etched in stone: 04-26-13 senior issue


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Cover Stories: Senior Farewells, College List, and Dr. Cook's Goodbye Featuring: Two Successful Seniors, Horoscopes and He Said, She Said


Page 1: Etched In Stone: 04-26-13 Senior Issue


ETCHEDINSTONE04.26.13 // magazine




collegel i s t

dr. cook’sgoodbye

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BusinessBUSINESS MANAGER Haley Osborn

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ContactADVISER Tracy Marcello

PHONE (970) 488-2341

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ETCHEDINSTONE is the official online news publication and quarterly magazine of Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO.

ContentCOPY EDITOR Chandler Gould

NEWS EDITOR Anna Schneeberger

SPORTS EDITORS Dylan Cox Logan Spieler

FEATURES EDITORS Abbie Hanawalt Topanga McBride


OPINION EDITORS Amber Baack Elliott Smith


WRITERS Amber Baack, Vickie Bonnema, Dierdre Cook, Dylan Cox, Ethan Dayton, Chandler Gould, Abbie Hanawalt, Topanga McBride, Haley Osborn, Anna Schneeberg-er, Logan Spieler

OnlineWEB MANAGERS Andres Jimenez Tomas Muelling

DesignGRAPHIC DESIGNERS Amber Baack Vickie Bonnema Ethan Dayton Anna Schneeberger

Vol. 9, Issue 4 // April 26, 2013

Table of

3. Editor’s NoteOne Month Away

4. Two Successful SeniorsTwo of the school’s top seniors share their life stories

5. Etched In Stone Seniors say Farewell

7. Etched In Stone Junior Tributes

12. Sincerely Abbie

13. He Said, She Said Farewell

15. Horoscopes

cover stories:6. Dr. Cook’s Good-byeWhat she has to say about her final graduating class—the class of 2013.

8. Senior FarewellsEveryone has something to give to someone.

6. College ListWhich colleges are you going to?

Dr. Cook engaging with students Maddie Pike and Maite Moraes Heyde during a pot-tery class. Cook said that the time with students, especially in classrooms, is the thing she will really miss about her job at Fossil Ridge. Photo Credit: Amber Baack

Page 3: Etched In Stone: 04-26-13 Senior Issue



It doesn’t seem like I’ve been writing these editor’s notes for that long. I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that this is the last one. I don’t really know what to say, but here it goes.

My four years in high school seem like they started yesterday. I can still remember walking into my parent’s bedroom at my old house on the morning of. I was wear-ing my Beatles shirt and jeans. My hair was curled like bell bottoms. I remember their faces, realizing that their youngest child was now a freshman in high school. I remember them taking a picture, wondering what exactly would come of it.

I remember my friends and my adventures; my homework and my downtime. I remember having my life changed in the U.S. Southwest, Cambodia and Belgium. I also remember having my life changed right inside the walls of 5400 Ziegler Road.

For me, it doesn’t seem like there is less than a month of high school remaining. But that is the truth. Four years sped by quicker than one can even begin to imagine. Friends, first loves, and the ones that got away. That is the past now.

I’m really glad that I got to write to you guys, even if you turned the page before seeing my words. I’m glad that I got to create 11 issues as editor of Etched In Stone, and to help spread a wealth of knowledge around our already knowledgeable com-munity.

Being a senior isn’t quite what people think it will be. There isn’t a feeling of being in charge of the school. There isn’t an overwhelming excitement for graduating. And there isn’t a senior parking lot. You fools are imagining things. But there is an immense want to be done with everything, and an uncontrollable feeling of finish-ing. The long stretch seems long at first, but it is over before you know it. And the road is full of plenty of regrets.

I wouldn’t call high school a journey. I would call it a collection of stories that con-tain journeys of their own. Like the time after my sophomore year that I had a ta-rantula crawling on my chest in rural Cambodia. Or the time during my freshman year when Taylor Ziolkowski walked right into one of the poles between the doors in the hallway leading to the library. I was on the ground crying from laughter. Or the excitement when I was named Content Editor at the beginning of my junior year. It seems surreal to be able to say that high school is almost over. That there is only one story left here, and with only one journey remaining.

