eti learning log

Title of movie: Brave Why the movie was entertaining: 1) I found the movie entertaining because like in the book series Skullduggery Pleasant there is the same mix of adventure and sarcastic wit. For Example when Merida shoots a fish and then her mother starts clapping, Merida says “But in your opinion, a Princess shouldn’t have weapons” and her mother gives her an irritated look as if to say “Alright then!” 2) The movie has all the right voices to play the Scottish characters such as Billy Connoly who plays Fergus and does it just right. 3) The visual humour mocks things such as the kilt scene where the kilts are turned into a rope, when the clans need to get down from the tower. The thing it mocks is when you hear about princesses escaping via bed sheets turned into ropes.

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Page 1: Eti learning log

Title of movie: Brave

Why the movie was entertaining:

1) I found the movie entertaining because like in the book series Skullduggery Pleasant there is the same mix of adventure and sarcastic wit. For Example when Merida shoots a fish and then her mother starts clapping, Merida says “But in your opinion, a Princess shouldn’t have weapons” and her mother gives her an irritated look as if to say “Alright then!”

2) The movie has all the right voices to play the Scottish characters such as Billy Connoly who plays Fergus and does it just right.

3) The visual humour mocks things such as the kilt scene where the kilts are turned into a rope, when the clans need to get down from the tower. The thing it mocks is when you hear about princesses escaping via bed sheets turned into ropes.

Page 2: Eti learning log

Binary number systemBinary number system is a number system mainly used by computers and other digital things such as an iPad or an iPhone. If

I were to type in `honey’ into Google it would send that data to another part of the computer. But not how you would expect it. Computers almost have their own language in binary instead of sending the actual word, it would send it in a mix of 1’s and 0’s and would store that data as 1’s and 0’s but as soon as you click on the file, it comes up in words. The reason computers use binary is because they cannot handle digits like 3,4,9 etc, so they translate it into the language of binary.

OUR NUMBER SYSTEM( BASE 10 ). The base 10 number systems are ones like roman numerals and our system we use today down deep it is made up of

10 digits such as 0123456789 and combinations of these. They are what I call base numbers the higher you get the more base numbers you have such as 100 has 2 base numbers 1,0. these two number systems base 10 and binary the things they have in common are you can count up as high as you

Binary differs from base 10 as it doesn’t use the same digits it is also a base 2 system, so instead of 10’s being the number behind it all, it is the second number 2