extracting rules from artificial neural networks with ......extracting rules from artificial neural...

Extracting Rules from Artificial Neural Networks with Distributed Representations Sebastian Thrun University of Bonn Department of Computer Science III Romerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Although artificial neural networks have been applied in a variety of real-world scenarios with remarkable success, they have often been criticized for exhibiting a low degree of human comprehensibility. Techniques that compile compact sets of symbolic rules out of artificial neural networks offer a promising perspective to overcome this obvious deficiency of neural network representations. This paper presents an approach to the extraction of if-then rules from artificial neu- ral networks. Its key mechanism is validity interval analysis, which is a generic tool for extracting symbolic knowledge by propagating rule-like knowledge through Backpropagation-style neural networks. Empirical studies in a robot arm domain illus- trate the appropriateness of the proposed method for extracting rules from networks with real-valued and distributed representations. 1 Introduction In the last few years artificial neural networks have been applied successfully to a variety of real-world problems. For example, neural networks have been successfully applied in the area of speech generation [12] and recognition [18], vision and robotics [8], handwritten character recognition [5], medical diagnostics [11], and game playing [13]. While in these and other approaches neural networks have frequently found to outperform more traditional approaches, one of their major shortcomings is their low degree of human comprehensibility. In recent years, a variety of approaches for compiling rules out of networks have been proposed. Most approaches [1, 3,4,6, 7, 16, 17] compile networks into sets of rules with equivalent structure: Each processing unit is mapped into a separate rule-or a smal1 set of rules-, and the ingoing weights are interpreted as preconditions to this rule. Sparse connectivity facilitates this type rule extraction, and so do binary activation values. In order to enforce such properties, which is a necessary prerequisite for these techniques to work effectively, some approaches rely on specialized training procedures, network initializations

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  • Extracting Rules from Artificial Neural Networks with Distributed Representations

    Sebastian Thrun University of Bonn

    Department of Computer Science III Romerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn, Germany

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Although artificial neural networks have been applied in a variety of real-world scenarios with remarkable success, they have often been criticized for exhibiting a low degree of human comprehensibility. Techniques that compile compact sets of symbolic rules out of artificial neural networks offer a promising perspective to overcome this obvious deficiency of neural network representations. This paper presents an approach to the extraction of if-then rules from artificial neu-ral networks. Its key mechanism is validity interval analysis, which is a generic tool for extracting symbolic knowledge by propagating rule-like knowledge through Backpropagation-style neural networks. Empirical studies in a robot arm domain illus-trate the appropriateness of the proposed method for extracting rules from networks with real-valued and distributed representations.

    1 Introduction In the last few years artificial neural networks have been applied successfully to a variety of real-world problems. For example, neural networks have been successfully applied in the area of speech generation [12] and recognition [18], vision and robotics [8], handwritten character recognition [5], medical diagnostics [11], and game playing [13]. While in these and other approaches neural networks have frequently found to outperform more traditional approaches, one of their major shortcomings is their low degree of human comprehensibility.

    In recent years, a variety of approaches for compiling rules out of networks have been proposed. Most approaches [1, 3,4,6, 7, 16, 17] compile networks into sets of rules with equivalent structure: Each processing unit is mapped into a separate rule-or a smal1 set of rules-, and the ingoing weights are interpreted as preconditions to this rule. Sparse connectivity facilitates this type rule extraction, and so do binary activation values. In order to enforce such properties, which is a necessary prerequisite for these techniques to work effectively, some approaches rely on specialized training procedures, network initializations

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    and/or architectures.

    While such a methodology is intriguing, as it draws a clear one-to-one correspondence between neural inference and rule-based inference, it is not universally applicable to arbitrary Backpropagation-style neural networks. This is because artificial neural networks might not meet the strong representational and structural requirements necessary for these techniques to work successfully. When the internal representation of the network is distributed in nature, individual hidden units typically do not represent clear, logical entities. One might argue that networks, if one is interested in extracting rules, should be constructed appropriately. But this would outrule most existing network implementation~, as such considerations have barely played a role. In addition, such an argument would suppress the development of distributed, non-discrete internal representations, which have often be attributed for the generalization properties of neural networks. It is this more general class of networks that is at stake in this paper.

    This paper presents a rule extraction method which finds rules by analyzing networks as a whole. The rules are of the type "if X then y," where both x and y are described by a linear set of constraints. The engine for proving the correspondence of rule and network classification is VI-Analysis. Rules extracted by VI-Analysis can be proven to exactly describe the network.

