eternity fall festival - northridge church · lord, you are actively seeking _____, to save...

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." - Matthew 9:35-38 Eternity Fall Festival 37 Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." - Matthew 9:335-38 (See also Luke 10:2) Scene 1: BEFORE Christ’s Call to Pray Christ was busy teaching, preaching, and healing. Jesus labored; the disciples watched. Christ modeled ‘Kingdom Work’. Christ had compassion on the crowds, because they were harassed and helpless. In A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Phillip Keller describes how sheep can get turned over on their backs, unable to get up without the shepherd’s help and vulnerable to their enemies. Apart from The Good Shepherd, Jesus, we are the same as a ‘cast down’ sheep. Without Him, we are ‘legs up’. To labor in the field, we need to have Christ’s compassion for others and understand they, too, need the Good Shep- herd. Scene 2: Call to PRAY! Jesus uses the metaphor of a farmer who needs workers to harvest his field to show that God ‘needs’ workers in the ‘field’. His plan is for us to ASK the Lord of the Harvest to impassion and empower believers with the Holy Spirit to accomplish His purposes. He empowers those who know and love Him; people who are pliable in His hands. We aren’t to rely on our own abilities. We must rely on God and ask Him to send kingdom workers into His harvest field. Scene 3: The End of the Story Then and now, Christ calls His disciples to pray for more workers in His field. Then and now, His disciples are empowered by the Holy Spirit to ‘labor’ in His harvest field. I’M IN! Are you? OCTOBER 8, 2017—A Call to Pray… But, That’s not the End of the Story!

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Page 1: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

35Jesus went through all the towns and villages,

teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the

good news of the kingdom and healing every

disease and sickness.36When He saw the crowds,

He had compassion on them, because they

were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a

shepherd. 37Then He said to His disciples, "The

harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask

the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out

workers into His harvest field." - Matthew 9:35-38

Eternity Fall Festival

37Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the LORD of the

harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." - Matthew 9:335-38 (See also Luke 10:2)

Scene 1: BEFORE Christ’s Call to Pray

Christ was busy teaching, preaching, and healing. Jesus labored; the disciples watched. Christ

modeled ‘Kingdom Work’.

Christ had compassion on the crowds, because they were harassed and helpless. In A Shepherd

Looks at Psalm 23, Phillip Keller describes how sheep can get turned over on their backs, unable to

get up without the shepherd’s help and vulnerable to their enemies. Apart from The Good Shepherd,

Jesus, we are the same as a ‘cast down’ sheep. Without Him, we are ‘legs up’. To labor in the field,

we need to have Christ’s compassion for others and understand they, too, need the Good Shep-


Scene 2: Call to PRAY!

Jesus uses the metaphor of a farmer who needs workers to harvest his field to show that God ‘needs’

workers in the ‘field’. His plan is for us to ASK the Lord of the Harvest to impassion and empower

believers with the Holy Spirit to accomplish His purposes. He empowers those who know and love

Him; people who are pliable in His hands. We aren’t to rely on our own abilities. We must rely on God

and ask Him to send kingdom workers into His harvest field.

Scene 3: The End of the Story

Then and now, Christ calls His disciples to pray for more workers in His field. Then and now, His

disciples are empowered by the Holy Spirit to ‘labor’ in His harvest field. I’M IN! Are you?

OCTOBER 8, 2017—A Call to Pray… But, That’s not the End of the Story!

Page 2: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

My parents were far, far, far from God. Prayers for

them felt hopeless. Into my life came the

amazing study, Experiencing God, by Henry


Have you ever prayed persistently for

something and not received it?

• Ask God to help you understand what He’s

doing in your life.

• Watch to see what happens next.

• Pay attention to what He begins to reveal

through His Word.

Excerpt from Experiencing God

Christ told His disciples to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and unto the uttermost parts of the

world. My parents were ‘my Jerusalem’—the ones closest to me. People who are the closest to us

are many times the most difficult to share faith with. Is this true for you, also?

May I share the WEALTH of God’s answers to the many questions I had about sharing Him with my

parents? The bold bullets are the points that I most needed to hear. They gave me a better

understanding of what I was to do and the courage to do it.

WHY do we share our faith?

• God commanded it! Acts 1:8, Rev. 12:17

• It demonstrates the love of God. John 14:15 *

• All are lost. Romans 3:10, 23

• Our sharing is God’s chosen method to tell. Romans 10:14-17

• God desires to save all people. Acts 4:12, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Tim. 2:4*

This reminded me that God loved my dad…no matter what he had done in the past. I needed to hear this.