I’ve had a great time being a student at Fossil Ridge High School. I’ve had a great time being the editor-in-chief of Etched In Stone. And I’m going to have a great time being whoever I need to be in the years ahead.


By Ethan Dayton

One month away

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SENIORSBy Anna Schneeberger // Photo Credit: Ethan Dayton

It is a known fact that most teenage siblings do not get along; however, sitting down with seniors Jessica and Jason Petty, twins at Fossil Ridge High School, it is apparent that they are very different from the average teenage siblings. Besides from getting along unusually well, the two Petty twins have both succeeded beyond imagination during their high school years. The twins have both participated in National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and Mock Trial over the past four years. Separately Jason has participated in Forensics, Knowledge Bowl, and Model

United Nations while also maintaining a 4.15 GPA and achieving an ACT composite score of 34. Jessica has been a part of the state-winning marching band program as a clarinet player, participated in Key Club, youth group, and volunteering work. Jessica has a 4.13 GPA and got a composite score of 34 on her ACT and a 2250 on the SAT. Jessica was also named a national merit finalist.

Talking with Jason and Jessica, it is easy to see that these two have an amazing bond. “I feel like our personalities complement each other,” Jason said. “I feel like the parts of our personalities that are annoying have been around for forever so we have had time to get used to them. We swap with who is outgoing and who is reserved in different situations,” Jessica said. When they were younger Jessica was very manipulative of Jason. “One year she convinced me to open her Christmas presents early for her, so I got in trouble but she still got to see what she got for Christmas,” Jason said. Jessica laughed, adding, “I was a lot bigger than him, so whenever he frustrated me, I just picked him up and threw him on his bed. He was more outgoing than he is now. He was like a spaz attack all the time.”

When the Petty twins were younger they had lower aspirations than they do now. Jason dreamed of being a garbage man. “We would sit there every day and would watch the garbage people. I thought garbage was the coolest thing,” he said. Jessica said, “I can remember wanting to be a car mechanic at one point. I wanted to be a cowgirl. Cowgirl was a popular one with me. My mom made me a real outfit with a vest with the fringe and everything. I think I was a cowgirl for five Halloweens in a row,” Jessica said.

Now the Petty’s are aiming for higher goals. Next year, Jason—who is a final candidate for valedictorian—is going to Georgetown University at the Walsh School of Foreign Service in Washington,

D.C. with the full tuition paid for. He is planning on majoring either in economics or international politics with a security focus. Jessica is going to the University of Colorado–Boulder with an $8,750-a-year scholarship. She is planning to major in civil engineering.

The twins have had a great time at Fossil, filled with amazing teachers and memories. “The highlight of my time here was winning Knowledge Bowl state,” Jason said. They would like to make a shout-out to some of their favorite teachers including Mrs. Cranor, Mr. Anastasia, Mr. Walder, Mrs. Oswald, and Mrs. Jones.

These two successful seniors would also like to give some advice to the students at FRHS: “Take advantage of everything you are offered. It’s easy just to slop through high school and not do anything, but if you actually give it your best then it’s cool how much you can actually accomplish,” Jessica said. Jason added, “Take control of your own life and your own actions because you can do an incredible amount of things for yourself and the ones around you.” E