    2 Validity-Interval Analysis Validity Interval Analysis (in short: VI-Analysis) is a generic tool for analyzing the input-output behavior of Backpropagation-style neural networks. In short, they key idea of VI-Analysis is to attach intervals to the activation range of each unit (or a subset of all units, like input and output units only), such that the network's activations must lie within these intervals. These intervals are called validity intervals. VI-Analysis checks whether such a set of intervals is consistent, i.e., whether there exists a set of network activations inside the validity intervals. It does this by iteratively refining the validity intervals, excluding activations that are provably inconsistent with other intervals. In what follows we will present the general VI-Analysis algorithm, which can be found in more detail elsewhere [14],

    Let n denote the total number of units in the network, and let Xi denote the (output) activation of unit i (i = 1, ... , n). If unit i is an input unit, its activation value will simply be the external input value. If not, i.e., if i refers to a hidden or an output unit, let P( i) denote the set of units that are connected to unit i through a link. The activation Xi is computed in two steps:

    with L WikXk + Oi kEP(i)

    The auxiliary variable neti is the net-input of unit i, and Wik and Oi are the weights and biases, respectively. O'j denotes the transfer function (squashing function), which usually is given by

    1 + e-net , Validity intervals for activation values Xi are denoted by [ai, bi ]. If necessary, validity intervals are projected into the net-input space of unit i, where they will be denoted by [a~, b~]. Let T be a set of validity intervals for (a subset of) all units. An activation vector (XI, .. " xn) is said to be admissible with respect to T, if all activations lie in T. A set of intervals T is consistent, if there exists an admissible activation vector. Otherwise T is inconsistent.

    Assume an initial set of intervals, denoted by T, is given (in the next section we will present a procedure for generating initial intervals). VI-Analysis refines T iteratively using linear

  • Extracting Rules from Artificial Neural Networks with Distributed Representations 507

    non-linear . ak and Xk < bk Vi E S: L WjkXk + ()j > a~ [by substituting neti = L WikXk + ()d ,

    kEP kEP (1)

    L WikXk + ()j < b~ , [by substituting netj = L WikXk + ()i] kEP kEP

    Notice that all these constraints are linear in the activation values Xk (k E P). Linear programming allows to maximize or minimize arbitrary linear combinations of the variables x j while not violating a set of linear constraints [9]. Hence, linear programming can be applied to refine lower and upper bounds for validity intervals one-by-one.

    In VI-Analysis, constraints are propagated in two phases:

    1. Forward phase. To refine the bounds aj and bj for units i E S, new bounds iii and hi are

    'This assumption simplifies the description of VI-Analysis, although VI-Analysis can also be applied to arbitrary non-layered, partially connected network architectures, as well as recurrent networks not examined here.

    2The canonical interval [0, I] corresponds to the state of maximum ignorance about the activation of a unit, and hence is the default interval if no more specific interval is known.

    3Here ~ denotes the set of real numbers extended by ±oo. Notice that this projection assumes that the transfer function is monotonic.

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    derived: with


    A' a · z min neti

    = max neti

    Sebastian Thrun

    min L: WikXk + Oi kE1'

    max L: WikXk + OJ kE1'

    If o'i > ai, a tighter lower bound is found and ai is updated by o'i . Likewise, bi is set to hi if hi < bi . Notice that the minimax operator is computed within the bounds imposed by Eq. I, using the Simplex algorithm (linear programming) [9].

    2. Backward phase. In the backward phase the bounds ak and bk of all units k E Pare refined.

    li k minxk and hk = max Xk As in the forward phase, ak is updated by o'k if lik > ak, and h is updated by hk if hk < bk.

    If the network has multiple weight layers, this process is applied to all weight layers one-by-one. Repetitive refinement results in the propagation of interval constraints through multiple layers in both directions. The convergence of VI-Analysis follows from the fact that the update rule that intervals are changed monotonically, since they can only shrink or stay the same.

    Recall that the "input" of VI-Analysis is a set of intervals I ~ [0, l]n that constrain the activations of the network. VI-Analysis generates a refined set of intervals, I' ~ I, so that all admissible activation values in the original intervals I are also in the refined intervals I'. In other words, the difference between the original set of intervals and the refined set of intervals I - I' is inconsistent. In summary, VI-Analysis analyzes intervals I in order to detect inconsistencies. If I is found to be inconsistent, there is provably no admissible activation vector in I . Detecting inconsistencies is the driving mechanism for the verification and extraction of rules presented in turn.

    3 Rule Extraction The rules considered in this paper are propositional if-then rules. Although VI-Analysis is able to prove rules expressed by arbitrary linear constraints [14], for the sake of simplicity we will consider only rules where the precondition is given by a set of intervals for the individual input values, and the output is a single target category. Rules of this type can be written as:

    !linput E some hypercube I then class is C (or short: I -- C)

    for some target class C.