WHAT are we supposed to share? Share the Good News of Christ!

• All are sinners. Isaiah 53:6, Romans 3:10-11

• There’s nothing we can do to save self. Ephesians 2:19

• Christ was born to save the lost from their sin. 1 Tim. 1:15, Acts 3

• Must believe and invite Christ in heart by faith.

HOW are we to share?

• 1 Thess. 1:5

• Forgiveness and cleansing first. Then I will teach transgressors Thy way and sinners can be converted to You. Ps. 51

• Teach Christ. Don’t get bogged down with theology. Avoid arguments and stick to basic issues of man’s sin and Christ

When my dad started to argue against what I knew to be true, this point helped me look past his statements and ‘go on’ to share truth.

OCTOBER 9 & 10—The W.W.H.W.’s of Sharing Christ with Others

Eternity Fall Festival



Page 3: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

OCTOBER 9 & 10—The W.W.H.W.’s of Sharing Christ with Others Continued

OCTOBER 11, 2017—Laboring Isn’t Labor! Lives Are Changed! “Body” Work!

Orlando and Janelly, a blessing to all who know them,

started attending NorthRidge in 2013. They moved to south

Florida in December, 2016. Listen to Orlando’s heart. Then

ask yourself, “Am I intentionally opening myself up to

relationships where God can use me? (AND bless me?)

“In my perspective, what meant a lot to me and

showed me that we were truly loved is how you and

the people at Northridge took the time to build a

foundation of Christ in our lives that we will carry

forever. Before God put you in our path, we were

astray. You were so patient with us and so genuine.

We had never experienced that before. I was used

to being judged by people. I always will remember

how you would always go out of your way to help us

any way you could. In the short time that we were in

Polk County, you showed us more love than our

family members have. You made us feel part of your

family. We would have never made it to the next leg of our journey in life. I remember the

men's classes with Bill and how he mentored me and showed me how men of God should

fellowship and pray.

Eternity Fall Festival

• Use the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12

• Depend on the Spirit of God. John 3:15, 1 Cor. 2:4, Acts 6:10

• Be gentle and gracious, even as a nurse cherishes her children, willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because you were dear to us. - 1 Thess. 2:7-8

This point was, for ME, the most important of all. Yes, my words must be truth. But my eyes, my voice, my whole being was to express love. Because he WAS dear to me. My dad would ‘hear’ the love, even if he heard nothing else.

WHEN are we to share?

• NOW! Preach the word. Be instant in season and out of season. - 2 Timothy 4:2

If you have taken Experiencing God, you understand these scriptures were God’s invitation to join

Him in what He was doing in my parents’ lives. I felt inadequate and was fearful to tackle this

assignment, but I told God, ‘Yes’. God gave me peace about my dad before he died. Thirty years

later, I continue to pray for my mom. It’s a daily choice to trust Him, His love and His timing. I have

learned that HE is the one who brings people into the kingdom; I just have to go where He sends me.

He is an amazing God!

BTW: I encourage you to journal! Write down your questions/concerns. Record scripture God leads you to.

Journaling is a way of showing yourself that you’re serious about seeking God with the intent to obey!


Page 4: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

OCTOBER 11, 2017—Laboring Isn’t Labor! Lives Are Changed! “Body” Work!

I remember the marriage counseling we did with Pastor David and how he helped save my

marriage, I remember how Pastor David and Derrick were always there to listen and pray for

us. How Pastor Derrick did such a great job teaching our kids about the God we serve. I also

would like to mention Pastor Don coming to pray with us when we were going through a crisis

in our lives. His coming to pray with me helped us to continue forward and stay focused on

God. It reminded us how God is bigger than anything and everything that we will ever go

through. With God I have nothing to fear because we have victory in Jesus.” - Orlando

The story of Orlando and Janelly tells of people ‘laboring in the field’ to impact lives for Jesus. But

WAS it labor? NO! WAS is hard work? NO! Our lives are richer; we received more than we gave. We

have become family. This is how God intends His Body, The Church, to operate. Are we ready?

OCTOBER 12, 2017—Fall Festival and Eternity

God has the power and authority to stir hearts to accomplish His

purposes. His purpose is for us to disciple others and to work in His

fields. A different way to express His purpose for our lives is for us to

‘Love God. Love Others.” I am thankful for the opportunity to ‘Be

on Mission’ with the entire church body while participating in the

Fall Festival and the production, “Eternity”.

Let’s pray today for the people and resources we need to provide

these experiences for our community.