4 EiS 04.26.13 Features

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Dear Fossil Ridge,

We, the seniors of the Etched in Stone staff, have loved our time here at Fossil Ridge and we will forever treasure the memories and experiences given to us by the school and the newspaper publication. As we say farewell, we would like to leave you with a few words of wisdom and to send love and thanks to some very important people. To the Fossil Ridge students: we will miss all of you that we have gotten to know and we have some advice and a few words to say to you as you continue on here at the Ridge and get ready to leave your legacy. For the upcoming seasons of sports, the showcases of Fossil talent at events like Mr. FRHS and Star Search and the musicals and plays, and Ridge TV and STUCO events, we want to see some, actually make that a whole lot, of Sabercat Spirit. Fill the stands to the brim at games while decked out in green and silver and black and lose your voice because of all your cheering. Fill up the PAC and support productions and attend as many events at Fossil as you possibly can. Be proud, be excited, and fully support the awesome school that you go to. And, try to get involved in something new and challenge yourself. It will only make the Ridge an even better place. As for the sports teams, continue to strive for greatness. Win some more state titles, stay committed and grow together as a supportive team that everyone wants to cheer on. Now, we would just like to thank all of the wonderful teachers at Fossil who have helped us grow and who have taught us so much. While we could list off a large majority of teachers here that have greatly impacted us, we only have the space to list a few great ones who have really taught us a lot and who we are so very grateful to have had in our lives. Thank you so much Mr. Barry for all of your thoughtful teaching and for being one of the coolest teachers in the world. Thank you Mrs. Cranor, Mr. Walder, and Mr. Curran for teaching us so many hard things, especially some of that math, and for never losing faith in us succeeding. Thank you Mrs. Campbell for your endless support and advice for our futures with college and for the willingness to always engage in conversation and to be there to support us. Thank you Mr. Gallagher for always helping out and making us think about things in different ways. Thank you Mr. DeVries for all of your dedicated years of teaching, your jokes, and your impact on our lives. Congratulations on retirement! Thank you Mr. Forkner for teaching us so many things about Journalism, for supporting all of our ideas even when they were a little bit out there, for being such a wonderful mentor in our lives, and for your awesome beard…you’re the best Forkdog. And finally, a huge thank you to Mrs. Marcello for her support every day, for helping us to become a nationally award winning publication, and for uniting us as a staff and helping us to become a family. To the Etched in Stone Staff: we will really miss you guys. Our staff has done such amazing things this year and we know that you guys are only going to make it even better. We beg of you all to encourage readership of this publication in anyway possible and we know that you will. We also say, keep it going strong and never forget the passion that you have for writing and reporting. Keep creating magic and make Etched in Stone into an even better publication than it is right now. We believe in you guys so much and we are so blessed to have served with you on the staff this year.

Thanks for all the support this year Fossil, it’s been great. Good luck with everything and stay classy. Farewell!

Sincerely, The Senior Etched in Stone Staff

Ethan DaytonAbbie Hanawalt

Amber BaackAnna Schneeberger

Dylan CoxAmy Borngrebe

Elliott Smith 5

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6 EiS 04.26.13 Features


Class of 2013,

The time is nearing when we say good-bye to Fossil Ridge High School. Four years ago you were welcomed to the Ridge Nation during an all freshman transition day. Wide-eyed, you sat in Advisory groups during the opening assembly. You laughed when a motivational speaker made fun of stereotypes and challenged you to make these the best years of your life. Your concerns that day involved lockers, being lost on campus, and remembering your schedule. During the past four years you have excelled in academics, well most of you. You have said tearful good-byes to fallen SaberCats. You have held on tight to the right to reserve the front row at ALL athletic events – it’s a tradition, right? You have continued the rumor of senior parking in the east lot. You have raised countless dollars for worthwhile charities. You have read books to 2nd graders and danced with senior citizens. Your senior service projects taught you about organization, gratitude, and the power of making a difference. You have laughed, cried, and cheered together at athletic events. You have been a part of our state championship teams. You have celebrated diversity. What I am most proud of is your commitment to excellence, your vision of a bright future, and the consistent care that you have shown each other. The class of 2013 has a very special place in my heart. As we move forward to the next chapter of our lives, we need to hold tight to our dreams while we welcome new opportunities. Hold on fondly to your high schools days. They will provide you with laughter, stories and warm memories throughout the rest of your life. Never forget that you are a SaberCat.


Dierdre Cook

Junior Tributes

Photo Credit: Amber Baack

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Junior TributesBy Topanga McBride, Haley Osborn, Chandler Gould,

Victoria Bonnema & Logan Spieler

Dear EIS seniors,

To our ferocious leader, : No words can describe the magnitude of which you have touched our innermost souls, and the confidence that you have in your class and your abilities has been ever evident and has inspired the staff to push farther.