    The compliance of a rule with the network can be verified through VI-Analysis. Assume, without loss of generality, the network has a single output unit, and input patterns are classified as members of class C if and only if the output activation, Xout, is larger than a threshold e (see [14] for networks with multiple output units). A rule conjecture I -- C is then verified by showing that there is no input vector i E I that falls into the opposite class, ,C. This is done by including the (negated) condition Xout E [0, e] into the set of intervals: Ineg = 1+ {xout E [0, e]}. If the rule is correct, Xout will never be in [0, e]. Hence, if VI-Analysis finds an inconsistency in Ineg, the rule I -- ,C is proven to be incorrect, and thus the original rule I -- C holds true for the network at hand. This illustrates how rules are verified using VI-Analysis.

    It remains to be shown how such conjectures can be generated in a systematic way. Two major classes of approaches can be distinguished, specific-to-general and general-to-specific.

  • Extracting Rules from Artificial Neural Networks with Distributed Representations 509

    Figure 2: Robot Ann. (a) Front view of two arm configurations. (b) Two-dimensional side view. The grey area indicates the workspace, which partially intersects with the table.

    1. Specific-to-general. A generic way to generate rules, which forms the basis for the experimental results reported in the next section, is to start with rather specific rules which are easy to verify, and gradually generalize those rules by enlarging the corresponding validity intervals. Imagine one has a training instance that, without loss of generality, falls into a class C. The input vector of the training instance already forms a (degenerate) set of validity intervals I. VI-Analysis will, applied to I, trivially confirm the membership in C, and hence the single-point rule I ~ C. Starting with I, a sequence of more general rule preconditions I C II C I2 C ... can be obtained by enlarging the precondition of the rule (i.e., the input intervals I) by small amounts, and using VI-Analysis to verify if the new rule is still a member of its class. In this way randomly generated instances can be used as "seeds" for rules, which are then generalized via VI-Analysis.

    2. General-to-specific. An alternative way to extract rules, which has been studied in more detail elsewhere [14], works from general to specific. General-to-specific rule search maintains a list of non-proven conjectures, R. R is initialized with the most general rules (like "everything is in C" and "nothing is in C"). VI-Analysis is then applied to prove rules in R. If it successfully confirms a rule, the rule and its complement is removed from R. If not, the rule is removed, too, but instead new rules are added to R. These new rules form a specialized version of the old rule, so that their disjunct is exactly the old rule. For example, new rules can be generated by splitting the hypercube spanned by the old rule into disjoint regions, one for each new rule. Then, the new set R is checked with VI-Analysis. The whole procedure continues till R is empty and the whole input domain is described by rules. In discrete domains, such a strategy amounts to searching directed acyclic graphs in breadth-first manner.

    Obviously, there is a variety of alternative techniques to generate meaningful rule hypotheses. For example, one might employ a symbolic learning technique such as decision tree learning [10] to the same training data that was used for training the network. The rules, which are a result of the symbolic approach, constitute hypotheses that can be checked using VI-Analysis.

    4 Empirical Results In this section we will be interested in extracting rules in a real-valued robot arm domain. We trained a neural network to model the forward kinematics function of a 5 degree-of-freedom robot arm. The arm, a Mitsubishi RV-Ml, is depicted in Fig. 2. Its kinematic function determines the position of the tip of the manipulator in (x, y, z) workspace coordinates and

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    coverage average (per rule) cumulative first 10 rules 9.79% 30.2% first 100 rules 2.59% 47.8% first 1 000 rules 1.20% 61.6% first 10000 rules 0.335% 84.4%

    Table 1: Rule coverage in the robot arm domain. These numbers inc1ude rules for both concepts, SAFE and UNSAFE.

    the angle of the manipulator h to the table based on the angles of the five joints. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the workspace intersects with the table on which the arm is mounted. Hence, some configurations of the joints are safe, namely those for which z ~ 0, whiJe others can physically not be reached without a col1ision that would damage the robot (unsafe). When operating the robot arm one has to be able to tell safe from unsafe. Henceforth, we are interested in a set of rules that describes the subspace of safe and unsafe joint configurations.

