evaluation 31-40

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: bellachudasama

Post on 12-Jan-2015



Art & Photos

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6. What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of constructing

this product?

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I have used five different types of software whilst producing my magazine. They are Photoshop, InDesign, PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

I used word to create magazine questionnaires and write up my original article for my double page spread.

I used Excel to produce questionnaire results

I used PowerPoint to create my evaluation.

I used InDesign to create my double page spread.

I used Photoshop to create my front cover and double page spread. I also used it to edit photos throughout this process.

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My main image on the front cover has been altered in Photoshop to get rid of the red eyes and brush up on the skin of my model.

I used Photoshop to add drop shadow and bevel and emboss to my masthead. This gave it a more bold look.

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I have also cropped the photo and used the magic wand to get rid of the grey background and replace it with a blue and grey gradient. I also had to resize the image by holding shift down.

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I have added drop shadow and bevel and emboss to make the title stand out and make the page more eye catching.

I have also used the same background colours as my front cover to hold the continuity.

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I have learnt how to add drop caps so my double page spread will look more realistic.

I have also added my name to the photographs that I have taken so that readers will know who has taken the photo. It also makes the photograph and double page spread look more professional.

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7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

the full product?

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Cut around the main image and added a new background.

Limited the colour pallet and decided to use less vibrant colours.

Added an extra flash

Inserted a background behind the footer. Main image anchors the

headline better than before.

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I have used sans serif fonts to make the contents look more professional.

More text on the contents page to give readers more of a choice.

Page numbers and information added to the images.

Inserted website link.

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Since my preliminary task I have learnt more skills on programmes such as InDesign because I have had to create an double page article where as in my preliminary task I did not have to do this.

Inserting drop caps.

These are some of the things I have learnt to do...

Re-sizing images and changing the contrast.

Locking different shapes together.

Adding drop shadow to text.

Separating articles into columns and adding images and quotes.