To our sports guru, : You have shown dedication to your position as sports writer, sports editor and friend. We are disappointed to be saying goodbye to the Fonz of the crew.

To our resident comedian, : Your always chipper attitude lightens the room with sunshine and joy. We will miss your Adele karaoke and assorted hats.

To the sincere : You kept us honest with your “tell it as it is” attitude. The wisdom and advice you have bestowed upon your avid readers has helped us through the ups and downs of high school.

To the master of sass, : The joyfulness that you bring to the news room will be dearly missed by all. We know we will never be able to replace your ability to predict the future.

To the totes fab : Being able to be yourself in high school is a gift and you have embraced becoming your own individual. Your determination in your writing and all you do is sure to bring you to success.

To our little pocket of sunshine, : Our skies will be cloudy without you. Your peppy attitude and enthusiasm will carry you far into the future. We can’t wait to hear you on the radio.

Ethan Dayton

Dylan Cox

Elliott Smith

Abbie Hanawalt

Anna Schneeberger

Amy Borngrebe

Amber Baack

Love,Your Fellow Junior Staff Members

So there you go a tribute from your newspaper family. As you embark on the next path in the journey of life, we wish you the best of luck and we send you off with love. Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Your legacy will forever be in our hearts.

We had a hard time writing a bunch of nice stuff for you. Not because we don’t love you, but because there’s just so much about all of you that we have come to admire during our time together. Everything from your quirky personalities to your passion for journalism has created an award-winning publication and a tight-knit family. These are for you:

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I, David McGraw, leave my position of most changed by my high school experience open to any and all students who feel like they are not the same person as when they first arrived at Fossil. I may not have been here for all four years but the time I had was priceless. Thanks Fossil.

I, Sam Allsup, leave my 1999 Audi A4 to my younger brother Ben Allsup. JK! You’re not getting my car!!! But you can have the splendor I have brought to the Allsup name these past 4 years.

I, Anna Schneeberger, leave Key Club to deserving hands of Emily Sharp and Alex Thompson. I know you will both do an amazing job next year.

I, Yoni Ephraim, leave my gorgeous looks and dashing personality to Alex Martin.

I, Amber Baack, leave the care of my wonderful cross country kids Miguel, Emilio, Jack, Aidan, and Aaron, who I will miss very much and greatly love, to Ben Hartman.

I, Magdalynne Leigh Marrick, leave my care-free attitude, awkwardness, and openness with being weird to my little brother and best friend, Paul Marrick.

I, Carson Rideout, leave my title of Ninja of the Band Hall to Garrett Olsen. May you use your ninja skills to protect the Music Wing from evildoers.

I, Koree Willer, leave “The Willer Way” to my little sister, Kellee Willer.

I, Kelsi Shannon, leave my enthusiasm and spirit to the incoming freshmen. I hope that you have fun at FRHS just like I did.

I, Chrystal Yoder, leave my spirit and awesomeness to the freshmen who have the choice to come to FRHS! Have a blast here and learn as much as you can! Love Yah!

I, Colin Peter, leave my love to Alex Semadeni, Colin Ochwat, and Sawyer Novak.

I, Michael Reyna, leave all of my talent to Colin Ochwat and a little to Mia Martinez.

We, Shaw and Bromstrup’s Advisories, leave our legacy of The Faculty Final Four and its responsibilities to be awesome and raise money for the Special Olympics to the junior class.

I, Mike Nelson, leave my funny Ridge TV segments to Alex Semadeni. Make sure you make Ridge TV as funny as you can.

I, Robert Warring, leave my mild kleptomania, silly antics, and sense of lighthearted mischief to Kelly Kane.

I, Briana Hergott, leave my greatest advice to experience high school to all of the underclassmen. I advise you all to create memories that will stay with you throughout your life. That way, when you look back on your high school moments, you will remember the good times that you shared with others. Don’t let the bad times keep you from enjoying life.

