experiments evidence template

Experimental Photography (Charlotte Shaw) 1

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Page 1: Experiments evidence template


Experimental Photography

(Charlotte Shaw)

Page 2: Experiments evidence template

(Out Of Focus)Explain the experiments you did and your findings.For this task it was about going again the rules to create something that was blurred and out of focus. Which is achieved by changing the setting from AF to MF allowing you to change the aperture value to achieve the out of focus shot. Working best when taking photographs of text or where there is strong areas of light that hit the camera, giving this creative effect whether the light reflects. Which is something that I could look at developing into my own work when developing my own ideas as a part of my own experimental photography . Ways of doing could involve using different lighting to for fill something of more creativity, either with coloured neon lighting or a number of different shapes and strengths of light to create different effects and patterns of light. When conducting previous research this out of focus photography works well with people in the shot whether this been posed or candid photography, creating different shapes, giving the body a more abstract silhouette. the examples provided here have produced different extremes of focus, angles and objects, as the middle image shows a gradual difference as the text more unclear further down the image. Similar to the top image which is a lot more focused on the front light which then also blurs out. I also feel the bottom image works well through the glass window capturing the rain drops more in focus which the fades out as the image moves of the scenery behind. Which would work well when wanting to focus on specific elements of your photograph and therefore adding impact.

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Use this slide to annotate your best imageHere you can see the different lighting and the effects that have been created, from both natural and artificial lighting. As well as the different shapes to these

Looking at different reflections thrown from these lights, and what effects out of focus photography can do to this

Especially when working with lighting the contrast in a dark room works better to create something a lot more striking, and so i could look at taking such landscape photography at night in city, in order to see what light effect can be achieved

Here showing the differences in the detail that is captured the further away the image is taken from.

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(Movement)Explain the experiments you did and your findings. In order to capture movement in your photography, it was important to understand the settings. For this particular experiment it required (TV) mode also known as shutter priority, which coincides with the amount of time the camera shutter stays open for, so in this case a longer shutter speed was needed of about 3-6” in order to capture the desired photographs, in this case all of which where candid photography of the movement at college . As a first attempt I feel happy with outcome, and as I become more familiar with this techniques I can achieve something more creative and innovative. When taking these types of photographs it is important to make sure there is no camera shake or movement to get the best effect so making sure that the camera is as stationary as possible is very important, and so the results we got are all very different, because of the different ways they were shot. As the first image shows the movement is walking directly into the camera which is where you can see the faint duplicates out line which appears closer to the camera, also resulting in the movement been a lot more focused in a similar place, which then allowed development into capturing movement in different ways such as from a birds eye view as the movement goes from one side of the camera to the other, and so as this fades out the footsteps are left, similar to the 3rd photograph expect from the camera angle of this been more from eye level, and so another way to develop this could be to add lighting into this and the movement of this to add a different level to this.

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Use this slide to annotate your best image

This photograph taken from an eye level angle

Here walking into the camera instead of the usual movement across the camera from left to right

A faint outline of the movement captured when the camera shutter was open for longer

Creates an unusual abstract silhouette from the movement which could be looked at achieving on a full body silhouette

To continue this further looking at other objects e.g. Forms of transport such as bikes, cars and buses to look at what is achieved from that.

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(Reflection)Explain the experiments you did and your findings. In this case achieving these types of photography don't require any specific mode, expect to achieve a more high quality image making sure that the camera is on AF automatic mode can help to do so. From the original first images I now know what working out doors in this case achieves a better end photograph, as the reflection here shows blue skies. Also good to experiment with different silhouettes and shapes within this water. In this case the top image captures someone crossing the pavement, and so in contrast to the use of a long shutter speed used previously here I have been able to freeze this movement. So I could also look at capturing bigger movement of either jumping or sports. To look into this idea of reflection further as well as the puddles other elements likes the reflection in different objects, sunglasses, phones and cars could be explored in order to achieve something different and from a different angle. It is also important to consider this technique been most effective and most commonly used when it comes to landscape photograph adding impact. As well as adding a silhouetted to the images I also took a minimalistic photograph of just the reflection of the sky which I feel as a part of the experimental photography is to basis and could be combined with another technique could make something more appropriate. I could also look creating something from other angles such as eyelevel with direct contact with the floor which could work especially well my a lake or riverside.

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Use this slide to annotate your best image

Similar to the 3rd image taken on the previous slide, the composition is the same expect the camera angle which I feel works better in this case focusing more on that reflection showing how important it is to get the set up right

The focal point to the image is mainly towards the left of the camera

Could look at the effect that the rippling of the water does or even when it is raining. To create a more abstract and disfigured image

The clear skies really help to show the extreme contrast between black and white making the reflection a lot more clearer

The way the puddle has fallen splits up the silhouette a lot more, which could have been developed with the puddles further down to achieve a very different image

Using something as a reflection from further away could have been experimented with

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(Photomontage)Explain the experiments you did and your findings. The technique itself of photomontage can be done in a number of different ways as well as created manual, however in this case a simpler way of using Photoshop (Use file > automate > Photomerge) and has been used which is also seen as photo manipulation, which involves the cutting or joining of images within the same subject matter and of the same surroundings and then put back together in a more disjointed and abstract way, in order to create something more unusual and different. In terms of the results I feel that with a little more practise and experimenting something of a high quality could be achieved as these photographs are more landscape like, and suggest this idea of a panoramic image. As I feel when it comes to my own work and 3 final images a portrait or close up photograph would work well with more added details for this to create something that has suggestions of cubism towards it, With a more distorted face. As I feel that these images could be improved upon to make them look more distorted, as there is no real indication of this been a photomontage another way could be outlining the shapes that have been put together. The montage itself can either be collected in a symmetrical way with a boarder or from different angles and of different shapes depending on the effect that wants to be created.

