evaluation 3 improved

Audience feedback: Music Video: For the audience feedback for the first draft of my music video, I had an initial screening and a questionnaire specifically designed asking people about the most questionable aspects of the video. This was done within college hours, making sure that the majority of people whom filled out my questionnaire were the age of my target audience. The main area to pick upon when looking at my audience feedback was that of the editing for the transaction of the drug exchange. The majority commented that less of a transaction was needed therefore, in response this was shortened by cutting out a number of repeated shots. Another controversial area was which colour scheme to use. From my results the majority of my audience wanted more shots covered by the black and white colour filter. This also came about with other feedback such as the use of either a red or blue filter to add meaning to the shots. Digipak & Magazine Ad: For audience feedback on my print productions, I designed a handwritten questionnaire asking my target audience on areas which I was uncertain about. The most important question I asked was about the internal panels of my digipak design, as I couldn’t decide which colour scheme was the most effective. From this, my audience feedback revealed that the pinkish, textured image was the most suited for my digipak design as this resembled blood, creating intertextual references with themes within my music video production. Apart from this, feedback on my digipak there wasn’t much to change as my audience believed that the editing used was suitable for both the purpose and style of my production. However, on my magazine article there was a fair amount to improve on. The predominant thing to be changed was the sizing of my logos and also making sure the media platforms used, were associated with the Indie Pop genre of my band. Feedback also suggested for me to include possible quotes and ratings for my album from suitable media publishers, such as music magazines.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation 3 improved

Audience feedback:

Music Video:

For the audience feedback for the first draft of my music video, I had an initial screening and a

questionnaire specifically designed asking people about the most questionable aspects of the video.

This was done within college hours, making sure that the majority of people whom filled out my

questionnaire were the age of my target audience.

The main area to pick upon when looking at my audience feedback was that of the editing for the

transaction of the drug exchange. The majority commented that less of a transaction was needed

therefore, in response this was shortened by cutting out a number of repeated shots. Another

controversial area was which colour scheme to use. From my results the majority of my audience

wanted more shots covered by the black and white colour filter. This also came about with other

feedback such as the use of either a red or blue filter to add meaning to the shots.

Digipak & Magazine Ad:

For audience feedback on my print productions, I designed a handwritten questionnaire asking my

target audience on areas which I was uncertain about. The most important question I asked was

about the internal panels of my digipak design, as I couldn’t decide which colour scheme was the

most effective. From this, my audience feedback revealed that the pinkish, textured image was the

most suited for my digipak design as this resembled blood, creating intertextual references with

themes within my music video production. Apart from this, feedback on my digipak there wasn’t

much to change as my audience believed that the editing used was suitable for both the purpose

and style of my production. However, on my magazine article there was a fair amount to improve

on. The predominant thing to be changed was the sizing of my logos and also making sure the media

platforms used, were associated with the Indie Pop genre of my band. Feedback also suggested for

me to include possible quotes and ratings for my album from suitable media publishers, such as

music magazines.

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The changes that resulted from my audience feedback:

Music Video:

In the second edit of my music video production, I reduced the number of transactions in the drug

exchange in response to the audience feedback I received. Having had the suggestion to place the

black and white colour filter used over more shots, this was done, providing greater consistency in

my production. This is so as every chorus is monochromatic, this being due to the past tense lyrics of

‘I took your love last night’ being represented by an aging effect. One specific example of this change

is the last chorus, having changed the colour scheme after the young girl is seen to be talking drugs. I

found this change not only to be effective due to its consistency with the lyrics but also due to the

monochromatic effect suggesting the negative effect the past drug taking scene has on the girl with

black symbolising death and disease.

I believe having made this crucial change to my production that it now follows a greater narrative

structure with added consistency to the storyline. The changes can be seen below, via the two

youtube links:



Digipak & Magazine Ad:

Because the print production tasks were created after my audience research task on the music video

production, this influenced and inspired me into what I perceived my audience would like. If I were

to do this again, I would create a questionnaire or survey on my print productions to find out what

design my audience would like to see. However in response to my audience feedback, I reduced the

size of the logos on my magazine ad and also did research into Indie Pop media platforms – changing

my original recording company. I additionally changed the colour scheme in order to create

intertexual references with the interchangeable colour scheme within my music video. A light trail

effect was further added to the image, replicating the effect on the cover of my digipak design. I feel

this was an effective decision as there is now a stronger link between my print productions, just like

real world media products.

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What would I do differently?

When considering my research methods into my advanced portfolio, I choose predominately to use

questionnaires both online and physically. I felt these were effective methods in gaining audience

feedback as I was able to target them at specifically at a teenage audience through publications

within my college and on online media platforms such as Facebook. This also allowed me to ask both

quantitative questions, so that I was able to generate extract answers, but also qualitative questions

allowing me to receive answers open to interpretation. However, the only problem with my research

methods was that having an online survey didn’t enable me to observe individuals responses,

leading to some questionnaires revealing bizarre results which had to be removed, reducing my

audience feedback sample size. Looking back, I would have done some things differently. For a first, I

would have gathered audience research into what my identified audience would’ve liked to have

seen as the design for my print production tasks before I started the design process. Also, in

hindsight I would have produced more paper questionnaires, as these provided the more valid and

genuine responses in opposition to the digital questionnaire I sent out via the media platform,

Survey Monkey.