essentialhist ch14a new industrial age


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Page 1: Essentialhist ch14a new industrial age

A New Industrial Age

Chapter 14 Essentials

Page 2: Essentialhist ch14a new industrial age

Name Significance

Bessemer Process

Edwin Drake

Christopher Sholes

Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Edison

Promontory Point, Utah

Professor C.F. Dowd

Converted Iron to Steel in large quantities Used a steam engine to remove oil in Pennsylvania in 1859

Invented Typewriter

Telephone inventor

Lightbulb, motion picture camera, audio recording, electrical power to homes

Transcontinental Railroad 1869

Time Zones

Page 3: Essentialhist ch14a new industrial age

Name Significance

George Pullman

Credit Mobilier Scandal

Granger Laws

Munn V. Illinois

Interstate Commerce Act

Panic of 1893

Andrew Carnegie

Made Luxury railroad traincars, SLEEPERS. Housed workers in his own town, Pullman, Illinois.

US Congressman bribed by railroad company who overcharged $$ govt.

Laws that acted to protect farmers from railroads in some western and midwestern states.Supreme Court upholds Granger Laws. States allowed to regulate railroads. Federal govt has right to regulate private industry for public goodFederal govt has right to supervise RR activities. Created the Interstate Commerce Commission.Economic Depression . Business close. 4 million people lose their jobs. 600 banks close. 15,000 businesses close. Steel business leader. Robber Baron. US STEEL

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Name Significance

John D. Rockefeller

Robber Barons


Sherman AntiTrust Act, 1890

Eugene Debs

Karl Marx

William “Big Bill” Haywood

Standard Oil leader. DOMINATED the Oil Industry. ROBBER BARON Unflattering name for businessmen who sometimes used underhanded methods to get rich, like underpaying their workers

A trust is when competing companies in an industry join together to control the entire industry. The group then becomes a monopoly.This made it illegal to form a trust interfered with trade within or between states

Labor Union Organizer

1848 author of the Communist Manifesto and for the end of capitalism because it harmed workers. Wanted a WORKERS REVOLT against the richUnion leader of the Industrial Workers of the World. …aka the WOBBLES… IWW

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Name Significance

Labor Unions


American Federation of Labor(AFL)

Mother Harris Jones

Social Darwinism

Horatio Alger

Vertical and horizontal Integration

Organizations formed by workers to fight for better pay and improved working conditions.

Industrial Workers of the World. A Union led by BILL HAYWOOD

A workers union led by SAMUEL GOMPERS. Skilled workers only.

Leader of the United Mine Workers Union

Survival of the fittest among humans. A misinterpretation of Charles Darwin’s theory

Author of books for young men in the Gilded Age; “Rags to riches” stories.

Method businessmen used during the Gilded Age to dominate their industry.

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Event Causes Effects

The Great Strike of 1877

Labor unions stopped work in West Virginia in response to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) cutting wages of workers for the third time in a year. Striking workers would not allow any of the trains, mainly freight trains, to roll until this third wage cut was revoked.

The Haymarket Affair, 1886

Workers in Chicago protest police brutality. A Bomb was thrown. Policemen and protestors were killed. Several protest leaders were sent to prison and hung.

The Homestead Strike, 1892

Carnegie’s plant manager of Steel Company at Homestead PA planned to cut wages.

The Pullman Strike, 1893

Workers fired. Wages decreased. But rent of company owned homes did not decrease.

President of USA sends in troops to force workers to return to work.

American Public start to take an unfavorable view of LABOR UNIONS. They see them as troublemakers.

Pinkerton Detectives hired to fight workers. Scabs hired. Army National Guard forces workers to open the plant.Support for Union weakens. US Army sent in to

attack workers. Many workers blacklisted.