experiments evidence template task 2

Experimental Photography (Lusi Ndoja) 1

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Post on 14-May-2015




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Experimental Photography

(Lusi Ndoja)

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Here are other photography I took using the out of focus technique. The first image however is also reflecting as you can see the lights from the college reflect on the painting. I have used two techniques in this one photography, I have combined the two to achieve one result.

The second image is of the stair case using a different angle. Again the bright lights are the main elements that have stood out in these images. I decided to explore with different objects to see what different outcomes I could come out with. With the stair case I decided not to zoom in as I wanted a distant out of focus image.

My third photograph is another image of a painting. As you can see the photograph is sharp and the colours have blended in. the disadvantage of this image is that the photograph is bright giving it a more white look.

These three images I believe where not very creative so I decided to take an extra three images to improve on my results the first time and developed my skill more by exploring more areas and finding objects that interested me.

Out of focus

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Out of focus

Here are three pictures I did out of focus as my first attempt at experimental photography. On the first picture I took an image of the periodic table, I decided to use this as I liked the colours and I thought it would be interesting to see the outcome as the colours would be blurred. To achieve this result I changed the camera settings by changing it from auto to manual and finally I used the camera lens to zoom in and also turn the lens out of focus.

my second image that I took was opposite the balcony and I focused on the three lights. I applied the same technique that I had been taught and used the camera lens to set it out of focus. I was happy with the results as you can identify the object that I was focusing on.

My third image however is slightly similar but this time I have captured an image of the corridor. I liked the bright lights and thought that it would be interesting in setting it out of focus to achieve a similar outcome as the lights opposite the balcony image. The lighting is more brighter than the other two images.

Each image was taken in different locations and exploring with different things that I found interesting. What I liked most about this technique is that by setting the camera out of focus the colours of the objects would stand out making them look really attractive.

By taking more images to have a wide range of images this gave me a chance to improve my techniques and skills that I learned from taking images using the out of focus effect. I came out with a much better result than the first three images.

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For the movement technique I decided to take photographs of moving cars. I thought this would have been a perfect idea as you can capture the moving vehicles and seeing it in camera. To achieve this result on the camera I had to change the setting by changing the shutter speed. By having the shutter speed lower than 200 this would really capture the speed of the objects.

My first image of the moving car you can see technique worked well as the car is not even recognisable. With the movement techniques there are two ways this can be done, either the object moving or moving the camera yourself. With the above image however I decided to let the object move and also changing the shutter speed. With this effect I tried different shutter speeds.

With some images you can see a lot of movement and on some very little. This all depends on the shutter speed whether you want it quiet close to 200 or much lower. For example looking at my second photograph of the moving car the background is focused but the car shows the movement. You can seethe change from the first photograph as I tested the different speeds.

My third image however the shutter speed was high and you can not see much movement as the first two images. This gave me a different result as again I was experimenting with the shutter speed to see what different results I came up with.

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MovementDuring the movement technique that I was trying out you can see that this time it failed as the images look out of focus than movement. This is because the camera wasn’t set on the right setting r either the lens was being used.

This was a good way to improve out techniques and keep trying to achieve the outcome we wanted. Also the object I took an image of the moving cars I found that it was not very creative.

The first image and second image you can see that they were both out of focus rather than movement. You moving van is lightly visible and you cannot see any movement happening.

The third image however is just a normal standard setting. The car is very clear and visible and is not out or focus nor does it show movement. The outcome of these three images had failed and didn’t show any of the movement techniques.

I later tried again using this technique, this time indoors and rather than captioning the object movement I decided to move the camera itself, as you can see on the best image slide.

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Harris shutter

For the Harris shutter speed I had to buy the Harris shutter app. This is a technique that involves three colour layers. Harris shutter technique works best with movement as you can caption the different colours giving it a really good effect.

My first image was taken in the class room, this was a tester to see what result I would get as this was the first time using this app. There was no movement in the classroom so I decided to move the camera instead, the outcome was really interesting as you can see the colours and the movement that I have created. The desks look like they have been moved as its copied the same object a few times.

