evaluation question two

Question Two: How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts? Jamie Farrow

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Evaluation Question Two


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Evaluation Question Two:How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?Jamie Farrow

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“The American Dream”• In all three of my media forms (music video, poster and digipak), I have

promoted the idea of the “American Dream” is supported. My intention was convey the idea that anyone can succeed in their life – much like a “rags to riches” story .

• In my music video, this idea is supported through the narrative (where we learn about two homeless people who taken in by a dance crew).

From performing on the streets To performing with a dance crew

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“American Dream” Continued..• This idea of this “American Dream” was a conscious movement in

the production, so I made active choices that supported it in my digipak as well (CD front and back cover).

• For example, one way I incorporated this concept into my digipak was through the small print and the use of the dollar sign.

• The small print says “insert money here 5c”, and this is juxtaposed against the large dollar sign, implying that a little bit of effort or input can go a long way.

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“American Dream” Continued..

Again, this idea of the “American Dream” can be seen in my poster, for the very same reasons as my digipak front and back. The large dollar sign is superimposed over the front of the poster. I used the opacity function to fade it out and make it more subtle. My intention was to offer the overriding concept of the “American Dream” almost as a subliminal message. My intention, in employing a theme throughout the products, was to promote a message that would consistently appeal to my target audience.

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“American Dream” Continued..• Incorporating “The American Dream” in to my music video

and ancillary tasks encourages positivity, determination and perseverance to succeed. Nowadays, people like to be able to relate to music, therefore giving this message through a modern form of media will encourage people to react well to the music video. This would generally make listening to the music track a better and more meaningful experience, which could help increase sales of the music track and serve its purpose of being a promotional campaign.

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Recurring Fonts and Text Types

• Another promotional feature I focused on in the production was a consistent use of the same fonts and text types in both the digipak and poster, as well as in the music video. I did this in order to create continuity between all three productions, so they can easily be linked.

• In my digipak (on the front and back covers), the same icon and title were used in the music video and the poster, as was the font of the small text.

• Consistency within products helps create a brand/house style. So every time the same font is used or the icon is seen then people will automatically link it with “MadTwo” or “Beggin’”

• Bold fonts were used to help state that there is a bold message hidden in the music video, digipak and poster (the same message discussed in the “American Dream”).

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Recurring Fonts and Text TypesEffectively, I was attempting to create a brand image, one that is instantly familiar and recognisable. Michael Jackson is a notable example where someone has achieved success using this marketing strategy with the album “Bad”, as he used a distinctive font across various advertising platforms.

For my advertising campaign, I manipulated stock fonts in Photoshop for both the band title and the song track name to create a bold image. I then rasterised the text and manipulated the colours and added effects, such as increasing the opacity and adding a shimmering quality across it. Finally I superimposed a large dollar sign symbol image behind the text. This design is intended to help connect my marketing campaign together, and I made sure that it was present throughout the production, in the music video, poster and digipak cover, so that it consistently promotes the same message.

The word ‘Bad’ is written in a graffiti style consistently in posters, record and cd covers to help promote a socially desirable image.

The design of my font and logo creates a bold image, a type of branding that would stand out and promote a positive message to match the ideal of the ‘American Dream’ theme . This consistent branding is meant to reinforce the idea of strength and determination.

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Recurring Fonts and Text Types Continued...

As you can see below, the same fonts, text types and icon which were found in the music video and digipak can also be seen in the poster for the same branding reasons mentioned.

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Recurring Fonts and Text Types (Conclusion)• The recurring fonts, text types and icons were used

throughout to increase the level of professionalism, which made the videos come across more professional

• They also made the different forms of media consistent and so that they were easily linked

• Bold text was used to reinforce and demonstrate that there is a message within the video, digipak and poster

• Re using all of these features helps to drill the branding of “MadTwo” and “Beggin’” in people’s minds. This will make people think of them more, which would make the products more likely to sell to the public,

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Colours• I considered the mise en scene in all of my products in relation

to lighting and colour, making sure that each of the products combined by having a similar feel and mood.

• For example, in the music video, we used bright and warm colours, as the video essentially has a positive narrative.

• Most of the bright and warm colours were created through the natural use of the sunlight. In some camera takes I adjusted the brightness and contrast through Sony Vegas and manipulated colour corrections to ensure that the vibrancy was maintained throughout the music video.

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Colours Continued...

• For my front and back cover in my digipak, the bright colours are introduced by the white background and the red and blue triangles

• There is also and image taken from the location of the video of the sunlight shining behind the dollar symbol. This further reinforces the positive concept behind the entire production.

• Again, I used colour corrections for the poster as well, to give it a warmer feel as the natural yellow background colour seemed dull and unsaturated.

• The lens flare also adds some brightness to the poster as there was no natural bright lights in this shot.

• The “coming soon” text stands out as it is white and contrasts the colour behind it. This helps make people aware that the music video is out soon as it stands out.

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Colours Continued..• The narrative in the video is positive, which is why the video

has bright and warm colours in it (as they are linked to positivity).

• The positivity in the music video is of the homeless people who rise above homelessness through perseverance and determination doing what they love

• Using bright and warm colours comes across more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, therefore making the music video, digipak (front and back CD cover) and poster stand out, which will aid the increase of sales

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Break Dancing Culture• The narrative of the music video consists of break dancing, which is

a particular sub-culture in itself. In the video it can be seen performed by the homeless people initially, and later with the dance crew members.

• We used break dancing in the video as we discovered that our target audience had shown a preference towards it in our questionnaire compared to other dance mediums. Break dancing is seen as quite a trendy form of dancing and we managed to recruit dancers of a adequate ability. Typically, it requires a high level of skill to become competent; our intention was to make it seem impressive and desirable to viewers, which we were able to achieve to a degree, although we were slightly constrained as we were not able to acquire professional dancers.

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Break Dancing Culture Continued..• The inside cover of the CD has images of the homeless people

who are in a break dancing pose / freeze.• People who like break dancing will be able to relate to this

image and will possibly like it, meaning they could be enticed by it.

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Break Dancing Culture Continued..• My poster does not contain anything to do with break dancing

culture, although it does include an image of the homeless people, and people who have seen the inside cover of the CD or the music video, they will be able to relate these people to break dancing, therefore creating a link between the three different forms of media

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Break Dancing Culture Continued..• The narrative in the video consists of a break dancing culture

which links it to all three different forms of media created as mentioned in the previous three slides.

• Creating this break dancing culture which is connected to “MadTwo” and this version of “Beggin’” will appeal to the younger generation of people, and all people who are interested in break dancing.

• This is broadening the possible target market, which is possibly increasing potential sales.