I, Margaret Mae Betros, leave my extremely important role of Student Council Secretary to Sarah Catherine Emery so that she may keep it sassy and use her skills to take attendance every single day. I love you.

I, Caleb Bay, leave my “TOPAAAANGAAAA!” shouting to Chris Pyle.

I, Ryan Dickerson, leave my Game Society officer position to Chandler Oppenhiemer.

I, Carter McBride, leave my title of Trombone Mother, with all the matronly responsibilities that follow, to Cassandra Goodby. SEN




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I, Leah Tray, leave my clearly superior color guard skills and fluency in the find art of sarcasm to the FRHS color guard and all of my junior friends.

I, Jordan Pyle, leave my passion for music and dedication for excellence to the Fossil Ridge bands. Keep striving to “be your best” and learn all you can from Mr. Berard because he is one of the best music educators in the country! Thank you.

I, Jason Petty, leave my unrealistic expectations, lack of sleep, ability to confuse people into submission, and control over the debate team to XuSoug Ho and Grace Feug.

I, Michael Rinella, leave my ability to trip on the stairs to Matthew Rinella.

I, Kimaleen Tran, leave my positive outlook on life, determination to succeed and willingness to help others to my sister, Cynthia Tran.

I, Laura Cummings, leave AP Music Theory shenanigans and friendly harassment of Mr. Silvestri to Garrett Olsen.

I, Kelsey Easton, leave my perseverance, ranting about life while driving other people home, my unusual optimism for humanity, “my adorableness”, and a lock of my hair so I can be cloned to Bailey Gannett.

I, Sammy Trujillo, leave my school spirit and ability to be different from everybody, make people smile and enjoy high school to the Class of 2016.

I, Haley Tyler, leave my limitless supply of cranapple juice to Chinmay Pandit.

We, Varsity Girl’s Swim Captains Hannah Tracy, Shayne Bontempo, Rhianna Williams, Blaire Waddell, Lizzy Wineinger, and Mackenzie Eubank, leave the girl’s swim and dive team to our predecessors Haley Osborn, Sammie Guay, and Sarah Beard.

I, Sarah Kamphaus, leave my Wahoo Adventures to Megan Nibbleink.

I, Ally Watts, leave my awesome ability to quickly grade to Mrs. Cooper.

I, Ethan Dayton, leave my title of Editor-in-Chief of “Etched in Stone” to Dylan Cox. I know he’s a senior, but let’s be honest.

I, Dylan Cox, leave my greatness, Sports Editor position, and ability to love everyone to pequeno Logan Spieler.

I, Marisa Campain, leave my love of service, leadership, and this school to Emily Sharp and Chinmay Pandit. You two are SUPERSTARS- I expect to see some great things from you next year!

I, Caleb Gustin, leave my joy and sense of humor to Sarah Emery. #you’rewelcome.

I, Wes Morales VII, leave my wisdom accumulated over four years to whom it may benefit the most. During my time spent in the hall of the old Ridge of Fossil, I have learned the importance of “copy and paste”. That being said, I would like to thank Google and Wikipedia. Use this knowledge well, you need it Benjamin Gundry.

I, Abbie Hanawalt, leave my title of Save the Drama for Your Mama: Drama Queen Award to Mary Werner.

I, Kate Monahan, leave my genuine personality, friends, constant adoration and love to Andrew Conrad.

I, Amy Borngrebe, leave my weird sense of humor, feisty personality, and my awesome hair to Charlie Borngrebe.


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10 EiS 04.26.13 Features

OH THE PLACES THEY’wiLL GOCompiled by Dylan Cox and Elliott Smith

COLLEGE LISTEDITOR’S NOTE: This list was compiled on April 5 during advisory. Your name may not be on the list if you weren’t in advisory on that date, or if you hadn’t committed to a college by that date.