My second images if of the corridor around college, again there was no movement but however I decided to walk and take the image at the same time resulting to a wave of colours and you can see the lights around the corridor has been picked up by the setting.

Finally my last image was taken of a desk at home. This failed as I had moved the camera too fast. But I liked the range of colours that its produced.

What I liked about this app is hat movement and the three colour layers worked well. Like in my movement experiment the images did not look as interesting but using this app would work well using both techniques as you get a professional look of the images and the colours make it interesting.

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Harris shutter

With the same technique I took another three images around college. The first was of a different corridor, there was a little movement as there was people walking. The colours are more lighter as the area was bright. You can see the a few objects that have been copied and out of place.

The last two images I decided to take images above the balcony of Ashfields, as there would be more people there I thought that there would be a lot of movement and this would give me a chance to produce some fascinating photographs. There was little movement as he area was quite but I managed to capture the full view of what I could see such as people walking up and down the stair case, and people walking along. You can tell the images have been moved with the movement around the area as you can see the double silhouette.

I liked the location that I chose and for my final image I took one last photograph of the college. I decided to also move the camera this time as there was little movement. At the end result it showed a range of colour movement and also the whole area looked like it was moving as there was a copy of the side a multiple of times. Also the colours compliment each other as they are bright and vibrant. The fact that fact that I have moved the camera instead of capturing the movement around the area it makes the image look like it was naturally moving.

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Photomontage/ joiner

For my photomontage experiment I found that it was tricky to get the right image and I didn’t find it inspiring. For my first image I decided to take an image of a poster near the science department to start off with. My second image is similar as I have took another poster but this time its off a photograph/display around the college.

The advantage of this technique is that you can make errors and you don’t know how the outcome will be, the images over lap with each other giving it the collage effect.

To achieve the photomontage image professionally I used Photoshop to do it for me rather than print the images off individually and stick the together. I found that this was easier and much quicker. Judging by the images I took I felt that this was not a good experiment for me as it didn’t show any creativity as I have only took images of posters. I did not expand my skills further and therefore I only took two different images for the photomontage experiment.

If I was to use this technique for my experimental photography project I would print the images individually as you can arrange the images they way that would fit best rather than letting Photoshop do all the work for me.

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ReflectionsFor my reflection experiment I used different areas around college. For my first image I used the gum disposer it was reflective, but the outcome of the image is quite dark and the image is not clear, for this I should of changed the brightness settings on the camera.

My second image is the reflection through the glass on the door. I like this image as the reflection is a silhouette which I found interesting. Behind me there was a window so there was enough light for the camera to capture. however I didn't find that this was very creative. however following on my final image I took in the reflection experiment I decided I would use the reflective bin. as it was a cylinder shape it reminded me of a Christmas decoration and I especially liked the lights that were reflecting from the surface of the object. 

With this technique I felt that this could be paired with other techniques hat I tried out that would work. Such as on the first task I did I used the out of focus technique but also on the painting the lights were reflecting and also the balcony of the college reflecting from it.

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Light writing

The light writing technique was also another experiment I enjoyed but however my images that I have produced could not be uploaded as there was an issue.

The first image I researched for the light writing experiment is something as simple as doing it yourself. This give you a chance to experiment with the lighting. For this you had to chance the camera setting by chancing the shutter speed to high to capture the light at the right time.

The second time I researched was more creative than the first image. For this the shutter speed would have been at its highest to get the lighting just right as it’s drawn on a much larger scale. This style of the image has also been manipulated on Photoshop to give it a professional look. Judging the image with the first image you can see the difference as the first image is basic.

The third image no people are involved like the first two. In particular I like the pattern and the colours they have used. Again Photoshop has been used to make the image look professional and also make it look perfect. Compared to the other two images you can see the colours are more vibrant, the other two are more free style and edgy. The background goes well with the colours and the pattern . The location is dark which draws attention to the light.