evaluation question 6

Evaluation Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Evaluation Question 6What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Areas in which our knowledge of technology was developed


Effective Planning

Audience Research






Final Cut Pro




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We have learnt the different applications of technology and how it can be used in all processes during the making of our media product. Technology allowed us to easily watch and research other media products to inspire our piece. We used the site ‘Art of The Title’ to stream title sequences that we could then analyse and compare. This was particularly useful for understanding the conventions of the genre.

Effective planning: Title sequence research

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Technology also allowed us to carry out effective audience research. We used sites such as ‘IMDb’ to carry out our audience research. The database has a demographic breakdown of the votes which allowed us to identify which groups we should target; by knowing this information, we were able to create a more targeted product that appeals to our audience.

Effective planning: Audience research

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By using a camcorder, we were able to film our cinema research and have a permanent gain a better understanding of the exhibition process. Technology again played a crucial role when editing and uploading the footage. The location for our vlog was very loud which caused the sound on our mini-film to be unclear, to make sure that we could reflect back upon the information, we added subtitles and images on ‘Final Cut Pro’. We then uploaded the clip onto ‘Vimeo’ which meant that we could stream it from anywhere.

Effective planning: Cinema research

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We have also learnt how much more efficient tasks can be made with the use of technology. By photographing our potential location shots, we were able to compare the different locations and make a selection based on which is closest to our creative idea. This meant that our film was able to become more aesthetically pleasing.

Effective planning: Location shots

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During the production process, we experimented with both a DSLR and a camcorder. The DSLR provided enhanced visuals, but was not able to capture the sound as effectively, on the other hand, the camcorder was able to pick up sound far better, but lacked visual quality. We decided that the visuals were more important than the sound in our film opening because the sound could be compromised with foley sound; thus we decided to film on a DSLR.


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We learnt how to use the software ‘Motion’ to add the titles and lighting. It allowed for far more complex manipulation of the titles, this meant that we could achieve our creative idea. We wanted the text to fit around the content of the footage, for instance, we were able to manipulate the words ‘Story by’ to wrap around the actresses hand; this could not have been done on Final Cut alone.

Motion: Titles

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We also learnt how to edit the lighting on ‘Motion’. By creating the dim, stylistic lighting artificially, it meant that we could film in bright conditions. If we had filmed in dim conditions, it would have affected our footage and caused it to become really grainy. Moreover, filming in light conditions meant that safety would not be compromised as we would not have to film scenes, such as the ones with fire, in the dark.

Motion: Lighting

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We learnt how to develop a piece of music on the software ‘Sibelius’. Because the software was available on different platforms, we were able to watch our footage whilst editing the music so that it was in sync.


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We learnt the importance of compatibility when creating our media product.

There was a quality difference in the sequence and our footage which meant that the footage needed to be rendered to prevent it from lagging. This was fairly time consuming.

We also had to make our sound compatible by converting the track from an MP3 file to an AIFF, this allowed it to be attuned


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Throughout the entirety of creating our project we were able to view and evaluate the work of our peers as well as have our work reviewed. Technology played a major role in this and allowed this to be done simply and efficiently. Feedback could be posted on our blogs or on the media products. This allowed us to make sure that the

Review and feedback

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This is feedback that I have received from my teacher. For instance, when I had finished my institution logo, I uploaded it and was then able to receive feedback on how to improve it. I was able to view any feedback on multiple media platforms, which allowed me to maximise my time. By instantly receiving the feedback, I was able to act upon this.

Review and feedback

I was able to view any feedback on multiple media platforms, which allowed me to

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Fundamentally, technology played a crucial role in all stages of the construction

of our media product.