essay woe

Essay #7 Teenagers Don't Smoke Smoking is one of the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies. Yet every day,almost 5000 teenagers under age of 18 try smoking for the first time. No wonder, tobacco companies spend billions of dollar ever year on advertisements and other ways to make sure that these young people start smoking and buying their product. The companies count on them to become hooked for it keeps in them in business. The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine and dozens of other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart problems and certain kinds of cancer. Some of these illness take years to develop but others can show up right away. Generally, smoking makes a teenager's body less fit and more susceptible to infections. For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get a cold on pneumonia. Each time they like up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. And the longer the smoke, the worse the damage becomes. Smoking has such a long list of bads points that wonders why teenagers smoke. Along with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play sports. It also cause a difficulty for blood to move around in the body. Smokers often feel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly, not surprisingly, there are more likely to get in trouble in school and get lower grades. There are also more likely to lie to their friends or their parents about their activities; what they do and how they spend their money.Smoking therefore not only brings about health problems but may also develop undesirable traits. Teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and dishonest.

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Post on 07-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Essay woe

Essay #7 Teenagers Don't Smoke

Smoking is one of the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies. Yet every day,almost 5000 teenagers under age of 18 try smoking for the first time.

No wonder, tobacco companies spend billions of dollar ever year on advertisements and other ways to make sure that these young people start smoking and buying their product. The companies count on them to become hooked for it keeps in them in business.

The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine and dozens of other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart problems and certain kinds of cancer. Some of these illness take years to develop but others can show up right away.

Generally, smoking makes a teenager's body less fit and more susceptible to infections. For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get a cold on pneumonia. Each time they like up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. And the longer the smoke, the worse the damage becomes.

Smoking has such a long list of bads points that wonders why teenagers smoke. Along with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play sports. It also cause a difficulty for blood to move around in the body.

Smokers often feel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly, not surprisingly, there are more likely to get in trouble in school and get lower grades. There are also more likely to lie to their friends or their parents about their activities; what they do and how they spend their money.Smoking therefore not only brings about health problems but may also develop undesirable traits. Teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and dishonest.

Page 2: Essay woe

Essay #11 Speech

"Ways Towards Becoming An Excellent Teenager"

A very good morning to the respected headmaster, Encik Ramlee bin Abdullah, teachers and my beloved friends. This peaceful and wonderful morning, we all gather in this hallowed hall and I will be talking about "Ways Towards Becoming An Excellent".

Friends,Do you want to be an excellent teenager or just an average teenager? How many of you want to be an excellent teenager? I am sure all of you want to be an excellent teenager. So here is how to be one.

Firstly, we must lead to a healthy life style. In order to do so, we must eat according to the balanced diet. Consume less oily food but eat more vegetable and fruit. Moreover, we must exercise at least twice a week. We also must not smoke the harmful and deadly cigarettes as they could cause many dangerous effect. Therefore, my dear friends, do not smoke a lot but eat healthily and exercise a lot.

Boys and girls,The next step to be an excellent teenager is by choosing our friends wisely. If we chose to be friends with a smart and kind teenager, then, we will too be kind and smart like them. On the contrary, if we choose to hang out with some useless teenagers, we will too end up useless like them. So girls and boys, choose your friends wisely!

Aside from living a healthy life style and choosing our friends wisely, we must also respect the elders. Such as parents and teachers. Even the Form 5 students are counted as elders. It is very crucial for us to respect them, especially our parents since they have done a lot for us. Plus, you guys do not want to go to hell for disrespecting your elders.

Teachers and friends,To become and excellent teenager, we must be a good listener. Listen well to our parents', teachers' or friends' advice. Our parents and teachers know better than us so we should listen to them.

Last but not least, make reading your habit. It is not necessary for us to read educational books. We can read comic books, magazine, novels or whatever tickles our fancy. What more important is that you read because by reading we can learn a lot of things.

Ladies and gentlemen,In conclusion from my speech, we must lead a healthy lifestyle, choose our friends wisely, respect the elders, be a good listener and read a lot to become an excellent and successful teenager. That is all from me, thank you