existing situation analysis

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  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis



    The geographical area of the capital project was 5,738 hectares, whichwas

    under the municipal jurisdiction of the a!"hi!agar Noti#e" Area $NA%

    Committee created under the provisions of the &'arat M&!icipalities Act,

    ()*3 to address the limited civic functions of the city, while manyinfrastructure services remaining under the R&BD divisions.

    The said geographical area under G! has "een increased later o!

    ac+&isitio! o a""itio!al la!"s i! the so&th-.ester! "irectio! o NA&pto the li/its o the e0isti!g !ear12 ca!al a!" the rail.a2 li!e

    a1&tti!g the NA Area

    slow pace of "eelop/e!tdue to nature of the city#s i!te!"e" pri/ar2

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    la!" "eelop/e!t co!trols under the Gandhinagar Ne. 4apital

    eripher2 4o!trol Act, ()*6 were imposed to a 5-/ile ra"i&s ro/

    the 1o&!"ar2 o NA, which prevented any conversion of lands in the

    periphery of Gandhinagar to non$agricultural uses, wipree!te" a!2co!ersio! o la!"s i! the peripher2 o a!"hi!agar to !o!-

    agric&lt&ral &ses, th the intent to regulate the development of the region

    surrounding Gandhinagar and maintain its pristi!e gree! e!iro!/e!t

    This has also lead to the peripher2 area hai!g 1ee! &!"er

    i!creasi!g press&re or the development "y the private sector. %ater,

    considering such pattern of rapi" "eelop/e!t 1et.ee! a!"hi!agar

    o! its so&th a!" to.ar"s the e0pa!"e" Ah/e"a1a" Ur1a!

    Deelop/e!t A&thorit2 $AUDA% area alo!g the Ah/e"a1a"

    a!"hi!agar high.a2 corri"or "y mid ''(s, the )tate Government in

    early ''* declared NA a!" s&rro&!"i!g 3) illages as

    a!"hi!agar Ur1a! Deelop/e!t Area, a!" co!stit&te" the

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    The #rst /aster pla! of the Capital +roject approved in ()** had

    envisioned to accommodate a population of (,56,666 perso!s with the

    intent that principal employer would "e the )tate Government and as such

    the "esig! pop&latio! .as 1ase" o! the goer!/e!t e/plo2ee


    %ater on in ()79-75, during the seco!" phase o "eelop/e!t, the

    target population of Gandhinagar was modied "y the )tate Government to

    3,56,666 or :6(5 AD

    /sta"lishment of co//ercial &ses as co!e!ie!t elt to shoppi!g

    esta1lish/e!ts o! acco&!t o eco!o/ic ia1ilit2 ; attractie

    locatio! perspectie < co!e!ie!ce o resi"e!ts to shop for their daily

    needs and instead 0uite li/ite" &tili=atio! o pla!!e" co//ercial &se

    spaces is o&!" i! the core o the resi"e!tial sectors,

    ro.th o &!pla!!e" i!or/al sector 1oth i! ter/s o i!or/al

    co//ercial &ses ; i!or/al ho&si!g !ee"s, etc. 1hile, the

    goer!/e!t e/plo2ee str&ct&re 1ase" la!" plots

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    Use Distri1&tio! $()**% E0isti!g La!" Use i! NA i! ()))

    La!" Use4ategor2


    ?age E0isti!g La!"Use 4ategor2


    ?age Utili=atio! ?age

    Residential '(( 3.*' Residential


    36.*6 7.'3 77.*'


    879.3* 9.'*

    Commercial 89( 9.7 Commercial 63.83 (.* 9.*7

    :ndustrial 87( 9.77 :ndustrial 97*.3- 7.97 -6.--

    :nstitutionaland +u"lic!menities

    3 8.(( :nstitutionaland +u"lic!menities

    888.33 6.77 '6.38

    ;pen )paces -84, the i!ter!al thoro&ghare roa"s o

    95 /, *5 /, ; (66 / ROFs, the 1&s ter/i!al i! Sector-((, a!" rail.a2 line

    connective with a terminus at the end of !orth-.ester! e!" o the 4e!tral Vista

    a0is alo!g (66 / ROF Roa" No 9

    Recreatio!al ; Ope! SpacesBThe percentage o"served under recreation and open spaces is :6*?and the same

    conforms well when comparing with the a"ove$mentioned guidelines.

    Ma'or !at&re 1ase" recreatio!al ; ope! areas include the ri!ge area o

    Sa1ar/ati Rier lie EER Go&!"atio! ar < Sarita U"2a! !ear I!"ro"a

    illage, 4hil"re!@s ar i! Sector :8 etc Sector leel gar"e!s and

    !eigh1orhoo" leel ope! spaces also eEist currently in good num"ers and

    contri"ute to the said area. Sector-(5 ; :( coer cit2 leel sports acilities,

    while Sector-(7 has a large Mai"a! or cit2 leel p&1lic gatheri!gs are received in the area. The intervening pediment Hone "etweenthe orthern !lluvial +lain 4!+5 and orthern Roc2y Fighland 4RF5 forms thegroundwater recharge Hone for !+ a su"stantial part of the runo> goes to recharge thea0uifer systems while the remaining Lows down farther west. The Lat low lying salinewasteland gets inundated "y during the river Loods.

    The Gujarat /cology Commission, on the "asis of geological environment,classies the ecosystems of Gujarat are into eight major eco regions orthernRoc2y Fighland, )outhern Roc2y Fighland, orthern !lluvial +lain, Central alluvial+lain, Ranns of Banni and @achchh, +eninsula of @achchh, +eninsula of )aurashtraand Coastal Hones of Gujarat.:n the near future, G! will densify at the eEpense of its unprotected tree coverwhereas GD! area will increasingly ur"aniHe, especially in the south, at theeEpense of its agricultural "iodiversity. The enlarging ur"an footprint will "eaccompanied "y an increasing pressure on land resources, increased

    concretiHation and emissions, corresponding receding of the countryside andnatural features, disappearance of ha"itats, reduction in species richness andpopulation siHes and a decrease in car"on se0uestration capacity. :n addition,climatic changes with a general increase in temperature would have to "e copedwith.

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    " T/R: f G/D! i th 8((- l d i t t di l d

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    "y T/R: for G/D! in the year 8((-, lays down some important ndings, lessons andrecommendations for the City of Gandhinagar, which need to "e duly considered andintegrated into the proposal for Master$+lan for Nclean, green, solar GandhinagarO.

    These are outlined in this Chapter.:n essence, the )olar City program strives to integrate/nergy conservation measures to reduce the energy demand and

    tiliHation of locally availa"le resources such as solar and other renewa"le resources tomeet these reduced energy demands.The strategy and action plan for solar city would encompass evolving action plans foruse of non$conventional energy resources. The solar city plan has "een conceptualiHedwith the o"jective of utiliHing solar energy to its optimum. )olar in this conteEt,encompasses all forms of renewa"le energy technologies 4solar, wind power, hydro$power, and certain forms of "io$energy5.

  • 7/24/2019 Existing Situation Analysis


    G! was planned as a city with low density and an eEtensive hierarchical par2 system. Thisis a Igardens in cities# approach. The time has come to evolve from a Igardens in citiesapproach# to a city whose internal landscape "lends seamlessly with the regional landscapesystem. The "iodiversity strategy, thus, proposes to "ring su"stantial area into the greenarea networ2, change the vegetation characteristics of eEisting areas insofar as possi"le,increase the foliage density within the area constraints with a view to

    :ntegrating "iodiversity with economic development overcoming potential conLicts"etween themConserve eEisting unprotected green cover