exam prep 2013 answer

-sueacu - 1 Welcome to the AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination You have 120 minutes to complete this examination. The timer will begin when you click Next. A total of 35 points is possible for this exam. You must earn 26 of 35 points (74%) to pass this exam. Additional Instruction The data files for this examination are located in the C:\Autodesk Exam\AutoCAD 2013 folder. Make sure you use this folder to open the data files, do not use any other folder on the computer that may have data files with the same name. Do not change precision setting for the data file When using CTRL-C to copy calculated values from the command window, make sure you omit any leading or trailing spaces If you use CTRL-V to paste a calculated value from the command window to the question input field, verify the pasted value

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  • -sueacu - 1

    Welcome to the

    AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    You have 120 minutes to complete this examination. The timer will begin when you click Next.

    A total of 35 points is possible for this exam. You must earn 26 of 35 points (74%) to pass this exam.

    Additional Instruction

    The data files for this examination are located in the C:\Autodesk Exam\AutoCAD 2013 folder. Make sure you

    use this folder to open the data files, do not use any other folder on the computer that may have data files with

    the same name.

    Do not change precision setting for the data file

    When using CTRL-C to copy calculated values from the command window, make sure you omit any leading or

    trailing spaces

    If you use CTRL-V to paste a calculated value from the command window to the question input field, verify the

    pasted value

  • -sueacu - 2

    If available, objects have multifunctional grips. You select an object and then hover over a grip to view and access the multifunctional

    grip menu. Match the object with its available multifunctional grips.

    Object Grip Charateristic







    Stretch fit point

    Add fit point

    Remove fit point

    Refine vertices

    Remove vertices


    Flip arrow

    Move text only

    Reset text position

    Center vertically


    Lengthen landing

    Add leader

    Add Vertex

    Remove vertex

    Stretch vertex

    Add vertex

    Remove vertex

    Convert to arc

    Convert to line

    Question: 1 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky NoteSpline

    WAN GHANISticky NoteDimension

    WAN GHANISticky NotePolyline

    WAN GHANISticky NoteMultileader

  • -sueacu - 3

    Open the drawing file PartList.dwg

    1. Using the Mleaderalign command, align multileader 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 at a 0-degree direction using multileader 5 as the leader to

    align to.

    2. Align multileader 7, 8 and 9 at 90 degrees using multileader 8 as the alignment leader.

    What is the distance from the center of balloon 2 to the center of balloon 8?

    Question: 1 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note 338.56

  • -sueacu - 4

    Open the drawing file LeverBase.dwg

    Rotate and copy the lever to 19 degrees. The rotation base point is the center of the circle labeled C.

    What is the distance from the center of circle A to the center of circle B?

    Question: 3 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note4.85

  • -sueacu - 5

    Open the drawing file NewForest.dwg

    1. Using the Offset command, set the Layer option to Current, and specify an offset distance of 3.

    2. Select the polyline labeled A and offset it to the outside.

    What is the length of the new polyline?

    What is the layer of the new polyline?

    Question: 4 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note 171

    WAN GHANISticky NotePerimeterFence

  • -sueacu - 6

    Window Polygon Crossing

    Crossing Polygon Window

    Review the figures shown and complete this sentence:

    The selection set was used to erase the four holes.

    Selection Set Choices

    Window Polygon


    Crossing Polygon


    Question: 5 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 7

    Which sequence describes the proper procedure to rotate the chair to its final positions?

    o A) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Rotate

    2. Specify the center of the table as the base points for the rotation.

    3. Select the chair to rotate.

    4. Enter C to create a copy of the selected objects.

    5. Specify the rotation angle of 138 degrees.

    o C) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Rotate,

    2. Select the chair to rotate.

    3. Specify the center of the table as the base point of the rotation.

    4. Specify the rotation angle of 180 degrees.

    o B) 1. Select the chair to rotate

    2. Specify the center of the tables as the base point for the rotation.

    3. Specify a reference angle of 42 degrees.

    4. Specify the rotation angle of 138 degrees

    o D) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Rotate.

    2. Select the chair to rotate.

    3. Specify the center of the tables as the base point for the rotation.

    4. Specify the rotation angle 138 degrees

    Question: 6 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 8

    Which statements describe the most efficient procedure to apply to the polyline object?

    o A) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Chamfer and Fillet drop-down

    list > Fillet.

    2. Select a horizontal line.

    3. Select a vertical line that forms a corner to create the first fillet.

    4. Continue selecting the remaining horizontal and vertical lines to

    create 12 fillets.

    o C) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Chamfer and Fillet drop-down

    list > Fillet.

