erin presyterian hurh january 12th, 2020 aptism of … · 1/12/2020  · matthew 3:17 and a voice...

ERIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 BAPTISM OF THE LORD “LET IT BE” Rev. John Stuart: Pastor April Cyr: Office Administrator [email protected] Joy Bornhoeſt: Family Min. Director Farrah Linkous: Youth Director Nancy Berry: Organist Joe Jaynes: Choir Director

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Page 1: ERIN PRESYTERIAN HURH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 APTISM OF … · 1/12/2020  · Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”


JANUARY 12TH, 2020



Rev. John Stuart: Pastor

April Cyr: Office Administrator

[email protected]

Joy Bornhoeft: Family Min. Director

Farrah Linkous: Youth Director

Nancy Berry: Organist

Joe Jaynes: Choir Director

Page 2: ERIN PRESYTERIAN HURH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 APTISM OF … · 1/12/2020  · Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 11:00am Worship Service Planet Worship 12:15pm IT, Outreach and Stewardship Meetings 4:45pm MS Youth Group 5:45pm HS Youth Group


TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 6:30pm Property Meeting 6:15pm AA

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 5:45pm Wed. Night Dinner 6:30pm Pioneer Club 6:15pm Journey 7 6:20pm Sonshine 6:30pm Handbells 6:40pm Bible Study 7:30pm Choir

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 7pm Session

FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 8:00PM AA Sonshine at Space Camp

SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 6:30pm BreadBreakers

Erin Presbyterian Church

Come see our Facebook Erin Community Page!




WELCOME TO ERIN CHURCH! Visitors, please complete the Blue Visitor Card in

the pew and place it in offering plate, and grab your gift bag in the narthex!

Erin offers a nursery and children’s worship program suited specifically for the younger members of your family. Our Greeters will be happy to provide more information.

You can make a prayer request by using the back of the Blue Visitor Card and putting it in the offering plate.

January 5th

Attendance 112

Offering $6,291

You can give to Erin Presbyterian Church

Remember to sign up for flowers in the Narthex for your special occasion,

birthday, or in honor of a loved one.

MEETING WITH THE PASTOR To schedule a personal meeting or house call,

contact the church office at 588-5350, or directly on his cell (865) 454-3942 but please be sure to

leave a voicemail if he cannot answer. Or [email protected]

Page 3: ERIN PRESYTERIAN HURH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 APTISM OF … · 1/12/2020  · Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”



Jeremiah 46:13-28

Jeremiah 47:1-7

Jeremiah 48:1-17

Jeremiah 48:18-33

Hebrews 7:15-28

Hebrews 8:1-13

Hebrews 9:1-14

Hebrews 9:15-28


Jeremiah 48:34-47 Jeremiah 49:1-16 Psalm 40:1-11

Hebrews 10:1-18 Hebrews 10:19-39 John 1:29-42



Coffee Betty Gibbs Anna McKay Dan Gibbs

Greeters Madeline and Ryan

Blanchette Pat and Lynn

Sexton Sherry Draper

Marcia Mechlin

Bell Ringer Kenleigh Penn. Maggie Gunter Aiden Strand

Guide David Eggers Sara Leckie Jane Brannon

Reader Betty Gibbs Larry McKay Ashley Draper


Robbie Levering Pat Wallin

Brooks Eggers Dusty Pennington

Randy and Jenny Boyd

Ron and Sonja DuBois

Erin and Rickey McCallum Rob Lynch

Cathy Van Ostrand

Planet Worship Joy Bornhoeft Kelcey Levering Stacie Armsworth

Counters David Eggers John House

Rickey McCallum Joe Jaynes

Craig Strand Andy Sarles

Nursery Kelcey Levering Kay Pennington

& Erin McCallum

Apryl Quinn Apryl Quinn & Chloe Levering

Evelyn Stuart Farrah Linkous Kenleigh Penn.

BIBLE VERSE OF THE WEEK Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” I love to read this word of fatherly encouragement that God gives to Jesus. As children, we all want to receive that kind of blessing and support from our parents. As adults, we are given that opportunity with any children that we encounter. At church, we are meant to encourage all children in our congregation so that they feel the house of God is a safe and loving envi-ronment. So, this morning, please make a point of encouraging and praising the youngest among us. After all, if God knew how important this was for His Son to hear, should we also pass this on to the newer generations among us?