    A total of 8192 training examples was used for training the network (four input, five hidden and four output units), resulting in a considerably accurate model of the kinematics of the robot arm. Notice that the network operates in a continuous space. Obviously, compiling the network into logical rules node-by-node, as frequently done in other approaches to rule extraction, is difficult due to the real-valued and distributed nature of the internal represen-tation. Instead, we applied VI-Analysis using a specific-to-general mechanism as described above. More specifically, we incrementally constructed a collection of rules that gradually covered the workspace of the robot arm. Rules were generated whenever a (random) joint configuration was not covered by a previously generated rule. Table 1 shows average results that characterize the extraction of rules. Initially, each rule covers a rather large fraction of the 5-dimensional joint configuration space. As few as 11 rules, on average, suffice to cover more than 50% (by volume) of the whole input space. However, these 50% are the easy half. As the domain gets increasingly covered by rules, gradually more specific rules are generated in regions closer to the c1ass boundary. After extracting 10,000 rules, only 84.4% of the input space is covered. Since the decision boundary between the two c1asses is highly non-linear, finitely many rules will never cover the input space completely.

    How general are the rules extracted by VI-Analysis? Genera])y speaking, for joint configu-rations c10se to the c1ass boundary, i.e., where the tip of the manipulator is close to the table, we observed that the extracted rules were rather specific. If instead the initial configuration was closer to the center of a class, VI-Analysis was observed to produce more general rules that had a larger coverage in the workspace. Here VI-Analysis managed to extract surpris-ingly general rules. For example, the configuration a = (300 ,800 ,200 ,600 , -200 ), which is depicted in Fig. 3, yields the rule

    !!.a2 ~ 90.50 and a3 ~ 27.30 then SAFE.

    Notice that out of 10 initial constraints, 8 were successfully removed by VI-Analysis. The rule lacks both bounds on a), a4 and as and the lower bounds on a2 and a3. Fig. 3a shows the front view of the initial arm configuration and the generalized rule (grey area). Fig. 3b shows a side view of the arm, along with a slice of the rule (the base joint a) is kept fixed). Notice that this very rule covers 17.1 % of the configuration space (by volume). Such general rules were frequently found in the robot arm domain.

    This conc1 udes the brief description of the experimental results. Not mentioned here are results with different size networks, and results obtained for the MONK's benchmark problems. For example, in the MONK's problems [15], VI-Analysis successfully extracted compact target

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    Figure 3: A single rule, extracted from the network. (a) Front view. (b) Two-dimensional side view. The grey area indicates safe positions for the tip of the manipulator.

    concepts using the originally published weight sets. These results can be found in [14].

    5 Discussion

    In this paper we have presented a mechanism for the extraction of rules from Backpropagation-style neural networks. There are several limitations of the current approach that warrant future research. (a) Speed. While the one-to-one compilation of networks into rules is fast, rule extraction via VI-Analysis requires mUltiple runs of linear programming, each of which can be computationally expensive [9]. Searching the rule space without domain-specific search heuristics can thus be a most time-consuming undertaking. In all our experiments, however, we observed reasonably fast convergence of the VI-Algorithm, and we successfully managed to extract rules from larger networks in reasonable amounts of time. Recently, Craven and Shavlik proposed a more efficient search method which can be applied in conjunction with VI-Analysis [2]. (b) Language. Currently VI-Analysis is limited to the extraction of if-then rules with linear preconditions. While in [14] it has been shown how to generalize VI-Analysis to rules expressed by arbitrary linear constraints, a more powerful rule language is clearly desirable. (c) Linear optimization. Linear programming analyzes multiple weight layers independently, resulting in an overly careful refinement of intervals. This effect can prevent from detecting correct rules. If linear programming is replaced by a non-linear optimization method that considers multiple weight layers simultaneously, more powerful rules can be generated. On the other hand, efficient non-linear optimization techniques might find rules which do not describe the network accurately. Moreover, it is generally questionable whether there will ever exist techniques for mapping arbitrary networks accurately into compact rule sets. Neural networks are their own best description, and symbolic rules might not be appropriate for describing the input-output behavior of a complex neural network.

    A key feature of of the approach presented in this paper is the particular way rules are extracted. Unlike other approaches to the extraction of rules, this mechanism does not compile networks into structurally equivalent set of rules. Instead it analyzes the input output relation of networks as a whole. As a consequence, rules can be extracted from unstructured networks with distributed and real-valued internal representations. In addition, the extracted rules describe the neural network accurately, regardless of the size of the network. This makes VI-Analysis a promising candidate for scaling rule extraction techniques to deep networks, in which approximate rule extraction methods can suffer from cumulative errors. We conjecture that such properties are important if meaningful rules are to be extracted in today's and tomorrow's successful Backpropagation applications.

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    Acknowledgment The author wishes to express his gratitude to Marc Craven, Tom Dietterich, Clayton McMil-lan. Tom Mitchell and Jude Shavlik for their invaluable feedback that has influenced this research.

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