evaluation question two a2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? EVALUATION QUESTION TWO

Upload: 07newmanl

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary



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Our main product was a music video for ‘The one that got away’ by Katy Perry, this combines well with our ancillary texts as they both fit the codes and conventions of a real pop artists music video, Digi-pak, poster, website and social media sites. This can be seen due to a collection of consistent

images, colours and themes, and branding which can be seen through out the different areas of our finished pieces.

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We have used a consistent theme through out both our ancillary texts and our finished music video. This can be seen by the use of ballet themed items and shots such as

the ballet shoes and the artist dancing during the video and in on our Digi-pak cover. Using a consistent ballet dancing theme fits with the forms and conventions of a pop music

video as it makes the video and the Digi-pak recognisable to a larger audience who may not know who the artist is.


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We have used a consistent selection of both Colours and filters in both our video and ancillary texts such as the

poster. This was to give the overall music package, including the Digi-pak and the video, a more professional feel and finish, which would be seen by a real pop artists



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Our artist has a consistent costume, make up and hair style which can be seen between the Digi-pak and poster, Social

media websites such as Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, Artist website, and the finished music video. We tried to use a consistent style of make up and hair styling which

was very natural creating a pop artist look.


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We have used a consistent font when using the name of the artist on the Digi-pak, poster and and profile pictures for

the artists social media pages. We have also used the same colour for the name of the artist in order to make it more

recognisable to a target audience who are likely to buy the product.