etit 102 - week 6

ETIT 102 - WEEK 6 Evolution of World Political History – 2 (Part 1)

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ETIT 102 - WEEK 6. Evolution of World Political History – 2 ( Part 1). The 18th & 19th Cent . : 3 Themes. Popular Sovereignty Westernization of the International System The Growth of the Multipolar System. 1) Popular Sovereignty . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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ETIT 102 - WEEK 6

Evolution of World Political History – 2 (Part 1)

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The 18th & 19th Cent. : 3 Themes

1) Popular Sovereignty

2) Westernization of the International System

3) The Growth of the Multipolar System

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1) Popular Sovereignty • The people claimed the state for themselves. • Until this time, the prevailing belief was that kings

ruled by divine right over both territory and people, who were subjects, not citizens.

• Inspired by the age of Enlightment, The American (1776) and French (1789) revolutions challanged this philosophy.

• Democracies were established on the principle that ultimate political power rests with people, not the monarch.

• The concept of nationalism to include mass identification with/participation in the affairs of the state.

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Political Implications of Revolutions

• Democratic nationalism spread throughout Europe and steadily undermined monarchical government and its concept of divine right.

• Nationalism and popular sovereignty were also undermined the basis of multiethnic/colonial empires (i.e.Ottoman, Austria-Hungary, Russia, British,etc.)

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2) Westernization of the International System

• The domination & shaping of the international system by the West.

• The growth of European powers (Britain,France, etc.) to thrust outward and the take control of America and some parts of Asia/Africa/Middle East.

• The process accelerated in the 19th cent , mainly due to industrial revolution.

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European Colonization of Americas (1763)

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3) The Growth of the Multipolar System

• From the Treaty of Wesphalia (1648) through the mid-20th cent., multipolar system governed political relations among the globally dominant major European powers.

• The multipolar system as marked by shifting alliances designed to preserve the balance of power.

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Diplomats at the Congress of Vienna (1815)

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The national boundaries within Europe as set by the Congress of Vienna, 1815

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The Evolving World System: The Twentieth Century

• The pace of world political evolution began to speed up even more by the beginning of the 1900s.

• Nationalism & Democratic demands increasingly undermined the foundations of 1815 Vienna settlements; the multi-ethnic empires such as the Austo-Hungarian & Ottoman empires.

• Unification of Germany and Italy in the late 19th cent. • Following WWI, many new states emerged such as

Czechoslovakia, Poland & Yugoslavia, along with the ones in the Middle East and Africa.

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To be continued