University of Arizona

Gabby D’AgostaJack Emery

Arizona State University

Shayne Bontempo

University of Arkansas

Blaire Waddell

Belmont University

Amber Baack

Butler University

Maggie Brauch

Brigham Young University

Carter McBride

University of British Columbia

Lucas Hayne

University of California San Diego

Karen Medgyesy

University of Cincinnati

Taylor Nelson

Chadron State College

Eryne Knipple

University of Colorado (CU Boulder)

Caitlin RitzVanessa DavisAshley Bassat

Alex AndersonRachel NicholsKimaleen TranKaitlin RamirezMinuri Gamage Paige Alleman

Laura Cummings Paul Filby

Zoe Goulding Laurel KornblauGrant Johnson

Greer CartySierra Barnes

Sarah KamphausJessica PettyAustin Rugh

University of Colorado-Denver

Abigail Asadi

Colorado Christian University

Tyler Bricker

Colorado Mesa University

Travis AvilaCesar Lopez

Yoni EphraimJames Limstrom

Creighton University

Nicole Chacho

Colorado School of Mines

Colin PeterAaron Bonenberger

Aspen AndersonMatt Yonkaitis

Colorado State University

David DummerTravis BinderMichael Price

Cassie FlorentinAmy BorngrebeJosh MatthewsMegan Mills Sam AllsupChase Bellin

Chad CocquytNick Stringer

Delaney MorganJim Kahlor

Chad MaltbyKenya Morken

Garrett HarphamMichael RinellaAustin Menefee

Matt JensenLexi Graff

Derek GlasgowJacob DietrichMaggie BetrosSteven Osika

Abbie HanawaltMichael ReynaTanner Trace

Caitlin TuminelloBen Maass

Alexis Opper

Drake University

Brenna Cox

Front Range Community College

Devin Frick Andy Cruz

Lauren BushThomas BernhoftSteven CloutierChance Douglas Stephen Harvey

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Aarron LewAnthony Wright Tommy Hagge

Sam Evans Paul Sartuche Tyler Siemers

Giordan RandazzoDugan MurphySydney GambleNathan KramerMarko Granby

Georgetown University

Jason Petty

Humboldt University

AnnaLee DeLeo

Indian Hills University, IA

Hayley Novacek

Iowa State University

Haley MurphyLauren Roeling

Koree Willer

Kansas State University

Anna Schneeberger

Lake Forest College

Orion Huey

Metro State University

Julian GarciaHunter Donaldson

Montana State University

Jessie Lopez

University of Nebraska—Kearney

Mackenzie Eubank

University of Nebraska—Lincoln

Matt Rogers

University of New Orleans

Morgan DeTienne

University of Northern Colorado

Josh BellJosh King

Tyler TamezEthan Leonard

Shelby GreenwaltAlex Kenny

Helen KoetlingAshley Clanton

Jessica BageConnor Rhoades

Michael StrohSavannah Den Herder

Brandon CaninoAnna Kruger

Meagan Shelley

Northeastern University

Kaitlin Beegle

Northwestern University

Aron Rodriguez

University of Oregon

John Braunlin

Pacific Lutheran University

Tessa AlcornJessica Ling

Purdue University

Hannah Hodgson

Saint Mary’s University, MN

Nate Blank

San Diego State University

Connor Rutledge

Seattle University

Natalie McGrorey

University of Texas-Dallas

Marisa Campain

Tulane UniversityCaitlin Rice

Natalie Smith

Wake Forest University

Elizabeth Wineinger

Washington State University

Christina BrockhagenNeva Hubbert

Wheaton College, IL

Katie Simpson

College of William and Mary

Monica Geary

University of Wyoming

Dylan CoxLogan WaterlandChelsea BrynerAnnie LaydenBethany Haile

Callum Schneider Katy Morrison

Leah TrayTori Pankey

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AbbieDear Fossil Ridge High School,

The end of the year is here and it is rather bittersweet. I, as well as many other seniors, am starting to realize just how real graduation is. It’s time to start a new chapter in our lives and to be honest, I’m a bit scared. I cannot wait to start at Colorado State University next fall, but it is going to be strange not walking into FRHS everyday and seeing the people who have been there with me—some since 5th grade.