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Service of Worship

for the Lord’s Day January 12, 2020

*Those who are able, please stand. This week’s prayers are written by Kim Jaynes.


PRELUDE …………….….……..Meditation on “Heavenly Dove”…………..….........Gilbert Martin (Based on the early American tune “Heavenly Dove”)

CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor: The God we worship embodies absolute power. Our ancestors compared Him to thunder and lightning, earthquakes, and tornadoes.

People: Jesus tells us that God is love, and the angels said God’s Son would bring peace to all people on earth.

Pastor: Power without love can be cruel; love without power means well, but accomplishes little.

People: We praise the one and only God who, with power and love, brings true peace to our world.

*HYMN ……………………………….“Sing Glory TO The Name Of God”…………….……....……….#10

PRAYERS OF ADORATION AND CONFESSION Guide: The prophets promised that one day God would walk on earth as one of us. That promise came true when Jesus was born. He was called Emmanuel, which means “God with us,” and He is with us still.

People: Jesus not only lived as one of us, He embraced our humanity. The only perfect human was baptized by His cousin, John, as a sign of repentance, but it wasn’t His life that needed changing; it was ours. He always sought the will of His Father, but we want to make our own decisions. Jesus put others first, but we want what’s best for us. Jesus practiced humility, but we crave attention and applause. We confess that we have failed to follow His example.

- Silent Confessions -

Guide: After Jesus was baptized, God’s spirit embraced Him, and God claimed Jesus as His Son. God gives us His spirit and welcomes us as His children when we truly repent and follow Jesus. We say His prayer together as a sign of our commitment: “Our Father – THE LORD’S PRAYER” (debts/debtors).

Page 5: ERIN PRESYTERIAN HURH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 APTISM OF … · 1/12/2020  · Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

PROMISE OF THE GOSPEL Guide: God’s forgiveness is so amazing we think we have to earn it. But the most amazing part is that we aren’t God’s children only when we’re good. As followers of Jesus we are God’s children forever, no matter what, and He embraces us as His beloved daughters and sons.

*GLORIA PATRI (Sung in Unison) Hymn #581 “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.


FAMILY SERMON………………………………………………………………………………….…..Joy Bornhoeft Parents and all children, including elementary aged, come forward.

- Children Ages 4 - 4th grade may exit Sanctuary for Planet Worship -

PRAISE BAND……………………………………………………………………….……….“Shout To The North”


PRAYERS FOR HEALTH AND HEALING Pastor: There’s always trouble, Lord. Physical illness and pain steal our strength, so we can’t carry out the work You’ve planned for us. Worries about money, jobs, and dam-aged relationships distract us from Your purpose. Sometimes we’re overwhelmed, and it’s all we can do to get through each long day. People are hurting, dying, and grieving and we feel powerless. Serving You with enthusiasm and sharing Your joy is the farthest thing from our minds. People: But then You remind us: there’s more to life than what we can see. As children of Your kingdom, we’re meant to be filled with Your purpose and excited about Your plans for our world and everything in it. That’s why we’re here, Lord. You want us to be our best selves, but not just for our sake. You call us to bring real peace, joy, and love into a world that seems broken, dark, and hopeless. It starts with us, but it doesn’t end there. Hear now the names we lift before You, who need You now.

-We light a candle as we pray silently for others and for ourselves-

Pastor: Lord, heal us on the outside and the inside. Renew our spirits. Give us faith. May we see with Your eyes, think with Your mind, and consider everyone around us with Your heart. Make us strong in body and spirit so we can live out Your will for each of us. Amen.

TOGETHER WE SERVE.................................................................................................#767 “We seek to become a beacon of hope,

A lamp for the heart and a light for the feet. We learn, year by year, to let love shine through,

Until we see Christ in each person we meet.”

