evidence based teaching and learning martin valcke [email protected] mvalcke/cv/cvmva.htm

Download Evidence based teaching and learning Martin Valcke Martin.Valcke@UGent.be mvalcke/CV/CVMVA.htm

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Evidence based teaching and learning Martin Valcke [email protected] http://users.ugent.be/~mvalcke/CV/CVMVA.htm Slide 2 Structure Starter Effective instructional strategies: Activity 1 Overview of some evidence based strategies Pairwise discussion: activity 2 Making it more complex Applying frame of reference: activity 3 Slide 3 Before we start: testing x Slide 4 As a starter Do you consider to be educational research being of relevant for teaching practice? Choose a number from 0 (not at all) to 9 (extremely relevant) 0__1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9 Slide 5 Activity 1 Individually: Map a list of 5 key didactical strategies that you consider or experienced to be effective. Develop list on flip-over. Slide 6 What works in education? http://www.sigo.be/sok/Kwaliteit%20in%20onderwijs.pdf What has an impact on learning performance? Direct impact Indirect impact (motivation, attitude, self- efficacy, ). Slide 7 Certain intervention, process, variables, Attitude Self-efficacy Motivation Beliefs . Better performance Slide 8 Examples 1.HomeworkHomework 2.Mind mapsMind maps 3.Giving feedbackGiving feedback 4.Web based learningWeb based 5.Collaborative versus individual learningCollaborative versus individual learning Certain intervention, process, variables, Slide 9 Slide 10 Mindmap Slide 11 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Examples: Strongest impact? 1.HomeworkHomework 2.Mind mapsMind maps 3.Giving feedbackGiving feedback 4.Web based learningWeb based 5.Collaborative versus individual learningCollaborative versus individual learning Certain intervention, process, variables, Slide 15 Effect size Significant impact of process, variable, . Integration research: meta-analysis Summary measure: effect size (d). Rule of thumb: d = >.40 is relevant impact. Hattie, J. (2009). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta- Analysis relating to Achievement. Milton Park, Oxon: Routledge. Slide 16 Examples: Strongest impact? 1.HomeworkHomework 2.Mind mapsMind maps 3.Giving feedbackGiving feedback 4.Web based learningWeb based 5.Collaborative versus individual learningCollaborative versus individual learning Certain intervention, process, variables, d=.29 d=.57 d=.73 d=.37 d=.59 Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Activity 2 Make a thinking pair Check your own top 5 with the two tables (see print out Tables Hattie) Discuss congruency and incongruency with colleague. What might explains (in)congruencies? Slide 20 Maar even complexer maken Akkoord met onderzoeken? Bijv. Huiswerk Slide 21 Slide 22 http://www.hisparks.com/MathHelpers/Homework_Research_and_Policy.pdf Slide 23 Certain intervention, process, variables, Attitude Self-efficacy Motivation Beliefs . Better performance Characteristics teaching staff Characteristics learner Making it more complex Slide 24 Complexer: frame of reference Slide 25 Slide 26 Making it more complex Activity 3: exemplify the frame of reference Actors Learner + characteristics Teaching staff + characteristics Didactical activity (objectives, content, media, didactical strategy, evaluation) Context Slide 27 Look at the impact.. Evidence about: Student characteristics Teaching staff characteristics Teaching strategies Curricula Education institution characteristics Context Slide 28 Learner characteristics Slide 29 1.Reducing anxiety 2.Diet 3.Gender 4.Personality 5.Self-concept Slide 30 Learner characteristics 1.Reducing anxiety (d=.40) 2.Diet (d=.12) 3.Gender (d=.12) 4.Personality (d=.19) 5.Self-concept (d=.43) Slide 31 Teaching staff characteristics (gebaseerd op Hattie, 2009, p. 109) Slide 32 Teaching staff characteristics 1.Expectations staff 2.Relationship staff memberstudent 3.Teacher subject matter knowledge 4.Not labelling students 5.Professional development staff (gebaseerd op Hattie, 2009, p. 109) Slide 33 Discuss with partner and select again 1.Expectations staff 2.Relationship staff memberstudent 3.Teacher subject matter knowledge 4.Not labelling students 5.Professional development staff (gebaseerd op Hattie, 2009, p. 109) Slide 34 Teaching staff characteristics 1.Expectations staff (d=.43) 2.Relationship staff memberstudent (d=.72) 3.Teacher subject matter knowledge (d=.09) 4.Not labelling students (d=.61) 5.Professional development staff (d=.62) (gebaseerd op Hattie, 2009, p. 109) Slide 35 Conclusions Slide 36 1.Look for the evidence 2.Approach the complex teaching and learning setting 3.Consider interaction of processes/variables in different actors in the educational setting Slide 37 Evidence based teaching and learning Martin Valcke [email protected] http://users.ugent.be/~mvalcke/CV/CVMVA.htm