I have had so many amazing high school memories and have made so many life-long friends. I could never trade my high school experience for anything. Of course there were times that were difficult and times that I wanted to quit, but I didn’t. And I look back at all those times I could have given up and I smile, because I didn’t. Not all of your high school days will be easy. But there is always someone out there who loves you and believes in you. Those people may even be your family.

My mom is so supportive! I seriously do not know what I would do without her. I am honestly very happy to be going to CSU next year. A lot of people cannot wait to go to college to finally get away from their parents. But I need my mom, dad, and brother every single day. I’m so glad I get to be close to them. Never take your family for granted. Think about all they have done for you. Now is your time to give back to them. It is sad to think that it is time to go, but I am off on an adventure. I cannot wait to begin the rest of my life. It’s going to be so cool to come back to my 10 year high school reunion and see what all of my senior class did with their lives. I know that I am blessed to be a part of this school and a part of this senior class.

“Congratulations! Today is the day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” ~ Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

And so, I say for the final time…


12 EiS 04.26.13 Opinion

Page 13: Etched In Stone: 04-26-13 Senior Issue

he said she said farewellBy Amber Baack and Abbie Hanawalt

Whether its Dylan Cox’s pretty eyes or Amy Borngrebe’s feisty per-sonality and beautiful view on life, Fossil and the Etched in Stone Staff have never failed to brighten our day. Look at our school. It’s filled with crazy moments, laughter, relationships that are far from simple, not to mention Elliott Smith’s hilarious sense of humor and his orange shoes. Let’s face it, our senior class has been awesome and it’s going to be hard to say goodbye. Did we mention Ethan Dayton’s never-ending sarcasm? Some news is rather average like Anna Schneeberger’s sass. But, there’s so many interesting mo-ments that we will never forget and we will greatly miss when we graduate from Fossil Ridge High School.

10. We love the music department at FRHS! Little Women, Guys and Dolls, and Hello Dolly! were all wonderful shows and we both are so blessed to have shared in these experiences with beautiful people during our time at Fossil. It’s you who makes the clouds disappear music department…keep the music going!

9. The scoreboard flashed as the seconds of the last quarter ticked away and the score remained tied. The students of Rocky Moun-tain High School were clad in spirit gear for their homecoming game as the Fossil Ridge High School Varsity football kicker went onto the field. Our hearts raced and we stood in fear of losing as he kicked the ball. Moments later, the stands erupted into chaos as we had made the field goal and had beaten Rocky at their Homecom-ing game. Even though this was our sophomore year, that amazing moment has carried with us throughout our high school career and we will never forget it.

8. Basketball games against Fort Collins High School have always been a large event for our school and every game has gone down to the wire. The gym is always completely filled with an unattainable amount of enthusiasm and the spirit of the students at Fossil is never stronger. The moment that the timer hits zero and the court is stormed will always be remembered as a unifying and proud moment for our school and something we will never forget.

7. Yay Choir Boys! We will always treasure and love all of the mo-ments we spent with our choir and all of the wonderful relation-ships that we have built that have made us into a family. Thank you to Mrs. DeVries for everything she has taught us and for all of our other choir members for their support, the laughs, and the memo-ries. And, did we mention, we rocked it at the Kenny Roger’s per-formance this year? Good work Fossil choirs I, Abbie Hanawalt,

wanted to reflect on All-State Choir. It was so amazing to be a part of the 500 best singers in the state of Colorado. There is nothing like it in the world. I will always remember that amazing event.

6. Shout out to Student Council! We want to say thank you for all of the hard work that you have put in over the years and for all of the amazing assemblies (like Homecoming) and the events that you have worked your butts off to make happen. Thanks for all of your dedication.

5. Running for crazy amounts of time and distances doesn’t sound appealing to very many people. I, Amber Baack, just want to say thank you to all of my Cross Country teammates and coaches. I will forever love my Cross Country family and thank you for pulling me through even the toughest workouts and longest runs. I will really miss you all.

4. The Lip Dub really showed off Fossil’s school spirit and sense of community. We were so proud to be a part of it and of the Ridge TV crew that managed to put it all together. Even though it only took place for one hour of our high school careers, it will forever be an experience that we treasure. It just goes to show that Fossil really can come together and do something amazing.

