I would be incomplete if I forget to mention about the crucibles spirit towards

social causes such as child education, women empowerment and protection of nature to name a few. The

devotion towards these causes with utmost selflessness add's a twinkle in all the shining stars (members) of

crucibles. I am a proud member of this selfless and motivated group, where I cherish every single moment

we have shared together.. Cheers to Crucibles!!!

Khadja Ansar

Marketing and Administration Coordinator,

Ultimate Charter LLC, Dubai

The Club is no ordinary fantasy. It is a bowl filled with promising quests of self-exploration and overblown

drama. In fact it is a journey of people becoming ready for the battles of future with a tinge of humor action

and occasional dosage of love.

Vamsi Tarun, Entrepreneur

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How do you influence people who are nonchalant and stubborn? U put your thoughts in them and allow

them to germinate. Well that's what almost happened here at crucible. initially a bit sceptical about

volunteering full time for Crucibles due to some personal contraints, I was inevitably pulled into the

amazing pot of Crucibles. In my role as a general member and Head of PR, I learnt the main virtues of

management-planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The takeaways of negotiation and lobbying

skills, especially with the college administration and acadamic staff have been immense and have

personally transformed me in a profound way. Trust me, you will have the ride of your life with

Crucibles. Hip Hip Hurray. My best wishes for the club. Cheers!!

When I hear the word “Crucibles” it brings along a smile on my face. Crucibles is responsible for the

greatest times I had in my post graduation. I got to know new people, learned a lot and above all, it

made me more responsible. I got to explore into my capabilities and flexibilities in handling problems.

Crucibles is a big tree which grows bigger and bigger as the years pass by. Every year new branches and

leaves come in which take it to the top. At this moment I wish to remember its roots, Praveen Paul, for

making it a success. I also want to remember all the events I handled, (Thanks for bearing me guys..!!)

be it Jhansi Act or the First Anniversary of Crucibles or our Fresher‟s Day or may I call it “Muhurat

Din”. Thanks to all. Welcome newbies to our “tree”, which for me is a baby which I will always cherish

and nourish. Best of luck to the newbies, make it a huge success guys..!! And always remember that

“Crucibles” has made us who we are now and has the most dignity. Never lose it..!!

Taranpreeth Singh,

Works at Google

Benjamin Taylor,

Works at Reasoning Global eApplications

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It was great learning experience with crucibles, as a member it was a great time with all the people. as a

creative head it was the great chance for me to show my talent and utilization my skills.. Journey was

superb got a lot of support from the team.



Dev Prakash

Works at IIPM

Choosing a management course for graduation happened out of nowhere. For a novice 2 years back

Crucibles was a boost up. It gave me an opportunity to express myself and find a meaning in life and

career. The works we had done and the process adopted by the team at every stage enhanced my

personality to a large extent. Two year with Crucibles was extremely wonderful and truly meaningful in


GP Manisha


Works at IIPM

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SANTA JOHN, MD, JWT - Guest Lecture – Advertisement - By CRUCIBLES

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