    2. Enter R for Radius. Specify a radius.

    3. Select the polyline.

    o B) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Chamfer and Fillet drop-down

    list > Fillet.

    2. Enter R for Radius. Specify a radius.

    3. Select a horizontal line.

    3. Select a vertical line that forms a corner to create the first fillet.

    4. Continue selecting the remaining horizontal and vertical lines to

    create 12 fillets.

    o D) 1. Click the Home tab > Modify panel > Chamfer and Fillet drop-down

    list > Fillet.

    2. Enter R for Radius. Specify a radius.

    3. Select P for Polyline

    4. Select the polyline

    Question: 7 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination


  • -sueacu - 9

    Match each example of Trim and Extend in this drawing to how it is applied.

    Extend and Trim to clean up walls

    Extend to column

    Trim to clean up walls

    Trim to column

    Trim walls and column





    Question: 8 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note1

    WAN GHANISticky Note2

    WAN GHANISticky Note3

    WAN GHANISticky Note4

  • -sueacu - 10

    Which of the following is a valid statement for creating or managing layers?

    o A) Layer names can use the following characters: < > / \ : ; ?. o B) Grips are displayed on objects that are on locked layers. o C) You can assign layers a transparency from 0 100 o D) You can lock layers, and they have fade settings.

    Question: 9 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 11

    Open the drawing file NewDesignOffice.dwg

    Insert the block named Table at X=1339, Y=200

    Scale 1

    Rotation Angle: 90 degrees

    Use the BEDIT command to edit the Table block

    Establish a new basepoint at the intersection at the upper-right inside corner of the table, as shown.

    Save and close the block editor

    What is the distance from the corner (intersection) on the desk labeled A to the corner (intersection) on the Table block labeled B?

    Question: 10 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note66.74

  • -sueacu - 12

    Open the drawing file: NewForest.dwg

    1. Zoom to the area labeled D. 2. Select the polyline labeled D to show all grip locations. 3. Select the grip that closest to the point labeled P and move the grip to stretch the vertex of the polyline to the point using Node

    object snap, as shown.

    4. Using the PEDIT command, select the polyline, and enter s (Spline) to create an approximation of a spline.

    What is the length of the edited polyline?

    Question: 11 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note96

  • -sueacu - 13

    Draw objects have various characteristics:

    Chamfer and fillet

    Have width

    Define by area

    Have elevation or thickness

    Which object supports all of these capabilities?

    o A) Polygon

    o B) Arc

    o C) Circle

    o D) Ellipse

    o E) Rectangle

    o F) Spline


    Question: 12 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 14

    Open the drawing file: DIM_Styles.dwg.

    1. In model space, modify the current dimension style, ISO-25. 2. Change the Text style to ROMANS. 3. Change the text placement to Vertical: Above. 4. Change the text alignment to Aligned with Dimension Line. 5. Set the Scale for dimension features to Annotative. Click OK, and

    then click Close to exit the Dimension Style Manager.

    6. On the status bar, click the Annotation Visibility and AutoScale

    tools to turn on

    7. Set the model space Annotation scale to 1:10 8. Use Dimension Update to update ALL the properties of all the

    dimensions. (On the status bar, click the Annotation Visibility and

    AutoScale tools if all the dimension are not visible).

    What is the distance from the insertion point of the 444.5 text to the

    insertion point of the 95.25 text?

    Question: 13 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note866

  • -sueacu - 15

    Match the Plot Area options with the appropriate definition.




    When plotting everything within the printable are of the specified paper size (in paper

    space), with the origin calculated from 0,0.


    Plots a view that was previously saved in the named view list. If there are no saved views

    in the drawing, this option is unavailable.


    Plots any portion of the drawing you specify. Use your pointing device to specify opposite

    corners of the area to be plotted, or enter coordinate values.


    Plots the view in the current viewport in the Model tab or the current paper space view in

    a layout tab.



    Question: 14 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky Note1

    userSticky Note2

    userSticky Note3

    userSticky Note4

  • -sueacu - 16

    Open the drawing file: Edit_Dimensions.dwg.

    1. Using the DIMTEDIT command, center-justify the dimension 25.4. 2. Using the DIMSPACE command to select the 36.58 dimension as

    the base dimension, change the 44.45 dimension to a 19 unit


    3. Using the DIMSPACE command to select the 9.53 dimension as the base dimension, change the 25.4, 34.29 and 41.28 dimensions to a

    19 unit spacing.

    Using the Insert Object Snap, what is the distance from the insertion

    point of the dimension text 44.45 to the insertion point of the dimension

    text 25.4?