3. To our senior class, we are so proud to leave the legacy as the first freshman class at Fossil Ridge High School. We are proud to be graduating in 2013 with a wonderful class that has faced challeng-es, experienced many changes, and grew up together. We made it! Congratulations!

2. We really want to shout out to all of the retiring staff who have benefited Fossil Ridge and our personal high school experiences in so many ways. Thank you Dr. Cook, Mr. DeVries, and Mrs. DeVries for bringing your love for students and your passion for teaching with you everyday and into our lives. You will be missed by not only the graduating class but all of the underclassmen as well. 1. Etched in Stone Staff, we love you. It’s hard to believe that we stepped into Journalism our sophomore year with little knowl-edge and now we are graduating high school as an award winning newspaper with such a strong and talented staff. We will miss ev-eryone so much but we know that the current underclassmen on the staff and even the new members next year will continue to do amazing things. We will miss you guys and Jose so much! E 13

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14 EiS 03.08.13 News



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Page 15: Etched In Stone: 04-26-13 Senior Issue 15

HoroscopesBy Anna Schneeberger

(April 20 – May 20): Let’s face it; you have the worst case of senioritis known to man. You don’t show up to class anymore, you don’t study for tests, and you haven’t done a homework assignment since your junior year. You’re almost done with high school and after summer is over, you’ll need to take life seriously again; just a head’s up.

(May 21 – June 20): You are sort of going to get the worst roommate ever in college. Everything that annoys you, your roommate will do. They will be obnoxious, immature, loud, and they will have tons of friends that are just as annoying as they are. There is a plus side to this though, you will become extremely patient and will receive good karma for the rest of your college years in the roommate department.

(June 21 – July 22): I know you have been counting the days until your next chapter begins since the beginning of the school year. All you want to do is move on with your life and leave high school behind, but don’t forget about your family during this time. Don’t take all the things they do for granted, because next year you’ll miss them more than you think you will.

(July 23 – August 22): The first few months of college will be hard for you. You have never spent that much time away from home and you will get terribly homesick. Even when you are feeling sad, try to not to hole yourself away in your room, because there will be plenty of opportunities to make great friends during those first few weeks of college.

(August 23 – September 22): Lucky you! You and your room-mate will instantly become best friends when you get to col-lege. It isn’t everyday that you meet someone with the same quirky humor as you. This amazing coincidence foreshadows your amazing year to come.

(September 23 – October 22): Once you get to college you will start to forget your old friends. While it’s true that you will get very busy around this time, you need to take a moment and reconnect with all your high school pals before they start to feel neglected.

(October 23 – November 21): You’ll pretty much be a social ani-mal once you leave high school. You’ll meet tons of new people and make lots of friends. This will finally be your chance to shine and you need to make the most of it while it lasts.

(November 22 – December 21): You have loved high school, but you can’t wait for the fresh start that college will bring. College will bring clarity to your life and make you a new, less-stressed person.

(December 22 – January 19): Lately, you have been quite sick of Fossil, and all you want to do is leave this school forever. While dropping out of school might seem like a viable option, it isn’t worth it! You are almost done and you can certainly make it through just a few more weeks more. Trust me, you’ll survive and you’ll even get your high school diploma.

(January 20 – February 18): You and your significant other broke up after a few years of dating. While this is hard you need to keep in mind that college is coming soon. College is a great opportunity to meet tons of new people and it will be easier to do this without being weighed down by a dramatic relationship.

(February 19 – March 20): Oops! Looks like you won’t be grad-uating this year. The warm weather and the senioritis all mixed together made you totally forget to study for your government tests. If you work hard over the summer, there may still be hope for you to graduate right before fall semester begins.

(March 21 – April 19): Prom is sort of going to be a disaster for you. You will have a date, but they will leave you for another person halfway through the dance, your tux/dress won’t fit right, and your credit card will be declined while buying din-ner. While this may seem terrible at the time, this prom night will give you a lifetime full of stories that are sure to be retold over and over again. E













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