• Pray for Resources: Ask God to stir the hearts of people to

supply financial support and specific items that are needed for

the Fall Festival and “Eternity. May these donations match our needs so perfectly that God’s

name is magnified and that we are in awe of who He is—El Shaddai; God All Mighty! Jehovah-

Jirah; God, our Provider!

• Pray for Skilled Workers: Ask God to stir hearts of people to serve, that they work as an outflow of

their love for God. Pray for the people setting up teams, that God gives them wisdom and

discernment to match people to their gifting's. Specific opportunities to serve during the Fall

Festival include: Set-Up and Tear-Down Crew, Welcome Centers, Games, Bounce House and

Inflatables, Face Painting, Water Boys, Filling Popcorn Bags, Prayer Station, Roaming Evangelism,

and Photo Booth. Specific opportunities to serve in “Eternity” include acting, build and tear down

the set, cook and serve meals for cast on production nights.

• Pray Specifically for Groups of Workers: Pray for their walk with the Lord, that others will see Christ

in them prior to and during the event. Pray for God to open doors for us to love on and disciple


Eternity Fall Festival

Page 5: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

OCTOBER 13, 2017—Praying for the Lost: Praying Strategically

Many of us have seen the movie, “The War Room”. A

take-away from that movie is the importance of praying

strategically. We do this by seeking the mind and heart of

God for a specific need through His word.

• The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers,

so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that

displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

—2 Corinthians 4:4

Lord, take off blinders! Open eyes so they can see


• For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.—Luke 19:10

Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You!

• I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the

power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those

who are sanctified by faith in Me.—Acts 26:18

Father, send someone to _____, to open his eyes and turn him from darkness to light. Turn him

from the power of Satan to You. Help him receive forgiveness and cleansing from his sins. May he

become set apart for Your purposes.

• I won’t stop asking You, God, to give _____ the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that he may

know You better. I pray that the eyes of his heart may be enlightened so he will know the hope to

which You have called him, …and Your incomparably great power for us who believe. That

power is the same as the mighty strength You exerted when You raised Christ from the dead…

- Eph. 1:17-19 (paraphrased)

• MORE SCRIPTURE: John 3:18, 16:8-9, 1 Cor. 1:18, Eph. 2:1, John 3:16, Eph. 5:18, 2 Timothy 2:25-26, 2

Peter 3:9

Those who don’t have a relationship with God only come to receive Him by God’s Spirit working in

their hearts and minds. He is working now to prepare people for ‘God appointments’ with each of us.

Please pray…

Write down the name(s) of 1-3 people who need the Lord. Ask God how to pray

specifically for each person. Ask God to lead you to scripture to pray back Him for the

people God has put on your heart.

OCTOBER 14, 2017—The Moravian Prayer Watch: A Prayer Meeting that Lasted Over 100 Years

Once upon a time, there was a community of believers who didn’t know

how to ‘play well with others’. Their relationships were riddled with

dissension and jealousies. Their leader, having enough of their dysfunction,

divided them into small groups, and said, “Don’t come out of your corner

until you can get along with each other!” That’s the cartoon version of the

facts from a Moravian community in the early 1700’s.

Eternity Fall Festival

Page 6: Eternity Fall Festival - NorthRidge Church · Lord, You are actively seeking _____, to save him/her. Thank You! • I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from

Eternity Fall Festival OCTOBER 14, 2017—The Moravian Prayer Watch: A Prayer Meeting that Lasted Over 100 Years

In actuality, their leader DID divide them into small groups. Their purpose was to seek God and His

principles for living. As a result, relationships were healed. The people experienced JOY in their

relationships with God and with each other. A by-product of healed relationships was that the Spirit

abided in them and they felt a hunger to pray.

FACT 1: Prayer In 1727, the Moravian community in Germany initiated a round-the-clock “prayer

watch” that continued nonstop for over a hundred years. The prayer watch started with 24 men and

24 women who covenanted to pray in hour shifts 24/7. Eventually, there were at least 90 groups with

as many as 30 in a group. Scripture that sparked the vision for the prayer community was Isaiah 62:

1-7. They named their community Hernhutt, which means “The Lord’s Watch”.

Isaiah 62:6-7 6I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day

or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, 7and give Him no rest till He

establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.

FACT 2: Mission By 1791, the small Moravian community had sent over 300 missionaries to the ends of

the earth.

TO THINK ABOUT: Is it possible that there is a CAUSE and EFFECT RELATIONSHIP between these facts?

Does a right relationship with God and others REALLY need to be Priority Number One?