    Question: 15 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note104.52

  • -sueacu - 17

    Open the drawing file: Annotation_Scale.dwg

    1. Open the Properties palette and select the two dimensions in model space.

    2. On the Properties palette, set Annotative to Yes

    3. On the status bar, make sure that Annotation Visibility and AutoScale are turned on

    4. On the status bar, set Annotation Scale to1:2 (Note: The dimensions and text should appear larger)

    5. Select the text string MATERIAL: 6061 ALUMINIUM.

    What is the model text height MATERIAL: 6061 ALUMINIUM?

    What is the distance from the endpoint of the extension line at point A to the endpoint of the extension line at point B?

    Question: 16 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note3

    WAN GHANISticky Note79.84

  • -sueacu - 18

    Open the drawing file: Office.dwg.

    1. Zoom to Room 203

    2. Thaw the Hidden Text layer.

    3. Select the Chair block labeled F and right-click Isolate > Hide Objects.

    What text appears?

    Question: 17 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky NoteLeatherChair

  • -sueacu - 19

    Open the drawing file: Design_Office.dwg

    Move the plotter labeled G from its insertion point to midway between the corners of the desks labeled X and Y.

    What is the distance from the midpoint of the plotter at P1 to the midpoint of the back of the chair at P2?

    Question: 18 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note73.38

  • -sueacu - 20

    Open the drawing file: Stretch_Walls.dwg

    1. Using the Stretch command, move the north wall 60 units as shown.

    2. Using the Stretch command, move the east wall 60 units as shown.

    What is the distance from the intersection labeled A to the intersection labeled B?

    Question: 19 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note552.11

  • -sueacu - 21

    Open the drawing file: Hatch_Objects.dwg

    Hatch the roof and then reduce the number of roof dormers.

    Set the appropriate Hatch options and Outer Island Detection option as needed.

    1. Hatch the roof area using the ANGLE pattern at a scale of 1.

    2. Delete the right dormer as shown.

    What is the area of the hatch?

    Question: 20 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note16767

  • -sueacu - 22

    Review the grips shown. Match each single line text justification point location with its description.

    BC (Bottom Center)

    BL (Bottom Left)

    BR (Bottom Right)

    MC (Middle Center)

    ML (Middle Left)

    TC (Top Center)





    Question: 21 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note3

    WAN GHANISticky Note2

    WAN GHANISticky Note4

    userSticky Note1

  • -sueacu - 23

    Open the drawing file: ObjectProperties.dwg

    1. Window-select all the circles in the drawing, then press [SHIFT]+select the large circle to remove it from the selection set.

    2. Change the diameter of all the small circles to 15 and regenerate the drawing.

    In the table, what is the percentage of the total?

    Question: 22 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note10.42

  • -sueacu - 24

    The Walls layer has been locked. Why has the on-screen visibility of the walls in the drawing been reduce?

    o A) The Walls layer transparency was set to 0

    o B) Xref fading was set to 100.

    o C) The locked layer fading is set to 80.

    o D) A different color is used for the locked layer.

    Question: 23 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 25

    With PolarSnap set to .500, which polar tracking increment angle will complete the drawing as shown?

    o A) 30

    o B) 15

    o C) 0

    o D) 10

    Question: 24 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 26

    Open the drawing file: Arrays.dwg

    1. Create a polar array of the chair using the center of table A as the center point to create the array.

    o Associative: No

    o Items: 5

    o Fill Angle: -125

    2. Create a rectangular array of the CADGroupFurniture B: o Associative: No

    o Columns: 1

    o Rows: 3

    o Distance between rows: 96

    What is the distance from the insertion point of the chair labeled C to the insertion

    point of the CADGroupFurniture labeled D?

    Question: 25 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANISticky Note329.55

  • -sueacu - 27

    Which Polyline Creation options were used to draw the polyline?

    o A) Arc and Spline

    o B) and Fit Curve

    o C) Arc and Width

    o D) Line and Arc

    Question: 26 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    WAN GHANIHighlight

  • -sueacu - 28

    Open the drawing file: Office.dwg

    1. Make the Floorplan layout current.

    2. Right-click the Floorplan layout tab.

    3. Click Page Setup Manager.

    4. Click Modify.

    5. For Printer/Plotter, select DWG to PDF.pc3.

    6. For Paper Size, select ISO A4 (297.00 x 210.00) sheet. Click OK. Click Close.

    7. Create one viewport so it fills the printable area.

    8. Double-click in the viewport and zoom to extents.

    9. Set Viewport Scale to 1:20.

    10. Thaw the layer HiddenText.

    11. Regenerate the drawing.

    What text appears in the lower-right corner of the viewport?