Page 6: ERIN PRESYTERIAN HURH JANUARY 12TH, 2020 APTISM OF … · 1/12/2020  · Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Reader: Help us realize, Lord, that learning Your truth may mean letting go of things we thought were true. Teach us what is real, and help us recognize what is false, in the world around us. Amen. SCRIPTURE READING (Congregation reads aloud the verses in bold type)

Psalm 29:5-11 5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox. 7 The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning. 8 The voice of the Lord shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh. 9 The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, “Glory!” 10 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. 11 The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. ALL: This is the Word of the Lord. Amen. Matthew 3:13-17 13-14 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all right-eousness.” Then John consented. 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” ALL: Thanks be to God. Amen. MESSAGE………..........................“Let It Be”….…………..…...…...…....Rev. John Stuart, Pastor

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OFFERTORY…….....“How Brightly Shines The Morning Star”…….....Johann Christoph Bach

*OFFERING (Sung in Unison).…….“God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending”……………...#716 God, Whose giving knows no ending, from Your rich and endless store, Nature’s wonder, Jesus’ wisdom, Costly cross, grave’s shattered door:

Open wide our hands in sharing, as we heed Christ’s ageless call, Healing, teaching, and reclaiming, serving You by loving all.

*DEDICATION (Unison) God, this world tells us that what we have belongs to us, and we’re wise to hang on to it. But You tell us we’re too concerned about stockpiling wealth for our short time on earth. You offer security greater than any bank account, and Your blessing is more valuable than any recognition we could earn. In this new year may we trust You and dedicate ourselves and our resources to Your kingdom. Amen.

*HYMN …………………...“Down Galilee’s Slow Roadways” (to tune #17)……..…...…….….#526

*BENEDICTION (Unison) May this be our one desire: to live every minute as God’s true daughters and sons, dedicating our lives to His kingdom and sharing His good news with everyone around us. Amen.

*PRAISE GOD, FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW..................................................#609 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God all creatures high and low. Alleluia, alleluia!

Praise God in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word and Spirit one. Alleluia, alleluia, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

*POSTLUDE………….…………….....“Song For A New Year”……..…..….........……..Gilbert Martin


Unified in Christ, we actively seek to create harmony in a diverse community

through compassion, mutual respect and love.

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Lamentations 3:22

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.”


Connor Quinn McKenzie Stump Jack Draper Katie Bailes Ashley Draper Carson Matthews Carolyn Gahan Michelle Waters Madeline Griffin Madeline Blanchette Peter McKay Hannah Matthews

Sarah McKay Savannah Bilbrey Emme Ritchie Garrett Pittman Thomas Bilbrey


Gary Pennington Randy Sarles Bob McLean Kathy and Bayard Erskine Kay Pennington Craig Stapleton

FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF OUR CONGREGATION Phyllis Haulsee (mother of Nicole Waters Phillip Enix (uncle of Nicole Waters) Erin Harris (daughter of Eva Quinley) Margie and Ron Collins (friends of the Leverings) Faith Christopher Ramsey (friend of Lou L Tate) Jody Oody (mother of Patty Britton) Amy Rivero (friend of the Gibbs Family) Hayes Wakefield (friend of the Leverings) Christine Vastow (friend of Kelly Schueler) Melanie Cobb (friend of Erin McCallum) Barbara Bird (friend of the Kisers) Mikel Haug (brother-in-law of Pat Wallin) Georgia Pennington (Gary’s Mother) Randy Pennington (Gary’s brother)


Zach Enix (Cousin of Nicole Waters) Caitlin Schall (Granddaughter of Cuanys) Joshua Cuany (Grandson of Cuanys) Gabe Edwards (Cousin of Buster Quinn) Jacob Manges (Nephew of Kelly Schueler and Grandson of Charles and Linda Ross)

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SHOUT TO THE NORTH Men of faith rise up and sing, of the great and glorious king. You are strong when you feel weak, in your brokenness complete. Shout to the North and the South Sing to the East and the West. Jesus is Savior to all Lord of heaven and earth. Rise up, women of the truth, Stand and sing to broken hearts Who can know the healing power, Of our awesome King of Love. Shout to the North and the South Sing to the East and the West. Jesus is Savior to all Lord of heaven and earth. Bridge: We've been through fire, we've been through rain. We've been refined by the power of his name. We've fallen deeper in love with You. You've burnt the truth on our lips. Shout to the North and the South Sing to the East and the West. Jesus is Savior to all Lord of heaven and earth. Rise up church with broken wings , Fill this place with songs again. Of our God who reigns on high, By His grace again we'll fly. (Chorus 3 times) Shout to the North and the South Sing to the East and the West. Jesus is Savior to all Lord of heaven and earth. Tag (3rd time only) Lord of Heaven and Earth. Lord of Heaven and Earth.