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Use this slide to annotate your best image

The landscape photograph can clearly be seen through the photomontage

In order to make the image more square another number of photographs should be added underneath making it easier to manage and work with

Making sure the camera is steady and that all of the areas are taken to avoid the blur

Photo collage made up of multiple images similar to a panoramic photograph however with a more experimental twist to it

Creating a more distorted image by taking a photograph of something with more detail or of a larger scope

Could also be tried out with portrait photography

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(Light Writing)Explain the experiments you did and your findings. From the basis experiments that took place I then looked at some more advanced skills such as light writing. Which again requires the use of the shutter speed (TV) mode to allow the artificial light to be captured within the time the shutter is open for. In this case we used torches and phone lights as a way of creating a light source, and then experimenting creating a number of different shapes and patterns. which I feel was a success as a first attempt at this, experimenting with the different lighting from the daylight which gives a more subtle effect , in contrast to using a dark room where the light is a lot harsher and stronger. for these initial photography's that I have taken I could look at experimenting with different light sources that could be different in size or texture for example people have been known to try out light writing with sparklers which is also something I could have a go with to give a rougher and jaggered line, also experimenting with different light colours using variety of coloured glow sticks, fairy lights and bike lights as a way to achieve something different. However, I do feel that working when its dark for the purpose of these photographs works better as the outcome is a lot stronger, I also feel when moving on and developing this I should look more into the different patterns and shapes that can be created, pathways are also another good way of showing light writing whether this be person and providing them with a torch or whether it be from other forms of transport such as bike, trains, buses and cars, and the pathways that they create to achieve a different pattern.

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Use this slide to annotate your best imageThe light source taken from a battery powered torch

Could be improved upon my mixing other coloured lighting between in a figure of 8

The backdrop been taken from the daytime therefore the scenery from behind can still be seen a stronger image could have been taken in the evening

As the camera requires the shutter speed mode (TV) the camera requires a stable and stationary environment for the photography to b taken from however we have picked up some camera shake in this case.

The results of this image means that the silhouette behind and become blurred and warped to create this abstract image.

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(Harris Shutter)Explain the experiments you did and your findings.The Harris shutter app is something that has been achieved by the use of an app called Harris shutter on iphone in order to achieve something similar to what you see on your right. The technique behind this involves using 3 separate colour filters to record the 3 layers of movement within the time intervals and into the primary colours selected, which then helps to create this rainbow effect. From the 3 images taken with the Harris shutter you can see that such different patterns can work well for this whether it be fabric patterns or a design i feel that the colour repetition can work well especially if may different patterns where layered up together to create one main image, as it gives the pattern this 3D effect. Here you can see from my second image a similar effect has been used however with a bigger subject content, you can also see where the light source has come from at the top left of the photography to give a gradual drop into the details of the image which is a lot stronger on the right of the photograph. The 3rd image that was shot had been taken from outside which can be seen as a illusion to the eye another idea which could be developed upon. I feel that this 3rd image works well because of some of the details like the hand rails and the tiled flooring were a good way of framing the image and draws your eye into the centre. In terms of developing what I have originally created subjects like waterfalls, moving clouds, and the rush of a busy city centre can also work well. All of which could be something that is tried outside of college grounds as while been in college can restrict the results and photographs that are taken.

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Use this slide to annotate your best image

The outdoor environment really helps to emphases the 3 coloured layers creating this idea of an illusion.

The different textures and patterns work really well on the brick work showing the smaller details of where the Harris shutter works best

Showing a variety between thick and thinner coloured lines

Gives the photograph a really graphic, edgy and modern look to it, which has the similarities of fashion magazine photography

I could try to experiment more with these patterns and moving the camera in more of a 360 degrees, to get different angles

The many angular lines that are brought into this image really helps to frame the photograph

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(Scanography)Explain the experiments you did and your findings.From the original use of scanner photography for digitally printing different subject matters from objects to still life it is now also used as a form of experimental photography, to create unusual and abstract art in this case face and hands as a starting point see what results were gathered . For this process I made sure that the scanner was in black and white to see what effect would be created . In this case it gives the photographs an eary and mysterious feel to it with this grey wash look to the image working especially well with the finger prints as well as giving definition and shadow over the face which really emphases this giving the effect of it been cartoon like which could then be added to by mixed media such as with paints and felt pens. Overall my results worked out well and believe that the face ones worked out well as it does well at capturing the detail and the expressions of the face that could be then made into a collage with a number of these with different expressions. Also giving the illusion of the photograph been taken from under water, and so if i were to use this technique as a part of my final images then i would need to work out a way of making improvements to the brightness slightly. I then looked at experimenting with other objects and animals in this case cats paws creating a distorted image with repetition across the page which could be developed upon whether it means trying out scanography in colour or using Photoshop to experiment with these photographs further by adding filter effects or warping. I could also look at using text within my photography’s to get across a specific message.

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Use this slide to annotate your best image

Looking at the way the hair falls onto the scanner could be an idea that is developed upon

Creating some very different and unusual expressions by pushing your face against the glass

Different expressions could be used and then put together in a collage, as well as involving the hands to give the illusion of been trapped

The black and grey bleak colours have been used and so areas of colours could be pulled out by using paint or Photoshop

Moving the face along to scanner while the process is taking place would work well at making the image a little more warped and disfigured