    Question: 27 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky NoteDesignWorkstation

  • -sueacu - 29

    When using the Join command, you can combine similar objects into one object. Which example is valid to join two objects together?

    o A) LINE with tangent ARC

    o B) Two non-collinear LINES

    o Two coplanar SPLINES

    o ARCs with same radius and center point.

    Question: 28 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination


  • -sueacu - 30





    Which is the most efficient technique to draw the two circles?

    o A) Turn on running object snaps and object snaps tracking to draw the two circles.

    o B) Draw a circle at the lower left corner of the part and copy to the new locations.

    o C) Draw diagonal construction lines and draw two circles at the midpoints.

    o D) Draw construction lines and draw two circles.

    Question: 29 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination


  • -sueacu - 31

    Open the drawing: New_Office.dwg

    An external reference (xref) was attached to the current drawing. The xref Bind option was selected to bind xref-dependent named

    objects in the drawing.

    What is the name of the one layer that was bound into the drawing?

    Question: 30 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky NoteCADOffice$0$Casements

  • -sueacu - 32

    A layout represents the dimensional size of a sheet of paper. You specify a logical name and paper size, and insert your title block on it.

    When plotting a layout, you base the plot on the selected size of paper. Which statements described the proper procedure to modify

    and plot the Floorplan layout?

    1. A) 1. Right-click on the Floorplan layout tab and select Page

    Setup Manager.

    2. Select the Modify button in the Page Setup Manager.

    3. Select the Printer/Plotter

    4. Select the Paper Size and click OK and Close.

    5. Insert the Title Block.

    6. Double-click in the viewport and zoom extents.

    7. Set the viewport scale to 1:40.

    8. Plot the layout at a scale of 1:1.

    2. C) 1. Right-click on the Floorplan layout tab and select Page Setup


    2. Select the Modify button in the Page Setup Manager.

    3. Select the Printer/Plotter

    4. Select the Paper Size and click OK and Close.

    5. Insert the Title Block.

    6. Create a rectangular viewport.

    7. Double-click in the viewport and zoom extents.

    8. Set the viewport scale to 1:40.

    9. Plot the layout at a scale of 1:1.

    3. B) 1. Right-click on the Floorplan layout tab and select Page

    Setup Manager.

    2. Select the Modify button in the Page Setup Manager.

    3. Select the Printer/Plotter

    4. Select the Paper Size and click OK and Close.

    5. Insert the Title Block.

    6. Create a rectangular viewport.

    7. Double-click in the viewport and zoom extents.

    8. Set the viewport scale to 1:40.

    9. Plot the layout at a scale of 1:40.

    4. D) 1. Right-click on the Floorplan layout tab and select Page Setup


    2. Select the Modify button in the Page Setup Manager.

    3. Select the Printer/Plotter

    4. Select the Paper Size and click OK and Close.

    5. Create a rectangular viewport.

    6. Double-click in the viewport and zoom extents.

    7. Set the viewport scale to 1:40.

    8. Plot the layout at a scale of 1:40.

    Question: 31 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination


  • -sueacu - 33

    Open the drawing file: Mirror.dwg.

    Mirror the cabinet labeled A into Room 102 at the wall centreline.

    What is the distance from the sofa midpoint labeled D to the mirrored cabinet labeled E?

    Question: 32 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky Note168.26

  • -sueacu - 34

    Open the drawing file: Engineering_Office.dwg.

    1. From the insertion point of the computer on the desk labeled D, copy the computer to the center of the labeled A.

    2. Rotate the computer 90 degrees using the insertion point as the base point as shown on desk A.

    What is the distance from the insertion point of the computer on desk D to the corner of the computer labeled E on desk A?

    Question: 33 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky Note174.87

  • -sueacu - 35

    Open the drawing file: Area.dwg.

    A reforestation project will have trees planted in the boundary area labeled A. Within the boundary is a lake labeled L.

    What is the area of the boundary A minus the lake L?

    Question: 34 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky Note1376

  • -sueacu - 36

    Open the drawing file Baseline.dwg.

    In the drawing you are going to add baseline dimension to the exiting dimensions.

    1. Using the DIMBASELINE command, select the 2.00 linear dimension as the base dimension and complete the horizontal baseline


    2. Complete the vertical baseline dimensions using the 1.00 linear dimension as the base dimension.

    What is the distance from the end of the extension line labeled A to the end of the extension line labeled B?

    Question: 35 of 35 Data Files: C:\Autodesk Exams\AutoCAD 2013 Refresh Data Files

    Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional Examination

    userSticky Note4.27